Kingston News (1868), 21 Jun 1871, p. 3

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Hogi; COHMERCIA L. MONTREAL STOCK MARKET. {Par nn'l'an] Ii... \ Cathaliu-, 14,264; Epiueopuhnu, 13,404. It in ocislly Announced tbs! H. R. A. Prince Alfred sud Prineou Thyn. of Demnuk no es. Rflla . pouuuu. An American pspor remark: that it is won- derful how veteran of 1812 are springing up nines the Pennion bin becuno 3 law. There no 26,000 men now on the rolls, And more coming x- .. n.. mm of n hundred and Ieventy-six we tom, nun Inuns cum...` in, at thg nu of a tlnllv, < MONTREAL usual; b"1`UUl\ MAR] (Per ontreal Linc.) Hnntranl ; MARKETS. A s to (ht Daily..News ) l.-Receipta-Wbeat 775 7 bbla. F1onr-no round ; sales of ordmsry supers nice nu-mm anina at 6 no u A my KUUMS--Pn-inceas Street, K Rln:nInc1:s:-Hou. JAMES PA SAMUEL IIUOKLESTON, In W. B. In G. M. WILKINSON, and Ma S. NAN Kingston, June 6, 1871. EXTENSIVE AUCTION SALE ! MISS Jun 16. 0|lSQh0lll Flifliitlire.) Consisting of Drawirg, Dining and Bedroom Sets, LIBRARY, PLATED WARE, AND CHINA, ,-.--- 1 CC?` AUCTIONEBR, Appraiser and Commlm n..- Sofas. Lounges, Easy and other Chairs, Centre, Dlnlng, Card and idc Tables, Whnlnots, Book Cases, Brussels Carpels,'Po1es, Rings, Curtains, Pictures, Bureaus,Washstands, Bedstesda, Mattresses, Bedding, Cooking and other Stoves, Kitchen Utensils, &c. IIE./V'1)ERSO.7V bJ. THE SUBSCRIBER will sell` AUCTION. _ l`l8lQ EHO ICIHB DXBYCIEEB BBO lllllfy EIIU Mnsketry Instruction, in one Volume. Dixon's Volunteers'Active Service Manual, Soldiers Pocket Book, by Col. Woleseley. Manual of Outpost Duties. Manual of Brigade Drill. Sword and Lance Exercise. Miscellaneous Books, Novels, Magazines. Newspapers, Music, and Stationery of every description always on hand. PIANOFORTE. SPLENDID SECRETARY, S'l`ACEY S BOOK STORE AND NEWS DEPOT VERY A1 -un. BUISGUKIBILR will sell by PUBLI AUCTION, on Wednesday, the 2lst June, At the Residence of Sale at 10 o'clock. Terms Gash tefore delivery. Kingston, June 16, 1871. ; ALEROOMS--P Rt:-I-.-nuun-.. . And Books and Stationery CHEAPER TIIA N EVER Bl} I\lVIK\ IBAYBLIIIIULV Dy \J!l}Yll.Illl H, Huylbe. Dniiy News War Correspondence from France and Germany. Field and Rne Exercises and Infantry and Mnalrntrv Innh-nminn in nna Vnlnmn. T0 VOLUNTEERSQ June2l. urn noon STORE.` {ED RIVER EXPEDITXON by Captain Hnvlhm U DA." The Modern Prodigal. Bible Palm Trees. Kinda "History of the Bible, Am. ed. The Year of Bnttles. Fashionable Amusements. London lllustraial Times for May. .y.__._ .. '1 ....... 1n mum and 121 cents. Mmuuu luuauuu.u ;-mvu ...- ._-., Novels at 7 cents, 10 cents and 12i Marry ave, Cooper s, Bnlwe}- s, SmedIey's, Scottie and other novels. A splendid stock of ,_ .. _-r11"\i7- K/\/AL\I \I-- At Lowest Rates. ACCOUNT, BLANK and LETTER BOOKS, our own manufacture. Printing and Bookbinding. Bill and Postage Stamps --- __ I.....A June 17. NEWFBOOKS 171171`! QTDERT Every Month. Family Ferald, Gentlemufs Journal, Young Ladies of Graet Britain, Engliahwomaws Domestic Magazine. Good Words for the Young, Godey s Ladies Book tor July, Caaaell'e Magazine, " AL- A----hugn Tllnnh-nlm'1 Panen 9 THE SHOP AND DWELLING HOUSE oc. Vcnpiod by Mr Thomas Driver, on the corner of Princess and Wellington Streets. Apply to B. H. ROSE. "|!l'Ifl'g "I--- . - \XENDEN S FIRST YEAR INA" Uaaaelre nlngumuu, 1 all the American Illustrated Papers this week. IEDDING BELLS, Part 6. f;&T1QNERY RECEIVE KING g'l'REET, NEAR THE MARKET. Kingston, June 6,1871. FOW LER, Johnson Street, A SPLENDID LOT OF Kinguton, 3rd April, 1871. n...., Y SCHQQL Books AT STACEYB III #1? Applyb Music and News Depot, 82 King Street.` 82 King Street. BOOKS JOHN HENDERSON, Bookseller, -Pn-inceas Ki: ;__Hon JAMES D A mm.` nd Commission Mel'- chant. vuu - v..-..D _ always on hand. T0 LET. . \vf\ nu-null I J`Nl ens street, Kingston. } 1. JAMES PATTON, Mn )N, SIMPSON, ,snd T. DREN- BENJ. HOLDER, Princess Street. ._V......-u, Auctioneer. PUBLIC lingaton. TON Mn IN CANA- for 1 from Morrison, tor he kc:-pa the best of goods ; ` be is such a uice1`ellow-'nnd then he: keeps no rubbish about his estublishms-ul, contaminating or injuring in any way lbc qualixyand avour of his goods, and Mon-isou s buaipess is so ex- tensive his goods are always fresh. :,uuu oarre hand. 50 barrels 50 barrels I 500 sacks ( 10 barrels 1 just in. 10 barrel: V r\vvru . V\ ,-.. 500 barrels Cream of the West just to hand. I nnn L____I.. .._.1 L_#_ n-L__. nu. ~ -- - I - h ORRISON deals exts I its kind , also in uuunn-uuumu numb and DAUUN arnv. iug from Cincinnati ax Mnrrisoxs N--w Store` late Chown 8: S015, uexx Heu1h s Drug Stern` Remember, lbve, remember, ll Toronto Flour Store,\ `F;%%1.Vi%?:e !-EAmollal#...\Nl.: E MORRlSON Si - ----u`<' HUI`? IIT`:ITII`C rE-QROUGHLY taught. and with pronun- ` ciation by a respectable and experienced young man. Terms moderate. Private lessons day and evening. For particulars apply to G. PISATI, D crud; Q 1.... An. L" FRENCH CRYSTALLIZED FRUITS, FRENCH CHOCOLATE MENIER, LADIES CREAM DROPS and GANDIES of every description of our own manufacture. PASTRY and CAKES. CAKES Almond-iced and Ornamented in a superior style. A l`-....|. 1-5 -4` mm; B -_.1 nnnnnno u _ .L, ..-.r....u. in Au- A fresh lot of TEAS and COFFEES by the pound. VALENCIA ORANGES and LEMONS. June 3. His customers can well S.-\y`:-We buy all ml` biarrels WHEAT MEAL (fresh) just in. SUGAR-GURED HAMS and BACON urriv. nn (mm (`.:..,-nmco; ... \luv-..i;...V.- xx... u.--.. HAVE on hand a good assorted stock of Clothing, lIl'lDllftlCLl1l`ed on the ffremises, consisting of A1`. Wool Canadian Tweeda of the Latest Styles and Newest Patterns; 5 great variety of Coats, Prime and Vesls of every pat- tern ; a great variety of Flannel Shirts, White Shirts and Regatta Shirts. Clnihina mndn in than lama! afvinn, nnd wm-1: `ELIU. and . 1,000 barrels and bags Oshawa Flour just to `DONALD. 1\U3I{AY S DUll'lB Illltl aegaua DU\l'l . Clothing made in the latest styles, and work warranted. {1;u-nnr A4` Finn and Run-1: Q0-Ants fnninu (kn VVDITEIHUIJ. Corner of King and Brock Streets, facing the Market Square, Kingston. DONALD M:-KAY. Kingston, June 9,1871. Kingston, June 3rd. HAMS BAEZQN. Ids imm Ar num ems. extensively in Flour and kind _ also in FLOUR AND HAMS Ar WA] `ANCY FRENCH EON BONS, DRUG STORE. May 10. U 1 PRICE OF OIL, I SHALL BE COM. PELLED T0 CHARGE 35 CENTS PER GALLON FOR OIL FROM THIS DATE. THE BEST QUALITY ALWAYS ON HAND, AND DELIVERED TO ANY PART OF '5 8 published eve ,1 Dollars per :1 Subscribers who 1 are charged Five __..n '7'. l.I.l.|:J a.nn.uv...._ v__ S published every Monday Morning, ani contains the News of the Week. I emb:-aces a iarge amount of reading, and i furnished at One Dollar per annnm paid i advance. Add:-an orders to the Publishe|f,_ SA LUTIFER may 8180 uu um Princess Street. `WING TO AN ADVANCE IN THE | Kingston, May 16,1871. THE CITY, AT ABOVE PRICE. A SPREEG SUIT. P cculia.rit2'cs. `I6 Princess Street 3 Kim dried Oatmeal just to hand. 5 XXX Pastry Flour expected day. 3 Corn Mml, double bo.t 1. : f1T?ANfTI'..\"l``E`T\ wnwnm /;......1.\ uuru nwm, uoumc no.u 1. ` GRANULATED WHEAT (fresh) 1 UHISUU I-I'M -rv------ 'l`iIE KINGSTON GAZETTE ,4 u.._.a.... u......:m. . ./7]. ./Harrison. SOME OF -Address 1 Gtovu COAL OIL. SKINNEWS THE DAILY` NEWb YOU WANT 112 ;.r.._...... _.__ ., .- . every lawful evening at Five uer annum, payable in advance. _ rho receive their papers by mail Five Dollars. - W . ..-`_..-u E3101]- DONALD McKAY, Merchant Tailor. F. s. REES, 157 Princess Street. menu, Brock Street. `lower prices than heretofore offered. .. - V.____._., _.__._.._.v }{AVE received a superb assortment of French Silks, Satina and Velvets, at Rich Black Glace Silks, Imperial Groa Grains, Satin Finish Coloured Glace and Gross Grains, Gros de Suez or Corded Silks in Medium and Dark Shades, White, Lavender, Silver Grey and Mauve ; Corded Silks, White, Lavender, Silver Grey and Mauve; Dress Saiins, White, Laven- der, Silver Grey and Mauve; Irish Poplins, Lavender, Silver Grey and Mauve; Japanese Silks : Japanese Silks in Medium and Dark Shades; Coloured Silks for trimming pur- poses. Every shade of Sallns cut on the bias. May 1. - _-.,.-.V.-..uuun uuuuu \Jl` xuna DDADUH. A personal inspection of our Stock in respect- fully solicited, as we are offering unusual in. ducmerlts to intending purchasers. ; Kingston, 13: May, 1871; l _ , _ , , ,- nm eauunuug a large nun cnolce couec. \ 1 ` tiou of REAL IRISH POPL1NS,tbirt,' dierent coiourings; also Black and White, and the New Light and Dark, Sang de Prusse Colour. Prices exrremely low. I Please call and examine. I Mayl. 1 I I plete e FARW , uauuunnuuumul, wnxcn c0l1'lpl'lB68 I com- I pllete assortment of the NEWEST AND MOST FASHIONABLE GOODS OF` THE SEASON. A nnrnnnn` :...........A:-_ -r ___ n. A ILL offer a very handsome assortment of Spring and Summer Shawls, Manilea and Jackets, French Paisley Shawls, Ottoman ` Stripped Shawls, Arab Bouruouses, Black Grenadine Shawls, plain and richly embroider- ed-, White and Black Lace Shawls, White and `Black Half Lace Point Shawls, Black Lace Rotondes, White and Black Lace Pelerines and Lappets. White and Black Lace Neck Scarfs, Richly Trimmed Black and Coloured Cloth, Velveteen and Silk Jackets, all new patterns ; White and Fancy Cloakings in great variety; also Real Lyons Silk Mantle Velveta. I I -;:-.. .._.. -_...._...x-..n_ :___.__1 .. ` _ . . V . -..... .._, \lIlhl ....... mun -Av v uxvvlvau Ladies are respectfully invited to examine the above Goods, whieh are of a very recherche style, and at moderate prices. AVE just received Real Black and White _ Maltese Laces and Edgings, Real Maltese Collars and Cuffs in Sets, Real Maltese Collars, new shapes ; Chemisettes, Collars and Sleeves, Lace Trimmed and Plain Linen Handker- chiefs. A large assortment of Ladies Silk Scarfs, Ties and Bows, the latest novelties, at the lowest prices. N AY BE OBTAINED BY THE USE OF ' HOBART S `Improved Spectacles AND Eye- Glasses. n..- ..-..-_ ...-_ -1` ....a...L..-.. -_.I -;_l-- 1- V Our assortment of numbers and style! in now complete, and the most diicult eye can be tted readily by the Optometer or Patent Eye-Trier. Am--- An.-- .u.o:....I ...o:..I.. -. --.. u.-- ..J\. ...y.. Among other optical articles, we can 1 ticularly recommend n I1I\Yl'lV\Y1! DD A VII`? Y Al? DBDDI 1.16 :_ H1-.. xnwull-A ._, Avvvnnannuulato GENUINE BRAZILIAN PEBBLES in Temper- ed Frames \JLVU1Nl!a DIVALILIALV FIDDLIDD 1n'1'omper- Frames MENISCUS PEBBLES, Patent Frames. PAJNTUSOOPIG and Periecopic Spectacle: tarmed hv some nntinigml "Porfontml l A1V'lUDUUl'lU anu IGIIGCOPH! DPCCLI` termed by some opticiana "Pu-feoted. Coloured Spectacles and Goggles. Eye-Glasses, Single and Double. Concave Spectacles and Eye-Glasses. Reading Glasses, Magniers, &c. \`l .\.... l...o R-so l\`l|nn hand. I...-.A .....A _. R. & J. GARDINER gARGAINS-in all the Departments of their Establishment, which comprises ete NEWEST AND M031` u~nuu.n5 will-vuyul `annual-llnavou - None but first class goods k.ept. and prices moderate, MEDICAL HALL. R. & J.`GAR_DINER -r.rvn DRY GOODS I RE exhibiting a large and choice collec. K lion nf REAL IRISH PDPLINR u.:.., Ii. 6` J. Gardiner may 1. May 1. June 14. END IT TO YOUR FRI:ENDS.-The CHRONICLE A.N'D News is published every Friday morning, and contains all the news of the week. For Fifty Cents, paid in advance, you may send it to your friends for three months at the reduced rates of postage. For One Doller it may be sent six months. Single copies, price Five cents. may be had at the Dailylveuu oice. Princes crept. E & J-_`iar51iner% EW PRINTING MATERIAL having been just added ;to the DAILY Nnws Pmrrrna OFFICE, the establishment is in 3' better position than ever to execute Fun NTING and every variety of work. An- acy, nestneas an cneanneasconbined PERFECT VISION June 19. B. & J. G.-EBDINEB LARGE ASSORTMENT, CHEAP aIcy,`i Pearl Card Cases Ivory Card Cases L-`hell Card Cases Tartan (`am 03898 Leather Oartl Cases UJCAL HAL G. S. HOBART. LADIES CHARLES GRIGOR. xnpn . Iii ENUINE BARGAINS will he given in the following Goods :-5,000 yards Fa_ncy Summer Dress Goods from 10 cents per yard. 10,000 yards Boyle : and Ashton s Fast Coloured Prints at 12} cents per yard. 3.000 yards Organdie Dress lnslins at 9 cents per yard. 4,000 ysrds Brilliants and Marseilles at 12} cents. 4,000 yards Stout Clear White Cotton only 7 cents. 5,000 yards Good Grey Cotton only 5 cents. 3,000 yards Hon-och : White Cotton at 10 cents. 1,000 yards Fancy Skirting at 12} centspor yard, worth 40 cents. let.'s Flsnsel Shirts at 75 cents. 500 pairs Lsdlee Corsets at 30 cents per pelt. 50 dolen Indies Cotton Hose only 7 cents per psir; 75 dozen Ladies Summer Gloves st 5 cents per pait. 20 doses: . Ladies Kid Gloves only 40 cents per pair. 50 dozen Ladies , Yonth`s.snd Children's Su-avr Hats from 10 cents each; NO'l`IOE.-Thel'srgest, most varied, most cotnplete sud Cheapest Stock of New Summer Dry Goods osn be seen at _ F. X. COUSIISEAU as1o's, -ml I B . . G "" p,a'....`2r.... __Ms_y 29, 1871. W E. mnte special auontiol LARGE and varied Stock of Wenwof England Bro! and Venetian Cloths, Black and Fancy Doukins, Canadian Tweeds, which for neness of nish, an-engt? Their Stock of - _.'-.-`a..:J J. `LVLIIJJH U", Will be found the largest, chenpelt and beat unsorted ever oored in Kingaton; and as they . spare neither time, trouble nor expense In this Dcpu-uncut, they condently defy eounpetilion. Their stock of tG_rand,` Attractive and Cheap SE1: -OF_. NEW SUMMER DRY GOODS- ._A'[`- F. X. COUSINEAU & CO!S. _ - _ or Lu JN U` 18 now complete, and will be sold cheap for cub. at $3. SEASONABLE DRY GOODS NOW SHOWING AT THE BR1TI__f[ WAREHOUSE. NEW FANCY DRESS GOODS, Plsin Ind Broendcd Luatreu, Bhck burgs, Fancy Prints and Printed luslinnis White and Printod Brilligl (Silk Finish), Silk Umbrellas and Pu-aaoln. Jouphine and Two Button (best quality), Lace and Muslin Curtains, Toilet Govern, Quilts, Table 001 Table Cloths. A -r .vun.n ..-n.-.__.-__._ __ Grand DISPLAY of New Spring` Goods_ IN THE London _Ma_y'29, .4---.n.nJx/.l. KJJ. J. JJLJLJ ILL`U J.`-I-`J Pretty D1-esa.Goods from 71d per yard. Nowut Shsdelln Lnntru hon 1|. Blink Iountrol` from lod. Kid Glovea, beautiful colors, cheap. Jiorlotl from 10 6d perpoir; 1,09-0'*PnlrI of Ladies Cotton Hose from 6d per pair. Fine Tweed: for Summer Won from BI-par Ltd. 1 . I Cue Hon-ockses Cotton. 5 Bale: H vy Grey Oottou, nplendid ulna. Beg] Boyle : Pr! II n 71d per yard. White and Ooloure Brillianu, chap. III bona, Lsoea, Volveu, Fringeo, Trlmmi , Buttonu, Pu-uols, Luce Olllinl, to. SPll0IAL.-l Ono Celebrated ORU `S PMNTS, Beautiful Entuml. A CALL AND EXAMINE OUR 8fl.'0(lJK. ' `I1 -'-'1'; 3-`-.----- dun ondlsuuuortnbttofnlb-., L1 mu:'1' Bn'!iU'l.' 5'l'UUl 01" NEW FRESH 6` Particular care has been given to the -selection of c we cm guarantee :9 pin-chuua the T AFIWINKNFIN (\f'I'\T7'f -I-ur~ A -'--~ --" -a vuu sun: 59 purculurs mo ` ' LATHE? STYLES AND NEWEST PATTERNS. V 71d oer nut Nunez: bula: In Ln-Inna an..- 1- '|n`..|_ ..__.__- mnnamn Tweeds, ` P820 DBIIDBE U111! noun mu alum] SEED GRAIN um um: sum . diam: AND nu subs. coax nun onusann coax, sun, to., Wholeulo and Bean. But SEED CORN st present on hand. Mill Ootugo on Wolfo bland to rent for the summer. "7 nun \JUl|l`UUIl WOIII llll Kingston, M31 11, 1871. 1. 255. If you want 3 Stylish Suit and Perfect Fit` '. May 11. P" In-g 1: '1'. H. sun-H, Or am or St. George ! 1 Oathednl, and ndmuter P. W. 0. Ries, is prepared to [Ive lesson: on the Organ, Piano, and Violin at the residence of the pupil end hinown. REBIDENOE-0orner of King uni. Gore Street; Kingston, May 2, 1871. ..n..-.. vs Baths, Sinks and Pumps, Garden and Fire Protection Engines, Rubber Hose with Branch Pipes, Water Coolers, Ice Cream Freezers, Milk Cans, 85: stoves and Parlour Grates, Tin, Sheet Iron end Copper Were, Enamelled and J epsnned Were. Iron Bedatesds. Brase Kettles, Soap Stone Griddles, &c. GI-.-..L l`-..._-_ -_A f)..--_ Kingston, April 19. 1871. _.:_j Sheet Copper and Bn:, Brau Tube, GI.--A. `I --J A. H; GOING, mwlumn Ann nnnnlr am NEIL McNElL, Ill! lIl".`I K I'I`IlI2I'a`.'I' an u-w a town, Sheet Lead, Lead Pipes, &c , Wholesale and Retail. Jobbing neatly done sud promptly IC- tended to. NEIL lcllla. `In... 1 1 0'71 Inch 23. AVING imported heavily this euon, I am MOST SELECT STOCK OF NEW FRl!SH< Particular cam hum hnnn nlumn in on. ..I..... x..- -0 Aptil mun. . T I ll T0 BE OIIAITIBEII FOR SALEA0 mu ' __ _.---rI\ t'\T"'!`I"I TWEEDS AND BRQADCLOTIIS. iune 1, 1371. _6n1T1B A1? 55031? 51: nu I-Q nu Ila:-kc : Square, KING STREET. KINGSTON. Inquin of R; TOWN, on tho pnlnioeu. ` June 8. Juquxn June -B-BOOK STREET. AS`_ON HAND a varied assortment K SHOP TO LIT, lnlclhl "RVEADY-MADE. CLOTIING,_ nd largest. cheanent And ham! .-m.o..: ..--_ -2--As Ll\Ia.-.v .* 5 3.11.3, BIGGI;-G` "notions and Iunmiu. caution. n! Cffl oz- j'_`7 MASDDQIG BUILDINGS; --__ _ 4" 4--snag S_CAHu661-IR, _ . or n nitlllifl. A -HHIID1 PIANOBS TUNED. I McNAUG:l:9___L_(?(;. Waning -u.- -p._ jrg LET. n gun Warehouse; Ferguson s `B'VuiAl}t?lz'ngs. V )RESS Broendcd Pmunsttu and 00 and Brillignu, Blsck Valveteon ' Bnthoh Franck Kil (310393 a Coven, Thbla Nspkinu _---.`,\n-._.-.\JA.I `CI Having now completed their nuorunont of I` `T l\A 4`- A LARGE ASSORTKENT OF J. V \J Invite special awention to their our... .1 134.. . SPRING HATS `old Another Int . ._ _...v...- _..-_..v-- in! unus Jot Broldclotha, Silk-mixed Oocti . Doukina. French Onlnlmm-an nned: pnpmd to um} the Limlis-r um, ' mnsn Goons ever oeredjn um dig. _ the-selection our Goods lIl`l|ID European` lnrhata, and I - "4 "0 your order at A; ncruvon-rom & covs. Corner of King And Prinmsa an IN THE gusnu nromcloma, sill-mixed Outing, Diagonal Fxonch Onslmo:-ea, Scotch, nglinh and h, strength and durability cannot be am-puned. 7 JADE! IIOOBB. Corner of Princess cud Wellington Streets. \ Anothet lot of those Bever!iblo_Overcoots - ncuAuun'l`01U 3 CW8. King Princess Struts. n a-v-.nvannl an II 15-1` `Ill, rum-r non; of I. slu'n_: nlrlu mn non -mu ...-'w-- --1713 III 1. -.I'l'.` OITABIO 3.T3II'l', Batman tho Anglo-American Boat and `Bo: non noun. - `Fl-_-A... A._n at: can.- ' unwnl wruuvr UILIBBATID ALIS. A, Mac Lnbufn, lBhor`|, and Iol|on r AK Ind PNWI. ` - . uuuunvyo ` FAIILY PROOF, OLD BYI, BRANDY`: BUI, GIN and WDII8 0! all killt. We anncw piepuod to .AI.I8 cheaper than any other home in Doninbn. I . -raouraox I nonn, ` by `, omuu tho City Book Stan. OUBE3 T0 LET.-.-We inviu uten- tion to the ndvuugou patented the Dun! Ruth M an advertising media`: 16: Homes lock -Enjoying byfu the 1 Hoax itculuion, it puma. tho. ` It publicity to ti nnnonnn---h `hum, April 27, ml. u: up man _ou'cnu.non, it the - pnblicny this nnnonnuuuu. Pomona luvlng bonus to he cannot dc bocurshuadvunuthohotinmnbaaxm Hun. - PART [ms Ea, &e., WHOLIIALI AND BITLIL, '-IT WIOIII ml 2 -| '- vvu, emu-s for nowvs onusmnb` ALIS. L mo 1.-um, rum`-. and u........-. macs; suit; or canons, LEMMSA 0RAlV_T_GES. P. HARTYQ 1 III xungaton ' and they ` d efy tin` Dingo 1 ;h,I :gli|l: $1 In; 0W 8! In uuvhi NOW 4 am nletto Inn the adncs ....,_.\ "I wtrggjournnls is bitter in the h [he lmer repmijntg the Com m `metal inxpressmn Is that there. i Mme geninnents of more nl Ftfzun `hose of then` adversaries I ,,)unile\1 while the monurchis: M .. - 1 J Q1 cause. hkot France i E Its returns. In: 20.-In 1 Jun smmlle, in reply to an inquiry ,5. Tmry of Washington, said; mithe day of Genernl Lee . gm-. 5... nccepled M the due of the 9! the American war, but he oouoa occuring subsequently gidered. rhunder storm passed over the mday. Seven! persons were Iuuck 20.-_-In the House of Lords lo-.. June 20.- In the Assembly today, game on the loan bill Preuidem n Iutement of the nancial Con. (5 country. He uni: the German ` lmce three milliirda of frnnca. duh scal your 1570-?) reached (rues, but of this Amount the hnealudadvnnced to the govern- nnnmn fnnng no that immediate ,3 v- 1f_E.1,1~:( Nmggu u{|\/As ..-_ v-~ me! . |$;,,.e gclegraph m the depart- seine and seine-et-Orae, . mm.) from nmdcmle Repubhcuns .... ..6` In`. Innrn I\t\\x'ann. Jun 20.-`l'be lonnrchinl press (on d lcpoblicnn journals. A com. In formed to return to the As- lerur reprenentntivee of Lluce ' Gunbelu bu declined Ibe h the Assembly. Denunciuions in are nude dnily, and ar- Io he ol 3 frequent occurrence. lining of n second chamber to ly penal eouucill. ' I--- f\ WVLA Y . _ . A _ `:57 u... \.v ` x June -- _.uhe Int L I|l\ PMHMMICM *`- Haven R xhosi .19 united 3': dl\'lIid-n Lu 9 .. "1 New ga bu! MIVIDCGG I0 um guvcru- .000 fnncs so huh: yen wu reduced to 391.. ha, but to this must be added true: for expense! aince incurred, ion of me imurrecuou in Paris. Inl decit of 73'I,009,`00 frana. lo meet by imposing new taxes. he aid, in diicuh but not disu- -..-nu -nu-v. nuuuvu Ii! -v...._... ' . but the utter remained rm, ipuion inn accepted by the UPte`f: ct of M;nid has resigned .8` .L- .l1..A._-L-_-... -5 ml... q .vvUI-I vv uuuuu u. Juno 20.-The Imparcial say: `hidodto mip only she: the do- Cmu on the address. Marshal uted Senor Merci to withdraw Ju20.-A correspondent from IhPope on the 25th anniver- '!lIIt`A::le received deputttion Quiet, even .from Poland. At. Hegaus I'Jd eight hundred on him du'ing the day. The illpliea to the congratulstionn , .l|lI.c - asued u c `L. urn I 17---.. -V bu`! s.vuEu-yu--uv..- 1 deputation: said he hoped ` Wollgh the streets ofRome wit.b- ` To the French delegates v Hingly of the situation of France lllod them on her victory over If darkness. He was grstied ' Ilnleguam from the Queen of Ilhich wishes for his long life Vere expressed. During the ~'di|1|"lbuted fteen thousand We poor and received magni- From the faithful throughout - Notwithstanding the pre<`.nu- htho police, visitors. while on 'l|sVsticsn,were frcquently in- dun oh- .....,.... u..... -..i.1..... V -. vuuwuu, wcu; Iuqucuu, In _ drain the streets. Many soldiers `Rd in the Pontical army were the day of the festival to ace. June 20, midnight.-The Na- `! bu unanimously passed fluke `. l.-A speech delivered by II-he French National Assembly `Ionnced the policy of Napoleon Ind real ceiise of the disasters befallen France. The course `l("`ml>Na was excusable though ` lo have been made with Ger- . W088 on the part of the army Mme hopeless. It was, said `_`""Y 10 the German indemn- `_'ll be was not in favour of the he income tax or the establish- "' 05 it prohibitory char- `x Vould _ simply re-establish . `hlch would provide Lem! to meet the de- p~.`."'Y- Fiance, conclud- `xllhould. and will derive, Icm her misfortunes. d1Iy announces oicinlly #3"! do Grey to the Mar- `won. km`! of Washington and '0 arrived at Liverpool end I! ._.| HIM 21.-A .....u a. --..g. no -o-u .:...b..._ not the diunrbnnros _a! the :0-__ `I7Hl'\ ;`v`\l.| ,,,,mlsers M the Inter- hl... msmbuling olcctonl I, J,.umuls sun: that the 1 .[\' CIUM ! uOe3S|Dc.`S BM,,', ... ans` that llu. 1,-u lc)hl\\lk`l`u. unluu Lemoumu have declined 5 oi the electors. (}en_ . I - .....w an mverpool gnu Southampton. AID couunacun. In": 1:30 p.m.--Oon|olI sum of um, 90:; 1865, J`; Ten-tomes, sag, 3`. 1:30 p.m. -- Canon '* "2 Bid. omm am. mm-d. ,1-he report lb`: ray icvsutrmllcled. noun mnnrcbiul parties Are all :12 m. Orleans Cid. nce has resumed the pub . N F.\\:S. N ovL:L'm:s jk 1:. of the phui fnl Repub. BE 10 u uurnnls --.\...4 M d. | ondon, has not been the dochcance ohhe -The Minister of ,'u1:u' rcquesiing :11`: ulidarcs for the A5- .L . _L1.\ .c..\n I'M`! uuunsxucru . and that the \Ik`t`\|. Beirut) , _- .l...I_...I X1311. uuvcxuluul. It IS essential that the Erbi- trntor should be e prrfuct French scholar, in lawyer, and men of large experience. Secretary Fish favours Charles Francis Adams for the position; and me only doubts concerning Mr. Adams arise from the nttitude which he has chosen to take politicirlly. or uuher from the etii- `ude he hlls failed to take in that respect. The `mime of Celeb Cushing has also been considered, and that of Bancroft Dnvisgls also been mentioned. - Washington, June 2`..-It is stated Sir Edward Thornton has been compelled to de- fer his visit to England on account of in- structions from the Home Oivce not to leave \Vushington until further particulars are received concerning the Corean difficulty. Similar instructions have also been received by Baron Gerolt. - Dnvton, Ohio, June 20.--The funeral of (`.L.\'all:1ndin;:,hnni today was of :1 most im- posing character. The procession was two miles long and was cmnposed of persons of all pnlivic -` parties and professions. Parsons, Kzinsxls, June `.'. 0,-A terrible tornado swept over southwestern Kansas on Ffltlily evening last. The town of Eldorml-i was nearly destroyed. The storm did great damage to crops. DAILY NEWS---WEDNESDAY EVENING. JUNE |.~:+;r\w" Y`9nl`l { `1:1}g:s.`D_F.sPATc11Es..`.;:;:-:*" "` "W" ""' " V 21." -vu . .-....... mu---xuau. (Special Telegram Daily News Montreal, June 2l.-Receipta-Wheat bushels; our ll.i57 lols reported; triing at 5,50 and under choice strong going It 6,00 , extra 6,25. Grain-nom'Inal-, latest sales U. 0. spring wheat were at 1,27 aoat. Provi. aions dull at generally unchanged rates. Buuer-prime lots meet fair demand at 16 to He; ordinary and inferior oered at 15 down to He and not taken. Cheese nominal at 9 to we; no wholesale price established. Ashes unchanged. NEW YORK MARKETS. (Special Telegram to the Daily News.) New York, June 2l.--Gold 112}. Ex- chenge 10; to 11%. There is e fearful ex- citement. in the stock merket. todey,,owing to e Indden fell in Rock Island, which Open. ed et 1,301 and fell to 1,101. Ootton lees ective end lower 20; to 20c. Flour dull end in bayeri femur: reeeipta10,000 bbls-, nine 6,000 bole; et 5,50 to 5,70 for superne Itete end western; rest, unchanged. Rye our lower. Wheez beevy end lower; re- ceipts 137.000 bush ;eelee 51,000 bush ; et 1,46 to 1,471 for No. 2 spring aoat; 1,57 to 1,5`) for winter red end ember western; 1,60. for non Iprlng. Rye quiet. Corn leu ective end in bnyere' fevour; reoeipte 52,009 bush; eelee 41,000 bneheil; at 73c to 74 for inferior end common mixed western; 75 to `Halo for good to choice do. Beriey quiet. Oetl dull ; receipts 45,000 buebele; nice 18,. oo buebele; es 66c to 680 for Western end Ohio. Pork heevy; et 14,37, to 14.75 for new menu. Lerd needy et 91 to loin for eteem; l0|c kettle rendered. Butter dull end Ice_roely I0 rm, et 20 to 32 for new rune; 10 to 13:: for new weetern. Cbeeee quoted et 10 to 12c for common to prime. Petro- leum et Mic to 15 for crude; 25% to 251:: has rn lend \4 cu 4-uuunu IATIC.) Montreal, June 21. Bank of lontrea1-c'x-red 261, 269 asked. Merchants Bnnk-l~H, 142. Bank of Commerce--l43, 145. Ontario Bank-1l5, 116;. __,_ Bank of Toronlo-1T5, 200. Royul Gunndian Bank--X09, 110. LATIS1` REPORT. knnk of Moan-ea1-oerod 261, asked 264. Merchants Bnnk-l4`. , 143. Untnrio Bauk-115L 118, saies 116. Bank of Toronto-l75. Roynl Canadian Bank-l09, asked. ICIIE II II 1 for rened. --- The cue of Smith, the coloured cadet of West Point, he been uslly disposed of by the su. pretne suthorlty. `.1: will be retnetnbered that Smith, the tirst repreeentstive of his colour, sf. tor being edtnitted into the Academy, wse subjected by his companions to e most intol- ersble persecution. For n time the led bore the Annoyance with great resolution. Hie pn- tient detneenour caused the bullies of West Point to redouble the" persecution, sud to exercise their ingenuity in devising new me- thods of petty torture. At length, the 1nd re- torted on his peraecutore, end the pretext long looked for was obtained. The boys who had bullied him unbluehingly became his eccusere .-I -ha-nun nnninlt. hill). sud Cldt Smith l unblnehingly D mme ms Iccuaure and witnesses against him, was convicted of conduct unbecoming an oni- oer and a gentleman. The senten-. 3 was dis. mlseal, but this sentence has just been c.ommn`- ed by the President to on additional year s residence at the Academy. This conversion of the Academy into a penel institution has rather s comical sound, but it is probable that the intention was to put Cadet Smith back into the class in which a new coloured pupil, Cadet Napier, is enrolled. The ar- rsngement will at least give the led: lb : so. eiety of each other, no lnconsidersble boon, when it is remembered that Smith has never been spoken to during his entire term by any of the boys except on duty. A ugh}.-.0 fn, the Turkish nu: Irv}: u.-v-r- v- __V'. A correspondent, writing for the Turkish Journal from Tebreez. says :-The details which reach us here of the destination snd misery which the drought of lest you has ceased in the Centrnl end Southern Provinces of Persis are fenrfully henrtrendtng. That the people4re dying of hunger even in the streets 01 the capital is a. minor phue Bf the terrible cnlsmity. In Khornsnn pnrtnte are selling their children as slaves to the Turcomnns in order to keep them alive, and in 1spnha.n,ss is said, men bsve been seized in the net of . digging up corpecs to serve es food for their starving families. In Shirven, Ketmsn end Yegdt, the wretched snerers endenvour to support life on the green and roots which they may find in the neighbourhood, and, as might be expected. pestilence follows herd in the foot- steps of famine. Between them the half of the Kingdom of Persia is tecoming rspidly depop; ulnted. 1 .- .1 , 1,,--L s-alnrnll are be- ulned. Portions of the Irish oensun returns are be- ginning to be published. It. is believed that the toml population will belittle shove 5,000,- 000. While extensive depopnlalion has taken place in other parts of the country, several lawn: in Ulster show a considerable increuo. in other parts or me cuuuuy, ......... town: The population of Belfast on the `Ind of April wu 174,394. One hundred years ago Belfast was the eigtbth town in ruck in Ireland. The popnlntion has steadily increaaod since then at the rule of shout 5 tbd more ench decndo. m-.. 1 am, hm-ever. it has boon umnented 60 of about tn~` eacn uecauu. Since 1361, however, augmented per cent. The religious censna shows the Bel- fut population to be thus divided :-Presby- tarianl, 60,811 ; Roman Catholics, 55,501 ; lpiacopaana, 48,043; other denominations, 10,039. It in rather curious that the increase in the variant denomhationa shoe 186l has been nearly eqnnl-Preshyterians, 18,582 ; Roman Oatholiea, Epiacopahna, 18,404. -. -_ _n:-x-n- A-nnnnd Iha! H. R. FLOOR 1

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