Kingston News (1868), 25 Jan 1869, p. 4

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July I. CHOLERA, DIARRHCEA, to: IARL RUSSELL seal to the College Physicians 5 commnnicuinn rm-..:..A 1 Lanny nnu nxvnu xuana LAKE and cargoes at! reasonable rules. ,I 1 u Ian Rm! 121! D. SATIBLII. ' President. July 1. I Kingqion, Feb. 4, 186; nuuuuuunci , ' ' ' ' ' ` ' ` " I CASH CAPITAL .. .. 31,000,000. V AKE AND RIVER RISKS Laken on hulls . lint` onrrvnna ..| .n..a;u...I..'l.. -4..- Royal Assurance Company RELIANCE MUIUAL LIFE ASSI/`RA NOE COHPANY. THE DAILY NEWS--MON AL win Timon of the lib inst. imlhe follow- , ing,ihich ehourwhe: e wounucen do;- In eecordence with orders received from the Anuinlhy, n oeiel triel of Lone : pelent marine propeller, which hns_bcen fnrtheejnproved by his, daughter, Mrs Venthu, was made on -Wednesday off! the Heplin Bands. The propeller wee.`t- I `led btlutlndnm, norew oorvem. 21 guns, " hedge, an 1 A00 Iehigv 40)-hone, power, under -Ihe per. none! enperiuteodende of Mrs Vennittart. Theprincipel features of the propeller are --let, let: slip, giving no increased speed I of vlllel, with fewer revolutions of engine nerd fun beeng power: and gt-enter stead- iness, or ebienpe df vibretion ; and [conse- qnent Ipoo the-Ie,] 3rd, 3 less consumption` of fuel, I suing of_ etokers wege, end a ' reduction of the wear and leer or ehip and F meehinerj. The reopellcr, `when viewed -I endwiu, ineteed o forming porti0ul,of the ) threed of a screw, preteen a curved `line, l mining in opposite directions Jrom the centre to the edges of the blev.le.'_ The re- port of thgexpgrinental trial made Iomg time, go gene the Admiralty every eatin- if the report`o! thepreeent trial he no hvounhle, there irnotblng leil; to be doeein misdirection b guare experiment i IittL .'l`hn u-in] nn nllnnnri-u nu. .... LIVERPOOL rub LONDON. MAXWELL w.s-rmmon, A _-..L I... I?:__.n- n: U or. us 1.. lnin 1... -_.__n1-` 4 TOWl.E S CHLORODYNE. ,,,, I l'I .-tlarinc lnsurnnc. Agenl for K ingstou. '.0tce opposite Burnatt House. :7 ` ' wu, THOS. KIRKPATRICK. u Iv:u5UuI1UlI: I'll ICE. JAMES SWIFT, Agent, St. Lawrence Wbart III IUIIIJJ. JAMES SWIFT, Agent, St. Lawrence Wharf. 7 '__""-."9` 7-." Infiuuv I- ""I 3 00. ! prepautionl. Vino Sn-out, Bloomcbug, r l5!,uo dn G:-sud Ohnntior, . Burbidgu, and Squire re- Ifdlf k nn - nnninn-nII-__ .r_r.. _. _--_-.. .vav wv V1 thisdingtion fqturo experimentn. lists .'l`lup trial on odnesduy Wu nu. Bnnhlntllv nntv-nnnfnl than chin h.:.... ....:a._ JAMES SWIFT, 0- Agent, St. Lawrence Wharf T, Riv. GE1.[.F'F;"llET,, UW Manager for Canada :__. Toilet Powders. Porubfa Epnntaina. Toillj. `Vinegar. . Exit Pnpnrgtlhu. '1`oq_tt_1 Eardrn. Glycerin: Toilet Requi- sitea. ' IIJ VVpl3Il>`Ql`\Jl', Agony for Kingqton IA! ~ Gmnmcs Wxnsos ` Segretnty. A1 l\l\r\ nnr. ; T91[le,Ghemiat, $23,000,000, THE ORIGINAL OHLORODYNE, invented by B. Freeman, Phermedeutiut, lg qllowgd to be one oi tho greatest diacoveripeof the preaenl century. It is largely employed _byethe moat eminent Plryeielnm end Surgeonejn `honpltgl and private. prnctioe in all part of the world. 1 t effects peculiar toitaelf, Ind which Ire ee|entinl- ly different to those produced by the Vnrioul compounds bearing the name ol Chlorodyne, but hnve no pretenru to possessing its virtual. It rapidly relieve: pain, from Ihntovet came. ll- laye the irritation of fever. soothes. the ayutem _ under exhnnsting diseases, and gives sleep with- out producing any one of the unpleeunt feelinp so commonly arising from the use oi opletea. t continucr to hold its unsh'u:en position in the estimation of the Profession as the beat, most reliable, and cheapest preparation. Eminent and scientific Phyaicinim made ttiiidevits that they have tested its .ufl9cl.9 in careful comparison with those of DR. COLLIS BROWNE'S_ClILOR0-_ DYNB," and deposed to tho fucts that they found it a more certain and reliable preparation, ar.d`u:rcutly pl"Ert5l'l`l'd. FREE.\L&NS." ' I-mu-I I?u.n:inll r-,nuIrnl'lnil':|t.Itl Ll) the Rovl COI- he ...-.-,.., ...... uuuulu we mu has and Peninu Rune: are on Wrapper, Lnbol *Botle, Ind . Ask fcr Lu sud Po I'8uneo. :1 Wholesale and for Export, by the Pro` prlotoru Won-oath: V, 11. Ognua Ind Bigot- wpll Bu-o)'|y udongbcglm; 8, nu. gnu' Worcuteuhin Sande This delicious Oondiment, pronounced by Sonnoinuurl The only good canoe, in pro- Irod solely by Leo and Perrino. The Poblie uoroopootly oautionodagsinnworthleu inl- totiono, and should use that Lea Label, Botle. and - _ A_I_ 1-, I nu.-. gnu) lflll uu vvuuuubuly WI! Conbhdly ancculful, the ship being quite , {ration vibration. It wan. bolrl course on u puztntltho ndoptreu to risk the repu- E tattoo.` of chi linvegtion by Attaching the L bllll I0 I boll to which they hit] over 5 bun Idlptl bofoto; but the run has! ucbhd-In Ysnnitun. to it the Gritho` ; houihb the minty of obtaining I very 3 nut!!! Ilium: our :11 known screw pto- ' lllll, IU, 4ILL'IH.lI||g30H I. ll-'lL IIUMU, I-lU"`'; *4 Thu genuine hm-1 engrnvcul cm the Gnvernment Slump (nutsiule ouch Bottle), Fk{EEMAN`S ()Rl'HI\'AY.l1I'Il.l)R(H]`|'NF} T and greatly preterm-u "rnm5.rI.'LLVa- Eurl Russell conllmunicat.-ti to the Royal Co!- lege of Phys`-ciams and to Mr Frcutnan. '-I'M`? !' Munilln the. puul_v remcdy of unY "30 "1 cl` was Chlorodini:-. nu, ll, 1- r In-, ., , 1 I`! .-..-.u.. T.....unn-n `IQHI Umoroame. The Medical Times and G'u'zete, January 13th, 1866, states, It has an immense sale among the public, and is prcscrib(-.d by scones of Ortho- dox Medical Practitioners, and, ol`c0uI'30. 3` "9""! not be thus singularly popular did it not. supply :1 want. nnd fill it place. ll\11rnl-tlirunl hu th.-I `nvntnr Riilld Free- Wnll nna Ull place. Manufactured by the Inventor, Eichmd man, 70, Kc.-uuingzoa Park lluad, London. 3- 'T`hn munnl...; hm.` mmn-nvml nn than Gnvurnmnnt IDIJIIIIIJ k|Jl.IL3l'|lf l`lIUII I.)')LL|'-'], ORIGINAL UIILORUDY.\ E.T VONDY`S PATENT FLUID or nntlmll disinfec- ' tamt. pmica, dcudori.-zus, andjdisiufecrs, by the agency 0fm1sce'nl.,9r ozunic oxygcu,-iLu active principle. Bcing entirely iunnxiuua, this truly scientic prcpnratioll is pecuiiarly adapted for the fnuwing useful puI'p0%n.s, Iur which all other (lL4il1f4:(2l.!IL!, on u.ccount.of their poisunuua or other objectionable qualies, are uuavnihhle and -.1sele=ss:- ' Dett-cl,iu,,v.u|-gg,uic impurities in air and water. Ptlrif\'ing dpuking and other water from or- ganic: nmtt.u:f;L-ad, &c. `A's-nuhnninu Hun nil-Ill`. nlnnn nl Inna Ant` -...~..... 1 Lynn: usu DII Uofwn. Of ' ordinary way. ` BLENDING some of the dyes in product an innity of nhndg, 4 HI. - ' glllilli IlIi|l.|aUr" IUHU, lX'.U- R l"u:shenin;.; the nil-of close phce.-I, and remov- ing bad smells. Freeing meat, fish, butter, or other provisions from mint. * rV._.._,.,_,_.9 , .| us . n ITUIII I-Hllllu Counteracting the L-lfects of organic poisons taken into the stomach. Curing Mustyprovender. Freeing Wheat and other seed from smut. Maintaining the health of plants in pot.-1m;d ' can so rvatoriea. Prcwerving and restoring the freshness ol cut ~ oweus kept in wan-.r. ` nnatrn:-inn nlnu |.H.v|.o ,.| .|.. ...-._._- UULV! nununi mun will nd Magenta, Violet Orange sud Pink useful oolom_1.- _ GELATINES and GLUES are Iucoautully coloured with these dyes. INK: A Blxpenny bottle of Magenta to I pint ormore of cold water. WATER ' Gnu drop of dy will tint I Pl3IN1'lNG on O ordinnrv wnv quart. otton, Silk Wool in tha CT IIZU 3 1.3V III IIlU.IIF3I The D chain was never inuensible to the poetry the life the In living. The ru- lnlmc cutie by the sea had its charms for her, nu Ihp enriched its architecture, and srnn _ gpnrtnclu with mun; grace-T lnl Inggemons. . Thu h(\dt!;I tnrn -`Q canon-nhlnnl :I\ .`III aimbple or elegant tinting ensue : {I- GONFEOTIONERS will find Orange nlafnl animu- ' uuwclu Aupu Ill `\V'lIbl`.l'. h Dr.'5tm_I"mg the blight. ul the potatoe, vine, op, mulben-y tree, &c_ Wnshiflg dogs and uther duIIIe`:st.ic Enimals. _C|eaI:.~:ng homes, but!` barrel.-1, pickling tum, dairy ll|_'!I::l.i. Washing the hair and d.n.k:-nlng its co1uur whnlu l I!v'I|.:r|rI ........ n umuug um mnr and U|.Ki.`l|1g its colour when turning grey. Enhancing the purifying andivigomting --|- fects of baths and tubs. 1 Dressing poisoned wounds and Je.-croyinr_r uni- mnl virus Treating the iiitbctious disu-uses of cattle. horses, dogs, &c. One gallon makes 200 to 300 gallons adapted for use. N.B.-Cond_vs Fluid is the Standard Scientic Test for Organic Matter in Water. and nfl"m-de the only known means of rapidly and oomph-L-.~l_\' freeing Drinking \Vut_cr from Organic Tnint, which is so_c-..nnnon a cause ul serious disease. Tu rapidly purify the air, um the diiuted uid with l3o`udy`a Uzoniacr" or other Spray-prm lucer. 4|n\rr\1>n-. _ . __.-, `tun IUILIT PURPOSE`) Remove: from the mouth (impure and loreogn tubes and odours, :'.'fIeLher arising from tobwc-J ,or other cau.=.e-9,7 and cnuxnwrncts the irritutioll and morbid secretions of curious teeth. It puri- es and softens the skin, and, used in the bath, tends to promote a healthy state 0! the whole body. uuu a-pm: 0! not water. SATINWOOD STAIN: A Sixpe Canary dissolved in 3 pint of bo PHOTOGRAPHS may be tinted; dye with water ; a bottle of Ho` pint of water. to. ` ILLUIIINATING: Magenta, Vi Orange; pour a kw drops int_o ndtl-' I11-In uni... u... -- 13; add`-' warm water; xnilar Nlghtn, &c., m? innted in this manner. BLANGMANGE, JELLY ICE OREAMS, tc: `nddjone or two drops 0 Violt, Blue, it into an egg cup use with a {brush or _p to Wind and Lock s y be protty iIlu1n- , coax |l LOD R, While in A liquid state f Mnmanu I wanna bllf B.-hint nf Inn --5..- ... now, uuu mm A Dome to a pull of water, then stir in the Whitening as usual. `Mauve, Violet, Purple, Blue end crimson produce pretty tints by using one bottle or more, as directed above. STABOH: Stir in: few drops of Colon`;-- lagenu, Mauve, Violet, Blue or Pink; these impart delicne tints to Lace, Linen, kc. ` In-rrr 1- An." 1-"... . .___-L - vvuU.\.) DlMl'l1I5 UYHS J PEOPLE. Any 0000!!!! uae,them;any- thing can be dyed with them. It is impossiaie in` this small space to ennrnerste the many us to which these yonderful and beautiful chemical preparations can be applird; while their chief use is for dyeing textile fabrics, they are 3130 invaluable as 5 colouring ogenl for almost every known mnierihl, the ease with which they can be used and the brillian- 01 of the result being, indeed, limos: magical. By their use almost any article of clothing can be dyed in I few minute! for a few pence without coiling the hrnda. - Miunb A urn . ul auu uye Ii eumcient for one feather). COTTON: Mauve, Violet and Purple are recommended. ' LEATHER: Blue, Magenta, Violet and Orange. Dye in warm water. WHITEWASH: To oolor: Hagentaor Pink or Rose; add half bottle 7 directed above- II .155`-IIUII-n (I The boudoir, where we assembled in the morning, Ins lined with seaagrecn satin, and the cornice: of the curtains were of _ whim engmellod shells and coal. The tu- bleo nod fnnitnro of . tha room wane adorn- 'ed with shell: and conl; even the small moulding: were wroughsin the form of sea- uhnlls. H - T_-I_l._.____4IJI__ A.l_,__#I_A ,f,,,,,_ , , I . nu. . ` WILLOW SHAVINGS, Wicker, Ivory, Bone, Hair, Fibres, Sauteed, ta, nmnct the dyc quickly, ifnpplled in boiling rust. BLUE : For laundry purpose: is A 1. BOOK EDGES: `A Sixpenny bottle of Ingen- ta, Violet, Crimson or Blue will nuke from I pin: to a. quart of bountiful colouring, ao- oording to abode required. Apply with 1 brush. ' DI:'I3`IlI'I _ no--nA----( . . . . _ - -- uvnllus Luc int}! MEMOB.Ai4IDA. JIAGENTA : The strength an_d (Iva L: .l.-....... :--_-.I-L- Tile and beauty of thin -un\JLI.I nun dye is almost incredible. A Sixpenny bot- tle will dye 20 yards of Bonnet Ribbon in I 10 minutes; it will also produce ancient` Roan Pink by using less dye. Suitable also for Woollen Goods, Feathers, Silks, be. WOOLLENS: lagema, Knuvo, Violet, `Purple, Orange, Pink, and Crimson produce the moat Intilinctory results. Use slnrge quantity of boiling water in In earthen pan. RIBBONS and SILKS: Brush them with map and water to avoid cranes, and to render them cleqn. Dye in boiling water. FEA'I'HERR- n... a. u... _.n--- ~ = - , Hr, ___ ---wu. nu nvvlu UIIIIOI, and FEATHERS: Dye in hot writer (a. few drops of the dye is eucient for MQUVO. Violet and pllffn n-A I.I\.'I:l . (,`1'lN'DY`S PATENT OZONISED 1..-- 7, ' ran DIAJHI A Dottie Of half a-pin: of hot `ATINWDOD 91! I II! - A --+f EA AN D PRRBIN8 WorouterIhin J Uondimnnt, m-........---.a -- U'D30.\".5 SlMP[;E DYES PEOPIJE A..- ..-- -,_ _, - ~--- - \ru4\laI u-Jun; (FOB 1ou.Iz'r rcurosla, nun oh. ........L 2 ,,_ , Ll. DULal.a.I.lA.V UU Patentue, Batu.-rsoa, UIIIII-|CIl"JKu\l BI-I\i 9351`: With the warm iupiniiol of the Duck- cu : lovely nnd life-giving presence, Dun robin Icons In II like 3 beautiful dram. Ad tbouglnlu; race of England in now ladod, though leaf by leaf dropped from it e in that long nud testy` trial Ind debility Ind Iicklll Which must and the molt proa- potous life, yet is in comfotting to think lint nhurnoblat ad- sweetest put of what. , yam chum there is immortal. 9.1-nnnnnnon in wall rlnina was H. BOLLMAN coxnv, P.aIanr..u D..o..._..._ I -_,u , ,_ _. ...-u. -uvulug WEED!` 3 dilute the rt; Ilagenta to n c. u1xp6l|nV home boiling water Sixponnv bottle t nf Hnili . . _ _ . -_ rill tints 1 the bath will according to ;MB1nck to WATER, luau: , a, London. 5 Plgent continnsnce n well doing was the `rat eon and end of her own Me and her huhgndk And of all _tbat they`! posr laud. thivpttieno eotinunnoa is the only thing tlllt retain; pemmlnenlz value in the eye: of Gbd or man. . MDVERTISINGI} Jtiblolous can or `NEWS? A`PE B. (!01'.U_M\lH 8! THE I-{v%m=E,i;I ,1 L TRADESMEN " min nnancuarrr IF YOU WOULD an nun? or nuns, AND mwu no N01` ALREADY TAKE ADvmrAGi 0`! !'.YPES.AND IN -K . - ll` YOU CONT RAG T3 AND YEARLY -- AGREEMENTS OIEOULATION OF ANY NEWBPAPE5 7 PUBLISHED IN THIS! CITY, THIS JOUREZAL .1 OFPIR8 THE sxsr umtm rm: LOCAL um GENERAL ADVERTISE IENT8; THEREFORE ADVERTISE INTHI DA [LY NEWS." PA RTIOULAR8 OI? IIICII-o Nothing eolld ho thoughtof more quaint- ly beautiful thin the terraced wuiks, the mugnilcem ntaircnses, the lovely gardna with their fountains and their owers, that surrounded the castle. 1:l'r_-L -'I,_ __-__ r____2,-;'_-, _r.|,, `l'\, u POSSESSI H G` [HILY NEWS. 1 LOCAL npmn TIMES. PLACE TH? ATTRACT CUSTOMERS SPENT MONEY HAY an mun yr THE DAILY mews oxmon. THE LARGEST AND N01` TD ADVERTISIL 1 _ 5.9;: l"1I:b`1'PTl_(}7.` Is 153: 31:31 TO A LIBERAL AND SIGN A THOUSAND ADVERTISE A D V E Rlsonvn yr `oxen 1-0 "OUR. RUBINESD AHVERT|Sl' \IlD[U WHEBEIN IN THE PURCHASE A DAY AT DUNROBIN UAS'l`i.I-.`. .~\DVEi .TlSE ADIIT 1-an IIPOBTANOI or A)-`D REPEAT THE .00., strsumss. THEREFORE (30 AND AND ERECTION OF AN A LITTLE FURTIIER DRIVE YOUR BUSINESS, Nmhlo AND TH Ell! SUOOFWP XTTRAOTIVR SIGN IE4 `TH-Cl A JUDIL.`-IOUSSTF-`I 1'0 Aoirxmrtsx A mean AND ATTRIBUTI R 'l` I S E` B1: DRIVEN, `UR YOUR PLAOE 1f0R ADVERTISING BEFORE 1":-{P I!` YOU WOULD Uh: Daily M Ncms. ---u----a--_-_.>.I1.._...._ _-..u., __..`._; 0? BUSINESS GARRY SUCH 97 THE LONDON. QUARTERLY Opllieolgivo THE EDINBURGH REVIEW V THE WESTMINSTER 1 VIE ( ical). THE NORTH BRITISH`, R Ylli (Free ch'h) . up ~ ' BLAOKWOODB EDINBURGH IAGAZINE (Tory.)' - - ' -' `HESE foreign periodiqolr are regularly re published by` us in the Iameqtylc nlhereio-' fore. Those who know than and who have iong subscribed to them, wpeed no nmindr; those whom the civil In: of the lat few-you-g had deprived of their one: weleonooupply otih. beel periodical literature, will be glad to but?- then: again Wilhiny their reach; and those. who may never yer have met with thelmwill nun:-ed. ly be well pleased to receive accredited repon. of the prog;-es`; of European science andjljtera. LIULIJMLJ I` \III 5999' Fofnny ne or thefuurevievn - ' For any two of .he four Reviews - For any three of the four Reviews For pl] four of the Reviews - For Blackvoodh Linguine - - Tor Bluckyood ind one `Review, - For Bluckwood and two Reviews - I-`or Blkckwood and: three Review: - For Blackword and four Rciiewn - -In-- ` HE. Noi-th but of Lot Np. 4.1:: the 411: cn cenlon of thgfownchip of Kingpon, can mining Om: Hundred Acre: (pl?! 0' frhich in under um. ), with n Prune `Dwehmg Home `the:-eon.- {am In on! unumllel {mm the` city, and in clue to tha ottkd Imnldnulud snot` lnnuirn ll {IE OM uv--- atom. a. T I e nmaunti of general reading 13 gt ; An` ` "81-`Price, `Five Cantu. Bubscriptibn 'I'w'o` & ery nnble In 130 turn ouI:T`:i|ro `in #319: "uh `19".k mquu-y in A0119! do-patsly.-and at .1: lI.lI'8. .-B nu... ----. an--u cs ; n.IJI;I, ILI1 lj-nin_Hl :snt|iH_\'. HI`enkl:saT. which 1 rely follows-3, vras, am the _w|m|e, \ : clmrlnilng uwa: n|' Ilm la.y--the-. ng Fprruil in [he Inrighwsz Mn! 1 mus 01 thus he-us~, wh-we vAiuxlu\'.g`= ed the nu`-(ups ul the tun-.-umnd WINL-rs:-f u: (hrnmn Guam. 1: } tul uf uncoun-utimml lreemlmn an-.l 1 ___ ____g_ l`______ __x_ I .1 | ~ . w I U D I. II II D - When sent by mail, the Poggggg :9 my p._, ofthe Unied Suites will be hm 1`wen1y1c-ar Gemg 3 your for " Blackwood, agp br_t gm Cutg a year for each of the Reriewl, DB. GRLNVILL Author of the if Dr. Gun A E, i~.n.s.. Spa of Gcrnnny. ' lmfoa d `chub:-.. '&`.;`;,i '-' HIIIUWILIK TOQXUCEU FIIICI, VIZ : The NorlI;'Bn'lich from J uiusry, 1883,10 Do-_ cember, 1868, inclusive; the Edinburgh :nd tlIe Westminatet from April, 1864, to December, 1866,` inclusive, and the London Quarterly for M385 nnd 1868, at: the rate of $1.50 a your for each or may Review; also Blactwood fot 1866, tor $2.50. - ` ' - THE LEONARD soon` Publishing 60., SR W'1Iknn..nh-nor `N Y u u, x ug-neve, un1veru.llyV _acknowledged`:t'l:;_t' ah oil~hu~gun&_ the_npantIc_ powec' nil from V mfinveogltions, 1 mi dg_ubt :'sms_being` I pure And unqdultented Irticlc. nu nA,B.Low.1`.a.3.,T ` , Senior Phydclurtao Gufljllolpit. - _...j ; Subscribers may obtain back nnmbn Q: the ' i lollowingreduced rates, viz: rm... n.r....n.'1.'r::1.'.r. rm... 1...`_..... IGQO1- n- I By Henry Btophezg-oM1['f Edinburgh and the {lie I. P. Norton, of Yale College. 2 vols. Royal 0:- tiiro 1600 pages nnd numerous Eng:-xvi . !I {ICR'--$7. for the two vnlnnnn_ B38. 11.. unu, xuuu page: Ina numerous Eng: IKLQE-$7, thug two volnxnu. post paid, $9. Iiunnts --I the funny Iuralnip. ` |"l`()RSEY AT.) entrance of the Duchess und In-ri C1)nnoet\~' 3:0... I ruse rt-spmtxlully, and nnuimgul E 3'r\_'\_'I` l{nu;:n:x. I umil tluy nu-re sn-azul; after g - - ~-~~~ e Duciuss n-ml morning prayers, J. R. smi 1;; with the Lord's Pr:-yer, Hill )HYSIClA_,`.' SURGE J nn_ul -unh :._\.' Hue:-Ll tat Inch E 1 Resldence Hurrowsn c-Iy . __I_ l __ `...____..'_.._ _ cbzirlnllag IIXH.-In nl tla,`l.;y (ht-,1 ONE` Tn LEND. mg In Inrng.ntc=_s: -Ind; sk,ml_;,n`fRe;\_lE3` mus oi hous~, sxluslsmg `H. at 3 ._(,;, rm`, of W ed lzu -Inns turn-szmnd 1 .n'.._.. . b.'nbwmnsni11'H; r.ns;,- ' . Hedicnl Ocer to the Poor Law Baird of Great { ` j . Bl-ilain_ ' _ ...... nuuca nu one IUDI IAW DUI? of uF?I` Britain. We think it 3 great advmtnge that is one kind o.l'_Cod Lr Oil ihich in nn{nI-siily admitted to be genuine--tb! Light-Bro`w`n_ Oi`! supplied by Dr. de Jongb. -`It has lqngbeen our practiee, ihn prescribing :11`; oil, to rcdullilenii` ` this kind, nlncg, Iinidst I nch` vnetfind un- certainty, we hive condence in its `genuine-A nesa.-(Extnct from "0oqnmption`: its Early and BeInedinl_>!e Stngesf) < " *, DR. L'N_KI`.SI`EB,` 1r.n.s:, (`I ' >,, -_ ---?-uaQf '\ I consider tbs: the parity, :0! this oil in occur`- ed in in prupuilion, by the patsoa-I utoetulon oi so good `I chemin and inliolligant I phydchu In Dz. do Jangh,.1rhohna aliopwritteu the best medical u-emu on the owitgnwhfehflli no-g qnainted. Hence, ldoeln u God Liver:-Ollnld under hi: gnaunhe to be preienblo to ca; adieu-' kind as regards gqnuinenona and l:odieul_e- Me -II . un. unrnll, / _ ` [edict] Oieer of Health, uni Chief Annlylt in _ the Oitypr ` In" all ecea flilva founH_ Dr. do Jouglfn % Li ht-Brown Cod Liver Oil " gjthp sung netgbf properties. whh the pmgpe `bf chullic compann I_, an of Iodine Mln _n u?_uhfof orgmic eombiniqn, the moat remafkbh; II. is, I believe, universally` gckuowledged thgt this oil llnln-an thqrnn-nth-`-----* A " ' { R. DE JONGEPS LIGIH-BROWN con LIVER 011.. - DR. DE JONGEPS Oil is convincingly proved by an oven wbelming weight 0! medical testimony, M aud by the_ practical out of Ioceeoaful experience for twenty year: in :11 parts of the world, to be, beyond all question. the parent, the mod; allies- c_ious, the most palatable, and, l'ronI.ito npid curative -.-'ecu,_thq man economical olnllkinch. Jlgnce the univeml cislebnity 01 Dr. do Jonglfn Oil, and the unparalleled liemand for this unri- valled prepgrctiou. _, SELECT MEDICAL - OPIHIONB. sm HENRY Juns, BABT., ll.'D.. Physician in Ordinary to the Queen in Ireland. I have freuently prescribeg! Dr. do Jonglfg Liglw-Brown Ood_ Lives` Oil, I eonliderit to be I very pure oil, not likely to creit disgust`: Imfl n Lbenpeutiemgent of great vnIu`e."' ` The L. a. Pub. co.:1:nbIuh T ' The Farmers Hllldr BB_l'l3IbH .rr.n1on1cALs;" -"A,-V"`V'~,'M'.7'-'` ,"--AV A Wm?` lngxny 30 K. oo_Nu11v1mf an A ' rzznlm,-W, 0, % mi 1: n n u l11.N `IL s_'rAonu 3; Li xupud time, which clay umy at August I. won: In reauliug, :H1.|_\', busim-as - - T - - ..~~ of clximacn. .-\1in_\ at Dunri;li_u ; -5"'|" s spun. murb in this luzsixinn.-` })A!{RlS'I`h`.|'-'...-Uxurn xghtuml umc afclmk the guoqs i} -'3" Hi-'1` om--I: mbling in at clunrming Imlc Iuu- SFFWY. King mug tlu: ;;rcau.- dHiWlDg*lunu|`i I\R`N 5 bnunklual. wus ulwuys 2sl.'IV\-IL V` H ` _ ` Ducluis, nlnuys fnsh and m- 1 " l` `(Wk _1'-} \ 14 wizh st-m`c:Iniu_:_; zt1J}`|`ll1)ritl!l::-.l:tl7`. - 3: I`.;\`:}1. ` HI ) 7 lo utch nun", wan-ul lnr_ in It'\\' ' BHU 5 1` 01: ._n'_._, I __n:_, , .l. _ _,, __ . l.. V 7-. lld ll (SIDE I0 Ina rorlxllu ulnuuuiuwuu Inquire |I,tho Dlily Kai: amps. King} nan run sum. vrosgian. I ha I-nail 1|-.1: Dllla TERMS lf0B.l868.. __n Al _. t_._._D.._..-_.- OTT Publishing 3} Walker-Itreeti NJ . (`muphoII,'1Ilowm as Nlxcdc~xt2;elI, : '.AuIus1`!s)&B, 8a,, Pdncgh; ` 3* Kg. I) ma (oppqn. nag nun u,_-, ' ALIXANDIB Gnu-nu, Q0 , GIORG: Lune: Mount, Gsouan Mxuma MAanoInu.. H:-crrvh 1, : (`.7 - ' ;;ddrss,_ I "tho % necessary M . nm-mi on -."..:_ 1 4-3., % man:-` " Ptv-no Blmlq I?nnv b.|..L._ ml IITQZI, sun so uunulut Ii 10 lines, 31,15 1'! cents for H1 or 1|! IIIEIX [U in 11-..- an an E BEST Tonic Hair Dressing ever discov- I cred. It effectually" mail the scalp, pre- ` .7 vents the Hair from fallin afar turning prema- | # turely gray, and when the folliclei and glands l are not destroyed, will produce 1. new and lux- : urinutgrowtli of hair when it has already diap- , poured. , , It i; the cheannnt n -an .. n.- 1...-.. L-:_i any but direct to tho West}. or to gin! Hum Imus '~ nttendoitmi ad} 3, Iocopltl W BiynO .1091? :2? Siugloeoppgri Bf 10: -. "1o': Job Ptig` in enbled with grunt __ in the City," \ A`I` may he fifdlif` ITILI. __\L_`. W1`! Tut. HWDQHM I S'rA'1'Ii Tog - carefy? ' Form of Duh. atom and nh..'.,. 3 up uvuuv Alqg `V``- `L: ` r'rHnlNlW~ 2:-zen aphgi $-nIv|-ILII IJIILI nuu ll. l\}l.\AIEII}C1'LlQ `V. Uunveyancers, Notaries Public. Riclmrd T. \VaIIu:In, `OLICITOR [N CHANCERY. 5 Ul1`.ico-' fl-lrenrr Street, Kingston, C.W. J. P. GJLDIRILIIVI l..l..'B. |B1cu. T. Wunu. nu: Gui T|!F:;: ' cnuzaul ulsuter to V: Daily New: Oeo. -_--.v..,-.1 \Ib\L.'llJlJ. Mn Stowe, in her "Tribute to the Memu~ not 3 nuble woman, in the February At- lantic, given I very interesting skclcu uf the Duchess of Suslwrlnml. Wu copy spor- lion of it: l\.._:_,--I.A .:, E J ` inst. B T . rswn up; with teir bu E!I.=097 19.5330 1: "1 sy, Jan. 23.- th0L'1 ut.G ` `I-mu nceognp to incorporate tb I Benet. Spciexg. t6 uneml the Act, chap: Ht, imitnled An Act to .;.9f C*!d!vThitlF*-`i . 1,! ` I.|.ll\l:Iv\.-u~.v.- _._., 3 j.!'l'i'ner-`at-Law. -- ggmto imnd gho. A_l_et um M` thirty-one. intituled Au_ " w. Huron Golicge. " ` toincor~porate`1b.e Nor wlw-- 2 L: to amend the Hunfip at Upper Canada. 1fo'm`tho1-ize ihe Lu? Winds _to admit Charla: ~ . -at-Law. _ suthorize the In g \ .- Ottsivtdnd Gloneester` gm hand an. fths 0InldI,ill!iIl11ed An A M _ , by means 0! Stamps, ma moacedings sun And Duties, pqabl ; LIIII-ICE, rW"V"" snu ` _ _ V 4 ptofedln sud. - " plm-he the sg.-.. ii` 1 lllil ilwlflug ll: $1 v ; in_t _Prdi_nehV 3- _ Nb nmend"the `Act OT! ~ ofmndgtwenty-fxhVi ilnly-two, by daclnring I it % a 9 Dfm.i"&. \.. I.ha`._`.[r.xl*,` and In :_ `W '4 . ~1:'.'I' ` V W iiobiiite in-- Bnilwhy Company. tfe v... --uuuuuncul UU. ' Act to lc alize the ` Ioldingby thee L11:i1i0;'.i,'[)`JIg,|-$3 "'WhiP 9f..EI:..Yi1I,<,en.t. i. Gray, in the" pI"o1ix':ce*"of On . =-lctgtounond phn um. % Hr$3!x'r'g!b.=!IIv_ T1 ,, .f...usV '| % n.:.""L.t.`....'i`I*::`u.- 2":;':2'. .y ` 11! uttgzinarpohu. E lupiacting the Cbloiiis " % lllillitqgd). t9 f-qilit-we V o. `for the `nx_,gg:nuon J aid for 011181 P|'P|:=I]- ~ toconggitute in`il"ennIs L ` ,,teuI.sJt.e of Alexander ya tell and dispose of his `A o no Assembly. 91` > - T, 1 I'0lp`C'(!:`3`1ELIl|`eI. to Uni H _T 2. Church; Toronto, w nd convey the sum,` `and in the erection of 1 n l|',..ln'.b 5.. :_--_.__- - Al A Lin?" 1: 4143 PRO}-_l0GAT!ON.' '- `I2 ---At one o cl . ``` [ MARINE PROTESTS.--Printed forms, for the use of Notaries Public, much gfscilitating the drawing up of Protest: in cuesof disaster to vessels. For sale at the Dlilr News Oflm, g:.';.`z;.::'g`::;.wmm ` w||*=.DI1C and Port. pf """'T_ In ' Al ` bus?- n I`arm?: mMm;un1 In_su rlct rsbectihg the U01: Im-pl in than 1:.-an-in-Lul'~ the IDIAIPS SEA SALT, for producing I P renl Sen Bath in your own Room. The 1 above fnvourjto preparation in nrongly racem- mended. ;l Solo Prop;-iaton-'l`IDIAN 8 SON, Chun- ; Inn, 16 TWo1-mwood Street, London, B.0. 3..---At. oiie o'clo . Goiemgr, drov .___.-___,I,h. ._n.eI '5"-' v1|oII-III ` niioned_, a nnualu-.-..o 4` Lisriilmliei 3.1 Illf On ._.-.L.A HIV, Illla` the D19 0 l{{-III)` Ar. Draper, 1 ARRISTERa`,.-\T'l"OR.\lBYS-at-LAWSolici- , tors in Chancery--Ghamhers Nns. 7, 8, _& 9, Am-hur Buildings, Kingston, 0. W. [JAMES 0`|`.R.1LL\".Q U. | FuA1~'K'C_ Dun-nu. I -the cheapest as well as the but, being only_25 cents for 3 large bottle. Buy it,_try it, yon ll like it and recommend it to your friends. Henry Simpson A 043.. Inntnnnl 1`.I`n...|...I- 80} ~ v v - - - - - - - --v---J `J 'l`TUR`.\'EY-AT-LAW, Conveyuxaer, &c. `K Kfngston, C. W, Dec. 1. Jvu u use ll Illd IOOOMHII Henry Simpson 8 00., 1 Agent. . --.~ u. n v mu 4']. . try low ra churgv- .. A n. `I -I ) v v-_.. V`...--.-na 3 ` RE a safe no.1 relinblc re- vm>d_v in all di3 \i(` of the Stomach, Liver and Boweh. They are i not Quack 5!:-dicinojs ruff:-.1 up by high pounding testimonials from imaginary people, but are the resu!t of forty years experience ofa first-class physician, and their extraordinary mucosa: in duc- i to the fact thll. they lnswpu exactly their m.m_ ` The formula from which may are prepared, in inner! on sound. scientic principles, and has re- ` ceiva-d the unqunlit-d applobation of the medical P-ro_fen.tiInl. They do not profess to be a can--nll, but for all diseases ari;-I g from any derangement of the Stomach, Livtrvgnd Bowls. they _furnieb an bffcclual remedy. e have in our possession, over one hundred testimonials from physicians who have used than in their practice and high- ], gpps-ave of thy,-m_ among which are the (01101.- mg . J. H. GIBSON, M. D., Dunhsun, C. E. O. E. CU'I`1`UN. H. D.. Cownnsville. CHARLES BRUWE, M.D., Cowansville. S. S. FOSTER, M. D. Bfoome. ' J, O. BUTLER, M. D , Waterloo. JOHN ERSKINE, M.'D., Waterloo, NORMAN CLEVELAND, M. D., Barnnton. N. JENKS. LL D. Bnrnslon. n W l"fIW'l ,lPu u n :3- -_., - III-III III I` Q During: the time of_Ihe writer's stay in Dunrobin Cattle. thirty or {any guuns, mach with oz-r_unIs and dependents, were x-mu ing it If: Castle, ye: -\'z-r\".h`1n_g moved ull with that air oflrauqunlli-y nptl home quiet which belong; tn In small, wuH~ngu1at.--'1 lumily`. - ~ TI-.. nnnhnnn -5 IL- L--.` `I- ..-..A I. -_ __., -_- nu... u.-an-go HIVCH cuur BI` tiiflctiolz; ind all who once use it will never consent to change it for any other. We have not spnce to en_umera.te the virtues lccorded to it by thousands who have used it, and volumarily testify to its merits. Buy a bottle and satisfy yourself that it is the best remedy ever oered. nan-19 Qurnnnnq I. ('1. Ir._.,,, 1 cup. - U5-`i"[CE.-->'mnh Wc-st corner of Dundns and 1 East :5lreet5_ ' Wl.'H. W|LK[\'0.`1'. W. A. REEVE, M. A. ......,. .J_.._, x -` F`... x 1 i IVIIICUJ U'Elf Uuelvu. Henry Simpson 8 00., Agents. n. dnJI\D, Bl. U. DIFBBIOD. 0. W. COWLES, I. D. Stunatead. * JOHN MEIGS, H. D., Stanatend. JOSEPH BREADON, H. D., Surgeon, R N. BENJAMIN DAMON, |l.D , Conlicook. LEMEUL RICHMOND, M.D., Derby Line. WINSLOW LEWIS, M.D., Boston. R. D. MUSSY, M. D., Boston. I . J. AUSTIN, M.D., Sherbrooke. K. D. WORTHINGTON, M. D., Sberbrooka. Henry Simpson & C0,, Montreal, Whole: Agents. _ S A SPECIF` 10 for Rheumatism or Lnmeneaa I of any kind, Swelling of the Joints, Sore Throat, Cold in the Head and Diphtheria, Bums ior Frost Bites, Scratches on horses, kc. &c.. , _ , Y - ___._v_.-an;-nu unquxlv. [I an internal as `well as an external remedy, and is the `only one that always gives entire sa- tisfaction, ind We hnve not mum: on a.....-........... .1... _:_.__ .a.m'n alumc. ).\ !{Rl.~`~'I`l~ZV-`.. .-\!mrm=_v-at-Law, Cnnvn-ymfcor ' ) till}.-1` up;-nsitc Po.-it um:-..., Clarrnue ...p I.':..._ . _. LI March 15, 67 SURGEON, &c., PORTLAND, Harrow.-`mith. IHIJIIIJ. The Dnolueu, st Ilia head, `kept. her eye I -war all, thought uf All, pgo\"tdu:d for an. Eveiy lay to each was proposal such vari- ul lurma ul` occuputiun ur miitw.-uivii: as it wag ilnugiuo.-al would be tuna: agu.-eublr-. The supervision til` the lI:1])ptDe8S`ul,1Ll cmr.~ furl :1 all was pro.-rf:-ct, tliuugli invisible.` The results cuuld only be accotuplislu:d_ by that perfect dnmrstic sym-in which has lur ages been the striking cliarncteriatic uf Eu- glish family life. Everything there but ll preudont, nu eitnbliahcd order; every pet- aun knows his exact plttcr, aim is llxauily lifted fur it; and it is quilt: puasible for At mugunuimuua uatui, lull of hospitality amt tltuuglitlulm.-ss, to infuse itself tutu em.-r_v . co-worker. downtu the tueanest nttcutlzuit. . I be rxnct disposition of hours ulso gives to the lic1ul_ uf 1.-atnl-lialitncnts as great tlcul of uuiuturrupud pile;-asun: tlcvulu tn rcutliug, :tI`.t.|y, Lll.l.3llh`b`a or the curu cltiltlicn. A (ln_\ Castle was lllblllnll.` Bm\\`erlt eight ml n`t,-lot k begun ustmbliiig lllllt: doi-r uvjuimng dmvliug~tu-mi, Vllltfe the ulwuys Here the fnsh diant, sud !si'Hlt"il|lllj' zq:p|'npri1t!u :.r:tl. `D k>III` III EMV I11 run-L ..n.~ xu-..|..v.| I..v- .. I... l I-'lI4!(-rllcove &. \VaIke;I;, )ARRls1`-ERS and A`I"l`0RN'EYBat-LAW, ) Uunvevnnm-rs. Nntnrinn Pnhlin .... F`. Apnl nouns mmunmc LIQUID, In In ?nn;....1 .. `_...1I -_ -4 VI'_ilk!son '& l`:'.cv\'(', ARRISTERS AND AT'I`URNEY$nl-LAW, .\`:n`inl..ra I`...-.u.~.u... ..-.-.. Junu-.~ ,1,-,:nc\v, |A |{|'_{ISTl-I It .md A |"l`U R.V'EY-at-LAW,Cm1- D vs-yunccr_ Au-.. Uice `ugot Slrvet, sec-und Ir S.1u[h nt Hue lfrilis/1 Wing Uice, upstairs. Annual I ......-unuu.-.; nnu n I tuna l'.lD-nl-l41'\Y| , Solicitors, Cuuveyaucers, &c. Nnpun.-e, W. iiuwdcn. 'l"l`OR.\'EY A'l`- _' I '{,\:;5.!i III_, A._,, `I . Il\'.|I-1L`4l l1l'.`'I ` . atom; Fui v ll.4lIl uni. Grown Attorney. 1 smn, m.n., J U 051:1`. 7 | The gentlemen uflhe fnnily`, is a general 3 thing, were lupposed to spcnchhe day in the open am, as this what we shoviting gm- II1 , `V. I3. Rlii|;.'h)e, .'L'\' 1'!` I ml!` /1 `[51; SUGAILCOATED :.\1u\`I:J~ "In In); ::- `I \" nm'usi'1`r~`. rm-2 : I`; ). s.'m_000 to lend nn lhe Est-nc iu the City or Coun- icnxerest No commission R. .\I. HLISE. menu It I-U your xnendl :., nonuaa, Wholesale` I L, Montreal, Wholesale on uv if. D.,n'berbrooka. Wholesale Hi ll I9 : After Mich, at two o'clock. llleognestn! `gneruy drove nut, gin! spent the ulternmm excursions tn (lierem. point: of incercsfs 11: the nnrtounding beautiful commy, return- ing in usual: for an honr_of felt Ind refresh- monl bclore the dressing-bell rang for din- I111 K;"1;::C_. ZPhumlx Fire Aunrancacompanif * OF LONDON. LICE- Ieun Burgoyne, :4 coin Indentl for Yardley On): ll-mufdotory, M 7 London, sud Depot, 5 Run Gn Pain. lanblinhod I770. Hotne lnsurnce Company of 1 _ New Haven, Conn. ` :_ CAPITAL .. .. 31,000,000. PREMLUMS RECEIVED DURING 1867- ; $2,000,000. Funds deposited in the hands of !he Goverment for the security of Policyholdera. f All ne risks carefully surveyed, And the ml: of Premium mnde to correspond with the risk assumed. I . nnnn nttrvnn-n cuulu Iiblllll DI J KID-IO`.o ' `Panza, Rose and Violet Powders, Goa- metica, French Extracts, Lavender Water, Cherry .Toolh Paste. Li:nuJn'we and Glyoerine, and $3 douription of prapu-ntionl for` tho Toile . ' ` j1____.. Is, - Fire and Marine 1.V.%`l"RA.\'C'.F.' C`0.lIPAN}' OF DUBLIN. UAPITAL .. .. .. .. $2,500,000 ANNU.-\LIN(JU)lE. .. .. 1,000,000 VI` `I7 IWDIIBEIVBIY ARDLEY & 00., Fancy lleken end Per`fun:ere. Prise Medal awarded for Purity and Excellence of Quality. London and Paris. BROWN WINDSOR `S0 AP. PRIZE -MEDAL HONEY SOAP. PATENT SUNFLOWER OIL SOAP. GLYCERINE SOAP. Every variety of fancy Soepe in .lb Bari. Also ' extent of 3 Tebletl. ' Pn nu `Dan. ..A 1'r:_|_. n-._.I_,A - `F. HUOPER, 15615. ms: -A. AL'.{.}2n';.I,' " VE. pfoom - President. General Agent. INCORPORATED IN I819. CAPITAL $3,090,090. ASSETS $4.650,938,27 A ULL AND CARGO RISKS to and from inland Ports on favourable terms. Losses promptly and |iberal|y adjusted and paid in Canada thlrrency. .1: M ms H\l7lIu"I' A ....... u:-nu, uuu nu-u .Va|'lU\ZAllIlI;.5 l'l"lJ!'l||1HI`!llL' ::l:tl k.nal to say lt'\\` momcn p l.)g_3 ore lvntligpg the way In an luum `I Wlwlt: _Itll'|n[s On the: entrance In-rl guests. all n nuimgtl standing I'M: which the Dutfluss nnu1"uIng pr:t_vcr_:-, (`0lI.clt.|(`lIl]g .\\ ltl.l l.l>It: Lurtl S I In which nll 3-nn_-cl which l tmmcdiau-Iy the moat chnrtntn-g ml" 1l:sy--!lu-. ` table being uirii.-at mums lnous ~, `l|0:6 tJVeIltmkL'd -lups . the blue Mn: GLTll!i\ Ocean. ' was a meal ul uncquvv.-utunml ; cape; every um-. a I.-uera were laid bc.-'uI.- ' 3:` :::.':'. `:::.;'i*.:"::'%:"" t.;"*;":g.~ I 850, la g a - wat; a n( ur- ward: u f'chL-0.-rlul hits nf "infornnatiun; guthercd IK0lD.ll.|:ln, formed a vcry`pl_ea- ; aunt tenturenf the hour. After breukhm Ihcre I'll I little stnson nf'clunting uul `lounging in the pirluurs. while the Duch- euI_ nrnugtd with some all er friends as thuughtlul programme of the (lay, win: I: included provision [It the contort and unuu-men: of every gum; and these ar- vingelttgtgyg undeqwncl, the Duchess conid loom er time until luncheon at 3 gztzlock. - ,_.I.4__ l`-L 1I__'u :~ unu nu uunugllu. ` All the above are csrefully prepared for Ex- portation, and retain their excellent qualities in any climate. 96 Strand ; 128 Regent Street; 24 Oornhill, London. 17 Boulevard den Iulienie, Paris; % Home Insurance rompuny of New % ` Haven. r1 . '. .,...,..,. Loaees paid in 49 yenrg, ' `HIS Company has been doing business in l Canada for nearly 60 years, and during that time has secured the public condence by the prompt. and liberal settlement ofnnry fair claim. It has fully complied with the laws of Csnsdu by the deposit with the Government of Stocks In the amount of 359.000 __ _ Toilet Soaps. Lavender Water. Cold Grand. Perfumed Vaporiger. Rose Leaf Powder. - Perfumes for the` u....,n...--I.:-: 1. v.uuu.|~aa 101' II Handkerchief. Eau do Cologne. Ih. nhnvn I zEtna." Insurance Co. of Hart- ford, Uonn PAID UP CAPITAL AND SURPLUS... ;4,s33,543,:-:9. T.-....... _-!1 :_ nn _-_._ -9-`A"*` *`- yvrvcvvil And is prepared 14 issue policies on terms 13 low as theaafety of the assured will permit. JAMES SWIFT, ` Agent". St. Lawrence Wharf. Kine-rn'Inn fnln A ln V n ass: a: \.1uuaJ1tIJ1J.l.LVI!. The Original Preparation of known Composi- tion. From Dr 0. Kidd, Author of Standard Works on Chloroforrn. , Saclrville-street, Piccadilly, London. Sir,--I think if you would advertise your Chlorodyne more than you do, you would help to beat the others, which are secret oom- pounda, out of the market. Many medical men think with me, and recommend pound, but will never prescribe a secret re- medy. Camus KIDD, M.D. To Mr Towle, Chemist, Manchester. A Surgeon from New York writes :---I only requires to be known to be appreciated.t I have no hesitation in characterising it (viz, Towle s Chlorodyne) as the most: ueful medi- cine that has appeared _during the present century. In diarrhea, colic, agne, spasms, I have found it to relisvarnore pain and cause more joy than any other article that cauibe named." `1-___ an iv` . NOTI.--Th8 Profession in warned ngainst in- ferior, secret, and cheap compounds now in the market. Each genuine bottle burn a. fac- aimile of Proprietor`: signature on the Itamp outside. INC`. .- Dinner, at 8 tfclock, nu up gmnd rem ` ion of the dqy; all, however divided uw pm-suitl, ism expected to meet then, and spud the evpniug thcncefonurd in each other : tacitly. Music and conversation diw_rsipd.z 0 tuning, and at 12 o'clock the Duchgu dilmiuod each; of her guests, handing her 3 night-lump with coma up-~ . ympriuo kind word. Th- IinnIru\o&1nou nf Ihmluogu-|IilnIIn:I;..-n, .. v u.n-u st `"1r1`_;l I 1;, 1)ERFUlllR ~by sppoitneht `to their Inju- tiee tuerupeiiar of the lunch, the Queen of Spain, the Queen of Holland, the Queen of the Belgians, |nd'the King` I Potugul; end H.R.H.-the Prince of Vista. - (nun nuoanuu Iain to me Uolloge of LA Physicians communicuion received by him from Munillo (where cholcn had been grning fearfully) to the effect tbnt, of all remedies tried, Qblorodyue was the most effec- IIVCJ ' LIQ. C'HLORQFDRMI Co. on CHLORODYNE WITHOUT PEPPERMINT. 9-1- n___r. -- - - .v.----avg. ALIILJII Sole Manufacturer :_-,-A. P. Manchester. ' The dsy seems as yet, unlnppily, fer dile- taut when publicopinion or" Butte mlex-Kg:-V cnce will. prevent the edvenileuent arjnl of any secret medicine whatsoever. 1!. is to be lloprd that the profes.-Jon will continue to brmd Ii unworthy the conduct of those of in members who by testimonial or otherwise paid the disposal of inch thinge."-Lmct. .-I-imta Insurance Company. ol' Hartford Conn. Agent at Ki!I';tOl; mm `I 011565-33, Clarence Streel. Kingston, March 20, 1862. Kingstm], Feb. '4, I868. .lJ Dec. 20, 1867. I! IICW WT.` THJLI Tie diuppehnce `of tho beam ifully dias- od Indies up sud down me long curridurs of the cutie, with their silver nigut-lumps in their hllldl, yd their passing behind 11:: dnperied Ill of the diner nt doors, In like 3 nclnsin thtopen. C 'I'I|n nnnhnnn -nn not-r innnnqih'A in Ihn

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