Kingston News (1868), 25 Mar 1869, p. 1

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LIIJIBKJ II: the line. K, ulatnuuw Ul EIJIJIII. I IICIJIJ `GIL ullluu. Section No. 6 will be in the Province of New Brunswick and will extend from the Easterly end of Contract No. 3, opposite Dalhousie, to the West side of the Main Post "Road near the -18:h Mile Post, Easterly from Jacquet River, about Twenty-one miles. Q5-I-finn NA '7 -ilI has in thn prnv:nnn nf "(IVA HUVLIL I WCUlJ UUU IUIICI. Section No. 7 will be in the Province of Nova Scotis and will extend from the Soutberly end of Contract No. 4, next River Phillip, to Station Filmy at Fully Lake, bnt Twenty-four miles. 914:1: nh vurnlan '2?! Inn:-ir-Alinnl and ` Two Qvnsrxoxs Easxu AxswIa:u.-Why Ihould men wear beards`.', Because they are I great protection to the fhroal and lungs, and udd much to. their personal appearance. Why should we use Bryan's Pulmonic Wafers ?" Be- cause when used fur coughs, colds, tickling m the throat, hoarseness, kc , they let like.-_h barm. Ministers and lawyers use: them, physibians re- ~ cpmmend them, Ind. singers and public speakers 81] they are the very besL1i1edicine in existehce tor the cure of such complaints. Sold by all medicine deal_e:s at 25 em per box. V `HE Commissioners appointed to construct the Imercolonial Railway give public no- tice (EM they are now prepared to receive TEN- nntnq r... I-nr:-rw. wnwruutn gnnvrrnnu A: Ulla`. |UI LLICJ HIE IJUVV PICPQIDVI |'U lC\IVc ALIA!` lDERS for THREE FURTHER SECTIONS of` aLA \t__ nuv IILIC. Section No. 5 will be in the Province of Que- bec and will extend from Forty miles East of Riviera du Loup, at the end o}f_Coutt-act N0. 2, to the Sixty-sixth Mile Post, `near Rimouski, 6 distance of about Twenty-six miles. Q...--Qnn Mn 1! usl 1-... in tl-an DpnIv:nnn of nut III! II. FUN. DISC. Iwul LWCUIJ-IUUI Lullca. Plans and proles `(with specication; and terms of contract will be exhibited at the oice of the Board of Works, Toronto, and at the oili- ces of the Commissioners in Ottawa, Rilnouski, Dalbousie, St. John and Huiifu, on and after the FIFTH day or MARCH, 1869, and SEAL- ED TENDERS, addressed to the Commissioners of the lute:-colonial Rsilwsy, and marked Ten- der," will be received at their office in Ottawa up to SEVEN o'clock, p.m., on the TWENTY- NINTH dny of March, 1869. A lntercoionial Railway office, Uttun, 11_th February, 1869. A w IVPIKANSIENT _A15vERT1sEMENTs.- A_-L4z-:'A1`: -1.` cl... l'\4r1v '_l`lll1L` DIDLV I. QLJVIEAISILDJHHAAJLI A-u. The large circulation of the DAILY NI-luvs renders-it the natural medium for the publication of all small and transient advertisements, as well as larger announce- ments Advertisements of religious notices and Sabbath services; situations wantedf; situations vacant ; houses for sale ; houses to rent ; houses wanted ; board and lodg- ing; rsoms wanted; board wanted; ar- ticles lost ; articles found ; cattle Wanted}; cattle for sale; cattle strayed, &c., when set close, inserted` for 25 cents each inser- tion, payable only in advance. When dis- Phyed, a proportionate price will be charged. Yrnr .\'n't'rut..--When_\n_ person hos proved an Article and found itrgood, and answering the purpose for which it is intended, he will not reujiiy abandon it for one of doubtful reputa- tion, or concerning ivhich he knows nothing. We are led to make these remarks owing to the course always pursued by those who have used that celebrated and truly valunblcihorse medicine known 19 l)arley's Condit_!on Powders and Ar- ubian Hears Rgmedy." All are so well pleased with it that they will not use any other; many have waited several weeks until the agent could obtain I new supply. There is nothing equal to it an a condition medicine, or for any complaint aecting the wind of horses. Remember the name, and see that the signature of Hard A`. Co. is on each pocknge. Northrop & Lyman, New- castle. Ont, proprietors for Canada. Sold by -11] Medicine Deniers. - ------I , Having passed sen-rel sleepleetnighta, disturbed by the ngouien and cries of n sui-ring child, and l hecnmin_g convinced that Mrs Winslow`: Sooth_ M mg Syrup was just the article needed, procured at u|\pl_Y for the child. On reaching home, and ttcqimirrting his wife with what he had done, she rt-fused to have It ndministet-ed to the child, in she was strongly in favour of botntuoputhy, That night the child passed in suffering, and the parents without sleep. Returning home the any tollowing, the father found the baby still worse; Ind while contemplating another sleepless night the mother stepped frotnithe room to attend to some domestic duties, and left the fmher with the child. During her absence be administered n portion of the Soothing Syrup to the baby, and said nothing. That night all hands slept well, and the Mile fellow awake in the morning bright and happy. The mother was delighted with the sudden and wonderful change. and al. though at first otfcuded at the deception practis- ed upon her, has continued to use the Syrup, and siittrring, crying babies, and restless nights hm rlisstppe.-treil. A single trial of the Syrup never yet fail-ed to relieve the baby, and overcome the - prejudices of the mother. 25 cents it bottle. Sold by. all drnggists. Be sure And call for " Nlrs \VIlIIOW _ Soothing Syrup, having the _r;rc-.n'nu'le of " Curtis _Perkina" on the outside wrapper. All pthera are base im- iutions. ' u uaunuu nun: VCI. ISABELLA MCIVER. Dated 10:1. Much, 1869. iuTEucoL0N1.u. RAILWAY. LARGE auortment of GERMAN BOU- QUETS, just. received by R, WHITE. i A lhnna 'l`n\vn lllcrt-hum, THE DAILY NEWS FLo}[ERs. A. WALSH, En. B. CHAN,DLER, 0. J. BRYDGES, w. In comm, f` ninvv. :nu:r\I-|n' ID. V! Ll] 1.1.! `_0hemiut and Drugggat, 42 Princess street. nd hnving thl QW UV; A lbw, Commissioners. ,3. WHITE, L -...i l'\-nn.-mm KINGSTON % (CANADA; A Isucnuf II I- AAI`|u.|I-lulu, Lllusslut. Dear Sir-l have been a. sufferer for upward of twenty years with gravel, bladder and kid- ney e"ecI-ions, during which time I have used various medicinal prepwratione, and been under the treatment of the most eminent physicians, experiencing but little relief. - . `- I-lnwinn anon vnrnn nllnnnle-ntinnn nroonaiwnln CAFCLIUIJLIU` UNI` DIVUIU Icllln lining seen your preparations extensively advertised, I coueuited my family physician in regard to using your Extract Buchu. 1 did bre begause I had used all kinds of advertised remedies, 8.'ld had found them worthless. and some quite injurious ; in fact,I despeired ofcver getting well, and determine`: to use no remedies hereafter unless I knew of the ingredients. It was this that prompted me to use your remedy. As you advertised that it was composed of huchu, cubebe, and juniper berries, it occurred to me and my physician as an excellent com- binntion; and, with his advice, after an exe- mination of the article, and consulting again with the drnggist, I concluded to try it. I commenced to use it about eight tnonthe ago, at which time I was conned to my room. 11.... as... ($.59 Lnonlnl man can-tniak...-I an;-I has cured every case of Diabetes in which it has been given. Irritation of the Neck of the Bladder, and Inammation ofthe Kidneys, Ul- ceratiou of the Kidneys and Bladder, Retention of Urine Diseases of the Prostate Glued, Stone in the Bladder, Calculus, Gravel, Brick- Dust Deposit. and Mucus or Milky Discharges, and fqrenfeebled and delicate constitutions, of both sexes, attended with the following symp- toms: indilrpolilion to exertion, Lou ofPower, ` Loss of Memory, Dicnlty of Breathing, Week Serves, Trembling Horror of Disease, Wekefnl- neu, Dimness of V_'i=ion, Pain in the Back, Hot Hands, Flushing of the Body, Drynees of the Skin, Eruption of the Face, Pnllid Counte- nence, Universal Lsuitnde of the Muscular Sytem, ho. is Diuretic and Blood`Pu1-ifying, and cnrep all Diseases arising from habits of dissipation, ex- cesses and imptndences of life, impurities of the Blood, &c., anpersoding Copniba in a`ac- tions for which it is used, such as Gonon-bcea, Gleets of long standing, nnd_Syphilitic Affec- tiona-in these diseases, used in connection with HnLnoLn'a Roan Wnsa. Pbiladelpbis, Penn., June 26, 186?. II. T. Ho-lmbold, Druggial: nuznr .qir__Y have hnnn n nnbpnr Pan nnuvo. BL I-vuluu|U I. Will! uuuuuuu uv I-IJJ Iuulu From the first bottle I was astonished and gratied at the benecial effect, and after using it three weeks was able to walk out. I felt. much like writing to you a full statement of my case at the lime, hilt thought my improvement might only be temporary; and therefore con-y eluded to defer, and see if it would eeau per- fect cure, knowing that it would 00 of greater value to you and more satisfactory to me. 1 urn nn nhln tn renm-I. that a (turn is effected um no you nuu I.I.|u|u Duulnlmvuun. up mu. lam now able to report that a cure is effected After using the remedy for ve months. I I... run! near! nnvnnw for three mnnthn u[9|' usujg LIJH IUILIDMJ IUI uvw guvuluuo I have not used any now for three months, and feel as well in all respects as I ever did. 1r-__ U....l..- |vun:nrI Jntrnir` nf Ann` nnnhaannni This medicine increases the power of Diges- tion, and excites the Absorhents into healthy action, by which the Watery or Calcnreous depositions, and all Unnatural Enlargements are reduced, as well as Pain and Inammation. nd. [Gel BU WUII Lu nu. noulzcvma an: 1. 171:; u... Your Bucbu being devoid of any` unpleasant taste or odour, a nice tonic and invigorator of the aystem,I do not mean to be without it whenever occasion may require in use in each VVI-lIiIJ'I)I\l| 1 affections. Should any doubt, Mr McClon1nox s state- ment, he refers to the following gentlemen; ` Hon Wu. Bioun, ex-Governor of Pennaylvania. Hon Thorns B Fnounicl, Philndelphig Hon J. C. Knox, Judge, Philadelphia Hon J. S. BLACK, Judge, Philadelphia Hon D.R. Pon'r:n,ex-Governor of Pennsylvania Hon ELLIS LIVIS, Judge, Philadelphia Hon R. C. Gama, Judge, United States Court Hon G.W.WO0DW'LBD, Judge, Philadelphia Hon W.A. Ponrln, City Solicitor, Philadelphia Hon Jon: Bmun, ex-Governor of California Hon E. Bums, Auditor-General, Wtuhington `I'\ ('1 Bold hy_oll Druggista and dealers everywhere. Bewnre of counterfeiu. Ask for Ho1mbold'B. Take no other. Price 31,25 per bottle, or six bottles for $6,150. Delivered to any nddreas. `Describe symptoms in all communications. Address I. T. HELMBOLD, 594 Broadway, 11-`? N.Y. > None are genuine unless done up in steel- eugraved wrapper, with fno-aimile of my Chemical Warehouse, and uignad _ ,. , -_ ... .......,..muua 01 me Unnnry Organs, such as Gravel, Chronic Catarrh of the Bladder, Morbid Irritation of the Bladder and Uretbra,Disease of the Prostate Gland, and Retention and Incontinence of Urine, a loas of tone in the parts concerned in its evacuation. The remedy has also been recom- mended in Dyspepsia, Chronic Rheumatism, Cutaneous Aifections, and Dropay. is used by persons from the ages of 18 to 25, and from 35 to 56, or in the decline or change of life; after Connement, or Labour Pains; Bod-Wetting in children. In nhnrinna n.,....|:-_ -- LVJ W` uvu`1VU|llUg In CDIIQTCD. In atfactiona peculiar to females; the Extract Bucbu is unequalled by any other remedy, as in Cblorosis, or Retention, lrreghlarity, Pain- ruluess or Suppression of Customary Encam- tiona, Ulcerued or Schirrous Slate of the Uterus, Leucorrhen, or Whites. Patti"! IlIl"|l lK A CASE OF TWENTY YEARS` STANDING. DISEASES OF THE BLADDER, KIDNEYS, GRAVEL, AND DROPSICAL SWELLINGS. [From the 1 F Bucbu leaves are gent peculiar tendency to the They are given in comp Gravel, Irrit and l'1.-an`... n:--.-A Their odour is stru what. aromatic, Iheir I guns to mint. 1 inn and await..- .I._ tL,- 1 And'm.auy others, if necessary. DIOSMA C RENA I`A- MEDICAL PROPERTIES AND USES. HELMBOLDKS EXTRACT BUCHU 1ELl{BOLD S EXTRACT BUCHU HELMBOLDS EXTRACT u Diaponsntorj of f PROPERTIES. , ..._......v u u nut`, H Ul1l D the in its u mpaia, Lions. and nrnnnw stronir, diffusive, and Iome- I `air taste hiuerish, and analo-I .. suw uuuury urgans. 1 complaints of the Urinnry rnvel, Cntnrrh no` gently slimulnnt, with ) the lTrinn!-v Ila-.-an..- \--BUCHU LEAVES. H. T. HELHBOLD. "Y _9-limulnnt, wi' Urinary U:-gan3_ nlaintn. nf Hm n..:. M. MCCORMICK. the United SI.ite|.] BUOHU SPECIAL AND IMPORTANT NOTICE TO CASH CUSTOMEBS. 13931;; 'l;`I3T)'(;-is and*bl1(;;s.ANt-S3173 Princess Street, Kingston. ESIRES most respectfully to thank his nu- merous Customers for a liberal patronage extending over FIFTEEN YEARS. In A-Inainn hi: at-nnnnlu f'n|- thn nan! was: 01. FEW GENTLEMEN can be accommodated with Board and Lodging in A Private Family. Location, Barrie Street. Apply for ad- dress at. the Daily News ofce. Sept. 21. UJ\lCI.l\.IILl` UVCI L` IA" 111111` J LZIILULJ. In closing his account for the past year the advertiser has determined to abandon the Credit system altogether, and he wishes his Customers to understand this announcement in the most positive sense. Determined not to be outdone in the price or quality of his Stock, he is pre. pared to sell BUUTS and SHOES of unrivalled. manufacture at the lowest remunerative prices on strictly cash terms. rrh` at-nnnnlu rnn;I- kn nnfllnrl in-nrnn;-IinOn_ I.-. eti.tions for Private Bills must be present- ed within the first tlu-ea week: of the session. Alwrnrn vrnnn uu DILIIJIIJ wnau LCIHJD. Unpaid accounts mut be settled immediate- ly, otherwise they will be put in suit. I Thu I'\!'l't\l'I(l AF ash r`.|1.alnrnn1-u an; IJ, ULIICIVVIBC LllCy Ill UU ll\I|l ILI Blllln ` The patronage of Cash Customers Bo- licited. T ` `I n 'Il'I'.IrI r1'r\1-urn GERMAN DRIED FLOWERS \.l.'lL)l`J U1 ll1L`\JlLV LI JJIILVILIJ J lJ BULL IJVJU' A QUETS of these beaulilul and appropriate Christmas Ornaments just arrived and for sale by " m n Dnpwnn _ARTIES intending to make application to Parliament for. Private Bills, either for granting exclusive prvulc-gee, or conferring cor- potato powers for c-mnrut-rcinl or other purposes of prot, or for doing anything tending to aect the rights or property a f other parties, are here- by notied that they run: required by _the 518! and following Rule-SI oi the House 0! Commons (which are publism-1 in full in the Canadtx Gazelle), to give TWO MUNTH'b' NOTICE `of the application (clearly und distinctly specifying its nsture and object), ix the Czmavla Gazette, and also in 8 newspaper published in the Coun- ty or Union of CODIIUCS alfccted, sending copies of the rstnn last of such n0Liel to the Private Bill (mice. All In_.s.:,_-n I'h - . I-I-II Llvl LIL` l1LlWJ.`JliI1L71L`\J.jl1llIl3|.aC A. Greeley, of New York, says:--The most successful business men in this city are those who have advertised liberally and constantly. A small advertiseuieut con- stantly appearing is bettr than a display column occasionally. ,,-,__. V ...v.....-. n-i-an; II at 1 Uommissionerz. Office, Ottawa, 3rd March, 1869_ V]-\HE Commissioners give notice that in con- sequence of the late storms having inter- rupted the mail service over the country, die plans for the three further sections lobe let, will not be ready for exhibition until 12lh.MAiLGH, un will be received up to 7 o'clock, p. m.,.on MONDAY, the 5th APRIL, 1869. ` A. WALSH, En.D. CHANDLER, ` C. J. BRYDGES, W. F`. COFFIN, t",.._._,r-- - END IT TO YOUR 2FRIENDS.-The CHRONICLE AND N EWS is published every Friday morning, and contains all the news of the week. For Fifty Cents, paid in advance, you may send it to your friends for three months at the reduced rates of postage. For` One Dollar it may be sent. six months. Single copies, price Five Cents, may be had at the Daily News Office, Princess Street. HEW Tract E L a - ....;.uuug 01 me London Religious Souiely, Paternoster Row. Sunday rrichool Libraries. The White Foreigners, Missions from over tho Waxer. ' ~ Which Wins, or Life's Battle. 'l`a.ble Talk, William Cowper, with numerous illustrations by eminent antista. Stories of Old England, ne engranzings John Newton of Olney, by Rev. Josiah Bull. The Harvest of [I Quiet Eye, an elegant gift book, profusely illustrated. Th pnrnhlna AT A. I ..-A ---`-' ` " , ,-__,, -.-_, guuv. uualnu J.)uLI. The Parables of our Lord explained and ap- plied. lI......._:_u, ,.-.. v- _j_ V1`HE DOMINION CIIURALIST, collection _of Secular and S: consisting of new and Popular Song Sabbath School Pieces, &c., with Pi: companimdnta, price 25 cunts. The (lam - nn|-3-- ~"' `L ..u...,mmmen1a, price 25 cunts. The Gem, 3 selection of the choice Hyyzuua and Tunes for price 25 cams. New Publication; of the Tract. Rnninhr D.u.~..n--nA--- "- RANGE CER I`IFICA.'i`ES and Lodge _ Summonses may be obtained utthe DAILY Nnws OFFICE. Orders by mail promptly attended to. Devices for every description of Orange printing kept on hand at the DAILY Nnws Swmut Pnmwma HOUBE. T STEAM PRIN'rIN H201/ISE, Pi-incesl Street, Kingston. Printing of all kinds at the DAILY NEWS STEAM PRIMING HOUSE. s1Acev spuKsTunE.| u.| Ul (LIB l`.'4lJglI8D Martyrs. A few volume-a remaining of the Lisure Hour, the Sunday at Home, the Cottager and Artiznn, Q 1-: f . ___ PRIVATE _-B_OARl/JINWG. LI, U]. \JUlllI'uLI Ottawa, 911: February. 1869. fl 1'] Kingston, 22nd January, 1868. December 12. Dec. 9. llClI- Memorials of the English Martyrs. re-mainincr n!` the L. March 23. `New Music rene Planorort. I ( CASE of HANGING BASKETS and BQU- l'\I"YI'-WPIIQ ..l.`aL--_ L__.,a:l._I -_J _,_-_-__..g- [Rs STEN{;0-`N-"31-i`.'YLi3-VI`f`1:ERia for sale b a ` `V In 11 vuurnp RT OF ADVERTISING.-Hnrac;: I `Y, ,- 1f,,,I_ PRIVAM BILLS. 0S'l`AGiE g-TA`1VI I 0l~`[-`ICE, lN'I`ElN)1Jl.0NlAL IMILWAY 11.11.` I.Inn|J 1 UULJ, Chf. Clk. Committee and Private Bills, H. of Commons. no. not I'."..k......-.. noon , --_-_, _..., nun a. Anuulul Lu AC- nimehta, most popular and for Sabbath Schools, :5 cams. ~ so KING s'1`1u:1;/'17. OF BRILLANT COLOURS. _El'l*} \ {ATEli. u. sure: wccrrl ul HIE E ALFRED TODD, Cnmmittann and Pr v uuun.aulDl, volume 1, 3 Sacred Music md pnnnlnr Rn... nL.._..--7 ........ nuu uncnsu music, Popular Songs, Chm-uses, Pianoforta Ac- i Punt: 12:. H. PARKER, "av-Ira! [\`nnnrA E. H. PARKER, Market Square. JAMES HOPE. 1 can London Religious OW, L.I. A ILIIIL lulu, Market. Square. x.I`.lI.` I` ll`, Commissioners: , Volume 1, ilronl ulluin rlwmi: CLEVER WOMAN OF THE FAMILY, _ by the Author of the Heir of Redclyffe." A Stormy Life, by Lady Georgina Fullerton Nature : Nobleman, by the author of "Rachel s Secret. The Gordian Knot, by Shirley Brooks. Greater Britain, by Duke. Cast `Up by the Sega, by Swmuei Baker. The Chaplet of Pearls, by Miss Yonge. O Connell s Speeches, edited by his Son. Lord P|nnkett'a Speeches,edited by J.C. Hoey. Grattan a Speeches, mined by Madden.- ` Cur-ran a Speeches, edited by Davis. Shiel s Speeches, edited by Machievin. The King and Commons. Cavalier and Puritan , Song, selected and arranged by Henry Morley. The Story of'l.he Chevalier Bayard. The History of the Caliph Vathek. Rasselas, Prince of Abyssinia..' Abdallah, or the Four-leaved Shamrock. The Essays of Abraham Cowley. Saint Louis, King of France. -A;.\J\/ A fresh lot of Bulwer s, Dickens , Scott's, Lever s, Cooper's, Collins , &c., Nov;-ls, cheap editions. -r.-n--_-v ..-..j_ ._._._,i NEW`B0oKs UR. Coal in Pure Lackawana, being mined in 0 the `very heart of the Lackawana. Valley, Scranton, Piltaton, and Wilkes B_arre,f1on:I the best selected mines, and is prepared with grant care expressly i for Family use, and will be screened and delivered in the best poaible co ;- dition. 11..-; __1_-._: 0,1. 11, I 1, 0iI`lcc--I. Lawrence Wlnart; Foot of J ohpson Street. ""1'i seiected Sqfl Coal for graterconatantly on band, also Lehigh Lamp for Foundry tee and Bloapburg for Blacksmiths. 't'Ku-rnni" ash nnl:nDa:. L. ...._ _....n .1 .I._ nun ulufguulg wt ulncnuuluuu. _Terma Cash. Delivered in any part of the (my. TAIIIFQ Gtivfuvn I. ru .I. R. is making Six-Octave MELODEONS in such 3 style that has never been introduced to the public before, called the Piano Melodeon. Remember the only real Music Stone is ;1868. c0__A_ L. 1868. g ANTHBAl3|TE can mm .j. r11HE NOVELTY COAL OIL BURNER can be trimmed and lighted WITHOUT re- moving the Chimney, Globe, or Shade, gives the largest ame, and is more durable than any other style of burner. A stock just received by I) II7l'IIrIII'1 One more good workman wanted. r.-ws `Uic I IREYNI-"CR. having received so many orders 1 o this week for ORGANS of his own make that he has been obliged to increase his number of workmen, RE" [Good News for Kingston] `EH4. O 3 Try Gardner}; Cpngh lig- medy.---ee Advertisement. EW STYLES OF` TYPE HAVE been added to the DAILY NEWS Jon Pnnrrme OFFICE. Our two Steam Presses and Automatic Platen Printing Machin- ery enable us to turnout work in cod style, with quick despatch, and at c eapl rates. Iuquityig solicimd. ` AT B. Wll]']`F. H num wmnp. T SOMETHING NEW! Caution -Bcware of I miuulonl. ;E3(m%QMAI'55 :% 1,`c*'1{,aER0F FINE" .` ` .`,\__,J,. . , . ' I m;\*NE1 ` `MUSIC s'I0R13,T WQQ Q'I`D'l.T|`l1|FI1 March 2. March '5. octoler 21, 1868. February 25. " Try Gardner : Baking Pow- let-- rummvs HALF mm: music. I00 copies sold wgsol-sly. OITY BOOK STORE. Due Second-hand MELODEON, Une Piano Style NOVELTY J USI` REQEIVED JOHN CIIEIGIITON. fa Busattl AT THE ALS E5 ' mss STREET. JAMES SWIFT A: CL Wit. WIIITE. DRUGGIST, &c. Wanteql, `3 For which the paid. In ; uuunnum KHIUES. Custom kindly solicited and promptly attended to. -ui-v , thankfully mceied,' I nsolv-I_1i W ....,,m.uun 01 me above named are notiogi 1 that he has made an assignment of his eltue and effects, under the above Acts, to me, the un- dersigned Aasignee, Ind they are required to furnish to me, within two months from this date, their claims, specifying the security they hold, if any, and the value ofit, and if none, `stating the fact, with vouchers in support of such claims. s. P. Tmrra. Licensed Manufacturer of Tobacco and cigars. ' AS now on hand and for sale, wholesale and retail, FIG SMOKING, FIG CHEW- IN11 ~f1F\l 1'\|:.Vu' iIA1'\ - v - ~ - - - -- AS for ING, `GOLDEN BAR, VIRGINIA TWIST, PAN CAKE, SOLACE, and CUT SMOKING TOBACCOS ofhis own mnnlifm-0-am .Ln.n uanna, DULAUE, and S ITOBACCOS of his own manufacture. |l'C\r\ uuznualus we ULUILIEIIJII and intestines. IL is a sure preventive of all diseases incident lo this animal, such as lung fever, glenders,ye1- low. water, heaven, conghshdietemper, founder, loan of appetite and vital energy. Its use im- proves the wind, increases the appetite, given I smooth and glossy skin, and transforms the miserable skeleton into a nrlooking and spirit- ed horse. , .._ UU7I9 Hereby appoint GEO. W. 0 Agent. - Thu I-un.:_..__ *9-1 - The-bilsinesa will be. condu CASH principles, and at POSSIBLE PRICES. E"-nntnm L-:..A|.. __u:.g.., - -- Afsf), noun: MADE CIGARS, or VARIOUS BRANDS. Imported VIRGINIA TOBACCUS and genu- ine HAVANA CIGARS of the choicest brands. -1-: WIIOLESALE .m-nTm+;mILJs'r0BE No. 30 Princess Street. I-`uctory--62 QUEEN STREET. February 17. HIS Preparation, long and favourably known, T . will thoroughly re-invigorate broken down and low-spirited horses, by strengthening and cleansing the stomach and intestines. If in n nl-A n1-nunntiuns at ..I'I A:_L-__, - -- j-- In the Matter of WILLIAM JOHN PERCY. of the City of Kingston, Merchant Tailor, an Insolvent. F]-`HE Underaigned will receive tend\i-:1 until the 6th April next for the Stock-in-Trsde of the above named Insolvent, at aprice on the dollar of the cost (about $8,000), as shown in the inventory, which may beseen with the gogia at the store of the Insolvent. Terms cut: or approved security. The undersigned does not bind himself to accept the highest or any tender. HENRY CHARLEQ vnrnm G U N N S 7 DERBY (:0M)1'r1uN rowmms mu 1101:3193 AND CATTLE. vu uvnvu To keepers pf cows this Preparation in invalu- able. It increases the quantity and vimptoveq the quality of the milk, gives them an appetite, loosens their hide, and makes them thrive much faster. '1 _ _ _ _ __g n In: `-______j VFHE remarknhlesucceas which "GARDNER _S BAKING POWDER" has met with since its introduction here warrants an increased de- mand. It can be obtained from most of the leading Grocers in Kingston, and nt`Iau1nufu.c- turer s prices from Messrs J. GARRUTHERS & Co., Wholesale Grocers, Ontario Strr-eI;_ and also at Messrs W. R. MCRAE Jr Co. s, Kingston. ` If you wish the best "` BAKING P0\`V.DER, ask for GAR`DNEII S.Z Mm-nh an AL%dI= EEiu@_uPI s stuck. Mud and Strong mes /P;H`i- Smuwg, TER auq Herahv n,nnn:.. nun rrr .......-_.___ THE CIRCIELATION of me DAILY Nraws is fully one-half larger than that of any other daily juurnaLpublished in Kingston. The cirrmlsuinn or 911.. I\]A IJKIIII III. all _y uuucr uuuy Juurnalupublished Kingston. The circulation of the old established weekly Cnnomcnn AND N1`-zws is also greater than any other weekly pub~ lished in the county . Advertisers will perceive that these journals are the best media. for attracting public attention in this locality. . --vwv Iv JIIJIJ, I." the City of Kingsw;:,--Halter and Farrier, an Insolvent. .-V u ;.u u. nn. 1!]. [B D 1111-J l U5'l'.E I Sbeamboat and Excursion Bills Tickets, executed expeditiously at DAII.Y Nnws Bram Pnnrrnze Ho Princess Street. "A n.m..un rnu ub'1'u.-1 r1nted forms, IV for the use of Notaries Public, much facilitating the`; drawing up of Protests in casesof disaster to vessels. For sale at the Daily News Ofce. - PRINTING executed with ueatnesg III!` I despatch at the Daily News oicy Pnnm" street. l ILL HEADS and other kinds anon Kin gaton, February, 1869. 0 Kingston, 11th `March, 1869. Ma.;'ch 20. __... ........... ..u nccrlll me mgnest CHARLES VOIG1`, Oicial Asaignee. Kingston, 17th March, 1869. ' In Icl reipared and sold by nmnw February 10. TO SMOKERS. GABDNEWS BAKING POWDER. -j- the matter of JAMES A. IloD< Kingston, Haltel-4 firm a - K Ins;1ve11t Aaf "1864 and mnendments. `HE S..L-.:.riLur having nrnmged for carry- ing on the business of the ~ n--. A ._._.w ,,_,__-- us suu I<'l-l0NTEl\'AC BREVVERY FOR THE MANUFACTURE OI` ARINE PBOTESTB.-Ptinted forms, for tho nan Al` Nl'...L...:.... n.-|_u- _-_, -1 NOTICE. Act of 11:34} An} ;nV1n1`': -I1}i'-: menls thereto. 3,000 Bushels Barley, ne highest market. price will be FRY F nrim.-.1 ...._:_ 1:lEA'I'H & GUNN, T Chemists ct Druggiala, 47 Princess Street, Kingston. " JAMES IJODOWALL, of KiDl!Bu)n_ Ham... .4 II----=-- "E15313 3: arms, .l'!lvm...:..o.. L n____ JAMES SHANNON; Official Asaignee. rch. 1869. h, A. LIVINGSTON, Princess Street.` 1869. conducted on qtggtfy I the LOWEST -....g V. GREIGHTON as his IJLJJLULI ills and the lions: snavuuu u.I urn Uuulllifyllln. I . A situation_ of this kind is the more Gm- barrassing that one feels obligedo` say something. Here was a`ma`n, swell-tires; sed, respectable, nay rather a gentlemanly , person, with intelligent eyes-that seemed to understand me; and to an al me with him, hour after hour, all day and as night, with- out opening my lips; was impossible. He felt this himselt'-I was sure he did; for wheneverl made an attempt,'he listened earnestly, as if anxious to make out what I would be at. without `troubling me to` `re- peat, and then replied`in few words, uif unwilling to exhibit any colloquial liupe-' riority. I at last began to likethe fellow and to. be more and more sorry and, ashamed that I was unableto convetjsewith him. Sometimes he took_the initiative himself; and` when I could not exaetly catch his meaning, always kindly and la- boriously repeated what he hid said, pc- casionally varying the expression to make itmoreclear. ' , _ __ _' . Down came the rain in tliefmeatililme, with its steady, determined, 1nlttheI_tthti1:nl motion--quick as lightning, but n'e__ver`in a hurry, as the drill-sergeant says-_-`d_own, down-sf)lash, splash, splash-.-rumble, rumble: it was enough to make one,ma`d.i The Frenchman `gave a heavy sigh, and I echoed it; he got up a half-melancholy, ' half comical smile, when I reected`; he shook his head, so did 1. Slow work this_l I would have said, only it would have been absurd in French; and he looked as if he would fainihave given the the idiom, if I could have understood it; At- length the vehicle stopped to take in'a.pae- senger. Here was a chance. The newco- mer was :1 nlnmn hnrflu `I-......I......... .1-.. W 3133173-so ` Tn: Gown ......5.... ...u..-o was It uuuuee. U18 negv-co- was a plump, portly, handsome dame, -- who insinuated herself between `I11y,fl',`l.EIlVd and me, and then expanded till, whit. with her and the cushions, we felt uncommonly " comfortable. But she was a German; and when she had recovered breath, she looked ` first in the face of out-, then of the `other - and with an `alarming `sound of .ugh--'-sgh' . --ogh, delivered in the interrogativeyky, i appeared to be endeavouring to sh-1`)'l1t1of us whcthei: we coul_cl do anything `inthat. line. The Frenchman said, -Ja am :-_-fdch'," . and .N entenda pans, and I shook I'i1li1l Ehd in despair; negatives that only excited he ' risible faculties of madame, who wen ran- rcfearing her throat of its`German in. the ` midst of explosions of laughter. that made our contiguous sides and the cushions un-_ dulate in harmony. I verily think she con.- sidered"he_rself fortunately placed in havin two listeners {with no speakerzbut herse , for she rattled away without intermission, i_nterlarding her speech,`in`con_1p11men;. to A the Frenchman, with scraps of his own language, so horribly bad that even I was amused. We stood it for some time as de- cently as possible; but at last I could not. ~ help giving my male companion the wink, and saying in an under-tone: Qugllg ` ncaiae!" Both of , us proved too many fon 's politeness: off he set with a roar, in which -I joined from sympathy; `sad so we went on~all three, talking `French and Ger- man, withofit listening to either, and laugh- ingreadytodie. ` _ it A more interesting `episode, however, speedily occnrred, for the coach stopped to a late dinner; Meals were agrudain- ventinn far 911:} l.:..,I .1 n----- ........,......u Inc. ; uau muen, doubtless; into some unhappy cucology; andgwnfbolh - lookedout of the windcw at the`-I Io ` conceal my confusion, ind he, _of course; to conceal u sneer, with all the distressing'po- litenees of hircountrymen. 3 situation nf this lama :. u... ......r_ 4 ...... .. u.. unuuuguuga noon: the weather-. --just to show him that I could speak French if I chose, and didn t care a snap of my finger whether it was good or bad. I 4 think I said iQue.e` pluie! Imnconntered his eyes, however, ,a the moment, and a quite smite, as he muttered Maumia temps ' demolished me. I hat! fallen, gioubtteaia; inn. .-....'..... --._ 4`:j' against the level road; round Went the. wheels of the vehicle with B monotonous `rumble; and away bowled we over the Wet, steaming, endless plains of the Nether- lands. - ' ' {3 Into` dinner; at nnfdtin-' vention for that kind `of traveling, al- though they have now gone the we` of all honecsh. To snatch at I nioz-dees we do now, and devour it like an ogre, is ; not to dine; any more than to wild mucous membrane all the wt pwn'_M Eo get cheered viith the cup that 7 ' fj- ates. The recollection of thnt _1l enough to disgust one with i ' 11 Itl headlong haste, and make nliilltlllitl wile.- ther it';ia really the grind bliel 0` 1!- man beings to contgive I0 81 1 50 110311610 at all at any given ti!Ii9- , T315 W1 5? fix ! it included` scores or dimes. in soup. -Ir. meat, poultir sum Putt! ""1 mice- tiona ; .11 gig nn_mea that made them ten time, more luxurious, yet, I moat own, uninmjugibl, that choice was out of em. tic!` I thought ofshntting my ejgprand in something at random; lint 3- min; 3:9` `over me as I recoted on the 1 by: board of the continental ouidng;_- ending frogs,_|nexls, and the 0;`: Jim; cg]. Led vnlgu-ly 1n_England cat ; meet; 1 locked at my Frenchman ; but he " `A . , In t lookiugst me. He would not hive` M before me for the world ;~ THURSDAY VEVEVNING, MARCH .'25`. ____________q_______ 3% SEE LAST PAGE. .__. Gib: Elaily News. NUMBER 144; I-III-IIoH:l't u "nzauvacg tgnwgf had doubtlsa; I! cucologv: and wAhtnh . mn'i'0'77l" "'11 do-I-I-v Iv _ 149.410 BTIAI PI RIVALLID HTURE lining. B 22 lulu Ill Hia z_. A`: ..`., Ill L" 1 do um: I ---cg!-la _'r III I VIVI I u: v auhll fun` srrvnx POLISH! I--- - - ' - - -Cm:.\ E'mscn D1-'.ro*r : ?.\EL STREET, H0.\'TRF.LI.. a x;ar:5{R1`?r".tu 3'`1 i` `h *llGcnml Agents I pt-dilion um I! 1 order: for Vi Work IIIII 9 ud me-iiciue -iea [lRI'~Vl;AV l a `sun; T\ . dl Lunnnnu uuunaulsnluu mm: PILLS, hyrucription ofSir J.CI|rke-,M.D. Rxmotdiury 10 the Queen. hnrn remedy in no impoitio 1, man And safe nmedy for Femnlel _J ns.4_..-.L,._. t-.._. -__ _-.,_* .31 though I powerful remedy, it I t; nmful to who constitution. Lmnititpeculisrlysuite-1 ; it m\I-,'hing on the monthly """'Y=. . . dlcmmnnd Spun! AG` csxom, &IldUllhvl.H|V!f;eii, Fatigue uh, Pslpiutinon of the H.-sort, zhyomicn, Sack Headache, ` dllhpuntnl disuse: occnsisned i l1Iw|n,!b:e Pxlls will effect: dldclnnsl hue failed. Pihlu never bieu known to full ineuou on the `lad page of pam- nd v-v-- _.__--- .. _.._(.. 7-, . ans cum:'s CELEBRATI-ID` YIIAI I DH` I Q -gling I! the nun-1 ugqnbotzleof MIN-KIL L F. R. u-nova: III we .'uu pIgP OI glumd. I1-Inlm, get I pumphlet. free, of --`U2. '`&7`' mi tents for posts , I 391 QIOKTHROP I LWHANJ Sew. llama. 6'... n..__.|_ _,~n .~-uaa`["` 5 In oath t Pfect pnplfl. `II: 11... .J.`. i `3E"_`.` T yam Bull:-h Remedy ! ,.... av .v\l`\r"\v,'< nun nun . ran lpgug should have it. `mint shank} have it. '& M" il. (does hue or) sh tiR.\Y lull: l<:1r-~nuiz1iI11m:iun Hf -1=-35` at tlw 1'-uwts. ./;;i;./-.\.ll' Iu1.1:I.a. p[PT|lER[-\. , L_- L--- 1.- `uh: thngeunine am! by __d -xAI' Q ll .-.-- [mm remedy has been duo-7 covered! u .I L.-- H `I -` ICU SE7] Al; I- Bltinb Female Pill: nre exten- rkilod. The genuine have the W338` on sub pack . All 333 Y1 1111:-I *:' I 09' ' ",',;gn1n-`inc mul. mn cR. f'I...L.1. D_+ 4- r.... s;)t;:|d hue il. EEIABLE ~S.lGlL!.AN. H BEAUTIFUL lI.\IP.., V . GIMY ILUI`. Isaoerlain indica_tion . of -.leca`_\' at the roots. I Notices. ?'ature`s (`rt-v.'n. bl Int f`ultis'alo it ID lull-Kiln`: J5- nu for Oncudn, will due, contnining Fifty -id by all Druggista dealers everyqhera. _ ~-v HJUALISTS . 3 `hiring the voice be- %`u"I_'5d relieving the throat '*n ( `*9 V0681 orgnnl `I '1 19 I-Faction: which 9"h. Sold :25 u &.hI.didm' I on . sould haw it. I the nearest Dr XVIII. uan U I. mmtluvr uni traupa re-at, ndaen lradzmu ... syzli "rad.I(Y3 it} and (mummy ncti Panadz: if In PY0pl i0COl'l. -mill WE! one dtl rountrkbnr 1!` 111-8` the ' "6 Philosophy oflarrlugc. A new Course ofLecturea, as delivered at the New York Museum of Anatomy embracing the aubja-cts:--How to live and what 0 1 e or; Youth, Maturity, and old Age; Manhood gener- slly reviewed; The cause of indigestion; Flatu- lance Ind Nervous Diseases Ilceounted for; In- riage philosophically considered, &c., kc. Pocket volumes containing these Lectures, will be for- Inrded post-paid, on receipt of 25 cents, by ad- dressing "SECRETARY, New York Museum of Anatomy and Science, 618 Brodway, New York. OTICE is hereby given that the undersigned will apply to the Judge of the Surrogate Courtof the County of Frontenac to be appointed Guardian of John B. Mclver, Kenneth Mclver, nnd Mary A. Mclver, minorl, children of the late Willinm Mclver. ICVATIYII I A ll _Ivvu-Ir.

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