_ ,,, _.._.....5 can. use uclglll 0! the White Pine excitement; but under or- dimuy circumstances a grsud rush would I act In that dircclinn- __I.._...-u nuru tlicir [timing tools by the capsizilig nf their ` zklll [mats while crossing the l{Ul]`|1||\.r After prucuring A proper outt they will con.-rics will attract only ordinary attention on account ot their rm-mute location frum 4 1 1 3 return thither. Of course thi.-so in-w dis-` 1 civilization, and occurring at the height of I .a;._.-_ :r- A .,......J `..-uuxuatuuu in; direction. I ... `The 9 thur um ln pl ll` _..- ...aun-ry is upon one of the is- .` lauds tln-. name of which was not known. `In the Kuynk river mines the gold is fouml ' of tin.` Uhigzniz nmnutnins. The Kuyuk ,nvcr is n:n'i-__:nbl-, for light draught vcsscls, , for 1lnrs_\ mI|cs above its juncuiun wiL|n[ Funk linvcr. On account nf the cliuna-`tr `Ihr mims can only be worked for |.i_vL-I months in the year. At the time the Ann | EEHI` 4,4"; rn.n.u..n ..r .-. -7 " `I 'l`n-low the surface. u specimens ..r.1um:. nmd nu--get gol . Tho`: capt ni n B and crew` of the VL'S*t'l cour * moms The x|i.-cnv_cry was made 120 lull;-5 from Kmliak Islnnd, upon the Kuynk river which ale-I-nuclnes ium Cook river, by Russian cngim-er who was prospecting. H the appeurnnce ul aimed from the lu~ nus digcovcrcd arc sixty miles ubuve Sitiu, Mount Feurwuather and the Chilcut rivu.-r. ` The nun! discovery is . ri ver gold in r.\...,.. = _lH.l`0RT]':U DISCO` E[E'5 01" GOLD I IN ALASKA. J The San Francisco Ilrnlcf ot March `.35 93.54; -'l'3u-. ss_h0nner Ann Eliza, holnuging In .hm:-n-n & ~L`o.. arrived here on Tuesday lad-ru with seed skins from Kodiak Island .-um lhtluwvl c-mat nf Alas]-an-,-bringing intel- hgrncc of immense discoveries of gold, in plan-rs. on the main land, latitude 61 north, mngitlnlu I-'50 west fmm Gm:-nminu. nu ___ , _ - . I+(`- nuulnnel All! arrived sea fr: lhcluW(`r cmnt Alas disct main fm steward nt nu. __..~. - p-cmwns of dust, whic|.'1 nim-d in the proportion of; \ three slmvnls uf dirt, ukg claw surface. clan rqunru. gold A` .I. ` ...n .. -.-.-_.\. uuu ulu compnu mming c.1psizin_g onttitl thither." 1 cs will : mum locau and (Randall zmlsuxzll steward and his nn.3..... a....I. |_,. .1 THE DAILY THE POf`E`S JU BILEE. n-.I.._ l,,; I` - ..-...., uuuullg: 01 UOFID, est fmm Greenwich. Thu vvsscl exhibits snme tine 13?, whiclfhc says was uh- nnnr-Ii.... -1` Ar - ,,,._, I-7`! uu;L:u I-II` H_Vu ear. nuts of silver (Iiscnvcries ut doubt w;ss entertain;--I gold, however. was plclr ..--V IIIIU saiys llun of one tunspuonful ft. taken from six fcct He nlnn |--- ` - V "- ""`1 V Va juugziun with \ count If (li.~`cnV'cries- vuht nr_nu n'Ah).A- :.. companion Inst I`.\l\.:|1inu ..l .l. :_1 ra\l\ItlI\gII fen.- .. .-- ,_., , A party of twenty-ve labourers had been en- `gaget at Castle Garden, in New York, to be transhipped in Norwalk, C_t., there to supply the ' same number of other workmen who `i d struck i for higher wages. They were all Ge ans, un- ; able to speak English, except one. Being placed on board of a propeller, they were left I wilhpnl. food or any provision For bedding, and r. the same carelessness was shown them at Nor- ' l walk, where they were walking the town all 1 3 , night, unable to obtain accommodation for . ` sleep or even a meal. 3 On the 5th of April two deputations 1; Waited on the Home Secretary with very Sfditfcrent requests though presening the - :sa::ne ground of complaints, name] _, that n I the present time most of the great national I I J i collections of works of art are virtnally_sea|- cd from the working classes, depriving them thereby oi the opportunity of making - that intellectual advancement which they earnestly desire. Ono urged the Govern- ment to throw open the Nat'inna Gul|ery it and the British Museum on bands 3. The aiother begged that they might be opened ' ` nu week-day evenings, remaining closed on . . the Sabbath. Mr Bruce merely replied that 11` for his own part. he could not see any ob- iijectinn to opening these institutions 0, l Sunday. V 0 ,1 ll . . .- 1 .1 1- 1 1 aouuprli aoiid, _u:.1 n....a..il mi` E A deputation from the forwarders and 3 vessel owners of this city, composed of i Messrs William McNaughton, John McLeu- :n_zLn. James II. Ivlenderson, and George Hu- | back, proceeded _to Ottawa this wee for the ipurpose of securing a remission o the tax | imposed under alnw oflnat session, by which 5 all craft are made liable to a. tax of 10 cents ; per ton, towards the support of the Murine `Hospital and the river police. This forced contribution to the Hospital was cupsidei-ed ` 8 hardship, as the men employed epon the river are almost without exception Cann- l dians,'nnd return to their own bousfain case lofsickness, while the police do not relieve the forwarder: of the necessity of having to place pocial guards over property left on . the wharves. The deputation hnd satisfac- 'tory interviews with Sir G._CnrtiQr, Hon. Mr Rose, and Hon. Mr Mitchell, fromfwhom assurances were received that the nppost for the hospital would at least be removed. The matterwns to be brought before te Privy ' Council yesterday. Speedy action re nir- ed, as no vessel nected can obtain. a c eur- nnce until the tax has been paid.--1{ant:-cal I 17-- -- IIIIJG II I News. v---J usgnuwuu. ucnulug Luemuers OI l.D6_j1Ing- Iih Trnde Unions, aided by liberal capitalists 'and politicians, it is stated, ham turned their : attention to emigration as `a means of relief for i* the operatives. The spinners and miners now on I strike will be aided to emigrate, and a. committee of three or five of the leaiog work- ingmen are about coming to the United States to obtain information, and on their return to Eng- land will establish a Buresu of Emigration in London. ,, __.--_ -.u ruuuaucu H3 161. E The New York Times in indignant nt, laun- ing than lllr Motley goes to England, as the ac- credited Minister of the United Stntea at the . Court of St. James, without instructions on the iAIabama case. it asks, what is be going for, ' since it was understood that the object of his Ip- j pointment was to settle existing diicultiea. I Business in Toronto appears to be active and 3 prosperous, if one may judge from the Custom- honee returns. For the month ending on the 7 30th April the emonnt of duties collected was `$98,935 45. The amount collected during the corresponding period of 1868 was $65,527 76, 1 showing no increase this year of $32,407 70, or ` nearly fty per cent. * _,,_,J -_-'. IV`- .-1.... Emigration from England to the United- . States, it is reported, will hereafter be'systemali- cally orgnnizcd. Leading members of tbe-Eng- luau Unions. aided bv m.......n ....;..n... ' II TOIIOWBZ Hessri Perry Davis & Son.--Genla? I have for `many yum used your nlgnble mdicinia, the Pun-K11;.Ln.,on_ my_horzu,nnd loan Iagtify to its oeqcy in caring Ggua, Sprain, smiu, ; Gnu, Cramps, Weak Joinfs, Rhounnstillgiwoll-l ? owrmns or 1108985. our -rms our: AND K 11': 1 Lori! A. PhilipI,9f_Provideuou, i I.,1n-itos ;u follow_s_`: y. l -, 1. n___ n--o-l I 1.--g fa- I __ H...--.-. If, u the Brockville Canadian asserts, smug- gling of silver taken place from the American V side to Brockville and Prescott, it would be_well to touch up the Cusloms oicers there. ' ' The United States grand jury at Gincinna :fonnj fty-two indictments, mostly against 'whiskey denlers for defrauding th revenue. ;The parties mostly live in Uincinn ti and at D-yton. There are some big sh ii: the net. I One of the whiskey ring made: confession, but . no names are published As yet. I ' Tina \T..- 17...]. ':_... 6- - 1' - ` I San Francisco paper says that the fare from that city. 775 miles, to the end of `the Gen- tnl route in greater than from the end of the ` Centrsl, vie Omaha and Chicago, to New York : 2,226 miles. { mile in gold. I V1,,- The Cenu-e1'che.rge| ten cents per 0` y , una ut-rn constructed in New I Urtnura at A cost of $248,000, the proprietor; of `wvhich was promised Aid for all required over :$l00,000, but has not. had I dollnr contributed - by any person. This elevator is doigg no busi- : ness for want of grain. Twenty-ve and thirty yards of material is now the amount required for A glreez suit, enough to make three dresses of ten yeara ago. The fountains at the Crystal Palace, London, have jets that nlnv to n haiahr nf -mn hm ---` I1. mm at-oh I 1- -_ JIOQA _ .- -.--.-u |uIC`U IJICBBCU 01 I : play to a height ol when in full operation consume Ions of water daily. I Q... n_-- -r- . A despnlcl} from Indianapolis , paper says that the new Poetma. j mer place has just discovered, in ` of the Pq-at-ofce building-, fty- 1 disuibuted mail matter which b. R mg the winter. - .....n.-. The high pl-`ices asked for] : stated, is due to the great sin lhu frame of the instrument to of the strings, which in some it to sixteen uius. An elcwator has been com ;(|rl....nr; ul .. --.. 4- -.\.,\ , ,7 wuu u uuyer of choia sale of Ir Chnlone abort horns at Kings; purchased Florihund Brilish Maid for 80 "in good fair condilio pampering, while the covered with an It hair." 3;... Houses of the Ohio Legislnture have passed a. bill giving (ha city of Cincinnati nu- ` thority to use $10,000,000 * 1 building a short line of rail nu rlt 1` Urlz-zun I ;__--zj The new dock I has jun been op monatrntion. Hon. John REA Pubiic Works in I Brunswick, bu r ofthe Norah Shol KINGSTON ' M. H. Cnchrnne, of Montrel, a buyer of choice cattle in [reign Chnloner, n auoceasl ' 1 Kiugsport, Ireland, Er mused Plflrihllnrln l`-- ""` ' Sliaelal Notices. I. has again er lreiand. At a r suoceaslu1 breeder of I Oocbrnno Floribunda for 100 guinus, and id guineaa. The cattle were it condition, without any attempt at they handled weil, and were `Kb abundance of soft, woolly . ...,... uvu1u| \.lEllIl'8, riuglant -solves on From street, and 5 Through the inuence of R. B. Bennnn hm-...... A=--r Jill eleven emigrants, seven from Bcdfordshire, England, selves From stunt ....,a ...A _T- , ck at Leith, which cost 350,000, opened without any public de-I ?Adnm, Chief Cominiauioner . the local governuiont of No ruizned his am-A "- " " constructed in 8243 mm ch. ....._-;-.__ ,.. Isked for piano Fortes, it is strength required in rumem resist the tension instances amounts IN com 411}: cq _ -...uuzaI.cI. ill lll 10-F- acovered, in the basement Hug, fty-ve bags of un- rr had nu-.-;-...~: .1..- ---.I ml-Ill attain itiuence Messrs elt, before dinner all of respectnble farmers in Intelligcnccr. .., u|\J'IlVQ [IRES Of had arrived dur- nunpull to a Uincinnnti ' P0etma.ater at the for- over-ed in n... I... ____ _. I. (CANADA). TUESDAY I. GIILT, DUI]! I of 220 feet, Ie 8,000,000 ,..---.-awu_\ Ul CW office, Mr Kelly appointed in his to Cincinnati nalnnn oh IL- I. veil, wvere; o 9' |..`-:`u ;uuu, , and gul- JGI U1 New l .'-II_ of ...-.. -;unu\.-an .I.`\ll.I.] 111.111-`-` Thoae_who have no bsir may have it. Those whq have `plenty, may preaarva and bean- tify it. Those who are losing it may have its loss arrested. The hair strengthened, beuulied, restored, by using Hun-r's Eurmn Hun Gnoas, cheapest, cleanest, best, Don't. rest till you have tried 1 bottle. Sold by all Druggista. March 25. Phosoplly of Marriage. A new Course of Lectures, as delivered at the New York Museum of Anatomy embracing the subject5:-Eow 10 live and that to live for; Youth, Ilnturity, and old Age; manhood gener- ally reviewed ; The cause of iudigestiou; Flam. lanes and Nervous Diseases a.coountod.for; lu- - use us on on SUCCESS begets envy. V Hence the ebrts of certain vendors of Liniment I0 decry Jmons Rmmu-no LIQUID. Wherever in- troduced, it drives all others from the market. Pain positively annihilated by its use. We have not mom to enumerate the virtues ncnordegi to it. by the thousands who have used it. No medi- cine ever invented is capable of more extended application. II. has hundreds of imitntorn, but not one mvn. Beware gr Counte1_'fe1's. ___, v_. _.._v_..__ u-'----. ___ _,-_ ..... , .....- rings philoiophically considered, #0., lo. Pockat volnmel containing these Lectures, will be for- warded post-paid, on receipt of 25 cents, by ad- dressing -4 s1:cR1a'r._uzY, Nw York museum of Anclolny and Science, 618 Broadway, New York." T V--V.-.-.-m 451.!-L.I._1 1\JJ.1 nu: great principle. The system _of innitesimal doses of medicine diifused in gallons of injurious stimulnnts exploded. All useless material dis- carded. The aciive principle only of the most powerful and efficient. remedies known concen- trated in a small convenient form. HABITUAL CONSTIPATION Conn). All diseases of the Stom- nch, Liver, and Bowels permanently relieved by using Dr Oolby s ANTI-COBTIVB AND Ton.c PILLS, Sugar-Coated. Recommended by the Medical Profession. * Two` Qunsnons lhsuznr Ans1rnln.-Why should men wear beards? Because they us I. great pfotecop to the Itn-out and lungs, sud add much to their persons! appearance. Why should we use Bryan's Pulmonjc Wales-I `Pf Bo- esuso when used for coughs, eoids,-tiEli'.I:Ig in ltbotbtoat, bosrsouoss, to, they set like s chum. B can pl` olid Brevierifovd nu, under} HQ editorial columns V tn the pecunhd C mm or can -43.nJw ---.ak7.-. QFZJLU-f \ViII Restore Gray [lair to its Natural Life, Color and Beauty. It is :1. most delightful linir Dressing. It will promote luxuriant growth. FALLING HAIR. is immediately checked. Mrs. S. A. ALL]-IN'S ZYLOBALBAHUH, aualler ` irefaratzbu r III: llair; dear and tra:u}areu1,' uritlraut sediment. I! it `every sfmplt tvtdcycn produce: wonderful ruults. 11': great xuperxbrity and manor; B-1 :1 Hair Drruiug or-tr high an! French Potuade: it acnowlcdged b all not only in 1312: am but F. Euro);-. The Rrestarer am! Zyluahanrmu : and 6: used out wit}: I/zc other. 801.]: 3! Al.LDRDO0Is'|I. Prnntiptnrn 3 ll VIII Bunny S. ta. llm...-.|.....|- n._`.__;_._ , , __ .. _._, ,.._,. . uvlu Ia uuunug r-qua] I0 it an a condition ms-dicine, or for any conapltint atfecting tho wind of horses. , Remember the name, and see that the Signature of Hard at Co. 3 on each package. Northrop Jr Lyman, Now- castle, Ont., proprietors for Oandn. Sold by all Medicine Dealers. ``' _'V 5'7"` IHIPGIIRII U-I.-`O. A nu. ma 31.310321: umnnnsanm Goinhinodin one Bottle. ""I`IL`I (V A A `I' -- --an-7-.-. an. 111 vna DOFELO. M11s".""s'"f A. .ALLEN*s HAIR RES:l'(_3_ll_El_l L 1IT:lr ln.._o-_-. 1'-1..- _ CONCENTRMION the great, system rlmmn nf lnnininn A:n'......: :_ ..__n-A_ ,.- - . VRRY NA1'Unu..-When a person has proved an article and found it good, and answering the purpose for which it is intended, `be will not readily abandon it for one of doubtful reputa- tion, or concerning which he knows nothing. We are led to make these remarks owing to the course always pursued by those who have need M that celebrated and Irul y valuable horse medicine known as "Darleys (`audition Powders and Ar- abian Heave Remedy. All are so wet} plenaeti with t that they will not use any other; many have waited several weeks until the agent could obtain a new supply. There is nothing equal to inn A nnmliiinn m..I:,.:... .. r..- -.._ Am -- - __.- ..Bv..uI. SPECIAL NOTICE. Sir Jaynes Clarke : Female Pill: are exten- sivnly counterfeited. The genuine have the name of"JOB MOSES" on each package. All others are worthless}. N}; _n..... A..n,___J -n- - ` ul-ucl. B are WOITDIEES. N.B.-0na dollar-and 12} cents for postage, enclosed to NORTHROP at LYMAN, New-` castle, 0nt., General Agents for Canada, will insure a bottle of thegenuinc, containing Fifty Pills, by return mail. Sold by all D1-uggiats in Kingston, and medicine dealers everywhere. vi nu-ax ya: man an. uancr. nun. Ill ALLUKUBGISII, P"**';;';";;.'-..`f`4-.',`~s``:*..'.%".:*;:;..1:-...,..- '....'*".';..'. .:""* ,-ouuu wu.u regularity. ' In all cases of Nervous and Spinal Afl` ctious, Pain in the Back and Liujbs, Henvinesa, Fatigue on alight. exertion, Palpitntiun of the Henn, Lowness of Spirits, Hyalerics, Sick Hoadache, Whites, Md all the pninluldiseasea occhaioueul by a disordered system, these Pills WI" elfecta cure when all other mesins hav`e fail:-d . These Pills have never been known to f.xil where the direction; on the 2nd page of pam- phlet. are we]! observed. Fnr Full n..o:....I..-- /A ' ` ` ___..- ........ uutzu nuuwn L0 L11! For full pnrticulan-a,.get a. pamphlet, free, of the agent. Qtltxritnr 7-. s n - - ._- hue never known it to` fail in any case where I have used it. - LEWIS A. PHILIPS. Read the following letter received from Dr Deal, of Boweraville, 0., who is I Veterinary Surgeon of great. skill: _ I have given Pmnv Duns Pun-Kxunn in many cases of colic, cramp, and dysentery in horses, and never lrnew it fail Io cure in a single instance, I look upon it as a certain remedy. ` Dr JOHN R. DEAL. PAIN-KILLER is equally good for man or beam and no farmer should be without it I single hour, Sold by all Druggists and Medicine Dealers at 25 and 50 cents a bottle. - inga, Colic, &c. to. Ibaveb in constant use, in lhe omw have ta i LEW is - April 8. LAD (`TIDINGS F0 R1 ALL.-- Thoan who hum no hair a... 1.-.... :. T N07? 3l1|0- lllllwrlant Change. EAT. `HATE RF.'I"`l!`ED A`l 1'I. .1-rniannr LJWU bt. a ...In._- Ix \(\ `terry Iiavis as Son, ' PROPRIETORS Montreal, PTQ { I have had over forty horas: L8, omnibus business, and in In 9.. A`.:I :_ , K ` > GRAY rum Is a. certain indication of decay at the roots. BEAUTIFUL HAIR, ' Nature's Crown. You Must Cultivate i_t EVENING. MAY 4, 1869. .-. LLJI-_VLID.L4L. \IJ.1 J. 0. HIHDKLIY, J uniour, Master. OHMENCING 22nd inaltant will run as under. Leave Kingston Tuesdays, Wed- nesdays, Thursdays nudTdays, at 4 pm. Leave Gnnanoque on Wednesdays Ind Fri- days, M6 s..m. and 8 p m. For Freight`or Passage apply on board, or to n M Krwannnu 7 G, Hmcxnnv, SENIOP, Mnsrnn, WILL leave Kingston daily (Sundays ex- cepted) a.t 4 A.M. (except Mondays), connecting with the Grand Trunk Trains and Lake Steamer-s,_meeting the 6:25 A.M. train for Rome and Oswego. At 2:15 P.M., connecting with the Grand Trunk trains from the West. and Bay of Quinta Steamer; meeting the 4:30 RM. train for Rome and Qswego, and the Northern Trans- portation Company : Propellers leaving Cape Vincent for Omega and all Western Ports. On Monday only in 8 AM. Leaves Cape Vincent At. 9:45 AM. on arrival of the train from Rome and Oswego, meeting Gland Trunk trains East and West and `Bay of Quinta Steamer. AI R P M nn arrival nf 1|-air: Fr-Arr: D1-\IIn'n aunzl unan. nuu 11 can uuu Dn_v Ul quwu: Dllifilnfff. At 6 ] .M. on arrival of train from R.om'e and Uawego. 4 For Freight or Passage apply on board, or to G. M. KINGHORN, Wnnl nf' Ra-nnlr Rn-ant lfligston nd liananoqne_ Imute. . DAILY BOAT For Bath, Plcton `and nelievllle. BA; or QIJm'1"B,' O11-rut Faun: Golan, ILL LEAVE .CA_RRU"I'HE'R S WHARF foot of Wiinm Street, for the above snd intarmodhh pcrtl, every dny (Sandal exeepted).st_FOUB 0'GLOCK. R.mnrn`fna `lnum. R.II.-:n- .....Q. .2... 1a-- cenu inihohutu iuon than my! rdern for vll Work done Ill] u;u:pI.I:u_g.3I._J.' uun U`Ul.aUUl$.. _ Returning, leaves Belleville every day (Sun- days excepted). ' On KONDAY, WEDNESDAY, Ind FRIDAY manning: AISJX O 0LDOK, Kingston time and on- TUESDAY munanus, and srfun. DAYS st ONE `CLOCK Al. ll'..- rnhzu Af P-..`c'.-I-O -_ 1)---- ...- V-- I unzu I-I gun UUMUUA. ALI. 1 For rates of Freight or Passage apply to an captain on board, or to . : . J. OARRUTHERB & 0.0., , . Frei MA . G. H. HATCH. ` 8 `en! Kingston and (Jane Vlncefrerry. H. an-on, ' Puaengcr Agent, Kiugltou,-April 20, 1869. `ldu 4 PM. . Mondays, Tuesdays; Thursdays, and Sntnrdnvn . nnuuunyu, Luvlullya; Auuruulyu, . and Snturdaya . . . . Houdays and `Saturdays. . . . Sienna: Walertown on way from Cape. . . . . . . . 7 `A nfvsvn n it I-l-strut` L:avea_ IEi.:;gaton dnily. At 8 A.K. 11:30 AM. I`II'IIl ruaucn uu lI.lU`III]. For Freight or Passage, having superior pas- senger accommodation, apply on board, or to n MIIRDI-IV l_(I_ngstun and Wolfe Island Ferry. ._-__ unuu, uuu Will le8Ve nmgslon every TI'Il:`.SDAY Ind FRIDAY at 3 PM. Leaves Ottawa every MONDAY uni THURSDAY an 7 A.|l., calling at all intermediate stopping places on thewuy. Fnr Frniahf nl- pl ):_nroo "In:-1::-Irv nnnn-.2n.'-. .._.. For Passage Tickets `apply at the oice of Folger and Bros.,Untn1-io Street, or at the Lake and River Steamboat Oice, St. Lawrence Wharf, foot of Johnson Slreel. n It :1 . nu.-. ()NE of the Steaniers of the above Line will A leave Kingston for Toronto and Hamilton every afternoon (Monday excepted) at . HALF-PAST FIVE o'clock. Also, one of the Steamers will leave for Monlreal every Morning (Monday excepted) at HALF-PAST>FlVE_ Jul ;uuuIn:a.| every M01 ! HALF-PASTFIVE. W` TPIIIRJ? Royal Mail Line bf Seaulers. Ministers and lawyers use them, physician: ro- commend them, and singers and public Ipeakeru any they no the very best medicino in existence lor the cure of Inch complaints. Sold by all medicine` dealers at 25 ct: per box. Canadian 1\iatlgauon_ Company. \I- IE4 lll.l`\I'LI\JL\.KV, + Foot of Brook Street. Kingston, 27!}: April, 1869. u. l. n.1nur1Ul'U.V Foot of Brock St:-get. Kingston, 215: April 1859. -Kingston, April 27, 1869. G. H. KINGHORN, Ferry Wharf, foot of Brock Street. Kingston, May 1,1869. ` Kingston, May 3, 1869. JTNTIL FURTHER NOTICE, RUNS AS UN-A DER:-- "Klngst-t;IT tint! (mawa Haz; Commencing Wednesday, 28th Instant. THE R0i'AL MAIL STEAMER (J-11`y my W0T*1*X\is}'A,? Bxmnowna, MABTIR, IILL resume her trip: about the 7th in- stant, and will leave Kingston Al 3 P M Lpnvna Ulll 1:15-1=. u.' THE UPPER CABIN BTEAMER I... ....... 5. WATEMOWN, 1=I1'43RRE PdN`r 3 Finmnmzv Jnnim-m ll P11;REPoN'r, s1'{Non;'TRI15.' THE STEAMER THE ITEAMER nngu nppxy Ul.| uuuu, 0 G. M. KINGHORN, wan! nf Rrn:-Ir He-an `Z `$35? G. M. KINGHORN, ..-r 4-,.-. -c n_-_u_ n.__. apply uu uunru, ur LO D. MURPHY, Ottawa. G. M. KINGHORN, Kinaalnn Loaves Wolfe Island. IJAII Lil c.'11. HATCH, . Agent . ."7.1 P.M. JLJIJIA-AS. Kingston. vuuuunui C llilulgl N.B.-Ii' the business is told, no doubt iny "successor will supply all who (may fsvonr him with 'their patronage wi1h ihe isme4libernli;y. If th business is not sold it will bocorriegd on as heretofore. - April 9. UR Coal in Pure Lackawann, being mind in the `very heart of the Lacknwnu Vdley Scranton. Pmston, n_nd Wilkes 3..-n, (mm m; best selcted mines, and in prepugod. 'j_t_h Sn. dare expressly for Fnmilv nan- nnrI-uIl I... ucap a<:u:cu:u uuuuu, gnu II '1! gI. 0IK dare expressly Family nu, nnd"Iri|l be 2 ground and delivered in the but possible on ;- lion. A ` - --- - - --v-an-A .I- LJLLL` J. g HE Subscriber, owing to pressure of olhar business, cannot devote the time qecessbry to carry on this branch, and lherefogdhns `gia- cided to dispose of it. ` ; Pall Fninilunu In.P..pn..u:-_ -_-I L_-,-- 1 - 1858. c 01 l..-1868. _ onuu mu uauvareu. m me out pouiblooq tion. Best selectad Sq Coat for grates constantly on band, also Lehigh Lamp for Foundrynu and Blouburg for Blacksmiths. ' Terms Cash. Delivelfed in Inypaof. th y. . ix % JAMES SWIFT 8 at. % October 21. 1868- ucu I.u u_I5pUH|1 01 IE. F! For fut-the i`nfonna.lion and terms of sale f ply to _ ' vi R. .WHI'l`E, 9 Ohemist I Druggis N_BA--If than hnnnnu in In-:11` .... A-..`I.u'. L. __-_. .. ... .. av... uuu: -ma umce to each registered practitioner on the 20th day of May next. ' ' These voting papers mint be lied up accord- ing to instructions which will accompany them, and transmitted to the Returning Uicer ofithe Division in which the Voter resides and votaq. The voting papers will be opened by the - turning Oicere of the several - Territo ial Division, at two o clock P.M., on the lay above named, at the following places :-- i Western and St. Clair Division. . . . . . Ohathim. Mal.-thide and Tecumseh . . . . . . . . Loud . Saugeen and Brock _ . . . . . . . . Gue Ir. Gore and Themes . . . . . Woodliogk. Erie and Niagara " . . . . . . Brantfqrd. anriington and_Home " . . . . . . Hamilton- idland and York- . . . . . . . Tor `to. Kings and Queen : " . . . . . . . Whi 3. eyvcastle and Trent " . . . . . . Cpbo ._ Quinta and Gataraqui " . . . . . . . Kingpthn. _ thnrstand Ridenu 0t1a`a._ t. Lawrence and Eastern . . . . . . Broc1_:v' leg The names of the Returning Officers willibe furnished on a. printed envelope to he en'clohd= to e register ed practitioner. H. STRANGE, H;D., i Retrilllrm-.nf than n....-:I`i- - neglatran Medical Registration Ucqj Hamilton, April 15th,.186~9. 4.. \r_|.u IuJ;1J_J1_`J ' ;' THE ST. LAWRENCE mu nonsqs, , And lhe business as at present so favourably cstabllshed, in- eluding ` is 1 I29 der. FFECT amusi stores of th tise; to see ing into-the py, wonderi bile the at ` o advartke Some neon" or ADV'_ERTISING.-It is amusing at to observe the syores the merchants who don : ndvo;-- ,t1se: the anxinru nmn.:...;..... I.--`I- ...... , .... ucu mu unnous proprietor: look- streets and no the people go 3; , wondering why thoy daft rcommin, bile stores of lhdr uaighbonrs `ha advmhe uath:ougad~wit.h custonlutl. pooglla will learn by observation. othen-will. oi--Daily Paadinun. ? Q 21, 1868; ANTHBMITFWAL mo lull-I`...-. an I..`............`..`_ -nnvi-..- "1`.l.1ere will be no nominations. The votes will be cast by voting papers, which will be sent from this oioe to each rl\I___. ( - A` NOTICE is hereby given, that the alectio` of representatives in the Gnnncll of the ol- lege of Physician: and Surgeons of Ontux-io,;ifor the twelve Territorial Divisions constituted; by the Act Vic. 32, Cup. 46, (Statutes of Unurio), well be held on Tuesday, the 8th day of Jhne next. nu_.,, , --- __ _-_....--u\/I. ' 1 A STONE LOCK, to constrnoted betvieou Lakes Mnskoka. and Rousseau. Plans fund specications can be seen at this Departme . Printed specications and forms of tenderjgcan be had on application to the Deparlment,_hnd at the above-named places, wberegthe plant are exhibited. v The lowest, or any tender, will n_ot neoeaanirily be accepted. 3 `~ 1111117 A A hr --H AT YOUNG S POINT. A s1'=\~:-; max and CHANNEL, c be constructed at Clear Lake, north of Fitter- borougb. Plans and specications cgn be teen at this Department, and at the Court Hqnse, Peterborough. 2: J -. A\}l.l\JLV LU. SUNDBY BRICKLAYERS and STONE- CUTTERS WORK, to complete the WEST WING of the PROVINCIAL LIINATIO ASY- LUM. Also, Heating Pipes and Appsrstua for both wings. Also, 2 House for Caretaker, and: new Pumping the Lake Shore.- Plans and apecicntiomjoaa be seen at this Deparlment. 3 J g |'VL'I')I'I'IAl\In n..--.__ ` Engine at the Engine House an- I - A-Iv -un uncut. A CARRIAGE HOUSE, STABLES OUT-BUILDINGS for the LIEU.'I`EgU GOVERNOR'S RESIDENCE. Plan: and a cntiona can be seen at this Department, an the oioe of Messrs. Gnndry and Len Architects, J ordnn street, Toronto. Q unonl.` any uumu 1N8TITUTION to be erected on the site known as the Spence Farm, east half of Lot 36 on the Sidney Rosdconting on the Bay of Quinta, near the west limits of the town. Plans and specication can be=soen at this Department, and at the Shire Hall, Bello- villa. El Iulll A LUNATIO ASYLUM to be erected on the site known as the Halo Farm, Lot 8 in the lat (Dam, on the Governor : Road, near the city. Plans and specications can be can at this De- partment, and at: the Oity Hall, London. AT BELLEVILLE. A DEAF AND DUMB INSTITUTION known an aim Rm-.- -n-..__. SATURDAY, 15th May For the construction of the followi Works and Buildings :- rvu1IurIIrtv"`I`Iu UVHE IKIIU Il'cc--Sl. LaivrAl`I"cVe`VVII'aI;f, Foot of Johnson Street. Uommissionef Department of Public Works for Ontuer::,.i Toronto, A pr il 24, 1869. - T0 coN1AcToLas,.l R`FFEC1`_ Lon` I `AT LONDON. ite as the null: IT.`-an 71-0 9 3- ~- ._... .-..-_ca.IJ.JJ..H.lULJ DD.ESSED to the undersigned, at this_De- L parlmentrwill be received until Noon on lrnrnn-1---.--. _-- Try Gil-l _(llII.'.l."I.]I_tl.Ii[ PgIVIW-V SEALED TENDERS hhtnnnrxn . .- Ii: uusKoKA_msm1cr. ..-`~-- .._._ FOR SALE I Anrlnnnvnia Inn: -. IIDLIII the. N01`;cE. AT TORONTO. _-_-_:...._. up-u mug IIIVG" anxlons proprietor: look- -gehl. and nag oh- _.......1_ - H. smgxa-.1, Regiatranot the ouneil` an Uce. ) 1 JOHN OARLINGJ n-_.__:__, , ISE, Eand~ Lmurrsgi ` T- NOE. Planaanda L it]: next, following Public DARLING, ; Obmmissionei fil`. nl---in.) 1 unnuunti '1'- anfl m tmlrlmnnr grid .. 9 Iv UUIIIOUI; In Branlfcird. Isa.mimfn.. .....To: C9b0II}`8-_ .Eing(stpn._ . . . . . . Ot1n.`I-11 te, CASE ;}}iBEi}1a"u',""': ssmnn Pmons. nnnimn L:...n.. -42. , -urinal u;nau.`:. - PERMAN DRIED FLOWERS" or BRILL-ANT oonounsj % |2IJ'lZDu.li rmulia. `V ` `V F" Custom kindly nolicilul, thunlly nqalfd, and prfqmptly attended :9, ; . _ frlzlislld-. ,.,.v_ -v- drained. 3.900 nunoiinmwu-|oyr,. For which the I-igl-sin will 1 n u.__-___.< Aggns. . he buuineu will_be qonduw |.g`3aBs;HmrKi" }."'.;`. "` tnrex-a\ fV,ID \I.I.J-.\JI'J_. SuI:`:ribot- thing arranged 'ibr`oarry__-`v ing on tho mmmr an . rnonmmuc Iinnwlanr K I-on -rn`n'u':runo-run oi % " fun and strong mes, 1:93:33 ago STOUT.` Hereby appoints (mo; 17. onnmu-ran up aw Aggnt. PARTIES intending to nub ta ' nib hereby notied that they are required Itj the 611 nnd following Rules of the Legislative Ae- lombly (vhich.sre1m!!Hlhud in fun In Gazette), to give .-.NO'_l'Il of` their I (chin-ly and (Tntinctl; ill Illlln Ind -n object) 3 in the "Ontario L` _ , and n`l'In"it.' I Ngynpnpnr "fl" the-Goonty or Ullioll of Bounties nocted ; such notice shall boonmhilll ineechuIe,fotA periotlo!nlouni:vanh- aamg" 1.bein1crnl oftino` " 'mecIouat" .me out lIIIeIIingeuIenV`:lthoooI_nilVern-` mus yJenrn,`Iid nrumlloaxl do he.- AVE inked the l'IRB'!"PB.Izl~`fo`r tight ` sucouuiu the t in the DqInjnjon.' `, Then cilebrpted,Iq. atrutnents can be had :3 the low'eat' pri o/Ne__| from .. .......,.., mnwouuzu `lot we put you Iii" % advertiser has `determined to abandon the cum" system nltogetheqsnd lpetwishss hi Cpsgqmgn to understand` this announcement tho most positive sense. Determined not to bmontdono in the price or quality of his Stock, he is prs-. nrsd to sell B00'l'S.I.nd SHOES no! unrivalled munuficlurs at the loves on strictly cash terms. Unpaid nccounis innst ho` setadin1n1odinIa- l_v_, otherwise they will be put in suit. * t tsmunerstiye f` The patronage of Cash so-k: licited. = V nuns Hon} ' Kingst.on.22nd J'|.nnnrv_ Inna , ` ' .. ---vvuu DUI. VI?! nulgslllll. Dnsmns inost respectfully to mu: his nu- merous Guaaounuxat. A li!nrg1.pd.mnnge A extending over HFTEEN YEARS. In closigxg his account: `for thg thy)` advertise} determined abandon tn. 0.... srncm-. AND mP0B.'rAH rnmo1s'% to UASII;_(8T0lIE`li"S.7:'_ ` Dealer In Boots and shes. No. 36 Princess `Street, Kingston. innit rnnnontfnlla on -L-~`|- l'- _o! George 'BaxtaI`,' *xoq.-,M 3{m1loa of the City of Kingiton. oonaiatt of about 25.14:, tan dflvhleh are un- der Orchud and Gagdm; Th: _Dwo1ljpg.hp,n~ ,.`:l uuched to it I Conservatory Ind Iuitablo Oqh buildings, and -is A u_side.noq.1b|.-,nny, ~ gentleman withing tojige pub of the city. - V - Also, for sale, 1: the Gmngepn qnnntity of 0on|ervaury.oud`athu: plnntt ,~ . For pcrtiotglu-I lpply 10- In an n 1 1'11-I-In.-.. a-L ` J 35" REOFWFD; at `the Itediosl mu, 1 lot ' or DOUBLE REFINED cnouronlnx OIL (the hen bu-ud.iu that author) .pm-chued P "1-V501` our Roitsi1"1`ride, which wilt be _' ' "!'II.me pay goznmom Coal on. '.:>>v; n`nnn.|~.nan , -7-` I luv ll_I.l.lIl 0. ` ` j ;` 8.~EOBl2R'l`.~ ` N`-`B--Bx leaving your orders st glue Radical Hull, you will hug ygur Ooal Oil promptly de- livmfnizi any pu-I ofth city. * -' " P . - 7 . . Beoamber 12. Kingnton, Fcbtmry, I969. . -uu-I arch 20. A In-ch 9. Tavonto, nth - IA}! Kingston, 22nd Jlnnary, 1888 -v----1 up 5.1 , V _ OOLOUES. VVJBLIID Kingston, March, 1869. ru'rA.BAQUI GRANGE, ms the miam. U of Bum*; I394.-,Vdei!euad,~-within ii n!il_oa o_f t_ho Kimntnn run.-1...: ` EYE WA1'Tn;_ A [ash srnztsorrs kYEWA'l'.'lBAiI for u] _ Y Jon. 9. ` lurks! qnanf nvuncu III I April 1. L s. WILLIAl;IS N;UMBm_; 177. COAL_ 011:. PRINCESS Sr`) Sole 'A`geint: foxJ' lF5|`';t' "ions 0. nmns. LVINGBTON, % ' Princaal Street. ". .o_n; strict! 4 LOW_ % IJIVL` `can. ' 35.`! 7.1;} . , _..-.~u. uuuuu. ll! Iivhga in dividad among ' ' In tho number of king made every II 3 body is re- dueuly mm to the guy for the M19, and uyqnan it in endent 3 lknikt. ngm 40, has just ` . "goo nmeruus char-_:-s mhdiiiti htld nmrk: 1` . new me in his pm 5.13; practise-nl mth gmnglbe lut 26 _\1-ms, ;-p tiloiltarniplul by r 1. prison. His zaysro.-In uf;-03 parish lu pzuhh, ! M. daneuour m1.thel " M` a desire to cnrm-ss ; ` u | fn.-Ira painter, u thll hehad broken ggncnoiding and w-4.3 hildleed the priests to] [hit line. :1 their resi- gn: he found more can ;`gmpa`rpuae. Hus dress , Ins apparent peni- \ qgnor lnngungeiu whwh j-itnrely fniled In In aka` ghhcuersz Ind lhrn R udinrell Ln-I his wnntj "gol95f. folluvcetl, and '...pgg1 us not [uncle in ` iumcemwurin Lurruine, ` ` Ilia Ind heard his can'- thus usunl sum`, was girl I Iuspiciun that he oI.nnd on I cnmplmup Bullet In Irrested just I . up priest. of the neigh- i EIYIIII, where he had in obuining the Rom - 1 Rolls! appears to . `CH1, but bad 2-unk ' ignition, and bad at ulna: in: house uf ill` ' h, however, practic- hln ol the priesxs to flill In hannnnv. Id.` w 4 w I 1 r r 1 I I c 1 1 1 1 I hum I19: "Count Bis-l than foresight and L I lunpun politics even ; &ttodeny,nnda a few` 3' till apps! surprising ; anking to I Russian ':'Ihnm fnnb -n... ......:_,_ . {- sh World, following-in j '1 Judd, bu united his` ,` lithe Ayrnculturiu from LL M . u . I - "M-h1nperiu1 r.mi: r qllleury or the ljlecio, um} um H` I lit -uuu no any that ell bo._ No one bloat. the prgoent touting chignon, powder. can, or t- in :. they are an un-` _- uruniui HI I [$053130 H; aunt far your armies; ' Ilyour communal immu- Iq. Aecultoned an we I in Ih typo! ndeapoti-5 1, it my new strange to Fly I put uutenmn u 1 `Q. he! is oily u- * n: Iuu. ... .._..__ xix; ml the tints are `uguunumn. Inlu-1, `,;' man` during the lust mas: Norwegian 3 `ya-pmpbol has lrm:ct- ' dcrslurms far It Ills Hf (`old -` gull about the `Nib or, `null prubnbly st-tt|e' simhr to that of last in sun; mlllliu Iv ..,__,, `,.:`:m above 60 u eight! .Iy._:ea than-mperuluro in I` ttgertof this sudden :` vegetation is mar- , |h@lk$, which had mama condition us W I ,0; ; LIVELIHOOD. . -.._4I All Inna Cunt i'Sa'a"oo'"E?L" mt xvm. Nuns. , MAY 4. { ;.;':::1 ,_ ...,9..-- v unuu: nu! IIJHIIG 0! WI In Kuynk mi onus ulnng the river banks mnu ._- cu , nu-r -lg settle for nbo ;L of ac: lVhl` l1Iil|l`$ in _[[]()()D. [Slim 10, rumours n In just` were cnmnmn, but (In `charges at us jsnsu-nce ; gold Hmuk:-d U3`, tical foes. Whatever his public con - him of. being just and upright, pious and uuuunsu Luu uuuu: Ul Ob. FCLCI 8 v ( I nd psrilon hundreds of his poll-is I C c t t duct, the praise must not be retused to charitable. Now reviled as a rebrnnd, as a reckless innovator, as s rssh experimen- talisl:;'now extolled as the liberator and g regenerstor of Italy; now denounced as 1 tyrant, Antichrist, Ponufez at carmfa,-1. now on good and then on doubtful `terms: c with Austria, pntronised _and coerced by .7 France, sending the Golden Rose, in turn, g to the French Empress and the Spanish Queen; cons-ecrating the doctrine of llljj Immaculate Conception _ and appointing ; : srchhishops and bishop! in the Unitedl Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland;', secretly made war upon by King Victorlj Emmanuel, openly made war upon by Gen- , eral Garibaldi, shutting himself up for safu- I 1 l 1 ty at Uaera and re-enr.ering, Rome, as it! were. through I branch in its vrslls; lling ` his prisons with conspirators, and arnnes-i tying them in a mnss-l'rum whatever point; of view we regard this man's career, it has . 1 been one of amazing contrasts. The Roman , Cahincl . no longer dreams of reform; it re- , gsrds itself in the old spirit, and puts its , trust in the French Exnperor; th` truth is l , confessed, that it can never again have an , Italian policy ; and so, the visions of twenty , years since having melted away, the Ninth Pius celebrates the jubilee of his 1 entrance into the Church in mm forgetful- | 1 ness of the lofty purposes be framed when he first sat in the Paps! chair. _ 4 M 0. UK` 79 :11` n. .1 innr ' steward of th spuclnu-ns of ( tuim-I in p to shovel sum v--uu-an nuLuucu|_ Lnu wuccl IIITIJEU COR)` ' pletnly round, and alter a'lpng reign Pius IX. blesses a mighI_y_ ippngregatiou , ,u...c ulna auluun uiuce ne rose [0 pmver, and, }the Pope -t.lie quondnm Abbe: ot' St. iblichael--once more ask-5 aims from tliei ]world. It has been his fate to live undnr {inuences of the musc_ conlnidictary 5_nMure. lle solicited an asylum from the `vliing of Naples ; he leaned on the llmpcriulilm 01 Austria; ; and he Wei-; ` coined the ambassador- ul' lhe French Re: 5 public. It was _in a strange generation that he assumed the ucnd purple. Those who shoutegi as his heels expelled him, and chose j who expelled liiln nd his authority guar(l- ; ed by foreign legiuns. Tlie bewildering narntive nds him at the Vatican, and in his year of jubilee it leaves him thcre.! From Rome to Portici, and I1-om Purticii Inn-I: In Rnmsn fnisan r~-..1:....i n:..-: .-- , A --- ---.----u u: out: I " I SlXl(. L`lHh Gregory, he was proclaimed _If. the .[`untiti'in the shortest Conclave` that ever ghng f 85 :3`-ul since the election of Gregory XIII. in ;"de ' 3"" 1572. and was crowned with the triple tiara. ; ` "9 Such an anniversary, in such 1 career, sug- '9 U`_`i' gests In exu'aordinery'retroapect. The f."j [my Pope is the oldest reigning Monarch living; whiskey .d` ; bu; two of the cttrtltnals equal him in age, ` Elle Pam lwhilu two are his seniors by thrceyears, two 0 `ymfib 1 ` 1*: Svlfeu. and one by nine. Europe re- ] nc?:`me'`. members well how, in that memorable 1846, Q Tb N the new Pontitf burst into -that which his l- E '3' zeneuiies callecl a turbulent and indecent ' :::,Edlhe:;` Mr popularity," promising reforms and ruil- V cm, of St ruatls, Illtl granting an almost universal i Ahbama 0, nminesty, bet--rc which even the practised `.;,,._-en V outlitws of Italian sedition felt themselves ' ` Icmporiuily dissrmetl. The Liberal party Busing ; all over me Continent hailed his accession. l Prince hlettcrnich tleclsred him the ninst'::,`,:s,,n:.:l:,', astounding phenomenon of modern history. 3 30th Yet even he could not foretell the unexam- j $99,935 45. pled vicissitudes which were to belall him. correspondi J Within two years another policy was udopt- , showing ,ed, which has succeeded worse than the,|J8I1'1_7 _: policy with which he began. What has Etnigratic ; come of his fulininstions and concortluts ? It is true this! he still` continues sn nggrus- ' cully orgnni sive spiritnnl witrfatre wherever Protestant I 'l'm_ie_ ` , statesmen open the gates ; but the Romain ` Ind !{l'C7 State has shrunk since he rose to and , `'"' `P l the Pom: --the nnnnrhm A mm no` as I U10 OMHU` vunn nvu :\..n\uJ' unto vvunwcvuuu I Intensive prepu-ntinu no being mud: in 0:- tun for the citizens ball on, Wednesday A411-go number of invitations Inn been is- Iued. . ' The Lyndon Examiner, {founded by Leigh`. Hunt, and the London Review, fonded by Chnlal llcKny, have coalesced. ___ n__:__ _-.I- 2.. no The buinou men of St. Loni: are llkinl I`-GP` toward culling `a mu: convention, consisting of all tlnoounercisl men of the Iiahoippi Vtl- I lay, to meet. in St. Loull shoot the middle of! June. Isis proposed that tho boirdsof trade I oflho tlilernnc union of tho liui-irni V-Hey] hear the exponoo pro tin. of brinxinc OW! ` , from Europe npnudulntivoi of (lot p, I_lld . Plloing them our the river I'0l`v "`.' ` 7" 3 or unplug {mg hung; in promoting direct ` 2 I211`: -iIh lnonnn nia WAC rlannl. '" ""'Y'!'_'I IQ! IIIII-u -. ..._. i `"4 `"11 Europe was Ne: Orlguu. ___.. . uauu aunlhnlij. I On Sunday Inst Jean Marie, of the nolnle 3 House of Miami Fern-t.ti, the Niulh Pnpc ,5 ilus, celebrated his Communion Jubilee. 5 It is tiny years since he uztered the priestly vow, so:vcuty-seven. since ho: was born, } Iwcutydlnree since, on the death of the! Sxxtecuth was ; Puutitfin I`.hu bor_wst pquclnvo`