M x n. _,,. a 3? In politics the Kn-rcwrox Gaznrrs will occupy a neutral ground, identifying itself with neither of the existing.` political par- ties, but be independent and non-partizan in its discussions and arguments on all political questions. Politics, however, will be less a feature than interesting how: and _re;diag' matter, as in thepreseat state of the country the appetite for political dis- putations appears to have become lost, or at all events greatly lessened, since the ad- vent of Confederation. which has given a destiny to Canada and harmonizedprevious discordant political elements. When the time comes, however; that important poli- tical principles have to be battled for, the Kmosrox Gazmrrn will befound on the, side of that body of public men who shall 1 best try to guide the great destiny of Brit- ish North America as a united country, held by a common people, cherishing the traditions and enjoying the political liber- ties or a glorious race. The KINGSTON GAZETTE will be thoroughly Canadian; and while cherishing that whi h is good- will advocate all needlul ref rum in our political institutions. Q-\nni..I n>Lnnb1.\- u-All Ln -`-3 5.. 1......` 1.. Special attention will be pai to local in- telligence and the furnishing of accurate market reports. ` {`.|\ninn v-nna`Hn..a Frnvn u. Hbn 6... AIR . THI LEONARD SCOTT Pu 140 Fulton'St rblilhil 00., rest, New Yor v a.-ugaau ;.1auLuu, Publisher of the Daily News. Kingstkm, Dc. 1, 1870 SCIENTIPIO AND PRACTICAL . CULTURE, ` 41> R oTs`P- jq':1"U s. Blackwoodm Magazine, The Edinburgh R.eviow,, North British Review, London Qnartrly Raviow, Westminster Review. Blackwood s Edinburgh Magazine. The Farmer's Glide --._.....-... --uv\.nuu|"ul;. lb WIIS es':m'C4l that there would be received from source $1,190,872; marriage licences $.'ZH,- 000; interest on special funds $l9`,t,I`.`Jl: interest on Dominion balances $`.l5,`.lU: man to he r.-eeived from the Dominion on full balance of general account $101336. Now. the Dominion, under the statute, bad the right. to retain ve per cent upon that por- tion of the excess of the debt. of Ontario. and though ti 5: estiniate was put down for the full amount 0f_"1e subsidy, it would ` have shown bettr - i` this $291,666 had been deducted from the amount. The digercncc between the actual receipts and the xpen- ditures-a was easily explained. In t e rs plac- . the Dominion claimed this 329 .666 ; in the second lace, of. the Municipal Loan Fund. from w ich $200,000 was 8Xl)C1t'.( l. only $l:'0,I)(l0 had been realized. The Crown l.-imls revenue also, lrotn various 1 causes v~hm'i he did not need to explain. had fallen below the estimate by $33,573. Then it V45 estimated the , would he re ceived from the Dominion a. total of $1,505, 952. but the actual amount received, as would be seen by the public .(`t'l)llnt.8 for ].\70, was only $1,251,050, which would leave non-payments in the bards of the Dominion to the amount of $254,572. There was also estimated from the Citv of Hamilton, interest on debentures,$10,lJ00. That amount had not been nnid It km! BEPBIITID Ill IIW YORK BY wuuout mane penodicsll. I monthlies, Blackwood hold; the co. Anio runuaa MONTHLY : soo'rr;PUsL1sa1xa oo- . . . . . . . . . . | o.t=u " I of: Review, 31 ; Ilngle mm d, thing ve coats. Polk`! per. TERMS. I others disposed to cannu `.1s.oo uuunmon the City not been paid. Ithad been contrmplnted that $200,000 wou`.tl be realized . om the Municipal Loan Fund, and had measures of stringency been udupt- ed he had no doubt that the full amount would In: vc been obtained. It was so too with the Crown lam]: and l... r..n.. ..--- - . 10.00 EVENING. FEBRUARY 3. A_GR[ uo., 7 York. noove alluded to, the d: oomo death: have taken immediately opposite 1 quantity, in saline: of ~ n single con, although in the neighbourhood. 861:} hr A" n|\....:.. . ,,-- .. ...,...., III we nengnbonth . 861d by all Chemists, and st :0, Canon nu-cot, London.` Quru, 18:; pints, 8| ; half- pinu, 4;; gluo-Itoppored Imperial pints, ex- tra strength, 16: per down` , and in bulk 1!. 4| per gallon: bottles include . Inch g - -I:::l:|.lkislI? i wi`tlh nu nuger 2 Agricultural Hall, Islington, Jan. ll68. Dear Sir,-Please to send eight gallons more of your Disiufecting Fluid, as per order enclosed. Having used various Dislnfecting l Fluids at our many shows, I can say with condence that none have had the instan- taneous and complete eifeot of Sir William Bm-aett's,'a`nd this too without producing any nuisance like the smell of chloride of lime or carbolic sci-l.-I am yours faith- fully, S. SIDIEY. Sec. and Manager. Capt. Jackson, R.N., 90, Cannon street. This uid acts on the essential cause of For St. Andrew : street, Plymouth, occupied by fty-two persons, it was sprinkled in every room except fees; in these the occupants would not permit it to be applied; the result of which was, that in those parts of the house where it had been used, not a single case of cholera subse- quently occurred; while in the four rooms above alluded to, the disease still exists and place. Two houses were supplied with a which has there been the disease is raging HAIR L- -n rII-- * - rnvy uouncxl. ' The value of the uid is following letter from the E Hunger: An-it-ulm-.1 11.11 1.1:. -- I-ueqnl] umnuotnnt used st `tho Agrlu_l: tuul Hall during the %.hold Ollb Oattla Show in 1866, by order of Her Ilageatyu Privy Council. Thn Vnlnn n` L- a..:; 2- ,,, _ __._.-.v-..... IJAAAALJAVIJJLV A Tuesday, Jan. 31. Hon. Mr \Vood moved that the House go into Committee of Supply. He would rs' call the attention of the House to the esti- .mates of the rec'pts and expenditures for the yearjust chyaed. Fwtunrttely, "lie year ` the prulic ncco a had be I substantial}; . brought down tu t|.e close of last year, and the House was therefore in :1 position to know p `ecisely what the nancial result of the year s transactions was. The receipts for 1870 footed up $2,495,820 27, and the ex- penditug.-a as per estimates $1,999,583 ; but the House would` perceive, by reference to the public accmms, that it was in fact $1,575,787 79. The receipts were short of the $3,002,185 estimated at last session. but the discrepancy was easily` accounted for. And first he W1 ild call the attention of the Huuse to Hm rm-ninla nr c:nlr.a:.]-v r_,.._. .L . dud by pnrticularly in Getmnny, belt ntuohod to JOHN G PERFUIIERY, Prop:-man to nefarious roeeodin , AIL ulnlrrl @ CAUTXOI the public Agni I _nn_d to main??? obscure nltnnfsctnrorl, more I I imitating the la- OSNILL 5 0&3" ' render it iznpontivo upon an . uyoh tlgoixf` ',P9" uvus, uruwueo. places, between decks of ships, fever wards, clothes and line: of sick, night.- chairs, cesspools, drains, water closets, s_t__s_abies, dsiriss, '1s:do:-s, n:ua:y pasks, tubs, &c.; hi|g's-wst.er, and she holds `of ships; apartments for searchers, undertaken, and jurymsn, and for post-mortaem examinations; forths prevention `of; inlootious discuss, on- ker and fungus in, trees; for than di.a.r.....a.... Lorine pnvenuoe `of; infectious men; for the dieinfection of dead bodies, and for the preservation of subjects for diuection; for the extermin- tion of bug: and other vermin. Sir W. Burnett : Dieinfecting Fluid was v.he.qnly Dleinfcohnt the Agricul- E311 lhold Olub Gun. J\nlo\dldui, lino Japan: uuuu ....... Goanell & Go. ; and invite opecinl Inc 01140 the add:-eaa- ` RnD3ULLwHARr,98U`n!Ia'1'n:n ' ' ; John Goanell b Go. a Select Pen-fumo_ : Flo I1n vvxuulllll. bUtcNETT S DISINFECT- D ING FLUID, for thy purication of sick rooms, hospitals, workbouses, factories, pri- sons, crowded places, between decks sick. ni2ht.- renuors u eaxmrenly adapted to the travel- ler, tourist, emigrant, or privete family, more especially when distant from medical ndViC3 or assistance. Sold in patent stoppered glass bottles, price 2s 6d, 4s 6d, 11s, and alreech. Spe- cial agents required and appointed in all parts of the world. __________} no BULL WHARl',98U'!nn'n!un . John Goanell Perfume Eu Bouquet, Royal Yecht Club Bouquet, Jockey, Club Perfume, Essence of Wood Violet, Vio- torin Bouquegifredpnhui, Military Bouquet, the Bride : Bouquet. q, John Goanell J: 00. : Prince of Wales Pet- . .-_ ,. s-__LI.. ..-.lnvn- AMPLOUGEPS PYRETIO SALINE.-A Medicine that cures Sea Sickness oi: the worst form of Billions Headache in a few Inmates; etforveseing and tasteless, its con- stant use is especially calculated to maintain . health. When mixed with water and taken during the elfervescenee, it immediately blends with tho food, and is rapidly absorbed into the system. It vitalizes and supplies the blood with those saline principles that arelost. al- tered, or destroyed during the hot/weather. in Jungle, Scarlet, Yellow, Typhus, Eruptive Fevers (or Cholera), also in several other conditions, where the vital current is poison- ed by infection, and and thereby rendered un- t to support health` and prolong "human life. it has been found eminently betecial; and its sustaining an d purifying infvence acts as a preventize to disease, as th. nu- merous unsolicited testimonials accomp.~..;y- ing each bottle will prove. Its portibility renders it admirably adapted emigrant, private fanrilv. the Uncles bouquet. 4, fume, I most choice and fashionable perfume. John Goanell 3 Co. s Princes: Alexandl-3 ! n--4'--_- . ...... nhnh-A gndmlaucnto perfume; Goanoll 8 Uo.'s rnncesu Anus... Potf sgnqpt choice ndi U no pet pr uxmaalx M, .5213 Her Highness. A nuu uran nu Wt 110 call 1 to_ the reueipts U Dominion Governmt-nt. Ilonrt-n SI UN". Q70. .....-. is in npivex-pal qpegt 9s`}l:r,_mogt Iulnlreu Perfume for the andkerchxof. Price 2: 641. John Goenell & Co. s Ln Noblesse Perfume, n most delicate Perfume of exquisite fragrance. La... :1.-.....n h an n Nnblene Pounds. ele- Perfume of exqmslte n-ngnnuu. John Gosnell & 00. : Noblesao Pounds. gnntly perfumed, nnd highly recommended for beautifying and promoting the growth of the hglr, - - DGEUL hair. I',n La Noblease Sosp-eueemed for its unequal- led perfume and ne emollient qualities. Jnbn Gosnell & Coin Violet and Milleeur fragrance to the Dream. rrice 1: on eacu. Instantaneous Hair Dye : certain to produce any shade Brown or Black, of good natural colour. I: cannot possibly injure the hair, baa. no diaagroeableodour; and is easily applied. John Goanell 1' Cola Patent Trichoaaron. or IFDIQIW Vaplguun; l"I_ :v\-Vt zsv~y- -~~~ - V Highness. John Gosnell 8 00. : Upper Ten Thousand Perfume. John Gosnoll & 00. : Jockey Club Perfume :- :. ....a.....| manual! as 1116 most udmired JODD UOBIIUII. G UU-B Ivvnv; ssl nu... a......1I k n}: Ln Nol qualities. John Goenell 00. : Nursery Powder is guaranteed pure. No nur- sery ehould be without it. Sold in boxes st 6d; in tine ls each. John Goanell 5 0a. : Cherry Tooth Paste in in each. John Gosnell I Cherry greatly superior to any Tooth Powder, gives the Teeth a pearl-like whiteness, protects the enamel !'ron,1'Adec;yg and irnparte a pleasing fragrance to the breath. Price 1: 6d each. Instantaneous Dve produce disagreeable odour; nnu ls easily appueu. John Gounell 4' Co. s Trichoaaron, newly invented unir Brush, the peculiar mo- chnnjcal construction of which accomganlea the two operation of cleansing and pohehing simnluneouslj ' - ~ The Patent. Mechanical Chair for Brushinz ssuen every rnuny. SINGLE COPIES of the DAILY NIWB may be` and altbe counter of the publication oce. Prin- sxmnlcaneouslyi The Patent Mechanical Brushing Hair by Machinery. For Prospectus and par- ticulars, epply to the Patentees and Sole Mann- fauurore, JOHN GOSNELL J; 00., Perfnmera by Appointment to Her Hajelly, the Princess of Wales, &c.,' RED BULI.` WHARF, 93 Urns TEAIIES STREET, late of 12 Three King Court, Lombard Street. IIUDII I055. Wholesale and for exportation by the Pro- prietor, 69, Lumb s Conduit Street; Barclay and Sons,` Faringdon Street; Betty and Co., Finsbnry Pavement. Retail bv Chnmintn, rm-mu: n.1:... w---, nlnsuury ravement. Retail by Chemists, Grocers. Italian Ware- housemen, and other: throughout the King- dom nod eve part of the world. 2 '7 I Ask for the `-Tim" Ram-a _sl.....:.I --...... runusopuy DI uaann, ac. Delicious with every known dish. Its` habitual use increases the appetite and pro- motes digestion. It is much esteemed for ita digestive properties. 5 As an assurance nf` its run-itv and nlnlni-I7 us mgesuve properues. As an assurance of its purity and salutary roper ties, it is only necessary to poi-t out he name of the celebrated and philanthro- Physicin_n from whose prescription it is dad. guished WIB spent in promoting the health of his fellow-creatures, and his death, to Decemoer, 1861, was mourned as 9. no Lionel loss. Whnlnanln an!` 6`... ..-....-a-.:.._ |._ .n__ n,, The entire life of that distin- -uum, sou every part or the world. the `-The Sauce.-Special export Agent.s-Bnrgoyne,. BU! -3l'id` , pd Squire, 16, Colpan St:-oet.,5Lond_on. 65 HE" SAUCE. Prepared `by Alex- ander Somhwood Stocker, from a recipe by his Cousin, the late Dr South- wood Smith, thirty-ve years Physician to the London Fever Hospital; Father of Sani- tary Reform; Medical Member of the rst General Board of Health; Author of the rs! work on Fever in any age or country, the Philosophy of Health, kc. Delicinnn wiih av:-rv lmninm die}. In III!!!` we nut twenty you-I. ' i m'" 10.3.-`l"hiu mud in a curtain cue for grono Iona. tho the lab and rot In uhgop. , {------__-__-. `. WILLIAM BURNETT S FLUID, the om-icminn M .:..|. I Jockey Ulub rernuna ; gs ybqinogt .-..;..r p.-am 2: mi. 3- mm FIRST PA GE.` 5 Ihown by the Secretary and mu perfume; I AIOXCBQTWI K : Royal} lpuv- John Eionuo g Ulwn - I Pile oil." ......_u.. up great therapeutic 3:; Kid {Ni l:llynl6V?itIg`|tio _,IA_~;ap g._p,q haiu nu. nmnow, mum. [ Senior Phyioiur to Gay : olpiul. '1 have boqendy recommended persons eon- ONTARIO. L EGISLA TI VIZ` AS.9E'1!{V;TL-}'i 557 enecn, sud believe it to h tted for those cases in substance is indicated. orgnlc combinntloh, u-. a.'.'.u relluklhlo. W M Is_ , I believe, universally acknowledged , "W.. thll oil bu greet Ithrepenc and {wall A myinvesti I o ._ M; . _onh&nfiuhIiIl .p..~aa.ia`.r.~.-a'r`.:. :;u.s.~ . --g Hnipltnl. " I I: ve den Enlting :ne geqmekyuee of Dr. Ce laugh : God i effects, And be u very plire oil, well titled which ch. n... ..r .1.-. L - "5.'.P".t one 9.1 `#9 `CPD: aiclimp` , _ U I ""9;sra.; :a`o1.-.a1s :1l`pnhl'd`ihe`wur a. " 1: 1... 5;-eateas Io` lai-' KHZ ' N 8 ~ um; `itnlnn 1 I And 1 om: .9 .899.`-`~81 V ` `#8 ._.vasF*' "'"* '3 ' `ire. O0e0lllll9D|!*l'73|nS om `""W.' "PW5U- 13 continu to hold its n9p:a,eq.pqaion in t.h'o`-7 estiinhtf `of the Profession u the _begt._"ng kelinblo,` tad ebeapeat'p|*upIn'Hoh. Eminent Ind ; iciontic Phyciaga `gage ldsvitmthat the bug teatpd its eecta in ggarefulcqm _ V ci those oY"DR. COLLIS BROWN _` CHLOE!)- DYNE," and epoigd 00 thy fuck that they found it I mot-er qerum and reliable pl-epm-ubn' and greatly prefer:-Ve(_1 FEE-E_1,_!A.NS_. 1 Em-I Ruaull communicated moth: Royal co] ` ya. hA1VKlB'.l'EB, 1.3.3., Goroner for Oontrqlllddlaex. I consider tlnttbe purity of 0|! 1| non? ed in In preparation by the mud um . 01 no good 1 chembt And lute ` I I_ ran kind In 1 r-nnv " V ,B1I.0Rxenm. cm; 3. Fgpqlpm, Phu-n nun oi the xre_atessj,da TIIE FINANCIAL STATEMENT. gou:poh' ' Iwnxu oyuunwtynyun Mung: :ta'ponocnglhvlrtuea. hi ....a.u. reiaven min. from Wbltevnlcauae. :1. uuuylwr Linnea mu on-game life,` which that render! than digestible. The irtatiie 1:3 stubborn miuq-al vhniitbua bocdm6'th_e nuo of htotglniiiilubitnnco ozipild/6'! bihi Kb-8 1 not-bod by did blood'wi1puI injury to thq` stomach. 1 , ' Agent for lnglnnd and British Pououion ` E. G. DUFBESNE, 7! Wadi? _ 3 ` Hay be obtainsdoftll Ohunin **- "" _-- DR. I Iedlcal Oieor of He IRA IVA npidly relieves pun, n-om wnswvar.cauae, up we irriI_1i9!|,9l fem, Ipotghel the mt_vn- nder` exhaustmg dnsegsel, std gxv_epI_l_eep `min, on; ppoducibginnyi one` of like pnplesam: fool aoeoumonlyuiaing 50111 95035! Pil30|- _ _ ......o,:.m.. to hold in unshanenmoaition in an 7 and greatly prexerreq " E111!`-l5,A.NU,." * Earl communicated tothc Royal Go legs of Physicians had so `I! 'I'tee|nu1, tha ii: lhgilln the only remedy of my use in Gholeri was Ghlorodine. V 2 ` -27:. llsdiodl mm and mum, Jsnuary mm, 1866, states,- It has an immense sale Amongst -tho public, and in prescribed by scores of Ortho- ' V dox liedical Practitioners, md, of course, it would not be than singularly popular did li not supply . 3 van and -all 1 plus. Mnnuhctnx-ed In the Inventor. Rlchnrd Fran. r Ur puruymg we mo0u.-rI'lce Z5 90 per Bottlc. ',' The above I -reparnliounare in 'tl:e forq| `oi Swoetmobta; p|oIisnto `the taste dud up zicuhrly sdapbd for Iuiant am; "Hot r_| nursing; " v \ ` Br tha nnnnhlnnttinn nf ah. n... .. r-;:;I U5. US JUNUH by n ovarwholminq and In thn noun!-Inn `for twenty years in M1 punonhawoldyto be beyoq ull qmoqmn, ,t.ho ~pura, jhe mm eloo- A uu. uu UULIUIIID Ull ll OOIIVIDGIIQII overwhelming wgighfofmedienl testimony, and by the prtctianleac ofIuooud1lvexpOr|'noo5' ` oions, _ the moat puhtqbb, "uni, runtn upld` ` curative eifecu, the III0 It.AnoIoIniutolall.kin&.2 , Hence the univprgql gelobrityd Dr. do Jonglfi` : Oil, lbd the unpanllelod demand. {or this milk-_ 1 vdld preparation. ,_ 5 Z.- -..,....... ... vnuu-ry m age II1aon II: Inoldnd. I have frequently p'reIcrlbed'Dr. do J'ongl:) u` Light-Brownood Liverf0i|_. I consider it to be a very pure oil, not Iikclyjao qressedlagqpt, and I thenpeutic ugeq: great ulna." 4. .. I - FRIDAY EVENING. FEB. 3. Etojlljuj ulvlrnl. 1.3` in-apidly reioves pain, wlntevnrvcauae, :1. ` 1... ma in-imion ol fever. Ipothea ayqwm- mun, w, Acnmngunn run no-nu, uonuon, 5. The genuine has engraved on `the Governmenj. Stamp (outside ash Bottle), " FRREIANS ORIGINAL CHLORODYNE." , F! v. rssuu- lot this valuable prppgration. Price : Small` la lid ; l(edh1m,4s' 5d; Largo ' Size, 119 pergottle. ` THE DIASTATIZED IRON, For stremzthonimr the SVBIal1'1.-PI-it-.A -2.: ml ;';",'*'5; . oonmuacion o!\ho- Iron" 101' India; with Gnu Soul! in 1 auto of garnbinnfou, they-no: united with organe life; 'whiol_1 tul tendon dinablblo. Thu iiunin ind. -snmcr . A`6P|'I01!B.> sm. HINBY lLR$H, n_A3"r.,I_.1>_., ' : Physicfnn In Ordinuy to the Ailnokiid. freauentlv n'-.u..;n...a "n. .1`- u;_ '_.y DR.lD'W1nD elm-n, r.i.s., ledicnl Ollcer to I]l3::5I!>L6r-Inw Bbudof Gnu} and Ill pIle0.' ' Manufuctured by tholnventor, Rlchnrd Freeo ` man, 70, Kenhingwn Park Road, London, 8. Thu zmmine 8nl!'l'IVed `the Government R. V. BAUD, Graduate and Ilelnbcr of the Medical College of Paris, OhiefPbysicion Extnordinnry for Epidemic: in Paris, late NJ). at the Civil Hospitals of Algiers, has just in. troduoed in England hil ORGENIO HEDI- CINES. Man 4..-uggiat AC 0|.-gn hug..--..L:..-- [Elk DAUUDIHE, l An efcient Ind prompt Round; for Cholera, Yellow Fever, Dian-hqao, Dyuntery, and the excoiaiva action of the Bows .' A gold medal whs nwu-ded_by the French overnment to Dr V. Band for this valuable prppontion. Small. 13 lid : Medium. 4: 5:1 - 1...... Ann U1ADl'A'1`1LU USUN, strengthening Systen':.-Price `Z3 91! pe_r Bottle. V THE DIASTATIZED` gbnrn, For purifying the Blood.-Pi*ice 25 9d Bottlo. ,' above Preparation! In in 'tIm rm-n`.. uons lor the year which it was likely vrould hpsa before the close of the nncial year, but it was better to plus xoeo sum: in the Climates. for they did not know how much might be upended under them during the you. He would venture that sage:-ion, how- uver. that us the and of the year, notwith- llldillx Che cntraxngsnoo which urn `charged Against the Government, withou: unvroncbing on the mrplu, which sup lied 3 large revenue. that another vmukl, be 1 - dad to the nurplus. It might be id mm moat of the nvonuo tbs: wt: to ba m,-es`-9d 9 was unquestionable, and he would say that 3 it hsd been nudes study to seewhu would . Q DRNIOTOR BAUD S ORGANIQMEDICINE 5. u. uunumlll, `II Wulim obtqinndoftll Obuniutl D3. D1: Joxents .LIan'r-micowx con} LIVER OIL. ( DR. DR JONGE 8 Oil is uonvtndngly plvvod ry /In overwhelming wgighl 'o!me'dian1 taninu-nu, 'j'J-Slvwvuwvl --Iv -* H r: Jau.` .: U Kilo`)! |r ' ."`1_" 0017]. I Q. my `"` `E m.n.n~!-Aer: mo .51 0313*}; ,.4_A _l _A. i "In regards u-nnxee 10 be preferable to my othc genniraeneu and medical all- HID. They consist of three preparations-- THE BAUDEINE, ' DR. LANK.E'.l'EB, l',3_g_ Gal-onar lmn ngn+..I In.ux__, , um uuenuon t of subsidy fro: It was: owl: `NAN V`.'"`" r! --*1`?! '."" D] nu, Php.rmu;y:'_ , pllowgdtogn 1` mwmd 0:; .:`5aVvre-en. lo_lni-`gel .e-J: 9..bgxh:dIw 7 `m` Snigon ng ` 15.3.9 . w.'..a. ta a.`.=e.. "- :. .... main propara THE BAUDEINE, md nromnt. Remadv 1 invented by `"9 ' . ,"""'.d '0 in :61 G v the Dream. one u very pure oil, which the use of that L., r-4 .sn_nl roam,` - specxxvujecreurtss should furnish information in tbg -prescribod form, had been most. success- ful in its results. In Almost every institution . was far ueoeding the Government gram bnd boon oontribnted from locsl sources, and this constituted to his mind one or the most pleasing fauna of the exhibit. Any one who had vianed may of then: insn`m!ions-tbe House of Providence, the Boys 0;-_ the Girls` Hpme for intranet--would be imenslsd in observing the fact that for n very snail onsy I large amount of good was being done, `not only morally, but in training up physically `the in nun onions institutions. In education there had been I small menus; but it was tlought by the Government tbs: sbs progressive fooling fm NOD10 with rmwd to odnationnf mm. a u...u.a'3." E31! .390. and - g tor I elude `II D unndl I. gill`! 3| `pd lg 5...... uucuunsgvnens no these institutions. A auggeuion made last year that the grunt: should be nude only on condition that .1119 re. apectivmnecratnriol should furnish prescribod form. been moat. -um... Fm `Inna, on-tn` ' E . ,..`.`'.. M , E-.B.H.` * Toilet Love ' ' cruuleln uw not telt Junied in incx-eu- ing the amount. voted to these Einstitutionn; in fact the total had been doernued by $2,250, the sun: paid on account of the Deaf and Dumb Asylum ll Hunilton, which Ind been substituted by that of Bollevllle. The Government reg:-cued that it could not give greater encouragement to these inntitutioha. augzeuion Inst var chm cu. .......- _ `up ourru. uh _ um nu nmr Y Ill IIUIII mung unn- `piblia confidence by 51111 lhdu Inn of Oauodu by new services- The estimates on the whole had been reduced in the matter of legislation this year. There was asked for the present year $l46,l94 68; there was paid in 1870, $37,- 487 87. But what was asked for in 1870 was $75,6l5. and what was to be-asked for this year was $7l,375-there being a ditference of $4,919 in favour of this year. The only new sums included in the vote for this year were some new items, such as stationery and elec- tion expenses, $30,000. As to the adminis- tration of justice, it would be seen that for some services there had been a very consid- erable reduction. The administration of crimi- nal justice, for instance, in Algoma, Nipissing and Parry Sound had been put down at $20,- 000 last year, while there had been actually paid $l5,000. Last year the estimate for the administration of justice had been $l94.059, while there had been actually expended $160,- 000. As regarded the public works and build- ings, there had been a re-vote of $300,000, leaving the Government $500,000 for new works. Amongst the new works he might mention the London Lunatic Asylum. It was a litle remarkable that when the entire V vote for the public works now was eoazpar d . with the entire vote for the same purpose last ` session, $698,800, the increase all told, with . all the rs-vote, would only be $51,798. There were some new works this year ; for instance, the Agricultural College, and a vote of $100,- 000 would be asked for this; and then there was the College of Technology, which would cost $5,000 ; and the central prison, which cost $160,000. There was an item of $20,- 000 to encourage settlement on the Free Grant lands, which was $3,000 more than was asked for last session. Then there were the Lunatic Asylums. The cost for 620 'pa- tients in the Lunatic Asylum, Toronto, was put down at only $129 21 per head, annual- ly, while in 1868 it was $150 08. In the Lon- don Lunatic Asylum, for 600 patients, the esti- mate for the year was $56,000, or $123 per head if the revenue were not deducted; if deduct. ed, (-108 per head. The cost in the London Asylum would be considerably diminished as the farm began to be developed. With re- gard to hospitals and charities, the Gov- ernment had not felt justied Gael-peas-cl it- Ion had sud in`:Bnnk..... umu ..... *--Hnndl............ I. he 5, mo. K 31,!` M ab. 3, mo. $133 tum... nu?-an---anus}. {Shun und Oity Stock. n-U31: 1 w. Specic payment for the year.. .3 59,000 I Subsidy do do . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1,116,872! M H5210 Pulic/lu on I ` _1wU RANQ1_F u y 1;`: been dam} niulj NA nnntlnl h' The statement showed that should the whole nmount be expended there would be suicient derived from revenue to discharge all liabilities without eutrenching on the surplus. Compari- sons had been made as to the estimates of last year, by those who had not carefully studied the matter. He would now say that oftlse $2,652,000, er of the total estimates, a very large sum consisted of rovotoo-no less than $298,483 -snd new votes on capital account amounting to $451,889 Of the estimates laid before the House amounting to $2,600,. 000, $300,000 in round numbers were simply re-votes of an unexpended balance on capital account, and $451,887 were proposed for all the works foreshldowed in the estimates. Without taking into account all those re-votes, it would appear that neerly $800,000, or be- tween $700,000 and $800,000, won over and beyond what was necesdry for the Government; while in fact there was less than half a mil- lion voted for the purposes of the Govern- ment. In spite of what had been said to the contrary, the estimates for the current year had beon reduced below those of the past year. On the first page of the estimates there would be found an item, for the year 1871, for Govern- mnns ll--- rn A _ . . - V A A ~ ~- 'EIE0i*R< EVHARS N ;1_rn'n1i:~1'1`:.'r1 luv mu pugs or me esnuntes there ment House, Toronto, $3,987, while the same item in 1870 was $3,233} 83. This Ins an lncreale, but it would be found lhn!.there was, in &m;_s_1nriea and contingencies of the several Departments in Toronto lbil year, only About $1,000 dierence from the salaries of last you. The sum of $l,000 wu occasionod by r-2w Ilrfinnn 'l`l..\ _-..'__.-- -7 A- :sTAgi. 1 `SUP? ` Less one year : iniereat on Iionofdobt........... Reformnlorv, Ponel:ngui|hene.. ; Provincial Lunatic Asylum. . . . London do do = Rockwood do do . . . . Deaf and Dumb Institute . . . . . . ` Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. IConsolidaLed- Municipal Loan ` Fund . . . . _ . . . , . . . . .. , ...-...,-, yuu-.u warns upon which all the money app -opriated could not be expended diring last year. The result was that more than had been anticipated had gone to the credit of the surplus. It had been stated that at least half a million would go to the credit of the surplus after providing for all expenditure. The fact was that nearly a million had been added to it. i The expenditure upon capital account during the tlhree-and-a-hall years of the Government of this rm ince footed up to a very large sum --to 99,866,83. The entire expenditure of the Government for the half-year 1867, and for 12138-69-70, all told`, would be, $4,784, OQL and out of that large sum. embracing threeiyears ex nses ofuovernment, nearly a - million had _n laid out on capital ac- count. He would now call the attention of the House to the statement of the appro- pr' 'ons for the year just closed. the actual e pen re, the nnex ded sums, and the o er-ex ir diturss. W h'ile the appropria- tioneamoumed to 81,909,550,08 the actual ex- penditure was 81.575387 78, leaving unex- pended $469,582 54, and over expended only $44,133.68. He would also refer the Home to the statement in which the expenses of 1 the Government for the hut three years were com ared. In the year 1868 there was ex- pen ed 81,183,852 :7: in 1869 the amount may $1,444,608 83; and last year $l,5T5,~ 787 78. Now, if hon. gentlemen or any other persons had taken the trouble to make a comparison of the expenses for the civil go Iernment of the countr during those three years, they could hard y fail to observe that each year they were necessarily in- creased. The Governor's oice salaries the rst year amounted to $1,106 65; the second year to $1,200. Take the Government maintenance. The r-st year it was $2.836 ; the second, $2,458 46; last year, 83.34 33. Taken: random any of the oices--th-e At- torrey-(}eneral's for instance. In 1868 the expense of that oice was $2,286 46. There had been no increase in expenses in many of the oices, and in some there had been a diminution, as in the Crown Lands De art- ment. Therefore. although the actua ex- aditure had been a good deal larger in 870 than in 1868, yet the expenditure was on public buildings and public works and was in no way continued with the expenses of Government, He would now call the atten- tion of the House to the estimates for the current year. The total amount of the esti- mated receipts was $2,660,538 74, and the estimated expenditure for the `year was as already shown, 82,652,444, leaving abalance to he, carried forward of $8,094. There were, it would be fousd, sovsrsl appropria- tions for the which it likely would llnse before the slant: of the :..._.:..I ......- ICXPKNDITC} Appropriation par ealir the year . . . . . . . . .. Balance carried down. I \.4Dl10ll0lvC`}-- Ml. `i Fund . . . . . . . ` Tavern Licenses.` x Crown Lands Revenue :- Clorgy Lands . . . . . . . . . . . Common School Landa.. Grammar do . . . . . . . . . .. Crown Lands . . . . . . . . . Woods and Forests. . . . Fines and Forfeiture: . . . . . . . . . Marriage Licenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . Law Sumpa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Revenue for sale ofsutntes. . . .. " Ontario G=zetle. } Aigoma Taxes. . . ` Fees from Privnm Bill: Legisla- tive Assembly . . . . . . . . . . .. Fees to be received-on Secretary's Oce . . . . . . . ; . . . . . . . . . . . . Interest on Investments :- One yam-'3 in : on $500,000. . H 7 350,000.. " 150,000,. Spec. Dep t $1,459,000. II 90,174.. Do Common School I l..... ... [ punt Em 4 9.42 n Vernmeuv, VIZ I--- Oze year on U. C. Grammar. School Fund. 5 per cent in- tenet on $312,760 04 . . . . .. Dn nn TV I. hnilriinn F`..-..l . c Interest on Oily of Hamilton D9- benun-es . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Balance due by Dnmioion . . . . . .. Cash Balance 313: December, 1570 . . _ _ ,, Interest accruing from funds in the hand: of Dominion Go- rnrnmnnt vi-I -_ uovorn-enl mu sh; foeli'ng L odnutionf Int. To Balance. [KINGSTON P681` OFFICE. Close. Arrive. be received. Of that coming from the Da- Butem by G.`l`.R. dny tnislz.-00 ll. mlnlon there could be no doubt. Deducting what she Dominion Government would have Weltern 2:30 PM. a right to retain, it would amount to $905.- Rut and West night tnlnl 9:00 7:00 All. 205. The hon_ '1`.-e.,.=m-er than {cad the fol- UNITED STATES XAILS. lowing stateladnt of the olptedxreifllve` 'n?`85 `PW U `W `'35: 5_5`nu Q"'8 for-`the yeah` ` ` ' ` and Cnpe Vincent, will be closed at 11:00 11.11: a'c`1PTs. luck 1.30 pan. daily Sundays excepted. . . Baullsa Ans peclc 00 !l'OI on 3.-s1z,';(rJ U4 U. C. Building Fund at 6 ar cent interest on $2147"! - 'uce xroln me salanes of um The I: Ieainhninn um 'iv'u'u}a', ' E. 'p'e} {I3 . . . . . . . . . 31,196,872 1 1- (jg?- $2,660,535 $ 905,206 . $2,660,538 /' 2,652,444. - 8,094 : 150,000 oo so,ooo oo 40,000 on 225,000 00 -unr Lav yrul. U811], aunuaya X%pl.8(l. -. BRITISH NAILS per Canadian steamers will be closed evcxy Fri- day I! 11 AM. uvv vv 1,000 00 25,000 00 2,000 00 15,000 oo 2,000 00 R00 -. -..-. u can. When the nervona system loses its tone and vigour the whole body aulfen in con but frequently some one orglh snn 8c. The most directnethod of lnha tenoring-ihe vital principle to the uern-|,.wl:icb is most easily Iecomplkhed by using Fnmws Cancun 8n.ur~or-wrygrn . igg 31 so 1 home; Iix f0`; :7 . Sold by npothecaries, and by}. Gudill Q 09., ybb. mo _ .l9nl.`=9Alr-AH-. __ ,_ _, ,...,....v_uvv uurplll K0 Which be hld ddvened it it was properly mnnngedrith upco- ' y. He took the responsibility of uyiug _thn d_ne dollar upon its c:piuL With these bust- uons, he begged to move tho! tho hon. gasket do leave the chair. ____.._.. Making . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$ 570,000 00 gavea grand surplus amounting to not has than $6,748,415. The question of course aroee , ,u to what should bedono with this large Iur- lplns? Some no doubt would think, and per, . naps wieely, that a large portion of the {nod ,nhould be permanently invested. which would lgive, an be had elated in hit former nancial peach, with other revenue: which were not actuating, at least two million: ofdollarl an. e contended that on that Inn: all the needful cconnt for public worlu. Some hon. gentla- on claimed that a large. portion of lbll Iurplun hould be distributed for gravel roads, to. He Mr Wood) on the contrary thought it should Eemnin an invested !nud,ao tblt either by it the nnunl income might be increased, or a portion tr the debt to the . Dominion might be mid of: ually for the public services of the country. ' -uuuuu tneome might be 1" paid at; Eecause in doing so they would be providi gains! the gredunl increase in expenditure, hhich would neceeurily be consequent on an lncreue in population, and u the vents of the Oountry progressed. He was not at ell Ifnid (bat. the proposed Gouerntnent nid might not be given without entrenching at all dpon the $6,000,000 surplus to which edverted properlvmnn--mi _:.t. -._- V gpuu Inc 0,U Idvened I `'1' H.` 9..-]. Mnki: Making s total at. the end of tho yearot...................$I In addition to this then Ins do- posited on 18th January, 1871 . . . . . . . . And the Premium: on St-ock and Debentntea held by the Gov ermnont amounted to. ....--..... any In 10:30 4410 Letters intended for dispatch per Bremen > line must be specially so directed- I 108 Special Fund: bearing interest, and which migln be connidored as cm-plan,` were u follows .- g. 0. Grammar School Fund. . . .$ 312,769 04 .0. Building Fund, any . . . . . . . . 1,650,000 00 Fan of Common School Fund, 1 `Ann AAA 4.. say . . . . . . . _ . , . . . V say City of Hamilton D bentureo . Do. Arrest: of interest. . . ,inspectiou of public schools. on colIegiate~!h- lstitutions $7,500. and for the encouragement this country. Thepnrpoea ufit was to meet an ' . - - - _ tern won|_d_`amplf - vote for the r_egeu_ty_ea -' the !o t`al_'enm voted last session was $33'l,4_'l5, which was not all upended in some services there being over nditurea and in some un- deapddituuu J `thief subjects of , crease whreid rate for-high ac .dncat.on, a small increase in common schools, avote of t5,eo the encouragement of agri- cultural instruction, an increase of $3,000 in the normal schools, an increase of $22,500 for of what might be called high Ichools an in- crease of $12,500, showing a total iaoreaeeof abouL$40,000 jn,the year, as compared with the preceding one. With regard `to unforaeen a unprovided expenses, a fund was necessary In over draft of any ordinary estimate; it was impossible to prevent an estimate being over- drnwn sometimes. Objections, he was aware, had been taken to this fund, but he could not . see how they could get along without it. Where _ it was not provided, officials grew into lh'e practice of fixing high estimate: in order to cover all possible cost, and the result was that both oicials and subordinates did not care how much was expended so longas they kept with- in the estimate. He, had known cases where ~, the whole some had been expended and not a shot left in the locker at the end of the year. But under the system now in force, there was an inducement to reduce the expenditure as much as possible. It was amistake to suppose that there was an increase in theCrown lands or penditure. The estimate this year was $115,- 400 against that ot $80,485 for the year 1870 The mbaternent proposed of arresrages on Crown, clergy, and grammar school lands would have to be considered, and additional ex- pense must be incurred. The total vote for the current year was $134,100. He had now ' gone through the estimates, and in his endea- vuur to call the attention of the House to par- ticular items, it was more with a new to direct their attention thereto than with a view to throw light thereon. His aim in drawing up the estimates and placing them and the com- parisons he had before the country was with a view empty to place before the country a true nndcorrect Itete ofthe facts of the cue, noth- ing being concealed, and the whole truth being given with regard to every Itatetnent, whether it had been successful orcnot. He might say he never seen such complete information _with regard to even the smallest item of expenditure placed before the country, and he would never have done it if he had not felt that it was these details which made up the great aggre- gate. Mr Perrier mailed the attanrinn nr OI-an hm. I|.IlI.|Vl ntqttirtug uucu prutructuu ll.`lV8Sllgll(l0n, ll appeared to hi i] that there had been no un- dne expenditure. The amount involved was large, and inv lved grave consequences The arbitrator for Untario was paid, and the servi. ces of the Dominion arbitrator had also been paid, but Ontario would have a claim against Quebec for part of the expenses of the third at. bitrator, and the Lower Province would at cmrse have to pay its own arbitrator. With regard to the Municipalities Fund, the matter need not appear in the estimates at all, but he thought it better that all sums which had to be paid by the Government should come before the Llouse. In the case of Land Improvements, the s rm asked for was $290,386, which would be distributed. in the manner indicated. He did not think that there was anything else to which he need refer. The general p0liliOn that the Province occupied was that there had been paid away--the Government not having in fact conducted lhe government in that parsi- monious way in which they were sometimes charged with conducting it-nearly ve mil. lions of dollars, nearly at million of which had been expended on capitll account; and while all that had been done, the Government had laid aside a considerable sum of money. The investments showed that in 1868, the sun of $850,000 was invested, in 1869 the sum of...............$ 705.471 68 do. Special deposits. . . . . . . . 687,194 06 1870, do. .. 852,980 25 vote 01 aA,UUU towards aexrsying the expenses of the Voiunteers attending the Wimbledon ilre Mulch was not larger. The vote of $500 in aid of the Ontario R.e Association would be agreed to, while the aid proposed to be glVB to the Ottawa and Saguenay sufferers needed no remark. The item for expenses of M-bitra- Lion-$l ,500-waa tor assistance in making up returns, &c. He would make thin further re- mark in reference to lh arbitration, th.t in a matter requiring such protracted investigation, nn- \.uIn:u xu cuuutsnug certain queauoua which he did not think the House would refuse to relm- bursa Mr Hcbay for. He was sorry thpt the vote of $1,000 towards defmying the attending Wimbledon gale. Mr Ferrier called the attention of the hon. Treasurer to the fact that he had omitted any reference to the miscellaneous Land Improve- ment Ind Municipalities Fund estimates. Hon Mr Wn..d said with rnanrd 0. uh. R..- mum um uunlclpanues Fund estimates. Hon` Mr Woud said with regard to the first item izfthe miscellaneous estimates-a sum 01 531.097 46 In r`pimhn|-an Jnhn ll:-Ln. in. an... n.cLu nu ma IIJIBCCIIILIUUIII euumsles-a sum 0] $1,097 46 to teimburae John lclmy for costs mcurred by him in re Hnmmond-they were in- curred in contesting certain questions which he House would rafnnn m rnlm Making 8. loul of. ` The Special Fund: vhich minht hat-nnnhlg. fsingie copies of the Cnnonxcu um`: Nlws, containing the news of the week, may be ` had in wrgppera for mailing. Price 3d. eeob issued every Friday. COPIES nf nu nnnv u-_. ...... ~- , . . . . . . ..y ow,UUO 00 .15. ould think. nu! nor vuuuuo wnn um largo loubt I ently and r l lic or um m....... .. . . . . . . .;s,uaa,645 99 cred surnlm.` wen u .:--.:_j $3,082,769 04 _.j..ij $8,178,415 03 I- _---.-__-__ 3,o95,645 99 u non.-..o -..A '1 -6 500,000 oo ' 1,uoo,ooo oo so,ooo oo 49,000 00 70,000 00 nuulu II: VI: D0011 ODUIIDBU. 13 lands, and he fully ex'\ect- ed that the revenue from this source would be a good deal less this year. The estimat- ed revenue from woods and forests wor'd be he t up `o the mark. Then as to the city ofglumilton debt, it was merely a. collection which l" .1 I not been made. If these-' facts we a considered it would be seen that the no`..ual urcee of re Jenue estimated at last Sasioll and fully me: their expectations. Now, as to the expenditure; it was estima.`- ed that it would amount to round numbers to $2,000,000. but it had fallen short of that by about half in million, caused by under taking public works npon which all the money up.) `unrinted could nm In. ...m....i..A By Henry Stephan. 71.8., Edinburgh, and the Into J. P. Norton,.Pto{eaor of Se cllture in Yaloouqa, New Bani. Two vols. nvingt. Boyd ocuu. Lcoopquud P|'587;bynuilpou Postmnalen and 4 libenlly dealt with. THE LEONARD Circulars, with fur _ . _ lher pnrticulart, my be had on nppbcnlmn. lur ruacuvoou ind the four Reviews... . ...II Single number: 1 beta of Blnckwood, voc [In Mann A nmnl-... Fanny ono of the Reviewzni 4.00 pet I For any two of ..he Reviews. . 7.00 For my threeof the Reviews l0.00 " For A four of the Reviews. .12.00 For Blackwood'a Hnguino. . 4.00 For Blnckwood And one Be. view. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.0.) H `For Blackwood and any two at the Reviews . . . . . . . FAIRIQI-lunntl and aL_,A I or me Keviews .l~ Fox-Blnckwood and three of the Review: For Blackwood sad the Bovievc . . . . _ . . , , II vcri ul DIICKWOOC, In two cents I number. These periodicals are the medium through which the greatest minds, not only of Great Britain and Ireland, but also of Continental Europe, are constantly brought Into more or less intimate comrnuuicatiouwith the world of readers. History, Biography, Science, Philoso- phy, Art, Religion, the great political questions of the past and of today, are treated in their pages as the learned alone can treat them. No one who would keep pace with the times can afford to do without these periodicals. or all the I'nonthlies_ nun-L-...,.....v I...Iz.. ..- aayI\11A.l. ` Per Cunard and Bremen line, every Wedne- day at 1030 AM. Lunar: inunrhul (nu l`:nI\a0nH n..- D...._.._ EIIOHI I0 (10 VIII m4 foreman phwo. uuan null nuyun ca. Choice readings from the lite ture of.c- The Leonard Scott Publishing 00. QUARTERLY: 'UEIU:l1'IUJ- `inc nv: ._..., r_.. .. .............. A specimen number is now issued and will be sent. gratis to any one sending his address to the Publisher. , ,,,u,,, 2 ....-.--vuu av sun A uuuuu-.1. The subscription will be strictly in advance as it is -only on the basis of cash payments that so cheap 21 newspaper can be supplied. Orders by mail promptly attended to. JAMES NEISH, I'I._Ll! L-_ ,1 . To meet the want` which is felt for I cheap City and Country Neyspnper in Kaq3.gg;,g..;q`1a,:en.'}ii.a the guh_-_onnd- mg Counties, the Publisher ofphe Knmavron GA'ii1*'rn"I'viii', on tho nd Jinunry, 1871, and on each uceeding Monday, issue a full siged double-dolniy sheet, containing all ih general news of the week, with city `and `country newn, which gill be published on subscription at the low rate of One Dol- lar a year. I . .z.. 3.5..-.2...` 5.. .8.- In 5!. `Anal nul-din THE GREAT ENGLISH & SCUTOII QUABTERLIE8 _,-...... The qunnpity and quality of the mat r to be furnished at the subscription price will render the KINGSTON GAZETTE by far {[16 cheapest weekly paper published in this part of Canada. A ....n..:........ _......L.._ :- .____ , I ~ I8!" I` ylf. It is 1"ntende(f\to offer to the local public 'acheap, interesting and usaful family news- paper. 1 ... .-...I:o:.-.. oh. Yr-n-mnw flurnvlvlvu ull omuun. uurma ot_ the DAILY NIWB be bad publication oce, Prin- ceas street. Price two cents. ;___, 7 ,:__. ._.` :. _.((