... mm m use 111 rd, and the whole 3 stocks consist of ml a. small pilot ail the ruin of her , ld l'clllen11\p1- H-ne I 11 Montreal, to `. Hyman, Esq., English ad brain. nus rum- `: to hear nmuf lm v\ man 2 Ameri- bench ` Iul uwu Ilmlltlm at :1. tune I cnr_u(1 nut W mm M ` l11|1n1rody:u`(lH without .~ ml pl in h,c_ tn rent m_yseIf. I huzl lost: my .'t1pct.1 u had became very much ruduccd 1:1 Uc-sh_; cu may tn tak a. regular "meal without suifcrung : wt 1: ' ta-r from an attack of astlum_L; could ,, ._ I times. rt.-nmin in :1]:4nI.\'v-u']nl1- n lu-1| 1 ' TU T1134 1;m'1-nu ur Jmlmg W5. 5 SIRI, -,in1nn\'clf|:|_y the ngnulonf tl ty . 'u ) my (2 trwmc wnu ` M ~.ppncI: he colunnm of ynur _ _ 1y vir W41 ` jnuma r tin: fu|luwin;.gp:Lrticl1 5'1 : of my mum. 3 which wan (lUU!nUll by nll who `knew me to he im:l1r:|.l)l(!. ` About ten years ngn I w.u-; nttzu-kc-I by asthma. which continued to grow worse, until 1 after a uhurt time it lrcmum-, an M14] that I u':x.~: obliged to discontinue my regular lnusilu-NH of | ca._rpentur and ninm'. In the mcn.ntinu- I zmp- ` ' I 1*}_l;"d_ t0u3-"1'd.Ll! 111091; culcbratmll phyrt4it'i:u|_:< ' W1 111; u,-tn-1ta.ncc 0 twenty mi cs n" rom- J deuce (Pickering) and also several in the city ; uf Tm-unto, none of wlmm alllmlcxl me any } 5*` pcrmgnont benet. M Ii.-muse cunt.inuL-cl to ,.N` . mcreale in severity unti I lgeame`so`luul that , | ; for two nmnths; at time I could not wall. two ; Innnlu-ml \7I|I`llL|\lv;\1|II` ........:.... ,... 4|... I Ame_rica.n Hotel. ur'r 1UE-Clafence Kmgston, July 3, 1871. .__._______ .__._ _,_,,,, : ANIIES INSURANCE 4 FIRE AND MARI CASII CAPITAL 8. HE UNDERSIGNED hav T pointed Agent for the alx is prepared to issue policies on 4 tion of insurable property, for 8.1` one day to five years, at the In remunerative rates. --.. u... -....a nun mulls vvnuu uuuua. At Gurney and Ulidden s wharf the Annie Fulconer left yesterday for Cleveland with irnu ore. The steam barge Water-lily and barge left yesterday for Cape Vincent and Ogdenabirg. A6 91... \.l '1` nv,._....--..J- - I F -' .,...; uiby no nve ye: ...._, .......,;, nun\l:\L'1' ugnu, Irmn tuu lltmr wxth; , nut. sulll-ring frun1 :1 sense nf very gm-:Lt sulle- ` catiun. I .-pat up large quzuxtitics uf Lgrm-Ininlr yellow xnattcr, which \V. I..`i freq12cnt`l_y,ix1tg'- .~x]M:x'sc4l with lrluml; and the n..~`.t;lnn.'I. and (lis- arrangctl the whole system so much that I ; s11llc1'ucl very much frnm the head, in n.:llitim1 I to the (>1r1)l'cSsl()ll of tlw chest. I could not go ofdours at all on stnr1nyl.'Lys, even if well wrapped up, without talging cnlxl ` aurl lmving :1.stluu:n.. Itnnk. at var Inn +.`..mu 1... u... I sweumg 01 the feet and limits. I was given tn u1nlcrst:m:l lay my n1c b `I a.ttendanct- that my case was hopeless, and :1 lfcw months, at must, would terminate my N . eznrthly career; which was also the opinion of my fnemls. I hm] nn u7 npgn nu -11 L Illy IFICIHIS. I I had now given up but was prcva.iled upon the inhalation systc.-m I care (`If l)I`S. .\IzI.1(-.n]ln ; appetite l`L`tl1l`l1C11, the p:im.\'y mu: uuuuuuun sysceiu or tre:1tment, un:_1c1' the .\Iu.1euhn 3: Phillips. \\'ith this 5 -letermination I applied to them in the month I of Deceinher last. After using the medieinr-s I fur two or three weeks I found myself cunsid- uahly ll]1I)1U\ ml, the Cough, night S eatu, and a swelling of the liinhs gradilally left me, the I 81118 hecmne, less I frequent and loss Sllp]iI`(:L-ISUII, the pzLlp'Ltati011 : I of the heart subsided am] Inv q+.-.x.m+1. ,,_...1.. I ' ll'L`1lUL'llD and I038 Sllp]DI`(,'L-IS! and 11 ally regained, until at the c three months I again rcsu am now able to work hrml :1 lnmixxess. mul mm run .. ...;1.. v numncss, and can run a mile My appcarmlcc xuul feelings { perfect health, and, altlmugf I nf Hm 1'nlmlnn+u L... I>l\r->* AI 1 i ` have no signs of I ! I 1 r I are a.l1\'cry much surprised to see 1 ` too highly in recommendzltio l ment. I , , _._ .- ......, n nnuuuu uuuculty. I are now those of perfect ztlthough l have used none : of the inha.lcnts for more than two months, I j. asthma, and now nd myself . free from the great lialnility to take cold to which I was formerly subject. My friends] ne again | after being con- 1 I czuumt speak i n of this treat- louking so rmlnly and healthy, sidered a hopeless case, and .__~, ...... ...., -usuu wlsmng 11 ` nmtion in reg.-mrlto my case can 1 applyixlg to me at No. 1266 Yang? route. I am still enjoying goml 5 have nnt a symptom of my distres: ` left, all Of V\'1liL'l1 I lnrmf .-| r---`--- ` JOHN BAIL I Dr. Phillips will be at the B1-ftislx Alm- ;Kingston, for Consultation on Friday l Saturday, July the 7th and 8th, from 9 ! to 4 1 IV I.'.'.. THE POULTRY AT THE ELECTO- RAL DIVISION SOCIETY. Notice of the poultry festureaf the show nu..n.-n1su...; nn \\.'...l...-A-- -- -- - , uuu 1115111.) nu 1'uL'0lI1lll( ! 4 \\'ith nmuy thanks i dulgeuce, I remain Your much 01 \ inc. I will merely say that V ly true, and any `nintion reg.-in to .....5......, L iciuzun obliged servant, JUHN BAILIE. Toronto, July 6th, lS69. P..\`_-.\'ince publishing the :1l)0VC letter, numbers have written mu respecting my case, and also to know if the above letter was genu- the above is strict- raun wishing further infor- obtain it by . a1)DlVi112 me nf. N am: \u.. ,, A ......,u. . aux uuu en` ol I mc linl|aln.tiun as employ: 1l l1illips, of whose k L skill I stalul :1 grateful rerr elm ---- .~.na.| 1.; 1 A 1 . xfter T|JPe8(i g&t N- 82 Pruicess -... .-v \ Claren I. C. HAVEN, Ag ce Street, near the July 3, 1371. u 4 1 .l\1. Kingston, July ` `1IIE.\l BOOKS OF EVER` / Do, Purses arid Pocketbooks. BOW BELLS for July, W" YOUNG LADIES JOURNf&L do. JOHN HENDERSON, Princess Street. hxly Q..- so-lvww, ..... `/1 ........b ...... \.-_......... moyully on their guard. It will `furnish an cuse for the policy of the wily iron- handed Bismarck to take yet anothenoppon tunity betimes to weaken and humiliate ' France before she gets strong enough to prove troublesome to Germany. Let this feeling of hatred and desire for revenge be kept up and be seen to grow, and the conse- quences to be looked for are the picking of a quarrel by the North German Confedera- tion and another invasion of France, with p. . nu Military Books Cheapest Concertinas. ..__......,,-__., To conguapm... Newspapers Bibles Prayer Banks Stationery Magazines At Henderson s. wresting of terri` in store for her. AL/bl`l uu my obtain i 0 Yone street, Tu- 9 goml health and] . distressing ma.l:u1y I most chICl'fl|l1y asc-1-ibc to employed by Drs. Malcolm 8: _ kindness, attcntinu zuuli ml grateful witness. ; Innv 1. . VI ... Brooches, Flutes, Bracelets, Ear-rings, Fancy Goods, Violinfx, .....-m E-,nuuuuu1_y 10117 the I :11, p:u'n.\'ysn1s 33 hsidctl my strength gradu- I util c.\:pi1`:\tiu11 of two or i resumed my work. 1 1 all lav nf. mp um---1 Wanted !I..mu n-~ I I 4th. It must be matter for sincere regret that a party wlo would guide France in the path of peace and industry and make the nation great in her own unapproachable sphere of art and art manufactures, has so little opportunity of making itself heard over the noise and excitement of those who in effect have already issued a second de- claration of war. The logic of events and the lesson of a historical example of their own day, and not yet a year old, would ap- pear to be lost upon Frenchmen. Because a loan to pay off the war indemnity and get rid of the oppressive presence in France of a German garrison, has been responded to with great alacrity, Frenchmen are rash enough to declare that the nation is rich and can just as readily vote another war loan to ght the Germans and despoil them. Because mem- bers of the Assembly have got elected by appealing to the patriotic pride and passions of the peasantry, and declaring that they will labour only for the restoration of the integrity of France and the punishment of her proud conqueror, the trumpet note is sounded in the journals of Paris, and in ef- fect the new campaign is begun before the ruin and desolation of the old one are clear- ed away, and before it is possiblothat France should have any other than the most remote chances of entering on such a policy with lllnnann ND MARINE. 3 I TA L 81,000,000. I, nu; inzllcs ()1 reCm`0ry;i mm, as :1 last resort. to try ] :1 of trmtment, the ; i1 9 lienl in Hturnsinu Hm mm .,:..m. v ux rcsulucll work. I ` ; lay at my usual :1 mile wit/lmut (lilculty. of u all hopes of recm'ory; m. last rmm-+ +n +.-., M1` Editor, for yo do ILIICSS. BAILIE. he B1'l-f.i_ A........'..n I having been ap- 9 above Company, every descrip'- for any period from lowest possible aunm u.\lLlE. c All1L'l`|c.'l.ll, PI]. Il`iIl:1\; an--'1 COM PAN Y. ........_, u._v\, wou--unuw. At Carruthers wharf the steam barge Kit- ty Friel took in a cargo of general groceries fur the Rideau. The sloop Grey Hound ar- rived last night, and left this morning for V\'olie Island. The steamer Bay of Quinte left this morning for Belleville with militia. The steamer Rochester left upon her regular tripe last evening. Ag g`,,;f'_, ...l..... bl... .... .11.. Cu 7 __,_, -us KIND, hx _ I sent -[fut ` I `MK I , y ` we new luruwr unor- 1 e street. sn AlllL'!`lc.'l.ll, Friday ztud > fmmn A u Mt 3 [QILILP ;. 0 nm Uwfoxng ][muw I frllgiillcll n onrlllling village if n . no house in plcunnntly sit, the bm4in(-an part of the village, th. Sturu bcin ' zntt:-.uI:cal. 'l'|u's wil be a gmul n ;]o()rt11t1itylnr:l man to have 3 lm mnineu in go, with the nncclical pm csuinn. The entire stock will 1.4- mm .... _, `ICITIIS. " The house will be either rented or 5 suit the purclmscr of the stock Furtlncr nartimulm-n mu. 1... 1,.....--,. sun. ulc purcuascr 01 we stock. particulars can be learned ( t:u.t;iun to 1 A an-`K ,..-_ 1 Great Clefring Sale ` l l Lace Curtains at $14,. now for $11. 312 N L`u1-taius now for $19. Other prices in propor. ` tiun. ` IVJJJA l JLILI J'L'l7' A). At J. H. Henderson & Co.'s wharf the schooner Alumina is loading 250 tons of rail- way iron for Toronto; she will leave this even- ing. The briggntine Baltic is loading 250 tons of railway iron for Toronto, and will pro- bnbly leave tomorrow. As f`..__..A'L.._.J -..L..._ `L. _l___,,, I --~- Floor Oil Cloths at 35 3d. `( 1:`-eat Uanadian Tweeds, ne make, 53. Linens, Sheetings and Cottns all down. Gross Grain Silks at 33. V Flannel Shirtings at ls 3d. Dry Goods from 6d. ! \\'e are making out entire stock. heavy reductionsl throughgut DRY Goons 3 12,000 yards of the best British Prints, yard E wide, nest quality, and Choicest Dresses at 'i 12.1; cents per yard. . vu; .|.\JJ.VD, I LINEN SHEETINGS AND PILLOW ILINENS, \\'_INBO\V HOLLANDS, Bu , VVhite and ` Green, all widths from 28 inches to 60 inches. gsroolc of eunrms Uan Rooms, `At Macne & Waddell s. }At Macnee 85 W a.ddell s,' lmsw ENGLISH noon on. cwrns, Icmlcrcd 1 .... want The etfect will be that it must become an object with Germany to overmatch and cripple the French navy and also prevent the growth and perfection of the reorganized French army into a formidable agency, des- tined as soon as it becomes formidable to be used against. Germany. The war has left its `legacy of feud behind it. Cheese uuuu nu . JAMES-. H Kingston, 4th July, l8T1_L . SHANNON` .___ o .Vl Wll lemi , his 8'1`! HEN ; . l.`I.....: . All \\'oul Carpets at 33. Unions at 23. VVhi_te }reen, TOVVEIS and TOVVELLIN G, NE\V MUSLIN ROBES, LARGE ' STOCK of FINLAY S cele- brated BLEACHED SHEETINGS, PILLOVV COTTONS, 1 nurtnv I-v---~ Kingston, June 12, 1871. \\'0OL, UNION, DUTCH,_AND HEMP Carpets made up and put down to order. )ES'I` TAPESTIIY (JARPETS at ) shillmgs. TIII'R.\`l).:l Y IAPESTRY AND BRUSSELS, Three-ply. Imperial and Superne, , 30,000 DOLLARS WORTll CARPETS, COCOA MATTING, BEAUTIEUU CHOICE DESIGNS, hm` I J 1\l'.l slullings. Great Vafiety of Patterns uuu muulcul prmcsumn. 1: stock will he sold on \ x. _- -.........c., ww pnces, Macnee & Waddell s, Montreal House, niig ltw.s'. AND PRINTED FELT CAR- .VIATS AND'HEAIlTH RUGS, RECEI VEII THIS DAY vn;s:o:cAE_;~o7`Ice. nft1A I 11I.'\:m'r 1.-u . .. I E T 1 N G , BRUSSELS, l ucccssm-y by the rebuilding of the JUST RECEIVED , _.,. - 1 `ix 1, 1;!-JNTLEMAN who h 1 '1! shout ` ' this mun desires to diirog` 0|" Dlizi anal SHOP Ix. ; n his Dw ing Ilmuw and pig; 1: ilourillling Villagein Conch] situated in an the Drug _,_4._ I 1 TAPESTRY, ALBERT Lamhton Block. _..-...-v. --. .._..v.. --. .. .....\.-.1, vv non: territory and deeper proatratiun .... 1.`... All at Reduced Prices, cut any width to fit Hall: or Princess Street. Princess Street. & DUTCH STAI1} 18 FEET \;VlDl!3. SPLENDID Factories, JAMES DAVIS, Monty->31 H. CARPETS, sH1PPiN}; NEWS. I1 Ll.._,l,._._,; I. r: I THE FLOOR : m plcnlmntly sitnat I. un uAv 145, Montreal House, Lnmbton Block. I R7 I l on appli- - soidto four nous: ies of ruvcuges; and umluubtcdly be true ,.. I .; ._... mnminia 1: I'L'.\"I.\:u.' `.1171 . if rw}: JIUHBU 5.`. nnditllilvl ived only , for the Asse ' , will meet her P ` 5.--Last._mguuuu.~ . hauseinthe gty, at_whi York, was vmitj Ed New beat them off. wr cun- ` ""9 I-"" Lgth Nd spmnglul V exwm which th were so: nut be _i m` may he .. s |~ no pren the con- them 1, een one Pokuidsu md the ` piece of to 1 painted I ,., ,---The Daily JV , 11111878 arrived in Londo II _ A banquet erican residen P7 .9` ham Hotel. A 35'-'33? f`.`.`.`i.1`~.;.." '-..""' 7` nal alfmy has *- IWO Bl'itisK <`)i .;`'|.5,'% "" .` ,"" """' kmfbird of 111 omen t , .'_to-hover oveg th ' `-hgvve` discovered t/ `I Al O1: in (la:-In n.w1-etau'y anu nfa.u nub lg; gn acob Bnght,` inability to attend. and Prosiflen %"::;m:`::f if? ed p!o_Qerly I ._.. an anquei I, made aspeech, in by I `become more over thevici `pbaputins to leave bell` fee/ling when th shoiv :'5_..The Cloche Prov gdmt Germany g forget our disasters over the` grave 3 -n ,_,-_.L ivak Frafnce `pronoun ` it real m1sf' ortun ' - ma buy their nun I1 Ellglishmen, In aches Weru nu-us 1 ymd pacic sgntime `'1 for.repub_1icann of .lgit' ' 'u!vI7 \-|J5'V"'V-'- -- Lyanwge` . Letthe Ge Llnnd of friendship ..._.- 4.A.......A.. _ uoldiera before th V` ' only could save ` vote for the _L people of Bord in General De\C' Li... ...W, '5 Show. This feature in all agricultural oxhibi. i tiuml iiT'rery popular one. and u a branch If u v' 3 I Ll ll` Agriculture deserves every encouragement, and ` the Society would do well to increase the num- . bar or amount of premiums offered in this de. ` partment, which could be easily done by re- linguishing the ridiculous custom of offering `premiums for the following, and adding the 3 :unoui_i_t to thekpnultry proper Canary. Sky i Lark, l.innet, Thrush. European Blackbird, ` Europe"-ui Goldnch, Mocking Bird, Collectioll inf European Birds and (`/olloetion of Native B-irds,Stull`ecl Birds and Monoehnnnatic Draw` mg in the line art department. \Vhat eartlily ' benet the introduction of English songbirds other than that of the personal gratiliestion til the owner is hard to conceive, and why a pre_ mium should be awarded by the society is hard to say, except, indeed, that a cliance is thus ' atlhrded of awarding the prizes to i-ertain fa- \`uurit<'s, who through the means annually get 4 half dozen prizes for the same birds. There were two pens of pure black Spanish fowls on , e\hibition on \\'ednesday, both well bred, . and brought to the show in fair condition, and 1 these constituted the best feature of the show; ` Sonic smooth and feathered leggecl bantanis were much adinii-ed, and were very line speci- ..... \ ..... ........- .\: I..-`In nl..u.vi.... .n.\.... .... moved until the expiration of the third y unless by the request of the minister him or the circuit, and in this case, mmlt eertailiy, neither of these reasons existed. -?__---- Sl E('lA L I'l'.'LI'.'(lItA MS. (Per Montrml Linr.) FROM MONTREAL. Montreal, July 6.-Heavy torrents of rain fell last night accompanied by high wind. , A member of the Mount Royal Ries was drowned near the camping ground yester- day evening while bathing. The body was recovered during the night and brought to the city. The fire brigade was called out yesterday fur_,trial of oicicncy for the benet of the Chicago editors who expressed astonishment at the quick time made. A man named W. Adams, from Cornwall, had his leg broken by earth caving in on him when digging a well on Tuesday, and was sent to the hospital. _ Cornroy Carpenter fell from the scaii_l.d- ing on the ship Nancy into the hold and was seriously hurt. ..... .n-u- u _ ,., .., v- V. vs... uu. ivaa profoundly pv `uvuuuu. IJEV I the course pursuq Wdtogzi. ormi __ , menu 8 Una. - _.Lastni;;h:tm:r um nitv at whi from the 15 pi Korean to the lvelet, which incr -Ad... 2,, W " ` n --J .. .. scattered through the : mlismissexl with the premium should rc _ l|:1\'u lzcc thom. A ticket containing tho wo upon tl|c_ cool) was as ' information as that wlnicl i be.-m~.:\t.l1 the production o ' ' :I.ni1n;1l painter of This is :1 lion." good collection of pigeons by Mr C I pleasing :nllit.iou, but the whitu fa .; dirty and the -\'C|l'lCtlCS \\ cl`\) mm; ......o 5; \l.. I`-1-nann .uI.l.;n. l..+ rum co'MMm: I. I`l,nn_ ,-. $155} an! Q `m ` Alt A DEPARTURE or THE Rev. `H. F./BLAND.- The Rev. H. F. Bland, who for the past two years has been resident of this city as pmtor of the \Veslayan congregation, took his depar- ture for Bellevil-le on \Vednesday. A very large number of friends accompanied himself and estimable family to the steamer. The services of last Sunday being his concluding ministrations, were of a deeply interesting character, and gave further proof of the very strong attaclunent existing between him and his people. During his stay here the ecclesi- astical--a`airs of the circuit have been marked by rare prosperity. In addition to marked advances in all the conference funds, Mr Bland initiated successfully, with the assistance of generous friends of the church, a scheme for the liquidation of heavy church debts to the extent of ten thousand dollars, and it would have been only a graceful act of the conference to have allowed him to witness the effects of this movement. Previous to Mr Bland s departure a purse of one hundred and twenty-ve dollars was presented to him. The Young Men s Theological Class also presented him with an address and a large phdbographic group of its members. The people feel ag- grieved that their unanimous and urgent de- sire ss expressed through the proper channel for Mr Bland s return should have been trest- ed with such indibrence, particularly as the principle has been generally sated upon, that stlperinesnts of circuits should not be re- 1 nun: uun.u (llI|lllIU\.l, uunu vvulv In/IJ nu-.. ul.rv\.I` 1` mens. A few coups of hinls showing more or 9 less traits of thorough hreeding, hut all e\'i~ , -lontly lured without cart`, and picked up on `. the spur of the mome_nt. to show as gulch-ll r~4p8I|g1k'\i llmnlnn-gs, or any other hl`em1s tux i they showed the closest resmnhl:uu-o. scattered show, and 1 ruxnark that Uur .-hm-ric:un frivmla in keeping tlmil" natiuxml huliday the Fmurth of July have very gulmrnlly given uttanmco to friendly ! s-ntiIm-ms inwards Great Britain. The` tmasty has nluhmbtrdly ilmugumtud an em uf good feeling and peace. * t Bvuu ,.,...;L.,.. . .,. lllb'(\FIIa .._, _... \...-.... ...... .. faiitails \\';`l`L` were llnlllllllctl. The `_ next time .\Ir (`arson exhibits let him uzune ` n-ach \'ill'l('t)', and name tlivm correctly, and l avoid the common error of calling on-ry or- ` linziry tll`lLgU0ll a carrier. A pair of splendid geese wore miscrzibly cramped in :1. dirty small l pen. It should be compulsory that parties! ` liriug their l.|ll'\lS in proper Coops upon pain of I refusal of admission. In allllltltl to the poultry proper there were a low specimens of I all n6` ..Lr.l. I rsililiiu un.l mung noun In`.-As * r .... "J F.-yr. unnpnu nun; a uni BRIIJLIIAICII-3 In | ` rabbits and some cage birds, all of which were | ` nut worth particular notice... Altogether the ' poultry show was not satisfactory. fa iv DEPARTURE or .\IILi'rIA.-The steamer Pic. ` ton left this morning with the 16th Battalion on board to return home, and the steamer Bay of Quinte took home this morning the 46th Battalion. Today the camp nally broke up- and the ground during the day presented by contrast a very desolate appearance. Four or live tents remained erect during the day to render them perfectly dry, and few red coats lingered upon the grounds. During the day small squads, left behind by theirbattalious, but who were provided with passes by boat or rail; left one after another until towards night, after the departure of the evening boats and trains, the numbers seen in the streets had dwindled down to here and there a solitary in- dividual, and the city once again assumed the staid, quiet appearance it had previous to the militia. q l\l.4Lso:~uc FE:IT[\'AL.-.`X strawberry festival will be given this evening in the Masonic Build- ` ings by the three city. lodges in honour of the i Deputy District Grand Master, who has arriv- ed today on his a.nnua.l tour before the meeting of the Grand Lodge. The Grand Lodge meets shortly in Ottawa. < i Poucr: COURT, THURSDAY. -- There was a report brought to the police station late last night that there was a. disorderly lot congre- gated at the notorious Grove. Accordingly early this morning the police made a descent upon the neighbourhood, and arrested Nellie Black and Robert Moore, whom they founil asleep in the large vacant building formerly used as an ice house. Moore was sent to gaol for thirty days, without a ne, and Black was allowed to go, upon promising to leave the city ` under a penalty of a similar punishment. The T;rea.su1-er of the Orphans Home begs to acknowledge with thanks the sum of ten dollars by Mayor Livingston, being 3 donatio" in aid of the funds of the institution from Mr John O She:i. Kingston, 5th July, 187]. Tm; DANCE on THE DECK or THE NIAG- .ARA.-The issue of the Daily News containing 5 the account of the camp ball at the Dockyard \ having been exhausted, to supply the demand V the account is republished in this day's paper. 1 " 8 Sunnm: DEATH. -This moming 9. well` known aged resident of Kingston, Garret Cul- len, was found lying dead upon the oor of one of tlfe rooms of his house. He was last seen on the evening of Tuesday, and his ab- sence since then, and his house in Bay street continuing to be closed, attiactod the neigh- bours, and this Ezming, after some consults` tion, it was detennined to break open the door, which when done, disclosed the old msn lying upon the floor quite dead, his pipe in one hand and a. match in the other. ' .... rrL, * neccsssf) The 'l`n\ul_\' of \\':\sh'n1gtnn, the nntic/n_ I tiuns of wlxich have been exchanged, has} been oiciaxlly1-nulmlgnted by the President { 4- .1, , I`, 1. 1 u..._... -l.. 4|... .......I...u..6i...` `unis .0l-mbly "Rlaul . 3 ' L I THE TICHBORNE CASE. ` _ I The London papers emnin long reports of V | the further cross-exanliimtion of the claimant ` 1 in the Tiehhurne case. The interest in the ' i trial seems tn he on the im~ren.se, and the court . is daily crowed with spectators. Among the visitors on the `lth nlt., were the Prince and I`.-i...s..uu F \\'-\]nu u"|n u`...-n ..nn.\.nn..\.l.\+...l -on\I\rklL3p ;uc_u.usutuUe sauea was 35 miles. FISH-(.'A I'l.`lIlN(} BATS.---AB it: grew dark, i dark things came trooping over the sea, by twos and threes, then twenty at a time; all , passed us towards a cave near by. Birds we fancied them at rst, of the colour and size of starlings, but they proved to be bats, and bats, too, which have the reputation of catching sh. So goes the tale, believed by some who see them continually, and have a keen eye for nature ; and who say that the bat sweeps the sh up off the top of the water with the scoop-like membrane of his hind legs and tail. For this last fact I will not vouch. But I am assured that sh scales were found, after I left the island, in the stomachs of these bats ; and that of the fact of their picking up small `fish there can be no doubt. You could not, says a friend, be out at night in a. boat, and hear their continual swish, swish in the water, without believing it." If so, the habit is a quaint change of nature in them, for they belong, I am assured by my friend, Professor New- ton, not to the insect-eating but to the fruit- eating family-of bats, who in the West as in the East Indies, may be seen at night hovering round the Mango trees, and de- stroying more fruit than they eat. --At Last : a Christmas in the West Indies. By Charles Kingsley. _ A mxnflcmnnn ....I-...1 _ I I `: , given on previous days. ` the box, but he could not tell what they re IH (llllly Cl`(l'Ull VVILII H CEIILUTH. .l"\"l0ng int` `. 9th Princess of \\':Lles, who were accolnniodatcd with seats in the gallery opposite the Judge. The Solicitor General directed his cross-exami- nation to various incidents in the life of Sir Roger Tiehliorne, and also to the claimant's ` . life in South America and Australia, as well as to his knowledge of military matters. Upon all these points the claimant's answers bore the same unsatisfactory clmracter as those The Solicitor General also asked him as to his acquaintance with Arthur 'Urton. the butcher in Australia, and as to facts in the life of that individual. The rlaimant, although he admitted his intimacy with Orton, denied in the most positive man- ner that he himself was Urton or anybody else than the true Sir Roger. A number of photo- graphs of buildings were presented to him in re- sented. It was afterwards stated that t e'y were photographs of the mansion of Sir Roger's grandfather at Knowle, of the Porto- bello barracks at Dublin, of \Vardour Castle, and of other places which the claimant must readily have recognised, if he were the person he pretended to be. \\'e have no room to-da ' for any report of the evidence, but we shall endeavour to give to-morrow and following days, as full a synopsis as our columns will admit of. It was stated on the 21st, that the nrrangements of the summer cireuits of the Judges. were such that it would lie necessary to )0St J uly, to the 8th of November` and this post- ponement has been agreed to by both sides. lt is likely therefore that this remarkable case will not be decided before the end of the year. pone the trial from the 19th or llth of . 1; wlyaccy. A gentleman asked a. lady, How did you get along, when abroad, to make your- self understood? Oh, my dear sir," re- plied she, with qui ta 3 French air, we had I an iutermtpter with us." The same lady, l_1av1'ng arranged some statues in an adjoin- mg room, requested the same gentleman to step into the next apartment and see her antics." He went. nu. ...uJ . 1, fin | natunislunenl i A ....... ._..._.n_I V A 1,..- t...\... {`.\v1uVnl] l ML LIIU \`|I|UK LIIIIU Illl.lU. l`uesda.y, n,_,,, _, n,__...,...;.... t..ll tun... +1..` ...-m4l'..'l.] uvvu unux nu-J |'l\ ..5.. ` of the l`nih-I St.-\t es. `In the pl-nclanmtiun . the l rvsi:lmn din-cts citizens of the United States tn nhaurvo and full the clauses and * provisions of the 'I`n.-aty. ! .._, ...\. - ..,.,...-... v was acub my uuu l|\lul,rnvou. a I ,I-Z 1.. 1n.:n:. `. ....n,-.....o Inna . LL ......~ nun BU: lungs: nu. v. Adelaide l hillips's cnnccrt. last night `was in every respect nine of the most successful over given in this city. The ]\Ict1`u1mlit:|.ll Bank will open fur husiness on Tucsdzty next in the old City and District S:wing's Bunk. V The weather is cxtrcmely hot, and every body who can is flying to the sea side. A)A1A`A.I_J LA.. l\)LL1I'J. I ' Notes aml Queries has the following interest- : "Lug memorandn concerning the heroine of the ' well-knuwn ballad of Annie Laurie :" 'I`hn hh-H. ..f nu. .......... l...l.. .. -...nI ~ weu-Known uauau 01 "Anme Lzmne 2" I The birth of this youn lady, so well `known to many of your rem ers, 1s qunintly recorded by her father, Sir Robert Laurie, of ` Maxwell-tuwn, in the family register in these E words : I ALIA; L.. _`I,-_.._. ,p u .1 - -. r. - ] V\Ul\|S I I `At the pleasure of the Almighty God, i my dzzughter, Annie Laurie, was borne upon the 16th day of December, 1762 years, about | six o'clock in the morning, and was baptised ; by Mr Gen Hunter, of Glncairn. ' And his: turn nusu-v-1'nun Ga min...-. J L- ....__.,. 1 n.umu., by Mr An111e.' 1 These statements I find in the valuable i i collections of manuscripts left by the late Mr ` VV. 1*`. H. Arundell, and which his son, \V. ` F. Hunter Arundell, Esq., of Ba.r'a.rg Tower, Dumfriess ire, has kindly allowe me to ex- amine and make use of. They contain a vast ` fund of curious information respecting the an- tiqbities and county families of Dumfi-iesshii-e. 1 Many of your readers will know that Annie ! was wooed by William Douglas, of Finglaml, ' in Kirkcudbrightshire. Her charms are thus I spoken of in his pathetic lyric, `Bonnie Annie I I Laurie`: ! I _,' _ , .4... n, . Her brow is like the snow-drift, Her neck is like the swan, Her face it is the fairest That e'er the sun shone on, That e er the sun shone on, And dark blue is her e e; And for bonnie Am1ie Laurie I d lay me down to die. She was, however, obdurate to his passion- ate appeal, preferring Alexander Fergusson of Uraigdarroaeh, to whom she was eventually married. This \Villiam Douglass was said to have been the hero of the well-known song, `\Villie was a \Vanton \Vag. Though he was refused by Annie, he did not pixie away in sin- gle blessedness, but made a runaway marriage with Miss Elizabeth Ulerk of Hleuboi , in Gal- loway, by whom he had four sons and two daughters. now.-Ly, ny uy mr uen nuncer, or Ulencairu, And his own marriage is givon in the same quaint style : `At the present of the Almi hty, I was i n1i`ried to my wife Jean Ridde upon the ; 27th day of `July, 1760, in the tron Kirk of l Edinb.. bv Mr Annie, Tln.-re is at state uf pulvlie feeling exhihlt ing itself in France which hmles no good tn the peace of Eurnpe. The siipplenielltary ` electiulis mug the excitement over the aue- I: u-ss nf the French lean have been the . nicans and upportunity uf venting the .feel- I ing of hostility to Gennmiy more fully than might otherwise have happened: but tht` iuipolicy of getting up these cries of vein. geanee and giving way tn impotent rage I new that Fmnce is crushed and_ her l qnerur is in the plenitude of strength and power will be uhviuus tn e\'_erybod)' these lieatexl Frenelnnen. It need be said that the desire for vengeance is nn~ natural or nut to he expected. On trary, French national life has been ' ...__l,.. ..K .....l 4|... 1 ;:u.u uny 01 `July, not Edinb., by Annie. ` Thane ntatpmnntn THE T DAILY NEWS--THURSDAY EVENING, JULY 6. ANNIE LAURIE. an The bill] rt: portal the oicurtpf the Brit- inh Muse Li ` fphuwa thing-E at mllow` tion in n I ` o l|ig;hut > ritf 11137 utility. '1 numl f volum whlerl nri` the put ygg was . ' 2, of l,l57 w igiftl, 6,8'20`l|c( uirot I: by pure ` 5 t is " wort at thcilnlnnt Rvdhuo co was G"mo is 57 mhling naflcss than 810 houn.1 volumes of I1ownpnpm'u, In-ing | j the product of the newspaper tux far one year. I By the English law every journal must (lupu- Iit copiesnf each issue: with the revenue oHi- I cenl--1: Iximl nf tm: which ('nnmli:m ncrin(1i- I all copies (I! each issue: with me revenue om- cers--a kind of tax which pcrim1i- 6315 are happily exam t. _Thc Average numl,wr of daily readers at t e Muss,-tun Librzty was 338, and the total number of lmuks used by : them in the year is calculated at 1,290,744, or \ an average of 4,405 per day. `\lf|..'I.. Ll... .I....I>i4.r 1.9 lrkn -.n1.4G-ul l...1.L..~ n6 i the times or neunorne en rages cue sngm-Ity 0:. 4""-2' one of the highest trihunu. :1 uf Englnml, and in-. me -ea in :1 fair we of nonplussing the whale heneh t"5 and bar of ndon, another impertmnt time l`"`l"' disputed personnel identity ha. arisen i W land. Two ladies, li\'in;_( near Dublin, l "`` ` each A grey..pu.rr0t with 11 red tail. (h-ently wk`! 3- the relief of the neighbours, no doubt, both tf"' fm` dies lost their precious hinls at ahnut the :sa.uu- ?""`S~ time. One grey parrot with a red tuil w.'u-x `"34 1" discovered in the neighbnurhnml, and of cu1xr.~I1- N "" ` both of the hereaved spinsters claimed it zw `l`"~` ` her own. Miss Plunkett somehuw get lmssew "`"' sion, but ,Miss Farelly deeln.re wlth the """ v ` shrillness of despemtiuin, that Pull helonged tn tt" k her. To prove her claim and enforce her right "T `Am. she hrought :1. suit for the recovery of her prn- ` perty. The court was not equal tn the task i `1"' of deciding whether the bird nrmlum-.a| whin-h w`~""k9 uuumcr 01 vessels now on the one ship, thxee schmners, and boat. Boston may well he\vn.il } ship-builders, but she should 1-cmember that ` this ruin has been wrought by the party which Boston steadily supports. The protec- tionist delusion which has a.bolishcd the American merchant marine nds its strongest supporters in Massachusetts. Maine is 1'c:1li7.- ing the truth that her ship-building industry I has been killed by Radical Io.-gislntion, and is 4 prcpanng to cumncipate herself from its ruin- ous rulc. If Boat l flu: la-u-.n-an---- -l' ` on wishes_u}1ce more hear uuucna ne nan on a grey ann pants, and a straw at. His 13 James. Any information me. `be left with the Mayor. A 11, July 6, 1871. an uvvnaav \ll 1, rvu rvvl u.-J. ` While the identity of the rightful holnh,-r of ; the titles of Ticlnlmrnc onrngus the sngzwity ot'.` mm of the lliulmat EnLrl:uul_ and is F A BOY, about tn Kjfey: n e, who wandered` near 0 esss on Thursday, June 29th. When heAleft he had grey annel shirt, tweed H' ` . IS christian name mformatxon resnectinnr hi- ln-I1 kn IA *"" " - > -w...w In um pollltfy Ieuurenf the It the Drill Shed on Wednesday was omitted thmugh put: of nutter in the Daily News of - that day. The number of entries Wu small, pcrty. 1 no court not equal tn the task ' ` deciding bird produced, which was grey and had in red tail, was the mic lust ` by Plunkett, or that for which Farelly u1m1rn- ` ml. and so the case was Ilislilismsii, It. u'.'ix i ed, (lisnlissud. It was taken to :1 higher aourt with the same result v- . the tribunal could not decide on the iduntity ` of one poor parrot. The bird himself should i have been cross-oxn.mine(1. A keen lawyer 1 ought to have hccn able to ascertain from him 1 \vhich household he had been cnnm-ted wit1Ll though no title or great estate wzu-1 at stake in this case. > V My 1 lllIlKUIaI, 01' tnzu. I0!` \VlllCIl rnrelly Tom l{Um[F.~x ox AMmm'A. - Mr Tom 1 Hughes has been still further talking zilmnt l his mcent "visit to Alncricu, relating his expe- riences in pleasalxt style and drawving appro- priate morals therefrom fur the unlightmcnt; of the a.vera.ge British mind. \Vc can certainly desire no more fV0lll`f|.l)lC exhibit than that` given by Mr Hughes. Much he found to w0n- j l lur at. and cvcrvthinu to lullnirn (bur Innnnur LVIAIIKIED. On the 5th inst., at the res. bride's father, by the Rev. B. Ll treal, Jacob Allendox-ff, Esq., of Henriette, second daughter of S. . of this city. j H ; 1.1113 p11 1 HUTEL, two smart Girls to whom the highest wages will be paid G1-od references required. July 6. given u_y mr nugnes. much he Iuuiul to ` at, everything to adnlire. (bur manner V of building railroads of course impressed him I with a sense of the rc-m:u'lmlsle sagacity of the Americans, and so lid everything else down to the game of keno," which last he re- garded as superior to anything in the way of g:1.ml)ling produced in Europe. lint herein he displays the ignorance which comes from too slight investigation of the subject, -as he also ` does in his remarks about the opemtion of the ` liquor laws ; for he makes the astoumling a.s-- ` sertion that he did not see :1 single drunken person in New England. Yet he reniainecl : here over Sunday. Almost equally rem:n-I I ble is the statement that he received the i1n- ` pression that we were an irreligious pen] le un- l til his observations in Chicago 11Il(l(`:CUl\ Cll him. ' Un the whole, Mr }lughes`s American Iluteri, 1 though pleasant, are not likely to pass current i in this country for quite the value his English 1 I auditors set upon them ; and more than St. Louis will accept his denition as the Parzulise of euual rights lmcaimn hp tlmrn hm. ....l .. uunaurc n um. A few weeks ago all the London papers re- corded with unanimity of admiration a. hcruic act by one J. B. J uhnson, :1 professional swim mer. He l1Lulcon1c to London from Inmla 9.. . uuuw wm accept ms ucluuuon the Parmlise equal rights because he there lmppcnud to see a black-pickzminny and a. white gamiu sucking opposite ends of the same sugnnstiuk. ~Bo.~'[on Post. A London paper (lesbribea the dandy of the day as an impertinent and l;rain~ less fellow, who wears a. glass in one eye and , a uosegay in his button-ho1e;who lounges in , | Pall Mall and rides in Rotten Row; who lives fast and bets himself into bankruptcy; swindles his creditors, and after going to pieces socially, nancially, and morall y, recovers respectabili- tV bv enterina flu: A. .... A` "` At the M. T. L'ompany s wharf the tug Glide arrived yesterday with four bu-gee, and and left the name evening with five, containing l7.(XX) bushel: of corn and 42,(X)0 bushels wheat. uy ny`ente becommg a pastor. had come from Leeds to N awn uy one J. 15. Johnson, professional ` take part in a swinunhig match for the cham~ pionship. \Vhilc crossing London bridge he ` saw a. man fall from a stezunhoat into the water, not and withstamling the great height `of the bridge, Johnson hastily divested himself of his boots and made a. dive. lle reseu cd the drowning man, and hrought him to land. The next day the match took place, and Jolmsun l was victorious. The sympathy of the lookers- | on was with him from the tinst, on account of the heroism of his act the day before. There was some talk of organizing a (lclllUliStl`:].tluIl in his honour. on lns return to Leeds. But there is asequcl to the story. It turns out l that the rescued man is a brother of the res- 1, euer, and is himself a professional swimmer. ` The fall from the steamboat and the rescue 9 4 were prearranged, and Mr Peter J*oTm:-ion of Leeds, who enacted the part of the drowning f man, had eat diiculty in restraining his ' mirth when e was supposed to be dying froin exhaustion in the boat after his rescue. As may be supposed the enthusiasm in favour of , the champion has somewhat ahuted. A n :..+m..,.u.... .11.. .-., H ;present Lord Shaftesbury .. nlv wnncnllllllllll um: aumcwxuw abated. An interesting xliseovery was 1n-mle on the , recent renloval to the Britishlltccord Office of the Shaftcsbury Papers presented by the i to the nation. It was a small vellum-bound volume, containing the original draft in the handwriting of John Locke, of Th0 Funda.menta.] Constitution for the (:`rov'e1'mnent of (Jzu'o1ina. vestigators have never evidence that Locke w this political scheme. Lord_Ashley, the an- 1 cestor of Lord Shaftesbury, was one of tho lords proprietors of sjarolinn, and Locke acted at one time as his secretorv. l*'rnm Hm rim--v- I Historical in- 1 yet found concl11si\'e as the real author of N A one rule. If Bostoxi wishesu ; the hammers of her ship-buil( content to Wait for the new 1 ` Democratic a.dministra.tim1 w .`r'.5I.'n r-nrnwuo-V... I " "' ' X W......-.... nu wzuu I01` the tzwiff by W] will revive 1 I can comn1erce.--x\'. Y. Wm'I A Tnnrlnn -nu-- -` l uuun Pl'UlJl'lUb()I'B 01 5Jam111uL, and Lncke I time secretory. l"mm the (locu- . ments now brought to light it seems well es- tablished that Locke not only wrote the whole I I ` of the Carolina constitutions (which bear nu- |mcrous czxreful corrections also in his own ` hand) but that he was also a prime nmvcr in I the enterprise of the settleuxentof Czkrolina. The Boston ress hewails the decay of ship- lbuihling in ew England. The L Y'u.'!.f. um... vnnv ulllnillll 15:: U1 DHU lbuilding in E ` yards of Boston are Donald McKay bui carried the A A not-nnhnnl um..- ...:u. lee merican a setmeu1ent.of ay nglnnd. _The great ship- desertcd, and where once It the swift clipper that g n`r_o1uu1 thy world in Al AJUAAGAII $'lU the a perpetual nay mun tn Auwricxxn ag race with the and the Clyde there is on] chips. But a swift around the clippers of Abcnlecn y a waste of rotten 11-00 T8181" \.F ........ .- .. -.. . .,.-5.... , ....... -..-. nation will its past life, and at some day ` or other, possibly not long, the French . arniy will once more turn its face towards I the Rhine, will strive to re-occupy the lost -; provinces of Alsace and Lorraine, and will`, I if the chances of war at all favour, push on i to Berlin and there wipe out the disgrace ' which has fallen on Paris. But why should Frenchmen declare all this so preiiiaturely ? Q Thy should public men and journalists seek to educate the popular taste so ercely mid so long before the anibitinn can possibly. be gratitiedl Their action can have but one effect, tlmt of putting the Geriiiaiis` -_`.-_}L_II.. __ AL .I_ ,_...._,I It ..v:1I ......I,.L Information Wanted 1 ten or eleven 3 :8, wn.nrlm-ml-.m.... t..--- bu cnmnclpate herself ii Boston wlshes once t .ers slum-build.-re. elm - - n u: uu. dt_-`Sbl'ibea 13) llnnm-Hnm.+ .... j. ..._.... _..__.__.___.._. ! fphuws ` ` -rit fnrilpg ml fvolum mlcletlc _ l,l51 irot ;; y co 1 ht and 21,1 ' th,-`J nlnm ma . "h1nn(|n `is? mhlimr nn"lcs 8 ' MARRIED. w mues I up-btuldcrs she must be he hv u~}.;..1. .. .t the; residence of the av. Levy, of Man- Montreal, .-ter Hvman ism. y , two Girls, vages will ha n-=-I uuum snc must I; ( which Amnrv . .....uuuw.n name respecting him I -. -rs: -any s. - vaults. . At Swift's wharf the propeller St. Lawrence, Iteamer Picton and propeller Lowell passed down last. night." The steamers Pmsport, Athenian and Abyssinian passed up yesterday, anal the steamer Kingston and propeller Dal- houaie down this morning. The steamer Pic- ton left this morning with militia. At [:...-..m. ..._I l1I:.l.l,...*.. ...L__: AL , A