JAISISIDI bu Illll AI IUIXIVLID-Bl'hAW" t) Oonveyaueers, Notaries Public. Richard T. Walkem, 1 SVOLIOITOB IN caANo1:RY.3 \ Ulce-Clarence Street, nguton, O.W. I P Gu.nnnm.n:vn_ l._I._R. I Rum. T. WALIII. `J UIuce-u luuuus Duvet, nlnguuu, V. W . LP. GILDIISLIIVI. L.L.B. | RICH. T. Wn.nI. OIIIIII uluuuv, Barrister-|v.L|w, Solicitor in Ohnnoery, kc. Ioney to lend at any tote: on nccepubla aacnrity. Kingston, 25th August, 1870. -- ._----.-...-n :`;nllIIAlI`7 Jowpln Bawden, TPORNEY AT-IAW, Solicitor in Chancery,NotuI3 Public, &.c., 33 King street, Kingston. l KinsIon,'_Feb. 8, I870. DR HENRY B. EVANS, I.R.0.S., London. Ranideneo-PRlNOESS STREET, house 'o:-mely occupied by Dr. Knclonn. - __ March 3. ` 1 ans 9. MIX UVUK Inch 19 -ur rwo sruli In-d tn nu-ant: hl ll ISLODB IDNS. V I l AIu.0Is unsuana, WIBIR & 00., corner of Ontnrio and Princess Streeu, Kingnton, mum- fncturo Pinnoen equal to my in `tip muket, either of home or foreign nuke, Ind poll st mode:-no prion. Ivory Phno in vaunted for n years. They invite inspection of that: Ityleu and alnlltv of tone. ` AIRS AGNEW; Buriuer, &c.. has removed his Law Oico from Olnreneo lo Kingl treat, over Ir J. J. Linton`: Auction Roomal u-_-L In UV` yl`. Int] |uv_ and quality Pulor Orzuu II Gllderslcovo as Walkem, )ARRIS1'ER.S and ATTORNEYS-at-LAW,{ ) Gnnvo-vnun-an-s. Non:-San Public. ink `quay am. Pulor Orguu Ind Iolodoonl of nonl unhn no kept in ock in the Plano Ware- eoou. and eluted at msnulactgron prices. ~ I. H . Ionian, Olly Tuner. \1`N A'T."\7SU KAN GE CO M1 A_NY'*(')14'HA7]' ngcticut. Oteo--C lanes 8. Cartwright, ARRISTBR-AT-LAW. OFFICE - Over Parker`! Drug Store. Inn: 0 ROYAL mania OE OMPANY an undaniguoa ----0 B propnred to furnish Spoeicnioun oi lfublio sud Prlnu Buildings. and also to unpomnond the R. _GAGlI. `RT BILLS, UAD BILLS, .'E moons, ass cums, vnnv noun 1 mu. PAID UP 0APl_'l'AL AND SURPLUS. L0:LSh`.S PAID IN FIFTY YBARS.... cAuAnA LIFE _ ASSIIMNGE COMPANY.` 0131- on mud and In Bank. . . . . Rulloule ......... ...........IIIIII}III..CIZICiiT Mortgage Bonds . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Bcnlstook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. so. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Unlusd States And Ohy Stock and other Public Securities. mun. ucmfosa, veminuy su-goon} Grsduno ol the Unurio Veterinary (Jol- ge, Toronto. 0Fl'ICll-Oity Hotol, King mu 3" LIV ERPOOL AND LONDON. . MAXWELL W. STRANGE, - A rant for Klmnlo` Ancunrectuas. | 3'21 lidly News 0 and outs III Diana-. J tonpvkupou ULVK nun-\ Company n-rnll 0` I ILXWKIAL H.511!-Auuln, Agent Kingston -Clu-once Street, oppooito Pout Oice Jnn., 1817 I . I E0E&` .. A-5 41:31:11! L` \r as- u - PAIILOII. ORGANS, Ill BLODE ll John uludle, ,i 11.1.. -_ R. IV}..- Removal. `ESTABLISHED 1847.- ASSETS, JANUARY m, mo. $50,000, `Sparkling. Pungenfz Ice-cold II KINGSTON. (CANADA). WEDNESDAY EVENING. TFHE high degree of popularity attained by! our Soda Apparatus, induced us this sea-I son at rear ex use to rocure the most im. proved enerntoefor cbsrpging our own Foun. mine. We are now able to dispense the coldest Ind purest Soda Water, avoured with the fol- | lgwgngfyrups, made from the expressed {juice 0 t e roit. LEMON, VANILLA, CREAM, NECTAR, RASPBERRY, URANGE, PINEAPPLE, STRAWBERRY, GINGER, Iva g-_I17o. 00_A_l. 1870. *1` mHnAcm_coAL mm 0mce-st. Lawrence Wharf Foot. of Johnson Street. - ac. We have adopted the New York system ol issuing Soda Tickets or Cheques For sale ut the store, HEATH AI GUNN. June 2. \m1iIesToiSI: "GAZETTE AT HEATH & GUNN S AND 0oN'rAuIa 3 ALL THE NEWS 0!` THE WEEK. I1` IE PILLID WITH E1`URNED-Dn! Mwnuu, at R. Wan-I'a Drug Store: sun. And the be Pnnco of Wk. 4 3;`, Tn]-A | , DEVI -wu------ -- PUBLISHED IN THIS PART div CANA LOCAL NEWS, GENERAL NEWS, WAR NEWS, MARKET NEWS, AND FAMILY READING. ~_ L-..:.. .9 nnv` Subscriptions, which vu-isbly in advance. ---- -V. .|.-,.:. ` Oice. .__._____.____..______\ Paovmcm. INSURANCE commnv ` (FIRE AND MARINE.) UAXWELL W. STRANGE, AGENT. 0F'FlOB-0lu-ence Street, opposite Post IT :5 i'u.1.:u vvuu A Large Quantity of Reading, AND IS THE HYPo1?ff5vi>h1TEs. Among the diseases overcome by ,. __ _, Constipation, Asthma, lJOIl!uuny- tion, Laryngitis, Nervous De- hlllty, Dyspepsia, Chronic Bronchitis, Chronic Di- arrhuaa, Melancholy. Dehiiiiy resulting from Typhoid and other iow feven, Diphtheriiic Proslration, Hysteria, ndrin, Amenorrhan, Obioroaia, Anae. mus or Wasting Loss of Voice, Chores or St. the Liver, Interrupted and Siuggishneu of Fable Action of the Heart, Sufocatiug Feelings eon: obstructions of the Lungs to, Dobility from LB Primed Every Saturday, 0oN1'AIxa ~~-- -.-...... nn mnu IIIIM Soda 1170150)` DRUG STORE Prion $1 50 ; six for 3'1 ou. JAMES I. F ii` ELLOWS, Oh_emist| . JOHN, 11.3. A 'M;W12a Begun 17 Boalenni 5?`! LZY 3 CO I rfuucn. P3:-E: JAHES SWIFT, Agent. Hr t.nmnAn`- 1D......< am ihfiiii mm _ . _ - n ` \ v m u IQ DART OF CAN 47 Princess Street. LA \..__ the use . 4`H7{i{'1`}3`(') KIT, Lsom by AD|`_"5 Au :1: . nit {OI 5- L.L;\ -V on; overcome of NS UOMPOIJND SYRUP 0F llYPOPHOSPlll'l`EB 3 Assured will per-mi-t. '. the oce of I ` 5 x for $7 __..- 1- AT] v -- -u -- ., nnsvuvi St. Lawrence Wnarf. 3 5,549,504 91 26,000,000 07 I. `gun... - _~-- _ . It In , may begin 3` Y `"' uquors. umca. 1!. ran .._j-j-- $5,649,604 67 $32,532 03 253,319 14 967,125 oo 426,445 00 2,220,033 75 .-lola NET` E the DAILY Nlws J, Con-l """"'-a ' ~ , patronage on the following gt-ounus: I That it is a preparation of one of the most ` I eminent Pnrveyors to the Ottoman.0onrt,~ I It prevents acidity of the stomach. . ' OF CANADA lt relieves lowness of spirits. ; It is a mild and invigorating tonic, and a ` amost efficient but innocuous stimulant. 3 3 It renders the breath sweet and agreeable. S It stimulates the appetite if taken before meals. .DING- It promotes digestion if taken after meals. min my me, `hltnmneutralizes the propensity for strong I331 --- v--v-I ABL_I-`Egg uurcu nowea iu FINE VKIEIETIES I A LARGE ARRIVAL, VERY CHEAP, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, ` PLAIN RO0M _1_ APER. PAINT SI-i`OP AN-I; DEPOT.` U DOUBLE AND swam: anomws, TULIPS, OROOUS, ' nnnwnnnm: 1... Painting. Graiuing, Glazing and Frescoeing done to order. 1 try *l\r\f\I\7r\1\lY Oct. 17. -I AVING retired from the Grocery and Liquor Trade, begs to thank his nu- merous customers for their liberal patronage in the pest, and intimates for the future he will strictly conne himself to the Cbffetand Spice business.` nu unucs yxsnuru; -u-v-uvu nu. J. A. KARO H. OFFICE AND RESIDENOE-Em-1 Street, between Bagot and Wellington Stream. I7:_..-..... `I -.. In 1'1n A BOOTS AND SHOES. LADIES AND GENTS I Kingston, April 20, ' ALSO On hand, a large And uried Stock of Cana- linn Mnnnfncture, cogetber with Trunks. Valises. in in All order promptly attended to. T A Iuuvvuuu Linus: -.... .. .......|,.. Kingston, Jun. 10, 1870. rc., to. An inspectioniis ro_sp;cKf;|`1il'q;I|6`i5: Kingston, June 20, 1870. `HE subscriber has just received direct from L England, a very fine assortment of_ 1|. 1! an ladies. Secure, 1 energy by ` vnuuua, SNOWDROPS, &c., Just received and for Isle by ' 1-1`. [-1 D A I) I? 11'!) OVER 90.000 BOLLB. Satin! 10d and upwards. Golds 2: Marbles 6d. Oak 5d Scenery 5d " Bar-Room 6d PAPERS FROM THREE CENTS UPWARDS. wM._ noEINsoN's 2---_ _ 20 -BINGLE COPIES of the DAILY ` 0 Nnws may be had at the counter o I the publication oico, Princess street price wo cents. FBCQIYOQ BBQ IOI' IIIO Dy E. H. PARKER, EW STYLES OF 'l'!I.'1 nnvn uegpuw been added to the DAILY Nnws Jon gt]-get, Our twp S_t.ea.m P1-cages --- ENG-Llsu Market Square. ,1s71. Mc raqueuau. Ipecuuuy J AMES HOPE. D-:-upon: n-an 5. BOOTS AND SHOES. W. ROBINSON. `J3 1l\.IL L140 Princess Street: rand x {BEST QUALITY ,1 -_ ,1 BUY mun noon men BROOK AND BAGOT STREETS. OW ON HAND, the Newesf, Ohenpsst and 1 Best Selected Block of Room Papers ever imporled into the city The Latest. Designs suitable for Parlours, Halls, Bedrooms, Dining Rooms, Kitchens. 0ei1ings`,etc. Plain, Green and Buff Paper for Windows. Figured Win. dow Shades, and Brown. Go`d and Plsln Borders in every style. The undersigned is nrennred to execute May 16. CHEMIST AND DRUGGIST, norners in style. undersigned is prepared to execute House and Sign Painting, Glazing, Gnlning, Paper Hanging, Room Decorating, Wells and Ceilings cslcimined, &c., to. All orders promptly attended to on the slxonest notice and most reasonable terms. 'l`llIl A H Ilnll A |'-'lt\I1' Balchelon- s Hair Dye. This splendid Hair Dye is the best la the world ;`tbe only true Ind perfect Dye. Harm-, lees-relin.ble-insI.antoneous-no dluppolnb meut-no ridiculous tints-does not contain lead or any vitelic poison to injure the heir or system." Invlgontu the heir ind leaves It soft and beautiful; black or brown. Sold by all druggists and dealers. Applied at the Fac- tory, 16 Bond Street, New York; Cough: and Coldl. Sudden changes of climate nra sources 4 Pulmonary, Bronchial and Asthmatic u'e< .:__.- n ______ -- L.-.:.... _..-..I I... aim: uuuuuu uunusvu vu vueunuw -aw Dilunvvnr _. etfec. tions. Experience having proved that simple remedies often not speedily and certainly when taken in the eerly ntagce of the dileale, recourse chonld at once be had to Brown : Bronchial Trochu, or Lozeegee. Few are aware of the importance of checking a cough or "common cold," in the first stage. That which in the beginning would yield to a mild elnedy, if neglected, econ ettecln the hinge, Brow n : Bronchial Trochen, or Cough Lozenges alley irritation which induces coughing, having e direct inuence on the affected parts. he there are imitations, be sure to obtain the genuine. a..m L... -11 .a..-1... in managing. at '15 mini: TDUMAB MCHADULV, Kingston Paint Shop and Room Paper Depot, Corner Brock and Begot Streets. Kinnlton. Anril 17. U0l'IlPl' DUO Kingston, April 17. Cheapest House In Kingston. sin-In nuv. Sold by all dealers in medicine: A: 25 . a box. llolhorsz Mother-9!: Mothers!!! Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by 8 sick child, auering and crying with the excruciating pain of cutting teeth ? If so, go at once and get a bottle of Mrs Winn-' ow s Soothing Syrup. It will relieve the poor lime snlferer immediately--depend upon ` :9 eh.-n in nn minfnlzn nhnnt ii. There ianotn U11 5: urvv--u-B J. ..,. immediate! upon it, there is no mistake about it. There isnote mother on earth who has ever used it who will not tell you at once that it will regulate 1 the bowels, and give rest to relief and health to the chil magic. It is perfectly safe to and pleasant to the taste, an the mother, end 4 d, operating like use in all cues d is the prescrip- tion ot one of the oldest and best female physi- t cisus and nurses in the United 1 Price 25 cents. Sold every ?1 Be sure and call for States . where. _ __-___ .__..... .....-._-u-an ncvnwn PER GALLON. THOMAS M MAHON S. no uusw nu... .._.. . - MRS WINSLOW S`SOO l`HING smup, raft of the W007 , _ Having the fac-rimile of Curtis & Perkins on ,an'l ,v:':n;:1 lLimd:l; `:i`,`dhih:.';:i'g`:" do be outside wrapper. All others are bsse1mits- head 01 an eye and uwn mo, and a, `ooh in it as much as to say, ` hat s the use o ask- ing him to dense when he's at it the hail day langf Seeing that I did not quite understand what he `meant, the weaver edd- ed, `Ye, ken, mom, I hes to keep heesyhoosr ing up and down when I am sitting on my loom weaving, and win. kens but the crater fancies but I am dancing 1' in `Geordie, I feel perees shame to hear you dc speak,` ssicl lLi:J:'ife.d who hnlili sestd :1 self at the w , 3 W S ` QRANGE CERTIFICATES_d Ldg bins which her husband used for his work. bl Summons may be obtained at the qt-3 Binfn` go .3, the bird, eoretnr without 3 DAILY Nnws Os men. Orders by mail um, ha .3, though in its heed whetw r promptly attended to. Devices for every ' ` ' description oforange printing kept on head 5. ._ tn." 0. 5" .0 `M 6. bun 6 at the DAILY News Bram Pnnrrme Hons! beau hug: to that senseless b t11l--tIll- rm pg}-fec_tly vnld at lull. ODS. KINGSTONIANS ABROAD.--Citizens may send to their friends or acquain- . tances in distant cities all the news of Kingston and locality contained in the Kmesrox Gszrrrn at the low rate of one dollar a year. Subscriptions begin at any ti me. HE? CHRONICLE AND NEWS is kept 1 ' K n . . mrea`I.'3.a.~. 1112 pui.iig` a?.`.. '3m`c'If i3raL'5 in w- *9 -.*>J*' "1' :='-r-,*wn- vb"- is, cess street Pmcn Ftvn Cmrrs. ta: ":3: 3 ` - ' - clare thebi ug ' at" ye. _ nseiv B{;`.iE.`:2..:::?.:3::.:;.2'e:L :2: my .-ac is-""-.-. .-a I-n -. * TE despatch at the Daily News oce. Princess `3"': `hm mm "' ` in. `,' 5 OB then III Inony I311, or_we-_en heuher.~ -V .`Awee|, gudenan, sud Ins Inft. With the ___ - -31NGLE `, *3 D4-' -..... gas snv ahoutn. but `but same K (}B'l`UlV1&LVD ADI\ULJJ.--viunuvuw ' of ` a rimn - . - said "-1 nnnnsnn and Fax. :,,':.:::.:2.":..'.'.` we.-. .1. interuu of ' W380 Ipply on bonid or to "ch MP0," 6. I. KINGHORN, oi, Neg. Ferry Wharf, menu. leotingl. Inch ~l`ooo Brock Street. cm: of D0lu' 1" 1871' IAtNnnn Iunesmu scale and In Ii`Dl'.\Ir~Itrn I I l1 I',` cl . .. ell Noucou. RANGE Ul`J'l'l..l."1UA1.l:aD uuu uuugc } 0 1 Onucn. mail .. H19. nun COAL OIL, R. WHITE. 42 PRINU ESS`S'l`REET. *.. JUNE 21, 1871. 35 CENTS Special Notices. CORNER OF MB terms. THOMAS McMAHON, l-Inn and Danny `Dunno Th: r cent: Ill I153 UIIUISUIB UUYFLI-B. I was paying through me main street of th e large villnge in our neighbourhood when my eye fell upon I wickerwork cage hanging on the outside of n cottage on one ot' the cross streets, if no formal 3 nune could be given to those nondeecripl row: and lanes. Above the doorway wee paint- ed in dingy red letters, the half-obliterated name of George Bnlei"Ie,e. nune that always arrested my attention, as being one quite peculiar to the diafrict. I did not need to be told what was hin nonnnncinn hm O-has pucuuur to we C|lI"lcB. 1 (I10 not need to `he told what was hisoccupation, for that was made known by the distinct clicking and rustling of a loom, going clitter-cum- clatter with the fast -ying enuttle_ Often as I had passed through the village, I bud never by any chance got a glimpse into the weavei s house, or a view of its inmates. The winter had been severe, and the spring damp and cold, a sufficient reason for the door being always closed. Now, however, the balmy summer weather had forced open 1 the windows, and not only was the bird enjoying the. sunshine. but I observed an elderly man sitting on a low stool quietly smoking his pipe. This was, no doubt, the weaver at last. I peeped into the cage to see whet k`-id of an inmate lived there, when the bird whistled out a few` most plaintive notes, forming part of a wel`-known cottish tune. Of course, in- troduc"Jg myself to the weaver s b_i_rd placed his master and me on terms of unity at rmca. " 3 SEE LAST PAGE. `Does the bird always leave on .1, m Up. part tune ? `Ys, men, he does, said the 1 ins . _ _ _ eimiw `and l,'v9 seen him at V1 hm his `pend 0 xed l: n_:uch hat`: mg hun t.? dance_ he : t Boemg no homeant, wen.` 9d, koqg 1190:` mg nno_1 mung weaving, the dancing? `Geordig, perfect ihamoto I: hm vnfo. had_ us! whael, and vs: lling 1 reason, thyqght has `"7 eve:--IhI-t 1llYl>1IIIon. Yogmoul 0 noun L6. `Oh, ye uncivil brd, he said coming forward, `wad ye venture to sing sic is sung into '.he1eddy e veuy face? Flo shame, Wnttie, e shame, sir. *) `Whu hm: the bird dnm-A? T innnirlut WEDNESDAY EVENING; JUNE 91. vv IBUU, nu uuuluu, Elf. `What has the bird done '3 I inquired, A adding in my ignorance, `she notes were beautiful. - an... L... .......... I --...I:...`I cl... Innnuvan nth` THE: WEA ER`8 STABLING. D6IIlFll\.ll..' `May be mam, replied the weaver, sol- emnly, `but. with e twink|e in his eye h continued,`wnd ye like to ken the meaning 0' them? They were the last words 0 me o` the verse: 0 Wanderin Willie, hand awn heme. ` _`Well, I laid, laughing, `the bird in vol: nannihln. far [have nmvad lonnar than I WI' DIIIIO." ' vex y Ieneibie, for I have stayed longer than I intended, and I ought to be nearer home at thin time. At the nme time the thought occurred to me that I might get the repute of prying into my neighbour : afhira, to the. ` neglect of my own'domeet`ic concerns. How'- over, I merelyedded,-`but whet kind oi bird is it ' ll ab--Ina -nnun Inn: Ohm: l|nl\`v Ji mm In nur . `A ate:-ling, mom, wee the reply. -'1 : thought ye wed hoe kent e sterling, meln. Never saw one afore, did you say! ` Well, shut : most estonahing. I_'v had rnony end mony he no: but ebettor than Weuie there; I never rented. . . . `Whee for are ye keepi the leddy etaudin in theatre, Geordie! Ieid_e voice from the house; `where e your manners, gudo men`! Pm thinking I hee ae mnckl`e_ M cease to sey "Fin sheme, sir, to you enje ' e _ had to say it to the bird, seeing he : no` , cretur wi I reepdhlible mind. _ , K . `Vn'rp right, andewife! aid the weaver. come `in to the re,. _ end not to `sit upon` *1 cretur wr reeponlrme nunu: `Ye're right, gudewifel aid the weaver, `us usull ye are in the right, no I ask your pardon, mom", for no sexing you to etep in sooner." 1 m'n'o up` to the tnennere likemy wife J eu here, `for I was never at the deno- ing school and nieun exculed if I'u_ie bit o ,'| savage. T I was then, in proper form, invited to , the door ; end, in spite of the day being oppreeeively hot and sultry. I had to` uke * the seat of honour by the re. I noticed. when the weaver rose up, that his back was very much bent nhnoet deformed. He was `opera in gure, end appeared to be in ' rather delicete health, eepecinlly when contrasted with his wife. She we! the roundest, etoutert and ruddieet little-woman I nvr nw. `with I neroetuel-smile on her youngest, uomeu snu ruuulus nun:-wouuu I ever saw, with ; rpotnnlumiie fnco--.to my "niind ` no of tha moat provok- inn "ma somalimel dismreeablo smiles any faco--.to my mum one or me man provos- ingind sometimes dissgregablo any one cgn hive. On mokmg iremirk shout the utu-ling, Mn Balnillie Inggantly rgpliotj, in than man inimed nnd beavhh tone. `Du the Itatllng .|'I munuue punypusny In _ in the moat. injured sh ton:,6|; av, men, he : that pron, 0' tbs: bird 0' ' his that I'm sometimes fllllil mad :1 hniim. Pu ing no attention to t 9 wave 3 `_ oot tooyu, gndowife, with n ourish of her hand she procooded, `There he ll mt, night after night, nyvdnd while: day utter dsy, an patientlu h :3 ya like, try-trying to touch : mat bird "to whistle '1 when nonulcu Ellie maily News. patientlw ye uxe, try-irynng w wwu that tunes; but when it comes to home; the beirniee their leuonl, my fag! but he (100305 about half the patience wi"them." `- Ar nun. momenl the eterlimz bennhto show halt (III plunce W1 uu-an. _ At that moment the curling begnnnto whistle, quite distinctly, the tune, `Merrily danced the Quaker : wife, and mnrrily da.nced-'-," but hon_ abruptly stopped. < 61-nu . 1 mun. cued the weaver dolinhb V. better 0 hey. Bnt. wed ye believe it, mean, I never can get mm to extend the exhorte- `Thnfa I men,` cue: mo weave: uQu`uu- . edly. `Ye ll hen that tune, men, Ifve use I door. In singing it I need the freedom to 1 take out the Qnnker'," and put in the ' Weave in its place, and I0 Wittie, the '4 loon, fnnciee it : an iinvltetion to Jean here Lqteke 3 bit dance to hand when ehe e low i the spirits, or when the nerve! get the Lion to m_yeel.' _ _ (That 1;: ca:-tmnlv slnznler. I replied. myse1.' `That ie_ certainly singular, 01! I `Yes. mom. VII! OTEII VI: Irma 1N GOLD J l,,_ncd_-. " abruptly stopped: .1-h.;'.'n mun, cued dohghb .n.. v..m knn um: tune. man. I've dggd! I've said in store, an ru II 15 mm nun uloui uu uuuuuu -nu-wan-. `pin, : `mare am in m_y asst` Tgmjigg gun sqhmg 0 his I Idzon, nu . in I. Inn. of _W0-_lI 315503-' ` s lumen. sud ntonuy, daclnoul ghsisu wan . `Awool, gudom.n,'nudlnnnfo, imhsho .,g-..1o~h.n,..a|..1.q,,..,,d '1: - sir of,aunutyr.thonh I511 Jllilins. `EIIO the sum: and ooveunun. What In your 810 W`! *b` o 5' `'5|``-'||P"l' nouns bgjhiu we never oold Infko out; " `mo in that you one for thg sf. 5 Vinny sue wonldhou thtvqtynght ofgg undwiu; " nibowinkod,|udloo'kodvi?qknow- w [PRICE TWO CENTS. [ replied. the same `sham, using what the am for ye. An}: In Bslsilho made a Ihaal can win. r! DIIIIUIB III] renewed energy. `Jen. my won: them. And made 0 wheel turn with fan:-All Allnllnv runuwuu DIOR. , `Jeu, my woman. replied the weaver, I'm thinking the nerve: are gcttin the bet- ter 0 ye, else you wouldnn' forget your manners and speak 0 family slain efore the leddy. But using that ye`ve ggue lie far, I feel bouiad to |ny-in cue, menu, you take a prejudice to pair Wnttio-thet the gudewife has no cause to complain o the bird, or o` the bail lot 0 sterling: I ve' rouedfrsevnt to last. For hndit not been for the very accident that Jose is hunting 3!, I'd mniet likely have been 1 very dierent man from what I am the dny. No the: Pm handing znysel up for unyzhing,:5e-ordin- nry gude, but`I d have been a. ' d. reck- Inn:-- nua-' `Hand you Mrs Baillie. that he wad wee], but what been like vm: 'un, no, me for the reels; tting to the i washing: bagsketfu aool mam, be con; urnl an (`.1 nd your work." - `Oh, no, men. he repiied, I am waiting Jess was a wee thing late 0 etting them `this morning us she had a. ig washing, and I was done with in; last besketfu sooner than I expected. Weel need, `you must know that I was as _c-. pr-eerie aleddy as ever lived. The gods Wif whiles d'oesna.".believe it, but ifs the truth, that s. wilder `leddie ` Anew ? drew bresth. I I as never out 0` some misducf. In 9. the mischievous rds o the - school luddiee, Geo:-die,B2.lsil3.ie was first an foremost. Div ye ken, me he said |....1,:m. with . 'mu.huie wisuuln in my foremost. DIV xeu. ulu uv ucuu looking with e 'pet.hetie wieuulaiu my face, `that whilee when I am weeving at my loom, I oexma. help feelin tint Geordie Ba - eillie as e leddie. and Geordie Beleallie are a. men, are twa. distinct individuals; I keep Koing back while: go thee days, and oh. but they were grand! fa . lip fu . o heppineee. Now Jess, gudewife,he said, holdiugup his hand and turning to the nod `worn `LII, who having etoopedw her who wee drawing 57 .; ieee of the yarn between her thumb end nger in rather In ominofue mgghot; an if preparing to interruun the Trnyeuetion every moment--`I'm no saying "tyne he - - snow ; -iorhoh. I'vemuoku_oeqge lprghen - ulneee; -hut ye ken that nuhiysgvqt Yeah when th are heirne.-` `Agzin?a:\.i:I:e true I euying, 3 t en we zrow.aeI`1der,.we`re nee dool wieer, but we're eedder hr I.` that- nhnnl than nnoidant. 3 -Chair life emetly lip tn 0 . glxueu, except` Buv,- hoou, I'm forgitting Ayvee 7 _epeerin _ off the nheep'e '00 ; A the tune tnu Ileeintyre wee telling the greed storie- whileunede up about the and land: lediee that need to live there, ,or the f - some gheiet etoriee hie gnndfether need tell shout thevery gen-et-room, from it windowe of which the eterlingl Ieelned `come. I've leid en plenned end` planned . how I could elinib up to herry the neete. I v think I wed he tried it, bed it no been for 3 Rob Mecinty:-e'e gheiet stories. Mind, ;netn,_ * they were meiet ewtn, end unede yon: heir stand on end, even in ththroedeet o dey- l light. But the milder I V , . ' determined I 80` t0 , ` nuts. I verily beligh I ecueely ever ebeent y tntnd. My piece at the eehool fronto the win- dow thet looked ongithe direction 0` the the enld He, end Ieonld whilee see the birds eeing in end out, end es night I jiet. geed to my bed to dream or sterlinge, and o wed hee cope tn o theIn hurried nfore the morning. \ . . `At thin time. there wee e leddie ce'ed Tun Hepbnrn,'thet com to be : prentiee .. .. n.....aa. Winhnrt. the meant cobble:-'e BJBI lll-B WOUIQ speak again: Iv than-a was I Hepburn, `IDS! cum in DUI 'prunuuu to Geordie Winhut, pteupt cobbler : fnthcr, tn than than won a pa: 4;! no'er- ` do-wool: inahud 0` me in the 111 ' . Tun _ Ind never bon able to nuke mm: o his book: 3% tho nchool. Indeed, he could bud, mad the Teuuucnt, though he -wu 1 great nmcklopallutt 0 follneon; but Ior nding out 3 bud :-nut. and lgun a bout, nhnir lnbiu. he but 3'. It was nu bird; their hsbiu, be) win - only am he likod but inuectg and butter- V iu coo. nd he land I box vn slot 0' than stuck on V1 pin nnmod through their bodi.._ of nouns he found out about the ...g1igciu ncnc_k, and u hetgad glove: - es got. me o their eggs, or 3 bud tuber, n in qumly infonnqd an that huluunt to . gun-ytho noun soonu wan - ".3, go ` jaod. L the ghsin-none: won I told him thou: the haunted won. nding out nun !-nun-. nun uuu 5 was ' It on... an gun I shunt 0 hi: I ldnn. nu ' UVUI ' V 'IhC I4 hi. nun I WU 3II`- I led to ueenu h lb not upedidu _ my, all ordain is be favoured. W n ---n - I 0! l`Ll`r- -1- -. inc: and unt," . Old 13 OIII H 1 U IIIIIFI k of PLAII L AND J93 Ann * V 0511!. _ `y`(i.', h'h:U{Kb<|3 A.` . Mao Ill?` u_ `"0" on T. hunt or Uswego and Al- du. Bonn and nmnumnw I uuuve [(0 . tad nub Ih I znmte. mun IAOAI nn,|'.'I XII-~ gcunwno, Inter, Whsrr every Anernoon ":|`e.v.1-lle and Interme- `up tons. ` ,_... rInnI\! `Id nu Inc nun: o.u- ..-..., 1]. min from Cupe. qrrlving u|l I,blnI 1.45 P.I., and an >93` BTYINING, morning`! 5 dclocl pin"?! 0. H. HATCH, Ticket Agent. 0 HI IIIICI, I '17 n, and two $11 _ quenl inaction I` en: a week, 4 call or Biruu..60 snug Iuringu. . 50 all! ` Douthl ....50oOIU .....-gm Wn9It!II.'-' IOIDAY, 15th IITIKTOWN, C. _;u hail KIDRIW l'.I. Q by lhb lnin cnn be in M ham And return to King- 1] pun -- ------ by. gun min! of the G T.R noting tho 3.25 P.l. tram .a.`..n(hIeqo II 8.45 P.I., ) u,JIuu'rinl of G.'lR. trains E1` nd Ibo Luke Sternors, - ...:.. (mm Cme. Arriving 1.2.1.. .u minl of train from hG.'|'.l irniu for In! and (Quinn and Luke Suunon. amen: ofmiu from Rome U tho (}.'l'.R. Night train: In iil, X571. l IITUIMNG,` I M? DAY, the Steamer hilm u undn during the )- H0, 1371. 5 [me Vincent Ferry. ZGIIJIIU. 1. | ly on board or lo "-3 uipxuxoaoaiv. Ipply on uuuru, Ill 0. I. KISGBORN, hyhui, hot 0!, Brock Street. Ilay. lB7l. u. I. KINUHUKN, Whxf, fool 0! Brock Blteof. 1,1371. I 3UU A.-- ll L00 PM. I aoo P.|l. I 8.00 PAL Pu Slr. Wnlenowa, or } than we strives {to- Cane. is m) snunous. r 1 5.00 Pal. Eli liuanoque Route.` suniua none mum I-`err!-l -DAILY. IDAY, insI., the `RTOWN. C.` Hinckley, huo Kingnon daily I 01771333057. zen. um. nmztnu, 0. who, later. CI for Gnnoqno, louchlng o| ows lslsnd ._. a, NY. wI9nsoZY', 'r'Bua. MYnAnu Kinmon on TUESDAYS "3?-K-. leavi 2 Ottnwn Ild Tlmnnlnlvnl .. '7 L`-rt] I E "III! MIIIDIIIII AND FREIGHT LINE. BTEAIEB u.vv | .- I 0. I. xmaaonn, hvl bun ll, Danni: no.4; QAILY T N} ALL :14 R1444 mu `m-IIORROW (um. . the new nnd commodioua lytt the Luke And Lwrencoi Whuf, ; -u_ ruunsmvs at 7 the Intermediate stopping ` W Smith`: Full: with the . MI: ' ' .2! - _ - . - - - - -n _\'.\', N0. 243.] 1'0 To-normow C BOW Ind nnmrnnrlinnn H. HATCH, Agent. Lune Wolfe Inland. 1 UIIIII Dlsuu, _ A0.'l_ [mGH0`(1)r`.{t.,awn. 00 ol Brock Street, |~rn' ML Kingston, Gll LINE ' " ' V-I-. leaving Id Taunsnus 7` illlnnn-A;_o.. ..n.._..:..n Deaths . . . .:uu cu---A sugsa No'ncu.'-A . hirgriove. Sinusir. l-`ornll. Kelley. Mmpson. D-.m`op. $70 LHIQ VIII 2 and Hamilton ' 0. IDRPHY, Csnnl Buin, f\u-_ L CABIN ~ ---gnu-u run mun me I Railway running Punge Ipply to the 1 will letve y ucepxed) 1 o`clock. This 1; nnpeuy bu been doing business in Onundn for nenrl uncured the public condence by prompt and h'bumL eenlem complied with the lure of 0-sand: by the Deposit with the of y 50 years, and during that time has ent of every fair claim. It has fully Government of Stocks to the extent And is prap-lrel to issuo Policies on terms :3 low as the safety of the J 5! I `lb of lb; T .R mo . . gnu ogre-go P.l.. IoIYotk645 AM, Also tho .._.n... (M naunm A-six wmoson Z " /.1-2 nu-zou. 110:3? 1:.-41' suurnowu rcxaln sou; . vuinv n! I...