nu IUIIUWIL Through ll;il| for New Ydrk. B"n- O"" ` go, And Cape Vincent willibe closed 1: 9 AJL, and Xnill tron: than placu mll be due for de- livery It 1:15 P.l. ,A Second Id! willbo dupuchod {at Univ! Vinount at 2 P.I., and one will be due hon 0" `delivery At 11:15 Al. daily (3 d' "I" I-pnind \ wvuvtl -I nn.|v Cannon _--?'1 I` ' eepted.) _ The ail for Wolfe I|lan_d will bl elolod It 3 Ponunard Lino will urcno-ed oval ! 3- dn t 2 PM. ` ' . ' 5:: Bauer Lino allxbo clued our! '1'- dsy st 2 Pl. A 3- .'..`..".".'.'.... RESPEGTABLE YOUNG GIRL u a L GENERAL SERVANT. Call at ooo f\_:l , l7-,__ 1-- -11..-- 3: Cl C I... 4: Post Ola, Ihptaqg Jan. 5, 1069. P. w. o___mms. l ..BR.I`l'I8E HAILS VIA` NEW YORK. rosr.olr1Qn NOTICE. _\7v"A`NTE 1). _ _. vCIVC __._. was Prirrnns of KIngIlon_3 bruting the Birthdny of thi PrinIer,BENJAII FRANKLIN, Speeches `l'be_ Evening`: Bum-uinmnent vi Addreu by the Chairman; Soup by leading Amateur: of the Oil]; by prominent gentlemen. B Dflnialinn of {`--`-AA' -uuluullll Ticket: cents ; but had from I (Book and 1 .1, -9.... Mr William Cunni to loan his Concert the occnion. onnl charge will be nude. admitting Lady : Ticket be member: of the Book lusic Stores. .0230, Gentleman ind Lady, 50 , 25 centa-which may be -Press, and at the nghun his kindly consented Pinno, and will preside on 15 JUST RECEIVED. Retl price 25 cents. Booksellefs, Country llerchnnu, and Teach- era suppued with them nt1ibernl'Diacounta. | STILL ON HAND, a few copies of the Christ- Inu Number London News, with coloured Plate, 40 Genie; Puucb s Altnunnc, 10 cents; Starks : Montreal Almanac, 15 cents; Year Book of Gunndo, 12} cents; Diogenes, latest inane, en- Iuged and improved, 5 cents. ' \ll-ILIILII-A` U , his Snle- Rooms. 0-I_ _. 1 wS}?:F%ML;.'!}mG?"i590K. J" J. LINTON ban received nal instructions to . tell, at his Sale-Rooms, on MONDAY Evening nex', the `lth inst, the Consignment of BUUKS previously advertised, which may be viewed at say time previous to sulo. 91:`: -1` '7 n`.-In.-Ir n as "not ha a.-CIA Mn -42. VICIITA Cl ELI LIIIIC VIUVIUUI lU DBIUI Sale :1 7 o'clock p.:n. Hunt be sold. No re- serve. Ters cash. I I I Ixrnnrsnv nuuannuuu I` unnuxuun nuu 131' r nu ID belonging to It John H; Kelly, Willington Itreel, opposite Mr Clarke Wrights store, maelst- iug of Sufns, Cooking Ind Box Stoves, &c., &c. Sale at 11 am. Terms cash us than sale pro- oeeds._ 12- wnnxn.-n January 6. IIIIITDIIEJ IICII, III? I IL! l'J!l.' ILIU WLIUIU MUSEOLD FURNITURE and Errncrsl L-|___:__ .- u- t..L.... 1:. 2.11. tn`.n:..,..,... To the Common St-l1uoi-lnIv:ctors of (`ataraqul Ward. ' ENTLEIEN-I return my hearty thinks to the large number cf most inuen- tial voters in the Ward who have again request- ed me to come forward as 3 candidate tor re- election to the Board of Common School Trus- tees, but I lenve to. decline thg kindness so etpressive dence, as 11 feel in duty ` 0 e chirge. pending ngninst me before ` mg of public oice. I beg lure to retire `in favour of Mr William Draper, who if lected will I am satised serve the beat intere sot the Ward. Your obedient servant, mununa ll mzwwrm? ll -ff) Jan 5. E, the undersigned Merchant: of the City of Kingntol, dbereby agree to CLOSE our respective_.P1acea of Business at 6 p.m., from. the 4th day `of Jsnuuy to the. 22nd day of Much, 1869. - mount: as WADDELL Jsnuny 5 - Jnnunry 5. |uNesIoN,.sUimoN man`. SALE TO` THE '_|`RADE_. AND PBODIENADE CONCEl{ l`. Wedlleodnf Evy. Jan; 18. ` IN- THE CITY HALI Jan} 6th, 1869. WARRANTED 1 :_ .. . `/1 .11 \J \J L) (Authorized by the Council of Public Instruction for Ontario), J; TLINTON will-sell . consignment - nn now! 1 LIL -EL.) 1 Kingston, Jan. 4, 1869. TABLE. DESSERT. TEA SPOOXS, Just received and for Sale cheap, -J III UIUI .- cbnlr wil L AS received instructions to gel} by auction, on Thursday next, we 71!: ino_'t., the whole mun-untn FURNITURE A Ina-1n.~nvrg Jnunuy 4. MEARLY 9_L0s1NG. Ifsasrlm AUCTION MART- ARQUROID SILVER, F. W E R N F; R, . BBQCK SA`l`Bu`E'l`i,Li . 'i.1|u|\./u VIIII-DCII I UUCIIEKIIIIEIII DI CLOTHING -on THURSDAY next, at .h:_ Unnvna SHEFFIELD HOUSE. Jun. 4. KG` Luavuaa. Sale :1 ll o'clock. Terms cash. ' J J. LINTON, 7111' 5- Lnnrlru-an-I J. H. pAn.mLL, ry Secretary. GOD SAVE THE QUEEN! A LARGE -THE Cl'i`}7 1}ALL. using`: Entertainment will embrace in ' Chairman ; and Ohorusu the cinr R-33-~ --` THE nevi v-us.` FORKS, &. Jomv HENIIEBSON. - PRINCESS STREET. `_ .4 LL. h`IPn1|Ih'IA BOOGIE!!! IEYVIIJ "I worms 1:. 1'-`amwrcx, ED. 1... A IDLEO FED TO KEEP IN WEAR AS WHI'I`,ASILVER. Klngllon _ inland lirthdnv of nut nu.--- AND` M A CNEE A DOQJ lllnununa up n .aA.Iunau A. ROSS W. P. UACEY & Co B. & J. GARDINER . HOORE ct SKINNER 7n IlYn`l'\I'\I?I Y. L I! HUUU-In G Dnsuunu. 73. WADDELL It 00 B. DORAN as 00 RIGNEY an SLAVIN P. HARTY .2 you C. ANGLIN % J.DOYLE J. GREENFIELD JOHNSTON KING A. B. ucno LL 11.11110 DAVIS D. -.\i I.I\JL" B11 A. _JAm:s DAVIS CHA!lLlB lillllill. ASSOBTMBNT OF J. J. LINTON, A nnoinnanu F. WERNER, A nnI:r\v|n.nI .aan_ muulu O0|O' the illuurionl IN, by 1 Man a un, A nctlonoer. an.` - vm, Auctioneer; IV QIMLV 13 1 Auctioneer. vALI1v_A1s_`fi.i: mnml -.-n u-can J . I GUI , at one o'clock in the Afternoon, the following nlunble FREEHOLD PROPERTY, vim: The southerly pan. of Lot Number Ei|zhteon,in. the Second Conceuion of the Township of Kingston, contnining thirty-three acres, more or lens. Terms of payment, which will be easy, and conditions of Salt`, will be made: known at time [JN`DER and in pnrlunnoe of n. Power-of Sale oonuiued in a Mortgage, which will be produced at the time of sale, will be told, u: pub- lic auction, by William llurny, Anctioneennt hi: Auction Booms, Market Bqnre, Kiuggtou, on Saturday. the Ilxtoenth day of January. 1869, At nnn !| n`o\dh`o x- `L- _t- ` In 3:10. For 1 ply to JUST RECEIVED, Flue Genuine HAVANA CIGARS. _BI-lglll Virginia Tolniccon, And a. large assortment of Mcgersclnamzn and Briar Root Pi] ALso,:; FRENCH CLAY PIPES- Always on hand, with TOBACCOS of various grades and brands, both Smoking and Ohewing, and Tobacconist Goods in general, wholesale and retail. 1 `GRAND MA_\_s_Qu|:-:RAo. King St1'eet_-ating Rink. A FANCY DRESS MASQUERADE will be held in the RINK on the Evrning of TUESDAY the ]2rh";i;ay'of January next. None but Skaters n'co.-name allowed on the in- I\4U I-`Io genaleman in fetnale costume admitted. Spectators admitted by the Union Street En- 'tr uce. Masks-rs by the King Street Entrance. icketa to be obtained from the Secretary at l Oice of O . F. Gildersleve,` Esq. ~ dmission 25 c_ems_. ' I'D TI Bl I51Hf\.' _7_ __,_ _ 7, _:__j_-, _ E`:-`:'l"iA BLISHE D. 1-851. Josnrn In 1.1. mnumwrumne co.. PROPRIETORS, ' H lb! white 7 and MAC1:L1lSE..Y.QRrKS: Solicitors for Ma Bra Kingston, Dec.-mbe: 28,-1868. Dec. 28. LIL can UUUDunc LUBDLLVB "Alan WHEELS, the most pezfect and economical water wheel in use. I11- ___ AL- __I_ ._--...l'....n....._a -.I.n Ag-I Inn- ANUFACTURE Lent;-eoelebrsted Ameri- k' can DOUBLE TURBINE WATER \IIl$Il?_lll.Q Hug nuns! norfn-I nnrl rrnnmnirnl umlzf `It'll!!! "3 `WW. _We are the only manufacturer: who can fut- nish the genuine "Letfel Wheel in Canada, as will be seen by the following certicate: Springeld, Ohio, Dec. 25th, 1868. We take pleasure in infcrming the public of Canada that we have sold and furnished Mr F. W. Gun, of Oshawa, Ontario, Patterns, Farmers, Drawings, Gauges, and all other necessary infor- mation, to build our celebrated Double Turbine Water Wheel, invented by James Lefel, and known as the Le'el Wheel. We have also ob- ligated ourselves to furnish the same facilities for manufacturing to no other parties in Canada. Without the information we have given Mr Glen, no one can successfully build our Wheels, slid . we advise parties in Canada. to purchase our Wheels of no dther manufacturer. Mr Glen`: facilities are nnsurpaeaed,-1md we feel sure that he will build 1: Wheel that will give perfect satis- faction. We therefore commend him to the pub- lic of Canada with entire condence, feeling sure he will manufacture a wheel in all respects equal to our own . .a:......n runes: 1 .`l!lll'1H. Av. nn DOMESTIC CIGARS Dec. 29. wAnIiAN'lT. Our wjaeels are warranted to work to entire satisfaction, if properly put up, run, and taken care of-- and then if they do not perform to the entire satisfaction of the purchaser, after running them 60 days, they may return the wheels to us, and we will pay freight, both way. and refund all payments made to nhoreon. This gunn- tee will be Itrictly adhered to. ' nr- .__-n .... ..:.l .nuninn in run -um-_r-inr ._ ...... .. _-.._..._.._& mi 31.10 mo'r1ozi,' OF` A ans. hi -__ OSHAWA. ONTARIO. ` [88 VIII D6 llvuy Iluucruu ID. We call especial attention to our superior Gearing oT all kinds for attaching our wheels, made light, nod adapted to the high Ipeed at which the wheels run. We caution purchneero against using heavy shnfting end gearing. We also manufacture all kinds of Saw nnd Flour Hill Hncbinery, including Steam En- gines and Boilers, English nnd Ame:-icnn_Gnngn, Hand-netting and Self-setting Circular Sur- Rigs, Upright and Oscillating llnlny Sow-Rigs, Gearinghafting, Pulliea end Hnngern, &c. to. A130,.-`shingle Ischinea and Jointera, Leather- Spliuing Machines, Knife-Grinders, Woolen In- cbinery, Wnahingtomnnd Printing Presses, Gordon : Power Press, Taylor : Cylinder Preu, Ind Blake : Patent Steam Pump. n-.-n..._. ..m.e.In'ma- fnll infnrmntinn furnish- Ind B1336 Ylenl Dlellll rump. Ostnloges containing full infonnntion fnrniIh- ed free to all applicants. Addres- F, W. GLEN, President, OSHAWA, 0N.T. EW STYLES OF TYPE: HAVE been added to the I).u1..V1' N1:-ws.Jon PRINTING On-Icn. Our two Steam Presses and Automntic Plated Printing Machin- ery enable usto turn out work in ood style, with quick despatch, and at c cap. a Inn nil-v in nnlmited. Btyl, W-ll quuzn I.lI Inquiry in solicited. END IT TO YO FRIENDS.-ThL CHRONICLE AND -Nnws in published every Friday morning, and contains all the news of the week. For may Gents, paid in mvsnce, you may send it to your friends- for three months at the redlieed nice: of Wu`-.. n... n... T\nI`a|1' it mu-r he uant for lure: mourns an (ac reuqwu Inuzu m poshge. For One Dollar it may be sent six months. Single copies, rice Five Cents,-mu` be had satin Daily nu oce, D '3 nnnnn lit, "_ `hiurlber particular: `us to Title, tc., V IJI-II` Ill- |`If'noe1-II KIRKPATRIC K & KIRKPATRICK, Horygsgee. 93 Kingston. 25,1332 `OWD (Signed) Jums LEFFEL & O0. JOSEPH .HALf R. W. BARROW, T Secretary & Treasurer. S. P. IVHITE. .ipes. :.,-ap- Now In the bell. ulna to Iubncrlbe for Periodicals! ` y C h-trcht:nun s Penny Magazine (do) 'lJL`IJI'l] Q1 LI\JR `K IIIJII-IIUEI U .I.l-`|'aI Society) Sunday Magazine. edited by Dr Gnu-ii? Good Words, edited by Norman lecleod Missionary News (uulectarisu) Ulirietiau Work Christian World Magazine Evangelical Christendom Sunday School Teacher 9 Sunday Teacher`: Treitsury Spurgeoda Pulpit E Kind Words for Boys and Girls The Bible cum Mugnzine o Bulwark, or Reformation J ournel British Workwornun British `Workman The Missing Link The Quiver (stories and good reading) Ptoplx-In Magazine, with coloured illustrations, published by the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge The Sword and Trowel (Spurgeoue) The Mother s Friend The Mother : Treasury Home Visitor (Church of Englnnd) The Sabbath at Home (American Trnet Society) Theological Eclectic Magazine Nutloull Temperance Advocate Methodist Temperance Magazine Church of England Temperance Linguine Family Treasury of.`sundey Reading Leisure Hour (semi-religious), published by Tran! Qnninfo Moral and Religious Pnbllcatlons. `IUNDAY AT HOME (Published by Trqcl l Hnt-,innr\ IJENDERSQNS r 13' IJCIHULU IIUILK `HUI-I.II'KCII`IIl|aI3) PUUIIBUCU I. Tract Society Mission Life (Church of Enginnd) Biblical '1 reaaury for Teachers Christian Treasury, edited by Horalius Bonnr Hours at Home (American), to. &c. IS FAST APPROAGHINGI Pa;-ers adajiurdj-zforT8nnduy School \ Children or Home `Iseadlng, T : SUPPLIED in quantities in. as low 1-ates as they can be pmcured anywh use in the , Dominion. A Band of Hope Review Children`: Ffiend InfnnI. s Magazine ` -a Child's Companion Children s4 Paper Qottager and Artisan British Workman ' Sabbath School lessenger, &c. &c. MAGAZINES containing Stories Sketches. Essays. Reviews. Poetry, and lnslructlve Mutter. - LL THE YEAR. ROUND (editgd by G. 'n|r-k'nnu\ IJIJ LIJLH LIBSILI l.I\I\JL`IJ \`I A Dickens) Argosy (Mrs Wood) Atlantic Monthly Ba.Ilon a Monthly Blnckwcoc Magazine Eciectic Magazine Belgravin (Miss Bra.ddou .s) Bow Bells-. Boy s Own Magazine The Galaxy 1 Cassels Popular Educator New Dominion Momhly American Journal of Horticulture. r\- A _.z I.l.lCI|L'lS|l |llJu.|Lll:l.l UI Jlulllpulbul, Do Agricultnrist The World 0 Wonders (new) Gooiwurds/`Ag the Young (new) C8. 3311`: Mag `.00 ' Broadway 7 Chambers Journal Harpefs Monthly American Phrenological Journal Lippencows Magazine A - Our Young Folks (American) 0nwnrd`(|la~me Re-id a Magazine) Young America . Plenum. Hours Putnam's Magazine Riverside Magazine for Young Folks Edinburgh Review usrterly do on]: British do Westminster do North American do Living Ago - Every Saturday Art Journal British Gontroverainlist Contemporary Review MAGAZINES AND PAPERS IE-IKIIIPIJICIJ LEGVIWW Oornhill Magazine Family Henld London Journal Illustrated Times (monthly parts) London Society Hncmillnnh Magazine (June 3 Week Penny Illnutrnlod Paper: (monthly parts) 8!. Paula, edited by Anthony Trollope Scottish Journal Temple Bu Tinaley a Linguine St. James Magazine, kc. kc. . ll IIBIIJ .LJ.. Bond Street, do do Exeter Hall, Sacred Pieces (new) ' * Half dime Series of Popular `Sheet Hnlic, vii. No.1 Onpt. Jiks " 2 Wont you tell me why Robin? 3 We d better bidet wee 4 Blue Eyes 5 Not for Joseph (I R (14-uuhvn cnnllmnof I [cola a_rKl1'v' Joseph 6 Goodbye, Bweethurt; Goodbye I 7 I Really don : think I shall merry 8 Prsiee of Tears . These are received every week; only 5 cent: each. Magazines wllh Fashion Plates #1:. Godey's Lady : Book \. Peterson : laguino ` Lady : Friend _ Englinhwomlnh Domestic Haguine Young Engliehwomnn World of Fashion Demoresa Monthly Leslie : Fuhioun Die Hodenwelt Hen-`ly .11 the Real Poplit Bciziahud Amni- can Papers supplied to Inhurlllen nt low prices. Specingency for tho-Globe, Telegraph, Leader, Jllautreal New: nod Canada Farmer. Allo the New Comic Paper, Diogesu. / lNPOB l`ANT ANNIDIINGEIER`-I`. A Giroulatiig Library! PU RPOSE immedintolyoommencingnlmll D- ING LIBRARY, to be eulnpooed of III! but new sud sundard Won`-kn in all doptttnlntl 0! literature. New Book: to be added costs` as publiahed. The hiding Eevhwu, tc., will he includad. All who are interested in tho noses of this proposed undo:-tu.k1ng_ should uudin their nnnuu at nuns. Pnnienlnrn hr dumlnn on lllll ynrpuwu I|uuI:nu|ul`_lllUIl.lIl Ioucn usage: at once. Puticalul by citcuhr. 42-1,, BOOK STORE, [ANOVEB SQUARE,unew and copyright Music EUPPLTID IIGIJLAILY IRON SON B] PRINCESS STREET. lI{sl'cai lugizlnes. PARTIAL LIST OF Newslilb- (AXI- 13Y NEW A Y 4 AR T0'XiTITiL A LARGE STOCK OF D1ESS' GOODS, uuuusuuu` ux 18-} DDDCI `UIJU IIIIU, FAEID BIT season in now sdnnogd, we will sell l.hom_ vary - l'.IliUl_I IIIINUIEI, GB. IRE p. . ~ T 2 We are use showing iptondid ulna in White ma ER lmnmlns, WHlOl`_! 8_, CLOUDS, and BREAKFAST SHAWLB. onlygtew pom lot: or those chap ` 1. nu LU, auu your orders. Our Stock of OLOTH8 is the uent said but nuorud in the city, coupdgmn Ilnterinls far DRESS COATS, SKATING COATS, OVIBGOATS, TRAVELLING COATS, PANTS, and VESTS, sad :3 the guns rush or the olidsyn in over, now it tho the to Ian` vcmr nrdnn ' ck WATCH AND CLOCK ~MAK~ER,A L x1Ns_srn'::1:r, -o-- -4-4.. o 15-: -c-u- trout -:r. --p-. III-I-u -.-.-._-- -4. A ;o-od- s;pi;ly_o1 il;t_e1`-i_zn_ls of every description . hlvnys on k T REPAIRS or an kind: cm-erguy anoniled to. YOUR choice entin: Stock of`DRE s Goons- at. '35 cenlg, ls 3d, or a quest: dollnr per yard. Some of them have been rehuoed fro ' 25 Ed a.n,d ls 10d per yard. 2 -r . GREENFIELDS] `J Your choice of them all at 25 cenfuf Ab-u_ ` 5 .000 yards in the lot. IIIIISJJ \J\J\JlIIJ WUIIII .ll\IIl.| l yard. Your choice for low. Lnnfhnr lava-n In! hnnn-ht 1 Also, another, pile of nbout~2,000 ytr-ll choice` DRESS GOODS, worth from In 3d to 1: 8d per vnr Vdntr nhninn fnr 1 nm Il'|.I. IUUK OIIUICU IUK LUIII. Another large lot. bought 3' bu-n It soc-` tion, worth from mid to In 3d. `Your choice at a. Yurk shilling, Nd, or 12; cent! per yud. , T . Still I that lot, worth `lid, to be cleared It 5d per rd. Every Lady, lies, Ind Ohll should In a t of eschof telelotl. Call only ad peloct, u there in I glut chain: in j _ sles of Factory Cotton at l`id`pay`u1l of [the-price. 200 pairs of Bhnbetl :1 2| Gd to SI per pair of! the price. Envy radneon of II! Goods at . J. GREENFIELDE E` BIUAII. I English,~ Geneva; and American sou: AND slulrn cums, cums. ac. '._ ` z/ SPECIAL -A few dozen left of Jouviufi best French Kid Gloves, name an sq1aLn.t bi _Bd. We Ire selling them at 33 9d. Remember our 3}d Lace Veils. ' Bezinnnlntst Remnants! Remmnlpl 1 {Skinners Drugstore. October 21'. i Everyhody who spends I|r: yqe_n1s` and upwml gets a useful prewna Let Everyimdy come and get" 9. PREQENT. Prices of Goqdn as Low Home In the City. Ilalr Brushes, (Emits, Perfumery w, Just regelml from Paris. coumrng of 1:u_2n:ss`oLo1-as, mars l.2ll`.l:)Q\.\`KBIlN0VE` nmuons, 43.; ..a u %_% ldv|noad_ in will all nu.-n nu fund! December 31. STACEY S. % ` {new AND yum mxsmi. 300. Remnants of Goods, and any price. 1, Gnmsurllznb. fl..- D IDIO Dec. 9, 1838. HOUSEANJ? OFFICE Jomexsi so Ifmc n-rnmar. K Z ncnrvnn um day, ex Bc;';w` s........ Peruvian, ' New and choice and ALIUIB I_.__ I ._1.- .1 - HOHI ` `luau. _ Superb lllnuntodg _ , Oolouvgl Pietnu Gift Books, Piotnro `_ Books, New Both: of Toy Bqoh, Col `A lngnvinp. . A1-nn `fit A0110 ofdlthuo. ,:uw .nad eholumnooh` of` the London Trust Society, riohhindingl. The Leinn Hour Yoluncl. ' > Sandy at Home _GoIuger ind A1-than do The demand for New and Chap Book: 43....-- -O tinnei, at |1iHEYE4_1190K1 Ill I'll 1" '`"'~` "" ' %.19ni- oimanroi; I Also, tho Dllflla-llnl. at u-.-n- Jnnngrv BEGS T0 OALL THE A'l'1`EN_'l`ION OI `PEI-~PUBLIO T0 HIE `Dec. 28. Alum:-ac or % [var nlomvnn 3! an or Winn ROI-not . s'i'AcEY's `Book an KING 31-12: I\.. Ala January 2. AT GREEFfE,1D s AT GREAE-1-FlELD S AT TGREi:FF1ELDs' .19. Come and see then: RIGNEY & SLAVIN GREEFlELD OANADIAIQ aI..AmcE'rs. IN THE QITY. THE FINEST A LARGE ABBORTKENI OI`? HAVE JUST RECEIVED RIGNEY & SLAVIN./+ -1-u nmanr BAY `sunnlou, mm: mane and nil, 16} hind: high, 1,400 I o` weight, ve years old next. `spring. Bound gull well trained. Sire, _Kennelh," blood horn,` owned by G. Daintry, Esq , of Dobourg. "Slarlight," two-third: Blood, and one-gnu-d Clyde; In-e owned by -. mingle, *' wa. Ivquire at mil; Hun ooo. : 1 ThiIV'iI nuqnollidnnhly 1110 but before t 1 public for donienio nu`; _` . g ` null and Ininm at ` ' ` ;-un. Danna U18 31;!-J `:l.~tI!?F _ BE Oonmodioug and Well-wod MI Ibdootnes-~of__Kin god Pnegg _ 1 , I-.._I.. -_.:,._2, A 1.- ouumo 8'1'Bl'.'E"l','_K1NGBi0', . R. E. Stephens. Propli-le'tr.g_ _ Tfuuy Potter: in attendant} at Depot and Bueunhost Landings. ` k ,4 Oct. at . .... uw.-uuuuwu; uuu vusu-anon U113!!! tbe'co?ner~of King and Ptinelu A , ' Tu ruely ocnpiod by -Menu lurgnunu 00.: mediate poneuion given. Apply to . Int; 25. J. uwnu. ldidwta~%*;~5f** `null ruuzuunarna or we La Building! 1:: the (my, sum: Yioyuqg. ._ Lu-gt vsun ofthoglty, Fort, andanurbopc. jg Sm-uonoopic 8lidu-inuenu npty. ,1 lap collection of Foreign View, Bvoupg, and pl;iu,to. 11., for` I101! Ian lbIII_ ~pzioes. % ` V ` % some beautiful lnglinh Ooianrid til u: has been left on uh. Gill and liq. ---`--..__-_A4___ .. V - Doc. 14. cunt IIIU yullv {Ur IIUII Bull and sea then: It Y the ma nm|%ndL .. .1 Hibhort aqd Oqgu, ch. gut` ` I ` every nltululo TUISDA IV ` 71,," mgncing at 8 dclock ' ' " Rink will he onnn tn,:=n.I..I' I. `4 .1E _--- -_v-- -~-- -- --n VIII-I!-II ` HENl5ERSO_N S BOOKSTORE;- rauwnsa B`rli.Il'l`. '1 hnn &Pxxmi*i1:`!`fIi})`1:7hc:'o-siaInIt%I`I; . .11.` `IE! - FOR SALE on .110 m.;: nnnuunninna -51 1.]! Au-) jnmsmi IJIIEII $111011, lnltllllill U. '1 min: 3. noI_-manta 399..., u Ogulognn I:Ip9,_!|.n..MmeE o&uty!u:jIdp'|II- *3; ` lulutoohchup, ? % `% _ 45 um) pndroamras of tho I Bndinnt In 1|; nil- llo-..s 171-. mum HOUSE, muun m-mm-"r -rrmnm-nu. nu-nu. Duo: 29:15.. DAY: cIllII8'l`MA87 mm. ..P.i "RING STREET sum I__og_n_ mix. W Inn on untrue: 1- For futshuf 4I"."`Uw .`- ` R; S; WELMES FOR __8__ALE. `SELLIHQ on stalls? HuL;_1_)_AYS. TE1I1;g,3:.Rs L- _ ._a......| 5.1%.. 15-on .1-an Mw.~jGAGE. ?."AVV}g'lyH':oBolIaItcr.~ -3; nomvnlf - _*' ".`$.,`.` mu 7 ` x 1'41"` ` Jtf` n V ,, nuancy 39") |,|ml'ing 10 rnlly 3PI"`"' Chin. `mg [-jnglnnxl. " `lurcnnn Ind by D0! " . ` . by! l.--John llcbeviu. on Mitntglo Pholin and Caller.- Iozkalrfendering to them the ' cue at` America, in order injlforlh be coInpet_ed `fur hot bdgnd. IlcDe\:m now qayu m the world to com. 5. cue st $5.000 o si le- . |:Ts,m or 20,000 pn`int.a, in in pocket standard table- Chlkngu remains Open 30 - 1.}: ll.-(`ml in 'tbuii_d- lmellm qunlty, bu been das- g nil: from Argelra. on the n_...t `D-:.Llhu nn;Irnn `n aumnuw. _ 3. 1,1. L--The repsir shops mam. Synclse. Bingbunptou lniork Railroad Company were ` Ii dug, including 3}! the ' nd lour locdmotivea. Lou (Ic).h:h, _5i-_Pment indies- ` h lluonmmon-o_f Mr Ham- _tE'$IIIl&I|ltul`.` ' . ` _ . of thcuvy. diver Louis E .aen.6eors `.._...umms. Sevenlmher lhpton, January. 5. ' mp-:nos4 9o:o5,oo' hllll. Gnin-1-When: Jtudy. at U1. |1IIII,65e 07091110 Inner hilplrah 51. Enckvbal none. _ Put n 51.50%: 33 oo, .- V DI Bald H unlined for bury M $ 5:. In rough, ac. nndercd. *5 my lmla striving. Lard ,huI.8kia soc 031.00. I ilbn;-Aim-inn `cnrruucy int: aim; n-mag at 74 mm. ` . `Uni; Idling ll 4.. Gold in M1 9]. |`Ld .- -lo}: Ben, baton, report ~ 9!-'-i'"n?uu"_'-5"o;`3,','7.';.. .-P|our rmer fut 3? H0 5,30 bblu; ales no A '72"-".' 5.`: `:52? 21-1123 _- T--1--up gnu, cc. nominal .31, but stock light, and 1` land tree, And in fnr - |:;dh;i(tI_ cakes, sand: ` In an-ved with "3 Qlutot no ancrnrdn, they " "Ill. reqlnlions, and mail-Gold in New York .1 12 P`-I11. ull Ictreo, And R: Hi-good vlott nee: rend; 'IIIIcIes. Valha- . .__ `_ 3' Inn-mature e uruu-uuas or L` .u -'I Lab 4n__L I_L; 1 -u....;.u.`.;'.'..',;. .?.."'..".'i-L'.'.3 Huh c The bo *1.-`ll. mic sum. I_| K `I hit glam to eradicate ~53 incur the xponditnre ~.%'5l Will ho 13:1: to over- VCR --r W, ll! leu.ic1iveIy' Ind --in 0niI-Salas of 'L'.c. llmnI'!| n... L- ___=_. ____.,___ .o1nmc1.4L I-`-Th!) trouble `I log the military . -`nu uslnlul Jul ;I 3 5% Inpernu nu: sud wlll lluc nun u -.>.-. mm: Seven! other Hfem s'w.-rely injur- Nuns LIFSII 5, via Ill`. Rlilrotd, 4110 In 1 (If President ' union of the, m Davin John [Inn \ 1 preparing to ` J AN. on Lhe tlkir-g 91,5. nun- ` or dance, I] received, If` creating DEATH or 'I?1i1:`nt7v'..`tV>.; c56i':uo{ `j 5B!-LLFASI`. The Rev. Dr.`-Cooke, the grout Freaky-` terinn divine and ("a-nsarvniive louder, died on Sumln_v-:urwo lmsrn from the No;-ting-pg }|'Aa'g--t the pntriarchd age of 83 years. He was 093 of the nhlont ind moat. pulm- : men in t|\o--T rosb_y_teI:ian Church, nntfoup 3,0 .1. lust hnur of his hfe exercised 3-egg per. |.aum\l iuucuco_3._ At one period $10 was 3 1IrlIli{h\l|lQ polmul power in Ulster. [la iwas an olnqpeln. gmd impressive speaker, wlmn m the lull eniovmont nf hi. I'......|3:.- was an I'I'|'\iIl\7III null lIlIPr_l'9 Fptf, wlwn in enj0_\'um.nt. of I '3 facilities, muvimlzcaied his principlnl win indumim. Mo rusnlutiu-I1. The Establiulied Church lmg [mi in him xi generous nlly. who, under 3]] 'cin~umsu|m`ea. inude common cause with hvr. and _hv hui unremitting effort: miti- gated the _u-ulousnes with which his brotlu.-r nlihislvrs were disposed to regard ndominant Church. and promoted I cordial sympathy .m the part uf the hlitv. He took :1 nu-mm- K uurru. nun pu-|uu|_uu I Oufllll sympathy part llllty. took a pg-um`- mm: part in some of the moat z-emu-kgblg demonstrations on behalf of the Churgh Ea- t:Il\llSlllllt`l1l. and 3t the great llillnborougli iiiovting. in 133-}. _he Wu one of the princi- pal speakers. At the llillaborough meetin last year he Wu induced to come forward`? but was the interest` ohsdow of his formu- self. the re of his oratory having burnt out, and the nnce'eroct and dignied form pro-_ naming a. lnmontablo wreck. He seemed hut :i living mummy, and yet he hesitated not in attend. in order with his last public breath to rnnow the pmfession of his early !|N.l\l1ll'l'l`lt.I0 the Conservative cause. His -novnlent and kindly disposition disaryj the hostility of many tho strongly di - prm-ml his political views, and won many personal friends. He was born in London- ~ deny in 173%. and was educated ntGla.sgow. The [nirersity of Dublin conferred 'upon him the degree of LL.l) in acknowledgment of his talents. He nlnn had um an:-A4 .4: uuu uuv ULAIIU VI |.1I.J.lI. Ill DUIIIUWINEUICDI He also had the degree of D D. from an American allege. lie held a. high position in the Belfast theological insti- ` union. and was the ofcef a pointed by the `n uowrument to distribute t e Regium Dv- num ' EXTRAORDINARY vpaocnsomos nu LOWER CANADA. ` __ . A few weeks ago D. Bogart, a paymam.-_ clerk on board of the receiving ship Vermont, lying in the Navy Yard, New York,- ahsoonded with in large sum of money. Ir Kennedy, Sn- perintendent of theMetropolitanPoliee,NewYork, sent descriptions all over thrcountry, at the same time oering a reward of $l,000 for his apt-r.-hensgion. A man answering the description arrived with a horse and sleigh at Coohshire,' and put up at Ir Bailey's Hotel. He being 3;- xised that this was the individual wanted, tele- graphed to New York. Apparentlytaking the alarm, the man made all", but Er lunkittrich, a magistrate at Dudswell, who had learned of the. reward offered and the WhfrbOlll3 of the indi- vidual, issued a warrant for his arrest, although not-rinie was charged, as the notice contained no infortnationbeyond the Fatpof a reward `be- ing ol-red for his apprehension. The warrant was duty executed, and the prisoner brought before the magistrate. On the arrival of par- ties to identify him the magistrate stated that he had let him go, there being no charge against him, Ir Cunningham, the baiiitf who made the arrest, however, araves that Ir lunhittrick is- sued the warrant of his own mete motion, no in- formation beng laid by any one, and that the prisoner on payiw a sum of about $4,500 was allowed to part, the bailil having receiv- el $500, and three of the magistt-ate`s sons $500 _ each. in addition to this, the of Ir Inukti- trich`s sons had driven prisoner 08 with the `horse and sleigh in which he had arrived, and after taking him to; the journey : end, he had brought back the horse, sleigh, bulaloes, he , to his father`s house. where they still are. . Young Iunltittrick Says the individual whom he drove oln ale him a present of the "team" and paid him besides. He states that be conveyed him to the nearest railway station, but this has been 3 discovered Ia he a falsehood. The oeerin pur- su-it of Bogart applied to have a warrant issued based upon an alavit which was oered to be made, but the magistrate refused to l'.'.t, or to give up the horse and sleigh in his possession. Cunningham, the hailil, appears to have given every information in his powe`r,'and handed over the $500`he had received, which he had put car -- fully past, expecting, as he stated, that the right -_ ful owns 1- would turnup. If the statements we have received are borne out by the evidence, it would appear that irregularities are piactised _in Ca ads, which could not easily `be exceeded by any Indiana _tnoh.-.Uan!rea. Herald. } Liverpool, Jan. 5.;'I`he stehnship Nes- :` goriap argived Io-dny ` IIIUL, r _.I__ A 1 __4v,,_ ____ , ul. E- `-45-! ,..Y.--_ _-... -Vr --J. The London Advertiser IA]! :-``h is notori- ous that cf all the but-gluten, robberies Ind act: of violence tbnt have been `committed in the city within the put two years, not 3 tingle cun- vtction bu followed And oenrcely-an arrest been undo. I Burglnn at Hudson, 0 the night of Ibo 20th, after robbing the Ameri Express Company's yfe 01 $12,000, burned the City Hotel build- mgs, in which the gxpreu aloe wu lomted. The the 11:0 denlroyed the reuidence of June! L. Smith. -. _-.-_ s -I. -an:--an The unusual vnrmth of the put full `and ear- ly winter, in llonunn, has brought myrinda of young grasshoppers into pennntnre existence. The cold weather will destroy them, of course. gd the fsnners expect to be in from their de- prednliono next Q9!-iol. 4. q .5 iv, ..._|_-_ I.-- n-I.. I--wu--awuo uvuqv gsa-ov-. Congressman Bet-k,`of Kentucky, bus tele- graphed to Genernl Breckinridge, now in Cann- dn, to return at once to the United Slates. Ju- nob Thompson, E.` luau nnd General Early, are expected to return at the same time. \'IIl` IBITUZLI LJII IL I 2. 1 L of Daily News for nddrel. old members of No. 5.Gompony are hereby rrqueated to moot at the Dtill-shed on 'I'BUI;S- DAY EVENING, I 7:30 `char-p. ACDONALD, Lieut., Oommunding No. 4 00. s VIBE MEMBERS of Ho. 4 Company and the JAE SJOBNSON! `Lien. No. 5 0mnp y. T---._._ I L 1180 ` OMIELNOINGIO-day (until further notice)- Am. Uniua amen IniIa(1iI_ Owe V_`='i") will be deopntched lroIII,I.nd arrive st tlml O as follows : 2 A -'"..*' '-.':'.- _,:}`:`!.. 1 _"';`E-..."a".".;.`3.'_'.'..'_ [15 Trainer.