H--- -..v .uuu.uu.IIUIl ch had led to the :el of 4, which could ;res. and which had of being able to go in way to France. r most memo:-Able T com I of t J Ind e In In )0 repair the n eehl ` W1 e favourable may he expected um reaching the locality ef the hreeke, there VIII prebehly be no dieelty in electing en I-nedlete npelr, u the film ere only in: depth of OIQBIIIIIO0 end t} Ifil. V 4 'I- -n,.,._ |n_|. A-- In -nnn--A Ilf ntbouu. PonHnron,IlcI: , April 10, noon.-A Inn oat of Ohlugo and llllndlu which i new posting. nus..- A...n In _n In 1-nmoulld Inn lhgl ntw s'rYLns um ' pooling. Quebec, April l0.-It 1| r|noI_I!_ld 501,0 W!` the govoxnmnt propoun clunghg in account in part Iron the Bank of Manual to tic I0!`- cb:nlI' Balk. Lm your ! Judas ngnfolop III 31 00 hogIhooda._ JORI; b '8': 5` in; minitoa at 49,000 Inlula. . an un,_1__ `L, __- .....'-g-lint nu` w-u----nu -u -v,... _.._v I: Archibald form, the 7:2 eonaopoiuaong of the Daily Nova, 10 to ban the bonou: of the "Iron crou" conform! on him. - ILIIIIIIL In All snow Church, Kingston, on the tub inu., by the Rev. '1'. A. Pmnll,_Olodenl 80- oretnry of the Synod of Ontario, on! btothor of tho wide, nomad by tho Bu. 8. I. Plan, I. A. Incnnbont, Ir J. P. Iutbdtuone, oi u city or 0nun,to Bubnth, youngest dnnglmr ' onbolm _Ir J. H. Pmuu. - DIID. In Kingston, April lltb, Join Oolnpor. The fulmnl will take plant has llil lntc rui- donoo, King nlrnot, opposite Horton : Bunny, on Tburndny at 2 p In.. to Onlnnqnl . The Otnngenun an all reqncnnd to nnonll his fnnernl in ngnlin. By order of the W.K.,L.O. I I. _ Na. 74.1., STEAM GAUGES, ugh: your fnilhfal friond, Jon: axon-on. Khpmn, loch April, 1871. BUILDING O 3, MARK Kingston, April 10, 1871. wgqflk. YSTIIB DEPOT. I 31' BQUA - King Street. A30 Al I.-nuomm Pxieu. Call and cumin before pun-chain; clue- where. TI Avlncnu L nnn A II` iuzw names Aid I.EM0ll8.I For Plton, Believllle and Interim: dlate Ports. ` FLOOR OIL CLOTHS. New Spring my Goods`, NOVELTIES OF THE I . KAT 30ss s TU. DAVIDSON & DOBAN. Kingston, 28th Inch, 1871. Earl de Grey. the chief of the British ecc- tion of the Joint High Commission, was honoured by a banquet given by the Ma- sonic body in Washington, on Monday_ The incidents of this banquet are remarkable as showing the improved state of feeling that exists at the present time between the people of Great Britain and the United Sate: ; but a remark or two made by the noble Earl must be accepted as of political importance, and as fully hearing out the re- ports which haye been in circulation for the past few days of the near approach of the successful termination of the labours of the High Commission. Earl de Grey congratu- lated the world on the removal of dierences between the two great English speaking peoples, and by this enunciation of a senti- ment told, what diplomatic etiquette would not permit him to tell in as many words, that the work of the Commission was pro- greasing harmoniously and would soon be satieyfaetorilfcompletcd. __ -,_- - _.- RETURNING, Leaves Bollevillo ovary morning gt 5 o'clock. I1 I! tlnnlnrv Kingston, Apgil 10, )3'_ll. ' ' I-*on"s'AI.I:, At the KINGSTON FOBNl)RY. Q Choieo moi-mentor V ERY ATTRACTIVE STOCK , , , -_.,_, .__.,...' EA/VBS Oarrntlaen Wlnrf every Afternoon J at 3:30 o clook. p`RAMaoLArons. TEE uvounmc Upnn cum: Ion: It-I In Brnuclu, Tgpoury, Thru 1 LARGE DA Y. The lllllllnery Department no wun mercy. The Police Force will mine your deily kind edviee, the poor will min your kind, benevo- lent end ever-giving head, end the eitlune will loee e liberal, kind-heer friend, elweye randy to lend e helping head between men end men, to eeule dimculuee end eeteblieh pure end harmony in men] n honeehold,end to carry out the hylewe. end eecure the peece end good government of the city. The member: of the Police Inn. nnnnni ...._ un v uuu UIITIIIIUI at o'clock. {I mo;-9 than gllnlly pomploto. LEMOM8. CHEAP ND VIBY PIN NOW sHoWiN?, um. up an -j- ROGHESTEm v ---1 nu, (uR3A';nAo4 w4-gm f\nnn- - _ In English and Annex-Ician. I-.1!-.rch 10,1371. ` B. Ouwponn, later, n---_AI.-__I IIIL , ,4 uuuuu mu may be pinned under your charge. With honrlfolt gnlitndo for the put, they now bid you fuewoll, muting that the Al. mighty will crown your labours with success, which is the corneal wial. of tho Police Force of the city of_ Kingston, when you no long pro- nided over. 1 -. CARPETS, A`? R. TOWN S, nno..-- - OOIIPIIIIIG ILL 75" A LARGE AND SUPPLY nnonvnn THIS `:1 IABBI ID. INDEX `NP ---..u-- :5; u ulilvul 0. H. HATCH, Ticket Apat. H. - ALEX. 1 J. V47, anus`. On Monday evening the Police Force of Kingllon presented Mr John Creighton, late Police Magistrate, and present Warden of the Kingston Penitentiary, with A handsome gold aignet ring, eccompenied with en address. The interesting ceremony took place at the police otce, and all the members of the force were present. _ About eight o'clock Mr Creighton arrived, and was warmly greeted by the eicers and men of the Police Force. Shortl'y (Tet-, Ir John Robb, Chief Constable of the Police read the following address in a very feeling manner. and at the some l"ue presented the ring :- To John Creighton, Esq, late Police Kagiatrete of the City of Xingeton and County of Frontenac and Province of Onterio, Canada: 91.-_n.. s..r.-u- ..r .u.- n,u__ - - . ' PINK, smso. I *0. -lulu` WIIUI. 5"? M 3118 M: . ' Ivlulou : ,`_,l . &,;i1:4! o....'...;.,."*!-..,;v:.~v=.:%A_L`*':.%'+ss::e.;i:*: FULL BODIID -IAPANV8,` -rn_:s_n-an rualugwg-,_ THE very bu} quality of 3, 4 1 D , ln||!lI_;` Dracula Ouuu uunuu-nenuuur on rou. XOIII GIII] Olclll in- teroourne with them, and your advice and in- ntructionl to them for the last elght years an Ilayor of the city, Commissioner of Police and Police lngintrate, have been duly appreciated by them, and have been the mean of render- ing the Police Force of Kingston equal in eciency to any in the Province. We congratu- late you, nir, on your appointment to the War. denchip of the Kingnton Penitentinry, knowing from pent experience and daily attention to un, that you will be the right man in the right place. Still we cnunot but regret your retit- ing from your chair in our hall of justice, where your jndgtnentn were invariably temper- ed with mercy. The Police Farm will Inning -....- .t-:1- L3-) mum anion _ _ - wvvvvvilfu; Ayn qiiumlta - EXTRAORDINARY BARGAIN8 vvoaneulny; "`7liIViL"rI:iirrT1 Full mo of Black Full 24 um! 27 Inch Silk luitlo Volvo Inch Baal Bulk. u of Oqlocnd Silks. at ?,t-nuonot .,-N '0! -' may 1-..su:..,T~%1"`~'::.T." Shades. Java-non. sub, PM I in nu m-W" Machee GREAT sLK;fs;A:I3;, A ' A. . * . 1 Maance 4- 1 Waddpll :] Macne ;_.`_7Y_addell,.l 1MMENE I Man Sir,-0n behalf of the Police Force of the city oi Kiogeton,I reepeotfnlly beg leeve to preeent you with the following addrese. The member: of the Police Force exp:-eee their on- feigued regret et your having withdrawn from the position you held ee Police Iegietrote and Conlnieeioner of Police. Your dnily olciel in- them. van! Idvina and I..- V 414:. AJLULJJJ 4n+"9"AA%'*%-i*P3`='!#=fd*:` A gopqlrg If nu Aliflll M` 10 Down Brown 0n4\GI',0In..}Y . In M W W - us: as, In :1 u. T W ll. &4. _`L d ' "'"-`* "."%_"".W"` fj:;.;; Wu-e--x.` u-aw A - ` . mi mi ` A A 49"" u . m... V V` `Hitch 27. `Emu Bright, 10 pound: for one d6iln_I'.:'5 , Fair Grocer}. 11 pounds for one dolls. = :~. All other gmdeo nfeqcmlly lot priest w .B.lcllAE J ll.-Al. no Inch 23. ._.- `--v_' Q Mamee Waddell? ` K l\--ht$lu gnu goon government of the city. of the Police Force cannot per- nn you to retire wilhont presenting you with thin ring, so e nnell token of their eeteem end reepect, together with their eineere end~beet wiebee for your future welfere Ind proeperity and nut of your family, under Divine Pxovi; denoe. JIW BIABON `UGAR! suairm GUNPOWDERS IN ALL ` `LADIES AN-D. no mcsmr PLAVOURll$ CARPETS V3305: onus, m, 4... rm..- IN OATTIES _ . . ~ 31%! _. wm. oolumtog r1;1_a_'!g_ Wig (3 Bill 01.1) avsou, do., do. um BLACK -rug` mo {Ems V ` i J......:':.*:.':"'i `Ive ml: Apu .- ` 1 tan Lina ` . fail Line: .1? a..=.. n.'.z... ,,:5:. ;.'.':`-awaits, aucx -rug, rot: mum! ass, GIIIX. Thoy wish yonnlong life of ulefulneu in your new ooo of governing iho many unfor- tuntec that may be placed under mighty vonr lnhnnrn -an. ......... 0:94 `[11 xi` E_il.lliert, Qugqmoon, ..PI,'! '. L! van? cnoxql; VARIITII8. '1 . nd 6 Fund I .-0 .1l)..lAa..1 1*! not PRESENTATION T0 JOHN 0123103- \ TON, ESQ. nn Ilnm-luv gunning oh- Dan-.. III-___ -4 mu; - sea L._4sr PAGE. "P! E.*.:--' TUESDAY EVENING, APRI_IT __C!_3y `aiming ism_o._ Vgthout u-.-2 kit has dank Pd`: building _ lIL_._ v--.- --I- --v .----v V--may WIIU ]KI'}BlIlIlI,' uiduting her and horn." They would, the` nid, pokn their noon in at her vindoi," and uh her ifnhe had ind anything to drink . lately, and vhother IIIO vs: sober yet. Tbey nllo put ntonon into her pnngo, nnd_vero 5 my |ll'|'||l Ilhpthu. Iiu oIuk,. Ilvolilo of Ifloon, and the wind! hot,` nnd lth t-pi! men! I!!! why a mu dine- tltdduop, lnorInith0_ntIit that young ._ ._.._.. _, _.- ---,..v.. nu yuruuu Ira noighbonrl, and live upon anything but Ieigh- hnnrlv hung. In Tn-nap ..:a .1.-. u_. E3: 4 F; ho_l -.........-.-, ....- ..... ..,.... -.._y uuug our nelgn- hourly hma. In Traynor aid that Mrs ("ark anal II-A Illlln I_.L- ---- --_-_-,, u ( -...., ........ ..... ....,uur um um: lrsg cm: and tho um. ohm um porpetnnlly` "DiIlOIli.lIl and bars." `Plum -.-mm 4...! Pouon Conn, 'l`uunn.-Boforo his Wo;-. Ihip the Inyor - Tho proceedings of that court opened this morning with I couple of anal: cues in which the position of com. plninnt and dofendsnl you respectively re- vorud. Thu in the first one In Clark charged In Tnynor with nuuuli, and in turn wu placed in the dock, accused of I almi- lu ofoneo by In Tnynor. The pnrtiu are uni-Mhnnll and Hi. llndhwn -n-I--L_A -, The ring in A plain solid gold eigoot ring: set with n bloodltone, on which in ongnved If Creighton : creot. lnoido in engraved the following inscription :-"Preun'ed to 10!! Creighton by the Police Force. Due. 31, I870}: The oddreoo woo neatly engroued on porch- Incnt. It won intended to make the presents. tion tome time mince, but the occasion Ina de- loved on Account of the impossibility of obtain. ' "7 ~ ~~----- tn 3----an than m-not `HUI ..... _..,........... ..-... -vIlIl-J, we Mun lull. At 3 npecinl meeting held nner the adjourn. ed In cling, W. 0. Runs, Ezq., In re_ nppoiuhd Lay Dglegnta, and Hojqt Wilson was appointed Lny Delegeto, in the place of Neil McLeod, Esq, relignod. ' .-o \.--u---, v\\AI nuvu. After the unnal veto of thank: the meeting WI! sdjonrnod until Monday, the 24th inn, Ac . --\...:.I -...a:..... I...IA _z._ .. E` 'rEsTRY'Mz1n"1Nc;9. Q81-. PAUL`: Oiunoa -The annunl vutry meeting of St. Paul : Church In: held In 11.9 church on Monday evening. u, .n_, -|.`-__-- -5` I... DA. Ila Ilnlna-E nu- ...- ...... . . n . uvuuu, In use Cllllf. The following oleere were eppointed :-R. P. Outvright, Eeq,, the incumbent, chuchwar. don; Iejor Wilson, the people`: clmrehwu. den; Ileeere T. A. Allen,R. Spence and R. Gnhem, e-nenee colunmee ; Hours 3. D. L Allen, B. 3011!, 0. Green, Thoma 03:: end B. Grehun, veetrymen. Al'e-- elm- _-_-I _-n_ -5 .1 , n .- |IVQ(I OI Iccouns on Iuu llllyvvlvu-:1 -- --.-r_V tag 8 uul none engraver to impreu the crest without sending the ring to New York. Cllllfcll on lvuuuy wvuulus. In the Absence of the Rev. Mr llulock, ow. ing to indinponilion, Ir Churcbwsrden Strat- ton wu moved to the chair. ,,..,- -1 .|_- _....:....- _--u__ _-_. IULI URI Illvvvu vv ul-V v..-... Tbe minute: of the previous meeting were read and conrmed. __ __.1 Il_I'| I-I1 n_,1_,, , _. nu-u -nu wanna: -v-. Ir Strnuon Ind Mr B. W. Barker tn the cburchvnrdenn for the current your. 'l'I.- Hannah! -0.0..-..-.0 -_- ...4l -_.I _.I..---.l wuu-v..w-._.._- .v. v... --..v-. Iv.--. The nancial atatement waa read and referred to the auditora, Mr H. J. Spriggg and Captain Putnam. | The funds thawed n balance on had for the current your or about 325, beside: 5 Iuln or over 8200 at the cxedit of the building fund. II.-.-- D..-_- 'I|-_I.._ l]___-_ 9--.--- If--- F!_ .. --.u nun. uc-v-uni nu euv pill yll , The Vestry edjonrned At e_ aubeeqnent meet ing of who congngntion, Mr George A. Kirk_ purick, IL P., was elected Lay De|_ egeto to the Synod, Hr Kent being the retiring delegele and declining re-election. The other delegnee ere Ir Rogers, two yearn; Ilr Nuh, one your. 3- Y.--.. 1- D _ - - - - - - - -- W" ' -..., v-u J van S1. Joan : PoI'ruIou'rn.-Tho Incumbent, the Rev. 1' W. Dobba, in the chair. "FL- 1-..n.._:_.. -a:_,__ , - - -.-- ,--- -. ..... -.-.... -. ..... ..........., ........ eun Burns, Taylor, Harmer, Sprigga, Keen and Butow re elected uidesmen. :1- r___,_ L\L,___ _,, ,;p_,.L, ,__-:_. V.-n. -. r---J unusu- Au. Surre C1-mncn.-At. the Enter veetry meeting, held on Monday evening at this church, the incumbent, Rev. Ir Place, in the chair, the election of ehnrchwnrdene for the year took place. Mr Pleea appointed M1-I Bteeey, end for the people, In J.J. Christie. ' 81-. Jung`: nummu_-I-I... -___-- _. . .,.... .....u w-- uwvvu so net 101' me people The thanks of the Vestry were given to Mr Nuh and the member! of the chair, the retiring ohurchvnrdenu and the Vestry clerk, Mr Regen for their kind services in the put your. ' Thu Innirv ninnrngnl A 4 - -..I.--_, ___ ........w 3- y.-vu.- .......-._..-. Ir.Jztme| Shannon moved for the appoint. ment of a committee to consider the propriety of completing \h0 tower of the church with the addition of I helfry and bell, and to inquire the probobla coat of the ssme, how the funds should be raised and to !'BpOl lL at an adjourned meet- mg. 'lu._ __-..I...l.... ....A Jan In g K-Infdi...-nnninn _ ._.__-_ ._- J._.. A conversation, instituted by Capt. Putnam, arose re`-alive to the clergyman using the black gain in pr-.a(-Fug. Tho mnnimous feeling of those present was favourable Io lhe anrpiira being need at morning service on the ground of convenience, nd "in it was no longer consid- ered n pzuty badge. Av. G.w_.--1 I\.-..__- A - -I - ._v-.-.-av--, nu urv \.`l:IIlI'- Ir Wu. Shannon read the report of the ehnrchwordenn, showings large increase in its income over lut you from pew rents nnd col- lection. The voluntary contributions, which form the support of the clorymnn, wore in- creuod conuidernbly our one half. The large repairs undertahn last year have all been paid for, stud there is ml] a satisfactory cub balance on hand. Hours H. 0. Voigbt, And Edward Stacey were nppointed auditors, to report on the IB- count! in the noun! two week! time. llr E. J. 3. Penn woo appointed Vestry clerk, Mr R. V. Roger: retiring. Menu Kent and Shnnnon re- tired an chnrcbwnrdono. Hr Kirkpatrick op- pointod-Ir Rogers u bin eburchwnrdeu, Ind Ir Peter Botel wu chooon to act for the people vntrv ism at--n 0- II- -..n...-, . The commi..ee Io meet at the church on Fri- day evening. ll. Qn-inn-a -nl-.--ln-A n. ..I.._ `I 58.1. n-n-ans`) ...- _.-.._.._. _... owvlo The vest.-3 was then ndjon ;ed fax a week. At a subsequent congregational meeting Mr Edwin Rose was re-elected delegau xo (be Synod ."o'.' ll"`ee years ; the olber de`ega1es ` - in: It '1'. C. Wilson, two years, and M- James Shannon one year. A -___-___.:__ .__. w; , ---. nu um poupus, Ir J. J. unristlo. 81-. June`: 0uuncn.-`l'he nnnunl Vestry meeting of St. James ! Church was held on Monday evening, the Rev. 1'`. W. Kirkpatrick, I-ncumbent, in (be clnir. u. 111.. an-__-_ -, - luau The resolution gave rise to n briefdiscnnion in which nearly all the gentlemen present took part and appeared to View the matter very fucunbly. The reaolution was carried unani- Inoualy. TL- an-nun: Al` in -......o .5 0|... `I-.....l. an IT : u-J ~...-.u5. Mr Spriggs submitted a plan or the proposed new school house at the G. T. R. Depot; kindly prepared by Mr Power, architect. He Also gave some inmesling deils concesning the scheme- A vo`e of monks was given to Mr T. C. Wilson and Mr Sprigga for their services in connection with the Sunday School at Ibo Depot. 'l"I.n ......o -9- ....L.....I 1.-..-- L._ |___ L. , ...... ...-.. uuuu-z_~ uuuuvnnu luv ur"Ul- The Inn! of I school house hats long been felt at the church, era as soon as the tower is completed, the Vestry wtll be expected to take me mallet` up. More ltberal couirlbaliops to the week y ofertory would enable the churchwar, dean `to add something annually to the building I`: ad wh-ch would be available for that purpose. "`ue organist`: salary in iucrensed $20 upon motit..1 of Capt. Pulnnm. A was of thanks was tendered to the choi: for Iheif vniunble services, and 11650 to Mrs Davis for me use of her vebicies in connection wish the Sanity School. .,._ _VV , `. .. . _ _ }_____._______ ti: Jouph Whitworth has but uojoiuod from 1' using I small 2} ton bani it bi! work: ,- the Donn o!0hnneuy, on the J _ fa, prison, a the groulhu -its __ tnrhed their building aixcyar _ It was proud that Sir Joseph.` thejar niacin u In no but us. Yioo-Olna 11 undo tb ` _ In '_ 0' jlrpotnl, Troynor, :30! ten your, u the wu patting by, struck her over the bear! with a broom. with which "be In on to be swooping in front of his house." She twisted the broom out of his band, when Ibo mother of Tnynor come to the mono, uying, "Lay down the broom, It the some time calling witneu n ____- __-..__ -_...._L -1.-- .._u.'a .. - I. FROM GAL1`. Gnlt, April ll.--The child of a man named Callaghan fell into n pail of hot i water recently, and was so badly unaided l that it died` from the effect: this morning. :j-: Ulvvun -w - - u - --.-v .u_- y-.....- nsnre proper enough -whennp-plied to n fr- tnnle of the ennine;rnee, but decidedly oh 0- tionnble ns used in connection with n Indy- Mrs Clnrk hnd colnplnints equnlly grievons,nnd ns Ilr Dnvld Cunulnghnm nppenred, nnd wen sworn, nnd sun In Trnynor nnd fnmilyn rnther hnrd cbnrncter, nnd ne_Irs 'l`.,hnd been previously before the court, the court concluded to ne thnt person ve dollnrs nnd,ieosts,nnd dinchnrgsd Ire _Olnrk with n onution. Dr- Jnmes Iengher wns charged with being dis- orderly, end with nbusin g Policemen Hoyle. Hoyle wns sworn, nnd snid the: on inst evening he won coming down Brock street, nnd sew the prison.r telling with Mr Inrrny before his niietion rooms. As witness cnme up he henrd lesghe, siy, I don't enxe n d--n for nll the police in an my," Witness pnssed by snying "thnt s right," when prisoner said Witness than snid he would hnve to tnke Ilengher to the station, nnd took hold of him to do so, but nfter taking bin: n short distnnca liberated him. When prisoner hsd got nwny A few pncen from wilness, he behaved in n worse mnnner, nnd told witness to gojetc, etc. Witness nally took hlengber to the police station. Dr. Msnghsr cnlled Mr Murray, whose testimony was nubstnntinlly the same as the previous witness. It wns to the eifect that prisoner sins tnlking in a loud excited manner, when witness told him thnt he should not tslk so, and seid thnt n policeman was coming, when prisoner used the expressions about the police mentioned by the first witness. There we: no ditference from the foregoing evidence in thnt given by Mr Ferris also cnlled by Dr. Mengher, nnd to a question of the tnngistrnte, he snid that be bend the evidence of Mr Murray, rend by the cierk,:nud corroborated it. The accused nppenred to be excited, and wns several times ndmonighed by the Hegistrnls, and nnll; ordered to take his position in the prisoner`; deck in company with Archy Buchnnnn, with whom he shook heads. The mngistnte nt the conclusion of the trisl lined the prisoner two dollars and costs, remarking that he ha 5,, a. regular nulsnnce in the city for the lnst':,ep dnys, to which the prisoner replied in very abusive terms and was then removed from court, The dock was tennnted by Archy Bh P 333`? on his old chnrge. The magistrate nllowed him to go, directing the police to see him snfely on bosrd the steamer for Wolfe Island. Archy nclmow_ ledged this leniency by remnrking thnt it we, more than he deserved or had n right to _ neck, - 4 4 H ,,,_D W..,.,._. .... ..... pulptll (II pI'ote_|l:_, An annual general meeting of the Mar cantile Library Associntion was held last night, and during the discussion itappem-ed lhnt the institution was not at all in a satis- factory state, and was badly supported. A committee was appointed to consider the affairs of the association. NUIIUB IV IIJIIIIIBVUNUIN I3 Anvuymoun communication can receive no nuolnlnn Everything Inrwlrrled for inurllol: must he Ifnnm pautod byshe name and sddren of Ihr writer; nol necessarily for publlraxmn, but an ovtdonoe of un- thenucuy It in also requested that correaP"d0`W vnll only urrlleon one side of mo sheet of pupa. We cannnl nmlnrluka 1. return rmecled communication -->---v-J AUIPIDUVIUDUIE. The ventilation sud anti home building upon. old cemeteries people how "am" meeting tnnlght for the pnrpogg of p,ote_'t. snnual general mum..- ..c .n.. .. ` SPECIAL TELEGRIHS. ` (Per hontreatbisu.) FROM IONTBIAL. Montreal, April 11.--La Jlnerue, Sir George Cartier-`a organ, comes out strong againlt the Enron and Ontario Canal And Mr Caprepl, denouncing the project an ab. sulntely impracticable. I-`I... -..._L:I..A--- ~-- 3 _ Kmasron Onmxn Own -Wo inriu nlten, tion tothe meeting of thin cricket club, which will take place this evening 1! the Anglo- Americen Botel. Bmincu oonnectediith the erection of a new pavilion and other imporinnt matters will be brought up. Aiutnsr or S'rzwAn.'r Anna-r or run But: 07 Moxnnu. n Pnn'rH.-Stewnrt the ebaconding agent of the Bank of Montreal at Perth, was ur- rested this morning It Rome, inthe State of New York, through the mean: ofr Henry Folger, banker, of this city, who was on his wey to Buslo, end bed been infovmed of the fact of Stewart : delinquency. About 314,000 were found in Stewart : possession when arrested which is luppoied to be the whole, or nearly so` of the emonnt teken by him fun; the bank. It could not largely exceed that amount, as there was never on hand in thet agency more then about $20,000 Ir Drurntnond, jr., is now in charge of the agency, heving been sent from the Otttawe branch of the bank. __.___.__.__ Tn S-rnnn Roannm-n.-Tbe Iteelner Rochester has now felrly eeenmed her duties ee passenger end freight eteemer between Kingston Ind Belleville and the Bey of Qninte ports. The commend of her bu been assigned to Olptnin R. Crawford, well and fevournbfy known for many years as partner of the no. eel. --. Snn>Pmu.-'l`he achooners Sweden and Don- muk left Garden Inland this morning, light the former for Bear Creek and the latter for Toledo. Tn: AIs1zIs.-'l`be Spring Seulona of the Court of Queen : Bunch will commence tomor- row at noon. CATABAQUI CIAPTII, No. 13, F.A,ll.-Tbe election of oloere for the eneuing your tank place on Monday evening. The following were elected :- AIa1zIs.-'l`i:e `Sp:-ing `(Inn-t nf ("Mung-.'. D......I. _:n ___,_,, FIG. I. you found me randy to ndvine,I always found you prompt to set upon my Advice, and any out intelligently any inumclione I gave gou, however dangerous or unpleuoot the ter. vice might be. And on looking heck out the whole pe"od of my connection with you, I do not remembxr any eei-ions ofeuee committed oithev in Ibo city or neighbourhood, the perpe- 3I'Il.'oII 0! which were not b:on;ln to the her of guinea. Though Ian ---I- -=--~ - I -` ` -- J, A. Uhulel, 2nd (I R. E. Comp. J. V. Noel. Treunrer. R. Tn-n, II n R. Town, u.o. [ ` Comps. Mathew: and Luv, Steward; u. H Dulnblo, Z. A. lclillsn, H. G S. Oldrieve, J. Felix Shaw, (3.3. W. Ileoomb, S N. H. P. llinneu, P.8. J. Greeneld, lat Auiu. J, A. Ohulel, do. . Noel. Tron-nu-ac ,...... cg vul Of 11 polcon bforo Aifhndjnnonreducho :::k| no:u-. .Wbilo the o Opium prince: were indignsnt nt the munnou of-the shun Tran nmmumma BA: nmmfin ` ,,,,u .n - n_ u...A.A.u ...nlta it ' for Ilil `tinuga Sovenl you! ugo I hook ha Ind written`; uiud It 3 Pub printing oloe by add-`or Loni: Napoleon before it Ind` anon-educho 1 hook-Mont. .W|-i|- '*- -`L " ` I I-5. Allan: any n gnu .-..-.,.. -_,, ..ertb. April 10.- On Sulday eve ' `y it bccnmc known in t` that r J. A.: ew- nrt; agent 0! the Bank of llbutrooh uh, bud docnmped on Fridny morning Ian, tak- ing $18,000 with him. The defaulting ugent sent the teller to Ottawa on bunk lrmninau on the anrlv tnin Lhosulo [IONI- W .-~--- v- -an -up 0 Hail ' interviewed by III F.lIIlH:l`l`On[.Ii :hmlI, soh::l_ :$ I half feet high It! heavily ' ' _ toned, re- gnrdi g I gbou Ilory. Thu 04! lo! baliovou the non n... -.. -..-- 3'." '.' "" The Governor-General is making pre- parations for a visit to England during the summer. S`r Hastings Doyle will be Ad- ministrator daring Lord Lisgar s absence- Snr Edward Kenny is to administer the gov. ornment of Nova Scolia during General Doyle's stay in Ottawa. This is one more example occurring under Confederation. of Canadians exercising the functions of pro- vincinl governors ; and still another instance will probably soon be furnished, as it is r3- moured that the Hon. Mr Tilley will go out to British Columbia as Governor. The hon- nurs of Provincial Governorships in British North America will soon be in the bands nf distinguished North Americans. agent eent tne teller IO Uuuvvu --u u--- butineea on the early train ing, and during his absence mid! the _ neceeaary haul, and departed W the next uIorning a train, leaving hardly a cent of money in the bank. Friday beIng_I bank holiday he was not missed, neither d'td hie abeence on Saturday create much notice or any Inepicion, though number: who had bnelneee at the bank found no one there to conduct it. On Saturday hie wife, who wan at the time vieiting in Ottawa, received a letter written from Ogdensburg encloeiag $500; and this wae the first intimation any one got ofhie being out of Perth. Hearing of it the Bank agent at Ottawa sent up a clerk to investigate the matter, and arriving on Sunday afternoon made an examination 0! the bank books along with Mr Gray, oi the Merchunt s Bank, Perth, and found the clefalcation to amount to about 318,00 Great excitement was caused up here when the news made public. Stewart wae a native of Ireland, and was well connected` there. -_m. 1139 Oil! or tn` is, half rm: high an _.__..- _,,-..g. no way I gmguuto of Hsrvnxd, A cixeu of Connectiput, bein unexpectedly called upon to cddrell I Band; to his feet. in some confusion, and after uenril dolpente but nin efonu to any Iamuhing proprinte, bonruely murmured, Den children never fool with powder. H _ ' The editor of tuhgpnme Jail 5.`. 1.... fu|uItnIo__XriIhmnn. senuna n |.-It 4'.-. |_:_|_ ..~- - I ot_t_onr aoldieu every night in his ___. .. .......-.uon tutu no kepa a guard bedroom. Mr Gharlg Carter Leo died at his home in Windsor, Powhatoan county, Virginia, on (be 2lat ult., at the age of 73 years. Ir a brother of the late confodento loader, Robert E. Lee. He wan well known, many years ago, in literary circlea throughout the count and in bi: own unto Val halt: in `high eutaari gt. though uaver having taken a very active part in public afatrg. H tag a grauato A ..n:--- -1 "-/ N ' ' v...... _.--`---V -.-v- .-- uvuvungv . v ' Scranton. April 7.-A band of ve hun- dred men, armed with mneke 3, clubs, and revolvers, visited Tripp's mines in this ci-y this morning, and prevented the workmen from entering the mines. Three miners employed at the works warn shot down dead in cold blood by the mob, and others were beaten with stones so that they will probably dial`--. _:_LL Il ..-_Z- I7. l1'T_-Lv, ,. `I u Geneul Todleben is on his There he Intends to visit the 1 Ipou of the war ofl870. Dd-.. n|.-_I.- -I '- rrvvv v. -nu no: In JOIU. Prince Charles of Ronuinnin, is in a stunt four 0! uuuintion that he has of tour be I Mr lunnlgh --I--- ` -A " ' ncl: con. PI droom. COAL MINERg (I3T SCRANTO (110. Last night Morris & Week s retail coal works in this city were torn down, and the most of their mine blown down and the track torn up. A large mob is now engag- ed this noon in driving the men out hf the_ iron company's mines near their mill. These several gen s of men raise the Irish- American ag, an have the nrms of two or three militiaeompanies. The Mayor of this city was booted at while reading the riot not to the mob today. There is not an American militia company in the entire northern halfof this (Duzerne) hounty. The demonstrations of yesterday were the rat made here during the suspension. The mobs altogether number over a. thousand men, and they are visi ing in rapid succes- sion such mines as are being worked here. Connell's mines, ne_z_\r this city, was besieged today, and a suspension of work: compelled. During the afternoon the noters to the number of about. nnn ihnmmna ....m.. ...:...a .- umna 01 annex. Uften the hea.vy,Fren_oh eld artillery, delayed by bad roads , by thnws and slipper ice, could not get into line, and they ha to regret. the infatuation for large calibres which abandonment of the pieces strike vye_ll at 3,000 metres, the enormous gdyantgge anywhere." ` " ' Jon Bon, . Chief Constable of Police, On behalf of the Police Force ofKingeton. V Kingeton, larch 10, 187]. Mr Creighton then read the following re- ply :- To Ir John Robb and otcera and men of the Kingston Police Force :- l einarely thank you {or the kind Ientiments centnined in your nddreu, and although I do not lay claim to the many virtues you ascribe to me, yet I am grateful for the meeenre of enc- oees which crowned my eforu to temper jtutice with mercy whilst perfouning the dnllee of P0- lioe Magistrate. Whllet ever maintaining the! criminnla should he held with a tight rein, I have been convinced from my experience of lhnt claea thet Ieverily hardeos and degredee, whilst kindness Ioene, elevalee and reform: I am well nware thnt in the olce which! at pre. sent ll, no Warden of the Kingston Penlten- ` tiary, n union of rue qnalitiea ie req`oired, good judgment, great patience, kindness, rmoeea, sympathy, e quick insight into char-ncter, a strong instinct of jnseiie, varied experience and eoneidhrahle ndminisarntive talents; and I ensure you the lenons learned on these pointl in your `ball of justice" will not be loot upon DIG. Two brothers, named SI married in Michigan, took wives. ,.. ._-__ u.uuu_y, unu u. suspension 01 wary compelled. n_1_n;_1ber of abaut one thousand proc: eded to the Noyung and Clark coal breakers in the third Ward of the city, and the men at work in the former were than A.-;.m.. nu` rm.-- uuru wuru 0; one city, and the work former were then driven 011`. They then set re to the Noyung breaker and it burned to the ground. This evenin at 7 o'clock one battalion of infantry an a sec~ tion of artillery of the Suite guard arrived, and the troops are uartered in the various halls in the city. evernl more battalions are expected to u.rr3ve during the night. The troops are under the comrnand of Maj.- Gen. Osborne, an experienced oicer of the war, It is reporred here that some of the works from whiph the inen were driven to- day will resume work, and grill begin at o...:e it` they can be ensured the! they can be protected against the terrorism and malig- nity of the rioters. Theriutention of bring- ing the military here is to render this protec- llun. Up to 10 .11)., no additional acts of vio lence have een committed, but threats of renewed violence tomorrow are numerous. One company of troops have been sent to the Tripp slope, where renewed holtilities are threatened in the morning. Since the arrival of the troops greater condence is felt by the people, and many believe there WI" be no renewal of _the_lewlessness.1 41.51 Auuu uinums.` Uh` MEN. Dr Russell. in-one of his last letters from Versailles, tells us the real nature of the iron circle with which the Germans Bur? rounded the French capital. Paris was for fun by an iron hoop which France could not break. There were 500,000 inside it end 250,000 men outside. 30 500.000 men were kept in by u. bend of 250,000men. Iron will yield. ` t can be broken or bulged, melted nr nnnnnd I". -.... l - I" ` nun, Ii IDOIIIQ I)! sat out, howovor, I may round Parin, a to nd any trace: 4 is not a wall of it wood nnlv |:...... ..r I -_..., .. ruvsuq on continuous. Ion may from Vcrsailles and jam- and you "will be hard set of a circle at all. There note. iron now, nor a fence of wood. nor lines of forts, nor continuous in- lfllehments, nor parapets - in fact For four months the Pruseians stood on the defensive. Every sortie aga`nst them has failed. 'l`he reasons of the failure were thgt in getting over the natural diicnlties of the g:-ound the as-nilants were exposed to the e of xed batteries from the in- trenched front, which swept the troops be- fore they could debouch and form their (:01: umne of attack. Often hea.vy,Fu-'en_oh artillery, by rant]: 1-- _,.....,. fr; _uu.u no motion bulged, led asunder or trust- ed or cut. But the `iron" to thy end. Where is this iron circle-? A circle is a. well dened idea. There ought so be no rift in its oivpumference. Thick or thin, it nhould be continuous. ou frog: and iam- AN IRON CIRCLE OF MEN. P Rania in l\D\A ..L' L:- I - - Slnalltnba, recently at the names of their IlI\|$- - Though nbt Imeh given to displuy, 1 will wont thh bannlihl and vnlnnblo ring which you hnwe pceunnod to no In 1 token oflny reg-rd lo: the Kingston Police Force. tho. I know, criga to do their duty whilst ocrviu. und" .0. -24.2.` _._ _II n - -