Kingston News (1868), 16 Feb 1869, p. 2

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experienced Bel`! Ill WWW ; "E "" "" ""' "'"" day night. and bu bun rnainz 11141! Wm! - abntod violeun. The menu 1110 U `V bloclmlwith uni, sud In-my nu Marl! IP01: cable from the great depth of the dt-inn, though there no I felt` pedestrian: veu1_ul'l0 00}: `"5 the poor horn: ounder with dticalty In the loath U! the cutting north-can wind. T110 unmet Lew`: lttamptod to ct-on uvml times, but was unable until late in the after- I10 O. :nI_. I514, 1,. 1'-.__ n__.l_ `A--0-;-I -5 II- Quebec, Feb. l5.- l'ln uvueu snow storm experienced hen this winter, lO_t in late on Sun- a.. ..:-n.. um I... hnan .-ulna all by an. noon. The River du Loop train -started It t|_1o_ usual hour, but bud to turn In.c_k, and no trlln lone: for the Won-lo-night. 'l`h. m...-..\...I.I:.-.}. at Du-Iiavn-nt can red fnr u.-Ivan nor ma WOIl_'lU'lllK|.ll. The re-suehbling of Parliament wan xed for to-monow, but it is physically impossible to have a quorum, as communication w.i-h the city, both by rail and vehicle, will bejlopped for a few dnyl. The follbwing is the ndveriiumknt no it ap- peared in the Sun : I41`;-\ Wnnuonm Inllu NATlnVAT.lIn PEI?! In IE6 Dun .' "To EARNRBT [mun NATIONALIITB -Al1 Irishman of amnion, dasiroul of taking part in the Irish N:-val Expeditionary Corps, now organiz- ing, no requested to communicate at once with Wm. J. U'Go|_1ne|l, Socretary, 323 West 21:1 BL, Oily. Man of nautical experience are pnrlicu- lnrly culled on I; hang an nv-mhinn nn fnnl nnur uhinh I31 I CCIIUII UH We have an expedition on foot now which has been inspired by the thunder of G. 1". Train : guns, and which is to make things hot tor Bri- tonnin when she__leest expects it. Determined Irishmen are organizing a hand of experienced soldiers mu sailors lot it long and during navel cruise. The list, is nearly congplele, and the persons are unknown even to Marshal Murray : deputies. The movers are true Fenian s, and have no idea of sleeping while any of their coun- trymen are immured in'British prisons. Their trcciee object they decline to state, but hint in- directly that 1 good eet vessel with a heavily armed crew and a marine corps could make a sensation on the coast of Australia, or 9. West India. island. Like Paul Jones, they might land on the sands of the West Indian, make a. raid in- to the interior, not carry o' the plate of some English mogul. If in Itnnwn that II-earn nu-A Trial-I nu-inn-.9:-a in IJIIUIIII IHIIIU. We hate certain information of this bold pro- ject, and have confidence that Irish blood will carry it throngh.-N. 1'. Sun. Ill-Islllll IIIUIIII. It in known that there are Irish prisoners in remote E1-itiab _4-ofouien, and their liberation would be but a slight retaliation for the safer- ings endured by Train and bin companion: in the Dublin bulilo. TIT- L,__- ___._!A 2,nA,__,_o ,5 .. - u no SPEECH BY THE O1iAN'0ELLOR OF THE EXCHEQUE3. Mr Lowe delivered a switch at Gloucester, in the course of which he said : The first thing we have announced is the old worn-out,_ct'y that has been often used fora very different purpose- justicp to Ireland (loud cheers)-justice in recog- nizing. in the fullest and most ex.ended sense, the absolute equality of all her Majesty s subjects in Ireland, of whatever religious persuasion they may be; justice in recognizing that the State, which is the trustee of large public property now devoted to tile purpose of the Church of England, is bound to employ that property equally for the use ofsll denominations of her He- jesty's subjects (cheers). We have announced our intention to,pr tpose to parliament to disen- Vdow and dist.-stablish the Church of Ireland. 1 trust we shall not go back in the way from either of 'hoge propositions. Having freed, the Church from its connection with the Statef we shall leave it to determine, in the freest manner possible, its own future destinies. I do believe there never was a Ministry in this country more earnestly desirous of preserving peace, a Minis'ry which is not only desirous of preserving it, but willing to take and adhere to the only means and policy by which peace ca-t be preserved. The third subject which the Government has at heart, is the question of economy Ccheets). My friends the Secretary for War and the First Lord of the Admiralty are diligently endeavour- ing to cut down whatever is superuous in es- tabtishtnents over which they preside, but I am _snte it is not the wish of the Government any more than it would be necessary to star the ef- ciency of the service. The principle on which they are going-ttnd which has my cordial ap- prohatiun-ifl may describe it in one word, is that of concentration ; that efdrawing our forces v together to that one point where they will be rendtrcd most availablevfor the defence of the country, instead of being scattered and rendeted useless by being distributed all over the world. With regard to the navy, the principle on which we propose to net is to concentrate the expense upon fewer dockyards, and save the expense which would be occasioned by keeping up smal- ler and less etcient establishments. Perhaps you expect that I should say a few words about my own department (cheers). Gentlemen, the late Hrcobbett said that for 500 a year he was willing to undertake the task of Prime Minister of England (laughter) ;` but every man thinks he can be Chancellor of the Exchequer without any salary at all (laughter). I have been endeav- ouring to gain instruction in the duties of my office from the numerous gentlemen who favour me with their correspondence every morning, -and. the result ot that correspondence is very diferent from what I think any of you would expect. You may suppose that 1 would be over- whelmed wlth applications for the removal of taxes. Not at all; that is the last view which is taken. The view of the British public is that it is the whole duty and business of the Chan- cellor of the Exchequer to devise the imposition of new taxes. for almost aver-v letter that :. ... ......... .. luv aasauascllicr tu unvtso use imposition ew taxes, almost every letter that in re- ceived by him is, not a request for n repeal-of old taxes, but a suggestion for the imposition of new taxes (laughter). If a child burns its lin- ger with a lueiter match its father at once writes a letter to the Ohsncellor of tl1o_Exchequer, and suggests that an adhesive stamp should be ap- plied to lucifer matizhes (laughter). If a gentle- man on whose birth Venus and the Graces have not happily smiled dude in a photograph his features depicted in a manner. more truthful than attering, he writes oil to the Chancellor of the Exchequer, and suggests that an adhesive stamp should he applied to photographs (laugh- ter). lfl. man hss_a neighbour who plays upon the pianoferte when.ho wishes to go to sleep he suggests a heavy duty upon_ piauofortes, com- mending it with the remark that the duty will be easily collected because they make such a row (laughter and cheers). Now, gentlemen, my business is to he guided by public opinion, but] must frankly tellzyoa that this opinion does not agree with mine. Every man he! his been ideal of whet he would like to do, but my been ideal of a happy Chancellor of the Exche- qn- r is a man who idocs not like to impose new lulu, but to take tin old ones (cheers). There is a small hill in the matter of Abyssinia which will prevent me from gratifying these philanthro- pic aspirations with which I have been endeav- ouring to gain credit with you. I fear that you must be content with these expressions of my seuaauvl:-Ell ._I_:_n_ Y D -4 in. This lnfomution correlpondl with the ad- vice: from Ohio and Kontuck . Of no nun. the crop in not out of danger; but it 11:11 right so far. All kinds of frnitjrenfo in Indian, Ohio and Southern Illlnoh. In more not-than hu- man poncheun killed. ; ~ `Bentham Illinois, that ,, 1?: Cincinnati Gazette learn: from I gentle- Inn ighly competent to judge, who bu just returned from I tour through Indium and the winter wheat (`very- wbm looh willnnd promhu an extnordinry yield. The fall was favourable, and the plant! got very rmly rooted before cold weather not l:hi: lgfonutioa co:-remand: rm. .5. -a ....... no content wnn tnese my goodwill, which I feet will not go fer. Highly rened end compliceted nancial operetions until very little, and there is only one secret to eneore pt-oeperity, end that is, to epend much less then you receive (cheers). I believe that s `great deal may be done by s careful end s.tten- tive wstch-keeping on the msnner in which the money goes out. A_ tendency in growing up in the country to make the Government do every- thing. If there is an enterprise to be performed, the benet of which is for some local communi- ty, the tint thing is to come to the Government for e guarantee, and if they cannot. get s (unsu- tee, for n grsnt pound tor pound for what they will subscribe. I strongly disapprove of this proceeding. If I can save any money it will give me heeetiblt pleesure to give you the bene- t el it in the remission of taxation.` A FENIAN NAVAL EXPEDITION. `ran 3-roan rr Qunaiw. ADTION AGAINST'nmton Hun. " `On Fri ` , in the Court of`Queeu'e Bench, - the Lord 0 J notice delivered judgment In the one of Phillipe v. Eyre. erguedhefore himself, It Juulee Lueh, end It Jutlec Hayes in the canton of Int term. The notion nrooe out of the Jamaica inlnrrection, end In brought h llr Phillip: ngcinlt Governor Eyre for noun t and false itnprllontnent. The defendant by hi: plec justied the conrue taken upon the authori- ty of the-Act of Indemnity penned by the local Leglelntnre. To this plea the plnlnti demurred upon the ground that In Act of Indemnity, penned by n local Leglnlntnre, could not deprive the plnlntitf of the redreu nllowedtbltn in the court: of NI own country for the tortioue not of n fellow eubjeet done nbrond, end then the plain. tlfurtber replied that the governor of mforeigu settlement of the Crown had no authority to ascent to 3 measure of indemnity pnued in re- lation to conduct of his own. To lhil replica- tion the defendant In turn demnrred. Hie lord- ship, who reed the judgment of the court, said that upon both demurrer! their conclusion was that the defendnnt was entitled to judgment. The plaiuti admitted the full power of the le- maicl. Legislature to pose an Act of the Legion- tnre indemniiying the authorities of the island for my note bone de done under it reneonnhle belief of their necessity for` the suppression oi the rebellion, but he denied the extension of the privilege beyond the limits of the island. The court was of opinion that the reasoning in eup- port ofthis contention was utterly unsound. It won undoubtedly more difficult to come to acou- t ..'....t.... um-m Ihn nhi-Minn lhml. thin was A: null WII uuuuuuwui; |.uu|u uuuuuu nu vunuv bv -uv cluion upon the objection that this was ex post Vnclo legislation, and mat an essential differanee existed between such and the authorization giv- -_ I..- ..o..ono.-.-u nn..n!rI|.anll vu-nwinnnhx In nnln exlnteu Uutwcrll aucu uuu luU nnuuutm-uuu an- an by statutory enactments previously to acts done. The conclusion, however, of the court won that the same principle must be held to apply in both csses,nnd that was, that where the right of action was taken away by the local Legislature before action brought, I 0 action was Inlintainal-l-:5 in this country. As to the objec- tion embodied in the plnin-.i"s replication that. the governor of as colony is without authority to assent to Acts of the Legislature in which he is personal`; interested, such a. convention was entirely untenable. AI reasonably might it be cont-nded lhl the Sovereign herself was de- bstred from giving the Royal assent to an Act of Parliament conferring uptn her Majesty cer- tnin rights sud privileges. Judgment was en- tered for Mr Eyre. Late advice: fuom Australia, via. Panama and Huvann,al.nle that a large extent of fun clan country bu been recently discovered about 200 miles enatwnrd of Champion Bay. jlarobr F'(7)gel,7 in Philadelphia, h;s benr held in $1,000 bail for having wantonly and wicked- ly cut o' the tongue of a horse. . an I . I my tr 1 ,' -7, -, ,__ ,7 - -- -~-~-- The latest strike in New York is among the plnslerera, who claim a dollar an hour, and Ihnl `eight hours should be adafs wsrk. This is rumor heavy ; 3.48 a week would be 3 line thing for 3 plasterer. School Conventions are being held in all the counties of the Province. Thus far the result has been pretty uniform. The greater part of the new School Bill: is accepted, while certain clauses are uniformly rejected or amended. D._..II_A_ I_____ A- ._,- s 1 W I ,,,,,,...d .-i_..._ .. -...~-uv-an Small [ox has made great havoc in [nine of the large cities of the West, Cincinnati, Chica- go, Milwaukee and St. Louis, having experienc- ed its ravages. San Funciaco and other Cali- fornia cities have been more severely scourged than any others. III]... :.t__ ,1: '2, -1: , -, -v -- Tulle ilfur all `in all, writes a Washington conespondent, the Senate of she United Slates is I queer representation of national probity and muiunal intelligence. 1: is only a. fewvoeks since one ofita members was expelled, for the fourth time, from n. temperance soifiely; another ha.a'recenl1y been shown to be deep in half a dozen land awindles. I could name a. dozen who have become millionaires under very aus- picious circumstances ; and now g_-Q9 mother corruplion, smelling quite as gong as any of ill predecensors. `F `E: The Kingcf Prussia, nccotdi V" to some of the Berlin journals, hns just made is debut as a journalist by publishing in a small print, much read in the army, in article entitled In Janu- ary, 1865," taunting the new organization of the military serving of the couna-ry, and crilit-.ia-A ing the conduct of the depptiras whose objections, had they been listened 10, would not have per- milted "Protein 10 inscribe Fndowa in her mili- I try nnnnls. IHI._ 1.1 The Admiralty continue to carry out a policy of retrenchment. Some impoi-tn.T1T reductions are to be made at Portsmouth, the eeot of which must be to save sen ml thousands I year. In addition to the alterations already mndft Chsthsm, it is now stated that the oice of se- cond assistant master shipwright, who has bith-i erto enjoyed a _sa.'nry of 400 a year, with an olcisl residence. is to be abolished. The num- her of "foreman" st this dockyard is tobe reduc- ed to four. At I. velocipede exhibition in New York the two Hnnlone, Mr T. R. Pickering, Prof. A. S Brody,-and others petformeti about an hour IlId_ it half on the velocipede, displaying wonderful skill in the userof this /new locomotive power. Riding round the bail at its utmost speed`, Mesars Frank and Frederick Hunion stood with one foot or knee on the saddle, using no-ithet-limb to propel it, or using one foot only, lheymnde good time, jntnped oil` and on while running, took of and put on garments, and performed other remarkable fenls. lI1'IonoLooIc~.u. OBSERVATIONS tori ml mm: moms ms. 13,1359. _.; _ . ,,--_j _._j T ___.___...v--.a sunny. A}: elevated railway called the Ielington `and Oily Railway is projected in London. It is to l be lighter and of narrower gauge than the coun- try railways. The guuge will be three feet, end the line will form e continuous bridge or visduet; st an average height of eighteen feet shove the ground. The average gradient is un- der 1 in 255, end the grentestis 1 in 86, extend- ing over 1 distance of 270 yards. Perfect safe- ty snd economy of s. gouge less then the ordi-V nsry one have been slresdy proved by the ex- perience of yesrs both .in England and other countries. The Festiniog Railway. whose gauge is only two feet, hes, during the last yesr, enr- ried 120,000 passengers and 125,000 tons of goods, and there Its! not teen s single scetdent dnrng the four years since locomotive power hss been placed on it. lire.-- _ L- `- --v_ `>l-IaEl-I Ull II. When a horse drop: dead in the Itreet In New York. is in the duty of the policeman on the heat to examine the carcau. I! be nd: life ex- tinct, he is required to report the same to the ronndltnan an noon as he encounters him. The ronndltnan, having convinced himeelf of the truth of the atatetnent, report: to the elation. The sergeant on duty enters the tact on the blotter. The captain copies it from the blotter, and reports to the enperintendent, through the inspector, who refers it to the Board of Health. The Board of Health- 0..-nm.-1. n.-:. u ..... -- ruupector, who refers it Beard Ifealth; Beeltb, through their Secretery, communicates the intelligence to the Seniter Committee. The Senitery Committee refer the mutter to the Bureau of Vital Statistics. The Bnreeu of Vital Statistics thereupon lane in- etructionn to a contractor, who keepe I wind- lesa, two men and deed-horse truck, and the contractor thereupon proceeds at hie leisure to remove the body. Le-eh- 11.1,, I -- - -_-v vvill n Atthe Aldwsrke llaia Colliery, nesr Bother- hstn. on Wednesday, the boiler exploded with a tmxnendons force, and was completely lifted from its bed and deposited in an adjoining eld. It burst into several pieces, and one of these` etruck the wall of the engine;honse, knocked it in, and smashed the tell chimney into frsgments. at the time of the explosion there" Wbrtnetrly 30 then employed in various capacities at the pit month, but, strange to say, none of them were killed, though several were injured ; there WON- hOCQ'ni|_ nun (an sun. ._I.. --1'--A - - ' ,__ _- ..-V-quuuuluiill UITPCI. Bichnrd Bailey, e corre greeser, was blown `from the urge over the pit mouth right through egwindaw on the upper norey of the enginge house, where be we: found with no moraine- rioue injury the 5 double fracture of the Several other men, including Wllliun Kuptoq, who had charge of the hoilere, and land jut ex- emined then, were slightly injured. ` Sever-uh piecee of the boiler, nearly swo tone in weight, were blown a. distance of eeverel llilndred ylrdl. ' There "wee greet alarm is to the 282 miner: in the pit below, .oommn_n'ie3ioa p.lth,whmn who r found to be impodlhiehntll br::'rly u o cloek,> Iii ii;-r_Iir'*.hstch uuuu lit!!! ll rub:-on pom-y nppuu-nu, vorhd" by bone a lnhour. having been and vvvlil asuwu, uwugn Q" were, however, one or Rihlld Rn.-9 A --- v av nu , IIUIIU DI ' rm! two mInmTou egg: 5!.` sun`... -__ I.` 16._ "t0: W `.."l..I'j I If filth vlu ' "nigh: lot wok. In `thy morning ran froun lntoiool llgu. _ Owing-In noon: dlnrlunou in the Won 1... dluthopdou of mum: in New York hlvg greatly Advanced. 1 -`--- `LL nnlhl Inna (cf PnI:IlI"VlIi.l III `In [runny Dlliulluvufa Anion; the wild non of Pnuylvtnia an Au Packer, 1 premium dnuoontlo polillclnn, worth $20,000,000, n__ng_ L. $11600, of Hula. town, whose property lullluuol at 836,000. mm _ Ivvvu 000. UUV. \ A ploughing match, open to nlinlnglnnd, cnmo_o_'nI Newton Park, Inn , on lbs 261.]: ult. Thorn new 3,090 ppuctn on pugg and 48 plonglu um-ted at once. n;1ro Ilnncod njlg In 5 Hnlnphil bar- ` room with such I vigour u to jut spiuol on` the shelf behind the bur nnd explode it. Nobody nppegred to be hurt, until 1: w_u found/that`: coloured girl, slttin upright in ?"'Enir. was stone dead. the bnl at hsnng gone through -her bnin, killing her inutnu In . - _......._.--~ ~---- -- " ""` `N 5 punt I Van: `E It. hu..s:'u'o`:uu::-bu of is l;" `Allen mg _._L. 1... ....1. In an nmrniu tho-mun The Dominican priest lnjanrd, celebrat- ed for his proncbingjn Franco uvcnl yen: ago, has becomo inuno. Bin ndvens ur- nmnn nto the Madeleine, none night you! ngn, attracted nvnncrmu crowds. and hi: rnt cbnrity sermon produced 14,000 fnncs, ex- clusive of the ring: and jewel: which ladies toe on` in n moment of enthusiasm and time! into Ihewelvet bag of thecoilecrors. Ho hits belonged to the secular clegy for ionic time, having retirgd from the Dominican or- let on account of some misnndemnnding. He is now about thirty-nix years old. breakfast Shawls.1 IIIMENSE nabucou NEW nnmmou Hous,| Mcl)onell a --Hui LARGEST Assonrillnlir IN THE CITY; PERFUME n0m.l:s. sum; top; LUSTRES, { VASES, lac. &c. -: om) `cT6i}N'rRY TREACLEI CARD CASES, JEWEL CASES. 5 bu-:_eh ' for sale at ALE! ALE! ALE!` WELL ; UP. 990 550 I-Ihltfl East India Pal `200 -' mm Ale. . "" 100 Scotch Ah, Edinburgh. WJI Mania 1 V 0? IYIIY DIWIIPTIOI Eltlild neatly, cheaply, and expeditiously It the DAILY NEWS JOB PRINTING OFFICE. Gunmen Illl PORTER, quarts nil pinll. Blood!` M u It (I x W. R. Ioluzi t On. A few Barre}: yenn 01:1. _ _~ 01.0 127:, , ,.`,.._.. u `$317190 i W: have in stock a limo nnpply of uidit- ns kinds and grqdu of SUGARS. and 39!.- vjthatundiug the recent ldrnnc-II -i |---- --"" OLD RIE WHISKEY! rut IIIIIII IIMI OI withstanding changid our price list. ---~v--MU I `HIT ` I1 3,000 Ibo oxlra Oumlian Chain 500 English Quoenbw 4:31;- 82 KIPG s'r|rLl:l:`l'. Februlry 12. = TOILET BOTTLES, `snnrrmw Hausa; ms... Inin sud depart` from the Kingston Bunion as follow: : I Feb. l5.i BEAUTIFEIL and splendid ngso;-uncut not Vototullletln Tint. new Sweet Ooru-In `flu ~ New Tamra: in Tim. New Beam in Tins . New Onion: in Tim, _l'. he. . UNI I!I-.&. 11 monlvicn THIS DAY, 2:. harreli Gunm- \, LA-rngb snmm, for mu. Ina. . w. 2.; ll:-BAR 1: co. /I cKINNON S OELEBRATED BISCUITS}: all Irietiu, 2:10 nun. Ilxv LII` selling Choose`: nn IL- ,__, BEFORE VWI TAXI BIOCK. nIuLVU&1 D U] all vdrietiu. ASSORTED co..oUn3-, I TRRAOLE, very nqbfb; table w. R. aunt" 063:. AT AU 450 p.II. 6:-I0 l.llI. Mixeti tfnin 10:00 I. In. 5, on ` u :1 7:00 u [This in by Ionu-ml time, from which deduct .. I minutes for the. dierencu between Montreal nd Kinguon timo.| cmnms 931003.} w. n. uctuln co." .w. nfnomn .1: 09. Viuihgn .5 00. .4. , cc. 3:. W. R. E0313 8 00. w. 3. Ion: u 03.; w. 9. lulu] 8 Co. I IJU\l'L C advance I6 have not n--jyllmuv enmnunnwaluma In an Hun: lung nnlru lur lam smou; com 3: the mm mm may a..- hd II. the COI.lllll l' of {hi publication oice, PI'in- eon strut. Price three eoppers. ~._4-u-n- . nu ) Moi "``Single copies 0! the GaI.oncu' um Runs, containing thc new: of the week, may be lull in wrappers furrmniling. Price 3d. each, Iuood every Friday. ' . Wmn N ew M 13 ljvz. "J! P-=3' .-1-vvv x The American journals continuu to who- cate the appointment of Horace Greeley as lliniater to Englantl. From tlfc intimacy which has been observed between General Grant and Mr Greeley during` the recent viaita of the Presitlenteelect to New York, it is conjectu_red_that Mr Greeley has been consulted regarding the appointment. of Cabinet rniniatcra. ;A perplexing reserve has been tnainfainedhy General Grant to garding his selection of advisers; and though the day of inauguration is almost at hand the newspapers are all at fault, and evidently entirely ignorant regarding the choice of Cabinetvltiniatera, no matter how their unanimity may` point to the, choice `of Mr Greeley as the American I'(- plt-Ieutative at the English court. suns Jun. 4| . % 'bEE'47I?ti II? I IHISIIUCII] II II u:-u reqn am only unleou uno side II mum un.n-rake to n-tum fergb. 15 --'l`be smug uh Goyernor of Bagd ` Gqmmander-in-Chief M hi|_set in the Condti It is not only in Great Britain that army reductions arethe order of the day. The United States Congress is now manifesting an anxiety to eect a reduction of'e1pendi- ture by cutting down, the strength of the regular army. The English government, acting up to the requirements of the British Parliamentary sym, is prepared to submit a scheme to Parliament; but Congress has the originating and fashioning-of the bill entirely in its own hands, and a great diver- sity of opinion as to the particular inode in which reductions shall be *e'ected, and the extent to which they should reach, appears to be standing in the way of the ready acceptance of a practical measure. The nancial dienlties of the United States are snciently pressing to induce very serious ebrts to be made, one would think, to efect p a reduction of expenditure in so feasible a direction as thatof the naval and military ; eshbiishments. Immediately after the war it was deemed necessary to keep up a large standing army for the purpose of preserving order and authority in the Southern States, _ but such necessity has now almost altogether passed away. Then the national vanity held to be gratied by sending war ships` on ea- hihition voyages ` to the dierent parts of Europe in the aim of increasing the prestige of American power, but this excuse can avail no longer ; and Congress might safely, if it chose, cut down the naval establishment to the simple wants of American commerce in distant seas. The army, no doubt, will be greatly reduced and the `expenses of its __ organisation`lessened.. As tothe naval re- (Motions, the incomingsdministration may he expected to give the key note, and will be guided no doubt by an appreciation of thslnsncial condition and prospects of the Republic. - O thodisrogard of mm tixaus` shown by Great `tag that to qxlgiqil; 0 subject would lie Igihd Suntan. as an "of the right of fo the ptotecfion of the imomily.` -. .5 _'m... ..:a.- 4.: ma. ` # LIV J-fiunv W-v.i`I'|g been made fo f M iii! iike.-Ti ths it'Ii_I -no-cu. - by Goren! Cu: ' .`.nInInhiA " .3 ' ` ll-Illllly. 3...:--The e.ity1I,f f M Super, 000 to 1., when, no :n',so ; ' lial, 0,00 to 0,00; Bupe _ to 5,30 ; bag our Virltcr-ocgnic canal {across \ M`;*!1seUnited Btatet`. "Mb. 15:-An immenufi T in favour of the ff ' `.11.-_ Iu,-_AuA_ -3 1,, - w"""`,,,M ,..'?,.:'.1::.if;mp number wounded. M ned and wounded in lU`o"'\.r:ImvI-- ---v-.~---~- v *1 ` _ to Tm-huh autholjxty of DAY. 15,-basin: insofmeib L m.._L:-l. -nl-Imnrutv nF- 1--_-z -vvvnuvluulllu. UQHISI iviubory forthu Govern *l"eb. 16.--The atca , from Glaago/w, 3 121;. 1s.___'n:{ro sins ~ v_re_re bmghrm his cit lPnn.-A fire broke out about eight o'clock on Iondsy evening, in 5 shut, the property of Wnllinn koths, esrur, George sweet. west, end extended to snnllxsdjscsnl {rune dwelling house owned by III John Dodds, which, with the table, were rspidly consumed. The sable ennnhe three eows, two `of which were born- ed and two tone of hey we`: also consumed ; 1 horse snd pig slso In the` usble were with dini- Imlly 30! out ll: Dodde succeeded in suing the greenest portion of his furniture; he was {until In the Weetern he $300. The noble and cement: werfinsnred in the Etna for CQAA . % ~15.--Late despatches fr ieolliliou place I... Vthe Chinese inhabits unto British gugnbm G % 1- --- nhatinata uo1mauL. :\ -an-ulijl Ill r IIIl[!po!I'1 ." Gala not pun.-In I..- `l' Dlkllli-"'-illill| wgn GlndnIon`e; Ter- 'uu at Won-incur; tho Llhntnro of Yuan- than ; the In ufl. Valentino; Lcdy In.r;nn1. s Valentino; Poppies in the Com--8ono Febru- uy nowdmpo; the bout of the loath:-- FIUIIIT; FIIduol'th_l'onrIuntl|; I 01-11; lolnotionn; Gu-ml Duh : lint Ynhunfno; Iilftelioulllly Pnpou; Help for tho Halt; Bondy fut 1-II Opus; tb Olu-Inna lnnnninucnu; _IIIhllI'IIOI1lVnlondno;lho8ne%nof full... nj-4n.l__I_|.l_|._-1 . 0outaM.I-Xing Goons : llddy; the Spider III in wehi; use Linn; at the hoe} of the Honk Wind; lulnn How and Lndy Why; tho `lhiavinglsckdaw ; 3 French Town Funily, and clinic gniolu,_sll tor) truly illutntod. Goon Woman to: 1-`in Youno. February. Kinpton, John Eunderson. on `Pni"N'rINo. Faun. `nu-y ' u uonuhouaulonunh Bonooftlnphmn hnnnmshibol-at KINGSTON 03333 VA ms 17.` ` N. l`. Dm-un,A.|l., Obcerver. II. IIIIIIIP D`lIIllllIll-TDIIIIIIIB bill lChl'I\f II" ll|fI.-lU|.l tacrylhnug Iotuurelru Iuscruuu mu.~| he II.l'l`nfI| pun-~d by the ulna Ind addrc-as of the wnu-r; not nu`:-sunrnh tar |-ulIIi\'ll>IIII_ hut. in I'lt|t`IIl`(' of an `@'m.Ww fwrsiasa 'rUsAY i:vn~:_z_~zmG,- F1213. 16. . Socnforlobrusry. w. 0. 05.}. - on 8 00., Toronto. ` ' l'I-_;__.- inn__. 3,, A -. . _ _ T-;:I0-llfII icounoun you | 32 3 slur 1_m:s1' P.-1011-7.` :i:l Iw\'0iIel'; Guild: -some nu-. 1:39 p Ill. Mixed train 3:15 Mn. liao II (I H (I DCVIDU 33 'I1nf |IIJ.lIl_I('IlH|II II II duo reqm rnleou `II. IIUI t.`I I|It`IIl'(' (II ,m-u rd than g-u-rrn-sgnudmnu :- M` the ghee-Inf uanor. Md I.`\.| llull. t'|II l'l.,`!|l.Il.tI:l!L'Jll.u- - ur use sheeluf paper. n I'2'M\`.l0Il cummumcnuut-u. lnoutx 001-.-`!'hc Roynl Onnodin Rie Reuimenl, bonded by their the bud, marched out lhil naming; uh: aunt of link march wu aomawbh: qnruiled on account of the bad con- dition of the nude. Houxcml A1` IxvInunv.-PnInrick Whnlem who wu struck oh the bond with I "handy billywhi|e andenvouring to save a man from being brulnlly beaten in I ght on Tuerhy last, , died yellerdny nfterndou, and an inquon will '- be held upon the body to-dny by Dr. Dunlap, ~ Coroner. 1 _#iA l Ixnrncnol or Tavuns.--Ir Moalyn, inspec- tor of licences, prevented to the police nnagiatiato this morning 1 report of the remit of his impec- tion on Snt.nrdny night int to ascertain the ex- tent of the infringement of the law requiring tavern: toibe closed at seven o'clock each 83- turdny evening. The following are the names of those whose homes were found cloned in con- `fonnity with the luv; 8. Smith, D. Fraser, A. Rohhe, A. Cioolari, S. H. Blondheim,_ llr Grif- | n, A. Rogers, 11 Geo, F. Little and 8. 'l`horn- _.. MLAALA4 _,__ -L9_-_ 4-, Tasouon FRIIGHTI urn mats Rossaay.-We have had occasitn to notice the turning out of "through freight cats" from the Ontario Engine Shop here, and in connection with through freight~tna.y mention certain risks such freight runs in reaching its. destination. The cars are locked with non-burglar proof locks, and what locks now-a-days are burglar proof? A curi- ously inclined person possesses himself of a con- ductofs key, by lair means or foul, and at some wooding or watering station, during a dark and stormy night, qitietly opens one of these cars nnd gets in. As soon as the tra n gets under motion, a few of the choicest bales and packages are tumbled out and immediately taken care of by accomplices, while at the next stopping place he as quietly gets out and re-locks the door. ` This is perhaps done within a hundred miles of the starting place, and unless every car is exa- mined and the fteight checked all` by the way- bill every few hours, it will be next to impossible, when the car arrives at its destination. ve, eight, or ten hundred miles, to say on which road or part of theroulerthe robbery was committed, and .it is, therelore, the more diicult of detection, Leaden or other clasps are no protection, for robbers can replace them. We have said this much to preface anotice of a padlock which was shown to us the other day,- invented by an American, designed tolmeet this _t_iiiculty. It is a combination lock, capable of 10,000 modi- cations, and to unlock it only two gures are required to be remembered, and if these be not known, or" if forgotten, a person might try i, l0,000 times before he opened It. And he must knowhow to open the lock even if he have the proper numbers. The only way for robbers to get into the car isto break of the lock or break open the door, in either of which cases the dis- covery would be made within a aniciently short distance of the place of the burglary to enable _. the thieves to be the more readily detected. We are assured that the lock can be made for very little more than the coat of odinary car locks. It is simple, and not liable to get out of order, and may be made ol the ordinary, size. A pat- ent has been applied for at Washington, and it will very probably be patented also here and in other countries. It baa been invented expressly to meet the dicnlty stated above, and would seem calculated to meet the case admirably, and if it does, the inventor_dt=-serves to make his l'or_ tune out of it, as well as to receive the thanks of l: railroad freighters. ' I00. Pomos COURT, 'I`uesdqy.-The only prisoner before the court this morning was the irrepressi- ble Mike Murphy on the usual charge of drunk- ennesa. like worked well at the fire last night_ and at its close tuk up a glass of whiskey and so got drunk. like has the same predeliction for whiskey that. a cat has for cream, and will ertaiuly "take it up whenever a chance o`.-rm but otherwise there is no great evil to be laid to his charge. The magistrate allowed him to go, in consideration of the assistance be rendered at the re. John McGowan pleaded guilty to an infringement of the city by-laws by foreetelling the market, and was fined $3 and costs. `I\ _e,1 II I\| - ___ ..__ _._-_ V- _..- sv---,-. Dsniei McPherson was charged this afternoon with ftirious driving, which resulted in knocking down two of the bnndsmen of the R. C. Ries in Princess street, while on the march out with the regiment this morning. The deposition of hlsjor White, R. C. Ries, which was corroborat- ed by that of John Smith, n farmer residing near Waterloo, explninl the particulars of the case: "I wns marching out this morning with the R-V 0. Rie Regiment, accompanied by its bsndr And when passing down Princess street the de- fendant drove up with his span of horses and sleigh, and in 1 most reckless sud immoderste Inenner drove into the bend, knocking down end injuring two men, nndgbrenking one of the instruments (3 botnbnrdo.) The accused was arrested by policeman Ilsey. He procured the .-:A....... Al I]. |.l....._'..._ .. __-_- .L,A I ,_.-_.,_ 7, ..-.-~~---- ---~J- --v y-vvlutiu IIID evidence of Ir Morrison to prove that he went driving moderately At the time. His witneee stated that when he saw defendant's team, which was when they struck down Joseph, Conghlin, the bandunen, they were not going immode- ralely. The team shied at a heap of skins in front of Ir lleKny's leather store, near which the oc- currence took piece. The cue being fully proved the magistrate lined the accused $5, and geverely ceneured the practice of dealer: in hide: and skins permitting the lame to remain in the street opposite their places of business, contrary to the city by l".IIDd issued inllrnc- tione to the police to attend to the matter with I view to the abatement of the nuisance in fu- ture. muuunu, we xouomng gentlemen were clactod directors for "the ensuing eu-:-i Henry Yukon. Branord; George Sytaphen, R. J. Bookie, and E. 1`. Taylor, -Montreal ; and B. Cnuell. of Quebec. Mr Yuan was re-okohd president. n--j Otlnwn, Feb: l5.-'I`he most violent drifting mow atom of the sesson act in yesterday shout noon. Over 3 foot of andw Ina fallen. The storm still continues. No mail: by nilrond hue left here to-day. The country roads are impnunblc. Mr Frnett, late Q! the Royil On- nndiatl Bank Agency here, let ! to-day to tnkq n pocition-in the Kingston agency. {'13 lnllnnnln -LIAL -A--L --A - 9 -' " ` -_..--_ ._ ...-4 An nuausuu -`IBIS : All the accounts which tench us of the disu- Bar to the steamer Pereire in a furious gale as son, on thc 20th of January, go to demonstnte the awful dealructiveleli of A grant wave falling upon a vessel : decks. In the can of the Poreire, everything of n monble an 1 breakable nature `Ill swam nnv. inalndinn .5- ......-- -- Iifu I-ZJ and twenty `BL- B_._ _I. _A the annual mootin of the C and` ngmo slldthlcfzlilxlory somply 2:1 d `:2 . ontual, o own: for "115 5...'.'f'u _At hlill `Ila M nn\L;-.--.- %-._-A it} :9, lira L. There were thirty-four not closed. T6111 OOUNUIL. 7 The regain! meeting of the Oil] Oouncil took pines in the Council Ohnmber on Ilondny enn- lng. The Inyor pronided, and the following number: were preheat:--Aid_ormon Allen, Bro- phy, Cbown, H. Cunningham, J. Onnninghnm, Davidson, Drennnn, Gibson, A. Livingston, O- Livingslon, Robinson, Sullivnn, nnd Tomkinn. nu - r .|.- I.-. ._ . . . . _ .. __-_ _.-.I The minutes of the lam meeting we:-S read, Approved and adopted. A communication was read from the Clerk of itbe County County Oouncil, giving notice ofthe appointment of I committee by tbnt body to con- fer with the Corporation on the subject of the ` nbolition of the road and city tolls. It was rnnrnd hv Althu-I-non Fl nunnninahnlln. DUUIl|IU|I US lIU IUQIJ DIIU VII |UllIo It we: moved by Alderman H. Cunninghetn, seconded by Alderman A. Livinwton, that the 266; end. 32nd rules of the Oouncilteleling to 1Le:ebe.irma.n of special committees be Impend- ed dating the prenentyeer. lltlnu-in-n 'I"nvnIai:.- nhmmhu` in Hun nnnnna-A nf U UIIIIIIS ILIU plcicukjuat. Aldercnsu Tomkiun obgected to the passage of the motion. ' AI.I-__._ I I :...:__-.__ -._-A.:A-.l .I.- _... IUU l.I.IU\I0l.l. Alderman A. Livingston auatnined the mo- tion; its operation, to said, was frequently very embarrassing, sud sometimes prevented I mem- ber from moving 3 select. committee through a feeling of hesitation in proponiing himself as chairman in place of other: whom he might consider more competent. llnrmnn nnannnn rlid nnf an-run bill-fllnn IJULISIUUI LUIJIU |JUI.I.Il.E|UI.II. Alderman Drennn did not Agree with` the suspension of the rule. It would open I. door for movers of seleul committees to shit]: the re- sponsibility of the appointed committee. Ahlnrrnnn nnhinnnn nnifn nrvnnnf` mirhnlm `nut lllUlIHIU|II|: UI IIJU CPPUIu|Uu CUIHILIIllCW- Alderman Robinson quite agreed wit be last speaker, and argued strenuously again: ;`\he sus- pension of the rule. * Th- lVnnnn ........ I...:.... -..`r........I 1.. '-...'.I |,.. IIILISIUU UI IUD llIIl`.'. _ The Mayor upon being rdferred 1o,`IIa d he thought the rules referred to had worked very badly and inconveniently, and Lhey had been lalsl year siuspended with good effect. Aldnrmnn A T.i`|1innnInI'\ nvnlninnt` Ih-I ha ha!` lllill JV!!! HUBPCUMKU IV ||LI KUUU ELICUI. I Alderman A. Livingston`: explained that he had moved.lhe suspension of the rule last year, and the action bud won-ked_we|l, and for that reason he was now in favour of the same measure. Al:I-.m...... 'l\_...2..l..-.. -._:.1 L- .|__.._L. :. __- uv Wu! IJUIV ILI JBVULIF UI IIIU BIIIIII3 IIIEIISUFU, Alderman Davidson said he thought it. pre- vealed 3. good many bogus committees being formed. He was opposed to the molion. Alsrmn-I J nnunninnh-rn 11. In f--nu-In A`. nu: Lucu. uc Inn! uppuutu IU URI IJIUIIUII. Alderman J. Cunningham was in {near of suspending the rule. 1`hII rnnl;-1n urn: Ihnn nu! nnrl Incl vn Q auuycuulus ILII: l'uIE. The motion was then put and lost. Yess 8, nnys 5. It required 3 two-third vote to curry. On motion of Alderman J. Cunningham, sec. onded by Alderman Davidson, the some rules wete suspended on the present question of the committee to meet A committee of the County Council. The rules alluded to are as follows : 26th. "Every member who shall introduce an Act, Petition or Motion, upon any subject which may he referred to tt. select committee, shall be one of the committee without being named by the Council, and shall be chairman thereof Q ) ICIHRA- .._.. ....l....s -.._-!u-s_ .-- -------A- IIJU \lU|Il.lCIL' ILIU Hllllll U6 cnlrtn lnereol " 32. When any select committee is nominat- `ed on mclion, the mover shall be the chair- rnnn " Aid. Gibson, seconded by `AM. H. Cunning- hafn, moved that the nance commiue be ap. pointed Io confer with the committee of the County Council on the question of tolls. It was mnvprl in nrnnnrlmanl hv llrlnu-nnnnl]' -. vuuu: \J1l|-ll-I\.I| uu. I.uc Iiullllll-I Ul UJIIB. It was moved in amendment by Alden-Imm)J. Cunningham, seconded by Alderman Davidson, that Aldermen A. Livingston, Kingborn, Ailen, and Davidson be a committee, and the Mayor be its chairman, to confer with the comtniuee oi the County Council. Thu Avnnnnnnnr` u--a no--inn` Sew ral Detilion relative to taxes were referr- ed to the Court of Revision. Alan---.. I'\.....A-..... L-_,.I-a :_ .L_ __.:.z., -: --...-vuu. Aldermnn Drennan handed in the petition of Edward Grafton and olhrs,-for the remission ; of rent for the use of city hall on the occasion R of the piano-makers lull. Granted, gu except- ed. ' pu nu Lula uuurl Ul l'H:VIlI|Oll. Alderman Davidson handed in the petition of Captain Wilson and others, for the remission of rent for the use of city hall on the occasion of the; late entertztnmehln. Granted, end in the proceeds of the entertainments were to be up- propriated to the General Hospital, and the House of Indnntry, the expenaeof` the gas was also remiued. lIA-,L__ I'\,,,_ 1 I- 4` ;` ' V \ `lav IUHJAIICU. Aldonnnn Drennnn brought up thefjoint pe- titions of Ann Skinner, widow, and` Willi_n: Meek,jr., relpectiuzapiece of land belonging to the Corporation in Otdnnnce street, of which the first petitioner has a lease with a house thereon, which she is desirous of selling to` William Meek. The second petitioner wishes to purchase the lnnd of the Corporation, and in desirous of ascertaining the price before closing with the offer of MI`! Skinner. N Thu U\nI:t:A-n -us-.. _ a`....._-J -4 AI - - nun um uuut U1 Jllrl I`.`lll.lIll'. The petition was referred to the. committee on city property Io report. Aldu-rm .n Allan Banana :. or..- .....s:.:.._ ..r n- tau PIUPCI| Iu report. ~ Alderm in Allen handed in the petition of Mr Fleck for remission of rent for use of city bail on the occasion of the late concert under his management. Grnnted on the `usual con.ii- tions. n|.1__~ I` -. . . - _--_ v-v- run-vunl IJUIICIII. 'lhe Canadian correspondents, in an: gounuing Whelnn s execution, any the mom L tug wu stormy, with snow falling, and that ' the number present was between four and ve thousand persons. The New York iHeraId a correspondent say: the morning will mild end nnnnhiny, end` that ten 1... Iuuu Ina muhiny, And lei thousand spectntors were preuenli. It mat- ter: but little which, only it show! how re- port: will dior. ' uuua ; Alderman O. Livingston brought up the po- ' tition of James Coyle, for_tbe remission of 3 portion of his licence as I carter. Referred to the committee on cabs and centers, Alderman El. Cunningham brought up the petition of Jobn`Burgeas for permission to erect n building in Princess street, the front to be ul brick, the sides and end of rough cant. Refer- red to the city engineer to report. At old- ..o....... -1 .L_ __n_,,J!r `AI *- - ~-~ -~v ~-a----- "' -'r`"'- At this stage of the proceedingefthe Council were informed of the presence of A re some- where in the city, which abruptly cloned the prooeedinga, and the Oouncil hastily adjourned on motion to that efect. The ehct of the an- nouncement in the g:llery,which went well lled, was electrical ; every one present rushed at once into the street, and in a few seconds nothing remaned but the empty benches. ' Father Claret, the oqnfeuor of the ex-Queen Isabella, in occuaed of having curled o `from the monastery of the Eecnrial vases nod other objects to the value of more than 200,000. The Brent Ezpoaitor eaye two coloured men are engaged in soliciting subscription: in that l vicinity tor a college or school in Ohatham. I They have no authority for doing to, and collect i for their own personal benet. "Fl... n__. J! ` ` ` The old folio pulpit Bible, with its original binding and brass mountings, used by old Samuel Wesley, and his sons John and Ohnrlen, in now offered for :al-. A curiosity of meanness hu been exhibited in Sen Frenciaco. During the settlement of an estate in the! city on the 24th of January, it was discovered thet tt brother of the deceased had charged the estate $4 for loss of time while unending the fnneml. `_g___ I `n _ ._-_-.-.__ _..-.-.- --VA u. I: is estimated that more than fty. pepper- mint ditltilleriel will be built in Wine county, N.Y. next. spring. Tho breadth of peppermint `growth is constantly increulng in this section. More than: $300,000 worth of oil his been mur- ketod in Lyons since the lull crop Ins gather. ed. Aceording to the Sm; gho people of New York are buying revolver: at. I great rate, and arming to protect their persons and properly ; and they are careful not. to leave much jewelry visible after nightfnll. |I|l...|l-.L-.1:_._. up up a - 1'!1'i1e Methodists in New York have ruched to raise half 1 million dollars for new burcbou and chapel: in datilule parts of that city. One hundred thourand dollars has been slreidy uublcribed. uullll ID Ill An iron-clad eet is I. very exphmiyg hum- fur even the wealthiest nation to` indulge iv Eight. of the Britiuh iron-clddu--bnl three of which are comnletelv rnnu-..I um. :-.._ 4--. ...,... .. uni uuuuu Iron-cllul--Dtll three of completely covered with iron-cost $15,311,565, or en average of $1,913,945 each. Robberies are rife throughout the country. The more of Ir Bodginu, of the town of Arthur, was but-gloriously entered on the 8th int, and three thousand dollars |t.o1g_n. THE DAILY uu uuuuny uuuncu. ` The amendment wns carried. OOIIUIIOLTIOII. E SDAY EVENING. FEBRUARY -

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