Kingston News (1868), 15 Jan 1869, p. 3

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nu d Xdmissibu 25 cents. Jnnunry ll. ----u ed to meet at III Drill Shed, on FRIDAY, r[HE lnlemlera 7of No. 4 Company are request- tn 7 o 1ock /pT.m., for the purpose of appointing s on-commissioned Ooera. ` M. MACDONALD, Jun. 13. IL'\_l\JA-s\/-- -_ \ OF NEWSPAPERS AND MAGAZINES. VrHE Annual Sale of Newspapers, &c., for the nt our will the plant in the Road- .*, ..`_"3:_".. yr... Ilonhnnics Institute. an FBI. 1 '1 BIG pllw In ILIU unnu- ` i} Rf>lc]>:n":>'t? glgrllechanics Institute, DY EVENING next, an 15th inn. Sale In L- Ir ..-.r '1 n :-Inc-k, ` DA! 15 V nuuuv In half-put 7 o clock. '-'-' I A R. THOMSON, 1, CLYDE -1~n1igAc1; I Uember of the Royal Coll of and Licentiate of Medicine, Lo1.1%:Jn, amfffgg practise his profession in Kinguom [ Jun. 12, 1869. ` Jan. I3. LDC`-'4 . l_D.\.I \Ju Kingston, On, January 13,1869. ews, `Otce Every done to hrer. . - -0 :1 1! G In Jan. 13. HE ANNUAL HEITLNG of the ELEG- TORAL DIVISION SOCIETY of the CITY of KINGSTON will be held at the oieu of'I`homu Briggl, Esq , Ontario Street, on Satur- day tho um inn. at 3 o'clock r.):., for the pur- roco of nppointing oioen for the ennningtyenr, md such other business as Inny be brought bo- -- _- .1... .-...n1ina_ Inu IIu.u nu..- __ fore the meeting. Jan. 12:11, 1869. T0-N`l_(_} HT. LEGIERE. s'r. JAIIIEIVS cuvncn. AU CTIQ SKLE cmmm E. 4. P.W.0. . Ari 051864 and Ammo- ments thereto. NOQCE. 12th, 1369. u u I nllc ' " "I Jready a full bench of Bish- mish Episcopal Church, and qucntly now have a double . people almuat entirely Preg- % Lr.1-1a_s. BOYD 8: oo., OF` -- -'-\-UUIIM-Ill 1. Peter Jnsapt 4 :`.I\:AlI.\r\.. I n|. , UIIIOQTI. M. MACDONALD, Acting Captain No. 4 Ca. ngueu. WM. AIIMSTRGNG, Secy. B.C S. Trustees. . n . . . -(9 I1 IQ`-IQ IEIUW coat. JOIZN S. SANDS, Wellington St. J. DLNBOH, Secretary. - A. J. Bnrcias, See. and Treasurer. V ---1-vu ` 35:. fnsaph Gran. snr-h ..f !):..|; gang` nun, Auctioneer. NEW%kS-7-I:`RIDA%YH%EVAENI1\iTG, J,ANUARY~ 15." .._.._ __._......_ , Insol- v \J\llJL LL 11:1 I..'.Ll \`1\I.AcHI_1g1;_37s(01:Ks, n;T1`m;Imo' ;a; . ` " JOSEPH IIALL MANUFAUTURI V6 C0 . PROPRIETORS, can uuunmsa '1'u.Is1NE WATER J WHEELS, the moat pcgfecz and economical warn wheel in una ` IITICIO III IIIC `We no the only manufacturers who can ful- ntsh the genuine "Le: el Wheel in Oanuda, as will be seen by the following oerticete: Springeld, Ohio, Dec. 25th, 1868. We take pleasure in informing the public of Usnsda that we have sold and furnished llr F W. Gull, of Oshawa, Ontario, Patterns, Formera, Drawings, Gauges, and all other necessary infur- rnstion, to build our celebrated Double Turbine Water Wheel, invented by James Lelfel, and known as the Leel Wheel. We have also ob- ligated ourselves to furnish the some tacilities for manufacturing to no otherparties in Canada. Without. the tnlorjn/stion we have given Mr Glen, no one can successfully build our Wheels, and we advise parties in Canada to purchase our `Wheels of no other manufacturer. Mr Glen's facilities are unsurpassed, and we feel sure that be will build a Wheel that willgive perfect satis- faction. ` We therefore commend him to the pub- lic of Canada with entire condence, feeling sure he will manufacture a wheel in all respects equal to our own (Signed) JAMES LEFFEL & Co. _ ---.__.__,g,u|n|\u.u? N ANUFAGTURE LeIfa1 n celebrated Ameri- can DOUBLE TURBINE WATER [III nnbsf nan-fun! nan-I .;uu-A---'4--7 ---J-- -- .-_--w.-.- - - a Our wheels are wlrrnnted to work to en ire ntiaftctioti, if properly put up, run, and taken care of-- and then it they done: perform to the entire satisfaction of the purchuer, after running them 60 days, they may return the wheels to an, and we will pay freight, both ways. and refund all payments made to us thereon. This gumm- tee will be strictly adhered 10. `Va run oannnial nI.lI":t\I| in ...`.- nu-u....- OBHAWA. 6i:l:ARlO. ICC Wlll LIB IIlIII.'p\Iy IUUUIUU IU. A We call especial attemion to our superior Gearing of all kinds for attaching our wheels, made light, and adapted to thg high apeed_ at which the wheels run. We caution purchaser: nguinst using heavy lb.-.l`ling and gearing. % WA nllln 'rnnr.nlI-4:-Iurn all Inn nf` Ran usulual Hull]! IICIIVJ cumming Ill EUOTIUK. f` We also manu1;wmre all kinds of Saw an-1 Flnur Mill Machinery, including Steam En- gines and Boilers, Englxsh and American Gangs, Hand-netting and Self selling Circular Saw- Rigs, Upright and Qci-lnllug Malay Saw-Riga, Goaring,Slmfiing, l_ ull'ws nud Hangers, &c. to. Also, Shingle Machines rr-d Jointera, Leather-` Spliuinglachines, Knil}--Grinders, Woolen Ma- chinery, Washington ll`-.:.d Printing Presses, Gordon's Power Press, In; lnr a Cylinder Press and a Patent Sn-aux Pump. Calaldges containing l'n linformalion furnish} ed free to all applicawya. Address-- F. W. um .\l. President, ' osmnm, ONT. v nn can not! `)0 Insolvent Act (it and {mend- ments thereto. Province of Ontario, of the County of County of Frontenac. Frontenac. In the matter of WILLIAM RUDSTON and WILLIAM FOX IKUDSTUS, hereaofore .....I`...... I1-.l`AF uh... nnnun -n.| -0-1- 11` \l'II. Dominion of Can Ida, g In the Cou_n!y_ Court lnlulug UIIUCI IIJC LIIILIIU IILII-I El IE lil lIJ- LIALI RUDSIUN and SUN-lusolvents. ` N THURSDAY, the kl`-tenth day of Febru- ( ) my nrll, the undersigned will apply to the Judge 0 tie said Court for a discharge under the said Acl. II.'II' I` I A\l 13'l'YT`IL"I`l'\\Y Province of Ontario, In ihe County Court of County of Frontenac. tnecountyofhoxnennc. :1 In the mullet of DANIEL FLYNN, an Insolvent. N Friday the twenty-sixth day of February, U 1869, the undersigned will apply to the Judge of the said Court tora discharge under the said Acts. ` , DANIEL FLYNN, By T, L. Saloox, his Attorney at litem. 11,. an 1oan ..___.___-_._ -:_- -_.,__?_ - Insolvent Act of 1864 and amend- - mentsgllereto. ` In the Matter of THOIIAS G. BOTHWELL, Inlolvent. _ * DUBLIC NOTICE is he1"eby,given that b _:_..... ..f at... unmnn hsanafn in can an AI- UISLIU DlU'l.'1Uli I5 nereuyrgnu-.u Luau. sq P virtue of the power invented in me, as An- eignee of the above Insolvent, and by virtue of a. Deed, deted the 27th day of October, 1868, I shall oer for Sale by Public Auction, on THURSDAY, the eighth day of April, one thou- sand eight hundred and sixty-nine, at twelve o'clock noon,_e,t the Public House of JOHN SWITZER, in the Village of Sydenhnm, County of Frontenac, all end einguler, the following lends end premises, situated in the said village ..4- a...t...I~...m Ihnl. in to nv. Part of Lot Number Oshawn, Dec. 29.. lnd and PTBHHSBE, IIIIIEEQ Ill luv ulllu Vi-|\|96\ of Sydenhuln, tha_I. is to say, Put Three in the Fifth Concession of the Township of Longhbarough, with all the buildings thereon, formerly lsid out in villsge lots by W. Holditch, and now included in the said Village of Syden- hstn, known by the nuns of Village Lot 1inxn- . ber Twenty-six, on the west side`of the Kingston road, which said part oi said village lot is but- ted and bounded as follows: Thst is to ssy, commencing at the north corner of said lot, then southwest one hundred snd sixty feet to the di- vision separating ll: Ooppingefs pqrtof the lot, thence east ninety-six feet, more or less, to the Kingston road, thence north one hundred and thirty-ionr feet, more or less, to the place of be- ginning, containing twenty ten rods, more or less. _, Title indisputable. 1' nnseuy,andmsde known at the sale. R. 1!. R083. V`lI.JI.JlA'\LI.I I` LIA I Kingston, 3rj December, 1868. .;s;.i;;g;;m`.,?i:;.;r.;.;a us-35. Dec. `I4, 1868. KDVERTI8El(EN'1'S for the pm; Ngwu, intended to appasr the nine owning, Ihoujdbountlnntu early when: in thoduy Il_ pouible. EW" STYLES OF .. TYPE HAVE been ndded to the Dgnmwxwa Jon nc-rum OFFICE. Our two Steam Prensa __F;' A....'...'.....+:n Dlgn-,n Printimr Machin- KHTICE. U|ll.' LWU DIIGIIII 5 Icuuuu and Automatic Plnten Printing Machine cry ennble us to turn out work in ood style, with-quick deapz bah, and it esp nnnira in snlicitad. with -quick (I nquiry in solicited. . - ct- RANGE CERTIFICATESV 1nd Lodge Summonnes mnyianbe obuined_ n. the: Dumr Nnwn Orncs. Orden by mail promptly attended, to. Devicatfot every deem`-iption of Orange printing up: on I hsnd at the Dun Nlrws than: Pnurnro 'I'Y__-_ "JULIAN run 1_\UuuIu.1, uuluuuuuc trading under the name and at; le 01 WIL- I I A \l PIT DR l`l IN and HI l\l'_I'-mnlvnntn Kingtton, 2nd Jn., 1869.` 7- __.__ JOSEPH HALE" F%T't-:11: __.g . SALE OFLANDS. WARRANTY. WILLIAM RUDSTON, WILLIAM `FOX RUDSTON. ___g, _ `nun n. M. 11031:. omcm Auignec: D - `HI prcm Ian-lnlel;_o;(:npI:d` `by `the Inn- lteal Telegraph Company, on the corner: of Olrario and Johnson streets. Apply to the Manager of the Bri1isliNor1h Amerlcnn Bank, or to R. It. Rome. 1.. n.I. 1 non NDER end by virtue of e Power of Attorney from Grorge Davidson `end Wlllleln Gi- ve_ne, dated 31st December, 1868, and as Aeeignee of the Emma of_.Wil'imn Ferguson nudtr the In- solvent Act of` 1864, the undersigned will sell, in Murray : Auction Rooms, 311 the city of King- .ton, on SATURDAY, the 30th oflnnnu-1, AD. 1869, at Twelve o clock noon, the n1_-t\J\11-\-C anus- -an-v ;soH00NE HELEN. SCIIOONBB HELEN, Built in 1858. Big. Schooner; Canvas two years old ; Registered Tonnage, M0; Clans, B1 ; capable of carrying 8,000 bushels grnin or 120,000 feel`. of lumber; and now lying at Kingston. 'l'-___ n__|_ OTICE 1| hereby given that a General meet- L ing of the Shureholdere of the Kingston and Shcrbroake Gold` Mining Company, Nova Scotia, 1 will be held in KINGSTON, Province of Onta- rio, Canada, on at the `hour of 2 o clock, pm., gt. the Office of the Secretary, for the purpose of organizing un- der the Charter, qlectiog Direclon, and Inns- scnng otbor impdrmnt business. JAMES GRANT MACDONALD, JAIIIS ROIIANES, JOBS IAULE |lA(?HAR. I\_.,J l'\____L__ Il\.I_ -nnna =4!'1.VEti-PLATED, IVORY. & TABTAN :1 Lu -. KVUIU. Jul. 8th, 1869. `TABLEMATS, uuyutuu. Tg-rm: Cub. Jauuary 9. UULI.` Zvl-IE Ill\JIuIII.l.U- Dred Kingston, Deoengber 10m, 1868. NAPKIN muss, 0 IL 0 L 0 '1` H, PLATE. BASKETS &6. VLALUABLEL rum) snnrrmm Housn. Jlil. 11 NDEB and in pursuance of p Power of 8319 contained in I Morlgtge, which will be produced at the time of sale, will be sold, at pub- lic motion, by William Hurray, Auctioneer, :1. his Auction Rooms, Market Square, Kingston, 01: Saturday, thouineontll day of _ `Inn-uilnuuw Ilf Ill! Balllruuy, tuv IILIIJUIIIII uu; nu a January, 1800, at one cfclok in tho afternoon, the following valuable FREEHOLD PROPERTY, vi:.: The southerly port of Lot Number Eighteen, in the Second Concussion of the Township of Kingston, containing thirty:-1.hreo acres, more or less. II\....-.. no` n.-min -rhioh will has gnaw. and Jun. 6,1869. ' I3 U81` received and for sale it the CITY BUCK STORE. Price 25 cents. ffillld fVD`Il'l f\'lI'I`f|\`l containing Inlylnua Ictca, uluru u: wan. Terms of pnnim, which will be easy, and eotiditiona or she, nu be made known on time .1` --1; or me. . _ For further pnrticulnrl u to` Title, &c., Ip- ply to 3 -- KIRKPATRICK & KIRKPATRICK, Solicitor! for Iongsgee. l'\-A-.I lr:....o.... h...-nhgn on `lll Friday. l5tlr.lannary next. 11d SINGLE COPIES of the DAILY 9 . Nnws may be had at the counter of the publication oce, I-`rinoesa meet, pripc tlnjeo coppen. _(_):hun, -Jan. 6. Ig) DH GUI, mango: kind: at the Dan I 11*!- THE NEW SPELLING B0lJK AUGT|Ql_I ALE 121' or ADVER'l"IBING.-Hora.oe Greeley, of New York, ay|:-'l'he most successful business-men in `this city -are those who have ndvertised libarully and constantly. At small advertisement con- stantly appearing in better thm 3/dilplny column occuionslly. ' HE CIRCULATION of the DAILY NEWS in fully one-half larger than that of any other daily juupnl published in King`|ton.' The circulation of the old established weekly Clmbmcnn um Nun is islaogreater than any other weekly pub- lished in the oon_nty. _Adverti:en will perceive that journals are tbs best. nnedis for ytuuctinx public gttcntion in A um locality. . l . ` WILLOW AND nllssn ILL HEADS and other kind: "of.Jon B Pnnrrue xecutod with and at tho Daily Nnoee. Prlncqnl WI-El IV`. If -WI Dnted Kingltnn, December 28, 1868. saw. BY P1313110 AUCTION, ` OF A ' ON jrHE BATH ROAD, VPEAII PRINTING HOUSE, Princess Street, Kingston. Printin of 3D and: NEWS STEAK G T9 LET.-~_ PLATE PO W D ER, To-M0_I3R6W. CHARLES GRIGOR. OF U `;CI.II'a ".1853 cnmenrox .King Street. PRINCESS STREET. Ifrom tlu City Limit: R. I. ROSE. LIvEnP0oL Imvsn. 15 SPRXNG HOOP SKIRT reduced from In 103d}d1o In Good White Cotton reduced from Bdi to bid - Scarlet Flannel from lead to In Mohair end Alpnccns tordreaue from mm to Nd All Fancy Dreu Good: re reduced to cosfprice One penny per yard all all print! Canada. Tweed: from 8: to is per yard 01!` Blanket: from 5: to lot per plir o` Srriped and Checked Shining reduced from `Bid to `lid ' Home nude Fulled Cloth 23 8d per yard, reduced from 3! 36 1 Tnble Linen, Bleached and unblenched, reduced from 2! Cd. u 1}: ma * SPEGIAL.-250 Don. Hoop Skirts 25 per cent below menuiucture-price: b Superior French Kid Gloves 3: 9d per peir ' . J. GREENFIELD. Jan. 8. I889. A`iTEw Yi AR TO Aljit A LARGE STOCK OF NEW GOODS. uvnuauuus UI ullll. unlit): vuunuoy I` nun) until) l`9.IUL\\,)lJ QIISUIIVMIIII-F GI? Illll II uenson in now adnneed, we will sell them very chap. ' - We no 3190 showing splendid vslue in White and Oglound ILANNELB, WINOIIYB, CLOUDS, And BREAKFAST BHAWLS. Only} f_cw_poin left of those cheap : .,. Our Stock of CLOTHS it the ns-It and belt allotted in the citeonpriaing all _lhe New Material: for DRESS COATS, SKATING OOATS, OVBROOATS. TRAVELLING GOATS, PANTS, and `VESTB, And u the great. rush of the Holiday: in -over, now in the time to lain __ vnnr nrnra - L u L9, uuu your orders. WATCH AND CLOCK MAKER," KIN; sTnnnr; ._-._ ._.._ _ .__ _+ __ e, 1339. ,{-7.,j._- ADAIIE DE S1`. REMY S SCHOOL for YOUNG LADIES will RE-OPEN (D.V.) ou the 19th January, 1869. North Sydenham Street, Jan. 7. P`-- - N 3 A .ygug.-'I'be konfarence ` Iddsnocher sessiun -1, mpae, the Minister `an: us before, The press M` It in nalentood that the inprqnuing 3 diplomatic Fm; urge the mnninunncg Lgmg on the qLll`5' M Veler E Wilson Sewing-ilaclnlne. This :1: unqnutionsbly the but -Machine now before the public for `domestic use. Call nnd see men: at ` ` IMMENSE cLEARIN:G s FORONAE MQ_N'1`H. ` English, Geneva, and American Wilies new AND SILVFB cums, gmsnns, as. j { H` ' ONTAI-{IO STREET, KINGSTON, ONTARIO R. R. Stephens. Proprietor. . --. -v -.v'r-___. _ Trusty `Porter: in nttendnnce It Rsiltold Depot and Stenmboat Landings. Oct. 28. J-' \I.LU LJLLIJLI \J.I.U -I. HE Oolunodiouu and Well-t\t;d on the come: of King and Princes: Streets, lately occupied by Henri Ferguson t 00. In- medinte poucuion given. Apply to buy 25. J. BAWDEN, Solicitor. October 21. Skinner's Drugstore,` Couiating or nupmzss OLOTHS, PARIS REPPB, FENGH'lEbES, cc, ..n.;. nonnnn in run: nvnntm -A will call thorn val-v nhnnn nun,-mom: mm mm mwslms comes Dec. 14. Decemba 31. HOUSE _;_x_1\I_1) (_)FFI_QE JQLQGKS; FOR SA__I'.E oR"'ro "LET. -_-a-g .- _ ___1 I11. l:.;-.1 amnnu . BANSEENT ' ADVER`lTSEl[ENT8.~.a.V The In-ge_ circulation of the` DAn.'_!f` Nnwn renders it the nstnrnl medium for.` the publication of .111 unsll nnd transient. adveninamenln, unwell as larger announce- ments. Advertisements nf religious notices n sud Sabbath services; situation: inntid; nittmiono noun; houses for min; bonus _ taunt; home: wanted; board and lodg- * ing; room: wnnted; board wanted; nr-` xicles last; article: found; cull: vgnwd tut for sale; sank strayed, dIc.; \notclou,inou'Ied ,for 85 can ench.irl0t- oh... an--`hi. unit in nnvnnen. Th-ll APPlNESS-How to secure it. Pr:-um your wife with 3 W1 lwll` IV` D T1 Fa, ysbln only in sauna. ml. n , n.lA' nil JUST RECEIVED 1 Y, Jan. -l4.-The.-e was I in yeurday ol the Daiq- apininn hon may Smcs nnd ' - .h.1la:l3 {mm the old world. were the XIII. Profcunr` Gnmgee, n. hatred in the even- BEG8 TO CALL THE ATTENTION OF THE PUBLIC T0 ' HIS l`bOK OF Lublnh and Ilnumelh GENUINE PEBFUHJQBY; JII. 7. BURNETT HOUSE, EDUGA;'_lOI\lAL. FURTHER REDUCTION LAMPS. RIGNEX & S LAVIN A SUPERIOR LOT 01' John `CunulnghaIn s, ~ ' KING S`l`REs2V1`. CANADIAN BLANKETS. MARK THE REDU0TI0Ns_.. AT ON A LARGE AS3031-uENfr_5.l" EIAVEAJUST nnozlvim AT VTHE RIGNEY & SLAVI'N.' uwuvu U \I. III! Ulla I L` -` TIIJUIIIII. . I "Sta:-ligt," ".1. ~01 ydu; `=-Mara owned V--.~Pringle,-"ag, I wa. lrqqiro at Daily sin oce. _ I). 2 . ' I` ' 'nman-r Bur: a'nm.1o2`r u.% mm and tail, 18} land: weight, ve year: old next lining. we'll m.i..a aim. uta....*..n."- "Elna-ul r well WBII IIIIIEU. owned by G. IKQIA-nth! I` ~- nun uuuunuuu murulninil `can D] Ol- uma .: 3. aonmms Gillian! ` a Room. Iuum-ma Gstnlagues _u_:pp'1h'n,l.. o- scribing the urlountyleu and prices. llusic Sldoln cheap; ; M _ _ . H. IIGLIIBI, `V , ~ e . v ' 114-14 Yiluablovfniluhec `.15.... us: L at Iirinogu Btroqn, and known an { Dl;8 +mJi'li'r1 .I g 20 rgzrr -Poll IIBBAN8 AND MELBBEOHSQ cmIsTM As` am. Praia ho Property. 3 sum, lootlo. 1 alumna T sum, % hum:`u n!th?I'>loqouy 0! P om-I 1;, M 01:1-gym" %. 'z`qo _ ~""` " fivlllnnlll-an An; L- `MEDICAL HA;_Ij;_L-, -11 --A l\` *lr11"rv-nan-I _ Poneuion-gfan on the Inn! uexth For htglu, lc.~,~~ I} w - ~ H ?Es ` ` AID HART? &*_; In `C - `J ~ 1 _ ` J` .-an . `-HEB]! eeubesca innmmonuffcau '15-`- tninnd at R 'I-'-lilnllnld uid-.. iIr.;_. KJ Kin!-UJILU Any mu-"-v_ up uvnnuyuu every Friday :0 '. _-i_cot- nu am we" newlwoftho woe_.; ,_f1"l,3! Ccnta; "pgid, in adult _,J0'lI` may it to 3'01)! fgggdg fbr thfov ' V I13: 1% the I'aduce_d_ _nkq_of R. S. WILLIAMS LII. XV! 3nn.'8. .U`Y/5- f0Uil_IIDI(*3;;_EL1DV` ` i = 3.... Mn Gnenaroxl`. AND THE LANCASEIRE woxEx.-Lmong the numerous letters re- ceived by Mr Gladstone, in reference to his defeat in Lnnceahire,-ie one signed by no less than 4,810 women. In reply, the Pre- mier nks forgiveness for not answering the letter before, and adds: It he: so often been my lot to feel that any efforts I had endeavoured to make for the public good * met with 1 far more then 'uet a recietion, _ "Gilt! V1r- that my words may eppeai un__m'EEnieg when L I make, very unfeignedly, e similar ec- kuuwldgement .in `the present instance. This need not, however? prevent my return- ing my grateLul thank to yourself and to l all who here signed the address, nor my . adding. the assurance that their kind Tnd -Id. _ generous lsn n will at once etilnn ate 'Y'* and sustain gneqfn the arduous lnbonre which must devolve upon the present Gov- ,` ernlnent, in connection alike with political 01' and social objects. - '\---~.A v-1...-.. 1-\_.-......-s--nu n firm- nits rr 'fr0YoUI'~l. % 3 Onnbncu: um 5! illblbud '31) mordlll. 99137-3 11! Ill u .-1, _..-_-.3 .a..'II'ira t'v.....-` ';.-_.:.: I73 JVi'I WI a net]. Sire, Hun:-1%? {Hood 7 G. D_duL-try, I1 3 ubourg. n," no-mm iced, "IPA nnot` hi : DI`l|ll`.I .1`... *-__S:_ALEo~ I='n ts'r 1-nlza A` 'l'.O LEI. GAGE;, :1 W. ` _-V ,.w``. `I. Hliltlr _ Lnulanl u Iuususu lav-`IND. -I-I T Mil Companies organized hi heigl power: propose nth $043 of the United uliuolunl of those powers & Ema is necessary ; there- 1BIhPtuiulent be author- ilhliying of one or more the IIOII ohny tor- Ftlh shun: of the United Imunpuy authorized under imsy foreign power, pro- idpvu will tho consent to ' ilfmn the shores uf th'e Elltielhoruof Inch powers Nu; ad provided further, pita give such consent, I III United States in with-` Hhilgcf auchcableu by :u- ` ` qp power in do.-crlnnsd tn `Ahmad In f`..-.._.Ao... ._ .`.L. P"" Wu.` II the Senate is hlnhle up jhe repeal of the h'~ It 1| poughl, however, *5` Upon until the close '7l5.-A Tribuu special _WI rauidi ' C bn. `in mm a.n`|ml.`.I.I-u;...- ll. l5.-A partial canvass ` It "'j|| ban received here ~ In 1l.-Tnins on the `1 Hhud are now running to ' int! Iixty miles from Fcunnnninn nrngnirn LN BI """'I|IInt|uvu, sad it is A action will be _5_'IIg the Iympcthy of p. In. 1L-In7 the United |,II Dooliulpoluned the fol- Iiiuz-Whetua `the L`:- bdfnbd Edit the author 1 I_`_A &an nnnnu-inn.` in land` `.*|tu I, I-Ii-N-lnonuq I `$1 I inating no v--cg: pawn: II uecllte W Inland to Committee on UIUI. \-'-`ha Govenmqnt nu- : dulpntch yestanluy rd Dulgt, ofCubu, ask- . 15.`- n33 lau-_ .; hulls occunrd in 'ng out of a qnur nu-ga:.- -<-- . .21. The General so the isurrectiou and troops. _ .ing.-'l'heL`onfarencn= R Uu .... you of that pmic; e be held bound ll "ms -i'he manor Rus- `.R..\i l%1. uwerl reprr- uuuuv pru- Jiviliution mi wuur in non; `fl do lion. heuy and lower; 29.00 4). 29 as f ' I man. -23.25 at 20.50 for old nu... ' u-...?'..'f_'I Imus} 2-at-5-5 -emf`-:1": -Uyuv ,,._ 1' Ind l`owe'r. .50 ld.n*` ~..--.>`. funk TRADE vmws on `rat m:1`\'. . SALT According to the Leader sixtythreg mgmtmn of the Dominion Legislator. have been induced I to sign l`[_\Ql1ii0n -ts petitivn to them|e|voe_fm- \'p|'tll`cllV! duty lvlhtll out all Mhgr uh` in gt-tier that the newly started mniuufactoriee at uodarich may have at monopoly at their own trues. The story of 00lll_'!_ is the old "5, HM` the United States ehuta out out salt, and yovt can send their gall into our market: So as the no. derich Illtfflntlt bite the United Bitntes manu- faoturen, and Me savage enough to htte some bhtif. they want to have all the Uttnttdt pit.` who use salt Umttght within the their teeth raw or it in oertainly a very mod." I.,_ quest. A ten months ago nobody had heard A of these gent! Ilmn_ or their industry, mg m, three millions of peopte tn the Dominion `"3 getting one of the moat indigpennhle articlu 0! life at the ldfett trace for which the world could 'ntTo.d it Suddenly they learned that some pro. prietors in the "West had discover cl that uh they b.Id thought wns mute lnnd on which when might be grown, Into really 1 very nhubto bed of Ialt. '.'t`h.-_v rejoiced in the goat! fortune of their fellovr-couutt-ytnen; but they now learn that the salt is cnnaideted of no vuine except jg he made I0 by I@.;VlB as I pruext to iI'np6Qg_ . t.u_ (D the people of Canada. Thui the gup. posed measure turns out to` be il will hit on In tho nuhiip if it... -L.---.. A!` .L lpeo-` a loso-at. lent ` 1 .u,vyv\A ll`--Ilalaln. Iunlua -.-us nut uc n ausu-u. lens! 1 it call be so In the public, if lh-n ew, of `he - uh men he (`lf|Qd 0 At. Uh! but we ahall -be told that is Iumed is to encournge native in. dustry ; but why is the industry uf the all pm- pm-lots to be encot_u'a.'gt-d-lo. lay nolhingbf the losg which their guin will_in tbn cu. be. come to other people-nmer than the ihdustriu of our Lower Cal til lncrchnlllq, uhip-own. and other persons interested in the importation oz _ult, mad the uilors, vrbarngeu, and Igbouy- on of nrious kipds employed in handling it, Why are out buuer pucklrl, meat cnrau, &c., to be subjected to the diadnnuzo in foreign as well us in home anthem. of being fa-in-mi On N W vw mu-J".-u. -v um um-uvuullzu Ill Illlllgl ""' "" ` home anthem, of being fdrced to so Pgl use In expensive ingredient for lbo production no Pgi of their m.-rclnudine inblend of I cheap one? -35 13.1 \\'e.can hardly think that these three score of And . Dounniolegisletoru are at all likely to be suc- . , , . . . Terms- C1-SSH}. ln cnrrjlng each a design as the one I pmceed spoken of. If they gre, it will only about once - Cumom more how much stronger organised Ielshneas is than the public [interest-, or lhnn inuice be- l'OrI1 I-be ditfervenl clause: of lociety.--H0ntrraI J:""-` Hrnld. 4 l ' ` *- *- A young wife in St. Louis has asked the courts in nnnul her unrringe, on the ground that her husband was crazy when he mu- ` had her. i ' Emma LSD Ho1u;.-Thiq excellent . mericnn weekly, published by mean. Petrengill. Butts I. (.30., of New York, in rnpiiily attaining thigh place in the IL . Inntinn of the ponple. The Ina: number comnim 3 VIII amount of uselul and in- i structivc miner from the pen: 0!` the most talented American writerl. Under the management of Mr Donald G. Mitchell, end Mr: Hnrr}et Beecher SIOWB, thepfopriotors will he sure to melee it at n rs!-clnnjuur ml, fully deserving of the support of an int;-lligem cmnmunity. A corn npondent, speaking of Prof. Ggnld- win Smith at the Cornell University, aiys : He sits in lecturing, is slow in his deliv- ' ' cry, which is enemponneons. has 1 very | concise, epigraunmatic style, using no ampli: | cuion, but wur-ls thnt at-_e exact and to the i point; very didactic, but little rhntoricll, lit.:lehontor.c 2`. He presents what may he ( tsrmed the science of history. But he fails | not 3 little in effect anrl`n`tractivenens as a R l-ctnrer through indiatinctneu of speech. , ' It is only through the clnsept attentiun he.` 1 CH1 be umle-rstnnd,-nnrl then not fully, he rnrticulnres so indictinctly. The mnjnritiy of the cotton spinners in 9 I ; Laircsshire have resolved to go upnn half- I I I 3 B, I _ 1 time. It appears am there is some dissen- , sion between the great and little manufac- 1 turerr, the former sscrihihg the tiifcnlties i j of the trade tn_lhu price of ottnn, which `hu risen again In 11:1. pt.-IJE. The latter , i seem mtngg inclined to talk nver-produc- 1 tion, and pronnbly both accounts are true, I the` dennnd for goods at. present prices` 5 being much. less than the - demanrl At present prices being much less than the "3 at old. rates, - Vvhile the production ,, would fully supply the lnttdr. Whntever : Be the cause, Lancuhire, with its_ mills at ill hnlf-time, will have 3 wretched winter. -A._.._ l:-:__ 3.. "31--n'Ir-gluon C an nil I) D Notwithstanding the recent decision of` the Jud`cinl Committee oftbebPrivy Cm1n- I cil in the Pdackonocliie case, declaring ille- gal the kneeling during the consecration of the elements in the Lord`: Supper, and the lighting of caudlea for aymbolical purposes. the services at St. Alba_n`a London, 0! which Dr. Mackuuoclzie is the incnml-em, on the succeeding Sunday, were without modier 1 tion. Them -were proceaoioaa, lights, kneel- ' ings, and prostrationa during the prayer of` consecration ; in fact, the service was in no ` way altered. Dr. Mack;-nochia was the ce- lebnnt. |.IIlI`|lnI.IIC` Wlll [1370 I WIUUBIITJ Villullln A womsn living in Milwsukeehss s ssiior `husbsnd whom she has not seen for nine- teen years, but receives letters from him regularly. He is I hand on I Liverpool psckev, making regulu trips from the for- mer port; he Iyrites to his wife that upon his arrival in New York next time he will certainly go home. The ship arrives, but no husband. Soon comes the inevitable letter with the same intelligence. He did intend to come, but was paid off, got in- toxics-led, spent his money, sod came to his senses not only pennlless. but shipped on bosrd tbepscket sgsin. He deolares he will never be fooled again, and goes to work with the ides of gaining means to re- turn horne,hnd the next trip is s repetition M the old story. Mesnwhils the wife toils on, snd lives in hope that some day the , trisnt husbsnd will come back. CIJMI D\I\vlI QIIJWVICO . I _ Dnxcarn WAY or DEALING went A DIl'- 1 lrtctx.-n.--At the Chapel Royal, Whitehall, on Sunday Int, the Archbishop of Canter- bury (elect) van in the Vestry. end about to hold his laat ordination for the diocese of London. The rule of the diocese is for all cundidatee to be-habited in eurplicel, With `their academical hoode, and plain Nick i stolen or ecarfa (as worn in the Church of 9 Englandlor the lat 300 yearn). 0l1Y8 -man pteaented himeell wearing an `embroi- dered acarf or stole, with gold crane and de- gtcoration on the back. The candidate in ..` `l_Ition was waited upon by one of the: ' archbishop : chaplain: with a kind mes- Ilse from hit grace, and the preaent of I r _ plain black silk scarf, which he was inked H to substitute for the one he had on. To 1 ` this the young nan readily andxeourteouliy cu ll'|' HQ` ' LCM bony is}; |mroI \JI\ Re Is . nu-uauu nu already ' Imp.-z M the Scuttish Epiocnp she will consequently hierarclny for a people almua hylu.-r'nm L gnjj `in xho mutter of vents. `-_ ..--... nu. auumoalu 1! I101). at Cuitlmcss, Rev. Pu Sccrtlaud has already h Imp.-z the Smnniu}. n`..:-- ` % Insolvent Act T FIE;-ST and FINAL DIVIDEND SHEET bu ."\ been prepared. Iubjacl to objection until I MONDAY, the m. day of February next. _ R u. ROSE, * - Jnnunry 15. Oicial Aasiguee. l 7 . \\'7 [LL BE SOLD, by I.`uction,`|t the lilil;ry' ' Stoi-es, Dockyard, on the Slut Inn., at Eleven o i:lock n.m.. mm of ANKLE BOOTS,` Psiro of HQCCASINS, Pairs of NUCCASIN TVRAPPER3, qusmity oronher Stores. 1 `L 'l"erms-Ca3h in b.-mkable fund: an the sale nrnoood n 9 THE Fifth of this Series will be delivexed (D VI.) in ST. GEORGES HALL, on FRIDAY. lblh inumnl, at 8 `o'clock, p.m., by R. VASHON RIIGERS, Esq, Subject-Law- ten " yers." A A A nu ! `HE SUBSCRIBER, in returning thanks to ` 1 her uumtrous friend and customers for the liberal support extended to her during her re- aulnpliou of the Tailoring business, begs to male that she has sold the Stock In Trade and good i will to her former Foreman, Mr J. S. friends. All nnnncnrlinn nonnu-nu will In: -gngingd Lu nu; Iv unza. luau:-.4 1 vlluluu, Au: .1, 5.). L_vuuu_ All outstanding accounts will be received by J.S.Sands,whose receipt will be a anicieut * nckuowledgment for the same, and all accounts 1 ugl paid by the 1:! of Inch will be put in suit- 1 2 E. KINNEAR. In IN reference to the above, I would beg to state to my friends and the public that it is my in- } tenlion to carry on tbmbneiness of Tailoring in :11 its bunches, in rs! cln-.~a style and st mode- nte prices, being; puclical mechanic of 18 yenra experience, both in cutting and making nn - and nLu\ Iuuina I-nrkpd in than first 'l`ni|nr- Msutnavg STORES; Jelri rxpefh "Cc! UUllI Ill UUl|IlIg ULILI LIIBEIIIH up ; and also having worked in the first Tailor- ` iug establishment in the Dominion, I feel con- I dent I will be able to satisfy all who may kind- ly favour me with their orders. I 1 Ingram fat annd nrlicloiz of Rpndr-Mn.da January 12. ` I! IQVUUI IIIU Wllu lutu ulucla. Ihave I few good nrlicle of Ready-Made } which I wiil dispose o' below cost. JHPN R HANUQ ,i4?iaEag1aoN SGHUBLS. IULKCUS -' Customs duty to be paid by tho purchnser. - J. J. LINTON, Jacunrv 12. In-Fin"--' 3 ANTED, 3 HEADMASTER for the CEN- E TRAL `or HIGH COMMON SCHOOL i of Ibis city. Thd I.p_D`.i(I.ul must be 3 man of i experience in Te:ch:ng_, an_d produce lestilponials ; 04' long and successful service. Apply, Inning . salary, 10 the undersigned. mu nnxucvrnnnn

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