Kingston News (1868), 2 Feb 1869, p. 2

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name: an wugtn, out we generel impreeeion wee tbet pteeent notion wee preuutm-e-~that the Council should wait until some ociel informe- tion bed been received from thecouuty Council upon the mutter. 'I'h_ie view or the eueindued Ald.A.Livlng'eton,w ho expreeeed himself tenur- eble to the eholition of the tulle, to non en emendment, seconded by Ald. Robinson, That the reeulutlon by on the tnble for the present. Aldermen Allen end Bobineon were not in tevour of the eholition of tulle, etleeet until they `wete more convinced of its benet, or the: the city would receive cqnel benet Vithlthe county. The ret spoke et length, eettlng forth hie reeeom for hie appoeition, while the lute; exp:-eeeeden o nlon thet the queetioe being one of tentiou e onld go to the people, when he thought there was no doubt but ll would he voted down. .1 Aldermen A. Livingeton, Ohown, Gilda. THE DAILY nvu uuiurce H10 Dy'IIW. \ Robinson hoped the enforcement of nld not ha nnnnnrl u.-. |---n--- A -- Oval-IVIII, L owing Ti`: bad 1 `A1... Alderman/_D!,iduon {EOUCII3 150 15'` f "'1' A. Livingatczng-"wan cofrect, nnd 00030 find better wait the oeinl nouitltion 0? W0 ' County Council bv fora uoviml "3 '9 '" ! "Fa n_I\bl\ntsl`I't\l! In DIIHHPAW motion W. |q Uounty Uouncil bt'ore Ilovlng In T310 In-uwh To urpropoeltion to. withdraw lull motion Ald. Ohown objected from an opinion thnt by In do- ing 1 wrong lmpreuion would beforrned nbroed from the newepap r report of the debate end its terminntion, but nnlly consented to do I0 upon the enggestion of Ir J. Cunningham that it mould be clearly undentood by the r public through such report that the motion we: only withdrnwn in consequence of nothing oicill hulng yet been received by the Council from the County Council. Am........ A t.mmnmn than withdrew his {DB UOIIIII UOIJIICII. Alderman A. Livinpton than withdrew his amendment 3100. n....:..... .- ..::...._._....A .L.. "auhn giant! 1 CU!--"- W"-I . ` 450 pm. 5240 mm. ilixed train 10:00 I. In. 510 u ` an to 7:00 II [This In by Montreal lime, froin which deduct I2] minute: for the dihrence between Montreal and Kingston time.] Iillml IlI0- Previous to Adjournment the Mayor mud n determination to strictly enfogco tho rules of the Oouncil during meetings, pm-ticulu-Iy the Inner portion of rule 16,` vi: : "and uhnll conne him- self to the question under deblte or considera- tion, ho shall strictly avoid :11 perlonuty, and shall lit down as soon 93 be hell done lpenking. "INA. .a-..:.-.Lol`..--......l nnnnnn.-uarnnnl nn Ihn Bllllnll Ill. IJIOWIJ 88 I001) _IB DB lllll ULTIJU lyunllus. This straightforward announcement on tho part of his -worship appeared !o meet the general approbnlion of the Council Thu ntlinlu-nu-inn! invunarlinlnlv fnllnumd [bk IP|l'UUIlIUlI 0| ILIQSI UUUHUII The adjournment immediately followed the nnnouucemeut, phe lime being fteen minute: to ten o'clock. ` 'l`0 `I'll IDITOR 0? `FBI DAILY NEWS. Deer Bir--In the Brimh Whig of Setnrdey last in an unwu rantable end nngentlemenly nt- tack on Mr Calvin, Reeve of Ge:-den Ialnnd, and member for Frontenac, and on other members of the Council, relative to a report of the Commit- tee on County Lawsuits of the Council of the County of Frontenac. The ettnck in the Whig is as follows: * Friday, Jun. 29 --An animated discussion took place this morning on a Report of the Committee on the County Lawsuits. Some of the members, observing that these lawsuits were interminable, and attended with heavy expenses, wished to know what state they were in, and moved accordingly. The Report, instead of stating what was asked, n;_ade a moaterce and damaging eteternent ageidh} the late Treuurer, Ir Fergunon. I0 aoandaloun in ill aaaertions, that one ot the three signers, Mr Calvin, amid awry from the COIIDCII, leaving the ntbertwo, lesermstruchan and Day, to argue i s merits. It so happened that Mr Waikem, Hr F'ergnIon e Counael, hearing of the nature of the Report, end apprehensive of the damage it would do to his client, attended, and naked lenve of the Council to lay A few words. QI-_ -9- ,, I1 , .eo a 4 . _ __--. .- _..' av-..-v. Now, sir, could nnything be found more on- gentlernenly cr cowerdly then the above, especi- ullyue the editor of the Whig knew that Mr Oelvirl absence was owing to the denth of his eldest daughter. Hr Calvin it mt one to ehrirjlr from his duty as e. councillor, as in well known to the editor of the Whig. Menu Calvin, Day, Spoor, and Struchun, the committee referred to by the Whig, hud nothing to fear in presenting their honelt report, as they could hue had it adopted hid they moved to that elfect, ea was proved by 3 vote taken in the Council next day on re-eppoiutin the lame committee, one of whom requested it u a. test vote on said com- | conduct, which wu curried by 14 yeee egeinet 6 neyl. (See Saturday : proceedings, publiehed in the News of Monday.) The report we: not withdnwn, ea etnted by the Whig, but we: laid over on n motion by It Spoor, no there could he no object served` by ndopting it, it be- ing got up nt. the rrqueet of the ex-treuuret e , friends, and for the information of the members of the Council. The nddreee puhliehc-d in the Whig purporting to be tbnt of Mr Welltem wee not correct, that gentlemen having simply naked the Council not to Adopt the report, lent it ehould be printed, as it would he damaging to his client (Ir !'ergneun)'while the suit wen ltill pending between him end the county. For further per- tieulnre, I would refer your reader: to the Daily New report of Seturdey lest, eleo that of Ilen- tiny. I e --..`l.l L. -.....L L..u-- I... ck- 1171:. :2 2. I)-J. It would be much better for the Whig if it would mnkoxtho hell known to tlze rutepayerl of the county` hon to be trying to conceal the {net the: their na nay bu been wrongfully appro- printod for n nuniber of yearn, and tho: 1 llrgo Inn: of money in e` due to the county. A: to tho`WIu'g : out n: shout Ir Ferguson so strongly wishing to n the mutter left. to animation, It Ferguonmever Inked such I thing of the Council. flu: A` but lI-...-.__._ It in rumoured the! the; Provisional Govern- ment of Spein bu resolved to pr:-cant Prince Amadeus of Savoy u m cnndidnte for the throne. This choice, if the deeinion in left In the (Jones, render: the Repnbfic early contain, as the clerics will 'vote with them to keep out a dynuty which would he hoete to the OhnrI:b,\ IFL- --:-_.:e- _-_I: _p n D. 1 ' . _rv._ v...--_ - - -v-my , vv Iuv \JI.II-IIIEII4 the scientic world -of Paris are undergoing eonsidernble anxiety in/consequence-of the nyntoo riona disappearance of Vhcounl d Archinc, Pro- fessor of Palaeontology it: the Museum of Na.- _tura1Hi|lory.' Heleft bin oicinl rooms in the his ordinary "habit do tmni Museum on the 1511! of last December, wearing I, and since thnt period has not been heard of, . `.F_--_. ___ _-. --.... ..-.-n ll \cn._ The sort of railway mania which has set in in Ontario seems to have spread among our quiet Quebec people. Scheme nfter scheme is launch- ed here ea there, but with this difference among us, that too may in this Province 1,1-uu to the Government for aid. It will be pop ler, doubt- leu, to give freely of land or money to the pro- jects. But with the amount of the debt of the` Province still uneeeerteined, the future liabilities and needs of the Government undetermined. it is neitherfeir of the members favouring these` schemes to ask, nor would it be prudent on the part of the Government to grant. any large amounts of money, or any considerable portion of the public domain. Prudence and economy should now be the order of the day--end one your longer weiting will do little herin to the prolnetea-s,compered with thet which would be dozie to the Provincial nances by anything like reckless rquanderiug of resources at the outset of it: career. We hope it will have the rmness to resist euyundue pressure put upon it in ` this respect.-Montreal Gazette. |n_- c I I 'Siogle copies ot the CBROIIIOLI AID Inn, containing the news of line week, may be land in In-upper: fur mailing. Pnieo 3d. each, mood agar; Friday. Dian! I: nnnlnn .94., I\ __, `D peraonsl_ peel for assistance? S __r_,_. -v.-" vunv `quasa-9. Jlre Lincoln in an unfortunate woman. Before she thought proper to thrust herself upon the attention of Congress the bill to give her a pen- sion of $5,000 had a fair chance of becoming a law ; but there is, now. tome danger of a reaction in sentiment. Why conldn t aha `have left well enough alone and refrained from making any he ought to know bftnia time that in spite of the veneration which in felt for the memory of her husband, she is held in utter detestation by the parties. There are many, number, who believe it will the $5,000 per annun, bu favours the proposition through regard for her. We think sheonght to be provided for upon the same principle that provision is made for the widows of other omeere and soldiers who lose their lives in`the service of their country, the amount in each one being graduated according to the rank of the deceased. Mr Lincoln was commander-in-chief of the army and navy of the United Bttiel, and was thin because. 1.. 1..-u and we are of the be well to grant her t scarcely anybody people of all` that puition. The fact that his murderer killed him an e theatre doe: not alter the ease in any manner. Suppose that Gen. Great bed been Ibo: while riding out fo siege of Richmond. Would that hot. have inva- lidated the claim of Mrs Gum font a pension 1- Bochufer 0hrom'c'e. ` We been: that thirty clerhhipe in one of the me af_ the Civil Service no to be at once eep`preeeed,in order to enable Ir Gladstone r exercile during the- than an anion co:Ild do potfactly well with: at her, :1 lb! ofthua t 2... .,::...,.::.,.,:`.::'%.$. "M~ considerably exceed. . thsl 13331113; from `tho Ihnlvinr of th- "-3-"- ouul eouuidenhl that y Cxcuid. halving of tho thirty OORRESPONDENOE. . On `lg! Oonnm-nu. ...-uu -cneno or Entrench- u an: to us this sounds like Ibo horoia nnnlnnin.-. ..r u- SPECIAL TELEGRAMB. FROM MONTREAL. Montreal, Feb. 2.-It. is understood lbst the Oppell to England in Wham : cue bu been refused. ` " ` -!----L___. _--uA-D, UUCIJ I Iultlvuu His Iyorshiptho Mnyorhnving bun requeu-_ ee to come forward for that oce sgnin hu oonuemed to-do so. He will probnbiy be elected without a contest. -rrr A _-L:._ '...-..-:...-.A GIPCIUU v_vu.uuuu n uuuno-U. Yesterday morning his Worship received n telegram from his Exceilincy the Gover- nor G-nei-xi auting that Lady Young was too ill to eccnmpnny hign on his vilit to Montreal- The ball which was to hnve been given Wednesday evening hnl there- fore been postponed till after Lent. --- A--- .~._.v.-r nnhizh _.v _ ---_.-J- "axud"1.1:' corms oftho Dun Nun Imy be has at th toanur of the publication oen, Prin- au stun}. Price three eoppen. IUIE UFGH l)\lIIo.l\ll.lIu\A Illa 1-up-u 4-an-.--u Flqga were run up over mnuy public buildings, stores`, &c. in honour ofhis Ex- cellepy's visit. At 5 o'clock the speciul train dressed with ags arrived at the Stu- HOD. HIV: His Excellency was accompanied by his Secretary and aid-de-camp,:n.nd was rec civ- ed by the Mayor and member of the recep- tion committee and civil and military oili- cinla. van--an The customary salute was given by A guard of honor composed of the Victoria Rifles and Guides. These formed an escort and accompanied His Excellency who drove to the St. Lawrence Hall. Aguurd of honor` from the 69th Regiment was stationed there and mounted a double sentry,` -- 77.4-- _--4-L_ |__.,_ When the ceremonies were over the levee comnu-n`ct=d and a large number of gentle- men waited on His Excellency who return- ed to St. Lawrence Hall at 12:30. Addrceq were presented by the Corpora- lion, the Quebec Legislsture, and a. number bther bodies, to which suitable replies were made. ' I In the evening his worship the Mayor en- tertained hia Excellency and several dis. tinguished guests at his own home. At half-past. ten to-day his Excellency _waa sworn in as Governor General, at the Court House, by the Judges of the Superior Court, the oath being administered by Judge Badg- ley. - `I"!-1R___II__-._1_ -I_; L- L- __A__L-Z__J -'_ HisExcel|ency is also to be entertsinedon Tnesdny evening by General Windham and an Friday at the Sr. James : Club. n The public dinner which takes place this evening promises to be very successful. 1'._._L____. r1,___.,__ `I1 _`I,,,J| , ,,'I 115,. -.__.... v----.--~., --. -.. ...-J ......_,-.........._. Lieutenant Governor Howland anti Mtg Hnwland arrived at the St. Lawrence Hall list night. `Il',`I"I,_,,It'.I n ' I. . . `I1 All the barracks held under-_lease in Ca.- nada are to be given up in May, and the Quebec and Ontario garrison: reueed to a total of about 4,000 men. -`.1 `I'D __ a_... . . L`/Ir c_);e left last. night en route to Nova Scotia. - The eppointment of hit Howeto n nest in the Cehinet is a nutter which bu been so lop; expected thnt it does not take people by surprise. `The incident, however, raises sn importnnt piece of politics, electing not eiinply Novn Seotie. but the -rest of the Dominion, end it ie likely to create}. lively diecneeion in Upper Csnedn. It will not be long pl-ohebly_ before the entire fecte of the cue can be lnid before the public; but in the it is ssserted thet the terms nndw which Non Scotie cune into the Union--end which were believed et the time to be very s.dvnntng`eone-heve been metal- elly changed in the interest of thst Province. Irewe himself bestevinces his condence. thet thenew popositien will prove soeeptr hle tehe people. of Nove_Seotie, by accept- ing olee end nllowing the verdict of s new election to decide upon his course. His ec- nndthenewofer to the people of Noveeotie, jest come st 3 time whenthe remnsnt ofthellepeel perty en'ng to send enother deli-getiee, to the .-. v. .--av` uv-v annv The lath Regiment, 53rd 78th , and the Rie Brigsde no to go home. The 60:11 Ries are to go to Quebec, and the 69th will remain in Montreal. The European Hail it not incorporated with _ wimim and Smith : European Times, and il published `in Ladoli for Jdpnlch by the mail Iteuners. Tho {arm of (ii jolnul ha been chsnqod to the non! nonunion Iago form or tho London wdeku, ll tho "Saturday Review, etc. In Ipbchllbt Itg-~ `;pin, um- ounile and math! newt, ad-guienl iufotmr tion. . Gual1.L`u Huuztn for Jnnunry. J oh: Hon- deuon, Kinuton. . Cnntenu-For Her 8uko,oont.inued ; Thoughts in the TwilighI`;NFn'zitivo Nam; Btolqn by Gipuiu; Honest Ton Locker; Limbo of the Law; Son-ow: of an llpiomo; on Advpnlnre -hL l'-.l:__-. 1:l-._n__.. 1|,-, ' El-1:1};--r! :.en,oae'; and" other -atoamd nkatchol. = - ' Fumr Tnuun or Smnur Rnnnm, Part 60. John Henderson, Kinguon. OonIe'i1u--Self-eonncionsneu in Religion ; the `Day of Knox; Boot: with Living Preachers; bodies from an Hospital Vpitorm Note Book; 0hildI*Qu I Treunry, etc, in an article regarding the business capability of women the Tsoy Times says: "We have in - our mind s eye the case of a lady who lost her ] husband very early in life. He left behind him n number of stnallehildren, not one of them old enough to care for himself or render the mother the slightest assistance in the support of the family. The deceased `hnsbnnd and father, a short time before his death;-had initiated ssmell - manufacturing enterprise inthe village. It was mostly an invention of his own, which at the. time of his deceese he had not wholly perfected. Under these disadvantageous circumstances thi widdw continued the business,,pet~i`eeting the invention, and imparting to the business such energy nndycondncting it with such foresight, skill and sagacity, that ere the children" rev! up to msn s estate she had extended it into one of the largest enterprises in this section. a` had attained by her own edbrts a competence` wbichyshe is now using with nnstinted hand for` the elevation and good of mankind, for the ad- vancement of religion and extension of know- ledge. In every case of charity and philan- thropy she is a ministering angel ; her children have grown up-to cell her blessed, and in their hands the vest enterprise she developed remains a monument of her wise business direction and energy. . Rsv. W. llonmr Pnttsnox on ma Gaunt- sn Liquor. Lsw.-In 9. letter to the Hslltadist Recorder, the Rev. W. Morley Pnnshon, the emi- nent Wesleyan elargymsn,gwrites :-One re- spect in which Canada is in advsnoeof Eng- ` land is in theprevalenos of Sabbath-keeping in her towns and cities. Every candid observer will admit the great improvement in the quiet and orderly Sabbath: of this dominion over the tnmnlt which tramps through our offended Sat i both at home. Thereare those in Re nd, and some, perhaps, in Canada, too, w 0 would hardly deem this an evidence of progress ; httt these who have studied history on this matter, and have observed how wherever the Babbsttt has been undermined or desecrated there have been and symptoms of national decline, will fe-. joins that so much of the spirit of the `old new England Puritans remsiasin the dominion which has just renewed its youth. They are in edvanoe 01' home legislation. moreovpr. in the matter of temperance. By an act passed in 1884, and not yet repealed. it in ...-.-.-t.t..s -.....-.-- ----- -cuupcrnucv. :51 on not pound in and yet rapoalod, it it provided, amongst other tMngo-'I'ha: under certain condition any mn- nicipalily run prohibit mg ml: nf ininulnn-In` ,... ..,.u..uu, 1: 1: provided, prohlhit tho sole of intoxicating liquor: within their municipal boundaries. 2. i l'hot money duo for ulu contracted in vio- lation of such prohihltory luv shall not bb doomed_ 1 debt neoveroblo by logo] proeou. 3, The hanhud, wife, punt, hrothar, ulna, tutor, gurdinn, or employer of nuyooo nddiotpd to lo`- tempennoo my gin notion tony llqhor seller, forbiddln the dllivery of intoxicating drink to Iochpenongud Chi! notice borlolnml, ll action for dunnnn will In. 4. l'l'..-ctr na- eonimilu wields, or in drowned, or fun cold, whilo in 5 Into of intoxication,` the person whoilold tho llqur lhbaw an pononnl wrong; at luau! u hnngkugnornou than 9 Ilnonnlclolhu. Such is the luv of Onnnda, and 1 how nqn bntrdthst it in d'umodioeonpqt_ib1 wi`Iho} highut civil freedom." I , . ? It Gan; on the P I ciao count, up then hug been uubliubed in San: Fraloilco, Blenlluu ` Stockton, ind Sun. In Ohm, Sunday uni oven 3 times schools, a. -|.m. umu: um Ila-ndaid Oblueu no being Iumlly Irnleon me nor of the sheet of paper. In) cannot an-Iennkc to return roiected colnmumamoln. Buldny IDU CVIllI' -lIlIuI vvssvvsu. In which about wio houdrid help; taught to speak, road, sud snjto iho English lsngnsge ; sad It is intsndod to extsnd the sys- tpm of schools all our tho count. it Is propos- od to establish 3 neutral school in San lnnciseo, which shall ho s. perllnunt institution 0! high \ gs-sis, -dos-sloping -sinuply filo n sdlop lo! Allhtiol; K T= ,5 Ir-_i_ L--- .._--.J 1 pg-._ Aeietlol. The Corpcretion of York have peeeed o reso- lution instructing -tho-town clerk to proeeegl spinal one of their fellow-eitisetu for tho re- oovery of the line of 5,50 for non-eooeptenoe of the ooe of nlderunn, to which he bod been elected. The majority of the ueubenof the Oorporotion of the city ere Liberelo, but they here on one or two oeeuiouxeeleoted member: of the Ooneerntive petty en Aldermen, expect.- ing that fpntlemon Io cllollll would, ihen hie. Earn arrived, accept the ooe of chief angio- trete. Mr J. I . Taylor, who in e Ooneerutive, has been choeen en eldennen, but declloeeto qualify, on the ground, It 1| undgntood, or with not to be elevetedo the dignity o! Lord leyor. It was stated that the uniform custom of the Council but been to enforce the line, and the town clerk wee directed to proceed ogolntt Ir Taylor for the recovery of the amongst. ' an. n_::._. nu.r__....r..I A...l-.uu -9 He -l 1.3151): II-ll nun avvvvvua -- w- --.---- The Iedico-Ohirurgioal Academy: at B9. Petet-abet-gh conferred, at ittreeent annual eon- ferenee, the degree of ID. upon Ina. Kaachew-_ arolr, the rat female eandldateifar thin honour who had preaented berael! before them. When her name vu mentioned by the deal: It waa,ne- ceived with an itnmenae atom: of applanae, which laated for several Ininutel. The care- mony of inveatiog her with the inaignia of her dignity befog over, her fellow-atndenta and new colleague: lifted her upon a nhairatfdcanled her with triumphant ahouta through the hall. At thin motnentlme Lucca, the prilnrna donna, waiehpied among the andienoe,and..au_ch tea . the atudeota llckleoeee that the ladydoetor had to yield her elevated neat to the popular linger The latter not only remained in undisputed poe- aeeaion of the exteIn`porIzed.'throoe, but ,_Iaa_ carried upon it to her carriage, while! new doctor had to nd what oomforttahecon; in, her diploma. - Ii .II III Augustine Costello, aFenian prigoner, vat broui 1; up recently in the (Jon of Queen : Benc . Dublin, by virtue of av `rit of Corpm. The Tunes Dghn eorreapoml S says : -"'I`he eppeerstfce of the prisoner, who is young` and by no mean; robust,` eforded no evidence of. the terrible safer-' inge at the hands of unfeeling gooleuin `a British Butile, of which there are "such thrilling account: in the national press. He seemed to be in good healtb-in feet looking better then when he stood in the clock. ' "M. Victor"I:-ago. in rep] `n; to in gushing letter from a friend at Ajhgrlu, J: I :`--You any that Crete ssh of. me what 1p:_in asked nf Ina .~ Alan` T nan nnlv aim}: I-nnvn nnn J `uu \Jl I EBA! VUI` II-IV IVIICU #3 `III UIIUII of me. - Alas! I can only sigh. have done so before, yet I shall do in again. You o no reckon on me. I; there much more in 1' Hugo ; sighs than in those -of anyone 5119'!" BACK COMBS. PEARL muse. umm.- % FANCY FAN`S.&c.j 1 [FANCY Goons! OLD COUNTRY _;`REACLF.- ii III." for ads at \ iv -vw-r-v- vs - CVCPCVII AIUIH OIIU \IUIU' niul oloo exprensin of unwillingneu to re: open the quoution of Confoderstion. The patio! in Ihudorn critics}, but all the ole- Inontl of the crisis are hopeful for the cause ofunion, and we have litdofuur but that Mr Howe will be ubla to turn his opportunity to Oh but Idnntuga. Ho can ropreunt the utter hopelunnun of the x-epoul movement ; L- .._ ._..2._A A- LL- _..__-,J- Fnman lladdies! mnjm Vligdilusll` Received um city, 100 dong}; FIHNAII HAD, DEBS in prime order, and for Into It 7| Gd mt dozen. , . . "' I cw:-s....n._.1 ...J uun VALID nun lulu!` IIIIOII. `rel I` cenupex-lb - 4 Try our Funilf'1`e: at 76 cent; per Tb ` . Try our ehqmning Irma 1'9: 1: so eenfi per 15 . Try us; PgopIe'n~Ta at 50 oentgper lb , H . `lfrrour wry choio'oGunpowder--'l`eI 91 fl iperlh `It; um um u: Gnpowdoi*`1Bh It Up geghu` \ ` _ .4 ` . ` Tr)-:og::Fo.milgr Gunpowder Tonal 56 camper It Try oufnxu-I and highly nvonnd Buck Tea-it` 9oeentnau-lb . . j - A `~"~ 'EA8L T_A__s In T3`;;{b'U choice Yui-2 nzm TL-3~%a :1 Try our extra nd Young 'Hyio`i. Ten .2 so- oenunerlb I ~ ___, .,.. 1.... can u-guy nnvonnn Hunt 'l'eajI'_'t; 90 cal!!! per In Try our nu-g ancl~dehcuo', ' I-l.7. L1D_|'1b ` . ' -` w Try the People i- lack Tgtmt ,5,0,eBntl get 111 I ' A lihenl dis at given tg Jrmilmmyiugl 5 lbs or upwlrdl. 2` 5 4.; uurll lba_or upwards. chsngod our ptioo liu. . - - - v--q---If {We have in nook Jnqdn ferenrkindn tudgnd of Bi withlllndiug the rennin adv: `ill cheese: CinoieS.. G 000 lb: ` tr -Candi:-Ghana 3 5oo_ ET..n`m Quinn : Arm- W b`u- _SHEPPIELD j nous:-. Feb. 2. lion Edam and the increased subsidy may hoviowcd with envy sud digfnvonr. There in B danger thdt it my lead to new domagds frun New Brunuwicksnd from Later Cana- dn. The Provvinoo of Ontario mnj oonlider . bu-all ohicf psymutar, `and ma}; ynmble- Podihly 311 the other Prbvinooi may be ha-unt hi to `uk for amended constitu- tional unngomontn in the IIIIIO manner. l\l...-_._ 5- ._-; -___ -1. , 5 barrel: mm 3, very n, rm? table us, or . - . Inn. 29,. w < ` $33 `3:3.'.3.'g'..`3.`1':".`%{'.""' ` New '3) ` hi Tin} `At Quinn. 8- 'll':__ 1.. a 5 --I `sgoien lnrmolijlbf in `bu T . Gooniborriafn` boteffor In-`ti-_ 5` ll ~ new new: an `Inn New Onjpnl >i_n_ g, gt; " ~ I. n In EH11! Plan! .-Ia. _I.n . `PHI LARGEST ASBOBTKINT OI Fancy Gl_lt. Pearlmnd Steel Sugars .1 Sum! sug_i,`i'-;:i`;:T 'n L-an. 3- .o-.I. -4I___ 1. Vj- V- '_ nnonnl 1 on. lconuonn tom 5 320 IN THE CITY,` rook arms. u:r:~r}AixFAeait- I A136. ' iuopj :0 recent :dnncrwo-&uia am` CIIA BLE8 93100.3. `fl-I19` -I! - % .__` .lV_.B. IcRAl &_Do. Aw. B,-lclihitcm, w. 1: ham! 4; oaks; T , .. .uR(n_`%`: W- 3.. 8 Eu. , CU: C`: W. B. I_B! Rt 00. i;r;.}iVc:t1}g hocoeeity forced npoli them by Ixhperiel coneiderstione of Nova. ` Sootic oontinningin the Confbdention, lines we), independence, and mnouon are equally out qfthe qnegtion ; end he cen ap- peal to the Imelda-ing spirit, which sbpenfe tochurenurln any of the Nova Scotiane, and pctify them with I. Ihow of ndvanteges secured. hie to be expected that he willbe shit at :11 Inch lo"bring over the middle party of niodente men, whose loyslty ho Greetlhitein. and whoee improved acquaint- noowilh the nuerisl advantages efold CI.- node, will reconcile them to the Union. These, with `the prof Unionist, will noon into e oueidu-e e , and refaidly ehengothn upootof wiitictl tifsirl in No- te Eeotie. With respect to the othu Pro- vinoegithe ingot in thsnhe new distribu- .2__ _}.|.LA __.| n.- :.__--_-x - -- __v -v --- cuveunnnwinuu - ` |FER [%DiR%1Ei. HI! ylon temp '. H :1 `, . _ nu J:nu:q I.v . - I-'1 2 A wumil E1 `JUGS? -Plain Gg mu CHE? lu':.``J.i " - anguuouuuvg. Of `Vooxgraa, tough our 7Iliao;'dsngo1-a we may to 1. Jury grout extent rely upoi the Itrong duvotioi to the ptinciplc of Cbnfodomon which exist! throughout the Dominian--| dovohm whgoh in bclivn hu uixnply nln-bud in Nan Hanoi. L. _`L:-L 1,, Fm H I; ihii ahupluta upuution in from of the uni inlcltmoured fox roligio ' coihiyc Gogpmnnent._hqg p Z QM nnbiii g V, , _ , ,,(_,- .~- _...-.- use IIIIIPIJ gghd in Nova _8ootie, but which he gown with the experience of independent [gal government in the other P1-ovincae_ We may tnut to the etrong dueeire which ex- ists that the ethane of Confedention should he nae eunplete, and the ruaonl Ifnioa rut hsrnoniodely from one end oi` the Do- nuuon to the other, to hue t.hie`propoei-. 2__ _L__.-...I!-nl ' M the Car h IaIi Ip`akors qemmzp ` Wlpfoniitiq r5_lg.tjong vi - I - thnifronoh ime IN _' , HI; Si. `N Vliliury sch _ gE*H%aci.11y denied` by ` . tbquluolliniqtrr pt Em *9 3 irmcnuu. xo .. ---qpwuu-n.--vvU Ii` I` Ihrudqplbtrlnnnlgvlbohulnlhunby u1'uaqnluhdhh.nd thotoifhrnday ggubgnptbllonuthguvill hoidihyltr jnnhlutotuci and!-patina argues - %I3I Gd 5; Pork 9; V \."!`.i-'n.1|!.l 1.15130 1 - `wit; hem; pi-I. u1..,`,""" W I u7W`W Wu...`-" .. ! we ' L .u-4.. ., .... ' ` U _ , .Fu'.0,|I.i.-,-A$`.kri~volstaIIn 3' BER FIRST PA GE. any man! nolnnlulcluonl csn reoetvo no uogug hterylhing forwarded forjuuruon mun: bouaeom you--d Oytho nine and nddrcu of the V1 |hl';I0l -scantily for publication, but u ovsdeuoo or an- uu-uucny H in llnv roqua,ed.thu corrupondanla um:-sly Imuoo me zidr of the lheel. 3 commumanmnn. TUESDAY EVENING, FEB. 2. - Ii: . Travellers au|$ CGIE IAIT. 1:30 pm. Iixed tnin 3:15 mm. `:50 II I II l| ll 1'0 L`! IHKIBIUNDEV I5. 1366 -IU V -19 to 164.6 ~ lo 44:; nan ---------Q---:_.___ II P1131:-`Io Inn [g gggf .`kInIi:-.n.D&---lI1L_ I. can ` iINGST;N W H. I . Dunn, A.l., Oburvor. _II'l`l0ROL0(}lOAL OBSIRVATIONS roa um wnx name IA 13:. 30.1869. ' 1887 13.2 19.4 .....|....;-v.-a I.5\l3.b`l5.0 ':.o',:1.o2a.o u.oV3o.o3o.5 3o.o]32.:l3s.o~ 31.aVa6.of37.o \ sa.s`as.o`;u.s; of Jannnry far :13 ran [868 In n 1889 Ann nuuuuqy. . W'dueody . Thundny . Friday .. . Botnrdq. . ' Tho cancer; nnd-Ete:-try ~lntO1;\;i-I_l0.ll1-;i`VOI I by the oldl of the gurdlon nnd unteun for lbe haul! of two local chm-hint bk place this I evening. ` Q , , ,__ ,_ -- l We on requeuod by I; Onlvln to note that he intended the commiuernf the County Conn- Aldennon Allen, Bnophy, Chown, H. Can- `1, .1 5 ' 1' - _ . fa. m `purge '1 'u.md_"? II `he repon 1` ninghnm, J. Cunningham, Davidson, Drenunn, I III: o I e `luv anus , also 'tl1I| 110 09'" Gibson, Glldenlaevo, Kinghorn, A. Livinguon, -Nth lm public Tunes. and um he does not! 0. Livingston. |lcMillnn,Robin|on, Sbnw,Sulli- consider that either Ibe personal nunck or `> "0 Ind '_r0l|1kil|l- _ dun. `poms by lb. W,u.g an injqw him in The ummten of the but Ineeung were rend . . . _ _ _ _ not! adopted. tlmuunouon of those whom 1: 1 bu prmlege cmu,m,wn.mn_ to represent in the County Council. choir, and the fol owing members were in their plncelz A commnnicction was read froln lhe Provin- CoucsnI'.-Ir Fl ck's concert came ell` last night in the` City Hell, sod us we anticipated wes en excelltnt siir. doors were opened, the belt was rnpidly filled with e respectable audience. The hr-st piece won an overture, given by the newly crgunized hind, under the superv:sion of Ir Fleck, and st its conclusion it we: greeted by s loud burst pf oppleuse. The choruses sud duets were exe- cuted much lo the credit of the singers. The clerionet solo, played and composed by Mr Fleck, wss very ne At the conclusion of the rst port of the programme the curtsin tell, and on its being raised, 3 short time nfterwsrds, the Immediately after the . famous lrish drstnn of "Handy Andy" was pre- 1 sented to the audience by the juvenile nmnteurs- ` It would not be doing justice not to mention the manly wny in which these young men perform- ed theirdicult perts-aome of them being very dicult, even for experienced artists. At shout `half-pest ten the piece was nished, and the cur- tain dropped. Everyone present geemed well pleased with the entertainment. As speedily as possible the beaches were cleared, and ebony, fty couple: sdvsnced to the middle of the oor end tegun the dsncing with great vigour end spirit to the lively music of the new string bind. l 1 1 Poucl Conn-r, Tuesday.--A good deal of in- tereet was excited this morning by e rumour prevnlent that one of the Fenian correepondenta of the convicts of the Provincial Penitentiar! had been enacted yeaterdey evening, and would beenmined at the court lhil morning, The ac- cueation on_the docket, however, was for carry- ing letter: to the convicts in thfpenitentinry. The neture of the correepondence thnnfenr- reptitionnly tnlren in did not directly appear. but from the letter: produced in court, but not publicly reed, we were given to nnderatnnd was not in any way connected with Fenienism, but merely the usual correspondence of common thieve=. The person accused is Mr Patrick Kennedy, connected with the rm of Evans k Oo'e lock menufsctory in the Provincial Pen`- tentiery. The arrest last evening wee not gene- nlly known, the aair having been very quietly conducted, the accused huing surrendered him- Ielf to the euthotitiee at the cice of the City Clerk, that ocer becoming bail for his app ar- ance et the poliee oice this morning. We give the whole of the evidence throughout, white nothing whatever tranepired to connect the anir with Ienianiem. An. -Iulvuuoll wlpi Iwurn--1 III WITJCC ofliiu Penitentiary. I and been informed, and hsd reason IO beve, that loner: wore taken in- to sud out of the penitantinry for and from con- vicm. I know Patrick Kennedy, the accused. He was lately j;:r,t|:o employment of II: Evans, but I cannot ny in whu. cnpncity ; and at mph has had nouns in uh. nrisnn .-In.-:.n _....|.:-.. `-letter! I kept the circuumenoee quiet, not wish- can In lace Iulltu Wll no oonr v than to his being Idllillld It eny time. I have uptieoncr in the penitentiary by the neme of I Philip Stevens, he in employedi ~_Ir Evens` Ihop. I heve eprhooet by the of Henry Screen, he works in the cebinet shop. I do not know e men by the uune of Bchtepper, it must be e nickneme. I know e convict celled Spi- der, it in the eiekneme of one Lamond, uh works in the cebinet el:ep. lreeeived the pro- duced lettere from the poet oce department -, one of them in for the "old men (1 nickname for one of the convicts). When I received the in; the convict: to know euything of the met- ter, end I ultimately produced them to the di- * Wlrlhm Shanon Ina urorn-I am 1 clerk in the post-oea. I nail: in deliveringlhe letters. I has lee: Kennedy frequently at the post- oou. I knew he was connected with It Ev- ans `business in the ponilenlinty. I recollect his making for letton nddtcuud to Philip Stevens, and his always receiving such. I did not `know; Iho Philip Stevens Ins. RI nah?!-niA_`I' tlnlirgnnl _ .-....l _.-_.. 1 Jvuu 5 Iuuy uetvuui wll. By lngiatr-ete-I delivered 1 goodlnnny. I _thonght twenty; perhepe, but I am sure of as may en edoien ; in some` instance: I delivered two at one time. My suspicion became eroused because Kennedy : partner never asked for any letter: eddrened to Philip Stevens, and each letter; were never put into the box of the rm. When I nututhe ncconnt of the shooting eair It the penitentiuty in tbepepere, I communicat- ed my suspicion: to the post master and showed him the letten. I said lhntl thought these let- ters were the cause of the trouble in the peni- tentiary. I recognise the re! and second of the produced letter: : the third letter wee given by another petty. There its letter in the olce at preeenteddreeeed toteveee. . - RE "I r\ DniII'_, Thu ' I L_\!_,, V Luuurjul I:uulIII'III- By Mr 0 Rei1ly-The letter: from, I believe, opened by the Warden of the penitentiary. I euv some letters which] bed jxeason to be- lieve ceute from the penitentiary, which were deposited `by `Kennedy in the post oioe. I do not know to whom they were addressed. From the nature` of their envelopes I knew they were not from the rm. The envelopes of the suspi- cious letters bed in soiled and greasy eppear- enee, similar to those sometimes posted by foun- dry lien. '1 OJ`. Stevens was sworn--I am a clerk in the t oioe. I occasionally deliver letters. I I Kennedy. 1 have delivered -to him lettere addressed to Philip Stevens upon his inquiries` for them, which he did once Ireeollect ; I deliv- ered twomor more. I handed one of these letters to the poettnuter after the disturbance at the penitentiary. Ir Heodolneil was re-caIled-Abont ten deye ego I had 3 convereetion with Kennedy about these letters. I told h_ln: I auepectedsbim of bringing in letters to the convicts. He ed- Jnitted thet he had got I. letter from the post of- oe addressed to e convict. ' `, ll'|L:. -1---) .|.- -_:.|,_-_ LL77 -I - E Uonparutin unpcntun 1800-7-B-9: Inna cool! -luv uuuuuuucu nu I IJUIIVIUI. _ ' , This cloned the evidence, when the Crown Attorney aid that the eircumluntial evidence was no clan ngninlt Kennedy as to warrant his street, but he wee quite nine of the absence or direct evidgnue in the one. The proceeding: bed, he laid, been inuitnted by the orders of the dirocton of the penitenunry, and was done with I View of putting I atop to my future occurren- can of the kind. Fk- __..:.._.A. 3. so u o wt UI IIIII IIBG. The unginuta in dischu-gin; the prisoner in- formed him of the penully incurred by taking anythhg Ihunvor to thy convicts of the poni- Indnry. The luv gave the magistrate po_wer - upon eonviction to punish by ni or imprison- ment at 0 Ion, tho am not to oxuood $100, the Im not to sand six months. in: J O Io|l ,Q.o., appeared to: the pfiler. M if `- - `ifklmh-ink was rugs.-at M 3'3` 010112, The 01!!!! cans `at tho court this morning won Iuhelln Long, chu-pd with being drunk, Ibo `III not free, uul the unfortunate-Elia Sloan, I nput, who u but on aqua; In ant to pal for thirty don. D. E. lncdoanoll mu sworn-I nu Warden: ' Ihj pnninnli-on `I 1:-`-I L..- l-I.._.-.I _._.I _, _. __......._.... up-uulllvl Tllllr Of uann|onIIho(tow'nlou,to-nonombyltl. J.LInton. ` ` Gnu an: or `run Lon.-We all atten- tion lothondnrduqont lnuothor eolimnog Illhlllntflnun Inn. 0- L_Il_I IILDI. bad -I-luvs I. III wuus UGFIUII In I. Iupll I nceell to the prison during working and in has than was no obnruc- n lulu ls-inn -A.-inn! .o .1- .:..- 1 L--- Aiderrnnn Robinson brought up the petition of Wnlior E. Johnson, for nmiuion oflnxes due on the building occupied by him in Skinner's buildings, lntely destroyed by re. Referred to the Court of Revision. |'| .~z___.__ n-._:A..-... 'i..-......L. .... .|.- .....:.:..._ I *_" ""-iI '-'*I"ll "'-` '-I' ' - ' ' ""- 13. DAl{.Y_ NEWS :03 PRINTING 01:-nicfcl t 011';-VOOUNCIL. The regular naming of the City Council uni hold in the Oolmcil Ohnmbcr on Monday oven-; ` in] In eight o'clock. The Mayor was in lh theif .u.:._,_,_ .11.. n.-_|._ nu--- LI (1.... from cin|`Secretary a Ol'ce,cnlIing mention to the atntute requiringtbe new City Council to appoint nt thnir third meeting one competent person for l each word to not an a division registrar of births, i mnrringea and deaths. It was understood that the appointment would be made at the next` ; meeting. Fl!"l"I 1nI III \JUul'| UI ILITVIBIIJH. A3dermn.n Davidson brought up the petition of Samuel Woods, Rector of the Grammar School, for I continuance of the usual grant, to be Applied as before. R fen red to the committee _on schools to r: port. Ah-La-rnnn aihnnn I-unhn in tho nntinn nf NU!-I ICIJUUII H) H PUII. Alderman Gibson handed in the petition of Edward Stacey 10 be allowed to erect a projedt- ing sign over his store in King alreet. G1-soled under the supervision of the city engineer. Aldermen Davidson brought up the report of the nance committee, which recommended the payment of certain accounts, and stated the taxes paid to Chamberlain by Collector for fortnight :.._diIIg 4th Jan. 1869 to be $3,617 11, Tues for 186:! paid by Collector to Chamber- lain for fortnight ending 18th Jan. I869 $4,557 90, and the taxes for 1868 paid to Chem-_ berlnin by Oolleoiorifor fortnight ending Isl. Feb. l869 $5,921 28. Tho clerk_rud the applications for assessors, M which were from Dnim Alexander, Charles Johnson, Samuel Smith and Daniel Donoghue. I Alncmnn nilrh-I-alnnin rnnrnnd nnnnnm-I L.- nlUIJuB'Ull: cnanutt unultu II-ll-I Ululll IJUIJUEIJIIB. Alderman Gildet-sleeve moved, seconded by Alderman A. Livingston, Thu tbs to be fou: us- sensors appointed for the city, the city to be di- vided into two assessment districts to beset o" by the court of revision, two assessors to each diviaion also who appointed by the court of re- vision. The four maeuors to be David Alexan- der, Chns. Johnson, Samuel Smith and Dnvid Douoghne. The motion In: carried. Al.l...n-tn- A I :.:.....n.... ..t.: L... .t.......t.t -.___- Aauuvsuuc. I HG |.|.lUlIUl.I WII Difltu Alderman A. Livingston said he thought some one should be Ippointed to revise the asses.-menl rolls alter the naaesumnt was Innde. There were many serious error: in the Inn`! uaelsmem roll,uome of which he nuned. "FL- ..l-.I. ---A .1..- l.n.__:-- n-_.1___ l'__ _,,_ AuII,uu|.uI: In IVIJIIJLI uc IIIIIIBIJ. The clerk read the following lender: for lup- plying wood for use public building: of the city. From Alfred Eccleu, who oered to furnish for $3 90 per cbrd; from Iiiclpxrd Gouge for com- mou ml: of good $3 70 pet cord, And fou-128 cub"c feet. 84 20 per cord; from A. Crawfcrd for $4 per coid ; from Samuel Foster for $4 25 per cord; from Marin Prcndergn: for $4 50 per cord, and from David ll. Roger! for $3 85 per card. ` Lltlapinnn I (`nu-:-_L . - - . _..l ---, J J yvl Ir\IIUo Alderman J. Cunningham mo1ed,|eeonded by A. Livingston, than A. Crurfox-d : tender be nccepted. "I"l.. um..- -....I.- |.:_|.I- .1 n.. -__n._ . .-. Tnlnl um. um depart from an Kingutdn Suuion a follow: : uinwlvru I wuuu. ' Alden-mun A. Liringltolt thought perhnpn it would be bent to Ian the mutter to the unn- sgemeut of a. committee, altbpugh be had every condence in Crawford it he was selected to furnish the wood. .Ahl--_-_ r\_._L,, ., - - A- lllilllllnl tut WUUU. Aldemun Drennnn suggested that parbdpn `the limo hsd arrived for the Iubatitution of coal :5 fuel by the city Authorities for homing purpo- Ieo. He thought 1 great uring would be ed'ect- ed Independent of the uwing and splitting ne- cessary in preparing the wood for use of uovea. The Invnr nnnnm.-ml eh- -. .|.- -.-..-- I.`- -UUtPG:- The mover spoke highly of the quality of Mr Crawford : wood lIJ.._.__-_ A I'!,!, __.__ `n, VCIICIJ Ill. prupirlllg I00 W000. I0! Of IIOVCQ. The luyor oonniderqd thst u the stove: for wood were :11 up nnd luv-use it would be unwine 10 nuke any Iltenlion thin timer. Iv nu-nu nu} nucruuuil llll w1n'e1'. Aldorunn A. Livingston proposed to leave the matter to the committee on city property with power to net. , IIl`A-anon I1II4I_3_I--.._ Al - i A C III! pvwur KI -C`. Aldonnsn em;+.:.... thought it hardly worth while 10 call upon a committee in the matter. A card of wood In: 128 cubic feet, nnd whoever took the counsel would _be expect- ed to furnish that amount for a cord. This in: said in no ........ -- -1 --- - ~ - - - cu Iv unuuu um: amount I01 com. This was unid in conuquonee of suggestion: by some membgu that the tender: were not Inf- ciently explicit, and that the city _would bon- pected to take on-dinnrr in-ma Inonnnn-I-n-I-0 yculcu no use orulnary Vooa measure which in clually not of the legal amount I to I deciency in the length of the wood. Alderman Allan hnna than `an.-.I.I L.` us.-luull :n.puI;:u, Illll H18! H30 CI! _WOIlld DOCK- pected ordinary wood measurement, which In nlnnllv nne nf en. 1...: -......._- --:-- w - uuuun-mu; nu ule wngln 0| ll.I0 wood. Alderman Allen hoped there would been ef- cien: wood inupector appointed for the city, which he considered was much needed, to no that purchasers had their proper quality sud measurement. - . AI..I-___ n.. 1 ... -- OI IVQY Dlllf Incuhd neatly, cheaply, and axpodiliounly :1 AL. l\Al'l It sync:-rn Onn I'rl\I\r@rno4-I nu-Inn I.Il UI.l.ICl.ll. Aldennln Broplhy said he would moto a. 1`-eao. M lotion which he thought would meet the views of the Uouncil. Thus: this mute: ho le to the Hnyor with power to act. Aldermsn Dnvidlon seconded the resolution, which nu carried. The Mnvnr amid I... -.-...u ......-._ _-.n.__ 2. - seconded the The Mayor said he would much rather it been left to A committee, but as they had select- ed him he would do his but for the interest of the city. Thu I`. Inc -.~......-a-.1 AL, . .1 HI-I5 I31 I . The Mayor suggested that the committee on the market call a meetimr to coneider the ques- tion at torestnlling the market. he had been importuned upon the subject by more than A hundred persons. He thought Itepa Ihould be taken to strictly enforce the by-law. Alderman Robinson hnnn Hm ...r........-.---- -P ulnvu lu aunuuy uuwrce I116 D]-IIW. the law would not be conned lo hnxtern. All those who buy to mull sgoin came under the meaning of the net, and should beproiecuted accordingly. The Alderman pointed out the plsnl of these to evade the law. ` Alrlnn-nun An-.. .....I.- -. a---- - -- - - Pauuu Ul BLIUID LU BVIIIQ I00 13'. * Alderman Allen apokg at Leagtj to tho intol- erable nuisance of the huxten and others fore- atalling the market, whictrhad become I0 noto- rious that farmers were now unwilling to no}! other than by u1e,qun.ut;ity, and citizens wives and daughters were kept away from the market from fear of insult from then Virago: and chaf- ferers. The police, he said, would be well em- ployed inntopping this nuisance not only in the market but at the upper end of the city, where unall dealers ware. each mu-In-t -i-v --=-=-~ tunrlub out at me upper end of were, each market day, waiting the arrival of the farmers tofpurchaee the choice of their produce before theyrurived at the nint- kat place. Auto the hunters in the merket the sooner they were removed the hotter for the city. Aldermen Brophy spoke to the foreetalliug which tnkes place at the upper part of the city. Aldermm Chain hr-nnaln nn 9|... -.-.L=-A4 +1` -r _` _r-_ IIIICDICIIIY-I` Chown brought up the Iubject of the proposed abolition of the toll as ulluded to in the County Council, and Iubmitted to the Council the following reoolulion, Thu Alder. men Davidson, Gildersleeve, Allen, Kinghorn, himself and the Mayor be I committegto confer with the canning: frnrn 1h. 11...... 25-..:- upvu- uuu Illlljcu and other tolls. ll"!-u. -_n:__ _ ununlvu luv. IUI llI]0l' DC COIDEHIOQEO oumitIoe from the Can: onncil upon-the name of the .bona`n`or~ ' mm: tolls. IIHLI UII-IUI lU.lI!u ` The motion gnu rise to u long debate upon the subject of the abolition of- the to1la,duriag which mambo" upteuod their, viowl upon the mute: M. length,\bnt the general impression ill DlCIt Iuflinll Ill. I'l'nlII|ln1n__I|\-I -1-- 1:) III.

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