`nuunu cuuun MARI (Per Monlrml Line.) Mnnll-pal EXTENSIVE A SPLENDID LOT OF I 1 - 1 ululylcll w`I.~` gut luur o'clock and I. of lhv bayonen :1`! in- killed, wounded or BEHJ. HOLDER, Auctioneer. nail And V ..---.-_u. u AIAIIEDBIHU, all the American this week. Books and Stationery l`.lII.`Annu) rum. . -. ..--.__ Illusxrated Papers for IIEJVDERSOJVS. EMILY'S CHOICE, by Mrs F. V. Noel. Darwin's Descent of Man. Tyndall's Fragments of Science. Swinburne : Songs before Sunrise. (`ax-1yle s Works, new and cheap edition. Fie}-1 and Rie Exercises and Infantry and Muskelry Instruction, in one vo1um. Huyshe`s Red River Expedition. _ Canadian Sunday School 01-gun-New Music Book for Children. NEW MUSIC in great variety. Canadian lilustrmed News of this wee) , containing six Views of Kingston, 10 cents. JOHN HENDERSON, Bookseller, CITY BOOK STORE.` (`XENDENB FIRST YEAR IN CANA- DA." Thn Mnd AI-n Prndias. IJ\IIIIl\III I'IIIIQI|IIlW\.II IIILII/L) IIII LIIICJ` Novels at 7 cents, 10 cents and 12} cents. Man-3 ave, Coopex- s, Bn]wer'a, Smedley s, Scott`: and other novels. A uni--uli annnlr nf London 1uusmn-eI1 Times for May. \Y-__l_ ... -r .....g.. In ......o.. ....A 101 A...-.0. AUUUULVI, uunun uuu Lu-41 Aunt uvvn our own manufacture. Prlullng und Ilonkbindln-v. `FV ERY MONTH, TH03. mum &. co.,j U I M n Q T D D D1` June 17. MCGILL U `IlVERSITY, Montreal. an - T; tll. , Tom: and inlinlntyll` at6porIl' ` Annlvh '[`llE CLASSES in the several Faculties will open as folluws :- --___I-_. HJ A.... Q.-nrnmhnr 11': June17. WII|\1ln:u "B u;......... Faculty of Arts ......... ..Scptc.`mber 15 Faculty of `iVIcdI|c|nc...()ct0ber 3. faculty of Law ....... ..October 3. THE DEI'ATl'l`MENT 01-` PRACTICAL SCI- ENCE in the Faculty of Ans, including courses in Engineering, Mining, Practical Chemistry and Assaylng, will be opened on the 15111 September. - ,_ n- .,.,...... 117 mun Mnnr Nnnv.n. um... -v-.. ..-`, `Tm: CLASSES IN THE I SCHOOL will be opened 01 bar. 1111. _I The Mod ern Prodigal. Bible Palm Trees. Kinda "History of the Bible," Am. ed. The Year of Bames. Fashionable Amnaements. NEW BOOITS all UIIJEK UUVUIB. A splendid stock of ACCOUNT, BLANK and LETTER BOOKS, ..- ....m m..nnf.nnuv.x Every Month. Family Perald, Gentleman's Journal, Young Ladies of Graet Britain, Enghshwomnxfs Domestic Magu: Good Words for the Young, ' Godey's Ladies` Book tor July, Canaan`; Magazine, d .11 n... A.-.-=-VA STATIONERY Kingston, June 6, 18,71. :f? Wedding Bells, Part 6. Good Words, Family Uemld, Boys of England, Young Ladies Journal, &c., &c. \EE01:AL SHOW. God:-y`a Lady`: Book for July. 7 THE P!CTON Horticultural Society /`EDDING BELLS, MARKET HALL, `PICTON ` nu nnn TATUTORY UJSFJUD-Appl'0Yeu uuu carefully printed copies of the Short AForm of Deed legalised by Statute, for sale at the Daily News Oioe. Statutory Mort- gsgeund othe: law form: kept on hand. RECEIVED. scuQ(_)L gaoolgs June 1st. 1371. KING STREET, NEAR THE MARKET. Picton, June 16, 1871, - AT S'l`ACEY b Bill and Postage fslzulnps always on hand. __:_ `TATUTORY DEEDS-Appro;;d and \ .......c..n.. m-anmd armies M:lgnzl1u-s for June. IILL HOLD ITS SUMMER EXHIBITIO N OH 1 Music and 8`) King Slrcet. 500' Ahllnlm SESSION 1871-72. At Lowest Rates. Jucnuuun. 33123 MCGILL Nolmu. on the 1st Septem- IIOIHNION MY. E DAILY NEWS---SATURDAY EVENING JUNE 17. News Depot, Princess Street. 82 King Slreenj '1'. BOG, Secxe tny. .I. A.` nu, Secretary. FANCY FRENCH BON BONS, FRENCH CRYSTALLIZED FRUITS, FRENCH CHOCOLATE KENIER, LADIES OREAM DROPS and OANDIES of every description of our own manufacture. PASTRY and CAKES. CAKES Almond-iced and Ornnrnented in A superior style. A fresh lot of TEAS and COFFEES by the pound. VALENCIA ORANGSS and LEMONS. June 3. IHAVE on hand A good assorted stock of Clothing, manufactured on the premises, consisting of All Wool Osnsdisn Tweeds of the Latest Styles and Newest Patterns; in great variety of Oosts, Psnts snd Vests of every pat- tern ; a great vsriety of Flsnnel Shirts, White Shirts and Rsgstts Shirts. Clothing mud: in tha lnlnnt afwlnn ....a _...v owns anu Acgllll sums. Clothing made in the intent styles, and work warrnnted. 11-..- -8` I?:.... -_.1 n__,u, n. . .. . .- I WBITIIIIIGCI. " Corner of King and Brock Streets, facing the Market Square, Kingston. ' . DONALD McKAY, Merchant Tailor. Mn 10. ' DONALD" 1L_CKAY S - -uu ouur Anu uwlshbluu HUUSE cupied by Mr Thomas Driver, on corner of Princess and Wellington Streets. Apply to D M nnuu THE BEST QUALITY ALWAYS ON HAND, WANTED, STOUT LAD of about fteen years of age, to make himself generally useful about a retail store. Apply at the DAILY Nlws oice. J uue 12. Io: cnsm _A_1_' nilunursj My Kingston, 3rd April, 1871. DRUG STORE. MORRlSON S from Morrison, for he keeps the best of goods ; be is such a nice fe)iow-and than he keeps no rubbish about his eshblisliment, contaminating or injuring in any way the quslily and avour of his goods, und Morrisou s business is so ex- tensive his goods are always fresh. nun Kingston, May 16, 1871. TO LET, `HE SHOP AND DWELLING HOUSE 4 C|]Di6d bf MI` Thnmnn nrivnnn nu )WING TO AN ADVANCE 500 barrels Cream band; 1 nnn L.-pal: and Inn 1 ,uu hand. Kn}! 50 barrels Kiln-dried Osunesl just. to lund. 60 barrels XXX Pastry Flour expected daily. 500 sacks Corn Meal, double honed. 10 barrels GRANULATED WHEAT (fresh) juslin. 10 barrels WHEAT MEAL (fresh) just in. SUGAR.-OURED RAMS and BACON srriv. :.... c.,.... m ...-inmni nu Mon-ison s Newlslore PRICE OF 011., 1 SHALL BE'ooM. PELLED TO omnen 35 CENTS PER. GALLON FOR OIL FROM THIS DATE. AND DELIVERED TO ANY PART OF THE CITY, AT ABOVE PRICE. F. s. REES, --..n. .. SUGAR-UUKEU HAMEI nuu DAUULV urnv. ing from Oi ncinnnti M Mon-iaon New[Slore late Chown & Son, next Hath`: Drug Store Remember, love, remember, Toronto Flour Store, Eis customers can well say :-We buy In an- SALUTIFER and; 1,000 barrels and bags Oshawa Flour just to mm! [ Cheese Factories, Produce anql Connlulon lor- chant. ORRISON deals extenlivoly in Flour and ita jkind , also in , mums AND mun. CURRENT PRICES paid for OHEISE, BUTTER, LABD, TALLOW, 80., lo. OFF'IOE-0lInnoi Street, nos: British" American Hotel. Kingston, Jung 5, 1871. -_ . .-_ --_-on. ,_A__A HE CHRONICLE AND Nnw's is kept on ado in Kinglton, at the Book stores and gt the Publication Omen, Prin- Vcen an-not Pawn FIYI Cum. Kinl'-`r 3"` 3'4- onng mun. Tenn: no dny sud evening. For 1 ,_ ,( _.-__`.;;-_4 IF` YOU WANT A spmlc surr. Kingston, June 9, 1871. FLOUR AND HAM8 COAL OIL`. Peculiarities. Wool 8K|NNEB"S w. nuows, 46 Princess Street. M. Morrison. SOME OF I 157 Princess Street. nu-v of the West just to . ROSE. THE the Establishment, which comprises a com- plete assortment of 1!: NEW _ FASHIONABLE G00`laDS OF` A barsomnl innnnlinn no ...._ a._-L 2- ___ , . . - - - - v - - - ----av uvvva Ur run. DIEASUN. personal inspection of om Stock is respect- fully solicited, as we are oering unusual in. ducvments to intending purchasers. Rilnn Int :11 10"`- I - - - - -- A RE exhibiting A large and choice collec- A lion of REAL IRISH POPLINS, thirty different co`.ourings; also Black and White, and the New Light and Dark, Sang de Prusse Colour. Prices extremely law. Please call and examine. I May 1, . _. - v.-.._v.._/ .;;14_d.LIl AVE received a superb assortment of French Silks, Satins and Velvets, in lower prices than heretofore offered. Rich Black Glace Silks, lrnperial Gros Grains, Sacin Finish Coloured Glace and Gros Grains, Gros de Suez or Corded Silks in Medium and Dark Shades, White, Lavender, Silver Grey and Mauve ; Corded Silks, White, Lavender, Silver Grey and Mauve; Dress Saline, White, Laven- der, Silver Grey and Mauve; Irish Poplins, Lavender, Silver Grey and Mauve; Japanese Silks: Japanese Silks in Medium and Dark Shades; Coloured Silks for trimming pur- poses. Every shade-of Satlns cut on the bias. May 1. ILL offer a. very handsome assortment of Spring and Summer Shawls, Mamlee and Jackets, French Paisley Shawls, Ottoman Stripped Shawls, Arab Bournouses, Black Grenadine Shawls, plain and richly embroider- ed; White and Black Lace Shawls, White and Black Half Lace Point Shawls, Black Lace Rotondes, White and Black Lace Pelerines and Lnppeta, White and Black Lace Neck SCIrf:l, Richly Trimmed Black and Coloured Cloth, Velveteen and Silk Jackels, all new patterns ; While and Fancy Clonklngs in great. variety ; also Real Lyons Silk Mantle Velvets. I -33.... ..-.. ..-...._..u`..II.. :__:.__1 .....v .-.uu 1.1: vuu nun uuuuuv v cnveus. Ladies are respectfully invited to examine the above Goods, which are of a very recherche style, and at moderate prices. ' AVE just received Real Black and White Maltese Laces and Edgings, Real Maltese Collars and Ous in Sets, Real Maltese Collars, new shapes ; Cbemisettes, Collars and Sleeves, Lace Trimmed and Plain Linen Hendker- chiefs. A large assortment of Ladies Silk Scarfs, Ties and Bows, the latest novelties, at the lowest prices. OTIOE is hereby given that the Partnership between John G. Stratton, Joseph Danson, and John Harkes, was dissolved on the rs: day oi May, 1371, so far as relates to the said Joseph Danson. All debts due to the said part. nership are to he paid,and all those due from the same, discharged, at the store of the late rm, in the city of Kingston, where the business will be continued by the undersigned, under the rm of J. G. Stratton & Co. `I ('1 G'I"DA'I"I"l\\l `..... .....-..a -.v -umuunug pun Kingston, 15: May, 1871; v Our assortment of number: and styles is now complete, and the moat diicult eye can be titled reatly by the Optometer or Patent Eye-Tr ier. - A......- An.-- .....:_..I --.:-|.... _.. '___ ___ I-I U'lIlUI. Among other optical articlel, we can par. ticulnrly recommend GENUINE BRAZILIAN PEBBLES in Temper- ed Fumes. I sun. `Roma; I chenpotnl UIIBUIND DIIBLIIJIAIV FDDDDDD III XGIDPCI ed MENISCU8 PEBBLES,.Patent. Frames. PANTOSOOPIC and Periacopic Spectacles termed bv some onticinns Perfected. ran IUDUUTIU IILIU l.'U|'llIJDpN) DPQCIH termed by some opticions Perfected. Coloured Spectacles and Goggles. Eye-Gluten, Single and Double. Concave Spectacles and Eye-Glasses. Reading Glasses, Magniers, &c. Ila.-us Lu-5 R.-L nu`-nn 1-o.4-`(Ia hunt ..._.I _. R. & J. GAR_DINER `rntrn _, ............, .......-...., .....,........., ..... None but ut. clues good; kept, and prices moderate, MEDICAL HALL. by 1. May 1. improved Spectacles AND r\__.. Eye- Glasses. DRY GOODS R. 6' J. Gardiner Kingston. lzth June, I English Satchels, cumesIs1ocKorsA1cHLs| June 14. 52,191! .,*._N1!!I!'A!.-I AY BE OBTAINED BY THE USE OF HOBAR'l"S I EOBOUGHLY taught sud with pronun- _ cinion by a respectable and expcrioneed young` uodcnto. Privntc leuonu particulars apply to G. PISATI, Rrnnk Rh-ant L & J. GARDINER Ladies and Gents .3-_ & J-LGar51iner% June 14. VERY gZn{rc[I VISION French Satchels, B. &. J. GABDINEB German Satchels. G. S. HOBART. IN THE CITY, AT THE THE BEST AND J. G. STRATTON, JOHN HARKES. 1871. CHARLES GRiGbR. FIDAII, Brock 81:00:. umumna nauuams will be given in ("I Dress Goods from 10 cents per yard. Prints at 12} cents per yard. 3.000 yard 4,000 yards Brilliauts and Marseilles at 12} 7 cents. 5,000 yards Good Grey Outton on In naval. I Ann _-_.1_ n V N - ,, __, _-...- ,.-. ,...... .....w ylri urgenaae Dress Has] cents. 4,000 ynrds Sta only 6 cents. 3,000 yard: 10 cents. 1,000 yards Fancy Skirting at 12} cents per yard, worl shine at 75 cents. 500 pairs Ladies Corsets at 30 cents per pair. Hose only 7 cents per pair`. 75 dozen Ladies Summer Gloves Ill Ladies Kid Gloves only 40 eentsper pair. 50 dozen India , ~Yl Eats from lo cents each. Nn1'mn-._-m.-n.-..-.s ------A ---=--' ~-- - nus Iron: 10 each. NOTICE.--'l'be largest, most varied, Dry Goods can be seen It _.-:4-;.mJJ J. `L Will be found the largest, chespont I spare neither time, trouble nor exp: Their stock of A. v v vv-sun `J ' -01- V _` { NEW SUMME_R_ DRY GOODS F. ;:__CQUSINEAU & oo:s_ _ % J I`! lluntun n . nn . cg- Invite I ARGE and varied Stock of West 4 J and Venetian Cloths, Black and 1 Canadian Tweeds, which for neness 0 Their Stock of is now complete at __ \ ` VEW FANCY DRESS GOODS, Plain and Brocsded `Lust:-ea, Black Pu-nmqnu gird O0, 1 burgs, Fancy Prints and Primed llnslins, While no Printed B:-illinnu. Bhck _Yel'votocn (Silk Finish), Silk Umbrellas and Pansols` Josephine and Twq Button Ftonoh Kid Glovu (best quality), Lace and Muslin Carmina, Toilqt Covers, Quilts, Table Coven, Tabla thpkkm Table Cloths. 9 A LARGE ASSOBTHENT or *7` - ` V SEASONABLE DRY .G0 ODS NOW SHOWING AT THE BRITl__S_[_I_ WAI{E}l'QUSE. xi-we-. 1 l----- Va1\l\I\V.- IN THE - London Warehouse, Ferguson s Bzlildingsg` `-1- A wrnvn 2, , . `J > I AVING imported heavily this season, I am we red to moi die I.ARGIS'|'T AND M031` SELECT STOCK OF NEW FRESH GO D8 ever offered in 'th|| city. Particular care has been given to the selection of our Goods In the lure ` n Inrhll; no we can guarantee to purchasers the ' ' ~ ` , . f `fl1l'.\A\FI" L\rl'\t`r1 1`:-1 A `was _--_-----7 A vvv um. suuallubvll |u yuruunuu HIS `LATEST STYLES AND NEWEST PATTERNS. _ Pretty Dress Goods from 7d per yard. Noun slndu In L........ c...... u. 1..-... 1r..-A._, ...-- - L;-./J. x11. .1. .|Jl..'4LJ ILLVJJ LVLU V` DD]. 1'A1 Nd per yard. Newest Shedee In Lnstree from In. Black Imehu from lod. Kid Gloves, beautiful colors, cheap. coma-from 1; on per pair. 1,ooo`Feh*s"ot Ladies` Oottou Hose from lid per pair. Fine Tweede Iornlnhor Welt frog: II poryud. 1 Case Horrockses Cotton. 5 Bels Heavy Grey Oouons; eplndievelue. Hoyle : Pr ti at 7;d per yard. White and Coloured Ba-illlnnu, cheap, And III _endlell'Inorluont dill- bons, Laces, Velvets, Fringes, Trimmings, Buttons, Puuole, Leoe Onneine, to. SPEO[AL.-l Osse Celebrated ORUAFS PRINTS, Beautiful Pltlernl. CALL AND EXAMINE OUR STOCK.` --1-_.___ jrtoun Ami mmN,[ SEED GRAIN AND mum simenn GRAIN AND um snubs. , C oomv MEAL. bnusann coax, BBAN, &c., % Wholesle and Retail. Best SEED CORN at present on-hand. Mill Cottage bu Wolfe Island to rent for the , summer. ` _Y_?9- 137!; _.`___> R T. E. SMITH, Organist of St. George's Cathedral, and Bandlnuter P. W. O. Ries, is prepared to give lemons on the Organ, Piano, and Violin st the ruidonoo of the pupil and hisown. R.EHlDENUE-m-nar nf Rina uni (hm. `n 15.5. If you want 1 Stylish Salt and Perfect Fit` leu. A tuu pupn um um own. RES1DENOE-0o1-net of King uni Gore Street. nu . 10/-\II1n --o-.-_ Kingston, May 2, 1871. Baths. Sinks and Pumps, Garden and Fire Protection Engines, Rubber Hose with Branch Pipes, Water Coolers, Ice Cream Freezers, Milk Cans, `&c:` Slovcs and Parlour Grates, Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Ware, Enamelled and Japnnned Wate. Iron Bedstende, - Brass Kettles, Soap Stone ' Griddles, &c. Qhnno (`V . x . \ n A . . ...-I 'D........ 1ENUINE BARGAINS will be i I cents an up. __K_iz_1_gs1on, April 1_9_, 1871. Sheet Copper and Brass, Brass Tube, 6L... 7 ___i A. H. GOING, IINTAIIIH ANII lllllf ll! ' Kingaiton, May 12, 1371. ..._..... - -v-., Sheet Lead, Lead Pipes, &c , Wholesale and Retail. Jobbing neatly done and promptly at- tended to. NEIL HGNBIL. Turns 1 1 0'71 NEIL MCNEIL, IIIICIDIK I'I'IlI-`.I'-`.'I`, Kinguou, in March 23. FOB sun on I'll Bi 0Iult'rnIIn.`% A SIAILT LITTLE rs: r\n'l'1'l'\ (\LT1l\ -`'v.-- -i_.-, mi suns, nfaama, Auction and` ` Chains, complete. Her carrying e)_ pocity in about four thdtund bushels of what, or seventy-ve thonlgnd hot at lnIIboa.,_ u Inn. he Inna 3!. the Porhnmnln lnlnunnal seventy-nu IIJOIIIIII not as uxngu-_{ Q.` my be Icon _M. the Pottilnomh `Shipyard, where this being tholoaghlyolorhnloi. . Porfuhot particulars 3!; go _ _ luau. ILL 133 3, Khulna, 9:!) Inch, 1871. TWEEDS AND BROADCLOTIIS. June 1,1371, MASONIG mmnmos, Ila:-kot Square, KING ' STREET. KINGSTON. Inqnixe or R: TOWN, on tho promises. June 6. . ulquuu June 6. 11..- QIXJ-`U _(')N'l`ABIO A15 BBOUK s'r.. I'\-AIIB nu . j-j _-_-`av---- BBO CK STREET. A8 ON -HAND a varied ubsortment nf K 3110? 'ro-i.n"r, Grand,- scbja, I'll|E' QAYLQ RN10 an Annnm PIANOES TUN ED. 1 McNAUGIg'_IjQ_1v & n.-:.... __- ---A .___--`y\r--.1.;.1\JJ.` `X. Having now completed their ulorunent of I 1'! Ix. 4;. - Attractive and Cheat`;->"Sale I. V Invite special Intention to their tm--. _; n,,. . .. SPRING HAd` old cheap for cub. Another lm a _.____.-I :4 t and bait uaorlod eier c DOIII8 i thin nannv0vn._| xd, most complete and Chooput Stock at New `Sumner _ _r--._.. ...-mu--vu I1! IIIUII . of England Brocdclothc, Silk-mind 0oc.tingI,Dicgcnal I Fnncy Dooakini, French Oudlncru, Scotch, English and or nish, strength and durability cannot be Inrpoucd. .::--.:-:- l the followfng Goods :4-5 l0.00Q Vlfdl Howls`: m no rollowfng :4-5,000 yurda Fancy Bummer 10,000 yards Boyle`: and Ashton : Put Ooloond. Oflldb DIOII Italian I! 9 Anni: mar in-4 ..,w-. _vunn uoyIe'I no Ashton nu Coloured. )rgandie 0! 9 cent: per yard. nu. Stout Olnr mm Cotton only - yard: Buttock : White Oottotrnt k worth 40 cents. Ieu.'a lflonool per mm. so am... r...::..- n........ v---- run ;unn, vvurul {V will. -Cl.'d FIIUDQI It 50 dozen Ladies Cotton ' 3! 5 cent: per pct 20 than ` dozen . ~Yonth | and Children`: Stun -'.,your -`ruorlt ' 5. cNAUGll'lf0N &. Com, m Corner of King and Prinoasaysuoeta. [1153 W. your nrdor at kn -n A I'Tl1Il'I|t|l1 A. nan- Another lot or mos. numiua Orrconh F. X. QOUSINEAU & 008, Orange Hall Buildings. Princess Street." I JAM!-1! H0033. , Oox-nor of` Prineeu and Wellington Stream. WHO!.I81LlAND RITAIL, ' FRUIT ITOIB CI , 3. IIITIL5 - ; onunxo snnr, % I . Bounon thu Anglo-America Hotel and 3&2 - non Boon. ` ' Pl--.5..- A__n nu ann- (____ -vq wwup GENTS for DOW'8 OILIBBATID ALIS. Mao Lahnwn, fi;C'I, and lotion : Ale: and Porter. ` Iv-Iunvjllo ` nnnmr noon, ow an, aura!` nun, em and mus of nu kinds. ..,. _.-_--- WQ an now to null ALl8_`chuper than any other bout lnghp, `Dominion. =":.`:':.?.*;.:,-.:*:,::."*"%.*:~s:'-.....v . o to vs .II`-`` _0oo I! Dr. Yams : Burma. Ila 'IIoUsI:s T0 Lm-.- We mm unen- tion to the nannugeipraunul `by - the Dam Run an in advertising Indium- In: House: to Int Eniavina In ho .n.-_M nun l:|Im-4 Klnglton, April 2'1, 1871. um uuhx nzwl u an advertising medium House: Lot. Enjoying by for thy; Ingest local circulation, It presents vi ` . In: 9. LARGE] surrmr or 0345028, 0nALj_(:Es. LuoN'L0_;;;|NT3? ~ `A P. HARTY, us an n oonu per pug, 20 than n ~Yonth'u Children`: Sn-cw -5,000 I Oolonnul xi. 3......" ' 7.- hninn nnv nu... . FAR` -raonsou as now, - oppan. up 01!: Book sun..- Apply 0` Hill A unit] . rmolil 1 10.48. Now, CAI lcll I ' forum [I0 In- -. . lwolhuuz-sud, nu esnls Ilung the d Oi Crlplun `her the rs! di\"le'|o1: '-- ind banned the M ilk H, `._....n gpgnpl; l-rcaikiug ium their rnn`.<<, them with wrcnllis nnd over- Lhem with amrs. When Hu- imj cunclmled its march, the pvweedcd to unveil the statue (`.1 Jredrick William Third. AI! ' of the empire, the victorious gd the members of the German milled nl the ceiumnyn the cube may Ind n countless mu!- Qacmors. The veil of the statue mid tremendous cheering. humiuii-_{u. lt:C1iVt`!l:`pcC2al(IVA- ` mw. ILIC VCII UI lllC BLBLUC unit! cheering, ` {cannon und music from me but The Emperor at the foot ,del|verexl 3 speech. closing -oJr Inn: tment, which wns projected in puoundest pence. now becomes of one of the most brilliant odioat of modern wars. May ndeuly uzhieved be 3 lasting XIII VUU LVULI WIS CICVRILUU I! Count oi the Empirr, and VI llultke was made Field- n Imperial army. lhontire city was illuminated. is at its height. - Jm l5.-Gen. Trochu continued lxbly today the remarks com- Yd in nndicalion of his de_ ' Belnid tb: individutls nrren. Ignu, during his conduct or ' of the capit:l_ had I'eIppenr- olthe inuurrection, Ind instnuced blot Dornbrownki. The insur- IhGnernl, was merely ncontiuu- III: with Prussia. He concluded in vigorous term: Prince Bis. uiou to the Commune. II Introduced in the Assembly 0! the ptuporla of person: en- I 1140 were motions proposing Anoubly lit for two years, and Illnic luv: for the control of the Ilnlry. 3" |.-l"onr:een porlonl have iwllltuuancw n1" An nccidnnt in l monies closed with the couler- on the nctonous command- orden were grsnled by the the hereditary command of ' uilhed rugunents was given penis mud princes. Among npeived these marks 0! {name . .J ml... I`....\-..-.- nu.-.. D.:....... /CTA.}._r, .|~.\\'a. -u,. - IWVCU LUCSU Illa] R3 UI IHILIU Dds of the Emperor were Prince ilnony and Prince Leopold of I had Von aon was elevated l Cnnnt n! the }.mnin- aml an unngvon to lloorgaye 0}. | .Ind others are building In 0` London. ._ _- `Upon the return of King Victor loan the Pope will At once go `I! l6.-Eightecn newspapers in the sell-constituted elec- ol jourxmlisls. The pro `U committee is oppobed bf Orgnns because the news- lupport the movement. are hournble to a monarchy. he Kn poured in lam. 5...}. _: - . - 17.-Insurr(c'.iolmry pl:1- ` ff 7 mmly Mms htonms children to Cmnda in Pfllllian, which nilod yeutexdny E3?-r Eir _| Innifesto d-nolaiming COD` Nlose who have ncceptul forcoucgfatious in Paris. lhut they are engaged in Wlcowardice, A war against `Id monopoly. They declare `meted and that their can- `We Advanced to nce. The u||0n,Trid0n,L'|rtgl1C, Tnlain, lert nlesnggestml to the sup- , `Pb 5 n denpnlch from Ver- "lles that the Bonnpartin; " making vast eorts and 7'` deal uf money to eect tbei, : :`lIInbly. They really have for the Assembly it.se\f , `W upholding the data quo ` HID couunnoun. I 17. 2:00 p.n. -- Council or 1362, 901; 1865, ' L Ten-fox-nu, 88i. `II 11 . 2:00 p.m. - Cotton 5,. 9! to em. Orleans ago. ` " IIVIIIIUII. R. June 16.-'l'he railwny from Hcllriumna was opened today. lets: the cities is now made in '-' -I.-:-uunucn potiuno uuvu Lileonuquoncz 01' n nccidom in BVENl`.\'G, JUNE RS7` I`.4(.`f.` ...-._ UNI Iolingvon to lloorgato ct. ~`.nd om-n n. lmildina in _ V. .. .u n no. `lick of international society Hnnifesto con- ltkn... (I - ` `Iunu, -. ..... ue lmperinl ; ucld In I A -I .~..nn.n *o.`____ .3383 pasrucuxs. ""`17_.--The Hon. Cle- a ` (had 3: 9:45 o clock Ila. K ti} 7 | `II U:_',I ruuulc, the Palnce-_ um. m1m|wr- .. ,I.n.L..._ cl. . : \\ eahmgton. June 16 --A despntoh from Admiral Rogers, received as the navy de~ xmrtmenl and dined Barges Island 00 June 3rd. and sent from Sh minister and the Corenu profession of nmicaliie Corenna made no ob` their water. vea, nnghui, says our Ennoys exchanged intentions. The ectionee to a survey of The l\ onocncy the Palos and four steam launches under commander llluke were sent on June let to examine the I r'.\`cr Sable at u pwinl culled Dilcult. l_ nee- | ugo, when (lit: navigation was most perilous. I Masked lmueries manned by several thou- sand Curemis were unmasked and opened a heavy re without warning upon our peo- l\'0. The French slim in mlvnnnn rim-In u-.-.n_v uru wuuwut warning lp`c. slnp advance fought gullautly. Our vessels beating up drove the enemy from their works. The tide swept. all! the ships past. the batteries. They en- | chorcd and throw shells among the retreat- I in}: enemy. Our people displayed great. _.,.lllar.try and only two were slightly wound- ml. A commumoelion was re:-mead man, ml. n commumonuon was received today which may upen negotiations, otherwise sinoc Coivutti have met. peaceful overtures with unprovoked war, our forces will land and dostroying the forts, will take such uther mcusuresua theiuterests of civilization require. NNIII \'nr\( .1 I`I\l `H _.\VunQnn\ an:-Ann--link ll4'\iLI|lU. New Ynrk,J um. 16.-Westnn accomplish- ed the task 0! walking four hundred miles in ve days. He showed little signs of latiguc-. Lo-hnnnn (n Junn `R _ IL-u. P Y III-IgU('. Lo-bnnon Ohio, June l8,- Ilou. C. L. Vallandiug has accidentally shot. himself today. The physicians say he is sinking fast. There seems hardly a possibility of his rvcnvmv_ `VIII :I.Ill I\.\.'l);3'llIla|.7 Llllll lI' \/UVHU!` HE II u\ini.~lcr nl good standing in the Epmcupml church. \v __` \',_I_ 1.4, In LIIIIILU. . New York, June 16.-Despntches from all the principal (*i|i's state the Pupe's ju- bilee has lrccu cclubruled with ixnpnslnrrg L't`rLI1luI\i.-F, IUNTREAIQ MARKETS. (Special Tvlrgram to the Daily News ) Montreal, June 17. - Flour, Super Extra 0,00 to 0,00 ; Extra, 6.30 lo 6,40; Fnncy 5,90 In 5 0-`. - Wnllgnl Cnnnl Suner. 5.70 lo. 0 00. U,UU 1.0 U,UU nxlrn, 0,00 Iu 0,10 , rnucy u,:!u 10 5,95; Wollnnl Canal Super, 5,7010, 0,00. Super No. 1 Canada when, 5,50 to 5,90; super No. 1 Western wheat 5,50 to 5,60 ; Super No.2 Western wheat, 5,20 to 5,125 ; bag our 2,50 to 4,70. Wbent--Cnundn Pnll, 0,00 to 0,00; Spring, 0,00 to 0,00; Western, 0,00 to 0,00. Unts-per 32 lbs, 15 Lo 17, old 10 and 12. Barley-per 48 lbs, 00 to 00c. Butler-Dniry 15 to 17; Ilore packed 14 to 15. Ashen- Pots, 6,20 to 6,30. Penn-la,7,'!0 lo 7 75. Gold in New York at 12 o'clock 000. PER, Hen, 17,00 1017,50; Prime lees 00,00 to 00,00. Pnme, 00,00 to 0.00. Dressed hogs 0,00 to 0.00. Peu-per 66 lb|,0,95 to 0,971. Rye our, 3,75 10 4,00. . _- .-. L,_L , n___ nan LI- u-nu, J'IJ IV 1,vv. Receipn-Wbent 95,554 bush ; our 288 bis. Flour-market dull and heavy and Irunncliona restricted to local wants ;:uuern super: freely ofered at 5,50, and ordinary Canada 5,50 to 5,55; choice sarong cold in one instance at 5,90 yemall sales No. 2 at 5,20 to 5,15, and choice ne 485; middling: going at 4,45 to A :n n-.iu_Wha-|--rn ronnnadmrnnanclionaz A '1` CHOKE H08 453', IIIIQQLIIJKB gull)` In 1,-Ia IU 4,50. Grnia-WbenI.--1:0 reponedtrnnncliona ; rate: nominal. Proviaiono-dull Ind sales re- au-ictad 10 the tn.-rest. comsnmptivo wants. Lnrd-otfcred at. 10c but no taker. Bauer- small sales of selected nl_l_5 to 17. Onenes- nominnl in absence of [export inquiry, at low rage of price anticipnlod. Aahes-pota steady. Penrla-advnnced sales at 7,75 for rms. NEW YURK MARKETS. (Special Telegram to the Daily News.) New York, June 17.-Gold 1121 to 1123. Cotton 20}. Flour dull. and 5 to 10 lower : receipts 12,000__bbla; sales 6,000 bbln ; at 5,60 to 5,80 for superne cute and western; 6,10 to 6,80 for common to choice 9XU'3 lute ; 6,00 to 6,80 for common to choice ex- .-. stain and wanna:-n R179 nnr hI\ I and 6,00 0,150 tor common l0 cnuu,-u ex- tre state and western. Rye our bees; lower at-1,25 to 6,00. Wheel dnllend in buy~ c1`e favour; receipts 140,000 bush; eelee 31,000 bushels; at 1,50 to 1,52 for No. 2 spring; 1,68 weatern eont; 1,61 to 1,62 for winter red end ember western; l,54 choice No. lepring aoat. Rye quiet and heavy. Uorn elude lower; receipts 142,000 bush; miles 49,000 bueh; at 72c to 14 for inferior and common mixed western ; 75 to 77c for good to choice do; closing at 76c for prime samples. Barley dull. Onto steady ; receipt: 13,000 bushels; nlee 39,.00 buehele; II. 66 to 650 for Western end Ohio. Pork heavy; It l5,00 tor new menu. Lem huvy; at. 9; to loic for eteem; 10! for kettle rendered. Butler 13 to 30. Cheese quoted at 10 to Inc to: common to prime. Petroleum at line for crude; 251 to 253 for refined. - 12 mk of Monu-enl-263, 267. Merchuuls Bank-H0, 141. Link of Comrnorce-H6_ Ualario Bank-115, 117. B: nk of Toroulo-l70_ 190. Royal Canadian Bnnk-l l0. A UC'I'IONI:`.l'1R, App:-al.-er and commlsslon Mer- chant. V ALEROOMS-Princees Street, Kingston. D REX-`ERBNCRS`-HON. JAMES PATTON, Mn suum. uuchtssrun, Mn w. 3. SIMPSON, Mn 0. M. WILKINSON, and Ma S. T. DREN- LIAN AUC'ii6N SALE 1 BENJ I_IOLDER, THE SUBSCRIBER will sell by PUBLIC AUCTION, on lcdnesday, llno Slat June, At the Reaidonce of MISS FOWLER, `Johnson Street, Ilousehold Furniture,` !NeW Consisting of Drawing, Dining sud Bedroom Sets. ` Centre, Dlnlng, Card and Side Tables, IAN Kingston, June 6, 1871. Whntnots. Book Cues, Brussels Onrpets, Poles, Rings, Curtains, Pictures, Buresus, Wuhstunds, Bedslends, lsuresaea, Bedding, Cooking and nllunr sum.-g. Kitchen Utensils, he. ~ --._,__' Bedolenaa, lalireuea, 00: other Stoves, Kitchen Utensils, Sale at 10 o'clock. Tgrmn Unsh before delivery. nu, uuu Ulll_V \\\'U were Sllgy wound- commumonnon received today In may open negotiations. Olherwina 0 ---- T `c.=i}.ii.v.~cRc1A 1.. MONTREAL STOCK MARKET. `I P. ll.anI...,.l 1.... \ PIANOFORTE. SPLENDID SECRETARY, Sofu, Lounges, Easy and other Chairs, Klnguon, June 16, 1811. ':~.'ovr:1.m:s