Royal Assurance Company THE "DAILY NEWS--TUESDAY EVENING. IANUARY 12. .......... nu u-may 5 uo.'u propnntlou. nfsotory, '1' Vino uent, Bloouubuxy, n, and Depot, 6 Ruodn Grand Uhntiu, litnblbhod 1770. r ` LIVERPOOL fun LONDON. MAXWELL w. s-rumor, A -.--6 '41- Ilnnninl OHOLERA, DIARRHCEA, kc. EUGENE RIKHEL, '1' I!\n1|:l|IIug-4 54 AL_!_ uuu n w nsuuva lIID_l'o pun 81111 cums than my other article that can In Agent for Kingston. Oice opposite Burnett House. [7 - 3'. sun uquuo ro- 0o. I V` Vino . Smut. mn......u..... nI THUS. KIRKPATRICK . -- --vJ ---v `-- ---..-. A party of Arizoninns, in a recent hunt} fol Indinnl, `Yule upon an Indian camp so Inddenly the the savages, eeing, had time to take nothing with them. In this camp we: found the body of an American that van yet warm. Hie feet were worn to the bone, as though he had been compelled to walk bue-foot oventhe rocks, and hi body wan one eolid blister. He had evidently been driven naked for some fteen days under a b:-oiling nun. From the description given, no doubt exists that this was the body of Charles Hadsell, a mail carrier, vrhoee relatives live in Illinoin. He had been captured by the savage: fteen deye before. n Icuauuilulc fl IKE. JAMES SWIFT, Agent, 91 Lnirnnnn Win I-ll-Iclullil. nuns swmr, Agent, St. Lawrence Wharf. LUIIUI IOWQOPI. Portable Fuuntsinl. Toilet Vinegar. Hair Preparation. Tooth Pdwderl. Glycerin Toilet Requl-` sites. ' JAMES sw1ir"r, Agent. St. Lawrence Wharf V on T. ii . G1iI'rFii7ff,"VVV Muugerfor Canada Aguu St. Lnwrenco W `G I11 '7 I DI. LAVISH, Agent I-Kingston .... 5 an AI` 1, ngiul, . Lawrence Wind. 823,09?` iilveeountry can produce ner apples than` Canaan. American buyers are beginning" in nd this opt, end any that the very best fruit, of hll kinda, is grown by Canada, had we think it is strange thnt. the people of Cundl. do not Ippreciqte the advan- tage: they poses, in haying aclimate so well adapted to growing, not only the li- mlt qndities of apples, but also the rarest and most highly prized fruit, such as the pear u_:|d the grape. A very large part f .Ound: is well adapted to growing the nut und the ner kind: an than Rnrtlntt ' D UBLIN. 1500.000 Fwy, .000 %r""Zfi fec- | hi \ Ihl nthe #1 of EiZ',' r}: In . """-'ZWUI'"?' "*1 'W!.5! qtul lfa: 'micil ., nth V 7 utiom. I.nd, n%Ai:'lJaIm:. :1.`-.'. R. Freeman, Phormaoeu'ilo1,"i'i mama N one oi the greatest diocovarip of the prelent century. II. II largely ellpllyd bf`! eminent Phyaiciann and Surgeona in hoopitai and private practice in all parts oi the world. It has elects peculiar to itaeif, and which are eaaentialo ly different to those producer}; ,,tho vuionn compounds hearing the name oi lorodyno, but have no pretenr-a to poenening `rte virtuen. It rapidly relieve: pain, from whntaver cause, al- lnye the irritation oi fever, soothe! the system under exhausting diseases, and givha sleep with- out producing any one of the unpleasant feeliu? no commonly arising from the use oi opiates. t continue!` to hold in unnhaten position in the estimation of the Prnfedorn u the bent, `host reliable, and cheapest preparation. Eminent and scientic Phyniciana made ldavita that they have tested its eectu in careful comparison with those o"DR. COLLIS BBOWNEB GHLOR0- DYNE, and deposed to the facts that they found it n more certain and reliable preparation, and greatly preferred FREEM.LNS." Karl Rnnru-II mnnmuninatpd in the Run] 00]- nun uuu Ur uvo urqpn of Hngont_n.- A re simple or olensnt tinting cdnuot be 1:41. UGNEEUTIONI will nd Ingonu, Violgt; Orange and Pink useful oolonu. GRLATINES and GLUEB are Inoooutnlly coloured with thin din. ` I `INK: Alxpuly bottlqof u.;..`.`... to a pint or more of cold water. WAT B ' Ono dnrop of dyo will tint I nut; PRIN &Eon0_ot.ton,A Elk orwodl igtho ordinary F-1. `~ - - . .- BLINDING Inmorol yatin -`tlu`Injh will prodnoogn innity ofahldo, sooordin; to tllta. ' ` ' Va. sAr1Nwo0D"._ ll: :A~ sup; Oanoryxdiud ' an pIn_tof bo PHOTOGRAPHS may be linhd; ' dye with water ; 3 bottle dfilq nun 3-plnI`:m'. uqi Inter. pint of water. & . . IL1`.l'TIlTWAIl~n:rr1- In yr - -- 0 IeIIIy & Draper, ' LBBI8'I'EBS,A'l"l'0RN EYSQI-LAW Solici- B gun in Olnnou-y-0hau;rherI Non. ~'I, 8, t 9, Anchor Building}, ' Ian, 0. W. J;nm0'RItI.l.!_,'Q,0. | nn 0. Dnrn. ,,.->--,--_-- ---J uni UV C with olagonts to I. Add warm water; nu wmi a bin _ :1 Border: of booh, similar to Ward and Lock ! `Arabian Nights, tc., may_ho,putl:ilyV illum-> fnniad in thil.___ .; _ , A BLANGMANGE, ELY, oonn |FLOU_R, ` I03 OEEAIIB, kc: While in: liquid into ldd one or we drop: of Hnganta. n qimylo [or elegant tinting ninoino 1.. `-z I Wlllh IOU uu I PlIUE.' Konufactured by the Inventor, Richnrd Free- man, 70, Keuuington Park Road, London, S. Th: canning has nncn-grad tn: the Gnu-rnmant GI}. . ` WILLOWBHAVIIIGS, Wicker, Ivory, Bone, Hair, Fibres, Seaweed, &c., gttrnct the dye qniokly, ifupplied in `boiling gator. - BLUE: For laundry pcu-pong in A.` 1. M BOOK EDGES :,. Aixpenny bottle of I . L Vt_I, Violet, Orinuon or Bluawill make from qpint ton quart of bonutifnj toolouring, se- oording to abnda.roquiud_. Apply whh Q bPl1lh. `. \ l A hgmo or 2 ism: to s;:'1`grE??}ss';:u.n"9`+`L`.??- . ... i nna grequy prelerreu " Earl Russell oanmunjcngd to the Boyd Col- lege of Physicians and to Mr Freeman. lbs: in Innilla the only remedy of any use in Cholen was Chlorodine. nu. .II._!!_ 1 rn-_._.. .. .1 11--.- `l__.._.._10oL WI! \I|1lUl'UU|llU The Medical Hm and Gaunt, January 13th, 1866, states, 9` II. has an immense nle amongst the public, and in prescribed by scores of Ortho- dorhledical Prnctitionera, and, of course, it would not be thus uingnjarly populu di_d it not sappy I want and till a place. "Annfnr-tn:-nrl In! Clan Tnvnnfnr Rinhlrd Free. I IIIlIvI' IU, QCUIIIIIKIUII KIWI I\UIU. uuuuuu, L). The genuine has engraved on the Government Stamp (outside each Bottle), " FREEMAN`S ORIGINAL CHLORODYNE." ; UDSON s SIMPLE DYEB FOR THE PEOPLE. Any one cu: use them ; my- thing can be dyed with them. It is impoulolo in this mull space to ennlnsrnto tho many uses to which these wonderful and beautiful chemical preparation: can ho npplied; Ivhilo their chief on in for dyeing textile fubricl, they are nine inulnnblc us colouring agent for almost every known mnterinl, the use with which they can be used nnd the brillian- cy of the result being, indeed, almost Insglcnl. By their also almost nny u-ticln of clothing cnn be dyad in 1 for lninntnl for no for pence githont noiling the lnndl. Illlllnn A un A aw. . . LEATHER: Blue, Magenta, Violet and Orange. Dye in warm Iruax. WEITEWASH: To oolor_: Iagcnta, for. Pink._ or Rose ; _qdd_ hall A bottle to_ 5 pull of wstdr, mone,Ana ldireglad above. - STABGE: Stir in n"fe'w drops of Colour-- Hngontu, Mauve, Violet, Blue 01' Pink; these impnrt delicste tint: I:o_I_moo,_Linu_1, kc.` T V V I\JVIJ L D L LIES` l EJJIJLII VI IIIBIITQI ululccn b tant puries, deodorises, sndfdisinfects, by the agency of nascent or ozunic oIygen,-its active principle. Being entirely innoxioun, this truly scientic preparation is peculiarly sdspted for tbe following useful purposes, tor, which all other disinfectants, on sccoun tof. their poisonous or other objectionable qualities, are unavailable and useless :~-- . Detecting organic impurities in sir sud Inter. Purifying drinking and other Inter from or- ganic matter, lend, kc. F`PD|1n:nI1 H15` air nf r-Inna nlnnnn int` -an-man, HOLIWOITOB 1n,u1i";N'o%nV1a OIa-0hnnoa Smut, Kingston, o_w_. 1 P. Gn.nunn.un.~L.L.B. I Ema- T. Wu.- sllllli ILIHIIICI} ICIVV-I. XL?- Freaheuing I.h' air of close places, and requir- in; bad smells. Freeing melt, sh, butter, or other provision: from taint. - I"...-_n---_A:__ `L- -2.-.` ,3 _,,,, E, 0 nrulu uuuu. Counteracting the eecm of orgnnic poisons taken into the stomach. Curing Musty provender. Freeing when nnd other need from smut. Mtinuining the health ol plqnu in pots and conservuories. ' Preserving and restoring the fmhno-~of(cut owers kept. in water. nan.-nuina oi... m:..s.. -5 .1.- '_...-.-_ -2. .-.un.- -unen-I` IIJU HID.- JIEHORANDA. MAGENTA : The etrength and beauty of thin dyeia almost incredible. A Bixpenny bob- tle will dye 20 yerdl of Bonnet Ribbon in 10 minntee; it will also produce a clear Bole Pink by using leu dye. Snitnble also for Woollen Goode, Feathers, Silks, to. IVOOLLENS: Ingentn, lhuve, Violet, Purple, Orange Pink,.erid Crimson prodtioe the moat setlxf-scto`ry results. Use elerge qnnntity of boiling water in en earthen pen. RIBBONS end SILK8: Brush them with rdep and inter to avoid creeeee, dad to renderthemeleen- Dyoin boiling Inter. FEATHERS: Dye in hot winter` (A few drop: of the dye in enfcient for one feather). COTTON: lento, hie-tend Pntple are (194. Blue, Hngnnte, : Iagnta,l'or..Pinb_ Rose; ndd_he]-l' to thl `t in the wifnninn an I----` 0nnduux1~9- no!e1g,by,; In nnnatlv nn'h' uu-wcla naps 1:: water. _ " Destroying the blight of the poutoo, vine, hop, mulberry trap, &c. Wuhing dogs and other giomestic animals. Cleansing bottles, beer burrell, pickling tubs, ` dniry utensils. Washing the hair and dukenjng its colour when turning grey. L Enhancinw :hun...:r..:.... -_a :..-: .... -=-- --`V run-:u surulug grey. Enhancing the purifying and invigorating ef- fects of baths and subs. ' Dressing poisoned wounds nnd destroying nui- mnl Virus Treating the infectious `diseases of cattle, no sea, dogs, &c. I no anniuu -n..I-.. nan`- nan u - nan nirv- NB.-Condyu Fluid is the Standnrd Scientic Test for Organic Mutter in Water. and otforda the only known means of npidly and completely eeing Drinking \ from Organic Tuint, which is no common a cause of serioutdisease. ' To rapidly purify the air, use the diluted uid with "Candy's Uzoniaes-" -or other Spray-pro- ducer. OOHDTS PATENT OZOXISED WATER, (ran 1'ou.rr run!-03:5,) Relnnvnn n-n ih- ...-...L ` :__W V..- .uu.n r ru uruul'a,) Remove: from the mouth impure and loreign tastes and odours, whether arising from tobncco or other causes, and counteracts thus irritation and morbid secretions of curious teeth. It puri- es and soften: the skin, and, used in the bath, M tends to promote a healthy state of the whole body. uuracn, uuga, O`-C. Oue gallon makes 200 to: for use. \T1) n u -- -~- IIIUI I71 ? `I Qhlnpbell, Iowan. & aedonlaell, BABRISTIBS la, Prineau S1183, Kill`- uon (oppouixefbsily Nun Oul. `10_NDY8 PATENT FLUID or nmeu didnfec- ' 0-..; -....Jl2.'.- .I_....I__2-..- __.l`.-I:-`._I-_4.- I ._ .|._ H. BOLLKAN CONDY, Palentee, Batten-sen, London. ___j__,_______ > 300 gallons` adapted E1` `smt itjoxthlm n`!- III. niial F-'.-ml ..- an -uinxrr or nuns, um Ll` you no not Aimubr Mn ` % mun-no) or i K ' urns um um. - linonvn AT axon 1'0 _ua-noun u _-nu; nuapwu Lu growing me the ner kinds, as the Bamety, OI` instance, brings Iuch enormous prices in the large citieu, that an orchard of ten` nnrnn nf nan:-u nu :.n:.-|-.I- ....I ___:.u " 1-iin-uon'r hucdusivi TRADESMEN AND MERCHANT ;A1)vERT1s1NGI| oozrruora gun urnnnr .mn1:nnN'rs' JUDIOIOUS US! or [NEWSPAPER COLUMNS! Possngsnta -ran 1.1.3033: arnounxox or AN`! nwsrunn PUBLIBHID 131-318 F? orri, -rma Jenny. oruns TH] 3331' nnnnr Ion I-0011. Alli) GINIRAL Anvllmal Burs`; nnnlroni mvnn-1-Ismn-gal mun! xnws." If YOU WOULD 11 YOU tun sun IIONIY ui run runoaur dun nnnorrox or Al A'l"l'RAO`!.'IVl BIGE MA FOR YOUR PLAOI PA RTIOULARS oi DAILY NEWS. 5. LOOA1. PAPER :1) large acres of yield mo:-1:`; nctosfu-n. ' this lesson, `IQPIQI and QIGN A THOUSAND TIMES. PLLOI TH! 1'03 {ADY;IB1'IllGv V _ an 31: um: u was mum: nws on-Ion. ADVAERTISL ATTRACT OUSTOIIIB I! you wounn nmvn YOUR npsntnss, nth sort to an ontun. IS `PHI BIB`! `OUR BUSINEBB TO A LIBERAL AID` ADWERTISE ADVERTISE etude:-Tuleowe an Wnlltoln, unusrns and n-'1-oammm.1..;w, Oonnyunduu, Notaries Public. jz__I_-_.I I-I CKI'_l`n__ ADVERTISE KBDIUI WHERE!!! ADVERTISE unnr 1-at umon-nuon or DARBY SUCH . AJUDICIOUBSTEP A 1.i'r'rLn runcranza AND REPEAT TH] 1'0 Abvnrrxsz A? u00AL 30311088, 1 1-nnmn-on: 00 um 5 BIFORII TH? PUBLIC AND V up 41-1-nxsvn rum auoonv IN `PHI OI BUSINIBS Iuvulu vculuu ultr, uJ.l.Iuau.:ul' UUUBBSC. CUIJII: on L I` turned round and saw a sinister ~ looking person pointing me out to two 1 linemen, who were running down on me 1 ~ Inn very careful not to resist, knowing full well that the slightest sign of opposition on my part would be construed into the? crime of rebellion ; I therefore allowed my- 5 Ielf to be taken into custody. The men who M had caused me to be arrested cried out,` laughing, `M. Ducnnse, you are goingaway from the cemetery; we will show out the way. I was then roughlyalcd 0 to the Montmartre cemetery. I` Was x-3| of all? put in_to a kind of shed, where there was a 1 In-mun nf nnli.-than At nvnv-v rnnungno ..,-....... ` admitted so be ht-Buolm Oil applied by Dr. dg` Jongh. It has long been our ]!l'IIil!0, when prdscxihing oil,to this kind, since, 3 muqh nu-[at] and un- eertainty, we In condence in its Igeu " hie-' ` noes."--(Extnm. Emu. .u nn........-.:.~. - ~` uuvr U. I III` tracts, and baliev tted for those ea hlhnfnn any 3- 3- J - u-you IUl.' SIIOI iubaunoe in 1 _ lclni-d'l`.VVnlxen, QOLIOITOR IN, UHANOEBY. | n-._.Imumu ht `Kin--9.... fli , [Em l\I*:l0D. Fanny one of thelonr Review: - For anjtwo of .!u'- four Bark-In - For my three of the four -Review: For All four of the Reviews _ - For B1nckvood l Iugnino . - For Blackwood md,ono.Bet1ow - . For Blsckwood Ind tqzo Reviain -` For Blackwood ma. three Reviepg , . l`o|-Blackword and: four Revigwi ; -'---'--.=3'*'g'='.""*'- ' % -_ " I eonniddr that the purity of thiq oiiia aqu- ed in in prepainion, by the pqrnonql uueutioh of no good % - chengiat n._nd ingenigenc 1 phy-icing` . II Dr; do Jongh?` ihoh I150 Written the_ best medical truac ~ -rignn 1.-`on s,u_.x. n E! North ` 1!- of Lot No, 4,11: mg in: con` man oft Towuhip of Kigggiton, eon` mining 0na'HtiI1df\91 Anr(pu-`I bf whic 1-: under tilli ), with a tram` Dwulungioug` tliereon. {arm lninly. uiuhmilu "oily and il clolelo the Portlili muulsmiged 1-uni. Jnquin thl Dsily News oIIoe.`}_Kinz-, nus: , THE LONDON QUARTERLY (Gonna-ntiu {HIE EDIIIBUBGH BlVllW'(WhJgZa' THE wns-nmtarnn BBVRW-( ' 1011). run NORTH nnmsa agulw (rm .h h) "3 .. _ V `BLAOKWOODB EDINBURGH lA&INlI`. Tory.) L` H(ESE.fqej;n perviodiul-,I.ngnls;ly ta. . pqblilhod b u: in mmumgatylo 1; hereto- fon. Thong w`o' 31,107: theumnnd who"hmre long subscribed ta theli, 1,19 reminder; those war ofixhe _lut`1;w jag: h-ddepriv .0 9`! 9n n cowl-9 %:oI.thef but periodic`) litenlug, 1 tojpue them again withip their 5 `and _\&9u,gwho my never yetzhszo met with than. :1 Illlda Iy bowell plead to. regain acctqdiled rpporu of the progress cg European ochgnee and men. mm. a ` . TEBHB FORr"l868. "---- Ana 1:` ol-'i.. Inn- D.:uC\L2n AA ll` IIII-IIJWIII5 TELUZII [C133, VIE : The North B9-itialt from Jung, 1863,to ` camber, 1866, inchnive; Vthn jubuylt and 11,: Wcgtminster from April, 1835, to Deoelnhop-,_ l868, inclusive, snd the London Quarterly for 1865 and-I866, at the rate of $1.50 1 your for each or any Baviaw; also Blnckwoad fo1_'_l8C6, for $2.50. " '1-an Lnozunn 800'l"l"`Pnblhhing do, 38 wAlI'nn..l .H Y HUI VI Pl I cholah: -__...!-' gv--u llol. who lo 31!) n `"5" A ' n a `mu ,0 . t A V aftho United Skim in by hi : ff ,1"? Cents L year for ." Blukwoodf and bf;-1.` ~18 cents A year for- _esch of the `Reviews. T ` Bnbagrihen my ohtninack number: at the following reduced ntes,'vis: , Th; Ar...-u. R..':`.-.:. r....... J......... Inna .. n- I The L. 3. Pub. Co.Ill6 publish The .l'nrmer s Eula; - `By Henry Stephan: oflldinblirgh ind the late 1. P.Norton, of Yale College. 2 vols. "Royal 0:- nvo I800 pug-empnd numerous Engraving. - P1 uon-1, my the two volumes. By th Post p-id. $8- ~ 9" SEE FIRST PA 01:. "V -' u"' ' ""*!`," '9' ` n A .1. Jongll` zwaon-a'"Im.'z;`waEn"zu e'_i % medial treatise (in the vhtclrl In no- quimed. Hence`; Iieem the Ooii gold under his ptelughlo tq`iti3 other ` oacy." ( i kind 3: raga-dngomineuou and nddieal . D23. .LllI?";lBY,~ team Ooel-_ fa gum mud DR. D}-TJ0HGE S LIGHT-BROWN GOD LIVER OIL. D3. D3 JONGITS Oil in conyincinily proved by an overwhelming weight ofnedienl entities}, and by thcapnqgicgl can of ` torcweoty yegI':`i_n npqrtl .ol_ the world, to ho, beyond 111* " , the` parent, that pnnoteica ciom; Ila most la, and, , from its rapid cnntiu .e'cu, :9 most eoouolnlcnl ofnll kinda. Hence nnivgrnl celcbtity ol_` Dr. do Jonglzjn 911, `glad the uupdrnlleled demnnd Inc Ihi-1 nun.-E.` u A. SELECT opmxoism. am nun unan. aux:-.. u.n., Pb!-ici-ninordin-rytocheoa....i..1..:.. I hnvn fnnnngnolu ......_'|_..a us- . - -'- [And 3 nmovut I of ~genenl `instfer, H Pgico, The 0gnu._ ` gnblcptlop `Typo no ; :1` ., '`'P"!".P"T" to` ...;.`..':.7: Barri.-.-~n - P_E_2BIODlG_A.L8.- ` Ilgoenxming-, than-nhnno `--A. -L `III ? III! I_ IHIIVQIIII Celco find ehq aemna lot nrenunoni syoumde .-T"'=.T-A i ` T A Fl`-Aiilir J($U:In,: ' qaN2'.mqva". ma:-... mw;a or my 1: M n:TngrA1nI%l`u s!o31_I: a up um unl.E'rl.lg F.Rc8.,`_ -*i=-tr-Irma-;n% ....:.I-'_ `L-L .L- `. ,, .. nu. 1$AnLdW !ij-Bf3~. ull `I5, I - .u W-nsqedxith {in} I ask my `oil, well no in which di'e_ use of tin: do ` ` ` ` - IU'l'l'V Pnblhhing 00., 38 Wllkei-l1_1'@|.,'N.Y: 5-at. -1`.- . md, Wllh III; |'n"rn `nil -n`ll 34.1:-o '1 , nn TUESDAY EVENING, JAN. 12. _ lines and under, 81 for Ind. 18 oentn fore - -`A VWX ~ 10 1.50: 31.3550 . .17 em: for e n_ . a . . % Above ;unuus}7 2 % ` % - 599 Arnmntgnlhu ~ Oiheroticeuid - H . ...`=` of which is to pp , ' % intnnata of 1ndiu=ldmm'* 1 'l'beuquan'u=h}~I1 . g '. % T50 `:.i,-._17 *1 ~ We M\ - . i . . \ fin enauoaimunui - with` _ taroxpeditlol % in Intbl * , nnybc ~hInnIl.~-. = ` ml 1! - `H. -ner,' _'.l'ho- CI King, "Tbe_ We will Ieildl V..`: any sddrua, on G9!-nu Phonon int - Single copiqi In By the 100, a " SABBATH scaod `:1 --------o ---. -rnuwu caves, AI ' (oppouize:Dgily on"). AI-uubnn. 0n:nu.|., Q41,`- Glollal LIVAGI lnwgw, Gum: luau HAan(---.:_ HoI.A.OAI1PBlL nlamnn 1380 W -<-_.----,__ T % an w. 300 , Dmni' -1 4.4 3. LVL. SUI ll-IE II` 9], I fugilitatipg -thg 33 M csesof diantet to D1?lvNQun fllhh cans:-us uaauulct to 1'1 13.11, mm I '39 B l"' 300 Perkigzug-?A| 1Ihor'~of*}!v' in ner," "_'1'ho;NOI Kin ,""ThefSuud,j. A e vnnemt 6" ' Locks, Lsronm: . 5 oir than for Ask. um... = $1): Baily Nuns. mwrsfvwrq i '-7l:l"Pl-"""' I 1: pmqtxa rm: nuuu, 00., Life Assurance Jug` ht. 1;;-mi: D1-sill .--._.____ --uumna .5 uvgum for the no of Hg Plnfintn 3'1.` 4`.-.-.l_: W. I. Ilngnyq, -1i A1 I A1 l`-..____._ II 6'! -uaul ulvnux nuwgw, Gum: Inna IAODQIL. r.-..-rug nuvuuuu IR). lJe'V1c% I0! dencnpnon of Orange pnnting 1:31.96 .0: hand ut the Dan Haws Sun: Houn. r in, -rm"-1.22:1 .`hIl'&h..n.- ...-...uun unxuu-'1UA'1`E:5 and U summonses may be obtainod`Ag,,,_ Dun Nzwl On-Icn. Order: ram tl attended to. Devices for= ' Mp PID Jon of nrnnnn ~nv8-cl-- LAAW : A rnizrcn EDITOR IN PRISON. ."`: Jr.,l OFFIOE.--South Wen oorner of Dundu Ind East Streets. _ ._ Wu. H. WILKISON. W. A. REEVB, I. A. County Crown Attorney. \I L`! LILJ. They consist of three prepantions-- THE BAUDEINE, An ecient and propt Remedy for Cholera, Yellow Fever, Dian-hon, Dyuntery, end the excessive action of the Bowels. A gold medal M use awarded by the French Government to D: V. Band for this valuable preparation. 5" Price: Smell, la lid ; Medium, 4: 5d ; Large Size, 115 per Bottle. THE DIA_S'l`A'l`IZ_ED IRON, -' For an-ananmnina n... 9--.-.. n_:..' ., -. nun u1A:s1'A'1`1zEU IODINE, _ -, M For purifying the B1ood.-Price 25 9d per B6t1.`lI.'.f `.3 The above Prepantionl are in--the fon of Bweetuutl, pleasant to the lane, and-pu ticulnrly ndspted for Infant! Ind Mother:-. nursing. T ~ RV tho nnunlsln-o:.._ -3 .L. 1 ` -'-' IIIIIIIU n ' By {be combintion of the Iron er Idlpe with C1-eu Seeds in I state of genninntio they are united with orgsnic life, which 111:0 mam them` digouible. The in-iutive end nhbborn miners] has thus become the nuoteuu of mu organic u?ouneo capable of being"_ib- Iotbed by the lood without injury to stomach. T Agent for England and British Poueuioin, E. G. DUFBESNB, 79 Wntling Street. `5 Hey be obtained of dlzohunista. 2 'ru1s D1A_STA'l`IZED `. For an-engthening the Synem.-Pn-ice per Bottle. was DIASTATIZED IODINE, ~ nnrifvincr than Rlnna _D.:.... -1.. AA _-_ n James Agnew, ' ARRISTER and ATTO R.NEY-.t.-LAW,Con- . veyancer, kc Oice Bagot Street, second door south at the Brmah Whig Oioo, upaulrl. August 1. We have not space to enumerat the virtues iccorded ~to iz`by thousands who have and it, and voluntu-H1 testify to its lneritl. Boy I bottle and satisfy yourself that it is the but runedy ever otfesd. nan!-C gin-Inna-an L I":-' 1`--*--A` "" ' Lvuuavula no cuuuge II :01 say other. TIDMAN`S SEA SALT, for prod_ucing _| real Sea Bub in your own Rodin. The above favoprite preparation is attongly racem- mended. - Sole Prop:-iatora-TIDMAN 4: son, Che Jim, 16 Wormwood Street, London, E.0. R. V. BAUD, G1-sauna and Member of the Medical Colleges of Putin, 0h'iafPhyaiciau Extraordinary for Epidemics in Pu-ih, laL_e-M.D. of the Civil Hqapilala of Algiers, has just. in-` troduced in England his ORGANIC HEDI-V OINES. ,'___ __A.,:_. ,5 .- ` _ _____ -____ ` RE a safe and reliable remedy in all diqeasee } not Quack Medicines pu'ed up by high sounding testimonials from innginuy people, butane the result of forty years experience of: rat-class physician, and their extraordinary success is due to the fact that they nnswer exactly their name. The formula from which they are prepared, is based on sound. scientic principles, and has re- l ceived the unqualied approbation ofthc medical ' profession. They do not profess to be a cure-all, but for all diseases arising from any danlngernent. of the Stomach, Liver and Bounds. they furnish Qn e`.-ctual rmedy_ We have in our possession, lover one hundred test'~moni:nls from physicians I who have used them in their practice and high- ` l_v approve of them, among which are_t.he follow- ing . , J. H. GIBSON, M. D.,Dunlmxn, _C. E. C. E. COTTON. M. D.. Cownnavilla. | CHARLES BROWN, Ll.D., Cownnaville. S. 8. FOSTER, M. D. Brootne. J. C. BUTLER, 51. D , Waterloo. - JOHN ERSKINE, M.D.. Waterloo. NORMAN CLEVELAND, M. D., Barnaton. N. JENKS. M. D. Barnaton. C. W. COWLES, M. D. Stunstead; `JOHN HEIGS`, I. D., Shmaleud. JOSEPH BREADON, M. D.. Surgeon, R N. , BENJAKIN DAMON, ILD , Coaticook. ` LEMEUL RICHMOND, M.D., Derby Line. WINSLOW LEWIS, M.D., Bolton. R. D. HUSSY, M. D.,Booto1J. Q F. J. AUSTIN, LLD , Sherbrooke. `I E. D. WORTHINGTON, II. D., Sherbnooke. Henry Simpoon 8 00,, Montreal, Wholesale Agents. _ 5 of the Stomach, Liver and Bowels. They are j __ __-'__.-__ __._v.- :5! - M. Ducasse, of the?" Aunir National of Pu-in, Ina one of the editors sent to prison on account of the Baudinahir. He thus describes his experience in Clich :-"On the 3d instant, at hn.1f- t 3 o'clo in. the nornoou. I went up t 9 Rue Blanche, ac- oolllplilid by two friends. As we ap- proached the Boulenrd du.Clichy we per- ceived}: utarmof policemen runmng in all directions. Knowing the manner In which those agents of the public peace are ac-.3 cmtmned to act. we thought it would be prudent to turn back. I had sgarcely made I couple of steps when 1 hefrd some` one Ihout. behind me, `Monsieur Ducaase_. _come~ an V I` u.-nu-`J .....1 en... .. -- pea:-ea. V ' It is the ciapoet us well as the best, being only 25 cents for A In-go bottle. - Buy it, try it, you ?! like it and recommend it to your friends. Hanrv Simnson t `On, llmm...| urnntm--h pm .. nu u unu recommend n to friends. Henry Simpson 8 00., Hontreal, Wholesale Agenti. . on. v10-ron mum's oaamo_nnD1cM _.-_ | 1 cu. uuxuu I ;Street, Kingston. ` August 6. j_ 18 A SPECIFIC for Rheumatism or Lnmeneu of any kind, Swelling" of the Join _Sore Throat, Cold in the Head and Diphtherin,`Burna or Front Bites, Scratches on hgroeu, &c.? &c., JAOHBS RHEUMATIG LIQUID, In an intnrnnl nu wall no .. --o...__I ___.1_ nlnvuuo nun:|l'IU IJIQUH , II an internal as well as an externnl remedy, and is the only one that always given 'entin7 up tinfnction, sud all who one: use it will never oonsent to change it for my other. _ We hum not lint-A on -am-u-u cl-- -f-a-- F `BE BEST Tonic Hui: Ba-using ever dinoovo J_ ered. II. effectually cleanse: the scalp, pre- vents the Hair from falling o'or turning prema- tux-ely gray, and when the follicles and glands are not destroyed, will produce I. new and lux- uriant growth of hair when it has already disap- peared. _ * ' T 1 ONEY T0 LEND. $50,000 to lend on the A security of Real Estate in the City or Com`:- .lry at a law rule of interest. `No commission `charged. ' R. M. ROSE._ A nu-H 0'2 |vu.Iu.|J BYE-I uuvruu. ' Henry Sunpaon & 00., Agents. Joseph Bawden, ` I"l`0RNEY A1`! 1` `U, Solicitor in 5 I Chancery,Nuhng Fu|lic,&c.,83 King , street, Kingawu. oolounld, Pstton I: nnchar, - AIIBTIIIB AND ATTORNEYS-at-LAW, 3 lidiouin Olnncaq, lo. Ola-0-18 Olnnnc.- BL, oppom. gh. 1:. 033:, Images, 0. W. . JCIIA. Iulnnm, Q. 0. 3 Jun PA'H'o:, Q03 Jon I. Iucux, . II-run. Jun : 16- : VFBE Tonic efectnnllv cleansing the Inn UPI-`ICE n1~:.\10vr:b-"1"u KING STREET NEARLY OPPOSITE THE CITY `,ODK STORE. Hal `cu. April 23 I Wilklmn as Reeve, ARRISTERS AND ATTORNEYS-It-LAW, Solicitors, .0onvoymeu'I, to. NIPIIIOO. W. _..__-. ..__.._--.q I gAllRISTER, Attoyney-at-Law, Conveyancer. ta. Ofoe opposite Post Oce! Clarence rant If inmalnn J.:ii.`sm:th, 1n.n., )HYSICIA`N. SURGEON, &c., PORTLAND, Rania`:-non nrrn-arnith __--::__* DRANGE CERTIFICATES and I Snmmmnnn lhnv I-up o\!-.6-.:..-J Li A KJLI/IQ. LJIJlIv\JIB\Jl" Residence Harrowsmith. j- SUGAR-CO'ATED Pun u.|_vv u noun VI want, HUBIG LIIUFU Wu! 1| 1 `use of policemen. At every moment some T gosh `prisoners arrived. After a lapse of; two hours "I was taken-. before an official 5 looking gentleman. who, I was told, was the 1 oommieazirq dc police, und who inquired the ; cnuse of myni-rest. The policeman whoi had taken me into custody replied that I had been signalled out to him by wt politique-- . that is to say. by one ofthe agents of M. Ln 3 grunge (head of the detective police). The oammuoaire, who at once saw the weakness I the whole of the 8th, at the Palais do Jus- of the motive of arrest, added that I had been walking on the boulevard more than two hours. and that I` had` refused to move.{ when told. After this each one who had been questioned was put` in the middle of four policemen, "and marched oil" between a double row of the some gentlemen to Clich prison. At nine o cloclr. we were put in couples into cells where one man alone could turniabout with diiculty. From there i we were transported to the depot of the Prefecture of Police, where we were placed. ` ftrfour in all. in a damp room: and made to sleep on camp beds previously occupied by thieves and yagabontls. In half an hour4 we were covered with vermin. In this posi- tion we `passed two days and three nights. `at the expiration of which time we were con- ducted `in prison vans to Mayas. Three days after, at the end of a second questioning. I was set at liberty. We were searched seve- ral times--at Mommartre, at the prefecture, and at Mayan : and our hands were tied when we were led to examination. During tiee, we remained in a fetid room, with only one little form and a stove nearly red hot. At Mayan we had to put on the prison dress while our own clothes underwent the process M of fumigation. The policeman who took me into custodg does not remember the name of the man w o told him to arrest ma. Ifever [ALIA manna: he:-n I ah:-`T n-.;..-.A-..L_ L!_. L _ John` Niudlc. >1, Hontresl, Wholanle .2: 9d nuv sn UIl'l'.0l|.I o[3 Tnbletl. ' Pongndu, inane and Vio_leIE`Po:2r|h0 met `Punch Ixtncu, nu stag, Glroig, Tooth Pun. Lime Jniep and Gvlyqutino. ;miil.ovory inscription of pupa-ncionn for th 0 t. 1 _ " _ Ion:-I Burgoyne, Bu-bidgu, sud Squirp oeivo Indcnu for `Ygdby E Anal. .9 .._. II - Phanlx Fir Allilflic` Eonphn OF LONDON. ARDLEY 8 00., Funny Soup and Pethlnerl. Prise Iedsl sglydetf for Purity end Rxeelleeee of Quelitygg-;.ondou and Peiie. T ` * BBQWN WINDSOR BOAP. -e PRIZE HEDAL HONEY PATENT SUNFLOWER OIL SOAP. GLYOERINB SOAP. _ Every nriet of Pane: Seep: in 1b Ban. _ Alec in Onto o[3 Tsbletl. Pounds: 121 ... .-.: 1r:_1-. n-_..s, - uuu uu UUIIIIIU. All tho shove an onufnllypropu-ed for Ex-' pox-tntion, and retain their oxoollont qnditiu in my clinago. - 96 an-sud; 129 Regontuuti 54 oomhin, _ London . 1'! Boulevard den IIn.l:onn,,PI-nil. : gme Insurahce Company of New Haven, Conn. CAPITAL .. ;1,ooo,ooo. PREHIUIS _Rl0lIVED DURING 1887- $2,000,000. Funds depoliled in the land: of the Govannent for the security of Policyboldorl. f` All re rhkl carefully surveyed, and the rate of Premium made to con-upond with the rink nnumed. I A Inna l:!'I'I1I'IIIlI ..-uuraxnji .l5l_.I'l-I, ERFUMER by Appointment. to their Hnjer P ties the Emperor of the French, the Queen of Spain. the Queen of Eollmd, the Queerrof the Belgians, ind the King of Portugal; and H.R.H. the Prince of Wales. ` [Toilet Soaps. Toilet Powders. ' Lavender Water. Gold Green. Perfumed Vnporiper. Rose Leaf Powder; A Perfume: for the Glieerine II...-nu.---..|.:..: A monster concert is to be given an Bos- Ion Common in June next. One tlmusand instrumental perionners and 10,000 vocal- ist: will give" their nuisance. Monster concern us mqch like monster or forced vegetables. very imposing to look at and tnlk nbout, but Iubstntinlly worth little mor tbusnothing. 4` A __A_ K- _i__#,;,l_ - ID "` x uuuuusi lo! Handkerchief. Eau de Oologno. lb. nhnvn A No1:I.-Tho Profeusion is warned against. in- ferior, Iecrot, Ind chap compound: now in the nnrket. Each genuine bottle bears A fac- nimile of Pnopx-intofn signature on the stamp outside. more joy 1 named. `H ... I ii5:`6hLoRoFoam Co. on cmoaonnm wmaoor rnprnanxnr. `Solo lhnuhotnrar :-A. P. Towlu, 0homilt,' 'M| Fire and Marine INSURANCE COMPANY or 1 "(API'I`AL.. .. .. ..: ENNUKALINCOME. .. .. Fl` `I7 (1 DYEI yvuuu, uui. run IJIBYUI PFOICHDO I 8001?` F0- medy. Gianna KIDD, ILD. To Mr Towln, Ohomint, llnncheuer. A Surgeon from Roy York writes :-I only requires to be known to be npprocinteit I have no hesitation in chnrncteriling it (viz., 'l`owle a Chlorodyne) as the most useful medi- cine that has appeared during the present century. In dinrrhcnn, coiic, ague, gpums, I have found it to relieve more pain and more joy not 0&2: nrlinln ulna ..-.., L. 1-" HOOPER, Etna Insurance Company of `Hun-{ford Conn. Tao. A. Auxumn, E. P. Donn, T President. K _ General Agent. INCORPORATED IN 1819. GAPITAL $3,000,000. A'8sE1'8.34,65o,93a,27 P ULL AND omao msxs to and mm Inland Ports on fnvournbla Ianns. [nu-no nu-nrnrnlw and H|-u.-..Il- ..A:..-s-.l -_A uuu 43.111 \JJILI\l\J ].\lDl\LJ IU uuu ~ll'UI1l, fl Losses promptly and liberally udjunad and paid in Canada Our:-ency. . _lAIlI'u`.R I-`l\lI`lll"l" ;...... uua uumpnu] l.lI_l I.wI:l.I uqqng Dllllll I Canada for nearly 50 yearn, end` dark: line has secured the public condence b promp_t and libernl settiementof every fair I It has fully complied with the laws of Gen the deposit with the Government of Sto 1 the amount of 359-999.. . I n.-I :4 .._.___-J A Santa. Fe deoputch reports an a'ray`be- tweon the white and coloured troops sta- tioned at Central City,near Piqos Altos, in which two white and three coloured Ioldiexs wan killed, and I large number at negroes wounded. -The dicnlty originated at 1 ball given by the whim troops. The ne- groen claimed 5 right to dance and partici- patadn thh festivities, which ,wns refused them by the whites. A light. ensued, and dterwud the coloured troops obtained rein- forcement: from the fort and returned to the hull room and killed the white soldiers II they le the house. A ___A__. -l A,E_-,_,,,, 2, , - I - ll 7?: I The day seems -1 yet, unhappily, fair dil- tanl. when public opinion or Suite inlprl"er- ones will ptereni the udrertbemenz or I In of any secret medicine whsuoever. It i|to be hoped tbs: the pgofouion will oontiu e ta band so anvortl the conduct of thouof its member: who by testimonial or oum-wise aid the disposal of such thingu."-Lncat. non. . From Dr 0. Kidd, Author of staudnrd Worh -. on Ghloroform. Sackville-street, Piccndilly, London. 8ir,-I think if you would Advertise your Chlorodyno more thnn you do, you would help to beat the others, which are secret com- pounds, out of the mu-ket. Many medical men think with me, and recommend your com- pound, but will never preecribe mgdy_ Ulftttnn Finn If f\ 1866. Marine lngumnw. 1866. -qpjn ` Home Insurance Company or New . Hav_'en._ v\ :- 1:Etna" Insurance Co. of Hart: .1 ford, Upon mm UP CAPITAL AND SUB.PLUS-, s4,333,543,39. '4-\na4\n -.1/3 :_ 1n _-___ ` -"" `*"5` ` gpavvl Losses puid in 49 years, Aud is prepared Vt-.:`::'aauo policies on he low as the safety of the assured will permi . JAIES SWIFT`, "K Loan EARL RUSSELL sent to the (30110 ` Physicians I comtnunicmion xeaiv him fiom Hamill: (where holcra had 1 grain`; fearfuliy) to the eect that, I remedies '11-ind, Cblorodyne Wu the non live. KAMLL .1 * 'l`OWLB S O HLOBODYNE. The Original Pgjipuuion of known Compani- tion. E "T513 Company huheen doing bnain for nurlv 50 van-n. and-Am-in u~*'IilZ1lUU uuvvu, auuguun, U. W .` }. P. Gu.ngIn.un,~I..L.B. | mu. '1`. Wunx. A 1 zxiuton. I. . up 'I`Fl l 0&loe-33, Chrenco Sn-00?.` Kingston, larch 20, 1862. Kingsion, Feb. 4, 1868. July 1. ' \J Dec. 20, 1867. 5| Kinglton, Feb. 4, 1868. --via-1 D. SATIILII. CHARLIE Wxnson President. Secretary. DASH CAPITAL .. .. 31,000,000. [ AKEMAND RIVER RISKSVI...ken on hull: and nllnnnn at nnnannnlsln _-A-- July 1. RELIANCE MUTUAL um: gssvmuvcz coupwr. nnu gnu LILVDISL ILADILD IAIKE and cargoes at reasonable rates. 1 A Ilili RE?! E1` I1 luau wuu nun: l.Ill..ll. iu arrest H33. 11 CV6! rene across him I shall prosecute him be- fore every possible jurisdiction.