i-0ver. $.'0`n0t), ,.u.\'cAmr 1", mo. ;\~_- uccticut. in C m:\ 1.: for :19 Irly 50 years, and during that line hm "1 uh. ml settlement of may fair claim. It has full; 9.`. NH with the Government of Stocks to tho exten: nun: I , Hunger. `_`A\V, Ann Constipation, Anluna, COIIIIIIII non, Laryngllls, Nervous De bully, Dyspepsia, Chronic BI-oncllllll, Chronic!!!- nu-rhclglolanclnoly. "'-*-- 4'-mm Tvohoid and o ---- him Undonigned, och of PLAIN Al :01: no JOB P _ [and Inn ` v;d and oh. uh--. 5 low .14 the safety ( .\fp:ukiln.:, Pungenl and Ice-coin 5; 1570. MEL. 1870. '1`HE high degree of popularity attained by` our Soda Appunlus, induced us this sea-| son at great expense to procure the most im- grored Generator for charging our own Poun- mine. We are now nb|e n dispense the coidesu and purest Soda Water, avoured with lhe fol- iowing Syrups, made from the rxpreased {juice of the fruit. LEMON, VANILLA, CREAM, .\'ECT.\R. RASPBERRY, ORANGE, PINEAPPLE, STRAWBERRY. GINGER, L- 80. We have adopted the New York system of issuing Soda Tickets or cheque: For sale at the store, up;-rn L QHMM 1 mnaAcm_coa.L mm folnce-3t. Lawrence What! `I Fnut. of Tohuson Street. R. { "3. Coal is Pure Luckuwnna, being mined in _ the very heart of mg Lnckawnna Valley. Sctnaton, Pittston, sud Wilkes Bu-re,fxoIn the best selected mines, sad in prepared with great rare expressly for Family use, and will be 1 tcrecned and delivered in the best possible co 1- 5 lilion. I n-.. ..I...v..I Ra nal for written constant]! '1! Av uuvu, I v-w 7- on, and two cull F , non: insertion. ~ ,. sequent iuunlon Id ; ace 3 rock. 4 null F 5 of Birth). .50 can ' IAnugeo..60 ennui ~ Death: . . . .50 cell 0*" III!!! No'ncu."-A-'1.` -_.l._.. |..A..d nr ! Best selected Soft Coal for grates constantly , bu band, Ilso Lehigh bump for Foundry I se . And Bloesburg for Blacksmiths. ! Terms Gash. Dcliutod in any part of me} . -15- EIIOVED to the Oe over Linlon | Auc- tion Rooms. -_ ____._`_..___._____ ` ___________ < June 2. !KlNGST0l!\I`_ `GAZETTE AID corrnau ?.ALL THE Nuws or run, WEEK. 11' II TILLID WITH `, A Large Quantity of Reading. ' nn 1: Til _ Soda IVatcr AT HEATH & GUNNB -ITURNED-Dn lhcnux, at R. Wan-| a nma Slam, October 21 868. uu---...._ _ V _`_______,____________ Puovmmu. m.~uluNr.Ic conmnv ! (FIRE AND MARINE.) MAXWELL w. smuon, Aaanr. ` OI -`F'lOE-0lu-enoe` Street, oppomo Poo: Office. ,__.`. _ ONLY ONEDOLLAR. FELLOWS Ina u I U l\L` n-u-u Drug Store. 3 Debility ` low fen 1-9, H y pocpond rio, Auieoorrhmn, min, Leucorrhmn, mun or Wasting of the Iuu_ Dipbthetitio Pl-on Lou of Voice, Bluggisbneu of the Foelo Action of the Hun, cauud by mucous obotructio Liver, nod Air Pouogoo leading t urions couseo, mony cues o hopeless. -- -A I -x- I... u so. .-qn|:'uig' from Typh Nervous lxciudoimy, clea, Chores or St. ration, Hysteria, Chloroois, Ame. lam- Aphonio or Vitus : Dance, Intotruplod Ind Sufocaling `Feelings e on of 1 Lung: hereto, Dubillty from I which appeared Sold by Apothecarles. old other ` ..... ... *1 pa-:u.owv HYl ()1_ H()SPHITES._ 32---... mnwenma bV Printed Every Saturday, Prim 31 60 ; lix for 3: w. JAMES L FELLOWS, Chemistl ` 9!. JOE], 1.3. DRUG STORE DUIII Il.l l""""` nix for 87 50- ____ .. u1arff\ BEST DHOLLA-B men ........-. .u wanna DATNI` nu` (IAN JAIES SWIFI`, Agent. St. Lawrence Wnnrf. A \/-____ Among the diseases H10 Illa 1 r of the Assured will permit. 4 7 Princess Street. the use 01 N5 00-IIPOUND 8131]! OF `IIYPUPIIOS PIIITEB 3 5,549,504 91 23,000,000 07 JAMES SWIFT t G(. -_::__:-- $6,649,504 67 682,582 03 253,319 14 967,125 oo 4:13.445 oo 2,220,033 75 ' IIIO I! "J9 BIOTBI HEATH 8 GUNN. -OICBOIIOI . Typhoid other xtitio Prountiou, ~----Ian hloroli. ;....__, overcome by -6` ), 06n- l{INGS'l`()N. nuIcH FINE VAR-IETIES .__-. A LARGE ARRIVAL, VERY CHEAP, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, PLAIN PAINT SHOP AND ROOM PAPER DEPOT.` n :_.:A.. n_,:-: _ ul. 1'. I I CU.` I 'e:fum*rs. Prize and Excellcni: .II-1. UWN WLVDS0330 rnlnung, \JI' done to order. `*0 AVING retired from the Grocery and L Liquor Trmle, begs to thank his nu- merons cusnomors tor llu-ir liberal patronage in me pasz, Mod intimates for the future he will strictly conne hirusclflo the OF`FI(`.E AND RE%I[)E}ILE ~ between Bngnl uml \\`e1l`m_.;Lon . Kingston, Jan. `.0, 1370. DOUBLE AND TULIPS, v {\n1\r Oct. 17. LADIES AND GENTS 1 v ALSO On hand, 3 large and varied Stock of Cana- dian Mnnufacture, together with Trunks. Vnlises, in In , i BOOTS Kingston, April 20, L WU STILI I bled to exrcuu hill tester expedition IMI I City, I onion III V In fnrnunrml `hi Allordet p::;xnpuy attended 1 Y _._ V HIS elegant Turkish Tonic is one of the most salutary and delicate preparations ever submitted for public approval in this hemisphere, and asserts its pretensions to patronage on the following grounds; That. it is in preparation of one of the most eminent Pnrveyors to the Ottoman Court. It prevents acidity of the stomach. It relieves lowness of spirits. It is 3 mild and invigorating tonic, and e emoet etlicient. but innocuous stimulant. It renders the breath sweet and ngrcenhle. It stimulates the appetite if taken before meals. lt protiaotee digestion if taken efter meals. lt neutralizes the propensity for strong liquors. lt renders the intellect bright and clear. if telten habitually it imparts vitality and energy to all `the bodily organs. By its use a men of 70 will become, as it were, restored to the elasticity of 30; and to - persons of delicate constitutions it is strongly K recommended. r. a. An esnecie l favourite with Oriental :c.. kc. An inspectioniis .-espectfully requested. JAM ES HOP" Kingston, June 20, 1870. `HE sub.-cribs-r hm: just received direct from ` England, 3 very tine assortment of, l 1!. II lndiel. Einnn lumen. Secure, then, energy by the h ALKABA en::;-B} ;EVei1sbiLunl use at the ALKABASAR TURKISH TONIC. Kept in stock by the priuci Grocers in the Dominion. ;_ _For directions for use see labels on bottles. pal Druggiets and HENRY CHAPMAN S: 00., `Montreal. EVANS, MERCER. & 00., Sole Agents for the Dominion. ' - 4-! Inltv L uou .. _ . IIELLMUTII LADIES luau urnted by H.R.H. Prince and uitiou par nunuzn,$2`.$6. ' "'-- `Tm-v Rev. I tum E.R.u. rnuw . aunum, ` Preuident-'l`he Very Rev. 1. onto or uuuu-w... V o.1v'niumnl._a sulo tnd in III we \J uuuun, SNOWDROPS, &c,, Just received and for sale by E. 11 l A1{K|3.`l{, (WEB 90.000 ROLLS. Satin; 10d and Golds 23 Marble: Gd. Oak 5:1 Scent-ry 5d Bar-Room 5d upwards. In u u DUIU n Montreal, July 5. uua-~...' _ ,, my 30. ILL HEADS and other kinds 0! JOB - mo executed with neamess and \ iesputch at the Daily News oice, Princess nfxt PAPERS FROM THREE CENTS UPWARDS. wy. R6|.SON'S .\yn nn. . ..._._.. .@_.-- _.____..__.__ _______._._._ II IG HER EIDUCATION. l LLIIUTE COLLEGE.-Board and Tai- E I oinn nor annum, $226. 11 lwuuen is Iuuuw - Auction Sales, Adnnhdl 91!. Coponooruhip logll of individual I ure, health. Iongevixy y habitual the 'l'( _. :. .....~1.: hv the principal Dru smomr. HYAOINTHS,i 'cRocUs, u\Yt'u-nu-\p.n.._ . I >N.(CANADAL SATURDAY EVENING. JUNE 17, 1871. ed. especial MADRID `I84 ENG LES-II wnes L )8 I .\I\' D SHOES. Market Square. H UUhunun.- rannum, - . --- .wn 3335.5 Ipecuuuy requesu-u. JAMES HOPE. 1)-: .. ...-um Qa-a , BOOTS AND SHOES. UIIHIJ I1`:-...__ . Arthur. . 1-94:5: I. A. KARCH. L)F.-Earl Street, .. \`:_,-An- ; and Fresc0eingl\ ROBINSON. :0 ll\Jl. 11- Princess Street. a and vital m_ BROCK AND BAGOT STREETS. ,~._:_._.__._.__.j....___:._._ ___ jsuv vuun BOOM man {BEST QUALITY} V OW ON HAND, the Newnaw`, Cheapest and `L Best Selected Stock of Room Papers ever imported into the city The Latest Designs suitable for Parlours, Halls. Bedrooms, Dining ltooma, Kitchens, Ceilings, etc. Plain. Green nnd Buff Paper for Windows. Figured Win- Alow Shades, and Brown. Gold and Plain Borders in every style. The undrvnionnd in nramu-arl in arm-nfn nuruers 1n every style. The undersigned is prepared to execute ` House and Sign Painting, Glazing, Grnining, Paper Hanging, Room Decorating, Walls and Ceilings calcimined, &c., kc. All orders =rompl1y attended to on the shortest nouns and most reasonable terms. fI`Ul||.I AG Ilnll A D(\\`l' May 16. Balelielor-`s Hair Dye. This splendid Hair Dye is the beat in the world ; the only true and perfect Dye. Barm- `less-reliable-inaV.anumeous-no disappoint. me-nt-no ridiculous \ints-does not contain lead or any vitalic poison to injure the hair or system." Invigonnes the hair and leaves it sift and beautiful; black or brown. Sold by all drnggista and dealers. Applied at the Fac- tory, 16 Bond Street, New York. CHEMIST AND DPUGGIST, l 1 Coughs mid Colds. Sudden changes of c-imste are sources of Pulmonary, Bronchial and Asthmatic etfec- lions. Experience heving proved that simple rumedies oft/en act speedily and certainly when taken in the early stages ofthe disease, recourse should at once be had to Brown s Bronchial Troches, `or Lozenges. Few ere aware of the importance of checking a cough or common cold, in the first stage. That which in the beginning would yield to a mild emedy, if neglected, soon Attacks lhe lungs, Brown s Bronchial Troches, or Cough Lozenges allay irritation which induces coughing, having ,4 direct inuence on the eacted parts. As there are imitations, be sure to obtain the I'I'l'LI genuine. Sold by all dealers in medicines at 25 cents _ L.-- Nlolllcrs! lllolhorsz! Molhcrsz! Are you disturbed at night and broken at your rest by 3 sick child, suffering and crying with the excruciating pain of cutting teeth ? if so, go at once and get nboule of Mrs Wins- ow a Soothing Syrup. It will relieve the poor lime sufferer lmmedinusly-dopend upon :. 4...-.. :. nn miatnlxn about it. There ianota IEIUMAD mcmauun, Kingston Paint Shop and Room Paper Depot, Corn:-r Brock and Bagot Streets. ` Kinasmn, Anril 17, U0! D(`l' DH) Kingsmn, April 17. p00!` Iuuu 3uucn:- .u....\..........., -...r..... _r-_ it, uhere is no miatake about it. There ienote mother on earth who has ever used it who will not tell you at once that it will regulat the bowels, and give reel to the mother, and relief and health to the chlld,operat.lng like magic. It is perfectly safe to use ln all cues and pleasant to the lute, end In the preucrlp- I den of one of the oldest and bell. female physi- clan: and nurses in the United States. Price 25 cents. Sold everywhere. Be sure and call for .____..- 5-...-. nnnnunvuru nvnn Cheapest House In Kingston. Du uunv nun. ...... . MRS W[NSLOW S SOOTHING SYRUP, Having the fac-aimilc of "Dani: 8 Perkins on be outside wrapper. All others are bueimitm THGMAS M MAHON S. slrccn. V __ V____` _ _ __~ ` EW PRINTING MATERIAL having \ been just added to 1.heDAILY NI-:ws PRNTING OFFICE, the establishment is in a heuer nsixion than ever to execute Fum Pmmusa and every "variety of Work. Ac- curacy, neatnrt-s am not 1: on rqpxbined -.._.-. n1nnnwi`lllfVA'l"f_.Q. ;I\(` Inag PR9 GALLON. curacy, ucuuu... __., _` ` OIIANGE CER'l`IFlCATES and Lodge 1 Summons may be obtained at the DAILY Nmwa Onlcn. Orders by mail 1 promptly attended to. Devices for every description of Orange printing kept on hand at the Dun Nnws S-run Pam-use Housn " ---- __ r #31` or ADVERTISING`.---Hor:'ace A Greeley, of New York, says:-'1`he uocessfnl business men In this city are those who htvexdvertiaed liberally and A, until sdverj:isemen_ 4393- who have auveruauu uuuum, ...... constantly. `IIncl:"sdver`1:ineme-at oon- V "t. 121 a tin is ttertm 1.} -:::..zn *.:.;':.*..(,..`.,. . - =-v v. COAL ()IL, 4.2 PRINU ESS STREET. R. WHITE. V3 III Lu ulvaucu bl. -no n Special Notices. 35 CENTS linen and ngdnt, 3| 1 3, and 13 um: H 1 on. CORNER OF` IIB (EYES. THOMAS McMAHON, nhnn and Dnnvn De-A. g. Fridny sfternoon.-The debule on the class-` pntion scheme of mi: ions was resumed- Rev. Mr Nesbizt, in the absence of Mr White took charge of the report. Referred and re- commenled to the Mission Board for consid_ amnion and modication if they think pro- oer. I`. Rev. Mr Lewis moved, seconded by Mr W. B. Simpson, that in order to rt correct classifi- cation of the missions of this diocese, the Ulerin csl Secretary be requested to write at once to every missionary who is on the Mission fund, requesting him to procure and forward within three months to the chair of the Mission Board 8 correct statement taken from the assessor`: roll certied by the assessor. showing the amount at which each individual churchmen in the mission is assessed, and it shall be the duty `of the Misoion Board to take that as one of the .,element.s to guide in the classication of the missions of the diocese, and present the some to the Synod at its next meeting. His Lordshin strontzlv denrecated anv am-.i, BUG DyI.IDLl NE N3 LICXK meeting. Lordship strongly deprecated any sucl, instructions being sent to clergymen, asking them to pry out the assessment of individuss. He maintained that the.u'ue way was to con- sider the ignorance and spiritual destitution 0! the missions, and not the wealth of the inlmbi. tents. It happened that some wealthy parishes were the most niggnrdly, and some that were poor were quite liberal. The resnlntinn was lns`, After a brisk dint-n:_ EIOD. In the absence of Rev. Mr Mulock, Rev. M: Kirkpatrick took charge of the report of Ybe Book and Tract cannon, and moved its adoption Carried. CIA-an -tlIlI\`nD -Anus-oz. IIIADA nAar\-min.` ---`J JIL- `\.) Bl'l' IEU . Some regular reports were adopted and dis- posed of. W Mr Pnnninau 'l`Avlm- mnvod that Hun 'T.nv-ti poser: or. Mr Fennings Taylor moved that the `Lord Bishop of this Diocese be rxquested to take such measures as to his Lordship shall seem meet in concert with the House at Bishops, to causv such modications and amendments to the Col lectnsed in daily prayer for His Excellency the Governor General as shall include the worda-'l`he Governor General and P.-iv, Council of this Dominion, and the Lieutenant Governor and Legislature of the Province. Carried. 'l"L.n Dav hr Inna: rnnvnd Ihn! nan]-u lax l uerneu. The Rev. Dr. Jones moved that each leg delegate on his first election he introduced N the synod by the two senior delegates of the pariah which he represents, or in their ebsenm by two other senior delegates, and met having been conducted to the Lord Bishop by these delegates, end the Clerical Secretary having certified that the parochial assessment has been paid, the new delegate shall then sign the roll and rule: of order, and take his `seat on the floor of the House. Thnrn man 4. nnnd Raul nf nrnnnina int-nauinn 3` SEE LAST PAGE. SATURDAY EVENING. JUNE 17. noor or me mouse. There was a good deal of amusing discussion on the proposed ceremonial. Some one said that Dr. Jones should be Master of Ceremonies, and he rexoned that it should be the Chancel- 10:. Th. hnnnnllnp Ihnrcrht that it wnulld dn- lor. - The Chancellor thotght that it would do- generate into 9. burlesque, and Hon. Mr Patton amid he feared the Synod would earn the title of the "awkward {quad. DAV Dr Janet: said it had been chanted that the awuwaro rquao." ` Rev. Dr. Jane: said it had been charged that 1 the Synod was at times very much wanting in diglilly; and this he thought would go 10 remedy that defect. The resolution was cm riad. . On a rcsolmion by the Clerical Secretary it was ordered that the order of proceedings be amendnd so as to allow a morning or evening service before the re: business meeting of the Synod. Dr Henderson brought uh I: canon for the synod. Dr. Henderson brought up sale of Rectory Lands, seconded by the Arch- dencon, which was adopted. Hnv Mr Lauder moved that His Lordahin be N30!` WEFB qllll uuenu. The resolution was lost After a brisk discus- zi nn deacon, which nuopmo. Rev. Mr Lauder moved Lordship respectfully rcquealed to call the non annual meeliug of Synod in Ottawa. He promised that Onawa would emenain the clergy and the laily free of expense. ' The Dean of Ontario moved in amendment. laivy free or The Denn of amendment, that the name Kingston be substituted. Rev. Mr O'Loughlin aeconded the amendment, which ' was euppoxted by the Ohancellor, who said the Synod had been roasted in Uuawa, and had sutfered deiective nccommodalions. M. R Mn:-Izlnnlnn said he had hpen over- eulilered aelecuve nccommouauona. Mr S. Muckleston said he had been over- charged in Qllawa, much to his disgust, not that be valued the money, but he would much rather have given it to the Ohurch. u. w R Simnnun mid it Wu! the Biabora rather have given 1! lo we uiurcn. Mr W. B. Simpson and il mm Bishop ;-3 prerogative to name the place of meeting, and he would be content to leave it to him. Taking the Synod to Ultawa web the thin edge of the wedge to lake the Synod nwny lrom King- stun. Ls. BILLS, HM-.1`:-I, muons, XSLANKS, N6 mus. an mus, T uao BILLS, Us BUUK5, `BS8 CARDS, IV`-' ufllj. ` eton. The Bishop wished Mr Lender to withdraw his motion, as it might happen that circum- stances would arise, which would make it ad- visable to go to Bullcville or elsewhere. Since the erection of the Synod Hall he felt the Synod was more xed in Kingston, though pre- vious to that he had practised the ambulatory system as one spiritually advantageous to the different towna in which- the Synod was held. :2... M. Lander nfle. nmlvimz to the Kinc- aton gentlemen, withdrew nls Inouon. Rev. Mr Dobba hold over his resolution of sympathy with the Irish Church in her present eort at roconuruction, And her noble desire to maintain lbe Prmeatan: principles of our Re- formed Church. :4. Wnllznm mmmi the nnnoinunent of a different. Lu wnIcn- me nynoa wuss nelu. Rev. Mr Luuder afle. tuplying King- gentlemen, withdrew his motion. Rm. Hr Dobba formed Church. Mr Wnlkem moved the appointment of committee to oxamine the morlgngei. Carried, \ho auditors to be the committee with power lo .1: act. Hon. JODOI Patton moved for a committee of eight to make certain inquiries 1'EBPC|iD"\b8 mode of keeping the books, and the recommen- dation: of the auditors in relation thereto. Carried, and the Bishop nppointed n committee -the Archdeacon, Rev. E`. Kirkpatrick, Rev. B. Lewis, the Uhencellor,. W. B. Sitnpeon, Jame: Pnuon end the enditore. 9... n.- Rmunll moved. seconded bv Rev. Elbe ilailp Kama. T Jame: Patton and Inn nuunon. Rm.l)_r. Boswell moved, seconded by Mr Preston, that lor the future no deduction shall be nude from any collection ordered by the Synod. Rm Mr Kirlrnatriclr sold this resolution Synod. Rov. Mt Kirkpatrick I. might plnce the clergyman in 3 very awkward 8 position as the Vestry assume to control the 1 c r collectiolll. Resolution carried. Rav.Mr Kirkpottick, in the" absence of Mr 1 George A. Kirkpstrick, who had given notice, moved thnt his Lordship the Bishop La request- ed to Ippoint Thursday, lath Kovetnber next, to be observed in this diocese as A day of Gen- eral Thanksgiving to Almighty God. The Bishop snid he would take counsel of the House of Biehops, and if no day wu ungni. xnouely ngreed upon he would name the 16th for this diocese. 22.: hp Janna nuumtnd n Irmmnrinl. rs- l for mu mooele. Raw. Dr. Jones presented a memorial, re- specting marriage hcenseg. and the civil dine bililiea autfered by the members ,_of the Ohurch. No action. `Pk; hnninmn haina 'ninhA the Bishoo 6!; no acuon. The business being gnishod the Bishop ex - prsssod his satisfaction and pronounced the benediction. 'l`hn pl--uul than hunk: nn no inlomto or uuv such :0 Roponqll ciao, Notlocl to 0' menu. lcetinn. 8:: can of Doulionlg 3 - 4.4 ..:....mm SYNOD OF ONTARIO. `THE TREATY 012' WASHINGTON-" Il`S BEARING ON AMERICAN SHIPPING. -an 1-. 42,-. n_,._:._ .! ungonoclqv inn: tho I.`.lll'l.'l.lI U. _ The Buffalo Courier of yesterday bu the following noteworthy article on this sub- su-.g -_ *3? l IIUIIIIII t :- Some ODECIICKNJI. The dynod then broke up. luv ` u"'."` VV'" "7 `" Ilecuuuu an 5"--6 was vital Puvryq ...u "H, ,` J"' "4 ' W 7 ' - allowing 0'" ,0ut3._f`-"`.h`n in them _ l. u -, , '; " removing from our ships,` vessel: W "Y" J. u-rhq"` ""`* some provision: of the treat! between ,ogds the lien, 35 `hm pninpo` mgsto out! Emma was glmmyod I; an.` the United States and the Government of Her _Brit.annic Majesty have an importan I: beenng on the interests of the American alnppmg on the great lakes. I`he nnvimujnn nl-` the Rt T.I:\urnnIIn I. . uuippiug on me great IBKCS. I`he navigation of the St. Lawrence is to be for ever free to and open tor the pur- poses of commerce to the people of the United States, `from the point where it ceases to form the boundary line between the two countries, from, to, and into the sea. This would be an almost entirely barren privilege without the use of the Canadian canals, but the Government 0! Her Brttanuic Majesty also engggg,-] to urge upon that of the Dominion of Canada to secure to our people the use of the Wel- land. St. Lawrence, and other canals in the Dominion on terms of equality with the inhabitants of that country. If any obstacle should be thrown by the Canadians in the way of such a grant, It can only he in pur- suance of a temporary and transient policy; the main object of the Canadian works riaving been as much to attract our wt-stem trade as to furnish means of gtransit for their own. As the facilities thus contem- plated and desired already exist, by per- mission, they will not, so tar as they alone ire concerned, and considered apart from other causes, occasion any immediate or +pecial diversion of trade; except so far as )Bl'[])K11eDCe may give security to invest- meuts in that direction. Hitherto, the route via the St. Law- "ence to the oi ean has been of ridiculously nsignilicant importance to the shipping of the United States, and, notwithstanding the frequent boasts made duiing the last llalf century as to its superiority, its future value to American shipping yet remains nnproved. At best, the United States gain nothing but free admission for their highly taxed and high priced shipping to compete with the cheap and almost untaxetl shipping of Canada. Our ship-owners and sliip-build- :rs can readily see what the nature of this competition must be, when they know th_at siot only has Canada an immense supply of lie!` own timber lor ship-building, while we ire compelled to pay a heavy tax on it. or in increased price for our own, but that nearly every manu_t`actured- article used for .-ihip~I;u'.lding is admitted free of duty into Canada. The list includes anchors, nails (for sneating, &--.) oakuin, ships lamps. vilocks, bunting. cables, compasses, knees, tron masts, pumps, steering apparatus, wire rigging, cordsge, sail cloth or canvas, cables, copper sueating, &c., &c.,. all of which are admitted free of duty from the cheapest mirkets in the world. These natural privileges, from which we debar ourselves are so great that they amount at least to a difference of thirty-three per cent against us and in .favour of tne Canadian competitor. ill C;sni\(lla.l19 to the tree and open naviga: tion to Lake Mictiigan for commercial pur- poses, this species of unequal competition, amounting to a bonade system of dis- crimination against our own shipping, is extended to Lake Michigan for the term of iat at the (trout laluu tn the nr-nun nnr] all tho By article 28 of the treaty, admitting; i at least twelve years. Thus, lrom the heads, Ill. IHBEI: MWUIVU yUI1I'So Luu, II'l)nI (nu UCIICIDV-` nf the great lakes to the ocean. and a1l_the seaports of the world, the same system is iuitisited which, under our present laws: 9 has proved so disastrous to the United-. States shipping irom New York to Liver- pool, Hnvre and Bremen, and has nearly nixed our ocean shipping out of existence. The coasting trade zmei-ally remains un- exposed to this rivalry with competitors who do not carry the burdens which clog all our steps But even in this re-rpecr, regulations are made which w-ll, in special cases, give yet further privileges to the Canadians. By article 30, according to the text of the treaty :-- ' ` :4 (Y. 1.. ..........l .L...:. 0.... LI... 1..-... .5` 'l........ Ian mung `Is is agreed lhat for the term of `fears . mentioned In Article 33 of this treaty, sub- je-c's of II. B. M. may carry in British Vesi- sels, withoutpaymem of duzies, goods, wares V or me" chsmdise, from one port or place with- in the ten-iiory of the United States, upon _ the Sr. Lawrence, the Great Lake: and the , rivers connecting the same, to another port ; or place within the territory of the United Saree as nloreeaid; provided that a. portion . nf nnnh t.rn.nnnm-tntinn is made Lin-ongh the - $11765 TLS EIOFBBRIQ; PTDVIUBQ lllllli II DUIIAIUII of such transportation is made through the - Dominion of Canada. by land ca.rriage'or in bond, under such rules and regulations as may be agrecd upon between the govern- ment of Her Britcannic Maieavy and the Government of the United States.` ' u'IVI......- ......o..--. no-n:n m- nl-lnnr rnnvnnldn uovernmenn or me unueu mates. Thus; western grain or other movenble property produced in the United States will be loaded at. Snrnia. and re-shipped in the cheap and alien vessels to Qswe 0, Cape Vincent or other ports on the lower aka, and thence be forwarded by canal lo New York. In the same way shipments may be made at Cullingwood to Toronto, and thence sent in the same favoured class of vessels to our pus. r law `to Buhlo is lbat grain. &o., transferred 1 via the Welland railway, will thus be puc- , tically re-sbipped in Canadian vessels to . many of our own part: from Sandusky, De- uoir, C_hicn.go, Milwaukee. Duluvh, &c . lndnnrl. the terms of the treatv. if cor- The most. important result of this tron, u_mcn.go, uulwauleo. Ulllwn, we Indeed, the terms of the treaty. it` nor- rectly quoted as above in the various jour- nals where they have been copied appear to take a yet wider range and to eomtern into the free pannage of Canadian vessels `Pom one American port to another, no the Caus- dinn journals seem lo anticipate, provided the transportation through any part of Co- nada is made either by land carriage or in ` bond. The corresponding proviso on be- half of vessels of the United State: limit; the similar transfer in our vessels through our territory to articles passed `by land carriage and in bond. The diferenoe undo by one word is seldom more important. :1 the text really is as the Canadians under- ! stand it to be, our lake coasting trade In - a laid open to discrimination: against it. 0'3` ounving to 3 very handsome prot in fnvonr of foreigners, and all who nre nonnoctod In [` business with it. . -u u I , ,- -0 AL- A--.` OLA-A ha innit`! DUSIIICSI wun l. "In these views of the case there is much renson for surprise at the opposition to the treaty by the Canadian, who are peculiarly, and mlmva all others. the favoured parties by the Uexmmane, wno are pwunmfny, and above all others, ev.unted.par\Iee In is dear that the atxpulenone of the treaty are unfavourable k_:_ the interegtg of American ehipownere on the -._-... 1...... and to :11 our chief forwarding` ~ do not protest Mzainut it but against compo- mlereaus un an-v-w-- ---rvw -~-- ~- ---- . "great. lakes, and to forwardf 1 routes, as well as M the city of New `for , ` iuelf, to Boston and Philsdelphia, sud our , other oommercial emporium: on the Allan-_ tic. It is no: competition that we fear; we. mien on nu unfair footing-the running 3 race when our feet are in fatten and our nu- tagonista are notrnmmoled. HA: -vhh elm nhnrman ml the nan-A-name, uaguunuua u n V uuuuuanuu-nu. As with the shermen on the sea-eoaat, :1` so with our lake, canal, and railroad` ship; 3 pets throughout the nortyotn omen:-the 4 oubjoctiozto such oompotiuon cannot fnilto ' incrona the number of those who as tho I ` necessity of giving our own peoplo and our , ` routes 3 fsit-.cha.nce the oonlujy ~ vupeln am! 2'3` . 1 ..nul u the hasvv churn whlnll nruiumnr. [PRICE TWO CENTS. , ,,,.-_-.. V- - ..n-Lu. A wnrmnm, '1-wxsr-mo, aaosxxxu VICTII. The oorrespondont of the Daily blagraph sew Valles, one of the three Communist lea- ders captured on Thursday, struck on the neck by the sword of 9. non-commisaionedo cer. In his anger and agony Valles struck back," and wasimmedintely shot, but not immediately killed. He writhed; twisted and groaued upon the ground runnl all who were within sxght and hearing had" to avert their even and move nwnv from Fig" urea measure or low tolls o roughfaro of thy state are upon our consideration. No'm:u."-All, odnng, loaded or ID- euzmd by train of 0 lines, nudcr 1%, 60. -' r Notices In 0:11:33- of which in In pt `n- inn-nail n! X _ ` u wuu were wunln sign! and nearing bad. eyes move sway from his most horrible suering. The captain oom- manding the ring party told me that they left him to sulfer on purpose." The same correspondent msntiops s. case-only one of msny-in which the soldiers compelled thxee oicers of the National Guards to march right into the ames of, the burning Hotel de Ville. All this is over and above military executions by the score which take place several times a. day. A PARIS rm-ros snow BY otmn or nrosuvrik Paris (May 28) Correspondence of the London News. ..-.__..j___j__ " them in the name of `nroteoiiom; em! from which our light-footed neighbours have enf- oient good sense and caution to exempt themselves. Additional reespns, for the kin- dred of low tnlln nn um chant um. VE"l}I. The fate of Gustave Chnudey, one of the _ writers of the Siecle, and a nun much ee- teemed. you no doubt know. . He was car- ried 10 Sainte Pelagie, and shot there by the order of Raoul Riguult. Came Raoul Ri-` gault to him on Tuesday forenoon, at 11 o olock with the words, I have come to an- nounce that this is your last hour. How 1 cried Chaudey; "you mean to 'e.saas1inet.o; me ? You are going to be shot.,-wu the`, reply. The guards of the prison refuaekfbo shorit the prisoner, and Rigault had to. go for other executioners. They came into the court where Chnude was set up against 5 wall. Rig-xult wave his sword n the sin-" _-- _..-... .._v....u-vuv-u. J-nu unguu -uuu nun` 5, wall, Rigvuxlt his sword I! the sig- ~ ml to fire, and they red-. But they had Hit too high, the poor viczim was only wounded, 1 and at.` hat he had to b6"B being .5 shot through the ar with a. pistol. - rm: cam-nun nu}: AND wonnri 41' suoiY_ Par-ia_ Correspondence qf the London bfandar-V1,, ` ` Wn an ...;...s'A .... -....-.. ...L .._- , and all turned and nude '3 lihilile `lnove -...vu vv-1 VIJIIIIIII-IIIUIIVVIS, UUUU Jilin. WWW.` We rs: went up stairs, where, upon the v rs: and second oors, were the female p.~i- _, soners, between 300 and 400 in number. -' The house was evidently unnsedlac ozdunany times. There was no helpamrsds to the staircase, and no furniture. whatever in xlm, room. only some straw on the ground. In thas place thereswes a. close. noasoms s'Ili'ell.3 ` - There were wumen uf all-ages. freme15* Cd ' 60, together with a. few y,oung_bo1s; `a fow- sitiug down the test see ding. sbgur.T There was snlnnxious, wen lLI(?k upon they, ;_ _ `meqt ` as I on-ered. It .sec~med`-.as If they half hoped, half feared, that their hour had at- , rived to be inten-ogalted. Some of the vm-:.., men were feroclou,-looking v1mgees,_nhs .,. triaoleuses of the lash"-evolution. me` fairin- were Ieromou,-looking Ylmg0es,1hg"_ of the last revoiution, me` fueq who poured biazingpetroleum upon the heads ' A of the troops 88 .b.0y.~Idvanoed in this--inlnru av redtion. A few were mild frightened-looking .u. creatures who probebly st-oodby some h_uq-,,,- `band they loved `on the`bar-ricisdea, "(heir loie _ ` uoveronming their fear. Some_- stared-bold! and dea.m|].a.t.m.Q, with faoeefrom which a I * * show of modes_ty,b:`s.c_l disappeared veal-e_ ago; _ , others looked down aboshed utvhhe pohigiug . and company in which they Tound them- selves. some were in tags. with wild. hair`, - unkempr. a.nd.m:m.ed, ielliqg onrcheir shoal`- ders. O.here were in decent clothing, and. had made some e'orts.t.o tidy their hau-, and I ; topreserve thelook of women. Icwna 3 intensely awful eight. ` TEE 8Tl1,EE'1`i AFTER THE FIGHTING. : Paris (May 28) g:rre;.1_>ondancs-of the Lens` ` ,, _ don hmea strangest sigh: ~`Jlln`. .'l3bi6. I followed` de._|a Paix. Strewn over theatre-eta were brenchee of trees. and fragments of muonry. that had -been knocked from the itaiur, werenowthe interesting` and lead- paaeengers were few and far between, the cepting where bullets have made air holes, ade 1 only met,three.ot.hcr c|r|iegea.buide- a confusion` of barricades, guarded by sen- iriea, and the Rue Royaie a mass of Looked at hon : Mndeieine, the desolation and ruin of that handaome street were is,- mentabie to behold. The Place de lacon- curde was a desert, and in the midst of it luv the statue of Lille with the head . o. was covered with crepe, in moernirx for the entry of the ;Prtmiu_sru_. Nut the. , idue were 24 corpses ot insurgents, laid out in a 1 and {may no) uw'I'ea.1.:vnuanc6-cg me 1410- ' `The aspect of the B.;ulevarde ie than them from the worm at. Martin to the Rue lnicks and` mortar, torn -proelarnationq, .* shreds of clothinghalf concealing blood ing,enturee.pf_ their fashionable resort; {out =. ' shops and aafu hermetiiliy eealed, ex@pt- 1 and during my irhole afternoon : promeu--- _my_ own. The Piece do l 0peraHwaa:a camp. . iug ground of artillery, the Place Vehdome. The last. time I had looked on that foot: is mu. wnitihn to be buried under the nelnh; WUTG Z` UUYPDCI Ul. Iuuurgunut, III OIIF III I bouring pnvingvuoou; `Po tiorgihi skeleton of tbs: Tuilqriu rouadlu punt shell. the [runeaork of 3119 Ion} yin` next the Seine {till utanding but the wbojo of the mo! of the central bnifdjng wu gone. and daylight vmble-througlrnll this win- Gan. Msclahonh bond quolttors Inna st. the Auireo Etuncm,.IJ|loI lou iuucz. After 3 visit there, I paced the Corps Lg- gislatif, nloo uninjured by are. but much muted by that and she, and lo nlong the Qnsi the whole In; to the Milnu which point Gen. Vinny Ind cctgbliohedbin bend- quarters. -At. the corner of the Bands Bu; ma` deattuction wu nomethinm nnnnllina. row, waiting to be buried under the nelg`lIn-` _ t e ' - down right into nu mm on omouoi." uocuvun. nuumonu for the kin- I low tolls on the grant tho- ;hfaro thus also forced 1 consideration nuts, 18%? `Id V French Ex Tooth Putz, Lin- "7 9 desemaucn -I i J rs Burgoyne, B udents fo: Ylrdllyba cracxuy, 7 Via Q n, and Dcpoz, 5 Italy quartets. `AU uau aavrucr 0| I_|w uuuuc DH} ne` destruction aoxnething appalling. The Red de Bach an Impg,aaable monnd of rain: 17 or 20 feet high, complete? across. the atreet as far nil could ace. be. 1.2- gion d'l1ouenI'.. tho Court the Uomptoa, pad - Council d'Elt.a. were Mill aruokiug, but , _ u there waa nothing left of then but the V I blackened shell of aheir noble facade: to ~ , ghov] how haudaone they had once been. At. this point, in whichever direction one f Mona, the name awful devastation neither 3 eye--to the lelt the amoulderiug Toileriea, to the tight the long line of ruin wheremthe re had awept through the maguieeut_'_ palaces on the Quaubud overhead againjtth ff; day a cloud of aruoke, moteslilackp and abundant. even than yeaterday, lneeaaautly rolling its deuae volume-_a Iron ~'betind.1{o. 9- treDam, whoa: two mum were happily .\ atnndlug uuiugured. The re iaeuad Hun.` ' the Greuier d`Aboudanee and ,other`hni|d_.. inga iu the neighbourhood oi the lardiu at, dea Plauiea. In `another direction the Ar- o p:. aeunl was alao burning. on the opposite `* he of the rivet werothe Ilwking ruins oli Ilia L Theatre Ohawlet and the Hegel de Ville. A the large part of the Palaia Royal is burned.` A i THE HORRORS OF PARIS. n. mm, 5125 to: Ian cum to : cur) 003. IA ID Iinnl, 7 $ . . AA.lJ L L` K, Job, and 5.5 TA Bun_ IVIIY .'V1'l.`\'< ['01 which In In prun- of -....|. -. llnnnl MI n-_ ur TWO STRLI I bled to oxnemn in: ad ; In ` _".:o-re?-."'3..'.'7.'i ` --__.~ .2V L on ._-n II Y UTHH VI: {JG [R 601.04 um) [A0 Inn, wpnql, AND SL`RPL(`.a`_ JFIFTY YEARS. . . . 1::-..1I' 5UNFLU' LYCKRINI SOAP. y vnriely of I I Canons of 3 1:3`:-1% Ada, Resend Vi . French Eu.--u ' ` 0, siock I cnnwrtln. I. UFHCE - Cl CMIPANY 9! `AID LONDON. [STRANGE Apltforliingslcn ,qpouite Pou Otfnce; Jun, 1817 - 1 IR I.lC.S.. London } STREET, house ` Inn... ` ,`C., III! rcuu. . \ ,_ IQ Clarence to King ;I'nIu'i Auction Rooms 3 Nick: | II9 kgn I" W UUIIKIU IIIUI 2 Kingston, mnu-` , lay in the market, 3 nuke, And sell an Phoo in vlrrnnted far ' ' of their styles; . mu bnsilom-`. i - -- In nrolllpl I . I Iuhbonl of v1mous' at in the Pine mu. | `prices. `kn [ ff? . y . . mm". icut. -, Yourinuy Surgeon Itlmtio Valerian} Col-` _ln-oily Hotel, King K GAGE.- Princau Sueez. Tpppuod to furnish | of Pubiic and h toluperimend the | xntilyin in- ` Ill gntenco ilgdue {"9 From; the Com- hhlil lion; in policy 5. '5` *0 ho nuribuxed lo J! Uludian innum- ! PIium, ma offer. nix... -54-. ..-.. llllv, I in Chsueery, 8c. :3 also on nceepublo K1310. L-:7.}'<>'.ICLso`2.Z I I%.-u.- Innnn- . ` ` D50 I Uvbbruu . n, .... I B PUBLISHED IN THIS PART OF CANADA Dsuccns 3 ' `hi LOCAL mcws, `VI 51 the following` " m-mam of mu`; ossmau. NEWS, was News, I naxvrr xnwa, so-1,394 . no numr READING. ` ' - - ~ - --. 1 I58 3 . . . ,f5.":5: Subscription, which any begun at my lune, h. [0, _ 2,350 600 inurisbly In sdvnneo. ~ Published :9 the oco of the DA! luvs `.: Flinn, . which pru- gcrums. `ucios 541 terms as l I onms, ll-:I.oDED!`.` \"\'.~N[). I, Solicitor in `.:1ic.&.c.,33 King Ii: . . . . . .4 ...... .. 1,156,855 ....... .. 1.594.450 I. 2,350,000 ASSETS. - IDA _ .. 1 Rutanarolm, A. G. IAISAY. E? "-~i`..`.:.::T: Pill!-MI-t soul D 1341. eoMma'i. 2 N ha re|nOV0?d _.. m Kimr n and om-r P.) mi, LNCRRY. deoeripucn I p