Dr Record : Euonco :1` LIE: ,|_;AI_L_ mg:-nn. .uF.nI7c.L\: HOUSE, BOSTON , MASS, -' Snpelal Nouccu. Batclnolol- I Hair Dye. 1- AL- I...-D V In a certain indication of Decca. at the Roots. HAIR vEcf{BiE`'TcTuAN LEWIS RICE & SO I`\ ___E,_,, -ll I-IIUUEIU Nubun,'!.H., Proprietors. HALL S_ any---an - 4.--. J Int Cultivate it. E C hJ\JLV Proprie Lora. KINGSTON; MONDAY Buehu in new . Juniper Berries, by distil- lntion, to (mm o ne gin. Cnbebe Oxlructed by displacement by liquor obtained from Juni- per `Berries, containing very little sugar, It smell proportion of epiritpnnd more palatable flthen any now in use. The active propertier on by this mode extracted. , Buclm, as prepared by Drtlgvisls generally, in of a clerk colour. It is a. plant that emits its fragrance; the eetiou of n ihrne destroys this (its nctive principle), leaving 3 dark and glu- tinous decoction. line is the coloitr of ingre- dients. The Buchu in my_pi-eperntiun predo- minates; the smallest quantity of the other ingredients are added, to prevent fermentation; , upon inspection it will be found not to be a Tinctnre, as made In Phavmncopoe, nor is it a lsyrupbd therefore can be used in cases where fever 0: inammation exists. In this, you have the knowleige of the ingredients and the mode of preparation. nnninn II-ant vnn nail` In-an- :0 -.251. _ a_:-I | ; rnnr'ArLA'l'lUN UF COMPOUND EX TRACT BUCHU. The component part; a BUCEU. Lona Luu, cusses, JUNIPE BERRIES. sun uauuu ul ptcpnrutnuu. I Hoping that you will favour it with 5 trial, gnnd that upon inspection it will meet with your V approbation, - With a feeling of condence, I am, very respectfully, Cbeust and Druggist of 16 years experience} in Philadelphia, and now Iocued at his Drug _ and Chemical Warehouse, 594 Broadwny,} New York. i l [From the largest lhnufncmring Chemists in i the World.] A, *mvaLun "I am acquainted with Mr H T. 1d ;| ` he occupied the Dug Store opposite; y reai-` idency and was successful in conduit!` tbei business where others bud not been 6 ally so | before him. I have been favourably impressed . with his character and enterprise. l I Fxrr_u of Powzra & Weighlman, Manufacturing Chemists, Ninth and Brown Streets, Phila- delpbin. For weakness arising from indiscretion, The ` exhausted powers of nature which an nccom-` pnnied by so many alarming symptoms, among which will be found Indispoaition to Exertion, Loan of Memory, Wnkefulceas, Horror of Di- sense, or Forebodings of Evil ; in fact, Univer- sal Lusimde, Proatrnnon, and inability to en- ter into aha enjoymenta of society. ml... l".....o:on9nn-. nnn nnninrl UNI-u nu-annin [Bf llu int! CIlJU_yu.|Uu|v U: uuun:I._y. The Constitution. once neoted with Organic Weakneu, nqrm-ea the aid of Medicine to strengthen and intigm-ate the system, which I invnrinblpes. If no troatmeht is submitted to, Consumption or Insanity ensues. In affections peculiar to Femaleau. unequalled by any other prepursticfis in Obloroais, or Rotention, Paiufuluoayor Suppression of Ous-- Iomary Eucntiono, Uleernted or Schirroua State of the Uterus, ind all colnpluiutl incjdeut to the sex, yrhelber arising from habits of `dissi- pation, imp:-udonoe in, or the decline or change of life. HP.L|(BOLD'8 FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU AND IMPROVED ROSE WASH will radically exterminetg {mm the gynun dioeuee arising from habit: of dinipetio M hula, expense, lime or no change In diegsno inednvenienoe or exposure; completely mpg;-- `uding than unpleasant and dengerous re- medies, `Oopein and llercnry, in :11 these dieeeaee. Uee Hnunonr.-'3 FLUID E31-new Baum: in i All dieeues of then organs, whether existing in male or female, from whatever oanse ori- ginpiing, and do matter of how long standing. It in plgennt in tome and odour, ilnlnedinte in action, and more strengthening than nny of the preparation 0! 1311-k or.Irpn. Thanh nniferinz from broken-down or delicate HELHBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT BUCH-U, preparation: or but or. u-pn. Tboie inating taonltitutions, procure the remedy at once. *" The reader must be aware thst, however slight may be the stuck or the above diseases, it in certein to nice: the bodily health. Ind ` b I powerl. All the above dinner require the aid of 1 Diuretic. 'ELMBOLD S EXTRACT BUCHU is the great Diuretic. mm In all Druzniatn everywhere. Pr-_ioe HELMBOLDB FLUID EXTRACT man, u gm` Ulllltluu Sold by .-11 Drugs 31,25 pg: home, qr am: live:-ed to any ncliiroal. :_ -n ...m.mnnien.1iouIl. in all eommnuicuioua. Add:-ea; H. 'r.,.H1I.-LMBOLD, Drug and 61?.- micul Warehomq, 694 Broqdwuy, N.Y. None are genninogignleu done up in stool- eugru-ed `upper, with the-uimilo of my Chemical Witohouw, nnd_|igned nverea m In; ......-.... communications. 1.1.1.... 1.`; 1v_`HELl wuu llu-Inn LLOW me to call your attention to/If} . PREPARATION or COMPOUND AC1` Bnmm N n ----------- -- A T0 PHYEICIANS. BELMBOLD-`is EXTRACT BUCHU, MODE OF PREPARATION. New ` .._-.~- , 7- -- -r `:25 for in II`! cry IIlh0"l'.` en, T can cenu pet`-I9 3 WILLIAM WEIGHTMAN, ' York August 16th, 1967. u-a tic. Druggiau Price 5, or six bottle! for $6,150. De- .. 2;--- hum.-ihn than nvmntnma H. T. EELMBOLD, Dullleq uu ;yu,vv. .. Describe the aynptflga ! 1-. niu`.nnoLn. ELIC ucat UI ILIU ILIUSL PCIICITI IIlII U`U. 1 Eh-d-After having been extensively used for; the lust 14_Ayeal'3,in N01` ONE instance bag it I failed to give ENTIRE SATISFACTION. `I|`\-_wlrI'I;Al that Mara and it Vs-IIIIAIIEIAQ :0 lnllcu KV BIVU Ill.` II-LIE $31153 \\JLI\IL`. Mb-Families that have used it pronounce THE BEST, and will use no other. 2.1. I`. ___A_:__A.C`A"nhAfIII'C`l ,,, j.,_ | "EsTb1??'$.I'Jni.EZii'2 ri~`s, no daes it ` impair the digesljye organs like those powder: I where SODA or an excess of ALKALI predo- L ' minutes. 2 ' ' I Q-L lo m A _ A _ ._l_....;. L. IJ___.`l ._ IV_I.-_ __ . _ E A few more buxea of those cheap FIGS, best nag cheapest. in the ciuy, only 20 coal: for nearly 2 1 .3. ____`___, A I T4 " I l`EN REASONS why it should be mad in: preference to all otben- I 1u-Bread or Cake: made with it are MORE 1 WHOLESOME than if made withyeut or my other process. I `lnjtla DTYDYTV :4: anal: that :0 -:II an-AA ` Ulllfl PIUUE U3- 2nd-Its PURITY is such that it will stand the test of the most perfect anal; aid. 3 SI:-rL_Aar hnvina hann D?Il'IiI7b1 nnn fru- ug:t::lt ne'ver gives to Bread or Cakes an un- . pleasant ALKALINE or MAWKISH Issue. | '7lI-\_q`hn :llI`f'inl'I. 0|-nu! fa-nun Ila Anna nnailinn ` PIISIIEDLIB J`ILll\II.JlLVi3 U! HILL WY DLDIZI IEDIC. 7th-`l`he in dients that form its composition are more BE FIUIAL than otherwise. ` lllk hm. nnlin n.uh..nIa_ng- uni 'lJl`l'I" D---A v I I IIIIU UJUIU IJIEL I:lLll.'IJ lII`u 'J|-I-IUIWIBC. K ` 8| Dy pnc 8ub]Pc eat H01` Bra-ad . I or R la do with it, In de `ve BENEFI l` by 1 its use. n.|_ `m____ .___`__L ___._|__ 2.- 1..II __,_:,,|_. BALTIMORE 9__Y_S_TERS wwnrunuuovwu. - . 153 EU. . 9Lh-Every packet contains in tull weigbt.1. K. One pound packets weigh SIXTEEN OUNC-ES. } 10lh-It. is all that is represented to be, viz.:: !.lI1' - In _1.:- ,1 : ,u. sani l -vV- -` -- ---- '--' -_ --r-'--- -- C j Unrivalled for Purity and Cheapness." 3 throw up nuNUnc'ronr- ' .. ....., - ..... I 1 I `FIE Subscriber begs to inform his numerous ! ` 1 cusmtners and friends that he has removed frbm his old Stand. Princess Street, to Mr Gay : Buildings, No. 24 Brock Street, direct'i_v opposilo . Mr Ramnge, wa.'.cbm,a.ker, where he in prepnred 3 with an entire new Stock of Broad Glolbl, Pilot. uni Beaver, Cuaimeru, Docpkins, Oun- sdisn, English, and Scotch Tweeds, to make up to order on the shortest. notice, and in the most New and Fnahionablo Styles. was -Ina An hand nunn Inn nnnn I-n n--n HEW ILILI I.` ESLIIUUBULU | |C3u Has nlsmon hand, made [up under his own superinu.-ndence, 5 large quantity of Rendyqnnde 1 Gluthing, which he can warnnt. and recommend, at prices 4.: low as can ba found in any establish- ment in the city. Call and examine before purchasing. nliun r.IvIm:..Q'I'nN' FEW GENTLEMEN can be accommodated ` with Bonrd and Lodging in I. Private Family. Location, Barrie Street. Apply for ad- dreuut the Daily News oicvr. Rant 91 JAMES H0219! _ -. mo 1- Aiutl Ulnnnn ll 1! A \1 .Law_n._a.|.I ELLEVUE TERRACE, fronting on Centre Street, formerly occupied by Mr William Ferguson. " Possession immediately. Annllr tn H II RG9]! P|;u1AT.aNn iMPOTAN'l` nmwn T1) CASH cusroumas. } Bail`.-}":?$'5is ana".6sTuo._s n Princess Street, Kingston. ESIRES most respectfully to thank his nu- merous Customers for, 3 liberal patronage extending over FIFTEEN YEARS. In .-Inning his -M-nnntn fnr than tmlt vs-gr Hm cxleuurug over 1' u.` nnnn I nnuu. In closing his nocounts for the past year the udvertiag ha determined to abandon the Credit aystxn altogether, and he wishes his Customers to understand this announcement in the most! positive sense. Determined not to be outdone inmtbo price or qunlity of his Stock, he is pre- pared to sell BUUTS and SHOES. of unrivalled manufacture at the lowest remunerative priceai on strictly cub terms. | '..n.Irl nannnnll mnnt ha nnttlnd immndintth Ilflluly CIIIJ lvI!l'K3~ Unpaid accounts man he named immedin 1}, otherwise may will be put in suit. ` -3- Th. mu-mun of Cash Customer: no-Q Kingston larble Worn} anniznmn STONE inn 1),! BARBIE STREET, The pnronngo of Cash Customer: to- II, UIIICIWLE `HIV Wlll III yuu Ill ululn % liclted. J AXES HOPE. Kinguou, 22nd Jsnunry, 1868. Alshli Inn Iniururunu, nonlnnenu of every fnuterial and design, Headotonpl of every size and styie, Post: for Lot Rncpouxu, and Stone work of every description, promptly executed with tho very best workmanship and at reasonable prices. References permitted to John Orelghton; Esq.; Edwin Chown, Eaq.. and Wm. Ford, Jr., Esq. `I....m..`oinn nf Stank ralnnr-_tfu'l1v lnlir-had FINNAN7mI_L1DDIE; `El!J;ll~s. PRUNr:s'ror 25 cents. 22 Iha. CURRANTS for $1. ` Nam R AIQTNK` In Anni: nu `ll. an Inn, UU l\.L\l`lL` LID lUl' U1. New RAISINS, 10 cents per lb. SPANISH UNIONS, 5 cent: per] `Ian Dec. 9. Tllili ANIJ GLGTHINE ESTA BLISHMENT. DVERTISEMENTS for the Dust NlI'B.[ \ intended to appeu the Mme evening. :,` Ihonld be sent-in nt_u only In hour inthaday ;. - T L -- .......u.L. u xisnimi-s mxlsa POWMCR. IIlUIl5l.I|IUl an poulhle. V PRIVATE 9ARbmc. THE cmcLA"rIoN of the :D.'m;r* ' _ Nnws is fully c-ne-half largar thim _t.hat of any othex-`dnily journal ubliahedeg ` |; T < in Kingston. The ` ' ulsticm 0 the old? RT, OF ADVERTISING.;_ma3~ce .est|2:]b1ished weellxllgy `C _ A439] `Nmrs Greeley, of New york, 5,3-5 .,_1\he. is sogreatermnn hdsherwqck b-.`,` t b .~ - .T linheq in the, cdnnt;r.j_ Adv:er:raI'pi%1. ' ingcuilm smug ah` mild I.:.r=.*.*;='*'..,:*':...:`.*,::;. *;,".:.-39.,` :;:;! :1: :."aW~ ,.~~;..%~~imem;w=- It -. ~ -'.In `I ` -- thia locality. W . V ~' ` d`9P" : -`1` ve adirsd 1i`b`emuy..na. for V 3 ED ll-I` HUI Sept. 21. Otiober 8, 1868. May 12. Vln. 1"Ol'l!, Jr., niq. Inupotion of Stock respectfully solicited. D Aug. 20, 1863 [A l-1'31. E :1! ANTELPIBCE S, llonmnentl ..t ..-.3--1 u-nqonu-inl and Janina nnndntnnnl ` DYERTISEHENTS for the Dust Nltl. ._..._.a...1 .. ......-.. elm ahnmn n'uanin.- 376 Z liotf-Dam; glreet, MONTREAL. J. GARDNER, Chemist, Sole Proprietor and Htnufncturer. IR - j i;'s`.`()`El-'iT.'D-_DA];Y' I` g 5 ` F. so - jun: PRLNCESS ST. TO LET; `II rllnrln |r\II 3 .- % ms. QIIIITIJ 3 Apply to R. M. ROSE, Oichl Assignoe. AND UCIUIU FUIUUCB CHAS. LIv1'3s'r0N. I mm -1-?.". En Es, Print-on: R EVENING- JANUARY 4, 1869. \6 Packet: D L . [BID INC, Princess St .R. TANDY. .- lb. And for .._.j.: -y" "-_.\, I . 1 Suitable for ull ages, just receiied and fog sale ! n n.-nn.v -s.-.1.--.`...,..-.~.- : ' "-"" l` ' Bibles, Church S1:-rvicea, `Prayer Books, Psalm 1 { an-I Hymn Backs, Albums, and a great variety of Fancy Articles, suitable for Christmas pad : New Year Presents. 1 fr}; ` opuled Oug. Tin elegsgt bindings, suitable for Presents and Prizes for ' Iainv now. `Christmas and MW Year Holidays. [ CULOURED PICTURE`. BOOKS, mnalbeau- .OiFnl at I VVIJIJ u tiful, at | ]:ARMERS and Trustees of Churches, beware E of ignorant. deslerp in Melodeons and ' Organs. as poor worthlesustrnmenta are'gene- 1 rulfy to be found there that cannot be sold to any i practical Musician. : THE iiEYN_EIi ORGAN !H`o`Lin AV B0 0 K 3.! 1 . _ n . _ . . . .... v......... _ Q is the best in the Dominion. Manufactured by i J. REYNER. A guarantee for ve years given i with each instrument, aid sold at prices to defy competition. IELODEONS, from $30 upwardl. N_ew munns, - $65 . n Thus; ;I\3UPL1II'IDl\f nrn uninn Ont` `nu-int` he T I n_ew Lrnunuo, " v.; " - ` These instruments are voiced and tuned by J. : Rayner himself. _ 35 years experience in t-ar.-h- ! ' iug Church Choirs, he , give -him the advanzuge of knowing the kind ot' tone most suitable for itha vninn | I able rules, NSTRUMENTS taken in exchange. Tuners sent to all parts of the country at reason- Wrnm J R l?`.VN'lER`_Q BOOKS run we 3EA-S.E 1 ` II-JIBILII-11151 IIUHIIJIILI Belgrnvia Annual Beeton's Christmas Annual Good Cheer. Hannsy's Almanac Rutledge : Christmas Annual Bow Bells Almanac ,GoocLWords.fur the Young, No. 2 Gode_v s Book for January, 1869 , Sunday Migazine and Good Words for De- _ camber Sabbath School Messenger for 1868, in boards Rootledgds Every Bo_v s Annual Of La.ni s I-t`.nd-Cbristmas Story Book Seekers after God (Sunday Library series) Gentle Life-second series Trench s Household Book of English Poetry Tom Brown's School Days, blue cloth gilt kc. Etc. he. ' `IJIH uU:|:KlUCl' LIVE! IU EULIUUIIIJC IU L'II.l.II:l'I the" OLD EAGLE FOUNDRY, and hauuppned himgelf with 1. new and complete set of patterns for Threshing Mschinea, Plougha, &c., which he in now prepared to suppiy at the lowest. remune- mtive prices. ` 'I"Iu-Inhina `llgnhinlu I-nnnil-ad on the nhnrisnl. and the public that he has re-established [u.:3`;,'1"&1 - hj nr JUoIrX EAGLE F_'_QUNDRY. 1usasuma_M-=M:unNs._ KIUVU yucca. Thmahing Machines repaired on the shortest notice, at madnrste prices. Princess Street. VlIEl'|TQ'I"t\`M' DDDWH F. W E R N E R. ; AII_ctloneer J: Commission Merchant ,-L_'|t,_I__. `l7:__ _ ` WHICH IJl.DEIlIl AUYVIUOCI Will U03 l.I.llI\lU. Sale: of Dry Good: on Tuesdays, Thursdays Llld Saturdays at 10 a..m.; 3nd at 7 o'clock ` every Evening. -` | Nov. 2. v l`HE Subscriber begs to annouce to Farmer: ..am H... ....m:.. u... I-.. has m..u.hIi.|-{.5 Consignments respectfully sl-olicted, for ` which Liberal Advances will be made. CI-I-- ..l' TI-.. `lands an VI`-nan;-I-nu 'l'|uq-uni--g w1nnAcI1E"coAL mm 0tIlce-st.` Lawrence Wharlg Fodt. of J ohnspn Street. UR 00:1 in Pure LnclI_:nrann_, being mined In the `very hurt of the Lnchwann Valley, - Scnnton, Pituton, and Wilkes Bane, flom tho best Ioleeted mines, `and is prepared with gran are expressly for Funily use, and will be m-egoud and delivered in the bent pouibleoo - dition. `D.n.u. .41-_A-A M I14.-I In. ;--6g- Aasunninniuln -uju '3)! 3.8. PERUVIAN, xpecaed in two days A frnm I.(')NI')HN PTTRl.l'RFIR:`R will ha uu]l3:v::t selected Sqft Coal for grate: eonutsn `:1: on band, also Lehlgh Lump for Foundry tee and Bnlhurg fdr Blacksmiths. 'l`nI-Inn nnnhfe nnlivfn in nnv nnrtnf tha suuuounaca-Q courage:-ilhl. In nail luu. wuiluurg wt ouu:nIu.IuuI. Tertnl Cgah? Delivered in any part of the pity. ` - JAMES SWIFT & CL. I\_AAL_.. III I Dec. 11. Dec. 12 GIFT Booms, r1HRIS'I`)!AS NUMBER. LONDON SOCIETY 11_|______, A __.__1 kSTACF.Y S V GIFT EOOKS. U`! V UI\}Up t Secondhand PIANOS from $40 and upwards, n nmvnran-.2: I T` dr ADvm1iTIsINe.+Hm-gee ` _ _ Greelqy, `york, says :--`!`he- .most success businelg thiuoity` ire thbs wh ve nnnnfnntlv A nrnn K)`ir;rf;:niinnf Ann- Dec. 11. Dec. 12 . ` Nov, 10. mix our: LOOK our: _.j L868. coy. 1868.] uuuuvnvnnvwu : v ---.-,.-___-._ --_'.. __.... Brock St., near the Market, Kingston, Ont. A; we _cf'rY_ ([(i)6KSi l`OR11'. g F r! 2 0 65 . 4 , '0 =., 9) 9; I S i`ACEY S, (J11 ITIIVIV l.I'I'.IIl.` .1 RUMS, Luge sizegsxz Ind 320. In rg! everyting connected with the Music Trzide, Ar DRVhTI?.D Q October 21, 1333. 1wAca_Jt;;ssas_Ftp_r popxs. A Large Stock of New And elegant 80 KING STBE ET. IIIUU ILIILV IPEUIEU II.I LWU UH ! `LONDON i=5BLIsHmRs, will be` `Ls 0"l'l_N iiiannnnsow, PRINCESS STREET. From J. BEYN,ER'S i Store, __ Marble Block, ' Princss-st. JOHNSTON QROWN, Kingston, Ontario. Jam: GreIgI_1t(m._ ILLI ll!!! IIIUHIC .l I'I|.I At REYNEWS. .| -ysv nu At RE'NR*s. u vrnsu EISURE HOUR, Sunday at Home, ~- British Workman, Band of Hope Ravi:-Ir, Ohdrnn Friend, Infant : lngulne, Children ; Prise, 8.8; Messenger, Quiver, Sunday Ilaguino, British Workwomnn, and British Juvenile. December 19. ` ' A. .__r r.__._____.._._.._-.____..__.__. G1:1{MA1 1jR1 ED.` FLOWERS CASE of HANGING Blssxnrs and BOU- QUETS of these beanilul and appropriate Christmas Qrnamema just arrived and fur slle by F`. I} DADVED Ill VUUII I sxznd, WALKING on sxowsaons, incl, can be fuighfully represented i the qbova I ll) 6. K 7 A nnl-nfnl nvnIn`|'nHn\n of napalm.-. I ._-.1.. 1" BE Subscribe: in now prepared to take the WINTER STYLE_ol Porudit 1: introduced in Kingston by him, and which is udmirnble for the eect of REALITY and BEAUTY which it presents. .` R| (A'l`lMr1 \l'7 .|J','I?run ...; uunnrannhn Amcareful enminntig: of Ipecimanf Hon-k is respectfully aolicite . L . H. HENDERSON, Pl-innan Ru-ant !I}-1;;lei1t AMEWIS64 and Amnd-I Inputs thereto. ` `In the m..:.Ir (IF -mum` s conmcr, of the (`.in 1.: ..`-,4-.nn,.' an nnnfvni.-F ` VOLUMES FOR 1868, RECEIVED A1` nu luau.-A-1 H] I IIUIII I-J U\IL`IUllI.l., DI U10 Gig oi 1..-..5;ua..',un oIveiT; V _ LL persona owing the Eutate are requested A to pay the amount of their indebtedness ` to Mr J. R. Burke, at his oce, Wellington St. inexf to Bailie Bros. in the 0it.y'of Kingston, : within TWO WEEKS from this dug, after i which any accounts remaining nnpnid will he i ; sued without. further notice. I I A lln 311 A II\1t'|\f - In Luu Luuurr on uu:I.J.1.`u) Ulhn, OI ELEV, OI Kingston,Tailor, ll insolvent. ` H HE Creditors of the Insolvent tn-e_ notied" that he has made an uaignm.eI'u..of his estate and effects under the abotto Atzujo no the undersigned Aasignee, and they are re- quired to furnish me within tg monthi froin this dnlte, with their claims, specifying the new entity they hold, if any, md tho. 1-alga of it: and if none, stating the fact, the whole. attested under oath with the voucher: in` siipport of such claims. ' ' ` " " ` Dated at Kingston, 23nd Dae.tl68, - - - JAMES SHANNON, . ninl VA nlunnn, II(:1;l;;ent(Act or ISM-and Amend- , meats thereto. '- " I In the mum of .LuEs GB.1mH,oru.ecizy of Kinnrtnn_'1`ailnr, an Tnnnlvnnt Iiolvent Ac-t M1864. and Amend- ] mcntsems T - :j ' In the mime: on-Hons OONLEY, or the Oiiy of Kingston, Tailor, an Inaolvpnt. HE Creditors of the above-named no notied~ that he has made an assignment olhio Eu- tato and Efecta under tho shove AutI_;to.ni0.lho undersigned Aiaignee, and they an reqniqpd to furnish me, wivhin two months from this date, with their claims. specifying the aucnrity they hold, if any. and the value of it; and il.-;nonc, ` stating the fanct---the whole attuned under oath, With: the vouchers in support ot`vanch clsims. ~ . T In Illl. smnnwmu insolvent m of 1864 and Amend: , mentgyllereto. T % i _ `,_-\.a`v_.___.-s. .5. `IL: away unonxvnn A1` ` lIENDER80N .a BOBKSTGRE. In the matter of GEORGE GHAFFEY I-Idw BROTHER, Insolrenu. ' HE Creditors at the above montlonod in- Iolvenu, including the indi_riduul,c;od1torI of the neversl partnenro hereb` M pgiuajmdfuo nt- tend u.`meetfng at the ooe of GIL- DERSLEEVE And WALKEB,B0licKll,,i|11 Illa City of Kingston en 1'UI8DAY- the FIFTH day ofJ~ANUABY next A: ll 4 E for the pur- pose of considering vu-ion": matters connected with the winding up of the estate; JAMRH mu mm In nnmnnn `DELI Ill Wu-IHIIIB UPUI IICU Cl||rKn nuns GBAN'1'.llAODONALD, Kingston, Dec. 14, 1888, - Asslgnae. _---- F-c`~`::. ruouramgc nnnwnnjif mm swnnr wuss, IIlGl_l')I " Iv. 111-LI}! I` -Ell.` us` ` L_I`l-`Q BEST PALE` `ALE P031113 nv Wlj82'ERN"p4NJ.I_J4,_ I Kingston, Feb.I8. 110;`; 3- Try can-anew cough no- uedy.---soe Aqlvertllo-ant`. ` ` FFECT or Anvm3:r1s1Na.-I: in amusing at times _to observe the stores of the merchants who don't udve_r- tise; to see the anxious proprietors look- h'-nv int-n 111.4: -0,1-ante and uni -$5: nnnnln an BABE , WU WI-[U uullvll. PIUPIIUKFI-I131` ihg into the streets and peoplg o by, wondering why they don : nogng 1;, while the stores of their neighbclrlwho duo advertise no thaitim d Wbith Some ole wi enrn ydienlnn, others 1lpnoL-Day Palladium. V_ V A e` ,7 ' U 7 77" "' r ' `ILIIHEADS and `otharhindl of Jon Pnnvrme executed wi _ ;neu and pespatch at the Daily `New: V V P Street ` - I -15:11.1 5.31; L` L _a..IJ I Jflll L-Dlll..lltL1 _l `D."` _.|__ The large circulsuon of ip DAILY NEWS rendeis is the. naturjil medium for the publication of all snf'a'flnd*run|iem -, advertisements, as well an langgr?-announce- ` meats. "Atlvertiacmcnta of.raligiaQI1,otic'ej` ; sud Sabbath aenwices.-; Sivtllui-9l_|3`nW9-Rtvedl situgtiops nuns; houses fo`rmaalu,; houses ` so reqgx; .h.0I1sesTnnted; bfoard ad lodg- ing ;`1-isoms wanted; bafd `yu|jie&{ It- tic.-.168` hm; articles found : cattle wanted; cm}: {hr sale ; cattle wuyu-5; $50., when tdelosea inserted for 25 outs nah" inter-A Vtion. payable only in Advance. When did- .. played. 9; PlP0!%i0n8*.Pi9!-'i1!,~l? oi-"ta-l 9 g , _ ` V M Ju - 4- ` > I Kingston, Dec. 7, 1868. December 12. U Kingston, 29th Dec. 1863:. luvs; `I-.1332-.lI-III-L`II..I`\3' u\l_" I p 5*-1'9! kinds t t run'1J'nnn ; Kinggton. . -DAIL! Nun. ' Kiguton, ] ._._. Try mung; Pow- LARGE nlaortment of GERMAN BOU- QUETS, just receiyed by 4- n wnr-rm .---- EYE WATER. _ as srmwsoms mm wuna in for sale by E. H. EPABKIR, )ec. 9. mm: square, `% `RANSIE NT ADVERTISEMENTS.- Thn In!-rrn n:'nnn`aI-`nu .4` Flu. `I'D.--.`- mAur-r1;I;~I'rI}~IG no; 1 ` s_._A. Ann- on BRILLANT qjonuns. Photographic `Notice. mo. wfo-1n:Iqr 11. BREWER 0.? ~43 ,,,_ D A T D A T E 1'?! Rio-.IZk-I `h. u} u CW8 FLojV_E1fsT -58. '1 I'll I. H, Chemist and D:-nggiot,` ` 42 Princeujtreet. 11`) l ICU. JAMES SHANNON, Ocinl Analgnee. ~ n 1865! . pun. U: vuuuu utuula. `Tings SHANNON, Oiqipl -Antigua. E. B. PARKER, lake: qua:-e. `DD DI1ARL`\IJ,V' Oicial Auigueo. un_nunnau.1, Princess Sliet. ' B. wmrn, I and D;-nun-inl ` Lluuclluuug J UIIIJ Donn, Diuiel Drug, lulu-1 I Fry, Jr-ha . Fneennn. J 8 EHJ'IFI|IIK\I' , tuwpu *` nicliu-(lion, W}; V F as, J 8 Swift, Jnneq F0 I , A I Buggit, Watson Fin y, George `8penco,In-B ` 5` V Flu! , A Btnttop, William 4. Guy. 1' W Bololllon, 33 7 . Glut` d, R - Sexton, Pntrlek V` Geddil annual Wulher, Simmons, Jacob - or our of Isle Jul 8ui;h,I I w ' ` _l chrlund Bhiriey-. I 3 * Gonzales, Kenneth Shsttnck, John G . Gilloapi, Abraham Sgcket, (LA. ' ' " 1 ` Hunter, lips Kitty Taylor, Gap! John :' ' { Hunter, In John VlldOl`,`JoHn - ' Hume`:-, George Vsngnmhz , Higgins, Peter Wklnl, Thoinu ` M . ` Harrison, Thoma: _ W`1ckldv.; Ittllilllll Bolliwcll, O L Young, In Av `A; | Jones, Wm I An Indian 1915617., ts- Johuion,`J _ 0nughni1i'_Ih*' * :_ , FR.` DIIUON, 2` `Vi-run-u yguuuc, n. -umunu Jcuonllu, In lll Boyel, Thonlu 1 IIGKQ, D Brigham, 0 F Icguiil; Wm Benton. Willium Iluaaun, Ital A Cole, In I ' D Cam-oy, Ohm-In - IePhgnon,*liu.] I Obnron, Dolphieo Iutin, lint Iliuhoth Cutm, Samuel _ Hnrdock, In _ - Csmpboll, Kin Lilly Mitchell, Iinqmlnlh Duuon, J B. , 3 Ilillay, Jeremiah Dawson sud Hcaq i Notgh, Kin Annin Duly; John j ? . llelloa, Kill Derry, Jame; ., Napier. Roth?! _ Diem, Wm H Orr, Nntbanie_L 4 Drury, Iliu L V 0 Neil, In Hug! 7 R::.:*'.:-.. ::'=% . " '2-'...._1'- IIIAINING W-nkhpton I-an `December 3131, 1863:-- V; V Burns, In June Johnson" [in All Burner, 4 Jana, WA ' 2 Bquar, L_ol1il'- " Keefe, Dlnlf " Bowennn, Daniel Leinhin; June! . Bethune, Neil V ,Luac, Goo!-' ` Boppn;-I `John 2 llcivoy, Built TB.roune,'M1R. Iclntooh` Jcbonnld, In lion 0...... 'l'I.._._- ` ll-`-7---- "5 ` '"_"""'," ` u1h`e hour of '2 _a cloek, IL; it tin L` the Secretary,` for the purpouojpf under the Ul:'arter,elect_iug Diractdni ; IClig't0l`lIOI. imporum ,- J 11 J run-nurntnu-n wil} be he`.d in 1:1z~zr.1s'ro2I.:Pi-sari-ya foun- rio, Canada, on . "` " _ _ rrnursaay. mu Jsnukry [5 any - Ki1tgI_;t:nw 0110: in hereby gm. xhn[.=u_;_ `T Inning it may V . ' Uamda. `Gold Ilining k, v-..r....', --vvA- nave: . v "'IA ` V win he held in xmaston; rpciub-%aI rio, 0331113, on` ` __ . * * J`**I-M A g 4 [the Secretary, for the % Irrnday. 15:1: 3.: the hour of 2 dolouk, Vp.m., ` der the charm-,o'lee ng"DirIl5'l',`ii| acting oler impilvlllw .` rm: : e % - uuma GEM : lwwuien. JAIIRS nnunan _n. -J. omuiguu-q ~,IlP,. John! l'u'ux;.:,llq.,' m smwr; 4mma<. _ KI1\ GS IO_N `S$?IELUB V J &i'Jv"%7;':/ ` PRB__8lDll1[T:r ' ` Jan A. In, 11.9.1.-. ' _ 9 VICE-PI`ilB8IDl1I1': ' ' Jon 3.. Dro_no1t,E|q, II D; 'nrnxo1'ons"`: < ` a J. A. x.oaon.1a"'n$u. A1 *0 "no.3" ' T.El "~ J 5 C ' . 9': :2. :.'..i.."""'.s..., xii c.u14m',:a.% ~ , 11.0.1 . _ ' nxnounvn ooiltllw -`B`-libs-re I-tn % 019*--300111.". . main gp.aa14oub-"we. Run. II. Km ` .A.Ki1-kputrick, lloq. .w. I. ' .Iq. a`~ nnnnwlunv 1. man nmriiihn- rnuus, uauvu Lu:-new I9! Illll ` -In--w ` _ Non-Blpsnlwldu-I, 010.. Flo Bhrllolk ' ~,` Family Baton Thhu (qr I _ shueholam. 3": 50. To ' slnglo Ticket-`-`-'1` NonJ_8Iuro?ali`I,`IB.;; `lb Bhuoholdon, M. -A r W` w1vm` ' " .3 Application: for_.'1`iehu tnlilg; 10%, gecraiary it thtqot o{`O. I . M ' iv In R ` ` UHWIII _ it. ,...::..;,.~....- 1;-:........% lttIIe` _ At Kilftgzai Lula, lab. ' 1' L 141Lou `H llh, % s3v ;:mna3' tr I `A `II: A has-Iihnrgh 41.011, Ssmxabg" uh. L:1don, 1 u-.e coc ma, mm For! I119, :04 Lou, rm-y,%=rI. mi. . mm Pu-n,Bhon Hills, H-hum No. 9 _, . on uBmmnmmnk7 QBDNANGE LA: '_ -N-o-b I`. ` , Intuit ':.,`3.I_'L-.2-_.-51 U MW-#4 a W . -u-- nu--s, an-nun 31113,. qjgjm A 3033- . 1 m . Penihuguisholla, 00 Lou, 24th. - ' ` ` *'~ Pnrohuerl will bu .11-nu: .4. nunl iuulrnenu. One to hi. g ` `T and time of ale, sud dn rut ". uunl plymonu with Intent: :1? Particulars n to Jun- dingnnlngmnlo. L. Pout Ooe, Kingston, ` 3lItDe., 1383. . Illlll }II llllinI Inga IIIIIIIII lIm'E_?iI. ` Particular! Al to -loll, dillnliiigwn-.||ua,....., M wil be `Inuit tho local j . W`, VA ` . Byorder, T _' `" ' ' It urn huh: 5' _ .uru_xs_ ngJu_urn5:_' Dued Kinglton, neegugw mun; NW wk. 1r;.boImu, G:-Hanna: Ian: `Hi. to `UIJUIIII J K BOA I ~ ., uzL'u:%ur.' L Dnted Klnilton; 10th,} llllvx T;.am"*":,`7"' M. Funily Baton 1'ickeu'!or this-urunu-u` Dec. _1_a. .0'1`ICE*h b i an ' I In ereygveu inn hf than Shnrnhnldarn til` ll ULLUB IIIIEI ing `of -..-r-_ .v-, --1. snonnnmr as `[J1& J nnink d `III t`in;tq mt jrq: NUMBER Kill! I IIKllXI\ R. J.0AB.1'W M BORA'l'Ig,'.2'A'l`I _ mass on 15.-_.a_...... Ihnnl; . and-n? 7[I$'U' UVGC UVII 1/, Nova uI4Iu.4_.4s._4 .. . `IVE!-I bunch I (I3! -eholdan or the` Johnson, Ann I` A I Dnnlll George` lellonsld, lion uonnlif Tn: 1UII:ll, nun nnnlu Olin Bohr! Nathaniel; III Purdy. III In ';:;:: .:;.`t*'u..,.A Ilinlinrtlnnn Wm unnvun, qr:-g anti: -qnvrl `(mull rrheln K ..-ber day. ue sgys : . Illhor csf bcm-wlent `person-I m this `#ui1-ed the idea of csmhlishin_; -.| uni- tho t`duc:niun U1` . we ft`? H wuxh and men. llne umx-mm-nt 1` ',n reu:ota.`1\' nxnuucctod wlth the ` '5 Bureau. 1!. was to be u-u-:sc-stu- M [,9 erected by contributions ml- ggg the churclus_ of the .\'..nh_ .{.uTi:`s iucorpumuun nccra of tho -, `Bun-au came, rs: prob;-pd \ .Ff@{fight to use. undthen. i_n Ii few nfhernni. assumed the mun-o C:~u~ . ghich the Commissioner stated he `John choke ahir. Fmn1>the_day this \ 11. fare these: 150 acres of the` .351, km] abont the city `were with public funds at the rate of pa-e, nnd deeded to the trustees. ` fungi of General ,Howt_trd, the most. - me in the tract was given tr him. ` \ value then was between S ' gun. Aftenfnrd. when some ques- ' gave, the matter was re-arranged. Whittlesey, the A-.ljutanFGeneral hgn, urns nude nancial agent of I'|ivu-sitv. Without aut.hoI5i({ from ` Ilush large tract of` the p jpert_v ` kidiout in building lots and sulnll At ' glthe Bureau ring obtained th most ' u. try. Then the `question of ` hail " 3: for the Uhirersity cmne gggnl Hunrd proceeded to do this M phlin: funds. stipulating or at-_1-anging : oeontnctors that the material used bepurclmzed from a ceftnin Building r A pon_v,which. in \'l|BW of this very ` '/cumin oeera of the Bureau, himself xbnmnber. had established. In this 1 Guutlllowgrd, his brother: General , his Adjutant : the leading man ' Indian : Savings Bank : the Gen- Vgu-im.-ndent of Freedmerfs SCll0.ul.S, , mnlothaiemployees of the Bureau he~ vitally lab-contractors out work. `(has have not been stockh lders in Company for the whuleltime, ..ILj.e. Yuan Jinn-llv infill`!-5If.l ` greeted co:it`ributioirs ggiz churches ot .f,u- iii iuoorpumtivn utccrs hrs: in k. mu ; means uf using mur J pnblh money for the benotit wt` *4 Bureau ufcers. And this must - lm; Eagle perfectly apparent ` `.'5o|.gc e centred upon the ng A rich berth for all the '6 4 .6-1 _ hde From the day iii.` `Howard University has been V `hgm-and :3 ll general statement, 1 ' ' 3nd,WiLhiB bounds. I`urtlior- ` lonhg ring when the Buraaukshould re $130 of the 1 about `wet-ei v~ --- vunom contracts .1: n the! `FUN the opinion tbs: `tbgowhoie ' ` 5|` Imno who were experts de- `h""'! Sudden jar would bring it _ bjectod to going upon `Wu Ind I interior chine \ an ` ll Ulgrongh tho obn added to `nllgnell. And yet the work ~ 3:0 greatest haste, as ` ` In It `union mi ht T`:lliI.'.h Ihnld :1`; the propegrty i 4 "ma ' b h 'h_ '`~5:|dn-.|:`If&Ia elore t e Lululuj IUI LHI: VI uulc ` uL.uI:, litre been directly iuterestol. hue 3 very questionable _ . ` even if the material _thus .fu:'- p vaeulirely lit for building pup ' htliere arises one of the must` " future: of the spccalation. The? . ` Ihollg unt for itlpurpnse, and 5 - Iuntoul Inilure. It consists ; ~ `Ind dug up upon the grounds Iillitilh common lime. A steam pm this material shape. T_h:-se"| Ink ninety-nine ones out of the | Had to it: except as uthin scale I M iii: hirdened.\ot one` in I: i ~~ cubebumlwhich,_nfter it has; lhgrouI:d nntilit bu become nlutbaprenacd down into I. mass liluzh Inc. It is svery diiculti binds dry brick of the kind used Q10! be broken in I hnlf dozen] . tingle blow of the heel. And , Ilariy every one the piece can be; 'iI||0lId in the hnnd. And yet, i cnliing nearly $200,000 have been ' _|f Il wretched materinl,` not be- ltvucbeap, for it cost more than bull trick, bur to`1nnke-a ring of ~` mployeu rich. . llpvguot in is um when nihed,1 `Kill! unsure, as the fallin of` '1I1lyprvovct. Nor can rh ex- hlluea thst thenntness of the i'h.4.- I ....-I.. 4'7 ,,_. u ----,. -uuuuvln oesxuel. `I he mam *' 5% pllinly traced in ten places * `hldIti_on'np through all the four 1 M. .l thetower in so badly crnck- .. "*0! it kid to ht suspended, - 'PWd0d. Ben-Vrll of unseen- iiovuious u the 'F_$ltl1o onininn cl... `n\`.,.0....1...:.. : ' gbegun tocrnck, and cre.-' ` --p-ueu mu tuennnrneu or we Idbeen brought about by time._'Is Hy! hllll uupid. enough tr) begin 9"! extensive public buildings , -{I ' Illd untested mnter'ml,even Ii Vu_: the end -proved good. As as `hlgwublic funds have not been .5 I upon go grand a `small. IQ: tho nutter worse, long before H which fell was` begun, or con- cntirc end of one already . _ Q If!!! Idling was 9. heap of `land of 1 mm of broken bricks. _ UH-qwu eueruuy kept out of the] Illbulding on the large scale wen: Th` P"! which fell was repisced, Ind Atfferwnrd was cracked off from . . Islin. mdcrncked in four 'lHobo:xom besides. The main ` nnh........- -___|_ , 2 - ` l},\' Ilf .. V1933 _ - 5.1. .'4 lnla -(`ODD I hm net. at Chicvs `nth ehupourinsqu I d?:nken ; . 0 range- kmnm hm credit, he .9` Hum Innk nothing but entire` evening. A}- enryone; and `H,}.,_ mold mm. In- % of some 9! his it but home: before of wine, he order- am from hi: tabla may `friend: to tnke 5 l|_$ thll tmedsl in lo "1 the n`mm: and Indigo for_- Cnng --..I__-.| 2_ uhimix] `u-uv_~.~u........ ,_ , 7 Game gives I may nwuunt ul 1. 'connm`ted viith tho llmranl an institution one of tine n-ur ifthich tumbled into as hvip of mi day. \ He says : .1 benevolent` in nd -.i. uni- Cnpitul muih The gen mniowl: coulu\`t`cd - _~...no.. K}.\iIF1CE.V T 1$'u1x. JAR. "4. murcuuu vn nu ......... corporation .u rs: r entire ` Hair. this; .u-respondent .m. a I-nf IIH` swn,` nu-: XVIII. D1 .A;\'[|,|" ' ` . ntbri machine In in t e tness I selling to the nine kc; that in V residences they Q CIHI n nnrn --':- The b;sia of its remedial prop-wrtiaa in 1 tags table compound. I IT WILL RESTORE GRAYHAIR TO ITS wag, vv.|L\ I `ORXGLVAL COLOUR. u will keeprthe 11.3: from falling our -_ It clennse: the scalp and makes the hair soft, lustrous, and silken. In I- - -.J-_.I:.I L p, I nuauuus, nuu EIIIUIJ. It is I. splendid hair dressing. R P". HQLL 8 Co., Nashua, N. ..-..-.,.., .......J., The largest rs:-class ot.oLi~n/New Enghnd, s to Tourists, Families. end the Travelling u in, eccomrnodatione and conveniences eupe- V rior to enyolher Hotel in the city. During the put reason adqitione have been made of name- was units of epnnments, with bathing rooms, water cloee u_ &c., attached ; one of Tuu'a meg- nicent passenger elevators, the best ev r con-~ structed,`conveye guests to the upper a orey of the hoitse in one minute; the entries have been newly and richly carpeted, and the entire house thoroughly replenished and furnished, making it. in at! its appointments, equxl to any hotel in the country. Tplperl-nnh FIE:-o `RilIi.u-.i- Dnnmn and (1.64 an` Claw UIIIAI-I I-I . Telegraph Oce, Billiard Rooms, and Cafe on ' the 6:-st oor. . , 71:1-writ` star: A rid-\uo Dlru \VlnpIow s soothing syrup. _ Rev. Sylvanul Cahh thus writes in the Bo tbn `CM-istian Free.-mon: We would by no me; re- commend any kind of medicine which we dyi not know to he good---particularly for infants, Bu`. of In wan_.15-n _Sootbing Syrup we con Jpeak from knowledge; in our own family it has i `proved a blessing indeed, by giving*a n infant} -troubled with eolic pains quiet sleep, and its- - parent: unbroken rest at night. loft parents) caniuppreciatn these blessings. Here is an article I} which works to perfection, and which is hann- ` leu ; for the sleep which it shards the infant ii perfectly natural, and tholittle cherub nwarkee an , "bright as a.hutton. And during the process `_of teething its valntris iucnleulahle. 'We have : frequently hoard mothers any they would not he i without it fron;1he man of the child till it had finished with the teething siege, on any consider- ation whatever. Sold by all druggisla. 25 cents a bottle. Be sure end call for . I I Nlru \VIns|ow I Soothing Syrup, L__, _ AL- t._,'_,`_,`I_ _I ll n__42- In I3--I-:__1 _-_.-- vuvwsnill, Bollard gray. hair to ho uuunl color Ind beauty, and pnpducoa lnxutinutfn-uwth. It gin; tho huh I buntiml [lea and dou;htful_Qgri.neo. Iumhotory and Salon Oou, as inncuv smear no 40 PARK mac. n. v. A39 266 HIGH IIOLBORN. London, Eng. ..-_ - -.- -.-v_- - __ _ -___- _-' , t , I - _ having the _fac$n'nu'Ic of Curtis 8 Perkins : on the outside wrapper. V Alliozheri u-abue im- E imions. -' ! `Brown : BI'?ilcIlIaI TI-ocllel. "1 hue never chsnged my mind respecting f Ibo-in from the first, expecting to think yet belie: ! of thnt which i begun thinking well of." " Riv. Hlxmr Wmn Bncnm. V1701 Throat. Ttonblea they are :4 specific. I N. P. Wmus. . \ Plsnoeophy of larrlugo. A new Oonrlavf Lectures, es delivered it the New You-klnseuln of Anstouny embracing the lsnbjectsz--Bow "to live and who: to live for; Youth, Istnrlty, s.nd old Age; Xanhood gemrb Ally rev ed; The culloolindigudong Plun- Ienoe d Nervous Diseuel ecconnted for; Her- I tinge philoeophicdly ooneidered, &c., kc. Pocket volumes contlining these Lectures, will be `for- warded postppeid, on receipt of 25 came, by ed- odreuing SECRETARY, New York Inseam of Antony and Science, 818 Brosdwsy, New "Ion ulntnry relief in Bronchiti. Rev. 8. Suzanna, Ion-i:town,`0hio. Vdry benecial when sun :-Mring from Colds. Rev. 8 J. P. A1mIu9I,8t. Louis. "molt instnt relief in the dislreuing labour of breathing peculinr to nthmn." . Rev. A. C. Eeanstox, New York. They hue lnited my cue .enotly-1-elieving .. my throat so that I could sing with ease." I T. Duczunn, Chou-inter French Pu-iah Church, Iontreal. A: then in imitation, he `nun to obuin the genuine. . _-,________.L____`_.. MRS. s. A; AI}`I'.f'l":.1"\'rvs Hair Restore} Hnnlmanapnu `A-3. an I L-1.`:---v-w- - _-.-~...._ Tun splendid Dye is u;'bt in un` world; the only true and perfect Dja; bu-mlou, relisblo, lnaununeoul; yno dlnppoinunent; no ridiculoul tlnu; ralnodiu tin ill eecls ofbad dyes; invigou-nu and leaves the Hair soft and . beautifulbluk or-brown, Sold by all Druggiltl and Pexfnuaorumnd properly nppliod at Bucha- bn- n Wig Pnctory, No. 16 Bond user, No! ...|.. * . `_,. ., I` .nT`IlI II'I .nI--urn.-v-y -- -.._.., II` The only unqIpgtio:;ble and absolute remedy ~ for Nervoulneie, Debility, And Beetontion to Manhood. TE: haeccine, taken for four WOOKI. cure: as certain as water qnencbea thirst; Sold in Bottles 1: $3 (in gold), or four times the quan- tity for $9. ' To be had from the Agent, ` E. BAYLIS, Aug 4. 38 Bond Street, New York. Dr. Colby : iI t Tone and Vigor to V the Dagisti 0 us. , _ Beaut'|_fu1,'So , Stro Hair is gwen to all who use Hunt : Hair Gloss. _ _ _ Jumbo Rhoumstic Liquid for I_ IIn 111 LL- D1)- the side. 1; SIITGLE CEPIES `of t Nnwn any be but! at the pubuegtiou ee, Prlnooua ucobnl. ' August 8. Contain no-opinm or snjtbilng 1 Dr A. A. Egan, Otmniat, Boston. "An eiegiut combinition for Coqghs. ` ; Dr G. F. Blelnow, Boston. "I recommend their use to Public Bpenkerl. Rev. E. Gaunt. FLA." Aug