I \JI`l'I I = 'l"ll-\II\ ! `Restored 10 its original Youthful Colour by` 1-H! lll, ` VIII Alvnunuv vs; 5-`. 1.....- .__- _.-, - 7 h R P. BALL 8: Co., Nashua, N.H., Proprietors. an-lanlcan novels. | BOSTON, miss, The largest. first-clan Hotel in New England, l offers to Tourists, Families, and the Travelling ] Public, accommodations and convenience: Inpe- ' riofto any other Hotel in the ity. During the E past nealon addition: have been made at nume- ` rous faults of apartments, with bathing rooms, water closets, &c., attached ; one of Tun : mag- nicenupaesenger elevators, the best ever con- structed, conveys guests to the upper storey of I the house in one minute; the entries have been 5 newly and richly carpeted, and the entire home thoroughly replenished and furnished. making it. in. all its appointments, equal to any hotel in the country. I Telegraph Olce, Billiard Rooms, and Cafe on ' the country. on the fitn-oor. LEWIS RICE & SON, Augun 8. Proprmm-1. - , Mn WInuIow | Soothing syrup. Rev, Sylunursohb then write: in the Boston Christian Freeman: We would by no means re- commend nny kind of medicine which we did not know tube good-purticulnrly for infants. But of In Winslow : `Soothing Syrup we been Ipenlt from knowledge ; in our own family it has provd a blessing indeed, by giving an infant troubled with colic pain: quiet sleep, sud its parent: unbroken rest at night. last pereute cnmapprecinte these bleuingn. Here is an article which wot-lu to perfection, I.l:Id"bi0h\il~ bunn- leu ; for the sleep whielut nondlthczinunt ls perfectly natural, nnd the_littIe cherub awaken nl bright as I button." And during the procel of teething its value in inunleulnble. We have frequently heard mother: any they would not tie without it from the birth of the clild till it had ninhed with the teething siege, on any collide!- ntion whatever. Sold by all druggistl. 25 cents n bottle. Be cure nntlcnll for -- -m-___.. A.--II|` II ID II D'lI\4llIll- -II.--- """"Y' Our Treatino on the Hair sent free`b! ` gr \1` f ! 'I)-,--- .. -: vwm `-,w>..uv-~- 4 mm many: um]. w" 4-`E ` ; pwli EVE uueteu. I9 lul: yuan. It is i spendla uni:-nresstnzl? rx ,_ n\_-_.2-_ -- .L.. I1_:- up-at 79.511! 11. Be nndcsll tor nln WInIl6w I Sooqlnng S1l"|Ps : huin tbgfao-Iiplikof !!Oq.I1.iI Is P-rm` v -_ .|__ -_..:A; _......_.. All ntn III M i-` ;' 50,000,` tln-c-eui`:`: of E `.':" I pension of 150 for life _ the Church of Scnt- I W home. aftr spending ! " year: in that country. ~ '5! . and ilpiblinhod six . `r. onhym mm timu 1 `id to by n mmrul ex- Inn --- --A at anI;:>y-n]1'cir'ggi:!I. 7 It I certain indication of Ihcny at the Roots. BEAUTIFUL HAIR, kmrunlrs cnowx`. >YoI lust Cultivate it. KINGSTON. (CANADA). B_I-own : Bronchial Troollos. "I have never changed my mind respecting them from Ibo tint, expecting to mink yet better of that which I began thinking wall of. RIV. HIIBY Wnn Buonn. "For Throat Troubles they no a Ipeic." N. P. WILLIS. 1-nnn1.:.. .-... -..:..._ ._ .__.- urn: nn f. IN aow _ nscv. nu. ll. LIIIAPIN. "Ioal. salutary ret!" in Pronchitis. Rev. S. Sxmnunn, Llorriamwn, Ohio. "Very benecial when suffering from Golds. Rev. B J. P. AxnInsoI,St. Louis. Almost instant reliefi the disu-easing labour ` of breathing pecu'|iar_1o ulhma." -_ Rev. A. C. Euousron, New York. They have suiled my case exaclly-re1ieviug my uh:-o.u so that I could sing with ease. T. Ducnnngrl, Chorisler French Parish Church, Montreal. As there are imitations, be lure to obtain the I ........'..- genxaine. Philongplly of Marriage. A new Court/o of Lectures, no delivered at the New York Museum of Anatomy embracing the subjects:-HouL)o' live and what to live for; Youth, Maturity, nnd old Age; Manhood gener- , ally reviewed ; The cause of indigestion , Fistu- lunce "Ea Nervous Dineuen accounted for-, Mur- , tinge philooophically considered, &o.,hc. Pocket volumes containing these Lecturoo, will be for- warded postepnid, on receipt of 25 oentn, by ad- ldressin; "SECRETARY, New York Museum oi Anatomy and Science, 618 Broadway, New lYork." I Tho only unquestionable nn. nboolule remedy for . Nervousnesa, Dehilily, {ad Restoration lo ' Manhood. The medicine, tallen for four weeks. ! ; cures as certain as water quetgches thirst. Sold 3 1 inBol1les at $3'(in gold), or fnr times the qunn-l ` lily for $9. To be bad frotnttbe Agent, l l II! n A V l'.l-I l i Dr. Colby s P7illYs i`t:ii[;;.Tr`I._'l`one and Vigorl to the Degisve Organs. Beautiful, Soft, Strong Hair is given to; I all who use Hunts Hair Gloss. . v__.|._n n\._..___.:- I :---:.I`r.._ `l)-:.. :.. STILL ON BAND, a few copies of the Christ- `. mas Number London News, with coloured Plate, L 2 40 cents; Punch : Alumnae, 10 cents; Sun-kc : i Montreal Almanac, - 15 cents`, Year Beck of `Canada, 12; cents; Diogenes, latest issue, en-E I lurged and imprond, 5 cvms. -, ` -._ -.-- nu-1`-I nxsnnunnslv T 11. r. vnnus. "Oonuin no opium or nnything`1n_)urioua." Dr A. A. HAITI, Chemist, Boston. '-Au elegnnt combination for gongha." Dr G. F. Btognow, Boston. I recommend their use to Publictpeakera. Rev. E. H. UIIAPIH. [Ill vvuu um: Lluuua Llll uauaa` Jacobs` Rheumatic Liquid for Pnin in Althea Side. l s JUST RECEIVED. Reulprice 25 cemsgi Booksellers, Country Merchants, and Teach- . l E-rs supplied Will} them in liberal Discounts. | ' i " `fl-IE REW7" T SPELLING BQ0..K- 1 G U N N S gnlsnnv CONDl'lEl0N rowmms ma` uonsass AND onus. 5 1 Ind lung-continued experiment, an-e" pm-i pared with the almost one from the very best ; material, and are guaranteed vastly superior to ' anything known. mu... av-A nm-p. safe. and harmless; remove, `I `nu-an run pun... nut: ...\. .......-. .. ...._.__ l anything Known. They are pure, safe, harmless; remove` all unhenlthy obstructions, cleanse the syItetn,_l restoring the appetite, health, and renewed ani- mation to the whole body, And give a bright glossy appearance to the coat. In order to prove their superiority to all other powders in use, all that is asked is Lfnir smd impartial trial. Let each other of 3 horse ` then test the qualities of these powders , and act upon his convictions of their usefulness. ' Prepared and sold only by HEATH & GUNN, "\-nnn:nII Aug4. I):-R 6I?:Iii\ZtA 15Ef1I3`1) FLOWERS __ .._.. . .mn nntnnnn _ Jan 5. CASE of HANGING BASKETS and BOU- QUETS of these heautilul and nppropfune Ohrinunu Ornaments jun urrived and for sale I) E. PRl_ER, - I |`HESE POWDERS are the result of gclunl` -_._.a I __ ....-uinun nvnnl-ilnnnf r HIE-' uvvu - y _ .__ __ ._ _______; _~.__ .____ I} IV It} It I I-`BONTENAC an xnm s-run-r wzsvr, xmusr: * .` W. GEO. W. GBEIGIITON. BREWER prr THE 33:51` PALE ALE AND PORTER m wmsrmw CANADA. ~-- .,- n-1,. 1:1 (Authorized by the -Counc; of-Public Instruction for Ontario), Jan. 6. LEZgES-Forma of Leases and c descriptions of Law Printing he a Daily News Office. 1! stock at. th f printing dnne to order. description 0 nvmrtsnunxrs for the mm I intended to appeu the mine eve Ihonld he sent in mi an eu-iy an `hour in tt -- -nnn(I'-IQ __._._.__._._.._.__,__\ TEAM PRINTING HOUSE, Princess Street, Kingston. Printing of all { kinda as the Dun Rn-.ws S'rm.ux_.Pnm'nxa 11-..... Dec. 9. [ Elouan. Kings:-5:. .1 LARGE assortment of GERMAN BOU QUETS, jun. received by R. WHITE, Chemist and Druggist, 42 Princess street. EYE WATER. [Rs srsusows 21:3 WATER is for as] 5! H. PARKER, Dec. ` ` Market Bqunro. L!-LLLLI -n.Iv.--- OF BRILLANT COLOURS. .-._n- FLo\_V_1:Rs. Jmin HENDERSON. PRINCESS STREET. S--Forma other ptions kept in tha_ D3:il`y_ Ev_ery ~ - -I.-...;. on nhanf I-I. lift 1. Iullh` 38 Bond Street, Nev`: York" ,;Feb. 13. 555.13 B Llu a1;u, Druggiats, 47 Princess Sh, Kingston. I\)ll-I IUC astut- E. BAYLI:-1, nrl Qtpnnl Na- B. PARKER, llnrket Bquue. ___t_________ Nun, an evening, early the day other kinds of Jon ,2.L _....o...m.. an;-I L sale L!;__ L-..` In >. MONDAY EVENING. JANUARY 25, 1369. - [ MIJU 1" H10 |U Ullll U|.II' I|lU|IIuIUll Lg!` IU Y PREPARATION OF` COMPOUND EX- TRACT BUCHU` The component parts are BUCBU, Lola Ltu-, CUBEB8, JUNIPER BERRIESQ _ - r Bucbu in mono. Juniper Berries, by distil- lation, to form n ne gin. Unbebs extracted by displacement by liquor obtained fr. m Juni- per Beanies, containing very litlle eugnr, rt SIDE proportion of spirit, and more palatable than any now in use. The active properties} are by this mode extracted. ' nah-I an nnan-u-AI` hi npninninin lbllnhiiilkv l KILU I1] `HIE IIJUKIU CAlIiIULU - Buchu, ea prepared by Druggistuzent-rally, in ofa dark colour. It in a plant that emita its |` fragrance ; the action of e ame destroy: this i '5 (its active principle), leaving a dark and glu- ` "'_ iiuone decoction. Mine is the colour of ingre- ` _., `Giants. The Bncbu in my preparation predo- Q ? uninntee; tbe emalleut quantity of the other .' ` ingredients are added, to prevent fermentation ; 1. upon inspection it will be found not to be al Tinoiure, an made in Phaunaoopma, nor in it a f Syn-np-and therefore can be used in cases 4 where fever or inammation exieta. In this,: you have the knowledge of the ingredient; and I | the mode of preparation. 'l.`I....an.. 0|-an! vnn 1;" rattan! `I elh `rig! I `U3 IIIUC-III UI PI-'C}l.I-I.II.'II- Hoping tbs! you will favour it with n h'lul,'e and that upon inspection it will meat with your approbation, n I With A feeling of condence, I am, very respectfully, | I ' I I I [F1-ot`n IE9 hrgeu Manufsoturinglhernints in the \V0l'ld.] I run acquainted with Mr H T. Helmbold; ; be occupied the Drug Store opposite my nai- :dence, and was snece~s-.1`ul in conducting the business where others had not been rquaslly no 1 hiafore him. I have h -+-n fqvonrnbly irnpreased `,1 ~. with his character r.:. i ruterprile. ` I . Chemist nnd liruggiat of 16 years experience % I in Phil-uielphin, and now locntedu his Drug F i and Chemical Warehouse, 694 Broadway, , 5 New York. - * 1 . . . I ' , For weakness arising from Indnacretmn. The 5 exhausted pgwers of nunre which are (cooln- ! pnnied tiv so many nlnunmg symptoms, ampnk I which will ba Io=-._-ad Inzdispusillon 1.0 Exemou, 1 Lose of Memoi-y,'Wakefulnea5, Horn): n Dn- -` sense, or Forebodings of Evil ; in fact, Univer- I cal La.as'm1'le, Prostranon. and inability to En- ) ter imo Ihs. rnipyment ofaociety. I m|._ rV.-....n'..uinn nnpngifnoln IIHII (II-anne T0 PHY-bfCIAN.S. QFH-m of Powers 5; \\".-iabtman, Manufacturing` , Chemists, Nmm nun 3rownSLre1-ts,LPhilu.- delphia. LLOW me to call your attention tp why A PREPARATION OF` nrmpnnnn RY- 18? IDIO `D9. l"lT}'PjlIl!'lJlB UI BuI;IcI._y. . The Constitution, once a'gc.I.ed with Organic Weakness, requires the aid of Medicine to strengthen and invigarue tho system, which HELMBOLDVS FLUID EXTRACT BUOHU, inurisbly does If no trentment is submitted to, Uonaumption or Insnnity annual. '|HELHBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT BUCEU In jlfecaions pqculinr to Fennlu, is unequalled by_nny other prepnration, at in Uhlorolil. or Rotention, Pninfulneu, or Suppression of Gun- Invn-.I-Ir W'.vaD`1AI`nl'Il_ Ulaltd of Schirrotll Retention, rannmlueu, or auppruuun ul vur tomnry Evacntionu, Uloernted Suite of the Uterus, and 311 colnplniul-S incident to the sex, wbethe; arising from habits of dini- pntiou, imprudenca in,or the decline or cbuge of life. LILY Ni HELMBOLDE FLUID-EX'l`RAOT BUOHU AND IMPROVED ROBE WASH will radically extorminug from the oyuem dineuu arising from habit! of dilalpntion, at little expense, little or no chsnge In diet, no inoonnnienca or exposure; completely unper- Ieding those nnplounnt sud Inge:-on re- tnedlu, Oopain and In-euy,..-.ln Ill than diaasul. 71.. `II-Lu-n1 n : Fnrun BQIIDAOQ BIOHU II diaeuen. Uee Eu.n3oLn I Fwm Bx-nuor ' all diseases of these on-gene, whether exieting in male or female, from whetever cause ori- ginnng} and no matter of how fongetending. It. In pleugnt in tease Ind odour, immediate in pencil, ind more lfrengthening than may of xho reputation: at Bu-keor Iron. -1- ... ...4rm-Inn fmm lsmken-dawn or delicate reparation: or bar: or 1:01;. 1` oce_su'erlng from broken-down constitution, procure thb remedy 1! once. -1-... ....I..- gun: be sung bu. howonr oonltitlinoll, prouurc we runuuy -1. lunac- Tho reader must be aware that. slight-any be the attack oh.-he above disauel, it is can-tun ta neci hobodily hodth and ._..._ I `I nguu MODE or PREPARATION. mental pvml. All the shove dineuol require the aid of 1 Diuretic; - FlILllBOLD'S EXTRACT BUOHU in the grant Diuretic.` ~ . 9.1.1 In .11 D:-nnnint: tteryvheire. P:-in `II II Iilusunu my mental pmrl.` A ll u nhnv ii the grant umreuc. Sold by all Drngginta $1.26 per bottle, f0l.'~ in bottles for 36,50. Dc- livemd many nddreu. Doloxilo mnympuuu in All oonnllllostioul. 1 Address H. T. HILHBDLD, Drug and Glu- Inicul Warehouse, 504: Bmnniiny, H.Y. ; ' _ tn.-- -.. ......:... ant... Anna unii I100]- Warehouse, 590 nality. 5.1- 1 None no genuine IIl_hlI 4009 Pi? `ml engraved VII-P1101`: `UNI ' ' "7 nlunninnl Wu-nhnnnn- l..nd.lllld- |'4 31.1.9111 engruea Vlflppir, .wuu tsp-u,u-.-N v- .-` Chemical Wnyuhonu, nndnigndu HELHBOLD 8 EXTRACT BUCHU . New York Augult 15th, 1867. WILL? \ .\I WEIGHTMLN, H 'r.A BELMBOLD, .....4--o-r" , d ? `I11 Insruuurn nnsnung ; u"_- `puuwsu. mm ,_,__ __w___ T: 1-. nnnnom. - Bi` ' '3nt1- Single 0: , - `T Shy Gardnerwtionzln le- C , behdd ne.` TIIOIII- -loo `Advertisement. 9 ' "g{...,\ _ ` ` BALT|M()_.I_}'_`E __ A f_w more boxes (of those cheap FIGS, best and cheap:-5L in the city, only 20 cents for nearly ' 2 lbs. l nl n,.. nnnnulcl 1'..- oz ........- `\ Packets, L cls. `L---" 1`EN REASONS/Qrhy it should be used in . {frefcrence to all othora- F _ Est-Bread or Cakes made with it are MORE ! 1 WHULESOME than if made with yenc. or any { Ofhft process. 4 I -...a_n. Dnnr1'v in anal` that it will nmnd - 1: E! I I -FINNAN A1IADIJ113's In l`lh. U'.IJF[ pI'0C('i!. Y ' 2n:l--[ls PURITY is such that it will amnd : the (en of lhe most perfect analysis. ` I u._I_Afa.-' h-ring honn -oItonIivl>l' nu-d Inl- [HE IEII Ul IIJU IHUII |R'F|C|- HUGIJIIB. 3rd-After' having been extensively used for LI ` the Int 14 years, in N01` ONE instance has it 5 [failed to give ENTIRE SATISFACTION. ` i . All-.__l`.m':Iipn Ih:|t have used it nronouuca it. Jan. 8,1869. luuueu lu BIYU nu Iluuu um nnur nugnu.-. l 4th--l*`am';lies man have used it pronounce THE BEST, and will use no other. 2 | r..I._h nnntnin: nn !~1AI.ERA.'l`{'TQ, nn nan "_ :' ` V "_ " _ _ 7 7 T | i U51` received and for tale at the CITY BUCK | STORE. Price 25 cents. | ' rncnr nnu'It1tl'1`l\!d I 5m-n contaim no SALERATUS, no done it 2 3 nmpajr the digr-stive organs like those powders `where SODA or an excess of ALKALI yrcdo-', `run Dual, auu win use uu utuu. minutes. - nu. ls _.._.._ ..:...... 5.. D_....A A- (Val.-.a~. urn nu. x I.LIIUIlnUI- _ 6th--It never gives to Bread or Cakes an un- fplenuut ALKALINE or MAWKISH taB.e 7tI1._.Thninn'rRdienIR lhnmform its cnmnosition lellllut qulxnulkiu ul Aullvv l\|.vq|..| -nun. i 7th-'I`be ingredients lhrwform its composition are more BENEFICIAL than otherwise. 15.1.. n_......_.:.. ....L:..,.o.. ..-.. .,..; D111` 11...! i IRIS. 3; lbs. PRU NES fur 25 cems. -- ~ '12lba. CURRAN 1`Stor $1. New RAISINS, no cents per lb. SPANISH UNIONS, 5- cents per lb. F. S. REES, H... (1 Dv-innnnu R are more DnnA.Vnl.'1|.unu Luau uuuuvnac. 8\h--Dyspeptic subjects can eat HOT Bread or Roll: made with it, and derive BENEFI I` by it: no.- rnl. I|-.._.. nnnbnh Anni-Inn ha l>n'Il -ninhf III DIG.` I 9th-Every packet contains in full weight, One pound packets weigh SIX rum OUNGES. 3 l0th-It in all tint is represented to be, vi1..:: *` Uqnvalled for Purity and Chea.pneaa. | n-noun I 1`I\ u A\lI`II A r'|-l E i. V `HE Subscriber begs to inform his nmnerou ` cuuaomers and trim is tint he has removed : E from his old Stsud, Princess Sweet, to Mr Boy : I , Buildings, No. 24 Brock Sueet, directly opposite ' M: Rummage, watchmaker, where he is prepared with no entire new Stock of Broad Cloths, : Pilot ani Beaver, -Osssimerea, Doeskina, Can-j ndian, English, and Scotch Tweeds,-to make up % l to order_ on the shortest notice, and in the most 1 B | New and Fuhionablo Styles. ` Ill ... a`nr\ nu hand" maa nn nnrlar hi: nwni Dec. 9. Fi!ii.'u~s name rownrnlzhf nus: Maw sPELL1NiiTBo:K for new anu I :`.\l]|nIJI!.UlI olyrlcu. . Hagslso on hand; made up under his own] ouperimendence, a. large quantity of Ready-made 5 Clothing, which he can warrant and recommend, at prices as low}: can be found in any eslublish- 5 ment in the city. ' Cull and examine before purchasing. C HAS. LIVINGSTON. ru,.,L_; n unnn V FEW Gmwrnsmlgm can be accommodated` with Board and Lodging in 3 Private Family. Location, Barrie Street. Apply for ad-I dress at the Daily News oice. Qanl `)1 ` l TAIWBING AHB CLOTHING `ES'[`A.BLISHMEN I`. f ' ELLEVUE TERRACE,.front-ing on Centre Street, formerly occupied by Mr William Ferguson. ` V ` Possession immediately. A nnlur On D M Dec. 18. Sf EOIAL AND` lMP0liTANT NOTICE` TO CASH CUSTOMEl{S. |JAM1.i3: E; PRIVATE EQARDING, (J +L.AVu.-LIL!` .-u.--. 3, _- Boiler In Boots and shoes. No. 835" Princess .Stl`eet, Kingston. . ESIRES moat. 1-sp_ect.fu1|y to thank his nu- , M morons Customers for. a liberal patromgo extending over -FIFTEEN YEARS. . In nlnlinn hi: An:-nnnln for the Dllt ten IO exllldlllg over I.` ll Lnnon 1 Linux). Ingeloling his accounts for the put you the ndvertiur has determined to abandon the Credit system altogether, and haiishu his Ouuomerl. to undentnnd this ndnonnoement in the most positive nenu. Determined not to be outdone in the price or quality ofyhll Block, he in pre- pared to sell BOOTS and SHOES ot unrivalled , msnufnclnro at the lowest romunuuivo prion on strictly cub term. m....m nnnnnnll man he lnttlad immodintv : October 8, 1888. 1 _- A I:"l_-A' ICE: BI: tut: Sept. 21. Imcuy Gun menu. ` Unpaid account: mun he settled ly, otherwise they will be put in suit. -a- vnu mu-name of Cash Ouammari no- I], OIIIOIWIEG may Ilu. III: yum nu mun. f` The patronage oi Duh Ounmmm licited. JAMES HQPE. Kiuguon, 22nd January, 1868. \fngston lllarble Works` Hny 12. GENERML STONE van 0,` BARBIE sfBi*.E'r, 875 WNVou-e-Dame Street, - MONTREAL. J. GARDNER, Chemist, Sole Proprietor and Mnnufa cmrvr. .1` ID --v-._-__. ..-_-___ RECEIVED DAILY Ar VF. S. REES`. PRINCESS ST. AI`. 20, 1868 [ARBLE :uAx'rnLP1Ecns, lli>nu1nentI`- -1`-..-1.-w u-nuninl and dminm Handutonel nu-o'r urn IANUFACTOBY-- M ar `Ccrnrt House. T() IjETT 6 JD CUIIII. `JOHN OREIGHTON King Straet. `AND I.uuu_y. Apply to R. M. ROSE, Oicial Aasignee. \\ 6 I'aL-kets `_ LL12 12:3 l5rincess St 31,25. I \;-I44. L 4;`; \/.11-./ l And Suitable for all ages, just. received and for sale | . u rwrrnur |\1\r\I7.\r1'\r\r\'r1 I for rx s.s. PERUVIAN, expected in tire day T J from LONDON PUBLISHERS, will be & opened out `` I. .""" .."..3.%`?'.` f!"'.`.v | I?'.9.9.1$:._, r B I '"' W I in elegant bindings, suitable for Presents mm! | `Prizes for i ` ` |,0mlslmas and liew Year Ilolldus.i E COLOURED PICTURE BOOKS, mpltbezn-1 . aifnl ..| . i . itlfull 3|, 5 Uiizxles, Church So.-r:i::e`a, 'Prayer Books, Psalm 5 and Hymn Books, Albums, and as great variety 3 [of Fancy Articles, auitnble for Ghrisunns and` New Year Presents. . `- I __ u-_ `.. ARMERS and Trustees of Churches, ltevnro 3 of ignorant: dealers in Melodeonu and I U1-guns. as poor worthless instruments are gene : : mlly to be found there that cannot. be sold to any,[ L practical Musician. 7 I V r ` ; K um aammm 0RG.tN II,_ ,n _.,,-`,x , i IIJIJ :un:nLv-.u.- v-nu.-4. ` is Ibo. be: '11 Ihe Dominion. Mnnnfaclnrd by - J. REY3E..., .1. g-uruinte for ve year! given '- with each instrument, and sold at prices Lo-defy ~ competition. unmnmamsm from 30 nnwnrdl- p.:."..::-._::;..;q ` NSTRUMENTS taken in exchnnge. "funerli sent to all parts of the county at reason ! able rates, "If l | From J. REYNIITS ; Music Store, _ ` Marble Block, I n-- 1 I . D`:-innnna_I1 GIFT 1i00Ks. I new Uttuaua, " anon ' `: These instruments are voiced and tuned by J . Reyuer himself. 35 years experience iu'1each- ing Church Choirs, he , give him the advantage of knowing the kind of tone molt suilnbie for . the voice. , ,, I n..-.....II.--.I `D! A wna fnnvh mn and unwind: Dec. 12 iaonk m_ 312 sAsnN.! Dec. 11. VHNIDIAIAD LIIJBIIJI.Ill Ll\JLVlI\JLI uvvgua; L Belgrnvia Annual - Beoton s Ghriggmnn Annual . . 2 Good Cheer ' - ` Hannnya Almanac \ Routledgea Christmas Annual ' Bow Bella Almanac Good Words for the Young. 1370. 2 L Gode_y'a"Book for January, 1869 1 Sunday Magazine and Good Words for Do- i cember - _ '| Sabbnth School Messenger for 1868, in board: 5 Roulledgnfs Every Boy's Annual Of! Land : Eud-Chris1.Inas Story-Book Seekers after God (Sunday Library` aoriea) Gentle Life--second series . _ V Trench : Household; Bookzof English "Poetry Tom Brown's School Days, blue cloth gilt ho. kc. &c. ~ ~: - _ __-..- ----q.q-`--nun.-at 1 Dnlpllllll. IIELODEONS, from $30 upwsrdl. New URGANS, 865 l'I'|t....-... huumunnnia urn uni:-or! and ` 1THEYi:AmgB0`0E\ DB VOICE. 1 Secondhand PIANOS from $40 and upwards,- At REYNERB. ;i.si'i}1."'& iii CFEY 1dc3Ks"T61ii;.' LBOK our :___LooK `nun panxswmxs NUMBER L01~m'o"sc5'c1E'rY n.|_-....... I .....-...'l ' 0 King tiujeet. , 'JOE`N OREIGHIDN. " Also, the CHRISTMAS NUMBER of the II- luqltratad London News. . -J 2 r. _ JOHN OREIGHTON. ~- A Dec. 11. F. '5 WERNER. ;. Auctioneer & Co:pn_1Lsl_`on-Merchant Brock St., near mo Lkrkct, iliggsgpn, Ont. f` Consignments` respectfully Jlolicted, for ` which Liberal Adunou will be made. Sales of Dry Good: on Tuudny|,_Thu1-sdcyu fund Satnrdnya at 10 u..m..;_snd at 7 o'clock A {every Evening. , l Nov. 2. S)!` A C E Y l UR Goal in Pure Lncknwuns. being mined in ' the very heart of the Lacknlnnn Valley-, Scnnton, Pituton,InHka Bu-Iwfhou IN ' best. Ioleebd mines, and is piollard wlthxcnn : care expressly for Funily us, and will be- ' `acnened and deliverogi in the but po|iib!oao__. `RULE, Large Size, 312 and $20. In fact, nu-nu-utluinrr nnnnnnlnd Qilh than I'll-I0 @1868. c 011. 1368. ANTIIBAGITE COAL YARD} omee--st. Lpwromeo `Wharf, ` Foot of Johnson Street. A Large Stock of New and elagnnt . IGTUE VIII dition. dition. Ben selected .sqn.ooaz for gnu: oonumrayf on had, also Lehlgh Lamp for Foundry I II` ._ and Bloubnrg fol: .Bl|ck_Ilnithi._ ._ , A _ Tenn: Gash. Doliveg-ed in may put of '5 ' -!;._ . . l..I_L.IL .I. In n A ; % Almanac or Canada, for I869,` UST1` RECEIVED at the`QI'l.`~Y BOOKSTORE, King Street. .CJ.Z.JtI1.`I J0 E`N0REIGH!!!}lf. V J sunny 2. RUMB, Large Size, 312 and $20. In fact, every thing connected with the Music Trade, In RE YN ER S. | cit}? sTAC14`IT` rACEY$, 80 KING STREET. .1 (;l;N ;;ENl)EilSON, PRINOIISS 81`-REET. ` and _il $1 RIVALLID TIUBI ` John Creighton. VII) I-IIVVII Princess-st. |FOR %JANI____.z_i;R-, _1869. 7 l wma {LS -;'a.{.Di.ii.; {in} 371-. n....a all lines connocting Cumin with {ho M United Sum; ~J rieo 10 cents. . * M , ~ .;.W, Received every mouths: , ._. V`? __. .vj K W _ _ __________ ___.. `JUST RECEIVED; Fine Genuine nanru clnnd Bright vu-gum 'l'obII:coI,-_ . . ` AndilnguuIortmIItof- Meerschauin and Brian` Rootr Pipel.` I T _ALso, _ FRENCH can mm. I . ,L ` l Always on hand, with TOBAGOOS'of!iILrLI~TI` grsdea and brands, both Smoking in! 0hbvh!"M~'* ;nnd Tohnccqnilt Goods in genernl,.'wbo|'plg;<-7A.\,,,` fnnd retail J . = 5. P. A -n-.. no HENnERo1vs BooKsTo1'u:;} PRLNC 3%` STREET. - `I-.. 10 than - `"" S'l`ACET7i*f; new Aun%cnsAnmmuIE;..; . an ultra srI'Ilri:u-rli . . Iva it -1: was-Jun - tw-IIu I`Cw...`; LRncmvno u:e.'a_.}T ex Bu-w susiiiih ; Peruvin_n," ' 't'*"~* ` frbm London, Bnglmid: 'm__H.INa %.~s'ruh.'I'.` Q New and choice BO0KS*und Sdperh Ilinsuwed Books; Oolbnud Piclmiz, _ Gift Books, Picmrescrap Book:-,_Pc_Iv.8aIiu,1qI_ _'l`oy Books, Coloured Engraving; .' ' 7' f 2 V gran {III-I Jan. 12, 1369. } .....,., A One of 5117 than new dud eholofbl if ` -f the London '1`:-neg Society, mu bindings: `H . . % Th! Iilll EDD! ` 4 . : 11)` `is I O.._.I-- -4. tI'..__ A- I.'a .'.}'L1":i$Z` '""5'.Z'"' Cottage: and Artiun d_o _ ` The demsntffqr New and `Oho_Ip`39ok|b." linueI,It . , V -`* " STACEY`! BOOK STORE. `_ '4 ? ".3 2 an. Irrurr circuit `:1 .:1 p - --v vvn agwuuuvuuuu RAILWIaYuUI'DE;% .L_ m2#, I-II LI. L. I`! - in ' _, K ma*mm ;sxu:m IKINGST03*{SKA1?n7<%9f!=v**;if ism `I-. A. uaeaouta-,=nom~sL1et;=i:-iiglblh I I ,V ~;m;.;;=s:3u1;'.;% J on R."D1I8:0lf;n_`I,'I!h.`_.g"`: " " DIIIEGTOBSE` ` U ,J_fL :` ' K.C.'B., 1 ' -@3i ':74 R J.Oulwr' ht,` `M _ -9 1}.` V _ H M J ohn ' C:rrn?Irs,E`1:q1-'R9'5.i, '9 -` G u. WHHn*'nnn_`AE'm;.- Jr; W 'Dec. 28, John Cnrrnfherh, E:aq,.`noi.;'n..o.' " G. ll.Wt1H1Isou,E'sqL; , _ C. 3. Ron, Ieq.. 11.1]; V@~a`1=:.; lvmm`-I nxnotmvl: " ogmnnn jxw W.R..Il' Va.I..I T J. P. Ga1u.ln3eve,`n:';g., Er. em` _ G.A.Kirkpatriek, _1r;it`.- _A ,_ M 1snm,:'rm,r=*=s TIlUlIt`"*. -*6 T -~n;Tw:an:9w,ua:m1 W } % : i2=*={ -wm-hw-J; F`x.'.-J?` mm !.~t~.v 1 1 L a ..dBE.`:., . lh rsW'l ` DOMESTIC CIGARS FIIIIII L733. IIXECFT TV? Non-Sh-reholilerl. Ia.-. . SE7-3-.39 ` r". Family smon "chats "to: :ivo--'|'J``I-"'7"- shareholders, 37 50. To Shuuholdetl, . > Single Tick$&N ._ To 4.J"t" .QhnI.hnIA}l ..L` " . ~_ . . M Wm-+~ brim sh-m:`?a3?7;`?;:;:_T;2T':.?;; p iukians. 9;. A up , ` Becratnty utthe 1 W _` W. in 4.11 TiohiI.;`nyshlo~ql1-dug`; is nhuvaurxwxn - . > n?w.%%'m K n__ 1-. M u'uhE.:-Ha "Z-t ` _ .. _ wag J` ' UBL10 anti 1! 1I"*0!iu'~.llIm;;|dt;2`3IHI-. ' oabxmcn `LANDS will c % the foowing place: in- theymvinu 2 ' 1__ .1 H. 1" st the-dun hereinafter I|nn:oIol'~ 3 At Kinuwn, 29 Lou, op W=odnpgday,alIh..aa'l;;~_ 1889,; 7 ulllu luII.4|I-llIq_._ _Uu l|+ 1` and aiuuarnle, and ghgrqt :9 n my % 1} an! plylnllu with lntnhI15n`tilk Ll ; pnrlitnlnrl `I {ll `ll. I9'.I . ` -b`. Emi`.;"::- I`-BS5 Family Soups Ticket `MRI, F0_1_I-Sh_!-=h_19"- L19-_L 0.. ._Bh9":.`9}9`_i _3me':.;wu 5 VIIIIWII Juoung nun-an -u|u' Cj"` 20th. ' ` Pmungni-bani, ad Lou, iV1mqg" ` %" ' 2421:. ` Pnrohlceu uillbe .rI|.1:uyh `anal inttqlmntq, One ln,,lyp: [Aid at: tiInoAof'|'|le. thoreuln Ilhlu ';;: .:......'"".:::' i:.':,"..'....m "- will ha. xiv... in tboloeelm-um. - 3! 01'4"! > ' I.` 1' _ n ` I . .wn. P._00i`l'IN, - ` J . 7:. .5 _ Ordnnm:LsndI A t 39 P. `"091 3""`~`7 `Wu '. I TV 4 ~ Uthwn, mu manta, ms.` = A ....1" .~ 1 : _ AYOUNG pay more for the math! xyou `I....._- LL-_ I..- _J_-_.A!_l__ _-__- I___.o * you are pursuing 5 {slow .1 w'*-5`-_ -v as Avulwv Jl.llI.II'.rl.I.ll-SI "H-pg for the - house t.h-a_n for ndnriiing Jon: can do ~businau,1etlt'b`kpo LII ` " ' ` ` RANGE cnnnrmarmszzar % . Bummomu may lie 1; gym 1343.1 Eln 3 v`liy'"*BI "` Vpronpdy. unndodru. Duties: ~ I on :12` I1-=e<=rimi9n'f.-. Orsnsv Hint` rhnud 9: the DAn.1r _ Bonn; ' m-2 `3V-vT"z`.J;.:- M **iF`>al3`B?`-~ oRnNAug_:_Ef `Jain I usquu uq Jun: |un| ,..g: ` H perivo_ thin Ibell gm M V` 9' J t_| `n_1odi|._ for sttnctfng ill! . I "this locality. _Mw_ _ H M cram c1;_;cUL.1TI)):%t.$t, u'..7 hmui Nnwn. 1I_f I}; .`cV'~f;:_e_-h;1AHN_` 4.1.35 ...v'....a. -.'.~*.v.:i . - .-_....__ __ ; .4. `.1 -.. nun u1_nyuun.La.u;\` nun, L Haws. is _full one-ht]! J. , ; _ M use of my aznee 2'1:-igy _ % % . . i|-Kiia g`imn'._ Thacircn dawn % x , esubrunedmueinty - Vigblao than an ? ~' ` 1l?: v:g`t1I nt - g:I:...j=. The Int-inatlohal ---- er` - -_.-u---w-- urn. -U uvnu, vu IIW"V`PmIw` 1889.1 Toronto, 147 Lgil, on Ihhdly, * Bmnugm Tneignu, Enungiuti,` 337' Fob. 10lh._ . I I Amhantbtirgh 41.; Ln:-Ag ' Londoli, I Intdf Isiah, hy: Pub. * M: :1 I .'.'l.' :'.:'aI`i3`.'*'e e .;::';`5::, '{'`.'5',".'3nii`32 ;;_%* Ion ma, 1'04 Lou, In-lair, nu. ma. W Pelbsnthtn. Shun Hills; L! 2011!. . NUMBER 93; $5 III II? - sq l{[1!G"_8`I` L 1:-an PRESIDENT; ,"r_>.`q,t.. ` h3mm'a Mid young girls. I . W30Inoduty.' It was no ' - h~.l"` i 80$ her to send me! Row, M.---, wnhous 3`. I ~ 19! Imam u- `! `Ln |_I III I u;: `.-T3I`3:::1`e?nd 7 Pi ' U0 back he tn'n` H~-`1nrI on... .11` . , ,- 1| Illtru af ls-gnliuedg _\cII`I V 1 LP? sgdbi. lulu-II I UIIETI I1 1` Id. won: dong Run in; ._.I-_ CI Lgl nvsnrnnqu; `Kc!-ICU snow! I rrai gunk u--`room. vu gig-n by 1 men: w 9` There -m>man_ L I. ...\r -iahinl Id '1 `bums; men 1! the most critical under lb! mperfislnlx of who will, dtrectly or m'.i~ '3 inlhence in the fu.-:1-.r.1i u *5,-uer. Those who take this ' xokul lboit helrly luppvrl Itkh bu for nu-`ariy 'birt_v b on tbeologic;-I fprmula, 3 Y 3` L` _r,,- "f: z;.| 1.` E. II- r--- . n, who dmctly m<.'.n~ nail bu heuty no u Tuge nu-nun nf coun'.~_v 3..- ping: mud lixemsy lrnin'.ng_ hue, nkigiously, on such: in: ma! `y within it: uh. \ - in, In INII, wall do its share. We huts! nhsa-iptiou to me (-1- gmfnn three individuais, an 1' we iCllu:d.-Pcterbor R: 1 l.r`?i'_ bins to draw study.-nu of P\'r'r__l'V Huh nposixion to ame lhnl the , pg`igcnrr:=pJndent of the .}I:vv.:7ag $u3'u:.1:._v:- ` ' In think there must he n1.m_v #` yer! seriuus people, in tact, ` who `go zn grand ups.-r u hails 3 nights. Here is an c.\-unpc. ` cum mo my rm-m nae `:-`3Ions:.eur, I have prnzniscd [mgr apartment. wuhnu: 5-nur spit of trousers-. and mnnt-_\', mam: nil day Rmllggm-l :1 wt! in Pam is no`. pleasant. an -he Inqmud 1,.-uisw g we mu. 2; -1-i..~a mm! but fun} in Mar |il`n'h( IV I P" tihkller, sud placing it nu my , mduciug .1] an Pug... & C 935. I Me. In 1|. nu... iidscmiand deserves all than I `r in `men she. nlcng Imh her -3 r n in this mun-r_ \\` Vuu nceive cousidornble as. khan! higher education in it ' uhagingtoolltr commnniuns. ' indeed_ of which we `i`.g`oo0)_ by mun. " " Th-I`! Are mam - O has om to 5.. L_-1_.__ $9 u ctme to the box, yuu uld .1 would n-at hive go: in this ; hlntknnv II: this moment w:;vrc II|m:e'.:I nu wzukmg up and ; &!lt'hI']m_un in one of Mri Is, md no lower garnugxl. ufunernnt with this pn1'Li.'r 1-.l- _ dubbing | pair of. your trousers : jinn-w cmri nu-i.l in-u.r~n...l-....-4.iu ----U1 . bd-Iu BCu*.A Ilulu .IlI:|-.(.A\. hm: Eiinnnd the chxlduu at-3 `1E\ Iilldrludlnm . . ._. .- ' !,YIIvIl'rilnemb-er that I told _v.uu-5 Illnet with _a 1..nst lmiyiakeii I Russian or Polish countess I ` )',Ibeucunnecte(_i wuh sbmu nt` $lf::rnlio| of Europe. Bctwecn Llgullnpposc, as perfect spy. 1 `wk! lo the Hal dc Pope!-a inst.` `H INTI, I bnrouess, related ii: ` 1 ,_ 19 the Egnprena, and carry this` Ink two other ladies and n gc`n- ` "(iii an emallcnt-supper It the ; _ MI. We were very merry, and 1 -_"|l.`-ellentz but I am sure now 11 .%d Inc. After partaking uf the! ` Milan. [fell asleep and knew 31 . `V lhz occurred until ,[ wake up 1 Ilnll room. I'm I fool 3]. , '1 = 1* L580 Iiept in my c-lat. ant E ` but me most. indispensable p0r- 1 '3! an` `II gene, lngethcr with - WM [thought the gen_t.lc- . Elect lellow from Lhemument ""3 box Why am they unt. `it!!! with taking my cum i ""`` ring. so 1 mac myself M ' time from the top of the m'`"! Old woman cane and `'`"``! '0! making 3 nnisc, do ; ~ ~ I1 requested me to ` AMI: ..'.u _-- 1... .. - I Ehdiblltllng wiuu Ingung of my U bllitl of ] "'i.I'1Itn'n.. ._ ._ Qull:.\"S uulvnnsn-\". B6! ` A--MI Ielvnrn that \ r--I. Inn requested meml atly, In it was let to A whslhhi. `Don : `stand there! I dhlud; this is 1 respecta- _ Ilmuieur sad we h-we hhhmklunl .* -_'!.l -.,,-, ' I I |Y Ii! 1 , ---- u-an _ I. ue lulu ~ '"'3---hnd gm oil` to the '*'!10 Ind out who this Cunn- '-Wk Haw oltnl k- _ I_1(_aperm`:;t hath us- Plm mCnrniu1 tunes A3103 111 rhdil I `r lunch hen-~ uh: in \\'. nll connidv-nble M .650! education ih ngingpolkr comlmniuns. 1 J --o' _l.;pr. `N, nun-r -nw. _ a; moat`:-r I under an Iupen-isic ;,whoMiil1,d1r1-ctly . A ,____ ;_ `R. f fr?` ' PA (9 5.`. n succvl 1 sfiqu P513`? Hbv GUNS.-u` \J'.\.`. min Rev `Dr. Nor- ilbe. miguonury eld g low Inadu by him .000, the income claim at '1I:n --_ 1:-V Slboclal lioucou. i The Great Isnxlllh Remedy! sm JAM!-ZS cLAruus's onusnnnno nuuua`. PILLS, 1',-. pared from prescription ofSirJ.Ulnrie,ll.D. !`l\ysi\-imx Exrrnordiury to the Queen. in I, ,7 1 - ~-v `--rs-. rrulgi well known remedy in no impo itio-J" but. a sure and cafe tremedy for Female lmlh,-ultu-s sad Obstructions, from any cu". wlxulcvcr; and lbough as powerful remedy, it contains nothing hurtful to the constitution. "l`.. \I .uun:n l_A|-nun it I. um.-ull..-\.'. -..:...n . 2. yutnnlui uvluu.` uunuul IU ILIU UUuIlll|.|l.|0_ Tu .\Inuum Luzun it is peculiarly ouitgd ; it will. in a mm -t time, bring on the mound`, pt`I'l0d with regxnlarily. ln all cases of Nervuungnd Spinal .-\` odour, Pmn in my Back and Limbo, lleuinau, Fnligue on siighl enuion, Pulpit-uiou of the Heart, lmvincss of Spirits, llyugrlca, Sick Headache, Whites, n d all lhe pnlinlul dioonee occuionod 1; a disordered sy|1eu,thn:r~ Pall. mu Qgctg cure when all other means have! failed. I'I,L.-._ ll.|:.. I. ..._. ___,_- L_-._ \._-__ . n . DATI ITJUVUPII nder, $1 RIIIQ 1' B70? ,25tora':uhIIbW Tannup M e!.1'!.lprli.lI0k`.` mm kulv Hutu -II vuuvu I-lI`HIJ` unvv Inuiru. 1`-hese I'M: have never been known in f.n l where lhe direction: on the Ind pugs of Fun. phh`! are well observed. [Lu full vmrlinnlnt-Q on! n nan-unklgo I ... -5` yum`. HI!` nuts: Lrvacl -ru I-lur full pzuticulnrs, kc! an pamphlet. free, or A the agent Dl`I`lAr \rn"l-Inn w" "W" SP!-2"lA`L Nnncn. Sir James Ozarks : Female Pilh an exten- sively cuunterfcited. The gvnuiuo have the name of"JOB MOSES 0.1 etch package. All others In I-orlhlen. \l n `I... IA _._..I In! A._A.- t,, Ulrrts nut` I-vl -ultra. .`f.B.-Uue tfnllur and 12; cents for postage, .6-ncicscd to NORTIIROP & LYHAN, New- castle, 0ut.._Gem-rul- Agents for Canada, will in.~'.ra a bottle of the gmuiru, containing Fifty 1".l|.- hr I-nhn-n mail Qnhl hm n`1 I"\.u.nni-an Humans Sn-nn.-Tbe livgu of thousands of`: horges have been saved during the put year, Anal Ihe cr.-din in due to Dar:ey'a Condition `Powders and Arabian Have Remedy.` This prepanlion is being exlensively used, and enc:| from .n the highest praise. Nothing of the kind Ins ever before been half I! succguful or given i such untverssl satisfaction -, itcnnhot boequnlled. We can condently recommend it, and would advise all who own hoxses to keep 9 lnpply of it. on hnud-it any be the means of suing your horse's life. Remember the tune, nhd see that _ lhe signstnre of Hnrd 3' Co. is on each package. `I Xurzhrap k Lyman, Newcutl *, 0:}, proprietors for Cnuadn._ Sold by All Iledicine`Dealers III.` JIU E \l\'itIIl VI IIfV IvVIlIIlUI' laklklilllllls I` II`, PINS, by return mu}. Sold by 3.1 Druggiul In Kingston, and medicine dent:-rs everywhere. The icncy o Bryan's Pulrnouic Wafers in curing Coughs, Colds, und all Bronchial-aeb I Lions, and cheering the aticted. has passed into a proverb. In the United Slnles, where these marvellous Wafers are known, they bear down all opposition and eclipse all rivalry; the ne- mnnl for them has steadily increased for the lat urc nay`)-ears, until now the sales uersge over one hundred thousand boxes a year. Eminent members of the uiedicnl profession without num- her admit that they know of no preparation pro- | ducing ouch benecial result: as these wufere.} \\"n->n taken in sensvan they eect a. permnnrnl -..._ u":..`I.I' kn A--nu rlpnrrniar and rnnnl nf Ihn : ' ' us use. It will mnke Hui; grow upon bald bends, ex- ' cep: upon very aged peruoos, as it furnishes the l A nutritive principle by which the heir in nourish- i ed and supported, . : 1 It will prevent the heir from falling out, Ind v does not stain the skin. . u- 5....-- ..-:.I....... .-.f:n -nnorlnrilv need be ' Q does stain the skin. . No better evidence of`its superiority need adduced than the rut that so many imitations of it are o'et`ed to the public. . I z - In - Ir_l__ `II...-..-...I-nu ' MRS. s. A} .;lLLEN SZ I-[air Restorer B-OIt0'I'BB gay bur to It: nntunl color and bounty, und produces lunrinnt growth. It gives the an: n beautiful gloss uad dolsighttnl tngrsnco. llannfnctcy Ind. Ella 030$. 35 BARCLAY STREET argto PARK PIACE, N. Y. 266 ulenfaouonu, Landon. Eng.