vl .nu;_uu ur: glnulfu, Mu-r sum: discussion, Alderman A_ Living- ston moved, SaCU:1I.]Pd by Alderman Gildcrsleeve, 'I`hn.( um petition uf M'm. Augtin be laid upon [ lhe mhla. The! miuulu of the last meeting were rendAby the clerk, approved and adopted. i A mmrnnnicalion was rend from Mr Mintms, c-.>lh~cmr 0f1nxns,rvqun`Bling a further extension nf time for the collection or taxes. Granted, l th(' lihlf` being oxu-uded In the 1'at`of.liu_y next. The Mayur stated that were was 3 resolution at l|n- inst met-ling roll-riiug the petition of Mr Anglin lo !h:s evening ml the Jim: business I0 -1-e n-nlurlninntl THE nAII.)jA_LNEWs--TUI+1sDAY EVENING, APRIL 13. ...., runs were to be given at :11, ex-lain, the most important officer ion, wan the nidat entitled to web ' his need for the nssinanco of a T Livingston very strenuously op- .ure upon economical Drint-inln CIT)" Golf. y. ....u 1; yvuunutl lll|:' , r... . jnists on bolb sides the hall from 111310 111036 of the ground oor niddle of the hall absolutely n:- n whole of the ooring. a serious mailer in II monetary I the inoonvenirnca it must in- am] otcers occupying rooms on - `m-lnw tha hall, as 11105: rooms vncaxed duuiog the restoration CUIIIUXTUATTONB. [aeve pairs in high terms abilities of the clerk, but in were to be given the tuna} iuhnm.-o...b .-A'=--- Now that our star ofempire is taking its way to the west, it is satisfactory to know that the outlyingeulcrn pm-ts` oftbe Domin- ion ate at one v_Iith_the rent. of the country in attnchipg imgorlmce to the subject of northwestern extension. In Halifax, it is stated, the Iocepuape by the Hudson's Bay Company of the terms proposed by Earl Grenville has been well received. If'the It.-ntimcnt of Halifax can inuence tho rest of lheprovfnca. the opposition that might hue been expected from Non Sootin will 511 to the ground. l(.)l;lv\.VIi rear] from Mr Pqwers, spccxing lhc mate of the City nu. unuavu. . was then put and lost upon mded in the petition of M. -Ibers for the laying down e City Buildings to the sh the members of the ward, for than marl. in. 3.- ...u_,_ stimate of the possible cost mg of carpezrers and plas- Jovxng and re-xing the gas 2., and do hereby re} art that E thomumi uh.-an 1......-:_...n > report that I consider nn h.rn'|-1 aid..- -1.- L_n A` ,__ ....J uuvlllluvlly Up- I principle I impropriety of an ad-, Of the nluuoou .._z..:_ ,, ii_b:z-auo`r1-,-`gill-<`1e.r\;iecre, King- G. Livingsfon, Mchiillun. r, W5... up mu report or Taxes collected for the" :th $2019 .19 ` " P the report of nnllpntnri rm. n...-` Yily-Cu The Hamilton Spectaaar mntions Mr J amen Moy_Inn`,of the Toronto Freeman. as a candid for the oice of Warden of the Provindhli Penitentiary. The gentlemdn `uh: in Hqmilton soliciting the support of Bishop Fltrell, and also that .of Mr Mttgill, member fag Hamilton. If we are not mie- informed,'hbwev'er, certain arrangements hue been ajrcady made in-regard to ap- pointmenh, oices.a.nd aahries in the gov- crnment institution at Kingston, which will be Iqbmitted to the House, in a5:cnrd- nnce with the requirements of the new Civil Service Act, soon after the meeting of Purliament. ' ` , I)n-nnnn, Gib- Liviluzstun, U. ,Slmw,Su1limn ._u~-an _ .__ -u- qxistiug cil Uh-n1n- `nu .\ln_\'or, `um: yulllPPIUS.gI roar: of laughter, our mipd L .. The Chncellor of the Exche ' ' tualhy conclndcd the debate of q mo vu D}; 5%} ' to de_ Hera" moi: ygx-o1;e`s nbliged to tend his speech, 11 w_ho.ha(_l p_receded bun. deLive1-ed un.m...`- 'C]1nfice11br ...........,uugm_g nueers from both gides. . Monday ; debate was opened by Sir R. Palmer, who magic the uniy mlternutive pro- M posal to xir Glad:-1t.one s, and one which, if supported by the Conservatives, might pos- sibly have had a chance. It was very im- perfectly rephed to by the Solicitor-General [Sir J. D. Coleridge), who, instead of grap- Eling with his argument, escaped from itto somewhat common-place and prepared M harar gue. The most noteworthy speech of the dinner-Hour _was_Mr Richards, who de- livered a striking}; and eloque - ` 9 I mated by -I Julnhffnblb Iccounl; of the achievements of Methodism in \Vn|es. Mr glil-u'(_i,.W_i(lI mgke himself In]: :in_tbgH_911se n though his opinions will hardly be often tn nnr rninrl an hunt. The debate yesterday we-`ck, begun by Dr. Ball, the Member for Dublin, in H. speech of technical though striking ability, levelling up, was probuhly the best of the faint nights argument. J)r. Ball nttuckmi the principle of voluntaryisin, which, he aairl, had been little tried in Europe, and had partially failed in Atnericzx, anj mixin- tainetl that the Roman Catliulics wttntetl aid, if only to give culture to their [)l'lCS'.- lioiid. He was ably replied to by the At- torney-Gcneral for Il'el:uil(l (Mr Sullivan), who eloquently vindicated the character and devutetlness of the Roman Czulmlic priesthood, and l'3lll('(l Dr. Ball on the ten- derness lor Maynootlj which had sprung out of tears for Trinity College. Sir Staf- ford Nortlicutc made a. singularly tame i speech, in which he seemed to have forgot- ` ten his strong aftcrdinner language on Match Srtl about a gigantic scheme of mi)- bery Ckl:(l> out by kl still more gigantic scheme of bribery, and discoverer! that the * true object of the Established Churclt in Ireland was notto proselytize, but tn soft- en the asperitim" between the two religions. Sir Stalford thinks that there is something soothing: in exhibiting the spectacle of W wealth and eusetopoverty. We had never heard that it was the purple nntl ne linen and delicate fare of Dives which "s0ftt:netl the nsperities" of existence to Lazarus. ins it not, indeed, said to be the dogs who softened those asperities by `licking his Iores ? Mr Bright answered Sir S. Northcote in a speech which we shuul analyzing as of atialyzing a grand lyric. The melted earnestness which is the basis, of his oratory was never so cunspi_cnous,' and as he closed his an the assertion that tho disposal of ti , plusrealized his highea ' t ity, and with the expression of his con- dence that the Supreme w0ul.l hlessa mea- sure founded ;on the ffjusticezand mercy which are the attributes of His uternnl reign, members held their breath with ad- miration and awe. For the first and last time in the debate a speaker sat down .-amidst. xingingnheers from . M.0DdnF'&dHimtn was A-~--4 ' :1-lvoeating poor Lord .\layo s scheme of (1 as soon think of - perb peroratiun with _ ....... vu-tug. 11. was a zmuewlmt,.remurk ume font. to SWHI1 clear, 0! such a wbirlpou as that. In`, II - ` A repb comes from Ilulilnx to the affect that Mr Howe (whose election is now due ed to bequize uh) will have A majority of the megnberlfrom Nova Scotiu. to support him in Home of Commons. It is well known that the members of thelocal House are morecibitlered repealers than the mem- bers eletod to the Home of Commons ; but the friend: of confederation will be glnd to discover, when the House meets, the lap . eutrectnesa of this report regarding Mr Iluwegnd iii: parliamentary friends. If it ohould happily prove to be true, the Nova Scotinn diiculty will have solved itself through the elect of the concessions obtain- ed by Mfowe. _ . _ . . . .--.... VJ ula pncuccczauru, auu uzsnmony Wm given 10 the roguluriny with which such :e- cvipts had been invariably paid our to t'e cl:amberJain. The report also smled that all lines collected at me polico court In-J been July accounted for an_d paid over to lbe treasurer. The re-purl was adopted. The Council lhm adjourned, it being within nl few minutes of eleven o'clock. :3-aun: Yeas---Aldermen A1Ien,Broph_v,I2rown, Chm-xx, Dillon, 1):-t-nuan, Gibson, Me.-Mll'uu, Robinson, SlmW,_Su!|ivnu and Tomkius, l`.. - ' Na.y3-A1g1ermen J. Cunninglmm, Davidson, Gildi'f1IQVIn k'i.mI.n.n A I:..:-....,._ .....I :- unvnusaluu, O The report ofthe city auditors was read. It was a very lengthy document, hut the chivt` points of iDl(`l`!.'SL were the testimony given to the exam correctnes of the accounts of the city chamberlain, and the extreme nentneas with which the city boaka were kept by him, the highly satisfactory manner in which the doom merits of the city clerk, which had come under the supervision of the auditors, had been kept, and the efciohcy of the tax coliectnr, who had paid over about $11,000 more tiixws than had i-een collected by his predecessors, and tcstimony l`f`E|l]ulZ'iIV with mm.-h =....o. -.._ rnulc as last. Jcf. Alderman A. Livingstonjs amendment um the signal for is renewed clash fan-Ins, wlmn during I lull in the battle lh;lM,-._vnr very wisely and adroilly look the oppo'rluui._y to put. the original motion which was lirst presented, rind it was carried upon a division with the ioilowing result: Iv ... ,.. 'cl v1:, but he ll. ht. the pr:-son` n m _`__inn.u- Iflcious lime {to " IL-ruin the idea. pny av.`- dnionnl oxpengm bypn iucreu.-w or eudztrit-S. Aldprnnan Ilnnnhb nvnnnlml lm views (If Ilw lbldlu A Alderman Sull.nm was in fuvour of the rr-l port, and spoke irr f.n'our of it. Am-r a little addilimml discussion, Alderman ` A Livingston moved, seconded by Aldcermuu` Kinghorn, that the salaries of the cllicers be the 1 nun: as last year. Alan:-than A Y l..:n.-...n....'.- ..-----3----I - - - E _ur-_ys--nxgerluen .1. _uunmn Gllderslmevu, Kingborn, A Li I . . Lllnnnatnn R |\.lIIu|t_`fB1lVl_1, ` _ Livingston, 6. 'I'IlJ Inlsnlli .- ul luv l-n`ll_l. ' , Some mum invidiuus"retmu-kn of the Inn. speaker in rs.-laliun lo lhe Ix-&[wutiv't'. mvrils 14' civic oicert-1, ulul which no duum were nu-rt~l_v the thoughtless u'spr'mg of we Ir.-at of dchnu-, (`licilcd sharp mud quick njoindrvi-s from Aldc-r- melr Ar.-bwiogoon-.- J; Gunninghnm, `Kingham; and Davidson, nnd marks of dimm-mbmion. Alrlorvngn ('1 `I in}.-...-an.-an a4:rI n...o in man mull I-`ll.l'\l IIIIVILIEUU. IIIIU IUPIIVHU lll UIT|"'lUUiI|IUIl. Alderman G.`Livingalon said that iv. was well known to men of business in Kingston that there never had been so much cximluercioyl d_i=- piession as had existed dining Ihujpist ivlnti-r, and still existed at. the `present spring`, and that all kind-Qaf business operations were Ill ' the lowest ebb. Now these business rt-lnlimuv, borne by the majority of (`ilize71b=,wtra not aus- tuinnd by and wrre cOtllpM'nt`iVrly I|l]f'rll. by the civic oicc-rs-lhe Pul:\r_\' of the city clerk was the 3-true nuw ns wha u Ihe uluplu of life, uur, was $4 and $5 per I00 lhs., and no matter who- ther business was brisk nr dull, or whu were sol-' vent or who were wur:lil_-.-s.=, these nic:rs' Iirrs went on smoothly, and ihcir annual pay was (`|`l'lf|l[l_ He should tln.-rv.-fLI'e, in \'l`JW ul lho 1-rvsmll high mx\lion,`np;`-my H10 rise, Aldemun J. (VL:uni|i;_zli:im spoke in high l terms of the cflicioucy uftlm civic UnlCt'l' gonor- ully, and in particular paid in high Irihuto to Ihc clmraclel of the clmmberluin, uud the cuurienus utlenliou invariably accorded to all who had bU3ilN`58 l'JMi0ns~wilh him or ha-1 occasion to call at his olca for inforrnnlinn, but he (the Alderman) should not vole for [he rise. Alpha"-..:... I.':....1.,._.. ....-1.- ... .1... --...- ..r _ V-` ...-any V1510 III an ixnlnc-clinic resumpxinu of meals. I_n less sarcastic terms _i`u*a.-ctcd by the P014! against Gc and utlfers, the resumption of I menu must be very diicult in lo much paper money in circul: u.-uunuxuu} uuuulu LIUI. Vulu IUl lllU J'l:~'l.'. Alderman Kinghorn spoku lo the same cf- : feet. 3 .1; .~ .. . A - - III|IU|ll\I l'Ll|UHl' "IVE" IUUWUIHI` UI EN-IIII era. I A_|derman Uzopln advocated the views of` Ilw ' report, Ind wry I rmly culogized llbO_('hHIll".l(`|' of the ch-r|'{_ ' 5- 7 Qnnm Ilthnr irI'1n||n*DhIII'|nv-`ll nf Hm lull. or Maynoot sjiriing nrs Stat - `tllculc strong lif{.f,l'{]Innnr- 1.....-.._. , H l_ 4., _.....un\..: ul Efp` zoxnmon-place ye Jr in; elpquent speech on Voluntafyism and the Wet ta_blighmeut, which be ill US- [(`r'nI1nl- --f .b........ nu uxauuone amic =r, complained that only _. V .\.us 1` FUN. mt there/is ting pvcrty. rpurple fine Divan wl.:..I. u...._;. - uuguulu, Alll V I\.ll'lll [.ivir:gsl0n and U` l): Russell, in deihribi ventures ot the Royal Prince and Pri I the East, makes the following astound inexplicable remark :--"As there were asses to be found, ths Duke of still.` GolonelTeesda.1e, Oolouel Marshall", Li: , ringlon, Captain. Ellis, Prince Longs, I ly, and Captain Achtnet H sum were at trudge on for some three miles or so. ng tho tron) about time 3rd of April the Prince's absence. ; n- nu- -- - _._-.... `(U OCCUJ the Senate of I 6th inst, opened the p by a pnyer in which he the deliverance of Cuba. Circular says that Sir G. The chaplain of States on me of that body the Lord for The Court 4_ , _ T, _ When the stnzisiics uf Amciican banking under the present systenn are collected to- gether they will rev;-ul an 1-xtnmrclinary LI- smplepf the extent to which banking nisy be cnnicd on without 'reeurt to :5. specie "12 hula. The Philadelphia Banks -report 21 toml of deposits and circulation, payable on demand, of $40,000.000, wilh $200,000_ or ve mills on the dollar, in specie in thqir vaults! The New Yulk Etenirry Pact ale- clnrca this is bctterllmn the showing nf most of llle banks in the country, and think; it is suggestive ml` the nanciul wis- dom rlispla_veal,lry those whonre pruning Of an ..n.....I._._ , triing descent, in 4 minufes 48 seconds the United proceedings be petitioned Cuba. Circularsayslbntir Ir H---=~ D___ _ _, , Sir John Lawrence in to be` Peerage us Baron Lawrence, he in to suppress a name his brother an made illustrious j The oats of 5,000 for the piaiutif; 1bc1 `IIUDS. n|.I\.bI un.VU UIHUU. % Mr Gulimrnc llzmly made the Inst great clmrgc for the Ucinservsnlivos, and some of his rushes were elTu(.:li\'e, though he. never rs`-ally got, up full Btenm. He compared the (Eillmlia; juuluu-:y of the Protestant Esau!- llbllllllinf. tn the grudge felt. against Morrlccui while he sat in the kinghg gate, criticized the :.`lnp.slliy of the priests with tln-crimes ul lhn: punplr, elilligizml the pmlc-stunts fur Imt L-ncuurngiug ngrnriun crime, pretlicicd the next cnnccsaioll must. be to get rid 01' the prmeelant landlords and Iinmanizc Ire~ him], and used the ordinary phrnseology us to the sucrilcgiuus character oflhe measure and the ah-spoiling of pro1)ei;l_v devoted to Urol s service. But he admitted, towards` the Close, that it was barely possible he might be wrong. Clearly he was out of llcx-irt. .. l'- - The late Lieut. Wbitta of Mr James Whittaker, A formerly of the 5111 Drug .,....3 nu u more dc-:ult.nr_' tlxrc. Another blow will now Inc in the same goal! cause, imd I will I creep: in one moment more." D |.uuL cIU(:K'3 naucl moves rapidly to- wards the dawn, so are rapidly owing out (hr years, the months, the days that remain to the existence of the Irish/Established Church." VVc were not now just opening this question. It. was greatly advanced in the lust Parliament, pushed (in before the new cnnslitucucius, ml-wardcd a great. stage when the triumphant results uflbeelcctions became known, I-mught on towards the end when the lptc Guvernmeut gave up uicc and chnse a. less r4.-spnusihle hnniqinn 4-..- .,...mm: nuuwn, I-mug Guvera r4.-e[; which to carry on blovl _, , ._--.... -I. u..n,..-.u|. LIUUTIS OK ["9 H105` weuriz-`-omc debate. The pcrorntiou, which,` owing to the law hour, was badly reported, was exceedingly striking. It was for the interest. of all that the Irish Establishment uhnnid not be kept in :1 pro rapi of Hm T.-hm t.~,.._u..= . . nun: I. Mr Gladstone did not reply till a. qu 1)?L,HL out-, but when he did, rose WI! much re as if he had not been liste closely to seven or eight houfs of the debate wl nun-inn 4-. .'l.- l(- ` The relations between Franco :-.. glam- L_-4_ .3 1 K Mr .Fe'erson Davis is said to in private apartments in Londc nu - 1 ..;.;;,` .1. mn|_1- lin- ' ll:-fmm I: L lime` bu-I ,,IAI .1. un--_ -:}, VVIIU HI! he funhcr fumi`. order In get. it vtcn: which hnsj .`3'nou-h prrju-lire. ~:-ahly nmka: u. mrm nun urn-n vrllu-`u, llII'tl tit-Ia$7la|uL"i| NH! 1' Lew`. "lune" l~`])('lCll I-tlIltWt.`Ll that ho hrul :1 haul ('t|lI.~l". lmlw-cl, Mr lame lfltlbl not laml l'.i.~t tn-zttnl .~'ttt:t-(run, timttglt he s4uitl,ul' (:U|Jl'5t'o umhy t'|)l;_{l`ttl)lllItIl.l(: tltittgs nn-la usetl .utauy.Letll`mg arguments. -11 desuubucl it us the teulpuint in tliscussinn wheth-er ur nptt the many were made fur the lew--whe- tlu-r the hptscupnl Prntestants of Irtluutl have tiny more right. than the Frcrxclt no- i lea-`st: In-lure the French Revultttiun to he slrrtcinlly vxmtpterl from the rm-t 0l'.l)('ul- "lug; their uwn prnpcr burdens. _ Ilepnintctl nut that the Prntt slttnt Eszuhlisthmi Church |.;_~.t n, grunt: n-liginus nppurtunity of gain-_ ing the nttlinn, when it luiletl tn take the t~l(lL` til the people again:-t. the Gnvernlneul. tlufittg thu prctssttroul the wickeu penal laws. (miurctetl hy lace and principle with the vicmrinus party, it llrlld a high tnetlinturiztl l'um:.tinu upon to it. in protect- ing the nppreasetl Cutlmlicn, which ?! he.- lln-i'1uirrg_jtt.-Itim to the C-llllllllctl than (lure the Ultlllrll, the hitter cannot expect tn rt - Lzttin its last. glmuml. There was more pet- lnqts of tnnrul force in Mr Lowe- .~*. ilpucttlt thnn in tnuny nf lllt-I git-at. ()r:tlnrI('.t|l 1-llhrltt, hut. ht: \\'u.t, as usual, grating in histune to- tvnrtls nppnnt-uts, and was drier tlttm usual in jillttstrutiun. Ha ptmluced much less Ilthll his ltsttal 1-llist-l. The" lust night ul the clehatet ('l'ucslay) wits vmy tlrenry. Mr `Walpole, its usual, \\':t.S(`hlll| and curm-st, hut also (lull and lttgttlui-ius. He, mhlly L-nuu.[_-_It, l(`n`.|t|l'kc(l en a'\lr Iiriglttls Qt-lt-uee uf the u.|)|)llCu.ll0ll of llt(1_`, t-ut'pltt-3, on the ground that Our Lard`: mg was spent in ;.;iving hearing to the dettl, sigltt tn the blind, and life to the (h:ud,tlutt the-,_ 1-Iv.-m=r;clists make it. the climax of their cuutnurmiun ot Ilis ncts nl benethcuce that to the poor the Gospel was pt-euclietl," Im- whivh Iltr Guvernnn-ut Bill, su_irl Mr Wu]- polt-, v.uttltl wtthtlrnw the pmvjsi.m_ EDMS he aw-uliy think it the c-h...ructeris:ic of the Hstulvlislzttl Ultllrcll in Irelttml that it; prt unites the Gospel to the puer,-who utu neasrly all Catholics? Sir llenery L -ulwcr, whu l't`l)lll`(l to him, said one or two ejnlgrztmutuiic tltings in H week vnicc_-_ns, lnl';lltslt:1nCt', tn cntnparing the Etngliali with that lrtslt Estulilisltntcttt, that while it. wnuhl tnke un army to put down the` for- IIILT, it actually takt-s_ vtte to keep up the iuthrr ; but he spukc in a prepared atyh-, \'r`_ll1II.:lI htul cost him much effort, tutti coat his` audience more. Mr VCTUEF (Armagh <'u'.Iuty) _nm.ic the nu sy Cunst rwmvg -`tlmcit Wlticlt usually cnmca after tlte'tlin- ner lieur, rcviling Mr Glatl;~.tonc's unrevu- 1`L`.l_ttl tongue," and pIG.llt.`.llttg thatif the "H.-t1.~clt.-:::s Lortl-Licutenuncy were eye; "l 5l"l. the "aunt would shine in again tltrttttglt wimlnws that; lnul lnnm 1...... t.... Iglcivml. Now, when the State cares more .-...- ._..a mm.-mcuwnuncy ahuiishr.-(1, ilu-nu-_;h that had long been bar- riec|_ and "wrinkles disappear from the brow ul Ircluud. But he was almost Ii- 1'uHrd in inibccility by Mr Moore (Liberal tor Maya), who |89L`l'lCll that the Bill must funiigatcd and saiivated, in through the narrow-c_ru~ has Just npened in the wall 0 I)ra-im|im- H..l:.....:...,- ...- ..-l.A , V out, OTG-'58 Inemlu-.rsa luul In-1-n nlrlc to speak as [)'t-', }srcdi:lu.-ul Hunt the Hill wuultl not 1Ia..~9, rc Inimling lh:-. tI|l`.~i'.` lhwgt be 111111 nmllll? prmlic-Ii-m of MI`Glu4|sl:nnu u Ihll in 19466 :mc|.lha|l. Inlnpredictinn Inn! bu-n VI-rili--cl, uml l|.$(3`I;l.E'(| lhut M! I ,_ I, ,. I 1], 1 AI, 11,, _ I . I,_. 1...! . .. -4-;.sun'l:I W88 U33! es of Bramham, f Dragoon Guards. :5 the late convent trial ' defendanla and 7,0(_l the whnln A? n...... K - is suffering from 1 5 n. l'.nnnl.-in... LI- -I- -___.. nu nu IE rll 10 the aron beingwunwilling and himself have ous. 7 E` Remcmbeflo pay your Water Ac- count by the 15th, uud save the discount. s: ucmuu` : whole c , _._._. Ju-.. --!u.nn;u Iu LIN: WIN "I in-lire. Salivsting might pas - thinner, us well as lcmm-u ha: how fumigation wouhl In-lp through :1 nurrnw crc-vibe, Mr 1c I-:u:w_u. Fur pure: DIJf)54:l5aL` hing hkc the hour in Parliament Jig mun rise and aficr the small lilwd " u. mus, rriuoe llr(Br'i;1.'-I Hanan obliged to me so. ` Whittaker was I ilfnlcnr A5" D-'~- ,,_...._-.... nvu up uxucc responsible position from n dcaultmy wu.r~ nnur Inn -`--`-"'- ate nmouni to ndanla 7,000_ for the 3 of these com: 1511` upon the __ , ._-....v_y unnucullwa, arable deficit in the annual u this the Government. his he foreisrn cn.nit_nli.o. _.:.- ,...= we uovernnent. a foreign capitalists, who I the greatest public en- -, -..u uuu me nonog; land the lioygl fumi- aid be living quietly London. IETE'.`0ROLOGlC:\.L 0BSER.\ ATlU.\IS FOR THE WEEK ENDING APRII. 10, 1869`. n money diiculties, lecit nnnnn is Irish hour o.n o`r remrnn to Wool- V of plug. Ail. I'D 1 a- _-av-uuI1.|KIC' n Princess in ; astounding arid llr Brier-" II `Eta rlhlinuul `- travoliingr Dd Prinman is Ky 9. qunrter I, wnh as been listening 11-`s of Iha Inna} I the second son ha.-'1 Vnu-'l.n-|-=-- sisal to the I,i,,,...._._:n: Iv nu` uw lnvatruck In-ill not in- I. Ii. Uartier, L, an-ind" at [This is by Montreal Lime, from 1!} minim {hr Ihe diirence belv and Kingston time.1 _,_, __;,,,; u acuunu EDD 11, Yorkshire, l IDI- Tzh" Bu. I-ml -_--- -- av! | yearn ol`: ` ~-V- -luv, muuuurgn. ' Imsu eontm man I-on1I=n 2 g`;`;{!: 133,33 3033733; qua;-h pigu ` % ,,w. an Km: .8 co: l."\1--. , w. 1;. monk I: am , ALE! 1391;: ALEH -.j Trains nrzive mud depart from the Kingston Sluion as follows : uurLung1y for`: Wine.` ` Tarragon: Port Wine, Marsala Wine, Saglerne Wino, M The above Wines fe high 7 their purity and chupneu In -'1 I`.-- .,--.- nu JVQI Roynl Glycerine Soap, in 1 lb ind 31b hora. Royal-White Soap, " Golden Bnr Soup, ` ' `in: Bar Soap, " ' perial Bar Soap, -" " above Soaps are cf the beat qnnlity, and a suing of no per cent from the ordinary Soup. w 1n - - * I1-`-u . save 10 per cent In your Laundry: Ron] Glven-inn H..- .-.- . II. 4 . nu:-rxsvn WA Gorge: oi Princess and , Kingston. - ' April 9. L57 _nuuuU1l'lD, nmcx and uoloured. Black Doeskiua and Cusimerea. Tureeda, English, Scotch, and Canadian. Waterproof Tweeda` and Iiellons. 7 Fang] Dress Goodl. [luau-ea, llobaira, Challjeu, he. he. ' Alpacas, 1&1-xckland Coloured. le W W Goburga, Black and Coloured. Fancy Prints and `Bi-illlantea. Marseilleg and Piqnbl. llualjna, Plain and Printed. ' T Ootlons, Grey and White. Z Gallon Sbeetingl. l`!i ck-ipgs, Cotton and Linen. V` Window Hollauda, White and Bull . Linen Damask, and Tablo Tlolba. Town]: and Towelling. i Irish Linen: and Diapers. Imperial Quiltaand Toilet Coven. Guruius, luallniand Lace. Dnmaaka and Moreens. Table Covers, Damask and Cloth. - siuu, Black, Golonrad,aud Fancy. Satina, Black add Coloured. Silk Vlveu and Velveteen. Fancy Dress Butlonl. Fancy Dress Trimmihga ma F1-ingn. Paraaola, Black, Coloured and Fancy: Umtrellu, Conan, Alpaca and Bug.` Hosiery, Ladies , Goals , and Children ; Glgvea, Liala, Silk, 'r.reu. . ' Gloves, beat Josephine and Ducbeaae Kid. Shim, Gena Whit/e and l_'ancy. Collars, Linen, various styles. Collars, Paper; a large auogemgg` Gems Scarf: and Tia, new atylea. ' Ladieacoraels and Hoop Shiny, Waterproof Clothing, - The aboro haringbeen pnrchued on the but ms, and carefully selectad,_wi1l be roam; ell worth the auenlion 0! par , an un, ill be sold at. the loIvarj>oaaihl.e_pgia. : --_____ IIlP\l"'II lJ'IQll=g The funeral will take place from her late re. sidence on Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock, Irrbll city, on the 12th inn, Hamilton Don. ald, aged-J6 ye-am. M The funeral will leave his brbIhor'u raidene, G.'l~`.R. Station, on Wednesday, the 14th inst, at 2:30 p.m, Friends and acquaintances nu renpea. fully invited to attend. ---._-,_.v-.7 u qwaaw ORANGES, dncan In this city, this (`T111-;d'ay) morning in 11,. 33nd year of her ago, Ellen Vemor, wife of A Campbdl Lackie; ' TBA fang.-.3` an-ill In`... ..I_-- 1,-" I samsu wmunuss, CONSP'l`h`r: w Duh-I no urn Y ..... 1:10 min. `April 3. `The ships Glehier and Abenn! lefl. Greenock for Quebec togelhe; on Thnnday, the 25th uh, The Glenitfer left. In low about half an :hnu.- 'B|'or'the Abebha. _ The Elietidiih hid noI fe". turned from her wihler yoynge to Savannah, so what she is out of the nee this season. A good deal of int:-rent seems to be felt in the Clyde :3 to the result of the race. The timber eul thin. your leaving Greenock will, according to the local papers, 06!; consist of upon: half the usual number. _ . ` {_____________ CILLMPAF-NE I GIIA,!lPMiN.l! 11 nu] ll-nu linvvn - C,-_.uu cvll Pure Juice Port rlniinn `D-~` ' Among other fun blght to light by 1| ordnn cs infesligtlinn lglely prosecuted before njoiut commi tee of Congress to n'd that within the Inn! lhui years utilelflhnn 258 of Ihe hen, gum supplied to the Alleticun navy have burst and proved epmplelely unlesl. Of 43 Rodman I8-Inch gun`: can for ma navy, 17 hucnlrendy been disabled. Dry Goods, April 3. _, _.._--J I-I LIIUWO Juice win, in wood and bottle. Burgghdy Pox; Wino. " u /Marsala Wine. 7" " April 3. "April 5. 61g{.' `l'-V'|Ai-n - ._ cbxsrrxsa IN PART AS FOLLOWS: %ROADCLOTHS, Bmcf: and Coloured. 1 Hun-,lr nllliinn and I`-nr:------ JUST ZRECEIVED TEIIPEBANCE DRINKS. Oranges I N Ew tPRING Lemon Syrup. Strawberry Syrup. W Japan regs." 'I \Yr1' I'l|l'1v1-I .. ._ or that Duclurrlou ~ [net-utod neatly, cheaply, And expeditiously at Ibo DAILY NEWS JOB rnrsrrmo omrxcn. v I590 high}: recommended fog chenpnou ' vv -.t.l.J.lL)lL..l..UJ OLD RY], for: m,; AT THE T w. 3. `tom: z oo. DIED. w. 11 noun: a (50. 5'73. noun 3 co. I R. IICRAE I: Go. ENlNG,' A gr` Sim 1='m.s*1' PA GE. PRII: 13. .1i. l!cRAE a an; .. naval gaunt], Ill the loRAlI & Go. ......, i In present . : - ..11i SINGLE COHES of I mu! nII`k_ ...,......-_ *9 .1 [svriii Masixxi, `L 1' BED]. -00001-`II IATBJII! .v , r :`.v.-*t'r4'ww" l`1 New N639 onlx Klgvosfox ` I oz;.-1cm'.~1 run 1'. N. F. Dm-ma, A.M., Observer. Await.) . ` ;j13.I`7' mm Am 3; " * Wxvu *1 8'l'AlIv ml Il H-Ajhd I`Single I-nnvnin NW n--u_"v `i I`-.3 'l`ruvcIIc`n_` Guide . ",Ptain s_ wife. she mu 0 bill!!! 9 feet ' nd "Bettina I-3: . ,;,... aculellleb or the Pteaident Grant to-day i `|_poiutmems, in which ` _- President to April 18.---'I`ho Her " ii! is well_kn0wn the`(J Wonlhe queotionof Cal vjlnoeting was held lngt. hiu-n nf nah`: -no--I..h. , --~-- . " 0:50 " Igcama nu. 5:40 am. I Mixed tnin 19:00 A. m.j H 7:00 u `. ggguuus was uulfl nip!-1' views of each membe :` learned. `Secretary 1" bnsqrv_at1ve viewl._ iilh llie Cubani as wire 1 , but deprccatea` an; 0111 ` ` by Ihpk n mmistrn ; llelibves} Gubu. s ` { ' \ tlms Spain Kw resisting the` mnnd `if the United States i yilynot only ekhaws l _ < Vent mu apdluiaii ` ill drawqxssist ncq_fr_ M nce, and'wu_ wi I lfave -.a:..._ _t -1 - _.....u._y pnncy In re an! I _ lesllns d*ecliued.;the*-1 _ ` will be sent to Bbain. V ' ion will be made to h `;,iIIe settlement of {he A `]|| nl\n-u ----- somptfgnd ' mug the resident to 1 manly policy in -' I!!! III! lhrzlilmn 4 0|--` ` `April 13, p.m.4_B~readstu gnu-m when 89341; new $3-r"` "" """*""' M` i 'to Constantinnple, _ ffinghe same capacity, l ' ui at Conuta Ippointed Hi I-I-us.l|1 lAIT. 1:30 p.m. Mixed train 3:15 um. 1:50 8:20 frruun 1-in- W A-rm W` `, :7 - _ 1 A April 13,_..'m,, I from New Y. gm) columns ,Ipk 13, pm.-o-Bonds April 12.,`--The f Ins senttn the Senate glotlay; to he zinisui r. _..-...F, specie pa ` than the u Gem-ml Gru 1.-Be`rtim.tti| . .. _` lI,.....o-nInnnIn U ISTOW '-' heat of '9 lauded [noun--`-5` * .EG_R ` Mutual Igiiip Nliwi. VVCIW the 90110 IAIT. J ` llro Dalyv NEWE may 3 --u.l.-'I:..-.:-_ _n:, n circulation. `mm which dedut - between Montreal ` specie pas; : the "face of : e-..-.....& , - if: vvun-I ICIUH ill 17-8" m into `be inter and nu up the u-chiuy out of sight, bearing the baby in his mouth. - One of, the men mind the sewer and soon returned with the ma. one; It in thought [In childgwill re- cover from it: in juries. ' t_--}_.---.__i_ At Springeld, IIL, the other day, do; utacked 3 baby in n wnggon bexonging to a family of emigrants en route to Missouri. The dog seized the child in his mouth, sud no at fen-ful speed toward A sewer, the child : bead dragging-nponthe ground. A couple of men started uothud the den: o but before they could renc the tango brute he dashed un Arnhinv .-.... -4 ..:_=-- , ___..._ ..5u..... s.scJu su lue conn- cil chamber, sad 3 great rush of delighted loaf- ers to the gallery was .the result. There were no prisoners, however, and the only case tried was brought before the court by Mr Moetyn, in- spector of licences, who charged James Austin, who lives in a'oellar under the Nations! Patel. corner of Barrack and Wellington street, with selling liquor without licence. The inspector failed to make good his charge, but the magis- trste said he was well sltised that the defend- snt kept a shebeen shop, which wss the resort ofs lot of {sst youths on their steady journey to gallows And goo]; he therefore admonished the accused, who retired. i Bone: Cocur, Tuesdu_y.-T court were this morning again , __-.---...... u. - nulull uwemng mouse, stable and 3 large barn . The fire appears to have or}- ginated in the house or stable which belonged to Mr G. Medley, but which was occupied by a, tenant at the time, and communicated to 5: large burn, the property of Mr John Ryan, sitnattd at a short distance. `The chimney of the same house took re yesterday, and was supposed at the time to have been safely extinguished, but it now appears probable that some of the sparks at that time communicated to the hay in the stable, which was close by, and had lain smoul_ dering until it broke out this morning. Mr Ry-` an loses about five tonsot" hay and a lot ofagri- culmrsl implements, besides the barn, which was a large ne building. There was no insurance on the property, and Mr Ryan estimates hisloss at between four and Eve hundred dollars. No one but the women oi`Mr Ryan : fiinnily were at home when the barn first look re; but these, with great spirit, went to work and got out a number of valuable domestic animals which were in the building at the time. A portion of the fence on the ptemieea of Mr 15'. J. George was also destroyed by the fire. _ Fm.l.--A re occurrrd about eleven o'clock this morning at Barrieeld, which reaultd in the datruction ofa. small dwellin g house, elabYa and 8. lnl-on hum- FBI... c-- N - ,_ ,_ __., ..-............ Ln`: uuu not a. malt to nd. Lieutenant-Cclonol Paton, the ofcerg Ind men, all deserved the greatest credit, and he would have pleasure in sending a. most favourable report to Ottawa. Three -hearty cheers were then given for the Queen, nnd three for the Brigade Major. During the evening the band played in number of pieces, one of them with vocal accompaniment, and gave evidence of very great improvement. The following were the numbers actually on parade :- No. 1 C0,, Captain M'atthuws.. . 45 2 " Herchmer. . . 48 3 Thibodo . . . . -LB 4 " Hncdonald . . 42 5 " '` Werner . . . . 47 6 " Stephens. . . . 51 _ ,, -._-_.,, .... .. ..; uuw. Luus luf in Kingston the new malitin law has worked well. Lieutenant-Colonel Shaw entered the shed showy before 9, and was received with-a gen,- eral salute, given with precision and ether. He then made: a minute inspection of the men, their unifoxms, nccoulremenls, and arms, expressing his unqualied approval of all. The lirnilcd number of accoutrements were nut {and clean, and the arms in pcrfccl opder. Culonel Patcn then put the Iogiru n-var-.al n-r...un.....-. :_ --! H ` Lieutenant- enl llnmugh ti-er Butt:-tiion was iuspscted last evening in the Drill Shed by Lt.-Col. Shaw, and presented ll" tine appearance. The men were in their new uniform just received trout Uttawa, and the only want was sbakovs and nccoutremcuts, :1 large ~ proportion of the men lining neithr. We uu` dersmud that every effurt has been madeto pru- cure a supply, but so far without effect. During the winter the ofc.-rs of the 14th havs beet: making great exertions to ll up their compan- ies, and it must have been grstifng to them to find their efforts crowned wirh success, the tegi_ ment never having been more eicient, and scarcely ever so strong as it is now. Thus far in L'i..n.-urn- nl... _._._ ._.,t'-' - I _ , us.-.uel alnroclmns for calling out. the Pruz.-`sinn ' 1;unl\\`rhr, which will place Nurt_b G(`l'llNlIl_\' | nn :1 war footing; though possibly it mjly turnout that thc_Hvr(lcra nro issue-1 sirnply I for the sake nf diplmnntic effect. While.` lnvwovm-. tlmse tm'lic.~I uru in play, one Irish ljutl-,r_unf'l|w wicltll of tllU:`lllfalg0l1i5lll \vh'u-In is u ,` ,_,_ , , i __. Mr llaunillun Dousld, who. was injured in the hue railway act-idem, di_-d at-lbe (jemrnl Hus- pitnl }`vslerd:1y an-ding. A post mnrtcm exami- nation to-day revealed serious injuries to one of the kidneys, received at the tima of the nccidcnu suicient to cause death. _cnHL-cited ` FROM MUNWREA L. Mnntrcnl, April 13-.-The iru 'nn` Hu- (mun! ulmvu `VI.-Hinglnn llriulge is ull |nI`d'k- on up. That on lhc:rivcr is still usul fur crossing, though \'cr_v prccnrious. K I ;-tcr Rc.]|h||h was last night. Ch,-Clul J'rc.'ic|c|It of the Mm-ntunlilu Library .\:I.~'m:in- tinn. Refrczglnm-uls are in be pcrmittctl in` the lmihling In-n-aft:-r, nnd John Young: urgn-ti that the mums sh.-uld be made sul-I ciontly nttrnctivc |u la-ml I.-ulius tn join. The QI'.v(-ifs (`allege L-mlnwmncut fund I meeliU.`- ' lay. 1 -2:000. which M Hm Puuacxsa LP Wilma 0m.-'l`his Volun- ..._I;,.. I3 _ _ Add:-es Field and stat!` oicera. Grand total present V .._,. . . ~- v<-,;----rvr-' '9' mh on which to renqw thaxlumbering quarrel between France and Prnsia. It is in View of wider complications that the thin between France and Belgium are um-acting attention abroad, and it is to quiet 3110 apprehension: that are being oxpitod M. (In I.`.';.|-u- L-.. ---L ' ' ~ ` .\'I`E(.v'1'.-1 L T127. HG In .-1,115. `in St. l'ut1iCk':I -. cash. nees, {cellar ml: 2 van wall nni.a...a .1.-. .L, x - |~'rnncc from l I'1'1.~s.~Ii:L--:1lInlIl:1;_:-n||~ m-'uu1r8d|_v is full of danger to 1101 . u n lI.\r\.\ onse , e, a 7 Of Ml` Jnhn pinn sin... A , . 0110; n_y.-The sessions of the ; again held in the coun- ,_,_x n as , ' .._.. .- -vi un n51!` den [`here his los_a No .- faipily at Gaul. AIL` ' 1;-4 to the lt-||Ipcr-- .- M. n Iuxxpumucc Chuzch lust bun- W numbers nhout ,,-,j-._ ---- --- .-r- g--vu , UIIU ll. LIB 1 bureau of` North Germany are sacriced. or the claims! of Prnlaia. disregarded, or if German susceptibilities be around, as they arch likelj_t0_' be. the rcu._qa_:will `prevaent ele- Prsia. It ____/ :- L E: 2. F. J . `$1 ; 288 281 L-int ; hmugh nv, the .... LU mm: aucu asstatance readily gral Alderman Kinghorn opposed the dmendrnent. Aldermatr Gilderslaeve poke bi; of the character and 4 thought that ifany rise give the city chamberlnin, imports. in the corporation, nidat entitle rise in view of for nssilta ______ .. tau] nun: rcauy need guy tempo qsaislauceo properly full his duties, by at it was only necessary to gpply toth cil to have such assistance readily granted Kimzhorn onnnnn.-I m. ..-. .._4 gfnocl I J 'IL'l. Alderman Davidson opposed the advance. He considered that the present Ialnry of the " clerk was 5 very comfortable one. When he Ina mayor be recollected the duties were per- formed for $600 per annnm. But if the clerk. A honld at any time really need temporary e_saisIance_to properly duties. he In---r uu uu: ulclni are. Alderman A. an-enug posed the measure prj Mid 8'-rongly urged the ance of salary in View of the present 1 heavy taxes. ' llnu-cm... h-_:;_,,, - n _--......v_u ounvnu, uuu Ho 15 [U qule` an; H. do uialetm hu nude his pl`bfe8- Iinu of the pacific ohsnoter of French 991 Germany, however, is active undler df Count Bismarck, who his Amerman Gildet-sleeve spoke at Iength upon the subject of the increase, and the tenor oi his sentiments was that the present was `an inaus- picious time to entertain the idea, and than the eity nances would not at present warrant the granting of the object ofthe petition. Alderman` Totnkms explained in fall this ren- ifona which those members who signed the re- port had for recommending the rise of_nlat-ies. He spoke at some length, and warmly advocat-_ ed the measune. I l.I....._.-_ I 7 " ` , ._- -......u-V; Ul {Eli Baa. [Dada I verbal application for an increase of salary, and probably there were others who had also applied. Alderman Gildei-sleeve M Aldermnn l`nm|n..a ..--1-=-A-1 ` " " " m.__, . ne was. sorry to do so, but he did not see that, burdened as the_ city was, any rise could be Alderman A. Livingston moved, seconded by ----, That all oicera who had applied for an increase of salary be discharged. This motion was aubaequemly withdrawn. He had been in- formed lbat the collector of taxes had made A laaliarn n :1 .:-,,I wuuqgus enuing April 12th $2,018 -18. Alderman Tornkins brought up the report of the select. committee on oicera and salaries. It recommended a. rise in the salary of the city clerk of $200 for the employment of an as-. sistant ; a rise of $63 in the salary of the mes- senger, and a rise of one-eighth per cent on the fees of the tax collector. The other portions of the rerort were of no especial interest. Before the adoption of the report, Aldermm-` A. Livingston wished to know if there had been any applications for a rise of salary ; if so, he wished thernreud, as he was opposed to any rise of salary in View of the present heavy taxation of the city, and should move that. those so ap- piying be discharged from their ofcea. The clerk said there had been two nppiication, one , from the city clerk, and one from the mea- senger. Al:-I4.----n T'1-~L- ' " nnuacx. Alderman Kinghorn opposed the rise ofsalary. He was. granted. , nmrozrrs. Alderman Davldsonbrought up 1 the nqnce committee. Taxes collecte fortnight ending April 12th $2,018 Alderman I"nmhin= 1-..m..,.:.. .__ .L, IJIJI ID] ' The cornnmnicaiion was referred to the com- mittee on city property to report. A communication was read from the Canadian Emigration Ufiicc, 85 Gresham House, UH Broad Street, London, England, requesling in- formation to be-furwarded lu it as to the 1,338 of irnmigranls required for each county and town- ship of Canada. ` ' Referred to the commiuee on aitreetil. PETITIONS. Aide:-mun Shaw handed W. Strange and 60 olhera of a crossing ii-om the market. Referred to the amount required for the work to be taken out of the ward appropriation. ' Alderman J. Cunningham brought up the pe- tition of Wm. Carter, to be allowed to open a drain to clean it. Granted on the usual condi- tions. ` UK |UC U111. I have made an estimate of the repairs, cmzsisung plus- xerera work, and rn-monng pipes, chnndeliers, &c., it will cost about one thousand three hundred dollars. PI'\L, vtaaul), IISJ Ill V This is qnftc a view as well as I valve to the ecfera Lhn gf nd oor t will b e to be v of the work. I L-_, ~- 1 _..` _......5-.- 11.7 ntlr fl 1 nnmb('r of ywoyle crngre-gate-d the fc for dunes- ing or runni: (1. Un L.l`.ing1`!j0i&lS in such a stone av. lhe Wu ends 1 W218 led to open s.-m. .places in the fl-.,-or along the middle ufthe rooms ta uhe widxh cf the ground oor crvrridor, Wbcrr-, ham-rm,-r,l was pleased to nd lb: joists ire quit sound. I L.-- -L-__-f.-- -- - V ` " ` , u,_._ _..~, .-- aunlal-I u.uluU BU sp"pa.}en `cottesaion to the demands of the French govtgrnment, and is to appoinra nixed commission, in examine the treaties propoagd for the cdsion and working of the Belgian railways. Great expectations have been formed therefrom infnnco ; but if tlye i-5.....- ..1.\ xv`._n_ n-_,,,, vrnur puuuu I have therefnre to repnrt com removal of lh-- joists I the exterml Wu:-110 grn corridor in Ihe middle absol cessury, also the w.hul, mm. :. -..:'.. - ._-- - - IJIIII. The following is the re; ort: On h.n'ing 3. piece of lhe ooring of the City Hall Laken up this morning for the purpose of repairing it, my wnrst fears were realized respect- ing the condhiou of the joists, which I found to be com;-Ielely rotceu albolh ends to such an ex- tent as 10 be unsafe and quite dnngr~rm13 wcre .-a a -zrnm .11 ll-an .....!`I .....I,. v ._ - - ., _. .,....u..5......., uuvlusu, uuIon,_ Dr:-mun, Robinson and Suniwzazz, 10, The ndoptiun `of the peiilion was then put and carried. Yena,-Ald=rmen Allen, Brophy, Brown, Chown, J. Cunningham, Duidaou, Dillon, Drenfmu, Robinson and Suilivan, 10. .\'s1rn_AI.h.p-nn.. r:::,..,._ I171 :__,. --- .V.._.... ....u ;uuu\I|..3, n A CI!1l!DiC&1i0ll wna City Archilu.-cl, respecting H911. v'rL_rn,,' - - uncuunul l\UUll].-JOLI BUG DUIIIVBH, 10. Na._ys-Alderu:en Gibson, (iderslc born, A. Livingston, 'Sbaw and Tomkiuzs, H. \ .. .`......Ar " 7 HIIICIUU . Yea.<~-A1dermen Gibson, Gilderskevo, King- ` horn, A. Livingston, 0. Livingsmn, McMillan, Shaw and Tomkiue, 8. _ Na_va-Alderman Allen, Bropby, Brown, Chnwn, J. Cunningham, Davidson, Dillon,. b`uHivm::, Irkn _`A_.:__.1'_I '5 ' IUD uunla uyuu tut C'|_Y. - To three remarks Alderman A. Livingulou replied that he was nbt at. all afraid of a lawsuit from Wm`. Auglm nor the result of it should it take 1! we, and would plrdge himself to pay all . the costs n1lv!Jdil`l_f_[ it himself. The muendnn-nt .IJ..2.. .- The regular u1(-cling of llw Cil -held on Mundny evening in Ilwl her. The chair was u.*mnp'u~l `and the lolhmlng nwnzbrra Wt`f'l` Alzlgrnwn All:-n, lIroph_\', Hm Cunningham, l):|vi~1. Ihllun, ..., `an: n xv-`. A tn Ant-r 3 long dointe the Mayor mid that he ccrisidt-red it his duty to inform the Uouncil that he hid been waived upon by the City Solicitor, who informvd him that there lmd been an deci- one; of $70 in Mr Angiiis accounts at the ter- mination or his 1L'l"1H or oico, and that he (the 5(1iiClH)r) had been instructed to commence a suit against Mr Anglia . tor the amount, but which \Vr|9 subsequently withdnuvn in cousidern-, lion of Mr Augiin having occupied some ten days uf his time for v.-!.ich he had received no pay, A!-it-In an Ailui said lLa.t. Mr Auglin, who was sitting brhind him, denied than them was any $70 deticieiicy in his accounts. .1 m.n.I .|.x..` ..: I.._.I, __ ,1 I . I sun, (iil:lrr.lc`m`v, Kiufglwurn, A; r Livingston, ;\lcMnl`un] Robinson, `land Tomkins. - `The relations and Bol- gihm hrp knogm t8 be somewhat delicate and it id felt that {xi the quesxoI'1'bfworking the Belgian railways. xiboutiwhich there his been diplomatic cgrtespoxidenoe, jealousy of Prussia ms the momie dici*.atin;g the commu- niautions which have passed rom Paris to Brussels. Belgium has at length made an . ` ,1 ` Ar`-scrnnl nhIsnAan:n- ;. LL. 3,