\J[lICU'DJI UIIIIUHLU uncut Kingqton, Much 20, 1862.- 7 v - . - -av And is prepared la issue polick-I on terms as low in the safety ofthe assured will permit. .l..uI..-1 Rwunv - --__ -__.y.-V-.a-eunwo The Original Prepexetion of known C3i`npo5i- lion. From Dr C. Kidd, Author of Standard Works on Cbloroform, Seckville-street, Piccadilly, London. Sir,--I think if you would adverliee your Chmrodyne more than you do, you would help to beat. the others, which are seen! com- pounds, out of the market. Meny medical men lhinlr` with me, and recommend your com- pound, but will never prescribe e secret re- medy, Cnurus Kmn, M.D. To Mr Towle, Chemist, Manchester. A Surgeon from New York writes :--I only requires to be known to be epprecieted.t I have no hesitniea in cherecterising it (viz., 'I_`owle'e Chlorudyne) es the most useful medi- cine that has appeared during the present century. In dierrhcne, colic, egne, spasms, I hen found it to relieve more pain and cause moe iov than one mher nrrinln or... ..... s... $501; -Tho Profenaion in warned against in- feribr, secret, and cheap compounds now in tbemarket. Each genuine bottle bears a fac- simile of Proprietor : lignuture on the stamp outside. u-nuuwtory, 1 Vine Street, Blolnnbury, London, and Depot, 6 Rue dn Gnnd Ohnntier, Paris. llttblinhed 1770. i.1Q. JHLOROFORHI Go. on CHLORODYNE WITHOUT PEPPERMINT. ` Solo Manufacturer :--A. P. Towle, Ghe`Ii1i`st, Mnnchelter. ' ugu mu nlnperor J. of Spain, the Queen ~ lh Ralainnn and ulna gnu I 3: :3. BROWN WINDSOR 80 AP. PRIZE MEDAL HONEY SOAP. PATENT SUNFLOWER OIL SOAP. GLYOEBINB SOAP. Every variety of Fancy Sonpl in lb Bari. Also in Cartons of3 Tnblotu. Polpnu, Bone and Violet Powder], 003- metici, French Extracts, Lnvender Water, Cherry Tooth Pun, Liino Juice and Glyoorino. Euhcvery ducriptlon of preparations for the O 1. Hours Burgoyne, Bnrbidgu, and squlpg 1-g. eoiyo Indohtu for Yardley & 00. : an-u...n..... l|`|n ceive Yardley Ooh propantionn. Mnnufaotory, 7 Vine Street, London,_ond Depot, Ghnnti-r A ---- u-av uuuyuuvl. Ill IIIB I IEIIGI-I, ll Q1339 of Hollsnd, the Quoen of the Belgians, and the King of Portugal; ond H.R.H. the Princg of Wsles. The wickedest womn in tmkakae, 111; became such I nuisance that the Common Council voted her a navy. dress, $86 and her fhi IIIA C-nlil -ninth -uni --l...--a._ Toilet Soaps. Lavender Wntar. Cold Cream. Perfumed Vaporizer. Rosa Leaf Powder. Perfume: for the I-!....A|...__|_:_r ` n. cuuunsn [Or I Handkerchief. Enu de Cologne. ihn nhnvnu L L ulguu Purity mud and Puris. DDIIIE A-ISIII I-ID \IUlU RU. All the above are carefully prepared for E1- portalion, and retain their axoollant. qpalitiu in any climate. on Q9-...A . 1'19 `D.......a u.___., .. Ii . ... nu nu '\iIIllllU| 96.8%:-nnd ; 128 Regent S/treat; 24 Oornhill, London. 17 Boulevgrd den Iulionl, Phriu. A TT Kingston, Feb. I, 1868. Dec. 20, 186 7: July I. D. SATIIILII. President. fll\LI (Inn: ll-Ivhllv Atnunxu Vanni L; and cargoes at reasonable rules`; I ; une awn:-1* Phcnix, Oowego county, has got a smart detective. For some time put various citi- Iell of the vilhge have been Ioting valu- able propetlj, and this detective hai innri- dhlybondlt. Oneethem was mild re In tho Village, and the detective discoved it and extinguished the nmes. It turns out not till he hilnueif did the Jteing me at the ire,` inorder to gel: hi: nngpe _ up," end he bu fully nncceeded in that noble olhbitiod at last. The othepnigln hguole phone and cnttex: and nude fnr Syracuse with them. leeungl them, there and retnrnipg home, The owner of the property oleted a reward of fty dollnre for narecovery. Of course this detective found it, anrrevcrybody praised him. The facts have come out. however : the detective has cow&glund ienow in the hands of the In-, July 1. LII Kingston, Feb. 4, 1868. '4 THE DAILY NEWS--TUERSDAY %Evi%:Nf`G. r.1;NU"A12Y A26. CAPITAL Royal Assuralice Company I D, ms `AiI5i1:AL' .. .. n,ooo",>oo. AKE AND RIVER RISKS t..sk;eu on. hulls . . _ _ . . . _ _ . _ . . __L.I.. _-_-1 RELIANCE Muruu. um: A. COAIPANR. -vuuuu ntmnngu, )ERFUMEB by Appointment to their Majes- 7 tign me Elnpeborof the French, the: Queen Spam. Queen of Ho1)nnd_ u... n....... ..r VARDLEY & 00., Fnnoy Smpluhers and Porfumers. P1-in Medal unrded for H17 And Exnnllqm-.n nr n.-..n.'.. r__.:-_ lvgun u.;..;...-....- - -:r--#, - D Lnrmdroor. AND LONDON. ' MAXWELL W.S'l`RANGE, T Agent for K ingllon .. 99 nlnmnnn Rn-anal At 1 fuhioneble city church, where pews no eagerly euepped up at about a thousand dollar: each, 9 young man end his newly untried wife recently attended woruhip, Ind were to well pleued with the pre|cb- l Ahotdiugly, no they paced out one Sun- :68 , the_ gentlemen, culling the Iexton aide, gold pltroniziugly: See here, 1 "iii an the whole, I'll come to thin church. ow van: to hire two eentu--good teats, Jllhd you--on the lower floor, and uqsrlet 1 $ Ill till! you have to let. To lvezfl {id 1 udultsud you I" inquired the lex- tt.- ,'Yu ; _I don t mind paying four or In duller-I extn for two choice broad Iiele null. replied tin nnnlinnnb ' nvn..- _ lttlllt they reaolved to attend regularly! I -. uuuuu nu vv auuiivu ILIUIU Plillil. unu CIUSS joy than any other article that can be .4" GHOLERA. DIARRHCEA, kc. '1`OWJ.E'B C HLORODYNE. EUGFENE RIMMEL, `HMWED In. .-....!_`...._n. .. 4L_!_ Hagrlne lngiuncc-.2 1566.| : l in 49 years, urns. {nil IOGII IWITCOG fOf Exoellonqe of Quality. London Agent for Kingston. Uice opposite Burnett Home. :7 - 7 ton, - THUS. KIBKPATRIO K. `LII lrlilllilu mums swn"r, Agent, St. Lawrence Whllrf. T man.` ad the noun! .... uuuu-II uu-n 10! two cnoica broad single I nun, re lied the ngplicsnz. "Young M pucticll custo- diu, we have no tests, `to let ; wa do not do 3 nail budnou at thin houuo.-Am ll IWIISIJUIIUIC I'l'I'lCU- JAMES SWIFT, Agent, St. Lawrence Whnrl. J AMES SWIFT, Agent, St. Lawrence Wharf r_ 'v'v_ mix :-1~ii*'," """ Manager for Canada I: Isuuulvu Ill._lI PUFIIIIII. JAMES SWIFT, Agent, St. Lawrence Wharf. IRE Toilet Powders. Portable M Fountainl. Toilet Vinegar. Hair Proparatlonu. Tooth Powders. Glycerino Toilet Requi- sites. C a.uu.u Wmnou Secretary. A 1 AAA Ann 'I::.._l;T Donn, General Agent. \ l\V It-|'Ir\ $1,000,000. 'T:'\V|1I1 In! $23,000,066?` HE ORIGINAL HLORODYNE, invented by B. Freeman,/Pharmaoentiat, ii allowed to be one ol the greatest diaooveriea of the present century. It la largely employed by the moat eminent Physicians and Surgeons in hospital and private practice in nll parts 01 the world. It haa ly different to those produced by the varloua compounds bearing the name ol Chlorodyne, but have no prtenru ttpoaseaaing its virtues. It \ rapidly relieves pain, from whatever canoe, al- lay: the irritation of fever. Ioothel the ayatem undor exhausting diuam, and given sleep with- out producing an one of the unpleuant feelings so commonly ari ug `from the use ol opiates. It continues to hold its nnahascu position In the estimation of the Profeaiaion as the beat, most effects peculiar toitaelf, and which are enontlal- \ reliable, and cheapest preparation. Eminent` and scientic Physicians made oldavlta that they bnve teutuul its ullecta in careful comparison with those ol"`DR.. UOLLIS BROW.\'E S GHLORO- D_YNE,'" at d deposed to the facts that they lound it a more certain and reliable preparation, I and greatly preferred FREEMANS. ` Ir...-I I-human" mmmnninntm to the Royal Col- , H iii): Daily `Nuns. "'1'~1xI.s_i)AY 1-zvrmuqu, JAN. -26. g` .'~`. .'3' lv'lRS1' PAGE. greatly preferred " 1-`1u:nu.n.1.:4:s.' Earl Russell communicated Boyd 1' loge of Physicians and to Mr Freeman. Eh `" : Hauillu the only remedy 0! am use in Cnolern t was" Chlorodine. _ nu _. Il-J_`_Al m:_._- _-.,.1 1]..-.11. Jnnnnm-V Ith, I wa Uhlorodine. : 7'he'MedicaI Time: and Gazette, January 18th, 1866, states, "II. has an immense sale Imongst the public,_nnd is prescribed by scores of Ortho- dox Medical Practitioners, and, of cpurse, it would i not be thus singularly popular did II. no: Iniiply a unt. and fill a place. _ u-....r...........a um um. Immnmr-. Richard Free- IIIIH' IU. 2UlIuIIlBuU|I sun .i\lIq'- The genuine l|r'l.rl engraved ou Stump (outside W-acll Bottle), nnmnnu. nm.nmmY.\ E. Inf. and till place. Manufactured. by the Inventor, Richard \ mm, 70, Kenuingzon Park Road, Landon, S. | lm-I the Government - - - ' - n ..1 \ n DDDDLI l'U`I sump (nuuntle oacll D|H.l.lU), nuwununu -1 ORIGINAL CHLUROl)Y.\ E. `\ONDY'S PATENT FLUID or natural disinfec- L taut puritics, deodorisea, and_di.-infects, by the agency of nascent. or ozouic oxygun,-ite active principle. Being entirely iunoxioua, this truly eientzc prcpal'.|ti0:: is peculiarly adapted for the following `useful purposes, tor which all ozher disinfectallhi, on m-`couutof their poisonous or other uhjectiouahle qualities, are uunvail-lhle and useless :- Detecting organic impuritit-9 in air and water. Purifving drinking and other water from 0:- gnnic mat.r.er,l1-ad, kc. F`:-m:h.=nino th.-. uirnf clnse nlacp.-I. and remnv. gums manner, u-uu, nu. Freshening the uir of close places, and remov- ing bad smells. Freeing meat, slpbutter, or other provisions from taint. 11-....- L-_.:.._. .L- ,.al.'._;.. ..A' ..___-.x.. _.-:____ ITUHI IIHIIIU. ` Counturactiug the 833018 of orgunic poisons taken into the stomach. ' Curing Must} provender. Freeing when and other seed from smut. Maintaining the health 0| plants in pots aw] conservatories. _-.,.__.:..- ,__.I --,;--!__ AL, 1 _,u_,,,,, ,1 IJUIISCI VDbl)I]('U. 1 I Preserving and restoring the freshness 0! cu: owers kept in water. T\..arrr-`inn elm. LII.`-I. nl H... -..u..4-... _:..... ' LI\I"Cl BCPU Ill Wllicro DL-stm)ing the blight ol the potntos, vine, hop, unulbury tree, &r:. Wn.~hing dogs and mher dome:-tic nnilnull-L Clean.-`ing bottles, but-r Lmrreln, pickling tub.-a, dnirv ul.ng;l..-_ ' HEM lllI'II3lIF. Washing the hair and dmkeming its colour when turning grcj, . , Enlmncing the purifying and in1'i'gural.ing u.`- feets of baths and tube. h-...1,,:.-.- ....:.,\_ 1' I I 1 In dreary, droway monotone, A mouuxch on his pulpit. throne, Th- -.---an nn-nr." nrnnn ` Ivr.'I.: un uuuus uuu H1705. Dressing poisoned w_.uu-.u.I.~4A und destroying nui- mnl virus mA_A_:__ _. . .. - . -. A V|l'I.l3 Treating the i:.fuc'-tious dis.-as;-a of mmc, horse.-1, dogs, kc. (jun onllnu nix-ale...` onn ;. onn __II._. .1 A- I uuluzz-1, uuga, etc. One gallon mnkoa 200 to 300 gallons adapted for ude. , `TI ! IV 1 1.... . _ - -- I l.I`C. N .B.-Condys Fluid is the S54-undard Scientic Test. for Organic .\I.-me: '|n- 'at.er. and alf-nrdq the only known means of rapidly and C0l[)'1:Lt"_V freeing Drinking Water from Organic Tuint, which is so common 1| cause of SE__l'i0l.|:1 diseasu. : To rapidly purify the air, use the di|ute`d uid with "Con-l_v`s Uzoniner" or other Spray-prm ducer. - IVFIITPITYICI I'\ . nun-A---n A a _ _ - - _ -- ...nn 5 u nyua-3,} Removes om the mouth impure and loreign (43:83 and oduurs, rhethe-r arising from tobacco or other causcs, and cnum.eruct_.-I the irritation and morbid secretions of carious teeth. It puri- es and softens the skin, and, used in the bath, tends to promote a healthy state of the whole body. 1]` nnv rut . `Y r-.-.`~r-.-- UDSOBPS SIMPLE DYES FOR. THE PEOPLE. Any one can use them ; Any- `ihing can be dyed with them. It is impossiale in this smnll space to enumerate the many uses to which these wonderful and beautiful chemical preparation: can be applied; Iihiio their chief use in for dyeing textile fabrics, they are also invaluable as n `coloui-ing agent for almost ever; known an-'erinl, the ease with which they cur be used and the brillian- cv of ma maul: hnina :mI....i .1....... ..... ..x--- 1 -uu wnuvll DUE IJII-I` 00 HIGH Inn )0 Dr'|CD' cy of the result being, indeed, almost magical. By their use almost any article of clothing can be dyed in a few minutes for 3 few pence without toiling the hands. Mlailnnnunn ..-av-0 pvunu. IIJU A-IIIIIIU. MBIORA NDA. ' MAGENTA: The strength and beauty of this dye is. nlmoal incredible. A Sixpenny bot- tle will dye 20 yards of Boone : Ribbon in I 10 minutes; it will nleo produce 3 clear ` Roan Pink by using less dye. Suitable also for Woollen Goods, Feaithere, Silks, kc. WOOLLENS: Magenta, Mauve, Violet, Purple, Orange, Pink, and Crimson produce thermos: satisfactory results. Use nlarge quantity of boiling water in nu earthen nan. RIBBIMH and .<:n.m:. n-...n. -I-- EA AND PERRIHS WoroootorI_hiro Sana Thiq dolicibui Condiment pronounced by Ionuoiuonn "The only goo} sauce," in pro- blrod solely by Leo and Partial. The Public are rupoetly osntionod ogdnn won -thlou ini- ,t{on`a ,`si: ones are on Wrapper, _L3hol, Bottle. and ntnlunnnn I -`- '-- ' d a'houT1! no that Lon I.n&_PQrtilIl" ,_-,__..,...... uuuuul use mu Lg: nndforriu Wrapper, Label, Bottle, Stopper. Ask fer Lu and Pornin| EI1Ieo. Sold Wholnnla and for Export, by an Pro prieton , W01-center ; leura. Group madman!- well ; Hours. Bu-clay snflgqpl, London; kc.-l 5., . ....I I-- n----~- A muu`rc|I III] II |l\JIPIb lIll\l|lW' Thy pu-non onward proud; Thou, in the high-backed, onkon pow, Secluded-hell hon public view, Qnniun I2.-your r-nlrnlv d-`led gunuui. In UUIIIUS W810! In Eartha pan. RIBBONS and SILKS: Brush them with soap undveter to avoid oreueu, and to render them clean. I.-ye in boiling water. FEATEERS: Dye in hot water (a. few drops of the dye is eutoient for one feather). OOTTON: Manta, Violet and Purple are recommended. I LEATHER: Blue, Magenta, `Violet. and Orange. Dye in warm water. WHITEWAS-H: To color: {agenta,l'a-r Pink or Rose; add half aboule to a plil of water, then T stir in the Whitening as usual. Mauve, Violet, Purple, Blue and crimson produce pretty time by using one bottle or more, as directed above. STAROH": Stir in 1 few drops or `Colour-- Megente, Mauve, Violet, -Blue or Pink; these impart delicate tints to Leoe, Linen, to. ' WILLOW SHAVINGS, Wicker, Ivory, Bone, Heir, Fibreg, Sauteed! &c., extract the dye icly, ifapplind in boiling Inter. ' V I1 BLqUE: For laundry purposes its. 1. ' A Riv:-can-up I-`noel- -0 `ll'- -- -V P.3i5.'.na WOOD sum: Ditto. OAK sum`; A bottle of No; 2 31.91. to half 3-pint of hot inhu- unu Is-plui Dl [I05 WEI SATINWOOD STAIN : nnnnro ing;-ml--.I 1- _ gauge nnu. rm: useful colours. . GELATINES and GLUEB are uucooulully ` cololirecfwrith those dyes. INK: A Bixponny bottle of [agents to I pint or more of cold water. WA!`ER.'- Ono drop of dye will tint I qnnrt; PRINTING on Oattdn, Si`lk- or Wool in the ordinnry In]. `BLEEDING some of the dyes in thebath will produce nn finnity of ihado, according to am. ~ - ulguu . 1- us unuuury purpose! In A 1. ` BOOK EDGES: A Bixpenny bottle of Magen- ta, Violet, Crimson or Blue will make from 5 pin! to 3 quhrt of beautiful colouring, so- cording to abode required. Apply with 5 brush. DADIIID _..: vrrnn-n n----- -- Gnnnry dissolved in as pint of `boiling water PHOTOGRAPH8 may be tinted;__iilnte the dynorish inter ; a. bottle` of Ilugnts to _n pint of water. he. HI!-Bl 5 DD[`[[Q @ I. t. pint wator._& c. 8 ILLUIJINATIHG: Magenta, Viqlet, 3:5i.:."'. ;.f.:'..:2*::.i*:.::=.e ______a_, 3.... - new -.uu.pa ll.I(.0 Ill cup Add warm water; use moths brush or pen Borders of books, similar to Ward and Look : Ax-Ibiau Nig`__I1ta, ha, nry be pntly illum- inated in thin manner. BLANOMANGB, JELLY, CORN |FIc0UB, I03 DREAMS, to": While in 3 lignid auto add one or two drops of Magenta.` A more simplo or elegant tinting cannot be bud. OONFECTIONERB will nd. Ilogontn, Violet` Orange and Pink useful colours. GELAIINES uucooulully colon}-e_ dyes. `llLClu CONDY'S PATENT OZONISED WATER, If to his niece; close by his tide, The cult to hood III! nlricuy tried I- -..h.l.-- Ihunaun nrnnnd. hal- -an. IJLKLJLVZ A DUIII3 0` a.-pint of hot water. Amrnwnnn 91!`: us. A gnu: Iv UUU 01.511` A lXp0IIDT I 1 `HOTOGRAPHS may tinted : dilnlh , -..un. nu-may snauonl, London; to.- nd by GIOOIII and Oilnon nninrully ,,-_- _-.. ..- uayvru, II In! rro m sndsonl, London; to.-I by Groom-I and mu-.- .._:------ (-_.- - `_.\,-~......_-- (run 1ou.s.-r PUuif0Sl3,) ..... .1... __ _, A - n. uuuuuax (JUN DY, P4leuI`.c:, Bauersel, London. H. BOLLEIAN CONDY, P.:m.o.... R..n......- r ,._,1.. AL. Slxpennv bottle unint hf `inilinn 1-0-- II, UV I'.'I'IlllJl' II I. ' F'REEMAN'S J T IIIII `uni Ill 1'!` Inc Qu-any Iuviu No unhduo mags nround her, Torn-och] thought: would. Aomelima com-1, Reltlnu ll time: Her eyes would roam, "rwu not In: fault; the olfence bring" bpme To dullneu ufIbe ex;-ouuder. ` - 1-- -' -.u-nu, * an egg rush on mm AIWVERTISINGI THE MOST AUCCEEEIII TRADESMEN AND MERCHANT {N"I:wsPAPna conmmsx If If YOU HAVE ` PARTICULARS or \ `om: snsnntsta A LOCAL PAPER POSSISSI H 0 TH]! L-AEGIS ! You would not nd n fairer fact, L A dninlier full], I Iweeler grace, Search through the county : uunoul space-- AL. -..| hn! -ha! n hndil'..'1 ' DAILY NEWS. CONTRACTS AND YEARLY AGREIHINTB CITY, THIS JOURNAL onus `In 5:31 Jmnnnl ton LOOAL um Glmann. ADVERTISE IIIITB; rnlnlfonn mvnrmsn [H 1-H: DAILY NlIW." - an Tuna: oi nuns, nm_nr YOU Do NOT ALREADY nu Anvur-nan or % , Jirmorous can or TIMES. P`I.Ao-B `rm: YOU WOULD -Anna urn tux nsown AT ONO! -ro A TTBAOT CUSTOMERS S PINT HONEY 1?` IIPOUIII ID!` I;`.UuuI a uuuvu; -ya At: no`. bu: that n bodice . A delicudlyvbroidered skirt, Jun short enough to skin the dirl-- H mm with those woo feet to Em- Tbo lollih in 3 goddun`: _ Ir YOU WOULD DRIVE` YOUR sustxnas, .5 rm N01` 10 BI onxvlx. IS THE BEST DAILY NEWS OFFICE. TO A LIBERAL AND ADVERTISE SIGN A THOUSAND ADVERTISE ADVERTISE` in run PURCHASE IIIDIUH WHIBBII Around her lull` in uuhh Ibo gued, Rsch limo her fringed lid tho ruined, D- .--|pi-up gain-uh-Alinn - ADHIT `PHI IIPOBTANDI OI .-x` D v E RT Fssv OIBOULATIOX _0F A|)VER'l`|SE MAY 31: MADE AT was AND REPEAT THE 1'0 ADVERTISE A u00AL BUSINESS, THEREFORE G0 AND urn nanorrpn or AK A LITTLE FURTHER A NY NEWSPAPII DIED uuau Hts u uagw-a nu. o-v --....... Provoking Idlninlion : And if he I.nven-yondor youth- W.ho'd say it is her fnull, forgooth? Orhis `I Who ould in hDClQ:l truth Wnhnsund Inch pruufcmian ? PUBLIC AND AND ATTRIBUTI THEIR SUOOPFP ATTRACTIVE SIGN PUBLISHED IN TH] IN THE A JU_DlOlOUS8'!`IP =-on YOUR PLAOI am-om; Arm {OR ADVIRTISIN G OI` BUSINRS8| How could uh: help it? eyec will meet By nccidrmz sud looks M11 gru-I By simpla chance each Ulhcf ; She blushed ; her Iiumbroul uncle wide Uhnucing his eyes Io ope, she tried In Vain the fact to number. canny suoa T H1: North but of Lot Ho. 4, in tbum con. . cenion.o_thI Township of Kingston, .con tainlngono Hundred Acun %( up? which in under tillo ), with n ll`:-uMn_o walung Home the:-eon. hofunn is onli unn mile: mm the city, and la clone to the ortlnnd mundamlzed road. Inquire It the Daily News 01509, King- :0}:- -I `M ' "'=:...:'3:?:. A.'%~...;" .`f'i`:,`:3.,....i'i`.`.`E.*.-1 .3.-rm mu LONDON QUARTERLY (onqomtivo rm: nnmnuma nnvmw Whig). 1-an wnsrnms-run nnvu: (Radical). THE NORTH BRITISH REVIEW (Free ch h) AID - __ _ _..--.\.\-u n III\`l`l`II'I`I1'IIII'T II A 11 I nrnvo, suoxwoons nnumunaa IAGMINE (Tory-) - ans}: foreign lperiodieell are regularly`:-e % published by us in the ulna style uhereto- fore. _'1`h'o_Ie who know them and who hate long nuhsgribed to then, need no reminder ; those whon; the civil war of the lug` few years had depriqeii of their once welcome sup ly of the `oee_t_ periodieel litentnre, will be 3 `to have them nglin within their reach ; and those who any never yet have met with them, will Minted. ly be well pleeoed to reeeive accredited reports of the progress of European science end liters- lure. , IIIDDIIB `FITD `IBRH Funny one ot. the tour Reviews - For any two of ..he foar Review: -, For my shred of the four Reviews . For all four of the Reviews - For Bhgkvoodh lngune - - For Elgckwood and one Review ' - For Blnckwood And two Reviews _ - For Blnckwood and three Reviews - For Blnfckwox-d and four Reviews ` - /' r U n_ _s 3 5! n ` When sent by mall; the Ponige` to any p-_;-1 Oflbe United stattl Will behut`1'-`wgnfyggnr cant; I year for Bhqkwood, and brt hjgh; ijentg n yenr for each oflhe Reviews. Tsnbsej-ibcu may obTd:bock number: it the tollowingrectneed nus, vi: : - _ vn..mr...u. n.m.1 r.-.... J......... Inna .. n._| Luu-svvran yruuonnluua uluunr , suva IA) US` camber, 1866, inclusive ; the Edinburgh ;.nd the Westminucr from April, 1864, to December,- 1866, inclusive, and the London Quarterly tor 1865 and 1866, at the rate of $1 50 3 year !or_' each or any Review ; also Blackwood for 1866, for $2.50. was Lnozuno soon` pubmmng co., SR wlinl--IIhIan|' II V u, v: ;n.|c u_yuI=5I'.'. J 701'- pages and ntimerous Eng-nvings. nuyzu I E-S'L for tho. tun vnlmn.-n ll. No` 10,`; on him 1hg: 1-ipening ush: alarnly he notel -ms niece`: b nab, A`. it it upon her fault 2 `4`l|e l'Il'IIlr Vs` (iuldc * " By aanrj Stdphenn of Edinburgh and the ma 5. P.No1-ton, of Yale Ogllege. 2 vols. Rays! 0;. 370. 1600 name: and nninm-om: Ens-mean. uuu, AUUU ya. cu lulu nunlcruus nngrnvm PR 0E-$'f,for thetwov nmea. By `the post paid, $8. . l T. ' % DR. 1_u_.Low, 1r.n.s., _- `sauce _PhyIiclln :6 Guy : Houpim, I have frequently uoonnnandod cone.` J uniting me to mm as; ot,J?r. do mm on.` I l_nve been yen w DE Jonews I.IGH1'-_,BROWN( con LIVER 011.. D3. DE.JONGH`S on in ebnvineangry proved by an oveurhelxnin weight of medleal testimony, and by the practice test. of meeeeefnlvexph-ience for twenty years in I" parts of. the world, to be, beyouctnll question, the, parent, the most casca- cioue, V the moat po.latnble,.A and, from its rapid cntative eecta, the moat edonmnieul ofull kinds. Hence the universal celebiity 01 Dr. dc Jonglfa Oil, And the unparalleled dmand lot this nm-l- I walled pgepuntiou. ; I animcr . MEDICAL OPIHIONB. SIR HENRY IABSE, BA-RT.,~I.D., Pbysicinn in Ordinary to the_Qu_eou In Irelnd. I have frequently prescu-ibod`Dr. do J6ngh s Light-Browucod Liver Oil, I consider it to be 1 very pure oil, not likely to crests diliguat, 1nd a therapeutic ageutpf great nine. " . can nunuu. We think it 1 great Minn that than is one kind of God Lwer Oil whic_ is. universally admitted to he genuine.--the Light-Brosrn Oil supplied by Dr. do Jongh. It has long been our practice, when ]ll'19ilIill' the oil, to recommend this kind, since, unidu a much variety Ind un- certainty, we have condence in its genuine- neaI."--(Extnctfrom Consumption: in Euly and Remddinble'8ugea.) A - ' _ ` \ mm nnwun snrm, 3.3.3.," Medical Occr to :3: Poor Luv Bond of Great % Inln V nu. LANKESTER. 3.3.8, Coroner lot Central Iiddleiex. I consider thnt the purity of this oil in seems ed in its preparation, by the personal attention of so good a chemist and intelligent I phyniblau as Dr. dnjongh, wholaa also wrlnezr tho! boot moqiesl traction on thou! with which I an 2'65 medical trentisa quninted. Hence, I dggn the God Lin:-:0ll Iold under hi: guarantee to be prefunblo to any-ler` kind u|-eguda gonuinenau nd Inntliuul .45.. u:-.-- - ` l ,; mwm on-row, lBQ.', 'r.n.o.s.; - urgeou to _ " or yoga put I burn bani in"tho'hI-. bit of p:ueribIn`Dt.' dc Jon`g`h n Llghytovn ~ Cod Liver Oil, ind` ilp It wbe"Inuh.nibre em. csefona than other Ya`:-Iatiei of cum indiciuc which I have "tho Quiployeiiwith I View Oojd their relative mpetiorlly.` v ~ . . - lirnlj In uuwu -ma ..u.. . .. -._,, Ah K it was her fault: AI I"unru in her pawn. poor child, To check lain eye, the lruuurwild, And by a look dtljlllftly mihf"` To bid bi-1 vision hull. -4-as .nn-Lll-`EDI. tbecityoflondon. Iedienl Ocer or Health, ma aha: .1nnlyIt{to In: All maul lnvextound Dr. _de e:e L'tgbtrBroIn Liver Oil pounding the same set of properuee. among which the presence of choleie compounds, and of iodiige in I new oil organic combination, `are the n_:oet,re1I.I-|.'5_tble.` It is, I believe, univei-nlly Acknowledged that this oil but great` thempengic pbwer; add from` my inveadghtionh, I have no`donbe ofitg 'belng ` a pure and unadulterated aetlcle." unvvr U11.` 1 IZIIVG been _` dfocu, nnd "believe it to t fitted for those cues in substance iI;ll1dl_Itqd. -_-.v- III uuv VII I.'.rBl'll.'|Ill}." ` Dr. Gum hagfgpni am Dr. d'.__Jac hf: Lighl-Bmln Lint Oil produce: the dqgod disc: in n shorter time tliui Odin: kinds, it dog not csane the nduu And jndlgnlon omn conneq\1en_ on; the V ldminhu-anion of ,tho pnle oil." II.IIIWIII5\ICIII-IITII IZIIIH III . ` Tha!NortIc British n-m Jmuuy, 1363, to Da- nmhen-_ I866- incluniva : the: Edinburgh and um The L. . Pub. oois-Jpubiiah Tanrrnn 1:1_n1on1cA1s. jut / T 1 WIlaY _PLJlIIaY .10 ;. M any nnunu nuna ismfonus _; ;VT IP00 DUI in: mu Luuoa-cmcu yulvpu, They hnply then uho--H nd, Tim u the homewau-d path they trend- Tho Icenled lime-boughs overbe:d-- TbeI'o'a lolne one near bebin-i._ oHnoN1c_LEAN% `L _....._Z-- n_..-, `""- '-`,5-51`V1,,l.-LE, 1.3.8., Author-`of the "Spa; oi eg,.m,,,i_ '1'. I151 l'nn'n./ll oI.-o 1'8- .1`- `I-_ um: run sknf. TERMS FOK uses. ,4 -L A 1_-.__l)_-I-_... IIIIUIIIJU `VI `vqvrnl lulrulll! `|'t'[.' Bi :-ice, Five Subscription `ling Address, . 1*`. -__ E`_;:T__j ma; V L-I.:1-nus` Y, an!` II...1a. -_.I nu '\)ll. KIIIJIJIIIIIIK la: 38 Walter-street, N.'Y. u ""n thefts passed from out the church, From out me old mooreslen torch, nu.-- b.-..l- than uhnuil nd Lion she Box. A; 01 BIOHAR vi-can `hilb Irrnn Nniri B11! .D M I Wk`; blame her, or why him '=11'1d3g ' . Those hdelzar e_\ e.-; they gave the If)- n. r..1;n-u-d_.'twu :1 dulv 2 '1~.;-oza" Perkins, Aucniug. net, The - King: -' hglf 1 Alnnnd` man" "5; in "enabled to with b in the `City, ` - may he` fnnndpn `KIL- E5 uullanuu % 10-llr % '1'! eonnioltll ` Ilsa-A "A31? ni w'n:a.x 1*1{F`a.UL'r r- A Inn named Isaac Poison, in order to ban some fun, climbed on the roof ofn'nhaq- , ry, occupied by Louis Cote. at one of the t lumber cnmpa. near Green Bay, Wisconsin, on the evening of the 8 b iust., sud imitat- ed the scratch or an owl, one of the inmates of the dainty took a gun, and seeing an ab- jx-ct on the mof lol at him. Pariann was shot in the haul and so" badly injured that lm_djcd in 3 very sh:-rt time. `v ,,u_ -AAAAAA .c)_____ _.-_,A _,,_ vs!` 1:: all `hint. .('hnn-11 Iuuruwvru llvlll puulu, Isuzu. Squiuo Roger calmly dclcd. "`'3.E"Hoou: and dig Hum 11 llullaplnivlf, T .u\. .\...nn m~A%+t:%w:;u%-.na p _' " Ad'irn my in ' T_ u. '_r1gq:qI_;s1y;'M set a g; :P"'1.hI`g'o -`lfumber the Government cldcbylll nt moment, give ample gm dockyard two new : iotkllnn at `tho ? Logdon d ' it`: through 5 pi ;. L V ..(`i5$?|I'I3hipS to 1.3:]: H :c r . m=J1,r~ h'1'1 *f`um[ng on the Clyd eotvcttes, 118 Volnge a .` the T-haii1esC0'm`P 3 If `~iIr--_..--A - data! nhinrtn tin F"*w hi: Governmem u-mm ... gf mm kid down, almost the who gtlhliahment having h'itl`1er ,11pon. Ihe ngo large riva A .......-..ment. and dwsnrh m, fad pevonpert re mq of his lding operations. ' menu, also many new tfmlldwhl ` I, Iuu lug W German." 11 w Ind :topping`=` no! *1 :_ he laid -. `.`.Vot, "y try; mine Got. in him Em I`, II-Iul VVCI: u her body and ex `_l._' in Ana 3 33" "'99.! P9. .--- . ` menu pulbu, i|n2'Teuusiie,;3n _ It-nJl'u=`.f_'1 Awous ` with of praenu Inn - .h-iitlaa gll an .1-and: .v, ` W`llCl\.I vu-u frigu-to ~P::ne_lope 1183 mg, md cbigh-! i5 """' mg; frigate Inconstant rs :- smm".:*:`E`:I ;; Wu" "m;:iqLi un,"q _ Dgg, has] my shoe. of WO Richard T. \`!'a||tem, v'ULl(`-|'1`u~R IN UHANCERY. 3 uxm---I Tlurencc Strec-I, Kingston, C.W. J P. GxL.`\:us1.u:vu 1..l,.l :. |Ihcn-1. T. WALKII. : I000"?--.-~ 1' [;yourubl'y. in up :-- Plus on out. _ J Int th;*l In | and - --=4S 1lne ho] nhd :4 3 _w 1: us vuIuu.lun_ ornumen and hug; putprotninen -a" ' i m {*'..'`:.:-'; .r'::`.: 3'35 NJUIILI lli IL! \J|l|.IL\.'IJ` Ul'cea--38 Ciaru:- .51, Utce, K|:`usTu.\`_C, W. Jnun A. \.AcDc-:uLu,Q. -. ,, n I-.' I-iildcrnlcx-1'0 \: \\ uIkem, }AP.l's{STEl{5 and .-\.'l"l`UR.NEYS-at-LAW', 1) Couveyaucers, Notaries Public. _ ` > r~-?m':`%`:.%1 `u d I'f. l..- I-v`m.i`."J 11311.] Slam-dunalcl, I'ullun_ a; -.1`luclmr,` | \Ai~:l{lSThil{a` AND ATTORNEYS-at-LA\\', Sulicilurs 1:. Chancery, -kc. lI]nua._.IFl (`luv-..u~1-u ,"~l nnnnnnn lhp Prnn IIWKKIC HUI` 3 F11 .111 .qrtI"` Ll l0l'S In L;un:xt;rxy-\-uuunucny nus. u, c, It 9, Anchor Buildings, Kingston, 0. W. Juana U`Ks:|LL\',Q U, | I-`aux C. DIIAPER. II` Street, Kmgstu \ .`.- . -I at ` _ 0 lh-III)` &: Drtlper, - - ~ )ARR[S1`ERt`-,A'l`TQRN svszuz-Luv scum- I) tors in Cb.-mcery-Chumb'-rs Nos. 7, 8, us. A ._-n..... I-...1r..m.. `:;n;vnlr\n I`. K7 Inose IJurr.ur =_-:.-. um, ._-.. -.... .1.-. He fo1':owed-'twu duly Why blame her mu he : learn : to love '3 Aiif it very her fault, twee: dove, Ngy, rmhsr blame her beauty. -Lo1I'ioI| Bocielyfor January. E. .10:-up}: ifuwxlcn. J 'l"l`Ul:N!~;\' A'l`~ _' I `+1 , Sn] L L`han~:er_v, .\."nt+u) F.a11ic, &: I J .` ! Cb`;-Rh!" nu I _ I ARRLQTERS AND .-\TT()R,\'EYS-nl-LA\\', Soficilors, . W. _ UH-`[()E.-.\'muh W:-st corner of Duudns and East Streets. Wu. H. WILI-I[~`0.\'. W. A. REEVE, M A. County Urown .&ttorney_,-I (T--rn's'_\'unr'o|;s, on-_ Nzlpnxna-e, C I 5 I RE 1 safe and reliable rernmly in all ii.iz-:m1-z- of the Stomach, Liz-rr and Bowls. The} 1r.- not Quack Medicines puff-.-J up by high sound_iu;: ` testimoniais from immzinlry people, but me tin; result of forty years `experience of: r:-it-cia-us: physician, and their onraordirmvy 5-uccg-as is din- to the fact. than they answer exactly their (lam:-. The formula from which (hwy are prepmed, is_ based on gound_ s-ciennc priuciplrs, and has re- ceived the unquuli-'-d appru-`ration ofthe inedical profusion. They do not profess _to be a uru-ai1, * but fur ail disease! uvisiug [rum any dlf3Dg+`i llf,`!`.i of the Stomach, Liver and Bowls. they furnish an em.-ctual remedy, We have in our posscssiun, overnne hundred cesninmnials from physicians who hgv us.-d them in Eiiuir practice and high- ly approve of them, among which nl'l`_I.hH ftlii-)w~ `mg . J. H. GIBSON, II. D.,Dunhrun, C`. E. C. E. COTTON. M, D,, Uownnsville. CHARLES BROWN, M.D., Cowanaville. S. S. FOSTER, M. D. Brooms. J. C. BUTLER, ig1.D , Waterloo. JOHN ERSKINE, M.D.. Waterloo. NORMAN CLEVELAND, M. 11., Barnubn. N. JENKS, MTD. Barnsto . V i C. W. COWLES, II. D. Sunstend. JOHN MEIG-1, M. D., Smnsleud. JOSEPH BREADON, M. D.. Surgeon, R N. BENJAMIN DAMON, ILD , Coulis-ook. LEMEUL RIGHEIUND, M;D.. Derby Line. WINSLOW LEWIS, M.D., Boslon. R. D.` MUSSY. M. D.,Bus1on, F. J. AUSTIN, M.D , Sberbrooke. E. D. WOR'l'H1NG'l'ON,M. D., She:-brooks. Henry Simpaon & C0,, Montreal, Wholesale Agents. Slrm-h 15; 71.. .221! j I 181 SPEQIFIO for Rheumatism or Lameneel - of any kind, Swelling of the Joints, Sore Throat, Cold in the Head and Diphtheria, Burn; M or Frost. Bites, Scratches on h0rBea,,&c. &c., 1.10033 BHEUMATIO LIQUID. Tn .... :..o.......1 .. _-n -_ if V - , ,.__,-___ Is an internal as well 3; an external remedy, and is the only one that always gives entire sn- tiefecrlon, and all who once-use it will never consent to change it for any other. W8 IJQVH nnl Ihl tn nun:-run-`lg 1%..` ..!_L_.._ u-.gn:wun LU uuuugt: II. 101' any other. We have not upaoe to enumerate the virtue! Iccorded to it by thousands who have used it, and voluntarily testify to its merits. Buy a bottle and satisfy yourself that itis the best Aremedy ever offered. I nnnvv .qv|-manna b (1.. 11---_-,I TIT` 1 ' A -1 the end of mi second Punic war. Ben is an odd announcement from the cat E Ioguo of Dr Arnold ; works nppended to Stanley a ` biognplly (Appletolfs ed. 1845) 9f the famous gchoolmulu--!:liuory 0! Rome in 3 volumes, ' 1838, I0, 43, which ya: broken. oil by his death 0}-`liluls 1:1-;.\kI<)\'E1) TU KIM: .~+ 1'm;r'l Ni-EARLY 0Pi U.3'I'l`l~L THE. (`:1 r3` _nuu:; s'm1 T K l nwlnuli-I U`c| ULIUACU. I Henry Simpson Q 00., Montreal, Wholesale `Agents. = I` V .. nail on. nun In your own Room. The above favourite prepnntion in strongly rcom- Inended. * g,._'\ n . -------- - ~-7 TIDKAN S SEA SALT, for` real So: Bath in ypuyown -.L__- A , -V ARIN]! PROTESTB.-Printed forms, for the use of Notaries Public, much facilitating the drawing up of Protgeats in cnsesofidisaster to vessels. For sale at the Daily New: Oco. > _ < HE BEST Tonic Hair Dreaing ever discov- ered. It effectually cleanses the scalp, pre- vent: the Hair from falling otfor turning prema- turely guy, and when the follicles and glands M are not destroyed, will produce a new and lux- uriant growth of hair when it has nlrosdy diasp- penred. ' It in the clieapest as well an the best, being`- ! only 25 cents for a lame Bottla, Rnv it 9-v it in-the ceapest 1 large `bottla. yon ll like is and recommend it "An-- G:.._._._ n._ n -..., .. was sun 3 usrgu name. any u-, try it, to your friends. Henry Simpson I 00., [outrun], Wholesale Agents. IAIU uucu . I Sole Prep tot-I-'l`IDllAN ,& SON, Chem- l im, 16 We ood-Street, London, E.0. IJUFIJ Kin .'slon, Jrm'_\' Nearly 5,000,000,, o!gnpe vines are cuf- rivaled in France. The average annual vain `of the wine exceeds Sl00,000,000..The dime lty of keeping French wines impedes the fonign ttldt and keeps up the prices: Ifthey are nutcersfnl in the ne wines, vu they have been in the grmser kinds, the pricu of claret and burgundiesv will be greatly reduced both in England and in this country. ` ,A_:;__,-_.. _,- ___,.,I,,, ,.I ---[--rs --` .--v v---- -- .--......-. -r-, - t_- u `.\RRl8'|'ERS, &_c_, Princess EH6 `-J ._~.1 I you (opposite Daily ,'\'ews Offrg . ALIXAHDICII Cnu'nIu., Q11, . Gsuau: lmucx Mowat, T GIOBOI MIL!!! lurntlnllal-. u,_,|. In `annual Lh|\ uuu It I I \."I\V A3 I -n\-L.a.) IY ,\_/uu- veyaucer, JILL Ufce `Sago! Street, second or Suulh 0! we British Whig Uice, upstairs. 1 -.....4v I TTUILNEY-AT`-LA L Kangstou, C. W. James Agnew, DA RRISTE I: am! A i`TOIL\ EY-a1-LAW,Cou- I _,_.,._... 1... A. HY-1.... Lin... &`o-..no 3Al.'\{\I A ;. w \$ ilki:mn It Eh-,r\'v, ARRISTERS .-\TT()R.\'EYS-at-LAW , gulicilors, WA . I-I ILJIKIJQAI, |J\JI|-\J L'A\JAV, Residence llnrrowsmith. I ONEY T0 KL-END. $L5,000tn1en.l ou the r 7 l nor--II-{Iv nf Dual F`:-r,.In'... Ikn ":I1r run ("nun .1. n. smmn; m.n., avsxcmx. smesox, &c., PORTLAND, Rn-cidnnmh Hurt-nu-remilh \r.II.'4 I ll) LAIJJIJ. securily of Rea`. Es nl n lrur (ml-L11`-Ix Some excitement was created recently in Barrie, on nccnnnt of a rumour thus: I child belonging In Mr -Nicllolaon, of that town, had {Ind floin the. poisonous oects of cul- orod candy. 'I`he child a uomach was sent to Prof. Croft, for nnnlysis, but we Iemn from the Barrie Ezami-ncr, of the 22nd, thnt Prof. Croft failed to discuver any nun-nnlnu-n nf nninnn `:1 III: ntnnnnt-In unhinh DlAN`S SALT, for producing I Room. The O flVL|li[A nu-Ahnrnlinn - nounnnlu ng-A... liiowm as Niaccfmnrreil, Plnmnli I-`Ire Au|'||-anVc:c:ompaII)' ` ' - - "- A "--~ nun rnnnnw SUGAR-COATED iuhn .YlIulle_ ,AL:ome_v-nI-L1w, Pouveyancvr. I -e uppo-aim Post Ufcr-, Uh-xreuve .`vim.-.:r.3c, .A\\', Cunveyancer, &c. Dec. 1. c|..ru,:n\u Lu Icuu Uu tut lsnle in lhc City or Coun- . -.._.__. `YA .._._.__Z. : Jums Pnrou, Q.U nu oimpoauc the Past |` "Ii. 3;. l{0t`~h`. u I.U|.ul.uI` .. ...,.. .,....., .... -.._-.,...., .,... .... I symptom of poison in the staunch, which, like the rest of the intestines, was found in n pcrfcctly hulthy state. The New York Journal of Commerce, in n 3 of the nunarou applimtions to for Government subsidies, sajra thst there will probably soon be brought fonrnrd 3 ropocihion uking for Govern- mont Iubui ion, at so much a rod, for the Inngingof clothes line: in back ylrdn, and probation of the tune from thieves. |..I.U IE5! UUIIIK Buy it, try it, 0 want friend: Rnnrn, `Plan {King wnnn -.-- '---'-_-. PREMIUMS RECEIVED DURING 1867- $2,000,000. l Funds deposited in the hands of the Government ` l for the security of Pulicyholders. `: All the risks carefully surveyed, and the hue of Premium mnde to correspond with. the rink nssumed. - 1 I A utiu Qurn:-vn F 4 " - -1 - 3 Fire and Marine |1.'VS'URANCE' CUJIPANY OF DUBLIN. I I CAPITAL .. .. .. .. 32,500,000 ANNUAL INCOME .. .. 1,000,000 '1` W GRIFFITH Home Insurance Company of R New Haven. Conn. F.HO0pER{ ` 1566. Tana. A. Aunxumn, President. INCORPGEXTED [N 181,9. CAPITAL $3,000,000. "ASSETS s4,e5o,933,27 I ULL ANDIJARGO RISKS to and from inland Ports on fnvonnble terms. ' I-.l\l:)O I'I`l"f\YIII'\IlW tld Ql"`II]iI'a Qll The Detroit]-hat says that the small pox is now very prevalent and very virulent In the Wuhll eitiee. A hundred deaths a day hue hem reported in Cincinnati ; the dis- use is declared to be an epedemic in St. Louis; it is soourging Chicago, though nothing is said about it in the, nesrgpnpggg ; and in Milwaukee the public schools and the rink have been in consequence. and the shutting up .0 the theatres, concert nlmns, &c.. has been discussed. I ULJLJ any :I.J&lh\.I\J |.\LI.ll\h..l IU uid IIVILI bosses promptly and liberally adjusted mud paid in Cauadallurrency. I -\I.lIc`.!~`. R\VTW'I" Acnani III-an-nan .- -- up -_--_._ _._ Y or LONDON: Agent at Kingston, 'l`I-IOS. KIBE Home Insurance rompany or New Haven. - .EInu Insurance Company of` llurlfotd Conn. 0tce-33, Olnrence Stme? :v:__-.-._ u--..n. on ion`). `A:}'Lna." Insurance Co. of Hart- 7 _` ford, Conn PAID UP CAPITAL AND sURPLUs_- $4,833,543,39. I -`.___ _-:J 2_ 1n _--_. fun Ann AER- Losses paid i VFHIS Company has been doing business in Canada for nearly 50 years, and during that time has secured the public condenoehy the prompt and liberal aeulementof every fair claim. it has fully complied with the laws of Cnnsdn by the deposit witlnbe Government of Stocks to the amount of EARL RUSSELL sent to the College or` Physicians 3 communication received by him from Manilln (where cholera had: been gluing fearfully) to the etfcscr. `that, of all remedies tried, Chlorodyne was the most` effec- uve. pun 1 nu-~. The day seems on yet, unbnppily, for dis- but when public opinion or State `lnlBl'f6l'- euce will prevent the advertisement or sale of any secret medicine whatsoever. " It is to be hoped that the profession will continue to brsnd as unworthy the conducfof those of its members who by testimonial or olharwihe aid the disposal of such thinge."-Lancet. ,uvuuI.u vuscu ucl I II`lI~ul 88, `DU I DE? fun, if tho would `try and emigrate. She agreed, and this was the the ceremony, at perfumed by 3 ixolicc justice ;-"._Iim, you do agree to tukalfmlie, and Hm with her. sud any with her. regardless of law and consequences !" Yea. Mollie, you do gun to take Jim, and live with him, and `ltly with hign_rAegu-(`.les| of law and conaequulcul Yes. Then I give you than two railroad ticketsmnnd order you to stay there until the Vigilance Committee doth huh; you both. Amen I" I