Kingston News (1868), 29 Mar 1871, p. 3

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EUBR Sends jam ml 1;! _..- ..v_-, . -...-..' -.\-you.-- naovnr BROCEID. PRINTS. BRILLIANT3 AND IUSLINS NEW SILK, BLACK AND OOLOURED LACE CURTAINS, TAPESTIY, WOOL, AND UNION OARPBTS FLOUR OIL CL0l'HS-CUR'l`AIN DAI- . non annnnunws Twuos, Am. to, BLLR8 OF FACTORY OOTTONS BALE OI` WHITE OOTTONS. BALBS TIOKINGS, DENIIS AND 88131`- 12108. OUR STOOK OFTABLI LINEN NAPKINS, TOWBLLINGS, AND LINEN SHRITINGS VERY OOIPLITB. The Home Inrkou ruling lower, All Spring Goods are euior in quototlonl. Expect to Receive the Present Week ELEGANTLY TBIIIED DRESSES FOR EVENING WEAR. Inch. 28. French Kid Gloves, four sud : tons. Irish Poplina, Jnpaese Silks, French Silks and Satinl, Genoa and Lyons Silk Mantle Volvetl, Hundsome French Muslins, {E HAVE THIS WEEK OPENED OUT TBI FOLLOWING GOODS. R. & .|. GABDINEB Ostrich Feathers, Real Laces, French Flqwers, ILACK GLACE AND GROW GRAIN D SILKS, Real Balbriggnn Hooiery, E Term: Cash. and One Price. Latest Novelties of the Season. Kingston, 283!) Itr, 1871. NEW YORK IARKIT8. JIIST BEGEIVEII With a. Profnaion of the JAIBS DAVIS, Ionu-cal llouse. `_- Q J. Gallluer. |HOP8| nix but- Stationery, Periodical, JUST OPENED OUT. THERE IS ALREADY A LARGE STOCK ON BAND OF EVERY S'l`Vl.Il! nu ANOTHER LOT WINDOW SHADES, BORDERINGS, 1 and more are expected daily. no rIu_-_, n._,,, . . . . _.. -. vcenu. uontents :-:5ongs and Piano Music. The Norseman. Boiler : Farewell. Old Folks at. Home. Queen of the Ball Wal'z. Adele Redown. Pearl Schottische. The Daisy. Homeward Bound. Red Cross Knight. Rose of England Waltz. Royal Bride Wallz. Where nre you going? Where are the Friends of my Boyhood ? The Sncred Melodist, only 5 cents. HYMNS, &c., FOR-\TBICE AND PIANO, ___-_ _x__ 1JIl.llU- Mnnifestation. Who shell Ascend into the Hill of the Lord. Heavenly Shepherd. Prey for Peace. Contemplation. Chnrming Sound. Osborne. Abide with me. Heyeham. Artney. Chsnta, &c. VVALL PAPERS, Dunn: III\JI-7l\..I. Waiting, Bong. Birdie. Song. Little Bed, Galop-. Spring end Autumn. Ange|a ever bright and fair. '1' he Roses. You know how it in yourself, Comic Song. Qui Vive, Gslop. Sans Souci Saucy Kate `- Edinburgh Qnadrilles. Siege of Purie. Lrlfd of Lorne Lancers, &c., kc. (Music ordered direct. from New York, and can be obtained at four days notice.( -__ -_ ...-...,, ......, - v.. . Alexandra. Thou Turnout Mun. Wavendon. Mercy. St. Cloud. I -.._L A. 1 \ v -1--:-`, One of Them (Lover) 50 cents. Maurice Tierney 50 cents. Lnttrell of Arrnn 50 cents. The O Donoghue 50 cents. Harry Lorrequer 50 cents. Jack Hinton 50 cents. Tom Burke 75 cents. Charles 0 Mslly 75 cents. Arthur O'Lenry 50 cents. Con Cregan 50 cents. Rory O`Mnre (Lover) 50 cents. Willy Reilly (Carleton) 50 cents. Grace Agu'I|ar s Works at. $1 s vol. Also NOVELS by Trollope, Brsddon, Albert Smith, Cockton, Grant, Collins, Dickens. ` Disrneli s Novels, 2! cents each. Mnrryatt James` Ainsworth's I5 (- QU ceuu Complete Edition of ` da and Autobiography. -s-s' an nnnfn, `[`)I}.)',-E0" c;:_t1;a. u ' W aterloo an d Chntrian Erckmtm. Another supply ol'-I:pular QDDDT -II ITQII` ROOM PAPER, noon, ragga. vmuc .LV_l_ \.J L_).L\_/o `HE MELODIST lor February, only 5 ' cents. Contents :-Songs and Piano sic. A New Book by Dio_Lewis, M.D., OUR GIRLS, -_._ ___.'. N.B.-These Papers are all NEW. Hgroli 1'!- u nuu nuuv-.uvb.-!...`. 5, 50 cents. Waterloo and Conscript, by MM. .-.-:-.. `mu-kmnn, ROOM PAPERS I :-Incen Street. .N0YEE:_ nun; UIJUUK UN HA! EVERY STYLE OF MUSIC 0 l l11l.() DIRT` Inr l`..I..-no BOOK , nu]. Frolur I FANCY GOODS, wry... V. - -I.-...... SHEET `MUSIC. 3...... Pnnwlu Ens:-17, AND DEALER IN DAILY NEWS-WEDNESDAY EVENING. - I:wain s Memoran- Bound, 75 cents; mu. Absoarunur of 1-Lownn and VEGETABLE BIRDS from the Nut. eerlee of Jamel Vick, at Rochester prices, 1! lhe= Alto Bulboul Roots In great urioty, in. cinding Glndlolnl, Dahlia, Violet, Trilomn, Tnberou, Tigridia, Indorin Vine. Dioentn Spooubiliu, Peony, &o., and the turnout Lilium Anrutnm or Golden Lily of Japan, which is now reducod to 25 some each, or two dollu-I mud a half 1 dozen. vncra uounr nnd Half Dollar Packet of Hardy Annunls lent. to any put of Uanadn post (no. EVERY purchaser of Seeds to the amount of one dollar will be presented with I copy of Vick : Floral Guido, beautifully illus- tnled, which costs the publisher 25 cents. SEEDS and BULBS] . HOBART. \0MMENGING ON TUESDAY, 28th inn, the Steamer GAZELLE, D. Pyke, llulor, will leave Kingston for Gannnoqne, touching at the intermediate places on Howe Island mm! the Rain Shore, M 111-... 'l'I'YI?'h AV wnnunun A v manna . llilngston and Gananoque Boute-l ...._ nu. --s-us uuvlv Every TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURS; DAY and FRIDAY M.-4 P.|{. RETURNING. Wxfl leave every WEDNESDAY and FRI- DAY at 5:30 AM. and 8 P.M. For freight. or passage apply on bond or to ` G. M. KINGBORN, Ferry Wharf, Foot of Brock Street. Kinaltnn Mar-oh 9'1 urn LENTI-IN SERVICES, SERIES OF SERVICES will be held and _ Sermons preached. during Lent, in tbs undermentioned Churches ol this city, as fol- lowa:- - ings. Q5 ANCY FRENCH BON BONS, FRENCH onvsnmzxco mmrrs, CHOCOLATE nmmnn, oawens, muons, And GRAPES. CAKES Almon-iced lld Ornunenled in a superior style. A I--..L I..A J CIIDAB -..J l'\t'\D-UG I-.- ll.` uurvvnlvn an; no. A fresh lot of mus mid oonus by the pound. 'l'I' I'\IYZIDI I.` tsrl |n2w onnnces AND |.l-.MONS.| MEDICAL `HALL ~ N.B.-Frenh consignments weekly. Vick : Dollar nnd Hal! Dollnr Iardv Annunlu nnl tn An! nor! .4! n.....:- Much 27. OARRLTEAOA wrfna. FRUIT AND OYSTER DEPOT. HASONIO. BUILDINGS,` MARKET BQU ARE, KL!` Street. 4. R- O. YATES` hes removed his Surgery from Willilm Street to King Street, second door towards the Market Square from the Ierchnnu B k, and next door to Oun- ningbem | Bevin Machine - Fectory. Hi: residence in IS heretofore, corner of William end Wellington Streets. Jun. 14. IDB pllpll IIICI llll OWE. RES1DENGE-Qneen Street, one door above Sydenhnm Street. 1)! A V 'I`IT\l DI'\ Foot 0| Kingston, March 27, 1871. R. '1`. E. SMITH, Organist of St. Georgia Cathedral, and Bandmneler P. W. 0. Ries, in prepared to give lessons on the Organ, Piano, and Violin at the residence of the pupil and hisown. RERIDKNl".E-Onnan Stunt. one door above -3. St. Pull : 0hnrch-on Thumdny Evenings- St. James : 0hnrch--on-Fridny Evenings. Services at 7:80 o'clock. wnh on IVIXI Feb. 20. W JOSEPH JAMIESON, Plumber , Steam and Ga_sFmer COPPER SMITH, BRASS FINISHER, BELL HANGER, kc. Johmon Street, near King Street, 8 now enabled to ll prom tly all olden, such I_.s Steamuing, G lting, Plumber and Bmuwork. Bis Itock of Ban and Steam- nor goods will eompu-o hnvounbly With my home in the trade, 1 AI... .. n.-.n.mA on t nn nId l Patent Henl- in the trade, Also ll prepared to fit up Gold : Patent Heat- ing Apparatus, and E0`. Wnter Circulating Apparnul, for churches or private building. Speciul uttention paid to Suamboat tting, such as bell-hanging, dock and eiuern pumps &c., , ha, tc. All work done in the moat approved style, and gnu-anted to prove utilhctory. JOSEPH JAIIEBON. 1: ,1. In cm AT_ITIl.|MBl.E S Fib. 25. Kingston, March 16,1871. T3Fu$'a?:`3`. i'1fn`.'v`1 ZI;p`.?a;$ aJ.s...."' In this nnlur. Oredlm-I In requested to fyle 35.1, cm," baton -0 within one month. T 1!. A. OKBXIOHARL, A.-mm. ' Much 23. I P.-2:! lover '" '___""` D3 inn! 1 nuts, 13.03. London Ru|doneo-PRIll0I88 s-rnn r, homo `manly oooupiod by Dr. Jtuletn. Marsh 3.` Georgds Oathodral-on Wednesday Even- March l6._ Sept; 14. LARGE SUPPLY "RECEIVED THIS DAY. REMOVAL OF SURGERY. "Am: s'irocxs- WANTED TO PUR- omsn. pr 1 to J. BAWDEN, Ionlrgnl, zhl, 101,1`. - -rag 9,;-gigud__l:_>ber A. Cu-Inichol ..r M:i?tn;l. have bun appointed Antigua, the matter of ALEXANDER K Mg. DONELL, of Kluglton, an Insolvent. CHEAP AND VERY FINE, Tnsolvent Act or 1869. R. T_o`vN=s, unwri- PIANOES TUNED. I .!`.E_MOIJ8. --n you... no. n. DUIIBLI-`., cow-norlounn, Rrnnlr Rama! uwmcx, Solicitor. EU 1 tun Ins, Brock Slreot. IN SILKS, I IN FLOWERS, U! I 1 clan IN BLACK GOODS, IN SHEETINGS, TERMS CASH, AND ONE PRICE A Rare Chance to lake Honey! AN OLD ESTABLISHED LARGE Dry Goods Business FOR SALE mznnas wiir be reoeiyed by the under- ligned until the ire! day of March for the entire Stock of Stnple and Funny Dry Goods. amounting to about $15,000. The Stock in All fresh and wall nnntu-ind unounuug to noon! $10,000. Stock is :11 fresh and well nuorted, and ha been bought on the moat fevounble turns in the English markets, and nearly all staple. Th: Iltngt-inn in nu; admin Lac 8. un...... ' Theouitustion in one of the best in Kingstqn,' being in the very centre of the business patriot` the city. Thu hnnun In. In... no.l.H.I..4l In. .1... ..-.a me on]. a The house has been established for the past thirty yarn, nod 19 well nnd favourably known throughout the surrounding oountry. The burohner can hug than long nf nu mrouguout mo surrounding country. purchaser can have the knee of the premises, in order to commence the Spring '1`;ede. 1 Mac. I {The Stock will he and at so much in the pound on the invoice price. _, 1 Further nnrlinnlun u 19 mu-mu. kn , nu In pounu on me Invoice price. _ pnnioulu-9 as to terms, 80., can I had by spplying to P. IIABTY, lerkot Bqure. N.B.-There in the in oennectlon with the eateblishlneat enexeellentfiilling Twine trade, which turns over about $8,006 per yen. The stock of Twine will be sold separately or with the Dry Goods. D W A RTV . P. HARTY. All parties indebted would oblige by calling and settling their ueonnu at once. l Luv III] \lUUIll- PI"-I 1810. AUTUMN sm_aw1N'rIc|L 1870. Kinglton, 28th March, 1871. VFHE Stock will now be found complete in all Departments, and hen value in the citv. L In llvyllullvllti, lull Iii VIHIU III III! I . Eglotlred and Fancy Silks in great `vn rinlv `variety. M agnioent Black Silks. New \Vool Serge: and Satin Cloths. French Merinoes, splendid value. Fancy Dress Goods. ' Wool and Mixed Tartans. Paramnttaa, Persian Cords. Baratheas, etc` Winceys, very cheap, D/Iantle. Velvet: and Velveteen: at all '"'g;;sc;;: Fancy Cloakings,white and coloured. I Millinery, lanlles, Feathers and Plnnrnrn In nu-out no:-inlw `"""i*Y$, emTS'i v}{}'.' "" Sash Ribbons. Real Thread Laces, black and white. New Kid Gloves. New Tweeds, Beavers and 1/ ilot ninth: LVCVV 1 "C335, JICKVCI5 ll`-I I IIIII Cloths. _ Table Linens, Towellings,Sheetings. Pillow Cottons, White and Grey Cotwns, remarkably `n$ nu-inn: IV IIIIC El-IKI .\JICJ Q`-IBUIJII`, ICI low pnoes. Cotton Bags, Cotton Yarn, Carpets and Oil Cloths. Kingston, Sept. 23, 1810. "" " i:ziid7s?nE:f'-' NEITDOOR 1'0 STAOEPS BOOKSTORE, Styles. Bu-aw nd loltlhh gland to Ihhlu! In-In Inn KingIton,Jnn~. 25, 1871. CITY OFWIEI-NGSTON7 IIIIIOI. * Bowing Girls wnuhd. Kingston. Inn! 14, 1811. NEW DB1 E0008. IILLIIIRY, DKIS8 AID lA!I`l'LI.| nunun- In-Ihh ..a In: York ksnn am. In a.-an Ap; ` ..I..o ml. .41.; BIBI Alt uluu II L plyd this (In. Inch 23. MRS. SPELMAN, viva` an-nun: AT Rf_)ss s. ./Ire now Showing, for th 1N SATINS, T The whole forming an unrivalled Assortment `of ` FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS N01`_IpE. % LAOE ounums, 'l IN GRENADINES, IF IN PARASOLS, "IN VELVETS, I SUITED FOB ' The "Manx: oovnns, F BLANKETS, 1N RIBBONS, IT . THE EARLY SPRING TRADE, WHOLESALE AND B-ITAIL. L & J. GARDINEB sucx LUBTBIS. Superior qnncy. BL IANTLB VELVBTS, AND VILVITII POPLINS. .u nuns: sluts. HOHIDDV A` L Jsaounc . vs uuvo, nuarnnnoi BJLIB. ~- , nosumt no anovni can AND warn: con-oxs. ~ ' nlrnnlluriau `lllnl-11.1 wunnpnoor -nun v Ohu .' _. "" " uh 1871. v Latest and Most u I-hr?! lY`?i:!1'.B?I.ME`i3: 2 W0! 3...; .'t,,, 4 J ,1: -111 A `l'Tt``Il'ri1't\LT pg {Noam .3... Ahg it r1'nnl nilvot $7 OII IIIIII ` poop o o ' not an I , n tendonoo alone p|fnl`I' BIS`! OUT! mlnrnnlnn I Iutmlnnn nrlinln, .t.a.E.T '3`? .I ..?.`:"`1'-':"a" `xii?-"on-r"""r' ia"'.i.'.""""" guarantee a It-It-clan article. .;' A *4 in my-.2r.ui ~ ` Thnh-BTO(JKOFIPRl!UGEAT8iI.|owoonploloa _. -='~:,u` ~~"'-`r~'%1' ` run `rs I n .1 o n. - n .. .` :.'-A...`: -. __... .._v-.- V. -.-..v`. --.- -.-uw vvtfuuuun `The Balance of their S ' wglg. an sou) A1.` 31-ILL Gun-rn BIDUQIIOJIS. iii` ' '3 inu- E 3 _. --v --as--nan-`sax; Va IfJ8\ICI l~llflP`I.I,' lg;m!.'._:rI: - 5'? mwm. GIIATE B ID?0;I,'9}[,B,`u`pQ,ggIi Iytuy 0 I . . \ -y y_ - ti} nd- o.n .na..._mo1oxowDouinIou.8utt. .. ,,.1 " r ; it In 1N DRESSES, ` . OPENED A l`~ New Spripg Twee:s_' 7 `' m'-=`! 4 2i-;'W?-- HM , 1 .`iTv ;_. 1'='; : .:`.4 J v , .,#....'_;x_ AV` -:r..y mu `:1 '..z fspsu PRETTY GREY MIXTURE: IID.IL`D'II II A `III -1 Maich 2sm.1s71 Dunn UIIKDIIII DI I lnroou, can:-,u. IN GLOVES, Jaw onunux mm nitamsn Tums; March 28. 1871. ABGAINS latch 31. IE! DRESS GOODS, tunn-4-rtiit-o " :'1'.;{.-'0 . |:I.`,i `$01 bdjtibit it ` ` `HEY hue now oi hand tho B881` ASOETID BT00! OI-OBOIHXUQ` 11' ` ' _ people of Kinauwmn Ibo Olouuinx hnnnnnnhd-|Iuu-h.InhuMundmnw..: ..`.."1.`.'.'.. am msgoni lot Jukou. Ion rroo. 0HIAP.Il . latch 9th, 1871'. NEW- BRILLIANTS AND Pm1tt,Vu NEW sun: vnnvnrs, van 3113 nxamsa sooron . 4? NEW 'moa nun: 130 HR 1 HIIBYHIDI LARGE AR1i1VAfL- STAPLE AND FANCY` DRY GOODS. "":l-Mu .` , : ;' Q '* yfw j't'z`r3"I'l3!:". I IJLVI WI 033 1.LIIa`u1-nan vi ~m-.< I Fab; :1. 1311. `W c _gg:nve'-a- 1 A cu M H gt.stf.ia:iiV;`ii`i{;IL*' 1 , % . _ , / PILLOW oorrons, I GER] Conn, Coats, In and niuod "IN FEATHERS, TN ---.-- -- --rurns:;:n!. an .1. >39 McNAUGH'f(?N_k4( uE{;1;g,,g;:;s`" A_......_..._..;._._.__. 4 _n-]$jl|t". ;` MLUHJ F. X. cousxm;ti*..fGo7s;.,.;`iS:A . 3:`: in .s -v --n-n-ntnni .".. . .-I -'. .u .`=' H `;, ~ . V u `L . " .`. , :: V 70`? Irv .' 4. &.L..\v"`.- m-..'5.,'-I 3,N W L; %H1-.:l.'1 ARDIWER Ensuing Season, JVovelties IN POPLINS, Sringithpontations. A IN HOSIERY, .1!`-K 1'. *1 3- * '09! 1-rzl-ml.-at. var: nut}: -admin-mo 21;: ` 4.n.Ja-r.-n nu. ~ MACIII . . ; .`~! 'm-.`$1v;n`. /ui _A-.T1~"$\II4.,I.,E_} 1. w?'(., : 3.: u In nunup ARI.) rnuux uuils. MI 1'-b NEW 30 v`.`x~I.>`.L/1` 30 `I013 '. NEW HIT! A-U04. V | - E emu! Onn'n'n`Hn'll Inilalhnn, ' nnusks, _] onANaII1ux;L nmLnI,-- 1; -1. .`:-, -. M`; - ., .- ,. - -.. ... ..- ..... .-.. ---. - T. 3.; as .~,- `air:-,0! no 1303: .-3 ma!)-- -smil o31u:*'.i' ;u:Lt3'nn `,3""` uvraII.....{ 38 {inf `j;5`.*.5i`) 1 F A 12.; I `W 30812!!! nmnmvnn .. .-1` 1.. .|..'..q.: "1 N MUSLINS, % I `I on . FANCY can-mos up now oLo7rns., 5 u'at nnasvaoona ' Inn: Ann nnfnnn-n Ln-`nm'n-n ` `L110! llj UUUUU. ~ mun A1m,ooLounn warns. V.` "suck bootnios aim nnnwrtus. . runs; nuox nun-oononnn mm pl 70', ` \ NE? 5 nan: zurxnis; L4 IN VELVETEENS, R. Si J . GARDINER. IN SASHES, 1N UMBRELLAS, Ill "Fl! T1 `into! run:-rs, um na.u.L1ANu. LONG OLOTHB, I i-s:*wi!3;i5a*n w1ta:pgJ' .. tr-ax,-r-.vnna.". ahnaaf`-' -{I dinnod lluxm .1 II V in ! .um Ill IJIJILLX IN 'rR IMM11~1Gs, IN soups, IN LA__CES, ' . ."'> =`5waerT%%.4-e:4%:% '_r"uxxs1:s V 1871, null > Unit` Gold, Iluhh. 1%.`) out Pang: _ Jul. 10. Bnrrlsi U. j `Rod! PLLTI. Igtyk` GR! I1." I ; I. PIIICI 9353 I80: I I! u 4 N`. W o. ad _[u1eilleI Continue: L ... .5. regular Authorities `h .j.i|hll Ili0l of Ifhirs, and `)9 Rod: obtained control mm onru hue been rt" 1" 'nodrick Charles, oecu. bani: mono: for | ,.nmioury. _ ' olcinl Jdllflll con- -uj Valium, sdvouiiug the Aunol;. u.-`!`In am` special In` named it: unnsl |p_ N go_ooo electors in Puis only |. eloctions on Sundny. -gun of the committee: were . (but I. Bluaqui will be I`... 'ourIIIIeIl, Ind that it. 1. llounnl, Pyn, Delos. Vennore. Four Genenlo i .:VIIIil|oI viththo question or nfuud. `ml: ".'.-The House ol Lords `ma th;Bill pasged by the lluusp hplixin; mzunage with a d._-. IN . "mg: of Conllnous Lord I-Ineld `I. on the coast Jefencea. dur- ..},m of naval nnd milnrury a preference fvr tillng mrother methods of defence. imodnced and procecdtd to the `naval. estimates, 11 ` gnapnnlnuon of the fig. H. ygrds Ind navy of Eng- ..`uough to defend her cm, 11 sand lime: sures than an 1:. n. " Commons ' I lo-' . , B u Spalmh hov:3n g sum deman 1 { the Tornado. wt auu .-u-....... ..... - ' y, The xmpruvemenle on ' hit` ue being pushed forward plphe is upeoed to start an |-ipkhe n: week in April. larch 28.-Tbe COUUCII has gimme tax for one yeur. um-h 28_-Tl:e pleuiuotentin. lot out _u_-nu . Inch 23.-Tl1e pleuipoteutim [pend Gennuuy Incl at twx: `dtemoon ll lhc French lega- uopaing proceedings were wbnll) odutinls were exchanged, and ' udo Ior future moeungs. - Itch 28.-The House of Lord . _..|n..i..|n nftpr nn unintercstinn DI l.A!Inluvu= LLIC unu u- mlowuds leglslnuon in pre- guon of mm to belligereuts b1\k,JnneI, Pnlmer, And others ' my Iction; but the haul though: the existing hl. Increued stringency llnhsuch restrictions mop- Iglguof Commons the drift 0| l .. mumnh lemnlnuon to me. F Sana llmu .- ' ue busily " In Inf and -_.& i l8.-'!'uis uftcrnoon a sub "cm In formed consisting K jinn. M`Assy is the renl Ii Gnribnldi is in honour; _ thcoumittec. imtd for the formation of u... .-.u. . . ..... .v....-uuu v R of ilhnlry, twenty bat- Hy, Ind taeu bnteriea of .h `-Nll Io.-nu: llvlaav \II V... [night after tn uninteresting null dafecu of the present mi- -- -uyltlll uuunuunuu 0| OINII. It. in not known lunept. -ill L- ..m,!_|. . t label of the committee Hgllbotu in the Seine. hmigned. H: in uupuded. sud Garibaldi the supreme command of -.J. n` 2, . - V . Ihnll orgnnizzs the Artillery, Iuynbd Bergeret. the en- ~IIl|Ioril.:(l to levy requisi- F-"um. -films at Verniilea is rc- .,h cm-.1, dsmcun. `I0.--A specinl telegram lfrom Brussels say: that V M! Iokmi mu. 4o,ooo ' 55 klel of Algiern, and VI Iguinu France. tlndinninn, from Port- Il lovillo today. ' UN Hall of Sc'ence and .'II opened today to the . `50Qneen in the presence of _"WUI'I. The Prince of 4 0obonrgGothn, Prince cihltnn, Pnncess Louise. k.e;l R5. larch 28.-The Patri- ` lo bu complained to has am the Sublime Forte `border of the church in Inn: of the Synod win ll journnl tomorrow. 28 -A new Rouunnilr formed with General Till Ionhip mud Flnresco Min- eonneqnence of the par- vow of censure it. is tolorrow. , 1--Paris is qu':e: today. $y0d everywhere. The . ` bu split, and some In been u-mu-d by their voter: in Pnris only - --w tU.-'l`he government to Preleclg, nnnounc_ ` . been eatabliubed in ` "}U, Ind that the attempt *3 the luge town: has fuiled i: Nunterre, and Scint MINI the circulu, in rally- ".`|` 1 fl, the government. The 01 French territory |lGu.rds ue to be paid ocillly proclaim- ; Ion _1-.. man` map! ohcw Sunday. , --__6nnnn -An- Isuzu.-s um- nu I ' gezbug ready i \|numn-near v as Lord Eneld m_enr. on Sat- as mdemuiry Bllullqlll wlu vr It, , Four the question m rounlri. J---2-:- HARCU 29 ,'1`he I ._.6uuu.Il.l, KIIIICO ' . Louise, Ind the Princess rber of the nobility PH. I--I 9 government ...- 2} at -es. old. an; M7, so}. 1~u.ronsu on Brio la}. llllnoh Oatnl UM. Mlnthut Gm: Woolen 88. u-._. .. V.--.- cv- Liverpool, Inch 19.11.30 n.n.-0osIon' quiet. Uplndo Nd. Orloun TM. -j----tjjo---. NEW YORK PRESS DESPATCHIS. New York, Iuclr !8.-'l`ho uw noun- ship Ocenic, of tho pioneer America white our line, urrivod tonight from Liver- pool. -0-0--Q0: COXXSROIA L. MONTREAL IARKIT8. (Special Tdcyran to the Daily NOII.) Ionuul, lurch 30.-l'luur--Bnpotlor Inn to 0,00 0,00; Inn, 0,70 to 0,80; Funny 0,00 10 0,00; Welland Ounul Super, 0.10 lo, 6,00. Supor No. 1 Cundu whom, 0,10 no 0,30; upor No. l Weston when 0,00 In 0,00 ;_ Bupur No. I Wuunrn what, 0,00 to 0,00 ; bug but 0,00 to 0,00. Wbul.-Ounsdu Full, 1,30 10 1,00 ; Spring, 0,00 In 0,00; Wuutn, 0,00 10 0,00. 0010-9" 32 lbs, 00 to 00. lulu]-per 48 lbe, 85 to 700. BulIu-Dulry 10 to 19 ; Imm- rucked 14 to No. A0000--Pot|, 0,00 to 0,00. P'eu-la, 7,00 to 7,00. Gold In New York :1 l3 o clook no). Pork. Ion, 11,0010 31,00; Prime 51000 16 00 to 17.00. Prime, 10,00 to 18,00. Dr:-and hog: 7,00 to 7.00. Pou, 97} to 00. Flonr-ncoipu 1,000 501: ; market dull and drooping; ulou limited to mull lots for locul consumption; holdon gunonlly inclined to meet buyers, but price: nominally unchanged. Gnin-`whenl no reported u-unuucllona, and Nice: nonalnul. Pun Ira, Illd in fair roquut. l uuuluoblo. Pork notnuully unclnngod. Lard dull. A|lIeo-poIl study. Peal-ll- none ouring; quotation: nominal. nu n . van. --an-nuns: ' (Special Teleyram to the Daily News.) New York, March 20.-0old 1101. Ex- ctnnge 109} to 110}. Cotton 1510. Flour dull and slightly in buyers fevour; receipts 3,000 barrels; ale: 7,000,berre1I; prices unchanged. Rye our eteedy. When quiet wilboul decided ohenge in price; :2. ceipts 13,000 bnlhollg sales 18,000 bulb- els-, at 1,551 to 1.59 for new spring; 1,68 to 1,69 for winner red and sober weetern. Rye quiet. Corn I elude rmer ; reeeipll 101,- 000 bunbela; ulee 38,000 buhele; st 83 to 831:: for new mixed western. Barley dul1;re. celptl 7.000 bush. Ont! tlrn; reoeipu 21.- 000 buahelg; sales 31,000 bushels st 67 to 69lc for Western end Ohio. Pork dull; at 21,5010 21,62 for new meee; 21,00 old do. Lard dull; at 12 to mic (or nun; 12ic for keule rendered. Butter 12c to 40 for state. Cheeee 12 to 16. MONTREAL uous.| New Spring Goods I LADIES FANCY DRESSES IN ENDLESS VARIETY. ` ALPAOAS, PLAIN, PIGURED AND DDIIIVDDYI U I. [of On- I`...

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