munu It sur=;-o.|mlddn`mu-ket. Toronto, Gninhdirlwo Roi --Small lots ptocunhlo at 10. Toronto and Hinhninp n.:I- an an, wun utua on Inc market. Canadian Bank of Oommeroe-Hu been very largely denlt in at prices ranging from 127} to 130}, cloning today in demand pl. I-30. Dominion _ nk-8mnll sales at I01 : stock ax; to mug. Olollllg today in domnnd ; stock is in demand :1. this rate. . Merchants R:mk_R.ln rum... I Ina .. I I0] In In ueznuuu IL Hill rue. Merchants Bunk--Sale! from 1173 toH,% closing with buyer: at 118, And no sellers under ll8 . " Dnnlun Rgn`I:_Rn-A-g ..n'.- nun. L-Is Iurmer one: I M, and the latter nk 120. City Bank-Lnat sale It 95, whigh nte in s1.ilIo'a|-ed. La Banqug an Penple-`Snlea at 105; holders now WI!!! 106; to 107. La Bnnoue NntinnnIe.-Tn a.......a -. 1.. . nomere Inn! 106} ' Bnnque Nntionnle--In demand at. 114 ; none on market under 120. La Rnnnnn Jnnnmm n-..:..- n..___- A -'--- uuer rate. wun n_oI.a_| ouridg. Freehold Building `SocieIy-In demud at 131 to 131}; sales have been" qndo A; latter PIG. ` 1:05. -" Qnebeg; Bank-Bnyer| om: 117 ; holders rafune to ace: pt under 119. . " r'1" w I put all: L V0 , ` be at duh: ,t|uvok.' l'nin--In his in l ' to I~`pu- `tint. ";'3ir?~r*?5` , ._ hp I q`i'lg|gel"--'AnJ:'I`f3 ;_ |f`Sing!e copies of the Onoxuou AID Nun, containing the news of the week, may be Ind in wrapper: for mailing. Price 3d. each issued every Friday. RINGLR CHPIIER nf Hun nAu,v NICE mus he nu: ;- gmuonnuckot. 1-`- , Railway Company I" nanannn w vslun-Lu, No. 38 [Inc S1-nu`: Eur. Toronto, Much 14, 187}: I. v . `UICIIIII . oa-G|l u1d_of Bond: `_d &; I880 IFIBI .xo9i - 1081 gfiar 'y`kIMasfh7iAi%[Tg; ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. av nuvxu u-v ..-._- |'.=!-.11,-;*.2ia. IM coua` Kinantnn um! `lh-nnltnnnn uni JSBIIHI 676?] Fflly. SINGLE COPIES of the Dun Nlws may be Ind at the counter of the publication oiee,.Prin- can Ituet. Price two cents. PUBLICATION OFFICE Dally Now! Steam Printing Pmclu Sun-r, Knmuo ~:"u-:2.`-1-.a. -.-w- v'"*-- - - Kingston Ind Frontennc and Hound- ing Oountieo,the Publinl.|er`b t 0 GAZETTE will, on the Sud Jnnu and on ench succeeding Mondny the genernl pay: of the week, ith city =un;`c9I|!tI"yno'wI,`- which will be _ blished on subscription at the low nee of Pne Dol- la! A year. ' ' ',. 1. :- :........:_.u .- -1:-..- .,. n... 1....LI "...l.II.3 un - Jvuan .\ ,; It is intended to offer to the 10 'Vpab1i acheap, intereating and usaful fa _ly news- _ the country the appetite -for poli cal dis- ; r-r~-- * In politics the Kmosron Gu ` I will occupy a neutral ground, identify itself ` with neither of the existing poli` cal psr- ` ties, but be independent and non partisan in its discussions and argumen on all political questions. Politics, how var, will be less a feature thnn interesting ewe py tending matter, as in the presen suite 0 putstioos. Appears to have becom lost, 01" ` at all events greatly lessened, sin the ad- vent of Confederation, which h given a destiny to Csnods and harmonized revious. discordant political elenicnts. hen the * time eomes,' however, that imror nt poli- tical principles have to be battle for, the Kmoswost Gsznrrn will be fonn on the: ~ side of that body of public men ho shsl best try to guide the greet dgujp pf Bf"- ish North America as It united held by a. common people, cheris ing the xrnditinns and enjoying the politi ul liber- GAZETTE will be thoroughly C uadisn; ties of a glorious race. The INGs'1`0N and while cherishlng that which 5 good- will advocate all needlul reform` in our political institutions. ' u......:..i ..u....t:.... ...'.u I... ....:.1 t- h......i' :. ...-...... .-,,.....,. Qhoiqe mndi 55 fgom the litera.tI+eof tic- tion will appenf !n`every number 'nnlessit happens that {he 'pfessu9 of irnportnnt news renders it necessary to exclude the story in order to Imko loom for other only jects. A m|.-:....__..:n'- -...i._-.._'i:.;_"-p .u_L ,, POIIlv|CISI Illlllllllllllp . Special attention will be paid to `iocalr in- telugencg 9.95; gigs fgrpahng hccurntc ma`:-ket rcporis. ` ' ' ' aW'~'- . . V Thequauty n_ndl qunlityof this matter to be furuialned at.the subscription price will render the Kpwagrox GAza1-vi by far ma cheapest weekly pupa: pnblibhed in this part of Canada. `The; sulysi-ip_tlon will be`sVtfii:v.Iy in judva-ace ala it la only on tl_i9 basis (if pyments that so cheap a newspaper can be supplied. A nnonimpn nnunlu-r in non inann ....A on PRIN-TING . _.`I.. III! Kin KlIlInnn..A1 -_--- : ` `m`ny":`n Eli! **98TNa-e3a;aa3,s?.;;=: . Vull the In _ _ .'"!"9i4 I ...- --. ~---v-Ir - uvwuruyuu -.-- uqu oqyyucu. A specimen number in now issued and will gent grntijao III] inmsending his address to Illa ;Publisher. ~ Orders by mail promptly attended to. ` JAMES NEISH, -P'ubll'aheI" ol the Daily News. Kingston, Dec. 1, 1870 3; a;.`.;,F ol Ltmfa l8f33?-'ItI. . Two vols. Royal octnvn 1'0 80lE:l`.l;!'l|%1l_!!bi MB AO`!`r(!AI. mar. ' moan, _ \ 1. ENGLISH c zscurcu| rm: Leonard Scot; rguinsngng co"; ' Q|jA9'ERLY: ' The Ialnburgrfuevler, NorI.h Briiia,h Review, London Qmirterly Review Westminster Baviow. numpl, urn gquugnuy nrongm Into `more or lens mums!-9 ooInmuninnu'oa_vith=tho`n`orld gf radars. . .Hial.o1-3.. Biogmph,y..8giaIoo,?P.'hilooo- v pt-y, Art, Religion, the great; political qvieations or the, pm and of way, in tuned in [heir pages :3 the learned alone can treat them. N 0 one who ivouldtoop pace with the` times can afford to do without those periodicals, 0! all the Inouthliu, Bhclwood hold: the foremost place. For an on of theeviewsl 4.00 per bnnum For as }two of Jae Reviews. . 7 .00 ' Fortny. three of the? Reviews l0.00 ` For all four of the Reviews. .1100 .1? rnhokvooyfa llnguincn. 4.00 . 3:. Blsekwood and one Ra. vieI.... . . . . . . . . -_ n.-.1 .. Postmulru hiif` liberally dulgqilh. 1: To meet the run which is 1 , ...... -. nu ;_L ;L_ <|r,,;..' - urnngc. ne 1: ingot , A German woman named Rcmpf cut. the throne of six children, and then her own near Bombnlu. 0:15.: .I:. ._._- .A_L.._.1:_._ .L... .- U! Ill IDS IIII nor uucxwooa and Ra. vieI............... ' For Blnckwood and guy zgo : of the Reviews . . . . . ., I lur mwxwoou and three of thoeviowa ,....._..,,u For Bhckwood and the {on}- B.evieIn............. It Single number: of: Revie;v, ` hen of Blpcklvood, thirty-live 4 two Inn 0 number. - 0l:culaf|,`1 llh further I had on appiiuon. ,_, _'l'heae periolicaln no the medium hrongh which the granite duds, not on!) o ; Great Brinin and Ireland, but also of Oonqinenul Europa, Are Ganltgngly brought Into oommunimmon lilh3!lur'n`nrIrl -4- not nncxwoog and Reviews. . .14 For Blnckwood and chi-e e the Review: . . . . . -< THI LI6iAB: _soo'1"r Publishing oo., I ' - `I40 Fulton Street, New Yo: PRosfEcTU LEONABQ '.sqq'i*`r raL1suIua co- Blackwoodm lllagazlne, cuuvuzt Iue perpetrators (II me outrage. The Victorie Parliament has been dis- solved, and the general elections are pro- ceeding. They canoe greet excitement. The Catholic: etc In opposition to the Hiniltctiel party. ` The vinlnrinnn man in aha in9..pnnl.u.-l Bggcggmgg yqjnburgu umzinlr. BIPBIITID II III YORK BY THE GREAT 'MON;l LY : ..........|o.I:0 ' R'iWu $1 : Single numj 4. `hi|"!'5' 000. Polugo net. 1-_nR us. f`6tbe}s disposed. to canvass IVOI. U|'lIVIBgl'ClB IIIC BIIICK. neuiralily. An Irishmnn named Martin murdered his wife, her father, and mother. near Orange. He is ingonl. A German woman named Rrmnf out tho ' pnrllcnlnrl, may be Y !-`W-.`Z.i"."' r ends or ' nua- ,g;|ll nonradi- "cnnuined in Ville Wdb. ' "gent .....; ` um stacked to Joan GO: 5751} . P _ , under it ? th friend: sud p trons to intend ublo dodfffewho import d I Golnell 520;; _un_i_1n_v_it_o: M Ea-aawcrm P ,1s.go 01 actual 1 Hana. U . l0.00 f 7 7.03 `all. for a spur. in apron -A-k 7 ng L lcnl : an all Sydney, N. S. W., Jan. 31.--The Govern- ment and Chamber nf Commerce favour a direct Califnruiu mail service in opposition to the New Zenlanrfmute `D..-......_.. -a'.:_. __,. ._.1lI -_.--!_, __._ um, I Yori. ~ 0 ' III IIIVH .I(1J1{dm.\ HIM`, pa-uh-_, M g ntronn pnrobuo 01:! Q 1 don /ewho dim: n u, In Go. - and invite 0 5 $3`; 1 Iain: Ggmgll as 0o-'- 510 P 9_ Y`` 9.`2`~ .i .2'.'. . 4:11;. -1 BJn}1"et_ 333-31 inch; 91". 39" "W", 0lab. la'b1h\h6,C|6dnoJ W - `mi 1::q"- mi. mung; rv-t-vIv--I+' ; ` `h Bd .qm ' ! Wu of` B. Freeman, Phu-nauu, Ind ' rfnmo-, one o! the dhooliu cl 1 ..-...".."-_.'......."' .`.`..;3`.I.'.'.'.:'1".':'3:'s.'.?.:3.`-iuutuiu; " &.'1V|`pT!inKllX' """, 0! Inc gruwu Iniuuv ` In God 11 & go : P:-inoeuA xsndg-u nu, , 1; 1. 1""; `* *'3 "*'52;:""*,Z...,**%.s *:.*;f*;*.:::?:+*w1i ::`~..e.'%=..vm-~.m......?.m%v.=-5 %?g'I;: :gn|."R 1' ' l "V: H) . olfocu pocllliulol , Ild'iIr. .'I U '1' h an d 0 W "I ca mma.-as-:.w Perfume. ~ - 1-... a......n 1. no). Janknf. Qln Porfuno 5." no pretence to petunia: In `John qo,n,o1;a: 4: 99 :.r;';?:::i:`33:./;:.:E b` ldagx ' 9' 0 0". :9` .; .:'.`?. ii``q`5'x`Z*. 3 p`a``.`?. I&.3 ifxuuiu tron` '"" 1.... 41...... 1. nn.I...uah1onn Punch. ` ` John }oanalL8,_lJo. &pNvb19lIl )P|$\0a Perfmntlot Ibt 1l`oldlefBnur. *rr- -w`-931 J . onull :0 bu.-Jlfulms. 0 Ibglxleli in Pdtfagg o cgaisite I ;-cg; `1' `r ` .an_d.h hrI:i'M|.II|PP'=dd" :;t{r;P:;u:;qd prg9lg9gzIl}n,33`'Thi om?- ar. ` - 4_ _T z-=>.~1 -_u DOSE! luff. lennmol from diner, Mldflptlll nlpleqnqrg hafr. " _ 1 ha '$U%rT La Nobleue Soap-euteemed for its nmqlgglg ' led perfume and ne emollient qnnliti : John Goenell & 00. : Violet and *1` Nursery Powder is guaranteed put; [ pn rg quwbo vlllgun ya pop!` _ M gbageg, 3; tlfiillchk.-"' i -.-4`. * 4v.AV`h ohn Goanell & 00. : Oherry '1` Pattie grently superior so my. `Booth-Pow q1e._1`eeth apearl-ulika iwhiumed,a pr eet fragrance to v,he,bren,th.`. Pain, 6d ench. lngmnnnmnn Hui: Du t I" `III! LVCW lntlllilllll IUIIIU. European ahira are still causing un- euiuess. The work on the harbour forti- licntioas is proceeding rapidly. The French war steamer in not permitted to tmnsgreas the strict neutrality. Irishmnn named Martin mnrrhu-pd any Ihodo Brown or Blwl5_ HM - colour. I! I!uot.mqiI_b|gjPJfl `h"|P"i `nu dlugrooibh! otlour, an is on y plied. fragrance t_uo,breI,ln... rmnyu 00 50"- Insuntgnaou Hn.iz,Dyn avarmn P104 John nmmnl 1- no): Patent. Trich tan. or `I10 mngroonmo 00001 , I111: ll anally yuan. John Golnell I` 80. : Patent. Trich ton, newly invented Mair B1-nub, the poo MM: ohnnicll construction of which no Inpnniol the two Operations of clunnlng and `relishing aimuiunz:-`y. Th: DaAI`|f'T nhlif (0? Bflllhinl silnultan2`.`.",'. 3 The Puent1[echnnical Ohuir for ruching Hair by Machinery. For Pro! mm d par- tioulu-|,|ppIy-to the auptea`g1_! 8, o no- (nctnrera, JOHN G0 HELL 8 Do. . rfnlnen by Appointment to Her Mnjouy, Ii1eFPrineest of Wales, 8c., RED BULL WHARII`, 93 Unm Tzmtu S-rant`, late of 12 Thrqe King (Joan, Lolnbar Slrgot. ` L , vi `V `L113 U\JI`J- KKCIHIKCLI W 8158` -may Soluhwood Stockqr, from a recipe by hi: Cousin, the _la_to Di South- wood Smith, thirty-ve Wbyuicisn tn, the London Your Rospih[.;'xl`a'ther of San!- tory Reform; Medical Iombtt of the tint. General Board of Hosnh, Author of} the am wot: as Fiver hrs,-1 HI!`-'nuI,tw.NIU Philocopby of Health ,-' ` ' I Delicious with even knowi dhh`;!.IIH -r7-r--T "V v V V - 71 Y- 55V1`IiE'; IAUCE. P}epared Alex , '1-"m tkinnhwnml Smoker. from Philolopby or ueq.1u:,.. "1 ' Delicious with every knowi dih`.`!.IIIi hsbitul nad`lgucuo_c the npputto motes digestiom. It is Ilnahouteemod for its digestive properties. _- : - M '1'." -9 As an unnmnon of in unity and nglnnn nu ulguuva properties. '2 It 5 As an uauranco of its gum; sud pslnury rope: tics, in is oniy necessary .80 1101.: out h a name of the celobrntqd Ind; P|:IlsnI.hro- pic Physician from whose. iptlpn {Lb compounded. The .e4nIire"lifo of Jbq _d Ir- guiahed man wql |pen't,in prdmotin 1 3 health or his rqtlow-cruindd, run his death, to December, 1861, -in mourned II I nu Lions! loco. ~= ' w|...I...|. ._a r_. ...'_._.;,_'A__ .L;.'v-uni _ v , If`! ---y-yq"---lII!l8lI$I'AII mdtbo no bout __.,f l,,. .,~ sum 1 all oimnmu, 6hd'n't`._`_ attest, London. A uru, my pin pt-sum ` J pin tn urea 18: per donn- IIIZIK DULIIUIII. Rich diggings, extending about three miles but been found at Gnlgong. Great. sctindnl Ina been cmmnnpd hw `Iv IIIIIEIIIU I!!! Dr u_xpon|uon_'ny IIIO P-' pnesor, 69, L.-:mb n'0oIidnIt 8tioel;?BI ', ' and Song, Fug:-ing_don Savor; Bquy and ., Fmnbnry Bueunpqt. . a.` Retail bi Glnlllll. Hand}-3 fhl:.-2% 1-muuury puunpnp. - ` Remit by Gbomllu, Gnodh. tun...-was-31 bouaemen, sud otlm'I,tl'Imcghoit up Kin`-H dom,vsnd every pun! dnraror. ; , ` . ` Ask for tho `-Thg expbrt Agent5-Bnrgoync, ' mad `V Squito, 16, Colman Street, London. . V` ' - AHPLOUGHS 1 2l_ Ildfeine that a` out form of Billfoudj" ' ' . 1 minutes; eruqoia inc! chit! stant nah i! 90.99485! health. When mixed uiuh 12.0.. gal u.-uuwu; uqurvqulu IIIC` IQUIQ poet: d-In-Hm 43 When miged with water and _ during the eorvesconeo, it immediately, with the food, and is rapidly sbnorhed 1 the system. It vitnlize: and nnnnm. .5. 1.1.... } 1.! M . ~ .3. 'nEe-M it; .3i\`.`.5,',".l.f .,tx':7="p'u'u' u` 0! - ' ' with the food, rapidly a.baor|')oI5 . system. vitnlizes and supplies the blood 11 with those uliue princ' lea thnt ' aqgxg _IJ 5.4:.` . ` -. ` :1 Fever: (or Uholera). nlao in annual -main-I. mu-nsnnj an-Ia-I-u-hm 3 , ,_u__, ..._.-.,`..~.-v-u,.-.u. u V` " ` (or Cholera), 3199, ':f_uIgr1'nl"6iH' .5! condiciolkii -`u-he;-p cgneng is `""-`1 ed by id action, and Am_dthcI~`ely`l-Qnderolfuii 3"; fit to nuypo shlli Mu. ife. it _gn Inipon _Ln l%II, ,_ -2 Lad it-,8 Mllininl II llncihiilb 6-ummii Hl qnently oocnmd; while in the four I IDOVO alluded to, the disoua nil] exiltf Iomo doubt Juvo.uken.plsee,, '1' o h ' immodinulyfyb ` its wero `mppl quant.ity ,-lI'IiIIo MG! CF75? ill . N I1 x _ 6 i.h .32 ,_j ~ 5 Vn sfo:a1a?h:?1 uni-`nia,"c%d'i,f& _ -In Juxle; ScIriot:Ku1I3w",l alga, condicioniaililen i.he`VVivl I . u zpgnq ;nip;? uitkb_ei:::g! dim up 1-` Oh`. 33:; u om-grevotlts e to diode, `GI 01- ill- morons nuoliciudt. toltiulonil !.'~ mg each home. vill_-prpu. In `pol render: it admirnhlyk adugwpi tithe 'tr_n_vol- lor, tourist, e_|ni_ nt,- . `a.-prints flly," more oapocinuy up on din mun! ea 1 when idmten I, ieil s-diioe 1;-::I5'Ila_t`In8e. .1 \ -1` WT Sold in patent ower? glhu ' price 2: 6:1, 4.: ed, 11:", an .1]: _opoh " cinl agents required and Appointed >iI"dl parts of the world. . uuncu unvu uuuu Iuunu as umgong. been ccittloned by Catholic priests cnusing the removal from the graveyard of the remuina of the Poet- muter-General. The Government has of- Icred a large reward for evidence that will convict the perpetrators of the outrage. The Victoria Pnrnmunt Ilnn `Mann 4:. Sm WILLI .u1 Buannnus nIBIlI!'50'r... 4 me FLUID, for the puricqqon 9! not M rooms, hoapitolt, workhouug,` fgooriu,.prj-., , sons, crowdedlplaoeu, betioon 3100;: of ships, fever wards, clothes Vnnd lino`fa.`otq1ck,night.- chairs. 99-spool-. dr9*n!- ',!iAt l1.ImI.- ; stables! Quin-ieg, laden, nny%g|kq, &o.; bulge`-water, and the In [for IE ` apnrtmenti for oenrcbox-up jurylnon, and for pom.-moblfdihin dons; for the pt-Invention o_f_ino -Chunk, can- In: sod Ifiapld in has u cininfocp _ of dead bodies, nnda.x(o!"i$hz.. ` . subjects for diuootion; to: fix tion of bugs and other. Vlbl-. s =i Sin W. Burnett : Disi|Xoctin.`1'lnid.ih- the only Disinfectant and it {Jig Agrionlg tnrsl Hall during the Smitheld Olnb Ouch ` Show in 1866, by order of u Hqjutyh Privy Council. ' The Inlnn nf nu. a..:x 2- v "Ulpt. ancnou, l!.N., 90,' On` This uid dots on the _OIO0QI diuue by destroying the local; the atmoaphero undo`: `wtlii-e chi: frequently developodlnd T insunoe: In 3 house n.l:An Plymouth, occupied by fty-tgg Iyna sprinkled in even rnnm '-'-I 1 Colman Street, London; I - .- --...-o--nu,` Clw lair/,t'ouriu, at,-. a 1 papochyjy on Md`! qr auuunbe. . mu agents rqqmrel of world. , *1 _ --u: -umnger 1 Agricultural _H_all, Iallngbon, Jan. lI3;`_' Dear i;,-Ble99'o to and _eight u:i_fo'nu" man of yourD,MII`faclin'g' uid ` ' ' enclosed. Having used various Dininkgsii Fluids at our many shown, I .01: oondence thu.`nono ban had the tsneous and complete effect of Sir Willllm` Burnettfa, and this too with pg-odnclp Any nuisance like the amell of ohlorioii` film or cpl-bolic Acid. " _ "1...=m, our: .\.,!- ; .V flag _ 8.8 t,58ef A3lnnngr.":f `PL -"@0011. N-U90. 0 on stays? than ...._.;.. - . wna upnnxxed in our these the occupants v be applied: an wnnnli unela we 0 applied; those parts rnvy Uouncil. The ulna of the uid in` following lotto: frqql {hp lhnngef 4 ' Ann-in-nltn-.1 l:I ..n I-.-n , :- -IIII-Trlll P`rl The Victorinna won in the intercolonicl rie mtch, beating the Syd!-eyites by 16 points. Hr Cnriann Print-inn! ni Wn:'nn (V.-J1... IOIII I009. Who! land for 4.s`xpor&i` `o11 "by1h6"`PI65t uriiesoin-,(:;, L.-:mh'l'0o IidIIt Stioellr led ii ever}- accnpuuu wonldd ._.-,-u.-u_ _ ;ooIn'e" Ed or mum vet 0 d`.'oou|;t,ry,\d9. rf EeslLh',7`..' "I ' dih`.`!}lll iganuu cppoh Lion. / Iluiah oltemnod for '12 5 cu-ance salutary , only p'oi-t n whose prubfiptlon {Lit - ~- . _e`ntire' life of ,th'_ dbt - v I prdmoling 1 fe_tlo|v-c1rea{t.II'rI`, ', In mourned an as the` local; gsoudmm pr, .::i:I'5h choleigao iibd; rot ungeon, Jan. 1333; " _ Ind c-.1!-in-T .% In Fl1.lid.u per owe} . Dininkain ~ on, Loan lav ii. 9} fay: Int III. I-uu :l.I.'_I_VOl-' ..-prince I Ily,`I 3z:::..2:3`% ltue?'.' IUIIIIU II. we nemn nlggmge. A permanent Defence Corps and Nun] Reserve has been estnbhnhed. Gnu Rlgr-Ir-ll nf r\.......I....,a .::...: ..._ 41.- ` --+~ rapidly iovou pain, Iron Inna. -1 1.- uxlrionnnury `lln Iplllllll III ; :9! sh OM! RIFNI `"11 godnnbt :4:mlu1pnun' I . c`! 1 -, uni`: l8M.nnIAI..`.`JUluu iunolno ` Lhn nuhlic. And In nranarihul In an... vicar-omuzngu y illdltl aw|ntnnd!!!1p|aoe.' : .1-`:In1$h:n1Idn~IIuhnnuu II. L'".1.'.";'..'}.".:'un-a""`"'.In'.I. :..'-5""' "'1' ': ?5d Thalcnxnahuennri , nnd ""'I.j"'U tgnwauwmih eouluxtmndallnowgl; A 4. ! `PDIIIC uvuql, 1; man, '10, Put , 1` The genuine huenpa on that Sumnlndggd gllouln. u In II UCIU Another hunched pound nugget bu been found M. the Berlin digginga. ' nerlnanent Defenma Cnrna and Naval --'1 QB.VIC-'1'0I8AUD 8 OIGJUIQII *`*?:.? .`f*i#.`:'d`..e"#.3!f,; : "AV ha nhmlngd ail .1I I or`! .-41" ncacrve una Deon ex-uunsnea. Gov. Blacklll of Queensland died on the 2nd. Col. O ConnelI in Acting Governor, pending the notion of the Britgsh Govern- ment. D-inn- All--.) ..-:I-_1 z_,'_, `r n -.-.-_- .==.ewne-I .,_..a A,-a . " It-..0Ity Juana. `,Ig,sx;,:s.,4c.. 1 ` i'-`iw I use. T1" in. H `nr'|i.dIX.`..::.s'a.A. .9; j *"f.1C`$lInn|1 -ml 75? {.7317 ;'Tu'=1.E&')E"a%'Im. .'. .. l.._.:, . n I -v`:)1b- "- '.:: E. I5 I 2.4- s: `- in {DI`a1.unnr,-. `:*' r*g,~,-,-:5,-,, 3 <=-M A -':J;.` m 3 11:94 pm: I ma MICHI- Princo Allred sailed from New Zealand in the Galntea on the l7lh. It is expected tun In will resch England by the end ol April. The nE Ihin ("$9. at A....1.I-..A _|.-_ jr_nx max In 17 nd VMIFLJ? Jag?` Price- Fit: than .5 H? IIIDOOIDIIIIQOC .lQ3voI Pr;'n *r;-aiuii ;n_;:_}I's; I6. en The: magi; v-mun!!! MIC Ilfjt *1 < .11: mint-;thr; H3 ni ship City of Auckland, when nenrly ready mail for London with a cmgo of wool, gum, and ax, was burned in Auckland harbour. V LEN K3: "1 95:; The St. Luvnnee end Ottawa Runway in- tend: to produce in line early pen eummer to the line on the Oheudiere, I dmnnee of about 5 `mils, and will thereby be enabled to save the Inge can for lqenlege wpleh lumber ehipped on in line in not exposed to. and which unnnm. unrgu can not punt wplqn lumber Ihippod exposed to, which amount: to no less unu $1.40 per blond. The dry manner and unto wiutc have combined toenclodo from tho (nbles of those who keep Lent rigndly none mount of divini- fying their frunl nnnt. 'n.. .......I- A wno loop non: nguuy tying frugnl roput. The supply 9f uni]: is unusually small, And during thus great not in the south of Europe as substitute: or forbidden lab. In Psriz, before the |iego-the vine- yud sun wuugsndodu 3 gm: doli- 1 my, and we know that 1.: Vienna it is still hold in high ulna. oynotp no now has an` expansive luxuries we may con - uivo pt at the inmdution of Inlill in their plocu, on! 5 time `vs them the Inonou ' ' Id run. hum vi mu an? "wiirte. won rogndod an s,ehoioo addinn u. .3 k Recent advice: from the _Fiji Islands repre- nnnt main :5 in on unsettled condition. The King olfered the pity of Livnken charter, but the inhnbitnma were no jenloun of the estab- lishment of A police force that the meeting to adopt it an broken up, no! the town is now governed oolely on the chief: dietnte. wan. nu...-A 4.. .L- ..:...t_._ u-,,:_,. 07 'IV|RY DICEXPTIOI Executed neatly, chesply, and expeditiously n. he DAILY NEWS JOB PRIN'l`lNG OFFICE: Sir A, '1'. Gal! has followed Haul. Blake and Inckn:ie a example, and Inn for puma un- known. The Opposition in conncquently ox- coodingly weak. in bighoulun. An oyster: boon oxpcuivo ` ..."5.p. 01 um honour at in: when. fnuonodvi ban and ` nnrdod ul 1 nlmin. ..u:a w-.Fv$I AC III!) IIIJIIIHI SUCK`.- Onnnn-blck duck: have nppurodrin 3;-cg: ock: on the Snaqndnnna river, and are feed- ingon. the wild celery, which in qbnndgm, The propoood new nilvny from lontreol to Ottawa in to be vi: Conan Iunding, and to be called the Ionlrul Junction And Otuwn City ugilwny. an-r pucu, and h :i|_no 'v_o lama sum r m o Rog. fnuonod Iitilhoy addion to the upper table. Tho nail is 3 strict - rim in binding and afar cleaner coder bu thoonb.lohItu-.oranntlu-n----~ G-.1): inilg News. Taunsti EVENING: MARCH 16. .vvvI-vIl u-uvn In use uulll QICIIIB. wim regard to the mining Manitoba write it would now appear that their loss was dis- covorod on the 8th of February, when Governor Archibald wrote that ho had received fen oer. tiod copies oflho rules proscribed by order in oouaoil for the elections, 5-Jflnot the essential documents themselves, which be supposed were contained in some of the null bags, which were last seen by n gontlslnn piled up in the snow. baoido the nail sled, thirty-two miles on nine Fort Garry side of the Grand Forks. Th. Laud l.. nI.---_, I7, - ._ .,_..-.-.v u-5 vuvn -uu unvnnl. Undone Rialori in aid to have bought a pulses in Milan with the proceed: of her recent engagement in the United sum. n----- I.-.I. z..-I.- L_-- - ~ Kaiser Willinm is listed to have been so do- lighted with Vonaillou that he talks of pulling down his nuumet pulses at Potsdam, nnd erecting in its plnco Iomelhing like the lump. noun pile erected by Louis XIV. n..-n. .-v-- uuu; --uu un IIIU urunu l.'0l'Kl. The hotel in Chetopa, Knnna. is temporarily closed on ICOOIIIII of I mu. diiculty between the cook and the pioptietor, vhioh wu settled with I pistol. The proprietor is in the grave, and the cook in in goal. A nnninni Inn. 5.-.. -A--;-z 1-, , - ISAIVU lnunn nnuu Trains arrive and depart from Station as follows : anvil: run? A project has been mad for 1 bunch line of Bridnh steamers from J unnica to New York, vi: San Lingo de Cuba And Hnvann. |l'.a-... I'H.o..-: :- --u -- A rnilwny fever is prevalent all over the nnritimo provinces juut now. The Amherst Gazdta think: brunch rnilunyl on the narrow gouge plan, from Ihe_IntercoloniAT, Ire needed in Pngwuh and Pnrrlboro. Mr Carignn, Principnl of Wesley.College, I dead. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. no ..-rip...-ul dnmxrt from iha K xm_aarox POST orncn. Oloae. A'iYI. _ |__ 11 In D A-.. o..:..Io.nn ll SEE FIRST PAGE. orsvinv nlulaxrnol -..Iu nhnnnli and nxnn` EROM AUSTRALIA. A-nu. ...,,-. vs... 3.45 pm. 4.15 nm. 4.05 p.nI 4.15 mm. OOIIO IAIT. Express. Express I) -an n m ' `I I5 n an Depart .. .. .. .. 2.4. ) 11.11). 1 on ]-.m. u. in: nu.- [Thia is by Montreal time, from which deducl 1'3] minutes for the dilfonnoe between Montreal and Kingston time.] - Nov. 8, 1870. u A I . the Kingston . MEMBERS RETURNED BY AQOLAHA. TION. Bruce, NorLh.-Sincluir, Ooposition. Cornwa1l.-Maodonald, Ministerial. n...L...... Ian: _wininma_ lliniatuinl. .1 us: u\.uuAuIALn\.Iuu. ADDlNGTO!l.-At the no`minntlo`n in New.` burgh, Mr E. Perry retired in favour of MI Derocho. The content now is between Mr Hooper, the late member, And Mr'D'eto'he; ' D---_....._ ML- _4.nn.rnn -an Duh` :0 uuupcl, Luv Inlv Ialulnavvn, -.._ .... -..--_v. Bnocxvu.u`-Tho nomination will hold at New Dublin. The following nominations weir`. Fixuimpann wu nominued by staord M68:-atney, aondad by Ben lfroncis. Mr J D. Buell, nominated by Mr Henry Row, seconded by Mr R. W; Giant. u-.._... I)-_.-_ 'I"L... ....-.__.:.._ Al` -..-..I1:I-ln.. anvvuuvu -1; an Au. n . s-._..-. Sonrn Bane: --'1`he_uomination of cnndidntea to ropruent the South Riding of Bruce mu held in Waikerton, in the preaeuoe of 1 large number of electors from the neighbouring aownahips. A number of nominal candidates were proposed, all ofyhom made speeches! and retired. u- I-` ....- hr Mr Paul Maln- Cornwa1l.-nucuonuu, lllllllerlll. - Din-bun, East.-Wiiiinun, Ministerial. Durham, West.-Graham, Iliniaterinl. hgmbto -.-Pardon 0 t itiog. ._ . L.'gbuk.n:anh.- ..ibg; 11,0 gitiop. Leodi, South.--Macdonald, Minilterinl. Lincoln.-Ryken, Ministerial. Oxiord, North.-Perry, Opposition. Simcoe. Soutb.-Ferguaon, Ministerial. Waterloo, Non-th.-Soriugor, Opposition. Wellington, South.-Gow, Opposition. Q-can retired. Hr Blake was nominated by Mr Paul Moln- nes, oi Kincardine, seconded by Mr Goodeve, or Hanover. Mr Sprout. was nominated by Mr Kornmns, Reeve ofkqerrlck, seconded by Mt Uliir, Reeve 'ot Klneerdine. There wee no snow of hands. but the crowd appeared to be about evenly divided. A poll was demanded tor both parties by their propose:-I. - Con.uwu.L.-'l`he nomination was held at the Township Hall. Hon. John Sandeld Mec- donnld was nominated by Mr Angus Mecdoneld, of the town of bit. Andrews, and seconded by K: John Raymond, of Moolinetto, and after the hour allowed by law had elapsed, be was pro- claimed to have been returned. Mr Mocdonsld was so ill that he bed to be assisted to sod from his carriage, but spoke for two horn-I, review- log the legieletion of bin government, end re. letting etfectingly to his nomination for Glen. git] that day 30 years ago. u_..__. n.._..._..._ to J... ..,.-ninnainn In by Mr Tnomu mno, seoenueu uy qr ruler Chard. Mr Henry Ustrou: was nominated by Mr Sylvester Holden, seconded by Mr J. M. Ashley. There wee 3 small ettendsnce. Soars LAnsx.-The nomination took place in front of the Courthouse, Perth. About Eve hundred persons were present, representing all puts of the riding. Mr Abraham Code was nominated by Mr James Hsllidsy, seconded by Mr J. S. Coombs. Hon. Malcolm Cameron was nominated by Mr J. H Gould, Worden or the oouty, seconded by Ir Ed. Byrne, Mr John G. Hepgert was nominated by Mr Wm. O'Brien, seconded by Mr Robert Bowens. At the con- clusion each candidate addressed the assent. binge on his own behalf. All three [ill go to the polls. Messrs Code end Hugger! run on the Ministerial ticket ; Ir Cameron on lhst of the Opposition. ll..___ 1.... \1-_.:__.-, .__u, u -_- -rr..-....._. Non-rn Luna -Nom_inntion took place at Merricirville. Mr H. D. Smilh nominated by Mr Hiram, Mc0rua. of Wslford, seconded by Mr Hngh Brown, of the name township; Mr Henry Herrick, nominated by Ir Wm. Kidd, of Point: R.-apidl, seconded by Mr W. 0. Read, Merrick- ville. UIOIC. AITIYI. Eaten: by G.'l'.R. day u-ain12:00 I. Western 2:30 PM. East And Wes! nigh! Inlna 9:00 7:00 AM. UNITED STATES IIAILS. Through Mails for New York, Boston, Oswogo nod (3109 Vincent. will be cloaed at 10:00 am. and 1.30 pm. daily. Sundays excepted. BRITISH MAIL8 B-ui -..-- v-4 :-- ,----- -a-. SOUTH Gnnvu.u.-At the nomination in Prescott, Mr Macueil Clarke, Uoul.-native, was nominated by Mr James Rnycroft, seconde by Ir Edward Mcunnnon. Mr C. E`. Fraser, Re- format, was norr`nated by Mr Charles Lane, seconded by Mr June; Keeler. Nominal -1 to make speeches on the hnat.inga-Mr Daniel H. Mooney. Mr Waller shnnley, M.P., (Jnptnin Chapman, and Mr Wm. Patrick. 7 Noam HASTINGS.-The nomination took place ntndou. Dr. Bouller was nominated by Mr Thomas Emo, seconded by Mr Peter tth-mt Mr Huurv mm-om was by Sourl LnnI.-Tho nomination for South Leeds Ina held at Dela today. Mr E. S. lncdonald, of Brockville was proposed by It Willinm Boll, J. P , of Delta, and seconded by Mr Richard Preston, Reeve of South Crosby. Mr D. I-`ord Jones. of Gsuaoqoe, was nominst. ed, but declined lhe nomination. He denonnc- ed the compromise arrived at by the Reform and Conurvnuve parties, under which the Be- formers toke the House of Commons and the Conservative: the Ontario Asumbly. Mr Mec- domld announced I'll!` be run an e Conserve- tivo, and was a supporter of the Govern- ment. Ml` Hscdonnld Inn ratnl-nod hv nnnlnrnn- Tony pounds ...., .._....uu oxuuy 340,000 bunch I From hi*1nd1-ode of repofud can 1 than M70 incroued in weight fn-on 8 E jvhxlo using Fellows C nap of y It d um: I in werful `' no 0 notion lhootguuof a,Au`e3AQl__50 nozotde: his 02.: Under the net French regime the word Re. public" lane been struck out of All public ecu, end Ln France" bu been Iubuitnxed. loam Rainier, in Washington Territory, in reported to be_ in nnnle oi Apparent activity, the hen: being no greet us to melt the snow, and there in I oonetnnt emission of Mean and emote from` the enter. - L-_u_ L_p_ _. . u--v-v -nun: tuu I'.l IN`.l'. Shortly hofom Ihn duo of the oonoluion of oruiotioo I.hu_o [on in Get- lluy qlnngn onuly 360,000 Fnoo troops. A hilndtoda nnon-`cal pg`-.. -1.-- _- proposoa oy ll unncnn Ferguson, seconded by Mr John Harvey. Ir E Enrrlnglon, or Arn,, prior, wu proposed tq Ir J ohn Brnwn,,|econd- ed by Mr J. Ilcku. ' Ir Austin resigned in fa- vour of Ir Harrington. Mr Hsrrington is for the Government; Mr Stewart, Opporilion. Llwiox --About 600 electors were present at the nomination at Napanee. Mr Stevenson, was nominated by `Mr John Herring, and seconded by Mr Charles Fraser. Mr J. T. Grange, the Opposition candidate, was nominated by Mr William Miller, Warden of the county, and se- conded by Mr Nelso Dollor, Reeve 0! Frederick burg. Other candidates were nominated for the purpose ot speaking. While Mr James 8. Cart. wright was addressing the electors, he was in- terrupted by the sheri, who said that no one could speak longer than the Ihen` allowed. Mr Cartwright protested, but yielded, and at his invitation the electors adjourned to the town hall. where Messrs James S. Cartwright, Thomas Flynn, John R. Cartwright and W. S. Williams addressed the crowded audience. ',l\lII\l\- _ Ll-.. I'._L_ n Sour: Runlw.-At the nomination today, Mr Donald Stewart, of McNabb, was proposed by Mr J. L. McDougall. and seconded by Ilr W. Buftin, Jr. Mr N. W. Austin, of Egnnvnlle was proposed by It Duncan Feyguaon, I; Harrington. Arn_ .v-v-a. Nona Rnrssw.-NoI:ninslion in Pembroke: Mr Thomas Murray proposed by Mr William Wallace, seconded by Mr William McAdam; Hr Thomns Deacon proposed by Mr T. M. Oarswell. seconded by Mr James Reeves ; Mr James Finlsyson. proposed by Mr John Rowan, oecoododby MrH.J. Warren. At lhe conclu- sion of his address, Mr Findlay retired in ldvonr of Mr Deacon. nml 1.30 clauy. auuuays excepwu. BRITISH . per Canadian steamers will be closed evexy Fri- day It 11 44.. Par (.`mmrd and Bremen. line. even Wednes- .. .. ........... -uunwvwcu uuu uuwuvu nuulenoe. Lennon --Eon. John omen ; wu proposed by Mr H. O. R. Beecher, seconded by Mr Murray Anderson. Mr F. E. Cornish was proposed by Mr John Wright, seconded by Mr Fewingn. Both cnndidgten gddrenad the electors at con- aidenble length. w-;l- D _________ -- 'I'|I- - vi ---- -tov nuv.lua Wnrr PITIRIOBOUGK.-The nomination took place in Peterborough. The late memhor, John Onrnegie, Esq , was nominntod by Mr W. A. Scott, Mayor of Peterborough, and Iecondedby Ur Isaac Garbntt, of Smith. Mr T. M. Fair- hair mu nominated, after which u very Inge number of the electors were addressed by both candidauia in the court room. Dnvunn 1l|........_ ML. --- ' -' ' * V. uuuu curvy In l|.IU uuun ruulll. PRIHCI EDWABD.-Tb0 nomination took place at Picton. M: Giieon Striker wu nnlinnted by 1: James Hart, seconded by Samuel Pan-lis- mom. Mr William Anderson has nominnled by Mr J. D. Noxon, seconded by Mr J. L.Trnu- p(Td1'. Pnscurr-r.- Messrs Boyd and Hamilton were nominated. The former spoko at can aide:-able length, attacking the Government. Mr Hamilton nude a short speech in de- fence I-r vs -- `THE EJNTARIO ELECTION. nuu wu a supporter or me Govern- Hscdonald was returned by a.ccltms- `P"` s THE NOMlH:L.`l`ION`S. Itoda 1;! repisftod ;vhero pc- from ve `to Lvvhxlo compound ` ha, doubt; -rennin 0'! legion on l ggggng of nnnphh... ,u-uni nsulllll OI no of nutrition. Iix fo: 60. . Oudlll t 00., Travellorvand Postal Guide. WEEKLY REPORT or mgunun snou. ; mums. "y, 1>i:Lt.ur & osmm, n `.19 Ifnuu G-n--_ E.--I n VII man lIovo.|pon In % Wvwwwrywv -`J 8E .._. -- - -- rnvue. . . . msi " New York, on demand, Bunk. . . . . . 901 Gold in New York . . . . . . . . . . ..' . . . . ..ll1i Bank of llontreg1-Hn ruled tuber weaker duriiag the put week`, qlooing` with sales at 238 and 237; ; buyer! now At 237. Bank of Rritinh North Am.-:.._r.. .1. nuu mug ; nuyeri DOV ll `J31. Bank of British North America-In dc, mnnd at 110 ; no Itook cumlrknt. Hutu-in Pnnh_FI nn ha-n In...-A .I..-:..- AL- Haily ol' Tu-ouJ.o.v Bond: due 1890 3!. 93], and of `d :96. x'-;,';p.::. ` County Dobucnru--Aro in gooddn from 102} tggul piowuhip Bond: 1 Icu-ca; 96 toqld In acid for int:-J-n uvun Ava] If-AIS! i`;f'nlIIi .9`.'_'!'1.d,h.!ti4f _ I Io'i'i1IlI'--An` mane 2. ....-u H --I DO` .3 :::s:;r : ;s `' --omnu mu procunblo V " ' .3:::`3a$`a`a:`{i? ::i1`.E'.i`.'ia?7l"'?- Canada Deben'cnreo-Aro in demand 4 out; ciao ququiau ; no lint in Inn on nsrkn; Dominion Stock to ware; and in dgqmhd it 111. . A x v -' ` - day It 11 JLI. Per Cunard and Bremen line, every day It 10:30 AU. Letters intended for dianalch not Bremen wuen ; Ilnau sues In 1:02 10 ll{. Bank of,'l`oronto-Sold early in the wool: at from 195 to 197; subsequently nlel were much M. 195 and 193, closing with seller: at 193. . n....-I n__-.1:-_ n-1, vr - -- - - 133. Royal Canadian Ban]5--I6 in fair do-mand at 91, with little on the mnrlmt. Canadian Rnnlr nf (Sn-n...-.... u-- 1..-- uuue on mantel under 120. V La Bqnqne J acqnea Carlie:--Buyora at 118} no |tock'o'ering. ' ` ' ' " Mechanica Bank-NoIni1hl at 89 to_90. Union, Banh;-Bnyors at 108.1; seller: at 109]. . Toronto City Cu Compggy-NoInlnal_ at 120; lnyerawonld probably advaueg. " British American Assurance Company- Wanted ll. 80 ; no pol . _ > ', ~ Weaxprn Aasuranqe .Company-Buyu-s would pay 115, bnnhere isnp stalk on the market; Canada Life Assurance Cmnpany-"%nota- tions purely nominal ; notn phare on mar at. Canada Permanent Building 8ociety-No lath` sales ;` small lots pronrahlg at 146. Western Canada Permanent Building Society --Salon at 131 to 131}. `chain; in dunnd at latler rate. with n_ol.a_| oaring. _ `SocieIy-1a demand .. L` U paid. II. P Enron and 31-io8MIng9.Loun Society -Buyera It 115; no stock olhvilg. K Montreal Telegraph Oompady-B1'lq st. 178;, at which rate there `are bayerl. . ' (Innnda Landed Orcdit` Obmpdnygelin de- and st ml and lolj ; .umo.uock-on market. Imperial Bui1ding_8ocVb_!]-,-,8q1e| It _}I5, wbichiatbqglni `3510. . H _ _ Building in { qua AIocintion--in dc. mud lo!`=-'lhtlddn`muknt_ unpenu banding _8ocVio_:y-,-,4 whichia tbqgl i ,l`lID. I a:&{`qan Aloci l0l`=-'_lhtlddn'nIukot. Toronto. Gninhafllnunn 9-" you: I Lunuu nu LLU ; no II-DOS U!) IIIYIOI. Ontario B1nk-Ha| been inactive dating the week ; small sales at 1103 to lll. Bank of '1`m-nntn_.RnM nut-It ii. H... -..|. -. rt-rune w pt under 119. _' Io1son s Bank-Aro nominnl ; there is I widc margin between buyer and seller; tho former ole: 114, and the latter Ink Cilv Bank--Lnat nnln n on -r.:.s. -,.... :_ ~ aay ll wtau 4.4:. dispatch per line must be spocislly so directed-