Kingston News (1868), 19 Mar 1869, p. 4

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- .,. ,......_. mg we mooa.-k'rice 25 9d peirl ",' The above Preparations are in Ih. of Sweetmegta, pleasant to the taste, an ticulurly. adapted for Infants and M nursing. ' By the combination of the Iran or I with Gran Seeds in a state of gel-min they are united with organic life, whicl renders them digestible. The irritativ stubborn mineral has thus become the Ir of an organic substance capable of bail aotbed by the blood without injury t Agentior England and Britisihfoases E. G. DUFRERNIE `to m'...::__ n. ,-__-.. - ......u.. u. um nuwens. A gold medal rmnent. to Dr V. Baud. for this valuable preparation. Price: Small, 15 lid; Mediuzn, 43 5d ; Large M Size, 113 per Bottle. THE DIASTATIZED IRON, For strengthening the Sysr.em.-Price 25 9d per Bottle. THE DIASTATIZED IODINE, . For purifying the Blood.-Price perBottle.. and par- Mothers` nu!-sing. -nus BAUDEINE ' I An etcient and prompt Remedy for Cboleu, Yellow Fever, Dist;-hm:-., Dyseutery, and the excessive action of the Bowels. A was awarded by the French Government. D-I.--.Q.......u u-- - -- " mmnuxunuury tor Epidemics in Pan ot the Civil Hospitals of Algiers, u-oduced in England his ORG; u uuucuu C INES. `pox-tation, and retain lbei . cuulutzl 101- the Ulycerine Toilet Requi- i Handkerchief. sites. Eau de Cologne. - All the above are cm-efully prepared for Ex- : excellent qualities in any climate. 96 Strand; 128 Regent Street; 24 Cornhil], London. 17 Boulevard des Italiena, Paris. __._..-_._ DR. VICTOR BAUD S ORGANIQMEDICINE. --: Toilet Soaps. Lavender Water. Cold Cream. Perfumed Vaporizer. Rosa Leaf F oWder.. Perfumes for the Hamel.---..I.:.-4' ;;I./\.l.l.L`L'J nxmnrib, ! . . . ; A I) V E )ERF`U.'\lEx'l_ by appomtment to their M8183-J ties we Emperor of the F1-euch,theQueeu E `of Spain, the Queen of Holland, the Queen of the Belgians, and the King of Portugal; and A LOCAL -PAPER H.R.H. the Prince of Wales. I up. ----n , the plainti said, the treatment aroso __v- u-U rvwliul till? obedience she had vowed to render. As to the count which complains of her property being token, these considerations may_ up- ply. There might, indeed, be a question whether, after the defendants had procured the plainti"s expulsion, the right of pro- perty would` not revive. But to meet that mone has been paid into court. As to tho nssnuit. I was sorry to find it pressed. There is nothing in the evidence to sustain it except the alleged stripping, when, plain- ti' alleges, she did not take of her dress fast enough for the defendant, who rudely snatched them from her person. If so, there` would be what would amount in law to an nssault. Next as to the imprisonment. Whether there was nctual restraint will be a conict of evidence which it will be for you to decide. But I now come to the real grave.- men of complaint---the count for a C0l1Spl- racy. His Lordship then went through 1 history of fhe plninti"s conventual life in order to find out what led tu the harsh treat- ment which she had undoubtedly met with, and which, if without cause, would give a ground of complaint. On the other hand, if her own conduct led to it, the case wouldus- nume a. different aspect ; while, on the other hand, if you should see that it arose from any unworthy motive, it` might be of great importance in leading to a conclusion. As from the attempt to get her to disclose her confessions. On the part of Mrs Starr this was entirely denied. You have oath against oath, and it is for you to decide. To do this it will be necessary to look at the circum- stances, and first it was proved that up to 1862, Mrs Starr had not treated the com- laints against Miss Sanrin as serious. She had even written letters to the Bishop com- mending Mrs Starr. The parents seemed to have entertnined high notions about their daughter`: rights_-notions which, perhaps, you might think inconsistent with implicit obedience on one side, and the absolute power on the other. At all events, accord- ing to Mrs -Starr, the plaintiff had not im- proved in habits of obedience. But in 1861 there is no doubt that Mrs Starr commenced the course of applyin a stricter rule to Miss Saurin than she ha applied before. To what cause this in to be ascribed is for you to decide. In 1865 Miss Saurin wrote to the Bishop a statement of her grievances, and did not mention Mrs Starr : demand that she should disclose he? confessions, and yet it is impossible to account for its not having Been mentioned if this had really been the planes of Mrs Starr : estrangement from 81'. ' f$-_.!. A .1 I - :- 4 l 1111118 Company has been doing business in 5 Canada for nearly 50 years, and during that : time has secured the public condence by the I I prompt and liberal senlemeutofevery fair claim. It has fully complied with the laws ofcanadu by the deposit with the Government. of Stocks to the amount of ` 359.000 _ _ ; A nri in ......_-_..J l]7UUuUUU And is` prepared to issue policies low as the safety ofthe assured will I I Irrnu tirr .5u... wr nugmnu and Britisih,Poasessi( DUFRESNE, 79 Wading Street, May be obtained of-all Chemiatl. $1,000: Losses paid in 49 years, \ . I zEtna Insurance Co. uf H:u't-3 ford, Conn ` 1 `PAID UP CAPITAL AND sURPLUs-{ ;4,833,543,3_9. 1 1---, --- I Home Insurance company of New llaven. ` T` L`...__- -_ `_ uA4u nnu -.-nnuu mmuz to and from 1 Inland Ports on f'`e terms. ` Losses promptly and liberally adjusted and \ paid in Canada. Currency. ,fAL1wu uunn-m .__,. l -.-lul OIIII II Tao. A. ALIXANDIR, President: _ ___-_.-..-. I \.l\.J.AI:1lIl. 1391 INCORPORATED IN 1819. CAPIT.-\L$3,000,000. A`SSETS$5,150,93l,' \ ULL AND CARGO RISKS to and fro l.n:|nn:: ..--......|._ __J I- zlluu Insurance. u tulu. ll. W88 harmoniously. awn havlna Au-\`| l s6:|:'-_T Murine l;I;lll'1lll(`,. 1569. CAPITAL .. $1,000,000. PREMIUMS RECEIVED DURING 1867- _ $2,000,000. Funds deposited in the hands of the Goverment for the security of Policyholders. H` All re risks carefully sixrveyed, and the rate of Premium made to correspond with the I risk assumed. I r . up--.-. n--o..__ I-{To1n7e` [T lsurance Company of New Haven, Conn. Phusnlxflre Auuranc Company OF LONDON. :5 Kingston, Feb. 4, 1868. l`HIS Canada f'm- mm.-1- K July 1`. March 9, 1869. JIIII lull! D. SA1'nLn. Cnunnns Wmsozv I President. Secretary. , CASH CAPITAL .. ., 31,000,000. } AKE A_ND RIVER. RISKS taken on hulls i A and cziranm at ranannnhln .._....,. I Kingston, Fab. 4, 1868. h&:`.:::.`.?e:l.'..`:":.';`* .:t:':::*::*,sr:3:5mr ` :~`E`,:Ra:::;n=- . A] Oice-33, Clarence Street. Kingston, March 20, 1862. `Agent at Kinggtot: vrm Aatlu nnu nnvnu. KLEKS talka y czfrgoes at reasonable rates. JAMD.` unvrmrn . Royal Assurance Company EUGENE RIMMEL. TTuDn L_ ay seems as yet, unhasppi1y,fa.rdis'- public opinion or State Interfer- prevent the advenim=.m.... .. L - _ ,. _.-- .a vuuunul al_ Preparation of In tion. . Kidd, Author of S on Chlomform. kVia-atu-Ant D`in - - J LIVERPOOL YND LONDONQ MAXWELL W.STR.ANGE, A non! FA: Yin-pal.-u "M. nnunuun-Juatlucullklll 11 you Bllollld be of] opinion that these acts have been done under tbo powers given to the uperior by the voluntary submission of tho pla.inti', and have been submitted to by her as par: of the thaw nnnnt uvhinh nnm..l..:__ -1` L-" ., .... nuuwll 10 no appreciated. Lilian in chnractariling it (via, ulyne) as the mou useful rn"edi- nppeared during the prieaent diarrhau, colic. sumo. .......... ; Italians, vuuull Ul. LIJFBB pfpfl THE BAUDEINE, xnd r--nv--H D-*-` " .. ........ ,uu uo, you would be there, which are secret co: f the market. yany medic me, and recommend your Col: 1 never prescribe a secret r Orunnns Kmn, M.D. , Chemist, Manchester. from Nnw V:-Jr --`--' lzlartfortl, THE DAILY NEWS--FRIDAY -_ vENING;._ _-% MARQ11 19. `A1 .....-u-nu-n 1-.: "7. u mnsuutsule rates. JAMES sw1F1',Agem, St. Lawrence Wharf. .2-I-j ul;cuL`-_)'. JAMES SWIFT, Agent, St. Lawrence Wharf. germination, which thus ible. irritative and nucleus ace being ab- l without. ininrv on -L wfhos. KIRKPATRICK. __I.v...... \'n -._ uuu ll BU, EH35 WIll' nbrd an answer to a. considerable portion,_l though not the whole. of the complaint. For instance, there is nothing here which would warrant personal violenceanothing which would warrant restraint of the person -nothing which would warrant a conspi- racy such as is alleged. And if you should be of opinion that the conspiracy is made out. the defence is not sustained. But it may be an answer to some other acts, other- wise without Justification if you should be of Qhiniun tht than-an note lint-n Hans. J n n - - --- I l .uuu.uu 1 NIL" on known -Gomposi-, m nor Standard Works uzalgorm. : , Piccadilly, London. would advertise your won do, help hich com- nrket. medical recommind com- g Drescrihn n Ilannnb -- Toilet Powders. Portable Fountains. Toilet Vinegar. Hair Preparations. Tnnth Dunn-In-- nu. ; nczIn:uul.IUB. Tooth Powder. Glycerine Requi. sites. u naaux-:u Wlll permn. JAMES SWIFT, Agent, St. Lawrence Wharf. um HICUUUUB I81`. York writes : ` n Dun ----- "0 50 Imnntnu-ini-.. :. ,_.,- -nvtn Wflle -..._uI JAMES SWIFT, > and Member of the Lria, 0iafPbysician 5 Paris, late M.D. Algiers, has just in- ORGQNIC MEDI- Company of Conn. E. I . Donn, I General Agent. I `TI T\T Invn OIIIJIJ :4 II St. Lawrence Wharf, ,__ ._ ..., .v-4..., uuu Vl IJUIIIE I m,m`1'Uutof a`c;,m.em_ James S. Carlwrlglu, We ought to try it as though we were] ARRISTEIE-.-\T-LAW. OFFICE- mt-mlvcrs of the Roman Catholic Church, nc- l ENCE STKE-ET, OPPOSNG the 1 0 clepting the system common to boih parties Fb1'U".`r' 17- -w|iich gives unlimited power to the Supc- -` ` " rinr. and imposes unqualied subjection up- James Agnew, on _tl'.c sulmralinatc. Tne pl:1imi"s coup` ARmSTER,,nd A-I-1-Um.;Ey_M_LA llllll` dlV'Ide into several, l1euds.|B veygucel-'&c_ O-icg B330] St;-9g] `ii-st, of being as-mulled and stripped : door south or the 1.u ritia/1 Wing Utce, u next. of being deprived of some articles be." i August I. longing to her ; thirdly, of having been -- libclleol to the Biahop ; lastly, that the_re has been a con:Ipiracy.:t;_-guinst her, by means of] \I/ilklsolt dc Reeve, _ ARl:lb"l`ElL5 AND ATTORNEYS-n ill-treatment. to force her to [leave the con- Sumihm Conveyucers `LC 1, vent, and cause the Biulmputo expel her from g_ w_ ' ' ' the Unler. The dclcnda.nt.5 dny thew (`u|ll- ; ()n.'[QE__,3.,u,h west come, of gun plaints. anulfvlace upon the rccordia. plea. ml" East Streets. leave and licence, i. c., a plea that the severi- ` WI. H. WILKISON. W. A; REEVE ties uf which she cnnlplains new inflicted L`-ounty Crown Auorn y. ' with her own consent. Nay, who lnviteis or - * consents to an act otherwise wrongful c:1n- 0 RcIIIy cl . .Dl`!I|)l:l', not cnmplain of it. And if so, that will ARRISTERS A1-1'0RyEY3,M_LAvq '9. B {org 3,, cb,{nce,-y_Cbnmb.e,-5 505 of: _tha_complni_nt. I & 9, Anchor Buildiuma. Ri.a....,... n 1 pnr `nab--s..- -L--- 5 IIJ Iv . LJ LLIQLIKIII Agent. for Kingatbn DAL ciea on terms as [ permit. ` : Swim-1' - I --.-u ILILCIIUIT` em or sale of It is to be continue to f those of its I`IApn-riun .-2-1 $'z3,ooo,Ao0u_ .4.-5 cnu- ' to the 331,71 from nuts, AND IF Y0 NOT ALREADY TAKE M ADVANTAGE OF TYPES AND INK RESOLVE A1` ONCE TC , ,7- _- --- I t-AIA A A-III`!-3|} wn rn you against allowi11gJrel'igi0us prepos- aessions or prejudices to.opcmte. You may think convent litb an object: of dislike and of suspicion. But no such consideration must. inuence your minds. This is not 3 case in ' which Protgstant. parents complain that a daughter has been inveigled or ill-treated. The person who comes forward is one whose parents had sent a third daughter wthe con- ventunl life, and who does not complain of having been kept in :1 co went, but. of being turned out of a convent. W; n.u..Lp A- L__ `A CON`l"RAC_'!'8 THE LARGES`I| `JIROULATION or ANY Nnwsvipnn PUBLISHED IN THIS onrnns Tm: SEST MEDIUM Iron LO0Ai. an Gunman. ADVERTISE" HRNTS; THEREFORE Anvnnrlsn IN 1:3: DAILY NEWS." ,1 _ urn, 'l`HIBJ9UB1'A.L POSSESSING DAILY N.EWS.1 :PA RTIOULARS OF I A Dv`ERTisI3. {Ir YOU HAVE :11 `YOU WOULD DAILY NEWS OFFICE. JUDIOIOUS USE OF` NE*.fVSPA.P'F:':l i`.0I.UMN8!\ _--.. \.-50:44.11 \I\Ig-` VIHL` `.7 -`--_ `V Fob. 2t`n.--Tho Lord Chief Justice now do- and. livored a. charge which occupied from 10 to ARRIST 5. He said :--There is no doubt that in cm" I consequence of the revelations of convent life I which the trial has elicited. it has acquired a. _ , R.` fnctitious interest which. it` it had related to. ` 0 1:1 01 disputes arising in any other society, it U`"` never would have pause nod. We must take J` P` G' care that neither party derives any unfair _ advantage frum the religious element. The MLdvf'" plaintiff has :1 Prote; _:mtjury, and I must 1-`-`RR_`_5Tl warn you alluwing religious prcp0s- "'_' U'"5 convent life :`I)m"- KINGS` such mm A` M_`' Case K. to which 1`rutestant. parents_compluin :1] mgs U" .LI....._I.L_._ I V l AND YEARLY AGREEMENTS [ADVERTISINGI TIMES. PLACE THE THE MOST ?s'Ucc2:ss1rUL TRADESMEN AND Manon-pAN1' IS THE BEST SPENT MONEY A ND NOT TO ATTRAUT cusmunms SIGN A THOUSAND nu BE MADE A_'r.T (Continued on -Fii'It Page.) MEDIUM WERE `OUR BUSINESP! A D V E A D we R '1' TO 4-. LIBERAL AND IN THE PURCHASE AND ERECTION OF AN ATTRACTIVE SIGN "AND REPEAT THE TO ADVERTISE A u0GAL BUSINESS, ramueromc GO Arin. ADMIT _`l'Hl IMPORTANCE OI .1 LITTLE xrurvmma - _V -_--_. ...... nuuII.lUl'Il ngour. I other hnnd,tha defendant: gave I go show that her faults incteuad. thin period Mia; Snurin complain; ._.......___..___.__. (r`..-mo:.....A -- ' ` - ` ' :9 YOU WOULD muvn wan ausmnss, PUBLIC AND` IN THE an unnrr or Y9UD0 EHTISE ER'I`lSEt THEIR SU OCFG- OA RRY SUCH AJUDIOIOUSSTEP roli ADVERTISING FOR YOUR PLAOI --_..._-._- --~v_.- 1-*m1).:u' EVENING, MARCH 19. gar` M51: FIRST PA 015:. BE onlvgh. MREXN AND ATTRIBUTE BEFORE TH! OF BUSINRS8 TO '-THB A ND EA AND PERKINS W orcesterahi 3 This delicious Conm N wee _ _ ant, pronounced by Ionnqaaaeua ":'IZbo- only gpod gages," ' Sold Wholenlo and for Export, by mrpm prietors,Worceatar; Heuru.O ` o well ; leuru. Barclay and Bonagh `ad snug THE GREAT CON\ EN;a '..1. na`. 'N--*- ' GLUES are one: coloured with these dyes. INK : A Sixpenny bottle of Magenta. 1 or more of cold water WATER - On-I -`-~- -` Ond dro PRINTING on Co of cold pofd ye wi tton, Silk 'ng cannot be bad. 3 will find Mngenta, Violet Orapge andrPink useful colours. /' 'GELA'rINES ` and to anccaaltullv _ than: a--- .. .......u 11 Ann : To color: Magenta, for Pink or Rose; add half 5 bottle to a then stir in the Whitening as usual. Mauve, Violet, Purple, Blue and crimson produce pretty tints by using one bottle or more, as directed above. STAROH: Stir in a few dro , attract the dye quickly, ifapplied in boiling water. PAPR. and W001) sram: Ditto. 0.51: sum; A bottle of No. 2 Black to" half a-pint of hot water. _ SATINWOOD STAIN: Magenta, Violet, Blue, into an egg cup - _ - -..,.. . mauve, violet recommended. LEATH ER: Blue, Magen Orange. Dye in warm we WHITEWASH: To Rose; _add_ 8111' In H... mm A .u rennet them clean. FEATHERS: Dye in or the dye is sufciex f1_{\I'|'1rnh.\7 it U1 1116 (1 00TT0N:i'LT1'3e, Pnl-nrnn-nu.-.A...l -.-- --~ .7 the will dye ~20 yards of Bonnet Ribbon in ! 10 minutes; it will also produce a clear Roan Pink by using less dye. Suitable also for Woollen Goods, Feathers, Silks, kc. ` WUOLLENS: Magenta, Mauve, Violet, Purple, Orange, Pink, and Crimson produce the most satisfactory results, "an .. In--- cy of the result being, indeed, almost magical. By their use almost any article of clothing can be dyed in a few minutes for a few pence without soiling the hans MEMORARDA. MAGENTA : The dye is almost: incredible. .. uncu uuu mo nnllian- I the ! will Woolle Goods, Feathers. Silks, Am \'|'7;.r\r I --~-* -- -....-.. .. u.u5uuuI, unu :--It is to be regretted that the `.n Drogbeda. was not pursued. Mr Matthews, indeed, said that rat would have been a sort of at that course might hnve spared nful inqhiry. In is plain that the y wete weary of Sister Scholastic: ;was impossible they could go uiously. However, Father Mat- no tlun'Iin...l 5.. ...`._.._f `I- I vvuun bod y. 4__.__________.____ UDSON S SIMPLE DYES PEOPLE. -Any one can us thing can be dyed with thnm. It in this small space to euumerm uses to which then wonderful 0. chemical preparations can be up their chief use is for dyeing tax they are also invaluable as A coin for almost every known materii with which they can be used and nlm almnnt an-. ..-4:_1- _ 1- `I015 JUJLET` Removes from the moutl mates and odours, wbethe or other causes, and con and morbid secretions of c lies and softens the skin,` tends tn: promote a hcalw L,.J_, |uH pnu nluelni. I Freeing meat, fish, butter, from taint. Counlcractirig the effects taken into the stomach. Curing Must; provendcr. othcrsccd from smut. Maintaining the health of conservatories. _ Prcr-`erving and retoring U owers kept in wutur. VDL-struying the bligh|,~ ol 1 hop, mulberry tree, Sic. Waslxilng dogs and other do Cleansing bmeles, beer bar dairy lllcllzsils. \Vu.shing the hair and da when turning grey. Enhancing the purifying an fects of baths and tubs. Dressing poisoned w-ou'uda 1 ma] virus. Treating the infectious d horses, dogs, &c. (hm unllnn ...-I.-- r-A - ..u:m:a, uugd, (EC. Unc gallon makes for use. `a n .4 - _ . _.___.____;_______.. i10NDY`S PATENT FLUID or natural disinfec- (/' unit puries, deodorisei, nnd:di_ainfects, by the agency of nascent or ozonic oxygen,-its active principle. Being entirely innoxious, this truly scientic preparation is peculiarly adapted for the following useful purposes, Ior which all o_I._lner dieinfctftnlits, on accounlof their poisonous or other objectionable qualities, are unavailable and useless :- Dotccting organic impurities in air and water. Purifving drinking and other water from or- -gunic matter, load, &c. - Freslicning the nirof close places, and remov- ing bad smells. Freeing or other Drovisiomr _-,--, v.....5c, runs, and Urimson prodllc most satisfactory results. Use alarge water in an earthen pan. RIBBON.-.5 and SILKS: Brush them with soap and water t 0 Avoid creases, and to render them clean. Dye in boiling water. 'EA'I'mmsx- n-~ =- - - n want. uuu un. 11 llluulf. Mnnufzuzturcd by the Inventor, Richard Free- man, 70, Kcuuingzon Park Road, London, S. Thu annninn huh nnarnvnri nn :1... { umn, nu, ncuulllgioll [nix 13.0110, LOIHIOD, D. The genuine has engraved on the Government Slump (outside ench Bottle), F`REEMAN`S ORIHINAL UHLOR.()DYNE." Wtl \lI|ll7I\JLIIIl{:. The Medical Times and Gazette, January 13th, 1866, states, II. has an immense sale amongst the public, and is prescribed by scores of Ortho- dox Medical Practitioners, aml, of course, it would not he thus singularly popular did it not supply a want. uud ll a place." ' MnILI1fv14-luur...I lvuy ll. Tnrn..~.Jn_ TP:,.I.....J12`-.... DUI] j.'I'L'lII.|J' III IJICI |'I.'\-I V I` 1I[`AI".JA1l.'l L` D. Emvl Russell communicated to the Royal Col- lege of Physicians and to Mr Freeman, that in Manilla the only rcmed_y of my use in Cholera. was Chlorodine. II`)... l.l...1_'__l rn-._.-_ /1--.. 1'-_._.__ un.| IIIVU IJSBIJUU ll-U l..'1|l!ClaU lll lIIll'l'.'lul Uulllpllfldll Villall ' tho:-ie of" DR. COLLIS BROWNEB CHLOB.O- DYNE," _nI.d deposed to the facts that they found it u more ceunin and reliable preparations, and greatly preferred FREEMANS. I-1`umI Human {|r\II\ll'|IIn:t\r|nll On I1-In "Anal 1":-.|_ century. 1': II IITBUIJ UHJFIUJUU U IIJU IIIIKI eminent `Phyuicinm nndurgooocln hospital and prints practice in all put: of the world. It has e'ectI peculiar toinelf, and which ltd Quentin!- 1y different to those produced by the in-ions compound: bearing the nune of GhlorodyneTh.nt have no presence to poisoning itl virtnu. It rapidly relieves pain, from whntever came, :1- lnys the irritation of fever, soothe! the system under exbljlsting diseases, and given sleep with- out producing any one of the unpleasant. feelings so commonly arising from the use of opiates. It continues to hold its unshaqen position in the cstinmtion of the Profession as the best, most reliable, and cheapest preparation. Eminent and scientific Physicians made affidavits that they have tested its occta in careful comparison with ohnun nl/`H HI? I`.l\I .l'.'lQ RD\KT?JI`. ~l {'!H'I'.Pl'I- 4 omamn. onLa1z'orirNn,',by Bi Freeman, Phurmsceupia, in Illomed to be one oi"1.h'd "gren`test.'diacover!ea of the . present 4 century. It In largely einbioyed by `lb moot ncinnnf `Phvnini-ma -mi-u:-annngln hnnnilnl and _ -....., 3!: Is 30 co ,-. .. ..: n 4., ........u . orusn men; to and nder IERS: hot water (a few drops a sufcienl. for one feather). IN: Mauve, Violet and pnrnin - --..-..u uul; rum, and, used f healthy state SHAVINGS, Wicker, Ivory, Bone, res, Seaweed, &c., fapplied .- laundry purposes is A 1. }ES: A Sixnennv """"` "" at}. HE and invigorating e-ff Lhs tubs ; and destroying ini- , _ __.. - uuvL1dO.l!LI `(FOR TOILET PUuPOSlS,) om thn mn...L :_-( ) than read the correspon- : proposed removal of Miss M the Bagot street convene, to that at Droghedn, and is to he rnarnttnrl .1... .L.. 1 -.. ...-u nuuul. 1515 Impa enumerate the then umm-l...r..I .-J ` , - ,.- v..-u1, 1 mouth impure and foreign itll'., whether arising from tob_aceo_' rs, counteracts the irritation` crc-tiona carious hunch to ---= n . DULI Patentec, ||. l7' (LU. ; domestic \ than k...... L.,.__..I- -' darkening its colour ey. diseases all n UULLIB [.0 pi 3 0 ed above. -vi B few drop: r; use with a brush or :, similar to Ward and Lo `P . _,. .......L H. BOLLMAN comm Pdlentpn Rnnn....._ Y _, . .....-.cnu. mt teat} `e, and Pu --,5 -u u-u_v vuuur society, It ve that n L , inst aHnu'in.- rnlin-l.\..n n.-...\.\.. I the freshness 0! cut ll|'.L`l'. a, Magenta, Violet and l water. ' 0 ;f to A man -4-...-- -- ...,.... uuu um unman- ing, yt ehands. nuuul as I colouring I material, the LX]. be used up"! on... L_:1 nu cuu(ll('.fBl'-O IUD many and beautiful `us cgn ha Any-.l.'n.-I . -I.:I- 200 to 300 gnliona adapted rid is the Standard Scientic utter in Wan-r .....a ..n-._2. ,_ "Aug l.'\JIIr ' use them ; `II than: I L. 3-- - A ` ' " `PPHFG; while textile fabrics `[3 RE I I-ninn-4-... ..,_,,! uuucuul. I-[H1 Dellflll be Lpplimi; while dyeing textile :..a.-;..,. ,_..-v.-u.m mu: lrrlll "_carious teeth. It] 1, and, used in the I nlthw aha... AIALA l IUI U` high wvn th/e Ease : the brillian- udeed, nlmnao mn-=--I r animals. r barrels, pickling tuba, .u:I:lAN UON'DY,' , Battcrsen, London. ___,______I a a'nc caaItull;i rm tints quart. or Wool in the ` and Freeing. wheat ard ` provisions` the potatoe, vino, (j___. 0 A YOUNG` MERCHANT- pay more for the tent of yo` house than for advertising yom you are pursuing: false polio can do bwsinosa,let it be known.` LIN. of organic poisons plants in pots and g texule fabrics, coiouring agent aterial. lhn no-t x the hub will according to therh ;-n;y.; is impossible arntn Hm v---- `cth. d bath, of the whole you TE} I Ihnnn - --- . to a pint . ,. Purple are of cattle, > manded. EA SALT, for producing 9. real Sea B0 In your om: Room. The Above fovonritof preps:-yuan iyluongly l_'O0I1- Rnln D----' - -u--- T ma. a1u.wm1.i:, r.n.sL, `Z Author of the Spa: at Ger.-many. " Dr. Granville) has found the Dr. dc Jonglfa ` triua bei"u-g-1 '1 pure and unadulterated article. ..._, ...uouugat.1ona, 1 have no agub mu` .- un-. m.'5'1'uEBY, Medical Oicer of Health, and Chief A_:ial_yst to ` the City of London. In all casesl have found Dr. dej Jongh s - Light--Brown Cod Liver Oil poseeasin It is, I believe, universally ackn Juu u IIKI Henry Agenu. ..u-vucn lur LNDIIII Hiddltl. I consider that the purity of this oil is accur- ed in nu prepsration,` b_v,tha pe_|-zonal gttenou` one kind of Cod Liver Oil which in nniveually admitted to be genuine--the Light-Brown Oil supplied by Dr. de Jongh. It has long been our puctioe, when prescribing the oil, to recqmmgnd this kind, since, amidst a much variety-and` n- certainty, we have condence in its genni ne- y connidm nu-o on..- _..-s-i - ~- - __ , W % L V s DR:-EDWARB snrrn, 11113.. A ' Medical Oicer to the Poor Luv Board of Great` Britain. ~ . A IITITA LL3-L '- , ,_,_,-..._. ..- VIUJIIHIJ H1 Hill WEB I have frequently prescribed Dr. Light-Brown Cod Liver Oil. I couai u very pur/e cl, not likely to created a therapeutic agent of great 711110., SELECT MEDICAL OPINIONS. A SIR HENRY HARSH, BART, HI), Physician in Ordinary to the Queen in Ireland. have frnnnnmolu -.........:|.-_u rs - Lu. 7 Jun: UALI. DR. DE JONGIPS Oil in convincingly proved by an overwhelming weight of malice! testimony, and by the practical test of for twenty years in :1] part: of the won-ld,_to be, beyond all question, the. parent, the most eiou.- cious, the moat palatable, and, from its rapid curative effects, `the most eoonomioalolall kinds. 1:! experience- Hence the universal celebrity oi Dr. do Jonglfs V Oil, and the uupnrnlleled demnnd lo: thi:nu'ri- nlled preparation. " ` uu, nuu we uppnn prepnranon. V ---- -uvn-I 3 P'Ptiemn-TiDlAH & st '-lg 16' W0;-|n'ood *3 Ludon ji. The L. 3. Pub. c6.a1so publish The Farmer's. Guide By Henry Staphona of Edhahngh nndthe Into J . P.Norton, of Yale College. 2 vols. Royal Oc- tavo, 1600 pages and numeronsngmvings. PRIOE--$7, for the two volumes. i By tho. post paid. $8. ` ' ' - yvllfvua ' It is the cheapest. only 25 cents for a 1. von ll lik. :. -_-I K rouowing reduced rates, viz: The North British from Jsnusry, 1863, to D t-ember, 1866, inclusive; the Edinburgh and it Westminster from April, 1864, to December, 1866, inclusive, and the London Quarterly for I865 and 1866, at the rate of $1.50 a your for eacb or any Review ; also {llsckwood for 1866, for $2.50` -ran: LEONARD -soon-T Publishing co., 1 38 Walker-street, N.Y. I U D _1' A 6 I . ` When sent mall, the Pouage to any pom qfthe United States will be but wgn mm.` cent; a. year for " Bla:-.kwood," I. 4:! hurt `gh; G911 a year for gsch of the Bayiewg, Subscribers inay obtain back fmben at the following reduced ' rm... Mm n-at-I 4'---- Y------ ---- - - ` `THE LONDON QUARTERLY (oonservstive THE EDINBURGH REVIEW (Whig). THE WESTMINSTER REVIEW (Radical). THE NORTH BRITISH REVIEW (Free ch h) no _\ amcxwbons EDINBURGH MAGAZINE To .) - I \hl(ES1.`yi'oreign periodicals are regular], 1-. j. published by us inrthe same style as hereto. forex Those who know them and who have long subscribed` to then, need no reminder; those whom the" .civil war of the last few year; had deprived of their onoewelcbmesup ly or an best periodicsl literature, will be g to buy. them again within their reach ; and those whg may never yet. have met with them, will sum-ed. ly be well `pleased to receive nccredited upon. of the progress of European science and linen. ture. ~ ~ TERMS FOR 1869. Forsny one of thelourlieviews - For Any two of .he four Reviews - For my three-of the four Reviews logoo For all four of the Reviews - 12.09 - -00 For Blackwood a Magazine - - Z 4.00 7.00 For Blsckwood and one Review - 7,00 I-`or Blackwood and two Reviews - 10,00 For Bleckwood and three Reviews - r8,oo For Blackword and four Reviews - 15,00 1 EDWIN And 3 large` nmount T-of general T P4-ice, Five Cents. Bqb `R. DE JONGEPS LIGHT-B . LIVER OIL. `D `nu `fI\\TlII"l-It-5 1... . BRITISH 1=nn1omoALs. . . "F-I gm OONTAHVING ALL rm ` % llyma EI;"1'EKTAlNING 131031;, L _& A: r] I larva` nmnnnt n! .........n 4 u -.u. u euectum vents the Hair from fa] tare-ly gray, and when are not destroyed, wi] nrinnt growth of hair ~ pea:-ed. 0 I'D ig 4I-- ~l- --w ample` ; 'Periority." raid iettlifd. my d :1-ofn-Wgln a .iver couaidenit to be. ; create d1agust,' and greas Vllna. ?_ 3; ESQ`: F.R.C.S., inz-cram 'Fl'mm:4.r Addfs; -ouzcuy ever orfe:-ed. Henry Simpson at 00:, Agents. ` $4.00 I-its 4"!!!-n Ill 4. . -A ` H Elma. lming LO *4 ....f ';l-J`... such house: 1 x ` med bra null % under 10 linu. M, \ ll tion, and two - insertion. Is an internal as well as 1 and is the only one that alwt tisfaclion, and all who once consent to change it for any ( We have not space to em accorded to it by thousands and voluntarily testify fo it bottle and satisfy yourself remedy ever offered. ' Han:-v Rim... 1- A - -' LLIIUIL, UOICI In I or Frost Bites, &c., mi ` -1` M ch, foi its ' It does not pr ' Ollnzlndies but from M. and pr obnbly an en rgys that bachelors of `h mde to pny_n` 3 ` ` * 1d0WBl'8, Il having nl w , be exempted. `T. " be ashnfortuna. Caledonia. as we sister becomes 3 pensi ... ngrrnte one of the mgny -f m nglieh young lid!" bcc glcwtjgguc; or rather how `ma educated as Protest A grief to friends at [1 mi} to be known that she hns ` `:15 and 18 years of age. They ~ ool where the young ladie ed for the world by an ~7g,h;h is almost exclusively relig' _~ useful mundane kqowledg "1 - The mother is dancing at (J ` 7 1 singing lessgns, and gi guggin es` int e garden at l` e vllfafaghe hits had se '|ge from young noble .l ml: visit the girls often, but 9 want. Two years pass who is now in Paris, . unteha has become 3 Bo . Anne is called to Paris im `M . ism inexplicably unhappy ' .; looks ill and weeps, and l . to the Virgin Mary. W -Inn Irkhna In her` ,` '0 lug yugiu Luau . I1 ,1; me wishesto beco r sholic too: Mamrna. says x mm `guy from the maternal h g be traced. As time roll ruin her mother that sh mietiring from the w ikndl gone through . ` first steps. d Atugusta u"ah." of a. e an` 15 mis _ Ae1 1tbattke mo"ther1n.s In . tor siuceil by a letter W y` ' lly on the saint : with pretty little nun. py, has never Ecpe qurnully for her family. "Indy turnsnp later in Ame as become a nun also. - ` curinus part of it. The sup r em" in America, applies to money for u dowry, as inhacoing Qf age, contrnr ` ghee no claims on the fit! Ind been born after the 1- `ad the father, no (1 accident, had not mad; any the es: irl. Thin wa cc of the} 4 :- where .Au'ti'e had 138.000 was expected `on Ige. `No one knows to this ` . from Paris to the Unjted St time I lost sight of Mrs, ' Jtpaid a. farthing, and decl intend to (1050. 'What y of these girla-how they ` will never be known ~to The letters they write t Evidently dictated. I be} - A Ministers Plenipotentin " Catholic eountries -- eqbiout British subject English youngi . they are att ` church; and their! Vlnltyisadtlreaaod when the V . ' ,, ,1 - nhnuu. u...'.Z..--_. - becbme Roman Cath o ` ' W ~ `ad gn Inter enter occaszonnl . "3 ue lost to their "parents V _ ng luditgs, our .,.,.have_a1most invariabl , ,. `bich becomes the prop " H511" their faking the ' ~ oftbe business is all t\nr\;l , 11 ha 111 are; but the `fail tiger} 31:3 generally bit 3 `:"' "iiil I]l8i,l days are short >1. 'u'ruo yanceh, [silly humitiat 1139?` which often ends in q _ ._ .... -..5a-geu In superiu _AI\ who-were at - keel; -The soldiers i their ' ' \,.,,,,'u_; Wnking advantage, ru _ _ ytlaem with their hatc `` ~ rdn eaten I -uuulGI! ` aw .. uuu momacn,Lwcr and Jjowels, they ?uI gn eectual remedy, `Va have In our posses. over one hundred testimonials fro1_n phyaic who have used them in their practice and b 1, `pp;-ova of them among which are the fol ing. 0. W. COWLES, M. D. Staustead. JOHN MEIGS, M. D., Stanstead. JOSEPH BREADON, M. D.. Sur BENJAMIN DAMON, M.D., Coamcook. ; LEMEUL RICHMOND, M.D.,De1-by Line. WINSLOW LEWIS, M.D_, Boston. R. D. MUSSY, M. D. Boston. uu unuv-UUAL EU RE a safe and reliable remedy in all d An! the Stonmch, Liver and Bouvela, Th nos Quack Medicines puffed up by high so: testimonials from imaginary people, but: result of forty years experience ofn. rs physician, and their extraordinary auccens to the fact that. they answer eiactly their The formula from which they areprepa: based on sound. scientic principles, and h ceiwed the unqualied approbation of the "1 pro_fes.s'ton. They do not profess to be 2: cu l1nfVnn-l'l A:...._--- -4-` ' ......u..-u nna,A A 1 U11?! 1:`. I5-at-LAW Solici- .. in Chancery-Cbn.mbers Nos. 7, 8, - 9, Buildings, Kingston, G. W. I Jutis U'R.:u.L\',Q.C. | FRANK G. l_)rurn12. , ..\:n|.V/L91. 11 I&,_C1mnccry.,Notu street, Kingsmn. | 1} Int _ unuce I I Street, Kingston. Annual 1.` i OFFICE REMOVED TU KlI\'G STU. , _NI.\lIL`x' ()l l 0b'ITE T111`) U BOOK .`5'i`0l{E. [ . BARRISTEI{und A'I"_I`URNF.'Y-at-LAW,Con- i veyancer, &c. Oico Street, second J upstairs. I August ` f_ 4.AuLtlLJLl&I\O ANU 5 Solicitors iu Chancery, kc. I U(1ices-i8 Glnreurq SI... oppomte the Post. U(ce_ K1Nasmu,C. W. Joan .\1LODONALD,Q. C. : Jnms PATTON, Q.G_` I. " Joan M. LIJCHAH. Kill0!l\r1 ,TnnVw `I I3 ........ u-vvv u In It lIl\I.`ll.I, BARRISTERS and ATTORNEYS-at-LAW, Conveyanoers, Notnris Public. Rkellard 'l`. \Vnlkcm, VOLICITOR IN GHANCERY. I b Uice--Clarence Street, Kingston, C.W. Gu.on.sLu:vn. L.L.B. | Rmu. T. Wuanu. Mncclouuld, Patton cl: Machur, }_gARRISTERS AND ATTORNEYS-at-LAW, I Snlinitnru i.. l"}.........-.. L- Campbell, - x A rxnrgxnuru -.111-ll Allllll BARRISTE R, Attorney-at-I 4:.-. Ufce opposite Pa 1'. . - ._....a. Y0UNGMERCHA.NT--/ ' ten nm advertisi When you t your business ng your business, p_ursuing a poli . If you ruslnosa, let known. - -F1u1n- `JOHN in Kingston, Jan'y 16. _ us March 15, 67. Josig-`pl: Bawdc-Au, TTORNEY AT-I`U, Solicifnr il L,_C11:1nccry,Not:u_1 Public, 830., 33 King act, Kingston. nunphell, lllowat as ulacdcrmell, )ARRIS'l`ERS, &c., Princess S&e.~':`., ston (opposite Daily News Ooe), Auxumnn CHIPBILL, Q,.C., Gleam LIYACI Mount, - Gmonan MILNIJ Lhonolllulo. March 15. m T -- I-nu-null C. ISL'(3"c, |.`.RHlt5TEl{5 ATTORNEYS-at-LAW, Sulicilors, Couveyaucers, &c. Nnpauee, `W. B. llngaye, TTORNEY-AT-LAW, Convey: L Kingston, C. W__ ....u_y u.-,uuIy to 113 men that er ofex-ed ;;.:;?s Gilderslceve ac `walkein, DDIQ-lvrnnn 1 ._.....-....-_-_._ _. we wcu. Is! an Elt yr always give once use it age other. otsnaca tn -av-r------h . mu uuuu and Dip us, Scratches on SUGAR-COATED ___: John Mudlc, .__J V-uva. . pace enumerate 1 ` thousands who hr.` nsnifv -2. :- -- '- / ' ` * "'9 Attorney-at-Law, Gonveynucer. eopposile Post. Uice, Clarence I. rclmule remeuy in all diseases , They are es Duffed un hv hi.-:1. .m....r:..._ ._..uu vvuu IJFAYB 115651 1` its merits. Buy `rself `at is Hm}-on vu-ngu U 5 """ ""J un thewn having declined to remove her, the Bishop held a visitation. He did not die- close his object, not pursue a -regula.rin- quiry, but pursued the usual course of see- ing each of the sisters separately. He`found Himself only in a state of hesitation, and let things go on. Such was the way in which the Bishop thought it right to exer- cise his power. I regret it, for if he had investigated `the whole matter he might hue settled it without the painful conne- quencee which have ensued. However, Hill Saurin went back to Cliord and in eerteinly_treeted with additional rigour. On the other hand, the evidence lh0_V herfnults increased. Dnrinn .|.;- __-- - --- - ' Dressing ever Clltlm tho --- 33. llontreal, - at -tund- H. D., Sherbrooke. Montreal, Wholesale nn external remedy: my: gives entirn nu- uuu uuweu}, 1 ey Ed P sounding nrv nennlp hm urn cl... .....- ... uul puss:-salon, mials from physicians -311' practice high- ; fol}ow- w. REEVE, M. A. 9!. mtism or Lamenesan vf the Joints, Sore Diphtheria, Burns horses, &c." __ -... -nun Luulvuyl gives entire as- u: it mun ---- ci xtinn vuu. wucuuc all: came. His Lordah-i-p deuce about the Saurin, rs: to and afterwards continued:--It reg removnl_ tn Drogheda Wu The Rev. i: the removal stigma, but c_ourse mi us thing painful cnmmunity of S and that it was .__ `LA-- - - -..-_y ucnaugclllcllli noels, furnish : possession, H. from nh.-.n:..:...._ 5! '7 Conveyance:-, &c. Dec. 1. ate the virtues have used it, hr: in D--- - 4--I-U. Dlly 5 1 Iltfi h8beBt4 .5... uv\AIl\Al|I Sple, but are the first-class: v liflnna t.. .1.. _ bl, Wholesale Ga cuuns 88- will never V r Dundas and .1 uau-\.uan.- 5 Post. Uice. I diseases . rm.-- -_ ucnauu Igu-lust. uouventual authority. It appears that Mrs Starr wrote Miss Baurin ts letter, which it is said was couched in terms of kind remonstrance. Mrs Starr wanted I precise acknowledgment of this fault, and this was signed by Miss Banrim tiho says she gave the acknowledgment in consequcnceof a promise thatjf she did so nllshould be forgiven. Mrs Starr denies it. _It is obvious that Mrs Starr was desirous of getting an acknowledgment under Lhehand at Miss Suurin ; and perhaps she might have said something by way ofconxing her to give it. At all events, she did not let her seerthst which perhaps was the object-- to obtain evidence of an offence which might justify expulsion. However, the matter was submitted to the Bishop, and at the same time the Mother Superior wrote to the uncle to tell him that the best thing to be done was to sencr her back to the con- vent whence she came. corres.pon- dhn I`ll'\IIf Ihn -. ........ -- V, .AW \.'... " -W E;CL4R- `IU-IE ! CITY wzuuyne more man you to beat. the others, a pounds, out of men think with recomr pound, but will prescri medy. OHABLI To-Mr Towle, Man: A Surgeon from New Yor only requires to be known I have no hesitation chnrnc Tow1e e Ghlorodyne) me cine that has duri , century.` In colic, I have found it tn pals... .....-- un unlozolprm. Sackville-street, P-icom Sir,--I think if you Chlorodyne more than the nfhnra u-..h:..L. _ From Dr 0. 1U w In The Original_ Pm unto.- The day nnhasppily, f taut when in was will prevent advertisement E any aeret medicine whatsoever. is hoped that the profession will ,_ __.. ---.., luv uuuuucl or those members who by testimonial or otherwise : the diapoinl of such things." am.-at. TOWI.E S CHLORODYNE. Original Prenustinn n? 1...... n Z OHOLERA, DIAR.R_H(EA, kc. grning feat-fully) to the effect remedjes tried, Ghlorodynq was th tive.- e most e'ec- uuug LU we cumuesnne letters his ship held them to be something like treason against Convoutual authority.

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