BLANKS, &c., And having tted up PU.\"I`[ NG BI LLS, 1 editoriai columns, the 0"] xvcuniarv nr r...-...._. .-_. PROGRAMMES, THE DAILY NEWS--MONDAY EVENING, JULY 10. CONCERT Bl LLH, menu per June for rsl insertio for every subseauam inac.-0; .. BIL]. HEADING S, [Etna Insurance Company of Hartford, Conn. ..u-cu -uvcrusemenu, Ind C 1 in thenme mums: as B RAI LROAD BILLS, FUNERAL CARDS, CH EQUE BOOKS, Princess Street, 1 STEAMBOAT BILLS. BUSINESS CARDS, \VITH EVERY .7- ... vuuu n `, $25 per year, IIIIYHIA3 Imarcats of lndi-` I Reports of Banks, h1su~ lrlld IAECLIII-9: Av---I--> `|V| \l.\|\4: \l.|. ....o X and Colours. OTHER. These rules to he paid in advance. Mar under this heading, , measured by nscaleor Ider 1n [Inns -7: I------ VARIETY OF .....-, rnvnw Adver- Jf I-`Inns, Houses to JAl NELJE , [I Street I?mn-or-- o the ordinary busi- ' zuch houses is will nu. Advertisements or Ices. Pu-5:-ma AA--- 1 oflener than once a JOB \VOR K . .-. uuuK, msu~ . Itctures, Amuse- Klllllenla at I'\- .'|I4I.\'ll.-I Y El'l'.'.\'I.\'I:', JUL Y III` , _.... unllll gnu r " Business )"Ject of which .arr-90.: no` I . ...., gunma- ants of Dona- `, charged . an uRn.~.:..m- 2 nnuru :, Kingston. `, with same \II.lLJl'J$ nu L15 l`.--VV4 U. tinn to the advantage the DAILY Nmws as an nrlvcl [or Houses to Let. Enjnyi largest local circulation, it widest publicity to these l Persons having houses to better than advertise the fuc Nxws. ' *2 CHRONICLE AND NEWS is kept on sale in K ingston, at the Bonkl atom: and no I... n . .. , pox-cation, and retain in any elimne 96 mrand; 128 Re London. gent 17 Boulevard d Street; 24 Oornhill as Italians, Paris. 'r|n`. (TtII|;Ti()N%Ig`1,IT`. AND NEWS, a.n.n. me rrince of Toilet Soaps. Lavender Water. Cold Cream. Perfumed Vaporizer. Rose Leaf Powder. Perfumes for the Handlmn-h:.r V/_,, Hum. vinegar. Hair Preparations. Tooth Powdeta. Glycerine Toilet Handkerchief. sites. Eau de Cologne. Requi- any but HUME MADE. Orders ....,...u 1 us buljlllf RE new produaing ali the saleable vn.rietiex- A of American Patwln RIM and MUR'i`1C1- LOCKS, LATCHES, KNOBS, &;c., &c., and offer them for sale, to the Trade only, and 3; prices 10 do away with the need of usigg sent either direct to the Manufnctory, Kingston, Canada West; or to the Company's Agents in Montreal, Messrs Evans is Evans, will be promptly attended to. W EUGENE RIMMEL ` PERFUMER by appointment to thei: Haj- ties the Emperor of the French, the Queer ' Holland, the Queen at the Belgians, and the King of Portugal; and H.R.H. the Prince of Wales. Scam. """` "" ` ours Burgoyne, Bnrbidgos, and Squire re- ceive lndenu for Yardley In Uo. s preparations. Mannfactory, 7 Vine London,and Depot bvkuedn Grand Ohantioar; Paris. 1zmbn.h.d' mo. The Provincial Hardware raeturmg Company A prodzmim: an H111 ;...u....u J. Ullla Bnrbidgos,a : Mannfnctory. Vine Smut _-5150 m uanona of3 Tablet Pomndes, Rose and Vi( meticu, French Extracts, Cherry Tooth,Paste. Lime J and every doscripticn of p Toilet. II..... D ____ H " nud Paris. BROWN WINDSOR SOAP. PRIZE MEDAL HONEY SOAP GLYOERINE SOAP. Every variety of Fancy Soaps in lb Bars , Also in Cartons of3 Tablets. Pomodes. Rosa and vm... n-_- -- - nursing. By the combination of the Iran or Iodine with Cress Seeds in a .I:.(..-11.6 of germination, they are united with organic life, which thus renders them digestible. The imitative-. and stubborn mineral has thus become the nucleus `urn-bed by the blood without injury to the : stomach. Agent for England and British Poaseaaions; E. G. DUFRESNE, '19 Walling Street. May be obmined ofnll Obemists. ARDLEY &mc5.",_Hy Soap lilhrhenwynnd Perfumera. I'n'_-ze Medal awarded for Puritv and n`.....u........ r- -- - of an organic substance capable of being nb-. E11: ijilg irws. v. Dana tor this valuable preparation. Price: Small, ls lid; Medium, 49 ad; Lnrgt Size, 113 per Bottle. THE DIASTATIZED IRON, . For strengthening the System.-Price .2; Ha per Bottle; THE DIASTATIZED Ionmn,` V For pm-if, ing the Blood.-Price 2s 9d per Bottle `.0 The above Preparations are in the mrm of Sweeuseats, pleasant to the taste, and par- ticularly ndapmd for Infants and Mother? nursing". l R1! the l!\rn|\lnn}x'.r-nu nr .1... r--- - ~- \llLVBv They cousin of three prepnrntions TEE BAUDEINE, An efficient and prompt Remedy for Cholera, Yellow Fever, Diarrhoea, Dyseutery, and tle excessive action of the B<)wL9. A gold mo-dnl wns awarded by the French Government to Dr V. Band for this valuable Smail. lid: Medium. 4. 5.3. r,...... R. V. BAUD, Graduate and Mcu1beroI-;:.- Medical Coll:-ga of Pavia, Chi~t'l bysic'ia~. Exu.-ordinary for Epidemics in Pnrn, lute M.D. of the Oivu Hospitals of Algiers, luu just. in- trodneed in England his URGA N10 MED] OINES. trounced OINES. TL. ._-- HIS elegant Turkish Tonic is one of the most salutary and delicate preparations uver nuhmitted for public npprovui in Lille: hemisphere, and asserts its pretensions to pntronngn on ttze following grounds: That. it is 3 preparation or one of the IDOSI eminent Purveyors to the Uttoman Court, It prevents acidity ofthe stomach. ` It relieves lowness of spirits. It is it mild and invigorating tonic, and n omost eilicient but innocuous stimulant. It renders the breath sweet and aureenliie. It stimulates the appetite if taken before meals. It promotes digvstiou if luken after rm-nla. It neturnlizvs the propensity for strong liquors. It renders the intellect. bright and clear. If taken lmbittmlty it imparts vitulity and energy to all the bodily omens. ` BV iii USE A mnn Of 70 will ho:-nrnn no in |'EUUllJI.l.|lfll\lH|4|. It is an especial favourite with Oriental ladies. Secure, thou, health. longevity and vital energy by the habitual use of me ALKABASAR TIIRKNII 'l`HNl UlfI'|.',y LU ll ILIC Ulllly UTEZIHE. By its use a mnn of 70 will become, as il were, restored to the ulaslicily of 30; und in persons of delicate constitutions in is strength recommended. It In an ..a......:..\ 62...... energy Uy IDS UEUIUIKI US OT `He ALKABASAR. TURKISH TUNIC. Keptin stock by the principal Druggists and Grocers in the Dominion. For directions for use see labels on homes. HENRY CH.-\i".\lAN & 00., M 1 EVANS, Mimcr:u & 00,, E ""`- Sole Agents far the Dominion, Ilnntmgl Jnlv 5. - cAu'|'|o _ --All genuine has the mime l'rIn'Iun syrup. (xur " Peruvian Ila:-k."( blown in ilw gluu. A 3'.`-papa pamphlet sunt fr:-e. J. 1'. Dxxnnnnn, 1 :-oprk-tor, 30 My st. New York. sold by all Drugglstn. Montreal, July 5. l .\l||'.Lr n|.\nu-~ .-. ....-1. nugh mils fur New Yurk. Bostoml `Iv an-1 (`ape Vinm-nt will be cluster} at I - -in ., ._. .I..:I.. \'..n.l.nv.. nv. TL [OUSES TO LE'I`.. tinn tn tlln I'Bm:nA c.LA51'-- mus I867 l0ND0l ..., u; .u1Ll'.-- We invite a|:teu- I advantages presented by advertising medium 5 Enjnvinu hv r... n.- u.u.::. AND NEWS n Kingston, I 1 Publication Oice, I : FIVE CE:-rn vi 9 anuwl. so Violet Powders, Cos- Lavender Wates, Late, Juice and nIvn...x..- MADRID ill %_`J; .... nuu unuu only, afqualities IADE. ufnctory, mpauy s Toilet Powders. Portable Fountains. Toilet Vinegar. rp.....:. nu nruw, uavender Jme and Glycerino. 1 preparations for the \ :.. .,~r.. .u. ml \\ c-t lxiglxt trains 9.00 p.m. 7.(X) :nn.. l' X l'l`l-ID .V"l`.\'I`E.\' .\I .-\H.5`. _L T)-L _ , ..h nnlblllulu joying by far the I, presents the ae announcements. let cannot do a fact in the DAILY treat ; 1 ___________ T Vc zcs urnm-nmn L- l0NDOI [863 4-::-_ uv DUDK se, Prin- V Manni- .4, unury late J. I . N numerous en paid, $8. gratings. Price $7 ; _________________,k I _60U' pngeu and by mail post By Henry Stephens. Norton, PI culture in Yale Oolle Turn -.n|- "' The F'Il'lllel"B -to somnmrro AND PE (`nu nan... innglc copich of the (,'lH'.O.\'IL'LE ANT) . mntaillillg the news of the week. haul in wraxvpcrs for mailing. Price v. u'lI. lsa,~uu-1 every Friday. inglv vupics of the DAILY NE'.\" I , I _; Ll. . 4..- A6` Okn nuhh.-ufinn THE LEONARD 8001' l` Postmaster: and 4 liberally denll`. with. new . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . For Biackwood and any two of the Reriews . . . . . . . .11 Fox-Bln.ckwood and three of the Reviews . . . . . . . . 1:` For Blackwood and the four Reviewa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ll Single numbers ofa Review, be-pa of Blackwood, tbirly-via 1 turn I-Ann: n -......L.... Circulars, with _f bad on application. mg: ul uIuuIW00C|, I .tw.o cum 1: number. For ar. one of the B,eviewe.$ 4.00 pa: mum For an }tW0 of ,be Reviews, , 7.00 -K For any three of the Reviews 10.00 " For all four of the Reviews. . 12.00 H For Blackwood s Magazine. . 4.00 For Blackwood and one Re. viaw , . . , - ~ These periodicals are the medium through which the greatest minds, not only of Grant `, Britain and Ireland, but also of Continental Eugope, us constantly brought Into more or ess intimate communication with the world of readers. Hiscqry. iozrnphy, science, Philoao~ play, Art, Religion, the goes; political questions of the past and of today, up leledinlhnir pages as the learned alone on llfegl shun, `go W one who would hop pace with the tigneg _cgg afford to do without these periodicals. Of all the monlhliea, Blaclrwond holds the foremost place. PUBLICATION OFFICE: Dally News swam Priming llou-so, `I1 ...... ..- 0--."... Yunnan-nu To mevt. the want. which is felt fo: 2:] cheap City and Country Newspaper in Kingston and Fmutcnnc and the au;'mum l- . "mg Counties. the Pllhlihvf nf the KINGSTON I GA7.rc'rTxc will, on tho `lull January, 187l.| ..l .\.. ....-|. -....-.....1:..._ u....,|,... .,....... ..I The Leonard Scott Pnbllshlm,-`i}o. QUARTERLY: ml lualll i.\I l.\' ........... nun` nu -nu. -...... nu. ...._,. .....l nml on each auccv:u(liug Mundny, issue: n full sized dmnlplu-dcmy Hlwer, cnmuining all the general news of the week, with city and country newn, which will bu publish:-d on subscription at the low rate ()1 One Dal- lar 11 year. TA 1.. ..L.._,3...I A- ._K.!' .. A.. LL- |....,_I .....I..I:.. = THE GREAT ENGLISH J5 SCUTOII QIMBTEBLIES was LEONARD soon 1 '14: ) la"..n.... .... .. 1...... It is intended to offer to the local public ncheap, interesting and useful fumily news- paper. 7.. ._..I:.:__ `L- rP_.--.,.......- n ....___... __:u _ _,, _,,-._l. .. .... -...l, nun uw Dllllllllluln A specimen number is now issued and will he sent grwtiaw MW one sending his address to the Pulzliiduefr Orders by mail promptly stlended (0. JAMES NEISH, Publisher of the Daily News. Kingston, Dec. 1, 1370 l"l""" In politing the KINGSTON GAZETTE will occupy a neutral ground, identifying itself with neither of tho existing political par- ties, but be independent um`. non-pu.rt.izsn in its discussions nnd arguments on all political questions. Politics, however, will be loss a feature than interesting news and rmding matter, as in the present state of the country the nppetite for politicnl dis- putntions appears to have become lost, or at all events greatly lessened, since the ml- vent of Confederation. which has given a destiny to Canada. and lmrninpizezl previous discordant political elements. \Vhen the time comes, however, that important poli- tical principles hnve to be battled for, the K=INas'roN GAZETTE will be found on the side of that body of public men who she! best try to guide the great destiny of Brit- ish North America as n united country, held by A common people, cherishing the trnditions and enjoying the political liber- ties of a glorious race. The I{INos'I`oN GAZETTE will be thoroughly Canadian; and while chcriahing that which is good- will advocate all ncedlul reforms in our political institutions. G..\....:..I ....;..-.s:__. _.:n L- __,: 1 . , u I - _,~._.. The quantity and quality of the matter to he furnisluid at the sulrscriptinn prim- will tender the Knmsrou GAzE'r'rE by fun the cheapest weakly paper puhlishml in this part of Canada. Tllesubscriptinn will be strictly in ndvvmcn as it is only on the lmsis of cash paymentu tlmt so cheap 11 ncwspnpur can be supplied. A anecinwn nnmlmr in nnm :.,......I ..._.| vulva: nun nuyxu Ia. Clmice remlint.-_B from the litcrntureof lic- tion will appear in every number unlessit happens that the pm-,ssure of impnrtnm news renders it necessary to exclude Hu- atory in omer to make room for other aub- jccta. ' TIIE KI!!.6I9N%9AztIE- , ............... .... Special attention will he paid to local in- tclligence and the iumiahing of accurat. market repgrts. (II.,.:.... -.....I:.. _ r____, .|,_ 1-., . 1.- .301. "3 II ONE DOLL_AR A xi !-JAR. PROASPECTUS. TM Edinburgh Review, North British Review, London Quurteylv Gaview Westminster Review. Blackwood s Edinbunrgh Magazine. Blackwoodi lllnxazine, nvvvwu rxnvuuu - -----...- - Pnluoua Sfmmu-, KuIas1'ol. BEPRIITED IN NEW YORK BY um soo'r'r' Publishing Go.. "140 Fulton Street, New York. 0 copies 0| uh: I at the counter 1 `....... I`-{m _.___._&._._ A/i)VER'l`ISING.- , of New Vm-it -~ ALBO PUBLISH 0 PRACTICAL AGRI- com-nan, MONTH LY : fun,be_r particulars, may be, 2. ` . l".R.S., Edinbnxgh. and the frofessor of Scientic An-= TERMS. . . . . ....nn.Iu " >fa Review, $1 ; tingle nnm! , cents. Postage ` others disposed to canvass ."8 Guide |. mtemlcul for >0 H1n:ci:\"y s PUB_LISHIQ 00 : -g-uuromgu. and - Scientic Agri- w Haven. ,-,_ 1 km. --_. - I. l6.F0 n1QI.. 112.00 I . l0.00 f` - 7.00 L --Horace invn-_'l'I. .. nuwui ULNIIOI, . , ,n,c,s. Surgeon to Ohu-ing-:;$;a' I i For several years past; nu ben ip nu; hp: bit of prescribing Dr. de 'Jongh'a Light-B_row'n Cod Liver Oil, and ud it to be much mqre eti- cacioua thin other varieties of the name Inediclpa which I have also employed with I View to I063 heir relapive auperion-ilty." > ' ` ' ___. -`..'..._ _,- us. (NIL! Author of the Dr. Granville h LightBrown' Cod Li an foun mu. ma, "Spas of Germany, d thus Dr. (10 Jo gh Bl .lTI.\'H .\lAIL.\` -n 1 ....a uu nu great therapeutic powcrl;.a`Id fl-om y iyveatigntione, I have no doubt ofita being a pure and article." -DR. BLRLOW, I.,ii., Senior Physician to Guy aH9epitpi. \. I have frequently recommended persons coII-\ ` ; suiting me to make use of Dr. eects, and believe it to be a very pure oil, well tted (pr those canoe` in which the use oflthet _ auhannu in indimm :- ,_ {qr puoee in We us E337- 2` is indlwed- nu. anntus, ' Spas German: (I n- tl__-_:n_ I - `UN [1 '3 rL`I"I' ruutu 0' (1 tam. puries. deogiqrisu, mid diaiinfecu. by m" I"f agency of nascent. or manic oxy 0u,_f' Wm: principle. Being `eutix-sly Innoxrous .1` |scienuc preparation is pgcunuly `d"; |; dv.rn.;II II the following useful purposes,` 13,. `web :11! other diainfcgctalnu, on accountof gm}, `poimwu ' or other ob3ectionablo- quaties, Ire Ill|V|ihb] ` and.-unless '.- i ` Detecting organ c impurities in 1] 1 Purifying drinking and other wut.:ar.n!Eo:'n:" 1 gunic matter, load, Iizc. - " ` ingglrglsfhe E" of close puma` "M "Emot- fro}"`|l;9':li!ll'IncI8, sh, butter, or other proyiggom Counwrnctiug the effects of 1 _ tukr-n into the stomach. organ c poisons | _ ' Curing Musty provender. Free` ` ot.her_seen_l from smut. mg `hat `ml .. . c.,.E:::;F::;':;;5.` ' W in -no 1 1 1 g , --- .. -vuuvun In all egaea hgnie ifoand Dr. (is Jongh : Light-Brown C Lrybr Q11 `qg the same set of properties, nmongvihi ` t `pr-"e'jI"enc'e cg cholaio compounds, and of iodm\e in a `safe '45 ` organic combinnuon, are the most remarkable. It is, I beliefe, universally ncknokjedged that this oil has great therapeutic powcr;.and gqy doubt ntn In-inn cacy." 4 DR."L-E-`1"HEBY, Medical Oicer of Health, and Uhieflnalyat to gbe City of. London. bye 0 _i1' `I; [set Dnobeniem ntnnv-xa,l.%l .*`.I . - uuyyllu oy ur. do Jough. It has lo ` been our prnctice, when prescribing the oil, to mend this kiudreiuce, amidst. a much variety nod nu- cortaimy, we have condence in in genuine- ncsa.--(Extract from "Consumption: itl Elrly and Remedinble Stagem) DB. LANKESTEB, l'.R.3.,, Coroner for Central llddleoe . I ggngjglpr _thuI. the purity of thZ.: (. la secur- ed in its repr_:_1'$_,ir`l ,`V t_l;e raonnl Attention one token: .~ _ 395 gh siciau ts Dr, do Jongh, who hes else in pen` tie beat medial treatise on the all with which I-em ac- quainted. Hence, I deem the Cod Liver Ojluold under his gnu-amee to be prelereblo to any other I `rind an regards genninenese and medical eI- cacy." ' A _ Blflflf ` . purmes.aeoagrsm,.na,'b','",",,',Y1 nth-ll!!! uf mmceml. mi numia nlvanu _ .. V ' Britnin. ~' -" ` v We think it.` a grasp adl} e thgt than in one kind ofuod Lxver Oil vhi is hnivdmgz admitted to be gcnuiue-tha Ligbt- royn _ supplied by Dr. do Jough. preacribiun um nil On A------ A - curative effects, tlid mqu UK by an overwhelming weight of medical and by the practicnl test of aueeesiul for twenty years in all parts of the banana all ciowl. the Hence the universnlicelebh Oil and then v ty pl Dr. . mu JUlNGl:l'S on is convincingly proved testimony, `experience world, to be, question, the purest, the tnost elcn- xppst palatable, nnd, from its rapid epqmyyplcal blnll kinds. do J99 h a nparalleled demnnd in? this 'ugrI- szzuwr nmD?5X_L OPINIONS, SIB HENRY MARSH, BAR'I'., Physician in Ordinary to the Queen Lhxvn frequently 10,-. in lrelnnd. 6 JOIlgh . D . Ligl::4BrdIn- Ood Livol Oi. 31 aanralnr`it to be I very pure oil, Oi likelf $0 c| 888 d a. therapeutic agent of gt'C.`."- Vlllwgt _.._- `egnat, and ('3p- \mm-nr. Wm nc Cnnn-rr zu ml 3.30 p.m. daily. Sundays ex- '1 I 1 DR. EDWARD snma, r_~Bs., Hedissl Officer to the I? of Grelt j BI' COIISBTVIIDIJTICH. Preserving and restoring the freshness 0; cm (Iowans kept. in water. Destroying the bli ht of the` potatoe ' hop, mulberry tree, ' 'm Washing dogs and other domestic animus. Cl ' b i b - ' ' Washing the hair and darkening its colour whcn turning grey. - I Enhancimr the nm-ifwina and :..-:.......z- ,, .. ' wncn uurumg r.,::;::::*:;, :3: *::::""8 nnI`)`r:iaral1lx;-g poxsoned wounds and destroying mg, Treating the infectio di of horses, dogs, &c. I M was awe One mnllnn mnlma rum 5:. arm ..._u-__ . . Treating infection: diseases cattle, One gallon makes 200 to_300 gallons adapted for use. N.B.-Condy's Fluid is the Standard Scientic Test for Organic Matter in" Water. and afford the only known means of rapidly and conxpleteyl freeing Drinking Water from Organic Taim._ which is so cummon a cause olperiuns disease. To rapidly purify the air, use the diluted uid, with Candy's Uzoniser or other Spra_y-pro- ducer. ` Wlbn nmw - 11 lm URIGINAI. (JHLORODYNE, invented by V R. I-`reomnn, Phnrmnceutist, is allowed to be one at the greatest discoveries of the present century. It is largely employed by the mus! eminent. I hysicizmsa_nd`Burgeona in hospital and private practice in all parts 0! theworld. It has oiacts peculiar to itself, and which are essential- ly dilu-out to those produced by the various compounds bearing the name at Chlorodyne, but have no pretence to possessing its vlrtnm To myu we xrruumop or !'eVel',_` soothes the system under exhausting diseases, and giveesleep umg. out producing any one of the unpleasant feolin so commonly arising from theme of opiates. g contimu':e'to hold its uushaleu position in the estimation of the Profession as the beat, most reliable, and cheapest preparation. Eminent and scientic Physicians made Mdavita that the have tested its enacts in careful comparisunnwit ' those o!""DR. COLLIS BROWNEN mnnm-_ 41;: (mm-`at 117/!!! and Gums, hull?! 1393: I866, uutoa, 1|. bu an immense aglo amongut the public, sud la pruacribml by scores of Ordn- dox Medical Practitioners, And, 0! course, it would not be than singularly popular did it. not nuppiy I want and ll a plus. manufactured by the Inventor, Rlchnrd Frec- mun, 70, Keunington Park Roudklnndon, 8. The genuine lma engraved on the Government Burg: p gach Bottle), FREEMAN? 0RI('s)_I`;,[l.'g}`!,_(30` I E (ton 'mn.n- rtmrosIs,) Removes from the mouth impure and foreign mates and odours, whether arising from tohact-o or other causes, and counteracts the irritation and morbid secretions of curious teeth. It puri- ties and softens the skin, and, used in the bath, tendsto promote a healthy state of the whole _ body. bllll body. I:x"l`u,\' l'n.\'T OFFICE. nave uegnzu us enacts in careful cumparisonwu. glagnolu Dal. BROWNEB CIILORO. `mind iv` N` 4690895 !0 Chg facts that ,t.hey a more certain a`nd rolubla prepnrqtion, and greatly preferregi l`REEM4NS." ~ Earl Ruuull cnmmnnhmum `m flux I1.-...i n..n uumpuuuua uuunng me 0! Uulorodyne, pretence posaeuing its virtues, It rapidly relieves pain, from whuever cause, al- lays the irrimiop of (even; soothes the exhausting diseases. Izivessleen umu- unu greauy prexerrga "1"k.I5ELl4N8." Ru:-lull communicated to the Royni Col logo of l !;ysicinno and to Mr Freeman, that in Manilin th 0.1!`! remedy ol my use in Cholera was Ohlorodiua. 77 lhdinal rrm and Gums, Jqmlmy 1303. uuoa, bu immense gala nmmmt. EDWIN 0AN'li;;,- Surgeon an m---`' coivnrs PATENT` ozomslcn WATER, (I01! 1'nII.l:1| Prmnmna \ ):1,. DE JoNa,I s' Liuziniibwn oon - LIVER OIL. JR. DE JONGES OH _ay ovyex-whelming weight testimony. ms bearing the 'elieves min. from Ihltnvmv mm... .x_ .3 An.1l!nVl.' ULUNIUEU V (yon mu. -om month imnnra . H. BOLLHAN CON'D!:', Pamntee, Batter-sea, London. jjj---i__.___j.:.j `<`\|`|'|`\I. _\\l) .\'| II|'|.l': '\|l| IX I"l|-"l'\ \'I'I\ll.\' E` ns-Erazz'H!m:m. ' ,-_ ..--uuavll WIILI ICE 1: in cuuu power; and Iron: ` ota 1 iiniyranl ght-B:-oyn s variety : Iion: pots NEW PBIISTYNB I , b en jimt"u!dc u_:_,,,. |_\l: of o`:vr\' les(`nptinn ex.- :l_\`. rl\v;\1>\_\::;\;.:I\ u\[n--litiouxlj. NF.\\'.\` .~"l`E;\.\l l'l{lN'I`l.Vl mi . members who by the dispon u'a$x$-3' I 0 tin. BULL, . I " ` Life Assn " \ - ma; 1.. .1 ant: .. hon. MO I P. I Inns. RIDI. I. 'L'TI|(.'ll line eve ' Tucmla. ` I mlrniuwuwly `F Dnw!ng;,8podIB' noeungy: to I00!" or unit _I, urns - numm on ,6 A-tndrv has ` lusty Ivy" :- om BLEEDING J Parlggn: utgnl . Gnu en nnn A smng I % .IIlB|- hi..`.e.'0. . ` Ion , .-. add oauauih up -Ii 1U lam: ,3 M. 'nr dospntch per Brvumn y an dircctcnl. J u. nu vyi I`I OOTTON : I [I191-and-Zr l4lI6 ASEIII-U Inn-in (L3. T518 LIEU DB ornsry ny. ILIHDING Ian. 340 I). 411) in g,--ruuu l.ut_v an-up, wuuuul. straw to ue u_p- uu or nnytlxing (A) cover them. v Fortunate- ly we are in the month of June, although .!u- nights are still fresh, by lying in groups `illoy probably Iuzuuxgc to keep themselves wzu-In enough. The atmosphere of the gal- lcrics is not partic\1la.rly fmgrant, although ruucb better tlmn might be expected consi daring the appcanulce and lthy condition uf moat of the occupants. The .';ppeara.nce --f the prisoner: is, fur the most part, wretch- ml enough. Nights passed upon the bare ctkrth, and the absence uf soap and water, comb and razor, do not tend to improve the km 153900`. but rsther to impart to V` clothes, skin, md hair th dust - 4. hr. lIlu'-houIe um. 3:33: the :;l. Dhnndthpothu oxtramitv nf 91.. ...n....:.. AIIHIE inutodrl .7 A urns .. uurzoon .__!ro nly require: to h h"a I; hgnhk -1 )BAF9FMF3';-`,?`; Sumln W in ` HIIRY the UAH. \ A Lu: nter of the puhlicunm Price two cents. us: qrnvaus may he .4 HKTOSH, Vqterina.ry_ Surgedn, 9 Ontario Vetermary Col- _._ City Hotel, Kingston/. .,_-_:__$ huaa, chloroms, anal blood to purity and hell?- 'es. Price $1 50 ; V dcs(`riptinn ex. ml v\In-ulitimlxlx Tr;i:ectIu'-e. .nnmnu`II!1'\ in m-er we memcu (scurry nn ev N ha been intndliaed r and Ida in tin: hunt anal-Ante ff}; ()1-vanist gyf St. Ge5rne's I (i Ba:ulma.ster P. VV,o_ 've lessons on the Organ, I, III residence of the pupil _go;-ner of King and Gore Hons TUNED. J mnrgemcnt-`UK I7n`uv le lplee_n, dyspepon, rm _act1on of the heart, aphonia or loss of v hum. -.}'\lnrmuia_ gnu: E `T- rif` dhtario 1 ts, Kingstoh, mxnmi Ind 13 nmin thnnarket. eit A weekly I-`amily Journal. `i1I~``f"e;irT{,:ie*7ar';t`..3' ` t 0n`u" , In......... i.*.. .. '=...*`;`:.' l%r"*`=:J"~ `*""" xiiedt` fauly ev 3 been ink-aduimdn r and .~ muscular act) nnd no ! ll:-rgemont" ~' `livgr, l lnleen_ dv:nnnnin_ I11: , 0 Let. IL 1) DWELLING H0 Thomas Driver, 0 i"""F2' ~. ilIlIDe6nll.I'O(I.lI!OI[ mu F.*2,2}2;:9: .1-iv .: -4 `Streets, nmgsmn, mnnuu |HiD.Lly'.i!1 thuna-rket. eitl mllake, and sell at modem Pisnn in wmwanted far 34 Mglodeons of ` nhnak in the Pinna .531 u_e1oaeons or W `gtock in` the Piano `M`IHall,1hEuc17u!'6n";'u'ices I. City Tnnlir, ' DER, M,D., Member $53 sgmywu; a..nof., _,, B ;,,-I ` _ MACLEAN; `. .\I'I\\'.\` OF THE \\'I~Il'Il\'. I-In rul r:x-ling l||.|Un'I`, H ltlllnllsllu r zmunm D115 3 1111' nl l insnrgtnce Co. T LKINE. MAXWELL ` ` *4-` I F: r-A Clara: II.Icuh.r anti nn and . FELLOWS, Chemist, ., Rf. John N. ?l;j`j_ _ VANS, M.R.U.S., Lon- , Princess Sifreet, house ...nmIgan4 - rut !l."l,1lvv L8 1 tom'- ,;._P1>.- .-42; Ev-= .-nnuu. SOFT "COAL for g_l'3t `km:-Fmlaeigh 131}? W f B 'kSlD1th5- we, in V8113? P3 -\\` .l\.\'l'.\l{\' I. I\` ;A*.,Ls.;s'.,,~=.'.s= drum 54.4.4. `(Sunni-niu II1 , `at R. VVhite s V I. Hematl I-I-ul|'|I` a(1_ mmes, Romy for L d`e;ivLvg1-ed H 1 the Kin: 1 I`.1n-uh fur m .9 ~....l lil ..I .. uapisulc or resnormg the waste; but when the brain is large in proportion, the stomach is in- capable of supplyirg it; in other words, the expenditure is too large for the in_come. IR-.1-e ` H d Lungs, of 4 h . phites is thelonly prjepumqionp knowp0vLi(:;sh dnectl , d nseq ` t1 the power toovex-come qi-e{.:n_43u, -um y , ,,.- ,.......,u, 71!: unuurb, and which may be nourished by proper attention to the requirements of the body and the avoid- ance of excesses, it is wasted or destroyed by ovenaxiug the mind with study or anxiety and intexnperate indulgence-s, indeed, it re- quires an expenditure of vitality for every thought or action equal to the ma rnitude of the thought or action. VVhei1 the ly and the brain are well balanced, the stomach is capable of restoring the is large in m-nnm~1-mu nm .0. v - - ,, _. 7...... .....u. , gnu-j Between 'ns' other ex-tremity of the -.l.u..u-..x..uica aw in: pr1cCs-An \\'n_\'r is \'1'mLx'r\'?--Som. call it Animal Magnetism, some others (`alm-ic, but '-by wlmtevc be called, the thin meant is I of existence; it is t e principle pm] ance of 0\'r-numsa it in .......;A 1 ,, K .u1lul`ll1:l L-1x}u_yml an lnalimi-lmnging a few (lays ago. A l`('lml`t says: Evci'ytliii1g was comluctcd in the must orderly and systuiuatiu inmuim: and the utmost respect was paid to the Imlimfs feelings, for `which the worthy slicrill and his assistalits deserve great crcilit." Fl-:1.Lnws` Hymriiosi-111TI~;<.-Mr `cllmm wishes us to state tlmt he has no autliorizcd agent, but that his Hypopliospliitcs may he nl)t:lin0d of all l`cSI)(:ctal)le l)""ffff:LI`n -.,~ agent, but 01 Apothecarit \\'.. . ..` . ..1-uuwu on me gmuml catiiig. Thv prison nlluwniicu is lmcad and water, liut uccasiumilly they get -preserved moat, mnl these luul 501110. Altngctlicr, their candi- tiun is wrewlicd, and one cannot help pit)"- ing thnsc ainung tliom (mid doubtless tlu-rr are sumo such) who may be innocent al- though taken under Sllslnlciulls circnmst:m- ccs. T11;-rt: sccins nu disposition on the part nf their gll:lI` 1llS to treat the.-111 seven-~ ly,'l;ut 'l1uw d1'czulful a. punishment is thu more lvc-iiig lienlotl with iniscrumits tn tliixsn wlm lmvc lune no wroiig. and who l)elun;_g tn .1 better cla..`~s.~4 I It is painful to sec the anxiuus wmnen, swim: of them well dxwsssetl. and of must i-espectabla mun-m-........ mi. nuuu sqlmttonl nriyum 5| .\l uLr|.u|L'l':6 (I1 lllly Kulll, I ; stick with clothes on. 7 :1b nut him, and when I ; him he 2-)h:J.n1M(' um-:1 wt expect to meet his liks etching hy Callnt nr :1 .Hl'(1 by was :1 gram; tell on the g_;muml I 1 . ..ll.........,.. 1. U , .. mu wurul Ind credit. ws` F 1s autlmrizcd nut he respectable Druggists and arics at his priccs-A I 1-. 1; `vI'l`Al van`: 9 cllmn ... \'I'rALx'r\' ?--Some philuso )hers mal Nervous 1* 01-ce, lm-ic, whatever name it may thing the main em-inu n_\ .\l lax .<\\'l M`, \s I xurg; In uu: nuuuernus ll] gcruuud they sleep, withuu th are ml .31 nights b u` 1l'ul)'l.l) 1 u x W:|.|"l'11lunu1`| "3I"|I.].:-:::(;n-utr(-): 1;, wuauuvcr 1t ; sprin 1e we iuhert, zmg shed bv nrmmr att;-..H.m on .| .\ NI EH CV ICINH. .\rw.~4 Hliicv, Killgs uunzs nu uuty tl1c1`, l gm-at kindness uf inn fur the l.lllh:111)_y fsumenf the wmnen ;:md learn that their hers hm'c hcvll in- rent. which left the Ur 0],... .. ...- n..... -uuv, l.]|L`lI' Iund 13 mo, and it is. said and pm] and ink. LU!` nlf than the un- ' have cmltribtlted m are herded like tnrv :Lnfl Hm ...\I ) Iuagnitude 'hen Body ud, sate; illcnmn n...._ 1-lmnging l`:V*l'\.'Hn'n4.- ..v..~ '.;`.In.'.m 07 '.Anm,mn 07 r_'n, H.) I .`'_ 0. 03!! ', > {Wm ucu uxe the gal- lwr (`:m.-ulizm ntcnmc. i4l:n` at I230 n.m. 1 00 (>0 nu` ID[ V and band, L .. I no and wh- I , --- --vuuu cn.AII\'`lHSe]n| S `ips, Removals, (npnrmcrship Notices, Private ,4 usemems of Individull Members of Hum , Let or for Sale. ` N.B.-The square to be conned to c nose of commercial 'houaez. and for not be held In include Auction Sales. Adm lnu` Ren]nv:Als_ fnlmrvnnpahip. \1..u-., I I the III! with the priv r-- - --vev -H -Ilnrlug un Half square,fur dajoy pgpal-,: privilege. , ,, auuu an Reports rancc Acnmpaniew, Notices to attend IA3ctures,Az moms, Meetings, Sermons, Acknowledgments I tiona. &c., to be considered ndvcrtisements, an , vv xcun. Other Nolzces in colun h to promote the pmuniary or pr viduals or Companies, such an I It lnents ufinna 9 -~ * ' Thmu |._1 ..-...... .......u uncvurr, over 10 I under 7 Hnes,50 (em-1. nu.-- nu b n-Nance nu Marriages, 50 cents each. mmces ol'BirI.hs, 60 cents rach Do De:uh_i, 60 com: each. Brsx.\mas Non('zs."-All matter he landed or solid, 8 ceuu per line, us- sohd brevicr, over 10 lines ; under 10 lines, 75 4 lines, 50 cm<;UI_.AI:s, The square :4 Is enabled to ex` with greater exp in the city, all or may be favoured style. B()(,)KH, BOOK, JOB and GENERAL PRINTING Establishment. {Book and Job Printing, , . .-._.. ,.c.. uuuluf nrst insert vu cents per line subsequent insertio Subsequent insertions not or dered than PL-k, -I cum per line. MAGAZINES, I Cl ` Illl-I1 t 2.3!) p.m I A'm,l'l'H ii Printing in Gold 4 THE UNDEH\'IHNl'I[), hnvin fa very largt , Stock uf P[..~\[T\` um] I-X (`Y 'I'\'PI LABEL-N`. THE DAILY NEWS 4-... -u--l-I'll. 0 to be 22 lines ofaolld brev 9 halfsqnnre 11 lines ditto. Inn 1-. . _ _ . . -- - ier. TARIFF 01-` I BILL BOOKS, HANDBILLS, I l\JIl`un OR ADV_ER'[`[SEMEN I`S. lines and under, $1 for rav. three insemomx, lli lur every subsequent iusi-rlion. RAT!-`:3 F and lines, 8125 for rsl. three Insenio. s_ er)` subs: quem insertion. we 10 lines, ~a.. ..,. and )7 cents 7 insertion. and TWO STEAM PRESSES. 'l`~r:u lers` and Postal Guiclo. t.l:.\.VlI l`l{|'.\'l{ l{.\1[.\\'_-\\'. 11;: UL\lJl".[i\HI;V l'.ll, l|\'lll l2U`g(.' I uf PLAIN and FA CY 'l'\'l h.`S SHOW BILLS, PAMPHLETS, STAGE BILLS, IN VITATIUN S, NEVVSPAPERS, LA\V BLAN K S, execute in the best manner, and ,cr expedition than any other Printn-I , orders for work with which he vuured. \Vnrk done in any re,-quircd ADVERTISING. P 9 "ring up." . ~---~ r r:m.1.-uzm Iu::1u|c.: 'ilz\y at |`. .. p.m. l'cl' ('un:\nl and Brut .1 -N\ ..