mum: n " .`l('llIl'lllK M It prodncilf Ali If. 9' man Pll \T'L'.HI-IS. KSO . r Evan-. 1n **~- "` V , , ___.-_. V---_E--.y, Browns Bronchial Troches um 9'e-red with the I fu|!ost condence in their efficacy. Tliey have 1 been thoroughly tested, anti maintain the good ireputalion zhey have juslly acquired. 1-5,,._... r--.._..-- -_- .-w - ~ ...u -: cur wonmess. .\'.B.--0:23 dull-gr and enclosed to NORTHRO castle, Uut., General Ag insnre 9. b-wttle of the rim pllla hr -49--- --r5" SPEPIAL NOTICE. Sir James Clarke`: Female Pills are exten- sively coumerfeired. The;-genuine have Ibel name ofJOB MOSES" on Each package. All J others are worthless. X \'I.!/l\_`_-||| - " r...-: u cur Ivrll UDSEFVCU For full psrticulnrs. the agent. ' Cbbnv n r _J - .....,....cuu a_v-axem, mete I- |l cure-when all other ;nuan.4 have f These Pills have never been I where Ibe directions on ghe 2nd`; pblet are well observed. Fur {nil -u.-n:-..|- - , _._......... gamma u. Is peculiarly suited ; it` will. in A sburt . time, `bring on the monxhlyl perlod Wllh regularity. f In all cases of Servousnud Spinal .-`Hf--ctions,l ,Pn.::1in the Rack and Limbs, Heavine-39, Faligue nu slight ex:-rnon, Palpitrntion of the Heart,` Unwuess of Spirits, E_vs`u-rics,Sick Headache. \\'l,ri:es, A d all the paintul diseases occasioned! by :1 disordered siyalem, the-ce Pulls wnll etfecla. failed. hin nnwnu \-u----- |--- K ` ' " _ K I Tim Great Engll.-1| Remedy! P SH: J.`-\.\ll~IS Cl.ARKE'S CELEBRATED` l-`ISMAIA-1 PILLS, I '|`l-nlunrnd F-an. .----7 ' VJ`H|S well known relne _..-..uu IIIJLJD, i`r1mr9d from prescription ofSirJ.C'lnrke, l b_\ sicini1 Extraordinary to the Queer dy is no impb M but a sure and safe remedy for Fe Dicultzz-5 and Obstructions, from any ( I'h.-|ha\'nr- and cl-.~---l 3 Illll-2l".?l.|"lig.;;.. xm ` [)1 P 1'll P2I{ A ncver fmltug remedy 1 covered! livery Farmer should have it, I.`..,._.. I .-..L - - `Every , ,_. .-....... ........ auau Dy :1 uruzgisla '1ng.~tou, and medicine dealers everywhere. ___,._-.. ..-- vs--.:-um, Wlilf gzmuine, containing Fifty return mail. Sold by :11 Druggislai Jon, deals-rq .nn~'.-r.c.... ` --..... ....u~ u, ' lmmbermnn should have it. - Sailor should have it. _ ' l-`Tslu-rtnnn should have it. ' Tr.u-ell:-r should have it. h bold-it-r should have it. ~ l'h_vsicinn (does have or) aha: l-`nmily in the world should |1.:\vc it by calling at the neu buying I bottle N _ l`;\lN-KlLl.l*Il ~ 15, ,'.`;'3, and 50 cents per bol one but the genuinv nude by LI-j-Ir __ - _.( ` uni u"IIuI In `:3 cents `or P` NORTHROP & Lyn V ._., BL. (~`n-nnrnl Anna... 4'... n-, Slloolnl Nollcon. PII'I`Ix`- __-_,_ -.....x-. u. uxn.-ml, mew- neral Agents for Ca{:ada,wi1l. if qpnuin, nnnlnini-.- I-`if-- _ ...., .,] nd I-`emnle ; ulruclious, cause ` mgh a powerful nmedy, it` urtful to ma constin.nn.. I u. z.yawv.u.raurruIl rnmxtd 7&0! Sou) BY ALLDRUGGI511. .' X1 (<'V'l \\"II->|d]:- D ru gi Pnik Ply.-2-. Ne:w~Yurk. S I. ,.. .. puwellxll nmedy, ful constitution. it. is pecmisrly . In-inn .... .L.,. __ - 1 V I i it`! I pamphlet, free, or 1'31 cents for pojlslage, JP LY.\lA\l Y.-- .\7i;_17;iAI.:I.\. E R I A. --vs. -unv:u. I known to f.-ul{ 2nd` page of pam-i 9 should have il. I hue it. I nearest Drug- has been d;s- impb itio '1 mlv FA- l.`.....- I L`n1tivau.~ HAIR R. talus!` New- D'Ull'.l6 PEUPIU will Acnnu U: unau- others will noL-Daily Palladium. `FFECT OF ADVERTISING.---It is amusing at times to observe the stores of the merchants who don t. adver- tise; to see the anxious proprietors look- ing iuto the streets and see the people go by, wondering why they do:i l; come in, while the stores of their neighbours who do advertise are thronged with customers, Some people will learn by observo.tion,E non-.. mill nnr _Da1'1a/ Pa]]1ulium_ OTICE is hereby given that the undersigned will apply to lbs Judge of the Surrogate Courlof the County of Fronts use to be appointed Guardinn of John B. Mclver, Kenneth Mclver, and Mary A. Mclver, minors, children of the late William Mclver. ' `l'Bll')I'.Vf I A Il..l`lY'ln In the matter of JAMES A. MCDOWALL, of the city of Kingaton, Furrie_r, an Insolvent. HE undersigned will receive tenders until the 12th April next for the Stock-in-Trade of the above-named Insolvent, at a price on the dotlar of the cost (about $1,000), as shown in the inventory. which may be seen with the goods at the more of the Insolvent. Terms cash or approved security. The undersigned does not bind himself to accept the highest or any tender. 1 A 1115:! on A `uxvrxvr )]\kIkI.l\L.\. J1 nu. I_'JkJ 4:41;; L\Iu1J41uL) J. Steamboat and Excursion Bills and Tickets, executed expeditiously at the DAILY Nnws STEAM PRINTING ,HoUsrc Princess Street. I, D1LIuuu UL Lug U1 ..up ._,a 120-. Nnws may be had at the counter of the publicntion otce, Princess street, priec three coppers. . `In the manor of JAEES; A. MCDOWALL, of ihe city of Kingston, Farrier, an Insolvent. )URSUANT to the provisions of the above- named Act, I hereby call a meeting of the Crediiors of we said Insolvent at the Ufce of i J 'SEl H BAWDEN, E:q., Solicitor, in the city of Kingston, on MONDAY, the 12th day of April, 1869, at :2 o'clock noon, for the purpose of em- mining tbe Insolvent. and of ordering the a1'n\irs of the Estate generally. I _uMw_.c: slnnvmunn SALE or BAN2_llPI S sIocK.! | AVE taken the FIRST PRIZE for eight P successive years, and are allowed to be me best in the Dominion. These celebrated In- struments can be had up the lowest prices from I3. HOLDER, ' _ PRINCESS sr, uunaunalu LJ|JJlLVA`lJL" _Omcinl Assiguee. Dated at Kingston, this 24th day of March, AD. 1869. I Two Qunsnoxs EASILY AxswIa:o.-Why _should men wear beards`! Because they are I ggreat prozecliou to the Ibroal and lungs, and ;add much to their personal appearance. Why ; should we use Bryan's Pulmonic Wafers '1" Be- licnuee when used for coughs, colds, tickling ll] 1 the lbron, lioaraeuesspkc ,1hey sctlike a charm. fllinisters and lawyers use them, physicians re- ` commend them, and singers and public speakers I ` say they are the nu} best medicine in existence ' itor the cure or am-h complaints. Suld by all ; medicine dealers at '35 cu; per box. l , ,- _._. uuill Iuu agent 01111] i obtain a new supply. There is nothing equal to i it an 5 condition medicine, or for any complaint 3 affecting the wind of horses. `Remember the i name, and see that the signature of Hurd & Co. is on each package. Northrop ac Lyman, New- castle, 0nt._ proprietors for Canada. Sold by '1 all Medicine Dealers. ~~ : Vnmr NA'rL*rux..-When A person has proved `an article and lound it good, and answering the 1purpose for which it is intended, he will not I readily abandon it for one of doublful reputa- lien, or concerning which he knows nothing. l We are led 10 make these remarks owing to the course always pursued by those who have used L that calel.-rated and n-ulyl valuable horse medicine knows I as "D4rl1-ya Condillon Powders andpAr- abian Heave Remedy." All are so well pleased 1' with it that they will not use any other; many ' have waited several weeks until the agent could lobiai 3 now Innnln 'l`5-r--- :- *' ' ' G LAD 'l`Il)INGS FOR Those who have no hair ma Those who have plenty, may preserve tnfy i_t. Those who are losing it In: loss arrested. The hair strengthened restored, by using HUNT` Eurm: H c}u'a_1:eu,cleane.sf, but. Don't. rest Ii tried 1 bottle, sold by all Druggists March 25. I Ltuut). Wheteier in- troduced, it drives all others from the market. Pain poalliveljnnuihilnted by its use. We have not t- mm to enumerate the virtues accorded to it by the thousands who have used it. cine ever invented ' application It has hundreds of imitntorn. but nnt f\l|| -. . -- l)ROGRAMMES AND POSTERS nlrnamhnar and p.YnI1renn Hills: and -. ....-.....-u -a capnme at more extended application. imilntorn, but not one RIVAL. Ben-are :_-f Counteg-f'-its. venient form. Hun-u.n. All dioeues ofthe Stom- uliug Dr Colby : ANTI-Gosrlv Sugar-Coated. Recommended by the Medici; Prutosaion, ll.J.L.LI Dated X0111 March, 1869. KINGST0N. (C1 March Insolvent Ac-t-of 186-;La1}d Amendments. LARGE assortment of GERMAN. BOU- QUETS, just received by m war-rm [Ha `IN abwm ,;_ T**----' `j0NCEN'FRA'l`l:()N *4 Drincinlu 1'... __-. lNS0LVl.42`NT Ac130`Bf1s64. SINGLE COPIES of the DAILY 1.74 _ ,_ _ L- `I-_,) ..m 1|... ......_.n..... J ?Lm1ERs. ..-.;_:- us may have it. hue prenerve nnd beau- use may have its 1. strengthened, belutied, Hun GLosa, meat, till you have 9. Druggista. u;un'a1$zbi, T Oicial Alsignee. V'jAMEs SHANNON, f'h$-!,I AA, .--..-a -4. Sole Agent for Kingston. ISABELLA MCIVER. 1 onn 56! `Cu VJ RWHITE, Chemist arid Druggist, 42 Princess street. - Ill VVU BQIIIODU odcol. 1 J...-nu SANADI the great at` innitesimal on: of injurious 3 mam-i.I .I:- ALL on "union IJLIJC 1. was uuuuuuu I-U my 1'00!!!- From the first bottle I was astonished and gratied at the benecial effect, and after using it three weeks was able to walk out. I felt much like writing to you it full statement ofmy case at lhe time, but thought my improvement might only be temporary; and therefore con- ` cluded to defer, and see if it would e'eatu-per- fect cure, knowing that it would be of greater value to you and more satisfactory to me. I am now able to report that 8 cute is e"ected after using the remedy for five months. I hung nn-I nan.-I an:-nous (nu el-um- ....._oI.... anuan l-IHII-IE tux; n\.u.u:u nun. I-IID u.Iu|.Ill.I3- I have um used any new for three months, and feel a well in all respect as I ever did. Vnnr Rn:-hn hnincr dnvnirl nfnnv nu-.lm.n-..o Qllll ICCI B WWII III III| IVFPVULB 3? L BVUI uju. Your Buchn being devoid of any unpleasant taste or odour, a. nice ionic and invigorator of the ayatem,I do not menu to be without it whenevet-_occan,ion may require its use in such nifectiona. `II 'Il'.uf1t`ITI`lIYf1I'7 Should any doubt Mr MgComuox'e state- ment, he refers to the following gentlemen: Hon Wu. BIGLIE, ex-Governor of Pennsylvania Hon Taonus B FLDBENCI, Philadelphia Hon J. C. Knox, Judge, Philadelphia Hon J. 8: BLACK, Judge, Philadelphia Hon D.R. Poa'r:n,ex-Governor of Pennsylvania Hon ELLIS LIVIB, Judge, Philadelphia ` Hon R. C. Gmim, Judge, United States Court Hon G.W.w0ODWARD, Judge, Philadelphia Hon W.A. Poizun, City Solicitor, Philadelphia Hon Joint Brenna, ex-Governor of California Hon E. Bums, Auditor-General, Waehi'ngt.on_` n n Sold by all Drnggiats and dealers everywhere. Baivare of connterfeita. Ask for Helmboldfs. Take no other. Price $1~,25 per bottle, or ix battles for $6,50. Delivered to any nddrese. 1 Describe symptoms in all communications. Adda-can Fl 'l" Fl'|2l .'MRLD 69 Ru-nndwnve 11.1. None up genuine unlell done up inateel- engrnved wrapper, with fao-simile of my Chomicsl WIrehouso,- nod uigned. l u ;. uruuuuiu, urugglli `Dear Sir-I have been a au'e1-at for upward of twenty years with gravql, bladder and kid-6` ney affections, during which time I have used Various medicinal prep rniioh-a, and been made]? the treatment of the moat eminent physicians, experiencing but little ielief. Having aann 11r||1II n-np.n-nn:.._.. ..-a.......:__I_ P1 `RY vnrvlbvuhllls Hub lIIaI.lD lUIl_Cl. Having seen your preparations extensively advertised, I consulted my family physician in regard to using your Extract Bnchn. I did this becsuae I had used all kinds of advertised remedies, and had found them worthless, and some quite injuriongs ; in fact,I despaired ofever getting well, and determined to use no remedies` hereafter unless I knew of the ingredients. It was this that prompted me to use your remedy, As you advertised that it was composed of huchu, cubebs, and juniper berries, it occurred to me and my physician as an excellent com- bination; and, with his advice, after an exa- mination of the article, and consulting again with the drnggist, I concluded to tryeit. I_ eommenced to use it about eight months ago, at which time I was conned to my room. From thn first hnttln 1' Dan nutnniul-ma .-.A -has cured every can hf Diabetes in which has been given. lrril.-arion of the Neck of tbs Biadder, and Indlhlll men of the Kidneys, U1? `ceration of the Kidm-3.4 and Bladder, Retention of Urine Diseases (if the Prostate Gland; Stone in the Bladder, Calculus, Gravel, Brick?- Dust Deposit. and .\|-.u.:::s or Milky Discharges, and for enfeebied and elicnte constitutions, of both sexes, attended with the following syrup : toms: Indisposiiion lo exertion, Loss ot'Power; Loss of Memory, l).l1icult_y of Breathing, Weak Nerves. Trembling donor of Disease, Wakeful-` nsss, Dimness of Vision, Pain iqjbe Back, Hot Hands, Flushing of the Body, D:yness of the Si), Eruption of the Face, Psllid Counte- nnnce, Universal Lassituda of the Muscular System, &c. DA). is Diuretic and Blood Purifying, anclcures ali liiseaseserising from hahits of dissipation, ex- ceases and imptfndeucee of life, impurities of the Blood-, Jzc., auperseding Copniba in affec- tions for which it is used, such is Gonorrhma, Gleeta of long standing, and_Sgphilitic Affec- tions-in these diseases, used in connection with H|:LunoLn s Ros: WASH. ' Philadelphia, Penn., June 25, 1867. H. T. Helmbold, Druggisl: Dear Sir-I hsnna hnnn A an.H`m-m- 4'... .... ... This medicine increases `the power of,Diges- lion, and excites` the Absorbent: into healthy action, by which the Watery or Calcng-eons depositions, and all Unnatural Enlargements are reduced, as well as Pain and Inflammation. A CASE OF '1`_WENTY YEARS` STANDING. uuu-uuulug In children. In affections peculiar to females, the Extract. Bucbu is unequalled by any other remedy, as in Chloroais, or Retention, In-egularity, Pain - fulncss or Suppression of Customary Evacua? tions, Ulcerated or Schirrous State-of this Uterus, Leucorrhea, or Whites. DISEASES OF THE BLADDER, KIDNEYS, GRAVEL, AND DROPSICAL SWELLINGS. is used by persons from the and from 35 to 56, or in the c' of life ; after Connement, on Bad-Wetting in children. In nbminn. ..-....1:-_ A- L _ sun: II 11 I. Uauial Agmllff * Nolll ,,_.-- ..... Bu...-J uumulant, Will) A peculiar tendency to the Urinary Organs. : They are given in complaints of the Urinary Urgans, such as Grave], Chronic Catarrb of the Bladder, Morbid Irritation of the Bladdr and Urethra, Disease of the Prostate Gland, and Retention and Incontinence of Urine, from a loss of tone in the parts concerned in its evacuation. The remedy has also been recom'~ mended in Dyspepsia, Chronic Rheumatism, Cutaneous Affections, and Dropsy. Buchu lanes are gent Th9? Ara aivnn in nu--- Their odour is strong, dihaive, and some- what aromatic, their taste biuerisb, and analo- gous lo mint. [From the 1 And` m'any others, if necessary. nsuurlue ujulpl-Uunn In an uuuauluulunuuua. [V Address H. T. EELHBOLD, 594 B1-oadwny,l DIOSMA ORENA'l`A- [MEDICAL PROPERTIES AND USES. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCEU HELMBOLDB EXTRACT BUCHU V 039 `ho hll db` .3 Popah. Su ' r in I T` 'nnmi....I_... L'.\'mvAI.LID rugf NITCBB pu Tnumzczp, "L" J hna Inna... :_ 4 HELMBOLD S EXTRACT BUG HU THURS DAY EVENING. Dispensatory of 1 arson: ages of 18 to 25, Lo decline or change or Labour Pains; childrpn PROPERTIES. gently stimulant, with ) Urinal-v HI-an-m ..-u, 'JllI'-IUIU II- a, H. T. HELHBOLD. k-BUCHU LEAVES. M. MOCORMICK. _ _gq1JUl,' I~`.'umy Order. I disagreeable, ite' `toiletbes 1 * the United smeij RANGE CERTIFICATES and Lndge 0 Summonsea may be obt.aine(l at the DAILY NEWS OFFICE. Orders by mail promptly attndecl to. Devices for every description of Orange printing kept on hand at the DAILY N EWS STEAM PRINTING H0033. T ;.uIv u;;uno UE LIFE) HAVE LV been [added to the DAILY Nxws Jun PRINTING OFFICE. Our two Steam Presses and Automatic Plateu Printing Machin- ery enable us to turn out work in good style, with quick deep:-tzb, and at cheap at ca. Inquiry is snlicihwl END IT TO -YOUR FRIENDS.-'I`he CHRONICLE AND NEWS is published every Friday morning, angl contains `all the news of the week. For Fifty Cents, paid in s.dvan_ce, you may send it to your friends for three months at the reduced rates of postage. For One Dollar it `may be sent six months. Single copies, price Five Cents, may be had at the Daily News oice, Princess Street. _HE CIRCULATION of the mum Nlrws is fully one-half larger than that of any other daily journal published in Kingston. The circulation of the old established weekly CHRONICLE AND Nnws is also greater than any other weekly pub- lis11ed-in t-he-ecounty. Advertisers will perceive that these journals are the best media for attracting public attention in his locality. _j. T CASE of HANGING BASKETS and BOU- A QUETS of these beautilul and appropriate Christmas Ornaments just arrived and for sale bv _---uvvvu -um: uuw, xxnlbgolullq DESIRES most respectfully to thank his nu- merous Customers for a liberal patronage extending over FIFTEEN YEARS. [I1 nlnninrv "|:n nnnrulnlg 6`..- L- ....._L -A -- - calcuulug over 1- ll` rn.r.n )'.niAlib'. In closing his accounts for the past year the \ advertiser has determined to abandon the Credit system altogether, and he wishes his Customers to understand this announcement in the most positive sense. Determined not to be outdone in the price or quality of'bis Stock, be is pre- pared to sell BUUTS and SHOES of unrivalled manufacture at the lowest remunerntive prices on strictly cash terms. nnnni an:-nnnua l'I'|I1nl- L...,.I :___-.12,-7 uu uuu;I.I_y unau terms. Unpaid accounts must be settled immediate- ly, otherwise they will be put. in suit. 3- The nail-nnnun nf` Hack r`..m.4.un--.- -- ._y, uumrn-use uney Wlll be put. in sun. f` The patronage of Uash Customers so- licited. 5 GERMAN DRIED FLOWEITS ruin nu.- 3' __:ao ARTIES intending to make npplication to P the Legislature of Untario for Private Bills are hereby notied that they are required by the 51st a_nd following Rules of the Legislative As- setnbly (which are published in full in the (Imario Gazette), to give NOT_ICE ot' their application (clearly and distinctly specifying its nature and object) in the Ontario Gazette, and also it. a Newspaper published in the County or Union of Counties affettted; But-h notice shall be continued in each case for a period of at least six weeks during the interval of time between the close of the next preceding Session and the considera- tion of the Petition. Copies of the first and last of such `notices to be sent to the Private Bill Qic. ` All Petitions for Private Bills must be present- ed within the./irst three weeks of the Session. (`.H'ARl .l-'`Q 'I` Cut 1 unn - . .. .. -Jun LIJDUIDLV can De accommodrted A with Board and Lodging in a. Private Family. Location, Barrie Street. Apply for ad- dress at the Daily News oice. Szspl. 21. si5Eo1AL AND mpomxwr 1s0'rw1.` cw msu cusromcus. V _,.._.-.___;_4p\J LJ_\/_.I._ ..I.J, Dealer In Boots and shoes. No. 315 Princess Street, Kingston. wanna} unn... .-.ol`..II.. ._ .L, I u`- gun Q!-|-IIEC. _ All Petitions for Private Bills must be present- ed Within lbejirst three weeks of the session. ALFRED TODD, Cbf. Clk. Committees and Private Bills, H. of Cl mmons. Ottawa, mi. w........... mm v; uuuucu Lust may 8178 requ anal following Ru_les of the H (which are published in ful Gazette), to give TWO MUN? the application (clearly and dis its nature and object); in the and also in 9. newspaper pnbli: III nu. I'T..:.._ -1' I" ....uu.o luleblllg to make application to 1:} Parliament for Private Bills either for granting exclusive privileges, or conferring cor- pm-ale powers for commercial or other purposes ofprot, or 111' doing anything tending to aecl the rights or property of other parties, are here- by notied that they required by the 51st or House 0! Common 3 /.LL! u ____ r1`(3 keepyour FEET DRY, use SNOW BLACK- JNG, which is warranted to mukethe Lem ` ` tber PERFEOTLY WATERPROOF. 15 cents per box. _l_ -ll`| PEI per PRIVATE _oAnnmc. Dee-ember 12. , JAMES Kingston, 22nd January, 1868. '1`oronto,_251h Feb., 1869. UN n. or U: mm Ottawa, 9Lh Fe-brun_ry, 1869. PARTIES intending to make Parliament f'm- D.-:m..,. D: `la 1 l\l1' March 25. Possession given on the 15!; of April nxt For terms, &c., apply to _lA'u'INl IJADFBV L 1 .-___ - FEW GENTLEMEN can lie accommodrte k with Board and I.m1..:.... :.. .. n_:__.A . BROWH I VII:-oi`! 1...; .l_.dJI --a vvLaJ.|J _.. un \ [RS BTENSON S EYE WATER is for sale by I?! D Dnblrn-n [EW STYLES d;-;3'P;AVE IIEHI1 Vllfztl in fhn A11 xr \Tn...,. 1' _ R. W IImiM'J1` E, cllramwr, &c., 42 PRINCESS STREET, KINGSTON. March 25. PRIVATE BILLS. HA1` Valuable Premises situate at of Prinqeu Street, and known an PRIVA l:h_J BILLS. VI A 1` 1` OF BRILLANT COLOURS. Atlantic Wharll ;~deuipd,%q "1 II an Inn Lhuyd lnving ` _ `AM EYE WATER. firiflvniunr-v ..__ Prepared and Sold by -"9- -_-- .- rob uutrc WCESS OI [DH EESBIOD. CHARLES T. GILLMOR, Clerk of the Houe. 1 Feb , IRRQ __..._, ...-. ;c\.`uucu U] me DISC u_les listed full in the Canada MUNTHS NOTIG_E of clenrlv nm-I :ao:....n.. ....--:-(- UJXMES HARTY 1: Co. E. H. PARKER, Marin:-t Rnnnr: E. H. PARKER, Mnrket Square. mines tlie foot rt, the L1. 1. `1l\.I\ PIX`, Market Square. \ Kill: nitknn r,.- - IE9 der. _./an IJLII Ell | best a- unuuu. \ Best selected Sqft 00:11 for g es conntan 1} on band, also Lehigh Lump fo Foundry re and Blosabnrg for Blacksmiths. Tprmn nut. Tlnlicm-u..I :... -.._ ._.,A I `I wow: 0 3% Try Gal-dner s (rough Igo- medy.-Sco- Advcrtlscmgnl. RT OF ADVEIRTISI Greeley, of New York most successful business me are those who have advertised l constantly. A small adverts stantly appearing is better thla column occasionally. I Luuuva &_1.u VCI LIBUIJIUUIB 0] nnrl Sabbath servicesa; situations wanted; situations vacant ; houses for [sale ; houses` A to rent. ; houses wanted ; 1 and lodg- ing; rooms wanted; board wanted; an ticles lost; articles found ; czmle wanted : cattle for sale; rattle strayed, &c., when set close, inserted for 25 edts each inser- tion, payable only in pdvanoe` When dis- played. a. proportionate rice will be charged. - uuu gnuaauung IUI Dluclsulnllns. Terms Cash. Delivered in city. T All CI fto cxccuhin n h-expedition mg ` 3.11 ordcnlnt _ bred. Work lg M X ` - -;u.uu.u unjy u 1. nu `I 12411 I J. E|Ul.I.`J'IN'l`5.-- J. The large circulntlon o the DAILY NEWS renders it the natural' medium for the pubiicatlon of all] small nd transient advertisements, as well as far er announce- ments Advertisements of reli ious noticed services: nimminn. ...........u . 1.141.: 1..L.|.un.JJD HULL Ulnar I5 Pnmrma executed with neatness and despatch at the Daily News 0 cc, Princou s treet. * - ' 1868. c o A L. 1868. %An1HnAcI1TcoMl` mu 05|ce-i. Lawrence Wharf , Foot of Johnson S[treet. A` TEAM PRINTING HOE SE, Princell Street, Kingston. Pri tin of all kinds at the DLILY News gn!!!l"9' HOUSE. ` . (FEE NOVELTY COAL OIL BURNER can be trimmed and lighted ITHOUT fe- moving the Chimney, Globe, o Shade, ives the largest ame, and is more (1 table` than any other style of burner. A stock just reciaived by ;l '3 I Iirrwrlw - _:,. mu sumo 51;); aagxgf 'pa1n:'iI.[no'Itlf1.r_19T`'7_'f:' `- uanlom '11:-sq ssnqo; uqcqqma pus ' urq _ in dams , mp 1sai1_1po1 qaulnm on; :9 sue `:a -znad u put :)[uo1 quauaaxa my :5 `xamod 3 In (.,lIlcItI 199.13 sossassod `manta am I am avpayrza pun nyund 11 `Unmu Cannon -Bewaro of lmluulonn. . - a5.-- .4, AS now on hand and fo'r{u|e,wholeaale 4 and retail, FIG SMOKING, FIG CHEW- ING, GOLDEN BAR,` VIRG NIA TWIST, PAN CAKE, SOLACE; and UT SMOKING TOBACCOS of his own manufa lure. ALSO, none nuns cganns, OF VARIOUS BRAEDS. Impollui \'.[;'u'-1.\`IA TOBAC US and genu- ine HAVANA CIGARS-of the boicesl. brands. WUIIII Licensed Mannracturcru and Ligars, Tran, \vu0u:sALtc .u~'-u-1u+; All. swim N0. 30 Princess L treet. Factory-62 QUEEN FTREET. Fnhrnau-u 1 '1 ' LLUIIEV '1 ~gq "3pT V 'P3|1WIA CIQSV 11:11 10 am: a .;::,::~.::::. isnqo; pm`, . 9`, Bumm nnnl namnnxn ...... _......_... , "9""J-I `tpguomgsau Jo 31?; momma`- 03 ~ J. R. is making Six-Octave ELODEONS in such a style that has never be introduced to the public before, called Ihe Pin` 0 Melodeon. Remember the oniy ran] Music Slow is I'\11'I*1 . . . ` _ __ AT 3. HH]'lE 8 unis HOB]; SOMETHING N+EW! j ul\- wnunv In REYNERB MLL~1(* _ STORE, `l\l'nl'|1rI1-Iruru n-.._ One more "good workn REYNER having receive ,,. this week for ORGANS that be has been obliged to inc 1 of workmen, ` October 21, 1868. @" Try Gardnl- Bakdg Fow- ` Ier. I February 25. March 5. `1 ;ANgIENT ADVERTIS 'l`h.-.. Tau-an n:...~...1'..a.:.._ - IILL HEADS anti other Kinds of Jon I PRrN1v1~nr:.nrnnn+..1 ...:n........ -1 L _ . . _ __ REYNEIPS 1IAL1r;n1.{ I00 copies sold 14 on ii7`:at.)|"uary 17. One Second-hand MELOE One Piano Style - " NOViE:f? ) S M _g E EI-{fs`. S._-Ali . _ WHITE PRINCESS STREWE1`. gfay part of {he JAMES SWIFT & CL Wu. * nrrn, DR GGIST, &c. vrh so many ox-darn f -his own ma_ke :`enae his number . G.--'- Horace : says :-Tbe in this city I liberally and zsement con- IP11 a display mo, #25 \ #50 'u or Tobaco jLEMEN'[_--: |,` T\: pan wanted. his music. iveeksy. ._ uz.1nl.lV\.`l .rUW_Ulli" D1! met nltlxphci its introduction here wnrrnuta an `IncraI I3'Gc - mnnd. Irena be obtained from main! II! leading Grocer: in Klugutomnnd uidit- lurer's pri;;esAn-om Ilessrs .1. 0ARRUTB Wk Co., Wholesale Grocers. Ontqrio Street, I Silo at Messrs W. R. loam: t _Oo.'n, xiugmn; ` % It_ you will: the best Ixllilli 1-ownnn, ml: for .;unnuI:|w . . Hugh an. UIIKJIQ ' Eu-ehyAa.ppoiutI GEO. W. UBIIGHTOI Ilrlh Agens. The buiinau will be conducted on htrlu CASH principles, and It the LOW POSSIBLE Pmcls. T amen kindly solicited, umhruny uoiina, and proniplly. atlgndod` to. V I '[HE remarkable neon: which `_`G~JlBDN33'3- BAKING POWDER Q; ulIh,plp0 w'u`1-ant: nu `Ina-hn'ni'n'. HE Undonignod willaooin toIdc;I,:uIIll the 6th April out for the Stock-in-5p;'ndp,pf the above named Insolvent. at (prim oh 151 dollar of the coil: (shout $8,000), II JIIo_I'a_ II the inventory, which my be uoiwlth tllogobdu at the store of the Imolvent. '1'orIu.eonh at npprouad security. The undersigned not bind himself to accept the higbeat or anjtondalt. HENRY CHARLES V0161`; h Ollohl Algnto: Kingston, 17th March, 1869. . mma dst auss ` An rongmm. Penn and Farah. gnnnhun nun 1:1 nu-.--..__.__- AYOUNG 11:11.0 ._m...'- ` may more for thcjnnt 91 yonrhtuigzgr house than for ndyertlning, you `I: ' T on at-o_purauin1g 1 false |i _ ' T inn do buainee|,let it be knopsrncz H I .l'H. ISALE or aAu_|g11IPI sxt"'l'. In the waniein, shoe Bunlcln nulq, A ` For which the highs market prion will it paid.` - ` A. LIVIIJGSTOH, .5. Prlneun Ilnnn`.*` TIIE True weight slimy: gnu-unload. T `- N.&-I1` Driven an-ornot dviluul punuunl, ptease let us know, two dear: thou Bun-lo, on Princess Street. March 19. A. swntsrx. Kingston, February, 1869. __.__,__.____________.j FRESH EADDOCK emnnmrs BAKIN8'POWDRK J1-..__ March 24. T111!) nnsr noun IN Kumsrun ALSO, A fe_w boxu la-gantanf L mm nnsr sum 1! Iniasml Insolvent A55:-)f .1864 a7.ndTL.,. amendments. I[|t8er.ofW"ILLIAI[ JOHIN P3307. of the City of Klnguon, In-chant 1&5 III Insolvent. ' 7 Fl;0NTEN.A(; tnwnnw in: nu IAIUIJOIIIII or `I -I-3.` `HE BnI:4;I'ib0r having 1 in: on tbs hunimnn nf : .sWANsT0Ns BAKERY; nu uuuuunulr DAVID` III`)! in; on the buuiuu of, the FRESH GOD- ITTQT Ijllrvv-an BEST BAKER` IN Kmasron. " 1~rae%D11';if Bunnie. F. :5; REE 5, 1 H ? IFIITIFIVIIQ an-nu-u un uuuun, a cent: per ll: COD1|'ISH,T6 cent: per lb. F0 80 Ram HA DDUCK, 5 cent: I. CODFISH. 6 aunt: M. II- NUMBER 149. JUST RECEIVED V0 STIAI 1 II 157 PRINCESS STBIIT AND uu ;orPh r_ WU swusrdn. iTABBI8HX ,\nvBn'rI II1I.f _.....s. L-n 3 ion Pvrovincesp by clu.` Obcfore the Cunnpacy I, it seems, do unw.; net-_-n's Eu?-jecls, bin native bzatcs becelsgry power, ac- !~&u:vv clause in an Act. _ Iceroy to select na- mllpet ' ve p: pttent ought to be ac! mpemion ongln now _six nmrmn ' D gslees. ha I - _.. ...u--uuus ICCU Ill _ thum. In the morning the IQ! be er I pected, drank inur-I ihemselves with water. Hut ' Id experienced buyer was 9 III 1: aglance that U _InIg, u the cattle were hfghfng, and an inspection '5?! occupied revealed Wm Ind call lu-:..,_ ---- lo of solid thl. . . 50 .`v'o1'1cII."-Ln ed onolid, I 9% my l\'!:`..\`I:\`(.. ,_-- .u uu ."llL. 'icero_v tiou or by order fur rnice, a mgasure of footed, we think, in vhpnu A`;.~...l.I I ll.uu -4 A Raw: .. U. we Uflll 'uf Victoria an lie, IOJ the Ct y Order. _ Th g..:- - pCp1'l'.~ chrlhqllake I ckhce, .7133 31-1, 8:. Isabel, Flmily .\'\'lITl. r:.\'gI..a.\`1. --vv M.) an have prov- l tube select- -ugln not to lrnnc. .- - 'tiar us-1 diamo bk- fl APRIL 30283. Prizice I , and The dream, .1 ' V -Au` ll, ondzr, - VII ` V The be ~ Philosophy of Marriage. - A new Course of Lectures, as delivered 3} the W New York Museum of Anatomy embracing the f[ subjects:-How to live an what to live for; _ I Youth, liaturity, Qnd old Age; Manhood gener- L1 ally reviewed; Tbeicauae ofindigestion; Flam- , M lenqe and Nervous Diseases accounted for; Mar- -, tinge philosophically considered, &:c.,&c. Pocket v volumes containing these tiectures, will be for- warded pout.-paid, on receipt of 25 cents, by ad- l 3 dressing SECRETARY, New York Museum. | Of Anatomy and Science, 618 Broadway, New lYorl:. ' 3 `- ` IJUIH U Ill uxusglalp. H Be sure and call for _ ' Mrs \Vlnslow s Soothing Syrup, ! Having the fae-n'nu'le of " Curtis & _Pakins h on the outside wrapper. All others are base `un- I i tations. I A Down Town. Merchant, Hsving passed several sleepless nights, disturbed by the sgonies and cries ofa suffering child, and becoming convinced that Mrs Winslow s Sooth- , lug Syrup was just the article needed, procured l * 3 supply for the child. On reaching home, sud ncquainting his wife with what he had done, she refused to have it administered to the child, as ` That night the child passed in suffering, and the . parents without sltep. Returning home the day l lollowing, the father found the baby still worse; 3 and while contemplating another sleepless night the mother stepped from the room to attend to ' some domestic duties, and left the father with the child. During her absence be administered i a portion of thesoothing Syrup to the baby, and said nothing. That night all hands slept well, I bright and happy. The mother was delighted with the sudden and wonderful change, and al- I though at first o'ended at the deception practis- , ed upon her, has continued to use the Syrup, and 3 suffering, crying babies, and restless nights mu 3 disappeared. A single trial of the Syrup never ` yet failed to relieve the baby, and overcome the prejudices of the mother. 25 cents a bottle. 1 Sold by all droggisls. l A nnsln ant. nnII :1-H `she was strongly in favour of homoeopa.tby.. and the little fellow awoke in the morning, .___-_. ...-J no-IBJEIJIJJ nutiuucun These Lozenges Are prepared from a highly esteemed recipe for alleviating Bronchial A`ec- ' tioru, Asthma, Hoarsenesa, Coughs, Colds, and Irritation or Sorenees of lbe Throat. PUBLIC SPEAKERS AND VOCALISTS will find them beneficial in clearing the voice be- ` tore speaking or singing, and relieving the throat nfter any unusual exertion of the vocal organs | having a. peculiar adaption to affections which disturb the organs of speech. Sold at '25 cents per box by all dealers in Medicine. ` I For Throat Disorders and Coughs, I D_....._'_ h_,_ Iv um . [ALLY NEi