H. A. LIFF I l'ON'8 Woceho. Glut: sud Jatolry paired. /78 Pnnceu Street. I(ingston.| Wedding Rings,| loorner Princess and lontraal 8ts.| 1.4. BAITEIVHUB Ms. M _ C TLUM K H - g. HENDRY & THUMPSUN.l REES BROB., Mahufuotunng Cunfeo-N tiopun. 1 ` iio{i:1:I{'fsZiii3iFi{(>s | E California ` Bartlett l'-ars,l 929.: D .0, Oranges, A. .uon.o, Apples, Cocoa- I runu uuuupur II. Juan quarter Ill MI) . The above Inmoquy in to:-ood upon me by the return at Bprlns. And. u olhon sing 11. let hem mnambor tha Gulovruy lung II. am and clones I cull. ` ifii"i'?iE:3fz`f6.TFiii IGIIBE FITS! 7 Was`! -1. `4.: - ..4- .. < -7-vos.., : 3. HOBARTI>| Ilollhnu Inntnutfohuu Bl'l"l`lR BARGAINS IN -(&()0D VALUE. (:_('ARANTEED-- Imam-an um wnoaauo neuen |n 4'1 THE BAZAAR- FINANCIAL All) (EKUIICIAL. -< w'i||I Pugh 09;. at mus, e at inc Bazaar. Clearint Sale- POPULAR GROOEBS, -.n um: llll-l\\I |II\IIl| lV'I IIUW B'1|'l.'K` are selling all Lamps on hand at greatly reduced prices. wrulur to make ' :8: RINOESS STRAET. -Ntanu. Abausm 31 IIXIDIOAL HALL: T GALL.OWAY' hr; Inunpnud! Audgwra : 3:033: mt. lslonuluuut. hpum; CU ILIIII . ITC. ADVERTISERS can learn the exact cost of any proposed line of advertising in American papers by addressing Geo. P. Rowcll & Co., "" 7 A yr Ielpm-nit. llowvum gun: loan the Iil>Igo_%h PI |.|.I.wA\'n S(`0l`lllM.' s_ou-s 0 Yb INDER, [Lard 0113.] nuns audualulluou. 1.0 lunooII.Ou.nnnv.. PKESSERS and REFINERS OF l w. STRAGHAN & co., 1317.8 ` SUMMER TOUR \v7 '.\'r. Dun-1.. 1 MAC_Kl1-`J AE. If you Innt 3 Nice Fancy Jewelry (`also call at my place and leave your onlcr. Junt. the thing for 3 present. They are made I! my more in my utyle nr deal-,;n . The Picture Framing Factor u, 115 Block Itnct. Klnntoa. ' at Hhu-bot Luke no n.m.. Roam.-w 2:15 p m.; oounocti with (`.P.R. ltxprc for poimu nut. No. 6 nd luvs: Kxnton It 1:15 p.m.: iugrgisveu M Sharbot Luke 7: mm. Ronfrew nu : p.m. ' No. 7 lxpnnnleuveo Wanton at nan p.m.. oonnocunn Wm: C.P.R.hN 1 Express Tmlna at elm-bot Lake for an poll: 3 out and want. I. ll. TAYIDIL I`. CONWAY. A.I't. Swrt. Au't. Gan. Pan. A31. 3. . town. Illlorlntudont. .__ E OILS. .131 humans-u. Maj. huliullllnnh-an TRON AND MAOKINAO 1&Dn1hUnn nernnrr nun nnnnen Ann - 0El'l0l'[_A__N0 cuvsuuo A LADIES on GENTLEMEN, W. T7338`. :78. 2- noon `W VIALIA s...$.7. nu-Ohm ` uvun and n 1 ambush.-Enn.`w"3 13 T If. U * ' '-.':::.'.'.%. ::.*..:-- -'-~ blof Intnhd. TUCT Ilhllhuu Cheap Show Cue: zupocinlty. M6310 & mama: Ganada Pa.;Eo_ Railroads THE BEST AND CHEAPEST IN THE CITY at tho ool of Bannock and (knarlo luau [Mill WnHti::a_:n_d S1abs.] N.l.-0rdon loft no.1 C won)`: [not now. Pnncnrut meet. um re::.onro prompt ng hurts. opnnuuuunn. urn I ii." nngwruizn gz new ooII!0Ioou arms. . luv uncut, vuvupcob uuu U665- nua an 0 nu huh oordwood. on and booth to wood. dry uh. trim or hulmook cord ` wood. omnr novel or nun:-wed; or. it you Inn: undun wood Idnl. or non cod. nut and. No. I loll all. It NI'cIIlIl&h'I Q01. ` [DID or Mnnnfuctnroof Fluent Bnndn 1y_ I'(Il1=uuzI't The Driest, Cheapest iznd nest. maul: and Inn. mm!-MA n-h --I mu, y Orders Solicited. Hard a;1gi:or wood, [I c-nnJ.`-i.-u ' ._-. '---- vv- vuv: iv wt!` load cum am. N.l.-0rd to Inn:-not !E(3l:g:! rI!ut_QlI0l. If::`uI'Ir: :2 COALS_ ANVD woon ENG! NE and --DR.'Y'-- ` 1 M. MALLEN. 4114 OH I NE |!7IW|F JAII8 BWXI1`. is` Q l\ lololptilialivplno lot -nvmurs GEIUIIE-, jealous rival dealorl. SEVEN GOLD XIDAIB [lava held the market, and muted the Oil Ooumnan an Canada hatter than all other brand: nr out. V: I awarded up inside of {mu yam for the at `y and gu- otal axullenco of our Oils. Cylinder, Bul , Won! and Lard Oils; all high elan goods at common nous `A-_- L Q 1:. |Queen 6ii:' `Work: Toronto. ""` ""? -" "'" """ """ "'5 ""'"""" """"' l""""` SAMUEL 80% A O l.B.--Haw (lamina rand 0U"$_4. J S. Hendersorgf ......._........ ....., .. 10. HIV OXFORD IYIIIP ,,-un _.-. .n.| ..-A .. LI `A i H . .. Id. In men I! n. lH:I E ` c. e......... Mn. .... .. an ;..T"J"J.'"n.`.T.'.3 3.1": nun... uI,0:huImu.lau:n\'t|cyuo qulou. :-- - UlI7(:ll.I.A1`llulJI> ._..- "V v`--. son son: THREATS," nououms. oououl. OOLDI, Ghnduhr Swellmnd :11 Skin Diueuu it hunqrivd; Ind Il'&lncud and iii joint: it am like 1 chain. I. an infallit; r;edy_for nu; - 'IVsa1_nm E>id~\ima' and Ulcers ltinfnmouIfotGouIund heumuiun. Fotdllatdcnof Chd M it has no equal. -p4- `App 1nn-QAA -QAAAQA_nnA QQAIQQAQ l Q3 rm-y ;.:vI,:.2.; :nl:'n.:Io';c'"cL' h:a'u:'i"ITeaanTmea""Eon;i;mu," '53 cu nhvduablc in all (Tolnplainu incidental to Females of All Iqu. For CIINIQ lndthengedthcyutprioeleu. ' 0919"--I-1I| t\~l-\frl!n*l'Q?II1' 1 J AMES` REID, Furniture Dealer, .1 ` Se: our Cam`: Folding Cot. See our Wave Wire Fold Cot. Sm \ur Up olstered Folding Cot Coo our Cunp Btoo Largo Rod Rockers. Small Rod Bowls: Boolean. Largo Red Am: Rocloora. Veramlah Chain of ldooortpuovu. CAMP FURNITURE AT JAMES REID S- Out Plug. ...__,;_......_..__....__. .__.._... I V A-euu=tI:n.< L-M1 cg-Iopauuu-gust `k-' \ v_.' n Clothing, (iont'|~Fu'mi|li_ing (Honda. Huh. Oops, etc. Anothor cut in pa-lo. of Boy": Janey! and Bluo Flnnnd Buih. H` , Big burgninl in Tfllliiklnd Valiant. Thin lino qaedally mm bi gland M In] price. so an to make room (41? othorguudn. ~ Remember, if you want. big bgrgninn call at the Bur Clothing Home. I: `Ir-v v-4\ - '- l'UIPIo PVIPI I At the Star Clothing House, 93 Princess Btrivoetg TWO DOORS BELOW WELLINGTON. M93; BARGAINS 17:-ins WEEK DEARMSTLRONG ,,,__' .-..._- . H. WO'L'F`,OppoSi:eT Hehoosoh's Bookstore. Aoounu Ild rolhbla lnlornnilu Vorby ..umn._aunn mum: Onhr. o Strap. . , ._._.___..__.._..... _.._:.- ___ _..;. AFOFi%THESE"6O"o.L EVENINGS 'l`r'stu.c! the G l`.R. Co. loan loorof Johnston that u lollovn Gall; lu|-No. In l:CO .In.: No. 3. 1:26 mum No. 6. 1:16 at; In 0:15 |.l._ WOO-No. 2 at 3:! p.u.:No. 4 at 2:10 5.11.: No.0 3! 4- um; I 01! Train loan the Wu 3: Gzldyun. and 7:56 pm. Not. I._,4 and I run Sunday Included. No. I does not run on Monday. Aoounto and ioupbla IIIOIDINCVIA In rad to Rain And Rock: vu']:aIoudly\. orb) nn_nlliQ_GRAND PA88 guy: a .' 3"? oi Ab}; xi Bu? v's"A'i'u"u3we LI.` ......_..-.. .. -_A ---o.... 5.. l.....Ial. l\..l.Iln-n...I I`.._..s.'p..A.._- --`I New Jacket. and New W1-ape /`m-_Early Fall Wear. New Shawls for Early Fall Wear. , 400 Pia.-ca Dress Goods for Early Fall Wear. 100 Pieces New Pluslwa [ram 60 cents to 82.50. `Call at once before the abaortment is broken. __._......_._.____. N D at I L Ian-tut: )...:`.'...... mm. _....... am; an} manm . manna oonnmnunou `1"u`s'n."""""""""'E"E" ups Tu 9:-cl TnwToTx1siI'ii:%x:rr -ARE `NOV? PREPARED 'I'0.SUPPLY Peerlessii Mann-uhudyu1 9131': jj A Purify the Blood, mrrgrt nll Dinotden-_o( til! I QCQIIAAIA IUIRAIEEQ `LAX QQIA I-IEALTLEI FORT JH'_.L 1 IT 264 AND 256 PBINOEUH HTIIDT. Grand Trunk Hallway `%0on|`pa|y.?/ x uni. n ..\IulilTlU soptanhor an. to I;-`ix-it-ulna: I-`in-. 1 Fl! ibc. tootmus. ` IIIAUII. -..__l n-7 bo:--- \-it wow. wujw-u- ---j-n tar-two-p n., ., , {nu an and hub! .:".:T14.1s.= v'=..s.m" :um-at-an` mw.m.'~' "' ..g . ,, _ ._ __A n... -A 4- _n-_.__ n- -, THE P.l'.LLS The lost. Comfortable loot Wear lor this lot . Weather. For Ladies, Gents, Hosea,` Boys, amt Children. AH ll'll. > ulriaul lam w1GwJ,\L?i'Siik)Jii3':Sf Thomas Henley, Agent. Headquarters Shoe Store ' m _nuxcxss srnum cA`i`'i'II. H h H. llY__f__!I. .l TIIOIIAI Hotxown Inning I ' (Inn HQ. 0110)!) Elli. LOIDOI. . -._ -_.I -.. ..`L n-_..Q.. ._J___L-L-.I II. '.\'HmI1'Iu.\', u1'mw.a. septa-has mu so 0! an r 1rd gtnfpa-nun,` use an snnox. oonom: Johnna. - !REDDENB A 9fW'fF'i7l mnorrro. an In on". 1111--awn. . was umuu. inclusive um. own .1 Inclusive. mruu. uxcunsxox nus. can vmbo ' and to suit In ' :...... ......;.:.:..-...'.:*:`....:;.:i.'.... .d:.....,::'... . um.-. agar; an} to och-nuvm mun pm "good to nturu up to Scpunbar 10. inolndn, bib. ibucuvaouu` bu:l9tht'o!8d--Raun"Tnchh `ho Elm! Spglc Fins-oh: Fun for Roun ll`rip; .---w-uIvu$1l' / 132 and 134 Princess Itroot. I glnu"pu-Ioully\. TION, oornono! Johnna: my mum at npmsmu. J ' rt um ll :1: pay. Mun: ru mun. urban out" be holding up both and that- nul. But than in ll: Jo! at `I0! Kllc III!` I116, JlllIllli' I my. thtnuagol us but what to Fur than nan I shall no no nnnm-I no-zrnuneu, naming n illllld.-O` Uh. l'|-nun-, let ml! Thn-u your aboard the What I sentence for A` young lh-pr`:-Olll and cu-o -nlno mlt jnnll "Pin the clamp- wlalenm." nan`- human in. Jnnhnn!" I -TVCUC TD ti vv u-::v' IAII|l'I LIDalOl'l0ll. 60 CIVIOI ITIIII . IUHDHIO. | nuns: I on boat. qr wnllod Joahunr . Inna. iidl hnlcll ng nun: Incl -':'rnuuounn unouuua y: m dnudly. `I`n came . W Ollllkulll on nhum It in nnupu jdhnh Hi.` mama! rovvnnn, will w my unrnnuc Du: GImYif.' `} `Yon! Aplllt Du Gulliver! bike maniac d thin! Why. nu an his point! You an hf: my-ha `Pvt Io hy lafnrmntirus I X QY|I"VK;' Ntd Jnohun, with fun I van Ibinlng an the vannuvhn-all . during which ho cups! with lncllxmuonf I knew that than wu villain). And wish Pd have put nyurbl tthntupen wtndowund let Mm its charm`. In hb hen. the mmldnli `( Jp1. Pound.` be up. louhhxunfvu [n ubvn than 3 Mann mu. bfdnno lIvu`: anyhow. 'l`vv one In In: Him.` V " yf` cfl I-In 'lnfnnna- ' rill. ah... I-u-n Eon` .ltnL1|A `nah! III-I Eng IIIPW UIII IIWIT W3 IIIIEIIIPI UIIWIIII. " -`lllcu|noI!" In won! on. utur : pain, tncllgmuon I know uni. than in vllh.Inv_ And I was w ouuuu. The window mu upon. Thu -uphill I'll rndlng by the light 01 A pair M can- dles. I heard ltepn at the hack M tha home ct-mu-hing the gravel. Then I he-an! a knack at tho eaptahra dnor. loohdlu Ml windambclngm inundartthu eondothuwlthoutho lumen. AndluwJuhn Menuhin- nllopu chaoloor Advil In. Then I knew that then In: mhohlel having." LLIII.-nnnanl" In hnnknn aha: I using. I tell 3 non him. at 0 o'clnc \'|nn n`.- 1\ III` 0 l`l1l`KI straight away Alter tolling nu I in: In hlnnnu wny, 1 nun mum mung yuu. 1 I --otlmbtlnn--JonI:un--l\!u-ch I I ntgnnd at him Inmudulmu '1 ' li-v an I`! -vw--. -.--u P".::'.sL::.-:.- -?='-I.'.'.~n- nspruugxo my l t ('l. an In-llIUIllu( with ex- L-lu-xm-Ilt. Who wnu it told you? "'l'lmL," said the mun, la n secret." '1';-ll me. John Boer. (4-ll me. Oh, if I only knew?" I won-In-r what you would gm: to know, l lmmnce?" How can 1 tell?" I: was :1 mean and sneaking thing to do." said the man. I heard it wcldantr Ally. 1 mm sentry on duty. The (-5 ' l.ulu`a wimlnw was upon, and Iliaten The captain: and .hlm, they think no uno known. I was In the from (if the house, Whem_the'llngsus is; he come In from IIubnck,_snns no one should see. ' But Iluwlndow was open. and 1 both In-rd I-II noun him." mun ..... 1"... nm... '...n .....u ..s. "."'.' 2-}. [I I IIFII DE lllllli lllI\ I` |{lIll' y to give {M lnfnnnutjon me that whucvet happened I`. I'll! ll or-my: othonll u was no 1 mmu-11!" The this` -3 I Uamovsky & Ande;-sun.) `U01! wt! IV Vvuu ee- Ivuvuu uu - av Weighed I the belenoe. but not loeud venting. Nonhrop O Lyuen'e Vqeteble Dleoovet eed Dye One hee been weighed am in enee. me upon- enee 0! en lmpenlel end intelligent public Boll n-came; eed peeeuierily it In e eeeeeee. Ice eelel eoaetemly Inereeee, ueeiooeyln in [ever le dell pouring ln. Tleqeullon ll lle eleeey _ ls, Live! Oonplelet. Kodeey Allneel eel In Blood Iuperlty. le decided. 0e Ieel Ielenley week. feet belore deal, e rlee Ill tee [clef an en. (lleegoe Green 0 e-gov. Ievtleed. eed none one ehoelel um the police Iere eonieg. The ten lghseueetl en the epeemme nede nl. Dare! :5. lgllten, Wllllen Bell. eueape -A In --hn ennnee tin (`Jude Kline, hm UIII I III Ifllli. Wllln nun, Inoups an to win nu-on tho Gtyde Rum, but when Id! in; awake bean uhumod and on around. Hh bad) no mova- ul an Iron mend. gr: and city pm cannot an no. hit. Q4!`-J--nlal-L VI IIIII IIIIIIUIIII vuuvvu-vu- In new vmnhou Fmpouul. tlu Jnylyosoo In than to nuke ha Int nppnnuo as public Mn. in two yum. OI TI nut be null um oqdnnfnuobat Inooordolilo 1.14.1 1. AL. L-l-.._. Lnl -..I Inaunl !E*`F".'."_"_'.?'F_*"f"**"*] I .... Including Baldwir, of '.(maIn, than Ion but four 1'n'nndhnI It the American rep!-tn on Lulu Uhnmpln. Hf tbs ulhon two belongod to Broolmllu sud -no hailed from Toronto. Dr. J. D. Kelfogfn Dyunhry Cotdll In 3 spud; euro for dynoumy, diurhm, chotou, hummer complaint. an uichuou sud oonplnlsm incidents! to ohaldron nothing. It `in: imnedlnu valid to `those luoring Iron the often 0! India- antlon In nun Intipo In-uh, cuunbou, oh. I: son with wonderful rapidity and nuclula to conquer the discus. No on and luulohn If they Inn u boulc 0! ma uullolu oonvulon - -; -nAL .- _.u__ A____ u__.___A I u ,..u....... m... ........... .., ...... .. Vary mun pononu dio Irnnally {rum oholon And ndrod llllllllllf complaints, who might have been and i! proper ro median hnd been and. H Attacked du nnl delay In go.-Ming home of` Dr. -I D. Kellogg`: Dyaontory U rrdlnl .the medicine um nuor (nil: to (loci. a cure Thnu who have mod it any It not: promptly, Ind thrunghly, nubduu tho pnln nnd du- 'l'l'u u`:In.J;ok Batu. knocked out near Pimburg Ill Tnudsy 0! lat week, In F. Ponder, 3 mill man and groonhorn, who took the plsoo of Jnok Fm after he hnd pnvonud from lighting by olckneu. l'.- mu... nnblnnl din nnnnnlln In-urn Tom Kan, In chi Htuwulto, fonnuly captain of tho Uhaudloro Fire company, 'rooontIy look that ptln at shooting it a programme of upon: at Stony Moun- uln. N.W.'l'. VIVL- _-_ I--I. lI-I.- I.-uu.I-.4I and 2...- III 111 Ic\.vuuq`_Buvu nuuu. If your children no troublod Inch worjmu, gin than Moth" Grant Warm ' Exterminntonule. sure, And effectual Try It, sud mark the Improvement In your child. I! , ,_ J: ;u.___u- 1,__-_I_ Ii. I. Input : Hop, jg`. udvn.2_"I an an I!!! I UUIHII -I uuliu Iula IIIIIU yuan vuu uI- Inna Murphy, the odlorod Archer. Inn been enguod to ride for J.B. Huggin next season. Tannl, 315,000 Ha Angunf Hurry Hntohcm, at Cov- entry, Eng , conceded W. Jankinl nilo ynrdl in 120. and beat him by In]! I yard In 11} necondqigood form. It ....... ..|.aIa.... ... ou...hl.A -.9). .!"" -: .}`.'..:'.".:*'..:.-`-..;=:rta.;':`.=:-;--;-..: uvun nua--uu. Inl-tting hoot: u-ad them auto oorm. Hallway : Corn (`are In the article to Iuo. not I bottle at once and onto your cornu, I_-_- Il..__L_ AL- _.LI.._.4I A-..|.-n Lg- til!) ,._.3_. IJ\7lJI- .. ..... .,.. _ Amusing reception will be ncoordod to E. 0. Carter at New York: on his tetnrn from England. In] RAH..- tum- ..'r.:I amt nnnnn nnnnn Thdhone noon at Fnrmornvillo, Ont, take 1c_e Sept. 20 and 21. A -....-:...- .......n..... _in 1.. ...'.....A..l on wxmwu-r ll unnu cuula OODCOIVE. l n-at-xnlly, ul listened. I heard voices. 3 Some one was with him then. I crept (mm the penthouse and stepped lightly over the narrow ower bed which uwod beneath. tho window. The shutter was closed, but one huw what sort of a slant- ter would be tlut of Joshua : ootugu At the mill. In fact, it In: not oieu and thou was 1 hole In it, through which I In! what was going on. The visitor wu our old friend Mr. Mallock, justice of the pews. and he wu tslklng In my mag- latorlnl wav IT`: En any-Hnnarl \ -10 pm. my msomona thoughts Into somo- son of shape. I hungcrod for re- wnge; I longed to make him suffer. I luv] came here In feel near to the man on whom I was going to work revenge. He was on the other side of the wall, i thought. He was chuckling. no doubt, , u\'1~rtIu~eml of my love swry-lnughing to think" that my lover wutserving before , the xmtt nu ono of his lnajestyh: ships fur three lung y0IlI."0b, villain! It was something to be ue him. to feel thtwuue could even 1511] M If one had the. x4trcn1zth-tho\t nlone was imntlng; to think that close to him one could execute whnu-ver tho mind could conceive. I !-nmnnllv nu I Nnfnn-1' I I.---4| -1-.. ` -GENERAL AND spomma NEWS. Tn: nun! mawa. WE |V (To be] continued.) 1% `gg Drznnca Woaxa T T mum mm. Iuml. Ir; `aw. :5 I ;~n'r:'.u "Ill