`use "isuAuc 3'ouI-Any.` IJVIBPOOI. um Lorinon. IAXWILL W.S'l`RANGI, .-ggpgg forliinpton 0oo-Clu'eueo Stmpt, opposite Pout Oice Jan, 1311 I '-Filling IDA! g July 23. com-nu 18300 3. Clftihl, ABMSTIR-LT-LAW. OIHOI - Out Dnoknfn [Iona ing: I588, 447 mi policies for. mm: sun as _ 1369; 831 I830. 1,002 1871, about 1,5 IIIZIIIII iI:'sEZI4se 50 (In. for - 2,350,000 While this extuordinury I cannot public support and `- -4-` Innnh: to tlgglggg oJn:I:>( iupport aid eo1;,deuo0 ll one ' III the Com- ill lot u; _ 30-. pay Vnrtlylo orig" in policy holdon, it In donbueu 1100 to ho utribnted to r ' tb Dtnn Institu- Iovtmd opvelum, ad otfer. in every qdvuuqs which pru- f""'o "1' mg ovety dance And I: "U rooiombh ndvum fety cin iiggou. . . .\ union.` '1- How 4 L 305457!" 4,c,:gkv.`-'3,-g; ma -"=::.".':'.`:;.'::':=`r hug`. {E-pig mm lot squat from J 1' I50 r necticnt. LADIES AND GIFTS . D0018 AID. SBOIS. PAID UP OAPITAL AND SURPLUS. LOSSES PAID IN FIFTY YIARS.... Out on hvxndtldln Bank BndInnlo.............` longs`: Bond|..........` Bu:k8\ook..............` l1nh..l'Ru-c.. ....a nu- Q.-- Intuuunou-ooctonnuno . - - n . . . . . - . . . . .- U.nimd'8latu ud Olty Stock nd othot Public ooux-hi.e;:` Kay 20. Agent KiD8n E ll-no-. Ha so. mo.` A cu1rr__c1%une. ONLY ou_ DOLLAR. .l ______ Joseph Bswdon, LDITDV AT`? AC7 QAI: ESTABLISHED 1847. Rem av :11. OANADQ "II! my urura 11 5 Inca outing nlngilon, U.w . Nl.I..L.B. | Bios. `I`. Wunu.` suamlsu . AND SHOES. ----on _ _ II 5 pcopuol N) fnrnlah ands! , to aupotintend (lb, In. R. GAGE. ., --4. 194-..... Sign... tio of Pnbiio nM_ I0 " 3. nurnlmronn. ury sud 2|-atilylng in- ! In due .lAlX-En. A. G.` nusn, lnnpr. ASBITS, unnu m, mo. .; 51,394 . . 1,166,856 .. l.5R4,468 n nan nnn $50,000, Sparkling. Eugen: :II-d*l-c;-_cEl Soda Water AT HEATH GUNNB onuc stone mu uuuoment or only I I with the Government 1 fl-`HI high degree of popularity attained by our Soda Apperatos, induced on thin nee-I Don I! great upenee to procure the most im. proved Generator for charging our own Faun. him. We are now able to diepeuee the coldeu and purest Bode Water, avoured with the i'oi- ' lowing Syrups, made from the expressed (juice of the fruit. LIION, VANILLA, OREAII, NEOTAR, RASPBERRY, ORANGE. PINEAPPLE, STRAWBERRY. GINGER, to. We have adopted the New York system of istuix.-g Sade `Picket; or Uheqnel ' For sale It the store, HEATH 8 GUNN. Juan '1 !1870. 0951. 1870. ' -I`IIIIIEUIIE WEE IBIIU- loco-l. Lawponcg What-I Fnnt. nf Johnson Street. Cik Cool in Pure Lnciavnn, being mined in the very ban of the Lackuuu Valley, ionnton, Piuston, Ind Wilkel Burro, from the butulobled mineo, mud in propsred with great an appeal; for Family use, and will be new-used dncrdelivered in the beat poulblooo :- iition. Ii... .AI...o..I Rah nal for arms: eonntnndv iition. But oqlectad Sqft Coal for grates conutnnzly In lnnd also being]: Lamp for Foundry tee IIIIB ` urgfoi Blnckauilha. Tom: Club, Delivered in may put of the glo- LEI Imnsroiv: 'Az:'rT:j AID Oolfnlll ALL rm: mews or mu WEEK.` u. us In [In WITH SC I Ubhruu u rs. --- PUBLISHED IN `runs PART or CANADA LOCAL unws, GENERAL NEWS, WAR NEWS, IAIKBT Nlws, AND FAIILY READING. Sublcriptions, which any begin at my time, lnnrinhly in odvqnoo. - - -L`_ .n.. A: n.. I'\An.v Iain Au. nlsugwqcli comm (rum AND MARINE.) IAXWELL W. STRANGE, AGENT. OFFICE-Oluonoe Skeet, opposite Post nia-A rump: October 21 888. Rl`URHlD-DI Imnun, at B. Wmn I Drug Store. mnmcm_coAL mu. g.. as I ...--4.-.4- Ihllnnu Among the diooqoost overcome by . in: use of ruwws oolrounn sum? or . 11Y.3.BPl.llTlH n y . m .. - --- _ nu.-.--n:n_ ' An- Colulpatlon, Aullnn, Consump- tl0I _ V ll not-vou D - 1 t iluicy, ~ &;Im:mc ll Vuouuv nun. Q Largo Quantity of Reading. 'uouuu~ asst nomn man ~- -----n in: -unit: DAD!!! DIP {YAMAHA .....-I~.hnnuuI 0! \ho Lungs I)-l-l.Ir.v`- HYPUEHOSPHITES. Ax--- ... nunrenlna hf vunnuq In uu . 7.... Publinhol at :6. one. at the mm nun T & sold by Apotlecarles. maul so ; six for 37 so. JAMES I. FELLOWS, Chemist Is. Jon. 1.3. . Printed Every Saturday, OOITAIII - -__-_ .....--a'.. nn 1"]; `gym JAIE8 SWIFT, Agent. 89.. Lawrence Wnuff 47 Princess Street. years, and during that time has I` fair claim. It has fully -nxnenl of Stocks to the enmn 11' ll IILLID WITH Q A CA _` FE!-;l.-.0.`Y5 -sq--r\r\`I'\1'1 9 Assured will permit. 7 saw claim. It has fully ; the extent JAIIIS SWIFT & CL. 3 5,54,5o4 97 26,000,000 07 85,549,504 '67 682,682 08 25a,ano 14 scans oo 420,445 oo 2,220,033 75 .-:.i--: - 3 I. (CANADA). FRIDAY EVENING. JUNE 22, E187]. , `_ -;. ._ ..:_.___._ _____._ ,, nuTcHrLogIinrs.I FINE VARIETIES ] PLAIN A LARGE ARRIVAL, VERY CHEAP, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, -- -v-- --v-uvvwIv v 1 PAINT SHOP AND ROOM PAPER DEPOT.` D-!_AX__ I\__!_!_._ 11 . ...nn nauvl nsvu I:\.UU!l {AIDE unrul.` Painting, G1-aining, Glazing and F1-eecoeing_ done to order. } :3 II- IITIIICII AVING retired from the Grocery and Liquor 1'.-ede, bean to thank his nu- merous cuntomera for their liberal pntronage In the put, and intimate: for the future be will strictly conne himself to the lcofvhd 1;i1siness.\' _-.. -...v- r.v-3.", ---uuunu nu J. A. KARO H. OFFIOE AND RES[DllNCE--Earl Street, between Bago: and Wellington Streets. Kingston, Jan. 10, 1870. DOUBLE AND mumps, l`.Df\r That it is I preparation of one of the most eminent Purveyols to the Ottoman Court, It preyente acidity of the stomach. It relieves lowneu of uplriln. It is 3 mild and invigorating tonic, and a emoet eicient but innocuous stimulant. Xt renders the breath sweet and agreeable. It atimnlntee the appetite if taken before pnlronlge on ma Iouowlug grouuus: I Oct. 17. VITHIB elegant Turkish Toni. is one of the most nlntnry and delicate preparations ever nubmiued for public approval in this bemilpbere, snd asserts ils pretensions lo patronage the following grounds: That nrennrntion menus. V It promotes digestion if taken After meals. It neutralizes the propensity for strong liquors. . It renders the intellect bright and clear. If taken habituallrit imparts vitality and enrgy to all the bodilym-guns. Bv its use 3 man of 70 will become. as it energy to an me many orgnnu. By its use n become, were, restored to the elasticity of 30; and to persons of delicate oonuitmions it is strongly reoommended. I : in gun nannninl fa-Ann-NA -lh nrinnfni IOOOIJIIIIGIIQBG. IL is an especial favourite with Oriental ladies. nnnnn u-n I-mghh, Innasvitv and vital muss. ` Secure, then, health. longevity and vital energy by the hubiunl use ot the _ ALKABASAR TURKISH TONIC. Kept in stock by the principal Druggists and Grocers in the Dominion. _ '[}For directions for use see labels on bottles. HENRY CHAPMAN & 00., I .,,__,_`_, Kingston, April 20, 1871. All order prtnptly attended to. T A IIIIIJIJIIIIJIIJ nrnuzuu um;--.-. lnqugurnted by H.R.H. Prince Arthur. 'nnd Tuition per annnm, $236. I` rr_n_.. nus: nun.-vu rv. ...._..._, ..._r.-. President--'l'ho Very Rev. I. Hellmuth, D.D. Dun of Enron. IU-nn u. __. .._- ` Foipnrticnlnrs apply to Major Evans, Loadon, Onnsda. West. ' July 30. . .7] 0" `KM. E2` IIDAI. jun [BEST QUALITY` D0|U 5 `Montreal, J nly 5. `"310! _uuon8\-` czuun. :.x::LL'-'-'-` uvu `iv. u-........., L imnnnurn LA;)_1-|3s* o0.LI.IwI`.. ,.._.u L_ I! n tr 11-1-... Lnlknn Ram- ELLIIUTH COLLEGE.-Board and Tai- tion per nnnum, $226. ..._._ - -. -.--u c g In! nan: nnl I I:-nu T Ti Plug 3A agai- PIR15 I857 ' LOIDOI j . Lu} %~- CHEMIST AND" DRUGGIST, ULIUUUD, SNOWDROPS, &o., Just received and for sale by R H P A R [I my bl` mrecuonu I01` use we IIIJEIB uu uuunea. 3552;, <:.*:.*:.:w.*o32~ ; Sole Agents for the Dominion. nnfl-nnl, Jnlv 5, 0VER 90.000 BOLLS. Satins 10d nndupwarde. Gold: 23 Marbles 6d. " Oak 5d Scenery 5d " Bar-Room 5d " PAPERS FROM THREE CENTS UPWARDS. vm. no`iiINsou's unnn .\n\ --..-.n.. n ..___ IIIGIIER. EDUCATION. J .5: JS` PER" GALLON. "caocus rucewoa and [or sale by E. H. PARKER, COAL OIL, R. WHITE. 42 rgmo s1-man. MXDBID II T SINGLE HYACINTHS, 35 CENTS Market square. W. ROBINSON. Board I I _. -. -.v \J .l_J LJ 0 I PABLOR OBGANS, DIELODEONS. WEBER 8 00., corner of Ontario and Princess Streets, Kingston, manu- facture Pianoea equal to any in the market, either of home or foreign make, and bell at S moderate prices. Every Piano is warranted for five years. They invite inspection of their styles and quality of tone. Parlor nrannn nd Ilnln-4-B 1.4` .. _:-_- uuu quality 0! E0116. Parlor Organs and Melodeons of various makers are kept in stock in the Piano Wate- room. and otfered at manufacturers prices. E. H. Monmu, City Tuner. A BY-LAW to aid and assist the Grananoque and Rideau Railway Company, by giving Ten Thousand Dollars to the Company, by way of Bonus, and to issue Debentures there- for, and to authorize the levy- inb of a special rate for the payment `of the Debentures and Interest. jBY-LAV_v_ NO. 59. i ` N ] HEREAS by the Act of the Fourth Ses- l sion of the Legislature of the Province of Ontario, passed in the t`irty-`fourth year of Her Majesty's reign, incorporating the Gsnano. |que _and Rideau Railway Company, it is pro. _vided as follows:-`-And it shall further be lawful for any Municipality through any par. of which or near which the Railway or work ofthe said Company shall pass or be situate, to aid or assist the said Company by loaning or guaranteeing or giving money, by way of Bonus or other means, to the Company, and by pur.. chasing and granting to the said Company the land for the right of way, station grounds, gravel-pits and workshops and otherwise, in such manner and to such extent as such Muni. cipal Corporation or Corporations or any of them may think expedient, or issuing Muni- cipal Bonds to or in aid of the Company,or for all or any of the herelubefore mentioned pur. poses, subject to such restrictions and condi- tions as may be mutually agreed on between such Municipality and the Directors of the Rail- way, such Directors and the Council of such Municipality being respectively authorized to make such agreements as may be necessary for the purpose ; D -....:A...I ..I_-..- .|__A -.__s_ -2; u. , u ._.- r_.r-..-, Provided always that such aid, loan, bonus or guarantee shall be given under a. Bylnw tor the purpose, to be passed in conformity with the provisions oflhe Municipal Institutions Act of one thousand eight hundred and sixty-six. and chaplred fty-one ; and all such Bylaws so pnsssd shall be valid, notwithstanding that such rate may exceed the aggregate rate of two cents in the dollar on the nctual value of such ralenble property, provided that the nnnunl rate of assessment shall not in any case exceed, for all purposes. `three cents in the dollar on the actual vnlue ot the whole retenble property within the Municipality or portion of u Munici- pality creating such debt. And when-pan he the lBIn>ntI7-nnI1nnIh am-tinn puuly crenuug SIICIJ GUI. And whereas by the seventy-seventh section of the Railway Act, chapter sixty-six'of the Consolidated Statutes of the late Province of A Canada, which eaid Railway Act is incorporated with the Act incorporating said Uompsny, it is provided um no Municipal Oorporation 3 shall subscribe for Stock, or incur any debt or - liability under the said Railway Act or the Special Act unless and until a Bylaw to that effect has been duly made and adopted with the ` consent, first had, of a majority of the qualied electors of the Municipality in the mnnner de- tetmined by the _Bylaw after public advertise. ment thereof, containing a copy of the proposed Bylaw inserted at least four timee in each ' newspaper printed within the limit of the Msmcipality, or if none be printed therein then in some one or more newspapers printed in the ? nearest City or Town thereto and circulated `therein, nnd also put up in at least four of the most public places in the Municipality. i And whereas the Munininnlitv of Ilia Villnan ']DBl. puoiic plIC0l in me municipality. And whereas the Municipality of ihe Village of Ganenoque. in the County of Leeds, but de- termined to aid and unis: the said Gananoque and Ridenu Railway Company by giving there- to the sum ( f Ten Thoniiand Dollars by way of bonus; under the auzhoi-iiy conferred by the uid act rs! herein recited. ` A-I nvhno-Ann on naneniv clan Inns -.u.:A-.I nL.:-..o BUY. LITE` LIUTBIU I'U|l|.Uu- And whereas to carry the last recited object into effect, it is necessary for the said Munici- pality to niaetbe said sum _of Ten Thousand Dollars in the manner hereiuaer mentioned. A In! uvhnv-can {I :73 nnnnhsa Ins nnln Al` CI Inn IJUIIBTI III \lJ I.I]I|lI.I{'l' HCl'C|UIII\UI' uleulluniu. And whereas it will require the sum of $1,100 to be rinsed annually by special rate fr paying the mid debt of Ten Thousand Dollarl and in- terest on the debeutrec to be issued therefor as hereinafter mentioned. ' A-"I mhannnn oh; `ma-`no AF ck- mind- .-o.., Ii IIUTUIIIHI lUI' IIIULIIIUI-Iuu - And whereas the amount. of the whole rete- eble property of the `said Municipality, irrespec- tive of am future increase of the same, and also irrespective of any income to be derived from the temporary investment of the sinking fund hereinafter mentioned, or any part thereof, ac- -cording to the last revised nueumet-n'roll of the said Municipality, being or the year One Thousand Eight Hundred 1 d Seventy, was One Hundred and Forty-tw Thousand Five Hundred and Five Boilers (:5 42,506). And whereas the amount 0 the existintr debt nuuureu Bull l'lV|! LVUIIITU 94,0U0}. And whereas the amount 0 the existing debt of the said Municipality in be sum `of One Thousand Six Bundled and ixly..six j Dcllarl for principal and interest 0 same since the First day oflanuary last pas , at eight per cent per annum, due and payable in the First day of July next. . And whereas for nnvin the interest and July next. And whereas pnyin interest and creating an equal yearly sin ing fund for pay. ing the said debt of; Ten Th uannd Dollars, as hereinafter memioned,it wil require an equal annual special rate of aeven mills and three- quarters of I mill in lbs (I l-lnr. in addition to all such rules to be levied in each year. Ra it lherefure enacted hv the Mnnioinnl |i|| BUCU I'll!!! L0 00 IUVIEII In 8!!!! year. Be it therefore enacted by the Municipal Council of the Village of ananoque that it hall and may be lawful {on e said Municipali- Iy lo aid and assist the Gannuoque and Ridenu Railway Company by giving thereto the sum of Ten Thousand Dollars by way of bonnsi 'l'l'mI it shall he lnwful fnr Ihn nnrnnan AfAl`.. 18!] IIJDUGIIIIHI LIIIIIIIFI U, WE, 0| UOUIIH. That it shall be lewtul for the purpose efore. . said for the Reeve of the suid Municipality "to cause any number of Debentures to be made for such mate of money as may be required for the said purpose, not less then One Hun red D_ol- lure each, and not exceeding in the hole the sum of Ten Thousand Dollars, which enid De- bentures shall be sealed with the seal` of the said Municipality. and be signed by'lhe Reev-, and oouutersigned by the Treuurer of the said Municipality. That. the said dohnntnres lull he nuuhn nnv- Ilunlclpnmy. Tim. the said debentures shnll be made pay- able in wary you-e trom the day hereinafter mentioned for this Bylaw to take effect As the Bunk of lontreal in Brockville, nnd shill have attached to than coupons for the paylnelit of interest M. the rate, and in the mumer heroin- alter mentioned. ' l`h.o Ila; --id l'\-$-`non-ga -I... In... {migrant BIICI IIIBIIIDIIBU. That. the said Debentures nhsll but funeral. 1 at and after the nte of Bix-Per Oen: per tnuun. . from the date thereof, which interest shall be payable half you-ly on the that dny of Jhnury and July in` each you at the Bank of Ibn_tnIl_ at Brockville. '|`I..-p 6`... uk.. In 1.! fnnnna 1 niina oh ralidky <;fiV:nIury no 3 Ling `hd h I ; in at the n o ntrul G 1-1 or Inf`! 9 `Hugh. - ` n at % no; `o.sapu.y--o.pz :0 Inc; !bi.m 19'.*`% V:I;.Il! \It.._hI9 root-buy V sppbpjnd - ' * T. M (`bu-In That for lhe purpose of forunng I 3503138 J 0 Alanna Intign 1 Our: .. , Fund for payment. of the nail! Dchantnrbo. and go 5 can ' ..._o ' tho interest sLereon n the rate nforeaud II yuan...` 3% H` 3 gliuoh gomnvou equal spocisl rs}. Bowen Hills and 5. 3~c`P.`,,,_.43. :13. ~ d,m'w'f, .: :a:;::*:.:z:.::2:;:.:.~:..::';:.:*.:*r.:.: :2; R A '~t=%=-*- Fm I, . J; :.L - colleemine-dhrw-von Illthonusblqrwa 3']: ' 'mu pouyin the IA.i4lKnIhipoliIy.dnrlugthp am 1.. 3" ` +~ < ` o:no.w_agIy_youl.l:oI: tho` caning {Inn of. ; `..{.,...;'f z ' TV nkinf neruuf; Ibiza 3 Ifbl 1'50 ` eanidnn v.ujeugan;" 905333 UUU. That the D as aforesaid I nf Rh. Ilnirl ll & _,,, _ _ _ r; of this Bylaw, union mob Debentures mu] be sooner paid. lacs 0! upll 1511: paid. Thlt thin R1! oe paid. this Bsw Ilnfl tnkdouct on uni of- tar the first day olzly, in the yes: of out Lord [899 Thouund Eight Hundred and Seventy- ne. _ ' U98 '1 One. The as uoraula man be delivered by the Treilurer of the said -Innieipnlity, to Charles B. Oryuler, Esq , In Trance for said Kunicipsliiy And Inid Company, to be by him handed out to the V Trnaioe appointed in nccordnnqo with the TWBIIIV-third Q Minn Ar 9).. A-o' :_---..--_--L 4 "l""'J) -v _-N -J nun ulmlou our to ma T` Wponntod Tyenty-third S.ction of the Act incorp'o1-ntlng` and Uompguy_ And it is fnrtlnu .n...s-.a L- .u.- u__._._ _. `of the said M unlu uompnuy. is faxftber en: d;thnt Council aforeui nnicipnlf proposed Bylaw at th to any, at G nndnoqne, on th Tdent of J nine, at_tl_1g hour of nine 0 cm! by the lnnioips! the vote: of the elector: zy will be taken in the a following plnco. tint is y-rn day cloet. A.l.. Ind ma: anmnel uo_Unmm_on, Enquire, ihnll Ii Returning Officer for` taking the aid votes. -.: clpuuly wul be taken thereon 1: Kb: Stone School House, at Gsnalioqne, on WEDNE- DAY, the 'l`w'anty.F'irst Day of ' June A.D. 1871,31 the hour of nine of the clock in the foranoon, till ve of the clock in the Afternoon. (Signed) snwm. IOQAIIIQN, _ Gananoque, May 30', 1871. ' Clerk. In say, an unnnuoqne, 'l`d_eity-in une, at the o'clock, A.l., and that Samuel Mooummpn, shall In the taking: ma nid mun, 1. any AVU I JUN. That the above is e true copy of o_ pro Bylaw, which will be taken into ooneldeutluo by the Council "of this Municipality after. one ; month from the lite: publication in the Daily News, a newspaper published in the City of Kingston, the date of which rt` pnblioetioo was the Thirtieth Dny of Iley, AD. 1871, end that the votes of the Eleetore of the eeid Iluni- cipulity will be taken thereon the House. nt (lsnnnmna nn wuenun-3.1. Batclneloi-`I `llulr Dye. -- This eplendld Hair Dye In the but la the world; the only true and perlbot Dye. Bann- leu-reliable-inIuntnneouI-uo dluppolnu men't-no ridiculous tinu-"dou not oonuln lead or any vitnlio poieon to injuxp the hair 0! system." lnvigontee the hllf Ind lenvu ll soft and bountiful; bleak or brain. Sold by all druggiqte and dealers. -,Applled at the Pso- tory, 16 Bond Street, New York. . J Cough: and Coldl. Sudden ohdngco of llmnte on sources of 1 Pulmonary, Bronchial and Asthmatic aloe. ' tionn. Experience having proved that nimple remedies often not speedily nod oorlnlnly when taken in the early Itngen of the dilute, recourse ehonld at once he had to Brown : Bronchinl Trochol, Lounges. Pow are aware of the Impor one of checking I cough or common cold," in the re! tinge. .'l'hnt' which in-v.he~beginning-would eld lo I mild emady, if neglected,` noon stuck: tho langr, Brow n n Bronchial 1':-ocho, or Oough ` allay irritation which induce: eoaghing.hn vin'g V I direct inuence on tho nooted pnm. As _ there are imitntionn, he nun to-obmin tbs genuine. .' I 51.1,: L... ..n .a....2.... :.. ....g;.u_.. .. 1|- --_._ Sold by all dealer: in; medicinal at 26 cent: a box. '- Mother : 2 Mothers :2 Mother: :1: Are you disturbed at night, and broken `at your rest by a sick child, loitering end crying` ~' with the excruciating pain of t:tm.i_ng ._ If so, go at oticeaud get nbotlle of I30 Whip; _ ow e Soothing Snap. It will. relieIe..1IC 7 poor little suerer imme3iotel1-d_epend- about 1 it, there is no mintnke about it. '1-`lpwhuotg , mother on earth who eve; npedlt will not tell you st onvoo` lhst it will ` the bowels, And give rent to the nothec, lid" relief and health to the _chlld, operating \ magic. It is perfectly ale to one in all canola ' and pleasant to the male, end ll the p:eeerlp- oi tion of one of the oldest nod hen femele phyIi- . clan: and nurse: in the United States. ' Price 25 cents. Sold everywhere. ; Be sure and cell for uv snuv nun vs-u nu T MRS wxNsLow"`s` soorama 5730?, Bning the fac-cimile of Outt B Perkin! on be outside wrapper. All othou no huelmin-_` All: I. Orderly Oieer, Capt. Barrow, P.W.0. Ries. mu. IR-In x-no-uuv.tnu nu Anavtl Luann: I--` ABSIUIIIII U|lI"UUll' II E DIIHIQIK, -.D., -.al|- 0.. England. Paymnatar, Oopl J O Holden. Quartermaster. G B 0|-ozicr. . No I Oompduy Ogpuin L H Bondarnon; Lieutenant JA G Orozier; Ensign 0 Thoma. No 2 0ompnny--Onpuln 0 F Bogart; Iohul B P Davey ; Inigo Jamel Clark. ` No 3 nmnxnv-'Unnuln U E Tbhlolli Liem. J Taylor ; Ensign F G A uenaonon. No 4 0o|hpIny--Uaptnin B Slnskrg Lian! G I Shawn! ; Ensign - Appleby. Nob 0mnnnnv-O`lufIiII L N I Orolier; tn 1' uavey mango June! Ullrl. No 3 0ompany-'0npuln U E Tbbuplon; Liam. J Taylor Ensign F G A Henderson. No 4 (]o|im:nv--Unn(nin 8"\AI0l': G I Stain! Ensign Apples}. Nob 0ompnny-0`aptnin Lion: J E Lister; Ehlign G I! Hinwell. Na 6 nnmmnv--uouh J lactic; Lion! J W Dunnovl; Bniign June! wvmeiom. Strength of Bmslion, 29 qoon Ind 330 non-commissioned aoat`: men. ` SEE LAST PAGE. ..._.._.. __.-- .. ... .____._ Lion: J H Ensign u E J nun_weu. no 6 omp.g,_.n9puIn lactic; J W Ddmnql; Ensign Jnnu Whiteford. su.....n. nf Bnmlion. ooon Lien! Col Paterson. Fim. Brlgndo, Major Phillips. - Second Brigade; Ulpt. Enyler Rood. Supply Ooer, Lieut. Thompson, 47th Bu. . Muskeu-y Instructor, Oolonel Oubin, 45th In Major, Lian! Col Bog. 2nd lnjor, Ir White. Adjnmntgcoo A Simpson. Snrgeon,J A Rankin. Auielnnt Surgeon, D I Plntt. Pnymuter, Wnlcer Rm`, jr. Qnnnrruutor, DOII\d Boa. N01 Gonplny-U A" J Wight; [Jul (not ' `g ); lnuign --Huionh. _ . 0'! Company, Oupt Elconllongh gbiont T Iclkddon; Inigo B Bqnoldl. m. 3 cm-mm--cm" s w..h; mm dump Quu-(or lunar, Oolonol Fowler, 48th In. Lieutenant Colonel; A Argyle Cunpboll. Ilninr, 1' G wnlnidm IJIGUIOIJIIII UUIOIUI. A &I', ID Ulilyllln Hujor, '1` O Wallbtidgo, Second do., 8' Stephens. Adjutant, Cups R. 01-on Balm. Surgeon, James Liner. I D. Assistant. Surgeon, D E Burden, K.B., I.R. 1.. England. T lcnnuon ; sang: a ugyuowu. Cot'n'po`a3--Capt 8'Weoh; I-lnyer, lndgneihnh. 4 4 _ No 4 OJEIIIIS-`--Oar! I 0 link: Dbl! 161-n n-rumol, Pllllll IJIAID. Lieutenant Colonel, Col Ron, I P. znd lnior. FRIDAY EVENING. JUNE 23. 1613 ARMY LIST OF THE OAIP. a Debentul-`ea to be signod Ind juued Id shall be in the Trauumn uenenlllrel to be signed And iuued I Treasurer lnicipih. Olnrlm B. Drillin- Special Notices. TAKE NOTICE. .1.-an 3- A L--- .. [PRICE TWO GEN TS. Btrength ol Bnthlion--2'! `oleon and. 431 non-oomnluionod oieon and non fl] 401': nona11nn_.r.un us-uuol-Inn .=' qunnu oonoune. Lhut Oolonol,` W Smith. mjou, 0 Elliott; (toting) Gnpt Walsh. Adjuunt, Cup: 3 Smith. Puynutat (acting), W H Floyd. "Surgeon, A N Bethune. ' 2 Auioupt Surgeon, (nhueuh) ' v Qunrterlluter, Cup! A I Vnn Inga]. lcompuly-3-`-Capt I V Gnveloy; Lien W Bhhldoon ', Enon G Glillot. Ho" 2 Oonpu3.-.-Ga t. (not appoinbd)_ Lion! J Auuoog, Ensign 0 gavel! ` No. 3 0ompIny-OApulu R Bonnyuatlof . Lieu! J Johnuton ; luigu Z Caddy. No G Column!--0sm A C Webb: Lemur, Luau J Jonnllon lnligll Z U-Iddy. Colnpsny--0sp C Webb; Lientl. Dean: Ensign Butler.) ` No 5 _Co|npa'ny--Capt O Giotd; Lient G P-Age; llnolgn A Bonn. . No'6 Company-Capt. R. Z Regan; Lion; A Inedonlid; Inign O Regen. No 7- Comianv--O a.nt A vma a Link A --IQ ' U Ro`.l"- 1, xo;'3'oln:::'7`:o:p: A Van; mm A Ounpboll yluiign (lbogln). ` ~ Ru 8 0onpsny--Gap: W Duncan; LIQIIIG ` Dnnon ; Ensign W No 9 0onpny-Ga.pl R Hm-Ilysnl ; Lieu: If O'Neil ; Ensign Boyce. Suonglh of Butulop-33 omonn and 415 mm- comniuionod oinen nd non. 48m na-rumor Lieut-Col. A. Williuna. ' Major, Charles Boulton. Second do.-r(Abaent.) \ Surgeon. J .F. Denvsr. Adjutgls do, Dr. Might. Paymufer, Capt. R. Hnwden. Qameumutet, P. J`. Kellnway. No. 1 -Uompmy-Onpt. Benson; Liout} ` W. Craig; Ensign-.-J. B. Odell; (anach- . ed) ' H. A. Ward ; `Ensign J. P. Clamps. . ` No. 8 OnmnAnv._(hnt, W' nl---n - J".Io. 2 Gompnny-0upt. Dinghallg Liuh . Liam. Mcill; Enoign (nbunn) uwux. J. nlllnar; ainugn J. wnunce. No. 4 Compnuy--Ca 9. J. Dnndu; Lien! Walsh; Ensign J. Me doo. . . No. 5 Omnpnny-'-Onpt. J. Prentnn; Lions .4 R, Tonchhonrn ;' Ensign '(IbIcIIt.) `Na. 0 Company-Oupt. J. I!cDennot ;. n. A. nun; nnngn .1. r. uleupn. M No. 8 Oompauy-0upt. W; Graham; M Licut. J. Hunter; Ensign J. Wallace. No. 4 Comunuv--Cam. J. Dnmlu 9 Linnt Lieut. maul; Enoign (nbunh) Strength of Balnlion-25 oioon and 809 non-commiuioned omceth and man. 41th nA'rr`A':;xo1t rioxmxgc, mnwrnv. Lioul.-Colonel, 11. Hamilton. Majors, G A. Kirk; J. Othig. Ad,umn. W. K. Baillie. Surgeon, Dr. Ifuloin. Almanac Sm-goon. Dr. Smith . Po.ymuhu,.0. Llll jth. __Quarm-mater, N. . Thompson. No. 1 `Company-- Oup9a.in Inngwitla ;' Lieu R. Human` 7 Ensign gnbnnc.) N0. 2 0oml`\I|nv -$Onn-n`ur('~}i [Inntm-3 menu 1!. newton `Enllgn -mount.) Company-60np~n`in` 9;` Hunter; Lisa! D. Walker-; Ennign'(a;huI.) .`.No. ,3 Oomyinznhy-'-Ct1Jiain' It-vino; Li(Iv Luau! U. Jwlot-`;v snngn'(I;nuat.) Oompinzn` -H-0itpI'ain' ll-vino; Licnt V 0. B. ' 1-; - nnigil. Irvine.` _ _ ._.-N:..__ QIgI_[ln`~l E: R. Smith ; ' gnu; uvmc. ".5131. T:oom:xL~f_'1'tx. n`~lH~:"*_R. Smith; I.iontvKwllc_y.;. vialoeu`~`.' `*2 ` I Not! Oomoulr-kUap1ain~~'(sbcahI); Lime J. Bvtnt: Ensign (not nnnoimo8\ 1 .,Ayu I yum pu;-u|p|aII II: uluylur; ulolli J 'AbnnQ,; nlizn (l5lIIL)` 2 Strand: o:l B-u,u`li9_n. .28 0500:; and 385 ;Igop-oomgluioolglgqjilt ` r "V `X03 gllptllly-v-,UnpI 3 `ME ~`' Lida: J Ono:-1:; Ensign -,- lulu ' ' N0`! U'0InIMlI?_-.-OIDVG 0 Eur Lloul I B rmooi ; twp nobun. . V % ., lo 6 Uompdny-`-0; ? Ohm :-IuVfAndonon ;A Liar! has Lonnox; Kiln ( I.) - zxoooon rhea uio Tronlon wary of Artillery, `|ch*-wilhbo iatelonrha-o g, Hop- comb! mat. ' Snolunh of Battalion, 19 ourl and 384 _ non-,cmn|I__Iioncd oaonud nu. Mn urnuou. I 1-_a (0.! `B Il--I- --~-- --...._,., ,....,.,.. ......... . 0omQuI_y-kUupIain~~'(sbaam); Bymoy; Enngu uoc;nppoimud) j Ho`-_6 Campus pain 8 ning; Lieu 2 In ray; Inigo l?LBoIb.. < " ` 1 ., o 7 On: .-I:-Gnpniu E: Joyner; meat I `Ab:-Inn: min lnllnnhr `Lien : E? Q--[III U A DCII .0. Pnymdsur, Ohanben. _ gusrtormnter, Kizgpp. i H . tr-1-"'&ll1ill'y ` I n Boga:-r - Liout-Jnhnlon ; l1`.nnign"$:ol:uon. NnJ,;QolAII|1n1--;Gapn.in Ju Kennedy ; . oseph Kgnnedy; Eng` _ Lnngfoul N0 3 C0!!! IIIY'-0I.ptuin . Bqrnhun: Lfdlif. n R {ML inn -"W.nnInn' I"Iu`In"I Shin:-0-A I O --"--`i"""'l"` -'--"V 9 -5-! P! -I-I-IsW'Il- ComJu':`y'-(J'n.ptnin Lime 0 3 Dr main {Ensign (`um ippointed.) No 4 Onmpm --Oupta{n' `J W Gran; Lient. Dr Dean ; nnign I Dickson. No 5 Cnmngnv...-.{}nntnin mumv I'.iant. no 0 vumpnuy--uunun uront; men 3 H M'Qi!|;,E Bsldi 7 No`BCompnn,- apuin llewltqng Lieut `Hownrd; Ensign (shunt). + Btungch bf Bitcuon, 88 oan and 307 nnnapnmmiuiaumd aoat: And man, z.'u'uw oW' ' ` ',_nn~'.~'.~-4 '{ In ` I *] ,".Iai(I|b'I ,.J:uu=l'B,nm.y ' / ; tlnrgcolltnt 0 it money. ' \ ilhytnulor, ,G:H.;'0o:doI, ` T Quunruuphr, Ab: W _ No l_i0onpony--0upt`P( H nnlhnrliz. Inning I Ran! 1-an )IohnuItnilt.Aun um Dunn`: sam- Dlol. Liane.-colonel Boulton ooumsndina. Adinhlu, VD. Boulton. - n.......-...n..-_ A Rn:-align. surgeon. nu. `nurlfowl. Veterinary Surgeon, J, S. Oeeeer " FintTr'oo ' (Co !1'nuIg)--0e.puin ,Regn.n; Lfeut A. M. Regnn;Oomet, H. 8.0neey. Second '1'.-oop (Port Hope)-Onplnin,` Lieu.-Colonel Smut ; Lieu. Oept. O. Wil- liupe; Cornet, V. Anhford. The Iqnedron is distinguished by the pre- sence of n. ne mounted bend ooaprieingl'- teen ineuymnenu. ` ' * Stteogtih oi Squadron 11 olcern Ind 125 menwend non.-cvnmmieeioned ocere; number 0;! honee 140. `FHDITIHAD IQUADROI. Oollnundet Iejor Dull Adintnnf CnldInl|_ Lion! Q51 I Poole. ll , gdiumv, cm 1 2 Rogers. I-gnu, B Klnesil, [.11. Allan: dohL Boll l.D. PA! minus. hnnnhnpn on J Kennedy and II Leigh. Uolllllllluur -IJUI uull. Agijntgnt` Caldwell. Sm-goon Brown.` , ` Voeetinary Surgeon Macintosh: Quartermaster Ilooro. Pint 'l'roop-Lieat R White, `(gaging Onpum ;) Gong: Kmgln, (noting 1.3.3) : Count (not Ippomud), A Beco-d Troop-50`-pain Ji-jo: Wodd; ' Lieut. G Wood; Comet. kc ' Btrdnitll of Soudrah 1o mmn um 11;.` JIEIII Ill UGIII ; lilllgll J DIBZVI. No 5 Cnmponp-Omtlin Growl; Lint I H M'Gill_- Enninn R.Ad'n|n:_ -- maul. Ii WOOCI; UOIIIOI HG an-eagm squdmn 1o ooo! `rs and-110 nn MIG nob-eaumiuioded ooetr, nnm- ` her of ham no. i UIIIIIIUII. W OIIEII III and ooen -and meg. - `- DAV ALRY. IOIII Illo ,2 A. Bnrnjiomf DAIL` f n. nah. `i 38111 LOLU ,\1 E ,XX.~N0. 245.] ufvllnu, ..,ig.nq morning It 6 o'clock. 0. ll. HATCH, Ticket Agent. "WWII?! up man P. Gum fl. ] _I__ 0 I. xmoaon."" l'h:f,f.m o( 3, ' ml, nu. ' s""~ M [0, M71. Oll TUISDAY. um lnut, GAZILLI. D. Pyle, luur. n lot Guuoqno, lonohlng `-`phat on How: lslund D---"*'- mi Wolfe Island Ferry. | THIS DAY, the Statue: glvillru I: under during uh. II. I. nmuuunn, htry Wharf, haul Brook Street. E H, l8'l|. I?"v nu, wnonsuivm. DAY n 4 PI. % muumo. my noucsnn ua nu. :11 ad 8 P.I. ` pa jp npply on board or to 0. I. KIHOHORN, Innv Wharf. T-:--- md Onunoqae Route IIOUISE, CAn.Rnx, H liu havoc: Ottun and _K'|ItItonon TUESDAYS cl $P.I.. leaving Ottawa; ad THURSDAYS it II Suki : Pulls wlth the _l the inlerlnediiue Ithpping` mun Railway mining - pm?)-uoRno\v mm. =), the new Ind commodiouu - I SUNDAYS. II III! KINGSTON mo FREIGHT LINE. ITIAIER -DAILY. Whu I-ondnyl sud nhlehing st all inurmodino u'.uwI 6. I. KINGHORN, look of Block Street, Ki nanlnn ` Ooulll. or llI>nAco'r STREETS- for Page apply to Id .' o. MURPHY. Canal Rnnin '-`T mu ROUTE. Iun sums runs. I \,.,..,. ND SATURDAYS. | 5.00 P.U. LUV I'.-. I 3 00 Pl. 8.00 PX. Per Slr. Wnurtovn, 0| I when she arrive: from (`gun no, later, 'Iln.rf evety Amman; M h `CV83, 0` .n` E d P.F" e10! L5. =-- W 0-W `Mi-.tovi-g to. 3 . I. J. awm-', 8 6...? Anna Ole II Kllgston. Linton Wolfe lalsnd. LIWOM PIPER jltv-:-v :1I='u ht'0'Q9' in Man. I V` uunrul, Cunl Buin, Ottawa, 'I\l`fllJl'\DlY 1}, June Hal, QM` :1 aU'U`s Kiglwno 5 uo., Agents. n... u nnpnuy nu nun pm; onstuaa In Otnuh foi nearly 50 yo noun-ed the public condence by prompt And lihenl oemomgn: at . complied with the lawn of Onnndn by the Deposit Govern: If And is prepared to mac Policlol on terms as low M the Ilfaly of tho 1 :w-wy- -ovuvv v-vz. 'l'l`0RNEY A'l` Solicitor in OI|neety.Nom) Pub`ic,&c., 33 King street. Kingston. __.-l John lune, Barrister-at-Law, Solicitor In Chancery, kc. lone] to lend u my run on uooepublo lscurily. Khasuu. 26: August, 1870. LIBS AGNIW, Butmot, 8a., bu removed . his Lav Uloo from Olnnnco to King intent, out Ir J. J. Linton : Auction Room! In-eh 19 Glldorsloevo In \VuIIcen, ARRISTIBS and ATTORNEYS-at-LAW, Oonvcynoan, lotulu Public. Blchu-cl I`. Walko-, OLIOITOB IN OHANOIBY. 0mco-Oluouca Street, Kingston, 0.W. L P. Gl.n1.-vLL.I..R I man. 1`. Wu:-nu R EIIIRY B. IVAN8, u.n.o.a., Louaonl laidnach-PBINOISAS STREET, bonus `ornoly oeonpiud by Dr. lncloan. Inrb 3. mm. M31081 Ydbtlury}Bu5g0oon Gnduto ot lb! 0| ' Voauinnry ol- sgo. Toronto. OPIIC ity Bola], llngl non. ' This u nlplny lun hon dplng business In Canada non:-I ecu:-ed pr_om;_n glad Iilgenl oemom .nnnnIi`.I n-Xn nI._ I-.__ -1 I` -~ 1 1 out even claim. It 1 Kingston, Feb. 8, H170. 'rlI uululiid vs-up cnd_.,8oe~:lsmou Prlntohnndilltl. and tho map: suction ofun ulna. R lBBlUI'II`l l"hA W . Pattern Drug Blots. J an 9.