24 Gotnhill, ans, Paris. L wrenoe Wharf. of Hart- $24,000,000 Secretary In nnn _ h harm, nlao im_ond:' at tho Iunngt-bohott N.B.-iTlIil in` lit a. certain the scab Hall by fr'$feuor Vouu'innry_ Oollpgb, wonsy JIIII.` M sun. 33.... and rot in Ihoop. v and. v Royal` 156?. water. ' 551d bf all Chemists, and at 90'C.. - _ [ no ;2.'..2f' it`2"`,?f;.-.`3.,';,`f;::;.,`;,;u,r;1:;;- 3.3 ;_n-:3 3 ` ~ , * . "' '6!` 45 PM g.Ill_on: bottles inoludgm ]`ch 8: mnkmnr 200 ..u..... _..-_ Anmsnla AND ATTORNEYS-4 Solicitprl in Olnnoary, kc. i8 Oluunc BL, opposite , Kuarron, O. W. Jon A. l.nonon1.n, Q. 0. J .IunaPu1 Jon I. lmann. T Kingston, Jnn'_y 18. hulas I .. .,. .....5. uuu emer vermin. '-Sir W. Burnett : Dieinfeetittg Fluid was the only Disinfectant used at the Agricul- tural Hall during the Smitheld Olubcattla of Show in 1866, by order of-Her Majesty's py Privy Council. I .3 The value of the uid ll shown by we 1;; following letter. from the Secretary end 35' Manager: Agricultural Hell, Islington, Jan. 1868. 3- Deer Sir,-Pleeee toveend eight gallons p... more of your Dieinfemlng. Fluid. as per order If enclosed. " Hating used various 'Disll1ft.-cling Fluid: at our -many shows-, I can any with condence that none have had the inglen- taneattl and e pletel=e`e'iet=of Sir William Burnett's, end this too without produting any nuisance l e the 'emell of chloride of lime or cerbalicv acid.-i-I `am yonire faith- S. Sinner, See. and Manager. Oept. Jackson, R.N., 90, Cannon etnet." This uid acts on the essential " disease by destroying the local oondixi the euneephere under which cholera ' * frequently developed and propagated. For - instance: In a house In St. Andrew : stree Plymouth, ocoupied by 1if'_ty- wes sprinkled ineeery tonne except for; these the ocupnnte would ' be applied; the reeult of rrhich wee, tlntin lhoeefperts of the house where it h ueed,'.npte eingle oese_uf choletpe. eubsg. quenuggoecurredg while 111- the four roorpa ebore eIl,nde'd to, the disease still exists and eome-dee_tbleVheve taken place. Two houses lmtnedigtel {do posits were euppliedytrith a. quantity; i_" that of which Ahztlfthere been e einge one, although Vdfieenlepie raging V in the neighbourhood. old by -.sq;'c.noe. street, ondon. Qnarte, 165; pinta. Es ', heif- Dill. : ulnne_eem-.~...----I '--~- ' ` ` avgad of ' f ____ .___ uuuu.v.n.I.l.D ]JlUlNFEC- $3 ING FLUID, for the `purication of sick rooms, hospitals, workhouses, factories, pri- sons, crowded pieces, between decks of ships, fever wards, clothes and linen of sick, night- cheirs, cesspools, drains. water closets, stables, deities, larder-s, musty casks, fulie, &c.; bilge-water, and the holds *of ships; apartments for searchers, undertaken, and jurymen, and for post-mortom oxalninltions; for the prevention of infectioue disease, can- ker and fungus in trees; for the disinfection of dead bodies, and for the preservation of subjects for dissection; for the extermina- tion of bugs and other vermin. t n`-`nfn-..'_ .. `Is: . _ um. uurn:u1 IS poisoned by infection, and thereby rendered unt to support: health and life. it has been found eminently benecial; and its sustaining and purifying inuence acts as a preventive to disease,` as the nu- merous unsolicited testimonials accompany- ing each bottle will prove. Its portability renders it admirably adapted to the travel- ler, tourist, emigrant, or PHTIIO family, more sspecinlly when distant from medical udTiC8 or assistance. gale` 3- --`A ` ' ' uuvluu 0| IBBIIIZIUCC. Sold in patent stopper: price 23 6d, 4: 6d, Ila, an- ,cia.l agents required and puts of the world. lyvr 5-u_ou: ootuaa inolndad. wanking 200 gnllom, when tar, Sac dirnnlinnn 4-- ------ ' AHPLOUGFPS PYRETIG SALINE.-A Medzcine that cures Sen Sickness or the worst form of Billions Heedaphe in A few minutes; effervescing and tasteless, ks con- stant use is especially calculated to main- tain health. When mixed with water and taken during the effervescence, it immedi- ateiy blends with the food, and is rapidly absorbed into the aysiem. It vitnlizes and supplies the blood with those siline princi- plea that are lost, altered, or destroyed dur- ing theihot weather. In Jungle, Scarlet, `Yellow, Typhua. Eruptive Fever: (`pr Cholera); also in several other conditions, where the vital current is poisoned infection, okn-..k.. _-_J- -~ I |.|\ILI `- I IUBB. Wholesale and for expbrtntiou by the Pro- prietor, 69, Lamb : Conduit Street; Barclay and Sons, Fsrringdon Street; Batty and 00:, Finsbury Pavement. : Danni k- I`I--~'-- " uuunuuul use IIICTCBSGS the motes digestion. It. is its digestive properties. As an assurance of ixs properties, it is only meet the name of the celebrnti pic Physician from whose compounded. The entire guished man was spent health of his fellow-cream in December, 1861,, was tion:l loss. II7L-I__(|- ` `0THE".S;&L'UE. Prepared. by 4lex- . under Southwood Slacker, from a recipe by hi: Cousin, the like Dr South- wood Smith, thirty-ve years Physician to the London Fever Hoipiut; Father of Sani- tary Reform; Medical Member of the e-at General Buard of Health; Author of the first work on Fover in any age or country, the Philosophy of Health, the. " nliirxlla uniol. A--AA'- ' " , . . . . -. .. ...., ago or country Delicious with every known dish. habitual use increases the appetite and mole: dianatinn I`. .'- K - anu.Iuu.IIuU0l1S The Patent. Mechanics! .'Olmir for Brushing Hair by Machinery. For Prospectus and par- ticulars, apply ta the Putenteea and-Sole Manu- facturers, JOHN GOSNELL & C0,, Perfumera by Appointment to Her Majesty, the Princess of Wales, &t_:., RED BULL WHARF, 93 Uprnn Taunzs Sraksr, late of 12 Tb:-ee K: ng Court, Lombard Steet. ` QFFHE11 _ _ _ . ...,.... IS in yncuzuug fragrance to the breath. Price is 6.1 each. Instantaneous Hair Dye : certain to produce any shade Brown or Black, of good nnturnl colour. It. cannot possibly injure the hair, has no disagreeable odour; and is easily applied. John Golnell & Co. s Patna: Triuhosaron, or newly invented Hair Brush, the peculiar me- chanical construction of wbicfl accompanies lhe two operations of cleansing and polishing simultaneously. Th Pals-nv Ifgnl-u--7--' Ir" 7" " h mz WILLIAM BU] 3 fort OIIIB- hnhitnln III!--L an, In uuu 13 eacu. John Gosnell at Co. a Cherry Tooth Paste is grmuly superior to any Tooth Powder, give; the Teeth 1 pearl-like whit`-mess, protects the meme! from `decaf, sud impm-is a `pleasing Innmnnu-..nn,. IJ'-:- n-Ar - - ' ` _-,. --_, ,-.....u.-szu, -uu unguly EBOOIIIIDBCUOG T0!` beautifying and promoting the growth of tlie lmir. ' Ln Noblesse Soap-eeteemed for its unequal- led perfume and ue emollient qualities. John Gosnell & Co. _s Violet and llilleaur Nursery Powder is guaranteed pure. No nu:- aery should be without. it. Sold in buxes mt SJ; in tins 15 each. Jnkn 11,`.-....\I| 1. n-, v n- - - K m__.________._____,____ . James I. Cartwright, ARBIS'l'BB-AT-LAW. OFFICE-CLAR- non STE! ET, opposite the Pout Ofco. Fphqnnry 17. .,-_--.. .. vu. a uuuncy uluu renumo is in universal rcquest as the most admired Perfume for the Handkerchief. Price 23 6d. John G vsnell J; Cole La Noblesse Perfume. a most delicate Perfume ofexquisite` fragrance. John Gosnell as 0'o.'a Noblesse Pomade, ele- gantly perfumed, and highly recommended for 1'A\rI r- unguuul. John Goanell it Co.'s Upper: Ten Thousand Perfume. 4 ` '_L n ---- RED BULL WHARF, 93 UPPIB Tnurissrnn-r.T John Goanel1_ -k 00. : Salad: Perfumes: Eae Bouquet, Royal Yacht Club _ ouqnetflockey Club Perfume, Essence of Wbod Violet, Vic- toria Bouquet, Frangipnnni, Military Bdnquet, the Bride's Bouquet. ' John Gosnell J: 0035 Prince of .Wale;' Per- fume, : most. choice and fashionable perfume. John Goanell & Co a Princena Alexandra's Perfume, a most. choice and dlicale pcrfmne, prepared expressly for the use of Her Royal Highness. `V Jnl-an (1.-.....-n I. nu - W V - " In VIIIILLIUI John Gosnell . is I T..L... I` -- A '7 `EB ye frsqde hlcli qphtinue` to he prec- 1 lers! byobecgre hinufaetureu, hare particularly in Germany, by_imit.au'ng the la- bele attached to JOHN GOSNELL Jr Co. e PERFUMERY, render it imperative upon the Proprietors to Gurnou the public ngsiuit inch nefnrious proceedings, endlto reqneetl their friends and patron: to purchaise only of respec- table dealers, who import direct from John Gosnell ii: Go. ; and invite Ipecill attention to the addreu- ' WHARF, 93 'It`_nu_rr':_sS'rnner.l Jnl-en (1.-.......II I. 11, I n - - mug aw gumm, when dilmed See direction: on envy` `cit. nnadad- Ind. and 1- ILA , ,._-._,-vu, unu. 1566. 3ir,-Pla-nu to send our Fluid, various I none 1;... 1.-.: -L- - Josnell as Co. s Jocke} Club Perfume ziveral rcnneat nu ah. rm... ..,a....:-...: _ Campbell, nlowat an Macdonnell, BARRISTERS, &c., Princess Street, King- llon (oppoIite Dl.ily News 0%; * A1-Ixunn Cuu-nun, . Gnonu luau [A0003-. Inrch 15, 67-. uuuv uuvu 118411 the mplow i= of .this he smell c acid. -i-I "am Vnni-A-" 4'---- ...-..w U1. ua purnyplna salutary : necessary to poi-t out celebrated and philanthro- n whose prescription it is life of that distin- nxns in prpmoting the fellow-creatures, and his death, , mourned In 9 no .,..........uu unurroattla b;_orda. of - Her Majesty : ln, no 16 land .:..1.. ...--~ .....~. uvuulLlUIl, WEE! -3 U18 Dbt to smnnnpr l....1n. ._ 1 BURNE'1"l"S DISINFEC- `bu:-innoim. -0 -2_., ,,, ---...u-`.9, nuu U15 uea 1,, mourned as a. .-uuypureu gm purity `vinnd salutary Cesilnrv t nni I nut `known Its e pro- much esteemed for An eooonnt comes from Rome to the Pall loll Gazette to the eect that, on account of dif- ference: of opinion in the aelect congregations appointed to prepare the views to be presented to the CEcunenicel Council for its npproval, on the twe main questions to be diecnseed, t'.., the pereonal infallibillty of the Pope, and the con. demnation of political liberalietn pronounced in the`reeent Syllabus, the meeting of the Council in to he put oil . Those who urge the Pope to oall the Council ere eaid now to be moot duiroue of hevieglt postponed. Thereport must be than for that it is worth. there are 500,000 pauper: within eight of Trin- ity steeple. A mechanic who has returned from n visit to Boston, further says in A letter to e oentanpornry-. lnever eaw melt misery in thin Province 1: I saw in Boston among the working people there. It when woree in New York, eel wee toldhy those who new it. There are, or were, in Bneton when I left it,349.tiuni- lien receivingenpport from public coup kitchens, and it wee lad toeee reepeetable people that re- tluoed to buggery. Our people can get their food and clothing for their labour, end acme nio- ney too, but there I new hundred: who get neithet-._" - ea glass `bottles, d 218 each. Spe- appointed in all -nut: `nu I-5' ex` Ed in balk at gnu. Idiluwed iriih r *hn`l|.. > hotorias, acks f .her nloieua * `firms L_Ii)'IBIK -`L " . an %-umrr:or - Iutrl. up 11" You _Do;. a nor,11_.ni.mY' 111$ t _m'vAN1-AGE or J I? A 3" Rinsowi {Lg-% axon 1'0 CONTRACTS THE Lmahsa ornounm-10:: on ANY Icnwsrurnn / PUBLISHED IN -rms omr, 1';EIa.v.ro UBNAL orrnns rm: snr nnnnrl T:-bu LOCAL um GENERAL ADVERTISE- nxvt-s;' -rmmmronn ADYERTISBINIHE DAILY 1~mw8."' PUSSESBI N0 DAILY NE` ~.~ um. nnmuvnzu To KING STREET NEARLY OPPOSITE THE CITY BOOK STORE. A LOCAL PATPER SIGN Mraousgmn TIMES. PLAOEVTHE Pmi-I"ormAns or EOR ADVERTISING A. MAY BE MADE AT TBB DAILY NEWS OFFICE. II` YOU HIV: AND YEARLY- II` YOU WOULD mmcrous tan or lrmwsr APE:1 a-zontrnmfsl $ADV1:1{'1`IsiNGz) WEE. N983: Avngsssrvh `TRA1m_fsM1gN Al-l_D nu:ncHA'N1* ADHIT _'rH3 nn>on'uNc_l` or IS THE BEST v~ ----v II 0010 We learn from the lust "Monthly Reporter of the British Ind Fonign Bible Society tint the Committee bed determined to print one million eeperete Gospels (Velen'e Proteeunt vereion) for immodiete circulation in Spain. Oontnry to tho expectepne of many, the tneple Inger Iueon in proving an exceedingly productive one In Vermont. The freezing nights end sunny days, with the thorough soaking of the ground from the melting mow, melee. up ow profusely. .n- -..--,- A AGREEMENTS {E YUP WOULD DRIVE YOUR BUSINESS, AND NOT TO BE DRIVEN. ATTRAUT CUSTOMERS ADVERT: E. ADVERTISE "om: BfIS1NE.Si1 ADVERTISE ADVERTISE ~ , UI 15: 67' 130 `ll LIBERAL AND m rm: PURCHASE um mmccrxuuorn: `yrrnwfrzvz may you YOUR `PLAOI on 1I_Is'INnsa canny anon uunxoxonsprnr` " A LITTLE ruinranzc mo uI:Pi:A'_r nan: TO ADVERTISE A u0OAL ausmlss. THEREFORE 00 AND Blue-031: nu memo um IN THE AND ATTHIBUTE rnm. suocrw cation, ind` ilzum ids th Hump: -{-*:a.2:z" 1..*:::.~a`-J . 3l,d~Wholes919ud nu zslhuu. Jo: s` snd.ba.ao"3 ` 9,9 -_-_,.. .. nngeIItlu'9'i'K nbre simple -0; absent tinting cannot be Ind. CONFECTIONERS will find lngonta, Violet, Orange and Pink useful colours. - GELATINES` and GLUES ,_.-- --_ gun:-J. Our exchanges, both out Ind went, apeak of the lugs: lesson as having, so far, been excel- lent. Sam: at the Intern Townships pipers ny"`l.ha.I a hlmar run of up was never known tlnn they enjoyed during the splendid weather of in: week. ' :1AiI lonnoiuou no respect A...1-' ` 1'). Thhdh r r? nnnin51ror9 ; mums "` lioioul Ooh 6 droiaa of l(agentI"5" olggaut hm!- . M . P _ _, Q ._:n 1- pint bf 1LLpa_a1`N;'r1HG: [,._ -mm , a name of water. &0a- `-! ' " Mdgenti uau a-pint 01 I BATINWOOD. nnniv -`"5" ._ pa_n. BIBBONS and SIL boiling watgpr. JFEATHERS: Dye in horwater wxth asp add water to avoid creases, and to render them clean. Dye in (s'few drops of the dye is suicipnt for one feather). COTTON : vlllonvo, ffioiet a`hd.l ,II`pla 4n-e recommended. - LEATHER: Blue, Magnum, =-Violet` ' 1,11 Orange. 1-Dgoiq.`war_I:VndwAta-r. ' I. . . WHITJIWAS : `l`oL.coIor; MaguIta,f_orRink or Rose; add half A bottle _to I pnll:otwp.tu-, then stir in the Awhitenipg u .UC` `lid Gfi ; w1Li.ow sammes, Wicker , Ivory, Bone, . Hair, Fibres.`-Sen-m-3 `-- pan. RIBBQNS ..u.-;-- nus ny using 18! for Wpollen Gobda, Fe WOOLLENS: Magonn Purple, Orange, Pink, s thg most satisfactory quantity of boiling 'u V I with nnnn -3 --` ` dye with winter . Pint of LLUMI\r'nv:~t:e'n&` TTORNEY-AT-LAW, L Kingston, 0. W. with which they can be used ahdjhe bi'i.llian- 01' of the result being, indeed, nlmbu By their use almost any article of C16 be dyed in a few minutes for A without soiling the hands. IIEMORA NDA. MAGENTA: Thu -"A--'-' " ' thing can for pence musical. . IIEMOR MAGENTA: The stren dye is almost ingredil tie will dye zopygzdu 10 minutes; it will Bose Pink by using I: Gobda. F II7txl'\Iv 1' """ `lull IUILIT ' Removes from the `moat? tastes and odours, `..'bethl _or\)ther causes, and con and morbid secretions of; es and softens the skin, tends to: promote a hen! bodv. ` (UT BC: ` 47 N.B.-Condy'a Fluid is the St n`n_dan_-d Scientic Test for Orgmic llal;e`:-`in vVaIter. md=an"d's- the only known means of - rnpidif um! oompitlf freeing Drinking` Water from Organic Talon, ' ' so of serious disease. ly purify themir, use the liluwefui` I .Wlth Coudy a Uzoniaer or other Spay-"prey ` umws PATENT ozbrhsnn WATER, (row MIL;-r 1-Uurosra; ` ` this 'm'.n..n. z_._.. 1 - - IVVIIB Ul Ulau Dressing 1 mg] virus. l.l.Ill VITUS. Treating the infections diacaes of horses, dogs, etc. - - Onn onllnn .....I.__ A..- . _-A uurucu, uugi, cc. , One gallon mnkes(20`0 0 E for use. ` \YI'i n - ' lug I.-nu. Ellltill. Frecing meat, sh, butter, or other provisions from mint. v , ._ ' . Counteructing the effects of organic poisons taken into the stomach; Curing Mnpty provender. Freeing wheat gm! other seed, from smut. Maintaining the health of plants in potsnnd conservatories. . - '-` . Press,-rvingnnd restoring the freshness of cm ower:-!'kopt in watec. ` 1`, t_ Destroying the blight ohthe `pAo`utoe,_v-ige, bop, mulbctry trfe, Sic. Washing dags,an.l other domestic Animals. W `A Cleapging bottlga, nee: bu-g-e1`'_pfg15_[ius 5, 1 dairy utensils. . Washing the hair,_nnd darkening itg,_ 'coloux'-` M when turning grey, Er-hancig the purifying and invigorating ef- : facts of baths and tubs; . Dressinn nnim....,I _--. I 1 -' The Boston Daiy Adu-r` VII can almost anally one-h. exptun oftll the warn of t 185.! and 1868. 0NDY S PA ENT FLUID or mmr'aVdiain!eo- ` rant. puriliea, dcodoriscgdndjdiuinfeets, by the a may of nascent or ozonic oxygen,-i!.q native pr nciple. Being entirely innoxioun, thin Lmly scientic preparation is peculiarly adapted for tho following usel'ul_ gurposus, tor which all other disirifucmms; o'I:|`tlccoum.ol' their poisonous or other objectionable` qlnmied, a.I'\eu'1ninil.-illle u.nd'1acleu:<-- c . - , Detecting organic impuritiea in air and trust. Purifying drinking and other water from`Or- garzic mutter, lead, kc. * Freshcning the air of close placer-. and renew. ing bad smells. ' prn:hn rnnnt Hal. I-...LA,._ __ 7-I uugu, IU, LISIIIIIIUSIUII UIU, Ll"l|llUl1, Us The gerfuine has engi-avgtr on the Govern em: | Stump (outside each Boule), FREEKA S I ORIGINAL CIILORODYNE." Lnrl nusaen cumlnunluna-u uusuu l\UJ_Il_\JUI' `lege of Physicians and to Mr Freeman.,'that in Mnnilla the only remedy of any use in Choleri was Ghlorodine. - - rn-L, u_J;-__) /n-_.... _..J f1..-..u- `I .........- incl. W88 Ul0l'0_Uln9. 77cc: Medical Times and Gazette, J anuary 13th, 1866, states, It. has an immense sale amongst the public, and is prescribed by scores of Ortho- dox Medical Prac,t.ition4er-s, nnd,ro,l' course, igygguld not be that Iinghlarly popular`. 3541! `n' o_I_ lhppiy a want and an a"place." ' ` ~' " M` Mnnnrnnfunaati I-mu Tho [nvnnfnp I-Thnhnur` l `-an. Manufactured by "the Inventor, Richard F; mgn, 70, Keguiugcon Bax oad, London, 8. engfa Goymtnng _,_ z_,_ _ -.-L _-.I-\ u turvlllxlll sclentmc ruyucuua Plllluli lululvua lull I.lIl'." have tested its eects in careful comparison with those of" DR. COLLIS BRQWNE S CHL0liO- DYNE, and depole to `(he `Lew that they found it a more certain nmfreliable preparation, and greatly preferred FSREEMANESW I-`.nrI Russel] cnmmunlmled tolhe R0781 COI- ms: omonut. onnonommn, imam by R. Froemnn, Phnrmnceutint, I: allowed to In gap at the pg 5.` den of tho_-Eon . I I0 d np $13: Phgra 51%?) col ; in ind privnta practice in I am 0! the Ir rid. It hll effects peculilr toi , audwhi H re ascends!- ly di'crel'It to tho0eproUd6ed "tho vu-loin compounds bearing the name of Ohlorodync, blllt baVe>nQj pug cg to ueeplng in vjrtueu. c rapid\y Ming (mini T lnys the irritation oi fever, soothe! the syntem dmkhntgvhf come, 11- _ under exhnusting`diago_op,ospd giveuleep with I out producing any one of t e unpleasant feelings , t so commoplyyjiaing from the use of opintoi. r-nnfinn`-l In; -hnld HA Illlil-Id] in `he CODIIQQCI LOHFIDII WI llllll-lqlw-t yuiluuu un nu: estimation of the Profession an the best, molt reliable, and cheapeqt reparation. Eminent and scientific Phyaionl \ Ida Ildivita that they Lu... omnml in nnnta in tun-nll r-nmnnrimnn with commoplypajiaing ITO!!! H_lO I133 OI Oplllol. Li contiggea tozbold its unsltqneh pudiou ...;m.unn nf um `Profession us the best. Wlllv IIIIU (HI I PIECE. ' Richard Free- mu '1 Yonninulnn Pnrhnnntl Lnndnn Q, ..- . mm (0 letllcn nu out." My friend looked at me my name Iecondn, and than aid, The devil I" no granny prelerruu. "1'nnmmA;.\ Eur] Russell communlchk-I taolhfz. Royg1,Co|- I M... ..l' I31`.-ah-inn: and on Mr `Fran:-nan `think in "PA: TEe-t;e:1Et`l`1L;:i beauty ohm. incredible. A Sixpgnny bot- ll dye !_0;y9ui| of Bonnet Rihhnn `- . u . u nu I-l.l|.II- ;poisoned wougl and dstroyitig nhi__- .. ... as pm: or boilingwuter I,` ma: bl! ; admits the rt; 3 botltlo pf Magenta to I 05- 3 uua, seamen, Silk: Magenta, Mauve, 8. Pink an-4 "`-=-W - """""1l . ' the `mouth impure and lorigu rs, '..'he:her"nrising from tobacco counteracts the irritntion stiona of carious tnnlh 1- ----A --_-.....m..a use Irl'll .ll|0|l .-tiona of,carioI1.3.lBe1h. It puri- and, heed in the bath, he healthy qtgteyqf thciwholew H. nonpmw coimf, Patentese, Bgtterbea, London. 4 ugenta. ng/lo;-3. , Feathetl, Silk], Io. Han-n, ynvuulk 5 clear Suitabloalso If}.-1-4 ,_ .__ uugppullj DUI u Bonnet Ribbon in also produce 3 clear '68! dvo. .Rni'|..I.1- -I-- v 300 gaflons A (inpte'd Ivuuu IDIOIBIL I Mid : All lplomnts use tweezers in blowing their noon. A Charge d AEsireI uses plated wore, the lining: Resident uses silver, the Envoy Ex- traordinary hm gold, the Alnbuudor gold net in precious Itonac. In like manner each diplomat, has 3 York to scratch hit back." It blond lnnkul no --- -4--- !-- ` ' ` ` \UllU, uuuuuu, Government |..\ u 'I:`!)'DlJ|IlA'IDQ I 9: Violet, IOU. Droanng u ---n-_ _' `PK II I 1` ` . uumzm, mo}, r.R.o3.; 108.15 I lite _ ' I Dr. d laugh : Light-Brown baumin tie in-"V CI III "You will have to chnngo Ihnt Ion ol thing," I said, "my dear follow, when you got to your POIK S - Why, no I How T" ' Ho knew I bod served in I high diplomatic po- sition, and he listened to my opinions with pro- found into:-u,L I said - nun .tLu-...-.- _- 1 - ~ .. nu to ttecffor than can in aubaugeg, 1;, inaim.d.".`;, `cholaio compo` M and iodine in: Into of orglnic com _`;` an-1.. tdnarkcble. 3 :It_ia, _I believe, universally acknowledged thlt ` . etluaou thgrlpetlt nhv6`I~2/-I--*1 F-`M ` ` 6; V .91`, a In all cunt! In .. ;LightBrpwn Cod Liver inxni- =-- - _-.. .. vuvulll lllll II! as 15:`? do Jongh, kiud" man u guuantae to hop `regards vgcunipenon _ __ -...nuIL.l.., I-Hos-' W Coroner for Central Hiddlesex. 1:. n: :_oma-s- -men:-nnowlrg don D % ma. an Joxcyi-;3,on :4 eopgiingly pgegga \ by an` ovrerwhehnin `weigh! ofmpdicl teatiliollj, and by :11`: prltiin `teat ofluecjeiqafuf eipienqp fur fvr'iei1ty`yr;:_rq in _ in pgrtp gr as; world, td bg, beyond an quench; M vrars-.395"- um ,car- cioua,` the mast j:hl:t`;_ble,"imi, rm iuani '1 curative `the moat gconomienl of all 11:5..- Heiici uni ersitceiebrity ll 1)r. de Jongbb on, and` `the uhpunlloted demand for this and- nl!edpre`pI'rIBon." " ` ' ` U *Thob.8.Pulr.*O9.:4I';-sT;}h:IIli1h' "* , h `- 'l`l|e Farmeg zaume ~ 'ASnhsc:iAha1-n numbers at-th.a touowing-rodueauhntu, 111:! ` M urrne -Nona B:-nu`; noudnuasry, .1B63,j.9_De-' embomlsoe, inclusive; The Edinburgh ind Wedumar fro: Ap1-i!,'J\I88!,' id '.Deceuiber, 181:6,-iutalnaivo, spa the Landau Quarterly tar lausnd 1836, at -the rMp`o("$lL50 -a year as;- eneh ornuy kw; slab B!a_k'nNrooil'-ftir IMO, hl$?.50. I W - < . v _.: '17. . 2.'l!E LEONARD V800?!` PnB1M_r?ngCo., M 1,. - V v -~ 38"W'ilkei'-`l!u,N.!:. ' ~- ~-2 1 ' n .- p J1`. _ 1:553. log-nny one .6! the foui-Recwi '- rounytwoarme rm` Rnowd, - l'&r't`ny three pf~ch'f6i:r;BMc\'rn lPqrf1lllQui- olie new-leap . F61` Blnciirdoda ll '9 . .- . llmmukwboa |h'd_ nqnam . Par two Eeyiig - roemuekwood and chroeneviaam % -. For B1gokw6`rd=nag (on'xBev!e1n . - '\I%lI$ll- I`-Illi vrvifli `I. n _ . .,puuhbod-by nun thoumutylauhuto..' `fora -`TDOIG: who hn=In%hom,_ud whoa...` 4 """9! ` `."'.J""`rs='*l M.-mung -thou vhannho caul III of gthghntty ,3,` bad d!il5'!1!0fzthofr anon lmholnu apply era...` but Htausurog will be that [Q Ihogawqalin irithin; f`hi3"l OI0h1i and thonmwh: . may never yet have met with them, ly b0,WBl1 planned to receive nccreditgd mm tl-e". ' . T ` ` TEENS FOB'!8B9; _ 14-.-- ...M..' .'.I up. `;...;L.'::v,.`.a_`.._-_ _ . _ _` svfttho `fj l:irp-8.n-cft-ta am; ,.j 'an1:t>tiw_;)`oIi`8'Kin}'x'i;tiiaq.n_ ....;..,s_.g,; A J-"r"H.!" '.:!HT1,- ,; -rHnvLnxn0x':aU_An'InLx om...-.. L V wnn..nnnwunan;.nnv1n 1 vm. .xnn:w3s:rn1.usr1mnn : (Rgg)_'_ V` `max .n1931:n.3nvrIaa -3.-u.rz_nw (1..-._m.)] _ ;(W-)' -`7('.`" ` `. ?n'5'.su`.'f5'? 1; ..`l .i':"4.."3..`;.'Z.C?.`."'..'"..".`..'3;T we r '->w.f?%?: eeyyulnlu at court, me] would take him aside, and warn him, if he had any regard for the purity of hi: eoul, to avoid~Eala?e and table. And at laet they aonght to deatroy him by this frlvolone charge of smuggling carpets. The publication of this diplomatic rnnarlifts the curtain from the inner life of our accredited agent! abroad. I doubt not but that the curtain could be lined from before a good many lega- tions, to the atnuament and enactment of the American people at home. We eeml such a queer aet abroa. I In talking In Que non! gentleman, lately eelected to ill a eible diplomatic poet. and while conversing he applied the thumb and foablnger to his none, In an to gt-up that organ, and, eoeanlg, gave a. convulsive not-t-in a V word, he blew hie nose in the moat primitive ltyle. a-oIo>11 Auqm r':ha" V .2 -1: 311133 zarsmnzcnmi v 17 --w`, `ygnol ' '1II>_,eno:-i;,_- . ; = +-aw q aom4m:Ia.-..m:zV {my annAx%r`n.;1in=Ifn_a %`1 *mu 1. .~ d If I-"ran. pmoui bf` kehrhl 'mas... : .'_ '.~`?l . :19 ` RQQNILE `~ ,A` `L , ,-- -..... -av purII.]- 0! I111! 0 H preparation, by the pa:-abut! qttenoll a chemist sud inteltigent n phydiiah Jongh, who has also written 4:... I... , .__,.__...-.n U W ITO e. nn`:e`l:"vnriaty nod uns- hqve condence in in -geuE:f,_ net from Oonlum' ion: in ` ale Bitten") P diplomntio circle: nhuulod him like the plague, and when a strange diplomat otcounier oppoirod st court, they would UH ! bill. bid III? van--4| 4'-- -- *---va-pug. "1.iI."'..cur~ I` [nrnnnnl m`:--L "the use of that ;:7.:.:..;. lI_Il [Inn all I'-- . ' I un told by one of the diplomatic corps hen-, Senor Stnpollettn, that Hale's popularity in Iulrid did not come of his smuggling propen- iidu and ptactiee, but from I lublt he had of wetting his thumb with his tongue when dealing the cards In which Ho Ill pluiouttely fond of whist, and had this, to tho hidalgoa of Spain, om-naive practice. He Ins very fond of whin, but could get no out: to play with him. 3;, II - ~ phik, . ncrlittle boy V `is. oooaaien. ti? `N38 ..u I A.n .3 We per yniuute, and :I_-. thqson, of in wt- it off, h the ' 1...: _ wt were whirl-4 (If over two 141und1-`ad 'r. `,MTpnN_the mill could be . I \-and arms striking l:h'e " . fee; the beam gbovb, T lb 3153, mi` nllfonz uxmsrxx Don Pint, the funnel Washington corru- pondcnt, will the following yum at the expenu 9! It Hale, the Unilod Sum: Minn... 9.. u., nsn&?`i: fvuvtllt, will we Iouowlng at of Sum Minster to la.- drid :- - vans: LEIIIIIO, BABRISTIB, Atwrueydt-Law, Oonveyincer. ` kc. Qillco oppouiu Pen 0lha,0Iu-anon Brut, Klngnon. M _ ' Ann-1 3 -`H ' OH? 1.08 j`.o'be Jmpehd` for {rpm 1 ' he armyfalou*aM w`as`to V {his suggested I ruse annlaDl I1 ` Oonnynnoou, V 'Ihl-L_/ - 1- in i -mm M4 . 1um,f6o'u1l' 60 Thai`): "- !hey- pleased. Bm loch Ind in tha fmlldmos. be. rescued in _l_q;-`g gnnjtg of B0- v ` capable of-or- . to hi itch th % Wnaim sf>n.`}L';.3.}.a'23 I mad me . H ~'9':$1 have been ~ ~ *-'a;def.4and . ` neeaa3;"`9"'%'.." ,--- u!;\ p' am: zrmsr PA 03. j:.=-.2-.-------'--- -," `:vruI1u.s!unI;- I0 nobljxiikvd ['3' 4 `IAI, one" arm tom hit -feeg, and a,-A eisnow i ` ' for Ilia li_ttlecom":i!e , % his nmbsurraczuusa, ` var. ;I{ibchia.__!_; . old, wBe"h'rst exa- qsid Doctor, neibr . he is worse than.I Where : nothing loin, V fimworse M mother cams. he said," a u.`.HIleIIII}8_, I . , ' up mun ` ne ` wbtii if a'J"op- '- luvluuvu -,..._.. looms: Th o lK,I_lll' I . Drjpgt, rH`l'hRR"A.-lvrnnunva _- 7 .. *?"- guns bfokn and `nes,,;whila;Joh1'- V .. `;..-.m .:.Ir..A st. Indians 0! me an the fills of th Ha nmd I r .`. .'-.~ *E'i`..`-'5' mmn Evnmne, APRIL, 23 John ludlo, D An.._..._.. . I -._ V. 3.. Hlnguye, Y.A1'-r. A w rvu. W` I Attorney. Adu-rtglcer up ; tenallv OnP-hA"'nfI'l.. .. * ATT0RNEYs..s-"LAW mrv, & 11.7mm, . Jun: Pu-son, Q03 54014:. ; my iuquiringly for I Ilid. in n. In: Inna & llachar, I'R.Nfii`.VQ ..o'1' A 117 re-rtglner nylz Our 5-half of the Aggregate F the world between lUl' mull u; the Post V _,----v wv--u `I-our! I I30` -id of Prop:-inter ! _l'JQ.4OHLOR0!ORlI 00. cm. nlgnhturo on the sump aiuide. ' A ononm up-sour rem mmrr. ` 81I['A1iufnet`:-A.'1 .1"lo0houV V.....,.:..%.... *"" 4 *-*~ -ru m as : C HLORODYNE. The Original Preparation of known Composi- ou Ohloroform. . Sackville-street, Piccadilly, London. A Sir,-I think if'you would `tdvdi-tisay ` g Ohlorodyne more thnn yon do, you `wouid help` to beat the o,tbra, which pounds, out of the marks men think with me, and cine that nppnnrodi during the prenoni i nqntnry. - dinrrhcnn, colic ngua, pun). - `I hnrofonnd into rnliero . ' more .101 than any other arm 0 that can ho ' Innrkat. Bach gonnint bottle bar} A fun- -`d1Iiilo'o! Propriotox-`I thentmp - ' ` V _ V mq:onLonorohm q: GHLORQDYM .. nnn `Ah---_ inembo tho dlupo s nnwtmlry the conduct of :11: :1 who by Iastimonial or other ml of such thinga.-Lam.-at. TOWIJTS CHLORODYNE. Rina! Prannrnnn .-.1 I------ -H unvv. The dny seems `as yet, unhappily,_'far dia- um vbpn public opinion _Ol` Bate imerfer-.. once will prevent the ndvertisem any secret.` medicine whatsoever. nl or sale of two, up- ',' Thefebove Preperstioneera in the form. of Sweennuta, pleuant to the taste, and `par- ticolarly adapted for Infants and Mothers nursing. they are united with on-genie-life, which thus render: them digestible. The irritative and otubborn minunl has thus become the nucleus of on organic Iubatance capable of being ub- Iorbed by the blood without injury to the stomach. Agent for England and British Poaneeaiona, E. G. DUFRESNE, 79 Wutling Street. Mny be obtained of all Chemists. .. ._____.___:.? mu, uouanu or turee preparations-- THE BAUDEINE, An eioient and prompt Remedy for Cholera, Yellow Fever, Dierrhcea, Dyeentery, and the excessive action of the Bowela. A gold mednl was awarded by the French Government to Dr V. Bnud for this valuable preparation. Price: Small, ll lid; Medium, -13 6d; Large Size, 113 per Bottle. THE DIASTATIZED IRON, For strengthening the oSysI.em.-Price 2s 9d per Bottle. ... uuurumnry I01 Epidemic of the Civil Hospitals of . troduced in lE....I....a u- vs tun UIVII. noapuala Iroduced in England CINES. DE nu nu IJHIIIIIQ 96 Strand ; 1-28 Regent Stroet; London. 17 Boulevard den Italians, 9-. opul, we Queen of Hall: the Belgian, and the Kinga .R.H. the Prince of Wales. Toilet Soaps. Toilet J Lavender Wutor. Portal) Cold Oreun. Toilet Perfumed Vaporizer. Hair P1 Rose Leaf Powder. Tooth J Perfumes for the Glyoeri ' Handkerchief. sites Emu do Cologne. All the above no carefully "o.4_n_.1-, ` uunun rl~.l3IEL. PERFUMER by Ippointment to mir Majes- ties mo Emperor of the French, the Queen pf Spain, the Queen Holland _.._ `-4 uvnu IIU. abgve are prepared for Ex- Portntion, and rennin their excellent qualities 1: any climate. OR .Qe.-...I _ Inn 1- - - UJUUU And in praptred Lo issue policies on terms: low as the safety of the assured will permit. JAMES Swmm UHOLERA, nunnaau, ac. `VKBL RUSSELL `sent to the College L Physicinna 3 communication received by In from Manilla (where cholera had been _. ,` full Jaugha (fact "till. `ifof all; hgggod. J\lv.t91!an.3vu Mme etfeo` re. time has secured the public condenia by the prompt and liberal setllementofevery fair claim. It" has fully complied with the laws of Canada. by the deposit with the Government of Stocks to the amount of - \ 4...... ..-_ " """.`_'lJ' 1 III". \ . P9 : BLnnt3_1'taa.A'rr0aN its-n.L4w sand. . non nu Oh_un_oe:-y--.o_a..mb.,.. not 7' 3' I 9. Anchor Bmldxngl, Kingston, c_ w_ . -Tuna 0'B.:u.1.v. 0.0- I 17...... n n-._._ .. uA.1L sunu A111. $5,l50,93l,7l. Losees paid in 50 yenrs, on _..-... vv uu. U1 n.zu`13- ford, Conn. 3 PAID UP CAPITAL AND SURPLUS_ :'5.15n,02| 71 -. ...-.5`.-ca In reasonable rates. ' JAMES SWIFT, Agent, Kingston, March 31, '69. St. Lawrence W! uulf anu UAHUU RISKS to and frx H. lnlnd Ports on favourable terms. ' Losses promptly and liberally adjusted 55: paid in Canada Currency. nuns swnrr, Agent, % _ Mu-ch 31,1869. 8:. Lawrence Wharf. JAMES % T Mu-ch31, 1869. -3-?- ` Home Insurance Company of New % Haven. n .q.-...__ -' v-pg. L. J. Huron, E. P. Donn, President. General Agent. INCORPORATED IN 1819. CAPITA L 33,000,000, ASSETS $5,15o_931,71 UL , AND CARGO RISKS on fTnl1rAhIn 9.....- from CAPITAL .. .. $1,000,060. Pnmuuus RECEIVED nuance mos- $2,079,896. Funds deposited in the bands of the Goverm for (he security of Policyholdera. 3- All Ii... ..:.u,. ..-....-.._ - - {put .... -uv. Hcbulll-J U1 FDIICYDOIGGIB. ` All fire risk: carefully surveyed, and the rate of Premium mule to correspond with the nk assumed. ' St. Lnwreu Kingston, March 31, 1869. ,._._._, , 1869. Marine Insurance. :zEtnn Insurance Company V Hartford, Conn. ' A, turn`/\.\..-_ _ ` St. L Kingston, March 31, 1869. iihbnix Fire 42:? ran ;(':"mi`ap?a"u;i'y-"' `or LONDON. ' `Its-:6 At '3----b-- i .______,_ Home I[.nsu'rance Company New Haven, Conn. 11010!!! D. SATBALII. Cm nus Wnuox President. Secrets: CASH CAPITAL .. .. 31,000,000. LAKE AND RIVER RISKS Lukan on hulg and cargoes at reasonable rates. JAIIIEQ unvvnun - Royal Assnradlgee Gonpnny mvnpoor. unjoiroon. _= HAXWELL W. STRANGE` Agent for Kings Oioo-33, Olsrouee Street. ` . Kingston, March 20, 1862. L. V. BAUD, G Medical Colle gs Iordinnn for In rsdunte and Member ( of Paris, Chi_efPbya n-.:-- 1'.` \.ra. Agent II Kipgaton, Juana: Agnew ` Bimmnamd n--romm Y-'4-LAw,oap- uynnoer, he. Oca Bagot Street, second door mm of the saw. Whig Ou, uplulrs EUGENE RIISIEL, rnun-n |-- ----- 350.000 _ "H103. xmtpyrmcx. Powders. Portable Fountains. Vinegar. Preparations. Powders. Glyoerino Toilet Requi- sites. v-uuu) ul Klfll Algiers, has just in; his ORGANIC MEDI- u nusurea wnl permit. JAMES SWIFT, Agent, St. Lawrence Wham`. .1869 u nuunna, the Quew King of Portugal; Wales, ' mug: vs LLIUHU 01' III :1 otherwise aid .-Lam.-at. -.a_..__,k JAMES swmr, Agent, St. Lawrence Wharf IRRQ - UIIII VB Bmruanns um ATTORNEYS?-at-LAW, 0 wolicitorl, Oonvoynncua, kc. Hdpnnee, Oli'i'IOR. --South Wu; corner of Dundas and` In: Suoetr. Wu. H, WILKISON. W. A. REIVI, H. A. County on-on Ammo