}.vAI)DELI. The New York `Commercial Advertiser states thet as new gift enterpriee ewindle of huge proportions is ebontpto be placed belore the put}- lic, end edvinee that no liekete be bought. The Commcrciel eetimelee that from $2,000,000 to $3,000,000 hue been paid out by eonding peo- ple in Inch enterprieee eince the wet, and thinks rightly that it is time they ehonld know better then to be I0 chested. Whether the gilt: are disposed of wlth charitable end! in View or not -w-hether they ere ennonneed u for the bene- t of soldiers bounce or orphen uylnnne--they ere ewindlee in every instance. Theee fecte should be thoroughly` understood by everybody this time; and yet we have not a doubt the coming swindle will be en entire success. It is an old shying, but I true one, am people love to he humbngged They know they are being hnmbngged, the excitement nttending e. here enppoeition met there in fnir plny in Inni- eat to drew money from their purses. And no, we lnp , it will elweye be, though Iwindlere get to e hundred times more hruen then they -mg uh-:1 1 Knowledge of American geography in limited in France. A new work on the anti ject, used in many French schools, apeake 0 `Toronto as one of the eastern cities of the Unit I Staten. of Portland an the capital of Newginzland, say: the Germans constitute a large part of _the population of the Terri- tnry of Missouri, and declares that the Terri- tory of the Rocky Mountains was conquered by the American troops under General Fre- mont. - - .. .1 us-Jul. The London Star says th st for the past four months the msnufactnre of the French At~ lsmic Cable has been actively going on at Greenwich. The cable is nearly similar to those laid down in`I865 and 1866, with the exception of the core in the present being lsrger,_end weighing 100 pounds of copper more per mile. The cable is said to be I Very strong one, its actual strain being 7} tons, while the strain required for laying need never exceed a ton; and to haul in first section. from Brest to St. Pierre, men- overu. couple of tons It the most. The Iny laid portion the strain would not be sures 2,325 miles. sad the second sec- tion, from St. Pierre to the United States, direct to New York or some point between New York snd Boaton,750`rni|6| lone. msking s totsl in miles of cable. 3,015. The large core in the cable is to st- tsin gr-ester speed in transmission. 811' James Anderson snperintends `the whole work lor the compsny. He is of the opin- ion thst by keeping upon the Milne Bank. sod sronnd the southern edge of the Grand Blnlnothers csn be no possibility of injury to the csbls from ice-bergs. And it ins well known fsct thst tho ice-bsrgs IIOVCY bottom in over ninety Isthmus of wstc Vlce. the linslwonld mover bs`ont_ol' n hundred fsthoms of inter. By J nos,-186.9, the Grsst Essosm will be under way `-IsL L-_ ____g____ _____ '0. by scting on ~31: John Anderson's sd- l l u l I luv CITE IIIIIUI II" Will with her precious cargo; __ .--us \lIlI -U! H not tehiiinno so disu- lth inst, Lt came on to blow. _`Icre the jub to be unwed, ions fur the live-3 ol his men. xlfinll tn hon nIn.u....| A- | OF 1 ` i ,....5 wiur -upen hand, or little rod Bf _ I broom." ,"An English lllnmmo." does not _ ] share the ropuguance of n Lover of Obe- ` | diunce In the use-of the lush, but seems to . 3 consider the instrument immaterial so long , 1 us lt'_lS slump enough and H8 use is conti- uucd up lu the age of 15-tl1e age," aha , thinks, "may be advantageously extended {.3 year or two lnnger." Euphemia Wil-V . . mot" asoens hersell to be a married woman i I of some t-xuerienca {Whntuvnr elm zlne devoted to female uociet.__y, the corpo- ynnng Induce it pruonised and defended up tn an age far beyond that which we have set. down for the unemp- tinu of the symbol of womnnhod. From t wlnt we there reul we think it quite poa- `aihle that one any dunes in the evening 1 with A lady who bus been soundly agellu- ` ed in the `morning. The sul-ject receives the fullest and lrnnkest. treatment in the `f`uInn-t.~.- -I I`-- V .- ..- -uu unuleli, out they nmpl ; strangest diuaivenesa upon i mstrume'nt to use. They mint : the instrument they use, and ` I for its Idoptiou. A Lover of t his I dislike to the use of } furnishes 3 graphic account. 01 tiou the can do with her slip] fnmilins" advocates a "short. ping witlr lu_\nd, Ii bnuqnrvv An `...,.l...l. u__, ,, . ......e.. IU us a married experience (whatever that may menu), and her manner of punishment to the grown-up" girls. her daughters, in the m ust motb_erly of all chustiu-nients-the hircli-rod.7 These are the sentiments of ladies upon the sulnjt-ct of feminine discipline; but ladies are not the only writers in the columusinlluded tn. udministerirg . Men express their sentiments tin the sub! ject; and unpleasant as to ohr thinking are the ladies remarks, those made by mule writers are far more (lisngrecnblc. 1 A "Lover of Discipline" styles his daughters young ladies, and tells us that at the insti- gation of an ingenious gOV(`fDC'35..h3 procur- ed n-rod, made of soft pliable leather. cut into long narrow thongs st one end." which this philanthropicnlly ingenious lady ,-assuretl him "produced intense pain, with little or no injury to the person. With the weapon, such as it was, there was ad- ministered to the "young indies" a whip- ping, the delinquents being tightly strap- ped to an ottoman during the csstigation, -at the conclusion of which they had to kiss the rod and thunk the governess, when they were permitted to retire. There is something very :lisngreea.`ile, apart from its indecency, in cold-blooded correspondence [ such as this, and in the system which it reveals. We sincerely trust the practice is , I not a common one. HI FBBIUI A1` TBI An" Bbio editor is getting particular shunt what. he eu.t9, and expresses him- self after the fnllowiug fashion; The wu- rmm Who made the butter which w, bought last week is respectfully requestd to exercise more judgment in prnpnrI.ion- ing the ingredients. The last butch had too much hair for butter, n`nd not quite eu- ough for a waterfall. There is 110 sense in making yourself bnldheaded, if butter is 35 cents a pound." Ir- _,,,,,,. , 1 ,1 .- .. - \ no Ill|lL'II- I ulumna 0! `.:....:..n . . , r_m_V_ ` We commend the following extract from the Nelson Colonist In those who put faith in the upright and considerate intentions-of the Maori;-s :--"Rt-specting Tito K0- warn, wlmnc cruel torturing of the woun- ded men Wlmln he took prisoners after the late disaster ut. Runrnru, and roasted alive, and then with his fellow ends (male and female) devoured, there is one thing to which we would direct the attention of all Aboriginal Defenders` Associations, and the lenders of the `noble Maori etvnge" and that is, that this wicked cannibal actually pickled some portions of the bodies of the victims and sent them inkega to the Waikato: so that the light jest of the Rev. Sydney Smith about `cold missionary on `the side-board in New Zealand, has receiv- ed almost more than a literal fullment, for pickled European is thus made an `ar- -ticle of export.` from one tribe of cannibele to enntlierl The idea is revolting in the extreme, and who, after this, can condemn thnoe who advocate the adoption of, Rajah Brooke's plan of so much for every head 1` 7 I FREE ;_F:?EH_1_B_1_T1f0N, us...- IIPEE Finest and Best PARLOUR ORGAN, I _:.I_ I'___.-......I t'I_n'L:- Q..L gnu "Anni- _ I-`0I-I 'lW0 DAY! ONLY, QMONDAY AND TUESDAY. I `DIS rmeu nnu. Des: rnnuuun VIUIJJLLV, I 1 with Improved Gothic Sub-Base. Never introduced before. Acknowledged by all 1 gr: at sub:-ess. Ca`l,see. and hear for you:-sglves .. nIi`,VNk`.R Q. MUSIC S1'()RE. Princess Street. gt ! 3! EUCCGSB. L 8 I, 3136. an: ulrur Iur Juurugnvca at REYNERB MUSIC S1`OR.E,Prinoeas J. REYNER, 1 V Ilnnnfnntnrnr \ ._ INDERS will be received by the undersigned until 6 o'clock PH. on WEDNESDAY, the rub inamnt, for the erection of two shops and dwellings for A. Thibodo, Esq. .n|-... ml anm-ifumtinna (an be seen at my dwellings [or A. Auluuuu, nu}. Plan and apecicstioqs can be seen my oieo. The lowest Tender not necessarily accepted.- JOHN POWER, A cal-nit-A0 |.\ TlAL To ueam RAPPE, WEBER & Co.- GENTLE)lEN-We are satised with your Pisno, and we recommend it to the public 01 Kingston for its puperior quslily. - F. JEHIN PRUME. , 0. L. HAYERHOFER. Sntnrdny, 23rd J nnuary, 1869. a-.:_ ENRY G. GOODFELLOW respectfully informs his friends and the public geneo telly. thnt he has rented the Shop formerly oc- cupied by the late Silas Allen, on Wellington Street, hex`! the Glnfgow Warehouse, where he lwill open in I few day! with (well selected Jun. 23. From- F. J. Lad respectfully Iolicitl 1 Iblll of public ` pctronagwa. M . A genenl ndnruumnt will upper in Tau- i|y'I paper. 11. 0. aoonm.1.ow.J | - ___ no Jnuuury 23. he Ontario Bookstore, WELLINGTON STREET. 1 J ..,.u. .5.-uu, Iuue of ' e use of r sinnp il use in omni- TO BUIEDERS. _, ._.... .-ulvi II prlciliad ded a here ly aoundlv urI=|`|-'- TESi1`I`1\&*)NIAI: _.-.-rv--:1 I`I_ LLJK/4.`...-- _,__ PnUuE,7S11n1st. AND L. llAYEli[l0FER. Pianist. or MONTREAL. ` ..u.al:uuuI:ulI seem to admit 1, but they amplify with the naivenesa llnnn on- nnnn A , , .-....l.u.v., run we uvenesa the proper no. minutelydescribe their reasons uf Obedience" the lush, and plzic nccountnf the execu- - slipper. "Mater- :atcs smart whip- n hand, EUR! "llnn1n-an" -|--- -" Pate-nt applied fo:.- V. I.\I.IL LI Alli Manufacturer. 1' Free: or NEWS-'-MONDAY EVENING. 5 JANUARY 25. U H IIII - Architect. of I I [BE Subocribr has received instructions" from Dr Mu-lean to nell, at his ruidence, upper end of Princess Street,` _lX()ELLINT Household J Furniture, BIANOFORTE, BUGGY, GIG, HARNESS, &c., Fol: HALE BY AlJC'l`l0N. --uzqura-.-rn.-.. or ,nll'tl:1-3 i_1OUSEHOLD was mined therein, compriaing-- 1 Av:-nllnno 1):..-..r.._.- 4:3 , .. __. _ -._., wwrlnlrl -u-u5-- 1 excelient Pinnoforte (Steinway), Damask and One Seated Chtl.il`B,`Et!8y do., Out-pers, Sofas, Lounges, Pictures, Ornaments, Centre and Dining Tables, Damask and Lace Curtalus, I large quantity of Books, Knives, S.P, Spoons, and Forks, Glass, Ctino, and Crockery Wnr--, Hall Table and Sunni, Bedsteads, Mattresses, Ft-other Beds, and Bedding, Wasbstands and Furniture, Bureaus, Coal Stoves, Cooking Stove and appurtenances, and 3 general `sat-ortment of Kitchen Furniture, nearly newf. Also, 1 splen- did Buggy; 1 Gig, 1 set Silver-Plated Harness. `Terms Gash. Sale at 10 o clock a.tn. J. J. LINTON, Kingston, January 20. Auctioneer. lnouscnmnrunnuruae MU. AIIIJ UUU IU|'|Jll-l.|I'l" GIG. VIZ : 1 Excellent Piano Forte, nearly new, Cane Seated Chain, Carpets, Sofas, Pictures, Orna- ments, Centre, Dining and Hall Ta.-hles Books, Kn ves, Eleclro-plate Spoons and Forks. G'nss, Chin: and Crockery Ware, Bedoteuls, Hair and Straw Mattresses, Bureaus, Wnsbslands, Feath- er` Beds, Bedding, &c., &c. 1 Gopking Stove and appurtenmces, and k|lChlI furniture, with other articles, too numcrcus to mention. Terms l",-n|-. ` J. LINTON bus received instructions to sell at the late residence of Judge Drrnper (deceased), Queen Street, un Tuesday, January `Z8. All the furniture,` eIc., viz ` 1 Ex:-allpnt Piunn `Pm-to nnula Ilnln 0...... Tertin very liberal. ulucl u.n.u:|zn, Lou uumtrcus IO IIJBI Cash. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, I I I` JOSEPH HALL M U l'F.\U'IUi!U\`G L0" PRCKHIFTORS, * on 'nwnsn.nr. asun Instant, ll the HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, &c., con- ii ned therein r-nm nu-ininn-_. \1\1_\&c1`_1\f 1;; WORKS, 4 TO-M0=I_{R()W. SALE BYMAUCTION `...._.m ..... .. ANUFACTURE Le!fel n celehnted Ameri- can DOUBLE TURBINE WATER WHEELS, (lie most perfzct and economical water wheel in nu. rrr- _-_ --L, :_|_ ...__..r.-4__-_. 41.- --_ 0..- "PIANO FORTE, PLATE!) WALE, &c., Inc. ` `WIIGCI I'll Ull We are the only manufacturers who can fut- nish the genuine Lelfel Wheel in_ Canada, as will be seen by the following certicate :. _ Springeld, Ohio, Dec. 25th, 1868. We take pleasure in informing the public of Uanads. that we have sold and furnished Mr F. W. Gun, of Oshawa, Ontario, Patterns, Farmers, Drawings, Gauges, and all other necessary infor- mation, to build our celebrated Double Turbine Water Wheel, invented by James Leel, and known as the Leffel Wheel. We have also ob- ligated ourselves to furnish the same facilities for manufacturing to no other parties in Canada. Without the information we have given Mr Glen, no one `can successfully build our Wheels, and we advise parties in Canada to purchase our Wheels of no other manufacturer. Mr Glen`s facilities are unsurpassed, and we feel sure that he will build a Wheel that will give perfect satis- faction. We therefore commend him to the pub- lic of Canada with entire condence,feeling sure he will manufacture a wheel in all respects equal A- -.-_ ..__ A Kingston, January 20\h, 1869. luv u u. ..-.-..- C0 OI)! own. ID:_. Our wheels are warranted to work to en ire ntisfactiou, if properly put up, run, and taken care of`-And then irthey do not perform to the entire satisfaction of the purcbmer, after running them 60 days, they may re_tnrn the wheels to as, and we will pay freight, both wsys, and refund :11 payments made to us thereon. This gunn- tee will be strictly ndherod to. 117.. ...n nannnial an.-nrinn In nur lnlmrinr tee Wu! D0 aulutny nuucnuu nu. We cull especial attention to our Iuperior Gearing of all kinds for attaching our wheeln, made 11'g ht_, and adapted to the high speed at gvhich the wheels run. We caution purchaser: against using heavy" ahnfting and gearing. " Wu nltfn manufacture I kinda of 31W OSHA%'WA.f_JNTARiO. against using h_en.'ry anuung nun gearing. 3' We also manufacture all kind; and Flour lhll Machinery, includingtenin En-V gines and Boilers, English and American Gangs, Hand-setting and Self-setting Circulnr Suw- Riga; Upright nod Oscillating lull] $51!-Rigs, Genring,8hafLing, Pnlliga and Rangers, to. hp. Also, Shingie Machine: and Jointera, Leather- Splining Machines, Knife-Grinders, Woolen In.- chinery, Washington Hnnd Printing Presses, Gordon`: Power Pines, Taylor : Cylinder Press, and Blake : Patent Steam Pump. n-.-:-_.- -.....-:..:.... rnil infnnnnnri fnrninh- and Blake Entenl. alonm rump. Osuloges containing fullinformntion furnish- ed free to all npplicsnu. AddmI- I-`. W. GLEN. President, 2 nqtuwu nnrr MEDICAL PRLOTIQE of $1,000 3 you for dllpols}. Tenn: veyisau-nsblo. Ad- du.-an B. L. NASH, 111., Am rug-I:, Ont. Annliubnrgh, January 23. CITY or Kuiesrom. urn-I, down all V be chow duh; nnln-nnou IL` am1:7c1;j 11:-E Oa1'.| BY AUOTTOE IN 'I`lII! vs" w, Dec. 29. OWII. (Signed) JAMES LEFFEL & Do. WARRANTY. JOSEPH HALL E:oTA.'.L[SllED 1851. mn_I9AL. O1" J. J. IJN'l`_ON, 1.. ..... -7 J Liven, ~ . J. J. LINTON, Auctioneer. I can uun Jun, Auctioneer. um, rnnlucu L, - OSEAWA, om`. _,..__.z.._ {ni:wwoR|g___)u oPTIcs7| Vrll ELEMENTS of GEOIIITRIUAL OP. 'I`lr`_'sI n. N` If n......:. A n A-._-_-_x -nu nunmnula DI unullllluunu Uf- _ T108. By N`. F. Dupuil, A.I., Astronomi- cal Observer to Queen : Gollega Price $1 (free by mnil). Jun publiuhed, nnd_for sale by l '-l'Iu `l IIILVQIII1-Itif onnmo comes, PICTON, ONTARIO. ' HE LENT TERI! will commence on FRI- DAY, the 29th January, instant, Fr? terms and particular: appiy to Re". HAMMOND M A Hnnnnr Iinn '1`:-Italic mu; scrim! Irlu purucmsrs apply (0 lie. JO!-PEN! HAMMOND. M.A., Honour ma, Trinity Collage, Dublin, Head Inter. Boarjers are requested to be punctual. Jaminry 21. ~ ` LL Persons INDEBTED to me Dare berg; A notied ta make pmfyment. immediately 10 JOHN M. MACHAR, Clarence Slreet. All Accounls not settled before 1st March next will be placed in suit for collection. All CLAIMS ngainsf me to be sent to above address. I \t`I17AI'l'\'IlAI!I-I'll`! Iur\ |C0NgER1 M Under the patronage of Liem.-Colonel Hibbert, Commandant of _l.he Garrison, Lieu: -Colonel Pnlon, and the Ofcers, Non-Commissioned Oi- cera, uni] Men of the 14th P.W. 0. Ries, and will be assisted by the leading Amateurs of the city, and the Band of the Battalion. [in `him nm-nainn than Prnurnmmn nu-nmntad DIEJ, auu ILIC IJIIUU Ill LIIU LJJIBIIIIVH. . On this occasion the Programme presumed will be entirely new, and no pain: h:1.VP been spared to make this THE CONCERT OF THE SEASON. II- nv_ t'I..__l__|....... L .. 1..:..A'I... ...._......a...I UIJ |I.lU UCLIIHUUIJ. Tickets 25 cents; Reserved Seats 50 cents May be obtained at the Book and Music Stores, and also from the Oicera of the 14th Brtalion. .41 1's_-_____.._,- _...II L- :--,__.1 :_ A D... KJIMIIKJLIJ. Mn Wm. Cunningham has kindly consented to furnish his Concert. Piano, and preside at it on the occasion. 't\:-1...a.. n: ....-.|... D .... cunt` Q..-o- an -_...n.. IIIIU HIEU IIIIIIJ l-U \JI-HI4CIB III III`! IQI-II I). Illill-In f` Programmes will be issued in a few d 3. \ H w H HINDUARSH p HE undersigned is now prepared to remove } all nuisances on reasonable terms. Or- deu ieft at` the Chimney -Viewers oce, or at the Police Station, will be promptly complied with. `IT D `It'll T HEW IJLJL`. January 19, 1869. 7 OTIQE is hereby given that 1. meeting cf [ 'the stockholders of the Cataraqui Bridge Company will be held on MONDAY the 25th JANUARY instant (being the last Monday in the Month), at the hour of 2 o'clock P.M., for the purpose of appointing Directcra for the en- suing year, agreeably to the Act of Incorpora- tion of said Company, 8 Geo. 4, cap 12, sec 10. I'I'lIY Y Y A ll IBf."`Al"|I`1 Ql`\\1' I-3l.'U. IIIJU lllbulcl \J.U.\J. Oahu-aqui Bridge Company ofce,g , Kingston, 16th January, 1869. The above Bleellngs adjourn- ed lo Hfedneulay, February 3rd, at the same hour and place. Jan. 25. UN TIIURSDAY Evening, Jail. 28, eler .2. Wilson Sewing-Machine; This is nnquesliousblykhe best Machine now before the public for dotneatii: use. Call and see them at lkmestou canyon scuoots. ' ANTED, a HEADHASTER for the CEN- TRAL or HIGH GOIIIION SCHOOL of this city. The lppcnut mull. be I man of experience in `Patching, and produce testimonial! of long and successful service. Apply, Mating `salary, to the undersigned. WM ARMSTRONG. _ G R A N 1) lNb l`RUMiNT`Al. AND CHORAL Jag. 19. ABERDEEN AND ITS FOLK. U31` t IIDll8De(1 mm for sale at me Lilli: BOOK STORE, ABERDEEN AND ITS FOLK, from the 20th to the 60th year of the present century, by a son of Bon-Accord in North: America. fun .4 on ..__g. Jan. 18. R HINDMARSII will gi`;e his rstGRAND CUNCEBT in the 1-`on J0-l3Pi-I uajvs nulw-I I-`ACTUBING con:-Any, I w ._ I`l\-I on BEST THRESHERS; um Gar, shingle Machines. Jtginurg, Priming Prelies, tea 1 &c., at Makers Prieea. Orders promptly lled 6'... ll-1-hing: and Rnnniu-I i GIL, -E -RIGID I (KT. Ll for Machine! and Repnirs. mscouur . | 20 mm mm 163 wins noun. Quarter Dollar Article: for Twenty Cam. ` `RUY YOUR MEDICINES AND PBBFUI E 13 . D.\.l.Q- Kinggton, Ont., Junuury 13, 1869. CITY HALL, Baa, ac. re. Muss IUI Illl Eluut Iva- Pec 60 centl. U LII-IL` `J INA Kingiton, January 20, @869; MEDICAL HALL, i'=:2:.*::a.: :.:.?IC"" nu me our: SHILLING on every noun. 1 n.pm...: 0! Secretary of sun,` Jan. 6 . OM.-A Junnrv I5. 1389` [UST Published and for sale at the CITY nnnI:' cunnnuu nnunnnnnt nun who AP_PlNESS-How to secure it. Present your wile with I PUBLIc_ NOTICE. Oshawa, J an! 6. -.__... u; LIJIJII haul`.-Aging; 51.5111 LJJAIDIUI j 5 at the MED1CAL# HALL, 3* Kingston, Jun, 18, 1869:` Jnm nnunnnsoi, " ' - BUOKSELIJER, Rina-nlnu has pus LII xiv J In. 6. (Nib/'/1? i 'o'd;L6'A6}.]J:Z, M o. I R69, . 7 Cnnnlngham a, KING STREET. Esnnntsntn `up l:875I, i `nu nur-r-urn:-urn--:1-u Inns :1 . W. H. HINDMARSH. Esndlnaaler P.W.O. Ries. .._J, - ..__. _, -_r __, _-- WILLIAM FERGUSON, Ran on.-I "l".-a.nn-.u- I". II F` U1 IJJIJIEI I` IHI`.l\JhJ\JLI' See. and Treasurer, C.B.0. nnrnnnnr nlpn II tn Nmv I stock of ` uguuu. WM. ARMSTRONG, Secy. B.O.S. Trustees. nnnnl-I I '4! I R0 JOHN GREI_GHTON. _ -A I~$IIfI W. B. FOLLEST. A. onowx, No. 7, Bngot Street. :9 . IIIJIJII [5, Kingston. White and Coloured Tarlatans. In-ocaded Tarlatans. Lavender _ Ill % Hove roloured lcmpresn Cloths. French Delalnes andlerllol otevdrr shade, Printed and Broculed. Muslin Robes. Inch Bllk Vclveln. limb ms and Buttons of every shade. - Evening _ ARE NOW saowma L ` T% W A wr OF NEW MATERIAL FOR IE:VENIxNG ;w;zAn, OONSIBTILIG OF We would also call the sltiaamg of Gogilomon to dur New Fashion Phlu d for evening wear. ` ` J` The Glenu-use system of leaning and Cutting, whih our new Outt is intmidint is the most perfect in the world, and is now used in all the luhionnhla Olothhg Bout It III" United Slam, and never fails, when properly. mod, to ensure I perfect M. < M `M _ ` I m 15_ 3 p|n.-Cqn9olI 93; . nu-count: Bond! 7511 ETWII C I 3 1, I5, I.I.- 0' on qme :; u..Mmh1n Ild: Corn 355 fjr Fashion Plates and dun; Patterns `received monthly 0! nlluthu newest gu-menu Win in London, and New York. ` 1 SPRING HOOP SKIRT reduced from ll 1036311 to II Good White Cotton reduced from ed} to Bid M ` Scarlet Flnnnel from ls 6d to 15 Mohair and Alpaecss fordresu-I from mid to-73d All Pnnnv Th-an: Gnndn awn I-annnd In turn! nu-bu ` L1vERP00L nous; uuu uuu Lupaocs: Iururcan-I Iruln nun lo'.Lu All Fancy Dress Goods are reduced to cost price One penny per ynrd off all print: Onngda TwN=r` from 6: to la per ynrd of Blanket: f'u_" F.-. to log per pair 011' ; Striped and Checked Shining reduced from 9id to `rid _' Home made Fnlled Cloth 23 6d per yard, reduced from 3: 36' Table Linen, Bleached and unbleached, reduced from 2: (id to In mid SPECIAL.-25o Dos Hoop Skirt: 25 per cent below megnfnetunfn priced A. Superior French Kid Gloves 33 9d per pair ' - ` ' Jan. 6. I869. - T *V T` G A 4;?` WATCH AND ,cL0cK x I N G 31' n 1: El 1', , , :1:-w: .1`:-.-c-u at gnu-nun -5-. :3 an- :-s`__. -_.` __:-_-_y---nu--u-vy A s`:-mull or Ilaterluls or every dsaiheh ` llEPAlIl8`0f all kind: carefully V ' Omnbm-2|. I ' _V ' l<`f"Ey"V` ONTARIO STREET, KINGSTON, 0N'l.{ARIO| Trusty Portal; in` niteliuze` nit Rdlrond Depot and Bueambont. Landings. Oct. 28. _T . Av DsIALj.Jl.J 4`; `.1114. HE Colunodioul And Well-nned STORE on the comer of King Ind `Prineol Buum, lately occupied by Mann Ferguson 8 00.` In- Inedinte ponouion given. Apply to July 25, J. BAWDBN, Solicitor. Skinner's D'rugstore,! Inter than il` English, mi:`;ei1v;5.,' iwlrld V am AND S}|.Vf_Il plums, nums,ae. 6, IIAIB, 'l`00 l', AND NAIL BRUSHES % combs A FURTHER REDUCTION Janunry 16. I October 21. Lavender T9 Inlilllflll` IIIIIIPDEI lnllm: FIQIIAIII I|aIInnn -all mm`-Q Q IMMENSE CLEARING SALE FOR ONE MONTH, N [onnannon EiiI?_s'_I1.'I:. Kmsrou. { N wnoxnsoapr, am February, man, u . Noon, by 17-3. Linton, Auctionucr, win he oered for sale, on the gtvouni, the follow- ing Lou sud PRQBII of Land,i't`m.to and being in the Oity of Kitonz `n_.1___-_ n.__--. v - in .u4s an 1? zusmr H III KIDS QII D! 3` `Ordnance 8ueet-L4;I No. 413. Goltoci, Btroet-1.01 110382. I-Ierchmer Yarn--Lotn Non ' 1,2, 3, 4,13, 14, 13, 1.7, 1:. , Loin Hill. I. 3. 4- 5. G- T- Q- D. `II. II_'%lI_ IR. FOR SA__LE 93 TO LET . rut-Ir: :1 II 1-.-. x A-tn-`ruin . I "Lou Non. 1,3, 4., 5, 1-,a,o,1o,Tn,~1I, A, 3, 3, 10, 13, no, ll 16. 14,15, 16, 17, n, :0, Plus 'Aa-uouvuul ofbou 92 and 104 Qneontuet nurllyuulplli j of Lot: 93, Inc, 105, Qua omitted, having bun ndvu-thud by war. ; RI nrrluv. ' JUST RECEIVED HOUSE AND `OFFICE GENUINE PERFITHEBY-. Gonna!-ml. _B|JNETT HOUSE, A I'xll'\ ESIIVITBIIWH I7`l`Lfl"I Bllllnll l'\l'lll| A R. IL stenhens. Proprietor. BEGS T0 (um. -rm: n-1-an-non or mam PIJBIJO 1'0 ma a'ro`ox%or' re!/French` -' ` W ys,'nll chuck! Rep s_ _ mder Whit! _ Red and 3` ` IFYITUIII Ill THIS`, Ill Ell Onun, Jnnry_l6, 1869;. LAMPS; '__Lubln n and lllmnelh RIGNEY 42-, SLAVIN A supnmda nor 9! MARK THE RE_DUC'I`IONS--' CII EVZT1 By ordsr. 4`. ON I I'. . I. P ' Undo: 8oc::,',n;'a`: a 'IlH' . A LARGE ABSOBTIEI-IT OF RIGNEY & SLAVIN} v .I. ulneu It 11., nuuDlIl'IlUllIIHl 'l_' Roouu. Illustrnne Onnliimn ' ' " Icxibing the variant Itylu and ` Music Stool: cbun. .. v -~=:: mas: lbmea-luau} ` 55% [T min-elgcft 3., HOLDlW5 h" ` | nnlnnn 'I'lInn9xOn4I linonldn-En M " A .-x '- an Yn1uhlaPnlIIiIII.IIlIII u:&jii}` | of Prinogn am, and haunt`; Ito. . % ;. ,1 in Ill 3 onulrs A % .Ius'r Tthinv. Nnw nncun-11;! aur or up wo_pm_ `; . - on Iommmrxojmlon. * oaunuul % .* inch!!- John nmmouw, r.n;e.n: II ``t*; : % --1.'Au mam xhgcog 4' : thnWcr|dnnolu:'l'}doluodbylhn{I Plliill-' _ " ' ` II. Thu BdtnI|*"Inpln, ' _ ,uaI,V-mbar golioniu, an ptouinudy u out. . _ ` w.`-;-A ILL It also contains 10 oulupl ,, if ponuutnrithhooluubu-anl'0ng._ . M` . IV. Overland Bonn: and - .-loans, with dbuneal in " v. Overland To :_j` ~- 71. Current: of t and Drift lee. tr. kc. . r ,1 ` nnms Ann Ia .7. V]. 1 o UVBI'.lI 1` Ont!-entloft 4 ` " V Dri[|lcr,lc.&. . _ M Priea,inchih r . cumsnm _ menu. Advertisement: nit nmsmur An wA5` The large circulntiop Nnws renen it the IIlt`I`l!,_f`_ `A ` r tho pnbll ' ion o( all Ill! i `k advertise can, u walls In V. .__ _| a_n.n. _.;I_ --_..._.`.` .:o`.i`.``ho " Pouudon ivdn on lit` .li'or mi-ml, to, T yup M Alla nun % Q-Q;:' Jain Jul.` 6. menu. .l(|Vel'llIl!!8KI "I I'll! % and Bsbbsth uenvieu;'sicunW7uunuuI"""'7#rI:` nitunionu noun; hm: ton-gm; houses wan 5% W _ * *3` iiIg; momI_`Fi!ai,f'$"."a; Iiclec loo; _u-tlclizq tn,niId;~ Hill-: castle for mac; .cu.ul- stayed. 114-. n .` % int clone, inurud Jot 35 mu (ion! payable only in juice. . nlnvarl. : nmnortionnto 'prid l` ` _ ; R. S: W1LLI4$2f: Jn.nnuy1B'. ytbll any ill ll_!VI_Ix 1; `pr. B.` nonnial "B`DC&I'IQ : AWADDI; rneu SON? A!` OI` .,`ydisuie:. .-The_ Chinm-- Enxlx.-L~"sy 1h limperor .\;x- ` H. - H 9 mdpnco In 133"` '" . . . {hi the steamer Ernst: igyuomnnd men sad 3 eet ` fglll`. . 31,-The Gauloia sayl the hu rejoclewfthe declarr - of Puis ' h_3L-Yio1ent debates touk lm: af Pnrliunent last week ' oflbomill In. The action ; _ Ill severely denounced E I III PI-cu Deopotclles. HIURAIJZATION PROTOCOL. pblisbesthe full te_xt of the 9 % tut} between xhe-tamed! nd. It providei that chi: | *n;`11It!]Wh0 become nat.ur:\l- " J51- at}..- Ala kn VnnJnA ` m )3 I.-._`UV`tUn `HIKE , I 31a 1910; IN; Corn hr: '5; uieytu; Out: 35 6d::1 n u_.|.l_I79nl4I I. CI. 11:] llglatfhii -J24.-'aaminu 11.. I w, ill. `um '11}: his eet frmmthe F, '1`heCm\-ernmeut of the ` ~ ~--.-.. 1.~-..... .,....., ....., ..w.... ..-....... V tftheothgrsha be tram-at illlqpects sud for gjll purpqsea. ` bum. be at liberty to re- ` -Iinlintion and`:-esume their inlities within two years 3` puiisearried into eect; the ~ ' ' tohehereafter aigreed . `nilonruments. and such ' lhnnfter be liable to be i lum by either Government ,_ i (hit former naturnliznti-xi. i ' In hha carried into cart i ' until aerithe necessgu-_v I Pgrliunent for the re-4i ights. ,5. 3t-DeIpI.tchea from hllnlnlulnvrnd An I`ri;I-w| I:_\ ~;\% 1?: U'I.*LlfFIluLIlCl IIUIII | Four persons were from Bremen, h 9.1.) 1'. u.-Imt of the hu- Iftlu Tm] Bradford ($0., Hanna 1.. 5... n.:. .....-.'.;__ huriomecurred on Friday " `WEI. 25.-The Herald`: ape- ` I-Th ptitioa to tlseSenate to I V hiIPtuidan Johnson : nn- . line: with much fpvour l Fly iqvili III Ihmrird. p|.JIl 25.-'I'be steamers Em: ` -- 1,_|_ 1...... ..-..a III. M.-'l'he British bow in UIye8t:.dIy_ 105 days from Hitutetl with only 35 dnys' `Men have been in I starv- `hr along time. On New IN Ifternrds they had only 3-ihlfpocnd of rice and {L `Wm; tucIIy-Ionr hours. On . IN they new within eighty '5-`Inll. but were blown far yllrtueudonngnle. At one Fibula were entirely gone, ex- our! they providentinlly BIL AND OOIIERCIAL. --I'-vlUII' VJIII. 3. _Gmn-What 51,05, hnneuou limited I am 3 ""5!!!-t om dull. Bncuk; ' 2-Lucian nun cy -75 ding; nun; . nu : lling 4. Gold in IJ1. cu- an New Yur k, hue Arriv- [L cum -It is : I nmioum-ed on _uf- ` , Provisional Govern- : truthfully interprets :10. cannot accept any lion of th? islnml of ' I L--The Iteuuship D3. unaucors, Bl..A.NKl'l'I, us, H mm val!!! -mms an ul ~__-.... rm! III. 25. min _ W L--. Q`: A {IVt_ II`-~. I nation of the nlvly prevail. 3 '1-side our the L mionsl Conn. - . I not-ulvlln \a".` thin morning. n declar- P. `of t`VI!I`| I 0" (ion. 3] s to I saw lh uh Iuuki\|!g told me ` and ask: 90111::-rs nut hir.``I|iu-I BIT` mm ACCIDENT `i-oymnz CREW ' rm: comrmnu. 1 rltcl. lurk? .. \ vulva I"... -u an. ---I vnau p . ngmau came Intnthe ,m1oou an-I Iutormed |lI,.ll.-_II an accident had happened tntho propeller which might delay our arrival in Glasgow. he told ua in such at ttmnnt-r_as to disarm the suspicions of:-ven the: ladies as to our perilous situa- Short`-y afterwards going upon deck saw them getting the boat: ready. \Vhi|c ]uukl\n;_`_ on, the chief ofcer came up, and `told that it was merely a pr:-\;uugion_ n.-tkrd me not to aay a `word to the P`- ;.mt;_'t't:l bclnw. Upon Cnnsllltltinn with his t`lIl_t'f 1-ngincvr, `Captain (Inrnaghan (1.- terniinml tn endeavour to withdraw the %ahat't and lot go tln: screw; it was accord- , ...g|_\- |\ar'll)Ill_\' withdrawn. The captain not nuly supt-nut.cntl:tl. but lent the old of 4 his own pm-wt-rful arm. and not a man.l rom the chic! lo the coal-passer, inched from his post. even nltcn the water lllslltrtl `into M the amp. threatening than with (luatrnc- tinn. Such an accident having been ami- l .-ipatcd by tho cool liuaila in charge, as .]soun as the water commenced to rush , tthrungll the gland Into the after part. of l the vessel or well, the shaft. was at once re- i placed, to the stapping of the leak, and ` - pcl (l'l`\DCDlLV -Shared. in. Still the propeller lll|nlnlt`Tl`tl awuy at the stern, threatening , every moment to carry it away; but the L Uultltrtlrin is a strong ship, and withstood the llt.`3\'_\' lvluws without showing any signs ul giving away ; but the sea was compara- ltin ly smooth. A correspondent wliic-u_ to the London , Ttmn :~I was 1 pnungu per columbi.` gffmn New York fur Glnsgow, during he.- W-W P"3 ".V"H?. When {be same miufur- J tune lu-fell our ship ulhe ilt-[sled Hit-mi. I but which, llun}: Pnovidc-uce and our able; icummnndcr, did terminate trnus1`_v. On Ihv Lt blow ` Tlw maptain ordered Hui unwed` and, humg nuxious men` fur-Ielr-l t.n~ rnuine tn be ulnpped, no she. wu inking considerable Inter over the bow. ` Immcdiutely uftotwnrdn there occured 3 via- Inm kzmcknur which nun f.-ln.n.|.-_..._._ .. x IIIlIll\u\Il-IvIIJ nonv- ." "' "' lulu ucC|I|'B(l Vl0~ | ` Inn. kn-vckmg which was fclulllbrough Hm: ` ,.h:p; and vxlnicln created considerable nlum. ` I but ..-non Qwznnn Clrnnglum cameinln th; ` informed in mcideuti 5 hm! lmnucncul tntlmnnnmlI..- ..|..;..:. _.:_. . . |Il\ I I vuI\-u\u. IL was now the now wbenhll the quulizieg nf the truejcaman were manifested by our captain, as itwas a matter ultogetlneruut of the ordinary muxinu of I seArnun`a dune; The screw had to be made last, in such: manner that if the 34:: should get up again it could not brenk loose; and well was the A work done. Capuin_Curnagl1|n was hung lover the-stern from the rail by : rope f:l.Il- ' ' [ cued round his vuist, dipping into the Wale!` an M5 Yes,-ml dipped, giving his or- ders wi`h marvellous precision. A small rnpv was then passed through the opening E in W'lli\.`lI the screw works, then 3 larger, and `l 3 larger ; the mooring chain was then cut. |utn several pieces, slip no-mes made on nut- u-n.I nf7n'.xnI' lhnrn nnzl (\I\t\ .....\.....I I V ' \.III1..l` gVIl..A.IllI\l'llI" jll-I llllal` II-V GVCIJ \}I.IC II hoartl the ship. A vme of thanks man "I pus:-1, and teutimonisls presented to Cap- ~v.nin (jurnnghnn, which were signed by ev- I { ,,ery one bf the passengers. I [ ' ` Quunn o\.vI.,A-| FILBBB, Elly IILPIDCE I.L| Il,~IL' [In (luff end uf twuuf them, and one passed over the hlutlc on IJIE port side (it was a three- `? Ndt-`d "=1CliL'W), than through th_e recess In I the starboard side and brought on deck; v lhh the noose of another chain was go! I round the L-Iule on the pun. side, and made 5 last on the slnrl)Ja.rd side in the as me Lmzxnner as the first. The two ends wt-re itheu drawn light, by the aid of 70 or so men and made fast to the large mooring E atuncheono on neck, thus holding the screw nsrmly all If It wtre in a vice. Another I . . chmn was then placed at the hack of the ' screw which jammed It close to the stern, and it was never heard to move a sin from f . . . 3 . {that time to the Jlmc ut our arrival in Qucenstown, a periud of about three weeks. Itgwould be useless for me to endeavour tnin Cnrnaghaa fur the lcuriesa way he exe- cuted his iirdunus (Index, tmdfor his cool- ness amfcheerfulncss during the many ag- gravating mishaps which occurred during `-,. the week. in which he was nobly seconded ! by his chief cnginc-cr, Mr M. Far|un, nnd his '[chief, . :_Mucka_v--in fact, lay every one on to accord the amount of praise due to Cap- h The Pay: charges officers of Cinl Couru ` with taking luv stamps, to a large amount. from documents, and aixing them to new ones, ;'_ charging thg panics applying tonhem; ihni` ] dnil, defrauding the avenue. T59 charge has ~ _ I not yet been contradicted. ` III Ivll 1---J - - - - - - - v _ . - - - - _ v - -. _ Not content with huing tunnolled under Luke Michigan and the Chicago river, the city of Chi- cngo in 110' naked __to engnge in nnothorigrent engineering Ink. -This is to cut 0! the tfiver several miles nbote the city and conduct its entire rpiuma of water to the lake by n canal, and con- vert the chnnnel into-n. system of tnilmndqwbem I the line: converging in the city might men: in one grind central Iutitn. -u `C v I .11 up 11 .-,,g