,`4_-.- I N I_\'DIA.\I_BEAD-WORKED S.-\.SH. The A nder will be suitably rewarded on taking If it In Mr Creighton`: City Book Store. | March 1'2. ` \' S.~\.WYER, PORTRAIT PAINTER, being \ , again in town for a lime, would re- quest those desirous of availing themselves of his services. to apply at his residence, corner of Earl and `Wellington streets, where he will be i hanpy to receive commissions for the execution nt'portrailsron_._canvas, and also the enlargement and colouring of photographs in oil and water. .\lz:rch 12, 5 R HENRY B. EV'A.\ S, .\I.R.Cfs,, London. 1) Res}-1euce-l`RlNCESS STREET, house lately occupied by Dr Maclean. March 8. < A1115 The Illustrated Times, Sporting News, English. '.`1\l'l 1-1.91 PST RECEIVED at GOODFELLOW S, J with :1. full account of the opening of Par- liament. and the lmgr of lbe Prince and Princess of Wales in Egypt. 1 i AYQII . LL U1 hand, with an ex: [ fur snlo on Victoria Street, ` wry liberal for Cash, in I , leaving the city. Apply to u Sl_MPSON: Murch 15. SPARKLENG A D ;'I:lLL~ Pnllll TDD l\!..v'wr... . l UARLES EM BL EMS, the School of the LU Heart, and Hieroglyphics of the Life of Man. Full of quaint and curious illustrations. Spenso=r s Faerie Queene, new cheap edition. Dante's Vision; or, Hull, Purgatory, and Parn- dise, with Flaxman`s Outlines. Cheap ed. The Temple Anecdotes of Invention and Dis- covery. Baron }lunclisusen,wi.Iih very .l)S|l_l'dllll1Sll'.lll0[l5. l Uni-:5 of L1.wren'e-. Sierne, containing Tristrnm .\_`hmdy, th-: Sentimental Journey, Sermons, Letters, &<:. Book of Games for Family Parties and Children. 100 illustrations. Joe Miller's Jest Book. ` ~ Carpenters English Synonyms. ` Things New and Old; or, a Storehouse of Simi- lcs, Aliegories, Adages, Apophtbegms, Apologu.-a, 41, collected from the writings and sayirigs of the learned in all ages, by Jolinspencer. Aytoun's La.,s of the Scottish Cavaliers, cheap . edition. l ulhiana, A new collection of the best jokes, riddles, puns, sells, &c. &c. The Book of Chess, new work by G. Selkirk. John llcntlcrson, ` march 15. PRINCESS STREET. krnur MISCELLANEOUS ? LITERATURE J LTST R l*;(1HIT\'J1`.D V 1 AT I[ENDllKi0N"S BOOK S'l`0RE.,' NSIENT `A I)VI-'Zl .TISP2MEN'Ii`/S.--- ' ']\A\LV -JI L1.` |. 1111 I AAIII A-_'1'1.llA4uI 1 LJ. 1 Tlw large (`lr(`.ul:1[lnll of tho DAILY Nrcws romlcrs it the natural uxcdiuui for tlie publicauon of all small andtransient ` advcrziscmcnls, as well as larger announce- ments Advertisements of religious notices and Sulnlmtln services; situations wanted; situations vacant ; houses for sale ; houses to mun ; lJOll.-`.123 wanted ; board and lodg- ing; moms wanted ; boar-1 wanted; ar- ticles lost ;i:u'Licles found ; cattle wanted ; caitle for sale; cattle strayed, &c., when set. close, inserted for 25 cents each inser- tion, payable only in_ advance. When dis- played. a. proportionate price will be nhor-I191] pnajuu, . charged. Summonses may be ohtain'e(-l at the DAILY NE\\'B OF-FICE. >01-(lers by mail promptly attended to. Devices for every (|esCriptIOn of Orange priming kept on hand at the DAILY Nuws STEAM PRINTING HOUSE. i UlK1\l\UIJ L/Lslt lr1L'.I.\_/L11 uu uuu uuusc uIu:.I. nu are tIm~ TO A YOUNG LIEI~ .CHANT-When you pay more for the rent 01 your business house than for advertising your business, you are pursuing a false pulicy. If you can do business, let it be known.--FRANK- I herahy |':__. _, . Balesmu I`,.'\` --I lmvc eight brands to select from. .\larct_1 12. G. I VI`IDl[AN S an SALT, for producing`: real Bea.` Ba-1h in your own~R.oom. The above favourite preparation is strongly recom- mended. G-IA D--.-:.o..p__"|"I DIIAN k Professor sr.;., i Apply to Mart`. mended. Sole Propriotor--TIDHAN 3 SON, iota, 16 Wormwood Street, London, E11 March 15 ; I _,~- Tlw l|1u.\`il'lllelll.0!l{l0l] News, . CSHAWA `IN. -ARl' )N Sunday and nmg. "m}u'sE AND __.-__ SM ALL HOUSE and L of Land, with en: ` 8l`e nn Vi.-un-I- 0- ' - xi :4 Nlcrr C0'l"l`.-\GE Street. hn.n- t`..n..___ `RANGE CERTTIFICATES and Lodge o...............n.1 rnnn Inn n`-\ro;n'nr.I of fhn SA W YE R, PO;lTRAlT n.-uni... 1.. a,._.__ c__ 7 "25 Ei} .'s1iaPsoN, on 1 Croft states: University College, Toronto, December 19, I certify that 1,-have exam 3.1L the Ontario Vineyards, H - all excellent Wines, and mag no ingredient that is I nice oflhe ampe. Wines are the bcst of ( 2 llml`. I have o.-vvr seen, and I mred to a large proportion Ed \\'ino9 ..v..n\InI ll , ne-Ir Colborne. FOEEXEE AT bws oLn_ 3051`. II. G0l.ll)Fli.LLO\\" .3, WELLINGTON swzmazm`. _. ....... van:-H I l 1 excellent - Rlrnnl ......._ n~ ALSO LOT FOR SALE. ..., ucureen Brock Sun` 1 Street Methodist Ohm-ch. HINK FUR VN`-"" """' '7`I'I7I/Rel pprrr. G. CRAWFORD, Salesman. and: In n~.'.._L r,,,, , weekly part, Illustrated urn. Canadian L'V'(`l.' may safe- xrge proportion of the Lu. Wm`; ..v-auuul. WPII Of t, mm: Djviamn. the pnrties are HENRY CROFT. to Let on Clerg e. Rentmodemtu. . vv---5") ember I868. .-have examined the \'im=yards, Hamilton. Vinun Ann! -_.-I` -` J. mssfrow, Clergy Street. ntho] nus, unulll LUU . , perfectly lt 3 nnl nah`- DING NIH Brock lmdlu nL...__. I 2 premisen. ......\v--_, I not natu- . ---v I of water, ion. Terms are about Clergy Prnln H, Chem-| F. 11 A number of Singing Birds (lately imported) n quaniiay of Sporting Material including 1 Don- | ble Gun, (Breech Loader.) and I do Muzzla do, | and an nsisorltneut of Fishing Tackle. Arnn --..4.-u, 1 pair of thoroughbred Irish Senna. 1 Irish Retriever. 1 Rie and Case. 1 Revolver (Smith and Wesson`s best). Cartridge, L.ondiug,a.ud Capping Machines, latest improvements. 1 pair elliug Pisfols. lwejm Equipage, complete. 1 West India. Hammock. A number of-Decoy Ducks. 1 Fish Otter and Liuesrcomplrale. And 1 silvenplated Tea Set, best quality. Sale at 11 o'clock. Terms cash. 1 I I Yl'rr'l\4\nv 7114) LET, the HOUSE in Earl Street at pre- sent in the occupation of Aasistam-Com- missary-General Peunell. Posession given is: May next. Apply to Mas RANTON, Earl ` Slrel, near House oflndustry ' ` March 10. _ ,,-_-..,-, -.......mn.-.5-u, n uuulul, urn3~\ mems, Damask and Lace Curtains, Glass and Crockery Wnrr, Bedsteadspnd Bedding, Bureaus, Washsluuds uni Furniture, Looking-Glnssr-9, an assortment of Kitchen Utensils, and 1 (`Kauf- lent Refrigerator. On 7"l`hI|ru-clan) , the ISIII insI., at the residence of` Captain PERSSE, R.C R, situated on King Street East, all the FURNI- TURE, &c., the`:-ein contained, comprising- ! Pianoforte (nearly new), Hair and (June Chairs, Carpets, Drawing and Dining-Room Tables, Pictures, Sideboards, Whalnot, Urns- Be-dsteadsnd \"nuh_~l..n;I.~ .....l I5`----1--- JUSEPH HALL M.1ZsliE`A(1TU{`.`lN{(V0. Ph 0I`f.'l 570123, ' JOSEPH HALL M \cHJ_N1::3Vo1%Ks 4. J. L.1N'l'UN, The above will be o`-=red en blue, with Good- will of premises, and if not aold,wil1 then be tom.-red in lots to suit. purchasers. T I 1 .;-- J' J. LINTUN ha: received ihatrncllona to sell . on WEDNESDAY, 17th inat_, at the resi- dance or Mr CHARLES HUNTLEY,~WeI1`mg- ton street. nan door to G. M. Wilkinson Esq., all the FURNITURE &c. therein `contained, izomprising all the requisites for; first class 83- 000. ! }`I0i`l:*3ETiif[iZ1mE5`I3~ll_Fifl4lM'llifE . I IAN()F(T)RTE, Imam. smmuu ;1l}_'_I`ERlAL. me. i.`l"`A_'n---Q-r loon. Q4: Ayl unu 1)\JUDLal`JV 1Ul\Dl.lVl1a Wdlllnlt WIIEELS`, the moat pr.-rgfect and economical water zcheel in use. We are the only manufacturers who can-fun nish the genuine Leffel Wheel" in Canada, as will be seen by the following certicate: I Springeld, Ohio, Dec. 25th, 1868. We take pleasure in informing the public of Canada that we have sold and furnished Mr F. W. GLEN, of Oshawa, Ontario, Patterns, Farmers, Drawings, Gauges, and all other necessary infor- mation, to build our celebrated Double Turbine Water Wheel, invented by Ju mes Letfel, and known as the Lelfel Wheel. We have also ob- ligated ourselves to furnish the same facilities for manufacturing to no other parties in Canada. Without the information we have given Mr Glen, no one can successfully build our Wheels, and l we advise parties in Canada to purchase our Wbeels of no other manufacturer. Mr Glen's facilities are unattrpassetandiwe feel sure that he will build a Wheel that will give perfect satis-r laction. We therefore commend him to the pub- lic of Canada with entire condence, feeling sure he will manufacture a wheel in all respects equal to our own ./{Vt___,'I\ `I I IITZICV I 'lHI'lI'.1`lhI` I, 1" s.s wmnli Our wheels are warranted to work to unite satisfaction, if properly put up, run, and taken care o_f--and then it` they do not perform to the entire satisfaction of the purchaser, after running them 60 days, they may return the wheels to us, and we wil1_pay freight, both ways, and refund all payments made to us thereon. This guaran- tee wilt be striczlyndhered to. in. ....'II ..... ...l ..n.....:.... 4.. ......... _:..- LCI: nun UK: allluu-1 nuucncu nu. We call especial attention to our superior Gearing of all kinds for attaching our wheels, made light, and adapted to the high speed at which the wheels run. We caution purchasers against using heavy shafting and gearing, n63" Wn nlan rnannu-.lnra all kind: nf Raw l HSIIIUSE UIIUB IJCIIVJ DI-IIIII-Ills BI-I`-I SUOIIU-5. 7 We also manufacture all kinds of Saw and Flour Mill Machinery, including Steam En- gines and Boilers, English and American Gangs, Hand-setting and Self-selling Circular Saw- Rigs, Upright and Oscillating Mulay Saw-Rigs, Gearing, Sbafling, Pulliea and Hangers, Ere. kc; Also, Shingle Machines and Joinlers, Leather- Spliuing Machines, Knife-Grinders, Woolen Ma- chinery, Washington Hand Printing Presses, Gordon s Power Press, Taylor : Cylinder Press, and Blake s Patent Steam Pump. (`..o..lnn-An nnnonininn "nl1inI'nv-rnnf:nn `Fun-n:a}u_ March 11. IIIILI. .D1.l`|.BC8 fltlllu DLUHLH I. ULLIP. Cataloges containing full information furnish- ed free to all applicants. Addreas-- 1-`. W. GLEN, President, - OSHAWA, om`. .L4l.\J'ILJA1.n. MFOR JOSEPII I]ALL MANU- FACTURING COMPANY, Saloon Fuvfniture, 8w.` uuu. Sale at ten o'clock. Terms cash. I I` I 1 March 12. l for Machinesind Repairs. . DB FABLAIEIIIEU ll IOUL, OR BEST THRESHERSE-Mill Gear, Shingle Machines, J oinlers, Priming Presses, &c., &c., at Makers Prices. Ordermpromptiy lled A / nnnivw KING LJILV sell, ...---.-nxnlav 1 FOR SALE I51 AUCTION. J. LINTUN has received instructions Oshawa, Dec.-29. [ANUFACTURE Letfel'a celbrated Ameri- can DOUBLE TURBINE WATER IDTPI u 11.. ...,.,4 ..,_r..; ___.1 _ ___ V 69. UVVLI (Signed) JAMES LEFFEL R: Co. ESTALLISIIED 1851. ESTABLISHED xx 1851, 1'!` TRDIERREEDQ Jlill (1. IVA RRANTY. `ALSO. instructions to I113 Cllllq J. J. LINTON, Auctioneer. In. 1 . Ag; cnowx, Egg /Z, Bagel: Street lu 056 n J. J. ILINTON, 3.". LI_. _2.u I` II. U. 11. Auctioneer. -JA.A.J.4A4J I" ELLEVUE TERRACE, lately occupied by Wm. Ferguson, Esq.` The property will be disposed of at a. great sacrice. For particu- lars apply to L` Ii` DIIYYQRKT nnrunv1I--~- "VHF! prcnlises lately ocupied by the Mou- j lreul Telegrnph Company, or_1 the corner of (ln'9.rlu) and Johnson streets. Apply to we ~ Manager of the Briliab'Norlh American Bank, or to IL M. Rose. Jun 0.1. 1oz-n ww . Anun uuu a Jew acres of Land, plea.- ." _ sandy situated on the St, Imwreuce, near Mi`.10u Island, and about 4 miles trom Kingston. l nrI of the land is"aui1'able for Garden purposes. Apply to Dr Yates. March 1, TIIE. LARGEST AS0RT1VlEN'I` GAMES, TOYS, &c. ARTIES intending to make application to 1) the Legislature of Untariofor Private Bills are hereby notied that they are required by the 51st and following Rules of the Legislative As- sembly (which are published in lull in the Ontario Gazette), to give NOTICE of their application (clearly. and distinctly specifying its nature and object) in the Ontario Gazette, and also in 3 Newspaper published in the County or Union of Counties affectsed ; such notice shall be continued in each case for a period of at least six weeks during the interval of time betw-een..the close of the next preceding Session and the considera- tion of the Petition. Copies of the first and last: of such notices to besent. to the Priva.te-Bill Oice. All h-.!.:___r.,'I\ - - --- \II-|lUo All Petitions for Private Bills must be present- ed within the first three weeks of the Session. - CHARLES T. GILLMOR, l`l.._I. _:.L_ 11. ,_, BUILDING BLOCKS, DISSECTED MAPS, J. H. PALMER, u an. an. ll-UIV. Jan. 8th, 1869. Much 5th, 1869. WESLEY HALL, KINGSTON, Xvuruvrvrn llrrrii unvr.-xv--5 5.. SHEFFIELD HOUSE. f` Due notice will be given of the day of opening. `March 9. March 15. END IT TO YOUR FRIENDS.-The Cnnomcm AND Nnws is published every Friday morning, and contains all the news of the week. For Fifty Cents, paid in sdvsnqe, you may send it to your friends for three months at the reduced rates of postage. For /One Dollar it may be sent six months. Single copies. price Five Cents, may be had at the Daily News oice, Princess Street. T UN Toronto, 25th F`eb., 1869. VELIJBIPEDF. SCHOOL f1"O I ,1+;T, COTTAGE and few 1 nru|`-- ..:..._ Oshnym, Jan. 6. PRIVA'l`_ BILLS. ITS OF THIS WEEK. OF PROVIDENCE, ILL, WILL OPEN A CUBES, PUZZLES, E, MARCH 16. IN THE CITY, ABOUT THE M'II`)DE7 or FERGUSON BROTHERS, Kingston. 869. CllAliLES' GBIGUR. `I I of Land, .10Tl1h! RI . Lnu.-rnnnn no-- IN rm.) 1.. IJILAUNIUK, Clerk of the House. `.420 15 SPRING HOOP SKIRTS reduced from C Good -White Cotton reduced from 6M l Scarlet Flannel from 13 6d to la Mohair and Alpnccss for dresses from toga to All Fuucv Urea: nnndu .u. ....:....u .- , . .........: uuu mpnccss mr messes from 716 Fancy Dress Goods are reducd to cost price One penny per yard of!` all prints Canada Tweeds from 6d to layer ya:-dZ_o' Blankets from 55 to 105 per pair oft i Sn-iped and Checked Shining reduced from 91d to Hd Home made Fulled Cloth 25 6d per yard, reduced from 35 3'! Table Linen, Bleached and unbleached, reduced from 2: 6d to SPECIAI...-25~0 Doz. Hoop Skirts 25 per cent below mum Superior French Kid Gloves 3: 9d per pair BURNETT ausa ONTARIO STREET, KINGSTON, ONTARIO B. 2. ` !2;:.!1r-ns. Proprietor. Trusty Porters in attendance at Railroad Depot and Sueamboat Landings. 7 Oct. 28. V;-p LJLLLJJJ \J.L|I 1!} 11131. F HE Coimnodiona and Well-tted STORE on I` the comer of King and Princess Streets, lately occupied by Messrs Ferguson E Co. Im- mediate possession given. Apply to i . July 25. . J. BAWDEN, Solicitor. '1HUS.I'I{EhL*AND, 'E`.N'-`R A WED EDDING, Visiting, Invitation, and Profes: sionsl Cards, engraved in the most fashionable style. Notarial and other Seals, Seal Presses, Silver and Brass Door-plates, and all other engraving promptly executed. Silver Plate, Knives, Forks, &c., crested and cyphered` in the neatest manner. I'l,,J,,,, .I' 11 %M.% G A`-G-_i:W* WATCH AND CLOCK MAKER, KING :STREET,L A 10 m` ?._ ___-...-._r \J A gum} s1;pply of .-`wlzztcrizils of Orders respectfully solicited. I will have in a few days an EMBDSSING PRESS, for stamping N otepaper, Envelopes, &c., in colours, with crests and monograms. February 25. M - R. S. WILLIAMS hams AND Msumsons [ AVE taken the FIRST PRIZE for eight successive years, and are allowed to be the best in the Dominion. These celebrated In- struments can be had at'lhe lowest prices from NEWS mun THE 1103519 GUARDS! THE Tnoopa REMAIN IN CA N A D A! S soon as the news reaches Englad that MORRISON had reduced the price of FLOUR One Dollar per barrel, _orders,may be despalcbed at once not to move a soldier from Canada, as now they can be kept. in Canada cheaper than in Englnud. Nani Horn in nnnlluuu Ito-. {lug -.1-.11- -L....1.I uuuupcr llln II-I llllglllilll. _ Now. here is another item the public should not forget for MORRISON anticipating this big snow-storm. I have received the week just pre- ceding the storm, about FOUR. GAR-LOADS of PASTRY FLOUR, FAMILY FLOUR, Fresh Ground WHEAT MEAL, Sugar-Cured HANS, Breaktast BACON, Kiln-dried OATMEAL, &c., H D A- an..- _.. :A _..-....-._ _-h .u,,-__.. usrunlnab urxuun, null-urlcu U LJIDAD, EC. N.B-Au soon as it occurs to you that you wsm. Flour or Meal, think of M. MORRISON. L -uni uusu Lnuuo I} IV l3lJIJlL`\J7'lJlJL/K35 au- jcining the residence of Augnstns Thibodo, Esquire, on Ontario Street, lately occupied by Daniel Mncarew, Esquire. Possession will be given on the first day of May next. For particulars, apply st the law ofce of M RYAN 8 GREIG. `l?:...-....o.-._ u..-..1.n `IQL-n ATTHI January 6 . October 21, no In v nu Lu-un 1 , tuagejs celenrmea Food for Infants and Invalida. Also, a. large stock of Granular Eervescing `Citrate of Magnesia, sold by bottle or in quantity. B. `WHITE, Chemist, &.c., - 42 PRINCESS STREET, Kmesajox, On. March 9. '-....__ FFEC1.` OF ihDVERTISING.-It is amusing at times to observe the stores of the merchants who don't adv`er- tise-, to see the anxious proprietors look-` ing into the streets and see .the people go by, wondering why they don t come in, while the stores of their neighbours who do advertise are thronged with customers, Some people will learn by observation, others will not.-DaiIxy Palladium. FOR SALE OR TO LET. if-IF`. f`..-an-nun.-`li...- ....A In. 1:.., ,1 tvnrxvuvu K i1'~rEExiir1:'I'{.`' 24 WELLINGTON STREET, March 9. ,,,____. -..... .....~..u..uu us nun rUI5hlU '1'U HIS STUCK OF English, Geneva, and American Watches, ecu) AN sum`-.n cums, lilIABB8,*&.0. " . vulwvu . ..._.______4- EW STYLES OF` TYPE HAVE been added to the DAILY Nnws Jon Pnnn-ma 01-non. On: two Steam Prensos and Automatic Platen Printing Mathia- ery enable us to turn out work in good style, with quick despatch, and at chen rates. Inquiryis solicited. _ an; 3 Toronto Flour Store, Princess BL, March 11, 1869. n Kingston, March 9, I869. HOUSE AND 0I}`1:i`3i~f. CLOCKS. Qnnnltv nl` St! ,_ _T.,_*_:_-: IMMEN SE cLEAR1NG"*s1TITE` run SALE 03 T0 Lt;'l`, WEE large Stone DWELLING-HOUSE ad- ~'n-ininn an -nainnng A4` A I11-u-uvaln 'Iln:lu-I... mmns Agg INVALIDS. IECEIVED TO-DAY, Ridge ; cglebrated I. Fund fnr Tnfnnln and Tnvalhla BEGS TO CALL THE Qvp;u'-te_ e_lu;_1/- .;`:';c;a:.: IT I wrv nviitnnv nmsiam. _.j.`.J 1.J.-.:.V'\JI Ipplj every description always on hand. REPAIRS of all kinds can-efuliy atlendetl to. ` I3. IIOLI)[R, PRINCESS sr , G..I.. A __.._x 1-__ I!'!# -,_. FOR ONE MONTH Sole Agent for Kingston. MARK -THE ....-4 scuucaq Il'Om II 1011 I to bid I A LARGE ASSURTMERT on 7 ATTENTION OF THE PUBLIC TO HIS STUCK OF (A 1 _ - 10 and 1-mi... E REDUCTION_.~`,-- AT THE um tsljlbd to 13 an to H111 5 MEDICAL PRAGTIGE of `$1,600 3 year I ` for disposal. Terms very reasonable. Ad- dress S. L. Nas, M.D., Ameliuburgh, Ont. - Amelinsbnrgb, Jam. 23. 7 .r- - -r-I-Ql\leII`Il*' ows Numbers 31 and 32, with . largo Stone L Building theyeon ; Lot: 34., 46,48, M, 51, and 59, each containing about thin one-fth of an acre, all of them being desirably uituuod. ' A180. Park Loi Numluur Ii! .-m.o.:..:-..- -1--A nunc, nu un uncut nejng Gelltblf llilllllld. Also, Park Loi Number six, containing shout ve acres of fertile land and I dwelling-homo, situated on the east. [MB of King. Streetin. um . said village. Apply to ` . IUDIE, - --,--.-.J4 , [N TIIE vn.1.EiE 011' ronrsngonm. I OTS Nnmhnrn Q1 and an -_:.I. _ 1-_-- -3--- IATAHAQUI GRANGE, late the relidenef of George Baxter, Esq`, deceased, within 3.miles of the City of Kingston. The Lllld consists of about 25 acres, ten ofwlilch no un- der Orchard and Garden. The Dwelling in: smched Lo it 3 Gonnrntory and nimble Ont- buildinge, and is a desirable radidenco for any gentleman wishing to live out of the city. - Also, for "19. th Gfl A l'llInnoIIrn`A` gentleman wumng in nu of the -5 Also, sale, it the_ Grange, I qnnnzltyiof T Gdnservntory and other plgntl. ~ ~ For Rulicularg apply to V ,Tl'\Il"l1 fl ltrlaa `- 'A.sWANsT0Ns BA KE RY, Two Doors above Barrie. an; Prin- cess street. . I .-_. -1:-on-- ,. ` = INCE the purchase by me of Mr FUO'1"8 ' BREAD BUSINESS, I [rut that I hart been successful in my endeavour: tapleasa tho cdacomers which come to me through It Foot. and also those which fprevionsly had. I Ihall continue to use none but the BEST FLOUR, arid from a long and practiced knowledge of the bqsineu, both in Scotland and in this country, I shall turn out bread I con-1 to none in Canaa. Ufdera from public or private parties attelillad no vyiih dispatch and got up in n-It clan Ite. - N .3,--ln',eszularities On the man nfmv chican- Itlm-ess I Wei ... .,..u uylpluill nnu got up u: urn clan style. .B.--In-`egularities `on the part oflny drivers, if xepox-Led at my store, promptly corrected. ; . A . R? A Ilnmnw Discount 26 ms cam Iron nus norm]. Qarln Doaf Article: for Twenty Gena. And me om: smnmxm on every n.,u...% Jan. 6. . qrnui PRINTING HOUSE, Prince.- s;_ street, Kingston, Printin of I]! kinda anhe DAILY Nnwsnzm` mrrnta HOUSE. - 4.. nu.-nun.-out. ana rsxcursion Bills sud; Tickets, executed expeditiously. at the DAILY Nnws Swan: Pnurrnra Hooks pa-i Hanna Qo-....a. {HAT Valunble Premises situate at thmfoot of Princess Street, and known u tho ` Atlantic What/I . _ Possession given on theiat of April ne_xt. For terms,` &c., agply'to` ' _, JAMES HARTY `as o., BILL HEADS sud other kinds of J o1I' Pnnwrma executed with nentneu and despntch at the Daily yew: oice, Prinais ' street. - ? FVATARAQUI GRANGE, lg-'g. L) at "ROTOR RAIIIP Inn 1-..--. 11.1111! JVEWS :5 Princess Street. J. Opposite the Pan om, Clgnce Street. Kingston, 23rd Feb., 1869. _ OI MARmE PRO l'.'ESTS.--Printed fornfs, for the use of Notaries Public, much M facilitating the drawing up of Protein In casesof disaster to veesela. For sale at the ` Daily News Office. _ T UY YOUR Mgingcxzns um PERFUIIEB at the MEDICAL HA_I_,_L, 1...: .--.. nun at-nr r can A , THE 7CIRCU`LATI0N of the Nnws is fully one-ha1f largp-than that of any other daily juurnn_11_!|Ib1iIhed in Kingston. The at the 01;], established weekly cnznoyn-I um Nlwa is also greater than any Olhefweekly pubrs ` lished in the coupql AdY9!1 iI0l I will perceive -tha.t. tygl J|1m4_1| 910 III bent media for a&I!"`'8 Pubhc attention. in this locsligrr ` . J I . Eu. uun `VIII 0 ml] '30 I an pubhcahon olce,] three copperp. iatch 5. will on D`! ' I 1: mm low manufacturer : prices 31' pair 1 . SINGLE COPIES f 1.1:` K Igd. Nnws mu be had non... .:..RfI1! J. GREENFIELD. bROGR AMMES AND POSTERS M Steamboat and Excursion Bills :kets. executed nvnoiinn..l- -. 4.- FOR 7| `Ti`I"I' IIISIH lh'I -.-__ {_ .u , March 8, 1869 TO LET. MEDJEAL. `_ To LET, M. GAGE, uvrugao OI IIIB DAILY 'be had at the collateral B :.IoEN 0. Innis. % 9 Luyu: uurruclll. A. SWANBTON. uta u ruidnnef within nm. -1.. t__`A AT IFTRI LL` ,I piece of the 1 hhl Al I..- , ` Lid: `Pm . N` In hung ;` bu ..e Daily III W1 amuynuu gPi|ce. Mu'ra_v 1 - Kn K_lnx llnn. 5-Th1 nu. : -.~-.. n-,*_s Panama Jan HARE EN "FA: Duly Nan-3.) L-Bold: Mar: / `y . . I5` I A` H |uI_.`Iu, VI -1 mm] can sleaulsh ip III` llllnde < H. 3: ES tun -.: nu` nu. i the as: . nnuguluu. In VV\l|Jl"\}l\l.` lhlJIJL`l. nu - cne returning name to the. Bu -iab American Hun-1, Kingston, will be rewarded. K'inn-Inn Ilk \IAInh T9!-IO sucaws aooxsraam To be procured in grat variety. NEW Ennfs for 1869. The cheapest amosl attractive 1 UBINSON CRUSOE, small quarb, `I84 pages, ivnh twenty coloured illustrations, bound i in cloth, for 25 cents only. I Rlnfrnvfa Nnvnv-nl `Thain:-v I-I-|nnvn:w.nH frnrn II-I VIVIU LUI. 60 UCLILI UNI . | Bu'un a Natural History, modernized from , most recent authorities, with coloured illustra- tions of animals, kc, only 25 cents. FnIn'n Rank on Ilnuiuou nu:-nn'u-nnn nninnrnd ` uuun ul uuunans, ac, only so cents. Foxo'a Book of Martyrs, nume}-one coloured illustrations, uniform with the above, 252 pages. An immense nslortment of Toy Books, Sunday School Libraries, and choice Library Books. A large lot to Ielect from, good and cheap. Hlnlinnnrv nf aha hull A"AalIt5nIi.\n no Irnrv lnw xvannmmg 14:15:: DJ! IU ICICCG lI'Uln, 800 IIIIU. CIJBIP. Stationery or the beat description It very low prices. ~ Newest pieces of P_isno5orto_ Husic, T1-ERIN BL}-3 RAILWAY .ACCIDEN'[` Th `|"`-" P"P|'! Contain nccnunts h`l`r\!(? ,I(`\`idPnl nn GI... 11.. . 1- .. Ajr s '1` A C E vs! P(;'l`.lG-[-I ;l`;;?l-IP_0lfl-`l(TE. Z D0lllNl0N noUs1c.so KING STREET. IUIFL, lllglull. Ill Ki KUWKKI. Kingsmn, 16th March, 1869. v-.-nv -`In March 16. I-JL `.,...,.;.., nun Nrnhle Jwldent on 1110 G meuln Rni1\\ n_\' nu 1], gm \"(`i(l8IH 'W||i(`h is dpg(\1,e`l WV.`-at RIM` _hhI_~l: l[-`'",. v`.` H lxn Ihl-.\nuI\ --.n...._..._-__ . ESTERDAY between B.-nrri-.-cfd Hill and Kingston, 3 WOLF-SKIN_ROBE. Any- nnnrninn amino In II-us Rn-Gal-u Arnnrinan BOOKS FOR YOUTH 'l.'Ip.`.`|Ll3 (LII -mum % Sting the I ....u unu .:.- cuucre-n,ofw 7 cnl_r are now living ; they have M50 1 grandchildren and 50 gmn-grandchiI- -!t:- (.'z:;-. !.- `says that M: Jnsvph! ,5.-A 7a, and his win-, Ursula cu-` 76,hu-e celebrated their 60th year of 9. They have had 22 childrt-n,of ,. _..,, ..,__ 1:-.- : ,`.r1{'r.u prints the lmccxnus patriot: inf:-rue`. .-.11: Fur .al ,. --.....u accounts ofl an Grant Indian. 26th 0! Jnmmry. i ivslcrilvml as :1... In--u .. ... ucuumry, ' xx: I'I All wvm ' ; lhc ah i\'v. l' :mth~\s'hm: ('.\'pvrl- In tho`. T x RT