Kingston News (1868), 12 Jan 1869, p. 2

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mu q.;u:puuIl.uJlJ In me case or me Iunken wreck of the burnt aaeamboat at Qildersleeve s wharf. It advised the Council to take no action i; the matter, although the power lay in in bands to do so. Hun usu II] ulllllll. The communication was referred to the Mnyr _with power-to act. I L nnrnvnn-.I.n.aIn.-. 0.... MIL __, _ VIII :0 I unuun An appeal from the relief committee of Red River was read, conveying accounts of the pre- vnilibg and probable destiunion of that country, and asking for assistance. ' A nnnln.-... 1... A`I_I___- , 7 n --.--an uurnaub nun DSBIULIIHCB. A resolution by Alderman J. Cunningham, seconded by Alderman Gibsdu wan moved, that ` the communicglion be refrxed to the nance committee to report. _ Aldnrrnsu-I I-T l`.nn..:....L _ _ - . ---I -- -- ` vvuauusvcv Lu ICPUIL Alderman H. Cunningham moved on amend- ment, seconded by Alderman G. Brown, That the communication be referred to the finance 00l! with pow_er to not, provided the sum does not exceed $400. The disponl of the com- munication was the occasion of some discussion, after which the amendment was withdrawn, and the original motion was put and carried. A communicationfrotn Mr Agnew was read and laid upon the table` respecting the action of the corporation in the case of the Iunkcn wreck the burnt lllnllrnhnnn .. r.\:t.I..-..u....--r- _L No PETITIONS. Aldermnn Henderson brought up the petition of John Starr, for the vacancy of scavenger for No. 1 market. " ut auuu man-,1or mo of acgvenge Petitions from Ephrnini Roiabl, Andrew and Thoma Boyle. for the same situation, also handed in. _ Aldon.-n-.. LY--3----- ` ` ' us-vsnu nzrllll. Princes: Street . . . . 33 King Street . . . . . 1 ` Union Stieet. . "lonlrnl Street f Division Street Gm-don Strict llnrket No. 1. . . . . . Total Expenditure . . .362 App%'intion .. .. 62 Aldeggnnu . Robinson spoke in f the eicient manner in chin}. n.. r IJJ |lUIlI_IIl Onurio St. Law:-alien 31113 Ostu-nqni Sydenhun flu!--In .._._.-, -- -us >Aauu|\.I, evuv lull LEON running around 1 city ever than the appearance of the report. with the etnmpe of an old cheque book, triumphantly exhibiting -them as evidence of the wait} of my report. You know that theee chequee are not entitled to the weight you hve attached to them. Among the vouebere of 1867, there were not, if my memory eerve me, a dozen each cheques altogethee ; in thee in 1868-and in reference to them I have coneultod the gen- tlemen who checked the accounte with me, and hie recollection accord with my own--there was not, if I remember rightly, a eingle one, certain- ]; not half a dozen. The vonehere were in the nature of reoeipte. But euppoeieg it hnd been otherwiee, and that _there had been I large num- ber of ehequee, would you have had me infer from theee chequee the exietenoe of a bank ec- eount, agelnet the poeitive etatement of the .'l'reeen:er, who drew them, that there was no eueh eeeonnt. That in on a par with the eug- V geetion of the Globe,-`that having been told by the Treasurer that he had given no euretiee to the Board, I ehonld have gone to the Secre- IIIY end Liked for lhn hand any ooziwoIL. IPIOILL I ngborn brouglii E; report of nil!-ea, which recommended pay- aeeonnta. Tues eolleclcd for PI 11. On Ihnnn In- --` ` qlvu. E brought. u two te- r, giving the oxpunneu nr, which were unfol- ;.-nu collected for On motion the ro`- 1 :1 `: $699 68 B99 90 , 696 41 701 08 Don I 1: II, Andrew Ray situation were more numerous and more worthy, its library enlarged, and its Inoaeunu improved ; but in addition the statue of the Uni- versity ea an educational inaiitulion abouid be In e inferior to none in this country. Advan- tage must be taken of the present occasion to increase its usefulness, and let thin he done in no conlervative spirit. What in required in to make it more attractive to students`, I want to see the day when no young man who ought to be at Queen : will prefer frequenting the hall of Iieter institutions. I want to have` the the which connect the graduates with their aim: mater more clonely bound, and with that View I want to no more `largely repreaemed in the go- verning body than gradnatea, than when none would tutu a more 'eetive,eai-neg: interest in the prosperity of the institution. * Youn faithfully, ;, , Au `Iv ----V X` Iv an uu-nu, A Iuvluu IIIYO tuy and naked for the bond. Ant] Inn. do Iugnl-nu ....o .: L Ipeolnl muting of tho Common School Bond to receive ropomjand clout up the bud.- non of 1868, In: hold at tho Committee Room of the Board on Hoods] evening Int. 1]-- t`L-l__.-- vn uuv nova.` qr- --~---I -.-._-_- -__-. Present-Wm. Ford, jr., E|q., Ohnltman. Hour: B:-man, Barton, Ouroll, Ounnlnglmn: Ohown, Oonloy, Geo. W. lonwiok, Dr.Fnwiok Ilekouio, Nowln.ndI,und Robinson. - ' ,,,,L- 2- .I__ _-_.-_4 -0 al.- nvw-u-, --V .. --..--, -__ ..__.__v._. I The chairman brought in the report of the Finance Committee, recommending pnymont of ccrtnin tocountl, which Ina received. road und adopted. Th: rnnnrt nf lhn on:-nininn nnTnna-than-1., om. The rport of this committee onTn.c.hon, om- oern, nnd ulu-in, wan also brought in by the Ohnirmun, recelnd, nnd road, moommnd- 1 _ glut That Inhnnnn shunt nnlnnnl I-an maa: ........ In: uunuv. u win no urged that the dull-7 nee: of business render: the time inopportune for inaugurating such an ebrt. Thin in I `chron- ic plee., brought forwud years ago when the existing nancial diicultiea were anticipated by tome menzbere of the University. and which will be made in every year to come if the present ef- forrbe delayed. Will the grednetee permit the day to come when the hon for which they have laboured muet, instead `o ing of eerviee to them in life, be nther hidden from night. be- cause the` University which conterred, end by its name, gue emu: to these honou:-e,`ie bntan try, both within end without the pele of the Ohurctrof Scotland, who have it in their power to give liberel1y,.witneee with cold ind the decline of 3 seat ofleerning whole guanine- fulneu in heat weighed hy the numerous end able body of graduates which huenuneted from its wells? And will the people of K ton who haye no often end for I0 loner tnhnhnlgt. . i _erenee\ is: That Johnson street school he msdo s Uonlrsl ov High School, for the mosdvsncad pupils of the city. `Ind 'l`In.t Ilr Wm "l`nsuIv ha I-nnnsnn-Innn PIIPIII UI |IlU CIIJI 2nd. That Ir Wm. Tandybc recolmnondod II the teacher of the school. T o-.I l'I"I.-a ll- Il..n--If.J.. -_4I Illgg Al-IL- Bl UIJLE The only manly course which can be adopted ii that which bu animated the members of the Synod-to boldly meet end not succumb to the diiculliea of the situation. Pprhepe no educo.=' tionnl institution in this country has had no ma- ny dsrk day: both within and without in walls uQueen s, but when the gloom can he dispelled by a. determined effort, thnt elfort oughto and must be made. It will be urged that dull-' non business render: u... .a.... a_....._.._. I sgreei to meat Mr Deni.-nn at Mr Thomson`: oice. on the 17th Dec mber. and I did-IIQOI. him lhgrti. I (lid not re- ceiva tbej.Bnlik bunk, as reqai.-sled, nor did I get my .inI'or|:nation u.tu now the account In kept; but on the contrary, Mr Deni- Ion made A Itnterueut to me which _nppeur- edito extraordinary that I at once rcducul. my impression of it to writing and sent it . to him. with the imentinn, as your friend i of the Globe shrewdly H.'lul'kCd this mom- ing. of getting his atmur iu biu(`k and` white. My letter was in those wnrds:-- * `1 "13..-furl-inc: In A. n.......... oi-.. `L: I` II-IU IrU-|;|:ICl UI IIIU UGUUUII 3rd. That It lletculfe a and list Alvihs Brenna : salaries be mined, the former to $300, and the latter to 8150 for the present Ui ` Ulllfa In clnnue-Reenmmendln tbnt Johnson-It. school be constituted 1 High or Cent:-nl school. Adopted. - 2nd clouoe-Appointment of teacher. i Moved in amendment by It Thoma! Robin- son, seconded by Mr George W. Fenwick, and Rplnlvnd, In! H... Rmimnrw ha oiiau-and In ovu, BUIJUIJUUU U II \XfU|'gC TI . I` CIIWHJI "Ill-| Resolved, That the Seretary be difected to advertise for s rs! class male teacher, and int the other male teachers remain in the poaitions they hold for the present. A,lnnI1 nk` nnvinnn nhnin mutant! :9 CHI! AV-J 1. The third and last clause, allorvng additional salary to Mr Iletcalf and Miss Alvina. Stewart, was adopted. Thu Inna] nnnninlnnnn man` 3-: Lin na--Inn, Luuua cuuuuclln me cnmr. The chnifman communicated the thnnka of the Board to Mr Ford, accompnnied by afew nppropriafe remarks, which Mr Ford acknow- ledged in suitable terms? and the Boardiadi joumed at`): motion the report In: taken up clause by I clnuae. `I_n AIA_-_ `l'I--______jI__. AL_L "AL_-A_ -5 nun; uulu AUI. Luu yrcucut. A- long and nnxioul debate ensued, at the close of which, the question was put, and It R.obinaon s amendment carried. You _7; Nays 4. `N... cl-.-in-1 .3 I... ..1....... .ll.:.;:.. ..:.:::.....1 nuaouvylvug The local snpeninlendent gave in his quarter- ly1-eport, and made some remnrkn upon the ,working of the schools. The business of 1868 being now closed, On the motion of It David Cunningham, 2 the chairmen vacated the chair, and Mr George W. Fenwick we: called to it, upon which it In: nu... nnu Lu: J `POHIIIOG. On 1 nnnfhnu In--oh ...ol ltontml, 9th .~n'm., 1869. unav wlu nu uuuclcllcy IIIIOYGII But you my there were cheques noon; the voucllen, end you express your lllrpriu that I should, utter seeing these cheques, have bed the nueuruoe to state that there hed been no bunk account Eepl. for the Board of _Agticullure." Let me here` repeat that I made no such ame- Inent; that I simply reported the Itulement made to me by your Treasurer. But these cheque! here been made to do duty for beyond their deeertu. I have heard of one of your col- leegueu, in the Board, who he: been running the city the lnnnnrnnnn .1 Moved by Mr B. H. Brittou, seconded by Mr David Cunningham, That the l`O!`die.1 (banks of the members at` this Board be tendered to the chairman fr his continued interest in arbool matter, and for his fnilhful, impartial and cour- teous conductin the chair. Thu ..l.-:. ... . _ _ _ _ _ . _ _:-_- .1 .1, .- I - TO TEI`lDI`l'OI 0]` 1'3! DAILY IiW'8. Sir-To distant friends of lheUnivenity the determined attitude with respect to its future assumed by those present at the meeting held in your city this week, is certainly Auuring,}_nti the favourable commencement imndo towagdi. meeting its nancial requiremenh nbrdl great encouragement. `I - :- - .',t' - - ` a'<" It is satisfactory to nd that the idea of re- ducing the College to the status of a theological hell met with so little favour. Such an idea should be buried in ohlivion. Why should ure- trograde step be thought of before an effort to maintain the present position of the Institution had even been attempted ? Without alluding to the stain it would leave on the mine of the Church of Scotlsnd-to carry into effect such a reduction in the College would beugrievous injustice to the many who after long months and years of striving within its walls has gained honours, the mines of which are by the iudiseriminating public largely estimated by the standard of the institutions conferring them; and would be I disgrace to the libel-slimy of those .5. :_ _-___ W--. - G`:-at dagagn hll boo done I: ' Pl :.. .'.'.i'1.."..`. !.'.`."..... `-_- . QUEENS `UNIVERSITY AND 00L- Lzmgz. TA 50iHbAAf5i5ro 0L 3014 up. 1 daiuago by lho f:oH to age grove: in Innomopnruo! : Florida tln tree: have ban --a V. E. 5 II telegraph I: I Ilid hr Oh. _. ,,._........;._ wuu u:_ur um: zlouely non npruemed ' . `active, on-npg! interait "1: "IKOBT. 1;. e UENISON. J`Torontn, Dec. 31st, 1868.2 Why, air, did you not no that letter too, as - " damning evidence of the falsity of -the report." It in written by the aame hand, aigned with the lane aignature, an that to which you attach so lunch importance. It ought to be equally good evidence of the falnity of the report. Again, I eat why did,yon not use it. You have chosen. upon the evidence of Mr Deniaon, evidence nt- terly irreconcilable with the collateral circum- atancea, to hold_me up as unworthy of credit, and the break the effect of the expoanrea which it he been n:y\iuty to make ; and that when you kmw that the aaine Ir Deniaon whose let- ` tag`-you held in your hand, dated ma 7th day of January, olfering aeenrily for the repayment or (be proved `and admitted deciency in his ac- connta, had over his own aignatnre only eight daya before, in a public newapaper denied that there waa any deciency whatever 1 En: won at them -an .-I.......- ------ -L- I _ __--wwvrvb ` Bonn and mi /neM01d"V!rInh .Bn1|!.,nnd 2.1;-... 2'53 ; _dn. ~ % Boxuand. oqttiu Ounqdiiu Klnllhotllrp And a null lot of Lormndh Golden Bill -Brand pun Virginin. , `no '5 up 155$: }II_s_A_T_s 1? TE;'A8`! TE`; the reopwu Black To: us so oa'u't"u.pcr 1b A libenl discount. given :9 families buying 5luonpwu'dI.- . A ER. 1031.! 00. " . suns! sugai-ax 0811395,!" We hno in atock iilnrgo supply of ill dif- ferent kin `and gnduo of SUGABS. and no!- withunn the mean: advance In but not '0d""i'0 1r.1mronucoo. 8,000lhOl1l l -0 500 English Quin : Anna w b u-.i~-- - -'-` .. .,_ _, ...___.....,._::_.-....-_.,. ._.,______ i'- Mptegszarzvz .Aq.s`1u3Li9.~ ) Monday, Jsn.:ll.-Spine tyonly-qno pati- tionu ugsinst the Tova-_n `Liconco bill were guy \av --- -- ...-- v ...,-., - -- _V._.._, Bondholdera bill we: road a mood than. ,3: Scott moved the second reading of the bill to grant reliefrtu Lady Sniith, and toen- ablo her to manage the with of her late hul- band, Sir Henry; Smith. He readethe Gill. dated Dec, .5, 1863.`Irhich wltvory short," and left. .11 his real am} penonal eetntetohis wife, Mary Smith, and appointecl her; solo executor. phfr Boost explained thpt_nnhq mi. win was legalized` um . would be .1 great deal `of litigation. Sir Henry had `taken oitt patentlfor a number f hie eon} stitnenti. and in many instances). advanced part of . the money for the purpose. These parties, to obtain their tights, would have to bring e Chancery auftin each inutanoo. "passing the [bill all lunch needless litigation would be prevented. 1.! fun I,, ll` 4'! ' . 1 PITIIXED Some privdto bills who advanced a stage. . ThO:W`hilb""8l|d` Port Perry Railway was considered in comhnittoognd Irithvunandmonu. * ` ` - 1 1-n..__a_._..p n_:|___-_ -54'-sabnlllu it 8:. Paula, Kingston. on the 11!]: Juan; _by the Rvdfr Unlock, R. 0. Oartur, 16" Auio l., aeconi dsughtag of D. In hinar, liq. 3 DIED. ' After short illness, It Ennis, thq id: innmntglchurd N.Woyhnil, Esq, aged 5`! yurz, olden son: of the late Major W_e}lund, dun-" adian Tryour i1y'l`e.snt Toouupcrlb -_ 7. Try our cy arming Iixed Tea at 86 cent: put it ! Try the Ehopldu 'I`cAI 50 with par lb_ ' Try our ohoioo Guhpowdet Tea at 31 per 15 Try our egtrn. ne {Gunpowder Tn ll 90 chill! per I _ - - . Try our Fqjmily Gnnpowdu;.'I`u It 55 oontsrpat It Try our can and highly pvouud Block 1'05}: 90 cent: pot lb ` ` Try our Ittong and doliegu nvourotloongan A! In A`.-.5. _-.. II. ; v uu: Lbuuvr :5; one UK? .' "Sir,-I have been astonished at the ap- pearance of a paragraph, in the Globe! of this morning, toythe etfecfthnt there is a deciency of ten thousand dollars in {he Treasury of the Board of Agriculture, which can indno way be accounted for." I have the honour to be the '[`reu.surer of the Board of Agriculture and Agricultural Association, and I most distinctly deny that there in 1 deciency of ten thousand dollars or any auger arrears, or that any sum or puma of money have come into my hands unnccoumed for. ..w-r - -5 . Mr Bi."E.";;m he %fe_l_-tr iE'h?Fyuy Igo oppose the- bill I M A unjutigble', `and* violating general principles. He aai Sir Henry knew `the luv. The wiil was 3 perfectly -good will -so for so it went, bpt it opented only with- regard to the real and personal estate which he held when he made-the will. It. might have been made to apply to property no- quiredp afterwards if the necessary words for that purpose had been used. e Mr Bltke further op po'sed the bill in 3 speech of coneiderhble 1ength._hHe moved the s_ix months postponement. . I. -. - AIL..- -_.__-_l._"-_J 1, ,,.2 0` .u' >' - Aiter rem_arks"and inquiries this unehd- ment of Mr Blake was put and last, yen 81, nay: 33, , :1 T. The bi_ll was then read I second _timc. . The ffouse adjourned it midnight. `In. 11. . in rep]; to M1:-l.;;lake Cameron listed the government usented to the bill. ml; 111 I- -_9j L, 1:. 1; LI.#".I,n# 4. - ` QUE_iN S COLLEGE nunowynur: The t~oslees ind friends-of Queen`! Gel-> loge, Kin` ton, hove made I noble respnnseto the den __ on of:lh\Gorernment and the AI- sembly oaurio in'the Instterof public gums to deno potions] Colleges. Lost week, at 4 special nieeting of the Km: Synod, itwss re- solved, alter s. prolonged sud earnest discussion, to maintino the ~O_o`|lege (which has a Boy: Charm-)%; in its integriy; endt;o..1his and the clerical end lay members of the Synod pledged themselves to rsise, by volnlitsry eort, so en- dowment? of 3l9Q,0. The resolution Ins passed with an unsnimity sud enthusiasm which showed that the mount Ins not to be u-iod wish. Already, we are assured, lihersl subscription have Been tendered bv iranhhv -mun. -5... .a.. Antwan], we urn uau:-e_u, noon: subscription: by wealthy citizens who do not belong to the Presbyterian Church, but who feel an interest in thn Muteunu of tho institu- tion from tho high character it but alnyn mninuingd, uide from its theologigal character: A better example was never set by my public body--'-`religion : or Ioculu--thnn by the Kirk Synod at Kingutoo-.--To1-onota Tdegraplci At a mnntinn h-l.I :- Ir.-'....--_ `A-7 9-` __ _- _-- _-v- - -uunnunov .l.II'yTllPIlt it n Ipoeligg held in Kihguron-yesterdhy,it~ was resolved, in View of the withdgnwal of the denomlnitionnl grunt, to ruin III sdditionfll endowment of not let: than $100,000 fbrQaeo'~..'a Oollege. Thintia tho right In] of going to work.--Hamilton Tina.` \lIlIIV'U Lllllll IHU I'll wor_lI:.--.Hanu'lton fimu. ' Q \6Inrl.'llIllJ ` " II . JIITIII I i 13;? Gun-sat flea,` 3 1 map? 3 glnok`0nrramTJu. it an u.........- ""':'..f.':: :' -n_--.c. An mun.-r was in iucse wnras:-- . "Referring to our conversation this mnru- ~ ing, 1 would be glad In learn Irom ynu whe- ` lher I rightly understood you to any that? you kept nd separate bunk nccount tor the ; Board of Agriculture and Agriculrural ` Associations; and that st this mument, while you hold yourself gfrsonally respon- M nible for uny balance whic ` might appear I from the accounts to the credit ot jhe 7 Association, such balance warnot deposited in my Bunk, uor avniluble in cash as any . moment. _ ` _ | 'I'|.._- v;.`L-, ._,, H ' ' " `-""V' i -1 an old By. W553 M old I M Bblu old 1-_:,'},i} whwh"'7.,,. 3 ' ` ` W. '1. In Bhll Bbll 'N'll -IT! -Ill! Out ;-`foot Jelly F _ ----$- f egctnbleu I-jllq-.'_ vllow Sweet (Joni In Tim ` Raw Tang... 2.. n-:_. ygygg -pnny-no--w-uu- The Cobonrg and - Potefhaoto Bailvny | , an, _I.I-__t L211 __-_ _-_J - _`4.u_;I 52-..- IIIUIIICLII. Thur. letter wu written on the 17th, and Mr Deninon was requested in it to address his reply to me as the Queen : llotcl. ~ I also asked for certain vouchers for Innu- eys paid since the 30th November. These vouchers,werc left.` for me at the Quecu s, on the morning of the 19th, but no letter ' accompanied them; and on the 219: I met Mr Denisun, when, usl s ated in my report, he said I had rightly. understood him. He denies this now, and upon thestrcngtlt "of his dcn1al,;.ou, sir, have ventured to use the strong `language whichlgdtave quoted at the commendement of this letter towards v myself. Hafeyott llctn more anxious to condemn the dctuulter, and less anxious to attack the petsnr: whose duty il.`l)LC3|l] to 4 expose the detault, you would, at easr, have looked at the collateral evidence. You would have seen that Mr Dentson was naked for his Bank hot k. and that. it. was not produced; you `would have seen that he was four daysin posscsion of my im- prcssion, reduced to writing. of his reasons for refusing to show his Bank book, and that he never took the trouble to correct that itnpre_s~ion; and you would at least hove asked him why, it he did not start: that he kept no Bank account, he did not when required to do 513, produce the Bank book And aord explnnataons of the manner in which the Bank account was kept. But Mr Denison has written another lo`- ter.' On the 315: December he "addressed this letter to the Globe :- "To the Editor qf the Globe .- "it-_I Lawn Luna. ..-n.._:_L-g . .1 I In it "w. g.."xon_;i:5`_tJ q. ; ..f;.I'oRLl t Co. . ; unsung qpIIqr- :1? `ISA Grey .and;lScIIiI;W;i Grey Ill,` ii;;; `.L`i.c`7&'aj Pfnin WI: g Plain. nu : A Jig-.. L _..I __J.A`. New` ?w'nA Ne`. nmoniiuk-11; um; I not paid out all the sums they buing received their Ire of the Run: in on-- --- BLACK Sr .7; ` I')R.`.n`f|`&d nos. 1:, .. wbmpm call befotnpug %wnsm;% " x ~ 7 `zit? ` "1-'ours, &c.. Roma L. - Dmmson. 01.; intro av WIN !!! 4` :..; 4. .rr. DRYiTf:s --5 svvclvuj. 111]` R, in the pro- As 'you_wen: to nm,it In fni;-ly_ to Lined the auto of on than us. .5-.. UNTIL (v __,, __.- '-u.-rival-IUIJU u-ruu W111 D6 rained need not be questioned, or doubted. or allowed to interfere with the value of con- ditioneldpnations. Many anbecriptions will `be made, doubtless, on condition that the 7 movement proves itself 9. success; but it in in the highent degree probable that :the v avulsu from a correspondent, a hearty feeling has been roused, but the committee in thst city are sensible, our informant reminds us, that they will appeal to the Montreal merchants with a prospect of greater success if they can point to Kingston as having nobly come for- ward. . As regards the dependence placed upon Kingston, we-believe that the prospects are very encouraging, and that they are al- ready better than hope could venture to in; dulge (considering the heavy commercial losses which have fallen upon the city) be fore being assured by the good promises which the self-reliant action of the Synod` has called forth. The work remains to be ` ' ebrt ; but that the endowment fund will be Pilnd hand run `I... ...---4.:-___1 , done. and cannot be accomplished without ` HOIAL AND >1 - Juan-3 11, pl - y npd account! d; Pdt:olegu\g|' - , Jsnnnrflz, I 5|; Biii` _' I ' 1.3` _`19I_;' White I Ildlqr old, nnd_. The movement for an? endowment fund for Queen a College meets with hearty ap- proval from one end of Canada to the other. In Upper Canada we notice that journals moat hostile to the continuance of the government grants are unsparing in their approval of ue voluntary efforts oom- mended to the Kirk and the public at the meeting of Synod. In Montreal, we learn rP(\fI\ n 4:.-s-.4-.p....._.I-_L - I A- - ` J _l I uurn le riv V ' Wain the `be. (Inn is lm pier ' ' 'nhn& I..u... L U wlluuauuzu-A ling hi! vessel "inf a`:-:`m.;."`* in 4131 Jan I V Mr Horace G1-eeley s Zollvereinscheme has been freely discussed by the Canadian Preu, aid meet: with little favour. It is generally understood that the inevitoble consequence of such on Arrangements: Mr Greeley proposes would be to never our connection with Greet Britain, and it is, therefore, scouted by journal: of oil shade: of politics in Quebec and Ontario. \\ \\\\\ *3 \ \ \ :9: 1 win from mm recoivdi betial the `oxhibitibn sad `the end of the you-, this amount could not have been nuilsble. II`_._. 1.2: J . 3` Remember to count by the 15th and ` -v uunvle lfyou failed to dilcover these tbinga, although taking the most active pin, scoot-dingo to the tee- tttnooy prod tuned by you, in the proaeedinge connected with the removal of the eccount from one bank to another, surely you ought to have dlacovertd them in Jul became the maker of a note on which money was borrowed for the one of the Board. There y following, when you ~ were $20,708 22 to the credit of the Board on M the lat January, 1867 ; in July of the utne year you became the maker of a note of $4,800 for Board purposes; later in the year, you were It party to the renewal of that note. in Jathtary, i 1868, the accounts showed a balance to the credit of the Board of $12,493 67 ; in February, you again bec-me a party to the renewal of that note, and again in May, paying all the while large sum: lor intereet, which were charged to the Board, and the note rernaina to this day an`- paid, in epite ol the large apparent balance that , the Board has in hand. And yet, elr, you tell ' us that the knowledge of -the deciency come 4 upon you by eurprine through my report I That statement, air, in eunply incredible. You wete llllrr. in the wow name. no lhinn-In inn urnnnarux DEN Pa. Anonymoun eamunmcauon: can receive no attention Everything Iorwnrded for insertion must be accom- panied by the name and address of the writer; not necessarily for publication, but IE evidence of au- thenticity It is 1150 requested l.l:un_l. cortespohdenta mllonly wriseon one side of, 1,110 sheetnf-paper. We cannot. undertake to return reioglod colnmunicauonn. - auuuo nun; tutrresi. ` I might refer to other matters connected with your statement, but my 1.-.tler is already long enough. Ifelt it due to myself to point out.` how unjust your attack upon me man, and to the Gqverncnent, to warn -them against being diverud from the main point of the large defi- ciency which hag accumulated through your careleanesa, by the side issues which you have Attempted to raise`. And, having done thia,[ Ioitve the matter in the hands of the public. Va..- ..|.....::__. __,, Lu... 1: uy nonu-an tune; from which deduct 12} minute: for the diferenee between Montreal and Kingston time.) `Singlo copies of the CE-ll.:-IIOLI Nlwa, containing the new: of the week, I hgd in wrappers fur mailing. Price 3d issued every Fridny. ' RIM!!! In nnrnnn p.- - -- um uuna uurmu or the Dun Nxws may be had at the counter of the publionlion oioa, Prin- cess street. A Price three ooppers. 9 p_m. 510 It - or run: pucmrnou Executed neatly, chespfy, and expeditiously n the DAILY NEWS JOB PRINTING OFFICE, Trains arrive md depart from the Kingston Station as follows : % 2:10 a.In. _---.-;--, on, ID IIIIIVIJ lIJl`l-'3!-IJUIE. IOU WBIC |uwnrr, in the very nature of things you must ` have been air are, for yes:-I put tbst this deci- ! gncy existed, and you criminnlly kept the know- ledge or thnt fuel from your collenguea in the Board, and from the public whole trnlteo you were. WEI`- 1 ` [do not wonder, air, that this exposure has ` aomeghet excited you, end that, phlegtnetic as 1 you :9, you should have lost your temper over ` i`. The Agriculture! Socieiee of Ontario, which `Tor years have been baulked by you in their 3 efforts to promote such a change in the law as Y would infuse new life in the Board, will form a ' shrewd suspicion of the cause of your determin- 1 ed opposition. You have been connected with 1 the Board end Associetitn, as you say, from its F commencement ; you, eir, hufe been for years 1 its President, and its most ective member, You | leeve it now. on the inauguration of a new ye- ! lem, with its funds in n disgraceful state of con- l 1_'u3i0n, with its Treasurer e defauller to e large ' amount, with prizes zemeining unpaid for 1 months and yams, and the public becoming so it dissatised that many refuse to exhibit at all ; uullulih H You say the Board of Agriculture courts the fullest publicity, and yet your statement is largely taken up with Abuse of the Commission- er of Agriculture, for ebrding you that pub- licity. While from the beginning to the end of your speech, reported, I presume, by yourself, seeing that reporters were refused admittance to your meeting, you have not one word of con- demnntion for the reel oender, not one sug- gestion that c-cers, who having been using Board moneys without interest, at n time when the Board urine, with your knowledge, paying large cums on tunda borrowed from the ;hanlt, should be required, at least, to make those sums for interest. ` I n-..L. -_r.- -- --' suvuuus u u yr.-nus, until we punnc DECOIIIIDQ dissatised refuse with your own by-laws reqhiring the publici- tion of statements, for ve years past systemati- caliy violated, and with a strong conviction in the public mind that the whole system has been and is rotten to the core. With such a `record as the result of seventeen years labour " in pro- mote the interests of agriculture," it is not to be wondered that you feel aggrieved, and that those who have been instrumental in bringing these facts to light should receive your condem- nution. "* - v_, ,,,, .1` r. . - E` SEE FIRST PA GE rxwa, contiininfthe ngwazf (1:9-1;;;::1:ay-b: Igd 3d. each, Iaued SINGLE COPIES ofthe Dun ma Dublicnlion nim P-in- [This is by Montreal time; from 21 minmn rm 11.- .a:m........_ L-.- UB PRINTING. TUESDAY EVENI G, Tyavellerd Guide. ',_,_ U;IoV " eour'a win. 5:40 a.m. Mixed tnin 10:00 I. In. 60 ll U.1.A u GOIIG IAIT. 1:30 p.m. Mixed train 3:15 I.rn. II ll (1 U nnlun ---..- ember pay your Water Ac- : save the discount. um uauuu or ('88 puonc. Your obedient servant, Taos. Warm, Jn. CEBOIIGLI up 'I 1-.961... --...I. _..A_ L- 3, JAN. -.... 11--.--- u nv.UU I. II 7:00 I I JUIOI Y! I dunno]. ,_ ._..._ .u Ixnuller we acconm,iI fu.i.rly_ 5. pg-gunned that-you uceruinod the 1;, Why did knot occur toyou than that theta in launching wrong 7 You had the accounts of tho Board baton you ; you we:-'9 specially dapatod to wanafet the account, agd presumably tlmdon to examine it, and yet, although this daudy notorloally existad at that time. you gun todiacoverit. Then when the accounts `1h. yea:-pain: to he 5a1auced,and it was! then van a balanco on the 31:: December * guaditof the Board of 320,708 22, did it ,`.no you dllt no such hlaneo could in ullacl thing: be available from the posi- . cJIbInna II.lIvhon~yoc trahaienedit? tor, _ airbag tho account was trannforrbd to f t c .( uah North America, the funds :|"..ggJurod; am} uthu-owunohrgo d *In a limo operatic, entitlod e In Guerre, ridiculing thy "Lea Bbrrelrl grofennion bf trail, Tho.Illnstrnted Lonidon Now; of Deoombog 26 in to Inna qt Bndeuonh, and contain: illustra- tions connected with Lord lupin : vinit to Egypt, the feutivitieu of tho Frclilch Oonrt, the Spanish Revolution, the lou of the Hibernia, the London pnntolnimen, and othernutnu of concur. inter- est. The ght at the barricade: in Ohdlx is sketched in 3 pnge' ,, ,, ---,.- T- ._-------, uuu urn: uruerqa. I pay $2 each, and John lqflll, who;wien charged by one Lee with being IHEIIVO to him on Friday lest. It appeared that Hill: he: been drinking for some time put, an old habit of his, and when drunk he nbneee his wife, a moat industrione women, and hi: family, get: I jug of into the honee,'1nnd calling in his boon companions, contrive: to making hinuelf u obnoxious ea pqllible to all well disposed pereone. He won ordered `to nd two In:-etiee for his future good behaviour. Pomon 0001;. Tnudny.--The buainou of the court this morning in conned to tho dinpoul of A couple of inebrinteu, who were orderqd to not (9 goal. and l`..I._ `|l:n.. _L I - - . VI ,____ __ -_- ..r.....--u-u. nu-at IIJI-I X90138` tions and dialogue: by the pupils, Mr T. O. Wil- Ion, the Superintendent, after: brief eddrees, preeented a number of` the pupils with prizes, which consisted of elegently bound hooke, to. Severe] other piece: of music end recitetione were performed by the pnpile, after which brief ed- dreeeee were delivered by It Harmer, Hr Net- eon, It 3. Role and Ir J. Shannon. The Rev. Mr llnlock, in cloeing the_ proceedingl, thnnked H: Young for the nee of the room; thepeople at the Depot for the warm intereet they have teken in the school nine ill eomn:eneen:ent,e.nd Hr"l`.O-- Wileon end Mr end In E. J. Sprlgge for their nlneble Iervieee in qnnection with the school; after which the netlonnl anthem who snug and the benediction pronounced, when the audience diepereed, much gretied by the evening e enter- teintnent. Mr John eyner presided II the me- lodeon, end eontrihnted note. little to the plen- lure of the evening. provedsucoeasv of the nchemo wili be oxo speedy as to make the and clear to the moat doubtful. An important political tumour is current at Halifax. to the eect that Mr Howe in about to accept a seat in the Cabinet of the V Dominion, taking the appointmentof Presi- dent of the Council. It- has been evident within the past month or two that the ex- citment in Nova Scotia was aubaiding. If there be any foundation for this rumour, it a'ords' an aditional indication of the in) provemeut of political sentiment. Mr Howe 1 has demanded modifications for Nova Scotia before hecould accept oice, and the rumnug tht-reforc is also suggestive of concessions of great political importance. Sr. P;Ut. Carmen Saxon 8011001., G.T.R. DI:-o'r.- The annual featinl of the above Sun- day School took place on Iiondny evening in a large room kindly loaned for the o`ct-uion by Mr Young, Station Hunter, and which won decanted with evergreens, end we also observed 3 picture of Chen. J. Brydgea, Esq., on the wells. The Revd. John A. Iulock presided, and there was a very large attendance, about 150 person: being premnt. many of them from the city. After an interesting opening eddreu from Ir Mnlock, the children, led by Mr Rayner, sang the opening chorus, Learning is our Youthful Aim, with great taste and spirit. Min Harriet Reyner and Mr John McDonald followed in the dnett of the Gipeey Countess, nod were rapturouely enact-ed, Ten, coce, coke and confectionery were then handed round, and received ample justice. Dio- solving views were exhibited, and norded great pleasure to the spectators. After some recita- flll and Rial:-use-e..n L- AL- ____.I II 3 '- ---- _,_v ,_`_r______ ___ ._- -.-......... V. --cu`..- men, in the dierent wards, and the same law permits the election to occupy `two days. The following, as far niwe have been able to ushere- tein, is the aspect of alfeirs in the different wnrde:-Oetar.-tqui: Dr. Fenwick having given notice through the public papers of his intention of not oering himnelffor :e-elec- tion, Mr W. Drnper and Mr W. Anglimintend to contend for the sent, and are canvassing the word for that purpoae.--F`t-ontennc: There in no oppoeition to Mr G. S. Hobart in this ward.-- Ontario: Mr Thomas Conley will, no doubt, 50 re-elected without'n.-Ridesn: Mr Mc- Crea, cu-tinge-maker, opposes Hr J. V. Burton, the retiring member for this ward.--St. Lew- t-enee and Sydenham Words will probably re- turn their present members, Mr A. Ghown and Er Mcoslie, respectively, without opposition -+Yictot-in : Mr D. Cunningham, n twenty your: member of the school board, oern himself for re- election in this ward. It. is rntnottrod, however, that he will be opposed by It Alexander Ic- Kenzie. .. 1-`non sr.` EA_'I`HERINES. St. Outherines, Jan. l2.-Lut night. aliout ten o'9lock the safe of the Bank of Montreal visa blown open by burglars, and robbd of $50,000 in Canada legni tender notes. " ......... ._ uuuull upon unuuu uy uurpnae through this roport. I purpocc to aord damning evi- dcucu u! the falrity or this atatcuacut so far II you are youruclfconcerucd, and I think the pub- lic will lay taut -I do not write, too strongly when I Inc such language. I trust you will cxcuac my plagiarism of your once plegaut ex- Lo( no go back tojhc time of the failure of tho Bank of `Upper Oiyada, and to the evidence concerning your proceudingl in relation to that that which you pubtigha When the Bank fsif. ad lion was in it, according to Mr Dcuiuou a numncut In reply to Ir Johnson, upwards of 318,000. Did it occur to you that then should mu been more thurthat cum `I You had, at ||ncnInIIonceIncnt'n{_ the year, 315,457 82 on 5.54, of which, it i; -to he prcuunihd, you wcrl `pug. You had rouivcd, in the meantime, the To `fill IDITOB OF Till DAILY NEWS. ` Will the Whig or the Belleville Intelligenccr undertake the dcnial of the truth of my tele- gram to the Gtobc respecting the Deputy" Adj! Generalship. uv . Hm P. W. 0. RIFLES.-The t-st parade of the Battalion under the new Militia. Act tool; place last evening, when the various companies mustered in great strength. During the past few weeks the oicers have been unremittting in. their exertions, and with most gratifying results, the Battalion being stronger than it has been since the Fenian raid.` After the rolls had been called, the two wings were inspected by Majors Oalleghnn nnd Kerr, and Lient.-Colonel Paton explained the provisions of the new Militia Act, at the satnetime complimenting the Battalion on its present strength. The band plnyed in the Drill-shed during the evening. 'l'h6 pruent strength of the Battalion is 352, and new names are being added daily. ' Euc-rxon or ran Baum or CCIHOH Scuoox. 'l`nUs'ru:s.-To-marrow morning at ten o'clock the poll: will open for"the election of School Trustees to replace retirihg members. The elec- tions will take place at the same polling places ` which were appointed for the election of Alder- ___ ,_ .n, .I'1- THE DAILY NEWS-L-TUESDAY EVENING. JANUARY 12. SPECIAL TVELEGRAMS. C ORRESP (BN1) ENCE. Yours, `C-2 ` W.w,_W. past. ten o`c1ock. Thu boil`: [ thh gnllory ' Ipeotnton. , g the last Ieuion` of the old Council was completely lled with in ' ,,,.,-.-----v--nIDpIXlUX7'f I`. The lsyor briey returned his sincere thanks for the -Council : mark of spprovnl. Bil` ink of presiding over the Council, he laid, Ind been 1-endured light by its hearty co-operation with him, mad the good nature withxwhich it had :1- ways kindly overlooked all the shartcolningion his put, 2 -` .. Ir... f!,..._-2`I Al..--- - 1` ' _---vv. - --- --._ .-u-.yvu, "I Inc m. Oovunmont gum: unounting to 1 _.50,000, Ind ygn had mfg .1 to county Ioonoun, M f uouoy after the failure the Bank, and: of Uppernnsdn Bll. `y lb Bank to I1`In|fer the account, i: In nranmnnd that .vnn ........-:--.. - $398 -24 Kingtreet .. .. .. 100768 ` i . . . . 99 75 . . . . __200 65 4* .. ... 99 `as . . .. ` 63 09 64 88 Expenditure $6210 36 6200 00 high terms of mnnner in which the City Engin- eer had performed his dutiel during the put year. The reports were received and adopted. Alderman H. Cunningham, in a few brief re- rnuka, moved the following resolution, which in: seconded by Alderman Allen, and carried nnanimonely-- fo hit worship the Hunt for his emdent oer-vi. cue, gentlennnly oohdunt, and universal klndneu during the three year:-he hoe presided over it. _ The Ioyor briey ratnrnml i.:. .a..... -L-7 A Ipecill meeting of the Council VII him on Monday evening In the Oon-ncil Chamber. The layer pruided, and the following member! were present: Aldermen Allen, Brophy, G_ Brown, H. Ounninghnm, J. Cunningham, Dil- eion,Hende1-eon, Kingborn, Livingston, lolli- lnn, Nelligan, '1'. Robinson, W. Robinson end Wilmot. 4-. up: U: UUIIJTI Alden-mun Kingborn brought - the unce committee, re: men! of certain Tu the In: fortnight 33,617 11. O1 Iuuu In: I.I-Iv UUIZIIUII OI H} on the usual eondidonn. wusuu Ivll GIITIUQ. : ' Alderman Allen handed in the petition of Charles Wilkinson for reduction of taxes. Re- ferred to the Court of Revision. Alderman Gibson brought up the petition of the rnemhersof the Brock Street Presbyterian Church, for remission of rent for use of _ the city hall on the occasion of their late noiree. Granted conditions. H Zine clerk being absent, Ir Ireland. the city I Ghunberlnin, ofciued in his place. 4" commune-non. 5 A communication was read from It Minna, ` tax collector, culling attention to B deciency in his uiery, caused by s decreeee of the city ne- eeumem, Ind asking for an investigation. Re- ferred to the nnnce committee to report. A OlI1l'lllIIIil\.n!inh n. Inh` hgfnun than nnnnnil Aldnrmnn T. Robinson" having left at home a petition of It Rayner for remission of rem. for his late concert, I1ove_d_thnt Llnrvngn AIl-_ I--~J-` ' Iavv VI en, nan. urantea on the usual terms. Aldermen B. Cunningham brought up the pe- tition of the Trustees of the Queen Street Wes- leyan Church for the remission of rent for use of city hall for a late ten meeting. Granted on the usual conditions. _ Aldermen Mclfilinn brought up the petition of G. H`. King, for remission of rent for use of the city hall on the occasion of the late amateur theatricsls of the R. O. Ries. Granted, gnu ex- oepted. aIA.....-.. In }._u_s_ , -- - - - nu-ncu xv u-aw LILIIIJIJE UUIIIIIIIIIX LU KUPUIL. A comqmnicalivn was laid before the Council from the Oil] ' Solicitor, requesting instructions as to further proceedingsin the case of the Cor- pomlion vs. Ferguson. lldnn-.I-n-n Allan _-- A_..|..oI..l -l.-o|-.-_ 41.- Inc -nu -ncu Ill! Ina noun. And now, air, huing got rid of this mere per- Ionnl nature, which in only innportnnt becnule of the inpormnoe yoh hnvegomnlf numbed to it, let me my n word" or two in reference to the position you occupy in relation to these unne- eeou. Spanking toryounelf nnd your col- lengnu "you are reported to have said: They regretted, in eonnnon , ith others, that there Ihonld be this decit ey, the knowledge of which had come upon than by aurpriie through purpose eord dnmnim-r nri. \I'Il-lI|l,Ul]`|.|U IV`. ed was legs]. I lnrlnnn cu was wglu. Aldermen Kinghore explained that himself and Aldermen Livinguon were directed by the City Solicitor to tnke their men, as he consider- ed the! they were legally elected. Aldcrmnn 'Livina'-tnn nlnia nme .s..1 nunuoww lv IE Alderman Li;ringaIou handed in the petition of the Young Men : Christian Associalion of St. ~Andrew s Church for the remission of rent for has of city hall. Granted the Alaornnn u I"---3--`-7* ' ' ' V yvunuuu II. I` CIKUBUU. Alder-man Allen was doubtful whether the board of directors of the Kingston, Pittsburgh & Gnnanpque Road Compsny as present constitut- ed In hum] cu tun! I-MU WCFO llgllly CICCKQQ. Alderman Livingiton ntpted that himself and his colleague were really elected, notwithstand- ipg the ruling "of the chairman on the occinidn of H10 election at the meeting for directors of the road. - nI.I, Ill` I-UH- Alderman Allen insisted that that being the cue, the minute: of that meeting should he al'er- ed, and the insult to the city than wiped of re- cord. A|J-_,_,_, 1-. . _ .. uvluu Alderman Livingston said than the buaineu of the-Road Company bed {has far prevented his bringing up the matter before the bonrd of directors, but which he should, however, do at an early date. He would take care that the dignity of the city did nor. suffer while repre- santed by himself. , Thu 1-nvnnnnninn.-... ....... -..t--_..I .- .L- I-,_,, nu-u yvvvcs `EU I A communication from Thomas Worthington. Commissioner of Inland Revenue, was read, and i the clerk directed to answer it, stating what ` measures had been adopted by the city for the storage of crrrde and rened petroleum, deemed necessary for the public safety, which we: the purport of the communication. . A. communication was read from the Provin- cinl secretary's ooe, containing instructions for the lreltment in, cases of suspended animu- tion by drowning from the Life Boat Institution, and requesting that the instructions might be placed in com conspicuous position. Ordered to be framed nd placed in the City Clerk : of- ce,eimila.r inst actions being already suspended in the cuato W ouse, post oice and` police sta- `_ ____A` 11 _. .. _ nnuv unuueu In. at Alderman Henderson moved, seconded by Aldermen H. Cunningham, That the petition: of the four applicants for the omen of scavenger be referred to the market committee with power to act, the salary to be an heretofore, and that the person who bu temporarily lled the aims`- tion be paid for the time so employed at the same rate. Carried. Aldermen Nelligsn brought up the petition of Helen Jeere, mating thnt her late husband, J. Doyle, had sold a piece of land to the Corpora- tion eix years ago for the enln of $150, and that ` _ -4 .-, ...... wvnu an yncuv UL AIIIJQ IO [-09 Uorporr ago Inn no payment had been received for it, and pray- ing the Council tp investigate the matter and or- der pnyment to the petitioner of thnt. amount. with six years interest: Referred to the nnnee com. mittee to report. " Alrlnrfnnn T.iu-up-an--2. L---`-3 - A frhm you such explanation: as may be ne- oennry in relntio to.tho manner in which the" Bdnk account uf the Asaocinliun is kept, pad whether nnydntcrcst is received on depmiu, which, s-specially in the past, must have at times unouuled to a conaidernble mu` 9!

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