-ASSIS .' ED BY MR MAYERl1<._)lFER, Puulsrr, AND DISTINGU I-H LD AIIATEURS. Admission 50 cents ; Reserved Seats. 31 . Tickets to be had ll. Creighton : Booksuoro, Ind at the door on the evening of the Concert. Doors open It 7, to commence at 8. Jnnnnrv I6 l cT1Amooue, `PICTON; ONTARIO. HE LFINT TERM will commence on FRI- DAY, the 29th Janunry, instant. For terms And particulars apply to Rev. College, Dublin, Read later. Boarders are requested to be pnnclunl. I 1.........- -11 JOHN HAIIOND, MLA., Honour Hun, Trinity ` Jun. 2']. LL Persona moan-rno .5 me Ire hereby. otied to make payment immediately to JOHN H. LIACHAR, Clarence Street. A1I Account! not aettledbefore llt lhrch next will be placed in suit. u collection.. All CLAIMS against me to be sent to shove nddreu. nnunrh u ArI`r1l0A\1' Ill`! UV! ` "lerti1| verj liberal. January 22. BUGGY, GIG, HARNESS, &o., } I-`(JR um: 31' AUCTION. Tan Subscriber bus received iuu-iuuoaa from Dr Hnclnn to II, at his noidonoe, upper end of Princes! Street, 7______- .an 44.; n_.___. \.n.- V. - .._-_ .-Y. . 0n THURSDAY, 98th Instant, all the HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, &c., eon- tnined therein, comprising- - mJ{LA"-`- lnd-:.\.` TIA-sunk pen It 1, cu I. Jnnnury I6. is U- "0; """"" " V \ uou%sEunLn rununune ' I nrlih `EIIR'l`Ii! PIIITED WAARE- llulu Lucsusn, \-Vunrn -nu. 1 excellent Pinnofox-to (Steinway), Dnlnnsk and One `Sealed Chsirs, Easy 116., Carpet; Sofas, Lounges, Picture, Otnsmonls, Cenlrs and Dining Tshles, Dsnnsk and Laos On:-ulna, n lsrge quantity of Books, Knives, S.P.,Bpoons and Forks, Glass, Chins. snd`Or-ockery Ware, Bull Tabla sud Sisnd, Bedneads, Hsttresses, Feather Beds sod Bedding, Wubsmnds and Furnitore,Burenns, Oosl Stoves, Cooking Stove and appurtenances, mud a general ssnortmant of Kitchen Furniture, nearly now. Also, 1 splen- did Bngg, 1 Gig, 1 setBilve|~Plnted Bnrnnss. Terms Gash. Solo st 10 o clock n.In. J. J. LINTON , Kingston, J nnnsry 20. Auctioneer. January 21. IJUCIHUIU I EXQELL EN T Household Furniture, PIANOFORTE, IIULV. January 19, 1869. % '1. LIII`1\')H has ruaind instruction to `null uinhe mo udenoa of`-H389 D3? (d.e...,-d), Queen Street, on _1`0I!. 26. All can furniture-, en, mi: _y' lone ndorly new GIIQ al.`.`3?.`f?.` n.`:'.':._ s..r.'.. Pictures. '01:- ` furnlmn, 010., was : 1 Exooilcit Piano Forte, navncne Seated Chnin, Carpets, Sofas, Pictures, Orn- M, ngenu, Centre, Dining and Hal} -Tables, Boob, \ Kn`-l.lllil`0-llll-D. Bponnnd`}'ahg Bung, ' Straw!!!-tl'e%. Bnuoun,'CWuhitn|: da, iuth- `ex-Bodn,"odd`Ing,be.. to. 1 Ooohiqglton ihnd qppn:-canon, and kitchn fn:IiInn,.~wilh ...y.......m.|.=.'-, monumuou to nation. -`1`eun _F. J. 1>1:UM1;. SALE. BYMAUCTION` *1 _mm CITY 01-` KINGSTON. EREA1` SALE rum 1ronm.rz`m:nn ms, uimv h'~.1v"iii=E':i;o1v. BUOKSELLER, Kimntnr BY AUCTION, fl? 1!`!!! u iv uvv-- -_-.vu-. NDEIALD nuonmn, up. 1 DEG G1\'r.xj BY OF J. J; LINTON, A .__.:-___ Lana` Avu, A uotionoe r. EIJJJE II, Kingston. CQNQER11 j-_-, < UN 'l`_llUlIDAY I-Evening, Jan. 98, `Under the patronage of Liam.-Oolonel Hibbert, Oomlmndnnt of tho Garrison, Lieut.-Oolonel Paton, and the`OcerI., Non-Ootnmiuiom-d (HB- Gen, and lieu of the 1411: P.W. 0. Rinl, Ind will be assisted by the lending Amateur! of the city, and the Band of the Battalion. _ I\n 1-I-mic nnnnnh-an I`-In D-nu-nu.--.; -_...._o-A yuu uv 1.-unruly Inaw, luu nu pulul u-we Dean apu-ed to make this THE CONCERT OF` THE SEASON. - , ' |l_'r rq, w u 1 ,1-Lu: ,- ya-J, uuu IIJU Dnuu U1 lue Dllulllll. On this occasion the Programme presented will be entirely new, and no pain: have been nnu-ad tn rnnlrn M. 'I'Fna nnunmrru nu mum U-I?rm#;I'1. Cunningham hal kindly rconleknted to furnish his Concert Piano, and preside at it on Ihe occulou. |'l`:..I,-o.-nx -.._n... D .... .....-I D_..n_ In .A_.. u I nu UUh`lIIUu- Ticketl cents; Reserved Seats 50 can: lay be obtained It the Book and Music Stores, and also Irom the Oicera of.1he lath Battalion. mi D-.._____-_ _:n L- :--#_.1 2- _ :4... IIIHI IIIUU Il'llI.I.I I-U ULUUEFB UL-luv lit Dlltlllull. 3` Programme: will be issued in A few days. 1:? I: nntnu . nan HE ANNIVERSARY MEETINGS of the . following Societies will be held (D.V.) in the Oily Hall as fqllowa; French Ganndinn Miisionary Society, on FRI- DAY, the 22nd January. A l|nIH`..Q.Qll!R will ha-nnrnu-Ar` HI: D-I Than A'IlJl'l.'bIiIQDlID Wlll UV UUIIVUTUU U EU`. III- Goldsmith, Liaut.-Colonel'EI.ultain, and neural ber Clergymen and Layman, in Iupporl of thf Societies. A .. ,.':_:__A l!I_-:_ ___.I,_ .n_, I__.I,__L!_ -1 -L_ s.lu\aII:uC$o i An efcient. Choir, under the leadership of the Messrs '1`sndy, wilt be in nttendnnce. 'l'hA Chair Iii ha Ink-n -nnlu an-nlnn -Q '7-`l uraala Luau , will. us In Iueuunnuu. The Chair will be Inkan nah owning 1: 7:30 o'clock. { Collection will he made to defray expenleu. : The publlc are respectfully and arnutly in- vited to attend. | January 18. fl-1H F undersigned in now prepared to remove all uni:-su_oes on reuonnble terms. 0:- .den letter the Chimney Viewers omoe, or at the Police Station, will be promptly complied with. `If D IFl\I `I 1321` OTICE is begeby given that 1 meeting of the elockhofders of the Gntunqui Bridge Oompnny will be held on MONDAY the 2511: JANUARY inatnot (being the last Monday in the Month), at the hour of 2 o clock PAL, for the pqrpolo of appointing Dlrectorl for the en- suing year, ngreenhly to the Act of Incorpora- tion of said Company, 8 Geo. 4, csp'l2, we 10. `IIFIT I Y I If -HHEIVITBJKIT ANNIVEESARIES. ' I30. Isuu I IUIIIIIIV Oatnraqni Bridge Company oice, Kingston, 16th J nnunry, 1869. } ` DISCOUNT 20 PER GENT F01! THIS MOLTH. Quarter Dollar Article: for Tlmuy Cam. 1 AK; 31:} nIL11a o..:7.r}_:>ZH.: M Jan. 8. - Jan. 19. iileler & Wilson Sewing-lachlne. Thin is nnqnationsbly the butt Hschino no before the public for domestic use. - Call and see them at GRAND $ INSTIIUMENTAI. AND OHCDRAL Kmastou cogyou scams. `(L I. II]? B-lull` CIIIIIICIJ. ADDRESSES will be delivered by Rev. Thou. In'|de|n1iYh Linn! -(`.nlnnp'I' Hnultnin nn `I unva-nl ' V Luau UK uluu UUJIIIULI uuuuuu of this city. The applicant must he I. man of experience in Teichipg, and pmduea tealimoninll of long and nucceufnl service. Apply, stating salary, to the undersigned. 1' Wu ARMSTRONG. Jan. 18. Ink, In `L`-The ate|m.ship' gljverpoal. has arrived. [g':m,hn._ `1l.--.\le:ican advices ih Sue of Oaxaca a f.rm`ida- ' II `brewing ngain-at the unw- Hun ` in Chin into that the Yung ' bl! sealed Irisfactorily. ha been issued by the .nu. netting furth that the . ngliras that religious [R Htnuansa will give his first GRAND concur in ma * A ABER.DE}1`.N AND us FOLK. UY YOUR. IIEDII.`-[IE8 AND PEBFTHI8 at tho M .Uf3D101.\.F:. ,11.% &J:L - `with an: J Url TUDIIIDBU llllll I0!` IIIIH II IIIU U111 BODK.STOBE,. ABERDEEN AND ITS FOLK, from the 20th to the 60th year of the present century, by 5 son of Bon-Accord in North America. ' I:)..:-.. on -....u; snnmua SILVER PLATED Dec. 14. IVORY AHANDLED xmre, rank, as spoon, In cases, A mid B quality. CITY `INIALL. ISPOONS. FORKS, =&.,.1 ` IJCIFJ - I-J-\J `J: Kingston, 0nt., Janary 13, 1869. |H.I |(J(I.II Ell-IUI I33: Prim 60 cenll. IUST Published ukafor .41. at the cm! nnntr nmnnn! Lnnnnlanxr Ann 1"l`Q {FIX 0|} (Willi. JOHN OREIGHTON. Kinglton, Jgmury 20, 1869. PUBLIC_NOTICE. APPlNE8S-How to noon it. Pruent your wife with u ~I$'s;3"n-r7::r-3-:.11;T;lhaFd35't:`Jt :a'=i3> ne1:'-." I'e"Io":'i35_- vrieo`. _ anpubrmuon 00o.Prinne1IIsteotPr:im C`-can-.mz.b-: t|u~DsuU~W-M -out ma `~ t W) ._. - RT or :.An* tnn'r1'sz1Ie..-Hi.I-ace Greeley, of Nair! York, u|yn:q-The most uuuiesitnl business men `*4-in -this city those who have qdvertiabd liberly and constantly. A `-small 'a.dVEr|iema:I con- :'.t:1`l!i;t`;j!".k`p[T'e.I!I!l;1`3;;>betO`l ft`h`n ! I dhgflay I The largest assortment in the city VANTED, 1: HEADMASTER for the GEN- TRAL 01' HIGH OOIUION SCHOOL .2- _ln... l'lIl._ -__I:.._..5 --..a. L. - ._-_ 1| SHEFFIELD HOUSE`. L 33 ad the llttal were killeg, In). an Glut ship h sloop. Ind lbs! oevenl -The munship Bella- Jan. 19. __ NOTICE. RELIGIOUS .` ;Dl..._LVQ l.l|H.I! DUILIIP DI-l.,.!.|4lVI`j|.J.'I.l.l.l p_\JII-ygvg Sun `u.u . N313` may-Tbqhnd gt_lh`g.`9ounte; of In paonths. 81: nun]-:Iin`I.& nmnn pnnnnn -In-An} 1-spin: rbllk. 111' h OIA-IILDRENS f * Cunnm I ?! W. H. HINDMARSH. Bnndmnatelj P.W.O. Ries. BINGHE JCOPIEEEW ms 10411.: I113` man! be had at `counter of Iii ! ' "" `I '_I' __I `"- WILLIAH `FERGUSON, Sec. and Treasurer, C.B.O. I nnmnnn! nmnn I ' cmnms amaon. IIKIJUII. ` WM. ARMSTRONG, . Secy. BB 8. Trustees. nnnnunr II `IERQ AND W. B. 1ro1.Li1s'r. III , KING STREET. nIngl:am u' srnnu A. LUT on` NEW MATERIAL FUR EVENING White and Coloured Tarlatuns. Branded - Tarlatans, Lavender want Dove folouretl Empress cloths. French Ilelatnts and Ilerlnnsofevavig shade. Printed an Broeuled nlnsjln Robes. melt silk _elvets;Bal;1_ Rlbhrms and nations of every shade. ` % % " * w. `mum 11130 call zb: nttanlion of Ganuomen us our H31 lfuhlmp Putin of Oasis for evening welt. ' - ._.`..,. _ .`5_MW.\ Evening ntE8mS?BS:* The Glenn-osa system of Mensa :-$3 and Cutting, whlehgout new Galleria W in the most perfect in Ibo world, and in now need in all the Fnehionnhle 0lol.lIh!nIeI"in1h n United States, and never fails, when properly used, to entire 1 perfect It. - - DAY: Fnhion Plnten and On: Pltternl received monthly at :11 lb: newut gnhnonu worn London, and New York. . ` . f. 4 LIVER:-00L Hovsn; 1 SPRING HOOP SKIRT reduced from In msdid to lo . `7 Good White Cotton rcdnocd from ad] to bid . - Scarlet Flonnol from In ad to 1: p r- L l , '. _ Mohair and Alpaccus for droales from mid to `lid " . . . . All Fancy Droll Goods are reduced to cost price 1 A _ . One penny per yard of all print: _ T ~ l _ ` Gnnsda. Tm r- a from es to la per yard o` n V ' ` W Blnnkcta it- In to lfle per pair of 5 Striped and Checked Shirtinr reduced from id to `tide Home made Fulledloih 23 6d per yard, reduced. from 39 36 ' M - ` Table Linen, Bleached and unbleached, reduced from 2| 8d4,Io 1| Iod SPEC[AL.--250 Dos. Hoop Skirt: 25 per cent below minufscthrofi ` Superior French Kid Gloves 3: 9d per pnirg ' Jun. 6.1869. L . WATCH ANDCLOCK K 1 N G s? '1' 11 st 1,: ' - rm -r ` ` ' M ' .-.-...n -.-. In . 1- -:1-run gnnzvgnvztt-us as -II-II-In I11-vnv III 2:; -I|IInIh -. ..` ;-:~ 1%? r A good sum;Iy-or laterlulsht every jl.EP.lII or all lands carcl'u|l_`1' quqnaqu t;,._,"N '."iF*`3I our;-m:J_{'1nnT, KINGSTON, onngo Ii. B. Stephens. Proprietor. Trusty Porter: in nttendnn-ca It Rsilroad Depot and Ssumhont.Ln.ndina. Oct. 28. FOR SALE OR` TO LET. HE Conmodioul uni Well-Stud STORE on the comer of Kig And Prineul Streets, lately occupied by Menu Ferguson 8 Co. In- madisto possession given. Apply to Jnty 25. J. BAWDEN, Solicitor. , Sk_inner s A Dr%u;g,s%tore,` Eng1ish,T Geneva, and_ new man sum ,cHAlll8.IIlAIIf8, I In}!!! `I annvstnlin l\- 6, 1869. :,_T_...._. mm. room, mm mm. nnusnis comes ` J nanny 16. ocubi 21. IMMENSE CLEA RINGr SALE} EA8ES--Forms of Lane: and otha` 4 ducripnziona of Law Printing kept in utock at the Daily News Oioe. Every descriptinn of printing dime to order. ! III III` Ildllnlf 55" Intended to Appear thomnlnoawuhg. nhonxd be nm._|n at an -H! In MI! h;I:.t-bod: -- nnnailkln CIIUII-I UV 1 ILL HEAJDS and may kinds of Iona PRINTIXG executed with nutucuisnd pespntcb at thnxDsi}3 Nun ocu, Ptinceu 1 Street % . JIIST RECEIVED nut n;u neapancnes. 3 `kn. 9..-'-Advieea from Ua_\'ti' DIVE`! Md tken_p!aL`?. in whwh ncunuu. They ap. GENUINE E _;1:a.u :l_%IN'1`IHG -HOUSE, mace.- ' Street, 'Kingstou .""PI'iuti * of all kind: at the Dun _ mnrfc Homm. ' . _ , `A mm 11` TO YOUR FIlI.EHDB.-'l'Iio-N Cnnomcnn up Nrwll Vi; publhheijt every Fduq Inotnin , gnd I.l_1_h'a news of the week. or Fi_y.,Ceq 1;s`. i adv "ice on ma send it tn ` V. fan lfgru nnthn El: the Jul. 7. In gunnee, you : for (byes montl nmnna. For ( BURNETT |'l0l|8E,T inI'|Il'| nnnnunlnl-I IfI"I.`r.QlI|l'| FIIPFA axes T0 (JALL mu nvrnurxon or ran` 13631.10 10 Tvmrmuxm for the nu: sun, L :..;--.l.4I Ian -nnanp Il|n..nnn.nnnnn.Inn FURTHER REDUCTION WIIIRCIAL. Jsmnry 22. Hit mfmuu an, lilh few ~ Gi-What drooping. Rye I I. Inky dull, I for males at ` `hive-uh; qnomiou In-day. `III. Buckvbent none. n.n.._.___..a .--J__.., __.. 1-14 :3 Peu_ LAMPS Lubln I and Rlmmeli ` RIGNEY & SLAVIN` A summon L01` on-I :6, Jun nun vuuu up 51: nnnvgyyql 4 tbs nun reduced men 9 'no?oue`Do11a; it nu: B9` . . -11. `Santa ennui`: Iiri FOR ONE MONTH. % MARK THE REDUCTIONS-- ON ALARGR or ARE NUW SHOWING" CONSIS`-TING OF RlGN_EY & SLAVIN; M \ M $3.64 Ea | ~ ans: oaemu him I mined -s B. B0BImd..-(hunt: Huqiieli.-3 F Roono._ Illnn-`uni! .0qnlo_ ` \ -__ Ictihinmho vuioun,|I1.|n`nnna.nimm ' wvvulv. _ LI Wfihili Dec. he":I;iou Innis 8 001: Vnhoqp. '5'? 7 .46:-,K!~1-_!iraI'I`m~:% u-wrrmi 311$ ` um. muimxm I. an Vanni P:-oui|&!IitInI_o`-al~IIi M ` j % of P1-1ncuIuuut,"ud-hoowutun . J ` a` ` .- " `J z.:.4_ i'_7_M. cams Ann anew): /= - _!._3.#qi: . i nmK'1vtI::}m`1M rfsvgnmhl -I. the Wotlduo prindnl. aan,~aaioyu_.; _ - IIHRISTMRS jut, nuclyuc-It nuur. tuna E "S ` u-quad Icpdency: Inn $243 1 put I810. BImrr-rol], 24 ft 25 1 gm} tutu dun. L my lumahoubsnhn, report 1` 11!":-Lloticou at-nncy K e I `ll. In .31.... ..n:... -. 71 SW] nag. 5. JII. `.4 \T*`2`%`-*`` --s- Il!-: _..._I_.`... -BANBI!N'l"` % ; ` The largo eicuulalon -tn` .1: Nnws yendon it vtho `V the-publication of all Itlt ' Idvertioememt, at will as Ilrgur Inenilwa J N ` , : I _:' . H; ~1`4 'U'g_}:`,t "}&`.l,`4*.:::],"@ R: 9- W1LI*4"g5 ?5'?E3,=?a% -t%`? % , - ~ ` -- 7.-`INF ..:7#llDal"!'!D B-T1` srnwzunadumn v mmwwuauum ~ L onlu-onus Pujoduuu, eogum` ~ V * III BCl'tI:blohw.. I.`-Ell an`; 3:1 Jsmury 16. u 5.. 1: Eu; :.'1`:'-...'.'.';"':.i Hd If, Inning 4. Gold in II. III. Stu-ling Exchange 9}. , ' -;`..u:`um;nun}..a.nua|.. qiohn" ` 1.115 W J! I `T ; `:]`i1I WU I` FBI"-M` I WW` a. mum~,u.;: `Q. Lnulcllr. The im('r- `, 3| migfgclmy, mad prounuz | far the miusion. `Flue .1 the nmlwudon that line , "did h In accord them 13,11 the pnl:\(`e : I r` }'gd1`_| he T-W: my: `I `J M." - Imu. 1411::-rs lb Nova.) , h.II-0II|din New York 1! 12 M--hu, 5,50 to 5,50 ; qlitpt yutn~1cy"s nte, -very _ npmd. Gnin-no reported `Iain spring wheat, 1,17. jl run about 9'0. Pr.)- Amhllitxlo to ofer. Lard Hi. Bum quiet. and only Initial. AIbu-Pou steady. at ' I! NIX IARKITS. n nth Daily Nara.) H 3!. 22`--Cotlon rm at 29c. I. ah; npipu 8,700 hols; `tn; 6,65 0 7,15 for common ` Inc`, 8,!!! 7,50 for com- Kill ICIIII. Rye our V" 3 'I .-M. Win! in moderate -in-mouth; ales 9,000 bush LI 5' lo. 1 Ipring in non sud WK Gllltlnged; nceipu ' WI 0900 ball my 94 re . $11!; u the western `$2 31- nmn I---L -`*----'- l5,II 0 _6,15 for unperne ` "'""uIo-onus ' ` rm vi , dime: which bu till:-clam of Woo'L- l Ntloeud this week by i 3}!-I Annual of nnrly 1 "*8 to tho receipt of an i 1 Ivan! million: of `! "III ofhtebe Volunteer`, - ID! a Innlin to I ""7 il Ibo hcigblzur-Mi F "- "W 151] .'VI'Dl,) Icmtuy . - __ 1 29;_ At your lest session `you devoted a large a 1 U `lira; neplpr. share of your ntte'otI0ll_,to our municipal de `t. `.65 113.15 1o;..,p,,5D,, institutions, and to subjects of agriculture th 5 tun.` "0o.15_ and CUl0n?Z`.|llOlJ. These will he submitted ' * .& uh: . 5 4,50 com- for yourconslderation. _;The project of the st; _ municipal code, which, while correcting '-my `thin w_ha_t _may be thought d_efective.iu our le- `print i::33 l'::3 g1S1IH_'n_ on lllhie subject, will aim` at plut- t M ' _ mg it in a s_ ape more convenient for the . Ii U '.`;:'P;a numerous and important classes of the com- rn "8 '51! munlty tdnterestctl in it-. Mesnllres will be ;u.5'5ooh.h C propose to you respecting the man 0- ; "am. no cut and sale of Crown Lands, and forte at `Isl; 1,, `Hum H; developmentofagricultureandcolonization. `it; so a 3 ,0, ha Public opinion is, with reason, much direct- ` sad qug; 30.00%; ed to these important subjects. You will, h."sl1;01| 0 2935 go, on no doubt, ftl that_they are entitled to your ` Olefslstesm-, 20 moist careful consideration. Several new my I'll way projects such as it is hoped may l gm .1, l he earned out at small cost, are undo : dis- , s....`'i IIlo_ons cusston, and the subject isso intimately con- Nsv. 5,`; ."'v V5900 nected with that of the settlement of our nm']" _" `l'_"h- t wild lands as to call for your most favourable A p " `Rd t attenttzn. The general revision of the rail- - Pug - ` way ct in reference not only to this ?::hi:!':E:"{" liV- `class of `Railways, but also to all others i -!IsIs have one `hung `0 be constructed under provincial char- hmg u. .0. "3" ` '0 ter may advantageously receive consid- u P' " Static; at your hands. Revision of our an d. _ ury aw and some portions of our School . huhh`. ml '3'"-: Laws, as also other matters connected wi 11 , 531 Wt I the administration ofjustice and better or- , um I gsnization of the machinery of our provin- az-la; mu. ,,ui:t:;"g ` cial system, will, no doubt, receive their l 5 h - - share of your attention. t In the discussion , A he or 11,, V I of all these matters and of whatever other uh;::"l"U has s3t'il.n::,: * Iuhjects may seem in you to be worthy of ..;`hL.m._ ; attention, I do not doubt that you will be _. l Ioirnsted by that spirit of loyalty Tsiestiog. uh par! and devotion to your gracious Bov- I '5' 1| the Ian fou:- ! "eign. which has heretofore distin- Hg[::"| led nsp.p._lgu1.hed you, and that {on will show l My * P"0lIee'm... yourselves sincerely attac ed to our new V_ this ':,.n'h?+::0 IIy|||gl|;-; _ institutions, and anxious to maintain her- Vu forum, ,1: `_`Ihl let- *, Inouy and good will as between all various ` IIns._ r classes of our community. I pra earnest- &..'h""5l|r I.evran,sl3)`. that Divine` Providence may less your `i!'o leagthlefforts, and that your labours may be `II . `um states` crowned with all success. Eng, h of as A J _..'!*-sm.,_,_ ,,`} _',_`3_|rs-l ` Before laavlng Stockholm, :3. a des . .. s .. - a-s.-s_ -- -3 -I -Q rel an ` Ilym III uaul cin;nu_1- enough to llve Before 3` ' up ' `uh - from that pits; the Prince Offohlhiia g g.` .. nindund \ a Knight of the reenuons 0 at -2 . `W; .:::"Ni by 3 uolu. ' having Iueceaively reoeind the liX.inf"i" `h|0IIydro-`deft. use - 4 - -" V V ' maa , 3:. ... ...:a;?~;;,::`e':.,:;::::a..:.'...... M Itruetiog of three railroad: omntr MP":g'l' Gt 1- gnnnnudiwut 800,000 , q|_ . ` lids`. Bo Jana. tnhe obstoot -that over u 3_i|llz in ` at from eleven to tllktol _IIIIl0||| i '91` `Ilia; "'". 9"`.- .` ."_"' `"5 -__"'.-"..."" ' ` `I #5.; "'1. 21.--Late Idvicel from; 8.-shad. report tlut. I Q no! the Ihile_s by "the nu; ` .1 at Poverty Buy an that 1 I Gruk G0\ th)men: his been adopt:-d. |b,COI|It'l t'llt` wall -54;: n Ncms S une Ind tho ix `the Bani of` lag. Iincz: the "1-Mi: Mad;-Tan ' the where: Cnufervncr "',"- 7" ""* 2/ smancn 0? ma; LIEUTENANT. u0\'l~2n.\'0R 01-` QUEBEC. 3 J f At Itlqroo o'clock His umigu. tenant-Gov :-rnor nrnnemlmi in u.... ._ ..x ` Q. UIQIVCV v unrhn Ill. Q ueu- teudnt-Governor prnneodod in HIM! to the Legiolutive Council Chnmln-r in the P-rlim mom building. He wu encorted (by the ` Queen`: Volunteer Hunure, under cnmnnnd ul Linif. Muminnlld. | "A guard --IT lyunour was {brand or an 53r(l Rcgimcntr . ` `nu mcmlwrs of the Leglnlulvu Council `being: nlIo.`n'|NH`I lhc Li:-meow!-Governor ` was plcmaul to coulmnml the utendancc of Llhv l.v_;:ishui\'c Avlsenlhiy. and that llouau i 1`-;n_,_r pr.-sum. 'l)o Lieutt-nan!-Govgrnur gt A ..u.-;- up:-uul the second srsston of the rm, ` 1`...-liamuut of 1110 I m\'iuc.c of Que-baa with ' ghc flIl`n0\\`LlIL' \L'l|- Luuli; 1.11 uncut I.I.llllI lIs('I.IJ"IIoI Ul UUK lur- `est resources and In increuo uf revenue, witlnont. injury to the real interest: of this `M imponnm branch of trade. lam hnppy ' to see {he great prngress made by the agn- culcural and manmacxuring industries of `ho nrnwinnn and `than I wiaivnd oh- Dl'I\ ` u - - u - u n u-u\n nuuuun-usullus IUVILIBIIICB Ul ` zhe province, and when I visited the Pro- vxncm Exbilnitinn at Montreal. I could not ` ml to uhsmve the lively interest taken by all Clnssea of aociety in the development of mes;-um great source: of our prosperity. The Cnnsmution hIVing nnigncd mnnern uf immigntion to the concurrent sction of me I-`ml:-rnl and Local Governments, my Government, in concert. With those of Ou- ltnrio and Nair Brunswick, has cenferrui, . n n IV ---..\- ....- gvu-1 ..-u--un l\-, uua \.(llll\IlI.\l' concerning it, wuh the Fcdernl Govern- ment. I but reason to hope that the re- sult. of our joint cfforvs will tend to increase zhc proaperuy of In the provinces. ` Gentlemen .y the Izyialatine Au-argbly : The public accounts for 18 months, cov- iereal by your vote: of last session, will be ' promptly lnltl tiexro ynu. You will find ; Iimt. the 4 n-nvruure has been kept consid- leral-lv within the limits so set, and I trust that it has L-en lP~,'lli8i0{i with due regard ` well to aim-*-iny as In eiiiciv.-coy of the ' i pulnic 8.:l'V'i(3t`.' I regret that, from circum- szanc-.a l-eyuund our control, the arbitration nqniietl under the Constitutional Act for the division anal adjustment nf the debt and usetshetween thin Provinc-1 and that of Ontario has not yet taken piece. The un- certainty hence resulting as to our permanent resources unhappily involves delay in the d( nite be`-lienicnl. of same important mat- tersdcpcndent necessarily on the accruin- ed state of our nances. The position in which the Province thus nds itself requires nt our hands the utmost prudence and wise economy, but you will not hesitate, I trust, while providing for the reuonablejvunta of the variuus branches of the public ser- vice, to arlnpt a vigorous policy for the net- lic he country, and the develop- mentfof its material resources. Vote: will he naked from you with this view. i Honourable Gentlemen of the Legislative Council : Gentlemen of 51 LagioIatt'u`A:- nArn"Jn ' \/VUIOKII umbly .' L I -An dtfl. _ ; the Swiu Fedrrnl Council to nndotulu tho Ir Fell, an Ell|1ilh`Oli*Il00f, our the Al?` 79" ' t agnunlan of inunot of 9'9 ""-"Q? . animals: the ob; of -_IhIl Drug?-ogifhgg. . ~::..':.?.'=:..`::.2:.: :1"*.....' J.".:`:...,..a.; J...a,u.,A DI IOUIII GIUVUII I ll Goumd, :8 iron t ' Elan Io dgllluu thsl. you Inn no men: In luu; ...,._----`~ I Pun in Boots" Add Turko " pirit along with L U! r _Sov- [he Terrible. '5; ' ' _ 4 "r' d``'` ' I); `Vaughan, the respected vicar of Don- cum. bucnme forward -8 8 vow-rr W"' ` PIANO roam. rmnn wm; r you mhcd 1 neon to the benets, in u pecuniary point of view, which in that tdwn at least have foi- `Q, "il. _ I to 'n ' loved the uboT`lti on oFcompnlso'ry Church- ` _ W - '- A 1-gs, One of the arguments niways n.d- J 1-.,e1:dof;,3:._amc3::. *0 mm ` 8' P y. I pray unrest- uce ble 30:: qnced by the urpponera of the obnoxious . "3 "ta. guy, that, If the legal power of en- Tuesday, Via: A ' " forcing them were removed, no Dissenter _ `akkulymng gov contribute gnything Exooileit hula names l"" f" 1` `9:`;:z like the unounv. which the law exacted. ` ?::`:`:f (32:13: %`i;li "-.s:f`h';H1j;'-Ni: m 7:3` on:ri'a iI1.,-ima 5*` 9"-"'-`h'-'""" W q"' '" `"5 K`nev.'..,I1a4;3o-piau:';spoonunn'ro:i:. av. Id six inferior oi- gmeedbd in amount: the compnieory rate, . _ . V pd Dr Van . '2'-. `=9--t-wk-s he ?:rrI.'.'}....""{.7.:."; ._w"""..m..a.,'. : parishioners on this fact, ndrieti that bl! .rmu,&hg `Q ml oonmql e!P"i"' "` ""t h` D';"::`V'b: 3eud IIIPII-Ienno0 I.tII.d fauiodlwu were on w o a mos - - . A " to contribuIe."U. he uid,i|`3:':"|,_""l"'";""F"""""" Sale 10 deloek. ' .. . M J.~J. l_.INT01l,- 4 - Annual January 36th. nan. ~,::..i.~ 'to nniluule the ' I {Eli -0 " 7 the `Church tried to live in peece and hat- ""_3{?h;.?'$`fh8`,_- 3 wizh.aiaamars'ne'udp.iahing to .m {wrath _ "3 3, jegr, but would nd from thegn generous, 1r;..n.-...:u; mm. -n,.d 9hr;-4,-.-vrvezh .5 5 '. 7 ,' churchmen, alten reluled DEATH 01` A JUDGE FROH.OUT3LGEa g IN CHICAGO. V I The bu sud tho public nan! M A 1-1 I [0 lnvo been tbuown igo mu3f?x$i`t'e`-V.` i Ineht in cnnlacmnnca uf 1h. .1..oI -4` L x ` --_--....... bar And :11: ublio : I-I lento tbnpown io | COIIIQ gnu of thadugh dge : Armn Tyler, who val n-ehy " Q `, from the Police Conn of thul. city by urdr of Justice hfmlken, before whom be In: pleading, and beaten by the olcers of the court so uveroly thnt he died in polar quencc. A _` 4 ` l .`lnAr-.- '`l`-1--- -- ' ` { `uvut. Judge Tyler was an old and much-how nured member of the Chicago bar, and` the assault upon him was caused by his! alleged refusal to sit down when he wn ordered to do so by the Court. It turns out, however, that there do chair in which he could nit down, nnd because he did not perform lhenfore this impossibility, he was perempmrily ned. Nnmrully enough, he was exnperuiegl at shit; but he contented himself by shying aloud, I can pay my ne, and I will pnv ;. Q] 7I'\I.:, E - ` ' ,_. .---u no UIIU ltililnny H In! present. Whether the . dn-rnuuul lhn -......I.. ..- _ -- I u--u rvlrucut. VV HCLUCT `I10 Qcrnmml the words ur not, onleh-Ll him to be put \\'lrLCh (`IE Cllinncvn ho- . ...c umungu our declares tn; be in in-ell` an illegal act. The oicera pounced with haste and violence ipun" the venaruble Judge, seized him by` the arms and collar, and dragged him along the dirty oor of the room, Ind belt nod und- ed him before the very eyes of the ustice. lmlocti, it is proved thus the largest uf the policemen held him by the left. hand about the neck nnd with his right reached uvcrl and struck him in [hit funnel 'l`|~n ------ unu-nI:u mm ID D6 `which the Chicago `in hnall` un il|.....l ...y I.d\\. nuu Hull him in nnbun... ....-- -L * ' rlhz ..........a au_,a tum. "auogc Iyler seemed ru lbetqying to keep them off, but wu nut. ghuug." The witness thought when they got. mm on the stairs that their object was to thruw him down head fommoat. and thnt 111- would certainly have fallen if he had no: caught lpuld _nl' the rail. They nnlly dragged him into I fclun a cell, and left him there exhausted nncl covered with Llomi ,_ _..... n.-u uua Ilsllb ICUUIICU Uvcr the face!" The same wntuess says that "Judge Tyler seemed I be trvin` [0 lane Thorn an L... ...-- -4 '|0(\(i. v-.._ I`lUl'll. ` Tue Police Juxrice bad to Ieieue him It ` last, and was terried no doubt, as well as he might be, at the consequence of his ac- tion. \Ve are u1n:I In ha ..m.. fr; -A.| .1...- .n. u.-i_.--- ur, nu. suu cpusequgsnce 0| IIIO I0 We are glad to be able to udd that the policemen were grreuted at sheinstance of the bar, and will be tried for manslaught- er. We hope that Juntice Millikan will al- at be included in the indictment, for no- thing short of thin ought to satisfy th pub- lic, w.l.o~`c mural sense has been ouaged by this unheard-uf proceeding. ` l A correspondent of the Milwaukec Sen- tinehwriung fmm Montreal, sn.y's:---This may be said to be the home of out-door sports on me continent. In summer they have crickc-t, lacrosse, font ball, lwuse bull, archery. Luuting, nurse racing. nml hunt- ing. The lnllyhu of its hard riders and the cry of the lmundz He limiliar sounds to its sporting population, the latter intro- duced, I dare say, by the English ocarl, but now sustained by the local swelia. But of the winter aporul would speak here. .. vhf. . _ _ _ _- t_.,_ ,I--.:.__4_:4I,_ There nrc four Ilutingirinkn, two gym- nuinms, tt riding school, snow shoeing and toboggarning. The snow shoe in` well known. `The clubs are organizations of young men numbering about forty or fty each. Ladies often take part in the exer- cise. This comisu of a brisk wnlk two or three time: a week over the mnnntnin to the viliagvs on the other side, 3 distance of about six miles; `and iurlecd it is 3 most in- Vigurating sport, this same snow-shoeing in the picturesque attire of the country, blanket coat with hood and sub, and mo- cassin.-, ranging over hills, fences and fields. inspiring with every breath the in- luxicltiun of health borrowed of vigorous exercise in A rich pure atmosphere. The season : sport closes with races, where prizes are given (or walking, running, and heel racing, for clumsy and all as they ap- pen-, an expert can easily clear a fnu:- foot fence. n,,. ,1.` ._._. _-_. _..--n._.-- -.r n..`_:_..._l But the sport par excellence of thegwinter 15 tnbogganning. The toboggan is Iiothing more than two thin boards (not hicker lhun birch bark), and in the shape of a cre- scent. Along the sides run slate, and these Rh! crossed by others all securely bound, smooth :5 glass. The manufacture 1 of tobogganl, of wow shoes, and moccasins gives protable occupation to due Indinns of the village of old Lorelle below Quebec. 3 sorry nation of the once powerful nation of the Hurons. The opprt is simply slid- .__ ._ .... :. :- I._..-n In Now 1i'.nrrInnrI ,5` coasting. 0` [H9 IIUTUHB. .l.llC IPUIL In BIIIJPIJ anu- ing, or, as it. in known in New England, l` " The toboggsn is brought to the nearest hill, and the occupant are usually one or two ladies who sit in front, with :1 gentleman behind to steer, which is done by the font in the usual way, or with the lmn-la pron-ctr-ul by hmavy leather mit- tens. When '5 ruling, the motion is at rst slow, but gaining impetus as is deacends, it. attains at his; a fearful sJ>eed, fully equal to railway train. The in and roar of the descent, the keen wind and fine snow, with the guardianship of your angel compan- ions, are productive of the moat glorious excitement, The slope; of _the nountnln aufil ne opportunities for the practice of thin spurt, pad ,it is not unusual to see scores of these little machines with Ihcir joyhus occnpsnts thundering down hill at A'il'|l\Q a It is said the! one of the rs!` neultiof the re- form al the Admiralty will he the of thirty clerk: end writers whose secfvigee are ` found to be eupernool. - ,._u_ 4-_-... 1I'-.%.:nn0nn ant:--Dig. `OUDC `[0 DO Iulfrluuvviu A despetch from Washington asyn:-Dis- trict Attorney Courtney having written to At- . torney-General Evert: for instruction: 1-egpect. ing Lientenent Ermine, the ex-Gonfederste naval ccer, who captured the steamer Chesapeake, t who he! been in prison nearly two years. up Evert: decided to-day to'reco_mtnend his releua, an entitled to pardon under the nnmeety pro- clnmition. ' ` ` ` ` ~- -1` _.3`_,.-a.:..{_.. WINTER sponrs IN CANADEA. I;I-lIl_nnv-v yuan This is the golden age of advertising. London papers ssy that the Christmas pan- tomimea and hurlesques are full or puffs. At Drury Lane a well known firm of haver- dashers hsve s scene to themselves for the exhibition of their Christmss goodswhile Oo- vent Garden introduces a. similar display on behalf of a rival estsbliahlnent. At the Poly- technic, s so-called scientic lecture is de- voted to the 31 : `rostion of en enterprising wstchmaker. Among other novelties of ad- vertising, the sttrsctiontf the Simth Ken- sington Museum In: proclsimeyl b{`_advenise- ment in the tlfbstricsl eolumrrof he Times | -u-_.. _hh Puss in sifii Turkoi '3 .- 5-" my my and 1 pnv rum 1' we "mY f 3 lawyer wh'o F"'l'Bcnt.. Whether Hm _Iu.m-.. '...;..... ,. <.- V---Fun nun} I06 I E ot:'t{u;ed Lcnn pay a in xestimonv nf n lawn. 1:-Inn ruin UUL Ul ` bar declares puri by l['.g1ll!{il IiI`h minus 0!... -u an u-uv_y_rr WHO '; [3 Justice misun- _he immediately , out of C)lut,'g I rm... ._u'=--_z ,- -.._---- -v-n naunv nu!-IVV. The movement for the highest education of ` women is active in Scotland. Lent winter Pro- ' fessor lesson delivered 3 course of lectures in ! Edinburgh, on English Literature, to ladies,` t Q whose ages ranged from about 22 to 35. Out of I ` a clue of 265, there were 94 who obtsinad cer- a tioutoe for written eslsyl and answers at an 3 examination. A aimilnr course we: delivered st . Glasgow fifrd this year three courses, of forty _ t lectures each, are going on in Edinburgh-one ' 3 by Professofllueon on English Literature ; nu- , other by Professor Fraser, on Logic and Ientnl Philosophy ; and the third on Experimental Phy- sics, by Professor Tait. From such cnltiution s harvest. of heppygesultn may be reuonubly au- ticipsted. _ I .-- --- -- -u-nvucnn nun u.IyuwnI|'O." The Wellington Evening Pout of the 15:]: [int the following: "Infurmnxion.of I crodiblo nature I'll! reached lhn onvnrnmnnrnhno oh. ....-;I..-1 a. We tum from the journal: of Hans that in i u Oonfol-once noently hold in 1hstcity,ls- i done Olympd Ludouud decluod herself to be ; snythlng but an admirer of the Atnerlcun, web I u nbd bu! teen him during her recent vim to T thln country. The American: smoke, the uld, ; they chew, they spit, they put thelr feet on mnntalpiecou nnd tsbleng and if they cnl|1ham- domoonta, the word bu on their lips precllely the mm as srhtoont bu aloe hire." `Mu \I1-n:-_--_ ILAHL -- '- luv muuwmg: "I.nrurInnnon.of crodiblo ruched the governmannhnt tho cannibal, : '1`itokomuu,oxoooding in villuny anything ya: heard in New Zulnnd ulnoo the very rn day: of in colonization, hn forwarded to the inland tribe! of this island Ion.-no pound meat, and: of the esh of our poor fellow-conntrymei: who fall. in the Isle dinner at the In-out.` The purport of this horribla practioa, it is scarcely necuesry to remark, In to iname, the ferocity of the naive: Of IntPl'i0I' fPnl I`l'InIlI Oh: -nnnnrl-ml `unnat- u-u.-rn, u no mnune, me ferocity of the the lntnrlor. from whom the ucoundrel expect: nuiauncn. Some nmnll kegl of lhii hortiblo food hue found their way. it in |ta1ed,to the I Wiklo dlltrim. and had hnon on-n -rnnn -- ........ ...u= Iuunu men In}. II II stated, to the dim-icr, and hnd been nan among the tribes located near Lake Tuupo`. Th- -an-...._.... r__ .L_ L! L, A - - - NEW womg_9u oirrucs. . rlwun ELEMENTS or GEOIIETBIOAL 09. "l`lr!.~l R-N III n......:'. . u - A_.___, __.. nulnvl OK I359-m'l'lUAI; UP. _ T103. B] N. l`. Dupuia, A.M., Auronomi. cal Oblervgr to Queen's College Price $1 (free by maul). Jun published, and for gels by IIIIILI III )-tl\Iw-nan-may TOWN LOTS, TY;-uriurru 1-r J;_LIN'l`ON bu received inltrnctione to sell, . on WEDNESDAY, 311! February, imme- diately after ihe sale of Ordnance Lands. 5'! LUTS. situated on Union, Perks} llcDon.id, Beverly, Dnndas, Scan, and Centre tzeetamhich will braolg on the premises nccordipg to Plan, which may be seen on application lo the Sub-_ av:-iber. II`! _ _ _ . _ - __ I!I._,_I T0-N_n_(_3rHT, S1`. GEORG ms HA/LL. \ on mun. JF;-.1-y 22, 1869. ycnunm moucsari