Tartan Card Cases Leather Card Cases nnnnh a'|UUK IIARW (Per Montreal lane.) Hnnlnnl nus on me northern shore of L0` Brooklyn on the hill, and mi. IIOIINION IDAY. LADIES rub ulna.) Ionlrenl, Juie 17. D. 270, CHARLES GRIGOR. ,CEEAP '1'. B`0G. Statuary. ' 1! .b.'. nI8p "`_ ..___u call]. AUCTIONIZEII, Appraiser and Commlw ;) KtrIn:ncrs:-Hon. JA SAMUEL IUOKLESTUN,i In G. M. WILKINSON, an NAN lf:---A-- ' 4.--, and Commlu-Ion Mer- chant. g A LEROOHE--Princeu Street, Kingston. K R lrlllllclt-HON. JAMES PATTON, Mn lUCKl.|7f&l'l`nu u- -- - ~--' ` AUc'ii0N SALE 2 MISS llonsehold Fifitllre. Consisting of Dnwirg, Dining and Bedroom Sets. or: us, LIBRARY, PLATED WARE, CHINA, Sofas, Lounges, Easy mud other Chairs, Centre, Inning, Card and .`Ido Tables, Whatnola, Book Cases, BrusaelsCarpels,Po1es. Rings, Curtains, Pictures, Bureaus, Washstunds, Bedateads, Mattresses, Bedding, Cooking and other Stoves, Kitchen Utensils, &<-. I STAGE vs D BOOK S1 ORE AND NEWS O` OT Every Month. Family Per\Id_ Genllenmds Journal, Young Ladies of Graet Britain, Eugliahwonaaws Domesc Magazine. Good Words for the Young, Godey's Ladies Book tor July, CAasel1 s Magazine, And all the American Illustrated Papers for lhis week. Books and Stationery CHEAPER I`II/IN EVER HE.7V'1)ERSOJV S,l IAN Kingston, June 6, ___________, EMlLY S CHOICE, by E. V. Noel. Darwin's Daacenl of Man. Tyndall`: Fragments of Science. Bvinburnds Songs before Sunrise. 0ArIylo s Works, new and cheap edition. Field and Rie Exercises and Infantry and Iuakelry Instruction, In one volume. Hll]lht"I Red River Expedition. Canadian Sunday Shoo|0rgun-New Mus. Book for Children. NEW MUSIC on Wednesday`. the ms; Jane, A! the Residence of PIANOFORTE. SPLENDID SECRETARY, Terms Gash Lefora delivery. Sale at 10 o'clock. uuv did lot 8ih,lcI V Hoaiurynl Ob!` lnvgn. "" in great variety. Canadian Illustrated News of this week, containing six Views of Kingston, 10 cents. vixrrnf nun-nnnnqnu Kingston, June 16, 1871. was suascmamz will sell I _ AUCTION, crrv BOOK STORE; June 17. London Illustl-at-c7l Times` for May.` -r---`- ..o '1 ...mn. 10 cents and 12} cents. PVERY MONTH, Junel7. LJ\/4l_n\z ~,._ A! Lowest Rates. u-:_ ~ ACCOUNT, BLANK and LETTER.` zooxs, sour own Illanafoctnre. Printing and Bookbinding. Blll_'and Postage stamps 4|---- .... Land NEW BOOKS mos. 81.60.,` Wedding Bells, Part. 6. Good Words, Puniiy Herald, Boy: of England, Young Ladies Jc 1rnnl,&c., Fqrm of Dec Q; the Daily Hews 0.Iioe. I; gsgeund other luv um IEDDING BELLS, Part 6. Godey s Lady : Bar`; for Ju The Mt-xdern Prodigal. Bible Palm Trees. v:u..'. HI-linlnrv of the Trees. Kine`: History of tha Bible, Am. ~ The Year of Battles. Fashionable Amusements. --a~ \XENDEN'S "FIRST YEAR 111 RECEIVED. -v.___ Kingstoni, June, I I . `TATUTORY DEEDS:-M r": H nnroifnllv minted copieg o t FOWLER, Johnson Street, A SFLENDID LOT OF AT STACEYB Magazines for June. Extensive urns` 4-` .... NEAR THE iziiaxzr. Mu-lc and News Depot, 82 King Street. ily News Uznoe. .,.mu.uw., . . foam kept on `JOHN HENDERSON, 1871. KING smnm, always on hand. can an-eet, I. )N. In W. R muounn ,and Mn 8. 1`.DREN TTUN, W, 97.8. SIMPSON, ` 1 BENJ. HOLDER, ,1an. Bookseller, 82 King Street. Princess Street. by PUBLIC Auctioneer. 1'5-_-jApE:roveu auu pies ` bytatuto, for sale :.` ;Btstutory Mort- -... bnntnn Inn! the Short - MY` IN CANA- AND Pioved and Al... luuvl Km Glovo. 'HiiNcH :lI`FH'\ITHI.V Onnn | 7.] `-E>_r:o'U'(;}1-Lsr- ' -Iinlinn hv n I uuvnvuuuul. I um .ll`|Q `Ill! prom oialion by 3 RI oIa_.|epn_ young min. Term! 11: dirue. Private less: day andevenipg. For parliculnra apply to ' G. PISATI, Duud; G:_-..A uAum':5' UKEAM UlUl d and UANDIE of every description of our own manufacture. DAQ'l`I')\7' __.1 rs`! trnn . uunun. uuu unnnao. 0A_KES Almond-iced and Ornumenlted in a supenor style. ? A 6`.-.I.. I-` .1` Inn A :1 __s nnnannn . ~.. ....r....v. -1., sq. A fresh lot of TEAS and OOFFEES by the pound. VALENCIA omems and muons. Tn... 0: IHAVE on hand a good assorted stock of Clothing, m'mufucv.nred"`on the premises, consisting of All Wool Canadian Tweeds of the Latest Styles and Newest Patterns; a great variety of Coats, Pants and Vesta of every pat- tern; a grentvnriety of Flannel Shirts, White Shirts and Regatta Shirts. Clolhina msuln in N11: Infant uhslna and maul: D0NALD:_1}_CKAY*sl oulrlu auu sugaua cums. Clothing made in the latest styles, and work warranted. l'`n....._.J'I7:....._.:n_.,1_c1.__,._ .- ,- , AL, VV|II'I'E\lJICu. Cornrr of King and Brock Streets, facing the Market Square, Kingston. DONALD M:-RAY TO LET, HE SHOP AND DWELLING HOUSE oc. cupied by Mr Thomas Driver, on the corner of Princess and Wellington Streets. Apply to 12 M nnsua THE BEST QUALITY ALWAYS ON HAND, AND DELIVERED TO ANY PART OF Kingston, June 3rd. L" FRENCH CRYSTABLIZED FRUITS, FRENCH caoconnn MENIER, LADIES DREAM DROPS and OANDIES uf every description manufacture. u uvcry ueacnpuon O1 l PASTRY and CAKES. nAI7nnAc - mi emu it numaws. . ....uu June 3. FANCY FRENCH son fndns, May 10. Kingston, 3rd April, 1871. DRUG STORE. `MORR1SON S Kingston, May 16,1871. from Morrison, for he keeps the best of; da ; he is such A nice fellow--nud then he kee a no rubbish about hisstublishment, contamjnating .. :..;m-;... in sun vnv the aunliwand vour )WING TO AN ADVANCE IN- rubbish about nmestuonsument, conunnmaung or injuring in\ any way the qusiityantfuour of his goods, and Morrison : buainen is so ex- tensive his goods are always fresh. hand. _ 1,000 barrels and bags -Oshawa Flour Just to hand. A _ an hum-cl: Kilmdriad Onlmonl mat to hand. 500 barrels Cream of the Wt just to hand. 1 mm hm-raln and ban-Oshawa. mat Vpmcn OF OIL, 1 SHALL 3E'coM. PELLED TO CHARGE 35 CENTS PER! VERY `A1 ' . = ' 50 barreis Kiln-dried Oatmeal just 60 barrels XXX Pastry Flour expected daily. 600 sacks Corn Heal, double bo`-`ted. 10 barrels GRANULATED WHEAT (fresh) justin. _ i 10 barrel: WHEAT MEAL (fresh) just in. SUGAR-CURED RAMS s.nd`BACONm'riV. ing from Cincinnati at Mprrison s New[Slore late Chown & Sons, next'Benlh's Drug Store Remember, love, remember, 2 GALLON FOR OIL FROM THIS DATE. THE CITY, AT ABOVE PRICE. F. s. REES, Toronto Flour Store, ` His customers can well say :-We biay all .-an Iuu '*77V* Produce and `coiniillalon er- qgaut 1 SA LUTIFER i Cheese Fac.tor`ics,_ ORRISON deals extensively in Ii`1ou`r and its kind ; also in ' ` Hms AND moon. \J 9" ` f ""u -- onion--msn Amerldulidlel. . V -u-1 , .,nI_A_ ";__ A spRI_n_c sun. Kingston, June 9, 1871. FLOUR AND HAIVIS \IIICYI%ll ' Iluluno T,."'.IF"."_'.'v.v`."!." [}.'171- COAL OIL. P ecuharities. IF YOU WANT SKINNEWS -LY t ht.n;d r ocqke ,1 form! cferue. (1 was nu-lhunl. 46 Princess Slrcet. SOME OF JII.` Morrison. BB, LABD, 'l'AhhUW, 502! pa. -OItMiIo$ Sttiegt, near ,_jitiah no.1 ` BIOU. 3 DONALD McKAY, Mercbmn Tailor. 157 Princess Street. - v U-Z-I qqii Jpd With pronun- Iih In_d,lxp(-arienced `Me. lessonal -Iitlnlm-n nnnlv In NBA 11, Brock Street. R. M. ROSE. THE BARGAINS in all the Departments of their Eqtabliahment, which comprises a com- plete auiorlmeut of the NEWEST ND MOST FASHIONABLE GOODS OF` THE EASON. A nm-am-ml :na......a:.._ -5 _- n. - _---.v.-uuuu uuuuo Ur Ln]! DBAEULV. A personal inspection of our Stock is respect- fully soiicited, gs we at; opring unusual in- duct meats to intending purchasers. Winnsom. 1 M... 1971. ' 1 RE exhibiting a large and choice coliec. _ tiou of REAL IRISH POPL1NB.thirt,~ dierent coiouriugs; also Black and White, and the New Light and Dark, Sang do Prusse Colour. ` Prices extremely low. Please call and examine. May 1. `J-..-....a-u.-.r g,` u AJAU AVE received a superb assortment of French Silks, Satins and Velvets, at lower price: then heretofore offered. Rich Black Glace Silks, Imperial Grog Grains, Satin Finish Coloured Glace Ind Gros Grains, Gros de Suez or Corded Silks in Medium and Dark Shades, White, Lavender, Silver Grey and Mauve ; Corded Silks, While, Lavender, Silver Grey and Mauve; Dress Setins, Wbit.e,:Laven- der, Silver Grey and Mauve; Irish Poplins, Lavender, Silver Grey and Mauve; Jhpaueso tilks : Japanese Silks in Medium and Dark Shades; Coloured Silks for trimming pur_ poses. Every shade of Satlns cut on the bias. May 1. ILL o`er a very handsome assortment of Spring and Summer Shawls, aulles and Jackets, French Paisley Shawls, Ottoman Stripped Shawls, Arab .,Bournouses, 1 Black Grenadiue Shawls, plain and richly emliroideh ed: White nnd Blank Ln:-n Shawl: Whim am! unsuaume nnaw1s,p1aIn and 1'lCl1lY embroider- ed; White and Black Lace Shawls, White and Black Half Lace Point Shawls, Black Lace Rotondes, White and Black Lace Pelerinea and Lnppets, White nnd Black Lace Neck Bcnrfs, Richly Trimmed Black and Coloured `Cloth, Velveteen and Silk Jackets, all new pntelna -, White and Fancy Clonkings in great vriety; also Real Lyons Silk Mantle Velveta. I -1:.... ..-.. _-....-..u`..II.. :__..__1 ., ,L ........ -..... ..J --u -nu. auuuuu 1 unvwsa. Ladies are respectfully invited to einmiue the above Goods. which are of a very recherche style, and at moderate prices. ` AVE just. received Real Black and White Maltese Laces and Edgings, Real Maltese Collars and Cuffs in Sets, Reel Maltese llars, new shapes ; Chemiseltes, Collars and S eeves, Lace Trimmed and Plain Linen Handker_ chiefs. A large assortment of Ladies` Silk Scarfs, Ties and Bows, the latest. novelties, at the lowest prices. ' OTIOE is hereby given that the Part ' rehip between John G. Stratton, Joseph D neon, on John Hsrkee, wee dissolved on the rs: day ote May, 1871, no for :5 relates to tin said Joseph Dknson. All debts due to the said pert. nership are to be paid, and all those due from the same, discharged, st the store of the me ' m, in the` city of Kingston, where the business ill be continued by the undersigned, under the rm of J. G. Stretton & Co. . 1' fl nmnurmnw wuutuawulu nu nuuuuulug pun Kingston. lat May, 1871: * .1 """" ;- Our assortment of numbers and sty'leI in now complete, and the man diicnlt ejo can be timed readily by the Uptometer or Patent Eye-Trier. X AlunA4-:- nah`; n...l:..AI --o:..l... -1. --..` -...- u_y\r-..v.. Among other opiical articles, we on` par. ticularly recommend GENUINE BRAZILIAN PEBBLES in Temper- ed Fumes. UB1 Ulli DISALIJJIAIV I'I|DDh III 'l'BuIPQf' ed.Fumes. MENISCUSTEBBLES, Patent Fumes. PANTOSCOPIC and Periscopic Spectnolel tehned bv some omicians "Perfeoted. ARGAINS w Esmhlinhmnno . R. & T._J.`GAR_DINER '1' A17?! rfA_N'1jUaUUr1u anu renscoplc Bpecll tamed by opticians "Perfected." Coloured` Spectacles and Goggles. Eye-'G1assea,`Bii1g1e and Double. (`mmmve Snonlncles and Eve-Glmuen, Eye-ulnssea, Dingle auu uoume. Ccugcave S _gtacles qnd Eye-Glasses. Raiding G asses, Magniers, &c. nu.-nun: 1, .........,.., .....,.........., ..... None burrat clue goods kept. and prices m (1 ate ` MEDICAL HALL. DRY` GOODS F'Al'l';i may 1. _fmprovesI Sjrectaclp AND . Eye- Glasses. n..- -5 ___|.__- R. J. Gardiner DI!` ...L: . May 1. MCGILL UNIVERSITY, Montreal. 7 HE CLASSES in the several Faculties will open as follows :- l-`acnlly of Arts ...... ......September 15 Faculty of l|lcdIclne...October 3. Faculty of Law ...... ...October 3. THE DEPARTMENT 01-` PRACTICAL`sCI- nxon: in the Faculty of Arts, including courses in Engineering, Mining, Practical Chemistry-and Assaylng, will be opened on the 15th September. n-.... n. .....n.. ... .'.'..-.. nnn--- xr,...-_... JUDI Kingston. 12th June, I871. uuv Luvs: uuvr-.~u.v.... THE CLASSES IN 'l"n'n: MCGILL Nonuu. SCHOOL will be opened on the lat. Septem- ber. . 1 .1 , n_,_.:,,_.s_,,_ :, .1 n uwn. ' In the Examinations in the Faculty of AI -ts, commencing Septcmber 15:11. the {o1- lnwmg Scholarships and Exhibitions will be offered :- ` First Year, 4 Exhibit.iona-3 of $125. 1 nf KICKI 171730 1615!`, `k nxuu)1uUnB--6 OK 34130. .1 of 3100. Second Year, 4 Exhibitions-3 of $125; 1 of $100. ' Third Year, 4 Scholarships (tenable for two years) of $125 yearly. The (lglendar, containing details of `all ' ll1'ibovi!"'courses of study, may be hadgin application (goat paidltp the undersign . ` "` T " W.` 0. BAYNES. T June 14. L & J. GARDINER an cnaonldm` AND NEWS iskept on pic in Kingston, at the Book alnnan girl .1 Hus Pnhlnnntinn Onn Prin. '1-`tu Unnuxuuun Ann man 0 II (ups on; stores sad at the Publtcntion Oce, Prin- ..... nnnt `Pam: Iftvn Gnu-11 stores um It tue ruuucluun u can meet Pmc: Ftvn Gun. AY BE OBTAINED BY THE USE OF l:lOBAB.'l"S ` .3: & J-1*?ars1iner%% mrecr VISION Julie 16:`; 1871. B. & J. GABDINEB G. S. HOBART. Ajnbrrxi.-nine SESSION 1871-72. ptuq) to the unacrsngnea 0; BAYNES, , Secretary, J. G. BTRATTON, JOHN HARKE8. :n'n I GENUINE BARGMN8 will be given in the following Good! :-5,000 yardl Fancy Summer Dress Goods from 10 cent: per yard. 10,000 yarda Hoylo'a and Ashton : ljaat Coloured Prints nt 121 cents per yard. 3.000 yard: Organdle Dreu Ilnallnn at 0 onto per yard. - 4,000 yards Brilliant: and Ilnraeilles at 12; centa. 4,000 yarda Stout Clear While Cotton only 7 cents. 5,000 yards Good Grey Cotton only 5 cents. 3,000 yarda Eorroek a While Ooon II 10 cents- 1,000 yards Fancy Skirting at 12} oonta per yard, worth 40 oonu. Ion : Flannel` Shirts at 75 cenu. 500 pairs Ladies Corsets at 30 oenta per pair. 50 donen Ladiea' Couon_ Hose only 7 cents per pnir; 75 doun Ladies Snmmr Glove: at 5 cent: per pat. 20 down Ladies Kid Gloves only 40 cents_per pair. 50 down Ladiea , Youth`: and Children : Straw Rate from 10 cents each; Nn1'In1r _-M... 1..-... ....-... -..-:...1 ._--. --_-- -V - -- ._.-a4;.I..lJ .l Will be found the largest, cbespa spare neither time, trouble nor . Their stock of orxu 1V Ur is now complete, and will be sold cheap for cub. M. 33. mw`(`3`rMrand, Attractive Cheap `Sale NEW sUMME"" DRY GOODS: -AT- F. X. 00U_s_1yEAU & cots. [Nd nu.-v..- .. . __ _ -.... ,l_--._.- _..---u- -v on-an LARGE and mied Stock of wai Vot England Brondclotlia; Silk-mind 0ontiIIgI.DI8IIll_ \ and Venetiln Olotha, Black and Funny Doukins, rmoh cuainam, scotch, llnzlnh and Canadian Twoeds, which for fineness of finish, strength and duubiliti cannot 50 301900005- Their Stock of - In In uuW CD] If you V SEASONABLE DRY GOODS ' NOW SHOWING ` AT THE BRITI_S_ WAREHOUSE. \-rn.-~ -.. NEW FANCY DRESS GOODS, Plain and Brocadod Lust;-on, Block Puumttu nn'd_0o _ burgs, Fancy Prints and Printed luolins, White ond.Prntod Blllonta. Bldef Vivekan- (snlk Finish), Silk Umbrellas and Pu-nsols. Josephine And Two Button French KM Glove: (best quality), Lace and Muslin Ouminu, Toilet Oovera, QulIu,Toblg Govern, Table Napkins Table Cloths. A LARGE ASSORTHENT OF Gr;1E-DISPLAY of New Spring-,2 Goods. `IN THE Londo Wargjlouset i:erguson s Buiidings. 1 1 MUST b`Bihl!iU'l` STOCK OF NE` Particular care has been given to the I we can guarantee to purchasers the T A Fhrnnrn nrntr-r 1-an - 44141. ; no ; D 1 1 14130 Au 11 mm W 1301 1'A?.l.'.I!'.l!ilS1V 5. Pretty Dress Goods from 7id per yud. Newest Shades In Links from ll. khik Lustre! from lod. Kid Gloves, beautiful colors, cheap. 001-sou from 1: Mn: pair. 1,000 Pain of`. Ladies Ootton Hose from 5d per pslr. , Fine Tweed: for Summer Want from 2: per yard. ` 1 Case Hon-ocksee Cotton. 6 Bslea Heavy Grey Oouonl, lpkndld nine. . Real Boyle? Prluu AI Md per yard. White and Coloured Brillinnu, cheap. ad. an endless anerhndit 6! Rib` bone, Laces, Velvete, F1-ingea, Trimmings, Buttonu. Pu-uoln, Luca Ourtdnu, 86. , . SPEOIAL.-l (Jase Celebrated ORUTS PRINTS, Beautiful Plttopnl, CALL AND EXAMINE OUR STOCK. ' ' -I-\ -nv--Air--1.;.._--.- uuuauvuu LU yl.I:l.lIBl'B me iLLi7f`EsT STYLES AND NEWEST PATTERNS. ` A..- Prettv Dress Goods from 71.1 nnr nu: N.-no m..a.. :. r...-b... n... .. 1.... 2..- noun iii enAm,| SEED GRAIN AND FARM llln AT ""' """""7 SEED GRAIN AND FARM SEEDS. CORN MEAL. ORUBHED CORN, BEAN, 36., Wboleule ind Retail. n__; nnnn nnnnq _ . . - May ll. R '1`. H. SMPIH, Orgsnlnt of St. Goo:-gs : Cathedral, and Bondmutor P. W. O. Rlu, is preps:-ed to give louonl on the Organ, Piano, and Violin at the ruldonoo of the pupll and his own. R.EHIDENnl1nrI\AII nf Klan an! (Inn. n`IIIl, I I-lav llllil VIVIIII -i IIIU XVII-UIIXUI the iris RE8IDENOB-Oorner of King In Gore Street. can . gonna --..-._ Kingston, May 2, 1871. mute ape ' ARGE West of 4 Venetian Glnlhn Rh:-Ir ....a nu-.. .-.-. Baths, Sinks and Pumps, 7 Garden and'Fire Protection Engines, Rubber Hose with Branch Pipes, Water Coolers, 7 Ice Cream Freezers, Milk Cane, &c: Stoves and Parlour Gratel, Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Ware, Euamelled and J spanned Ware. Iron Bedsteads. ' Brae: Kottleo, Soap Stone W Griddles, &c. Qlmnnt I-`AD\I\t\ .....1 1)---- I 1 ENUINE : T nu Hoyle` riots 3:121 per nrd. 3.000 uni. n.......u. n.... u Kingston, April_19, 1871. uu Sheet Copper Bud Brass, Brass Tube, 01.--. 1- -4 .1 ll1lDllIOl'- Kingston, May 12, 1871. uu. uuuv uuu Auuulnn But SEED"(;0RN at present on hl_Ild. Mill Cottage on Wolfohlund to rent for the mnmer. A. H. GOING, I'|N'I`AIlI INII Illllfk ll! NEIL McNElL, IIIIO ITIK I'I`RI2'I2'I`, _.-.... --nu, Sheet Lead, Lead Pipes, &c , Wholesale Ind Retail, Jobbing neatly done and promptly at- tended to. NEIL ICNBII1. Inna 1 1Q'71 nuah 23. AVING imported heavily this canon,` I M031` SELECT S'l`0nK OF mew mu Iron sun on Fi GIIAITBBED, A SKART LITTLE ' _.....,\,\_.,,__\ 1 11'}! SLIDE, unuqnnu Auuuuxm. 33 Chains, complete. or my-yin` cg, puny is than! tour thousand bushels ol what, or seventy-ve thou-ad foot of lumbar. E0 ..... 1.. non` at the Portsmouth autumn; Br usounnu I00! or lumbar. Bio my 1,. pg.` lpyg; when sum hoist ll-ow-Isl-*1 onrhubl. For {mbu'.m `E hour, CA1 TWEEDS AND BROADCLOTES. June 1, 1871. WING season, am prepared to show tie LARQJIS1 Ann SELECT sroox on` NEW FRESH GOODS ever attend in thl|.l\ . ` niculsr given selection of our Guodn In um llm-m...'. 51."... ...| KING STREET. KING8:l'0N. Inquire of R: TOWN, on tho pnlnhcl. June 6. -:-3 QISJ-`Q! _(')N'l`ABl0 A153 BBO0K s'r., hunt-h -- 1 1-.-.--c gv.-pug` .-.c:--.u- BBOCK STREET. ~ AS ON HAND a varied assortment A6` 1 want I Stylish Salt and Perfect Fit, leave I 1 SHOP '1`0-LRT!', I\J7-:v 71'!!! SL118, BIGQING AIOEOE and nh:inl_ nouulcm. ning n ' j"7 EEADY-M.!2ME;_.9L9trI_IINGs% nd lamest. chennnn. .1 sc1i'f)"i):"1ii"1:R, ._-1 nnii Inna In Alnllnnl MASONI9 BUILDINGS.- PIANOE8 TUNED. ` \ McNAUGH F!--hu. ...._ -..__1-a-.t .L-: jjg LET; : .-.. -v.-.a.LaJJJ , cheapest and beat uaorte 1 19 expense in this Donn-u __._.`, `r-.-.-..-. \I` Having now completed their nliottnnpt of r -17 `x. yum. um: Dell. no * expense 1 L 1 \J `J Invite special attention to thgit t'1D--A -L ~n|,,- `- SPRING HATS old Anmhn Int .- luv 1- nniun uuuua onbrod in thl|:l`| Good: In !.ho_EIu-open 1 IN THE 1. your order at A IlcNAI'JGll'l`0N av. co ; ` Corner of King and Princess E uuu1'n11u:r, Iaortqi our olbl-ed in Klngnon; sad as they I Department, they condently defy ooupetilion. . Jun: Corner of Princall and Wollingionstrots.` LIL 1 D Another lot of those Ron:-aib1o_ Overcoat: wnoI.nsnxb; 3: 9 " rnurr I-ronli of`i.IiI'l'lI.;T ` omunxo 312331,,` at Between the out pl '30:` not: local.` : 3 ' PX.._.A.._ A__.lI an 1... _____- -.- ww-, A-GENTS forD_OW 8 OILIBRATID ALIS. Aldo Loluwu, Fisher ; and lo|Ion.'I Ala and Portet. r ICIn_-,I, , nluanvjao . Trumr moor, on; an, siunr amt, all an wnuh dolltkhb. ~ % .._r_, rnomsoiv & DOBD. III.-- .4-..4 , Kinglton, April 21,1371. LAB.Gl| 30991.: or: .pn;,;_m3, muons; . 13.. in. a .1 . ORA1T_GE S,.x P. HAR'rY; _The Republican jnurnglg H mgnifesto to meet. the clue. me put forth by the mon- tnwy declare that. the Ru- `F"on1, uulitmul and legitimate `I dnmonnl S0\'eI'c\gnly._ Mon- . 5.. III ulxlicnnon. fury will `".Ppol-g to the cnmlulates who u, mintain the tttalux quo. will be issued on the M Assembly passes the Bill ' `,1 belure that date, ~ be state at siege will he I; inst. The Duke of Chur- 'm|ur the Asactnbly in I... `I puketl`AutmlcIs momug lulu - .\ . .| 1.318 ' ' (nurse: 1:" mar, opggsu an 0131 E,`o'.,hns been appointed Minis` Lame. , _ _ '7 V e. |}::1S.-A gang of men, sup. '.l'zninns, broke into the militia `mlinw, on Saluiilny night, and `mmki. A sentinel tired upon `.3. were 1\.'!|Vll][_',llul all escnp- im ITIIH wu-c discovered this `,5 neighbouring eld. Five H, 1...-n arrested on `suspicion. Jae 17.-Gen. Fimllierbe is the gdldllt: lot the Assembly in n of Somme. Some or the - ggdiilnes have proclaimed of Free Trade. Odillon Bar- use from the Department oi miles Ahbnttugii stands in the iution of. the nmy is pro~ `hull possible speed. a mute; ofSwiu.e1-laud, ukgn mum dlyn of the insun-ec~ up dbchuged. It is rumoured jnlive, nndhn5 been urealed. ugh '1: mil the churches of Paris h the I001! of the victims of the end: of visitors urine by every [gun is improving. The city is amnn (room have eucuued 0| l`l\-v ....-,, ' D` s .!l. 01reK. ght! kg sgpumbcr In that Prince : has 18, eveuing.-The troops yesterday with dinners everywhere. A: the Palace there pufonnancc of opera, which ah-nah snaoinl invitnlinn ..,..........., .. .._..._, .... __ through specinl inviution II I {grand display 01 gorge- bythe high military authorities occupied the pit, nnd the : up the proscenium boxe|_ qupied the trout row, and none ' oi honour the second tier. Md unite entered nt eight pdectsilance. The Ernpgror honed lnrmally thrice. i`he chnrmingly dressed in psle ' gu tins of diunondo, was bright of the Emperor. Then a ned behind them by the Prineulu. Thelinperiul box with other Prince: Imperinl' '.l-_-.__-_..--r_ A ..- .I........ I Janullns 3 Itrong irlicle abus- jdlho English preuifor hostility | h uligimssas their misrepresents- `tied and cowardly, ind chnrgeg ;.a.. _.:n.-. ngro hrihnd dufi and I"'. \-.n5b,,urg, wulcu sue no; dinpoq-d to cnncede. I p.yrc urged the Assembly |. .n"! into the conduct on `M .11. have held power IN" _ m Im riulists 1:*P"_`}`b':r..`."..|..~.ful.l `I : led Ir: I NOV'ELTI -is I-led and covnmny, Iuu cuurgu llh writer: were bribed during and `noted to thanksgiving in all Ihich no ctowded. The on - wlnpoaed by the High Con- III in the Cathedral, which decorated. The Domchor `L1. ,-.. .....-. .......- -...,,-.._._ uupocuclo. A pralogue lg Ymein Erhnrdt. in panic H _ William the Third. An in iollowod entitled Hein- Iduburg, with manic by V inclusion the Emperor left I lonologue was given of the which run illustrat- vimiu, nod cloud with the al the Emperor on horseback. Undienee rune and shouted .'..'.Z{I:C I.7a..;'Is EQIQZQ ' out. The Emperor than -;..a ~-1 v-wulnucu. Luv UUIJJUUUI Nit] sung the Te Dcum mag- * the ceremonies ooncluded_ `W 19, Iondniy morning.-The from Pla, say the Pruasiana Rnnnn .-..! -:..|.A .L-_....._.i ~ ~-nu Anna, B3 508 KYUISIEDB Rocco, and eight. thousand _n|linndGonesso. M.Rouber `Putin. _ 18.-Minister Moret has Nlignnlion. There were slight `"ing the celebration of the 'i0Ily ill, has recovered K -`Inc 19.- M. Ponyer Querlien-' E: Milled duties as Minister of Paris reports that the nee bu bccu reorganized ..\l' the Central Cummitzcc ul ginonl Guard `,3! Dumlcmw` )1. Reynolds Heard, V|cc.. FLODII3 '|I\-ilue their utack upon the ` Th: "9470 pniscs the Count `'1' '9 350616 urges the union r`8|inIl the Pnnginna, their _ Wet cmod. 5.- "ldmnther of General Russel Him... 4-,-.. - ;&---j-- ! Plus nmsmvrcuns. JIM 18.--Tho remains of Ntehed ham last. evening. 750 in alrnout crushed `` hfhuuband and bro- `5_iI evening by special mil take plane on Tues- lh direction of I0 mbcr me uupuu nuuaw, mace should be led :0 ` NEW \ A [5 H u. -,1n the Assembly zu- cd the nun-acceplnmce mn 1-I his visit to the n at ML-Aux. He snid ,u~ ul nI:gUliIllu\ns nu amnwk lhrll \lt'uluud- In\sbuur;:', which the Iflbe 19. 1:30 p.u. - Oolton L Hinds 8|d. Orleans ,.1uNl~: :9. '3l|to - Ooruolo {; 1865, `i. `hi 0 31: Cd : Meeener, inJi`cEe'i"fo::l;;'I|:u:|&:r`<:t:-E; wife` ` was ynrcrdny funnd nilty of murder in the nlt. deg-ee. Thin in eeenex-`u second trial for the crime. and the neeond lime IR: has been found guilty. He will be sentenced on Tues- dn next. 3 ew York, June l9.-Laet night at(ve minutes past hen there was A severe shock of earthquake on the northern shore Long Iv-1:\uJ._1_n` hill. and on ` UI wrlnqllllo I-launl. I0. Br Staten Inland. uo"n'rnu1. IARKEE (Special Telegram to the Daily News) Iontreal, `June 19. -- Flour nominally unchanged, tranaaciionn restricted to the eupply of local wants. Grain-no reported u-nneacliena. Provisions nominal at late ralea. Small eonanmplive demand for peak at 17,00 to 17,60 for lean. Buner-nmnll amounts, and demand limited; good lore would find aale at 15 to 16 n: to quality for export. Oheeu un- Iollled and dull; no export inquiry. Aahee unchanged. ` Tl|I$I Illu uuchnngod. A Soulhga pnper relntos I Inughable inci- dent connected with lbe visit of the joint high communion to Hupea Perry. The presence nf than dinlinnninhed nnrlv nllrnmed A lm-on lJUl.IlIIl|XIU|l J DIIPUIU l'Cl'K - lll }ll'VUUl.|L'U of the distinguished party attracted I large number of citizen: anxious to obuin I peep st the titled visitors, and unong them was 3 pom- poul old gentlemen somewhat. noted for his vonernble eppnrence, uency of speech and strict conservative principles, who Wu conepi- won: in hit endeavours to make himself Agree- nblo. Attaching himself specially to a g:`Dll\- men who was evidently one oi the moat. promi- non! of the party. he took occasion to remark in oruorlcnl tunes: I Am hapny to see you. gentlemen of Englnnd. An In American citi- um I came to M1 mv respects to you: but I gentlemen or Iingllnu. An In American cm- ten came to pay my respects you; went nothing to do with those d-d Yankees with whom you ere eeeocieted. The gentle-- men sddreseed, end thoee of the faitom within hearing, appeared to enjoy the remark hugely ; but the old gentlemen himself was intensely disgusted when he wu informed that he had bean talking with General Schenck. A splendid illustration of Mr Darwin's theory hes turned up in Vienns. There in ygirl there, sged thirteen, e netive of Palermo, Therese Gsmberdelln, who in lilenlly covered with hair so thickly that the Vienna papers pronounced her skin more like for lhll any- thing else. The famous Julie Pnetrene is de- scribed as: perfectly smooth compared with the new elsimsnt to celebrity, whose hsiry cover- :.... .......|. on... loud in fact. even the fore- 19. o Itkey, end oevenl ehnortnitlea in the build of the body etlll further complete the reeetn- hlonoe. We do not hear whether the young ledy in greoed with e toll, but the ehepe of her jewe nod teeth, the pliehllity of her tongue- which ehe can roll up completely in her mouth -her excellent eppetuo, her reetleeeeeu, etc., etrikingly remind one of the agile sud etnuelog oninole in the Zoologieel Gerdene. Signet-inn Getnherdellfe lotellectuol oopeeity in said to correspond with her pregoueulog exterior. She is o greothvourite with the public, medical nod otherwise, nd eppeore to have echleved I oooqneet over the photogrephere, who are qnerrelllng for the honour of taking her like- new ehiunnt to eueuruy, wuoue uury uuvur- I in; extends from head to foot, even bond-Vbioh in Iimilu cues in acid to have been invariably found bIro-bein entirely overgrown. The head cloooly reuomhka tin! of nbnormitioa in the buiid .1 an. um: um {umber complete lonlrenl, . Bank of onu'ecl-260, `I70. Iercbunln Bank-l40, 1611. Bank of 0ommerce~-l40, 145;. onus-io Bank-112, 113. Bank of `l`oronto--170, 190. Royal Cnnndinn Bcnk--109, Ill. The Colorado River, and _ the portion: of Wyoming, Colorado, Arizona and Nevada which it lrauraea, are an yet unknown wild: to the general pnblic. Major Powell, who ex- plored the Grand Colorado canon a year or two ainoa, in about atartiog out upon another expo. diiion, in. which he propoaea to follow the river fron ila fonniainhead to no mouth and unlock the Inyaiorioua aeorot of its course. I ,- ,._, E _. i: cannot, indicted for the uohouur. Now York, June 18.-Joseph murder of his wifn` I IIIIIEK WUILUTD. . decided change; an 43 000 hnn!uun- |FLOI{AL< SHOW. T1-as no-rou Horticultural Society WILL HOLD x'rs.smnmg _nxa1_BmoN OI -:-----&--_j.. CON.I(.'(.'RC'IAL. IONTRKAL STOCK MARKET. (Per Montreal Lm. \ MARK-ET HELL, LPIGTON G nnn Jun: 19. Pioup,.Juo us. mu, Maan ABSORTIINT: ` All I`!!- NEW YORK uuixm-3. Pearl Card Cases Ivory Card oases Shell Gard Cases fl? C wx_m`l