Tots]. Pk- .._-. Total . uuu uunuuaueonsly with 1! n American shown that- mes for man]. :....I...a:.._ - charges, to . mince. eh! in I] $3,092,405 .. 1,422,273 V 123,183 __.-.j_- . $3,298,880 . I ' 1,502,401 I gives detnils of the Ivor. -Iuu ulll [OI] III? 1 WODUOI 7' A miner run round lhl room, end the little boys began to whisper to one another eomothing which eppeerod to be in their small estimation on excellent joke. It was good fun to them to see a monitor budgeted, even if they would get paid out for it Afterward. `What. um Inn ...:..-1v.-:.a .5- n._._ ma .- ORANGE LODGE m... 11...: A tpu goln kl been din 'nnnno _ me amount of r the with- IAl-- AMERICAN -j.---: $4,632,360 $4,633,860 ` lmounl of I $3,123,609 1,417,324 .s7o5,2a1 . 19,010 . 10,757 14,950 750,000 nun wen gomz on. `Louis And William are very late today, ob- served Lhc Dune, when dinner wu halt` over. `Doc: my one know when they no? And then hit. by bit she learned from song 0! the boys lilting near her the whole story.` `And prIy.John. why did vnrrnno .......... 49,484 0 37,453 jj AS THEY SILL WHOLESALE lstrength and Fine mavorl uulns Ind Urnwerl. Clothing made to and work warranted. Corner Rina ---I jar-.'s'r Auo . -v-uuw .-- Ready-made Pilot Tweed Costa, Velvet 0 1'` Costa, Boner Ooau, outs, Silk-mind Oonu. rock Coon, Vuu And nine vvnuo alhirtl, shins nod Drnwerl. Clolhincr nun. CA u an cone Across our little stream. ' SoJohnnio begun to discover that, if Iookers on no the moat of the "gum, t hey do not 0.]- any: get the molt enjoyment out of it. But the bell now nag for dinner. and he followed tho:-on of the boy: Wllh some Anxiety, not being quite easy in his mind on to the Account he would have to give to In Europa of that land been going `Loi lll willinnu gnu --- I-.- ;-j__ I ,L unu worx Corner King And Market Sqnnre, King 1619.11. J W. R. MQRAE _ (cerrespaertas ustrmruu ru-- , t Ottawa, 20th ._February, 18'! A The 1% stouatartag plan. as to the ve of e Northern and Southern route from lon- I Intel to Ottawa, seem to have made the people or llontreal forget one of the chief objects for which the million dollar relluepgeaot-vat asked for--that Is, the extension 0! the line from Sand Point to Pembroke through :t_he_two Ridings of Renfrew. The importance 1! sunr- ing this trade has not been realised, and the danger of Its being diverted to Kingston hy the projected railway fromIlngltoIl`tlI"f!l;' broke, in not folly I preeillpd. .,0IIe of the conditions most strong y insisted on at nhlle meetings called to support the pro of a grant to aid in the eonetrnetlon of thelrailway was, that the line should heextended to Pom. broke, and a reference to the reportso! the meet- ` tngs held will show this. Whether an attempt has been made deslgnedly to divert attention from this point, or whether it has been merely lost sight of in eonseqnenee of the struggle be- tweenthe advocates of two rival rontae, need not, pt-thapl, be too closely considered. as tbe_ fact that this point his been forgotten by the` poople of Montreal, who nre most deeply inter. ested, remains the same. However important it may be to obtain direct access by railway to Ottawa, and of its importance there can be little doubt, the value ofeuch a railway is com. putatively triing to Iootreal, without its ex- tnrusinn la the Uoner Ottawa district. The DONALD MACKAY S GENUINE SALES ! HAVE nllllnfnnn V A'1"!`EIlP1'l:D Stncmn.-0n Saturday even- ing last Mr John C- Howell of this town. a young man very respcctably connected in the county, attempted to commit suicide by cutting his throat with mazor. while golfer- ing from delirium trgmgm. Notwitbp'a.nd- ing two gushes were given, no important rructures were separated, and the timely ar- rival of medical aid soon frustrated the de- oign of the unfortunate man Ind placed him in a fair way to recover.--Pz'cton New Na- tion. `" parstively triing loolreal, wltnout ll-I ex- tension to the Upper The trade of lower Ottawa must necessarily come to Montreal under almost any circumstances. in summer there is the river by which a large amount of business in done, and although in winter the road is somewhat roundabout, still there is access to the capital and the lIIrronnd- ing country. But the upper Ottawa can be easily tapped, and the pmliminary survey be- tween Kingston and Pembroke is reported to show a very favourable route for the construc. tion of that line. in the Carleton Plaoe Herald 1 nd oicisl statement ot the amount of goods brought to Sand Point _t'or distribution through Rentrew for the last year, which will give an idea ofthe amount of trade in this part of the country, the greater part of which isfrom Ion- trsal. This, it must be remeinbe`r d, ls exoln- sive of the steaipboat trate which is also very large, but of which no return can he got as the railway scheme may be supposed to be op: posed to the interest of the steamboat compan- ies. By these gnresthen, which [could not give in detail, it appears that by railway there were received at Sand Point 10,188 tons, of which 6,336 tons go tg North Renfrew besides hich 3,600 tons are taken to Arnprior for loss dis. tribution. The rs! step which the Renfni people appear to be anxious about is to extend the railway from Sand Point to the village of Renfrew, a distance of about fourteen or fteen tniles for which it is stated that South Benfrew is prepared to give a grantjof -$60,000. of course any of the merchants of lonlreal doing business in that district can furnish detail. of She `"N 0713000! wilting to lostreal from its trade, and it is of importance enough to warrant the information being iasds palms, .34 to recall to the ratepayers the am. 051. for which the money was at rst asked-the exten- sion wsstward beyond Ottawa, 77" 1' Y `HERE will be a meeting of the 1 1 the Kingston Qundrille Olnb i1 Hall on MONDAY EVENING, an -n L_|p v-_--.n.J F.'LJiuuU` HAVE UOHIENCEDA LL wnwrnn ooo'D' Wm: an SLAUGH- A TERED. The following are to b0 the victims :- Feb. 22. -nun` mu: D01 )0 WDOIO HOP, pny,John, why did you" not them 1' demanded the Dame. `Plum IA lll| nu---...a I..n.-_:_ Feb. 24. .... un IuuuAX EVENING :7, It half-putuven. A full nmndnnco in reqneltadr By order. JAIIIIQ 1 narr- ja: , RLILWAYUATTERS AT 0'! (cmeapdcnca Montreal nu--. amln lhhrunrv. 187%-` FINE TEAS :COFFEEs, UNEQ UAILLE D. The I-`lied In-the City, ...... ..... In I meeung or the member: o? in the Music EVENING, Februnry g half`-pu_t nun, cnocemss. ARE SE LLFNG THE suugut: `Give in I sneered Louis, `that is all the com- fort you have for a fellow, is it? Give in! Why, would you gtve in if that grout brute was in front of your shop swuring that he would brook it down? No disgruoe, indgodl No, I don't think there is any disgrseo in anything that [have done; but, though my dear, dear -rbor that l hue spent so msny weeks in build- ing should be pulled down About my ens, and evety ower in my gu-den be rooted up, I would not ehenge plscee with you, John, sitting there sleek and safe--no, not for all the gold that ever was coined. Give in, indeed. Ion Dies, that I should out line heard such I word as tint cone little stream. SoJohnnin hsmnn tn (HI:-non: at.-. :: |--\.-__ VERY OLD Illcu Lg sud. Brock Streets, facing the 13, Kingston. - DONAIQD A7. Horchnnt Tnilor. ran s_Ai.I. . ' nuns LOOHHEAD, 9--..- I 1.0 order in 1 ed, V. B. ICRAE E Co. IARY .+24.f '1-man an-`um AT L1: muons. CHEAPEST `Viva la yum-ml etied poor Louie, rushing blindly at hie foe. Well end nobly he fought, bathe could not etend hie ground. When he did hit, indeed, he hit to some purpose, but sel- dom could he rench out far enough to do much demogo. Foot by foot and yerd by yerd he (eve wey. till en. int be we: forced to take re- fngo in bi: arbour, from the window of which he threw alone: It hie enemy, to keep him beck from following. Loni: wn nleinlv in sh. rum. II. ......s.. x the Intent utylu, HEAD, cgI-eury. M in flan Ilnnhu --v---15g L ` umtoa nnmom. Jun ' onnootsns warn . In- ln`?A,u' 1. .35 as 5. woon.snwu,_- j WAIIII! onmnina `o 0' is IN ALL 93 Sunni: AIDA wnmnrs, - , BL Iuhh II or gr cos! rm yum- 1wmnAnanns use GOODS, 'uup4`u.nn-rs, A Buck 31 PLANNILB, rujdy aux -Lucas, onum 1-wnns, woot. nnmma Ill`!!! nnnlmta stock or I 812.. T4 AT _yy%L'1i"61 sl ll'0II I0l|0WlD`. Louie wee pleinly in the wrong. He ought. to hove calculated the other boy ! itrenglh be- fore attacking him, end he deeerved e licking for hie ruhnele. But he had had hie licking now, end when Willmn, who talked I0 big ehout hie peeeeeble diepoeltiou, end declnred he only` wanted to defend hie `fetherlond,' ehneed him right none: the garden, trampling out had: end borders on hio wey, end then ewore the! he would brook down hie beautiful euunner houee, end bring Louis on his knees everybody felt that the other monitor: ought to interfere. But not 1 foot would they etir. Aleek looked on from n ufe diuteuoe, wonder. in; which of the eotnbeteute would be tried hm. Joeeph stood [shivering with tright, not during to ea} 3 word loot William ehould turn round upon him and thruh him again; and John eel in his chop, grinding ewny like n nig- ger at A new rudder end 3 pair of one which he won cutting out tor Louis : boot, in case he wnnted to take ndvnnuge of the brook, for which eervice Louis would pg) hirn handsome- ly end William -tbuee him cordially. `I can : help it.` oeid John enolooetinllr Gum, 111:0 . ;I;:'l_I;t7 ulna uengtn 93 foot 6 Indie! ; brendth.1 lo; incbu; doplho(old6{oot5lIch0l',0I - ty':I,:00b!IlholIIhnd. mob Buy Dan an Inn nun, Hound. and as Jay at Bouthuo. 3 Dock, Kingston. For term -In-lrto L. 11- Pvat-'.-Tia:-, ;'.::2;,:L:'.'.-.,.:.':...... L`*"-%` """'* Iunhnl nu. um. um- THE Mgigazlxsl - . ~ ..r,L ` VJ:-.10, ml. - ..-v. ::5'.::r..:;."., nrhlnl :-- OPPU nu tnnauwn, I pthlng :- _ H10 M _-'37-'53!-u-Iv-. homo and mu `Onto, Card, and Bide 1' '- rry Oupogoruumouu, Plgtnn 0 Ooroieu, I lxmulon U313; M ` 6 Ohm, 1 Rockin Olnlr, l8|do `g. out), 1 calm, oupd, -* '; gm` Plated nnd Crooks: Wan, Outlay, U11 ' ~'.':.`::.~.:::-- .. W a tumour , may` nk. and Furniture. Svrilt aid 8;`: 5f';::'2`1'J5i'.}?I..1?"sZs"1".".'s 3"'a!L'u':,,j 4 mun, Boddolnguto. , T; Also! oo ng OIIII Kiuchon Ulellll not onumcmod.- u`! , . ;_p__, Dove p 1150 I the 2nd lurch. 3 :`:E;-H3 ' VFHI F185?-CLASS BLRGE3 "DOVE" -JAY," .b'nIl II louII*s`dbI`s1 0, Length 93 foot inchel; breadth. 18 ha 10 inches ; dopthot hold a fact. 5 Inn... . .. -L _ cum-Ia, n _yo1 will pay me well. `But I don`: went one, Answered William, engrily; `l have got no water to that it in, en you very well know. By which it will appear that John did not make mnny friends by his nenlnlily. `And just look here, continued William, `do you know where Ihgee cuts on my forehead came from? Why tron: stone: which you pitched ncrosn the water for Louis Iv throw ex me. , n-..n I.-I.\:: 0:51. :. _v_ _. . _ LAST CHANCE! GREAT BARGAINS.'| n. *wiu nm `.9. ems] Feb. )3. nnostroeglontrenl. " ' Ioittogl, mu rob, um. ':_.`+"""`-'j' `CUT \J-Ill XIUIU I Sale at 10 dolbei. , .7. 5:5 1...:;..'. ......"..'7:...Y.",t ,, _ it}. 13162;:-r TIBBAOI, lul s...}'_" ___-ln- ah`-nnhlnnnnnll [-1 Ca. .. -n`--.. w -v--..- _-- -__ ._--- Tenn Cub boron doll-Ivory;-_ n_I- -n In .l.l'..I .` ' I .. : be above pun I lo 0!. M be lurch. u liq." . `Neutrality, indeed I` I call it brutality. And in William went across the garden agnin, loving Johnnie at his won-k-ot' which, how- over, he began to feel thoroughly uhuned. `Come and help I follow. John. nrintl Ln--in Kluguon, Feb. 23, Mil. Feb. 13, um. '11 rooms LADIES mimm.. _ -- -7-u-av}-9-'f~3: ~ --" It " Whoa : Bunldlggu 5 `-{`J:.. `undo, TEN DAYS MORE I.o`ndop Joni-M1. Q-ode)`: Book for lurch. Demoravn 6' Pearson : Lady '1 Friend " Lulwn Ladies lnguino fa Much, to. Eu glilI:IoInu I Domestic Iluguine. Evhry Honth. Young Ida ol Gust Britain. Boys of Enfllnd. ' I-OI" . (lo. EXTENSIVE SALE AT: ST_AQEYj S II:-\I\ -..-_ _ nuuvv vvulcn way to turn. `I um v ry lorry, Louie, said John, `but what can do? Iv. ii no pleesux-o.t.o me to see you lhruhvd. On the contrary, it would puy me much better to hue I nenr neighbour well olf and cheerful then crushed and milenble. Why don : you give in, Louis? I: is of no mortal uoe to go on. He will make triends directly if you will give back the two little llrlpl of garden, and if you don : be will only snub your Arbour to pieces, or keep you shut up there all dinner-time and nerve you out Give in, old fellow. There's no disgrace in it. Everybody says how pluckily you have fought. 'Givn in I Inna:-(I Lnnin us.-. :- -n .L- -,_,;xq3~fovr.15AI-I-` : W , wu-nnnoora. nnnm-1: non -rais noun." Stacey : How: Depot. ,wu.r.nn IE1 ----vs {VIII WOOL oyouos, son-rms, { ` "xunnlns, A b L * ~u16oroI.oAx11aa, THE ONLY :1 um rvuuun noun nun cordially. help it,` npologeliully; `I'll nuke 3 rudder Ind noun can for you, too, and a boat beaidea if you wnul one--thIt il, of course, if yo`: will pay me well. `BuIInbn't Inn: one, Antwan-ad w:.|:__ FOR of grcosr? mos. -J. J. . 3;: Alnllnnnno K` , "1 8ILK8,' LA Inun a wm-1713 jgnioh main pl: :7 V Iobleneu on the UIlIII----v` , , of the cit tho odimn an ._ As a upeechl ;giainst,lhe entry ` dbg thus. * Leti ---- -3 D.` over, no oegen I0 reel thoroughly help follow, John, cried Louis in deepeir from hie noon. `I don : uk you to remember the day: we have spent in here to- gether, when you have been sick of your own shop. But you might do something for me, now that I am in such a deepenle x end don`: know which way to turn. `I ll VGPV norrw, Lnnh nnixl Lxhn (kn: nutjxomica fem " ~--- -2 4:4 Gghernl .Le A 31` u ninist..n_.r- s-$61.: an-nu! in M '_-`Humbug the = maid!-= 4.04: `be ICIKIC IO Iwuu w ----- ---` L _` _Disu'med,V Psi Ii lehvo to truth, j pk of judging bet` zr '- "-"W myths army, ini] Fuio uhould pm nogotiutionuq ;r,;he mniam o` Igcsuu he is I 1; '| :oud_train from ` gygn ght, but 1` $i"..-1*-I-. T1, ".PlfllI.,_ nun in the . `ill Eur pe, xlll I" OIEIIIGQI CDC `M11119. `Plan main. unworod Johnnie, `I Inn 3 neutral. ` I III{luuv-- _. . ' for `Pu-isq V.-~-nan ..,...,q now 'Cpn't help if, Biil; it is the law of 1 my. . nptnouly. -It looks like okay I boy half :32. th- - own man, mdnm. m it all. William was halal. . Im IIn, urged llliun wu onlv iii months, and than propose holiothlng which is ours to create I row. And although Loni has hoon in the m-ong,ho Inn slqobun noun.` ly punished, and it is that lint he would be nhovod. What! no than who make ninukou -lovuno ho hdpqd ontolthunf In It my the lnounlun Ionthonuongtoprooecttho Iepunte _.._- ..--vw-u-v . Leading gentlemen will deliver addresses. One of the noremen arrested n few days ago ha been sentenced to two months in gnol. "`I._fI --- I FROM QUEBEC. Quebec, Feb. 24.-A meeting to sym- I psthise with the Popeis to be held on Sun- day, March 5th, at Laval University. gentlemen G-.. -8 LL- _n.- ` The Gugy and Brown can still attract: attention It is the tenth day of the trial. Two small home: were burned at St. . Smveur yesterday. 0 The lhnnnnn.-..- --_-- -9 * 1:1t\Jlu uunabn. Odessa, Feb. 24.--'I`he new Methodist Episcopal Church in this place was dedi~ cated to the worship of God yesterday, by the Rev. Dr. Richardson, Bishop of the Methodist Episcopal Church in Canada. `The Rev. Dr. McCarty, lrorn the United States, preached in very able eloquent dedi- calory sermon. The meeting was very largely attended. At night they sat down to an elegantly furnished table by way of tea meeting. Rev Dr McCarty gave them a very -intelligent lecture; suhject-G'od in History, which was listened to with breath- less attention. About $1,000 was raised, which liquidated gm debt on-this splendid little church. i Igit; _,__,._..,.......,.. V. uuv Llucuuluu Ul um equity of our claims. To have these claims regard- ed with astonishment at Washingion shows the low grade of political morality which exists in that centre of American politics, and how much the Commission will have to contend against in dealing with internation- al questions. _. .........,., .. wan mu. Lllb a UJISULKC had been committed, and a serious defect `left in the preliminary agreement if these claims could not be brought before the High Commission. To-day we have the American acknowledgment that the Fenian claims will be brought before the_Commis- sion, thus vindicnting the activity of the ' Canadian administration and the care of the Imperial government. The Washing- ton despatch in which this second state- ment is made is noticeable for its strange tone oi regret. \Ve are told that there was loose wording, and that a commotion has -been excited in administralionist circles by the discovery that the Canadian claims would come in. The Americans would ap- pear to consider themselves overreached. Some at least have considered that a great nation like the United States could with utter immunity allow a band of its own citizens to perpetrate a series of glar- ing outrages-a criminal warfare in short--against an inoffensive neighbouring country, imagining that a day of reckoning would never come, or that if an account were presented its payment could be evaded. How very di'erent this sentiment is from what the action of Canada was when the neutrality of our territory was violated by Southern refugees and their raid against St. Alhns carried into execution. Our govern- ment. paid all the damages which were thus inic-ted through a violation of our hospital- ity. Canada never sought to evade respon- sibility; and it is discreditablo that a rich nation like the United States should have been less prompt in payment ofa like obli- gation, and should have puto' until now all consideration of the question of the equity claims. Tn linvn dunno nlnimn -......._.J So many contradictions and absurdities have hccn started in the American press Willi reference to the negzntiutimn between Great Britain and the United State, that the vnlue of an American newspaper slate _m<:nt in _refcrence thereto is very much reduced. The other day it was uaserted in the American press, that the question of payment of claims for damages committed in`Canadn by the Feniuns would not come before the High Commission, though it was well known in Canada that our govern- ment. had marle greatcxertions to have these claims presented and collected Accepting the account from Washington fora moment .55 correct, it was felt that a mistake ----r _ . __._-___ _-__..r_.._:._ ,-r.-~ weak, beams the wnk has got himlolf into I K men by hi: own hull ! However, there in some excuse for William, who is half mud wlth tho four of neceu; but there in no excuu for you, who have at still in cold blood and looked on. You have abused the trust commit- ted to you n one of the live monitor: of the achool, and your oice shall be taken from von- wuunlll. too have been 3 bad friend to both of them. Well Iona day, pOl hlpO, you Indy your friends younolf. When you do, I hope you may nd them. Toke can thn William, the peocubla unagyreuioe boy, doe: not contrive once, ID 1 Will HUI OI ICING Plllllll-IIIIUIIB I335 severe. For I have hopea oi Johnnie even yet Ihat he will rise to a sense of his high position in the school, and learn that dnliee cannot be coolly ignored because they are diaagreeahle; that he who ahirks the roaponaihility of doing right doea in very deed and truth do wrong; that the true test of greatneu is the ability to grapple with great dlenlties; thet it is but a aorry thing to boast of bravery and skill and power, it, just at the very instant when you are called upon to act, your reeonrcea fail you, and you whine out the miserable excuse that `you don t exactly see how you can interfere. It , indeed, such an excuse be allowed to stand -il it be really true that`the head and chain- pion of the school is thoroughly beaten by cir- curnslances--utterly at a loss, at some critical moment, what is the right thing to do; let him confess at once that he is unequal to his place -that he is not the boy we took him fol--that his courage has been overrated, and his reputa- tion as a hero too cheaply earned; that for all his vaunted inuence with others be is too weak to stay an unrighteous strife-to avert a storm of cruel, savage blows-to spare the infliction of wounds which will be gaping, and unhenled for long,long years to come, bearing on their ghastly {nee a bitter hatred for the foe that dealt them, and contempt for the neutral friend who looked calmly on, -w--., ...... ..... .....-.. ..... -- you-- J `Ploue m, aniv1 a chorus of little boy! to. gether; `plenlo `em, do let him o' this time. He was I0 kind to Louis nnd William when they were had. He brought them Inter, and bathed their faces, and stopped the bleeding, And did all sorts of things for them. Please Hm, let him o. oW-II 7 mid (ha damn rnnnh npntnd |kin(T_ 'ona, let mm on. `Well, said the dune, much affected, `kind. LQSI to the wounded nhnll plehd his cnune this and I will think of some punishment less nnrnnn For I ha! hnnnn nf Jnhnnia ovan Val L-79` S/(IE LAST 1'11 GE. @333 f1G$0o ' FRIDAY EVlN1NU.Fh;B.24'.- 81'}? 01.4 I. TELEGRAMS. in..- n.-..:_._I 1- ~ .. \Jd ;- 4 4un1uL11u:l1J (Per bontreal Line.) ITDDM f\l\I.`_`u A `- .. .-.unucuv 14:15:.) FROM ODESSA. |.'.1AI, n: --n ...........,.. uuul or outdoor exerciu; Ind day: put the harbour bu preuentod a. lil and nuroctive icene. Young, aged nndmlc aged; men, yomen and children ; rich, 1: and lolernbly well of;" putty, lnudno tolonbly good looking and ordinu-y;!'1 argued and not so well, all appearod to l: one in for fun and notation. frhooew could, noted and those who could not, tr fdll dn-n Inn-I oh. L.-I. -1 -L,. . - rnvue would not heve dered to come to blows. There we: n time when, if you so much as held up your nger, the whole school would tremble. Nobody tremblee now. Nobody eeree one fer-thing whet you think or any. And why `I become yon heve grown e sloven and e ecrew, end hoye deepiee both the one end the other. You ought to heve prevented the ght from the very liret. Felling this, you ought, in conjunction with the other monilore, to have elepped in the moment the boys bed proved their reletlve etrength. end etrnck e feir he- lence between them. Instead of dolng no, you eit coolly in your ehop, enpplying the menu of ce_n-ying on the ght, end eoinint e few wretch. uuunu, UIIKOII Ila mono who fell down, but the book of their looked foolish And took to the safer gun. of sliding. Those who worofortunoto enough to bus lady comppnions packed than mug! in wnun fut lined llindlleiglu nu] ma, 1... 35.; tried, buds. got up. ? WINTIB. S9031-a.-'l`he preniliug ne bright apitsloondition of ice upon the lake for the past week has induced all whom health and leisure would permit to go in for n thorough bout of outdoor for dnyl put hnrhnnr 1... -.-.--- - -- Pomcn Cousr, FamAv.-Before Alderman W. Robinson, Acting Police Magistrat.e.-FHs Worship the Mayor was present.-Rober! Ross appeared in the dock in a very shaky condition from the etfects of strong drink, charged with drunkenness. He was ordered to pay a line of two dollars, or go to gate] for `ten days. The ne was paid. Mary Daley, discharged from the General Hospital, applied to the court to be allowed to go to gaol for fourteen days. to en- able her to recruit her stren leave the city. Her request was granted. She we! one of the women arrested at the Grove upon the event of the late m_urder. Patrick Killeen summoned John Fleming-they are both cab-drivers-for driving into complain- ant's sleigh yesterday and damaging it, and for striking one of his passengers with a whip. The hearing of the case was postponed until tomor_ row morning. gth sutllciently to 1 ......u. u. we note! Dian Hospital beg t acknowledge with sincere thanks the rrceipt 1 fty dollars from Messrs Calvin 1: Buck as donation for the in-timn- _. .4 -av-1:13 ll t Lxronrn-ion?! or CATTLI.--The exportation of live_eLock to the United States from this pointcontinnee at an average of about three hundred per week of cattle, With a smell num_ ber of sheep. The cattle are principally milch cows, and invariably appear to have been nelected with n perfect npprecigtion of the good points of the nnimele. Very reznnnerntiye prices hnve been paid. {__..___ CATTLI.--T SW There may have been pledgna, however, given to the people of Pembroke, which ought not and, therefore, cannot be broken. But of this I have not the means of judging.--_Yonrs truly, ____ ..._.u uvlnlllll uvwugmg Strike the Upper Ottawa I! choose your position, and a I terminus become word: of ing. I'nL-_, -, . . V _ u. 5-vv I.uI.7u money equally to any project that tended to benet their countv as `a whole. But this idea of mine may prove more moon- shine and baeeleas an a dream ; for Pembroke may possess great special advantages. Still I throw it out for the consideration of wiser heads and more practical understandings. Yet am I persuaded that if other sites, not yet built on, have equal original commercial advantage: with Pembroke, the mere fact ofits being a vii- [age and having a kind of status ought not to outweigh the great future advantage ofa town in the centre of ten thousand acres--town and immediate country belonging to you. Unrwr nu.-. -...I --:aL .- ,.1_,, -.. wuu; In your mop, supplying the menu carrying coining wntch- ed copper: out of your Icboolfollowv blown and woman. You bun boon dnv. n0l'IIAnn n... ...;- av snlt amruu us" Tl DAILY NIWB. Dear Sir,-ln consequence of the severe and long-continned illness ofa member of my fami. ly, I have been prevented attending public meetings and taking an active part in mat.- ters connected with the proposed railway to Pembroke, In which I am glad to see our people so deeply and warmly interested. But, in my retiremeat,this thoughthss struck me, Why, in seeking to reach the upper waters of the Ottawa, and by tapping them there to secure to ourselves a portion of its rich trade-- why,lsay, is it necessary that the railroad should terminate at the little village of Peru. broke? Why not one `or two or ten or twenty miles above it? Why not the Rail. way Corporation purchase a thousand or ten or thirty thousand acres of land on some desirable sits on the Upper Ottawa, and- sole proprietors of it--make its centre a rail. way terminus, and so secure for themselves the or purchase money of every lot of the future city ; for a town or city, it seems to me, must grow up at any well.selected point, which arailrottd, by a short and direct route, connects with the great, central and distributing Lake Ontario. Isupposs the people of the county in which any particular village is situ- ated are not deeply interested in having the railway terminate in any special locality within that county, and that they would give their D..a .s_:_x;,, - authorities in placing a standard instru- ment At. the P00; Office. nun, _.-_u- _.__I_-. ., _-.: . . _ _ .._ _ _.._; u........... ,.uy..a. | Tbs adjourned annual meeting of the Cnughnewaga ship canal company rc- snlted in election of the following dircc- 0I'l-L. Barnes, Burlington, 8. W. Wetlier- bee, New York, D. N. Bkilling, F. Fair- btnks, St. John : Bury, Hon. John Young, Montreal, Hon. James Skead Ottawa, W. Shanly, M. P., Montrea, S. W. Foster, Knowlton, John Pratt, Montreal- Directors will meet in Monte:-n.l on the 18th March I0 appoint :1 President and other 0115- nnra us.-..u..- u... ...r.,. .v... The weather is mild and rainy, and the street! aru covered with ice. Ther- mometer 28 - ;-vua AlA\.IAy\ LJILLlJ- Montreal, Feb. 24.--A wires in behalf of the Mile End Deaf and Dumb Institution was held in St. Patrick's Hall last evening. The Bull was crowded. An address of thanks was nrticulzred in French by two different pupils. uula. The nulor of Ginx u Baby" in stand to be tho son of I Montreal clergymnn; He is lbn. riatar in London, and has the litenry name of Jenkins. A mnil cierk he; been appointed to the Musawippi Valley Railwnybetween Lennoxville and Montreal, and a postal car will probably be introduced on the line on the ral. of April. It is in contemplation `to forward by this route every night a second mail from Montreal for New York and Boaton. t`L-_I-_r , _ , , ,, D - - -..... -un-L uuu uvuuuu. ; Charles Levuque was ned forty dollars or three mon tbs for indecent Assault. - I The stock market. is pctive ; many trans- actions are reported. -m.- _._.-.|...- :- __:|.1 ._.1 _.z__ __,1 THE RAILWAY T0 PlMlBI20KE--A AS UGGESTION. in nu-_ ..-._-__ _ The sisters of ti ,_|____1,s - V `D..L:.... ( - ` Alwinglon, Kingston, Feb THE DA1LY NEWS:vs-FRIDAY EVENING; ...-... -nvuuuu Ull r the institution. FROM MONTREAL. .-......, wwugmg no you. .- and, will: j-xdgment, `-nosilion and - In-.. -...: _-x-._-~ , --__. fthe Hotel Dian Hospital to 'ilh thnnkn uh. .....:-- -- ,-_--..u , uuu ADI` r livnly and-middle sud poor lnudgoxne, ing ordinnry ;` well roll, have I rnllrnnn-. Mk - - .... vvln -nun. vvnu J'Iugl!lBul', ,and town nnd railway )l'dI of mninlmu nu-- up 50 Dow or them. `Just whet 'nentrels elwsys do, eeld Hrs Europe; `lucked up to both, I suppose, and pleased neither. Ah, no doubt, she continued grednelly gethering iefonnetion, `otfended Louis by elweye preeching et him the: he wee in the wrong-; end otfended Williem by supplying Louie with etonee. 'Now,I tell you whet it ie, Jolie. lheve long wetched your oereer with pein, end have seen how you ere content to seerioe even-ylhing-dnty, end inuence, and honont--for the sehe of putting by e few peltry shillings. You hue been bedly edvieed. You hue choeen to have ebout you e set of {age who ere no credit to enbody, einiplyheceuse they meke better bergeins for you in the things you sell to the other boys ; end now you see the consequence. If such followe esBen and Hugh lied been your fege, you know very well met this diegreceful scene would never here teken pleee et ell. You would have been sniciently well treined end well eqniuped to commend the respect of the other monitors; end the two rivele would heve dered up your Enter. Whole It-hnnl -.-mm .-..._ --\a -u-null] I equivalent mean- l ~ J. A. ALLII. 23,1871. s; r who ._., , was :1 till`: me one of the rs iug, but ectuall to peoplg got. ing two miles. y no not only equal to x::ie t requieitee of public spank- pue us, we shall he ' the p hged to pursue the ivoieeleu tenor of their way in some quiet oolljliglluited gifted with voice! nonet- - London T nuuuus, "something new bu dincover- ed. Mr Glaisher, the neronsut, noticed that the voice of I woman penetrates two milesin the air, _while oft nun reaches only one mile. AI, according to the old proved, a. miss is as good as a mile," it must be married women, experienced in domestic controversy, who can thus reach two miles. But surely we need no unnt fromi balloon to tell us this old fact. Scott, in his Fzir Maid of Perth, notices the same fact as regard voice: heard on the mountsins;snd hundreds of people have remarked how the ne notes oi as violin penetrate farther then the deeper tone: of n busoon. Perhaps, however, it would be The ap..3&&".i.'{e'..;...: .r the % new silver iuned simultaneously witl drunl oftho that- Thn min! ..I..------- 4`--~ - ' ' ` uruvu or the American Ibo The mint charges for metal, meltimz. cums on, we uun: cnnrges for me melting, came to. . . . Assay: and olber char; And freight, insurance. Leaving a balance 0! . . . Dill V D- A parliamentary return give movement of American silver. Shipped to New York" 43,291 I-Purchased _It.. . . . . . . . 1} per cent thereon to cover commiuian, bff kernge, express chug; en, Ipurions and light coin, etc. . Shipped to England. . . . . 1,50: Purchased at 1; per cent thereon to cover commission, etc. puu out lot It uurwnrd. `What. are you nying`! uid the Dane. `Boll: sides, aye? Well, and how did you ngnmge um. Inter John 7 ' `Photo in some more tittering and whisper. in; and ncnlng about gum form, and then I choral of voice: uid, `Plano em, be sucked up to boil: 4;!` them.` Jun .5. numo-.1. -|_--- 2- - - -- -- Proceeds of silver sold in New York . . . . . , "- r roceeus or alive New York. . . . Do. in England . BaIance...... .. _____.%__.. TEE EXPORTATION 017' SILVER. A n--II.-.--A--- -- _ ,.V , ...v.uu uLuAL1U UHANUE Broekville, Feb. 22.-'I'be Grand Orange Lodge ot'Ontario East met yesterday. The at- tendance was very good, the Lodges in the eastern part of Ontario being well represented Mr H. S. McDonald, Grand Master, occupied the choir. and Mr H. Bowel], I _P., Grand Master of British Amer , was present. Among thou present were Dr. Allen, Cornwall; Mr Thomas Deacon, Pembroke; Ilr William Robinson, Kingston 3 Mr lattice, Cornwall; Hr 8. 8. Pack, Pelerboro ; Hours 1. J. Vanlngan and Henry Smith, Oobourg ; Hr Bonlter, Demoreu; ville; Mr D. Marshall, Port Hope ; Mr T. Scott, Perth ; llr 8.8. laddln, Napanee; Ilr.F. S. Gnin, Madoc; Mr James Ilacoll, Dr. G. J. Poul, and Mr J. G. Moore, Bellevillo; and about 150 others. The following ooera were elected :-Mr E. S. McDonald, Brockville, Grand Master ; Mr S. S. Peck, Peterboro , De- pnty Grand Halter ; Mr (rnonm Deaoon, Pem- broke, Aaaociate Deputy to Grand Master; Rev. J. Norrie, Omemee, Gr-end Chaplain ; Mr Wil liam Robinson, Kingston, Grand Treasurer ; Mr` A. J. Vanlngin, Oobonrg, Grand Secret-ry ;Mr J. G.Moore, Bellerille, Depultg Grand Secrcp tary ; Mr William Making, A. irzgaton, Grand Lecturer; Hr William Hnndereon, Port Gun. by, Grand Director of Ceremonies. Surposnn To Have Bass S'l`OLIN.--A young man and a boy arrived in the city on Thursday `from the United States, having with them a very ne grey mass. The young man r030 0'" in the stage, and the lad rode the mare along- side. Upon their arrival the `police at once sus- pected them, and as the horse had not been en- tered at the Customs. information was at once given to that department, who immediately seized the animal and still retain it. The own. ers, real or prete'nded, hnving `however left the city. The police department has telegraphed the circumstance to Cape Vincent. Detective McAuley arrested the men this morning and they acknowledged having stolen the horse, from Mr Volney Onley, of South Rutland, near Watertowp. The Chief of P0- lice here telegraphed to the Mayor of Watertown this morning and received an answer from the Uhief of Police of that place, directing the capture of the men. IlcAuley at once started off in pursuit and traced the men along the railway track as far as the depot. There they appeared to have left the traclt and took to it again at some datance tarther down. The detective followed them up and nally captured then at Waterloo. The men said that when they took the horse, there was a cutter attached to it, which broke down on the route, and they left it behind them. `They acknowledged the oence to Colonel Hanee, the American Consul, and consented to return to the United` States. A constable thence has been accordingly telegraphed for, Their mm are Francis _Peterson and Marshal Phillips, and one of them was known to the nolice as having left here about six weeks since in ntbe; low circumstances. His command of mouev which he "ashed about osteutatiously novv dpon his return strengthened a preconceived suspicion of his dishonesty. PROVINCIAL GRAND n..n-l".:n- 1:9,; l\l\ - --- ' felt propelled them before them over thefrolel lurfeco with the velocity of the wind, ever Ind vnnon whlepering eott nominee in their Carl And the Indie: liked it too immensely, Imill blame to them Thoee who were not no fortu- nate on to be than favoured _by the fair looked envionely on and wished "they won" Ind Wild that tomorrow they'd eek out Amelie Jone. Some pertlee were out in geily pelnted ice. boete, end their cleen white eelle sent them humming over the clean glare ice with the Ipced of lteem. And jolly recea between these boete were projected end eerried out nmid much mirth of ell concerned. `there boats were - . . . . , _,u__ _a__-__.I __A Hale! hnArO_ ' llllll (II III conwnuvu. An-Ivuv vv--- --~-~ freightod with tho gnily dreuad and light hurt- od of the hi: ux, who hottod glove: upon the remit of tha' not with their boarded attendant nwninl who always forgotto pay when thsi `oat, nnd took their ll of enjoyment. Lots of boys acudded on hand sleigh: over the ice- not exactly under hare poles, but under tbs kindly pntronngo of A thick hemlock bongh which did them the duty of: nail hnvely, And the snowy nits of the wealthier wu no envy to them. Then there were skating races Ind trotting Ipnrts nnd tohognnning nnd falling down and getting up again not much hurt, sad a good deal of man-iment and no one the worn for it. Pnnmoxl RA|LWAY.--The railway directors completed their examination of the draft char tar yesterday, and ordered copies to be sent to the direc_tor_3 not present at the meeting. it will be introduced into_ the Senate as soon as is compatible with the rules of the Upper House. Out of: total of . NCUCTIIGI `A what, air 7' aaid be. `A noutrnl, Ina'an. Una: procisely what you had no buainess to be, aha returned. `You were placed in nu. thority in ordor that you might not, not thnv. you might atan:! aloof from acting. Any baby can do me. I Inightaa well have mada little Georgie hire a monitor, it I had mount him to have nothing to "do. Neutral, indood! Nun. tral iajnot a ns name for coward. Baaideo, I dun in no auch thing. You must aka one aide or the other, do what you wilL Now which side did you uh, I wonder `I A lillaar ran uuuul oh- ........ ._2 -LV