Kingston News (1868), 11 Jan 1869, p. 1

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` . Philosophy of Dltirrluge. _ A new Course of Eecturee, es delivered at the New York Museum of Ausuomy embrscing the gl-ubjecu:-Eow to live sud what to live for 5 Youth, Inturity, and old Age ; Msnhood gener- llly reviewed; Tbeeense of indigestion; Fistu- ` lent: and Nervous Diseases accounted for; Her- ! risge pbiloeophionlly considered, &c., to. Pocket ' Volumes containing these Lectures, will be for- wsrded poetopaid, on receipt of 25 cents, by ad- dfeltinz SECRETARY, New York llusoum of Anatomy sud Science, 618 Brosdwsy, New York." T .anAEiiAx ~|n 5`Usu, Bosros, mss, Bachelor : Hair Dye. This splendid Hair Dye in the but in the `"'1 5 the only true and perfect Dye; harmless, reliable, insunmloou; no dlssppointment; no ridiculous tints; reznodis the ill eecu of bad dyes; invigonnes sud leave. the am Ioftsnd beautiful black or burn, Sold by all Drug and Permmen; sud properly npplied at Batchi- lor'n Wig F'nct.ory, No. 16 Bond street, New York, . HI ` Dr |:2:*':7 |-_ai'-:3 .-.I$3: urn}. !Tbo only nnqmotionnblg and nboluta tfllcdl 1 for Ncrvonuneu, Debility, cud Rutornuon to | Ilnnhood. The medicine, taken for four weeks. ! cum is certain II water quench!!! thi1'"- 3 i9 Bottles 1133 (in gold), ot-`four times the quan- FM for 39. To be had from the Agent, A..- 1 an D.._.l Gs... II-Q Yuri, Conun no opium or anything injurious." Dr A. A. Hun, Chemist, Baotou. "An elegant combination for Coughs. - Dr G. P: BIOILOW, Boston. I recommend their age to Public Spolkerl." ' Rev. E. E. Gaunt. ..";.;:5'"*.:i;.;'e;.;,`;'.'.';." i" " Beautifu Soft. Strong Hail` II 31". all who no Hunt`: Exit Gloss. T--_|._I I-n._._._._.2_ r:-_&.I In: `Pain nu wno use nun nut umuu. Jacobi Rheumatic, Liquid for. Pain ltgihk. Aug -|. F;;'..*..."*.','+; Dr. 0olby n Pill: impdn Tone gnd Visor n flu: TIA:-ri-n. (`wanna ` HAI;L'S 1 TVEQT.A.BLE lGILl.A_N JP HAIR T % RENEWLR. spot-ml Nouceu. V In I cortln Indication of Donny at the Root.-. LE na. 1 mm, 38 Bu-ant, New York. '7; is; cultinu in B A LLOW me to cull ynnr attention to my ! F PREPARATION OF COMPOUND EX- 1TRACT BUCHU. The compqacnl. parts are :BUCHU. Loam LIAI, CUBEBS, JUNIPER BERREES. `uu\.uU, L _BERRlE.S. OI W` In for Iolii __I.. 1.... -.1 1 Bncbu in mono. Judipor Berries, by died?- llnticu, :0 form a fine gin. Uubeba eneacteid ; by uiep`.acr-meux by Fquor obtained frrtn Jung- * per Berries, confaini. .3 very little surznr, in small (nroponion of spirit, and more palatubie 'lbIn any now In use. The active properties 'sro by this made exlracted. i air I-_v Iu'a u..IUu'1 TXIIEGIEO. 3 Buchu, as prepared by Drngaiste generally, `is of a dark colour. IL is a plant tbatemiia its ragracce; lhe ac..i.)n of a ime destroys this ;(iLa active principle), leaving a dark and glu- '1 1inO|1S d:=coc`.ion.' Mine is the colour of,ingre- gdients. The Buchu in my preparation predo- ftninaies; the smallest qminlity of lhe other : ingredients are added, to prevent fermentation; lupon inspection iL will be found not-to be a ~ Tinc`nra, as made in Pha-mecopces, nor is` it a S5:-u,.-:.;.d therefore can be used in "cases where fever 0: inammation exists. _In this, . you hue the knowielge of the ingredients and l the mode of preparation. tannin. that Irnu mill 6'...-...../:/5 .201. - e-:.I' nur u.IUuIU U. lutprltnlli. . / _ Hoping will favour it with a. trial, tuna lhnt upon inspection it will nice: with your approbation, ` ' ' With a feeling of condence, I I 3.1:), very respectfully, 7 Chemist and Druggist` of 16 years experience I in Phihdeipbia, and now heated at his Dnag [ and Chemical Warehouse, 594 Broadway, 1: New Yonk. I 2 [From the largest` Manufacturing Chemisti-`in the World.] ~ 2' :_ I am acquainted with Mr H T. Helmbdd; ! be occupied the Drvg Store opposite my resi- ` denc-, and was successful in conducting lbe \ business where others but not been equally so ~ before him. `I have been favourably inpx-caged with his character end enterprise. ' i ' Firm of Powars t Waightnnn, Isnnfacturiug I Chgmiltu, Ninth and Brown Streets; Pb :- u'e!poia. For wukneu Arising from indiscrotion. sfho i exhausted powers of nature which are accom- i pdnied In so many alarming symptoms, a:nnni\' which sun has fo.n:-d Indispo;-ition to Exertion, Loss of Memory, Wukefulceu, Horror 0" Di~ sense, or Forebodioga of Evil; in fact, Unwa- ml Laaaitude, Proutuuou. nnchinnbihty to en- ter into vho enjoyment: of society. rm.- I"...-noinninn nnm n'ecl.ed with Ornnnic Into `no enJD_vn3euLa on auwc -y. The Constitution, once nected with Organic Weakness, nqmtea the aid of Medicine to rtrengtben Ana invlgarste the system, which I iavarinb does. ` If no troament is ublnmod to, Uourrrnption or Insanity cnluel. HE LMBOLD S FLUID EXTRAC I` T0 1 I1\ bIQIz\N~. I HELMBOLD8 FLUID EXTB_AC'I` BUCHU, In Ihetions peculiar-Tto Females, is unequalled by any othgr preparation. as in Oliloroaia. or Rountion, Prninfuluesa. or Suppression of Oug- wmsry Evacmaionl, Uicerued 0: Scbirrons State of the Uterus, and all complnints incident. to the nu. whather arising from habits of dissi- - - L... :. .. snnnlina or change Rauntinn, unluluaau. ur Duypnw comp! ` 1: pution, imp:-ndenoe in, or the deal of lift: HELMBOLDB FLUID EXTRACT BU%'}HU AND IMPROVED ROSE WASH V will radically exlermiualo from the system dileaaa-B ariaing from hnbiu`of disaipstion, at little expenao,lit1le or no change in diet, no inconveniince or exposure 3 completely super- Ieding thou ungleaanut and dangerous re- medies, Copniu and Hercury, in all then dileuel. n.- u...nmv.n`s FLUID Ex1-1no1- Buonu in Use H:utnox,n`s in all diseases of these on-gene, whether existing in male or female, from wbeteyor onus! ori- ' nod no matter of how long stagding. It in pleasant. in tune Ind odour, "ilnme-gdiate in action, and Inch Itrengthening than guy of the preparation: at Bark or Iron. 5 Those snering from broken-down or ddlicate one, procure the remedy at once. Th; mndgr mun be aware lhot, however- tho above diqoosel. slight. may he the munch of bodily health and it is cermin to effect the mental powers. An .1... move diaeuu require the nirlkofen ' - - Ann I-:1-1'nIJTT IIICDIBI PU WU: -. All the shove dines Diuretic. FELXBOL in tho ;raa.t.Diu1;u;._i_n. u..m In I 91118: IJIILIID NU. , Sold by Dnaginu anywhere. Price $1.25 pot ban} or :3; battle: for $6,150. -130- nvmdtonny dun. ~neurihn.huynfpt.oma _n-_.:....q A Adana in all conmun1cuiouI_. , _ j - Addreqa H. 1'. HILIBOLD, mug. and Ghe- Iniul Wprchouu, 69% Be-ocdvq, NJ . ; Non; lttgellllillt nnlou done up in nul- ugraiod wuppog, with fqp-inllo_ (:1 II: Chemical Wsrohoue, and signed ~_L.o 1-. HELMBOLD`S EXTRACT BUCHU MODE OF PREPARATLON. =-I! _w1LLum WEIGHTMAN, 7.... VI diaeuas roqgice nidyfr ;bo HIIIJIROLDE EXTRACT BUOHU .- 'nx....rin, r York August 15th, 1867. '3 1*. HELMBOLD, `lung Om Blllllu UL uncut , deelina or change BUOHU, .15 A few more bwxel of those cheap FIGS. beat and cheupem in the ciuy, only 20 cent! for nearly 2 lbs ' BAL'rIMo|={E ov_'rEns` bunnrwnn r\ . .. u ` `U \I LI VII I 25 cls. ;p..,..e,., /:2"/7 uu un-A-auna Wu] ll Enoulu oe ulea mu preference to ail others-- T [ `.st-Bread or Cakes made with it are MORE i~ WHULESOME than if made with yenlc or any ' other procvss. an.-1_ha DI'TD!1`V :.. ......L. .1...s:u ...:n ...-_a 2nd--Ils PURITY is such .that it will smud the teat of the most perfect analysis. ; 3l'd-Afl$r hnvinrr hnni-n nIlnna.n'a`I1 nan Inn` \Jt|l\'l PIUIWBU. 1 W -u\ Iva- VI luv Iuuut yrtlcl. IIUBIJSIU. 3rd-AfIer having beet exlensnvely used Im- the last 14 yenrqiu NOT ONE inatnnce has it ; failed to give EN IRE SATISFACTION. ) Aoh_|'`.mil:..a o ..n 1.--- ...-.a :o ...-.............. : nuucu nu givu nu ICED DAILDFAUIIULV. 4lh-F`amjlies t M4 have used it pronounce it. _ THE BEST, and `will use no other. V `- ..I_h .. Q}! In) A'l`f`I'E! -2. .1--- :4. 5:11.: uuu`A, nuu "III UBO I.IU UlLIl`l. 5vh-lt contains no SALERATUS, nvb does it impair the digestive organs like those powders where SODA or an excess of ALKALI predo- minutes. 1-.1. I. ____- _sA,_ ., n,,_ 3 ,_ rs . In -1 lb. uuuuuua ' I 6th--It n_ever gives to Brand or Cakes an un- pleasant ALKALINE or MAWKISH tea e. 7lH_T-hninnnninnln 9|-u.-u fnvun {In 4-r.v-nnnuillnn pn-ua:uuI. All-ll\:1lJlA1I Ul. an IV nnou ucn I: I 7'h- I"heinzredients that formila composition , are more BNEF'lOIAL than otherwise. o.|_ l'\__,,__ __ _,_L!,_;_ -__ ,__ 11111: n_ __I| LU IIIUIC I-Illl` El` l\lll'llJ I-IJELI UInl.IUlWI3u 8tb---D_yspeplic subjects can eat HOT Brand? or Rolls made: with it, and derive BENEFI i` by 1 ill use. L n.L. t:I..'.__ ....-I--. __-._:__ :.- 1... _...:..I.. u H-91:1:-Evry packet contains in full weight. E One pound packets weigh SIXFEEN OUNCES. L l0th-It in all that is reptesented to_ be, vim: ` Um-ivalied for Pm-m1 and Cheap. ass. nncr LSD lANl3I'AO'!'0RY- . 379 Notrc-`Dame Street, 1 MOVFILEAL. l J. GARDNER, Chemist, Sole Progzrietbl and Manufacturer. I'\-_ `In TFINNAN __I_IADDIES' IUE 3} lbs` PRUNES fur 25 cents. 22 lbs. CUIIRANTS for $l. New RAISINS, 10 cents per ll: SPANISH nmnm: K ........ .. new nAl.Dl.`, IU cents ll SPANISH UNIONS, 5 L-ems} '1`HE Subseriber 1- g; '0 inform his numerous]; customers and L'i- :1 Is lblt he has removed ' from his old Stand, P1 : cesa Street, to Mt Coy :, No. 24 B c-rlv. S1-eet, directly opposite ' Mr Rarnnge` wa.'_L-brn~.h'r, where -he is prepared with an entire new :.-.'.:k of Broad Oloths, Pilot uni Ben-.r, Ca-;-i neres, Doeskins, Can- adian, English, ani N 0 ch Tweeds, 10 make up to order on me aLI\}!`1l`1( notice, and in the most New and Faabiunatlc :5 ylea. 13-- n`n\ A- hand rngrla -nn nnrlar his nun . Dec. 9. l`lU,VV lflll 1`I'sulU`lln\.|c u Inca. I Has 3'3) on hand, made up under his own mporintendenoe, a huge quantily of Ready-made Clothing, which he can warrant nrgd rrcpmmend, at prices gs Iow as can be found in any establish- ment in the city. Call and exlmine before purchasing. nun: I_IvIm:.:'l'nN -GABDNEB .-5 BJKING row."-921:. FEW GENTLEMEN on be accommodnted with Board and Lodging in 5 Private Family. Locatiun, Barrie Street. Apply for ad- dress at the Daily News oca QM-.o' 0'1 \J J.4.L.Jg,u ELLEVUE TERRACE, fronting on em. Street, formerly occupied by ll: William Ferguson. Poslession immediately. A nnlv In R M. __:._ EPEGIAL gnu IMPORTANT nomiizl T0 man cusmmzms. ` for EN REASONS why it should be used in! nra-rant-A In nil nohm-u_. I imsi'i NTH- n 3 Sat n Cit&'U".4 %9::~..::!! mxoaln f.{ ESTA Bi. .L .'L;'\/ ._.._ \, ._. t `*7 Dealer In Boots and shoes. No. 36 Princess Street, Kingston. _. ....-....n _-- -___-..u'...I1.. On thank Inf: -nn- Ill!/$55 IJIIIJIJI, Anal-guvv-an ESIRES most respectfully to thank his nu- merous Customers for a. liberal patronage extending over FIFTEEN `YEARS. 1.. ..1n.;..u- his mcoumu for the past year the 1fIr"1'1smn 1 name. In closing his account: past year thel advertiser has determined to abandon the Credit system altogether, and he wishes his Customers f to understand this announcement in the most. positive sense. Determined not to be outdone in the price or quality of his Shock, he is pre- pared to sell BUUTS and SHOES ot unrivalled .........r..-mm at the lowest remunerative prices Dec. 18. pared to Sell DUU 1-3 luau uuvuu v. _...-. ....___ manufacture at on strictly cnsb t.enns._ Unpaid account: must be settled immediate- ly, otherwise they will be put in unit. .2 rm..., nf' Gash Customers go'- otherwise they will be put. 1:: um. i` The patronage of Cash Customers licited. J AIIES HOPE. -- -" . -Inna Kizfgsion Marble Works} GI-INERQAL STONE October 8, 1868. {ICES Bl: '.uc Sept} 21. :HAN'1`l!iht'1n|.4na, I-lUI.Hlu.|tuu: of every material and design, Headstones of every size and style, Poets for Lot Enclosures, and Stone work of every_ description, promptly executed with the very N81 Wofkmlnlhlp Ind at reasonable prices. References permitted to John Creighton, Esq, Edwin Cbown, Esq`, and Wm. Ford, Jr., Esq. v_-........:....-nr Rn-mk resoectfuiiy solicited. May 12. Near Court House. ._ _____ THE CIRCULATION of_ the nmyi I - Nnwa is fully one-half larger than_' that of `any other daily journal published` ` in Kingston. The circulation` ot" the old; established weekly CHRONICLE AND Nnws `- is also greater than` any other weekly p1ib~ '1' lished in the county. Advertisers will" perceive that these journals are the `beat medic; for attracting public nttontion in 4' llhislocality. - . , 3 ---~--------}--- -. ...,. .......-%- --~-- 4` :I' -_;ag Ljdacriponl or Law rnm..u,_, -9. stock at the Daily Nevis Olee. E deacripton of printing done to order. I`_:`EASEB-~1"onnsovf Leases and other; docriponl of ' Law Printing kept in ..o:u1h 110. {hi ml` EV`?! V4.1... Kingston, 22nd January, 1868. ______________ ymvA'2' g"{:fSiE." ._____,,.,,! LED puma _l UL$h.ikI I"! __Jt.I.._.A Vm. Ecru, .Ir., Iksq. In:-pection`of Stock 1 'niANTELP1EcEs, Monuments -r ...,...-o Jmnmial and design, -_---u vrvuruilul iuidnlvno DAILY A1` I F. 5. Kit}-.8`, ' PRINCESS sr. TcT1;`E*f run nun!-\l\ Ar!!! 1... ._ BARBIE STREET, AND umtuy. Apply to R. M. ROSE, Oicial Auignoe. l`E|Ul'U PU ' CU!!! Us. CHAS. LIVINGSTON. r}'-xii:-1--I!" . n! dull 7 hoequen _ cents per ` . limb! . AND ;;a ctomus EVENING- JANUARY 11. 1869- : respectfully F.` :3. Rims, PI-inc-nan H ' HI. VJ. IIIJIXA) Princess ,St IL nnnv. \6 Packet: YAB D, I. I T? C [an nag And` for "iTnT`5EtTa'r L2 _ _ I-`uni :3 1 3:: lchnlslmas and Dew Year alidags. I .. __ _~_ _ , `in eiegnnt bindings, suitable for Presents and ti Prizes for ll `. uuuv u`, M. jaimv BuotT.| gggnn ;.-.._;-.--.--u v-pup.- Tis the best in the Dominion. Manufactured by L J. REYNER. A guarantee for ve years given ` with each instrument, and sold at prices to defy j competition. ' MELODEONS, from $30 upwards. New URGAND`, 565 `-' i , | These instruments are voiced, and tuned by I. , Reyner himself 35 years experience in tench- : ing Ghnrch Choirs, me, give him the udvsnmge of knowing the kind of tone most suitable for k the voice. 1 `Secondhand PIANO3 from $40 and upwards, : AI R1i!'VN |?!R .Q J 1 _"' I Bibles, Church Services, Prayer Books, Psalm . [uni Hymn Books, Amums, and a great variety _ot' Fancy` Articles. suitable for Christmas and I New Year Presents out noi per lino. 50 cum A] ` ! [FARMERS anti Trustees of Churches, beware of ignorant dealers in llelodeona and Organs. as poor worthless iutrumenta are gene- an 37 lu be found there that cannot be sold tdany ` practical Musician. I . ....-v. `gin:-u .11- wx s.a PERUVIAN, expected in two days from LONDON PUBLISFIERS, will be Ina-nnd mu NSTRUMENTS tnken in exchange. Tuners sent to All parts of the country at reason- able rates, V Frnm J, REYNERIS GIFT OOKS. _ CULOURED PlCTUiRE BOOKS, most bu-In;- If'n'., nu i*0llKSI=on :rHsSEASON'.! Dec. 12 \DIl-IDLAILZLID A` u nun I. Belg:-avin Annual Beaten :-Christmas Annual I Good Cheer Hnunuyk Almanac _ Ronedgda Christmas Annual . Bow Bells Almanac Good Words for the Young, No. 2 God:-._v'n Book for J unuary, 1869 Sunday Magazine and Good Words for De- cetnber Sabbath School Messenger for 1868, in boards Rutledge : Every Boys" Annual 03` Land : Eud-()hris!mas Story Book Seeker: after God (Sunday Library nories) Gentle Life-second series ` Trench : Household Book of English Poetry Tom Brown : School Days, blue cloth gm. ,.. to. be. kc. .|J\Jl.IJJ\)L` I.7\.l`s/ll-`Al A | %%.n1.F.T1.`_n- lQQ.1;f:, j._-. _ ._- \, ._, ___ nimbie for all ages, just received and for 351:! .~. 2-uI rI'\!' Int-\t\1r.\rI`u4-urn :1 Dec. 11. THE Y :+:M{ B00111 U mug mreen. JOHN OREIGHTON. Allo, the CHRISTMAS NUMBEB`.rof the II- ` lustnned London `News. .. tnnn nnnsrnamnv F. {W E R N E R. AI1_ct1)I3eei-etacommlsslon Merchant ._ -1. 'I'.`!_.....A__ t\_|. which moeraa Advance: wlu uu unuus. - Sales of Dry Goods on Tnesdncn, Thursdays ,and Saturdays at 10; and at 7 o clock 1 every Evening. | Nov, 2. Con `%_gnm-ants respectfully aolicted, for which Liberal Advances will be made. u_.n.... .4: has maa nu 'l"npqdau.-n. Thnrndnvs 1868. c 0_`_A_ L. 1868.` ANTHBAEITE GGAL YARD 01ee-St. Lawrence Whart; ,Foot of Johnson Street. max ouT!_moK mm -I"j',". _.`;~3.%`?l` ,35'?5a UR. Coal is Pure Lsckawana. being mined in the very henrt of the Lacknwnna Valley, Scnnton, Pintston, and Wilkes Barre, fzom the ` beat selected iningaa, and is prepared with great care expressly for Fsmily use, ancl will be screened and _delivered in the but poeaiblecu - dition. ` Best selected 80)? Goal for grate! oonltan :;y on band, also Lehlgh Lump fo: Foundry tee and Bloeuburg for Blacksmiths. mum. n..h nnlivpmd in niav nut of `she .D,U. lslounurg I01 nuluctalnuua. Terms Cash. Delivered in any part of city. JAMES SWIFT & CL M like "em; BoT0Ks'mm1:. ALSO,. ::_I__ rII_.___|. Q ___-__ `n_-___ n_-1._ n. s AND E X 5, hair A-urn:-r-I-sr~.\ WBRISTMAS NUMBER LONDON socmrvl I ` n_|____2_ A -.....;. BL`-MS, Large Size, $12 and $20. In fact, ` everything connected with the Music Trade, At REYHERKQ Jsnunry 2. Almanac or qanima. l'or.1869. UST RECEIVED at the CITY BOOKSTORE, King Street. JOHN UREIGHTON. 1 RT OF ADVERTISING.--n:-Horace I _ Greeley, of New York, su.yn:-The `most successful business men in this city .I are those who hay ndve_I-tiied liberally and ornntlsutly; Y? amallb Idvargisement con- ` aunt apps: 1: is ettert an 1. din ; colurnyn pccuibnglly. V . PM, .ll\JUlVllvUl ' Iq: vvn---n.;u.v.. p--v- ..._... Brock SL, near the linker, Kingston, Ont. A Large Siock of New and elegant October 21, 1868. *'11_m 17:'EYaji;n ORG SN DILL HEADS ad other kinds of Jon I Pggn-nee exccncpd with ngunggg ma npncch at` the-Bty Princoqs H 80 KING STREET. STACEY S .1 0-l;N iiimnnnson, PRINCESS STREET. From J. BEYNERB Mmiic Store, Marble Block, ` Princess-st. John Crelgilmn. "ions canxaardx. JAMES SWIFT J 0-su uuu ulnnruu At REYNE RES. Ill] Lug: LHUBIC A nsu At REYNEWS. D J UB1 REIUDI V DU. I\|l!a I [IIIIJII nu LEI.lIl- Booksellen, Country Merchnnta, and Teach- ers supplied wi.h them at liberal D'snc..uuls. STILL ON HAND, a few copies of the Gluin- mga Number London News, with coloured Plate, 40 cents; Punch : Almannc, 10 cents; Starks : Montreal Alman.-uc, I5 cents`; Year Book of Canada, 12; cents; Dnogencs, latest issue, on- larged and imp;-owed, 5 c~n1s. |PHT0ii?3APHi3 <:~;.'| CARD PHOTOGRAPHS of the principal] Buil-liugs in the City, Sheet Views, &c. Large Views of the City, Fort, and Harbour. Stereoscopic Slidet-iu.nnpnse variety. A large colsccxioa of Foreign Views, Groups, coloured and ;, to &c., for aalg at less than usual glues. ' '-`nnr-nu haunvifnl 'IT.naHaIn nninnrn DI-uninarnnlun I F I M51511. Some beautiful English Coloured Photographs have been left on sale. Call and see them at VOLUMES %F`()1{1sZs7a',j RECEIVED AT -rm: aaw SPELUNG BQQK I LEISURE HOUR, Sunday at Homqtitiah Workman, Band of Hope Review, Children : Friend, Infant ; Magazine, Children ; Prize, SB. Messenger, Quicer, Sunday Magazi_nI_, British Workwomnn, and British Juvenile. Decenzb: L9. u1{:\1A'I DRIED FLOW-ERS g! \JILL3IJl UL l.JClL`UI.L`\.I All-'.I\7l\I.II ELI ETH- , QUETS of these beaatilnl and appropriate Christmas Ornaments just arrimd and for sale b I y 1:: n pnurmz S JUST RECEIVED. Reta.'l price 25 (ems. R.xnI.:anII;.pn (Wan-ntrv Ha!-nhnntn and Tnnnk- Ins<')_l;1eiit `oi and Amend-I ments thereto *~ HENDERsON S BOOKSTORE, PRINCESS sgramnr. I\__ no In the msuel: of JAMES GREEN, of this City 0 Kingoton,Tai'.lor, an Insolvent, ` HE Credilors of the Insolvent are notied that be hssmade an assignment of his estate and etfects under the above Acts to ms the undersfgned -.A.uignee,ran1 they are re- ` this date, with their claims, specifying` the se- curity they hold, if any, and` the value of it: and if none, stating the fact, the whole attested under oath with the vouchers in suppcrt of such claims. Dated at Kingston, zud Dec. 1863. _ JAMES SHANNON. quirsd to furnish Inevvithin two months from Jan 5. `Insolvent Act of 1864. III`!!! Amend- ments thereto-V In mgttuer 5r'raontAs CONLEY, of -the City of Kingston, Tailor, an Insolvent. t HE Creditors of the above-named are notied that he has made an assignment of his EI- mte and Effects under tho above Acts 10 tne,the undersigned Assignoe, nnd they are roqnit-ed to furnish me, wizhin two months from this dot`; with their cltims. specifying the security they` hoid, if any. and the nine of it; and if none, stating the fact--the whole attested undorooth, with the vouchers in Inpport of such claims. JAIIHER nnnmnuo Dec. 23. i`aoN'rI-:NAc Bnnwauw xme BTBIJIT mm-r, xmurrur " w. * GEO. W. OBEIGHTGN . BREWER or TH._ BEST PALE ALE AND RORTER xuv WESTERN CANADA. Kingqton, F'eb.18. - .., der. `xix oer. ` 36` Try `Gardner : Conih 110- ` medy.--see Advgsnlsemen.t. (Authorized by the Council or Public Instruction for Ontario), December 12. '1-`DALV DLI`; ..'I 1. AU 1 Jun. 1 LLJJIJLILJXALV L I.).-- The large circulation of the DAILY NEWS renders it the natural medium for \ the publication of all small and transient. advertisements, as well as larger announce- men ts. Advertisements of religions notices and Sabbath services; situations wantd; situations vacant; houses for sale; house: " to rent ; houses wanted ; boar-d'and lodg- ing; moms wanted; board wanted; at- ticles lost; articles found; cattle wanted ;` cattle for sale; cattle strayed, &c., when setclosc, inserted for 25 cents each inscr- tion, payable only in advance. When dine played, a proportionate price will be charg- Dd \./J_4-\4.5I;.-4-\..,I uzauw T RECEIVE-IL) AT IIEEiDEBSON a BO0K:\10i{E. rm: ed. `.E.l.`ua\J VA.` nu v.|.u.v;u..u.uu. an an amusing at times to observe the stores of the merchants who don t adver- . tise; to see the anxious proprietor; look-M. iug into the streets and see the people go by, wondering why they don t come in, while the stores of their neighbours who do advertise arelthronged with cflstomen. some people `will learn by observation. utherswill nnt.--DmL'.y Pqdladium. Kingston, Dec. 18. CASE of HANGING BASKETS and BOU- {'\ f1"I$`l\B ..fuI....-A LA-..-l..1 -_A -__.__.4 h _ . . -._ LL TIIIJCUBD. Fl E '&"IVU 3 I3lBu|U 1 nts, may be had at the DadynNaosofBce,V` - : . Pnncem Street- . Dec. 9. B-N D I'l"'l:'0 YOUR FRIEND8.-T'nL ` Cnpomcun AJID Hum 331 published. every Friday morning, nndpontuins all the. news of the week. For Fifty Cents, paid `in advance, you may send it to your friend! for ibree monr.hs,at' the reduced rati-bf ' postage. For O_ne Dollar it any be agar six months. Single copies, prion vihve Fania I-n-17 he had at tho Tlnilu. R nfnp LARGE ....m...g... of GERMAN BOU- QUETS, just. received by _ - . R wnrnas I -:`;;I'y Gardner : Baking Pow- Pnncers Street. D ' if ranfea oopsa'6f'u'e Short Form ` A I plegslised by Stamto, {undo at the Daily ow: 03:33. utnlnry ' ._...-an --n Jnhnr Int faring| hjlidz . II we uuuy uuwl u.nuu. usu.u|nr_1 Just` gsgu Ind pthat luv fonnp kopgx-an,-_ ]|_u`pd_;. `Illa I` 1`-II?-1' ` [RS smwsonvs nvn wnjnni. for sale wnmsxxwr ADvEtrrisEMENTs._ rru__ 1-....- ..:_-..I_.:..- -1 471... `l\..... F`FECT. OF Abv1iR1*IsmG.~--It in __..--._.. -4. s3.-.n- on AI-u-4-n DI`; -mce-as Btreet. ' V` ` VPATUTORY m::a:Ds-A'p ioid ma II ' ' ted the Short 2.23`:-r... P*:.:.....; .*::.;..... ......... OF BBILLANT OOLOURS. H'JLI_D_AYS. FLOYV_ERS. `Ji).':.'N HENL':E~3K? Pafscmss sranm`. FOR THE Em wuss. recital-I` I111 L- vclvuu U ` R. WHITE, Chemist and Druggiat, 42 Princess street, BDUU yet}. {QUO- ' JAMES saumcm, Ocipl Aniguoo. `I IUPPUFI Ul. IHUU Ultll-IIo JAMES SHANNON, 0i_g_ia1 Asuignee. 1 E. H. PARKER, 17 Market Square. 1:. H. `Mann, A Ms:-ket Square. Just; REGE#1%V`.D;.T Fine aenmne- HAVANA ctuns. Bright \;h-yinia Tobtgcoos, And 5 largessortment of I Mee;'schaun1.and Bria} Root Pipes. Alsnys on hand, with TOBACCO8'of vu-Iona. grsdel Ind hundl, both Smoking Mid Chewing, and Tobncconint Good: in genenl, vholesilo . and retail. ' - V STACEYPS 4. pazw zazm cum anemone; iiw hiiihzce Books and ALBIIIIS --w-u -o-`ac in-v-vv\J T from London, England. . T - Superb Illuaurmed Bookv, Qnlourdd Picture Gift. Books, Pictgre Scrap Book!.', New Series OE Toy kooks, Colouied Engrn.vings.- ' AI $l'\ . --- --u-, yluuucu, v I-|I, directed to be I W ill! not be delivered 4 inc! nuugu bv* *"|I|'p|oorfrnmth-':'; aou '1-ruin as... re- . `DULY ulna an: is... E . s uau . .. -- A Case of 31% those new and` choice Books of the Londog fl`:-:,,4-.1: Society, rich bindings. The Leisure Hour Volumaa. Sunday It Home do Conager sud Artiznn do The demind for" New and Cheap Books obn- tinue, at i - T `s?m.ZcY`$T B991; groan. -7-: win be ha7d in LKlNGS'I:)N,' Province of On`ti.7-` -25 f`......J- rs-n VIII: uc |.|u.\L Iu;$. rid, Canadm, on at the hour of 2 o clo'k,vp,`ln , sf tho Ooe of the Secretary,` forlh pm-pate of organising under the cum. 1-, elebling Diuaoton, and trans- acting other illiorlqnt busing. - V _ R. J.` UARTWBIGHT, HORATIO YATES,` ` - JAMES BOILERS. n..-.a l'r:__. -`..- 'n-..._. -- Inn. -nnnn OTIOE is `hereby given tiny I General , Meeting ,0: mg Sbgreholdera of,.t!_1e H 1 Canada G014; Mining Umnpany of; Now ` q_ I . . - | NOTIGE is Eefehy given that 3 Gallon`! lilalt-r ing of IE9 Shntehninen of Rh: > . Kingaton- Enid Skdwroalaa A Gold Ucgvnpany, Notqa Scotch", ~ _ `will be hem in; KINGSTON, Province of onu- rio, Canada, qn ` . A - _ . F1;ldayf.%15th Jammy nejxty. at the ho'u'1-"off? adelock, p m., as the union at the Seoroury. for the purpose of up der the` Chsrpr, eleciling} Direotou, Ami anag- ncuug otheb it'll rtant butineil. ' 11' H RLI'P' IllI'Tl'Il\I`l[.'I'I Dec. 28. , 1 . ..__ ,_:...;_......_.. . mm BERT ammo I1`xT%`V KINGSTON S-$IEATIN`G GLUB` DOMESTIC CIGARS AA./.D., `R. J. Onrtwri 'ht,Bsq ,'IP,`3olm' II toner. E|q., John Cum-at en, Esq, Robs` De4uon,_l|q,f A G. M. Wilkinsbn, Iaq., A. Liriqagnton, EIq., 0. rs. B.ou,,I:`.:q..] ` 13. 0; Wigs, liq. nxn"rtvn"*oo1nmr:sn : * ' AW. Elings e, Esq. < 0&3. Ileill. R.0.'I.M J. P. Gilda-rs vq, Bur, N. Kouv,` Esq,` .'I:nrlpulr|cu, Iuq.-.r., G.A.Ki1-kpatrick, Esq. up 11. llarchlpar, snozgunr as 'r'n_1usn-nun ; ' !'R- W; BAIJBI. Inn- , Vx "' ;1;.";;-: n:..;::,;._" `L < " '1`IOTXI`1`8_; M. ` ~ Family Behson Tickto I or"thrfoo on-"lilm-2--`Io -* Non-Sharahnldeiu, gm. M`: g. Family Qngnnn 'I`inIlAtn fna'-:.I|_`_ I"n JV Ul.lDHDlU'IIHIN!VI"I, QIV. '1' IZIIIQIVTFFI 0 ' " Family Susan Ticlgnts for two-- _!'a ` Shareholders, $7 50, _'ljo Ehuoholdcn, ,; an "" `FA. !'--in :11: 'lit-_1rnt--'l'n "n-"IlPd'|li`;"fI bing1e '1ic`ket-`-'l'b Non-Sluiohohlim, Shtreholders; $4. /_ . M` \ . A nnlinnlinnc {no 'l`hvhnO` (n In. in uuIu'I:uuIuuIl. 9| Uvo _,IV uunpvulqwilr, I .-.--.. HICEIVED um a.y, ex Screw steamer- In Peru vinn wZ';i'iLf:'i3:'n.'o= Takgu tliajnudnl, ' wiii g9.Cl'll'ly tha oioq of O. ; `q 7' 0 ' ~ ` . `All `Rein?! pnynb!e a1ri_,-y in A _' T R. w. amnow, % -=: I1-.. 1.6 LIIEIID I|U.slOo Dated Kingsiion, l`) mth, 1868. UBLIO ouoo is hgroby gm: `tbs; at -% P ORDHAHOE MNDS will an II V the touowi&,g plane in the Province of at the antoghereinataor-muntianed 2 `- v~ At Kingutoap, 29 Lou, on Wodnotay, lab. 3:11,. 136934 Y` ` g T onifo 14'lI.ou[cv:n Ilondny ?h;ltL_ " _B:linit?un dglfu, -Hsmlltozx, 33 Lyn, Fab; 10lL - UIIIIU WJILIUF IE1 IIIIIIII IlIIU;LI-IWUH. JAE; 8 GRANT MACDONALD,` JAIE8 ROIANIB, . M. --- was LIABLE ncan, . - Dnnedxiugton, December 1011:, 1868. _._._-__ __g___.- A: . _..._._.. _.___..1 "Ihnrsilay. 14111 {lannufy left. L-uvr single Amuembm-gh, 4 Lou, 8-earthy. rib. 13:1" 3 London, I Irnct of lInd,Tu5'dhy, Fob, 16th; Fort ll;-ie;"1o4 Lou, Frisky, Feb. ml: - -% Penn.-jn mm, mm l__'I_i, SatnIny"hb:{ 20th. , ' `~ . , , ` Pentznguilhonb, 69 Lou. W0dg;I5ldIy,. 4! . - ; ` Purchuln will be :lloI_red`_1:6_pay in tail nunl inmhnenu. one to be put at tE_og|aau.r-_ and lime oggsle, -Mid` they-out in nnnl pqunfpnu with intitut six per Pnrliculirl u it) lntl. dimension; |it"l"7& a.* IIIICI -IC_ Illwmi I! m W `~ _ Purliculgl up to Ian. dimensions, [ii ;3""`b,"` will be git; in the locnlpupera. - V` ~ * Byorder, . - _ .. _ i \ .1: DADI_l"l| . . I7; ULIIUI. .~ % . `'i', I g Under wfi;.o}JrvIN, ._ .~ ,,.,2..'m+*e.:::::-`..~.':;....i L -. oi:-&&.;1i2;y 1633;". -` w I\J III V Ell I Peruvian, _,__.n-,=n -`Dec. 1-8. oan_1aAug_E I`.A;In_:.- rnnun CLAY rms::~:. . 28. . T ; ~PRl:81DI{NT:_ i Jun: Q. Humans. iII"Q.; ;D.O.L-. . MOI-`PREBIVEJINT ; so KING STREET. Joni; (R-.-D-:o-noum `7,'E.};,* in. - _` DIREOTQRS: . ' ` A. jncdonnld, Hon._ Alex. Cuhphell, 3 T.-Kitty-'trIck,l';2:HP., ll-":P:`-I'D. Inn `Ill Inlnr Irnnur _2._,. olllcers for gang kw!!!-VDU.C3U|U-I ,Ul ppfllg, . ' t `In, 12th _!:e1-, 1568. :-:"'*"":_ g~ .~;~:= NUMBER 31. so KIM; sgagnri 1Ifsd,W Hg lhmuu nah I S. P. WHITE; V NEW [a3".Ju"uI' :=`':~.a z~:s_".`.." .~ T5`. ' n-n... 1 vs: vv I ! Q yrszxj of 1 company ` I antmctnes of tute- Ilad routes of the htd It 8200 {or l. This sum is lug-c *$I:oIof good lines jhrptd", nnd will pre- ' nfnpiul. . ll 1 -Inll II-L-_ alum NSTAL TELE- Fguw sfsrnu. 9311 bf the United ' "upon to the House unending the ts- gwlpl in con- oier. Posgma.-nar F.` V -hgnnponu follow.-a :-- Illtlavh company. DH ll In received in ll-pd nmry words hI&u1twuncy eems nll-nE... ...L. ..l.I..A tulip: {me delivery F Wlntn within than VI! Of lenets from I `ml |-n -:I. u, ._ ,__' --,1--I2u.I l.Iu.'uI., IXUII dluufor each tdded uh, [or each and` tutu`-ul ~-1-y--cum when ` .:"-I-.' place not hu- `hinnbv 1, f! % th-tr|:IlI.::)n SE10 u ocea_in p lgnn every cny `"I'l'HIb1nnu sud over, ` ..J.._.`-L |IA-- nI..n-g, tjjlrlrunn -nu vv-um. Lust-unch other phea- Iihlhl I lb: telegraph LI-1ny (mu tie to ldiltpppoied plan IT. , , 1.1.. Edi v- --3 nu Ill. III} ' ` Vwifdin innin- EEW! there.-1!, its-any it J scabs` Rheumstiq Liquid for Pain III mi 1 sinrfcorims of zhfiaiir M at Ih-an an be had nttha connlurof - M In the nblicstinn Too, Prlncuntrct.P*'1` `irt n:-n-anon JAN. -E---- III IN by mail to the. Jury of nll mea- :-,-wrk-n =- -- -- Ilmr CUI.ll}'I'lI1'\-|- I IT WILL RESTURE GRAY HAIR TO ITS: 0R'.Gl.VAL COL"CR. ` ~ '7 It will keep me hair It-om falling out E Ir cleanses lhe scalp and makes the hit odft, ` lustrous, and siikeui. I . ;- - ..-.1--.a:,n L.-:- J.....-:__ 1 ion-onogrny but to in until colot cad bounty, .1 pmduoou luuut growth. It `Inc 1hI'|nlr Q L....:A.l plug: and dnliohtfnl nnpnnna 5.1-1`.-7 u. ' ** -_- - The basis of its remedial propnniea is n n,-go. table compound. ' um l'I"ll I nna1-not.` nnnv (1.. In nun o-nn The lo I rgt-clans Hotel in New Englnnd offers to out-ists, Familieq. and the Travelling Public, accommociniona and convenience: supe- rior to nnyiotber Hotel in [his city,-` During the,` paameuou Additions have been mode of numea 3 rous suits of apanunents, with bathing rooms, `T inter closets, &c., attached ; one of Tun`: :neg- , nicen: pusenger elevators, the best ever con- ' slructed. conveys guests to the upper storey of ' the house in one minus; the entries have been newly and richly cnrpeted,`nnd the entire bUtlS8 1 1 L 1 C L 1 thoroughly replenished and furnished. mnkicg it, in ell its appointments, equal lu nay hotel in l the country. . Tnlnnrnnh nHl..r.` Dnt-nu qua f`.`n nn l I I-u ru\!l|In\wc .--_.-__- _.v..._. .- ..' bunuyiml 31.. ad dougumn tnr...., lnubceury and 5.1- one... N!l`tui'su: dressing. _ R. P. BALL & Co.. Nnhuu, N.H , Proprietor-a. SIRS. S. A. ALL]-3N`S Hair Restorer Mrs \VlnsIow'e Soothing Syrup. Rev. Sylnnul C..hb than write: in the Bolton C}m'.vt_a'n Frmnau? We would by no manna re- A l commend my kind of medicine which we did` not know to he good-porLiculI.rly tofinfantl. I Bu-. of In Winslow`: _Soothing Syrup we can E Ipeuk from knowledge; in our own frnily it has l proved ts blessing indeed, by giving an infnin: "troubled with, colic patina quiet sleep, and its puenu unbroken rest at night. last parental ran npprecinj-.e these blessings. Here in an nrticlc which wcrka to perfection, and which is harm- leu; for the sleep which it nords the infant is perfectly,nnd the little cherub nukes u I -bright-no button." And during the process of teething its value ig incnlcu`hhle_ We have ' frequently heard mother: ttly they would not be ntion whatever. titbout it from the birth of the child till it had nished wi.h the teething liege, oneny consider- Sold by all drnggietu. 25 cents n bottle. Be Inn `and call for V '35 mom smm SD40 PARK m'c1:. u. y. ' 255 meuiuomoan. London. 5.`. & T}IED ' " NI:-s W;|nsl;1;;s soothing syrup. : I. n._I.:_- vi` an: .1 vv an-a-usury u 57" !-P`.-nu-U .4, _ ._r1 having the fa:-n'1I,u`Ic of Curtis 3 Perkins" on tha outside In-upper. All othura are hue im- itations. - U Brown : Bronchial Troches. `I hue never changed my mind respecting `them from the E:-st, expecting to think yet better _ of Lhnt which L began thinking well bf." F RIV. Hint Wan Bucan. E "For Throat Troubles they are n specic. ' . N. P. Wmus. 1 f l ! 1 1 "Host salutary relief in Pronchitis. Rev. S. Pnsnnv, Ion-intown, Ohio. Very beneinl when acifering from Golds." ' ' Rev.S J P. Axnnaoa,8t. Louis. Almost instant reliafin xho diatreuinglsbour of breathing pecuiiu tdaathmn." Rev. A. C. Eocusron, New York. Tbey~1:ave united my case exnclly--relieving _my throat so tbnt I could sing Vim use." I T T. Ductuul, Ohoriuer 1'-`roach Parish Church, Iontrenl. A: than are imimons, be` sure` lo.obIaix_: the , genuine. I *. `va'u7:':'.'i' [:2....,...... V0.4

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