Kingston News (1868), 22 Jun 1871, p. 2

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mm "Tho Prlut of Perth." Connolly wu n good scholar, spouting uently LnHn,, Punch, and Spanish. 110 received his Inodi-\ cal education in this tiny, in Mobile, and New Orleans, and graduated with high hon- Frencla Kid @_ l`Iokel| of Membership any be land on application to the Secretary or any of tho 0!!- eera of the Society. For put on} I Ice Bills. June 16. l`lL|UEHH HIYBDL Kingston, June 1 June 19th, l87l. __j.;:_ in Lao prel June `ll. Kinguon, June 20, 1871. HE `ext Exhibition of this Society will be held at the DRILL SEED, on Wednesday, ll: of July. 1871, Entries may be msdo n my am. 1...... an. THURSDAY EVENING. JUNE 21. Distinct shades of folourlngs, `HOSE NEW TWO-STOREY BRICK . HOUSES on the corner of Oolborno d Sydenham Streets. WANTIHD. COOK. Apply to LAD R. 80 J. GABIDNEB AVE JUST RECEIVED direct from manufacturers. KINGSTON Electoral lllvlslon Society. Also R. & J. GARDINER. (5,000 PAIRS) a u no 4 uaa. ISEU manufacturers, @138 il~;9 mews; Grenoble, France, BRIGHT PURPLE, PINK, LAVENDER ; MAUVE, BRIGHT BLUE, BRIG HT GREEN, By order. STBAYED 120W. NOTICE `I'D GJRREPOH'DlN`I`B GARD- "To LET INCLUDING .w; 0; Rie: will ha in n- 40 L ADY SMITH, Roseluvn, Kingston. E. H. SIYTH I, Bocroury. 7|. Gloies QUMJTII J; T`-ll$RiA`l' ;g`=,1_-3wABI%.9 :1 The working of the new election lnw in `g i contested euee hue just been rnpliled by l ` the notion of the oourte. The `angle which Q deleggtod the work of inquiry from pnrlinn contteee to impnrdnl Judie, is found to . work well. One oldie ndvtntngee ie its , thorough publicity. In the Carleton cane , the proceedings eoon eumeto an end beenuee , the court became entieed Ihnt bribery hnd , been prnotised,nnd the election wunnnulled. The stringency of the law against bribery, and the etrietnpn of the courts will under our elections borer than ever they were known to be before. and the mecca of the - plan in Ontnrio, will pen the way for its application to elections for the Dominion Parliament end the other provinces. There onn be no doubt but Ontario has made it moet desirable ndvnnce in this respect which will be to the profit of all the pro- vincee who carry out the sumo system. mm Floor onomuu an ad; El wool carpet: at 3:, mo. oamuups 31.4 .5. u'ciu.. :11; tofu icy to: 89, other lcull `ytoportliu. But Onodlul Trudi, In poke la, Liulu, Sbootllp, old Oottonl I" don G:-on Grnln Ellis :8 30, Flnml Sblnlnp at '10 Id, - : Dry mean from ad, .7 `We no making heavy udutlou our entire Stock, 12,000 pull of the` smmr Ptlllll. Jud vidyluat choicest drouu at 12} um pct ynul. ., W5` r41 '11. ..----m < .anhamu4Irr-mg 1&fh>:s",~.-`- ` " "' ` ' ' I0ca5.u < " -7 id " ~ I thto__uh.w..l`__ " - uni; The Ottun Timu very properly rc- msrks.--We notice that Mr Mackenzie : appointment to A position in on Insurance Compsny bu been mndathe basis for a personal snack upon that gentlemsn. This is not right. However much the Grits may indulge in 3 low personsl wlrfnre, do nm. let us have anything of that kind on our side. Let us light with fair wespons 0, not ght st nil." i Macncg TAP:-:s'r1vY`a'iq_d` BRI}.I,sI THREE `PLY .IMPER1AI:J D 8UPER.5`N.E,-w-~ DUTCH, WOOL, UNION, j - v~";:..`f1; And HEMP(_3AR PB1?S,5`,._ i ~ ~* :2 COCOA MAPTING T 7 Elf; , ' V 1 I Aid `p1uNu:'1,> rant dnapnts *4 ma, ` " . 5 _ I imussl-:Ls, rgrzsrgr, , - - __ - .,' A LABGI UPOQK OITIHAPS , nnuonsn aunties. A = T- ~- PILLOW 0 .-9'-``- Lwxnxanurxxasnurilawmxnlu wmnow nonunns, Dal, Whit! odd - Grgulggyh Qaolmhnhnn In a..|...: vuwua - avvu us nsuusve The 15th Battalion arrived lste in the afternoon by the Rochester and were en- gaged in pitching their tents towards six o'clock. This they did with ready dispatch as the tent cqnipage lay on the ground and numerous small stakes were already plac- ed to denote the position of the tent poles. The ofcers warned their men that any elovenly work in pnttingupthe tents would be useless asthey would have to be taken down and put up again if they were not exactly in line. The nest geometrical ap- pearance of the whole camp shown that tlfeserders are strictly attended to. The tents are of the bell pattern, with a curtain round the bottom and aps at the sides and five openings at the top forthe purpose of ventilation. There is of course the door, which can be leftopen for the samepnrpose if desired. 'len men and a non-commission- ed oicer occupy a tent under regulations 3 but at the camp this number is exceeded and the tents are mgde to contain thir- teen or fourteen men. The men sleep with their heads to the curtain and feet to the pole. It is very jolly they say in line weather and asdieagreeable as poeeible in rainy weather unless the utmost care is taken not to to\_1eh the inside of the tent while it is wet, else the rain, instead of being shed, will drop down in heavy drops at that particular spot and render the place disagreeable. Old campaigners get accustomed to all these things and make the best of tent life. The men have need to take care of their tents for their pocket s ` as well as their comfort s eeke, eeif a tent ; be damaged by any wilful act, a ue of 385 is imposed to pay the cost of a new tent. On Wodnnetleu 0|-- ---- -- ---- ` am! NEW IUSLIH innnn . ----~= : _ `_ .,;~. rk? _ -"_r1- ' 1I: ~"3:" NIW BRIBDILHC _ ` All -s um`-as:-oi. M-. -F` '7 .3175 Macnee 5' P3[0f8'l'I1'Q'*"" ~ `"9: ALBERT AND cAnPE'r, A . Kingston, Jno.l2. `EST TAPISTBY 1 ms LA,MiIn,'uIeI 3; -_ Iv nun- served out, n ALLA ` T .` 4.169310 Jud-r n...yg.`.`.`jg. ;...}.:%% AIIIJI n-n--. - _.-_. , _ so-we We-2-- ,-- v UUIJII PBIIOE BTEIT. .- _ ywI_a JJII ., -w-_(, ca rm ! IIW lllll 18' foot wide. .2. 1:1}; ` on;Pl1's nu, ,, ,_ ____.-__ nu: vvwlu lo pl UVlI|0DI and there In: no cooking going on. The men had boon ordnrod to nnpply Ihunulvou with I city : cookoi provisions and than who nttendnd to this otder were Ivell enough cl; but non: iguana: And" iunptovidnnt nnglaucd to ohnarvo it, ind thononuqnuoo was that they won 0:- u " - 0"! 1' van; a -..-./..--_.,_-- lllli IJLIEI 11. `The Camp of the Third Military District was formed at Fort Frederick on Wednesday under the command of Colonel Paterson` Aggisumg Deputy Adjutant General, and a full sta. The camp ground is on the pro- montory of land which juts out between the harbour oi Kingston and Navy Bay, at the apex of which stands the tower of Fort Frederick and at the base the workshops and sturehouses of the Dockyard. Between the workshops and the fort is an open plateau of level land of some thirty acres on which the tents are pitched. Tha- situation is very ne and healthful, and everyone is satised with it. It is much to be preferred to the ground about Fort Henry. There is no lack of water as at the Crystal Palace, for the lake is on both sides of the camp, and the fresh cooling breez- bluwing down from the expense of Lake Ontario makes the atmosphere as delight.- ful as the surroundings, which are very plea- sant. On the south side there is the con- spicuous object of the tower; to the out the river St. Lawrence, the islands and Fort Hoary; and on the west asplendid view oi the city greets the eye and impres- ses the stranger with the favourable opin-` ion of Kingston which a view irom the water never fails to make. I 1 :-U 5?`! ...-uuu-J -nnun uuoJvI azauauauvuu vvvlu Ila` stalled in Fort Frederick, a part cut of from the rest of the camp by the walls and bastions of the fort. To the left of the plateau looking from the headquarters lay the 15th (Argyle- shire) Battalion of Infantry under Colonel Campbell, of Belleville (brother of Hon Alex` ander Campbell) and next the 16th Battalion from Prince Edward u nder the command of Colonel Rome. The other oorpe were ranged in numerical order round the border of the camp ground, the 40th (Cohourg,) 46:11 (Port Hope-,) 47th (Frontenac) 49th (Sterling,) and 57th (Peterborough) Battalions. The 47th Frontenac under Colonel Hamilton have a very ne location on the western side on ground with a gradual slope suioient 1;; ensure good drainage. Tho `lkalv. D..aa..I:.... -__!_-.) I-a- 2, .1 Ollfl. Among its clanmatae In the well-known Dr. Finnell. He had a very large prectioe and was highly eateened for hie akill and learning. About four or live years ago excessive applica- to his business proetreted him, and a brain fe- ver followed, out of which he came inean-. Four eminent pbyeieiaua gave hie caee up an hopeleeu alter eeveral ween treatment, but he recovered notwithstanding. A little over three year: no he married e daughter of In Her- geret Killoreen, the eccentric old lady wboee xmod name In an ainnnlarlv mixed un with I 1 gnoudlagloc tho A-kl .4 ` THE CAMP AT FORT FREIJERICK. nu,:-,| u:|:A--- I`\:.u-:..p Wednesday being the rst day things were naturally in the confusion attending the successive errivel of troops and the pitching of tents; but towards evening matters were out very much to rights. and the camp then assumed eneppeerenoe oftnilitary uniformity end order. The errengement made mey b thus described. The sum` have their tents in threeclosnre of the Dockyard workshops. e central end secluded locality, under the shadow oftlte fenous stone frigate." Here the tents were very trirnly pitohed evidently by exoerienoed soldiers. The place had n betting eir of dignity about it, as the head- qnerters end centre of authority. In the open ground to the reer the cavelry. No. l and 21":-ontenae, under Major Du` and Major Woods bed their location. with their tents in nest order. The Kingston battery of Fieltl Artillery nnder Major Drummond were in- -enllnzl 8- `IP..-e D-_A--:..I. - .....t _..A -3` r_. ,, i II:``9`' 4!! I nt.AIL.'?..aa- r. in. ' '"-P"-W -I P`! we can or On Wednpodny than were no proyigion. crud out. and than -.. .. ......:.:__ ,-. odediugly h M ungry towards night, Ind either pstrouizg-db the canteen: for beer or visited` the city to buy provisions. ML- .42---- 3......` -kg:-. I-u 3n Hun Ah` O Ulla] Iv III Plvilulvuws The oicers have their mess in the old moulding left of the docltynrd. The coval- 1-, and 47th and other Battalions have their tsbles on the upper oor, which is lurgo enough for n bull room, and is It very plensen tv ` airy, lightsome plsce. The lower ooris not I quite so well lighted. Eueh corps has irs own table; but the officers are otherwise ` thrown sll mgetherfend have the best oppor- tunity of cultivating good fellowship. At -s'xo clock on Wednesday evening on inspec- tion of the mess rooms showed each table elegantly set for the evening meal, and from the supplies of oomestibles which were to be seen it was evident that the oilicers had the benet ofn good commissnriat and would . not lack for good things to satisfy the inner men during their stay. The camp of course brings 11. little harvest for grocers, butchers. bslters snd brewers, whose certs now begin to throng the approaches to the camp. The regimental canteens are situated near the battalion allotments, and for the most port are struc'ures of boards. A great want which Colonels, Mujos, Atljumnts and mounted oliicers feel is that of stables for their horses. The idea of tethering valu- able horses, their own property, is not liked and the erection of temporary bunrd stables has been proposed. I`I... n....-I:....I I l l ......... ....o.. ..6' cl... lI'\\I\ l u-an vwuln Pavyvuuuo `The medical arrangements of the camp do not admit of much remark. There is, among so many regiments, no luck Of medical officers, who have their own re- gimental duties to perform, besides which an oicer of the day do:s duty by rota- tion. The old military hospital near Forr Henry has been selected as the hospital. Arrangements for the construction of latrines were being made on Weddsay. From the proximity of the waterclcanliness can be promoted by ordering bathing parades in the early morning, which it is expected will he done. The camp can be made salubrioua by proper care; but it is a great pity that the plain regulations of military hygiene have been departed from in placing the tents too near together and in crowding too many men into aterrt. To put fteen men into a ton nren tent is simply to increase the amount of sickm-aw, and to put the tents too close together will ` render the camp foul so much the sooner. The men will probably complain with every justication of being crowded in their tents. It is to be hoped that ad- ditional tenta will be served out before any of the ill-effects to be apprehended declare themselves. Were it a matter ofdiienlt trans- portation or scarcity, there might be some ex- case, but the camp is under the very shadow of the main storehouse of the Dominion, and there should be no diicnlly about obtaining the re- qnisito number of tents. lIIa__,_m ..- - vvIuruu --UIPE xi JODIIIIOII; B A Foeter; Eneign J Tennent. No 7 Compeny-Cept N A Peterson; G E Vnndueen; Eneign L Reyes, No 8 CompIny-Cept Dempsey; J Andereon: lneign J C Cunninghem. Strength of Bnttelion-27 oimarn -m u nnyes; Jsnelgn u lush. ' No 4 Con:pnny-Cnpt J 0 Luke; J C Akemnn; Ensign J Om-under. No 6 Con:pny-Cnpt ll Richnrda; Vndeunn; llnnign 8 Gordon. No 0 Conpony-Cnpt R Johnlton; Comnnnv-C:u-no H A n-.-_.-_ , Lientsnant Colonel, A. Argyle Campbell. Ilajor, T C Wsllbridge, Second do , S Stephens. Adjutant, Capt R Crott Hnlme. Surgeon, James Lister, MD. Assistant Surgeon, D E Burdett, .B., MR. 0., England. Payuastar, Capt J 0 Holden. Quartermaster, G B Orczier. No 1 Company Captain 8 E Henderson; Lieutenant J A G Orozier; Ensign C Thomas. No 2 Company-Cnptain C F Bogart; Liaut R P Davey ; Ensign James Clark. No 3 0ompany-0aptain U E Thompson; Llent J Taylor ; Ensign F G A Henderson. No 4 Company-Uaptain S 8 Luis: ; Lient G I Stewart ; Ensign - Appleby. N05 Compsny-Captain L N F Crozier ; Lient J H Lister; Ensign G E J Hsnwell. No 6 Company-0aptain J lackie; Lient J W Dnnnet; Ensign James Whiteford. Strength of Battalion, 29 oicers and 330 non-commissioned odicers and men. 16TH IATTALIOH, PRINCE IDIAED. Lieutenant Colonel, Col Ross, M P. Injor, Lient Col Bogg. 2nd Major, 1" White. Adjutant. Goo A Simpson. Surgeon, J A-Rankin. Assistant Surgeon, D K Platt. Paymaster, Walter Ross, jr. Quartermaster, Donald Ross. - ' N01 Company-C A J Wight; Lieut (not appointed) ; Ensign - Elsworth. No 2 Company, Capt. HIo0ollongh -, Lient '1` McFadden; Ensign B Reynolds. . No 3 ComoanJ-Caot S was. - I =--- 1 nu:-maul; zsnugn B Reynolds. _ CompunJ-Cnpt 8 Weeks; G Hnyes; Eneign G lush. Co|nnnnv-(`.m J n r-u.... Il'!'L l\llIOI'?.U, IIIB UCCBIIKYIG OIU III], WINK! good name was no Iingulnly mixed up with unit brought `up by Mr John Tbetty, An under- uker, to recover the sum of $1,400 for his {u- norulexpgnoet. u.. Ir:n.._.-_ :1-) x_ n-._g__ anon u_--x'.... 1_....- _-...-~. `In uncoo- The military exercise: and pnndeu will teln- plnce on Battleeld Common, the menu of men; n bloodleu nnncrnvre nnd grand review. It In quite near, and ill convenience in that re, spent in leuening fatigue will, no doubt, be up- pucieled In chic boa weether. n-|-__| n ..... __ In-V--uvu nu nnuu nun IIUIIISIR Ooionel Peterson hu the reputation of being 3 strict diecipiinnrien, with no sort of toiention or drunkenneu in the men, or negligence of duty nnywhere. II is to be hoped the noiditrl will give him little occnlion for ordetirg punishment, but pnnne their military training with nuldnity, end tnke care of thenueiven when exposed to the `-unptntionn of the city. On Wadnnulnv lhn Nnnln.-nI.....|.....a -_.1 ..--_ ..-'v-vu -V luv -uu|.uuuuuI Ul Ill! any. On Wedneedey the Norlhnnaberlend and Durham Light Oenlry arrived in camp, and were received by Lleut. R. White, of the In Frontennc. They are I ne body of men A very good mounted bend of 15 intro. menu In nuncbed to the can, the only car. nlry bend in the Dominion. I. Orderly Officer, Capt. Ban-ow,` P.W.O. Ries. -Ian IR:-uu n.--.-g-.. -- r-- nluvln Till 1513 n'r'rALIox or ARGYLBHIBI Llam- nlrnnnv, ARMY LIST OF THE OAIIP. OOXILIDAIT AID STA IT. Lien! Col Paterson. Fin: Brigade, Major Phillipe. Second Brigade, Unpt. Hnyter Reed. Supply Oicer, Lieut. Thompson, 47!]: But. Inner Instructor, Oolonel Oubiu, 45t.| ht. la Uunp Quarter Inter, Colonel Fowler,` ht. au;u|.un, ulpt I1 5| Pnynutor (noting), in-don. A N Banana THE DAILY NEWS"-THURSDAY EVENING. JUNE 22. Lieu: _._. -_r-_..--. Hrs Killoreen dled in October, 1869, leaving over squarter of anillion dollars, the most of which she had accumulated in the poddllnl business. She employed several nun with teams to travel through the country selling dry goods. She owned six tenement houses in this city. in one of which she occupied apartments. In her last illness she sent for Ir Therry, to , whom she gave minute directions in reference to her funeral After her death Mr Oonnolly. who had been appointed her executor, told Mr Then-ry to follow Ire Killomrs instructions as to the manner of her burial. but when Mr Therry shortly thereafter presented a bill for about 31,400, he refused to pay it. Mr Therry sued, and the use was tride April 17, before Judge Sutherland. 1%.- ..... .-s_ _:--_ A. ll. --_- __-_-.s _.___ ; Lion: Lien: Lieln ; Lieu: Dill 45}h ~, mu no 5 uoIIpIny--unpmn 2: new Lieu! J Johnston ; Eunlgn 7. Caddy. Nod. Comnanv-.-Cm! A C Webb; 1 Lieu! J Johnston Eollgn Z Uaday. Company--Capt Webb; Lieu! N. Dunn; Ensign Butllef. No 5 (`.nmnnur..-(`.nnt C Gitford; Lia!!! G Dvnu; Ensign Buttler. No 5 Company--C'npt O Giiford; Pl; Ensign A Bourn. ~ ~ N06 Compuny-().npt R 7. Rogers; Liout A Msodonnid; Ensign 0 Rogers No 7 Comnnnv-Gnpi A Vurs; Lieut A Csmpbell; Ensign (absent). No 8 Compsuy-Cnpi. W Duncan; Lieu! (`r Dnnonn; Ensign W Deviney. `Mn 9 (3nmnnnI--(`,.u)t R P Hnrlbnt : Lieut H The notoriety given to the cut proyed upon Dr. Connolly : mind. He broodod over it un. lil bit mind bocone morbid. Lnttorly he took to drinking very bud, and st limos nomad to be out of his sonnet. He ircqnontly mid his wife that if not he should commit suicide he would take her with him. She never paid any nllenlion to his (brain, however, thinking them the monentuy obnllitionu of folly of I drnnken nan. Uunoan; nnugn VI uevmey. No 9 Company-Cpt ; O'Neil ; Ensign Boyce. Strength of Bnttsiion - 32 oicera and 4 lb non commissioned otiicers and men 48111 BA l`TAI.i0N Lieu!-Cnl. A. Williams. Major, Ulmrias Boulton. Second do. (Absent) Surgeon. J.F. Dxnvar. Adjutant do, Dr. Might. Puymnstcr, Capt. R. llnwdcn. Qunrtmmmaier, P. T. Kc-llnwny, No. 1 Uumpm1y--Capt. Benson; Licni. W. Craig; Eusign-J. I3. Odell; (at.mch-- ed.) Nn 9.r!nrnnnnv._nnnt ninnhnII- Linn! ` eu.; No. 2 Compauy-Capt. Dingball ; Licut. H.A. \Vurd; Ensign J. I . Glenn-,9. No. 3 C0mpn.nv-U upt. W. Graham ; Lieut. J. lIur.tcr; Ensign J. Wallace. N0. 4 Compnny--(`\pr. J. Dunrlns; Licut Walsh; Ensign J. Mclmlrm. No. 5 Compn.ny-Capt. J. Prestnn; Lieut R, Touchlmurn; Ensign (.nbscut.) No B (`.nmnnnv_(`.unt. .`l', Mnnt>.r|nnI- l\, IUUKZIIUUUIII; Dlllgll \rlU3`|l:lIb.) No. 6 Cnmpany-Cupt J. McDermnt; Lieut. MCGHI; Ensign (almonh) Strangth of Bautulimx-25 nlcers and 309 non-commissioned niccrs nnd men. A75!-. YIAVIVI-IAvvn\v .u.....,....u Lieut.-Colonel, ll. Hamilton. Majors, G A. Kirk; J. Craig. Adjulanf. W. M. Baillie. Surgeon. Dr. Mnclcnn. Assistant Surgenn, Dr. Smith. Paymaster, C. Lungwitli. Quartermaster, N..G. Thomp-`on. No. 1 Compnny--Cap ain Lungwith ; Lieu: R. Hewron ; Ensign (ubsmt.) No. 2 Compn.ny--Cspnin G. Hunter; Lieut. D. Walker ; Ensigu_ (absent) No. 3 C.)m;)any-Captain Irvine; Lieut C. B. S ooner; Lnsign C. Irvine. No. Company-Cn min II. R. Smith; Lieut Kelley; Ensign Vilscn. No 5 Compu.ny-Uapmin (absen`) ; Lieut J. Byrne; Ensign (not. nppuinted ) No 6 Comnsnr-C;ipW1n S Goina: LI:-nr u. uynus; nmslgn (not. nppmntexl ) Compan_t-C;npIain Going; Murray; Ensign F Hush. No 7 Oompany-Cnpl.nin E Joyner; J Abrams; Ensign (absent) A0:-u Illnlhlivnu -..........,.._ ___-_- , __.....u. uuu4 vuug Indians on the 29r.h instant. The weather is clear and cool. -:2a A Romsletter says that Father Hy` quested an interview with Pio Non and that the Pope peremptorily decli him under Any circumstances whatev in; him to be one of the worst a Church ever had. "FL- c..I._- -- -.....uu uvus uuu. The Sultan of Turkey is said to [ passion for billiards that be frequently rises at two o'clock in the morning, and insists on nishing some game be has in his mind. _______.___.,-_...__/ have such 3 ----o- \---=~---I 49m lA'l`TALION--HASTINGS unrnns. Lien! Col J Brown, M P. Majors, M Boweil, M P, James Cumming. Adjutant, James S Hurst. Surgeon. Dr C N Redley. Pnymsster, G H Gordon. Quartermaster, Alex Webster. No l Oompnny--Capt P Hambley; Lieu! (ebssnt.;) Ensign E Harrison. No 2 G H Bnnlter, M P P; Liens (nbsent;) Ensign John Acers No 3 Compsny-Capt B E Vnndervonyt: Lien: J Caverly; Ensign - Foster. No 4 Oompany--Capt G D Rnwe; Lieut E B Fraleck ; Ensign Roblin. No 5 Company-Capt Charles Anderson -' Liens James Lennon; Ensign absent. ' No 6 comprises lho Trenmn 12...... .4- FRONTENAC SQUADRON. Commander Major Duff. Adjutant Caldwell. Surgeon Brown. Veterinary Surgeon Maclntosli. Quartermaster Moore. First Troop-Lieut R White, (acting Captain ;) Cornet Knight, (acting Lieu: ;) Cnrnel (not appointed). Ssconrl Troop-Captain Major Wood ; Ligut G Wood; Cornet McRnr RV. uufllel (not appointed ). V Lieut McRore_v. Strength of Squadron 10 oicers at men and non-commissioned officers; ber of horses 130 men. Arnnymonn commumcaltonl can receive no attention Everything Iorvnrded fonnneruon mun bemoan puued byuae nnne Ind udslreu o! the writer not noceaurlly for publication, but an evidence of - Lhonucny It In nlno rnquulod thst cornuudcnu arms, to quell any riot that might or Gangs of rowdies were captured by battery on St Helena Island yesterday, will be dealt with in court today. Mr John Dnugall is about to am Daily Witness in New York similar to paper in this city. A grand lacrosse match will be pl: between the Shamrock and Caughnaw puny-Ogpuin R. Bonny cal-10 3 Jam Johnston : Ennhm Caddi. ____..____ SPECIAL TELEGRAMS. (Per hontreal Line.) FROM MONTREAL. Montreal, June 22_-Mr Gault wl shot by burglars last Sunday week able to be out of bed yesterday. burglars have not yet been arrested. The Mayor was mum: nu -.--L~- - _, xne n yesterday and Mayor was called 0 told that tears were entertained o( a dis- turbance iu Hochelaga. district. Two butter- ies of Garrison Artillery, Montreal Cavalry and Victoria Ries, were themselves in readiness an uwnu Jamel LJUIIDOX; Inllgll absent. comprises Trenton Battery of Artillery, which will be present here in Sep- tember next. Strength of Battalion, 19 officers and 284 non-cpmiuioned oicers sni men. 5713 an-ru.ion. Lieu! Col E Poole. Majors, J Kennedy and E Leigh. Adjutant, Capt J Z Rogers. Burg-on, R Kincaid. Aulslnnt do, A Bell. Pnyrnsuer, W Ohnmberl. Quartermaster, Knapp. No 1 Company-Cnplain H Rogers; Lieu: Johnson ; Ensign Dickson. N0 2 Comnnnv._{`.nnmi.. Yna I'I..-.-.~ 1-- uwuu uuunaon nzumgn Unckson. 2 Company--Capmin Jns Kunncdy ; Livut Joseph Kennedy; Ensign Langzfnrd. No 8 Company--Captain J. Bumham; Lieut C S Dadmau; Ensign (not appointed.) No 4 Cnmp|ny-Cuptain J W Green; Lient Dr Dean; Ensign J Dickson. ~ No 5 Cumpnny-Cuptain Grover; Liout H. II M'Gill; Ensign R Adams. No 6 Company-Captuin Ilewaton; Lieut Howard; Ensi n (nl.-sent). Strength of atcnlion, 23 oicers and 297 nomcommissioncd nfcers and men. ('!A\ A Luv .-... uuup u;ouourg)-Uaptain Regan; 1 Lieut A. M. Regan; Corner, II. S. Casey. Second Troop (Port Hope) -Capmin. Lieut.-Colonel Smart; Lieut, Gap . 0. Wil~ liama; Cornet, V. Anhford. The sound:-nn in d;.s:.......:._L-.v I uuma; uornes, V. Anhford. _ W The squadron is distinguished by the pre- sence of a ne mounted band comprising f- teen instruments. wuu man-umenls. ' 0 Strength of Squadron 11 ofcers and 125 men and non-cnmmissknad oicers number of horses 140. -__ . _-..-- Al THE NORTHUIIBIRLAND AND DURHAM SQUA- DBON. The London journals of the 2nd inst. contain the text of the letter addressed by rrince Nnpoleon to J ulee Favre. He charges the Republican Minister and his colleagues with the responsibility of almost all the evils from which France is sulfering, and points out how much better things were managed under the Empire. The Empire," the Prince observes, had committed great faults, our defeats were great, but our dis- asters date from you. Let each hear his part. Without doubt it was_a greivons error to count too much upon the forces of France, and to commit in 1870 the fault which Prussia committed in 1806-to look too much to our victories under the great Republic and the rst Empire; to think too little of the powerful enemy we had to com- bat; to contemplate the Crimes in 1854 and Italy in 1859, instead of calmly looking in the face the German forces in 1870, headed by remarkable men. I neither wish to nor can I deny these faults, for which the Napoleona pay far more heavily by their heartlelt grief than by their mere exile; but the Emperor has never sought to cling to the throne by a peace which might save his power by imposing too great sacrices on France. Mark! we have one censolatiwn, that of having fallen with the country` while, on the contrary, your elevation dates from its misfortune." The Prince tells III. Fayre that he knows better than anybody the terms which Napoleon III. might lme obtained from Prussia at Sedan. They were hard, no doubt, but the sacrices of France would not, if they had been accept. Od- have ham. nn.......z-.._ _:eL AI. . H uuu. Lieut.-Colonel Boulton commanding. Adiutant, D. Boulzon. Quartermaster, A. Burnham. Surgeon, Dr. Burrows. Veterinary Surgeon, J. S. Ccaser. Firt Troop (Cobourg)--Captain Re; Regar1;`Uorn_e_r, C: e.......A m_. VUU Illlll 47th 3 , __ -_,.. an-nn-nIuu1'.IIl]lClDlD 1'0- Nono recently, 3 declined to see my whatever, decler- the wnrno ...---:-- -- ucu umcers ill CAV ALRY. '. mlgnv... ,. . y--Capt. :|-J. ,_-__.,-....., uucuueu (0 unstanoes y enemies the I -------- I Hyacintbe 7 Nnnn u-u.....oI- -_. . -Mr who was (7 week, was yesterday. The t arrested atch played : Caughnawaina scant. LI1Ul\UI'evc I 1 oic'ers and 110 med nmDnrn- nu- Yesterday afternoon he spent the time in the back rootn in the second story with his eldest child little Agnes. The storm kept hint in the house and doubtless had adepremlng e'ect up- on his spirits. About 6 o'clock he came down to the kitchen where his wife sat nursing the baby, Clara, and snatching it from her arms walhul up stairs with it. Nothing was thought of the circumstance, and nobody followed him About hal! an hour afterward the little boy who drives his waggon_ and whose name is Collins, came in to see him about something, and was directed up stairs. Finding the door locked on the inside he knocked. Dr. (Jon- nolly opened the door and asked him what he named. He had the fatal knife in his hand, and was prohably already at his bloody work Collins told hint, received his answer, and, going down stairs again, told Hrs Oonnolly what he had seen. She supposed her husband was murdering the children, but evidently never imagined that he would do any harm to himself. She ran out next door to Ir Whine- more and told him her fears. He advbed her to send ior the police, but this she would not listen to,not wanting to have him arrested. She deepatched a messenger for Father Larne of St. Vincent de Ferret : church in 1'wenty~third street, of which she was a member, and the Father came and endeavoured to communicate with the doctor through the keyhole, hot could get no answer. In the mean time Ir Whitte. more informed the police, and Capt. Wash- hurne arrived at the house about 7 o clock, and demanded admittance. Ira Oonnolly, who opened the door. refused to let him enter. He said that he had good reason to for heliev- lug that her husband had murdered his two children. Capt. Waehburne added that as Captain of Pollen he would have to see about t. She ordered him down the steps. He brushed past her, however, with a le of men. and homing in the door, realised the truth. Ira Oounoily seemed most anxious that her husband should not be arrested. She is sriy want out of her mind when informed that he was dead. She was not permitted to gen up. on the revolting speetaele, but was given in charge of a policeman, who conned her and the two servants in the bank parlour down stairs. The three women want from one t of hysterea into another, and it was impossible to t a word of explanation from them. In onnolly denied that she or her husband had any relatives lolthis city, bet she afterward raved ot a younger sister who is being educated in the Oouveut of the Sacred Heart, and at an- other time hegged the ulcer, if she should go erasy not to let her brother come near her. She wou|dn,t let him triumph over her, she said, and get hold of her property. She nally heoameso had that Dr. Btetnpeono( 41 East Seventh street was sent for, and administered sedatives, which had the elect of quieting her. Her sereams as the Sun reporter left were heart- rending. ...,. ...u uUW under that occur.| 2 the ' nd yesterdav. thnv ;Lieut start :1 his Llent Lieu! '.V I-I19 . theyl ~ uwuuj `HAW Q MINNE8 would tell ll` I ienllol to their New Black "H J errived from London, Light Feneil-I Ill 9 New Ooignrings, Plnln Gros de snow Oboi ` Shades, Black Urns Grain Silisln ell Hibi- sploodld lot. of New Irish Poplin! from Ft] I Sons of Dublin, Japanese Popllne in all Bhedes; Plain and Fancy. A New Lot of Indies SDI! . Umbrellns in Green and Brown, Lyons Bllk Velvet! 27 inches ell silk, New Black and Col. onred Friuges, selling very Oheep It the GLASGOW WAREHOUSE, Ootner Welling- Ian and Princess Street. June 20th. sm\wn2nnv resnvm Victoria Hall, Friday. A STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL and BA- ZAAR, In aid of the Building Fund of St. Paul's Sunday School, will be held-in Vla- toriix Hall on the -nnuu nut, II HIE IIIQ 0&0 ed, hue borne comperiuon with thee also he: led to nuke. The real reeaou why I. Pure accepted everything which Bismnrck proposed is, tle Prince plainly tells him, thet be we: undo to underetnd by the Ger- lien Minister that the coucquenee of re- tunl would be the re:-cabling of the old Iqhlhtive Body. 'l'hen," he says, you lq. {As to the future. Prince Ge-ads e phbhoitun. V `Afternoon and Evening of Friday June 23. Tickets of admission lo coutywblch may to had at the door ; children half price. Rfrnuhnn-u-'41: -nt` nrnnuun -hlv. lI_L- .-_ ...... ..- nnav -nun , wuuunvu u DII ylllin Strnwborfes and Cream, with Oaks, ten cents. Ice Cream ve centl. Bods Valor ve cents. Other refreshment: at ordinary n___ .1 -_ .n n - A Open during the afternoon from 2 till 5 o'clock ; in the evening from 7 o'clock. The Band will play in the evening. The Ladies of the Committee request that contributions of work not yet sent in besent Io Mrs Burns, Rideau slreet, near Barrack street, not later than Thursday evening. Ooniribu- tioni of Cnkes may be sent to In Strstton, Princess street. lfinnnonn In-.. or ..__..--_..-a vv III `AME into the premises of Joseph Lnngwhh. C Portlnnd Rond, on the >15!!! Jnne,n RED COW. The owner can bun her by proving property and paying expenses. J uuo 19. A nuuauaa N18 and Sydenham Streets. Apply at. this otce, or in JOHN TUCKER on the premises. Junn 2| Iv VIIIIIIBIIIIJ UIII "I Jill]: I. may It my the Iron Ihin date until the evening previous to Exhibition, at the oice of the Socnuty, on Ontario Street. JOSEPHINE PBEIIIEB .. .... .. The Band of P.` tendanco. llocesllrily [or publication, of rnquulod eorreupuduu will only vmcon one side of the shoot ofpnpor. We numol undo-ruin in return reioctod communication

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