Kingston News (1868), 11 May 1869, p. 1

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I Fur some time put there has` been a misun- ' derstauding between the Eislern Extension In- . tercolonial Rnilwny Comphny and the contrac- tor, which has led to n auipenlion of the work. It was gutted in St. John, N.B., that the com- I puny bad named with the contractor, Mr Wit- chnm, by paying him :575,000,'nnd that active operations wfll be at once resumed. , . . . *.`-"' "" ""5 "." l"_ `_ he opinion In England to reach this will- ingness. We_can wait. Meanwhile it is for us to act, respecting Cuba. on those- jut and enlightened principles. If Greatl Britain interferes We hnve, zit little cost, a.` perpetual Alabama anchored off her coast, just as near `to Liverpool as Dublin is tn; that port. Twenty millions of dollars will make Ireland our Gibraltar; every one of her in- numerable harbours will be bases for our navy; 20,000 men and $20,000,000 tnakc; Ire-Ian-.1 our iron-clad, and every Irishman, the world over, our soldier. What. inter- est is this to us? While this danger lasts the House of Commons has: no lack of mu- tive to (Injustice [0 Ireland. By indirec- tinn nd (Iireciion out"-acknuw|eclg_e the Cuban movement Tr fr:-on Ann nnn 1`..1..... , _,-.....`, -..u-u. p`, The same rule we have applied to Cuba. if co_ndcmns the course ufEngland during the 9last nine years. She strainml even the "un- ljnst and equivocal rules of international: ; law to nd means of helping a sln.vehold- * ;ing conspiracy. Hating our Government, ' I as a possible rivnl, she sided to establish L rpiracy and slavery as corner stones of a 1 new State. \Ve will waste no time rliscnr ' iaing ueclinicnltiea with her. Her offence is! I rank. The atonement is to be, full pecuni-' fury reconipense, and besides a. distinct, for- l |Il1ul(ll.'5a7nWu.l of any right in future to act` `on the principles by which she now seeks 1 to defend her course. Her Epolngy is to be a. consent to the remodelling of internation- nl law. No matter how long it takes pub- lic opinion in will-' those; . .._..... . uu races n`ml eumncip-atian. 11 `j of] 1 last etr rule I L J I u-rmumnal law. that guy race risinlg against I `similar wrongs should - be recognized a'si iauan -as they had fought long enough to he ;seen and heard ve hundred miles riff. `We i .deny the existence pf any A Spanish instim- . Itinns in Cuba which, in the light of our cg-nlury, deserves the name nfa Governmvnt. i 3.`. system which keeps one-half ofits sul- ~' ijecu in chains is not a Government. A M is}-stem luv which the baynnets of nun three itlmnsand miles n' keep 3 millinn of men in ' l5k]"ieCli()n' ruhuiug them of the fruits of `industry. (allowing them no cquivulem`,` iii U0`. 8 (`invrnnlnnr "`r~ "~- ~/ " ` ` ` ...~..-.u mere 1: no Iikc-nos ,rvh-Hinn and the rising in C ; lmn patriot inscribg Justic on his ting, and Hence may 4 `of all the wnrld. We would Inrnunnnr mu ....1_ __ ` Va ~--- -v----\-- 11!! 'NUl]l(l Iermm-nt not only })l'un1pH_V' Fluclltgerency uf the Culmn .nunounce to thc world. as 21 I itormuiunal law, that race isuun ma 9l...'- 1...: 4-...--LL - l or one class vnslzwcs another, _ vg--u us. an ll|T' as mill t|nnIl nnn-interfcrence moans ll'.l1\'.Ilg the` dill}-rem elements an-l classes of 3 mmon free to nrmngc themselves and aha own instuutinns, we value and 3 to re.-spec: it. But if it is strained I that we must sit lry, n while o_ue race murders another, as in Crete, _ as in (,`ulm,: we say, away with such unnsense and Athe- ism in the mums of law. Whenever A man risv:-I from his natural rights. we liuvu I right in syiiipatliizn with and aid him. Civil rn-l political right must he arraiigcil hy each action sccnnliug to its own id.-ng_ , t to leave such l things to settle tliemsclves according in the' love-l`uf 1 n:ninn`s intelligence. But natural 1 rights rent on ditfcrent principles and after thi.-in different duties. lmttliiig for them has n ilruw l A racc or (`lnsw right to all the llll lwv can give it. ` n 1 I llnnce there likcnezzs lietwoon our `.-..I...i1:.\.. ...-A at . .4-up `lull-D W print, in another lcucr, which states, `I nes.-=,`l.'.nc position of Cul-n. It has obeys: intbrmuionnl law. W wilngness to have In much funlmr. The! law, devised by tyrant glalu the-m tn perpetm have little weight vyil \\ hl\L)l~.I.I. PHILLIPS WA! ANNEX IHELANI). (From the Ann -Slurw-y Stun` , A . _ . [um Mai 1,. \:|.n.l\l|V.J uuuusuun, prulcct life upeyty, and execute justice between vl man. No Spanish rule in Cuba r done this. `We proclaim the right aationnlity, based on justice, In deny nu despotism and barlvarism the nu! rights nf a government. The rhtful anvernnmnr in r`..|,.. :- r-.. - _.V.........-.... nu ne wortlnyuftlmt ml entitled to the righffof :1 Gnv-; t, the system must clischargze the; wt :1 Gnvernnient. It must foster in- promme civilization, lifei Jpeytv. execma huuinn :.-...--,, THE DAILY NEWS. uuull mw. Wu couhss less had the Gnv Jnlmr. The rules nf our 1-mire ernmunt go International ~---....:, K)` . column` fl] fnlun -mini. _ 1 , with admirable clcn sition our government. as I as obeyed exactly the rules 4 We 1-mi: 0 had uh. um.-- J __, ........- null usu: .pcrpet1mte their eight vyith 113. Sn tnrfnr.-n r- -- our r Culm The (`n4 bee "Justice and Liberty" i'ncc mu` r-lnim n... 1..--.. WENDELL PHILLIP. , - ....-un:\| I0 PIIDCC vy, m*utr.1lzmd iudilfcrcnt, .rders Vcs Clllm, 1 r lnw wt----- h "" `V rI|IIl\..Ill -gmy risiuu nnln-I `Lu. -._-_ 5 3-Sln very ,s'g;, inn _ ,I .. -.....-; ullll JANET! V c claim the lalp 2 have our Gov rnmptly recognize the .`ulmn insurgent. Inn 1`. Rd :1 nri...-:.`I . -t* t, .- --nunlu Ul men In hernnf hem cquivulen, To be worthy of that the Gov- mncr .l.'.n't..._._. A` \ ...... ul ullernntio and usurpere In [0 their An-- ---- _.,., $1: own pm 1118. far nu: .n.. ...,.I ,- ..: .. Pflllclplc no riaim. . .. \.ruI.l.` xense 'henev(-r `ts. at its ()\l.'n i.I....~ _- urn` I the ` I i shape their . are disposed lined In .......s I rumiu rd.) `I _ (V , mnmfnt to ' of `.Q l\I'll' .....:_, nwer, '_AJAx:_/ nn.AJl.AI\.lII J.\Jl.Iv J.l.l_JI.J--" Those who have no hair may hua it. Those who have plenty, may preserve and bean- tify it. Those who are losing it may have its loss arrested. The hair atresgthened, belulied, restored, by using Hcx'r s'3$u1=uu Hun Ghana, cheapest, _cI4anes!, but. Doqit real till you have tried A bottle. Sold by all ruggiats. March 25. ` ii Two Quxsnoxs EASILY AxawI:ann.-Why should men wear beards? Because they are a great protection to the throat and lungs, and add much to their personal appearance. Why should we use Br: an : Pulmonio wafers 1' Be- cause when used for coughs, eolda,' tickling in the thront, honraeneu, kc , they set like a charm. Ministers and lawyers ule them, phyuicieu re- commend them, and singers and public Ipeekeu any they are the very but meteim in exit!-once for the cure of such complaints. Sold by all l medicine dealers at 25 cu per box. u s./-uA.4-...-v.1 u\.5\..\.a unn I - 1_1l..ll\.rC LIIC efforts of ca-rtnin ve , or; of Liniment lo 1 decry Jacons RHIUIATIC L 5310. Wherever in- troduced, it drives all others from the market. Pain positively annihilated _y its use. We have not mom to enumerate 1 virztues accorded to it by the thousands who h e used it. No medi- cine ever invented is capable of more extended lappiicalion. It has hundreds of imitators, but I not one mun Beware qf Qounterfezls. principfe`. ` .. A\J.|.` l.l'lES [Cat ldosea of med` - . 'Y_33ln of mniteaim 1 ; Stimulants exl:l1:fifi(`Ifua.:(l`lm gdlom .il11'i01?s `K "dd- The active; princgslelua m'm dia- J POWerfu1 d 33 - .'7 ofthe In E :2;...`:::.:.;::*: ==-43? . Cosrrnmn C E `"113. Runs. ` "hr L'1"l'. (111131 33:33 A": `M50186! of the Stom- ! using Dr Uoloyrs Al cpe"""M`"1.7 1'9liOVQd by I S8 \l'-Coated. Rec:I..m"."'_*'D T0l;o Pmu, : Profoslion. ' cuffed by "I" Hbdical , _ _ _ _ . . . . _ ..... ........u no n-uni uuullllg. 5 We are led to tnnke these remark! owing to the i course always pursued by those who have used I that celebrated and truly valuable horse medicine i know: I8 Du-ley s Condion Powders and At- : abian Heave Remedy." All are so well pleued [ with t that the} will not use any other; many [ have waited several weeks until the agent could obtain a new supply. There is nothing equnl to p it as a condition medicine, or for any complaint affecting the wind of horses. Remember the I name, and see that the signature of Hard & Co. , s on each package. Northrop it Lyman, New- icsstle. Ont, proprietors for Canada. Sold by i all Medicine Deniers. FCONCENTRATION the great 'nciple. The system innitesimal `Ana..- .. .....A:..:.... A:u'..--.: :_ __n-_- -3 :_: , 2 M1-1.3. A. ALLENB ZXLUBALBAMUM, mwracr Drqarationz `_/br the 1-lmr .- 5:140!` mm trmufaraw, uitlwut stdxbu-at. I I 13' vtry xmuglle 319451` o_/inn pp-pdgg-u 1 rrnltx. If: gr-mt s-upermnty and economy 3: a air Dr:.s.n'ng- over /lig cox! Franck Popular in lcknowkd d It all not only ha 15:} cut but in Europe. he estartr and Zylabalsannmu 3 and 5: tstdant zuith I/I: ottr. Bow 3! u.LDnuan!'n. ` "P'm':;:`.:"=);`:.5";:.';::.;*-.m*;.,*:a';..F3.:"*"'- NOW style. llllywr sans 1-u-.t?o A REAL HAIR BESTOREEB AND DRENING Guunhinod in On`; Bottle. I. `H '-' '-"_`YO$ ---_-`rm lllllnu .-w-..-... _ _ ___.___ Will Restore Gray [air to its Natural Life, Color and Beauty. It is 8 most delightful Hhir Dressing. It will promote luxuriant, growth. FALLING HAIR is immediately checked. Mn. 8. ALLE.\"S Z.YLO-BALBAMUM, a`-Hallo!` A.-,4,.w.h`m ` tbr .' clear dd frasagragt, 00 m U11`. 1101118- MRs.f A. ALLEN S ---- -.-r-'5 I3`-".\2UE'|J'II'I'I.`I'I 3 Vmr 1N'nciur..-Wben a person has provedl ' an unicfe and found it good, and answering \be : purpose for which it is intended, be will not renlily abandon, it for one of doubtful reputa- ` Lion, or concerning which he `know: nothing. : led In mnlrn than: a-..m....b. .....:.._ .- .-.- SUCCESS bzegets ehvy. Hence the pH*'nr-In nF 1-an-Quin vantlnnn at` I i..;-nu... u.. E The medicine beat adapted fa is Perry Davis Pain-Kilier. his {email} and externally, and whl ' Iion upon the system in required, L1 iv-.un1..-l.1,. 14- ` ` ._:.- , FARMERS READ THIS. I At this season of [be your whan Dian-bun, D_`y':5rnlri1'_V, Cholera Morbus, &c., any di-ublo your hands, you would have ayprompt and urn ; remedy at bmud. Your Horse: also frequently 1 require medicine for curing Gulls, Sprnins, Gnu, j(`ramps, Weak Joints, Rheumqtinm, Swalllngn, i Colic, &c . &c. _ k SPEFIAL NOTICE. Sir James Clarke : Female Pill lsively counlerreited. The gr-nuiu 'numd'ofJUB MOSES on each pi i others are worthless. I NR _n..-A,n K --A- nauua Pill: are exten- genuine have the plckage. All ` N.B.-0ne dullur and 12} cents for `p enclosed to NORTH R0? 1% LYMAN, New- I cnslle, 0nt., General Agents for Canada, will unsure :1 battle of thogmmue, containing Fifty .I`i|l.: rm -.------ ~ `- " ' n.1s.-Une NURTHRUP LYMA insure Fifty -Pills, by return mail. Sold by ail Druggiatl ; in Kingston, and tnediciqe dealers evnrywbare. _ . t nurlu rum have never bu where the direction; on the 1 phlet. are well observed. For full particulars, get a ] the agent. Qnnnr.- .-.-._ Special Notices. The Great English Remedy! SIR. JAMES OLARKE'S OELEBRATED FEMALE`; PILLS, Prepared from prescription ofSir J.Glarke,I.D. Physician Exlrnordjnnry lo the Queen. l`HIS well known reixedy In no in1poitioa, but a sure and safe remedy fa`: Female Diiculuea and Obstructions, from any cause whatever; Ind though a powerful remedy, it contains nothing hurtful to the constitution. To Muuunn Luau: it is peculinrly suited ; it will, in a short `time, bring on the monthly period with regularity. _ln all cases of Nervous and Spinal Afeotionu, Pain in the Back and Limbs, Henvineaa, Fungus on ahght exertion, Palpitalion of the Heart, ` Lowness of Spirits, Hyalericl, Sick Headache, g Whites, a .d all the painful diseases occasioned by a di.~Ol'dl Id system, these Pilll will eect n I cuie when all other means: have failed. ` '}LAD TIDINGS4 FOR ALL,-- rnL_-- _L.. V New Style. IIIPOIIIAI! Change. .-.- u-on-rn 'n1:uIl|n`DI`fD AITII 'l\II1l' KINGSTON K2: 4 ;- .._....__.._.` HAIR lmsronmi ` __ _-,k--_._ A`!-g--7 `ll.-1.5.. an tioml rhr Man and Beast. ....... .....- hmu-da? that n ~ for this purpose Pain-Killer. It in med both in-7 ,.-..-n_ , .1 nally, where prompt ac- :n the Pain-Killer almost instantaneous effect Ilruly wonderful. It is used n-...-..... ..t .I..- I` I ` \ . :% Gnu HAIR Is 11 certain indication of gdecay at the roots. BEAUTIFUL HAIR, fi\'a.ture's Crow 1:. `mi Must Cultivate it unvu anllfu. been known to fail 2nd page of pan- . pamphlet, free, of AN INTERESTING LETTER is published in the ledico-Chi:-Irgiosl Reviaw, on the sub- ject of `the Exlnct of Snrlaparilln in certain afectioa by Beujnmin Tnven, I|`.R 8., he. Speaking of those diseases, and discus: arising from the neon ol~ Ina:-nary, ha nun that no remedy is equal to the Extract. of Surnparilln; its poworvia extraordinary, more no than any` other drug I an ncqnninnd with. It in. in the strictest sense, 3 tonic, with thin invnlusblo ut- t.ribula,t.hM. it in applicable to n unto at the system to Iunkon, and y_at so in-ritsble, as ren- derl other aubatnncu of the tonic clue nnsv nil- nble or injurious. D Which no disgnro the appearance, PURG- [HG the evil effects of mercury, and removing all tninga, the remnnntl of DISEASES, herad tary OI'g otherwise, and is taken by ADULTS and CHILDREN with perfect SAFETY. uh-In 1 'lIl'|I hPI`h`'``: TWO TABLESPOONFULS of the Extract of Sarupurills, added to 5 pint of water, is equal taf the Lisbon Diet Drink, and one bottle is eqnalgto I gsllon of the Syrup of Suupu-ills, or the oootionu u nauully made. HELMBOLUS Goncentrated Extract sarsaparma Established upward: of 18 years. PRE- PARED BY _ Sold hynrngginncnryvhoro. ' 1'1-jot 81,25] per bottlc, 0: 6 for 36,50. * ERADIBATES ERUPTIVE 8 ULUERATIVE Li]. I `I3- Punfer. HELMBOLDKEI CONCENTRATED EX- TRACT SARSAPARILLA ii the Great Blood pttrfpo ` nuuon nnu unauus UKILLIANUY UF OOHPLEXION must purify and enrich ihe blood, which HImnoLn | Conan-mu-In Ex- -nuor or SARBAPLIILLL invariably does. Ask for Helmbolch. Tnke no other. QUANTITY vs. QUALITY. Hlnuloufs Eu-Iuor SLIBAPARILLA. The dose in amnll. Those who desire as _I.u-go qnnnmy and large dozen of medicines ERR. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT SARSAPARlL- LA claanaec `And renovntu the blood, inattils the vigour of hultl: into the system, and purges out the humour: that make disease. I1 `Iii /Y I IIIJJV limo destroy have a. fresh, healthy, use HlLIll0LD'l Inn. U J_1JlJLD'A5 OF THE INJURIOUS EFFECT Powder: nnd Wuhan. close up tho pores of the the complexion. 55' WARE! :5 of has All such remedies skin, and in n abort If you would nnd youthful appearanc, A0`! NOT A FEW or the worst dilorders which nmict nnnkind urine from corruption of,lhe blood. Hn.no1.n'n E11-nor Snsuu.u.u is a. remedy of the utmost vlluo. THRQA T, Now, EYES, EYELIDS, SC .-1LP, and SKLN, i Q IN THE SPRING MONTHS, lurally undergoes n chnnge, an ,H1m.r Ooncn-nu-In `Errnc nu. in II nuiuanl of tho gru FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPAHILLN noun a youuurn-no Exnur Still.` [I removu black spots, pimple: patches, and all ernplionl of thotakin. An. UulIA' UUTH SKIN and BEAUTI- FUL OOIIPLEXION follow: the an of Hux- noufs Qononrn-no Ex-run SAIIAPAIILLA. pimplu, moth tho akin, ,______,_ 4 A omua, SIOOTH sxm nu of n-- -L THOSE WHO DESIRE BRILLIANCY OF rnnnl nnrifw and Ann:-L -IL- HIGHLY OONGENTRATED |r4B1.1an1ru@ YOUNG LADIES BEWJREI THE Iltinrnnn _ _ . _ _/ DISEASES OF` THE ..-u--I 1 In l`lI1 DXTI`0T 0' 1 grutent ` Duncan! an Ollltlf, 594 Broadway, N.Y: BOL1) S the uystem nu- . and Hlunonrfa `ID `Ex'nuo'r Sunn- tha 9|-nan --u..- EVENING. MAY 11, 1869. 1 IJAIEUI : value. W ll-ll-J JJEQVE LJZLKLIIJILJEKEE "HAIL! ` foot of William Street, for the above and intermediate porta,_`every day (Sundays excepted) It HALF`-PAST THREE o cIock. Du.-....:.... I..-m.. n..II....:II.. ......... A... la... f`)I I T 3` Try Gardner : Cough Bo- Inedy.-Soe Advertisement. 0 extcutuin tho expedition than ll orden for Doll (-4. Work d ll` DVERTISEMENTS for the DAILY j Nlws, intended to appear the same evening should be sent in at as early an hour in the dy a: possible. u.u:I=| II. nnun-ran! Lnnnm o'c1ocx. Returning, leaves Belleville every day (Sun- dnys excepted). On MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, nnd FRIDAY mornings qt SIX 0 _GL.UG K, Kingston time. and on TUESDAYS, THURSDAYS, and SATUR- DAYS at ONE 0 CLOGK AM. U-_ _.4__ -4` II__'_L.. __ -_-___ -__I_ ., .1 _ -I-LL4$--I-Cl-Jl- \.l.L`J., C. HINCKLIY, Juniour, Mister, OMMENCING 22nd instant will run as under. Leave Kingston Tuesdays. Wed- ueldnyi, Thursdays and Flidnys, at 4 pm." Leave Gnnanoqne on Wednesdays and Fri- days, M6 am. and 3 p tn. For Freight or Passage apply on board, or to G. M. KINGHORN, Foot of Brock Street. 'I7:...:..o.... 01-. A..-:I Iona Iflngstoh uni Gananoque Route. DAILIF BOAT For Bath. Plcton and Belleville. LIE}-Q C5 LILVIM \J LIIJLIKJQ Jinn. For rates of Freight or Fasuge apply to the Captain on board, or to T ITLDDIT-I'l',D I. nn 0. H. HATCH, Pagsenger Agent. Kinglhon, [my 1 1, 1869. III}! I U l\.L`].LI\1 Leave! Unpe Vincent A: 9:45 A.Il. on arrival of the train from Rome nnd.O|wego, meeting Gld Trunk trains East and West and Bay of Quinta Steamer. I 9 A D II A. ---hug] nf O-vain funny Dnrnn A-I ll llllll VVUII l.I.LI. DH UI HUILIIU CI-CHI]-ICU. At 6 PM. on arrival of train from Rome and Uswggo. For Freight or Passage apply on board} or to G. M. KINGEIORN, - I4`.-`no AP `I2.-.-ml: Qo.-nu: LUIJI-LIU Elulu. \J5VVI.'s|J- At. 2:15 PAL, connecting with the Grand Trunk trains from the West and Bay of Quince Steamer, meeting the 4:30 P.I:l. train for Rome and Oswago, and the Northern Trans- portation Gompnny s Propellers leaving Cape Vincent for Outego and all Western Ports. On Monday only at 8 A._M. YII'!'IV'l"VI'I\YI'IY!`I I 0. Hmcxur, Simon, MASTER, ` ILL leave Kingslon'da.i1y (Sundays ex- cepted) at 4 A.M. (except Mondays), connecting with the Grand Trunk Trains and Lake Steamers, maeting the 6:25 AM. train for Rome-and Oswego. Al. 9.-I5 P II 1-nnnm-lino with Hun fl:-and EVT:' t"FiryL. NTIL' FURTHER NOTICE, RU,NS AS UN- DER :- Leaves Kingstonidnily. Leaves Wolfe Island. At 8 A.M. 9 A.M. 11:30 A.M. ` 1 P.M. 2 P.M. 3 P.M. 4 P.M. Mondnys, Tuesdays; Thursdays, and Saturdays . 5 . . 7 Mondays and Saturdays. . . . 5 QIAAI-nan Watnrlninn nn unaw O`.-nrn A. P JIIUHUEJDRUU L)I.h|Jl.|.| -- .. Steamer Watertown on way from nan: 7 Kingston and Wolfe Island Ferry. I V Iuauc, auu Wlll IEIIVB nlugston every TUESDAY and FRIDAY at 3 RM. Leaves Ottawa every MONDAY and THURSDAY at 7 A.I., culling at all intermediate stopping plnces on the way`. Fnrprniuht nun pnaannn Innvinn unnn-inn un- yluut ULI tuu Why: For Freight or Passage, having superior pun- seuger accommodation, apply on boa;-d, or to ~ D. MURPHY, Ottawa. (V `II UI'\Tl'I 'l'fl'\I') ll A , __- -_..~l........, -- HiA\I:F-PXST FIVE o'clock. Alla, one of the Steamers will leave for Montreal every Morning (Monday excepted) at HALF-PAST FIVE. LUI l1Ul.lll'Il. CV31 ! IIUFI In HALF-PAST FIVE. For Passage Tickets apply at the office of Folger End Bros., Ontario Street, or at the Lake and River Steamboat Ofce, St. Lawrence Wharf, foot of Johnson Street. n D I'JA1l'!l`I` NE of the Steamers of the above Line will leave Kingston for Toronto and Hamilton every afternoon (Mondny excepted) At IJAI'1!\'nAOrI\ `r.!r1rr.\ I`UU5` Kingston, 213: April 1869. Royal .MT1i1 Line of StTeamers. I E` Try Gardner : Baking Pow. GI - "Canadian Namzauon Company. Ti 1i~o`$ 3`r`3L"I}'.. e:. Kingston, 27th April, 1869. Kingstdn, May 1, 1869. I\lL`\ILlLJl\.L" `J. Ill. ' Ferry Wharf, foot. of Brock Street. Kingston, May 3, 1869. Kingston, April 27, 1869. -Kingston and otmwa Route. few Commencing Wednesday, 28th instant. CAPTAIN Faun: Conga, IILL LEAVE GLRRUTHEFJS WHARF l....a -5` II7:II:-_.. 0....-. 2-- .L- _L-_, THE ROYAL MAIL STEAMER " 7 ? Bunnowns, Murnn, {ILL resume her hips about the 7111 in- stant, and will leave Kingston every and FRIDAY at 3 P If LI-'-Ava: C1'1`Y (F ()T 1`AWA, THE um-um CABIN STEAMER WA'lER 1`OWN, rr_._..__ __ cu`-.- PIERREPONT, nuunwvuv Tnninnp LIA: P11;RREP)NT, ROCHESTER. -:I`:'slA`ERU'1'HEBS .2 00., Freight Agents. Fl SI}iVDAi ` TRIP`b;.. THE STEAMER "iEu::fEi_nie, `Tin:-Ant Q1 LIILL DJ- 10 AM. 4 PM. G. M. KINGHORN, .._L' A`.-. -1` D_--I_ Q.___ ULLIIWII. G. M. KINGHORN, Kingston. smo LCEI 0.'H. HATCH, Agent. .u7.15 P.M. unnznun ll] vvmcn me voter resides and votel. The voting papers will be opened 'by the Re- turning Otcers of the several Territorial Divisions, alt two o'clock P.I., on the day above named, at the following places :--I Western and St. Clair Division. . . . . . Glgntbun. Maluhide and Tecumseh " .. . . . . . Jipondon. Saugeen and Brock . . . . . . . . Guelph; Gore and Thomas " . . . . . Waqdltock. Erie and Niagara. . . '. . . . Brantford. Burlington and Home " . . . . .. Hamilton. Midland and York " . . .. . . . Torontoi. King`: and Queen : . . .. . . . Whitby; Newcastle and Trent " . . . . . . Gobonrgj. Quinte and Gntnraqui . . . . . . . Kingston; Bsthm-at and Rideau " . . . . . . . . Ottawa. St. Lawrence and Enstern " . . . . . .Brocl:villo.- B"..m;,.g;;.a'iz;a;;:;' 1;: 1: ::`_g;::;:;: .Brockville.- Tt_xe names of the Returning Otoers pill hq furmshed on a. printed envelope_I.o be ehcloud to e register ed nvrnnlitinrmr nuuuwuou us; an puutau UIJVEIOF register ed pnctitioner. `FT QMDA ISCKISIEEF Medical Registration Office, ` Hamil ton, April 15th, 1869. 1868. no _t_\_ L. 186"8".l munaeltfcunt mm 0lce-t.. Lawrence Whari; Foot of Johnson Street. V OTICE is hereby given, the the election of representatives in the Council of the Col- Iege of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario, for the twelve Territorial Divisions constituted by the Act Vic. 32, Cap. 46, (Statutes of Ontario), Will be held on Tuesday, the 8th dny of Jun? next. _ 5 HULK: 5 There will be no nominations. ` 3 The votes will be cast by voting pgra," which will be sent irom this oiee to etch registered practitioner on the 20th day of Iny next. [JULI- These voting papers must be lled up accord- ing to instructions which will accompany them, and transmitted to the Returning Uioer of the Division in which the Voter resides The vntimr hnnora -an Inn .-.........1 1.- 4.- n- un uulu us rare uacnwnna, being mined in U the very heart of the Lnckunns Vnllay, Scranton, -Pittston, and Wilkes Bu-ta, (tom the best selected mines, and is prepared with care expressly for Family Ice, and will he acreened and delivered in the beat pouiblnoo 1-" 5 A BTONE LOO K, to be constructed Between Lakes Muakoka. and Rousseau. Plan! and specications can be seen at thiq Department. Print:-rl arm:-imninv... .....l 1...... -1 - I ,,.-u 3200 1867. _l_ . . . _ . _ . . . . - L an vu vucu lt I-LllB_ JJCPIITIIIUU`. Printed specications and forms of tender cm be had on application to the Depnrtment,1.n`d at the above-named places, where the plan: are exhibited. Uommiuic Department of Public Works for Ontario. Toronto, April 24, 1869. Th 1" 9: 01' 3! t9nder,wil1not neoesnrily; be accepted. JOHN OABLING, Commissioner? Dennrtmnnt of Pnhlin w...|.. 4-... n.....:.. ' I-IA I-`U LI, ' Best selected Sq God for grain on band, also Lehigh Lamp for Found:-yrs: and Blouburg for Blueklludn. Terms Duh. Delivered in nnfputof the city. an oxunn LUUIL and UHANNEL, to be constructed at Clear Lake, north of Peter borough. Plans and specications can be win at this Department, and at the Court House, Pete:-borough. nvl city. _..._.-v-v. A LUNATIC ASYLUM to be en-Sctea on the site known as the Halo Farm, Lot 8 in the lat Con., on the Govei-nor a Road, near the city Plans and specications can be seen at this De-_ pertinent, and In the City Hall, London. AT BELLEVILLE. A DEAF AND DUMB INSTITUTION to be erected on the site known as the Spence Farm, I east hnlfof Lot 36 on the Sidney Road, fronting on the Bay of Quinte, near the west limits of the town. Plans and specications can be seen at this Department, and at the Shire Hall; Belle- ville. n .nuIJn.I\JL` IIJ SUNDRY BRIOKLAYERS and STONE- CU I`TERS' WORK, to complete the WEST WING of the PROVINCIAL LUNATIO ASY- LUM. Also, Heating Pipes and Apparatus for both wings. Also, a House for Caretaker, and A new Pumping Engine at the Engine Honneon the Lake Shore. Plans and specication: can be seen at this Department; ' A nnnnrnnn u--A...__ __ _- -....- guru; tuxwulu A CARRIAGE HOUSE, STABLES and OUT-BUILDINGS for the LIEUTENANT- GOVER.NOR S RESIDENCE. Plans and speci- catfons can be seen at this Department, and at the oice of Messrs. Gundry and Langlay, Architgcts, Jordan street, Toronto. , g___......., -;4;.1;.JJ.uLULJ ` DD m;.-.:. m the undersigned, ntthia ` ` pn).`LLucul, wxll be rgceivedmntil Noon: n snwvumur, 15th May next,` For the construction of the following Public Works and Buildings :- HSCHCIOL Ilrnu T0 coNnm:Ton.l V./'I\Jh`L1, SE EFM Egg 8 ANTS, 47 PRINCESS STREET, Kingston, T`TAvI1I........_I_--1 V - 1 -----c --v-- > AVE now on hand a very large and choice selection of Flower Seedl, impogted di- met from reliable growers in England and Ger- many. Full varieties of German Asian, Ger- man Stocks, French Double Balsama; Sweet Peas, Mignonette, Phlox Drummondii, Zinnia Elegans, kc. kc. 3`F`or particulars see our Catalogue for 1869. T Il,, i AT YOUNG S POINT. 4A STONE LOCK and CHANNEL, constructed at Clear Lnlrn .......s. ...- n-.__ I55 Special attention is invited to our very in assortment of FRENCH HALL PAPERS and BORDERS, the most beautiful selection aver brought to Kingston. A: we import direct from the msnufncturerl, our prices are EXTREMELY LOW. -j- `NTEW and elegant patterns in `StnI.`n`pod L Gold, Gold, Satin, Ground, llarble, Oaks, he ' HEA.1`1}}<{i`I"Ji S, ROOM APES 1i IITQ"l" 'I)T7`fVY.`l 1T1aI\ . Octobat 21, 1868. UUU. May 4. SEALED TENDERS ;,-~,-r~rwn . . FLOWER SEEDS. , ., ...__ ;.. 4.-.4. J-J!.I JUST RECEIVED AT 1 '1`-p--r Iii MUSKOKA DISTRIO '1`. GREAT STOCK 47 I ;lnc;ss Ua'\'l'.. _h I Newoagquq Sim! for :C' q nrculu` BROWN I (30 B4 N031_cE. AT TORONTO. r.-.-..-._ AT LONDON. Lnuuuuul.`.l'. H. STRANGE, n.b., Registnr of the Oocfncil. In l\`mn`n_'} JAMES swrn 1: cc. OF \1 uuuty III at, \. Ghnthun. . ..I30ndoll. . . . . . . .. . Cobonrg`, .. Kingston . r'IHvn-- , .,.-- -vlvwvcll ID. (SWIG OI _ ,5. [git preceding Beufon sad the considers- tion of `the Petition. ` Ooplel of the first sud Inn , of Inc notices to be sent to }the Print: Bill *` Oiee. \ I `Clerk of the Home. '1'oranto,A25lh Feb, 1869. _ Gazette, and .33.` in a; % 11 published in the Oonnly or n on o 0:p:':fiLP:hcwd ; such notice shall be eonnnetl * mm? V forgperiodofuleutnixwoeh` between the clone of next Benin 1: ofllhe hit M Hunt '|'`':``` L` - the 10 by, ndering why they dim : ign`: wlnlo `the atoms of their neighbours who do sdyvertise are thronged with oluomeu, Some` people will le am by observation, others will not.-D.aiIq/Palladium. HIP WnIl!:lf._ M-Rb 3'_I'ENBON'3 EYE WATEBVE for I310 ' .7 ? ` - 1:. H.PABx.lR,i ` Dec; 9. In-ht Bqnu-0. GERMAN DRIED FLOWERS OF BR.I.T.I'.l'1| nn} `n.-....- . BILLVHEADS i`nd other kihdu of Jon `PEIIITIIG exgcqted with nestnenm-nd despatch st the Daily N.e`1n-o__eK,r- Princes Struck.` ' L. ` ` ; u nun X51955. On Mam kindly solicited, and omptly attended to. II! IJIIUIIIWEIUII `three boppcn. BTYL]s`.8 or TYPE `luv: beau added to theDAn.rN ` Pin:-rmoorncz. Ont _ and Antomntic. Platen Printing lhchid. eryenhblanl to turn out war in gtyle, with quick deapatch, sad ntcitg ntes. Inqmryil _ two Prgaai : sun man one success which GARDNER _8 BAKIN3 POWDER" has met with since its introduction `here wart inw :1 increased `den mnnfi. It can be obtained from most of tho tm-ex- n prices from Kent: J. OARRUTHERS `.k 00., whozeune Grocers, On ' nt Hanan W. R. menu: as 0o. l, Kingatali. Iario sum, and tho- Ja.`I-I . Th buaineu will be qondn OAS principles, and at P0 BLE PRICES. ` an run bin.-II... --n_:._.a .-- Id: SINGLE COPIES of the Dunr 19 4. Nun may be but} at the counter of the blication oice, Fnnoeu street,` price PHI. - POWDER. ask for GARDNERW. < March 20. um 1t|I_.IAUl'A0T'UB' or V ` ` mm and strong A LE8; PORTER and Here appoint: GEO. W. OREIGHTON nl -hll A33! .T 4 R. S. WILLIAMS 1 V Ann _ Mnonsous r.:::.:.::: Innnnlg mu --a-JUUIDD Dilm `V O f yhto thank his nu- merous atomer; or s 'ben.l p tronngo extending uverPlFTREN YEARS. . In cloetng hiseacoonntl for tho puiyear thi ` advertiser has: doterminod to abandon the audit system Altogether, and he wishes his Ouuombri to undm-nun n.:.. --_i ~ SPECIAL AND flPBR'iANT VNOTIOI T0 CASH UIIBTMIEKS. Beale!" In['BooAts= and Shoes. New Princess street, Kingston. -` T\lI8IRE8 moat rasnecmm. .. .:.._L m W ted, 3,000 Bluholn Ba:-lor'.'_ `or hid: the highest nuke: price will be aid. ` . A. LIVINGSTON, F Prinoeu Street. Kingston, Fehrunry, I869. - 20. ` J AI Kingston, 22nd January, 1868. _,_____________________, mmzmnvs mma rowmmz o5M ( 1F]W"EC'l` OF ADVEB 1 amazing st times urea} _of th_e_ merchnnu w PRIVAT_I_E_ B,1.s. 4,` \I J. 1_U ` T `HE Bubueriber having ii-ranged for c:r'ry- _ ingonthabuchuuoftln _ `= 'FBON_ l`ENAC 'BREWEIIY Ion '1`Hl_IA-IIUYAOTURI _v * Q1` B0111--'.n_`n I m... -- Hvn taken me 'rmS'r Pmz: for anccessivo vearn. And ..-. -n..._-: NUMBER 183. Groee7t7u',"E)1-1i3:;i;:B.tre`-got` a:3:I:r . 0o.'|, Pith: 1&5. I...` ll an -'-.._d..._-_ Th---J blesucee Ah` 1; u ` pownxi 1.'.`. . ...?.`.`;E . ..NEE`i _ `_-.--av II II. nommn, Plgmonss s1-., Qnu A---A 1'- "' Sole . - _.`:---uajlllhl I-311 : Agent for Kingston. mnmuy reached, in honwtd co:uI,.. Cit: u$V1 .50 us.- `lly ICU BROWN 5 5'-curl! Ago-nufr lkb No.00 rnxlv }nv':ITi"IsllIf. 113.3, K`. r'sal,lo1bo` to do any NR IADE. P Ilanufuctory [g mecoopanv'-'-- T rm.` nan-.nE:`'= - printed topic 9 tegamed by an: News Oicb. STIAI 1 =r.?ar 'r;:.."s.'-1.. , {er Shining 3...` band l.n_Ie," 5._' ifd I [W ' 0!! IFPOIHI n's-__:. Ipcch prccediu V lhe' `' Ulblmn luznty,|,1nml _ heron: hmniliatiun, Cut In this tberctrv on: the spirit with _'I been commented odmmmmuon uonn, Innlu, 3 Bills, rt mm, A Dill- In Ample plny yard on each! ' Jncloud with high `fences ; bula; (rec. large covered `limit and In weaxber. will hheuted with steam, the ' uhgnny from the bu Hing, bait? announce: with the fuel cellars, bin uxension. The ventilating I with the boiier chimney sack ' Ila secure perfect veniilaliun. an tube erected with brick I yldi can be procured in the neigli- , Iillprl-En: I fagsde of over 200 ud about 50 feet high, to the i :d I22! be of we Inosard con- - Ilplilh dormer windows and 3 "land with aisles And _qa1vauiz- V _d wmndod with bnndsome iron ` > 4- manure 0! that time- *f"'| ll no meagre thnn-(bu I_GeIouinuioIII. A pretty "lit at Ihu Epiacopul Church 1 Ullltmllenl of power ll into I annulled to visit the Km- vitli. 1h physician oflbe nite pcnnimd for fear of 3 For Carlotm. 7` in I!!! hitory of Paris, 3 `W13 fort-and-If: Icboour-r, is is. directly opposite the Tuil-I '.1_n'ui1y lljrcng the qtiayi mad Uncanny in otder to gaze at the ~ IVE tho Emperor und :1] Wu.- '0 plid mm lo the tiny JUIJ In on article recom- '~'FOp| Church, as an es- ion to its literature. ilentnre at that time- nore meagre thnn-ch-I Hrtuunt #9 an I ...;"'3-. kn-"u..:.`.d..."1.'3`.`;`..'.". EH`: I mum: at six feet wide, run .' am 11:11. and connect wnb lbe guchnof the building, eich` gqfmloug by thirty-sevetl wide, 5 7 Eggs in ma rear of each. There I gyms in all, four in the centre ; yguoor, uni six on the ground, `pad oor ofthe main building .gi;mdeu's npnnmenrs, recep- gm`:-ooms. , nuhoy occupiedrwllh dorrni- . `Md students` rooms, uaisunw gun ud clua rooms. i mimic oors m taken up with? ouch hqve oulinga fourteen feet mu-oughly rentilnted. huccomnodmou for over 850 gnu; pm-rcnlir cue has been 3 the building, to have the` `rm. .4...:...- -...... :- ..-. -....u-- -m oe nrcned, tub I V blunt them; the upper Ivin- ppd, orin pairs. with 6:; nrcL_n_- r I with none nu-"Lug; lanai under the tower. and is .8" mled windows 0!}: each ; with Imuin buttreslei; over \ Ihnym two grouped windows, I Tracey window", And the whoie |!Im:,with very steep roof and rm ommnul wrought iron Fm gsfglishu been C` m ~22` II, the admini men: nf resist Inch more um lggreuion here. _I*:nIi M m of I W`. 5I:cretar`y FE: ! Ilmllho in e dirisibns, the ends 3 unsung six feet from ihe man! Iii Itudon till be nrched, with -3135. lI|-In- -1---~-- ' miunm feet wide, 4 `pm In]! the dining-1 `pg-itcijul min, at the f upmlge connecting Wil Vulghvllnvo been obliged to let Whllnput in duys I0 curry 51!! ale! our the present nu: uuuuxug, tu H85 ? me` `Ioluod. The diniqg mom is f gudpunges from the mule and i` l0 he Pnlented by Satur- L__, _ $0 nus . . n.u..vi1lo In 3-_-~? _ . Dutly Mums. {T.\lF. .\'\'III. -.......-up-IHUCDI or the II: II Siznrday nfternoon, I-Ingiisb panfes and llllionn 1...: I~---- I When the cable ` = Asi'LI.`u. ,,---' Gllkl V ; nevetthe- Inuit -0- - ' um; us-u we-red p ., u; u... nu- `it-Q the IcC~ E into n that it of the __ __L| ; (Mir Wendell Phillipe denounces the English | for doing who: he would heve our own people t~do; and he also ourishes about making Dub- l lin our Alebetne, olhhe lnglieh eoest-forget- ting lhnt the British journal: may nd out and ' ourish the same eort of _logic about some Ala- v me oor on our cont. As for the Irish peo- l pie, hie demonetntlon in not no etrong u it IOGIII: for, would not Cerdinnl Cullen end the . Catholic hiererchy preserve Ireland for 5 gra- - cioue Queen, whom the Pope I0 `lately thanked I with I burst of gretitude? And if the Irish r priesthood are u rm enpporte of the monarchy I no they seem to be, our New England Repnbli- cane would hail I pooriclunee against them on llrleh groan-d.--N. I . Times. _, _ _ -.v--,-uuncul. I0 ne woriliyuftlmt 3 ! name and 3 ; emment, system discharge 9 ' du-ice 0| in-| , I dustry. life 1 and property, I inmn anvl Cuba, ri has ever u ` ofour nationality, deny. l to Cuban 1` |nume and if I : only rightful gnvernment. in Cuba. is fouml l ` in the patriot camp. We would have Ame- Erica acknowledge brotherhood with it. 1! WW: have. no wish for Cuhnn annexation. 1 Let her lent] the West Imlin Cunlccleracy. ; It, after trying that, years hence. she seeks} _ usvthen will be time enough to entertain! , the question. Our only present. interest is f I ' to help I. nationalityhased on equality of; _ and eumncip-atian. ` l The Owl states that the Flying Squadron will lonva England about the 10th orJ_nne for Bahia, where it will bejoined by the Phcebe, from the West Indies; thence to Rio de Jnneiro, nnd on to the Cape of Good Hope, which it will lenre . about the end of September for Melbourne and I Sydney, viuiling New Zealsad about me middle | of Jnnuary, reaching Japan in Ha:-ch,'nnd Van- . couver's Island at the end ofiipril; thence home, touching at Honolulu, Tahiti, Valparaiso, and Falkland Islands, so as to reach England by the middle of October next year. The same on- l thority any: that It Uhildera and Sir Sydney 'DncteI will go with the ReIerre_ Fleet in the Agincourt, flying the Admiralty flag, and when they leave the eetvill he commanded by Rant- Admirnl Key. Rear-Admiral Hornby will be Iecond in comnnnd, hoisting his ngin the Dun- CAD Cuban movement. It frees 600,000 Cuban slaves. Let England hasten to give Ire- lsnd something that deserves the namaof a Government; which Ireland has not had for 300 years. Let England know that the very rs: moment she res s csnnan to ob- struct freedom or bar as from holding up struggling nations, we shall cncamp in Dublin. If the thought does no other gcmd it will surely lmstea justice to Ire- . . - . . uuu uuyvuuu uui. uChUUWIC(|g8 Ille land: and mpnnwhiln nu-..n--an oh- n.........` 5."... n. -nu BUICIJ Ilnalru JUBUCC I0 1lC-` Ia.nd- and meanwhile )reserve the .306 I and help mightily towanl the enfrnnchise- men: of the w_q:ld. 1-Q9 , - ml! particular! and mules at 3043: BROWN 1

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