- ._________ NEW BRUNSWICK GBUIBLING. The Nowbrunuviohn no Qlthrly oolllplliulng of the summons thu Provie nooivon from the Dominion Government. Ali K the fut ocol, they Icy, III lled by pononu from the Uppor Provin- uu. and It In II In: tho grostut. dicully than. 1 Nowbrunuvloker on get a ohnoo at the pub- lic crib. The St. John's Telegraph Inmntl over lha nu. nf` .a.:.. :_ ... .,.. . 7 Icy, lled froth um. \ St Joh . n : the nuts of thin in the Iollowing doloml mun- lIIl' I o poliliou of Ohnplnin to iho Senate, which is now uhnnt. We mainly expected mu Ilr Bliu would urge his claim to the Bhnplnincy, which, hy the way, with its limited nhry, in I plncl of honour inntud of emolauaout, and might properly be held by Mr Bliu w_i_t_hout hi|_1-euigniuz his nreaant sa-.m-o-r-- K thoroughly quslied for the duties --,.w..u mu nsr nnss would :5 of ernoletnent,snd might without his'_t-esigniug his present Secretary- ship. We still hope that _ilr Bliss will not be deterred by talked of *oppositinn.1He is , and his sp- pointment would be hatteit with pleasure by Unionists in this section. ,Besides, it is shout time thst.the government ind ,PIl'1iIliII6nt were beginning to not with some show of justice to the Mnritirne Provinces In the mutter of public appointments. Whst is the state of ntfnirs st the Cspitsl of `the Dominion st this moment `I Since Itlr` Bliss's nnme hss been mentioned in connection with the Ohsplsincy of the`Sennte we hue carefully gone over the lists of omcisls in the Public Depsrtrnents in Ottuws, with the following result :- ' llln ska II...... .t -`I nuuuw III` I ! "In the employees, wickets. uI'_ .L- VI IBDUIU. "In the Santa 31, of whom onain a New B1-unswicker ; And it In: only that a land strug- gle that Ibil one Ina appointed. V `'10 lbs Privv nnnnnil nmnan A|--- --- `~ 5: nuns lI.|II Que VII Bpp0llH.G(1. the Privy Council oces there are 10 em- ployees, not mm of whoufis 3 New Brunswick- If. ."In the Governor : S1:cre1n.ry n oeo than are 6 an-ployeeI-bu3 no New Brunuwlcker. In the Department ofJu|lice than are 7, but no New Brunawicker. `I'-\ I... Il:I:a:- l'\-__. - nu nun l.nuulIIlC-IE1`. ` ~ In the Militia Department there no 26 em-' * ployeeo--not one of whom in 3 New Brunswick- QT, , "In the: Customs Department ;here In 18, thno of them hailing from this Province. "In the Marine Department there no 12--four ` of whom are from New Brunswick. I "In ah. l.`;........ -..,a A -...a:. n-_-_._... . .- VIEW- `-Our fellow subject! in the Upper Provinces must not expect the Lower Province: to be con- tent with this virtual prgecription from the pub- lic offices. It was bad gtottgh to foiet upon the Dominion nll the old, nujcl in many cass useless ocials of the former Lgialature of Canada. It will be much worse poli?:y to ll up vacnnciel as k | they occur, from the Up2>erProvinceI only. The ` mutter ought to be teeteid at once; and for this M reason, among othermgwe trust Mr Bliss will Ilfow himself to be naminnted for the Chap- luncy. The sooner we learn our real posi- {on in this respect ithe better for all con- i I Anrnnrl " . un Ivuuul Inc uulu new nfunlilok. "In the Finnnoo and Audit Deputmenl there are 29 elnployeeI-buI neg 1 Ioliury New Brunt- wicker among them. . uln ah. Dnl-.1;.. u7..-I:.`.. on L... ,4 -v "sf-x;";`t4n-e bfce of Seieeretnry of State, 26, and of Secretary of Sifts for the Provinces, 6-but not a New Bngnawicker in either of them. ` mt, .L_ rt--. nth .. _A - wlunca nuzuug Il.H!I.I.|. ' In the Public Worki, 21, but not: New .Brunawicker_ , ` I nu- .L_ :_1.._a n .< __ . .- lll-IUVVII./GUI. V In the Inland Revaue, 10, but no Nuw Brunlwicker. V. "In the Office Secretary pf _State, __ _r o,_,,. 7 `_`In the Post Oice there are 39, including one { olilnry individual from New Brunswick. I-In oh. l'\.an..-om..." -4` A...-:-..|._... .;-_- __-_ BUIIIBIJ nuulvluuul II'Ul.l.I HOW DFIIDIWICK. "In the Department of Agriculture there are 22 employees, and not one ofthem 3 New Brune- wicker. - I ul_ .L_ l'\,.,-,_ 1`: u.~n.-u ._ - ucw u|uu:II'!I\,'|l':1. ' "The Departments and Legislature show 1. 3 total of employee: numbering 337, of whom Hus! twelve are from New Brunswick; nnd I the case of Nova Scolin, we underatnnd, is even E I'D1'A . II IUHCI I , "In the Receiver Genersl'|`Oflioe, l2-|ud mi New Brunswicker. -(Th- T'|....-..o_.-..a- -_.a v__:_u_.___ _u p;{..'." 3.. {:32 l earned." A newly-married lady of Weedsport, Cayuga county, going out of church the other evening, took the arm of an entire stranger, supposing it to belong to her hunbsad, and didn't discover her mistake until the obliging stranger hid accompa- nied her some distance. Feelingaximngim ed- than, &c. [Puma Al me KINGSTON rolfmnnv. ` SIX HORSE-POWLER PORTABLE STEAK ENGINE, with Qailer complete. Both are glmost new, and, from their peculiar courtroo- uon, are adapted to qf.ny purpooe where steam power is required. 3 Aisn A BIuWER's KEELE, l capscity about 1,400 allona. 'l`h.u -ill -H ha nnr At A cnpscuy auuul. l,1Uu guuuuu. They will :11 be lord at a bu-gain, and time \ for pnytnent given if rgquired. DAVIDSON I DORAN. GUNNGL ` DERBY CONDITION POWDERS F01! j uonsnss AND CATTLE. `BIS Prepnrntion, long mm! favourably known, will thoroughly reinvigorate broken down ` and low-spit-ite_d horses, by strengthening and l cleansing the stomach and intoatinec. n in . mm m-avenlive of all diseuea incident cleansing the aunnncu nuu Luluuuucu. It ie it sure preventive of l to this anilnl, such as lung fever, glenders, yel- low water, benvee, coughs, distemper, founder, loan of appetite and vital energy. Its use im- prove: the wind, increeees the appetite, gives 9. emooth end glossy skin, and trensforml the miserable skeleton into n ne looking and |pirit- ed horse. To keeper: of can this Prepnretion is invalu- able. It increuee the qnentity end improve: the quality of the milk, gives them an appetite, loosen: their hide, end makes them thrive much futer. n--....-.11 -mi nnld bv How THEY MADE roots OF THEMSELVES! Feb. 10th, 1869. ' )r|\WAS about 9 am. on Saturdny lut that _ two lndjes entered my Star, d ukod the price of mrbeul FAMILY FLOU . I told them in plain En g-Hub. Oh," said one, we on get the but our n qunrter-dollar aim-i-el Ian at n limo plneo when-e_1heyThuva not nan: such a stock of our ts y seem to have." After n little further convf ntiou they left. "Ah! but how disappointed I y tetntfned shout the sum hour this morning, and told me how they mud: is look of Lhemulveg. Of course I was unto lnotnlng, gnu nun Lhemulveaj. pactfnlly I-mu IH;; P purcbhl of II. loo barrels of * FLOOR 0.: I have 60 barrel! X P. SEND IT TO FOUR FRIENDS.--The CHROHICLE um News is published every Friday morniin , and contains :11 the news of the week. or Fifty Cents, paid in advance, you may send it tn your frie _ for three months at the reduced rates of postage. For One Dollar it mey bmaent ' six months. Single copies, price Five ' Cents, gney be had It the Daily New oice, Princes: Street. Liter. Prepared nnd sold by HEAR] February 10. Deyioec for every pnnting hop: on 1iuyn:.nAu Punnxo Houu. ALL: 40 Princess Street, Feb. Ullv .1- House of Common: there are 93 of whom three are New Bruns- nu: ill!` ukingdounnl k on lhouhou t can cunnush WFOR SALE, virus 1` 5-14`: -13:11 rrels of the Illno Iplanuxu 1-Ann I hue _beon selling lntely, to hand. IXXX PASTRY FLOUR jun nook- l lolcl Dy HEATH 4% GUNN, Chemist: & Druggistl, _47 Princess 8troeI.,- Kingston. AQLSO, KIITTLE, of Boiler Plate; mn nfnllnnn 1 I A Ulffo DAVIDSON as DORAN, in Iplandid runny .. 1...... -n`Hn innit. in land. NEWS-v-WEDNE/SDAY EVENING, %-FEBRUARY L10. MORRI_SON S. 1:,L Ill THE Iubncribers will oer, b public auction, . at their Store, Princeu jnet, Kingston, on TUESDAY, 23rd February inctnm, the Block of ' ` ` uu luliu`. Stock of Dry Goods.` therein contained, amounting to about $l8,.000, and including 3 genernl nuorunent. It will hit nal-ad an bin: at an rnnnh nn I'll f`, -nu nuunuuaug I guuurst IIIUHIIIBIII. l It wili be o'eI-ed en bloc at no much on the 13. The Stock and Block Book can be teen on and after Thundny, 18th iuunnt. For term! of lulu npply to the auctioneer. {FERGUSON BROS.` Joseph Rogers in Sons Superior Table & Pocket Cutlery,` IMPORTANT SALE ISPOONS, FORKS, &c;| February 10. THE new Issessmsnt Act`. PRICE `)5 CENTS. JOHN HENDERSON, February 10. PRINCESS STREET. DRY GOODS TH I-3 LARGES I` ASSORTRIENT ELEGANT HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE` Thssreday the 18th Inel., l et the residence of G. E. SMALL, Esq , Queen Ilreel, edjoining the premises of Wm. Ford, J r., Esq" ell the rst-clees Furniture, to, therein conleined, comprising- DRAWING noon. Green Rep-covered Boston Bore, lerge Eesy 0 Chair, Democrat do., end 6 Oened Oheire (all A to metch), I set Rep Gnrteins, Demesk do., 1 Fency Gheir, Brussels Oerpet, Whatnot, Ome- meete, 2 handsome Gilt Frelnes end Pictures, Centre and Oerd Tehles. D DINING ROOM . 1 Oak Dining Table (2 leeves), B Oheirs, On- pet, hendsome Sideboard (msrble top"), Lounge, Eeey Obeir, Ourteins, Oruet, Liqueur Blends, 1 Elegent Ohine Breekfeet end Tee Sets, hand. some Dessert and Dinner do. complete, Tee Tr-eye, Gut Champagne, Port, Finger, end Liqueur Glesees. Ont Deeenters, Tumble Preserve Dishes, J ugr, end e lerge essortment Cutlery end Pleted Were, to. ` ; HALL. , Het Stead, Store end Pipes, Tehle end 1 Dheir. ` * ~ BED ROOMS. Excellent Bedsteeds (welnut end iron), Heir end Spring llettresses, Feether Beds end Pil- lows, Beddinzi Wu-drobes,;'Dresslng _Bnreens (double enclosed), Weehstencls end Furniture, Bethe, Oerpet, Lounges, Work Tebles, tc., tc. wr'HI:"I-H SHEFFIELD HOUSE. Feb. 10. Anny;-.-gu. 1 Excellent Cooking Eton and Utensils, Orockery and Tin War: in gun variety, B. L. Dish Covers,` _1 Rofrigemtor, int! `a quality of Preset-ten, to. - The above goods are all in excellent order, And any be viewed on -the any previous to the nle from 2 to 5 P.Il. Terms of Solo--0uh in Banhhlo Fonda. ..l- -5 In rdnlnnk L H, Brussels Carpet. and Excellent ' _ Chlnmvrockery. and Plated Ware. J. LINTON ha}: received instructions u tell on DVEBTIBIMBNT8 for the DAILY Niwl, intended to nppanr the same evening,` uhnld bosom iuxtu only union:-in thedny poulhla. hm ci SUPEEIQR SALE RANBIENT ADVER'l'IBEMENTS.-- . The large eircnlstion of the Dun: Nlrws renders it` the natural medium for the publication of all emails and transient advertisements, as well as larger s.n\ounoe- ments. Advertisements of religious notices and Bsbbnth services; situations wanted; situations vscsm; houses for Illa`; houses to rent; housesfivsntedg hos:-dam! lodg- :--- Ilnnlnn IIHMZ `I'- rent` housenvsnwu ;_ W-W -`W *j'"6' ing; r:>oI:n| w_a.nt.ed; Wlmismgt -c=- so-~=~ mm ......; cams for sale; 0093` ",'3'd'v _ ' . __. .....-_ ;.......a lnr 2.5 cams each mur- IVORY-H AN DLED muas mxou It asks Terms OI DIID--uIII.u nu Sale at 10 o clock Ll. STOCK Feb. lo. -l RT OF ADVERTISING.-`Horace Greeley, of New York, says:-=-"l`ha moat Iueoessful buinen men mum city ue than who hue advertised liberally sud constantly. A. null ndycnannt cou- atantly appearing in better thn Q dbluy column oocaaiontlly. \ P-Rl1CisS'S-_S'l`REls`.-'l'.._ Sula at 11 dciock 5 III. IN THE CITY, SILVER-PL_A'l`ED OF 0!` (:n._\uLEs emaon. J. ' G. STRA hTON, Auctioneer. K{TdElN. 613" jlgouu J. J . LINTON, Auctioneer. I ' `I-ID IIlIlIU`l'I|EI' IXVIIIE PIlI'|:IlI$'I DIX II`!-I! IU manufacture and M the DLIIINIDN CLOTHES BOILER, hereby nation: I p. r- Ionl spins! infringing on the patent, as anyone infringing on the ulna will` be proueoulnd II tho luv directs. 1 l'\I!\'l DIZIIIIID :7 ' | `HI Iublu-ibel; having purchased the right to [A nunnnfnnnnn and null eh: I IIINIDN OTYOE to 311 vbom it may concern, that B. H. Harper and A. D. Ilclhul hue dil- uolied pu-tnenhip. All debt: sanding ngninll. ` that rm are to be pnid by A. D. |(cF'nnl, and All n.f'ter`1hi| 81!: day of February, A. 1889. 9, Fl HARPER, O LET, lha HOUSE in Enrl Street :1 prelent in the occupations!` Ansisnnt-Commiuurp Gnenl Ponnelh Pout-anion given In May next. Apply to Mrs RANTON, Enrl8t1-net, neu- House of Industry. Feb:-usry_ 9. / -.______.-_T_...._-__.__- IIEALTH, oomoum. ARI! nhououv. I V |`HE Subscriber: have much pleasure in intro- . |"I?Il'il\l On (Inn nnhlin nf Irlnallnn Nl]PT R `LIE L3I.IIJU|)lIl UI'I LIEVC Illucll PICBUUUC III II-I5r`}' ` I _ ducingto the public of Kinguon NOB/l`H'S PATENT DRUI HEATER, by the use of which 1|. lnr'|nn nf fun: OK nor can: -will ha nnhsnll I annual AILDUZ I-A-t|$LU D IIUU Ill Ivllllpu I Isving of fully 25 per cent willbogninad. Having thoroughly tested Ibis n.1uIb1oinven- tion they can condegtly recommend it u a great fuel saver. The cost of the Enter it until compared with the grant uving it effecu. In many places where two stoves were fox-metly required, uufcient heat can now be obtained from one with the Heater attnchad. Putieu wishing to try them can do no, and if Tnfter a fair trial they are not satised that the Iaving claim- ed in etfectad, the Heater can be returned without any charge. McI_ELVEY gs 111:QH, -..a a-v _-- February 9, 1869. nu atocx iii Feb. 8. R0BER7r__WHITF. DYER dc SCOURER, I_ AVING remored to NeIv1sud'| Buildings, opposite to Mr Pillar`: Bukety, Prhiceal Street, is now prepared to receive order: for dyeing and uoouringu the shorten notice. I will rnnnmn hnninnnn in mv nld nlnnrl In U I."IUK HIIII UIRJIIKIIJE II 3115 II-IUKICII. LIIIIIUU. '[will resume business in my old Ilnnd as soon as it is repaired. nnman-r win-Ma Nfnw ENGLISH V-IALENTINES, chew. at L the ONTARIO BOOKSTORE, Welling- ton Street. II In I\I\l\I'\IIIII 1' turn-r "`3I.`1?a.11TSe`.?., Z?;e..e`.`.2 32`p$Za"; Captain Taylor. Poueaaion on lat lhy. Ap- ply to 1; (mu 1:: A 1119 .n._'_L_.__` .n_-.\_r Iv g.- AND WHEELER & WILSON MACHINES RE the but in the world for my purpose. Intending purchasers no respectful! in- vited to call and examine them at - John Cunnlnglnallvl, KING STREET, Kingston. M Hand Hgchinel in great vnriety, cheap. Ila- chinea of all Ignaz skilfully repaired. Needles, Oil. &c., on hand. January 28. Feb. 5. From-If J. i'BUME, ollmst. AND o. L- MAYEBIIOFER. Pla-nlst. } 1 or MONTREAL. To Maura RAPPE, WEBER & Go.- EN'l`LEMEN-We am ntiaed with your Piano, and we recommend it to the public of Kingston for its superior unlit) . F. J HEN PRUIIE. 0. L. MAYERHOPIIR. n ._,_s__. no-2 1----.. vaan me mroi February 4. _ February 4. DISCOUNT 20 PER GENT F03 THIS IIOETH. Quarter Dollar Article: for Thmliy Gena. UY YOUR IBDIOIHIS AND PERIFUIIS It the ' ` ` MEDICAIL HALL, , l\\I`II an-Irv tun .. -_... `l'I..|Ia-_ 444..-_-gy ._. -:j And lave ONE SHILLING on-ev:r_y;);I: `I -_ R `NOTICE.- LARGE ROUGH CAST HOUSE 19 Let l A- `D:;I--.. Qn......A _A ......_;._o ..-_..._:-A L- No._75 Wellington street, KINGSTON. AVERH-KIEPEBS end GROOERS ere hereby notied that `-The Tavern and Shop Licence Act. of 1869" Ileelu-ea No cenlcete for a licence to remit spirituonl, fermented, or other manufncturcd liqnon, in may `burn, Alehonlc. Bcerhonco, Piece of Public lnteneinmcnt, or BEOP, shall be granted to any applicant, except " tothePoliee Gonmluiohen." In Any` withthh pro- vioncof the Act, I hereby give notice that I will be "In iuendcnce at my oc. cm 10 to 3 dclcck dsily, from the 10th to the l'lth Fehtnhr :...|.-.0 In: than nnrnnna nf nceivinm Inch DO v. 1.1. was Buturdny, 23rd January! 1869. UCIXI Elli , lll Ill! IVIII Iv II: II III l'UIlIIlCI' I inllnnt, for the purpose of receiving such pod Han: Such petition: to be on 1 form supplied to ap- pliesnta ntjny omoe. THOIA8 IOBTYN, Insputor, Tuvem And Shop Linnea. 1?{nn-Inn KI`: PAHDIIAFI, LIV.-I lllvu Jun. 6. A \JJsw I\.IA.a.---g. VALUABLI PARK. containing ona l|nn- . drad Ind thirtfncresuf 1and,bt:i.ngtho, ,' out burnt Lot Ho. 33 inthe 7th Donation of 310' N tho township of lrnutown, within two nun at P ..,m; tho village of Wilton. Than in 3 good tnbtnn- . ` tin! Stone Rouge, Burn, and Bhodn, shout Iixty T , . ncru nndnr 5 good lute ot cultivation, and _ Jlljnly twentyauuofsudnnvl-I_Ilp. Wolltimhund sud well wanted. STE`-I Also, - BLOOP. the-Victoria, between so And -5* 40 ton: bnrlhen, sup kul, suiuuo for eithct Ili-inn` mnnl orlnko nnvigntion. II_in` good mum.` Bonn. order, Itnuding rigging And can: Ill eouplau. -""""`n"' For pnntimlu-I opply_ to It Georg. 339'. l EASE I _ wmnun IURBAY, stock at Kmpton, January 29. Authmu. dueriptio s1'. V4 Lanrrm E. THE g;owE I, llvunu nauaa Kingatoxxrgth Fthmuy, 1889. HUIESTBWTO TESTf1YI_`_{N1L.. REM_0_VAL. FOR SAL . rv ; `I31 1- 1: A bl: ..-...o-:-.6-.. No_T_1'0E. JOHN BHIELS, King Street, Kingnon. H. G. GOODFELLUW. J AOOB BAJUS, Kinguon Brewery. ROBERT WHITE. "f' '13: 'n`2'1'>nE SI" |Annual % %Clearing sage um GOODS & READY MADECLOTHINGJ Among Thu 83.19 will commence on MONDAY morning with forty-plqeu from ad to In 3d per yard. Obnp Job Lon will be thrown out on the table: outrluyllting mo sue. ' =~ % spocm attention in culled to uni` stock or READY nun: omrlnnttini ituuay cousin: of Mists, and is therefor; made of the uent material! and bntwmknnnnilg. _. LIVERPO0L novsla. IIVVU I" Il||D UVIIUH ITICIEI IKURWUI K, U`I .I-KI Scarlet Flnnuel from II 811 to In Mohnir and Alpsccls for drone! from mid 39 `(id All Fancy Dre-ss Gm-rd: urn '1-educedyto out price One penny per yud oil all print: Onnndn Tweed: from 6| to In per ysrd col Blanket: from 63 to 10 per pair of Rn-inst] and hnnknd Rhirna rnrmul I`:-nun 911! `I1 III-IILUII stun: UH III IV. W Fill (III ` Striped nnd Cahaoked Shining reduced from Sid to Nd -- ` _ Home made Fnllad Cloth 21 6d per yard, reduced from 3136] ' ' ` M l ' Tnblo Linen. Blenchod and unbleached, Nductd from had In 1| mm ` -- ' -~ I` _ " SPEOIAL.-25O Don. Hbbp Skirt: 25 pet ant hdloir `nitnlflalnnfllprioei ` *" " ~ "1 ` Superior Frunch Kid Glovelsn 9d per pcir M7 3-` T- _ J .' GREENFIELQ. ~ _ ` r .J . 3.. -.~, `p... M 1 414 Ian R I R89 % M - A G E WATCH AND CL()CKLVMAK,E.R,F ' KING %%s['rn at, ..u ; ` 1 . J` ` `I -#7! 4|, .` _. 4 ` M. 1 ` -". W nurua an (Int? urn-n Lrnnnnvnlnn nlll int nnt In lln `llf nv1InnIr"nn MONDAY NEXT, 1s'r_FEBR%UA RY3 LIL! `.1 V5.1.-.5 4..-.a..\~ ._,_____`_ `ii. "' ` ` .-ET?-T-WEEK? A M mm or In 7s at war REPAIRS of all Kinds canelhlly nuuoqaow ";_""'1`].'Eg'[;tI?7_iI$j,`] B . . ` 1.) J IE3} `ifl 3 `,_ 2` H, ~ . - -`L .\ W v>' _,'; ,'_g` ` ` . " ' " 7` `ff ` ` ` Octom 21. ` ~. ` -`.;`;1 .`.I. u,_ :._ oN'umo7s1'anm~, xmasa-on, oni-ug1_o . B. R. Stephens. Tfroprlolor. . Trusty Potter: in Il1o'ndAn:so` Depot and Steamboat Lnndlngl. ~ ` Oct. 13. - 5:331:03. In. is -< .L`\/LI `/-LG q.\r -,....-. HE Oolnunodiona Ind Well-tted STORE on the oosnon.-of King and Prinoou. Buootu. lstoly oomfpiod by lung Ferguson I 90. line _ edin poueulo . A I to `:...;25. ':.am`in J an. 6, 1869. Z_:_-.. 7=*enev=i~% now Ann sum l:i|_AIlIa_} IuAII:.~:t_c;%*f*;A*j:r_ Fabrnary 1 . Skinner's Drugstore, _:__:.:_\ IMMENSE%% NG SALE E03 ONE MONTH.._ HAIR ! 001: H, AND mm. nnusins comaafj Lama : and Bimini : b GENUINE rnrulnanv. , FOR SALE OR TO LET.- .-.n--. n _ L _ _ _ ; g . _ _ _ _.1 111-11 u...I nmnnn I SPRING HOOP SKIRT rqduond froIn 1l 103611! to II` Good mm. Cotton radioed framed; to aid `Int Flnnnnl frnm `I: BE in in ` Tm: unamignodianowpnpmatounau nnnuilueu on hunt. or- donlnfsu the Ohinncy Victor: oog mu, :h;hPolioo Station, will In pronptlyeonplkd A ' W.B.F0l-I.i&'l'.-. Luna 1: 4' ,:.u J. n `-".=";.` `; A DLKUE A.UUUIl"I.'IIJ.".I.' U!" _` ` ` ' -- ~ ~- - .~r;. v(:'x`l".M"1.` % novsn Am: .4-*4-`lm u 73 . ul-.m:a-.-L.` _ -..- JUST RECEIVED RIGNEY % 82; SLAVI N S, "!'5.TT%; '.1'.'.!-t2%j BEG8 'ro CALL -rm: ATTENTldN our Tan Pniu.Io11'o" Win-be oired at 0081` PRICE, In order to safe nimble in taking plan in `.`...2.....;.,%.. #1 par yui.3J-aob"- %% numsm - I % FURTHER REDUCTION ECEI LAMBS A summon nor of um um ammnsr an or was smjozc. NOT1CE.` Jnvnnr, lid.` MARK "rum REDUC`TI0NS-T LT ON WHEN OUR. ENTIRE B'l`O6K OF wmn oouimuon on. `Deck: 1:LA_nen 1LB3C5B?_rI;I_i_1I'r_,Q;f AT THE AT RIGNEY & SLAVIN,~ _ - Wuhan ; |` til-Iiuwuan Lsv.uav- IIflT . 1: an ntyl-;.-nd`vI1vnn.~wdinItlIr ute I ooh ,; v ` M.In~.`.=:r`m nu. n `Z"l`l`_IhZ_`.~} ~ ITQHI Nhiriud Iutmunw` V I V I and ma. Rooms. Illlmulad Inrihinn u in-inn: nth: and union: .. mlinnntinun Anmis & 95 . s;.- 3 .m'II" wt-~. an ir|oa;u;unnu` E ` int prrdnuultro;eduIj1run*h `W-* ` 4.! rm: lAB00Ks1,;B%0a6; Ill. Mil ll FeR%*n.E.i%%14L At the0nta11090okatnm, 1171.11 1' 'I1'11l'l\.r\-I-V 1`--a-n--u_a._ mi ?I17i17vH'.'Jf 'isHi~1 -`i 7.:.`,":":':.e '1 Anhtonounon V '.; T Gon1hnn:'i rodl Oqpgph ; M _ do P ` I` .~ 4"I"`.""` (10 `:1 300Kgod1on.Pcqyqt$!.. W1-Ti' | 30' = :`a :7.i-..';..`'.%."3:...:`.; A'..`:`" s........4"" .'H 5 . 1 BInml n.-lJnnln'hnl4l 'l|l.-I.._-: _I.......' ..u.;... Bleknou, Bl $21`. 0 Bihluu ` Iohrnnxi. , n-'rno1u-m.._u....:""..... 'lcI|InIh,P ` 11.1"" Puunuioc givuou-the Ind .I.ptil'hutz~ ro[cTm-_g,u.,= .. , m:4: , an aA3w:. 09. 1:: u 3. ygrj "` `H in .L: W W-|~V'Vl|||Il.l-U WELLINGTOH i 1"- AllI!I1'A'O' n.- aAc-':-n- `. uTREAI;<"I `B1} {i'm IH sanrruma Human. puma: at. ` `I K Qn1Im .ld. ` %2% ID__l_?AL JAMES srlitllill rural! -rm ATIIIN, AT "an: ISTANTIAL` H-fa jg u ye! reporled.' I." gm: 9 -The Ilenmer NC`: i-F" . ' ed. u-30' `"" "" ""' . ~41 I. I.` 1o__Tho Iteumuhap tn 8. M mi"ed- ` - > I nb_ 1n_-Thu utelshll E \ . d 1 . d mgglovesu-lain , ghnns ' ` t I I I 1 I ?n' from Sow York. hu nr~ ` M . sgtasetme. ` Fob. IO.-In the failed a Court yesterday petitions Hit tho release of Spnnwler and eixnnecl 11 the Dry 'lPortug-.191 `H : ya-don [us already been pro plohblt signed. ` Yuk. Pei. 1|J.--_The steamship .1.:. L: H.-nlnnpn has !Il"!':I\`PA` '1; Pt-en Ilcnpnichou. *. Pub. 9.-Hon. M. McConnell jug murdered in his mice in dig morning. Mark: of ve t! bx a. dung shot were found `, ho auu for the murder is n Scum 1` `honing vuted uh formation of s new Sum " Wincomin lid Michigan. hu, Feb. 10.-Thc Social W. which decrees that 3 negro Ind enjoy Anything that n}. if his purse permits, has |.l.. m... Cgnnh . '> BIIKUIUII. Kcu. Av. urht continues dam-used. and ' :No.l Iupet, $4.90 10 35,00. dtelfflng, held :1 95 in store for . Out! Inn, 5110 52c. Rye n- & 818 to $21, prime $2010 2321. Chi and, my little srriviug-we 33, ciovu O6. 4 ;'qdoiogiu other grains. Pork ` -' YORK IARKBT3.` (I-udugm ms. Daily Nun.) 'l_|. Ids. lo.-Flour unlettlad And -'l,300 bbk; also 5,900 bbln `W hupodine Into sud western ; `Wham-moo to choice extru stale ', $.75 ht comma: to choice extra Jlhlrqniut When rm; rceeiph U;-In 31,000 lnllrn 1,08 for It; in In; 1,5610 1,61 for No. 1 -I-uauenm.-1. Rye heavy; `ll Conmud 2 as 3cbemr; ii illlad; 9,000 bush; huiuso 092:: for new mixed WW 5 1.935 for old in store. Rye bub Clnarh wulern at 2,16. . ` mi` -.l-a_ 5 Ann L_._|. , Iii" pa 1'. R;ilIny-Goo. Roberuon lniu, 10 irnm caustic nods, t! Mm pipes, `I . clrboys 3*.` mind hula coee, 16 ball`- `ggd palm oil, 32 bbls sugnr, 11 _.______*___________ WIN IeI"LlIbnrn" Iattlemeut En rtpeunu them `as dissa- `JIHI: lhua bud I long trip in South. :11 by nilroad, and, QI, nine out of ten northern. Hm-vmd South hm lost. 1: '1': "tn pnenil in a large `lhltlto in ma warm Ieuon. `lb! of the Synculo Courier ~ .-|.WI Duh Canada 2,16. H inlzr; Iiaiptn 6,000 bulb; Val Inn 75] ii 76:: for western in VII -, 31,50 0 3a,uo for new Hutu]: Iowa; 19; a me for is _the mum of his bride, on of Int week. in the town iineonnty, Tenn. He hall ` girl, who, named y "5181 him In I bed, where the 1 Wu ninhed 1: her re- ninntu the newly made a murderer escaped. I-L V7 *. Iu1,soohhh. am. n1mu_-Hy Hlohuhg to report. G"`"" quit: nominal in m'I=f K Provision pnonlly unchn."d- -- -u accented by all non: f "5 Ind trading being tunn- numialy notmllud s Conti- _ Landon, bnfunleu some on- - VIHIIII to Man the evil, that ' :1-:idim; Looking u the ` 5* *"`!0f nut. He ndvocated Bcbhoth 0 higher Film Thou Ih01lb:I1?0d on 7 'h||I|J look to mking it a.,,,:""-I m2un,'::i::hp::> '1 than II. ICU. lU."`_L BC DID-u.IoI gill Hamburg, has arrived. I """ 3 `lichen! " 7'7- rI.`n;l`: 30 mlk through the 'Hp`.` Nsudny, Illd to no ...-:-..-M tnding 5.1.... o..... L'0[liROIAL. WI- nuy m, p.nI.-Collon rm. Pu; 430 M to us. I Qrw , - q 10, p.n.-0ozuolu 93; for st; Bond! quiet! nnd uoudy, ;IlIinoiI Ccntrnl 94 ; Atlumic . AND TIOIIERCIAL. I ._ \I,tV._._. iinpton. Feb.` -minus II gnu-sauna` , FEB. 10. Daily Nun.) ` New Yorkat 12 Sultan has 1 . .. _ .. -0 n u|.IIII.l\-PUB nuu u wen-lurnlsned salmon, with long rows of luxurious sofas I : Mung the walls, autciem. for the accom- modatinn of at ieI\st_300 persons. this hgjug [hr ordinary meeting` room of the Academy .u_` Jurisprmicnce. .. _ he room, as I entered, mu ulmgcxlu-r filly?!`-lilougll it_ was be- tween *3 rim! 3 p m..the hour at which the ` poll shnulal have boi-n moat brisk. At oue u ` end, hnwevcr, on A raked dais, was the lmilhl, and round it were sealed the Preai~ dent mid his four Secretaries. Upon tel- ling my (`I ranul, I w.-is most kindly Iccnru. i tumlnled rvilh n chiilr Iml n cignr, and had 1 my quesuuus rcndny nnswred with that , ` courtesy which in une of tho genuine bouts _ i uf lillzb pcnple. ' Presently the electors i drnppetl in at int rvull of 1 to 5 minutes. " "l`he- unlcr of election ia-A schedule is 3 sun to every man entitled to | vote in his H`-.` r'ng.}`1n[`[` I-In Ilrnnnnha 01. X I ... .._L 7 `WI _ rt "`--`----3---- - ` , , A SPANISH ELECTION. The Madrid cnrfeopondgut of the Tim j describes 1 Spaurlh election : "I went," 1 1;. 31131, "ID the 4_\teneo, I kind oi lite:-try duh, in the prennsen adjoining which are i established` two of the hundred `ck-ctor|l' . m1loges or polling place: into which Has 3 Arid IS divided. There was I crowd of 3 ; mug or two perfectly well-belnved peraonl 1 pt the street loch, toutern of the dierent ( parlimi, and from them I received a `variety | pt printed clcctonl lists. I then proceed- `; ed In the polllngplnoo on the ground floor, Hlmtof thq Barrio del Caballero do Gn- (`in ; it was a spncious and n well-furnished ;s.~aluon, rays In In in \.ULI nu-u TLIIIIICII In I Vu[g 5` Is nwn rrsmcncc. Ha prenenta this Rchedulg to the President, who tend: its num. ber aloud. The Secretaries, ref- ring tn their registers, identify the nnnnn and n.rL`rn.m in H... ....\._,1_,u -.-~- -w-an Inn, registers, I IJICI ` manic and sddresl in the schedule `with that in their bunks, And the elec- tor llu.'n hands in hisliat of candidates, fuld- l ed, whiclnhe President takes from the elec- l tor s hand, and lepoaiu it, still folded, in the urn, saying `VoIo` (`He votes ). All the rum Secretaries record the vote in their nvective hooks. nrnlill is done. The polls are open from 9 mm. till 4 pm , when the scrutiny begins, the President unfolding and reading the lists of cnndidntee, as he draws them one by one from the urn, and the Secretaries ukiug down the name: of the camlidale as he utters them. The numbers given to each of the cnndidates ere then proclaimed, and the ncl result is handed over to the Home Olce. The ceremony, throughout every phase, is open to the pub- lic, and room in abrded for 1 numerous attendance. ` ` ' that it he voted in a particular way his ` _ shotfld think` the Court's proceedings will 221:}. mu: ooxrharnn ELECTION cases '3 IN ENGLAND. Mr Justice Keogh, after a trial lasting only three days,has decided that Mr Whit- I Worth`: election for Drogheds is invalid, owing to intimidation. He laid down that 9 the matter was not of private, but of pub- lic interest; that every man had 1 right to 2 give his you: without injury, threat, or in- ' salt; that the `intimidation even of a few voters vitiated an election, became the in- timidation of one man alarmed many; and ` that it Inn illegal for a priest tn tell a voter | - salvation would be impossible." The peo- 1 ple of Drogheda, who have been accustom- cal to a good deal offun" at elections, and think a. few broken heads a bttgatelle, seem thunder-struck at the decision. and have offered the seat to _Mr Whitworth`s non. His election will probably be quiet.`o.nd we ho CIII:`:Bl` 1:1}: nnnaa interact? in `Juuvrinrt ` auuulu I-ullllh IIIU \.\'\IlL 3 FIULCCUIHEB Ill be studied with some interest in Ncwpnrt, and Blmckburnjand S atfurdshire generally. This Act is going to work. I nnl-nn Mal-l;n `ol~;lIu(` nn 'l`||nl'Ir`nv .|JI= QED I3 IJlI.IP. . SK) "\JII'\. Mr Bitronshliirtin decided (in Tliursclny T that Sir H. Stracey (Conservative) was not ' duly elected for Norwich, but that he was 4 not guilty of any personal knowledge of, `or cons_unt to, the bribery which undoubt- edly did take place. Sir H. Strncey is therefore uuaentml-and will, it is nnilcr- ( stood, be disqualied under the old Act ` from sitting in the present Purlinrnent. E i I I Bribery was brought home to 1 man named Hiirdiinent, who had nbsconded, an who. in it win shown. canvassed at t e request of some of Sir H. Stacey : leading supporters; and in e company with the cnndidate 3 own son, Mr Btu- vcey: Mr Bnron Martin very justly said that this was inornl proof of agency. I should be bringing this tribunal, said Baron Martin, into utter contempt, ifI failed to draw the conclusion that main was acting under the ._uthority of Sir. H. Stncy." But thejudge exo_'|el'lIed Sir H. Strncey from any knowi- ledge of the hribery, or from having provi- ded mt. money. The great problem which he um wished to solve,wiis, where the money ,eau_,'- came from. \_ lie dedlared it deay pr_\VBd _th_nt tiiere _wr_ts a nu de of await` bnhing, and he intraut- ed wmewhu, grimly the doulit w_lieth_er them would ever be another election in Norwich, Costs were given to Mr _Tillet both for hiiuexpenso in P "`g, ms `"7" innocence of bribery and the brgbery for which Sir H.Stracoy wl-I l'5Pbl"- 0 did not pronounce very dcid0_d1Y- bl 1" seems likely to report that it extstod. Lent begin: thin year on Lot: Wednesday | ,Febmary10. Good Friday comes March 26, and Easter Buudny, Much 28, which is somewhat earlier than `maul. Deer, it in said, were never more plenty in the Northern part of New Hampshire _ than at present. This is the result of a. protective law rigidly enforced. "'`- (`-`---Inn 1301,1111-Tl HRVI I PIOICCHVU law llslul u......,-_. The Galveston Bulletin says the reports of disorder and violence in Texu are bad enough, but the truth is worse than the re- ports. Tut Lnrrr or Pnon-nnu: Runwnr Spun. -Gn.th, the New York Tribune : Wash- ` no --.....-.m..A...-.+. ha: I-man mlkinz with w5` inton correspondent, has been talking ` `- ritieh railway capitalist. who is reported as having said concerning railway speed :- "It is a question vital to the American peo- ple and their railway eyatem--the subject of utilizing your railroads to the fullest extent, by running slow and frequent trains of freight at greatly` reduced rates of shipment. You know,` I suppose, that very many of your railways are in use not more than four. our: out of the twenty-four. You know that. in geometrical progression, almost, the coat of railway carnage increases with Ihe cost. of speed. It cost: half as much to run a train at ten miles an hour as at twenty. Increase the rate to thirty and it costs K double the tari at twenty. The fuel, the wear and tear, accident, and cost of rolling _ __ ,._. ____ __ A vs cunning n lncreuse we rue nu ......_, ...._ -_ -, stock make Che dierence. An engine, to run forty miles snhour, as some of ours do, cone an extravagant ium of money. It muht. weigh nixty tons to insure aafety. This sixty ton! pulvorizos the rails. The alpeod shakes the extras. 1: engine 5 ed- :i y to piecel. We have wound, in Eng and, that no rsilwny train ya anywhere in the ' kingdom which ex thirtymilea an hour. * The Roynl Eolyhead mail, which mskec 5 mile a. minute, exclulive of shop on, has to be subsidized extnv ntly. he some up- plieuo fut ships. hold, onlly yeuterdn , t _ speed! 3 atroyodlyour Collins lino ofvoueln. But for t_he uni mbcidy sud tho extraordinary com- _...:.:,... :. 1a-.....I.na hntwmn ra.ilwu.1a.`wo the mail uubcmy um um! exxruurumm, w... otition in England between railunyn,` we Ihould not burn a to nu_kc than thirty ` country, when _y_ou has to us: uuusuuuu between you pun and cotton Human and tholes, the aubjooet eflnwzspcodbrlio sake of cheap fnightl is of vital unporh.noe."