March 31, 1869. 111:! CH) D. SATIALII. CaAnL|:s W1Lao President. Secrel CASH CAPITAL .. .. $1,000,000. ' ARE AND RIVER RISKS Lake!) on 1: _J sud cargoes at reasonable rates. /` JAAIES SWIFT, Agent, ingaton, March 31. `69. St. I.awn-m-.. wt They censiat . TUB Unice--33, Chm-nee Street. Kingston, March 20, I862. Kingston, llnrch Agent at Kingston, "PH c}u-mu. ': `*m- U: `PW U99 the Emperorc nu. lhn n........ I\` Bvlav nun I\Iu5Gl.\llI. Q THUS. KIRKPATRIO K. W_liu ya`l Assllrallc Company or + LIVERPOOL AND LONDON. MAXWELL W.STRANG I runnl f.\- I. !._-_-- _ ____ v . unnrll _______________. Jo Inn ludle, BA RRISTER, Attntnny-It-IAW, Oonvaynn car, to. Oteo opposite Post Olce, Clarence Street, Kingtton. Amount 8 ".7 I=_=c_u4u us yet, unt pubhc opinion or nrnvnn! Man ..A...._..-__ ,_-_, ...,, nu ma most useful medi- as appeared during the pnsent n dinrrlmaa, colic, ngue, spasms, it to relieve more pain and chase Ln any other article that can be _-.u- u-on II L. J . Hnmn, President. ......... in ma novels. A gold med :1 by the French Government to J - this valuable preparation; nail, is lid; Medium, -15 5d ; Lar r Bottle. otnpany has been doing business in in for nearly 50-_v,'enrs, and during that uecured the public condence by the d liberal selllementofewery fair claim. P complied with the law of Canada by l with the Government of Stocks lo tof _._.. ..,........u or onus Inlerfe eat the advertisement or sale dicine whatsoever. It is to! la profession wifl continue an-thy the conduct of those of i by testimonial or otherwise a. ' such thinga."+-Lancet. u 9-... -- ....,.=, wulcu are secret com- f the market. Many medical me, and recommend your com- I never prescribe a. secret re- Caannns Kmn, H.D. , Chemist, Manchester. from Nnw Vn-|r --"-' " ' din` ;Ui28 Regent Street; Boulevard dos Itali< - ___.. ....uu-no nu: uucI( aubstauce capable of being! blood without injury to 1 _ . .,__.._.._t____________ OFFICE REMOVED TO KING BTR]:`.E'I` NEARLY OPPOSITE THE CITY BOOK STORE. veiare carefully prepared for Ex retain their excellent qualities 5. not Al"ll4iU IRON, g the System.-Price 25: per Bonle. .Q'lIAmvrII=Ir- ' - nu nu, mnncnester. New York writes :-I KIIOWD IO bl`! lnnrnn:-n.-A Prepan I`-Inna:-M d 13 issue policies on terms as v ofthe assured will permit. JAMES SWIFT, ' Agent, St. Lawrence Wharf. ch 31. 1869 s5t_).000_ dg,-i;i"c:I<;dilly, LoudoVH. nu would advertise -yo: | you do, you would hel Which Ara can-A` A and British Pdsseasions, E, 79 Walling Street. Fall Chemists. -.. nun wruea :-l mu to be npprecinted. characterising it (viz., I the: most useful yd dnl-inn 0|-- -~ UIICUUJ, JAMES swm', Agent, St. Lawrence Wharf. unnculy llfilpef, `* ARRISTE RS,ATTORN EYE-at-LAW Solici- tors_ in Chance:-y--Ubambero Nos. 7, 8, t 9, Anchor Buildings, Kingston, 0, W, Jan 0 Ban.1.Y,Q.0. | Fun: 0. Dunn. '._|__ n- -- IIIIJ\J l'UlIJ Haven. _yet, unhsppily, far dig. non Slain ........r..- Toilet Powders. PA-Dal-nln D---`~ ; uuel. rowaers. Portable Fountains. Toilet Vinegar. Hair Preparations. Tooth Powders. Glycerine Toilet Requi- sites. yulutululll IO tnenr Majes- rof the French, the Queen of Holland. thn n...,.... ..r unuvu lull-I. OK : was the moss effec- the Iran or nu: nr ----~' ,_,_, .. `r up. lring ` c, apnpma, re pain and am... JAMES SWIFT, I369 >uu1.LVl!I. known Composi- Standard Works 1]. treat; 24CornhilI, = Italians, Paris. Company Conn. E. I`. Donn, General A` uoypnny, nu` all- State Interfer- emonr run nn`- - _~ H` H -A-g.e'ut; St. Lawrence Wharf .0 ... u . ullxntiuv. Agent for Kingston um. ... -9; ua '_yU|1l' u help ."|v nu-.A:-.l $1,000,000. V'o's"i'1cx.-soum West am But streets. Wu. H. WILKISON. W. Uounty Grown Attorney. SURPLUS- $24,000,000 nun 101' ' of .. o- L, W1Lsoz Secretary III (\{\r\ Yyour I hnln of New H: u't- L, oullcllotl In Una U|eaa-i8 Ch Uce, Kumnon, Jaw: ncanfy, roar BL, G. W. Jon A. lucnonunn, Q.C` u u llv aid UH thus. W hart. V`.-\ gent. I868-H I569. su U: and 9d ......... uuu uuuupls would not permit it to be applied; the result of which was, that in `used, not a single `case ef cholera. subse- quently occurred; while in the four rooms above alluded to, the disease still exists and some deaths have taken place. Two houses immediately opposite were supplied with a. ' `quantity, in neither of which has there been a sitiglecase, although the disease is raging in tile neighbourhood. ' 861d by all Chemists, and at .90, Canon street, London . Quarts, 163; pints, 83 ; half- pinls, 45; glass-stoppered Imperial pints, ex- tra strength, 16; per dozen; and in balk at 4s per gallon: bottles included. Each gal- lon making 200 gallons, when diln'od with wnter.- See directions on every bottle. _= Recommended and used by Professor Simonde at the Royal Veterinary College, during the lat twenty years. N.B.--This uid is a certain cure for grease in house, also the scab end rot in` sheep. those parts of the house where it` had been` 11.1. Ayn :3 hulls ..........c...u mm. none have had the instan- taneous and complete effect of Sir William Bu:-nett s, and this too without producing any nuisance like the smell of chloride `of lime or carbolic acid.--I am yours faith- fully, S. SIDIIEY, Sec. and Manager. "Capt. Jackson, R.N., 90, Cannon street. This uid acts on the essential cause of disease by destroying the local conditions of'_ the atmosphere under which cholera is most: frequently developed and propagated. For instance: "In a house In St. Andrew s strert, Plymouth, occupied by fty.-two persons, it was sprinkled in every room except four; in these the occupants would it ube in parts it bee single `case .f` r-ta.-.1... nI-'--- 5 net] UUUDCII. The value of the uid is shown by the following letter from the Secretary and Manager: Agricultural Hall, lslington, Jan. 1868. ` Dear Sii-,-Please to send eigb_;_ gallons more of your Disinfecting Fluid. as per order enclosed. Having used various Disinfecting Fluids at our many shows, I can say with condence that none have had chim-ms -or - org, unuwucu piaces, Detween decks of Ships, fa}-er wards, clothes and linen of sick, night- ctairsr cesspools, drains. water closets, stables, dairies, latders, inusty caaka, tubs", &c.; bilge-water, and the holds of ships; apartments for qearchers, undertnkera, and jurynien, and for pos i:-moi-tem examinations; for the prevention of infectious disease, can- ker and fungus in~trees; for the dislnloction of dead bodies, and for the preservation of subjects for dissection; for, lhe ,exterrnina- tion of bugs and other vermin. Sir W. Burnett's Disinfecting Fluid was the only Disinfectant used at the Agricul- tural Hall during the Srnitheld Club Cattle Show in 1866, by order of Her llIajest_y s Privy Council. Thn nu]..- -5` .1, n ml` IR WILLI KM BURNETTS ING FLUID, fur the puril rma,_ hospitals, workbouses, Stags, crowded places, betweent Fe er ward: nlnt}-Ina ......1 12.. j: AMPLOUGHB PYRETIC SALl.\iE.-A Medicine that cure Sea. Sickness or the worst form of Billions Headache in a few minutes; `etfervescing and tasteless, its con- stant use is especially calculated to main- tain health. When mixed with water and taken during` the etfervescence, it immedi ately blends with the food, and is rapidly absorbed into the system. It vitaliz-as and supplies the blood with those saline princi- ples that era lost, altered, or destroyed dur- ing the hot weather. In Jungle, Scarlet, Yellow, Typbua, Eruptive Fevers (or Cholera), also in several o-t__her conditions, where the vital current is poisoned by infection", and thereby rendered unfit to support health-an-l life. it has been found eminently benecial; and its sustaining and purifying inuence acts as a. preventive to disease, as the _nu- merous unsolicited testimonials accompany- ing each bottle will prove. Its portability renders it admirably adapted to the travel- ler, tourist, emigrant, or private family, more especially when distant from medical advice or assistance. Rnl in r.;.o..._L -4- ` ' uuvfcc 01' E85 Sold in p price 25 (id, cial agents parts of the ,_.........m u] Luu rro- prietor, 69, Lamb]; Conduit- Street; Barclay and Sons, Fan-ingdon Street; Batty and Co., Finsbury Pavement. Retail by Chemists, Grocers, Italliau Warehouaemen, and others, mroughout the Kingdom, and every part of the world. ` Ask for The Suuc'e.--Specia1 Export Agents-Burgoyne, Burbridnes. and Rn-um ' -_---., .uo-gum: I uuuc. Richard T. Walton, VOLICITOR IN GHANCERY. 01Bce-CIu~e.nee Street, Kingston, C.W. J. P. Gmnlnauxn. L.L.B. | Rica. '1`. Wuxnl. ...u.5uu:u, nnu every the Sauc'e.--Spe Burbridgea, ; 16, Colman Street, London. ` uuu 11 lU:l. Wholesale and for is-xporlat Ihnn |~- t`L-- -- " :56 ungcauvu [I1'0p_Bl'l.le5. As an assurance of its p properties, it is only nece: Lhe name of the celebrate pic Physician from whose compounded . The entire . was spent health of his fellow-cream; in December, 1861, was I: tion.l loss. TL...1--,_l- ` " nuuuuupuy or Health, Sic. Delicious with every 1 habitual use increases the motes digestion. It is :1 its digestive properties. AS an nnsnn-an.-1. Ar :4. S. __._ auuul nDL)ulUWOl7It D`: a. recipe by his Cousin, the lm wood Smith, thirty-ve years the London Fever `Hospital; Fa lary Reform; Medical Member General Board of I-Iealgh; Aulb work on Fever in any age or Pbilosopby of Health, Sic. Deli:-jm... mu. nnnn .- I-~ 3-uxuunucuualy. ' The Patent Mechanical Chair for Brushing -Hair by Mzlchiuery. Fur Pros;-eclus and par- ticulars,-npply to the Pntemees and Sale Manu- facturers, JUHN GLMNELL & C0,, Perfumcrs by Appomtmenl to Her Majesty, the Prune-e.e of Wales, &:c., RED BULL WHARF, 93 UPPER THAMES Srnsm. late of 12 Three King Uourt, I_.ombard Street. 7 I` H E uu unaagrecume ouour, and Is John Guauell ck Co."a Pale: newly invented Hair Brush, chanical construction of wt the two 0;:-ration of cleans} simultaneously. The lhnnno \l_.~.k....!,~| rw nu-gmucu to me Dream. Yr Instantaneous Until Dye: any sh.-xd.~-Browu or Black colour. IL cannot. p0s3Lbl_y i no disagreeable odour, and i. Jnhn l!..=n..I1 I. r`- *_ n - ...... L... n ,-mu-um: wun1ues=, prulecrs llxr- enamel from decpw, and i rn;mr1s a pleasing frngraxnce lo the breath. Price 19 6-1 each. Hair certain to produce Black. of nnmi nu!----' no-cut. In In`! August 6. vulalu uuauull ll: `.10. greatly superior to up the Teclh a pearl-like Pnnnnnl frnm .I........ - Ln Nublesse Sunp-ea1eemed for in un led perfume and line emollient qualities. John Gnsnvll &: Uofs Viulvn and Mil vdlrhr | ..n-J... '... ....,. I cllllllltu John Guam-ll st Cu. s Jockey Club P.-rfnmn is in univcrml rcquen an the most. zldluirrnl I`:-rfuma for Ilne llzsndkerc-Met`, Price 2513], John G umell & Cv."s Ln. Nuhlesse l erfun:-_ It most dz-II('.dl.e I`arf;nnc ofexqnisita fru.,m_m|ncP. John Gosnnll & G0.`s Nuhleasn Pomnde, ele- gnliltly parfummi, and higllly l'C0!Dll]Pl.ded for beautifying umfproxuuling 1116 growth of [hp hair. ' `HE gross fraud: which continue to be prac- tiled by obaoure mnuufncturers, more pnrticulnrly in Germany, by `imitating the Irv bola attached to JOHN GUSNELL & Oo.'a PERFUMERY, render it imperative upon lhn Proprietors lo CAUTION the public against uch nefarious proceedings, and In request their friends and patrons to purchase only of reaper- tnble dealers, who import direct from John Guunell A`: 00.; and invite special atvention tn the |ddres- RED BULL WHARF, 93 [11-1-mu Tn.un:sS'ruuc1'. Jnhn nnnnnll L [`.n '_. Q..L...n [).._r..___ . , rm HED BULL WHARF, John Gosnell & ()o.'u Select Perfumes: Eas Bouquet, Royal Yacht Club Bouquet, Jockey Cl-:b Perfume, Essence of Wood Violet, VIC- l0l'i& Bouquet`, Fmngipauni, Military Buuqu:-I, the Bride}; Bouquet. Jnhn tlnnnnh Ly (`.n'.. D..:..,... ..r nr_u_ v n -uc un luv 5 uuuqllt, John Gosne ll & Co `a Prince of Wale, 1 .- fume, s most choice am] lmhIunablc`perfunm= John Gasman & (H: `.2 I`.-in.......~. u........ I... ..-uu-., n um:-n uumco Hun NHlC|IUl]rlUl(3`perflImP. Uaanell & Co `:1 1`:-incusa Alexzmdn.` Perfume, at most chotce and doilicoue ptrfmnv prepared expressly for the use ul Her Ray- Highness. lnl-... 1!........|I I. n- u Iv - ll lKl.|IlI .'l- John uoinell &_ Oofa Upper Ten ' l'erfume. 1.1. .\ u . r. . - uuu \Il':|Ill'lI (I. '1U.:i \ I( fmsezy Powder is gu.-nu. 1:1- vry should be without it. 1; in tins lq_nch. Gosucll 5: Uo.'=I Chu 9 Fl` rnnllu annnuin- ... .`__ 1`T1;-:11; DAILY NEWS--WEDNESDAY EVENING. MAY 5. ` " `r`~*--`**.- \ . . . .. ` ----*-* TH _M('Js'1* SULCEBSFUL. r % .uaIanm.anLo1zonnIn,n , g mar d b 7 , R. Freeman, Phurmnceutiat, iallc ._ r mu I w no e 1rac- - ~ :- - u * one ol Ilia gmaeeat dildroriefo ill need by mznngfnptsxrera, I `\.\I)}`}.Mf`N century. It is largely employed by 1'*1.Y "1 Imltnling eminent Physicians and Surgeons in m unohed prints practice in all parts ol the worl UERY, ilnpemtivc `upon lhn p'pr-in nt-r-nH:r In it-nlf nnd thin}: an ...... ........,.., auu Luu royal runny of Bel- gium is willing to 111017 the book to be pub: liuhed. But tor the last fortnight she has bed 5 relapse and is unable to leave her bed. Her eyes have a vacant stare. She speaks constantly of Mexico, describes the inhsbitsnts, the towns ond hsciendss, with consideratly beauty of language. She ad- dresses her husband as though he were alive, producing the impression on a lis- tener of speaking in her sleep. The unfor- tunste Princess is still under the impres- sion the: she is in danger of being poison- ed. VUIV - -Uluca. u I xv. - purity -and salutary Is, necessarv to nni 1 mm _ IE" SAUCE. Prcpgu-1_-d by under Suu:l1wou.{ stock-Ur bl? hid Cnnain ah.` l..a- n . ___._ ._..v`. patent stoppered: glass ., 43 6d. 11:. and 91a 5..-: ,....;u-. umppereul glass bottles, 43 6d, 113, d .213 each. Spe- required an appointed in all world. ' _ -_-.... .....m-.7 y::a|;npLI)n ll. 13 life of that dialin- | in promoting the fellow-creatures, and his death, , mourned an n ma- I M- `.........,auuu Ul SICK :-', factories, pri- places, between ships, Jtbes nls, inusty r, II D081:-mortem nu-am:.....:~_- DISINFECT- . the n1n-in.n.'.... at -f' -.xuuLuVVUUll DIOCKUI , [mm Cousin, late Dr South- uirty-ve 1 h_ysicia.n to er F;s.tber of Sani- ledicul of the tire: If Author of the rst .I.. nnv RDA nr l|f\IuI-II--1 ----.~..v.:. uuu LII! 1 1, mourned as Campbell, Blown: I `I Abbru-I-Inna . _ ....J valuullllll [0 main- an u a With thncm nah-.. -~-'-- ` ._.. AIJ\v . uul u:.l|.l lU PFOUUCB Blwcli, of goud nuluml iuj'Iru the tmir, has our, is easily amiliad. Patent Trichoaaron, or` air Ilia pecjuliar me- Lion which 'acc_omp:miea 1 cleansing and polishing ...... -av: known dish.` LRP9 thn nnnnnh.-. .._ I ,_ _V......-._, y nece-sear} to p0i_l. nut elebrated and philanthro- prescription it is entire life :1? Ilia: .::-.:_ mu . a uIa 1Nl"EUT- ' purication of sick 'kbOl1R!,i_ f'.n-cn..:...- -2 ,,,_ , --..-....un vn Luv lJl':!L country, the Lb, is-xporlatiou by the Pr: C0l]dUi[.- .ql.rnn! - U-~--"- III. a uni y 1`(. `In rn'rnv V Its e appetite and pro- much esteemed for _--4 I `IALIIIIIUU. iolou Mill:-enr red pure. N-) nur- Sold in boxes n! James S. can AERISTER-A1`-LAW. INCH STREET, opp February 17. urry Toolh Push? is mm Powder, give-:1 =ues=, hinnrla u -.l....Z..._ lll|.l4ICII I`A.\p0l'[ :s_, and Squire, Glues L\_I : Thotlsnnd unequal- I Alex- RATES, AND 111 YOU NOT ALREADY TAKE ADVANTAGE or `CONTRACTS -DA.|LY NPJWR." POSSESSI N0 ,,,-.-_. .... .. uu unauuveretl. She wrote lettrs in which the lucidity of her ideas and sentiments were remarkable, She devoted herself to the` young Prince Roysl, snd after his death exclaimed, Pnor child, you hue gone to rejoin my mother; soon it will be my turn. She also worked hard upon her book on the Mexican Em- pire, her physician thinking: this kind of menu! labour salutary. Those who have seen portions of the work any that it is well written, and the royal family of is willing t."hn hnnL- In 1-... ....x. -rvpns AND fNK " DAILY NEws_4 ADVERTISE smsr norm} mu LOCAL um ' GENERAL ADVERTISE Mums; Tang.-Elronn ADVERTISEIN':f_jHl 1A LOCAL PAPE-R PARTICULARS OF DAILY NEWS UFFIGE ll` YOU WOULD AND YEARLY` appeared to have completely recovered her reason. For days and weeks, no sign.of mental aberration could be discovered. hPI' ldl nntl nanny`-`-4..- .---~ NEWS;-. r-er ..: m'a:.vMm $1] A 1wAv1: H'l`lSIN7GIJ TIMES. PLACE THE THE Lmamsm masdnvn AT mm: 1-0 IS THE .'ES'I` SPENT MONEY AGREEMEl TS AND NOT TO BE A-LTTRAUT CUSTOM ERR A few days` ago M. de Lavalette, the French Minister of Foreign Atfnirs. inform- ed the Corps Legislatif that everything ves quite plenennt, the policy of the Empire was pence, end that as for Germany, France wished to avoid all interference in purely Germnn nnirs. To which Marshall Nia.-I added, in the Senate, that France could, at n moment`: notice, without alarming any one, call 600,000 soldiers into the eld; that the six "great commands were perfect armies, with stnnnd everything complete, and thnt to set my one of them in motion needed only 3 telegraphic order. Clearly, the Emperor believes in the saying, Si ris yacem, para bellum. I1|__ `L, I - MAY BE JlIDl(!l(\US USE OF `JIROULATION OF SIGN A THI_|USAND ADVERT HRDIUM `-'\l )VE`RTVISE `OUR Hf';'SlNES.- ADVERTISE ADVERTISE 1'0 -.|.ImniA1.A1~m AND REPEAT THE TO ADV{ER':l`ISl4.' A n..OOAL susmnss, rummroarc 00 AND ANYI ADMIT THE IMPORTANCE OI` THE PURCHASE 2 AND ER,EU'l`IUN OF AN .-RTTRAOTIVE SIGN FOR YOUR PLAOI A LITTLE FURTHEB DRiVE YOUR BUSINESS, BEFORE TH] PUBLIC AND pusushmr -_.... ... _-vuu-Any, Q. U. " JAIN Jan I. lincuut. Kingston, Jury 16. rbR_ ADVERTISING MADE AT THE NEWSPAPER ni TH! -WHEREIN THEIR snooimv susnrcn IN -1-mi; urn , THIS JOURNAL onnnsj -rm: CARRY SUCH A JUDICIOUSSTIP SEE TARIFF OI AND ATTRIBUTE DRIVEN.` An invention for the rapid manufuctureof pig iron ha been perfected at Marquette. The Advertiser, of Detroit, says that, by his process the inventor can convert the Mar- quette ore into malleable iron in forty min- utes. manufacturing with such rapidity, also, as to mm min thirty tune a day. The lusion is most complete, and the quality of iron produced, compact, smunth, EX\!C6Llln,*_gl_\ tenacious, and readily malleable. So far us we Are able tojudge, it in n oompletesuccess. Some of the completed samples in large and small rods had bent hot---at tlil-rent Inge: of hent--and cnld, wit_l1outl'ractur(-, onfrnying. Other specimens had been cut in two cold, showing density and tough- non. {pron voULn ()1? BUSINESS DO _ , --y'n_y Wll I- PAPER and WOOD STAIN: Ditto. OAK STAIN: A bottle of No. 2 Black to half a-pint of ho: water. SATINWOOD STAI __.......-nu. ` Ill Orange. Dyei WHITEWASH: or Rose; add half a. bottle then stir in the Whit Mauve, Violet, Purple, Blue at produce pretty tints by using more, as directed above STARCH: Stir in a fe these impart delica c. WILLOW SHAVINGS, Wicker, It Hair, Fibres, Seaweed, &c., aura quickly, ifapplied in boiling we` BLUE : For laundry purposes is A Ran]! nnnhn A to tints to L WILLOW Ivory, Bone, attract th_e dye water. BLUE: A 1. BOOK EDGES: A8 ixpenny bottle of Hagen- ta, Violet, Crimson ' .. -......uuo: Magenta, M Purple, Orange, Pink, and C the most satisfactory resull quantity of boiling water pan, RIBBONS and SILK: with soap and water to avoi to render them clean. Dye ii FEATHERS: Dye in hot wat: ot the dye is sufcient for on Mauve, Violet a recommended. LEATHER: Bl_ue, Magenu; f`|.n_..- ur-use-I uVAOK MOWLI, Gnonan Inns HAODCII-L. In-ch 15, 67. . TL EA AND p1mRm8,wm `\~-.. J Tl_1il deliciong ~nno:aaam-. IUIIL- _ . I PP0ll0nnrunI L- ,, _- ururnlal-is IIJG I-IQELS _ MEMORA NDA. be strength and beauty of this dye 15 almost incredible. A Sixpenny bot- tle will dye 20 yards of Bonnet Ribbon in 10 minutes; it will also produce a clear ' using less dye. Suitable also for Woollen G oods, Feathers, Silks, &c. WOOLLENS: Magenta, Mauve. Violnt plirnln r\---- "' ' _ 7" ..-.. ......uu-. any nrncle of cl be dyed in n tew minutes for a without soiling the h-mrls. be * Six 10 min|1Ina- :. _n. - ny one can u thing can be dyed with them. It in this small space to enumeral use to which these wonderful 3 chemical preparations can'be up their chief use is for dyeing tex they are 8150 invaluable as 8 colc for , almost every known mnferi: with which they can he used and 65' Of the rmznh lnni-- f--' ' ` ['J r"' EUivnY's PATENT OZONISED WATER, (ton 'ro1L:1' rum-osxs,)> I USU: N.B.-Cond_v's Fluid is the Test for Organic Matter in the only known means of ray freeing Drinking Water fr which is so common a cause To rnnidlu n..-:r_ -I ' .......-u .5 no common ca To rapidly purify the 1 with. "U0udy's Uzpnise ducer. 1'14 nivrxvvan - l.ll.II'VI':lB ncpl. In Wlllef. Dealzroying the blight. ol hop, mulberry tree, &c. Wuuhinig dogs and other do Cleansing bottles, beer bar dairy utenuils. ,, Washing the hair and da when turning grey. Enhancing the purifying an fects of baths and tubs. Dressing poisoned wounds : mnl virus. V Treating the infectious G horses, dogs, &c. Ono gallon makes 200 to 31 for use. lTl'I (`I Innlnl Vnrrlaw _ wmmou as ARRISTERS -AND AT ! Rn} C4-39.... -__j.._%_.:__ ONDY`S PATENT FLUID or natural disinfec- ` taut puries, deodonisca, l|l|l.l:(.lldll|reCI.., by the `agency of nascent or ozonic oxygen,--its active principle. Being entirely innnxiou.-I, this truly scientic preparation is peculiarly adapted for the following useful purposes, Ior which ail other disinfectants, on accoun tol'_th-ir poisonous or other ohjectiomble qualities, are Lll |llV.ll.llJlU and useless :- Detecting organic impurities in air and water. Purifying drinking and other vv-sgler from or- ganic matter, lead, itc- Freshening the air of close places, and remov- ing bud smells. Freeing meat, sh, butter, or other provisions from taint. Counterncting the ebcts of organic poisons taken into the stoniach. Curing Huaty provcnder. Freeing wheat and other seed from smut. Maintaining the health ol plants in pots nu-l conservatories. Preserving and restoring the freshness ul cut owers kept. in water. ,nnnfrnui-in Al... Ll:._| . A .- nuuu, nu, l\L'l|llI|l5iAJll I urn nuuu, lallllllll, D. The genuine has engraved on the Gov:-rn|nvu1. Stamp (outside each Bottle), "` FREEMAN`b` ORIGINAL UHLURODYNE. I WIH lJUIUr\JlIIIIU. The Medical Times and Gazette, J anunry 13th, Isms, 1-uuea, II. has an immense sale among: the public, and is prescribed by scores of Ortho- dox Medical Practitioners, and, ofcourse, it would not be thus singularly popular did it not Iupply a want. and ll 1| place. MnI|||u:~O|urn I111 I314: lnunntnn D;nI-no-I I`--- ll VIIIIII ILILI Illl U PIX:- Manufactured by the Inventor, Richard Free- man, 70, Kcnuingwn Park Road, London, S. Thn or-nnina hon nnrn-av:-rl nn thn {1..n..u.........4 IIIIVU IPIJHKSNI IE3 CIICUIB III UQTCI UI coulplrlu Will] those of DR. UOLLIS BROWNE S UHLOI-l0- DYNE," an-d deposed `to the facts that they luund in II more certain and reliable preparation, and greatly preferred FR.EEM.\NS. - II',nu-I Ihmanll nnnnnnnh-.n..:l tn 4|..- D;-...-l tb.l Bill]. gflilkll PI l'II7'I'I'I7Il ' I` lIaI'.'AfJUl..'lL`I3- Earl Russell connnunicntvd to the Royal Gol- le-gc of Pluyuicinns nod to Mr Freeman, that in Mm-illu the only remedy ul my use in Cholera. was Ghlorodino. f l'I'J'_ II- I_`.,,l I1V__._ IIV ,1: I ,,un.u l `ll-$1.55!}!-LUJLVJ-IJIIR-I-llllllldsip IIIVUIIT U 1 Phurmaceutistlls allowed to be discoveries` of the present the most hospital snd world. It has effects peculiar to itself, and which are essential- ly dilferent to those produced by the various compounds bearing the name of Ohlorodyne, but have no pretence to possessing its virtues. It rapidly relieves pain, from whatever cause, sly lays the irritation of fever, soothes the system under exhausting diseases, and gives sleep with; out producing any one of the unpleasant feelings so commonly arising from the use of opiates. It continues to hold its unshaaen position in the estimation of the Profession as the best, most reliable, and cheapest preparation. Eminent ant scientic Physicians made sidsvits that they have tested its eccts in careful comparlsun with Illnn nf"` nu i`.nl.i.lR RR{ITKlw`. ,hl. nrn,nun_ one I and Imann , _ _ _ BORIGINAL QHLORDDYEE. Invented by `K. L. Freeman. Phurmnceutiat. is to 3 hall: Blue auuuwnu-_ ulu I.-all, I "ureaxmol will be sgn ~ ed." Beds will be tarnished next. A aulun is provided in some [rouse-sfwhere the invit- ed cnnnap till supper timefif inclined. These slnwnwnva " an. nu-.a.b-.....| ...- -4-...- -Ir:- _ _----9 nIJUV|7- it ina few dro auve, Violet, delicate p9 `of Colour-- Blue or Pink; Luce, Linen, A `I"P`II'Vl"" " _,__ uusux. um lmpo euumsrate the wnndm-rnl an-3 I--- - ....-.....u-nu LJIJIUHIIIIC ic \V:1ter. and abrd.-1 I rapidly and com;-I;-u~l_v ug from Organic 'l`uint., LIIDOII ol serious disease. Jrify air, use the diluted uid I Uzoniser or other Spray-pru- darkening itapblour ev. iikes 300 gallons adlapu.-.1 I the Standard Scientic .' \Vnr.u- and ..H`.- |- diseases H. BOLLMAN CONDY, Patentee_ R.qm..-M. r .-A-- J. 2 and invigorating cf-_ V u. uuuuL.AiV UUNDY, Patentee, Battersea, London. _.____._;._______i . \8\av nd domestic animals. :9, barrels, pickling tuba, 11' I -Do I'll: TTORNEY-AT-LAW; L Kingston, 0. W. n'1"I;`l :*`...':=.'1<>_= wad. .. vuuu.lO1'Ilo9 I and us `.._,..|-., ,.....I:_ Magent, Violet and `H111 water. .. my one Ieall Violet Pa _. .- a. nu L` UH 1-111 ' ue them ; any- !) is imposaiole euumaram H... --a-- , , . _ . ---u uuu u.|_lI]y wonderful and beautiful \ can'be applied; while textile fabrics, Ile I8 5 nnlnnn-ir.-u --- - - I _....-u, um" um, Mauve, Violet, :, Crimson produce 7 results. Use nfnrga in an earthen i SILKS: Brush them avoid creases, and in boiling water. water (a few A---~ unu'lllJ Bl_ue and usmg ~one l ntlu Jllagenta, for Pink to a nail nF------ _.- ..--....,. .... ...,.yc. u|uU, || 1uL'|Luuu. 1 uese smwnways," are awakened up after their forty winks, sud spend :5 mos: delightful evening." A_, .' r - -* and destroying ani- the potatoe, vine, --avII9$D, lUI' rink p pail of water, inn an r-----` g tex me fabrics , colouring agent Merin1_ thn =--- crimsom '~one bottle or ` Purple are II Pfe` Public --1_. . . _ . - A Paris letter says I new custom is creep- ing into pncxicqnnmcly, adding-tortha can! of invitnuon t_u bulls 3 statement that hr tween six and Bevan n`clnck of the morning fnllnninur the hall - N|-----I-I`--- --1 | of cattle, yno, Burbillfl. Ind 331"`- ' ceivo Iudonts for Y udloy & Co. I propIrlIi0|3'- Ellnnnfsct , 'l _Vino Sn-no ...-an-nun 1 uyalclan I have frequently I aultingume to make us Liver Oil. I havcvbee r--r... -um, among '1JiCl_I `M c.holaic:'compounds, and of iodine in I an organid combination, are the moat remari It is, Ii believe, universally acknowledged this oil has great .tI:_elIpeul:ic power; and my inviastigacions, I have no doubt of its a pure and unadulterated nrticte. ILII: I 1 Inall cases I Light.-Bro'wn Cod set of prdpersia, a c-huIaic'compounds_, u-J, nu; ucucnunuu 3 cuullicl lll|Vll2Ig [)f0P0- ed that the iron-clad" test. oath nbould he nulminstercd to thejnry, all those gentlemen immediately arose and left the jury-box, being either unnble or unwilling to take the oath required. A TI__2- I,..,, D11 LANKESTEB, F.R.S., ` Coroner [or Centraflliddlesex. . = " I consider that the purity of this oil is accur- ed in its preparation, by the geraonnl atterlon quaiuted. Hence, I deem the God Lfvar Oil sold under his guarantee to be preferable to any other kind dz regards genuinene and medics! (`i- H` _ cncy. J/\ lledicail Oie supplied by Dr. de Jungh. It. has long been our praclice, when prescribing the oil, to recommend this kind, since, s._midst. a much variety and un- certainty, we have condence. in it; genuine- ne5a.-`-(Extrnct from Cousummion - in Pul- ...-./I n.. ............,, wu nave conlid from C1 and Remediable 8uges.)_ DR. EDWARD SMITH, F.R.S. Medical Oicer to the Lu: Board 01 SELECT MEDICAL OPINIONS. SIR HENRY MARSH, BA;RT., N.D., Physician if) Ordinary to the Queen in Irehnd. Ighave frequently p_I-escribed Dr. do Jongh a Ligb-BrowuCod Liver Oil. I cbnaiden-it who a very pure oil, not likely to create disgust, and a t.he1h-apeutic agent of great Value." --.. 11:3 uunuu .: uu n; convincingly proved by an overw-h of medical testimony, and by the practical test. of nuccessfnl experience for tyvenly years in alfparta of the orid, to be, beyond all question, the purest, the u1oeteca- cious- the most palatable, 1nd, from its rapid -.......w em-cu, me most economicnlofnil Iinds. f Hepce the universal celebrity ol Dr. dc Jongh'o Oil, u_nd the unpanilelcd demand tor. this unri- v`aI|ed_ prepnration. ` I A `flan BROW -- ngllllltyc N WINDSOR S MEDAL HDNE nnxutullk * Solicitors, ., . , _..----ya. Ia IIKIIIIS By Henry Stephens oflldinburgb and the Inc J. P.Nqrton, of Yale College; Zvola. Royal Of. two` 1600 pages and numerpns Engrnvings. Plqli--$7, for the two Volumes. Rv - 5-- _ -v-g. 1600 Engn P b OE-37, volumes. post paid, $8. _ - I f08TAGE.,- _ en sent by mail, the _Posu.gev to any p-an oft eUniled States will be but Twgnt "[93" can a. year for " Blackwood, {And but 18] 5311;; a year 179: each of the Renewg, , Shbscribers inqy obtain back_ numbers at tlie lolldwing reduced "rates, viz: ' The North British fro January, 1863, to De- cember, 1866, iziclglsive; the Ecnburylt and the Weamin:te_r_f'roIl April, 1864, tor December, 866, inclusive, and the London Quarterly tor 135 and 1866,. the mm or 31.50 s you for cam or any Review; Elsa Blnclwood for 1866, for $2.50. M THE LEONARD SCOTT Pnbliqhing Cm, _ 38 Walker-at:-act, ELY. EDWIN CANTOT, nqli-Donna A. - run llllu ` 3 T `mans FOR 1869. Pot any one 01 the tour Reviews Fo` any two of .119 four Reviews F0: any three or the four Reviews F011 all four of the Reviews Fon-{Black woo_d'3 Magazine - For` Blacokwom and one Review For?'B1ackwoo< and two Reviews Fozilackwooand three Reviews For? Blackworcgand four Reviews a; pc wull ptusuuu Lu receive nccretmc of }tbe`progreas of Europeah Iciepco 1 turn, "'i' `fin:-ign nerjodicals +9 V , , gul I 4 published by 1;: :h the some nt1l_e uaheiett. fone. Those who know them and who 1;, loxlg subacribed to them, need no remind. I those whom the civil `ward! the last {ew`y,.,, bl dapral bf their ones welcome guppjr cub.` bed} peri ' 1 literature Jill be )gd the_]n,ognin w thin their rieneh; ufd tho`; 1:? ` nugenover yes havdmet with them, will nuuygdo ly well pleised to receive Accredited upon; Of ithamrnaraan nf Rllfhnni -n....... -;.1 Tm WDON QUART] - (conlftgf IVQ TM EDINBURG \ $31; NV(V I;;'_'fiu1NsrBIzI:;?{R(`:VI:ig:hh g Blimsa unjvmw 1). ,R.'LAOKWO0DS ED`i'h'1bBU1Q (rm cup) 11 lluuzur J - . I `. ('1'0ry.) : ll."IJ'l\Jl\ 1! UL!!! D JDU4 (Tory-) "'_T'H17.`FH foreign pen : `I nnhlinlnoal 1.. ... sl. Din DE m:zGH's LIGHT-BROWN con { LIVER 011.. DR. DE JONGIEPS Oil is convincingly V Ill ! nvnrinhnl-H3-~"--`*L` " " " In the trial of a cnse in the I.'niLecl Staten ` District Conn at Savannah. G3,, We1Ines- day, the defenslanfs counsel lmving propos- iron-clml" teat mnh nhnnhl I... The L. 3. Pub. do.a-Is:`pub1iah > ` The Farmer : Hume ~.. 11.... cu- ---- Agpd n lsirge aount of geuerl ' - Pride, Five Cents.` Baub Seunior 1 ; ll , Cl.` 1` ",f- A ~: * Hm % 1cNrEnu1N%1ua.g,0,?:` Q Idrnn no-nun-.'6 hf M_, T13/Iixrlsn rsnxonncnrgg vs-IVDC c1838 In 1 i3 illdilgdc ____________.___ Glldel-sleeve as Ialkem, ARRISTERS And ATTORNEYS-at-LAW, Gonvaynneen, Notnriea Public. jI..L__.n -- __- _, ER. LETHEBY, `[15,... -1 [ have found Dr. de Jonghfa Liver Oil possessing the same u . well, > `is to be a re I38 in which -ad. uuslied with its ry pure oil, well [.he use of that Mn: I00! Britain. avuuuuuue. Ill gen 1 Consumption : its . 25.") ` .......-.-; ma presence of of ante-of remarkable. ly acknowledged that autic noumu ---I 4'- Addxsss:-j `Ibo Iorknnn in the down freight department of the Oclllll rod It Albany Ilruck for higher` wage: in: Snturdny. They were Nceiving 31,50 per day nnd not demand $I,'.'5. All [he old employees are receiving $l,75 per day, nnd the new votkmon dcunnd it. The demand not being acceded to, shout forty men joined in a strike. 5B;rdor Grant """`5`-"5 IIIIII I`; _and from, rlfn I...-...__ u and liter V .1 l|1.lI.II. being Id!!! 1000` `fsloo 1 5.00 In. Dr. Walker, lhe womsn s right: woman," is rather petite, with sharp features, oyeg like lhooo of a fin, and I voice which at oroocemln resemble! the shrill whistle of a locomotive. She has Ieverol times msuifelle-l 1 tundency Io pull men`: noses. No wonder` that President Lincoln rgmnrked in her case that he was afraid to meet I woman who wears broeches." that over 50 years , . .. _ Iago, he was lmn - '. . ~ ' 5 , * Hhlgllnningd barefoot nary - `Above 10 E7. M tion, nnd fwo'cenjl[k$ insertion, ' ` 1' Snh%llEnf" _ _ once.-nweek,4unIn` _' I W ` Notices oBix3.l;|.,,_,.._ ' ' Do oflhn-ini. Do ofDeIth,.. Buimlux : ` bending, II anredbynlelbif - ` under 10 line: of which i1*iUp&iU _, interull g ` `- Reports ofnni _ ,1 to attend *--H " Ni, Sefmons; Lei `M W W M-tobe : `N ~ , on'tho II` W. BuIiMl|.o1i~`t i;""fm)`v` 4 g . M53 _"" "tn! 5": Jun ~ ` - '8 Pu up into N `If; In:-A 9.-n-'...l 1&2 mmaw % H we will .s:c;.:'i!'_.;.. ,.__......-, ._u-nu. ac uulcaonnell, gARRISTERS, &c., Princess Street, King- nton (opposite Dnily News Oice). Annnnn , Gunman`, Q,'J_, Glonel L AOK Mowgr, __ `IL!!! "Lamb-Q: nut no inhml... .. M A r I . s'rn.Lva' Ulllfli pmnrlifi V at the man`, _ V . . mules and ollamhn ' Iuuupvp-E` , mm as Mil bud 1:1! nnnmallb = Solicitors i IR..- 3 n 'V`t`a|I 3|` llll DCWULI I7 Olluwing the ball, I hreakfnm will be gen. 11 " `lull: CHI lmo-...:..1....| _-.__. . `n } `Wprka. M. Gres ` tla.ehtunbei's of 4 --whereon _ I-unuu ruauuclnug 111 ~ ~` lllaunch nsteam otill wine its most dis omhgow miuch fart`-npc _,y " un'1t"there may be to `I ' ~ - -. `uf this during mhe . -` e` wholly, I believe he is cftaiuly the t `Ugogfutg his magnicent p ` L =-`.n?~' `?L`. m.Pi9$ * '1 Tag which promise. a ` . . `_ v: African expl-oration. ll results, scientic, bu, 'lIIlu'n1snuu mun nun nn ' without limit. Sir Sa - with absolute juri regions- H `an r _Ia com _A _` [Ether t tra_.nsportgu. 110 may bejudged f written on the sub ~ viaionthwt the horn *,!IInpleta}y.. datmyed. hnw Riv Hnmnn] mnntri __ I311: .` _ - r how Sir Samuel cunt:-i ' Viceroy to his views, sine "1`:`4h M-L of`th E;vi_cero_y thgt " 4- bgen carried M is to be found in gomae the expedition. Its eff . ' I0 I110 territories ~:~== afthe tr_ude,- 158 hey it Nile and ~t|m_>ug These countries are to `}m_ occupied, and annexed "Ilia long cdveted them. . I-er lost. aigbtof this `i tmv'umtlmnu..-:n.u.` do jr1~--- -_------ - . . ty; but there is one `I _vfhu of public opin .. ' 4,1 Appeal `(npruar \ ` avlng thus beicn let -r}. 7* " . QAN EXPEDITION. " %u*rwpo:`n1em `of the N I `very genuine th M s""e'tin1n1ission trom the V V Wit-funrnixhes men and m re`...-n.~..'... 1:...:; 9:- sh... 3" an rmsr PAGE.` V `pd terric uproar). im hgving been callg M ,_ ;I was not.---:ez Moo pcl me to 0 ll: %J#tnEuinn).-1`- "'3 _ `_ (oh, oh, uproar, cn "dent 3C11|'Il:lL|(:l': I" W `one; man so old in `g_. -_ u` `I`'. nlm ` B I-IIIILI BU ulu Ill n H. T-Hers not aim dent 5 -amh \ ` prong on the I ilntgine we " V 3 Iv: is 55 Iinmeidnot noun an-"ma _______ .. Z `~`.P!,.ii1,4It.own j;.'.;I.: " ~', *`-'-jle grain:-j 31 , II; uu uwvaqqes, ne Wihe reaohedthe A} I-InFu"II Inn-....L .. ..n.__._. E-;:n- "---awn! uomqr 35`: Icy diacov`! "!_Pp1I1ipg;own V- HK vb-&m4.|.. ._ WEDNESDAY E\?1s:N1Nu, MAY .5. .tr91ing`tho}.vario;II de up he advanqfea, be In: nnn`.n |-.g- ol-H. Al IE1 HJUII Elgljtljl `tjl 1 ggwlil 'l..`,HE 35? via DIIAMB ' . OI ;I.-an hil `""`)e| J - ,. W` H. " "'.""'-`"""' man Is not noun. ifguj pppnrently in y `hnrlefl thqbo E` "Mm-I41 9I!..:.n:~ for 1. XVIII. 0 llelIIy as Draper lS|1`llRR A"lW"nDur2-vn _- . . am: mag, Jallls Acne}: ` 'ERnnd A1"I`nDM t.`v _. -sums! nl) A I. -3, Couveynnoera, &c. Nnpanee, -South corner of _Dundaa apd ---u any A11U[g1 I Chancery, kc` Glance BL, op; In-l". T V. R. lllngaye, ?.A1`.r.Aw- n..__-_ lson Reeve, ATTORNEYS-at-LAW, NJ _>4_ , Couvevanmn An- n 1 Autumn` x-at-LAW,Con- Oiea Bagot Street, second (Jmb. nnnrni-a Cartwright, .AT r\DI:-tnru - -' - 'll-'1 .AW. OFFICE-CLAIL I', opposite the Post Utce. .-_uuu.auI.II , A l`T(ORrl;EYS-at-LAW, mrv hr- ---a "3 V,` Conveyance:-, kc, Dec. 1. . ` J Heat? Pu-1-on. Q.0_-L dc Ma cdonnell, .A. REEVE, M. A. _(;i)poa:te the Post Nuns. 51.0! nu: ul 2., 33 King ,_, guvv ' upstairs. uh `- V-In I19 Iuvu. No'r|.--The Profession is w nrned spins: in- ferior, secret, and che . up compounds now in the market. Each gen nine bottle but: I fac- nfinile of Proprietor : signature on the stamp outside. ...u --ucu. TOWI.E`S CHLORODYNE. The Original Preparation of C lion. From Dr C. Kidd, Author of Slander: on Chloroform. S:\CkVi"B'Si.l`BOt, Piccadilly, Lo Sir,---I think if you advert Chlorodyne more than won to beat. the others, which seen pounds, out of men think with yo pound, but will 9e nledy. ' To Mr Towle, A Surgeon from write: cine that has the] century. In colic,.ngn'e, a I have found and more joy than on ` 'I`be_ day s_eema as ; tan: when opini. ence will prevent El any secret medicine wh hoped that the professi brand as unworthy 4 members who testimi the disposal of thin a-_...b nu!-IIIIIIIJ) [.0 [D8 8 remedies Ltiad, Chlorodyne 1 live. ' - u NIL, I - .. ,......_,.ug tut: mood.-1 ',' The above Preparnti. offiweelmeats, pleasant to ticulnrly adapted for Inf nursing. By the combination of 1 with Cress Seeds in a. am they are united with organ renders them digestible. stubborn mineral has thus of an organic substance on aotbed by the with alomacli. Agent for England B E G. DUFRESNE, 1 Mn} be obtained ofall Ob ____. of three preparalidns-.- THE BAUDEINE, An efcient. and prompt Remedy for Cholera, Yellow Fever, Diarrhoea, Dysentery, and the excessive action of the Boweis. A medal was awarded Dr V. Band for Price: Small, lid ; 5d; Large Size, 113 per Bottle. THE DIASTATIZED IRON! For strengthening th.-1 R........ 1:119 UIASTAT I strengthening Inn- D- a--u U0 UUIOKDG. All the above: portajion, and re in any climate. QR Rn-..-./I - I-`D ` DR. mus: aoaps. Lavender Water. Cold Cream. Perfumed Vaporizer. Rose Leaf Powder. Perfumes for the Hnnrlln-uni-2-J` . vs uuulcs I0!` 1 Handkerchief. Emu de Cologne. the nhntrom In an Ullllllll 96 Strand ; London. 17 Toilet Soaps. Lavand or Wu I ;L utu me xsmperor of Quie I of Spain, the Queen Holland, the Queen: the Belgians, anj`.the King of Portugal; an H.R,H. tho Primtof Wales. QQIUIUUI And is prepared 1 low as the safety assu Inn 1. nu uumpuuy [185 Canada 1 time has secured prompt and same It has fully wi the deposit with G0 the amount of A-rn 'l`I-HS Company has- Canada fnr nnnrlcy R `Is! I UV] Losses paid in 50 years, ford, Conn PAID UP CAPITAL AND ;a5,I5o,931,71. l'..-us`... ._..:.1 2, -.~ 1 ,5 . I mgston, March 31, gnome [Insurance liompany llnnzn . uuasra pruiupuy and [I paid In Canada Currency, 1 A M Lin A*.l;x1'.-1." Iu.~:u1'ance Co, of ' 1 1: _ 1 . nun nan: 5.1"-_lB `I, S0 A Chnneery,Not.o:3 Public,& unset, Kingston. ..,..-. IICu('l'l (`lg ' ""` I INCORPORATED IN 1819. GAPIT.-\L 33,000,000. ASSETS 55.15033; ` lULl.. AND CARGO RISKS to and-I`: Inland Ports on favourable lerms. - bosses promptly and liberally adjusted in Uurrencv, EUGENE RIMMEL. Pncmruusa by appointment to mi: Majes- ties tpe Emperor of French. the nu-on ,,-_ .-.-.. .. .. 1,uuu_t PRIGMIUMS RECEIVED DURING 52,079,596, Funds clam-mi1..m`l:.. .5... L._ 2- H - 32,079,596, } Funds deposited in the hands of the Govt-rmrul for the security of Policybolders. ` All re risks carefully surveyed, and the rule of Premium made to correspond with the 1 risk assumed. #1569. Marine Insurance. 4!-II nu I nsnu run cc I lurl ford, I' I i IIlBII|I I-`(Iris Assurance oinpany OF LONDON. .,,, .,.I9 limue lu.'ura.nce Uompmny Nvw Haven Conn. St. L Kingston, March 31, 1869,