pa. Toilet Sbnps. Lnvendr Water. Cold Cream. Perfumed Vaporizer. Rose Leaf Powder. Perfumes for the Handkerchief. Emu de Cologne. All the above are c portation, and retain _in any climate. 96 Strand ; 128 Reg London. 17 Bouleva {` CHOLERA, DIARRHCEA, `ARL RUSSELL sent to the J Phvniniann . M------- A ...-. umun uy appoltl ties the Emperor of! of Spain, the Queen of H the Belgians, and the Kin ' H.R.H. the Prince of Wsi QUUOUU` And is prepared to issue 1 low as the safety oftbe sasu tum .:,|uU,il.`)I,l 1. Loans paid in 50 years, FFHIS Company has-been doi Canada for nearly 50 years, i ` time has secured the public car prompt and liberal setllement ofe It has fully complied with the law the deposit with the Governmem the amount of ` @-;. ..-- .rEtn:1 Insurzrnce C0,: ford, Conn. PAID UP CAPITAL AND : QR Um 0-)): n. I _.... V-u 5v:.a at ICHJUIIBDIC T8183. JAMES SWIFT, ` Kingston, March 31, '69. St. Lnwre JAMES SWIFT, Agent, St. Lawrence Wharf. ` Home Insurance Company or New Haven. March 31, 1869.` n .RA-any-- - ........u.... I ucncrnl Agent. INCORPORATED IN 1319. CAPITAL $3,000,000. Assm`ss5,15o,931,71 ULL AND CARGO RISKS to and from` Inland Ports on favourable Ierms. Losses promptly and liberally adjusted and paid in Canada Currency. JAMES SWIM," Lawrence The inmates o Inn:-4-In A` D_.:. _, Janna SWIFT`, Agent, St. Lawrence Wharf. Kington,'March 31, 1869. us. uawtel Kingston, March 31, 1869. [gt/59. Marine lsurance. _j_. /Emu Insurance Comps Hartford, Conn. L. J. Hnnu, E. 1 . D01 President. Gcnen ---n..__ - Home Insurance Company of New Haven, Conn. CAPITAL .. .. $1,000,000. PREMIUMS RECEIVED DURING l868- $3,079,893. Funds deposited in the hands of the Government \ for the security of Policyholdera. f` All re risks carefully surveyed, and the rate of Premium made to correspond with the risk assumed. V "F59; . EUGENE'R.IMMEL, )ERFUMER by appoinmgnt to their Majes- E_mpe1-or of tbeiF`rench. the 0......-. Phaanix ngalcllr D. SATBALII. Cxnnnxs W President. 8 OASH CAPITAL .. .. 1:1,00o,< ' AKF.` AND RIVER. RISKS taken . J and cargoes at reasonable rates. 1` M me am: mm - , A; Oice-33, Ola:-once Street. Kingston, March `20, 1862. .__.J ...v.... U, uvu sum omccrs it uniform upon"-A hack jaunting car. In nft.ernoon.l`Ijince Arthur rode in the I accompanied by the Lord-Lieutenant, in the evening there was udinzingul dinner party at the Viceregnl LO`Jg( celebrate the visit of his Royal Highne: vs Agent at Kingston, Tm r -n are of the fket. M: th me, an recommena rill nave Pibe EAILII K '19, Chem , lunches I from N York `I to be kn II to ban nation in Incteri: rodyne) us he most I 5 appenre during diarrhoea ofic, :33: it to relieve .. -..- ...n_-_ -._-2 snruu, uuu me Ringo Wales. ' cenaist of three THE BAUD preparations- RI N 14`. _______________{__ Royal Assurance Company 0! LIVERPOOL AND LONDON. MAXWELL W. STRANGE, Agent. for Kingston 3-33, K ,,_, -....... ;. up-uuan ~y_for Epidemics in Paris, late M.D. Hospitals of Algiers, has just in- England his ORGANIC MEDI-' , ,- ....... vuuuula me uncle substance capable of being: blood without injury to t Jmpany doing business in in imd during lbat ecured condence by the i of every fair claim. laws of Canada by Government of Stocks [0 tot` nu ; 28 Regent Street; 24 Gornhill, Boulevard den Italian, Paris. ...,...a..u3 we-sc visits. From the Queen, my dear mother, I have learned to take the deepest interest in all that concerns the weltnre of Ireland, and I know that her Majesty is well aware of the feelings of loyalty to the Throne and of attachment to _ her person and family which aninmte the corporation of the city of Ifublin. I shall take the oppqrtuulty of communicating to tife Queen your expression oftheso feelings, and I shall not forget to let her know how cordial has been the wclcomerwith which you have this day received her son." The epuipages drove a moderate pace along \j'estlnml-row,Nassau-street, Qollcge-gr:-cu, Dame-street, I arlinment5treet, over Essex Bridge, and along the northern line of quay: to the Viccregal Lodge, Pha;-nix Park. The procession was somewhat 1u&li- ve cnrefully prepared for Ex- their excellent qualities 9. .. uuv uuwel. A gold med the French Government to 1 I valuable preparation. ls lid ; Medium, 45 5d ; Lam ltle. .....y, 1:: wsulng L ofall Ohemiata } Fire Assurance Company OF LONDON. L I7!_,-A V auunul. no me taste, for Infants and nunun secret com- mrket. Many medical recommend your com- a secret ro- Kmn, LLD. Mlucheater. writes :-"I bonppraciatdd. hnrncteriaing it ( ' 1 useful modi- u durino um -s ---- ` nl. A1514 AN]. $5,l50,93l,7l. '\ nan...- 350.000 _ jet, unhappily, fardia. non or Timur. ....--.__ .`.gi press. One of the Royal saloons (used liy her Majesty when proceeding to Scotland had been attached to the train. Upon his arrival at Ilolyhead the Prince embarked on board a special steamer and steamed away to Dublin. The reception of his Royal Highness in Dublin was respectful and warm. The streets were greatly crowd- ed. and banners and haunereta oated from numerous houses along the route. In re- ply to the civic address, his Royal High- ness returned the following reply:--"My Lord Mayor and gcntlemen,--I thank you most heartily fur. the cordial expressions ot your address. To this my first visit to Iro- land I have looked forward with anticipa- tious of great pleasure, and I do hope that opportunities will lrequently occur at my repeating these visits. From interest lrelnml nntl r I.-~- -- -' Toilet Powders. Portable Fountain}. Toilet Vinegar. Hair Preparations. Tooth Powders Glycerine Toilet Requi- sites. Britisi) Poasessions, 9 Wmllng Street. Oh!-"nigh: _ .4 vnzvsd U1 micat-i:)n received by 3 cholera had been eifect that, of all a was the most etfeo- "fhos. xxaxpunxox. ........ ,-uuuca uu _t8lTD e assured will permit. JAMES SWIFT! I ..-kA ,_. .- nu LU U6 will continue to xduct of those of its 31 or ouaerwise aid , --Lancet. ' ,...3.uguv. l0 their Majes- f tbeF`rench, the Queen Hliand, the Queen of King of Portugal; and Vales. units swurr, ,|,___ PRINCE Atmlmrs vxsrr To 11u;-' LAND. His Royal Highness Prince Arthur. M.- teudcd by Major Elphinstono and suite, loft London on Sunday Afternoon (April 4) on a visit to Ireland. The Prince and his attendants left the Euaton terminus by the ve o'clock Iiivnrpool and Manchester ax- the. College stion rennin! 1 0 own.` 1', Ago: Lawrence ! policies on _ lnnnd -:II -_, DAILY ~Im'Ws+M0NoaA=I ":1 `uuppll , mrdis- 3mte 1ntcrfer- emom n- --'- -`-' ...u ucumer or the is, 0hiefPhysician in Paris` Ian. M n _..up.a 5.511 ll` 1., Agent, St. Lawrence Wharf :9 594 pa : Bottle. rs in tho o`..__. Company l"|.~..._. - Gil): illailp Nma. ' MONDAY EVENING, APRIL 26. `_ 3 BER I'1R8T'PAGI. usury, and H116 A medal fnffla-ma n.. n -uvvnvl $1,000,000. J 0.1--.. ' .. rvl IJULI-ID. in the form an, and par- Id Mothers 1'. Don, _ g General A geh L .1 Iain uu Lu: RH" pr axle of is to be nu..- -- ' SURPLUS- 824,000,000 i an med i ; Lar'ge 231 Wmsox Secretary 1n nnn terms `is .-n-in .' o_f `the Iidlnn-A ' oni 7hulls_ ISIJ, the ...1-I ,-._.... ...ucuu.uns O! the agecher with the Lord Mayor fnyoresa. In a few minutes they in a special stain, consisting of ` appointed saloon and two first 769; which started in-.-.....::....-/ GIJDI I Dr quuuuj occur:-cg; while sn`:S"rZ above nllndod ti), the disease still 2 nope death! huja taken place. Tu hntnedintaly opposite were nupplie quantity, in ueianr of which has tl a single cue, nfthongh toodieeaae . in the neighbourhood." Sd In .11 ru--- - I I .-u ...,......uuuu Lug; none have had the .i na't'e.n- turnout and apmplew ebct of Sir William ijko the lime or cu-boic eoid.-I am fully, h that in house where it had been need, not A eihgle cue of cholera. aubso. quently occur:-cg; in the four room; eiinu and some death: I-nu`. mu- /- 1/8-68- ,1 I we VI-{I10 $1 the uid is show `following lotpr from the Secret Mnnngor: ` ' *`z`ngriuuuur(} Hall, Ialington, Jan Dear Sir,-{Please to send eight more of your gbiaiufecting Fluid, as \ enclosed. Hqiing used various Dis Fluids at onrjmany shows, I can ` condence tbs} have lb tnnnhn ant` `*`-" ' _ apnr tmente for senrcbers --......, uuupunu-, worklsonses, factories, pri- sons, crowded places, between deck of ships, fever wards, clothes. and linen of sink, night- chairs, ceespools, drains. water stables, dairies, lsrders, musty cask &c.; bilge-water, end. the holds of closets, S, tubs, ships ; , undertaken, and jurytnsn, and for post-mortem examinations; for the prevention of infectious disease, can- ker and fungus in trees; for the disinfeqtion of dead bodies, and for the preservation of subjects for dissection; for the extermina- tion of bugs and other vermin. Sir W. Btt non : Disinfecting Fluid the only Dis` fectant used at the A turn! HI". d _` g the Smitheld Club Cattle Show in 186_!-E, ` Privy Councils` The run. at -1-- 4: -- - _.?.__ SIR WILI;1.1M BURNET'I"S DISINFEC- ING FIEUID, for the purication of sick rooms, hoapifnlr, workhonoes, crowd dairies. llrdm-rr -----=-- -~- ' ......w or whynsmnoei Sold in {intent atoppere prico 2s 6d,;,4s 6d, 113, am cial agents required and pans of thafgvorld. ,-.. ...--uvu DIJU LWO rs: -whireh started immediutel '. which station several of ipnges were in acts at a preventive to disease, as the,nu- meroue unsolicited testimonials accompany- ing each bottle will prove. its portability renders it admirably adapted to the travel- , tourist, emigrant, _or private family, more especially when distant from medical {intent ntoppered glass bottles, and 219 each. Spe- `required appointed in all the iavorld. lhnpt uu,_uut-1'5 HIKETIG SALIN Med`__:ine that cure Sea. Sick: the worst 2,}:-m of Billions Headache "in minutes; eifervescing and tasteless, it stant use iii especially calculated to tsin heultltft When mixed with watt taken during the e'ervesoence, itizz ately blends} with the food, and is 1-` absorbed in'_3to the system. It vitslize supplies the; blood with those saline 5 pies that are lost, altered, or destroyed ing the hot? weather. In Jungle, St Yellow, Typhns, Ernptire Fevers (or Chc also in several other conditions, when vital current is poisoned by infection thereby rendered unt to support healt life. it has been found eminently benel end its sustaining and purifying in preventive disease. th 'IIn-As.- .- luv, you c The value lnnina Inn`..- , "I . -unuul] ruven.`I_enl. Retail by Chemists, Grocers, ltallian Warohousemen, and others, lhrougbout the Kingdom, and every part of the world. Ask fat; The Sauce.-Specinl Export Agent.s-BQrgoyne, Burbridges, and Squire, 16, Oolmagfscreet, London. M Finebury Pavement. uuu r: 1 lull. ` -"Wholesale and for exportation by the Pro- prietor, 69, Lamb a Conduit Street; BM-clay and Sons, Fan-ingdon Street; Batty and (Jo., "_nlnil ha }\|_.-!-A '- the London 'F'ever 'Hoipi;a'l`;-_F:at-he`: :FI`.SuiDi|j- tary Reform; Medical Member of the rst` General Board of Heallh; Author of the first; work on Fever in any age or country, the Philosophy of Health, kc. I Delicious with every known dish. Ital` habitual use increaeesthe appetite and pro- motes digestion. ' It is much esteemed for its digestive properties. - As an assurance of its purity and salutary properties, It is only necessary to poi_t out the name of the celebrated and philanthro- pic Physician from whose prescription it is compounded. The entire life of that distin- guished man was spent in promoting the health of his fellow-creatures, and his death, in December, 1861, was mourned as a na li0|J::l loss. .'EI.-|---'- ` ` .. nuuui onumwood drocker, a recipe by hi! Cousin, the late Dr S wood Smith, thirty-ve years -Physicin the Londan'F'ever Hoipizal; Father of Reform; 114 or country Philolonhv of Hutu. L- - the two operations of cleansing ind polishing no cuugeeable odour, and is easily appli;-d. John losnell >& Go}: Patent Trichosaron, or newly idyented Hair Brush, the peculiar me- chnnicalilconstruction of which accompanies 2 simultaneously. The Patent Mechanical Chair for Brushing Hair by Machinery. For Prospectus and pan- liculara, apply to the Putentees and Sole Manni- fecturers, JOHN GOSNELL & C0,, Perlumera by Appointment to Her Majesty, Ilia PFIIICBSB of Wales, &c., RED BULL WEIARF`, $3 Urns Tnnms Smlrr, late of 12 Three King Uourt r.nlnhnu-R QIhAn6. 1 LIJA-I35 OTHIIT, I Lombard Street; ....5.-um so we nreatn. rnce In 6d each. Inuanunaona Hair Dye: certain to produc any ah Brown or Black, of goud nnlur I colour. -- t cannot possibly injure the _hair, ha no diugifeeable Qlosnell 00. : o me which_ accompanie operations Cleannino A ....1m.=-. uu 3 Ill [-11]! 1s*aa.cn_ John Gone]! I: Co. -I Cherry Toolh Paste a greatly superior ti) any Tooth Powder, giv s the Teeth 5 pearl-like whimneas, prolecla 1 enamel from decay, sud imparts a pleusin I fngnnce to the breath. Price Inltantlnaonn Fair in. - ....-.-:.. ... -_,. 1.. - V mu yunuluu um: um` etnomeul qualiti John Goanell & Co. s Violet and Nursery Powder is guara. ated pure. uery should be without it. Soldin M 6d ; in tin: ls' Jnhn fln--..ll L 11- I- nu , - UISBUI hair. nail . Ln Noblaaae Soap-enoemed for its uneqlm led parfume and ne emollient qualities. 1 Goanell `E Cna Vinlm anal \I:n,.n.... AuPLd?UGH s PYRETIG J Medfainn 1|-mo ....--.. I-'1 1 VII. ulq. ' John Goanall & C033 Jockey Club Peifn e is in universal request as the most. admir d Perfume for the Handkerchief. Price 23 6d. John Gosnell & Co. B La Nuhlesae Perfu e, a most delicate Perfume of exquisite fragran e. John Gosnell Jr 00. : Noble-sse Pomade, el - gcntly perfumed, and highly recoinmended f :- beautifying and prbmoling the growth of 1 e 1 I-ll`I.lI.IU'Io John Goanell Jr Cn. s Upper Ten Tbousaf.d Perfume. ,| Y-L_IrI, n. cu - - - " .u-nu, IIQIDOSI cuoxce and utsnnonnnle perlume. l John` Gusnell at O0 '8 Princess Alexandra : Perfume, I. inost choice and delicate perfurne, prepared expressly for the use of Her Royal Higbnou. ` Ink.-. r1.......n 1. n._n. r"t__-_ -n _ --L- Ibarles Bruce, and Lady L attended byanumeruus .11 the members of the ved at the King's-bridge lloutlmrn an!` 7-'`` nuu Dnaus DOIIQIJOL JohnGoaneH It Oo. a Prince of Wale. P:r- fume, agjmost choice and fashionable perfum. John G-unnall h n '2 Prinmun Ala:-.n.=l.-ma . nnu DULJU W HARE , U6 UPPIE IELKIB 51'! T. I John-Gocnall It 00. : Select Perfumes: as Bouquet, Royal Yacht Club Bouquet, Joc djey Olab Perfume, Essence of Wood Violet, Wic- toria uquel, Frangipanni, Mfliury Bouqnlet, the Bri3e'3 Bouquet. I J0hn?(}nn:-ll Eh no .a prinnn Al Wain. Di.-, '1\Hii!fgnou rranda which co {minus to be p c- * good by oboouro Inn factnrera, In to Plrtioufiariy in Gomnny, , imitating the in- bela shtnohed to JOHN OSNELL it 0 .'s PEBF{iMERY, render it imperative upon he Pcopriqtora to Ournoza the public against. a1 ch nofnriols proceedings, and to request t eir fnontlaiond patrons to purchase only of reap c- tnblo deniera, who import direct from J hn Gone]! 8; `Go. ; and invite ifpedial nuantio to i the oddreaa- ` man BULL WHARF, 93 Urrnn Tnuna srniu. .l'nhn.r:.n..-..n 1: l`.n v. 51.1.... D...-r......... . In... I and we houses ied with 9. an 111- "` ` d ` lhatti T 1' he supp! 1: .. unuun. rrepareu by under Bnuchwood Szocker, `)7 hit Unnnin eh- l-a- |'\- ` ,a,J ---u-ucull I.U PUl_l UH`! n I .186]. wall Inn"--r-'5 '*` ` the `runo-. _,_--....., vnu;ul.l1l0u [C we eervesosnce, it` 'il.b vimli and with l----- - " we I infection-, and I health and benecial ;`f ins: nnrifvinn :-a-- ' 'e Iron: the course. ARM 9 Arthur, acoompnni-v EN ant and the Couhteas Februa .t the second day of The weather was ; the sport was excel-> ARR; a numerous. [ V ` _g\rhur visited Lu- AA---- shown by the m S_ec1-etsry and Jul. 1868. to mom` -`-`-` 0.4 U_'l' I 0 N. ,,__, ....u I: napluly stem. vimlizen and th princi- .-red, destroyed dur- Scarlet, {re Cholera), where the pned bv info.-{inn ---` uu uu Irunltl, {$5 UPPI I Uour """"?""'_'J' UEDEIICIII; I inuence; dih on IL- L" can`;-yv:i`;g instan- [bout n-0""-`* __...-uunvuu Au ll IGW its con "Ir-.nlavna on ---=v lculated main- l water and Iosnce, it iznmedx- d, rapidly u 'iUI.H'I.n and nuou I llulilllllf. ! nVioIet Milleett I 1'5-I111` non-n .......5 sun couriers ing clay. It would : anything more mis- :19 presented by the :9. All the delicate .1r not was -~~'-` ` o ,i8hl gallons ldv P8! Order un hia;..r.....:_ ,, nu |Illl U. U0 DU Sold` in boxes I SALINE.--A a. Sickness or lacbe "in a few Alana I... -( I-\.| -1- nIc.\ rocker, frn .te South- -Pbysiciau l nhnr ..r a,_: I rune! IHIU. ; s lizen 1e yed Cholera), 'here ;ion-, and ealth anecial inuence ' the ,nu- I l\l--__ IJ". bub ,-_. -~vun| U1 H3 in attendance to Le. On the course were congregated, 30,000. The rs: 1a| n-- -~r` IL UMINATI/1`?-GT range; pour a fa warm water; use wit similar t &c., mi lhgent n, Violet, w drop a into an e h a brush 0 Ward and =y be prettily 0 Blue, 6'8 P 1' P Lock : illum- _--- av vull DIAI anary dissolved i OTOGRAPHS may b N : A` Sixpennv I n I pint of boiling V e tinted ;` diluh bottle of M uaunny, II B UE: For la P 1533' and WOOD O KSTAIN: A bo SPAIN: I me of- No. recommended. EATHER: Blue, Orange. Dydinv HITEWASH: Ta or Rn, . ..AA LnArHER;'n_1ue, Magenta,` Violet mid Dye in warm watei`. WEITEWASH: color: Magenta, for Pink or Rose; add halls bottle to a pull of water, then stir in the Whitening see man]. , Blue and erimaon produce pretty tints by mining one bottle or more, as directed above. _ ITARCH: Stir in I fewdropl of; Colour-- L!-ugenta, Mauve, Violet, Blue ;or Pink; ese impart delicate tints to Luce, Linen, m.i.ow smvxxas, Wicker, Iv Hair, Fibres, Seaweed, to, enact the`dye quickly, ifapplied in boiling wntnr, Lma- F-'~ - ory, Bone, ` ,_.-. nuns um LIKES U PEOPDE. A ny one can use them thing can be dyed with them. ' in this small 3 s can be applied; ! their chief` use is fair dyeing textilal fall they are also invaluable as n. colourinar - ..u.unADl:I: T01 Mauve, Violet, Pm tint al 1 ARCH: 1 than imn--` ` - `or the dye is suic OTTON: Mauve, .-..;uunna: Dye i 4recnmmn-hr`-I` --- ........ nuumctory results. Us: :12: FE?` quantity of boiling water in an earthen pan. RIBBONS mud SILKS: Brush them with soap and watqr to avoid to render them clean. Dye in boiling Inter. EATHERSE Dye in h - `Ar aka 4-- 7/ ...-, on the extreme re were no The Prince 1, `uni-cusln--L `EUR I'0.l'l'i Remove.-3 from the mom: tastes and odour, rhethl or other causes, and con and morbid secretions of I lies and softens the skin, tends to: promote a hedn body. u.--- wulcll is 50 CUHITIIOU 8 C To rapidly purify the with ()ondy a Uzanis ducer. COND Y S PATENT * Jul u.' N.B.-Condy's Fluid is lh Test for Organic. Matter in the only known means of ra freeing Drinking Water 1' which is so cause ` air, Uondv a n-m..:...--"; nngenm Pm-pie, Orange, Pink,I the most satisfactory 'quanI.ity bnilim. .- nut` W DOUGH VUOLLENS: `Dru-nfn fl--~ an-xv,-u nlbu lulle BIOIIIIICII. Curing Muaty provender. Freeing wheat and other seed from smut. Maintaining the health at plants in pots and conservatories. Presefving and restoring the frcahnesazotsnt own.-is kept in water. ` Destroying the blight olthe pomtoe, vine, _ bop, mulberry tree, Sic Washing dogs and other domestic animals. Cleansing bottles, beer barrels, pickling tubs, dairy utensils. ' Washing the b/gir and darkening its colour when turning grey. Enhancing the purifying and invigorating ef- fects 0!" baths and twbs. Dressing ' mal virus. 9 \ONDY S PATENT FLUID ormtunl diainfet L Lam. puriei, deodurises, undjdieinlecu, by the agency of nascent or ozonic oxygen,-iu active principle. Being entirely innoxioun, this truly scientic preparation is peculiarly adapted for the following useful purposes, Ior which All other digiinfecatants, on accouu tof` their poisonous or other ohjectionuble qualities, are umnilnble and useless :- ` Detecting organic impurities in air end Imtlr. ` Purifving drinking and other water from oli- gnnic iilatter, lead, inc. \ Frcsheuing the uirofclose places, and remov- ing bud lell. . Freeing meat, sh, butter, or other provisions from taint. Counteructing the effects of organic poisons taken into the stomach. - (`.ru-inn \l.._.L- ___- .~ I vs - wan! UuIUI'Ul.lll.lU. The Medical Times and Gazette, January 13th, 1866, sum.-s, "II. has an immense ule among: the public, and is prescribed by soon-ea_ol Ortho- dux M cdical Prnctitioners,nnd, of course, it would not. be thus singularly popular did II. not supply a want. and till a place. Mlinllfru-III!-nr] kw. tl-us Incoming n=n|unnA' P-an, uu uuuucllls IUI. he! ' ol yf tu ch n`nI.Ia.. 1 -L- -- a "nun auu uu ll ylguc. Manufactured by the Inventor, RichandFr_e. man, 70, Kc.-uuingwu Park Road, London, 3. ~ TIIH nnnllinn Im: nncrunrarl` An Mu; {l..n..-n-;g..o llIllll' cu, ncuunllgwu IBTK EDIII, IJDITCIOD, B. `L The genuine has engraved on the Gov:-rnment Stump (outside each Bottle), " FREEI[AN _S URIHINAL CHLORODYNE." T __ UDSON S SIMPLE QYE S `An-y-one can ins` incrnz... I... .1, unu Kl't ZI|.ly PTCICTTCU ".I'I\I!IIA.LV.' Earl Russell communicnted no the Royal Col- lege of Physicians and to Mr Freeman, that in Huuillu the only remedy of any use in Cholera was Chlorodine. fplu- ll-.L`-_I 7E...-- _.AJ f'l___1A- Y_k__-A_ Ingl ulluac U1 " urn. uuuplo nnu 11 1.1113 ULI unnu- DYNE," and depoied to the facts thntlhey lound it n more certain nnd i-elinble preparation, and greatly preferred FREEMANS." Eur? Roman" 1-nmmuaninntnrl tn Olua nnual (`_nI_ _|_ 11., rraemau, rnlrlnluuuuab, ll Iuuweu w uv one 0; the greatest discoveries of the present century. It is largely employed by the not qnninent Physicians and Sntgspr in Jltiphl and private practice tn_.allV parts of; 0 rorl 15-718 `e'ec`ts peculiar to itself, and which are essential- ly diifcront to those produced by the various compounds bearing the name oi Ohlorodyns, but have no pratsnra to possessing iltsvlrtues. It rapidly relieves pain, from vvhstsvor nauae, al- lays the irritanon of fever, soothes:-the system under exhausting diseases, and giveasleep with-i out producing any one of the unpleasant feelings so commonly arising from the use at opiates. It continues to hold its unahaxen position in the estimation of the Brofession as the best, most reliable, and cheapest preparation. Emineneilnd scientic Physicians made affidavits thattbey have tested its eects in careful comparison with thnnn nru DR nnor.I.m Rnnwumu mnnnn. unvu tvnuuu Iua ulluuba Ill unrwlul l2Ulll|JIl'l'llUlI Wlbll thoae of" DR. COLLIS BROWNEB CHLOR0- I l\VNW V nu.aI alnnnnnll on oh.` l`....oa o|.-L AL.-.- |T*"1.:F*::s.::`.:`a*:.:.'P9::.*.`;*:r:.1::.:.*.: 2: .-.n. nl um ......o... ._ rliunnvndm of than nu-agent 1-, Ivory, Bonn, boiling water. rpoaea is A 1 IW Wicke to, :1) , lauudgy pun hnnn ,, _ ..--vol-D, ms mouth whether arising from tobnco impure sad foreign ..av\.|J nu lllll ; In the Park, mr......_ . ...~ uumuuu. any article 0| :1 in a few minutes for : soiling the hands. "mung ; \I'I'I A 3 OZONISED WATER, (run `roux-rfruu1>osjr.s,) om lhn mnun. =_.- ` mu: clean. Dye b hot water a suicieut for one t have. Vi-`D-' -4 mry purpoaqa is A 1. Silpenny bottle of Hagen- nson qr Blue will mnlrn I'-n-- . LL atemee, J . _. ..__.u ul uI:1`|.|uIs maeu-e. rify air; use the diluted uid Uzaniscr" or other Bprny-pro- ......=uu. nor on_e fast! 9, Violet .und Pu 1 the Standard Scientic L Water -nd ..4I.-..-A- H. BOLLMAN co1~h)Y, Pllent.ee_ Rnlfnnann 7 -- ' . c As: JIIIPUIBIDIO co to eilmaerato the many so wonderful and beautiful ions while fab;-icle, llllbla colmu-i..- ----- _._r. ..u.-unuua U1 at [ nnnr A5` r-- -' Water. and afford: awe rapidly and completely from Organic Tnint, m of serious diapnn ..-unulu IIIBO Fesmr} Silks, kc. ants, Mauve, Violet, k, and Crimson prodneq `y alarga ' Id SILKS: Rrnh """ 'AIN: Ditto. 2 Black to RP _..,. uulu Ufgllc 1`lI in I serious disease. )0 air; nan Hus A:I...-.I u--- mg in .thu lnlh will` aade, sccordinglb Six - tof bp:il:?.?.. Ium.AN GUN DY, . Baltersea, London. ucu; auute th ' Magenta to 5 u.-xma fabrics, colouring agent Maris}. m ---A [aamng I4: _ uau wem ; any- II; is impolsiblo Bflt tho I---- "inner xatllclln Purpie are I FOR THE - adapted . 2.3,`. unnnihl- I-uu gupucnuon three ooppem. 319 Prop im, 16 w fhhgpapl 9"""90_d St:-"got, AIM . I? one I.o'ndo':on.b. I 3.`. M _... -. -A1 uA'II1`N,.'. mu F-R1-C-S-9 to" Ohm-iug-croaa Hbepim. . f For several earn I ve been in thel-` bit; of Dr. a "pbh n Light-Bull Cod Liver Oil and End it Sh uni id ihigesti` ' _on~-till` on-an consequent on`: :0 gdgiukinhdn of the . pdeoil." - ' ma, mnnow, ran-,* Senior Physician to Buy : Hospital. v I have l'r_equonIJN-l'9:OlnlIIendo~pala0ll! com I . J _ _ _ roamed: `_the desired % street in a shorter cinuethcrmsthr lands; Ind c cbomceompaun xuIo{_iodIn_o inaamoof orgsnic eombiniti are the remukqble. It in, I believe, nuiveunlly that this oil hukgreat, -thgmpeuc power; and from t``:.~ ,6- --_-q Z-IPI` II uuu Kind of Uod Liver Oil which in unit ll V I admitted to be genui,ne-the -mghkBmW?Uil' (applied by Dr. de Joligh. It has longbodnll practice, when pOlibil'P_ j e oi_l, to oertamty, we have condence in II: genuine- n " Extract from Cbn|nl1ptia|' : its Early 11:!` Be-r{uedi0ble Sages. . ` ` 5` gm. 1.-3.118. . =- Coroner for Contrnlitidlele `N _1 qonsider am the purity of am. oil ism.-nu: 7 the best medncal .1:-entiae on ollwith which I an , ac- u_ndar his guirinteejo ho5m`e my other th 0011 Liver `Oil lold ' on`e kind of Cod Liver nnivqinll; genuine-the Iilgho-erown Oil \ paeoctibingjahe recomhmulrf this kind, since, imidst sinuch w...;..o- --`-I -- ma. xnwum sumr, lfadicnl Ocer to the_ Ian". DIE aunts! nuzsn, BAH, l(.D., T Physician in Or to the Qgpan in 1:91: I have froqneny prescribed Dr. do J 1 Light-Bu-owncod Lil k I ' ` 1 very pure oil, not i c y to events dugnsg,` ` a therapeutic agent of greanzi1e.' DR. DE JONGEPS LIGHT-BROWN` GOD DIVER OIL. -' A DR. DE JONGH S Oil in convinc ly proved by an overwhelming weight ofmedi * testifnony, and by the practical test of suoesa experiange for twenty years in_tll_ parts of the `no;-Id , M be, beyond all-question, the purest, ' cioua, the moat pnlauble, and, , its gmpill curatige effects, the mosteoouomiul ofgll kinda. _ Hence the unin.....-I ....1_.__s. . - - , ..unsu_vga enacts, the mosteoouoniiul "i:1':1'; Hence the universal celebrity 01 Dr. de J ugh : Oil, and the unpanllegled demand tor. 1.hi3gu:`u_-i- vnlled preparation. ` . '3' ` ' saucer unnzou. - ormzdns. ' SIR HENRY nunsn, mjan, Qgpan In.-[um ___.- _-.--svn H IIIIIIIC By Henry Stephan of Edinburgh and the `t: Pllonon, of Yhle College. `2 jolt. Re I taro, 1600 pages sud numerous En ` inga. PR.IGE--$7, for the two volumes. By U cc. Ullltgel Street, Kingston. August 6. -uuuvu IBBHRO IIQI, VII: The ;|\ Korth British from January, camber, 1868,Tinclnairo; the Edinbn Wcmuinuar from: April, 1364, to 1866, inclusive, and the London .Q on hr: :1 "W6 think it 3 , nia kind at 11-; 1-, - r_u__n _'1' A G . When sent {.3} 111111, the Po|t;g.;\ to u, of the United Bum will_ be but Twgnti cent; a your for Blockwood," and bug ] Gent; 3 year for etch of_the Reviews. ` snuoriberj my o:a:h.. following rednwd rates, vi: : Britinla frnln Inn . I Fofgnyonq .` Fanny twochlle _ views For may thus: of we I` M In For all four ofthe Ruler: For Blnokvaodh " nu - For Blnckirood an one Review For Blnckwood and two Revieig .7.'B1ac|'.v Vdnlie V .y$~;`3`}.,.a roulv:-:- ' bv m:iL nu. o......'... "mun I-IllE`l"I.I` {IEIIGIIIGIII IN 5 published by on in the same style :1 hgfuo. fore. Those [who know, them and who bu. long subscribed to_ thegn, need no remibdI!r;' those whom the civil, In!` of Ike Jen few ye." had deprived of theitouoclrolcotnn supply om ` best-~-periodical Iitonlnn, will be glad to have the eggin wlthlp beir roach ; and those who nuyu over yet hgvq` metivflh thelnvill scoured. ly be well planned to l'e0lI'O o._cc:-edited -tepom of the progress of European science ind men-u.| lure. ' _. ...n 5uarlllICe_F, I as regards genuinenana '9 ran r.omJoN-QU.;n'r1:n1.Y 'oo...,,, ran EDINBURGH navmw {v'n.:g,_ ' rm: wnsrulusrnn mrvnz (n..r.,,,,,_ rm: sown BRITISH; mi.-vmw (rm .1, _ - LID _, _ ` suoxwoons nmzmvnua Juaazuqg (To any in h.,`,,,,_ -) HES;l_yore[n~p'e1_'lodienlo `an ragulu-1, ` The L. 8. Pub. 00. llgq pguhu The rumor : Hllldc - H4-._ ;__L , -_ -- - ` And .1" larg o _omount of `en P1-mo, Fin _Cntgg_ :,'b _.--....... .....;,n n 1 um! 15 1&3:-LA` tors in Chancery--Cbnmbers Na & 9, Anchor Buildings, Kingston, 0. June O'RnLm', Q.O. Faun 0. Vt` ` BRITIBH EPEBIODICAI 8. p,,for Yarfoi%l`I'. l" A 7 Vin `,{`,`*?;`l! J"".""- -`hP""' ~' "%m:1?.R::36 ggit-Fur: __9 an nf ling"? . B0,, r.n.c,s, I-cl-one I-`l'}.....: 4.| I r;m 1863, to Do- I; Edinburgh and tin mil, Deccmbi, .be Loudon.Q1larte!,ly-r :rate of $1.50 I van! 1-- `r I03 1369. .. . n..:-_._ null runusning Cm," 38 Wilkor-street, `[3,; -1- uxil qulwlo my 05112! and eni- -,., ~v --r-'5! ibed qngls I consider into be .c;.m .I:.....-a --4 -IIl.llIIa'D ilew, BARRISTER and ATTORNEY-I veyancer, &c. Olce Bagotf door south of the British Whig 0113 August 1. Publishing 4 Wilknr.-tr-and lofgll V inda. . ngbh tr. thiseuiu-i- - rmxauwg-uq Vlulhla 0 ReilIy an Draper, BARRISTERS,AT'l`0RNEYS-at-LAW Solidi- Chaucery--Chnn1bem NM '2 a 10111 ght, V'u'1:'ir1c1:._.souh West ( East Streets. ., u urn rrrrvr~-- a\\ n"~`4`;'.: 1 lm-ii n.....ouma AND ATTORNEYS-at-LAW:, . ` Solicitors in Chancery, &c. ' 0fbee-i8 Clarenm Sn, opposIte_the Po Office, Kmaa-rou, C. W. Joan A. luonoum, Q. U` ` . ` Jana P4-rron, Q.'C_-` Joan M. Luann. Kingston, Jm y 16. IE2`-VII 3 ~*=*m<,;.a.1;;.`**tI.:=` WI`. . *~It'~edJ nnamegaie gpidity, smhawz H`. ' he remaipi men I_r_I3e age, wherggzhe expio `dying theii` bodies o I ~ . nfortnnsfe Colliery; - win here that, in 1865 V impriuoned save}; `-g of thmuchinery; 4- an explpnign no ` ' w s littheix lives. belonging to the Want. in . =-:jj:: , me." If,_Vw'1l _ ` - tin-eipIdtdd*'1iIs" u ` ,3 . ;'1'**:.h.R2fI!I=Wi' ,1gI_I r1%s_`.ii:.s:.v.%axi7 use . -- . 1n 3 mm with no -uuaulill DU 'l.'l)|IT,3d` morn jpnntomnry annnjnnt . -'9` _ 0-Iolockti:oiu'In1l'f"' ,M,\4.,9aqa y..|;q-mhnft. V V , nod! `" Go-they W, Film id :4` - ' In V ` `,<.u'W` A `,5 .1 ? _W \I\lI-lIJLJ.'JI.Dl IHQLLI -.l,$ANOAsHIRE. * = hgivo wc.wMeco|_vcj_ ipi Kniibdehire-..'c.o . . he'f*Mine.and the fig ' numberitwe ,ngI_1 our rsday Gildcrsleeve an Walkel BARRISTERS and ATTORNEYS- Conveysnoera, Notaries Public. . Richard T. \Valkcm, `VOLICITOR IN CHAN 0ff1ce-`-C1a.rence Street, Kingston, I J. P. Guonusnuvr, L.L.B. | RICH. T. ` ________._______________ Macdouald, Patton-an Ma l%ARRISTERS AND ATTQRNEYS-s Snlinim.-. :_ nL.,_, :=" ` v_PIOp08II Jul II=_ Vllthu act. '5! `A ijustly, ` far greamt denler thun could'- In is no longer necessa Jen I: to persons 9! "*""~nInvget santdron isi "$0 ICED Iv -I-J and insia M M squadron anon * k ' To that there in ` I-Iiifllno obiect exist ml BI-Iv u.....__ , nortnlity Ito ii eqnivbcsl rlllll ii :21?-. _this cqnttqversy i` `u `ggcompuloni nt_5o0. " 54-` an n-iiitjl nnrn nf:L ________,_r James S. Cartwright, ARRISTER-AT-LAW. OFFICE- ENCE STREET, opposite the Po: February 17. my ctjons 1 "W-p..eo n: ten to I6!`V'ic3, TO `Gilli luau: :- Who object efyifat the nu`: ` tad it-fowow ' enhd on our p Boo extinguish it. In f p Iqlndrnn is but t. proposal vial re L` 14-; If than act- 1 51.1: COLLIEvRY Exl`. mavl` . 4 f A `Kill A u!]l"I)11I " NEARLY OPP BOOK STORE. ch`||'g;`- of ;.he .:_i- of Inlzn vnnrl. am -Iv, Ill! ncgltira II III! e -my % -in-:14: Cmnpbell, Mowut ARRISTERS, &c., P: B slon (opposite Daily N I ru- - ----/ 3321?] Io!_-4 .....- - u u. cc LII. Vu. H. WILKISON. Uonnty Crown Am uouulug m a plSlOl shot through an placed on a. man`a head. Mr A. J. fired the shot, and Mr Frank Bento the risk of losing his life in its uccol ment. Hg was blindfolded and pl: cing the marksman at a. distance paces. While Mr Talbot. slowly at berately aimed his pistol, the audie mainedin breathless suspense. At I fire the ball was heard to strike the the theatre and fall to the oor. wl Wilklson 4|: ;ARRISTERS AND ATT .\`,._. -us: aulpflti OI me 8.! be fun surely killed. In ...4.. : -' IV. R. Mingaye, TTORNEY-AT-LAW, Convey; L Kinaamn D W auucls on a plant) In the the top in pieces, but ju ed I hand-spring before 1 the surprise of the audie ha nun an-..l.. `I-2|`-J U March 15, 67. nue inmates of the barracks of the (lands of Paris were shocked last by the rcport that Commandant Thevel bu)! cummited suicide. Qn hearing Lnupcbli act with ma brother, at the Gaietics Theatre. fell a distance of near! feet. He was hanging head (1 when he commenced to full, his descent. so as to light on struck on piano in the orchestra, splitting jumped up and turn- he left the stage, to audience, who thought wfaa kill uwnwmd but turned in his hip. He ) twenty i'toz.-Returna in answer to the re- cently issued circular ofthe Minister of Agricul- ture, relative to the number of immigrants that can be sccommodated with work in the town- ships throughout Ontario during the present season, are being already received by the De- partment here. Iu each of these the statements are of the most encouraging character. A large deduction could be made, ahd yet the number be much larger than the total emigration . for the last two or three years. The returns specify? the nature of the employment, rate of wages` and the number likely to be employej, and in- cludes : guarantee that the authorities of the municipality will use their best efforts to find empleyment for the number mentioned. Farm labourers seem to be in great demnud, and a. very large number of these, with female help in the more settled districts can be absorbed. Blacksmiths, shoetnekers, and tradesmen of oth- er classes are also mentioned as among the vents in nearly every locality.-Gla-be. ` At Columbus, 0 , 9. few nights ago, At thur Dupont, while pertormiug II. double t trapeze act with his brother, ditlhn nf han-I-r u.nn..lDl. I`4l'1 Solicitors, uz ; I uun D I -AT-L Kingston, 0. W. SINGLE COPIES of NEVS Inn; Ina Inn! .5 :1. 14:1 Luau 1 nova urawn has no resemblance to the Chairman of the Board of Trade in person, in uianners, in character, in mode of lile, or even in the mode of exp:-easing political opinion. It was my object to depicts turbulent demagogm -but it was also my object so to draw the ch..- racter that-no likeness should be found in any of our own political circles for the character so drawn. I hnve been unlucky, as the charge brought by you against me showa_; but I protest that the ill-luck has not been the resultof any fault on my tart. I intended neither portrait or caricature, and most aisnredlyl produced neither." ,_ ._... .......- .-u`,-unv.,uu.|_puL in II letter to one of the London papers. He says ;- "In the character of Mr Turnbull to which al- lusion is made. I depicted Mr Bright neither in his private nor public character ; and I cannot imagine how any likeness justifying such a charge against me can be found. The charac- ter that I have drawn has . Bmu-d mt` 1'.-.aA: ..... -_ The site for the new Lonatlc Aqylutn nt Lon- don only costs $59 per acre. It is known as the Hall farm on the Governor's rond, together ~Wilh fifty acres in the rear, bought of` Messrs. Mcbaren of Hamilton--in all one hundred _a.nd ninety-six acres. This price is remarkably low. For the adjoining lands, though not so well sit- uated for the purpose, $30 per _acre was asked. The water on the lot is in abundance. Dr. Lan- dor, who is likely to have charge of the asylum when built, has expressed himself well pleased with the selection, his judgment being consulted ~ before the bargain was closed wuu me selecuon, his judgmen bargain was closed. A-.oI..___ in n - fty -1 ne Imp Uurowitch, belonging to the Ameri- can, Ruuinn commercial company, having gr- rtved at Sftkn with n cnrgo of salt, we: cant back to Ben Fnnel|cn'in ohdrze of a revenue to how they will fare in case they tell into the collector's hands and become subject to his rul- ingl. The It Governor's M[.rnn at I:r-_:-- - -- ` uuu lull ! D On Mon bably visit the Curra day the Agricultu Dublin Society. noer were y his R0 presen yul Iligi ml Show Gilly 'Q"I"Dr)I;\ . rm...-..._. ~,*u.1IIuruu;-_a_ Ukje opposite . ntratnn `"30 thin Ollrowitch nu. Rllllinn ~........--..; .. *-*------__'_ James Agnew, ER.and ATTHDMDV _. ;__________________ John M udlc, s R`7A-NOHID;-_g_t_-Law, Comm Ju cef, iqe P537. Uxce, Ularence on. _ ,_.- .-no unu Ltlullll ERS, Princess Elreet, I )posite News Omtg. Auxumna Cupnnm, Q11, Glow: Lnncx Mowar, Gnoaan Imus Mmnonnn. 67 md ATTO`RNEY-'nt-L_AW,Co'm kc. Olce Bsgot Street, secofid 2 Ofce, upstairs. 4.... -- 13.60115, 3 ATTORNEYS-at-LAW, Gonveynncers, kc. Nnpanee, uvuu I1 1 Attorney, Bawden, '_l Au7 auou ouuuul. " Dubli, Iridny.--`-The troops the Fifteen Acres in Pboeni . twelve o'clock to-day, but from inclemency of_tho weather, tbs evolutions except a march past. nngnE|n.rn1_S'Re-_n?gr {ere pa-ggent o - u uouuuulllg and` A-'I:TO RNE YS- at-L A W, -a, - __ _ .3--Ia, .AW. 0FFICE--CLAR- 1`, Post Ufca.` ....uu;cHu.-LAW Sol} -Chnn1Ders Nos. 7, Kinmunn I`. "7 ._ nanny llII', > A'["i'-O RNEYS-at-L A?/', oefy, w. A. REEVE, M. CV, ' =.-~a "9 ` V, Conveyance:-, &c. Dec. 1. ___;..-j.j t corner of Duudas and Vvalkcm, N C H A N C E R et, Kingston. C.W. lleeve, mnn xv m an dc M1: cdonnell, D . . - A A -A fro ......, mu we nuenaanoe 5 ' On Thursday Prince Arthur May- nooth Colle e, and the Duke of Leinster. at Carlton. 9 also visited the Royal Hiber- nian School. = Fridny.--`- l'he troo ps assembled on Pb oenix Park, at ~ A excent n mm-oh v---* "" ` Walkem, Pbxrbwn . 9 L the _ DAILY `I3 tilxn-ml.-- , AI , ` Al nrnnnnw 3...}... A. 1 H1 u WAT, I MAODOIIIL. 1' Eu 3 Machar, V0 .4 I LII! Drunk. WALKEH. -` - .- cw cu." Non.- I`ha Profession in wifned ngninut in- ferior secret, and} chepp evllwlml 30" in the m u-ket. Each genuine hon a bear; A fac- aimile of Proprietor : signature on the stamp outside. ' LIQ. OHLOROFORIII co.on CEEORODYNE wrrrrour PEPPEIQII .1`. Se ufaotnn :--A. P. Towlo Oh Hancm ' ` ' em. ., uuccrtu an tney drove from the On Wednesday Prince Arthur ed by the Lord-Lieutenant he Co ` lent, and the attendance nn 'I`1........n.- n-=- ~ - -' * ,_V_`_,_. .. ......... uuugs. `-Lam:et. TO WLE S CHLORODYNE. The Original Preparation 0 `I known Composi- - tion. `= From Dr 0. Kid tho: of Standard Works rofonn. snckvilk ., Piccadilly, London. 3;,-__1 think i f*vvym.. would advertise your Chlorodyne more the `Y0? d0 7 `' id 1391! to ma; ;he_9;be,-5 hich pounds, out men think with pound, but will medy. KJDD, :- I ' useful dllring. the present A Surgeon N only requires I have no hesitation '1`owle'| Oblorodyne) cine that has . century. In diarrhoea, Tic. HERB, Ipulns, I hove found on pain and causes more joy than any. other &I;Iisle thil can be named. `. u__/ -. - unvli. The day seems as yet, unhappil_y,l". taut when public opinion In enoe will prpvenl the adtertiaement or E any secret. medicine whatsoever. It is hoped that the profession contin brand as unworthy the conduct -nuu ,nu.-..: Physicians 3 communication 1 him from Manilla (where graing fem-fully) to the ti remedial tried, Ohlorodyne Live. . W yuzuyulg we Blood.-P `,' The above Prepnnli of Sweetmuls, pleasant to ticnlnrly adapted Inf nursing. 1 By the combination of n with Green Seeds in 5 am they no united_wiLh organ renders them digestible. stubborn mineral has thus i of an m-a.m:.. ..-L--M ,._,-........., Luu oys:en:.-Price per . _ THE DIASTATIZED IODINE, For purifying the Blood.-Pi-ice 25 9d per Preparations no in It the taste, a: adapted for Tar.-." -- - -- nzlui UlASTA'] For strengthening the A. D. y . Size, 113 per strengthening the uuuu 101' um Price: Smail, `M Bottle. THE DIASTATIZED IRO Qnata... N! n _ ...., uouawt ul mree preparation I An efcient and prompt Remedy for Yellow Fever, Diarrhuaa, Dyaemery, excessive action of the Bowela. A go was awarded by Governme V. Baud for this preparation prinA- Q"--'-7' ' _-._- R vfswo, Graduate and Member: Medical College of Paris, OhiefPh_ye Extuordinaryfor or the Civil jun troduced in M CINES. _ /- l'I\L-/ ,,--- u on run but it is more than probnble that the fur- tune of w_ar" was uufavourably inuenced by the stem of the weather. People stood shivering about in their wet clothes`, and large numbers left early in the afternoon. The royal party remained till the close of the races, whenthey _wcre escorted by the