Kingston News (1868), 27 Dec 1870, p. 4

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I G_Ildel-sleeve & -Walkeln, | and ATTORNEY$at-LAW, or win? nnscnxrnon ' Cbnveynnoers, Notaries Public. Bxecuwd neatly chesply, and expeditiously at icha;-d '|`_, Walkem, he DAILY NE S103 PRINTING OFFICE. r` 0 3,1011 0 R 1'! `Q 3 A-[C331, __ " T` _ n nfYma-.l".IArvnr*n RH-war Kinoatnn, Cw. % JOB PRINTING Forany one of the Reviews`. $ 4.0J per nun um For any two of .he Reviews. . 7.00 -` For any three of the Reviews10.00 " For all fourof the Reviews. . 12.00 For Rlackwood's Magazine. . 4.00 H F. 111.1`.-izwood and oue Re. v1cIv.... . . . . . . . .. -nu .. These periodicnla are the medium through which the greatest minds, not only of Great Britain and Ireland, but also of Continental Europe. are constantly brought into more or less intimate communication with the world of tendon. History. Biography, Science, Philoso- phy, A:-t,Religlon, the great political questions of the past and of today, are treated in their pages as the learned alone can treat them. No one who would keep pace with the times can afford to do without these periodicals. Of all the monlhlipa Ia/..-z...,.n4 L..I)_ .. uuuru to uo wnuou: mese periodicals, the monlhlies, Blackwood holds lbe foremost place. HE PRINCIPAL FEATURES of this Com- gaug L_n- ` .. l_..' .5. THE GREAT ENGLSIII J: BCUTUII QUARTERLIES I The Leonard Scott Publishing 30.: QUARTERLY: M ULll0C1Mll0lIlC Dlll ;lle3ical:`R.aH'eo-4 DI. minute In rue College, New 1 Two vols. Boys] ocuvo. numerous can-nvinn Du... ` I1. BU 1 UDISPUHU, Special Agent, Kingston, Untario. OIT1ce-Masonic Buildings, King Street. . `I . . 'nn,12,,- I: I1 , rs THE LEONARD SCOTT Publishing Co., 140 Fulton Street, New Yor 'l`raveiIcI7-17:; rand Postal Guide. ll Kingston, Dec. 8, 1870. N and after this date (wgatber permitting) (Lbs Summer I` 00! Kingston, 5th Novl, 1870. EI`URNED-Dn2 Macnuu, at R. Want : _ Drug Store; W::'I:ER'l`O7WN, mngmon, "I A.M., to meet the 10 AJI. train out Pang Vest. 7 P.M., to meet. Grand Trunk Night SUNDAY TRIPS. ` 9.00 I. m. 10.00 a. In. ` 11.00 21. m. 12.00, noon. 1.15 p.m. 3.00 p.m. G. I. KINGHORN, Ferry Wharf, Foot of Brook Street. nmalnn S1): Nnv` 19170 ll-BU I. III. 330 mu. Blnckwoodm Magazlnc, The Prinoeu Louis has tigniod her willing. no. to_ accept the wedding pruon: :0! the too- unry and bouahold nu-nnu at Balnonl and um `oldie. The present will be a nockhco, P'BlI.ndd` uomomuornn_by khdlilgh-uh ..,L'f In-,IunNIundpkingIllIhov.iun. - um hvo luhnt jndgu at ha Inna... kn. The Edinburgh Review, North British Review, London Quarterly Review, Westminster Review. Blnckwood`s Edinburgh Magazine. SATU RDA YS ONLY ' .: NEWS-FTUJ [C AND PRACTICAL AGRI CULTURE, MONTHDY : further particulars, may be I. G. M. KINGHORN, Ferry Wharf, Foot of Brock Street. I 1Q'7l\ TERMS. I others disposed to canvus -us nun but put: ha In-ueo ;-3:; ofhF"II-out for not vlhu bud! Lu, mu-ndaorjmuca. A. G. RAHSAY, "nun R. RUTHERFORD, R-uaninl A non . LAVILL. :5t:3L1smua co- . 10.00 7.0.1 EIIVOU. 1,600 pages and `$7 ; by lnlil pout 10A 1 , Manager. ; single nnln Ls. Pouuge LORI) llRAN\'-IViiLE S INTERVENTION UN Bl-IllALl<` OF THE I AltIb'IANB. Lord (lranville, in a despatch of Oct. `.30 (just published at Berlin), pressed upon the King of Prussia a merciful considera- tion of the case of Paris. Adverting to Count Bismarck`: picture of the horrors which `rt bombardment would lnict, and admitting that it would be authorized by the practice of war, Lord Granville says :- Presurning a successful issue to an attack on Paris at L0 distant time, it is not unrea- sonable to compare with its advantages the prospective disadvantages which may ensue; and the tact that some of these touch the feelings of mankind, as much as their reason, does not discourage her Ma- jesty :-I Government from laying them before the King and his advisers. The bitter re- collection of the past three months may be ellacod by time and by a sense of the con- duct and valour of the enemy in the eld. There are degrees of exasperation, and the probability of a fresh and irteconcilable war must be greatly increased it a genera- tion of Frenchmen behold the spectacle of the destruction of rcapital, a spectacle as- sociated with the details of large numbers of helpless and unarmed persons, and the destruction of treasures of arts, sciences and historical associations of inestiniable value, and incapable of being replaced. Fright- ful as such a catastrophe would be to France, and dangerous as} believe it would he to the chances of future peace to Europe, Her Majesty's Government be- lieve that to none would it be more pain` ful than to Germany and its rulers, 1 ' York. ntber seed from smut. Maintaining the health of plants in pots and xnservncu-ies. - Preserving and i-eseoring the freshness of cut owexs kept. in water. Destrovine the blight of the Dotatoe, vine, nowexs Kept. In water. Destroying the blight of potaboe, hop, mulberry tree, &c. Washing dogs and other domestic animals. Cleansing bottles, beer barrels, pickling tubs, -lairy utensils. Wnnhinv the Muir nn rim-kpninp ifs C0101]! -uury usensua. Washing the hair and darkening its when turning grey. Eubancinr: the tmrifvim: and invizoratiuz ef- 2\'.B.-Condy a Fluid is the Standard Scientic Test for Organic Matter in Water. and affords the only known means of rspidiy and completeyl freeing Drinking Water from Organic Tuim, which is so common a cause of serious disease. Tn rnninilu nu-ifr u. n3. nun Hun Rilno-ul uid Ellll Ylfu. Treating the infectious diseases of cattle, horses, dogs, aw. One gallon makes 200110 300 gallons adapted for use. wuncu is so common cause or serious uuacasc. To rapidly purify the air, use the diluted uid with Condfs Ozoniser or other Spray-prev ducer. n\Ynv`Q D A'I'I`\'I'F l'\'Il'|\TTCFI'\ WIT ATV? UVAVAJ1 L) A ..l.lAJl. UIAUL` IDXEIU "IL.IX`JKI' (ron 1'ou.x1' PUIP08E,) Removes from the mouth impure and foreign tastes and odours, whether arising from tobacco or other causes, and counteracts the irritation and morbid secretions of carious teeth. It puri- es and softens the skin, and, used in the bath, tends to promote a healthy state of the whole body. 11 R()I.l'.ll'k'N GONFDY taken into the stomach. _ Curing Hasty provonder. Freemg wheat and ntber seed from u..;..o.;n:n.. 0}! ....m. nl nlsmtil in note ; wnen mmmg Enhancing purifying invigorating fects of baths and tubs. nnnaeinn hniann.-A -1-uula and (`nah-nvinn An`- -nwnzu--divklnc-lluiumi 7: um jndgu &n!rug..- yqVn_ofhpr'son-utfot min. 1. . CHOLEBA, DIARRHCEA, kc. EARL RUSSELL sent to the College of Physicians 2: communication received by him from Manilla (where cholera had been gruing fearfully) to the ~e'ect that, of all remedies tried, Chlorodyne was the most effec- tive. V uvm... .1-.. -........ .._ _.... .._u_-_-u_ .-_, -.- L '01: HVO. The day seems as yet, nnlmppily,far di_s- tant when public opinion or State interfer- `nce will prevent the advertisement or sale of any secret medicine whatsoever. It is to be hoped that the profession will continue to brand as unworthy the conduct of those of its members who by testimonial or otherwise aid the disposal of such things.-Lancet. mnwr IWQ nu! nbnnvxvo . . . _ gay...-. \Il Dunn -unu5u. :uu'!!v6I- TOWLE'S CHLORODYNE. The Original Preparation of known Composi- tion. From Dr 0. Kidd, Author of Standard Works on Chloroform. Sackville-street, Piccadilly, London. Sir,-I think if you would Advertise your Chlorodyne more than you do, you would help to heat the others, which are secret com- pounds, out of the market. Many medical men think with me, and recommend your com- pound, but will never prescribe a secret re- medy. Genus Kxon, M.D. To Mr Towle, Chemist, Manchester. A Surgeon from New York writes :-'`I only requires to be known to be appreciated: I have no hositatien in characterising it (viz., 'I`owle'a Cblorodyne) as the most useful medi- cine thnt has appeared during the present century. In diarrhcea, colic, ague, spasms, I have found it to relieve more pain and cause more joy than any other article that can be tuned. , uu uuuoll, Bill or` ordinnry wny. BLIXDIXG Iqme of the dyoa in I produce an innity of ahnde, 1 talk. u-unaI.I." N01-I.-'I`he Profession is warned against in- ferior, secret, and cheap compounds now in the market. Each genuine bottle bears a ic- simile of Proprietor : signature on the stamp outside. [In (111! nbnnnnnnv n, , A------ ------~ - u uuu PAPEB'Ind WOOD STAIN: Ditto. OAK STAIN: A bottle of No. 2 Bllck half A-pint of hot Inter. Unn 0111111: A DOIIIO SATINWOOD STAIN: A Cnnnrv dinnluma :. - _:_ rnu1Uu1LAl l13 ma, dye with water ; a I pint of water. kc. ILLUIINATING: I Orange; pour 1 {en Odd warm ramp in Ill I00, UUUUI WUII." Ir Ince sum that he not a copy of [M letter to It Ghduouo, from whom he recaived the following nply :- "With ntnrd to the (haul. nngniin-v 1 -_ OIIEICB. - LIQ. OHLOROFORMI Co. on CHLORODYNE WITHOUT PEPPERMINT. Sole Ma.nufnct.urnr:.-A P 'rn..1.. nu.-._:-. w1'l'uUU'l` PEP] Manufacturer :-A, Manchester. zumuno DlMl'hl JYES FOR THE J PEOPLE. Any one can use them ; any- thing can be dyed with them. It is impossiole in this small space to enumerate the man uses to which these wonderful and beautiful chemical preparations can be applied; while their chief use is for dyeing textile fabrics, they are also invaluable as 5 colouring again for almost every known material, the` ease with which they can be used and the brillian- cy of the result being, indeed, almost magical. By their use almost any article of clothing can be dyed in a few minutes for a few pence without soiling the hands. . HEMORANDA. KAGENTA : 'l`hn ntrnnnoh nu: ku--~ ,n... VI nuo uyv In sumo COTTON : Mauve, recommended. I `D A Mann vs- nvvvuuuuuueu. LEATHER: Blue .Mngonta, Orange. Dye in warm water. WHITIWASH: To color: Mag: or Ram nrlrl 5-1:- L----- - or nose; and half a bottle to n pail of waicr` then stir in the Whitening as usual Mauve, Violet, Purple, Blue and crimson produce pretty tint: by using one bottle or more, as directed shove. STARCH: Stir in: few drops of Colour- lngents, lanve, Violet, Blue or Pink; these impart delicate tints to Lsce, Linen, kc. . BLUE: For lnuudry purpo - A BOOK EDGRS- A s::...._._sLu... 1' W0 ,-, _... ...uau Lucm with soap and water to n-void creases, and to render them clean. bye in boiling water FEATHERS: Dye in hot water (a few drops of the dye is sufficient for one feather). OOTTON: Violet and Purple are WILLOW SHAVINGS, W.icker Ivory HQ". Fibres. S9-teed, tc., mime: a quickly, lfapphed xn boiling Inter. BLUE : lnuudrv nm-um... :- . . Inc louotlng nape] "Will: regard to Ibo Canada question , I am afraid the Gore:-aznonland your correapondem are at issue on tho lint element: of it. Where he Iooa abandonment and 1-nfoeblement, we use atrongth, union. and consolidation. "1 am, dear Ir laco, faithfully yours, (Signed) W. R. BLADM-n-a uuvn . run llllll EDGES: ta. Vinlnr (1-an BCIB 01 cams and mos. _ _ Dressing poisoned wounds and destroying am- unl virus. COEVDTS PATENT OZONISED WATER, Iinn -nun -an n-..uuuug-u \ run! an wuuzr. CC. ILLUIINATING: lagonta, Violet, Blue, few drop: into In egg cup warm water; use with: brush or pen Borden of books, similar to Wnrd and Lock : Anbidh Nights, 8c., any be pronily illun inntad In this manner. SLANOIANGI, JELLY, CORK FLOUR ICl_ .` CRBAIS, kc: While in 3 linnid n..- mun nouns: A sixponny bott Crimson or Blue will tn, Violet, spin: to: qusnof beautiful cording to shade required Xe of Hagen make from coiouring, ac Apply with n (._j:____;__.; U"L'DSON"S SIMPLE DYES Anv one can mm mam - an.-, `0. Magenta, for Pink ; add half bottle water `t_ir Wbitenimr an mm-` H. BOLLI-(,N CONDY, Patentee, Battersen, London. ....., yulyvi II A 1. l 1 4 ` A Sixponuy bottle , Insog qr make from w nave lull (0 none would it be Germsny rulers. . During this wsr two man] csuses hsve sdded immensely to the great msterisl power of the Germsss. They bsvebeen ghting to repel the threat of foreign in- vnsion, sud to sssert the right of a great country to constitute itself in the way most conducive to the full development of in; re- sources. The glory of these efforts will:be incressed if it can be truly ssid in history thst the King of Prussis had exhausted every sttcupt for pesce before the orders for the stuck on Paris were given, and the conditions |of pesce were just, moderate, and in accordance with true poltcy sud the sentiments of the sge.". .Mngonta., Violet. and arm 'rnmI1uV'l`. . P. Towle, Chemist, cker, Ivory, Bone, c., attract. the dye ing v value of Hagen 3 from bl CO`Ol1fina -A-A tthobcthvl uoordingto HE gross frauds which continue to be prec- tised by obscure lnanufsetu!-ere, more particularly in Germaiy, by imitating the ll- bels attached to JOHN GOSNELL & 0o. a PERFUMERYf,~render it impentive upon the Proprietors to Oumox the public egeiult such ueurious proceedings, and to requeet their friends and patrons to purchase only of no 0- table dealers, who import direct from ohn ` Gosnell & Co. ; and invite special attention to the address- RED BULL W1-IARF, 93 Urrnn Txulnss-run. John Goeuell k Go : Select Perfumes: Eu Bouquet, Royal Yncht Club Bou `et`lJockey 01:}: _I:erfu:n_e,_l_iese`n'eIe' `Wood io ex, Vic , , 4,-..-.2 II1H'o.-v RnunnAL bouquet, tsoyu znsuu mu uyu v v---.-. Clab Perfume, Easddeld of `Wo`od`i3let, V16 t.o1-in Bouqnel, Frangipanhi, Hilitary Bouquet. rhavu-Eda`: Banquet. tons bouquet, x-run. I.hevBride's Bouquet. Jnhn Gnsnell J: C John Gosnell as 0015 Prince of Wales Per- fume, a most choice ind ftahionblb perfume. us... n.......u A: n.-. a Princess Alexandra : fashionable pen-mine. John Gosnail & Co. s Princess Alexandra's Perfume, A most choice and delicnte perfume, prepared expressly for the use of `let Boyll Elighneas. ` John Gosnell & 0o. s Upper Ten Thousand Dnvvfnrnn IIIFICI Z"- "leny of us ere deeply grieved to no u.. llnperinl government Ihnndonlng the time- houonrv.-d and hietorlul fonreeeee of Quebec nnd Kingston. ltlooh like leaving us to our IMO. However, we on enply able to tnke ease of ourselvu, except in one 0! I ever with the United Staten, when,olconree. we should bus to succumb, u we only number four or ve million, while they no ptohebly over forty millione. though if Old England did not wish the United Sletee to nheorb us. they could not do it We bun I lnrge force of volunteers, nnd they Ihoot well." Inca nun: that but man . M..- ..r .i._ Perfume for the Handkerchief. l"l'I00 `Al on. ~ Jolm Goanell 3 Co. s La Noblesse Perfume, a. most. delicate Perfume of exquisite fragrance. r,.i... n_.-.a....1I 5 (Lo. '1: Nnhlnnnn Pnmnde. ole- Perfume. John Gosnell 3 Oo. s Jockey Club Perfume is in universal request as the most admired- Handkerchief. Price 2: 6d. r,.|.. n_......n 1 an '9: Ln Nnhlasse Perfume. Perfume of exqmsne xragrnnce. . John Gosnell & Cola Noblesso Pomnde, , gantly perfumed, and highly recommended for beautifying and promoting the growth of the 1 hair. ` u 1,. u.-.m..... Q.-..n_..ommad for its nneaunl- : La Noblesse Soap-eateemed for its unequal-` !od perfume and ne emollient qualities. John Goanell J: Co. s Violet and Milleeur !9d perfume and tin oznoulens quauuss. John Gosnell Milleenr Nursery Powder is guaranteed pure. No nur-' sery should be without. 1:. Sold in boxes at 6d ; in tins ls each. Jnhn Gnnnall & Dole Oherrv Tooth Paste it Sd 111 mm 18 eaen. John Game}! 3 Oo. s Cherry ' greatly superior to any Tooth Powder, gives the Teeth a pearl-like whiteness, protects the enamel from decsv, and imparts A pleasing fragrance to the breath. Price In 6d each. Innmnmneons Hair Dve : certain to nroducn Joan uosneu E 00:5 rtnenv. Lncuuaurou, or newly invonud mi: Brpah, tho peculiar me- chanical construction of which accompanies the two operations of cleansing and poliehlng simultaneously. V The Patent Mechanical Chair for Bruahimz fragrance to me Drcntu. rrlce 13 on escu. Instantaneous Hair Dye product any shade Brown or Black, of good natural colour. It cannot possibly injure the hair, has no disagreeable odour, and is easily applied. Jnhn Gnnnell 2 {la}: Patent Trichosnron. or lunuxuneonaly. The Patent Mechanical Chair for Brushing Hair by Machinery. For Prospectus and par- ticulars, apply to the Patentees and Solo Innu- fncturers, JOHN GOSNELL & Co.. Perfnmore by Appointment to Her Majesty, the Princess of Wales, &c.,`RED BULL WHARF, 93 Urrsn Tuunas Srnur, late of 12 Three King Oourt, Lombard Street. .r_--- \Il an-aaaaaa nunsn AIIIIIIIUA. On the 6th instant, a general meeting of the shareholders in (hi bank was held at the Lon. don Tavern, Bishopgate street. Mr A. H. Phili- potts, the chairman, said the Dominion was steadily advancing in prosperity, and theipros- poets of the bank pointed to its keeping pace with it, as the Directors were using all their endeavours to promote that end. Mr Hewitt, as one of the oldest shareholders, asked the direc. tors if the bank was in the same or a better po. sition thauat this time last year. The chair- man had much pleasure in saying that, as far as they could judge, the bank's business was as good as last year. Mr Alexander Gillespie se- conded the adoption of the report (proposing the customary hall-yearly dividend at the rate of six per cent per annnm, ireeof income tax), which was carried uaanilnousiy; and the meet- ing separated with a vote of thanks to the chairman and directors. w;-any AIVQIAVJI nunuvvna. ` Trsins arrive md depart from the Kingston Sution as follows : ` 557 HE SAUCE. Prepared by Alex- under Southwood Stacker, from in recipe by his Cousin, the late Dr South- wood Smith, thirty-five years Physician to the London Fever Hospital; Fntber of Sani- tary Reform; lodical Member of the that , General Board of Health; Author of the tint work on Fever in any age or country, the Philoaop of Health, kc. Dali:-.i N with nvnrw lrnnwn dial-u ha ll UIKUSI-IVE PTUPUTLICE. As an assurance of its purity and salutary roper ties, it is only necessary to poi_I. out h e name of the celebrated nnd philanthro- pic Physician from whose prescription it is compounded. The entire life of lhst distin- guished man was spent in promoting the health of his fellow-creatures, and his death, to Decemoer, 1861, was mourned use na- tional loss. ruuuuop 0| ueaun, so. Delicitfhps with every known dish. Its habitual uue increase: the appetite and pro- motes digestion. It is much esteemed for its digestive properties. assurance nf its nm-itv and nnlnfnrv cumpouuuea. 17 I Wk.-ulna. In -- IIODBI I089. Wholesale and for exportation by the Pro- prietcr, 69, Lamb's Conduit Sn-eet;,Baro}ny and Sons, Fan-ingdon Street; Bony and 00., I-`insbury Pavement. Reuiil hv hamiuu nun... n..1:... II7-._': rmsuury ravemenl. Retail by Chemists, Grocers, Italian Ware - honsemen, and others throughout the King- dom, and every part of the world. Ask for the The Sauce.---Special export Ageul5-Bn;-goyne, Bu:-bridges, and Squire, 16, Colman Street, London. 4: per gallon: bonlel inq|n dod. och gul- lon making 200 gallons, When dilu voter. Boo direction: on AMPLOUGEPS PYRETl0 SAALTNE.--A Medicine that cures Sen Sickness or the worst form of Blions Headache in a few minutes; eerrescing and tasteless, its con- stant use is especially calculated to maintain health. When mixed with water and taken during the eiferveseence, itimmediately blends with the food, and is rapidly absorbed `into ' the system. It vitslizes and supplies the blood with those saline ptinciplea that are lost. al- tered, or destroyed during the hot weather. In Jungle, Scarlet, Yellow, Typhus, Emptive Fevers (or Cholera), also in several other conditions, where the vital current is poison- ed by infection, and and therebv rendemd un- ::.':.';.`::::r; `?.2.'..'i..:.:".:.'::;. 1:?` qnnfxtity, in neither of which 513 mu: 3 single case, although the d- in the neighbolnhood. ..n H I S6ld by All nI....:-.- , . uuuuitluus, wnere U18 Vlll i5 infection, thereby renderod un- lit to support health `and prolong human life, it has been found eminently be: ecinl; sud its sustaining an d purifying inf`. ence acts as I preventive to disease, as th. nu- merous unsolicited testimonials accomp ing each bottle will prove, Its, portability renders it admirably adapted to His travel- ler, tourist, emigrant, or prints family, more especially when distant from medical ndvioa or aulstnnee. ' Sold in nnlamt nn.......-..A -1 J ; ..... ..........,.. . ....-unn un uANAUA_ Al llnn souon of the year Ievenl members of she Bli'.iIh Parliament are taking opponuni- lieu of addressing lbolr contituonu. explninlng Ibeir own count and ndvetliug to the grent question ol the dqy. It Iuo, member for Leilll, among otben, bu been doing so. The colonial quullon came under his notice. and, on touching it, he road 1 letter from A gentle- man in Clnldl, of which the following is an oxtnct :- ---;-____. `VIR WILLIAM BUB.NE'l`T S DlSINl7`ECT- ING FLUID, for the purication of sick rooms, hospitals, worklsouses, factories, pri- sons, crowded places, bet!-eeu decks of ships, fever wards, clothes and line: of sick, night- chairs, ceupools, drains, water closets, stables, dairies, larders, unnzy ceeks, tube, &c.; bilge-water, and the holds of lbipl; apartments for searchers, undertaken, and jurymen, and for postmortem exuninnionn; for the prevention of infection: d can- ker and fungus in trees; for the dillnfeotion of dead bodies, and for the preservation of gubjecta for dissection; for the examine- tion of bug! and other vermin. Sir W. Burnett : Ilini-ul..n:.... I:--2: V "4"'l ' rnvy uouncll. The value of the uid is shown by the following letter from the Secretary end Ilnuager: Agricultural Hall, Ielington, Jan. 1868. Dear Sir,-Plenoe to send eight gallon: more of your Dieinfocting Fluid, as per order enclosed. Having need urioun Diainfecting Fluids at our many shows, I can guy with condence that none hue had the instan- taneous end complete elfect of Sir Wllliun Bnruetlls, and this too without producing nny nniuuoa like the email A! .-.n.u-_u, . ............, um um I00 without any null of lime or carbolic ncid.-I am y fully, "S. BIDIIY. Soc. and cnpt. Jnckuon, RE, 90, Cum: This uid acts on the euentig diacau by destroying the local cc the atmosphere under chm. -a.--i , ,__.-_, ...... .... mu prU5Bl'VIllOll of Burnett : Diainfecting Fluid In: the only Disinfectant used at the Agricul- tural Hall during the Smltheld Club Osnlo Show in 1866, by order of Ho: lujoufa Privy Council. The Vnlnn M 01.- n_:; 1, - nuvlus or uustnnea. Sold in patent atoppered glue price 25 6d, 43 6d, 119, and 213 eact cial agents required and appointed partsro/fythe world. no disagreeable odour, sun is easily appueu. John Gosnell 9 Cole Patent Trichosm-on, mwlv int-ntn U13! Rrnlh, Ihn hlif mn- _0AUTIONT bottles, , each. Spo- In all I .....w u.IquIIlO. loch gallons, od * moon every bottle. and `and by Pora Boyd Vowrinlry Call Lwenly yelrl. - nvlu uruu UIIIIO uf 3 ____,_ _ I _ THE ENGLISH pnunm on cum \ Al [hm Iaunn nl` oh- u... ...._,u __ , . __- - .--.__- ate oczho yn:'e|:.liacovurha'o the present .1wn' .. ~iLb:tho:m'outT `..f'if.'3.1-1.`ysaci'.n.`:x?. in goopiui u_nd_ - rapidly uliavei pah, tron Ihuuverzcauo, d-e . T continues to hold in unahannzpgaision in the of the Profalaion-up thongs: molt` ` tll-68'ed1'.DR._ GOLLIB"BBUW CHECKO- - l1V`H`I!"| and tlnhnuul on III` fuel! that Ll private practice l`I_l In FITS"!!! mu warm. u an have no pretence to poueuing its virtues. It V hy_I,t.he in-it_a1ion at fever; the system under exhausting diseases, and gxveggleep wjgp. 911$ pvodncins my. one (re ..IIn,1>lethm I ._ ` ` so commonly arising hunt theme at opiates. naliabll. Ind cheapest prqpu.Ion._. , 7 nt dud scientic Physicinna |n:do_ phat 1.1: have testedit.aeectsin,_care uleom risoowl those 6"D)._ Upm..m nnuwnmw unuunvc nvimy and deposed to an new um tiny loundnlmoreconlin ndreliablcpie `and grelgly pl-elbrred FREEIANS. Eu-ikuaull communicated iltb Boynlol and grelgly prelerreu "," Fuchs Royllcol Iegebf Physician: and to It Freeman. that in naming the onlv redv of am use in Cholera . legecr rnyatcuna am xo 1: ueumn. mu In [milk the only remedy my , nu Ohlorodine. In- l.r..:.--..1 In... -...J n....u. Jnnnnrv `Huh, Umorouxne. 27:: Hedical Time: and Gazette, January mu, 1866, states, It he an immense sale amongst. the public, and is prescribed by scores of 0|`!-ho -` 1 do: ledieal Practitioners, aid, of course, it would` 1 `not be thus sing-nlniy populu did it not supply Hunt sud ll s " A Ihnnfuctm-ed by the Inventor, Richud man, '10,` Kenningtou Park Road, London, 8. . The genuine hssongl-Ind on the Government Sump oulido Gaol: Bottle), "FB.REIAN B ORIG AL CHLOJIDDYNE. ounce nun" noun ) camp 6 , i ORIG AL CELOIDDYNE. oz- R. V. BAUD, `Graduate and lember of tho Hedical College of Pub, 0hiot'PhyIie'iII Extnordinury for Epidenii in Pain, Isle ID. of the Oivil Honpiuh of Lights, bu jun ing- trodtiegi in England his ORGANIC MIDI- OIN . Than A--n-3.6 4.!` oh... -.-An--.51..-- Illli DAUIJELU I, { An eciont and prompt Remedy for Oholeri; ` Yellow Fever, Dinrrhms, Dyaoutory, and the excessive Action of the Bowels. A gold medal in awu-ded'by the French Government :9 D1-_ V. Band for (bid valuable propnntion. Price: Small. 1: lid rlodinm. 4: lid : Tgrau j 'l'l.'Eb'DAY EVENING. DEC. H!` S Inc I`fi:7` _I5ZG E. i V` V . DIIIG I01 Ill VBIIIBDIO propsrnlion. Smnll, In lid glodinm, 4: 5d ; burp Size, 113 per Bqttlo. THE DIABTATIZED IRON. For strengthening the Syatem.-Priee 33 9d_ per Bottle. THE DIASTATIZED IODINR, For nurifvimr the Rlnnd,_Ppi.-n axon M. mun- 1- or purnymg we n1ooa.-1'nce 25911 per Bottle. 3' The ebove Preperetione are in the form of Sweetmeeta, pleasant to the taste, and pub ticnlerly e.d=epted for Infants and lothbre nursing. - BE abe combination of the Iron or Iodine wit tees Seedl in 3 note of. genpldnlon, they ere united with organic life, which thee rendere them digestible. The in-itntive and stubborn miners] hen the hecotne the melon of an organic enbehnoe enpeble of being at. V _ eorbed by the blood without injury to the stomach. Agent for England and Britieh P 11:. G. ournnssn; 19 Wntligxg sum. Hey be obtained of all Chemists. DR.YIO l'(:)B AUD S 0RGA!HO_IEDIOlRi. THE DIASTATIZED For purifying the: Blood.-Price 259d Bottle. ".' Prenuations mm in the fnnn DR. DE JONGH`S LIGHT-BROWN OOD LIVER OIL. DE. DE JONGBYS Oil in convjnchngly proved by An overwhelm weight of ` ' , testlmqlyg and by` the prw test of rienoe for twenty years in :1! put: 0 photo: d, to be, beyond :11 question, the pun-ed, life inou`eIcn- ci'oue, the moat palatable, and, from in rapid `cut-uive elfecu, the most economical ohll kinda.` ___Hence the universal celebtity 01 Dr`. do Jnualiur cunuve elfecil, the eoononiical kllptd: Hence celebtity ol,D '. do Johgl` ' Oil, and the unparalleled demand for thh unri- valled preparntidn. ~ `- ' Hui HENRY MARSH, BABT., I.`D,, Pbysiciul in Ordinary to the one. 1:. Inland. ' I have I ueny prescribed Dr. a high : Light-Brownad Live? 0Il._ I oollllder it tub I very pure oil, nut likofy to creme digest, "ml ! : therapeutic agent of great value." DB. EDWARD SUITE, F.R.B., ledical Ocer to the Pour I41 Board of Great nnillll. We think it 1 great Idvnnu one klnd of Cod Liver Oil with ugmined to be genuine-010 I. supplied by Dr. do Jongh. It In practice, when prescribing the of this kind, since, Amidst 5 much certainty, we have condence l1e&"-lRt1-mu r...... um--- to "-11 "o1fr::r:=1 ,..`. ."`7'.;".'fi$'v'. 573:. the 1... bit _ pnII'ib' `D . do 1 _ ht-BrovIn Gog Liver Oilhd and it Io.:c"I`I:ueIh:i`more enclonl than other vlrietiel of the lame mndidl vch I_h_ - BANK OF BRITISH NORTH AMERICA. Hn uh; ml. inn-.. - ..-_--AI __,--,- DIAW8 83 351:1; for . nn.l8oToIuhin youown olI,.t _ ' mend much vu-letyhnd un- in its genuine- ness."--(Exmct from Consumption: in Early and Relnedlable Eugen") . .-__- rqImccombmnhon,' ' qrothomou(;r_k':tol;-7 `I : an, I belie e, nnlvu-idly ncknowllzlized that this oil bus I therapeutic power; nod from myinveatigs I have no doubt oliu being a pure and mud tensedf article. -' I: ve uen recommended 7 nauseou- aultizlag tno olDr. do ongb'uCod Liver Oil. I lnvebeen well uted with In eecta, nnd believe it to be I very pure oil, well (mod for thouocuol in whlchthonaoottlnt suhaunoeiniudiested. DR. LITE ladies] Occr of llulth "I am, cur. "B. A. IACI in all cases Light-Brown ?-'-_ ` G11uLonL0noprN1:, {muted THE `........ nmmu:eugt- is moved as E . l na. u. uurnxsuu; 19 Wnugxg: Chemists. st ...._ _ -_ V _ `*-Iv. WSKLY rumy qon'4_m1wo.AnL my hf :nN'r~En*rAIN,,I'IHr s'1'on1x"g* .* - ' . . '.,-,,_,. , *__ :35`, `HE ORIGINAL Unpuxguy 1 an, mvq-men 9, B. Freeman, Parmweutiat; islllowod be 5 ynu|_:.liseovurlas at ptgfng` un. muxuuw, !'.R.S., Senior Phyddnn to Guy : Houplnl. I have non qlting mo olDr_ 4. .-.-In ammo? MEDICAL OPII em HENRY bysicim in Opdimn in n.- n.._.. oHR;oNICLEix . ...-._.--no-... _.__ GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. n'1`l':ey consist of three pl-epant.iona- THE BAUDEINE, acinnt nnd nromm Ramadv fnr hnl xnwm curron, In, r.n..s., Surgeon Obnrhg-aolr `ml. Fotievenl you: put I have ::2':. tInn' .1 _-- -- - ` wuler vlnetiel of the Inedldnel also employed with 3 View was superiority. MEDEAL opmzons, [RY IARRFI nrnm um V El): Baily Ntms. 1}::;*:..'a. dlmcth: KINGSTON POST OFFICE. Close. Arrive. -u hv (1 1' 12 (`av o..:..Io.nn ll ueuovug. - .' I 222'":-'*' J lotion!!! lodgonentdfl nldonlii WIT. ` pumrb __ .,,- Stock . . . . . . . . . . States an (I City Su . I, uuur Ir Ilene, munruuy good) Uunnon. ,. lAcnl,E|q., ll . `prod 0.; issue Policies on_1 gruibiio eondonoo oy prom. uh the luv: of Osman by I 1 .` ` - . g up oAu1'u.,nu> 80 ans PAID IN urn YI y In: I11 nblie condence by promp -mg I on hand And In Bank. Ilnj ".y!`a!u~:: _... slolllin ICIIII-mu:-up `~- New Prune: 7 cont: . New Fig: 1.10 cents a. , Io! ou-. amt onnmonul. uniublq I emu. Ohlldx-eu'I"l'dy ; Qllll Tnblo Sen. 6 p f FUN. Unnnua.-nu. _ ` rlhininn 10 co :1 5 - gums. ;..u.."z...J -cw IIUGI XnlOI% ll Ito yous connement `to pay: ne of n r whipping and burn- wn Intionnliq. They IJNO, Iuippod Ind Id tho process. Iddinp nr-.1415 4.4:: an). 1,.'aop.rn. 41. - m [This is by Montreal time, from which deduct 12] minutes for the dierenca between Montreal And Kinpton t.ine.] Nov. 6, 1870. IOIIVID, A blood ` _o ,1. OIL, clan uis-, B4! bad smell. 7 FOR CHRISTMAS. .. .,g_- II\ 4.-ml: ngp |h 1 |'"s'71' RS4-Q 13:1` IIUUDB IV Indian , tho Home In Burl Strut phd by Deputy AIIHIIII ll-W. -lfauunloo 1 gr. 3, mo. I*In`1?bIMc,~Iu| -....` ) 5'2 ?-'*:':.%.;:'I: -1 mm V,Asa3>i'f!.=-11 not 1 Pnrlonr Stove, an WR 93! Slave. 1 LOCK 9133': IR L3: 0;: Mo! 4511-? 31':-r`1-'26 "Gr; Hui nuoulo, -cc; . --w-n ' "VOLIOITOB I!.CHA`NCEB 5 Oice-C1Arencc Street, Kingston, 0.W. I, P, I. Y. R l Rmn. T. WALI A, It nu-us;--, mg; use-' `Iii: msgnamw =3: mvositari 0&1 r!!`m;I?:'?1 | Wpod Cooking `H I `:4, l__ 0 ill I Anglo-Anorlun t. 3 ;`hnA- -h- ' `0l'S.l'I__B8 A334 * 45-I nrons '1': [J \J!.ll(29: \J1Bl'DCL' DIIVCL, n|LlgBlUL|, J. P. GILDIIISLIIVI, L.L.3. | HIGH. '1`. ,..,__ RsN@%% \ _-v--I 7:35-3113 ray); ,... vrr rav- ;_._R`1%;*:+a*s| _..`--u, uvvn * NIBIL og! - %v-_ ms`. Ii `I7 . io,nf:o. __ . , In 157 ` F`. B. BII :1 D-human \ Jolcjillj Bawden, TTORNEY AT- IAW, Solicitor in Chsncery,Notm3 Public, &c., 33 King street, Kingston. AMES AGNEW, Barriazor, &c., has removed . his Law Ofco from Clarence to King Street, over Ir J. J. Linton`: Auction Rooms Ifnr-oh I0 . an-I vuuulvw V IDUIIIJQ `"00! ' VINCE the dissolution of Pnrtnership with Mr \ F. C. Draper, continues the practice of his profession in all its branches at his old Chum- bera, Anchor Buildings, Northeast corner of Market. Square. Kinomnn ldth Mu mm John llludlc, Barrister-nt~L1w, Solicixorin Chancery, kc. Money to loud at any rates on aoceptablr security. - Kingston, 25th Anguat,1870. :._s_ Mn IURBAI, `runs: for Weber t Odl Fauna ophinrviou babe public. mu. wt .{ Webs as on 0500 win he Pfollptly Intended to Sept 29. W. C. HAVEN & 00., TOOK AND EXCHANGE BROKIRS, sud Genoa] Iumrnnco Agents, luonic Build- ings, King Blues. Kxuuuol, Ont. W. 0. Hun, l. 0. Hun. Aucnu 19. , Inaugurated by FI.R..H. Prince Arthur. Board and Tuition per nnuum, $236. Ulose. Easuzrn by G.'l'.R_ day tminl2:00 K. weswrn u u at 2:30 P 3 n.eI1uence--r 1811` UIIDD D 1 I `onnely occupied by Dr. Naclean. March 3. 3` For particulars apply to Mnjnr Evsns, London, Canada West. FIWIHIIIHUUCH. It in in especial favourite with Oriana] ladies. Q`:-nag 0|u-_ \.-_InL I..____:._ , 1 -. u Secure, then, health. longevity and vim} energy by the habitual use ot the ` ALKABASAR TURKISH TONIC. Kept in stock by the principal Druggiats and Grocers in the Dominion. For directions for an nee label: on bottles. HENRY CHAPMAN I 00., 3 1 Russ, MERCER 5 co., 3 ""- Sole Agents for tbs Dhion. lontrenl. Julvb. I"resident-The Very Rev, I. ellmulb, D.D. ")e:n ol Huron. euergy 1.0 III we bodily orglnl. By in use u man of 70 will become, as it were, restored to the elasticity of 30; and to persons of delicate constitutions it is strongly rooonunended. In in ... -.......:-I r.-..__:.- _x.L n,- 7 HIS olegsnt Turkish Tonia E on of the most onlntnry `sud delicate pnpnrntions ever submitted for public approval in this hemisphere, and asserts its pretensions to patronage on the following grounds: That it is a preparation or one of the most eminent Pnrvoyors to the Ottoman Court, It prevents acidity ofthe stomach. It relieves iowueu of spirits. _ ll in a mild sud invigorating topic, and n imost etcient butinnocuous stimulant. lt renders the broad . sweet and ngreooble. It uimuhteo the oppatib if lohn before meals. it promotes digestion it` taken after meals. It neutralizes the propensity for strong liquotl. It renders the intellect bright nnd denr. If taken habitually is input: vitality and energy to oil the bodily 37 ill I man of 70 will iwmnm. .. :. ANTHA0|T_c0AL mu 0lllce-St. Lawrence Wharf Foot of Johnson Street. IYB Goal is Pure Lackawnnn, being mined in C the very heart of the Lackawena Valley, Scranton, Pittstkm, and Wilkes Barre, fxom the been selected mines, and is prepared with great are expressly for Family use, and will be Icruned and delivered in the best possible co 1. `linen. nun ..1...o.a Ran Fen] f'm- m-am. ............o.I.. 'uuon. . BosTae1ected Sq/t Coal for grates constantly on band, also Lebigh Lump for Foundry (so and Blossburg for Blacksmiths. `Farms Unah. Dalivomd in arm nnrf nf Nu: nuswrn Dy u.`l'.I. any u nInl2:00 I. 2:30 PM. RIB! and West night tninl 9:00 7:00 All. LNITED STATES NAILS. Through Mail: for New York, Boston, Oswego and Clpc Vincent, will be closed It l;;30 a.m. nnd 5:30 pm. daily, Sunday: exeepeed. BRITISH MAIL8 nor Fnnatlinn anndnuaun rill ha a-Ina: A no... .. Fog - ANNIE! Ink`-A 1-LA VI . B Parker's Dgug Store. June 9. lull K110350078 I0!" DIBCKEIDIIHS. Terms Cub. Delivered in any part of the city. JAMES RWHPI` .& l . 1870. egg. 1870. IBFKBI. oqrmre. Kingston, 14:}: May, 1870. James S. Cartwright, ARRISTER-AT-LAW. OFFICE - Over D-.-Ir--`u nun.-u Qmm B 0foc---Oulnrio Street. Kingatonhrcb 3| , 1870. DON.` A lomnal, July 5. IIIOVED to`tbe Oco over Lin(on`s Auc- tion Rsoms. II ELLMUTII LADIES COLLEGE. October 21, 1868. muuau manna per Canadian ateime will be closed even, Fri-` day ll 11 AJI. PP? (nuuxrri and Rrrmrn linp nvnru Tuunluu Tiuav Tnig I[a. b7v:1:o.Jo'n Reaidence--PRINCESS STREET, house -mgln nnnnnin kw Dr Lin:-loan July 30. _ -.--`r - -rLi-A`\Ia KOREA], Tuner lama. onhinn-ruin-3.15.. ....s.n.. ELLIIUTH COLLEGE.-Board and Tui-` (ion per Innnm, $226. ARRIVED if TLAs1'. Royal Assurance C0mpan_f OP CAUf|O, -- AH ;:(-nnhm has thu mun.- `I'rru\i.1n .\yrun." Ksnr l'<-ru\';mI E -:\rk.") 711-. James 05861117. 11.0.. UK the innnlntinn nf P-tn-mu-chin w * maimn uniycini.` or LIVERPOOL AND LONDON. MAXWELL W.STRANGE, Loan! '0! Kinanlm may In 1 1 11.111. Per Cunard and Bremen line, every Tuesday at 5:30 I ... l'...nnu-n I-onuulaa I..- .vl:....n-l. ....- n_._-.. PIANO. TUNING. nu... . -- Bemov 9.1. JAMES SWIFT & GL4 -1' " l'<-rminn l'nrk.") 32- - plus uhh-t 54'!!! 1'r(:p A-lnr, at 1):-y M. Drumrist.-I. .1; w . ausnnun, Agtmt fol Kingston ` CANADA urn ASSIIRELBE comma. .c_ 1` H5`, ;_4"_ `v Bales lower tan any other Company Prot Bonuses larger than any other H Company. ' Absolute Security and Llberallty in its dealings with its assured. single copies of the Cnollcu AND Nova, containing the news of the week, may be had in wrapper: for mailing. Price 3d.eacb is.-nu-r1 every Friday. SINGLE comm M` II-up mu. 1:... ..... 5... The Company has in the past 23 years pnid $700,000 for death claims, and has never con`. tested one. A comparison of the Company : Prot Bonuses and ill Rates for Assurances, WM orogher Ocel, in `united. Agencies lhroughoutthe Dominion, ..u. w... noyu ocuvo. L61 numerous ongnvingl. Price $7 pcld, 88. where every information can b=- obta`nFd, or Al lbe Head Ufce, in Hamilton, Ont. By Henry Stephens. F'.R.S., Edinburgh. and the Inc J. P. Norton, Professor of Scientic Agri ' culture in Yale College, Haven. Ron] ocmvn, I Ann .._. -, - Klingsioli an`dmCaTpze Vinceni Fern. The l'Il'lIIel"s Glide .1'0 sc1mn'mc I run 'lIrvnn -"-" -7 Will leave daily (Sundays excepted) from from Kingsion, A! A.M.. l|l DIJU I ... Letters intended for dispatch per Bremen linp must. be specially to directed- Al I .M., I0 DICE! l 1U A..ll. from Cape. At 12.30 P.M., to meet the 3 RM. from Cutie. Frnm {Tana Vin:-ant nn Arrival nf A! K I'.L., [0 H1587. Lll'Bl.ll.l. IIUIJK lglll Trains. For Freight or Passage apply on board, or tn 1-Hz LEONARD scorr H'Ol.D UllD. From Cape Vincent on arrival of trains at 10 A.M., to meet. the Grand Trunk trains East and West. an '1 DH In mam {Inna "Drunk Nan!-n Klngslonjnd Wolfe Island Ftrry.| VUMIIEIVUILVU mununx, (ID LVOVEEDEIT (1 one of this Ferry Steamers will run daily (Sundays excepted) as under :- Leave Kingston. Leave Wolfe Island. A! 8.30 a. m. 9.30 3. In. ' 11.30 A. In. 11.00 mm.` tlinnm Inn...-.. Poslmulera nd 4 liberally deal: with. vlcwl . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' For Blaclnrood and any two of the Review: . . . . . . .,11 Forlukvood and Lure: of the Reviews . . . . . , I` nornuuvoou and . . . . . . 13.00 For Blnckwood Ind the {our Reviewe . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16! 0 Single numbers of: Review, 31 ; si bers of Blackwood, thirty ve cents. two cents u number. Circulars. with f: Ind on appliesuon. l!llP'l every I' may. COPIES of the DAILY Nlws may be hnd at the counter of the publication office, Prin- cess street. Price two cents.

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