Lon, THOS. KIRKPATRICK. , ._,_ _ urreucy. JAMES SWIFT, Agent, `/`St Lawrence Wharf.` 'l.lll"Iu UI. LLIITUU prepqru THE BAUDEINB, Ind nu-nr-nt Pan-nnriv LI TEESUUBUIC FBICB. JAMES SWIFT, Agent, St. Lawrepce Wharf. E aaauntu WlI| pclunll. JAM ES SWIFT, Agent, St. Lawrence Wharf. Juno Toilet Powders. Portable Fountains. Toilet Vinegar. Hsir Preparations.` Tooth Powders. ` Glycerine Toilet Requi- sites. MID QVV II.` In, Agent, St. Lawrence Wharf Orumms Wmsou Secretary. A. ..A P\l\ll E. P.` Donn, Geneml Agent. Sir, bring me a good, plain dinner," said a melancholy-looking individual to a waiter nr, one of the principal hotels in I `Western Stale. ` _Yea, sir. ~ n The (linnerwas brought. and devoured, and the enter called the landlord aside and thus nddreised him: You are the landlord? Y;-as." "You do 11 good business hen: ? "Yes," (in ustonislnng-.ut). You make probably ten dollars a day (`in-III` 7 $1,000,000," v"vn1nrt'\ Int `$23,000,000. of THE MO 81' asuccrzssl-"UL TRADESMEN 5 AND uaaciuu-r ~ ---- -vrI'- [1 {AIVVERTISINGI . JUDIOIOUS Uli OF NEW8PAPi!a{ COLUMN`-H ll ton` worn. ll YOU RAVI men A THOUSAND -1-Ins. PLAQE 1-an PARTICULARS OF A LOCAL PAPER UPS AND DOWNA IN ATTRACT CUSTOMERS DAILY NEWS. AND NOT TO BE DRIVEN. POBSRSIN G snxr noun DAILY saws."- TO A LIBERAL AND CONTBAO TB RATES, AND IF tempo nor ALREADY uxn ADVANTAGE or TYPES AND INK RIBOLYB AT ONCI TO ADVERTISE J\r'Id `clear 1" L17 IS THE BEST annnizu. Anvnm-Is: gnu-rsi rnnnuonn ADYRBTIBIINTHI ADVER'I`lSE'_' LDIIT "OUR BUBINESB THE LABGE81 IN THE PUBOHASI AD`VER'I`"lSEl AND YEARLY HAY BE MADE AT THE ,DAILY NEWS OFFICE. \ I\.uI I Yes." - fhen I am safe. I cannot pay for what. I have consmned. I have been out of em- ploymenl for seven months, but have engag- ed I0 work to-murrow. I hnv been wn.h- out food `four-und-Lwenty hoins when I entered your place. 1 will pny you in A week." / 9.. IIRDIUII WHEBEIN ADVERTISE ADVERTISE AND REPEAT THE CIRCULATION OI DRIVE Yguahustnas, . um ERECTION 0)` AN -A LITTLE EURTHEF AGREEMENTS u0GAL nusmnss, rnsnnrogn G0 AND nwxn. I cannot pay my bills with such promis- es, blultered the landlord ; and I do not keep it p0or-house. You should fddress the proper authorities. thing for security. I have nothing. I will take your coat." lflgointo the etreet.wi:houl: that I will get. my death such weather as this." 'hll hnli-`H have ihniirvhf A` that hnlnrn Leave me sume-T THEIR BUOOFRP THE IIPORTANOI OI` rm3LI_ AND A NY NEWBPAPII ATTRACTIVE SIGN AND ATTRIBUTB A Jtioxoroussrnr Iron Loon. AND IN THI PUBLISHED IN 'l`Hl8_ OITY, THIS JOURNAL You should have thought of :hat before you came here. "You are serious 1 ~Wel1, I solemnly ever that one week from now I will pay yuu. I will take your coat." The cost was left, and 1 week afterwards redeemed. Will 6CD Lu LICK-||uI.| BUSH WEI`-HUI IE IIIIB. ` I n.____ _____ -l'A.._AI__A . . `AI l FOR YOUR PLACE BEFORE TH ' II` YOU WUULD 1 TO ADVERTISE A OF` BUSINESS (`OR ADVERTISING BEST HIDIUII GARRY SUCH BII TARIFF OP OFFERS THE I II\.lCCIL|W\4I- Seven years after that -a wealthy man en- tered the political arena, and was presented to the caucus an an applicant for a Con- gressional nomination. The chairman of the caucus held his peace. He heard the name and history of the applicant, Who was a member of the church and one of"the moat respectable citizen. The vote with a lie, and be cast a negative, thereby defeat- ing the wealthy applicant, whom he met an hour afterward, and to whom he said 2 "You don't remember me I I.|"h'V _ 1! UHLOBODYNIE, Invuuwu ll "' ' uit, in Allowed to be affect: peculiar to iuclf, 11 different to thoso produced by the vnrious M--nnonndl bearing the -nuns ~-2-- Io. Iptiil I` .no 0| Mill 5----'-,. century. It is largely employed by use mu... smlnsnt Physicisns sud Surgeons in hospital and private prsetlcs in all parts of the world. It has toitself, sod which are essential- those, compounds ol Ohlorodyne, but have no presence to possessing its virtues. rspidg relieves psis, from vshstsver csnse, sl- lsys e irritation of fever, soothes the system under exhausting diseases, sod gives sloop wlth- M out producing my one of the unpleasant feelings so commonly arising from the use of opiates. It continues to hold its unshsxen position in the estimation of the Profession as the best, most. reliable, and cheapest preparation. Eminent and scientic Physicians made affidavits that they have tested its eects in careful comparison with those of DR. COLLIS BROWNE S CHLOR0- DYNE, sud deposed to the facts that they found it s more certain and reliable prepnrstion, and greatly preferred FREEMANS." - I-`nu u...mn.ll communicated to the Royal Col- -1c-ge bf Plnyaicialls an and greatly p-cu:...... .._V- Earl Russell communicated the 4.1 to Mr Froe llunilla the only remedy of any us was Chlorodine. 77 Medical Times and Gazette, J 1866, states, II. has an immense \ the public, and is prescribed by sco -rm M..aina1 Practitioners, and, qf co _1866, Ilnuunu -..- -, _, V d January 13th, The an " sale amongst. scores of Ortho- dox Medical of course, it would not be thus singularly popular did it. not. supply I want and 61! I place. u-....4-...o.mu1 hv the Inventor, Richard Free- 61!`; Manufactured by the Richard man, 70, Keuningson Park Road, London, S. The genuine has engraved on the Government Stamp (outside each Bottle), FREElIAN'S ORIGINAL CIILORODYNE. T - A_ - ONDY S PATENT FLUID or nltunl disinfec ' taint puries, deodoriaes, nndjdisinlecta, by the agency of nascent or ozonic oxygen,-its active principle. Being entirely lnnoxioui, this truly scientic prepnrution ls peculiarly Idlpbed for the following uheful purposes, lor which all other dieinfecunm, on accountof their poisono or other objectionable qualities, are urmvnilnb , and useless 2-` . Detecting organic impurities in air and water. Purifying drinking and other water from or-' ganic matter, lead, &c. Frealxeoing the air of close places, Ind remov- ingbnd smells. Ir....:.... mnnt sh. bui'.ter.- or other proviniona mg-unu Bmeua. Freeing meat, sh, buct.er,- ~ from taint. n......o..-....o:n.- H-no anntn from taint. _ Counteracting the elfects of orgnnlc poisons taken into the stomach. Curing Musty provender. Freeing wheat. Ind other seed from smut. _o Maintaining the health ol plants in pots and conservatories. W Prenerving and restoring the freshness 0! cut owers kept. in water. ` Destroying the blight of the potntoe, vine, hop, mulberry tree, Sic. Washing dogs and other domestic animals. Cleansing bottles, beer barrels, pickling tubs, dairy utensils. `Wnhina thn hnir and darkening in! colour L` "c " I once ate dinnor in your hotel, and zlthnugh I told you I was furnishing, and pledged you my word and honour to pay you inn week, you took my coat and saw me go out in the Lnclement air, at the risk of my life, without it." Wall, lit, Whll then!" ~ ~ Not much. You call yourself o Chris- tian. To-night you were II. candidate for nomination, and but for me you would have been elected to Congrle_ss." 1`hrna unnvn char VI"|n r'.l|rnHnn Mnlul- dairy ulenuua. _ _ Washing the hair and darkening its when turning grey. I`nhann:nn thn I'|IIP:"-W.Il\l' and invicrnmlina Cf` when turning _ Enhancing the purifying and iuvigoratmg cf- fects of baths and tubs. . . , 'l'\ _ A _ . . _ . - A . A n h A . m A u .-..I- ant` Rag!-u.nII:nn Chi- IOCILB 0| DILHS llu I-UDB. _ Dressing poisoned wounds and destroying am- md virus. m_-..:__ AL. :_.1-..;.:_._. .I:,..........-. Al nnonln IIIII VITUB. Treating the infectious diseases 0! came, horses, dogs, &c. ' n..- rvnllnn .....l...- rmn On qnn annnnl .uInntm<| ~n0rBeu, uugu, ac. One gnllon makes 200 to 300 gallons adapted for use. ITYI I1... .I_'_ tn -1 - .I . (VL-_.I__.1 O-!-_a.:- l'0I' USC. . N.B.-Coudy-'9 Fluid is the Standard Scientic Test. for Organic Matter in Water. and affords the only known means of rapidly and completely freeing. Drinking Water from Organic Tnint, which is so common a cause of serious disease. fl`- _...2JI_ _.___l', `L- ,,, .__- `L- .I!I..A,_..I ..i.I WHICH IS 30 CUIIIIIIOH a CIIIBG 0| ICTIUUH LIIUUIIIRS. To rapidly purify the air, use the diluted uid with "U0ndy s Uzoniser" or other Spray.-pro- ducer. r1l'\\`l T\'IT9C| I`) A lIII'.`\`YIlI r\f1r\\T1I3f$I`\ `II? A 'I"lZ`D body. (rot: roux ! 1>UuPosIs,) Removes from the mouth impure and foreign tastes and odours, whether arising from tobacco or other causes, and counteracts the irritation and morbid secretions of curious teeth. It puri- ties and softens the skin, and, used in thebath, tends to promote a healthy state of the whole " H. BOLLMAN CONDY, 'D-A-_4,.A l')-A;_____ f_...]A_ UDSON S SIMPLE DYES FOR. THE PEOPLE. Any one can tie them ; any- thing can be dyed with them. It is impossible in this small space to enumerate the many uses to which these wonderful and beautiful chemical preparations can be applied; while their chief use is for dyeing textile fabrics, they are also invaluable as a colouring agent for almost every known material, the ease with which they can be used and the brilliene ey of the result being, indeed, almost magical. By their use almost any article of clo`thi.ng can be dyed in a few `minutes for a few pence without soiling the hands. ' IIQIIGD A II A . WBITRWASH: To color: Magenta, for Pink Iilblvll-VIII -IJIIIII` IyI.IU I-IIIIIWJU. MEIIORANDA. ' MAGENTA: The strength and beauty of this i dye is sltnostincredible. A Sixpenny bot- tle will dye 20 ysrds of Bonnet Ribbon in 10 minutes; it will also produce agclear Rose Pink by using less dye. Suitable also for Woollen Goods, Feathers, Silks, &c. WOOLLENS: Ilegente, Mauve, Violet, Purple, Orange, Pink, and Crimson produce the most satisfactory results, Use alerge quantity of boiling water in an earthen ' pan. RIBBONS and SILKS: Brush them with soap and water to avoid creases, and to render them clean. bye in boiling water. FEATEBR8: Dye in hot water (a few drops * of the dye is snicient for one feather). COTTON: Hauve, Violet and Purple are recommended. LEATHER: Blue, Magenta, Violet and Orange. Dye in warm water. ' or Rose; add half a bottle to s. pail of water, then stir in the Whitening as usual. Mauve, Violet, Purple, Blue and crimson produce pretty tints by using one bottle or more, as directed above. STABOH: Stir ins. few drops of Colour- ltlagente, Mauve, Viole t, Blue or Pink; glass irnpert delicate tints to Luce, Linen, c. IIGVI-I VIIFIOKIII loll \)lII-IsIFP- Three years after the Christian hotel- kwper became bankrupt. The dinneess wretch_ that was is now a. high function- ary.-~A1ne1-iazn Paper. ul:!l'- CONDY`S PATENT OZONISED WATER, EU- WILLOW SHAVINGS, Wicker, Ivory, Bone, Hair, Fibres, Seaweed, &c., attract the dye quickly, ifapplied in boiling water. BLUE: For laundry purposes is A 1. BOOK EDGE8 : A Bixpenny bottle of Magen- ta, Violet, Crimson or Blue wlll make from T It pint to a. quart of beautiful colouring, ac- cording to ohmic required. Apply with a brush. IIATIIIII _,l I'I'vr\r\-g r--.-_- - t Erlain and rename prc zntly - RI and Froemm x use it .l.\_nrnn and WOOD STAIN: Ditto. OAK STAIN: A bottle of No. 2 Bhk to half a-pint of hot water. RATIWWHDD DMATLY, A 11- - ` nun a-pm: or not SATINWOOD STAIN: A Sixpennv bottle Canary dissolved in a pint. of boiling water PHOTOGRAPHS may bu tinted; dilute tho dye with water ; 3 bottle of Magenta to 3 pint of water. &c. ILLUMINATING: Magenta, `Violet, Blue, Orange; pour a few dmm inn. .. .5- -.... , __.- v--I, vvvl -9390 V '9' _Iu-ed solely by Lo: and P:rrinI. This $11 lie are mpoctly onutlonod agnlnuworthle ini- tationn, and should no that Lnn. mm D'..._.._a ...u mug-sun; ouuupnou agnlnltworthla in- tationn, that Lu and P'Qn'inl' Human are on `Wrapper, Lube], Bottle`, dud Stopper. Ask for Lonnnd Pet-rinI'8Iubo. Sold Wholenlo and for Export, by the Pro prioton, Worcester ; loun..0:-one and Black; well ; lam-u. Bucky udonn, London; to.- lo. ; And by Grocers and Ollnu universally IA AND P]lRB.INS W This delieioua Oondimgfgzxtrtasglnr ionnoiueuru The only good Isnool" 1. ,5 Porrinl. The P; 11. PBIDQGHV nnnnnnrl niunlnn a._-_.|.u . _r. .` - tun! nut Orange I ninnrrnw The Duke of. Saxe Cdburg Goths has il- lustrated the somewhat dull routine of a petty German Principality by the institu- tion of a new order of Woman`: Courage. This new decoration comes late in the day. but, if it be not rendered worthless, like the Legion of Honour ant} the Black Eagle of Prnssia,.hy indiscriminate bestowal, it will be a more enviable distinction thnn any diamond, or star, or croil that is worn by men. It would be diiuult to make out. a shining list. of names which might have been written clown upon such a bead-roll, had the Order of Woman : Courage been estab- _ lighe-d--mch as J can of Arc, Lady Russel, the Mnid of 8-angoeso. Grace Darling, and l"loI'ence Nightingale. LI. DLFIJLJULQLV \J\J.l`lJl , Patentee, Batbersea, London. ted [HG l`LU,n| un- Freeman, that in oi in Cholenl V. proviniona :1 Co}- nnnfl fhlt In THE LONDON QUARTERLY Ooneervntlve ' ma-. EDINBURGH mcvmw rah THE was-rmxsnm Rnvm ( icnl). ' THE NORTH BRl"l`ISH REVIEW (Free ch'h) r um , . I BLAUKWOODS `EDINBURGH IAGAZINII : M Tor .) - A .- foreign periodicnll are regularly re r published by us in the same style as hereto- fore. Those who knhw them and yvho hlvg long subscribed to them, need no reminder; ` those whom the civil war of the last few you. had deprivedof their once welcome supply of the beat ~pe1-iodicsl literature, will be glad to have 4...... ..m.;n within thir reach ; and thole iho periodical literature, Wlll nc gzuu I0 nuve ` them again within reach; _tboIe : may never yet have met with them, will assured- tjy be; well pleased to receive accredited reports .5 char m-mrresa of European science Ind liters- 1y` 0` ll .P.ll3Dl5I.'u|-I I of the progress T tun` -I-rem l.ll;.unu s u;- -v....` For my one 91 the tour Reviews For any two of .he four Review: Ir... ...1. I-.1-n-aanf the four Reviews F01 n `W0 OI an? lull! nuvarvvu For an threeof For 31 fan`: ofthcjieviews . For Bla.ckwood a ljagaziua .. For Blackwood and one` Review For Blachrood awtwo Reviews Poi-Blackwobd arid three Reviews - For Blmkword and four Reviews .. The Oxford Calendar for 1869 has just been published. It appears, from comps- ring it with the Calendar of last year, that the numbers on the books have increased by 251, sad that the increase in the matri- culstione during the pest yesr has been 54. Christ Church use 80 members niore than those oflsetyesr,; Queen : 21 ; Lincoln, 19; Bmsenose, 18 ; New College, 17; while there are slight incressee in most of the other colleges. Theme is no college in which there is snyserious diminution of numbers. Of the Hells. St. Albsn llsll hee incrcssed` by 20, sud St. Mary Esil by 18. The number of unettsched students is 36. It. must be recellected thst this class of etudents has only existed during the two pest team, so that, should the mstriculs- tions continue st the present rate, it may be expected that, three yesrt hence, there will he s body of nnsttschegl students num- lbfing from 150 to 180. This number will II late as thn Inna! .a......:..- l.x._.:.' -1-I .1 OS_TLG~E. When seut~by,ma1l, the Poltage to any p-.n= of the United State! will he-but Twgm ion, 1 cent; as you for B,lo.a1lwood,-and hm 1:1 cent; 5 year for each ofthe Reviews. Subscribers may obtain back numbers st @110 following reglnoed 11195: Vi` 3 ~ rm... Afnn-Hr R1-{link from Jinan-v. 1863. to Da- tollomug regnceu 11-133. Ht : The North` B1-malt frog: Jinan-y, 1863, cember, 1866, inclusive ; the Edinburgh andiho Westminster from April, `I864, 10 December, 1866, inclusive, end the London Quarterly for 1865 and 1866, _'M. the rate of $1.50 a your for ` each or any Review; also Blackwood for 1868, ' Inn (0 En vc-vi! lot 1 , _ BRITISH EERIODICALB. . --'2 I ` ` ~ By Henry Stepbinl of Edinburgh and the late I. P.Norton, of Yale College. 2 vols. -Bgynl Oc- tnvo, 1600 page : and numarous Engnvmgs. 1>mma_s7. fnr the um volumes. Bv ~ tho 1 Itnvrnulntnu s'ron1na%%;,,%--%%%rv-;;~ IIVO, IGUU pg I-u uu1.I.uu:uIuI Dsrnvsusy. PRICE-$7, for the twp volumes. By post paid. $8. % __ n. n1L,1mea=s -1.1an'r.n1owN can a LIVER om . DE. DE Jo1GB's on iaeonvincingly proved by an oven-Ivhel ing weight of medical testimony, and by the p tical test of slwceodul` gxperiegpee for twenty yeuis in all part: of the world, to be, beyond all queftion, the pulcit, the moat eica- cioua, ma mogt palatable, Ind,` from its rapid cura1.iva.e`ect.i, he most economical ofall kinds. Hanna` thn niroiunl nolphnitv 11! Dr. de Jonah : ----3 uunl mo in nu). This number will I ha large an the most. njnnguino frianda of tin new man _vuntura'1.o predict. (:l.ll'Bl.l\'B-Bllalzl-I5 EILII: IIlU_5I cuuuvllulan U] can nnuuu. Henley" the uiversnl celebtity oi Dr. do Jongh I on,` unt: unpmneled demand 10: t.h'a unri- valled prepltntion. 0 $3.50. SPEIE LEONARD SCOTT Publishing 00., , _, _ 38 Walker-street,N.Y. 3-.` -ma...-..-._. _-._._-' ._...._-_., ._,..., Physician i rdinary to the Queen in Irelad. . uv L___- :__L_.-_.I _ _ _ _ --._-L-) 'n_ .1- 1-- _L1_ ---_y---v--- -- Y--------, -- --v `-vv~r-- -----~~-- I have frafquently prescribed Dr. ;l-e Jough a . Light:-Brown Liver 0iL` I consider it to be u very Lpure 0", not likely tocreata disgust, and a therapeutic gugwenl. of great value. The L_. s. Putg. co.:1;pub1aan g __ DR. nwzmn surrn, F.R.S.; . Hedicd 9i1:ei';- to_ the Poor Law Board of Great Britain. . - We think; it 8 great advantagejhat there in one kind of Cod Liver Oil which is universally admitted to be geuuine--the Light-Bibwn Oil. supplied by 11':-. dc J ongh. It Be: long been our practieewwheh prescribing the oil, to recommend this kind, aine, amidst a much variety and un- certainty, vej have condence in its genuine-e nese.-(Extrpct from Consumption: its Early and Remedialjile Stages) c H RONICLE Am ..-.._.-pg -_ _ 1 ' A amount `of general Riding . M-gPrice, Five Cents. Bubscriptiqn M AEIH1-nun - 1-L. ` DR ; LANK['ER, F.R.S., Gorotier {in Central Iliddledex. I consider that the purity of ghia oil is secur- ed in it.s'pr ration, by the pat-sondl nttehtion of so good age emist nnd intelligent a. physician 5 as Dr. de laugh, Vrhdhas nlao`1tri3ten' the bent ` medical treatise on the. all with which I: Am no- qulinted. Hence, I deem the God Liveroil sold under his gugmntee to be preferlbl to my other kind to reggcda genuineeas` nnd xndicnl em- nnnv " _..-. ---_-_..'-, Hedical omer or Health and Chief Analyst no T the City 0 London. It T11 11'` n...-..`l l.-.u. t.......a 1\_ .1- 1v___u_:_ THE WORLD. -_- --. . T? _..-.u. In all cases I have tonndmlsr. de Jonglfa Light-Brown Cod Liver Oil possessing tha me not of properties. among which the presence of cholsid compounds, and 0f iodine in 3 static of nu-u-snip nninhinntilnu go. oh. ........; --_..-I;-L|- uuulnlu vuulyuuuuu, uuu U1 IUUIIIG In I Ellis Ill orglnic combination, 11-9 the most remnhble. It it, I believe, universally acknowledged that this oil hu,gn-eat thempentic power; and from my investigations. I have no doubtofios being a. pure and unadultergted artic|e. 7 SELECT i MEDICAL drmions. sm Hminy MARSH, BAR'I`;, 14.9., 1........:.... :4 t`\..-l:......... 0-A oh- nun... :. tun... ._r.-- 7- my. annual` Dr. Granville] hag found that Dr. de Jongh a Light-Brown Cod Liver on produces the` denim} effect in . shorter time than other kinds, and :61: it does not cause the nausea and `indigestion jaoo; often consequent on the ndministrnxion of the i>a1eoil_ - ---:- EDWIN CANTON. E8Q., r.n.o.s., Surgeon to Olm-ing-cross Hospital. _ For several year: pail have `been in the has hit 0` P*Wibinx Dr. do Jongh a Light--Brown 003' Luau-' Oil. and nd iun be much mor em- `.`, ::`...`E`..".. ':::&`.:_':`.`.!1: =:*":=.'=_.".'*:*.*: rrxnnuws Sm sum, rE:p;oa;oi.g".L' real Sen `Bub in your own Room. Tho` shove fu-ourite preparation in strongly noon-I mended. Sole Propriowu-'1`IDIA-N as sole, Chme ' ilu, 16 Wormwood Street, London, 3.0. rename:-I. Prise Iodnl iwuded 1'0!` Purity and Excollenoo of Quality. London Ind Pltil. ` - A 3ROWN wmnsda soar. PRIZE HIDAL. HONEY SOAP. PATENT SUHELOWIR OIL SOAP. v, GLYOEBINI SOAP. ' F-var : tndotq of Funny Soap: in 1bAli;II: A110 in Gittbll of 3 Tablotl. Pom Boos '1! Viol t`P'td ' 3;ieI,.;d'::-`nah 3::-sssti, :Iw`:sde:";.Wtb", ` J17 Tooth Puts. Lima Ins... and (Ila---I-A vuvtt] 1'00!!! Ind ovary" doloripllonw `Ballot. ` I London, and 1' Paris. lmnbl 3;-"_-rt uuo1_-tpuon of p:eph;uu`6m'tor* mi "W" Burton`. Bdtbld % ' " 2 . III. tad Squire ra- Nilznlndontu for ftrclloy &_ 0a. : p_ro_p_antIou:_' l`lfu.nO...... In 1-: n same; ixbisa FOREIGN RELA- Pimanix mi-oauui-ai T1_0N5- _ OF LOND- The semi-oicial prints speak with posi- Ann; .i nnggmn, tive fury of the bi l l by the Belgian I parliament for the purpose ofputting a veto l on the projected fusion of the railway from l Arlon to Brussels with the French Eastern l Company. The Public Ipeaks of ii '9 series I. of intrigues" of the Belgian ministry, stig- . , matises them as devoid of the " smallest _ l ray of reason," and sterisly tells them that , l the French Government can, by a stroke 3 I of its pen, ruin Belgian commerce ip twen- _ ty-foiir hours." The papers all say or in- ,_ siniiste thin. the bill has been brought. for- . `t ward er. Iheidicllion of Prussia, and the f Lilierfe says: He who does not see that 1, K the Belgian army will very shortly be the _. , ldV!$DCL'1i gunrtl ol the Prussieii army egiiinst France must be blind." _ _ The France publishes an article, headed for the security of l l._ `t`Publiu'_1-`t:eling1 in France, in ghlich it 4 Au re mks cal-efu ie* " ' "- ` W "9' `"33 qullstmn 1 9 glunli iate of Premium made to `_ l Brill Sil}'i`.--i`Pt3Ii[)lt: `believe they 81.38 the risk a,s5umed_ [, l hand of Prussia in this lost. Belgian nuir. IA lltisi D8C7ESBl\l)' rliiit. it elioiiltl be known ,g l alirond that France is tired of the present Ly prucsrious and uncertain conciition of her M foreign relations. The existing state of I things is neither war or peace. No one it! " , more sincerely inclined towards B pacic I course than ourselves, but this state of un- Rtiysl Assurance I o LIVERPOOL AND ' MAXWELI 0ice-33, Clarence Stret iKingston,Marcl1 20, 1862 Home Insurance New Haven CAPITAL . . PREMIUMS `RECEIVED _ $2,000,01 i ,1 Funds deposited in the him A 1 at Kingston, Feb. 4, 1868. 1566. Marine 1 :Etna Insurance I -. certainty which compromises every interest Hartford ,1, | and alarms the public mind is truly unbeiir- ;'I'nos. A. ALIXANDIR, is ` able. It is _tiine to have done with it." President. H, i _ Ftic Public, m an article on the some sol ;- mcoizpoggri ':_]o.-ct, says :-" There is no Belgian question ;;CAP[TAL $3,000_00_ user, __q __` _ _, i :::(:.:;::.:* ::.::.::;:.;::`%`;:r': 2` '7" hinelv 5` th "I. 5` Ken .e `PP." K Inland Ports on fan! W0 B U -, 7 *3 `d` '3 "" `. .P .` "` Losses Dromml! and to ' 539 " "_ _ um k"_' `f '`u 1" paid in Canada Currency ml ,settletl liy legitimate reprri-ale on the part. ` JAME De` or I: rauce or by the fill of the Belgian Cs- Jul 1, /E binet." "all m. n . _- __ .. _.L 5 '1 an II.._... Innnnnnn I -- 1 ~--__-I . -1-.. ....'l. suunuua man Dine? Vfitiel hlch I hue Alan amployu h eir ralgve superiority. D3. GRANVILLE, F.R.S., Authpr of the Spun of Germany`? Granville] has Jo Jzht-Frown Pad T35... nu ......a.-..--.. -L .- -I Llting 1: 317119 0: n 5. Kill)`. \JI:I.lu.Iu yuuuuu ' . ..'l'he; ;Farmer s `Guide T--.___.,_____ manna? as 00.`, pifnn-A-u RA: TERMS iron ms. 1 LL - IA..- Dnwhmn LRDLEY ai oo A Porfnmerl. Priso awarded :y and Paris. ` [0 receive uuutvunvu. tcpurla [European DR; IJMHEBY, . .J" `l! __IAI. __ .1 run The skin of the leaf of the Indian dagger plant has been made into n naw style of bonnet ;`for women's `wear. This plant grows in the; island of Jamnica, and an experimental bonnet made from it was lately exhibitd before the` Royul Botanic society in London. The mate- rial has the appearance of glazed tiaauo paper, or very thin wood shaving. It is nuturallg white, but rudily take: I dye. It is too fragil for use in clothing, but the present style of bong- net is nude of material as delicate us this ; and as the size of that article of apparel is nothing to sgeak of, the" limited dimensions of the leaf oer no impediment to its use. nu. , n u--.4-u nuer vurwueu u we same medicine amployodwith 3 View to as nnnnu-im-in 9 -1 D . IEOTO` `- t3'u-`'nc1?.';' E'(;::. :l;;o:1|?atIoIl' y, T ~Vine Strut, Blbomlbr: W90`. I lbncdI*Gn1IdLOIntior, - lishnd 1710. `Address, 8.4.00 '1 An I AVV 10.00 12.00 ` 16253 13.00 Il UIDEI. The Patric and other journals also pub- lish articles condemning the attitude oftlia Belgian Government. Al ll()Ugll war is still spoken of an likely to lake place in spring, M. de Lnvnleue does not appear to shim: these bellicuse ideas. Ind is reported to have expressed his discontent ll . saeing certnin semi-ofcial pm pors, such as La F'ranca and La Pays, make use of violent language towards Prussia, and entering into a. regular political discus- . sion with the Berlin presa. IIKIIKIE at Perkin: The report of the Joint Committee on American Ordnance, which is nuwpub1ish- ` ml in full, embodies statements whicln, as the N. Y. Yribunc says, "are at once indis- putable and essentially incredible. It cvirlent that American artillery is behind that of any other great nation. The Com- mittee condemn the Rodman, the Parrott, and Dalilgrcn guns alike, and recommend that a new gym, constructed upon the sana principle as the English Armstrong gutj, shall be adopted. They also rccominenlfrl :1 more cfcient system of harbour defence. It is stated in the report that during the operations upon Morris Island, 22 large guns was the greatest number m0\ml.L-(l at one time, yet 50 in all burst during the siege, as is shown by the evidence of Gen. Gilmore. In the attack on Fort Fisher, all the Pnrrntt guns in the eet burst ne- cording to the report nf Admiral Porter. By `the bursting of ve of these guns at the first hon: bartlnient, 45 persons were killed and Wounded, by the projectiles from the enemy's guns during the attack. i s'nu."s_1 I.-La'I Campbell, Rlowal & 1!lae1h~.mse;i ARRISTERS, &c., Princess St.n3;", 313.: Mon (opposite Daily News Oioe) _ `ALIXLHDEE Cnu>mn.:., e.`;_JVi Glonel Lxucx Mowar, GEOEGI Mxuuts MAODOI'l nla. cal-(uh 1K R7 "U Hill! 1 I mpnth. 9 u , LA; Glide:-sleeve ac Walkem, )AR.RlS'l`ERS and ATTORNEYS-at-LAW, Conveyancars, Notaries Public. Richard T. Walkem, 9`10LI0ITOR IN CHANCERY. b 0ice-C1arence Street, Kingston, G.W.3 ` J. P. Gu..nI3sLuvl, L.L.B. ] RICH. T. WALKIH. uilivfn coupt '(N.Y.),A along git}: tengh kno_wn ;,!g.e , pro abiy, at `a kmd !-?'u..gio9_`for bei as unlike the HAIR $3` o_ _ uld readily ima. . ` _ h . lacdonald, Patton & Illachar, ARRISTERS AND ATTORNEYS-at-LAW, Solicitors in Chancery, kc. Ofcea-i8 Olarenr.`-I BL, opposxte the Post Uioe, Kmesroh, G. W. 7 Jam: A. MAODONALD,Q. L . Jugs Pu-Ton, Q.G_` Jon M. Liming. 73 ---- ..._ 1-_I._ in jhlt 1'32 R ks, the W ny ll? I loits an _..:Mnn Ill) be 1: (xx byt ildcat k (1 adventure: in Ll Klluvvu wry.` he tuba-iquet 7 iller of Eden; would make : fa` eekl ago J onus espied one h`_"d~lflines, while [goi_ng_ through Hf`-'fo()dl, and true_to"h1s 1nstinct,_ ` 4 rimh V'%.1h:?Im.npping% It a ife about him. He` f it retreated to a sort of. 1;; Jonas mide M ' I -`the V waks -linumed:-not "ev, gpmceedeu to emu ...... ..... -. ___ `gag: 1'eM:'mno'_e, to his surprise again 3 lofty cavern, extending B . tgud ilmlm fhIO|It>s{*`ex' - . gqs q,yLgne,:blIf-.1151! a do ich betoks iouq eye gwok fqr ihy iifftfer. Jena; 3 j`mu1g.y,mnmuhfn' look back," as 4 nnuhb gripebf `ie hon With his left. hand, however, Iii animal, and , . struggle succeeded in sh ` ions: now thought that d r such acaaemight b9 the ` `-` ` Axnk `mm-1 n4:v'nn |-(Tin}7-11`? hen y; v_r..` u u -- d 111 I l h `I. ul 'n'i"3m117a?F53.`}:aa2m`*_9:'!.`l.1 Int young ones-lmdl about the ` .1_xI;. for him. Th `deli f ah angle of theca Jidick odsman met. the _ with swell swyng hlo " I, which rather wilted the rntnameut ;. mil: before J onus to recover himself from the cat made mdi . -_.. .... 5:-`-Kuhn lI'fI'I and 3 men I case a1ug_u|._u:|p gun, - W-ml A arr ma c.D'r beg futhe chances` hf retreay _ e Jthe ghgncea in his mlljd Iii { 112- th pan of a secogd," he v- ~> - to_theeouc1us'1on`t.hatitwe `gfhill to leave the little angle in well posted. `V of the old, ' - into a s`t` ildcats, mean of thehtmos '-`like coalso 9 standing o_ yd 7Lt .Io_ discomtu M ' b,1 alth _ . 1 y written hrill.ingin1elest--,a. w ;h 5 '!'1`om Qufo1r`,'the, xaai s1. James Agnew, BARRISTER.a.nd ATTORNEY-at.-LAW,Com veyancer, kc. Olce Bagot Street, second door south of the British Whig Office, upstairs. August I . 9 Sill : mufwith a shsup blo. _ Ihduvlndle litter f0l10.W8d i Ewen that Jonas was T 755'. And ow eisshed 9 name [t ~:,._m :3 . ;Ibroc;p:i:.:ufc1agieE(1) 4 and-mum _..n_ 1 ...I. % ig_|nh0o``geV 3-weir ha Iolygduald our inform; .13. gonaa bggan to t 1 `\ A ' ghtmwith wil 'IH"l]nnlu um:-1&1` nu-nhnhli ' gthu; juificionaly over 2 ._ Ifter 3 last desperate at One of them got a nishi Tetrelted 1'0 the back of u ,_ PI` pr0C3d8d t0 d fnr 4' 3 Ag` tear the % I`oIs~%~_; g%hndV left 1 * L wkwjble, and -with - vu his lefth % Wkly J ones I 006 mit 1)f espun, ' v",{ha won _ ve been [kin lnlfun s._'.'.."- I'l`I.__ n ; war-vv'::rj*ll.II:z`;|`wl E roceeded to do {'01 II lelu `thg! `P MU . It,xhibit.g o UB1` IUD. East. Streets. 1-- II txrrt` V`~-""'.5""`85`155"IA',' and svi`t'1_g1 my. Jan w+1k.d-hclih `*1 -"` ."'." ght, exh1b1t.e? o a. vest, one leg 0 D um- usual. onrcctu. > Wu. H. WILKISON. w. A. REEVE, M. A. Count: u-nwn Au.-mu... _ `a L13`-a U` for 433557`! 0 Bellly &~ Draper, ' ARRISTERSQATTORNEYS-at-LAW Solici- tors in Chancery-Cbambers Nos. 7, 8, 8: 9, Anchor Buildings, Kingston, C. W. JAKIB U RIlLLT,Q.C. | FRANK O. Durnn. _ -_-_1 _--.-_`a, . ARRISTER, Attorney-at-Law, Conveyance:-, kc. Ofco opposite Post. Office, Cid"!-once Street, Kingston. V August 6. ~ March 15, QFFICE RE-MOVED TQ KING STREET ; NEARLY opposmn THE CITY = _`BOOK s'ro1u:. TARINE PROTESTS.--Pri.nted forms, for the use of Notaries Public, `much facilitating the drawing up of Proteus in cueso disaster toveseels. For sale at the Daily News Oice. Joseph Bawden, TTORNEY A'l`- 1 A W, soncieo in Chancery, Noun} Public, &c., 33 King street. Kingston- ' LL \J|l(II.l\lI7IJ, L`L unmet, Kin gswn. h "on? 'ro"LENIf-g ,000bo lend hnthe % security of RealEau1tein the City or Coun- try at :3 low rate of interest. No commission charged. 3. ll. ROSE. Am-il 23 PROGR AMMES AND POSTERS Steamboat and Excursion Bills and Tickets, executed expeditiously as the DAILY Nnws B-rnAn Pnrm:-run an.- ..u;-wus, uLuuuueu_ expealuously at the Naws B-rnnc Pnurrnm Eons: Princess Street- uA.Lux J-VEWB '0 Princess Street. JOHN ,M.` Kingston, Jsn y 16. 1. TV. 7 OFFICE.-S _-. aI._,_. v -1.. u. Iv u.an1DUJ.I. Count] O1-own Attorney. uiscuu April 23 lvllklson dc Reeve, KARRISTERS AND ATTORNEYS-at-LAW, Snlinilnrq nnvnuunnn... I... 11' _ _ . _ .. W. B. Mingaye, TTORNEY-AT-LAW, Conveynnoer, =& L Kingston, 0. W. ` _Dec. 3. J. R. sunk, 11.0., )HYSIGIAN, SURGEON, &c., PORTLAND, > Residence Hnrrowsmith. 5-.uuu;uuu nuu Al. Lunnnxa-at-LAW, Solicitors, Conveynaoers, &c. Nnanee, W. u:.o1uLAx1, oursunun, -Somb West corner of Dundsa and John Mudle, 1`: Au..____ _. I Plmanlx LEIGN RELA- -eak poni- . ufpuuing I no railway B0) French V .ks a `Faeries 1-- l -f _ Egg- ingsh 1, "by unerce rn I. sen Hussin, and was 5 CA; r 5533"! Dd." de 1 f .e, in which ion in Belgium, '35, of] ave 3351; at affair. nonld Ll condition existing Kings Nli. go 1 .,_ 5:I:`.I`=;[, ; Ling. k.PIm:nIx I-`Ire Ann:-anco Company OF LONDON. Gompay of Haven, Conn. .. .. PREMIUMS DURING 1867- $2,000,000. bands of the Goverment Policyholdera. ; carefully surveyed, and the fate correspond with the , JAMES SWIFT, Acrnnt, 11366. miiriine Ins_uiance. 1866. _Company ma Oice-33, Street Kingston, March 1862. :0 1N00m>oRA7r'ED 10171019. U ~=iCAPlTAL $3,000,000. ASSETS $4,650,93B,27 | H ULL AND CARGO RISKS to and from --I-_.I n..._a.. .. ('..unn_u'|nIn innnn &c. U111; U U lllun u. ...... ...,_. H favourable terms. _ liberally adjusted and paid Qsnndn. Currency. JAMES SWIFT. Asrant, Home Insurance Company of New ; ll:u{en,_ , n tr! _ n_._ .&Et,na" Insurance Co. of Hart- ford, Conn PAID UP CAPITAL AND SURPLU8- $4,333,543,39. ` Dan Ann Ann Louea paid in 49 Yyelsrs; |r| \HlS Uompady has been doing business in `Lnnnn fni nnnrlv 50 vents. and during` lhll . I . `' A London correspondent writes as fol- 5 ' lows: When Mr Tennyson decided lste~ Y ' ly upon inviting tenders for the exclusive `l'-'_ Frenc right of publishing his works, considerable l f "'9 Pen curiosity was excited. What would book- `)"f`' 1" sellers have laid for Paradise Lost? But 51'` ll this is s comnieroisl time, end even luu- WW6 ' rcates are touched by the zeal for gain. If ` L`l""t 55 buulu sell they will fetch it high price with `I Belg` the publisher, and small the estimates were, : "d`'f`` According tn previous ideas, extremely high .1 3` I But there are degrees, and the largest. bid~ : The, F der was Mr Strechsn, a publisher comperl Pubh. ntively of yestertlny, who has become? ""`' Q known almost entirely through the sixpen- M5.` ny periodical entitled Goat} Worils. Mr L'{1 "l Strschen oered the poet 4,000 per snnum 1` "5 M` for 20 years lor the privilege of publishing md. I all his worlTs', past and future, and security P",'`" being good, the oer was accepted. But I-'_""7l"`_ runny think that Mr Struchnn is buying l "3' l. gold too dearly. Suppose another poet mm " springs up and eclipses the author of The ". l May Queen. Ur suppose the public taste "`"" t-hang;-s and goes over In Swinburne. Wnlt d '`l'" Whitlmm or R0-l)l.. Browning? : How isl `hie I Strnchsn to` get around the corner with . 1 4,000 every year? But this gentleman has 3C? 3": given lavishly for some years to secure 9 u It-ailing riames. For his magazine ho has "m cuught two or three (fnhinet Ministers, twu mely Archbishop nnd three or four Bishops, to B'`3el settled say nothing ol unintrnt scientic men, and . F this simply lms been done by money. One, `ff two. thrcr, four, and even live hundred `"6" pounds have been pnid Ivy him for contri- . The butions oluhis rank. He is u Scotchtnan, '.m` and ought to know l-est- but to timid men Belg`? he seems overdaring. ` An extraordinary Al"k' story is aoat as to this competition. A ll" ' ` eutlcmnn who hlll An opportunity at 5; l onning the acquaintance of Tennyson, ' .e' some time ago begged Mrs Tennyson : !|C~ dlscon ct-prance of a splendid ermine mantle worth ' 100. A little in-it-r ho competed with 0 others for the poems, but tfas not uccess- .d " fol. I hardly expect ymfto "credit what am followed, but the stiteineot is said to he true. He wrote to Mr Tennyson, and, re- 1 ferring to the mantle, hinted that it was for W` given in the lIt`llt f that the publishing would be accorded to the donor, and as it mad, Wh otherwise, he `would like the srticle beck `againl 'l'enn_\'son instantly replied rinlhe that as the mantle was worn. it could not vex be returned, but if the hill of its cost `wits forwarded, it check for the amount should Us be writtenlortliwith. Whether this was Delis done I have not. heard. But the story may ""5 he ndiled to the anecdotes of publishers. ` 32` o'er I ' `HID UOIDPEIIIJ Luau I.l7Cu UUIHS I.-ualuvun In J `icnunda for nearly 50 years, anq during time has secured the public condence by the prom pt and liberal settlement of every fair claim. It has fully complied with the laws of Canada by the deposit with ;he Government of Stocks to the amount. of " 350.000 ,--_- 4_I:_:-- -_ n._.__- 4.. And is prepared 1:: issue policies on terms as low as the safety of the wanted will permit. .uuR.:-I SWIFT. Assurance Company 0' 7 ., .. .. -. _ _ . _ _ _ _, ERFUMER. by appointment to their Majes-* ties tne Emperor of the French, the Queen of Spain. the Queen of Holland, the Queen or the Belgians, and the King of Portugal; and H.R.H. the Prince of Wales. D. Sui-.nu:I. President. Toilet Soaps. Lavender Water. Cold Cream. Perfumed Vaporizer. Rose Leaf Powder. Perfumes for the TI ._.AI__,-L2-' July 1. FUIIUILICH JUL I.l.I Handkerchief. Eau de Cologne. All Han nhnva I EKILI UU KJULUBI-ID. All the above are carefully prepared for Ex- portation, and retain their excellent qualities in any climate. 9`: Ht:-and - 19.9 Rnannt Stl'IIt- `IA nrnhill CASH CAPITAL .. .. $1,000,666.77 .7 AKE AND RIVER RISKS taken on bulls J and cargoes at reasonable rates. I A MEIER RWIII'T_ A cant. _.._.-.._.. _._ V -____ gr` smc FIRST PAGE. |u ELI, \'IlII.I.IG|-Us 96 Strand; 128 Regent Street; 24 Oornhill, i London. 17 Boulevard den Italians, Paris: DR. VICTOR BAUD SORGANi0_MEDIpINE. R, V. BAUD, Graduate and Member of the Medical College of Paris, GhiefPbysician Extraordinary for Epidemics in Paris, late LLD. ot the Civil Hospitals of Algiers, has just in- troduced in England his ORGANIC MEDI- CINES. nIL-_ __,_z_A _EAL#____,_,_ . , Kingston, Feb. 4, 1868;." LLJIH JJC-.\JIJ.IlL".Il, An efficient and prompt. Remedy for Cholera, Yellow Fever, Diarrhoea, Dyaontery, and the excessive action of the Bowela. : A gold medal was awarded by the French Government to Dr V. Bnud for this valuable prapirntion. P:-it-cu Rmnll In 11:` - Mndlnm .1; RA . T4:-tin I FIUU3 |JI.|.IlI|l' ID 1! Size, 115 per Bottle. 'l`Fll'-E ni A91 AND LONDON. MAXWELL W. STRANGE, Agent for Kingston on nI......... Qh-ant Ll-III LIIDQIQLILIIIILI II\u\J.l" For strengthening the Syatem.-Price 29 9d per Bottle. T ` Inna nt LE1! A'l'Il'II:|n tnntnu per Dunne. THE DIASTATIZED IODINE, For purifying the Blood.-Price 23 9d per Bdttla. ' ' Tl-In nhnrn PI-nnnrnlinnn an in cl-up I`.-nu. 1'.` ur pu|'u_y1ug tun uI.uvu.-r rice an au per DUIIIB. ',' The above Preparations are in the form of Sweeuneats, pleasant to the taste, and par- ticulnrly adapted for Infants and Mothers nursing. - R17 1|-an nnnnhinniinn AP II-un T-A-. .._ T...l:.... -Tlll:`._I`0E'[` TENNYSON END ms PUBLISHERS. ` ` uuratug. By the combination of the Iran or Iodine with Cress Seeds in a state of gen-minAtion_ they are united with organic life, which thus renders them digestible The irritstivo and stubborn mineral has thus become the nucleus of an organic substance cspgble of being ab.- sorbed by the blood without injury to the stomach. . -Agent for England and British Possessions, E. G. DUFRESNE, 79 Watling Street. Msy be obtained of all Uhnmists. L CHOLEBA, DlARRH(EA, ac. EARL RUSSELL sent to the College of - Physicians :1 communication received by him from Manill-n (where cholera. had been graiug fearfully) to the elfect thst, of all remedies tried, Cblorodyne was the most effec- tive. "__ _`__ _A____ _A _A. . .. 1| -. " The day seems us yet, unhnppily, far dia- tant when public opinion or State interfer- ence will prevent the advertisement or sale of any secret medibine vihncsoever. - It in to be hoped that the `profession will continue to brand nshnworthy the conduct of those of its members who by wnimonlnl or otherwise aid the disposal of such things.-a-Lancet. IHAWTTYY `IIIE l'1I'I'I l'\`l\A'\D\I'v`o: -_- _...I.V..-. -- --v-. ...-B-o an.-uvuvu 'l`OWLE`S CHLORODYNE. - The Original 'Pl'ep1u.`a.tion of known Composi- tion. . From Dr C. Kidd, Author of Standard Works on Ohloroform. Sackville-street, Piccadilly, London. Sir,-I think if you would edvertisayour Ghlorodyne more than you do, you would help to best the others, which are secret com- pound, out of the market. Mnny medical men think with me, and recommenrl your com- pound, but will never prescribe 9 secret re- medy. Genus Kmn, ILD. To Mr Towle, Chemist, Manchester. A Surgeon from New York writes :--``I only requires to be known to be npprecinted. I have no hesitation in chsracterinlng it (vim, Towle s Ghlorodyne) es the most nseml medi- cine that has appeared during the present century. In din-nhaae, colic, ague, Ipeetns, I` here found it to relieve more pain and cause more joy than my other Article that on `be named. \`I'-__ l$L_ 1'\__J,__!__ 1- __,,, V I I - - II-:1:-;.T-Tho Profunion in warned ngiinat in- farior, secret, and chap compounds now in the market. Each genuine bottle bun 1 ho- Iimile of Proprietor : signature on thee!-ninp outside. LIQ. OHLOROFORHI Do. on CFLORODYNR WITHOUT PIPPERKINT. Bole lnnufoetnror :-A. P. Towlo, Chemist, llnnchootar. o IJCUII IUK ILIIH VBIUBIJIU !IfUP`IaIlUu- Price: Small, 1: lid ; Medium, -15 6d ; Large `.i1.n_ Us mar Bottle. . They consit of three pl-epa`rat.ion5- THE RA ITDFE1 NR 1:UGE1ni'1zuruEL, xrvnnrsn \__ ____Q_.___; .. .L_:- -iIJr}}}$. -a onnf B POI Uvtulcu THE DIASTATIZED mow, anothnnino Hm Qvntnrn _Dpin `Gib: Baily News. nT_l,:l?Sf)A`1: i:`v1iiz1I~zB.-iTuicH 9.