Aug 4. as non&"s:'xZoi., Nu`: York. I ....... th Side. to the Dgssnve urgnuu. _ Beautiful, Soft. Strong` Hall E all whens! lllh Hui: 4' J-cobn` Rhnum&Fi_J4'W ` OI..- DEA; x | 1 smez,njcQP 3 Npn In _ the publication` 0 00. ' Eh:-n nnnlnrn - vuv ylll-7|"""" : I Dr Record ! Silence 1:! Life, :.2-__n.'I- -_.l `I-nnnlnfn EH11 special Noucou. Bntqlwlol-'9 Hair llyo. -.- do a _ 2- AL- 1....-. 7 ` S }" ;_ VII- -nn u~I-36, l 43 [:':..*.:~* and-- v;nifA'wl:'cTuAu I HAIR Rmzwm . LEWIS am: 1: son. Proprielo. "H Al..-L S :-:-nng - gm--. . ---- - f ` . r it: "D 'q$2:1I%(Eomo o.Sun;:1I'fo: loo, Pnnceu street, p'no-; KINGS'_1`ON. (cANAbA. THURSDAY v . LLOW no to call your attention to my PREPARATION OF COMPOUND EX- TRACT BU-CHU. Tho ocxnpament parts are BUGHU, Lona Luv, CUBEBS, JUNIPER BERBIES. nnnul nU'Ul1U. Th! BERBIES. . Buolu in vnono. Juniper Born-`nos, by _diit'1I- lotion, to form n ne gin. Unbebc extracted by ditphce-Int by liquor ubuinod from J uni- per Benin, containing my. littlo sugar, I Illnll Qgoponion of spirit, and mom fnlntnble than any new in use. The active propertiu are hy thin mode extracted. ' Ilu-I... ... ..... -....I L- n___,!-., V -Iv |l null I-IIUIIU UKKITICFCQ. Buqhn, an prepared by Drnggiau gonernliy, V in ofa dark colour. IL is a plant that emits ita fragrance ; the action of a ame destroys this (it: activn principle), having. a dark and glu- `I.i0lll decoolion. line in the colour of ingre- dients. The Bnchu in my preparation predo- minatu-, the unalleav. quantity of the other` ingradientp are added , to prevent fermentation; upon inlpostion it will be found not to ha a Tinolnra. as nnda in Pharmncopaea, nor in-it a Syrug-and therefore can be uud in canal whore fever or inammation uiltl. In thin, you have the knowlejgc of the ingredients and the mod: 0!` prapantion. nnnina than can uill (minus: `.5 -Hal. - |.:-`| IIIU IIIUIIU UI P[U|.IIlIlM.'II. Hoping that you will favour it with n iris}, Ind lint upon inspection it. will meet with your spprobniiou, With I feeling of_ condence, 1 Mn, very respectfully. Chemist sud Druggin of 18 years` experience in Pbilsddpbin, and now located It his Drug and Obouical Warehouse, 594 Broadway, New York. ~ [F.'|-om the lnrgeu Innufncturing Chemists in the mid.) _ I Am acquainted with Mr H" T. Helmbold; be occupied the Drug Stan opposite my rui- dcnce, and was Iacceuful in conducting the unions when others had not been equally to before him.` 1 ban been fuoursbly iapreued { with his chsnctcr and enterprise. . Firm of P'5;rarI I Weighnnnu. Manufacturing Chemists, Ninth and Brown Streets, Phila- delphia. 5 For veoknou orioing from indiscretion. The exhumed powers of upturn which on Accom- pnniad by so, many Alarming symptoms, among which will be found Indiaposition to Exertion, Lou of Memory, Wokefuluens, Horror of Di- aeuo, or Forobodioga of Evil; in fact, Un'ver- nl Luailnde, Prounuon, and inability toen- ter into the enjoyment: of society. on... n.....onmin'n. nn.-a nected with Onnnic imp mo enjoygnauu Ul Iucuuy. The Constitution, once Iected with Orgnnic Weakneu, requires the aid of Medicine to strengthen Ind invigante the system, which invariably does. If no trounent. is submitted to, Uouaunfption or Insanity onsuas. T0 PHY.s10IANs. HILKBOLITS FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU, Dl)I:InAn.-nu HELL! E-0LD S FLUID EXTRACT Int elfectione peculiar to _Femele|, lennequalled by any other preparation, ea in Ohloroais, or M Retention, Pelnfulneee. orsnppre union of Gun- tomery Evecntionu, Ulcersted or Schirrons Slete of the Uterus, end all eompleints incident to the eex, whether erieiqg from habits of dissi- petion, imprudence in, or the deolinopr change of life. HEBHBOLFS FLUIDgEX'l'RAO'l` BUCHU AND IHPEOVED ROSE WASH Iill radially exterminate from the syn; disuse: ariniug from hubiu of dimpation, at little oxponu, llnlo or no chnngo in diet, no =_-.........a..m. or avonxo: completely unper- inuonvunnw In u..,......., .,._,,h_ _ _ uding thou nnploulnl and dangerouu re- Iludiu, Depth: and In-nary, inll than dhunu. _ Us Hm.noLn | Funn Ex-1-no-r..,Buonu in :11 diuuol of those orguu; whethdr existing In ad: or fcmalo, from vbntovet `emu ori- ginating, And no matter of how long nsnding. It is pleasant in tutu and odour, "i1nInedi1,_te" in action, and more nu-ongthoning than any of tin propcntiouu 0! Bush or Iron. M ,. Thou inating from broken-dowi or delicate in tho gnu Diuntio. . . . Sold by :11 Drnggbu averywhere. Price 31.25.13: bonlq, qr six batel for $6,50. De- liven-ed to any add:-pn. Daiorihe the syxnptolna M in all communications. . Add:-cu E. '1`. EILHBOLD, Drug and Che- 594 Bmldwuy, N.Y. T Iinlou done up in qual- wilh fn.c~o'unile of my Noll! lav ` .... __V engruyod wnpper, w Olmniotl `Wsnhoua,-I MODE CF` PREPARATION. `HILIIBOI.-D S EXTRACT BUG nU New York Augat 1511:, E67. WILLIAM wnxanruw, H. T. HELMBOLD, yld nigncd O cnnngu III \--v':--' 3; I-T -r._ m:Lu'aoLn, BUoBu_ anrrmons OYSTERS ` RECEIVED DAILY AT F. S. ILEES . PRINCESS s'r. A Iew mor boxes of those cheap FIGS, beat and cheapest in the city, only 20 cents for nearly 2 lbs. ' ` 3; lbs. PRUNES for 25 oenta. `22 lb. UU RRANTS for $1. New RAISINS, 10 cents per lb. SPANISH UNIONS, 5 cents per lb. F`. 3. mass, Dec_ 9_ PI-innnnu Qt \ Palcketa, {KT U1 . `_____,. '[EN REASONS why it should be used in preference to all others- 1at-Bread or Cakes made with it are MORE WHOLESOME than If made with yeast or any other process. -1n:I__h. Dr`r1:n'lvv:.. .....|. um. :. ..:n ...,....a tuc Il|3|. I5 years, IU LVLFI UL`!!! IIISIIIICE IJ |r.ued to give ENTIRE SATISFACTION, L|}u_E`-:-ailing ||...o |-.-u.. no-A Gr nnnnnuir In 1 lb. \JlI.I(l ytuxirus. 2nd--Its PURITY is Inch that it will stand the test of the most perfect. anal; sis} 3rd--Aflnr hnvincr hnin orlnnuivnlvrlma for-I tuc I-(DI `U| ILIU IAIUDI: PCIIICCU IIBIIJIIS. 31-d-After having been extensively used for the last 14 years, in N01` ONE instance has it fnn on n:Q- ENTIRE QAMIQU ADTIIIM IIIIIEU III `IVE Ill` IJIULI Llllpf .fI.\J IILILI, 4Ih-Families that have and it pronounce it THE BEST, and will use no other. KO`-\ 1 ...._A-:_- _.BAI'DI3A'l\I'IQ _. 3-..- 1| [arms 1'. sun uuaun, nuu vnu nap uu unurn. 5tb-It contains no BALERATUB, no does it impair the digestive organs like 1hose powders where SODA or an exact: of ALKALI pado- minutes. 0.1. It _____ _:..-- A- D---) A. l"I.l..... .- .._ BIA!-lnxlc 6Ih-lt never givei to Brand or Cakes an un- pleauut ALKALINE or IAWKIBH lame; Dal. FHL- l____J__n-AI__.DA___1;_ -_____.._A!-.. v:|t`l:---'T.;::iI::agredu":al;l:;h;`; ;;::;:l;c`I::3p;c:ilion are more BENEFICIAL thin othorwlle. ' r\_....-._.:- -..I.:..-.- -__ ..-. l:lt"|1I D--...I IIIU IIIUFU DIYIVHP l\.II.|J ll? 'UlIUI'WI'?- 8:b-Dyspeptic subjects can at H0-'1` Brand or Roll: `made with it, and derive BENEFI l` by its use. ' an. `IF..-..._ -\-..|...a _.._o_I-- 8:. tall -ah-In! FINNAN %__I:IADDIES H-9'51:-Every packet conulna iutull eigbt. One pound packet: weigh SIXTEEN OUNCES. 1mh--It in all that in reprenented to be, vim: Unrlvalled for Purity and Cheapneu." l h-Ilnf nun uAu'nnInr!'I'nhV__ ~ 'l`BE Subscriber mg to inform his nnrneronl customer: an: In: u s that he bu removed from his old Stand, Prim.-es: Street, to Mr Coy : Buildings, No. 24 Br`U(`k street, directly opposite Mr Ramuge, Wa.Lchmn'm r. where he is prepared with an c,-mire nw r,----ck of Broad Clotha, Pilot an ! Benet, Ca|5~izuel.'el, Doc.-skins, Oun- adinn, English, nil ':`(`0 ch Two-eds, 10 make up to order on the shortest nznjoe, mud in the most New And Fuhionnblo Srylea. El..- n|nru an |.-nd gnarl; nn nntlar him n-n new tau rnsuuonnuu pg:-:3. Hns also on hand, undo up under his own auperiolendeuco, 5 large quantity of Ready-made Clothing, which he can warrsnt and recommend, at prices as low as can be found in any estnblilb men: in the city. Call and examine before purchasing. an A 5: l.lVl!l.x'l`N %eisinN%1c`R~s' BAKING rowmza. , FEWJJENTLIEMEN can be nceommodued with Board and Lodging in a Private Family. Location, Barrie Sue:-I. Apply for ud- dteas at. the Daily News oic-`. Q0: 01 for O-Jllttl Illllnl-IVA: vuuu I J I Ferguson, Possession imInodiateIy_ A nnlv SPECIAL mm u1Po|mi1` norm: TI) czxsn cusroumas. v__W -_._..__._:_.._...%.___,___ itfiluuu AND cmmue ESTA BLISH M ENT. nj__ JAM1:3_`. Dealer In Bo3Is an_1`s-ni?s.-Nb_." s Princess Street, Kingston. ESIRES most respectfully to theuk hi: n: merous Customers for a liberal patrqnigo extending over `FIFTEEN YEARS. 1'... ...1...:.... hi. nnmnnta for the nut year the extending 'l'l !"'1'l!|&l1 1 BAKED In closing his accounts for nut year | advertiser has determined to abandon the Credit system altogether, and he wishes his Customers to understand this announcement in the most positive sense. Determined not to be outdone in the price or quality of his Stock, he is pre- pared to sell BUUTS nnd SHOES of `unrivalled manufacture at the lowest remnnerntivo prices on strictly cash terms. Unpaid. ncconnta mutt be settled immediate- ly, otherwise they will be put in unit. ' f` The pntronnge of Ouh Customer: I0- "nial. Dec. 18. PRIVATE _)AROIl`i_G. - liciwd. {ARES HOPE. ( Kiogioon; 22nd Jsnunry, 1668. few boxes of those cheap FIGS, beat chear-esL in Iha ojnv nnlv an no. rm. ......n- annnapxn. aroma nut 11, Oglober 8, 1868. [CH3 -I III` Sept. 21. gt` every material and design, H Iona ry the and style, Posts for Lot Encloonx-gs, snd Stone work of every descxipuon, promptly dxecuted with the very best worknluubfp and at reasonable pl-ice`s. Refaxeneei poi-mittad to J on Creighton, llsq., Edwin Ohovn, lsq., and Wm. Ford, Jr., Esq. 7 Inspection of Stock respectfully solicitod. MERLE ZXANTELPIEOES, loan In of: May 13. Near DV.IS.ll.'l'1D.l!nnr4'.11u Iur .._.. ......... -._.._, I A. intended to lppolt tho same evenihg, should be sent in at u only an hunt in tbedny .. nnanihln AV tended the evening. V _ .- 4 _ . V shoulduire I the d_I! ' RT, OF Horace upogaihln. - ~T * ' " " M `Gretel ,0!` New York,"says:-A--'[`be most sdccess u'lT `business men in this city .THE CIRCULATION of the DAM 1areubosowuohu-a.sdvemaed.1ibmuysn . NEW: in fully _|!"`_""1f"1"3'._EeoastsntlyaT. A anal). adwmiaemem ain- that of any other da_Ily juu:-nn_l ubllshetfumuy wpggpjng ig bc;t,; mm A. di,p1.,-' in Kingston. The cxrcplution `v the old co1mn,_c,_3;Qn,1.1y_ _ 1 . b1` 11 d wekly Cnnbmcnn A1'D'N "` V? ' A ~ 1 `is: aa1om fate: than any other vreokly pub- -` x'l'ATUTOR'!"-DEED8-A.p ved `Old ; lished m the county. A.d1ertisan.wil1* . carefully: tinted copia o the Short `we that t.hese_ Journal: are] I9 5' -F:D!I-'m0f logllisod-by.-Stunts, for - f . t, , bhc gttenuon In at ,t,h;Da1ly Nc1u.0ne. Statutory mgaihumlocflitytuac 11:5 3 I 1 7 2` `.35. and othot lgw form: kept pn J.\l .l_JJ._1_`_u K ELLEVUE TERRACE, fronting on oxnue Strcet, formerly ocupied by Mr Wil iam nrorn uni-I Illa: I-U- thia locality, -.----- -.v-. _ -.---J ---~- v----`--.-vv-. DIPOT um lAIiUl'LC`I`0kY-- 375 Nouie-Dame Street, MONTREAL. `J. GARDNER, Chemist, Sole Proprietor and, llqnufacgurer. IR Aug. 20, i868 DVERTISEMENTS for the Dun! Nliyls . =........:..-1 tn moan tho name evening. Tf)WLET.,} `I3 'l"'I?l-')DAl".'D'. {'-nntinan BARBIE smnm, Coiurt Ho`use. >4? gs? |m;';;" AND. ulIlOly_ Apply to R. M. ROSE, _`0icinl Asaiguee. UCIUYU PUICUIBIU . CHAS. LIV! NESTOVN. EVENING. VMNUAVRY 7, 1869. r `f~\6 Packet: ` x\. u. L: :1 AIL`, Princess St R. " uunv. And for $3 8.3. PERUVIAN, `ex cled in two days 11 from LONDON PUB ISHIERS, will be opened out ' ` ._TWO> _0__ASS_ _B09KS, Christmas and New Year llgilldass. ____ _ 7, , in elegant bindings, auitaglo Eur Prsen1s and Prizes for Oonoumm PICTURE BOOKS, .50.. belu- tiful, av. ~ S !`ACEY S, AA -v--w nu. r----5-ruuu- lil I n A v B00 K3,} v_; .1'\;\J..--._~7 Suitable for all ages, just 1-eceived and "for sale . ,n (11'l'l\:r I\I'\I'\I 7'A'\1II1\II I1 Bibi, Church Services, Prayer Books, Psalm uni Hymn Books, Aubumsfnnd a great variety of Fancy Articles, suitable 'for_0hrislmnI and New Year Preaems. B`ARMERS and Truataeu of Churches, beware of ignorant dealer: in Helodeone and U1-,;nna. as poor worthless instruments are gene- mhy lobe found there that cannot be sold to any pracuical Municinn. - ' ' -11-:3 in-I'.1I'I|1IaI| 1\I'srIA`|`r nu--4 nun:--v-ow v--v----- i1 Ibo beat '11 the Dominion. Manufactured by` J. REYN . A guamnee for five years given with each nstrumem, and sold at price! to defy compel'ni_ |llM'.nIl!f\\T fvnm I20 nnwnrl, new utsuana, -- qmu - These instruments are voiced and gnned by J. Rayner himself. 35 yearn. experience in teach-` in; Church Choirs, Cc , give him the ndvnmugo ` of knowing the kind of tone moat suitable for` the voice.. ' : Seumdbsnd PIANOS from $40 and upwards, At REYNEITB. NSTRUIIENTS taken in exchange. Tunerr sent to all pnru of the country at muon- able nten, Fmm J. REYNERB u-;~;=;e GIFT 1_;00Ks. Dec. I2 BO0K'i=i?IES_E_.aS0'N.E `DIE-IDLHIAD numuun u\JunJuu uuvnnunn | (J Belgrnvin Annual , \ Benton : 0hriIunan_Annual _ \- Good Cheer ` Ha.nnny a-Almanac I I Routledga Christmas Annual Bow Bellallmnnnc . Good Word: for the Young, No. 2 I Godefs Book for January, 1869 i Sunday Mtgazine and Good Words for De-; camber 9 ' Snbbnlh School Messenger for 1868, in bonrdl Rontledge'a Every Boy : Annual Q Of Land : End-ChrEs*.mas Story Book . Seekers after God (Sunday Library series) Gentle Life- second series I 'l`rnch s Household Book of English Poetry `. Tom` Bi`own`a School Days, blue cloth gilt = &c. Ice. kc. ~ , _ __.._. __-_-_-.-~._-_.-..\_w I I I V 1 : Dec. 1!. mug mreet. _, JOHN CREIGHTON. Also, the CHRISTMAS NUMBER of the II-' luau-med London News. . JOHN OREIGHTON.` ulnpel sm_:vu\ HELODEONS, from $30 upwards. New URGANS, -- 1565 H 3 Ink..- in-n-nnnnnta no-an vninod And `V E[\IW%I\! . V '_ _ Auctioneer & Commission Merchant. , Brock SL, neg: the Market, Kingstdn, Ont. Consignments respectfully aolicted, for inhich Liberal Advances will be made. o ;.a.... ...r rs..- (land: nu 'I`m-mnvn. Thnrndnvl Whig: Liberal AIIVIIIIOES wlu ua umuv. Sales of Dry Goods on Tuesdays, Tburadayi and Saturdays at IU a.m.; and at '1 o'clock every Evening. ' Nov. 2. {TIHRISTMAS NUMBER LONDON SOCIETY! - `I . V` I `D_I____.:_ A-.--an (aux IIIIT! LIIDK our: 1868. no __A'_ L. 1868. .__g`qc_1n_A:_:|1 con man __-._4.-.n4n Iflnnnf` HI` I IIIIIIIVI I - wwr-- - ww--- 0IlI`ce-SI. Lawrence Wharl; `Foot of J ohnsfon Street. MI-{I 1iIe'"c"1'E 3i"B`6i ALSO, . A nI_A4J EI,;__;__ 11___._ t)_-'I... `I3- UK 001! i Pun Laokunns, being mined In the `very hehrt of the Lacklvsna Valley, Bcnnton, Pituton, and Wilkes Burro, horn tho but Ielected mines, and in prepared with you expressly for Family Inc, and will be uremcd and delivered in the but possible co ,. dition. 1:--. ..|-..i..I Ran nal fnr onto: Mmltnn '1' amon. Best aalected Sq Goal for grate: eonlunziy on bind, the Lehigh Lamp for Foundry_ I so sndloubnrg for Blnclmnilln. Tenn: 0111:. Delivered in any pgrt of the -24- gu- city, Dec. 1 2. `RUHB, Large Size, 312 and $20. In fact,` --4--lIulna.nnnnA1IInrI Eilh {ha I'II;f' 'I`I-ado `V Jnnunr; 2. I..l...l. `L .I.. -,JJs_I. , AND Almanac of Canada, for 1869, -_CJ_-_Z\J\_I-L` Us/r RECEIVED at the CITY BOOKSTORE, i King Street. .mHN (1 REIGHTON. _A Luge Stock of New and elegsnt RUMS, Large Sim.-,$12 and 3'20. In [4ct,f everythingconoected with tha Music Trade, At mzvmazms. ! Octoiaer 2}, 1868. `1315 "1"{EYNE1: onem 80 KING STREET. sTA0Tiir s inn!!! 0" 1 V-J0-IvI'N EHENDEIISON, PRINCESS STREET. Flom J. BEYNERIS Music Store, Marble Block, Ptinctu-st. J 0l_m (irclghton. uuucs swm.-La cc tux: cut`.- presents. ' RR A 1"] presents. . . - SKATING, WALKING ._on BNOWSEOES, &c_ cap be faithfully represenlad in ll'xe`al.jrove no: I . ' ` - 4 .5 'i`HE Subscriber in now prefured to min the WINTER STYLE of Porlrqit pa introduced in Kingston by him, nnglwhlch is ndmirtblo n- lbe eect of REALITY Ind BEAUTY hieh` II ._......_n.. Ilv,\.;: an L2. 3!) 1e. _ ' > - A careful examination of specimens of work is respectfully solicited. Fl HENDERSON. "` ['.I.':"'u'.,""' II .L-Mu VQI44UL1rnb`lv.E*`9_R 1868, msxmn HOUR, Sunday an Home-,'Britisb Workman. Band of Hopeeview, Children : Friend, Infant : Msgazlne, Cb-ildre!i d Prize, 8.8. Messenger, Quiver, Sunday Haguino, British Workwomau, and Brinh Juvenile. December 19. ' GE1iMAN*DRIIs:D FLOWERS on BRILLADNT COLOURS. CASE of EANGINGJIABKETB and B2)U- A QUET8 of these beautiiul aadnpproprinte Christmas Ornaments just urireg gtntt fut min by E I-I. PARKER. `Insolvent Actor {S64 |i1d:mud- menu thereto. . In the 111.: .-},r 1-aumvxs CONLEY,,of 1113 V Cit, UL ...-.g..u.s, In Insolvent. . LL persons owing the Eltnte `are reqgeued to pay the amount of their indebuduou to Mr J. E. Burke, at his oeo.' WelhItan_St_. ' nut to Bailie Bron. in the Cify of Kmknlon, iwihin TWQ WEEKS from It'Iia,dn'Ie,1aer wbich my accounts mncining unpaid cm he ` sued witbonvfarther notice. I A Il GI! ALlHt"Il1 - Ill IIB Ilillllef U1 1 DUJIIAD \JLlLVlJlIl I I III um: VII - of Kingston, Tailor, an Insolvent. i L A : BE Creditors of the above-tuned are notied , 1 that he has made an assignment. of his Es- ; taste and Etfects under the above Act`: to hagtbo T undersigned Assignennd they are reg't'1i'I'cd to gfurnistvme, whhin two months (con lhil data, A 1 with their claims. Jpeciying the Iacumy the} t huid, if any; and the vafue of it; sndi!;non:i,' ! stating the fact-the whine dtteted`undet- oath, ` with the vouchers in support of tool: chi-'93.. . -' - JAMES! RHAHNOIL i;is.(o_l;;:;1Ht ;3t-:)f? Isanci AZinV_e/nil-u ; mems thereto. > * ! In tho matter of nuns GT1 IEBf, of the City of Ifh-an-ran 'l`..ilnr an L-:1r.Ivnnl 3 VIII ll!!! IIIIIIKI Ul Jill.-J30 \J|D_-Ill`, Ul tut VII In I I, Kingston,'l`uilor, gn Insolvent, i if `HE Creditor; of the Imulvent no nblilld , ' that he nngmnde an usignlnrnt or Mr_ I euatennd area: under the glgdvo Aclllo Inc the undersigned Anugnoe, and they are re- quirod to fumirh me within two mcmha: from ` till! date, with their chilnl, specifying` qhe le- | curity they hold, if Any, sud ~tho nine or it: 1 and if none, Itnling the fact, the theta stleitcd ' un-ier oath with the voneben in support dual: ' claims. 1, Dazed 31 Kingston, 22nd Dem, l868.' , JA|t1ISr an ANHOH, . (`IE4-,i.n'I Lxhrnna, Kingston, Dec. 7, 1868. iligolvent not or 1864. and Amend- ments thereto. ` .- 1 In the tnalter of THOMAS CONLEY, of the Olty of 'L'ic.4-ualnn 'I`nIlnu- an Tnqnlvpni 5 December 12. E _ ` i-`uolwr in AC an-la IVE . um tum sun-1~ wns-r, xmeurbr-Wfw. 1- Esp-.32; 5*2E:%::N- BEST `PALE END P(_2j:2;g1{ IN WESTERN` 041mpA'.`-_ g l":_ __L__r `--I_ 10 ___...__.. .._._...._....... _. _....-. __...__.._ mg?` Try Gardiner : Baking Po'w- ` den-.` T _ ' _ " 3 "Gm-duet : Cough `R1!- llledyb.-v-EQO-.AIIV0l'llI0l1I.._` __._.__ _..._-)_ Kingston, 29th Dec. 1868:; -. _..__...._-A -_ a--.__.. _---_`----j sunny.-u -.-- -- ENDEBSON a BO0KB wBE. T while the ntoreaof their nilihbous wind 6 N` EFF_EOT oir. ADv`E1ififIes1Nq; 7 amusing at times Ito) obaee Che stores of the merchunt wlm '&6 I; ndvr-* =1 ties; to sea the anxious proprietor: lobk-' iug into the streets and we the people go by, wondering why they dnu t _cbme ' advertise are arranged, with cugtomem. 3 le '11 1811111 " ` Iii , n:.)I' ?'1oIpnnt.:1'Dai1u'Pd1I1:,;lum;:-" on k aoma eopw Wu; T ` ` othelfs not.-Da5;' .?$=r,7~7?&L'`$'or`.B`ig.J " ;a'.t.-.37?-'i1'~'tinTa news of 1.119 week. For Fi ty Cen' piid in advance, you msynend it twyour riandl for three months at the seduced rate: of postage. For One Dolls: it nuy_bb tent ` nix months. Single copies. pnco Five Oentymay be had stlshe Bailyau oeog ' Princcpa Btnet-. -.-.--my LARGE uaorlment Jr GERMAN BOU-' QUETS, just received by - . - `R WHTTE [a.:: ...4n 1 Kingston,/Dec. 18: RANBWNT ADV.ER'l_`I$EA}1ENTB.-.- 4 ,The Jugs circulation of the _Dnt.1 ' Nnwa renders it the nqmrpl pqdium for the publication of all 1:38.11 nd= trisnlient gdvertisengenti, as well u llrge rnm'1onnee- menu. Advertisemengu of religiopa notices mad Sabbnth services; I.itIIation.I..[waIted: situation! Itcuu.-, house; for win; houses 1:0 mm; holuem wutcd~; bond. uid lgdg,-, ing ;- mono `untied: mbld Iullhd; nt- K1.icIea3 }oIt;' articles `found ;, IsK1'Wlnt8d ; cutie for sale; oaltb strayed, _ ., -when eel . closg, inserted fpr 25-kaolin T inlcre tiou, piycbie only'i`n'ndvuIo6. liq}: qligf; ilinyed, a proponionnte-prieewsll 9 ug- - . i. ` : A11`3_'`1` ` tlec. .91. 1:AsEs-1roms of %_ome/1-. escrijsoif Law Printidg _kept. in stock at` the Daily Newo..O`e',_ ggeq deachtion `nrgirineing `dn|1`a%h order. -v : ` .. __J_ ` ' \ `;. E 3 I , 11,; n"1:;__'A;1-)j_'s and Joztaeiiktnqa of.J;s . 4Panimte it "?'..1.* -Id lwpstch at &h:D:?llx 9.! rant . RS STENSOWS EYE WATER}: for` axle by - . ~ 3 E. B. mgxnk, . )ec..9.. , k ' Hukpt flqlgnye. 1END-IT To YOUR FRIEN1)7-'I``hL ) Cmmmcm: AID is publiihed 'ery Friday motping, pains 1111116 Photographic Notice. "" "" " ` u-n--n_`vu bunny }-rr:.m i>1u1trInI3 Pri-;e- _`*"",.., ,..;..,1,.,.. .... ., H . %- Tam`. Kins-ton. %Primn of *1!" , ..,...m - kjqidn at the D.u1.t Run 9115! `I um H.~3',I e Boon. *FLos:ER_sT LUV . JEEOEIVE-5 271'- ..._....~. -5.-unity. IICIVCM U 3. WHITE, Ghenrint and Druggiat, 42 Princess nu-eat." IIWIIVWI ` ' JAMES SHNNON, Oicial Aulgnoe. 9 `I R68 Fl. HENDERSON, " ' Pi-incess Street. Inn HUFPIIIVI III UIIIBII CICI-*3-I JAMES SHANNON, ' n`...l I n-invnfit E H. PARKER, `Market Square. 13' 331.111` Q1" Ocinl Aulignea. an punuuuuqu, 7 omcm Aaaigngga. OHIIENCING tc-duy (until runim notioo). . _~ lhu.UIIiled Spstes'_ln.iln win 011:; Vlnunt) wili bmdelpatchbd from, nnd(an'ivo ifais. k _ 4 , .3! follows: ~ lI\|.-......|. ir.:I- J'_- iv-.. 17.21; D....g-.. fl--... 5- IUMUWI I Thxough Hails forwliow Yo}E, Boston. 0:70 9 d V` tvfllhe loud t9A`.l_ iu&a'?nil?(:1P`:m 33:: pulse. :1: be $7. for '1 liviry at 1:15 P.l[. .63..-m.A um -m 5... .1 ..`n.o.1....I Ina nun ' uvqty at 1:10 r.ll. , > - A Second llail wiilbe deipctched for Unit Viricent at 2 .P.l., and one will be due hon IR" dgoliver; at 11:15 1.1!. Tdnily (Bnndnyl 03- ' lcepjted.) M rm... Inn r... wan-. 1.1'....| -m I. ..1.....a .9 Q ".nP.I'rIsii IIAILSYIA mew roux. Per Cunard Line will he closed every `Kola dny at 2 Pl. - , - ` _ Per nfen Line will be closed over; 'l'uII- " . " - : min... 1: nI`Innw new ANDf|}HEA|' aouxsrona so "lung s'l`BI5`.l'-1'1`. C ncmvm) um a.,, e'xscnw%Bmmr Perhviau, A ` I New and choice 3oaKs_ana umm AJ,__ r`A__I_A I-:___ .__.1 ~-from London, Engiud. V Superb I_1lnnu-mod Books, * Coloured` Plcturl Gin Books, Picture Scrap Books, New Soda pf Toy Bookn, Coloured Eiagmvings. ` ` : IIQII -.` -----, -`..v---- --.---._B_. , ALSO, ` ` , Acne of nlilhouanoiruudehoiollgokl 0'! the London Train Bocldty-, rich bindingl. . T Thu Leianm Hour Volumes. Sunday at Home _ do = i Comger and Artisan do V` The dmnnd for Key and Olsen]: Linnea, at. s-ucnrgii BOOK iNo11on_ia bereb given nu: :7}? looting of the hueboldor'I al'*thC' . . V Uanada Gold! Compaimfmqf Ifaaj will be hgid ha Klutig-Ebx,-pm|moc Qnij A rio, Cumin, on `, 1 ' Thursday . 14th~Janum3iei. ~ ` at the bout of '2 d c|ol,' 1.!"IIi*`;, the Sec:-awry, Iforr tho purwpnonl sob `or|nIlll:f`~ man the Charter, gloating Dkectora, and Inr- lscung other imporunt bmiucu. ` R I out-rwIm:n1-_ F JIIHVUWVII If WVHL 14 00-ma. IVMEMIG. ~ 1 fl" will_bo hold in XINGBTON, moving! 0-1:. tie, 0Inuds._._c,n j . ` M` K. 1 __._ 4 Dllltu.) The Ilail for Wolfe Inhnd Iljllbo closed It I I H , ` gut; in; 2 duloek, 'p.n., ,d" annlnnn fur III: nun-(Dunn hf nralnlllnnnn. 7 Ill! to! 5 uuiuul pl: us suurvqgIu:_u - I uq, for 1h: aI'nl1Ill;lII- ` deitho chum, dccsihg. truth Ill- ` '. 1.-ma nlhar imnounnl. bun Pout 0150?, Kingston, Jan. mace. 1 get now `VLF-I ltcugg punt-i : 4.. .a.._-.,...., ` A ' mm 8133: sKL1ma:gn;g j ~ xmwon ;.ma=:;ua% W cheeks to;-` '1gs_-o ; % * ` mz'msIbn!t'r*: -' * JAI:s`1;tiDIIidt; lIa.,aD. ;=I..'V % ' w~ -A "V1`0l~!'*Rl8lDB!I9l'-:'f 3 .~ John `R. puma:-,.noq; u.n.a.L:a % = an J A i % r ' . ., I ' _ . I. .- no.3... `iu. outweigugnuag P,nJoIIn- nuig; % % L4... n-.._...L..a. D ;.|..'l|h....... Q..."- , J0. S.`Ro_u, lacy. Ii, QJV ` K..c.B.. '11-I..n=F1=a.m rum! 0irtird'gI;i,'EI3; am, John rust? liq-., John Gtrrulori, rm, Rnbt.Dnuq,.lnq, G.`Il.Wi|khoon,Enq,, 1..Li ' _ _lIq., u-vnnnmnrhr A"I"t"|`11WtIIIvi 'iI'7 E;' J. D. nvguu, -Mg-g 9; I4: V `I9 , M ` `_['.P'I- . 1: otmvn; con 11' t".=. w`: B.;`Hin::.y',`]lsq,' cap! taunt, n.c.n.- J. P. Gthnlevu, Hog.-',= 1!. `Shut, .4 ' `o341.x1rl=p-.trich; lug... IN. 2:11.} n,amIpr,IIi|. -~: _ ~ amnnnnr A rnnAl1REl.1__: . %- `I1 `I? TI . __ ._ 1.; `I_Ion.-Shire`: "ld tI,Ut0; .'1'o` L}; v Sim-eholdou. 51 50. !l'qV.8hnuhalIag_-ms. ; Fntnily Beuon`Ti.;Een lb: tlu-so _dr Inon--In *'runar~ nyanu Um.-wt.-mo ou- Single '}_r,j.ka-1`o.}I;u-_S I _V `_ Tr Shareholders: ' " ` u` `Alpplicnoll -for Tichu tab undo toiiq, guaranty` an thqoliun of 0_.-l`,._Gll,qguho_vu, DIIII` UIIE_I' IHIRUFIIIIII VIII! 3. J. u'fi'+1y;nraar, noaauq YATIB, ' A - ' JAHIEVKQHAWH. Dngd Kinguog, .Dcenur min, 1868. UBLl'0'tod6cin'hfBglvih`~II:a aunt; ~OllDl_1llQl Ii Ivill.uhI.gI:onI; an nu.-rrovt-e-cu: st 1 herainatgt I`I|I1ID_IId:`~ 1; _1;1:'e.a;:gi2Lbu,on W1ntlnCIh`_1,'l'qh.3.-d, 4 Torontiag 141 Low, ` BIL Burlington. ,HdIIlI,- ilwn, 33.15% . ; .. r-um. f M '5 unuuutbqgia, 4 LdtI.`8s!tu`*dsy, rob. ml; Lqpdon,I tnctof land, Tneolfoy, IIb_..AlC*& l'h 104 !JoIv,`I`1-why; M. 19. ' lumbdu H,ii|I,`8dIml:y, lul- .v man. 2 - - JIVIIJE "lg9Uum.-Annun- 1 Dued Kingupn, Deoeiinbcr ms, - ------v-~ ~---% L OTIGI iftieroby (hair the 1 General lng`ofvI_Io'8hsrcho|d|nofsht ' - . (:1 ,_I_ - -1. _ 4-! .13 `ll!._v1.a..- IIII-II U111 IHTIIUO L pad _tiuVquJ_c, add than: in nit: mm pnjmenli with intofut at` in` `pot In lnI| imannlndhnlln, A J .-24:`. _1rill to nmli-ulqulllx aI:IlII`" and thnduh uid Ihdautin aha ` ` F5--1 ` ;.__;`?.'2E:!":. ~ I nmunlur, a` -':w'_ I, 1 ` 3.`:!`..~'l` '5. ..`-:~ -` 7 ' ' HUII Wlllil IIIIIFOII II III. `Priftlctgrtu 10- loIo,-dimeu10nl, IlIe,7lI.f willbe g!;:n.i.:1.holncsl popern...-;_ .. 31.11 Tikti pliable `Juana j_`K_ - -'- % auw: -numw, .`h_WhM "hm. ii. cab \ nuns; rosr tirnftcn rcormn. ' NUMBEE AA #8:` v.--H"-a vs-2?! "I-Wat!-mm" --- herimpozun business. . I V _ JAMES G` A!I f`IAOD01!ALD, JAIEB RQIANIB, ., ; L Joan-n,a;uL1:_nAunAli. % Yinanlnn I')gn`nInho|- "link, IIHR` ":3 kin; `s1*I."n1'.V ii. 15th JI_llI'IIl"I .- FUCK-III"I: H I R. oox, Pogt`u:a;ster.' STZEIIJUI Scat Tuna. nus. nmaabx fox MAGARA. E BRW. I. Punahonx now in Cninr ' 1.4--_._.._:|.._-:-_ - -,_...- _t 1-..--- -_ Stu-rmnn, um. I 1 wk! Gen. Cusu-r`s1 u.,.1{, ud I`:-II cnmpnnic-9' or z Cnalry. In all about ; 5` sherida _ npcnt uII(`.II.-1_\v ` `, krl, and? nd I t;_l\-ud-1 s _.1..r-ni ll`. 5 ; llhlq ` ` win, not realize for .1h ri . W U5 IU%k . ,m mg, Ind was that lm` Lb bag ng:ged1n_lbe war all r- " ".`;.,"`{i "`{'..`. .',3'..L`I.fI?5'3.T3 ~3 h`b ' `$5. cane toFor! L'uU`.:b :, aggg much unt of them `m.-- 1 1 I gum-." . ' "L|(_ mnl., Arnptlloes, and one ` `j. Iiih it, lodges 01'.` ` .3 u, WaIhi:n-llbungnins. ` ,ItB0I|t|.tiou gfnh ago. i ` W the Kiowa come 10, ; `ag who In known to have. pmuml man of murder. Blnck Kettle"! sister out :o{ hmyniad Anpchoeu, _ com-' mgueanc in and submit m `kc; --g Ihhey n-fun to cqme in, ! "`*I`r`IIQm 1n the \\'us- I - iq. Kevin leave Irixh Gen. r 13 nd lulu lo enable Inn: :0 ll: hdimnu I; Cobb, gm! such f n en: in mm. During me; #3115`: Sgpply tho wenber and gjufdc. but the health ul Inc "jIngnd.,two men of the Sevemh : V din of. eincteentb Kansas IQ `uh. I; I pnrale_ bu On. an, cloud on: day` h ' any; the Kiawas1re`| ' 'I;!h:1ln-'Cuyennco have been ' lhufpnnishmesnt by Gen. ` hno dubs thug lhe Ar_ap- `. uni in, sun-endcr, `And: M after which be In: in '. ciinunl ofhuozilities. I l-1.VI'.. lUllI,I,,lIJII' uuw nu unu-' ` W ilpuibntingn series of letpen to M Ipio. tins spanks of this . K` H am` nf nntnro -_nn mil W. B 'yC-1' UI lllla l of nnture :-"On my . I ` qhlllalo to Toronto I caught the } h-'JIhl Iondzms visitlan ghich it i |plpunge' , all In tooee.. ` Ibhhdu opponunitqy of making ily, Id 3; conviction in, tin! it'| ' ~ hilyiingin the irorid which deeg 5 ` and (mlyuin, nnd which i {in IE hinoldu by turns ideas of t J83. error. power, sublimity, win u: one Ilorq `.\i'i:g|rn.' ~ uoqtof ituquuner aspects. ` . upon the marvellous paunr- .' lhlh Rapids Ibnve, to the `whirl- Hfdlubciow. I hue looked up 5 lit river, Ind down upon it .h5TllI|:in Towerl Iiuvo bathed "'~]k.hI'.|`5arI glrenched with in run over it lawn h rklonad have henriiit. infu- Inhnn .1 5L. _:_|.. r\_ _n `Ii! 10110` Lful 9 `I in wnusn; with no iuesdleu palm; it remains ; an yen: in embodiment negro waters, who `Hun in no charge for uld down the spot contempt ofnuure and `_'il1:.IlIot1ce-board an ll!` h 'l"'I I. villi UII I ` Knld institution for " .2. - Of coune, go, at 1, 30! Ill ` country _ , `hi Ellen nttucu T than, kindliu in the :1` In we sndgs upturn I thought them- . I have yet to see it ` ` - d in winter. Under the xlgt, `0fthene_ two conditions In. - - - L A - Ar uuuoe- noaru an- , pool In closed on `:55 {o __ _ "1. n:-Inn. -|-- 5` =- `II. `?+-'-~--_. - =:_.~'_ %&;v.".=..;:::::.:*:::,:: . . arch of - M 1W`.t'5!cuoudotnl 22 ' V lllltiatl virtue is [ 'd 5:IIion. This In: object of in-' niro of Oxford elmicuo of at- ! lectures. A townrdn moi mail 11 led. I cannot even Ointment which so I at feeling of the L I was deeply im- I_ Ii 3 n`Inu JAN. r ah rlsti II -. ... u.....I mm, .......,a Mrs Blinnl ld, and the ` . vv unpu- atgrucu -.....gI_ A , j The b;sis of in pupa-tiuig g-1'3. ; tabla oolnpound. IT WILL RESTORE GRAY HAIR TO ITS ORIGINAL COLUUR, [I will keep the hit hbu filling cm, 3 It chance! the Icdp and makes the hair ooh, lustrous. and Iilkel. . - 1 IL is I splendid hnir droning. } R P. HALL & C0., Nuhui, N.H., Prop:-iaton. gnyhahgilhuml ooh; And bunny, "4: `frodnctl, luxuriant growth. 1: given the Mir 3. uguntnl clan and ddkldhl In;-rneo. Iluauclaory and 3010! 0308: ' '``"' ? Hhe lugeit `lint-clnll Hotel in New Engluud, ' otfcn to Tourists, Families, nnd the Travelling 1 Public, accommodations uni convenience: unpe- ` rior to nny'otber- Hotel in the city. During the i. put season Iddjtjpnl hove been made ol nume- ` rout suits of apartments, with bathing roolnr, ` Inter clooets, &c., attached ; one ol'_ l'uu | mag- ricent pinenger elevators, the but ever eon- Itructed, conveys small to tho upper storey of 6 the house in one niinute; the entries have been l newly and richly carpeted. and the entire house thoroughly replenished and furnished. making ' it, in all in nppointmenu, equal to my hotel in the country. ` T-lnibhnnlu nn R3"?-ml Hanna: and an}; All In 0 tndloquon of Hon-any on the Room, MRS. S. A. A-I.l.EN S Ham, Restorer - Ilnctnunn trnv IAAII to II: nnlnnnl Alnr .51 1.---.- Mn \V|nnlow o soothing Iyrnp. . Rev. Sylvenul Cobb thns writes in the Bolton i Christian Fruman: We would by no menu re- I `commend my kind of medicine which we did not know to be good--purdonluly for infants. But of In Winslow : aothing yntp we on speak from knowledge; in our own fntitily it has fproved a blessing indeed, by giving an infent I itrouhlod with colic pains quiet sleep, and its parent: unbroken tut at night. Inst patents Lean npptccinto the_oe blessings. Here is on article 1 which works to petfeclion, not! which is henn- i lens; for the sleep which it norda the infant is { iterfectly neturnl, nod tho mu. cherub nukes u "hriit u n_. button." And during the process -of teething its nlue is intalculnble. We ban 1 freqttontly beard lIl0l&l',I say they would not be 7 without it from the birth of the child till it had : | nished with the teething liege, nny consider- v ntiou whntever. , Sold by all drnggists. 25 cents a bottle. Be sure nnd cell for _ _ rs Winslow : Soothing Syrup, having the foe-tinilcof " Cnrtll B Pelzkinn" , on the outside wt-upper. All other: an hue Im- iutiom. i I uegrl III U` p ` the m oor, as aancuv, stun u:__4o`ranu met. 1:. Y. 266 men uouomc. Lac... :.,. _ ...___ B1-own o Bronchial TI-oches. . `*1 hue non: chnngod my mind respecting them from tho liru,-expecting toxhink yet better of thn which I beg`: thinking wall of." ' Rnv. HIIRY Wynn Bncuu. "For Th:-on Troubles they no a_ specic." ` ' NJ . Wxtus. J0 CUIIIIIPJ - Telegrlph Oce, Billim! Booms, mud Ode on H. nal `nan * 9-` an AI! "Ion ulutuy relief in Pronchitil." . Rev. 8. Susi-Inn, Ion-istown, Ohio. "Very benecial wh'g?un&rin from Golda. Rams J. P. AlDIlI0l,Bt. Louis. "Almost instant reliofin the distressing lnbonr ` of breathing peculiar to uthms." Rev. A. 0. Esoaurrox, New York. Ibey have sailed myean euctly-1-elhving my ttiroal so tbs: I could II-ng with also. ' ' '1`. Duczunn, ; Oboriater F;-ouch Pu.-iA`h Ohm-oh, Konyul. A; than no milslioua, be late to oblnin the August 8. ge}ft'ne.` lillosophy oI"3Iu-I-Iago. A new no of Loetnrb, an delivered :1. the New York menu: of Antony embracing the |nbjocu:--Hon to live and 'Iha4.tVto live for; Youth, lntnrgty, and W} `I0 ilnhood puer- nlly Inbred"; The din of indlgudon; Plun- loneo and Hertha: 'DiIOI`II0DIlIl`td for; In- ring: iluophically conliduad, to, to. Pocket mum oonmnugmu laul.utu,willha for- warded pout-paid, on receipt. of 25 cuts, by Id- drening BIORETABY, Kev Y5:-k Kuncnn of Anatomy uid Science, 61.8 Brandwsy, New Anfnlcns uousn, - B031-ox,nuss., , u.,_,_". e, . _|,-_ rI'-._I 9, '\v,, in u .,.. i>:T'-hi-7'b&t an - worlfi the ogly true Ind perfe D30 3 53ml! ..n:-u- hutnntnnnnlilli nodhanooinunent; 59 ""'v."""'.'-r --,- ~-. . ..- . rolisble, instantaneous; noldluppoiutmontg ridicnlonl tluu; remedial the ill eecll of but dyes-, in ' onus and leaves the Hair Ionnd bomxiful'B|:qE,a-brown, Sold by. ill Drnggiul nod Puhmm-`I; and properly oppliedat Batchi- lor u Wig Factory, Ho. 16 Bond 'itrout, New York. Contain no opiun or auythg injuriouu. Dr A. A . hint,-.Chemist, Boston. "Au elegnt combination for Coughs." Dr G. F. Blenow, Boston. I recommend unit In to Public Speakers. ' Rev. E. H. Cantu . Ill` llecurcrn Ihiiwllvv u. ..... Thu -only unqunitionppl; gn_d,phI9lIIt-0 N305! for Ne:-vonsnau, Dehility, and Eutoruion ID u-..s.,...a -1.. admin; nkenjor four tub, N en-Gonuiau, Dehililg, and. ueqwruwu -u Isnhood. .1` ' ' zgkonlor font wnebl. eaten as certain vueiguunchu thins. Sold in Bottles gs $3 (in gold), or routine: the quan- tity for $9. To be hsd frolli the Agent, 8. KLYLIH.