I- On reading Mr Huntington ; speech, delivered at Waterloo on the 25th ultimo, every one mua t be struck with the intense selshness which pervades it, and the en-' tire absence of chivalry or devotion which have always been considered the dis- tinguishing marks of true patriotism. We are either a part and parcel of the Empire, or not, and if the former we must be con- tent to share alike the joys and sorrows, as ` well as the triumphs and defeats of our common country. It would be iugratitude of`the basest kind, did we on the least ap. pearance oi danger, as Mr Huntington re- commends, desire to shift our ag and al- legiance at the same time. An slly who had shared the dangers of the field and the fortnnes of war, unconnected by the ties of consanguinity, would scorn so mean an ac- tion, but with the inestimable benets and protection that we have received from the mother country we should deserve to be branded in the face of the whole world as ingrates of the most despicable type. If independence is to come, which God for- bid, let it come by the action and expressed desire of the iatherlund. It is but a few hours since that the wires ashed over the welcome intelligence that this important pert of the empire was consolidated by the admission of British Columbia into the Confederation, and we know that the real statesmen and the leading minds of Britain, are looking forward to the time, not far distant, when the whole of this mighty empire shall be united by the in- dissoluhle ties of race, religion, commerce and interest. Mr Ilnntingdon complsins that we are not a nation." That is just what we don't wish to 'be. The strains on our growing adolescence are almost new more than we can bear, and with the cares, the responsibilities and the cost of a na- r tion, we should utterly fail; but we defy , Mr Huntingdon or any one else, to point out any other community so vigorous, so self- reliant, so unintimidated by the threats and menaces of a powerful neighbour at this Canada of ours; or `one, with all the ele- ments of a nation which we possess within ourselves, and ready by the exercise of the constitutional liberty and freedom that we have, to he moulded into one when the time arrives, great, powerful and free. Mr Huntingdon is altogether too much in a hurry for Canada to be a nation. Let him look at the history of England attentively` and see how many centuries it took her to become a nation ; what trials and sueringa, what rivers of blood she waded through, before she made her mark amongst the na- tions of Europe; and whilst we have her experience to guide us, and her power to protect us, we want none other to help us on our way. It is all balderdash when Mr_Hunti.ngdou talks about the provocation which our neighbours have received from us under the protection of Great Britain. Let him. reverse.the case, and he will be right. We desire to live inpeace and harmony with them, but at the_san_ae time to abate not one jet or tittle of our rights and privileges as Britona Mr Huntisgdou says :-A. war of tsrifls is the natural forerunner of an sppea; toarms." Who desires awarof taril Who abrogated the Reciprocity treaty for political purposes? Not ourselves. surely. Ir Huntingdon knows, if he speaks the truth, that his friends the Yankees can have free trade as soon as they like and the` the war of tariili is all spop their side. On radius II -in-oh. ho-mu. we have come to the conclusion that Ir Hunt- ingdouisnotmade oftbat stufout ofwhich niousareereated,asdthathewouId be . vuyiotteu brick to place in an critical pod- lion in his newly projected A pa-ie..i;ot in Huuegaou -;nouuuo is qunliledbythe lsstparagraphweshall no- giu. .Ls|us resnovethe rstdaagu by mu vveulm Jan. 14. Wanted to Rent or Purchase. CAUTION. Ptrtiel forbid V Still! 7f' Iugsm I u I -c"- = ` not be naponsiib to; nntdobu CO d v'he . ~ " `V I . `"-"Gll0B( unrgna. xinguoc. Fob. 2, 1371. `- ' GILL Kingtto, Fob.2, ll ll. _. . . 2, I871. REMOVAL OF SURGERY. FARM 'r_g LEASE. ulu via any or relmnry proximo, at thne k P.l., from pox-Ions desirous of bbing up- ed City Aoeuon. By order of this Council. |l `Ill A\l'At`IA1v CITY OF KINGSTON. IIIIUSI Uunnmunan, rrull JAMES aaumox, Sec:-otu-y. Tau Ion 'l`nnI.-1'ho ieoil now in exoollout condition for storing away fo: summer nu, Ind in diomnt part: of the lnko putiu no buy Iupplying thonuelvu and otbcn with this :1. man nooouory article. The blocks ukon out pnunt the maul solidity and no clear ad of the otdlnuy thicknca-ubont twenty inches, when cleared of the Iurfneo or new ice. .vL.|.J.1 LJJJLULUJ ..I. RECEIVED THIS DAY 1`: rI-1/\ 1`-vuvu-.. W. Sawyer. Artist. _ Y . _ _ . A 4- IA- _ -I. "xi "i~ IlAQnl7lr\ nrvrv u i(i)YS l`ERS 2 :1,1s71. 5.. 1U w .N '5, IIABONIC BUILDINGS, Market. Sqnue. ` 13.. Ioeolvod. ___L _ In or divide it in two, to very reasonable terms of JOIIIICH. I. PLANAGA N, City Clerk. 371. Ions. DIeRocnnn e Coxcnz-r.-The concert in the City Hell lent night, under the n1euege- Inent end for the benet of None. Deellochere, orgeniet of St. ery`: Cethedrel, wee e very oredlteble end pleeeent effeir, end viewing it en en etfort of etnetenr performers. wee eerteinly very good indeed. Some of the vocal pieces were give with much teete end power, end were exceedingly well received by the endience. The inetrnmentel pert of the progremme, ea might heve been expected from the nemee Of the perfortnere upon the progreintne, wee e very eective feetnre of the entertainment. The bend of the P.W.0. Ries did greet cre- dit to its members, end ite performence we; the eubject of generel reuerk end epprovel. I; in to he regretted that there wee not e lerger et- tendenne, but ell who were preeent were well eetieed end congretuleted themeelvee with heving spent e very pleenent evening. IICB DIITIDI. W. B. FULLEST, Wlhmnvilln JOHN BREDIN. may concern. J. BAWDEN, King-Su-cot. pronto, 0. GAMBLE. L .ruuuEUn Willinmlvillo. 9, Canada. D, only FIVI WOOL SHAWL8, Wnlvlns Pouca Comrr, Tuasoar.-Before Alderman W. Robinson-Thursday.-Themas McGowan, residing in Brock street, was charged by Mr lostyn, inspector of licenses, with selling liquor on Sundays, but owing to an informality in the summons, the charge was dismissed_ There was another charge against him which will be entertained tomorrow-that of allowing persons of ill-fame to frequent his house, George McGowan, son of the above, was charged with ill-treatinga cow by kicking her, but there was not suicient evidence to sustain the charge. An insane man, sent to the station house from the lower depot, was remanded un. til it could be clearly ascertained whence he came. He was very imbecile, but stated clear- ly enough that he came from Albany gaol, having crossed the lake in a sleigh, and that his name was John Ilellillan. nun OLEARING OUT AT ---- ca1uImi:nAnGuNs IN ALL nazss GOODS, nnnm m - ----- BLAC LUSTBIS, _ o%nA -rwnvs, 00L cnoubs, saunas, illt III _ ` .,, ------vu man J. A. KAROH. OFFICE AND RESIDENOE--Earl Street, between Bagot and Wellington Streets. Kinguou. Jan. 10. man 1 AT WALD1{i'i)'1:19s% F03 [mull WEEKS. -:- !l`HE REIIAINING STOCK 0? WINTER _ --- uurIIICl HAVING retired from the G Liquor T.-ado, hop to tho morons customer: for their liborl in the post, And intiuutu for It: will strictly conne hlnaolfto the eotree'aiii's";3"{$;'i1smess. All order m-mum: ......... ._ \J PANTS VEST3 . . WHITE SHIRTS DRAWEB3 FLANNEL SHIRTS . nlnlhinn mad- 6- - .. .Q ;r cost: I Clothing math to order in the latest otylel, sud work wu-ranted. Corner King and Brock Streets, focing lh uke: Square, Kingston. Jan. 26. Jan. 16, 1371. Baum or Hun-ra.-A meeting of the Board of Health is called for tomorrow afternoon. HE ANNUAL MEETING for the Election of T Eight Directors for the Home of Industry for 1871. will be held in the Council Olmnber, on WEDNESDAY. February 8th, It three o'clock Pl. ' Citizen; desirous of tcking ID interact in the shove election on clmitv mu annlifn 3.. ...-, me soon oau, nelr lnboc in 3rd section 0 By-Inn. R STOCK-TAKIP}/(a`r SALE; DONALD SZACKAY s. Over 310,000 W36: otaoods to be , + sum uulzena aeelroul 0! taking 0` d entity can qualify by pay- ing to the or Treunrer, on or before the above date, heir lnblcriptionl, u specied OST, hating Ooldu-wood nn . Pgloeu on, I Horn it T '95. llito and Elie. The nder-will con fun: by leaving it n the Dun Nun: o M. 2' V` 3` noyu, .: n Bennon, Edward Bentley, Leleyene Bowen, '1` A Blecklock, Henry Brown, Bichnrd Union, I D Gown. Thoma Chell, Ir: 0 v Ohilde, T P \ (Jones, Thoma Orouny, Mn Cumeen, Annie Czeeer, In L. Oorbet, G W Depero, Mrs Devy, W W Doddu, Robert Dnper, 0 B Dney, Jane Eoclea, Alfred Fruer, Sernh Ann Foggerty, & Bro Gnllipher, liu H Gnrret, John 5 (To Gooden, In P Gleuon, Bridget Greer, Thomu Grninger, Andrew Grehem, line 8 E Grady liclnel Gunmen, Jouph Hnwkine. Sen]: Hukin, Ontberine Hermit, Miss M A Bunilton. Min 1! A Humble, P I Hervey, B Hickey, Him! I E Hewett, J H Eewerd; Ambrose Hill, George Houeci, H Hooper, R J Hogan, Mary Huthiuou, N (2) Jgchon, Frank Jnckson, llery J Johnuon, Min 1 Kraft, ll:-nut Kennedy, 0 A Kelllr, H Kelley, J unol Zn` Kingston, Pout Oiee., January, 3101, 1870. IIAINING in tho Kiuptol Post Post Of- oe, January am, 1871. Aims, hue Kilgby, Kin 0 Androvn, A 6 p Onurio) 1 Anderson, John I Knowlton, Min I Ihll, John Linton. `Human ' (en-0 AIIUUIIUII U lB.n,.roa.' Rnllnnnn I VICEE II CDIIFIDID 0! H18 DOIH1. Mr Wm. Ford returned thanks in I brief Ipooch. H In moved bv Mr Ilcllnnnia an:-nndnd hv DIM, Joan Bnllentine, Grace Bum. Goo DII IOIIIIIIH, I mu, uoo Bowlu, In L Bennon, Alfonso Bozo, Hill I Rnvtl J E Dela, III: I Boyd, J E Rannnn. Edw rvvvvvtll-I ungul Illa IV Kingltou, Jan. 10, __;_____ order IIIIGI uqn 1:14 Jan. 30, 1871. II WOATS lpvvcn. was moved by Ni` llcfloseie, seconded by It T. Robinson, that the following be I com- mittee to make Arrangements to get up I suits- blo testimonial to Hr Ford for his long services an chainnun of the Board :-Moui-s Cu-roll, Iluuie, Robinson, Mcllahon, Cunningham, Fen- wick, Conley Ind Chown. Curried unanimous- `The Board ndinurnad in Hm nlnnl mum..- EXTENSIVE BALE r- DRY Goonr nous: o|=__mnusm. LIST OF LE'I"l`EI_{_S .-vv uu, wunnraoors, nosmnr, ,, _--_... nus :9, BLACK BILKS, - AND FANCY FLANNIL8, mrs, Pfmlptiy nttnndod`to. -_u-a uuuga` cum 0; BLANKBT8, Rl .An|-r . |.__Aj.`KAncp1` Ul ID -I-WI: 8. '1'. DRINNAI, Hon. Socretu-y sud Treunur. 71. ' upsetting the: present [government of the ' Dominion." Let us hope that than in: god deal of clap-trap opposition in his speech, which aims more at obtaining placo ` and poirer for his party, ghnnn real desire to sever the connexion between this Domin~ ion and the Mother Country. (`Whig to cop!-) ; % WALDRON, Wilson : Bpildlngs. wm. inn: zsnueu, John Roi, Zephier Saunders, Hill I Steward. Miss F Smith, lliu Annie Smith, lsrgsret Smith, Bliu Smith, Tom Smith, Thomu H Smith, Y. Seavour, H Sherbeno, William Sherbsno, Edwsrd Thompson, Wm, B C R Thompson, Andrew Taylor, Marin J Vsndere, Thomas Wnlters, H Wsles, Uiss Msrgsret Welsh, John R O R White, llsrgsrel K Ween, Robert A Willisms, Wesley W Willisms, 0 Wesley Wilson, George Zengshsin, J Otee. ) To, 1370. 182,805 IIRIHOIS. I 308300 KR ? """' :-on to thank his nu- - liberal putronago mm tho future In II, usu. Bishop Lillon, Tbomu Lulio, David Ha:-bun, Edward ` Hayoll, John lhrtin, John Mould. Snrnh I 1 noun, noger Mnedoneld, O lcooy, John . Ionbo, Kory Ilclnloeh, Angus Hclntoeh, John 0 McFadden, Illa A J llcoooell, line An Heine, John IloNulty, Kill I Mcllillnn, Oeupbell lcbeen, John O R.eilly, line 0 O Flynn, E O'Brien, John Patterson. Almire Powell, Richard Prefonlein, Idu Powell, Alick Power, Lawrence G Purdue Suun Puree, John Pam, E I Palmer, Thoma Bunsdell, Anni. Rambird, Wm, B O 3 Russell, John Rni, Znnhho 5` DOING . ICKOSIIS, UIFPOII and UDOWD. It Wu moved by Mr Kassie, oeeondod by Mr Chown, And cu-:ied,,unauimously_ that the thanks of tho Board are hereby tendered to Mr William Ford,jr., for his long and willing aer- vices u chairman of the Bond. Hr Wm Ward nanny-and o|....lm :_ - I.-:-c nu-un, Jonn Mould, Snub J Hun-:7. J J noulu, Blflll J Horny, J J I u nroe. J on Ilnnnn Rana: C081` PRIOR, R. mncon, Pon Inter. no uroeoty Illd dunk ibanl nail-nnnn. ' 0081'. ' COST: ' 0081'. I nnn- - cxggleucy OI IDEBCDODII. Upon the motion of Mr Ford, seconded by Mr Fonwick, Ir W. Armstrong Ins re-elected to the oice of Secretnry and Librarian. Hr A. Lnnimnn was mqnnnninmd Innnannanv 7 JR`: 551 '200`r!B.`1F 1- m.r`mi I53 500 B3533 Ala KILLER: J IALADB just I did order. ALSO rm: uxnxpinin. mus: or ran rmunsls. = The Balance of suck I-l KAI-oh `min 5. BLAOKOOQI-.I'l'1$Y.'-`~-"l" I..e :.'I1 l,i! ...:.t.'\.`r.I Pm` `Pm. -.13" . '2 Mn mu: "v mm In Mxiqc-' :4 1--' ` hgz me omce ox aecremry and morsnan. l A. Lnnigtn was reappointed messenger, on the motion of Mr Conhy. seconded by Mr Carroll. l'T.u... cl... .....n:-_ -!|l- h-L:__-, -._,_J,:L Ice nnyone either killed or wounded. and il ocean to no that the moat astonishing thing in I bombardment in tho liule (lounge i! doc: to life and limb. A bit of iron cut away I branch from one of the trees, one shall I an hunt on the road by the tint, nnd in 15 union. (on I counted 11 shall: whining through the` Air, That I-minngnnr which Ihnvn iull boulit THE WHOLE STOCK ` ` TO BE CLEARED OUT BLACK sonar c'- 1; Ireat Clearing Out sale] .-_. no 0UBRLllfl'r'.JAl1'.LY `Pith Annual cheap Sa1a| n. vunnm J . co s.| awma ur BUSINESS. MONTREAL uousE2f*T3 Silk Mid Grey and Wlllte COIIOH Upon the motion ofllr Robinson, seconded by It Ilcouie, (be following were nppoinzed a committee to strike the standing committees for the you :-The Chairman, Hem-s Mclhhon, Conley, Mckosnie, Cu-roll and Chown. It In mound In Mr Much can-nnn In ll.- WI lARB.AN'l'_ALIa OUR WE BILL -VERY 1 ;,L~:I WI sun. In oannsr rim Jan. 23. .u -4.1; -3`) ;uA-a irm.r-.1001 1ll$:'d *`1 ; .01` M Jan. 17. n._ wmm. 14 co. eusaow , % For particular-I apply to Jun. 25. PHI FOLLOWING L IN P310: :- A ; SURPLUS WINTER STOGK. Juan: DAVIS, excel, and Inc zsoara complete. The Secretary having vncnted the chair, Mr Britten manned his oico, and briey thanked the Board for the honour conferred upon him, and would use his best ebru to promoto the eigiency of thescboola. Unnn the mnlinn nf Mr Fm-(I um-nmlul k- ll- Woollen new and Blnikets rs sin. Tl 1rmI'.s'r `run SGOTBII MAIIHM. ADE. \\` nu. n:aax.v.ruvoim In ' " / oulal rim: FAB Bmivy oosrnon. Iusunlce or stock unsold at ht llnl-cl will be sold ,1 en bloc. `V --2 " ` Box:-.3 Nrw sun: :uo,:a eenu'po:'box'. ` \.I .:-- _ KILLER: & BOIPS DU UAR .ADB u-1-i?d, {rah In splen- n.J-uw.._`.-\I- 1 `Rich ."_"l!.- . .. z" IL!!! CDIIIIDCD. The origins] motion In; put and carried, Ind the Secretary dechred Mr Britten the chairman elect, and the Board complete. The Sncratnrv hnvina vnonmrl lhn nhnir M. nm Linens 'ind"Bl|eeun_gs[ L .1! -in snore 11:1 ".`a2:m: omznm .~Au_xi ..au:wL-0IjL 0`) 116 I 1m.$a&.tus_ -, Smetrw Figs- Flainls : 73" f'9 ?"4A`~?2}" 5.-3. " It Go- [NLILTIUNI ' 03016: nuox -run lolnu-cal llouoo. Iur we present year. It was moved in amendment by Mr Britten, seconded by Mr Robinnon. that Mr Mcllosaie be the chairman. Th. A-in:-..I mnalnn --- nun an-I ---.:..A _-.I s) ; as- nun-4 I; nollqqw (FIGS, V917 whom] _ `u; unw- OAKIB AIIII parlor uyln. uuaulouri NEW W; a 4 3%?-Q , NEW 31.} ll 1.4 Clilfllll. It. was moved by Mr Fenwick, that Mr Wm. Ford, jr., be chnirunn for the preaentyenr, but Mr Ford huing pereznplorily declined to serve for another yen-,Ir Fenwick withdrew his mo- tion, ITHQE: I 3,41,! A .`_uw_; mag IIUI. I! In: moved by Mr McRoasie, Ieconded by It Conley, that Mr B. M. Briuon be chninnnn for the present year. moved In nmendment hv Mr Rriunn Ill}! IE3: ST% ,.lIJ 1|-nnl ircnpcucu IUI Lu: iscorvu vvuu uv v.......... A portion of the City Council visited St. Jerome this week by invitation of the COI- poration of that place, and were entertain- ed at a dinner, the ntfair beinggo: up with a View of promoting a good nnderstanding between the two corporations in reference to the the Northern;Colonization railway entertprise. The viaed with a dance. and hue sent 3 go urge the Idopo for the game object. In 3l.-A!1 We 1'5 hive been opened for of ood to Paris hu notified the Briti 1 the Dieppe line alone comnunicatfon botwee .hu`becn re-opened. ` -sinus are` driving c after the meeting 0 bly at Bordeaux. ' Innteufel enclolea H; on the Swiss frontier, ting French west of A Chappoy. and. `prilonorl and `six. pic_ XIII: III 170'!!! Inert: ihst bu c_oIiImi_t 4 Inch fox-on were up.` he Iain the Pruuis hu 5: Bloin. This n Ml Frgnoh Inbuq ll_._.I F:7!:er.#9-G---I :Hi"-' 5; 1.-_'l`ho Timon lupin o__._lsm um ARRIVAL OF THE PERUVIAN. Montreal, Feb. 2.-The mearnship Peru- vian arrived at Portland at 12 last night. I wuvc V V M _ It in report " `N M ' Abbevillo, -uauavu uuu ;. uvunu-4... At eight o'clock the Secretary took the chair, end after opening the meeting with the usual form, read the return of the members elected to serve for the preeentyenr. The only ch inge in tho Board in that of Dr. Oliver, who repluces Mr Wm. Duper, who has left the city. Thu Rngul eh-.. nnnnagdul On nu. ..I.....:.... .5` `alum :3 mppl ' a'whih than I *` an an Ho. 'l'ho oxoout L511- -4..../vn. uv_-.u. The first meeting of the year of the Board of Common School Trustees was held on Wednes. day evening in the Council Chamber. The fol lowing member: were present :-llessrs Brit- ton, Carroll, Chown, Conley, Dr. Oliver, Wm. l'or3,jr`, G. W. Fenwick, Mussie, Ilcliosaie, Mc- Mahon And T. Robinnsn. _ ..,I_ AL. _|__:_ IX 1 OODDIOC ll IXIII Whllllllg uirougn IDS` _ . . . L The m"p.p" which nunjun ban connexzozi this Doinin says that two sheila have fallen cloee try the In- validee,and that they have been coming in pret- ty freely all along the zone near the southern 3 rampade. This may or may not be the case SPECIAL TEl`EGR'i`v' between what I am told and what! seeL,.aad FROM MONTREAL. - on y guarantee the authenticity of the tter. Montreal Fab 2 __J Cmuford and 1`_ The only house which i could perceive had` . " ` ' ' i been eirnck wee a small one. A chimney etsck I L"es f Quebecv 5"ed 0 5 530' `Ame had been knocked over; an old lady who in- - tramp to the: city last Thursday. \. 1 habited it pginled this out to me. She seemed ' g to be under the imprueioni that this was the, The Gaza .d'0c the `ppom mm ,,,.m of dawn nd phimwel, ah I `bu of Ed. Carter Q C., M. P, ucity attorney. ehe had done to William and to Bismarck l The Montreal Military School has been that lhey ehonld knock over her ehiinney. On a reopened for the scum, with 30 Ca,detg_ the ramparts no d seemed t have been : . . . . . don,_ Th. Ni::'g:rd. on fat, `um m` A portion the caeetaatee. The noise home was treinen- `'-"- 1'91. Vlhfi. 150 K`-"15 f *9 b`i! and thoee of th ea n-boot] were ring - - - _ - hm " "I. :u1d':":nd N Pram" M V being go: witha teriee were ret rning their tire with a will l"mg d"5'-ding After the eu went down the dark hille uctwcen the two ?hpi::`:'::. fag: 'J":_,`h:nc`':d' I`;-H3tl"J'e' },`,,.;__ vieftgsed dance. Like Herodotus in Egypt, Imake a dietinetion l (P"' 3 "`"l Li-) i I .- ..... .,...r\.., 7' .... ....... ..... ..... u--J. The Board then proceeded to the election of chairman. In -an -.4-AA L- Ilu D'An-?..l. aL-A ll- Il'Y_ `The Board Adjourned in the naunl manner. scaooL Balkan. III-In, olr, your! l'CpO1l5l:'lly, A. an: Baum I but ran P ' us, oouunuwu now. "I" '"*"""' Iill (Inna, I, I ldibcn KY9` , mt, rot your klndncu and cy, sud anally inviting suhe to gid 200 poo: but sewing no-but :(m::,. plrbchid luinstion Olub tn nmin-.0. r _. so gnu _Aw poo_r nu ! cneruaggg-5.`. 5; pnrpcbnd llngtunoa to omigrnta I : nun, Sir, you-a nopootfully, ' A. nnnun |'1_-._. Ill! poruvonllg. I am, Sir, from pononl oburulion, moat thoroughly ulined an to the benet: of omi- - grntion. Cnudn `I Ended I good plnoo for I poor man. - I should donrly like to no emigration clubs (with vookly payments, is.) sad societies uublinhod in moat pu-iahu, for I unconvinood that no other mode is no ociont and paras. atnt to relieve the nblhbodiod poor at Enigm- tion to our Colonies. I on Afrnil the Donia- iu Gonnnoll no toonpuhotic in this -at; Q. `thanking you, Sir, for yhnr klndrnu gddvocncy, earnestly inviting smherirslinn. gooa mum. Tho CInIdilI-I manly sud indopondom body-nro ontbuliuticnlly loysl, and on hg, loud Quoou bu no subject: lore dooply .1. uched to bet and the country. 0! coon; than are dnwbackn (and what. country bu not 1) but may no connurbalsneod by tho prosperity which unit the sober, industrious. and pa:-savoring. ID. 81!. from narlnnql nh.4..-.:.._ _ ,- KUKZIVIUK The instances of prospenty I ma: Iilh wen unmet-om, probably three-fourths of the appu- and middle claaaec have risen from very unall beginning. The humble: claucl generally have money in the banka. There are no work- bouaoa or none yards. All grog ahopa are cloaod from 10 p.:n. on Saturday night till `I a.m. on Monday (all Sunday) and with markad good roa Jltl. Tho f`.-v.-(Hana - ---'- -~` ' ` ISXWYIX. The Vin ordlneire in giving out. It his elreedy rieen neerly 60 per cent in price. Thin in 5 very eerioneihiug for the poor, who not only drink it, but werm end Ineke with ` breed e loop of it. Yeeterdey I hed e slice of Pollux for dinner. Pollux end hi! brother Ceetor ere two elephente, which heve been killed. It wee tough, coeree end oily, end I do not recommend English {emiliee to eet elephent no long ee they can get beef or mut- ton. Ieny of the reetenrenu ere cloeed ow- ing to event of fuel. The; ere recommend- ed to use lenpe ; but elthough French eooks cen do wonders with very poor Iteteriele, when they ere called upon to cook en ele. phent with e epirit lemp the thing in elmoet beyond their ingenuity. --Cutor end Pollux : trunks eold for 45 {none e pound ;the other pert; of the interesting twine fetched ebont lo fhnce e pound. It in e good deel wnrmer todey, end has been thewing in the Inn ; if the cold end the liege bed continued much longer the Prnlrienl would heve hue found us ell in bed. lt is fer eeeier e thing to out down e tree then to Ineke it burn. Proverbe Are not elweye true ; end I have found to my bitter experience of Into the: the proverb thet "there ie no smoke withoute re in untrue The Tapper who nede it never tried to burn green wood. u n - . the weather in favourable between 8 and 9 months. - The houlel of the upper and middle clnues (I very eocinl and hoepiuhle est) ere very mug and cosy. On New Year : Day all friends vilit. each other; the ladies slaying `II home and `receiving. This `nltlnnon nf nDA-n--~5- ' - - ucnomru, coating 406,000 per nunum. Clothes are denrer than in the Old Conn but are more suitable and wear better. Bond nnd lodging (meat twice per day) coat 12: 6d per week. The cold in severe but not dutrnw Live; the nnnun-1 mortality in 1 per cent. The extreme: of cold and but rungs in Toronto from 9 below zero (Jonunry) man for month 25 to 94; (August) mun 68 ; nnnlnl mun 44 The weather 8 and 9 mnmlm up uy `nee punel. The system of {no school: in highly prized; grammar scholar: pay 43 2d per quarter. The Univenitieu Are good and very reasonable. In 1868 Onnxio had 4882 Ichoola, with 435,000 Icholan, coating 406,000 per in [ha and n,......... gov acres 101' 1.1500, tma let for 75 per nnum. Jun out of town: thoy run About 15. In towns 83 and upwards per acre. Hr Hutton (An authority) states 269 `may be re- Alized by {Arming in two years, on an outlay of 680. 11....-- ___. :_ In. _, LUUU. Houu rent. is 169 per month 1 1; in town. In villages and in th a`::ofnnty;i:{ poslen their own dwellings. A shanty con. nbout.20. Moatlo h la b up by `bee Putiel. 8 u um `C. no and Th: nun-Am nf {ran uhmu. :- n.x_._._ , . . Key! 1:. Land in more or leu ulueble nccording to locality. The free grants of 200 BOIOI, end 100 to All over 18, are being fut taken up. Fnir farms can be bought for 5 to 6 per acre. was omu-ed two in the county of Norfolk; I a one for 1550 with 200 nores-the other with 280 acres for 1350, thin let Jnltoul. of town: thaw ..... .i...... g. . queues to wnerever the immigrant! go to. Labourers got generally 4: 2d per dny ; {Ann ditto 603 por month, with board and lodging ; rough cnrpentern 55 3d; joiner: and painters ` 69 3d; men accustomed to draining works 75 6d; tailors, enginoeru, pln.stererr,briok.lnynrs, < and rnt class Ihoemnkera, 33 to lol. Trades Union: do not oxiat to my extant. Each is paid according to hit individunl worth. A `boss in the foreman, often the master. Young girl: 'holp|, obtsin 16: 8d per month; house- tnnidn 253, cook: 335 nd upward: with uool- lent board and very kind treatment. Pl`0VlIi0nl am chnnnar in Man .uu...o-_ ALA- nem were and nna Proviliona are cheaper in the country tlnn in towns. Mutton rugoa from 3.1 to 5d per lb; beef (d to 6d; pork 4d to 7d; sheep : hand: with et cetom 21d ; bncon 7d; our 6; per 100 lbs, 4 lb lonf 51 ; potatoes 15 3d per bushel; npplol, nbundnut, 1|; bum: 10d; cheese 7d; pure milk Zid par quart; tn 3: 2d; Iugar, bid; fowl: 13 each; ducks ll 8d; tut- key! 2:. Land in mm-. nl I... --1..-s.u- __,. -- uuru, are In roomy, more vnluable. The voyngs of 11 days from London to Que- bec, costs 7 63, steamboat 6 6:, half price under 8, (nailing veuel 4); 12: 6d nil to Liverpool ; |hip s kit. The Onnndinn Govern- mem bu hitherto gnmed free passage! from Quebec to wboxfever the immigrants get zenenllv 2d Der du - tn... uulgeuce. The dollar 1: fixed in Canada at 4: 3d., and passes for 5: currency; that in, 1] dollar (equalling our 6: 3d) will purchue 7: 6d worth of nrticlea. All the subjoined items grain Eng liah money. AI housekeeping in A third cheaper (Ind almost half in the country); the wages, though apparently somewhat equal to ours, are in reality, vnllable. The VOVIUA nf 11 (law: frnm Land.-... 0.. A..- Wlllc WEI batteries. Th. 9;. av Au. -unnun UI IIII HAIL) HIV Sir,-'_I`be favourable recaption of former let- tern constrains me to again ask your kind in. dnlgence. Thu dnllar II Sun! in Round. no 1- 9,: .__1 Tn Poucl Co.\n(1ss1onns.-Then wu no meeting of tin Polio: Oommiasiouern & . morning. His Worthy the Mayor alone Ira ` preoolt. uuuuuzu uy Iuu Uularlu UOVGYDIDOIIS. Atty. Gen. Macdonald stated that the Government. would do its utmost to serve the interests ot the country by economizing in the management of public institutions, and he felt. satised that the action of him- self and his friends heretofore had givcn satisfaction and would be approved during the nextfew months. I]. l),....-I ......I.`... A'__. -_._.--IA- 3- -- MUG IJCAD IUW I.|IUIUUg Mr Boyd made] few remarks in support of tbefposition taken by the hon. member for South Bruce. Tina [1.-.n.... bl . n _ . . ....I.....l L. _. 2_.AA ~- Ls'a1sLA Him ASSEMBLY or -ONTARIO. Tuesday, Jan. 3l.--A`t'torney-Gen. Mac- donald, in moving the House into commit- tee of the whole on his resolutions relative to the proposed purchase of the Rockwood lunatic asylum, statecrthat it was dtlirabie to secure that building in order to enter upon a system of economy. There were at present in the London asylum 515 insane persons. Those were withdrawn from Mal- den and Oxillia; and average cost for the maintenance of whom was from $130 to $140 per head annually; and it was found that by the centralization established atLon- don a good deal of economy could be secur- ed. The Ontario Government had been induc- ed to secure the use of the Rockwood asylum from the Dominion Government, and there were 300 inmates there from the Province of Ontario, and 18 inmates from the King- ston penitentiary. It was found that the management of the Rockwood asylum cost much more than the other asylums. This was owing to its being under the control of the Dominion Government, while those at T0- ronto and London were under the manage- ment of the Ontario Government. He hop- ed to be able to s ill further reduce the average cost of maintaining the inmates to about $100 each annually, and certainly in his opinion not more than $110 each per an- num. Rockwood asylum had been es. tablished for the reception of a class of criminal lunat`cs from the King- ston Penitentiary; but it was ascertain- ecf that the average number of criminal luuatics was very small--there being not more than 18 at present in the institution. He proposed to approach the Dominion Government tor the purpose of securing the Rockwood asylum; butif it could not be secured 1`. would be found necessary to erect another institution. He would pro- pose either to secure the Rockwood asylum by absolute purchase or by lease for a cer- tain number of years. He then submitted his resolutions with that object in view. Mr Blake made it for rernarka on Hm nl. [UK DUUIU l.)l'UC9.' The House then revolved to go into com- mittee on the resolutions on Wednesday. um IEIUIHLIUIIB vvuu suns UUJUCL Ill VIOW. Mr Blake made a few remnrka to the ct feet that be doubted whether the coat of maintaining the inmate: at Rockwood would be much reduced even though the management of the institution should be assumed by the Ontario Government. Atlv, Gen Mnndnnnld at-rm! chat nu. IMMIGRANTS IN CANADA. .., .. . yrr cans. `nae out rungs" try) ) r Q` SEE LAST PAGE. usnuu up. llll -111: I y 269 . an Outlaw nr -THURSDAY EVENING._ ? FEBRUARY 2. MUSIC AT HENDEBSIIWS. ; uu omoo, Ully Bui next, the 6th day `of Fobw pointed B1 ordgr at 9).. n ._;- THAT well known sand, "The BURNETT HOUSE, will beolfersd for Sale at Public Auction 3! the British American Hotel, King- ston, on Wedneodny, the twenty-second day of February inntsnt, at noon. 'l`ennI-one fth cuh ; residue in four equal sunuul innulmonto. with seven n... ...... 1- unrusry instant, at ' cub; instalments, seven per cent interest. For psrticnlsrs spply to George A. Kirkpct. rick, Esq., Kingston, Thomas Wilson, Esq,, Agent, Kingston, who has the keys, or the undersigned, Court street, Toronto. Agent, muguon, who but the kc; street, Toronto, ' n n. payment. ,. I wiah to engnge I nun-iod man by the 'year, who is a good farmer, as I have other farms to work. Possession could be Ind on 110 u! o March. Itlswgz: V BE undersigned wishes to lease for a term a Farm of about 400 urea. nearly all cleared, within one mileund a hall of the city lirniu, and cnpnble of keeping from 60 so 70 com the year round. The owner would Hack the farm with cows, if deaired, nu be has about half the number required. Then are new Stables for nearly thut number, and Ive large Bnrnl, und it in one of the but Dairy Fanue in the County, having water In nearly every eld. T tunic` an!` 05.. 0.1- -- 19 " mu. H I would sell the farm 1 `unit purchasers, on reason! payment. .~ Will: to nnanan I I-I---in-1 - 0TEL I EIIB lli- u; :5 nu IY LITTLE B 1 outs. In but lmlnbod we hid bar. Don : you go, Tommy. Lon Inilu no more. Sunny Kala 0110]) Blue Bird lcho Pain 'Pu( In In 3' ha! n..-.n.:n-. Jc-up OTIOB in hereby given, (but an application will be nude at the next union of the Parliament of Oenndn for an Act to incorpo- rete "The Board of.T.ndAa.nOlly of King- non. Detod 29th December, 1870. HURRY CUNNINGEAI, Plilenb I A III III A HIGH Hater-nfnrv. CHEAP AND GOOD, And s fresh supply of CRANBERRIES RRf`.lHVl!n Irina n n v 0YsTE1i's'2 HAVE COMMENCED THE REIOVAL of NIGHT SOIL, ond Ill] fully pnpnrod (u the ion is in good order) to nnend to oil orders left. at the Chimney Viewer | oco, City Hull Buildings, near the Police Station. W. B, lr(n.r.1aR-r iiuew swear ommces THURSDAY EVENING. FEB. 2. FIRST OLA DWELLING HOUSE ; one _ _ with time or four rooms on lint u pre- fored, or lot of ground uuitable to build on. Apply by hunt to Box 315, Kingitol P. 0. Kingston, Fobrury Int, 1871. R- O. YATES has removed his Surgery from William Street to Klng Street, eeeond door towards the lerket Squnre from the lerchanu Bank, And next door to Cun- ningham : Sewing Machine Factory. Hie residence in as heretofore, corner of Willinm and Wellington Streets. I Jan. 14. $1111 VVBll\Dg1 0l1 IUFOGII. Commissions received for Pom-niu in 0il,i A d Photograph: to be enlarged sud Coloured. ` Jnny.` 30. ` Notice to whom It nu y -u-ugvng anniuuvu GAIN in Kingston, for 1 short time, Studio at his -residence, Corner of Earl and Wellington treeta. \ Cnmmininnn mmivnd fnr Pnrtmiln in nu I HAT elegant SHOP formerly occupied by 1 Mr Stacey, adjoining the shop now held b , im. Apply to J. RAWDEN Kingston, Jan. 31, 4.-unu unnlfl` I morning. ' ' ( Toronto, 1atF'eb|-nary, 1871. _j__-_.____.__._ )U'l` II II HY LITTLE BID, OINTS. Lacruu ll Tll Cm Hn.x..-`l.'he Iev_ Path: O'Brien will lecture in the City Hell thh eveeieg. Subject: "The Temporal Power of the Pope." The lecture will be delivered on Iehelfd Ihe8L Vincent dePenl 8ndety,uIl the well keownteleeuettheleetuu-wu-net the sentence of e very ebb Ieewge, usuv 0111! 5600 Folk`. Put In my bad Qnukillu, tez, 10., Feb. 1. FEB nndenigned will receive npplientionu at his omen, City Building, until MONDAY sxt. Fobnnry clock potions deuironn nf hi... ..., Jun. 14. Jan. 19._ IUST RECEIVED A LARGE SUPPLY of jshop on King-street To Let. Kinguon, Jan. 21,1871. London, Jun. 31, 6 p.m.-Tho Time: bu an account of I nee in the harbour of Hans, between 3 came: of the United States war scanner Shonsndoah and tbs: of the British war steamer Helicon. The moo was won by the American crew in the futon time onrooord {or contents of tin! ` description. ` i