Kingston News (1868), 15 May 1869, p. 4

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~- L CI-:mm.:s WLLBOEI Secretary 0! nnn nnn . "" '" -Ag-e.nt,` St. Lawrence Wharf E0 $24,000,000 ; Requi- hulls i u||.IlVl.lII| during ' 11-! sub uunguuuuruuou." U S6ld by all Chemlsu, and at no, 033013 street, London. Qusrts, 16:; pints, 8:; half- pinls, 4:; glass-stoppered Imperial pinu, ex-` mu Itrength, 163 per dozen; and in bulk at 4: Der Izallon: haul am-I...-1._4 -n---.. ._-- .... ---vualug Lu: par uuzen; am: In Dllk per gallon: bottles included. Each gul- lou making 200 gallons, when dilu-ved with water. See directions in every bottle. Recommended and nmul I-.. nut.---- .....\. .. .....w..u m;m.-t am yours faith- fully, S. SIDIIEY, See. and Manager. _ Capt. Jackson, R.N., 90, Cannon street. This uid acts on the essential cause of disease by destroying the local conditions of the atmosphere under which cholera is most frequently developed and propagated. A For instance: In a house in St. Andrew : street, Plytoulh, occupied by fty-two persons, it was sprinkled in every room except four; in these the occupants would not permit it to i be applied; the result of which was, that in those parts of the house where it had been ` used, not a single csseof cholera subse- quently occurred; while in the four rooms above alluded to, the dieeese still exists and some deaths have taken place. Two houses immediately opposite were supplied with a quantity, in ueitner of which has there been a single case, although the disease is raging in the neighbourhood. O RRIH hi all ("Jun-nine- --2 -A -A ' ;I|IIdn)' I)|rectory--Ilouru or Pu! ' llc Worship. 1 T"HE groan frnuda which continue to be prac- .|. tised by obscure manufacturers, more particularly in Germany, by imitating the la- n bola Attached to JOHN GOSNELL 8 00. : PERFUMERY, render it imperative upon the Proprietors to Cw-riou the public egeinai. such nefarious proceedings, and to requert their friends and patrons to purchase only of rupee- tnhle dealers, who import direct. from John Goanell & Co. ; and invite special attention to the address- RE D BU LL WHARF, 9 3 Umm Tunas S-mm-. Y...L.. IV___-II I. 11.3. Q_I-_. D__.l.`.._-__ . IF__ A/cut ..m,-,_-nu-use LO aoncl elght _; more of your Disinfecting Fluid, as pol enclosed. Having nspd various Disin Fluids at our many Lahowa, I can an. condence that none have bmi the mucous and complete effect of Sir V! Burnewa, and Ibii too without pro. any nuisance like the smell of chic: lime or catholic acid.-I Ham `lnnnf TA..I....... nu na- ,V ...., . ..u.u, Iur LUU purincauon of sick rooms, hospitals, workhouses, factorias, pri- sons, crowded places, between decks of ships, fever wards, clothes and linen of sick, night- chairs, cesspooist drains. water closets, stables, dairies, larders, musty casks, tubs, Itch, bilge-water, and the holds of ships; apartments for searchers, undertaken, and jnrymen, and for post.-lnortotn examinations; for the prevention of infectious disease, can- ker and fungus in trees; for the disinfction of dead bodies, and for the~ preservation of subjects for dissection; for the extermina- tion of bugs and other vermin. Sir W Rn:-nan ; H:.:......:,, 12- -- uuu ul uuga nnu otner vermin. Sir W. Burnett`: qisinfecling Fluid was the only Disinfectant `K1306 at the Agricul- tural Hall during the Smitheld Club Cntcla Show in 1866, by orde: of Her Majesty : Privy Council. _ The valnn "5 IL. .a.-11 I - - AIIVJ UUUUIJII. The value of the uid is a following letter from the S: Manager: ` Agricultural Hall, Islington, Dear Sir,-.\-Please to and e rnnrn nf` an... T\:..:..:,....:__ n- - l)LIIlIiI-, IIIJJBI [EDI-II. \JI|IIJ I-V\lII\lIlI' UUVNUJ Cl.;b Perfume, Finance of Wood Violet, Vic- toris Bouquet, Ftsngipanni, Military` Bouquet, the Bride's Bouquul. Jnhn flnunnl| h an '.a DI-Inna of Wnln par- luv IJI luvs llullulutlvu John Gosnell A`. Go '3 Prince of Wale. Per- fume, a most choice and fashionable perfume. Jnhn I`.1annII Ir r`1| printing: LIaIvanra'n A I UIII-IILIE IUT IHC Il.`llIU.LUl'UUIU'. I `'03 63 (Ill. John G >snell s Cu.'s La Nuhlease P91-fume, 21 mos: delicate Perfnne of exquisite fragrance. Jnhn (1-ninth k [`.n .a Nxuhlaacn pnnnndn uln- I\l.hIJ DIJ LIL! VI Llllll` I 30 IJI'I'.B llI.A-I DTII--1'. John Goanell t Uo. a Select Perfumes: Eu Bouquet, Royal Yscht Club Bouquet, Jockey {`.Iuh pal-fnrnn Rana:-Inn nf Wand Vinlnt Vin- Iuulc, B ILIUSI. UUUIUU IIIJIU |l'I-SLIIUIIIIUIQ P`U`l'l|llU- John Gaauall & Co '3 Princess Alexandra's Perfume, 3 most choice and delicate perfume, prepared expressly for the 1139 of Her Royal" dighneas. [nhh u,......n 1. n...v.. n......- -I-.... -m....._;.....4 81. PAUL`: Gunmen (Queen Su'eet).-l[omiug I Service, 11:00 ; Evening Service (free), 6:30. 81'. Juan` CIRYRCH (Fnion Sll l *(`l).-M0|'Ilil!}.`,' I Service, 11:00; Evening Service (free), 6:30. I 31'. Hans`: Cnfnca (B:1nie_e|d).-)iumiIIg i Bervice.-1 1:00. St. Joan`: Cncncn (PorL9mouth).-)lornin-r- Service, 10:30; Afternoon Service, 4:10. 1 ll IJIUJO MLCIIDIIIU L I7|l.lI-IIU UI ULLIIIIHICU IIVEKTHIIKZ. John Gosnetl ck 00. : Nublcaee Pomnde, ele- [ Lsutly parfarned, and highly recommended for beu.u1.If_yiug and promoting the growth of the h.:ir Icu yqnluluu nuu uur UJIUIIIUUI` LIUIIIIIIUH. John Goauell & C0, : Violet. and Milleeur Nursery Powder is guaranteed pure. Nu nur- sery should be without it. Sold in boxes at 5:"; in tins 15 each. ' Int... l`l_._..ll n_n_r, nL,_,_rn 1 n _. .1 In nu: L5 cacu. John Gosnell &: 0033 Cherry Tooth Paste is greatly superior to any Tooth Pow_der, gives the Teeth apearl-like whiteness, protects the animal from decav, and imparts a pleasing fragrance to the breath. Price la Gd each. H..:. h... . _.._. .._ .- __-.I.._- I.IU KJIJUKICCIIUIU UuUuI', John Gosnell & Co. e newly invented Hair I |cbuu:c.Ll construction the two operations of ( simultaneously. Th: pufnnl \|I_nl.....:. uI|.|.I.HII.l`lL.l'JlJ|a|IJ - The Patent .\l;cha.uic:=.l Chair for Brushing Hair by Ma.chiuery. Eor Prospectus and par- ticulars, apply to the Patentees and Sole Manu- facturers, JOHN G0m`NELL & Co., Perfumer.-3 by Appomtment to Her Majasty, the Princess or Wales, &c., RED BULL WHARF`, 93 Upnu Tunms STREET, late of 12 Three King Court, Lombard Street. 50r[`LIE SAUCE. Prepan.-d.Luy Alex- `. under Soullnwood b`:ocker, fruul A recipe by his Cousin, the late Dr South-. wood Smith, thirty-ve years Physician to the London Fever Holpit-1; Father of Sani- mry Ih-form; Medical Member of the first Geuenl Board of Health; Author of the x-at work on Fever in any age ur country, the Philosophy of Health, &c. - Dali.-3m... nnirk A u _ _ .. I----- J'-' `A - uuguuuuu. John Goauell A: Co. u Upper Ten Tbounnd . Perfume. ' I I`: 1 I111`!!! t"ILrI- I. UlIIl`|.I.lC- | John Goanell & C035 Jockey Club Perfume iii in umvernal request. as the most. admired . Perfume for the Handkerchief. Price 25 6d. I l,L_ .1 ___|| ._ n, L- I , u,L1___, :5 ,1, ,, nun. :. Lu Noble-ac So:1p-eateemed for its unequal. I led p.-rfume and line emollient` qualities. Jnhn nnna.-H J: (`In a Vinlnv and \.Iil'|nHnn.- Lulluaupuj U1 uezunu, EC. Delicious with every known diah. Its habitual use increases, the appetite and pro- motes digestion. -11. is much emeemed for its digestive properties. As: an naan.-on...-. ..r 1' ....-:.- .._.I --.1,- (PorLsmouth).-Morning| Afternoon ALI. Suns` Cuuncn, (Division S'treet,) rm-. -Io1-aing Senices, 8:00, and llzoo am. with ` iernon; Afternoon, 4:30 p.m.; Evening Service, ` 7:30 p In. I ,..... . ..._,=u.-gu uum wluuuu 'prect'lpl.l0n It is compounded. The entire life of that distin- guished man was pent in promoting the health of his fellow-cgeatures, and his depth, in December, 1861, w;au mourned as a an tion 1 loss. 4` Wholesale and for e-`xportation by the Pro pxietor, L9, Lamb : Conduit Street; Barclay and Sons, Fun-ingdon Street; Batty end 00., Finsbury Pavement. Rn-tail ha (`Ln-2`)- f1~----- " "' Medicine that cures Sea. Sickness or the worst form of Billions Headache in s_l'ew minutes; effervescing and tasteless, its con- stant use is especially calculated to main- tain health. `When giixed with water and taken during the e ervescsuce, .it immedi ately blends with the: food, and is rapidly absorbed into the ny, It vitalizes sud supplies the blood with those saline princi- ples that t|l'3 lost, altered, or destroyed dur- ing the hot weather. In Jungle, Scarlet, Yellow, Typhus, Eruptive Fevers (or Cholera), also in several other conditions, where the vital current is poisoned by infection, "and thereby rendered unt to support health and life. it has been found eminently benecial; and its sustaining and purifying inuence acts as a preventive to disease, as the nu- merous unsolicited testimonials accompany- ing each bottle willprove. Its portability renders it admirably adapted to the travel- ler, tourist, emigrant, or private family,- more especially when distant from medical advice or assistance. ` Cam :. ....--_- ---~-- ' ' ' , N nut uuuulla r1ts.n.uU :lAhlNE.--A mu 1 nut: ul.` IIBEISLISIUCC. Sold in patent. atoppered glass bottles, `price 29 6d, 4:} 6d, 115, and 2ls each. Spe- cial tgents required and appointed in all parts of the _world. nrnslnuhc LU Lur: uruzuu. rrlce Lu uu EBCLI. Instantaneous Hair Dye: certain to produce any shade Brown or Black, of good natural colour. It cannot possibly injure the hair, has no disagreeable odour, and is easily applied. Co.'s Patent. Trichosuron, or Brush, l11e peculiur me- Cbul]IC.Ll of which accompanies l cleansing and polishing aimultancoualv. ,__ _...-..... - v l-nvrvl lIl\riI- As an assurance of `its purity and salutary -properties, it is only necessary to poi..t out the name of the celebrated and philanthro- pic Physicign from Whose prescription it is 1 1-nnu.n1.n.-Ina "Fl-... .._.z_. 1.: xnuauuxj IIIIEHICIJI. Retail by Chemists, Grocers, Itallinn Wm-ehousemen, and `others, Ibroughout the Kingdom, and every part of the world. "Ask for 'I`he" Suce.--Special Export Agenta-Burzo_vne. Bu:-bridges, and Qm.:.... ......5uu.u, nuu every pan. or me world. Export Agenta-Burgoyne, Bun-bridges, and Squire, [6, Column Street, Lcindon. 9-(I `IR WILLIAM BURNETT S DISINFEOT- ING FLUID, for the purication of sick oms. boanitnlp. workhnmm. r......-:.... __: AMPLOUGIPS PYRETIG SALINE.- J Merlmima lhnt ...n.-a Q..- C!:_I----- _,_ _-J -----v- n_- -_ .-`run-vs An Ouvego woman had her busbnnd arrealed for uunlting her, and he was given ten dollars or tun dnyl. Swecping out of the court-room, tho amiable wife remnrked. with an m'r,1hat the had "xed him ; Ibo didn't want any more of Hm, tc. Themupon the Recorder of the eoutt cglled her buck and had be: locked up in u call, ivhich treatment exactly tted to her Iilutlon. CAUTION. lid shown by the Sacretary and .-u5uuu' nun. 1565. eight _ga.Hona uz Fluid. an nap ...A.=- ,,,_ v-a-- ,5IIuULI lg per order Disinfecting own. can saw with wa, vcnn--I;;;rwv-v`i.;.: we instan- Efect William producing 139 chin:-id AF . . . _ \"IH pnuuuclug `ll chloride of faith? 5, and \Jan..-.-- n, Jan; 1868. nia-he ....n... : nuns, up It YOU DO not ALREADY uxn Anuxucn: or `V -rm: Morr SUCCESSFUL TRADESMEN AND ni'fcHAN1' _--_ _ _...-v- Walliem, 7 OLIOITOR IN UHANCERY. 03oo-C1srence Street, Kingston, 0.W. J. P. Gxnnnnunvn, L.L.B. | Rxca. T. Wunx. ll YOU WOULD `DAILY NEWS. AD=V1:m`1s1NG1! Nmwspapzz-u:oLUm-N31] CONTRACTS- II` YOU HAVE POSSESSING PARTICULARS OF DAILY NEWS. A LOO A1. PAPER Ilacdonnld, Patton an llluchau-, AIIRISTERS AND ATTORHEYS-at.-LAW, Solicitors in Chancery, kc. _ 0eu-i8 Clarenc Sr... Oppolle the Post 08100, KI1na1'ol,C. W. Jon A. umnon.u.n,Q. G. ` June Pu-1-on, Q.G_` . ` Jon: M. ll.-.mnn. T hm-I113 T--u I Q CIRCULATION 0! ANY NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN THIS OITY, THIS JOURNAL onnns TH: 3331' IIEDIUII ron LOCAL um annnu. Anvnnrtsn _n1c-rs ; rannnronn ADVZIRTISIINTHI TIHES. PLACE THE TYPES AND INK ADVERTISI1. THE LARGES1 DAILY NEWS OFFICE. JUDICIOUS U!!! OF` AND YEARLY ATTRA 0'1` CUSTOM EBB SPENT HONEY Wlsnlvu Mrmonlsr Cutncti (Sydcnhan Stl'eet).-Morning Service, lU,:30; Evening Sc.-r vice, 6:30. ' II',_,_ II tn .r\ , Ci. ,,4' DRIVE YOUR BUSINESS, AND NOT TO BE DRIVEN, IS THE BEST SIGN A THOUSAND 1'0 `u LIBERAL AND ADVERTISE RBSOLYI AT ONCI 1'0 ADVERTISE` ADVERTISE! `om: enemas; MEDIUM WEIEREIN An niry stranger recently nppenred Lt Oswe- go sud ziold various valuable building lots to innocent parties, chnrging them from $15 to C25 lpiooo therefor. Recently one of the buy- ers stllmpted to occupy a lot, but wu thunder- - ltnlck to End (hut it belonged to mother mun, sad that the airy stranger was an impoatorf In ('In---.\. -.-.w...... 1...] L..- |..._|____1 , , AGREEMENTS` [N THE PURCHASE ADVERTISE `MAY BE MADE AT THB ADHIT 1'-HI IHPORTANOI OP AND REPEAT THE TO ADVERTISE A .u0OAL BUSINESS`, rncanronm so um A `LITTLE VFURTHEB AND ERECTION 0!!` AN BEFORE TH] PUBLIC AND --a -" "" \"I' ' Coxanmxrxoxu. Cnvncn (We11iuglo_n s"9et) -Unrning Service, 11:00; Evening sernce, 6:30, Burnt CHURCH (Johnson St.reet).-)Iorning Serviqe, H200 ; Evening Service, 6:30. , THEIR 81100361 ATTRACTIVE SIGN -[N THE OF BUSINESS V GARRY SUCH A JUDICIOUS STEP AND A TT BIBUTI FOR YOUR PLACE 5'01: ADVERTISING IF YOU WOULD ,_" _-- --~' -~nvv gavwsnnus LJ(lVl\C, u\.'U. Blumocs TIIPIRAXCI Murlxo at the Sons of Tcmpennce Hall, Princess Strert, every Sunday Afternoon, from 4 i to 5 o clock. ' -.._ .-.-an`-Iv` AIMEE]-Q-LQW, Cony3y.ncer. kc. Oice opposite Post Uice, Clarence Bust, Kingston. Annual 8 ur more of cold water 1- `mac WATER ' One drop of dye will 1 PRINTING on Cotton, Silk or` ordinary way. BLENDIN G some of the dyes in proflnce an innitv M` -=*--'``'` HE ORIGINAL OHLORODYNE, invented by R. Froemou, Phannoceutlst, In allowed to be one of the greatest discoveries of the present century. It is largely_ employed by the most eminent Physician: oudlsurgeono in hospital and private practice in all parts of the world. It bu effects pcculinr toiuelf, sud which are anemia!- ly dibrcnt to those produced by the various compounds bearing the name` of Chlorodyue, but rm... nn nrnhlnru m noadasninz its virtues. It I un nu L 11.` In coloured V INK: A Six compounds bearing me name I)! uuwruuyuo, Uuu have no pretence to possessing its rapidly relieves pain, from whatever csuse, al- lays the irritation of fever, Iootbea the system under exhausting diaeuea, and gives sleep with- out producing my one of the unpleasant feelings so commonly arising from the use of opiates. It continues to hold its unshasen position in the estimation of the Profession as the best, most reliable, and cheapest preparation. Eminent and scientic Physicians made aldavits that they have tested lts cccts in careful comparison with those of DR. CULLIS BROWNl*l h` CllL()ltO- DYNE," and deposed to the facts that they lonnd it a more certain and reliable preparation, and greatly preferred I-'REEMA\'S." l-lnrl Huriscll comrnunicati-cl to the Royal Col- le-go of l liyaicians and to Mr Freeman. that in llanilla the only remedy ol any use in Cholera was Chlorodine. The Medical Times and Gazette, January 13th, 1866, states, It has an immense sale amongst the public, and is prescribed by scores of ()rthn- ~ not be thus singularly popular did it not supply I a want and ll a place. Manufactured by the Inventor, Richard Free- it man, 7n, Kc.-nuington Park Road, London, 8. dox Medical Practitioners, and, of course, it would The genuine has engraved on the Gov: rnmorit l Stump (outside each Bottle), FREEM.-\N'S ORIGINAL CHLORODYNE." a, similar to Ward and Lock a h ., m y be prettily illum- igated in this manner. , JELLY, coax FLOUR [ ICE CREAMS, &c: While in a. liquid mm add nrm 1'" "-` 10NDY'S PATENT FLUID or natural disinfcc- ! ` (J Lam. puries, dcodorisea, andjdiaiiitecng by the agency of nascent or ozonic'oxygen,--its active principle. Being entirely innoxioua, this uuly :SCiCI1|`.iC preparation is peculiarly adapted for the following useful purposes, tor which all other disiiifccmnw, on accoun1.of_thcir poisonous or other objectionable qualities, are uiiavnil-able and useless :-- K Detecting organic impurities in air and Water. Purifying drinking and other water from or-- ganic, lead, &c. I L` ,I ' `L ,! _f,I,,. ,,I _ , 1 I 1 ,1 J 1 II '1 ] J sun; IIIXILBCKV IL`iI\-I 1-IU-u Freshening the air of close places, and remov- ing bud smells. - Freeing meat, fish, butter, or other provisions from taint. ' Counteracting the effects of organic poisons tuli--u into the stomach. _ ' Curing Muaty provcnder. Freeing wheat md other seed lrom smut. Maintaining the health ol plants in pots and conservatories. ' Preserving and restoring the freshness of cut owers kept. in water. Destroying the blight of the potatoe, vinc, bop, mulberry tree, &c. Washing dogs and other domestic animals. Cleansing bottles, `beer barrels, pickling tubs, dairy utensils. Washing the hair and darkening its colour when turning grey. Enlmnr-imp rim n....:4'..:.i.. .....l - ..._:__.._4! r The Chicago Tinm uyI:-There is [felt here in Chicago 3 business depreilion of fact: than ordinary weight. There is A dullness in trade ; the receipts and shipment: of grain are below their lllnll avenge, and there is loss than [be- munl demnnd for house: to `rent and improved property for n19. What is true of Chicago is Iron of the whole country. The symptoms which are in existence in the Garden City are exhibited with grater force in every phrt of the country. re.c:);`l;1nded. LEATHER: Blue, Orange. Dye in * WHITEWASH: To nr HA3`. ...|,: L Jr WILLOW SHAVINGS, Wi anusuulvli, mauve, Violet, Vliiue or these impart delicate time to Lace, Linen, kc. cker, Ivory, Bane, Hair, Fibres, Seaweed, &c., attract the dye quickly, ifapplied in boiling water. BLUE: For laundry purposes is A 1. BOOK EDGE -nucu Lu: nuns grey. Enhancing the purifying and invigorating ef- fects of baths and tubs. Dressing poisoned wounds and destroying ani- mal virua. Treating the inflections diseases of cattle, horses, dogs, &c. - (Ina nnllnn .....l..... nnz-.., nr./<. .- uunacm, uuga, NC. One gallon makes 200 to: for use. `gr, n u.__. I\.rI uny- N_B.--Cond_v'a Fluid is the Standard Scientic Test for Organic Matter in W -atcr, and uIi'.m|.- `the only known means of rapidly and C0lIlp]t'h'|_V freeing Dninking \ from Organic 'l'::'mt, which is so cumnon a cause of serious disva.~c. T0 l`LlDi(."V nnl-i;v Hun .:. ...- .1... _In.,. .- 4- v i By their use almost an UDS0N :`9 SIMPLE JYES FOR. THE PEOPLE. Any ("te can use them; any- thing can be dyed with them. It is impossiole in this small space to enumerate the many uses to which these wonderful and beautiful chemical preparation: can be appliPd; while their chief use is for dyeing textile fabrics, they are also invaluable as a. colouring agent for almost every known material, the ease with which they can be used and the brillian- (:_y of the result being, indeed, almost magical. y article of clothing can be dyed in a few minutes for a few pence without soiling the h-unis. MEMORANDA. _ MAGENTA: The strength and beauty of this dye is almost incredible. A Sixpeuny bot- tle will dye 20 yards of Bonnet Ribbon in Suitable also for Woollen Goods, Feathers, Silks, bc. WUOLLENS: Magenta, Mauve, Violet, `Purple, Orange, Pink, and Crimson produce the moat satisfactory results. Use alarge quantity of boiling water in an earthen pan. RIBBONS and SILKS: Brush them `with soap and water to avoid creases, and to render them clean. ' Dye in boiling water. FEATHERS: Dye in hot-`water (a few drops or the dye is euicient for one feather). COTTON: Mauve, Violet and Purple are recommended. u.u.1.|nIVAD.l:I.Z To color: Magenta,l or Rose; add halfa bottle to 1: psi! c then stir in the Whitening as (Mauve, Violet, Purple, Blue and produce pretty tints by using one! more, as directed above. STABCH: Stir ins few drops of C Magenta, Mauve, Violet, Blue delicata tam. on r --- vvulbu .3 au cumnon of rapidly purify the air, use the diluted iiuid with Goudy's Uzoniser" or other Spray-prm ducer. r-nnnxnn n . _ _ . ._ (K \-on :uu.l.`I.' ru ll'DSI:!,) Removes from the mouth impure and foreign tastes and odours-, '.'.'lIev.hcr arising from tobacco , imd counteracts the irritation and moubid secretions of curious teeth. It puri- es and softvns the skin, and, used in the bath, tends to: pruunote a healthy state of the whole hndv ` 81'. Gianni : CA*nmnnu..--bfoming Service ll:00 ; Military Service, 3:00 1".l.`, Evening Sor- wlnn 'I.nn - ......u-mu some 1:1 produce innity tutu. .n.IJL\l `UITEA add one or ' simple or }0Nn'w.nrmn- ,,-- a 4L IJILPE or more ofc |, A'l`nn . n uucro CONDY`S PATENT OZOSISED VVATER, In-nr. -um... ..._ -4 _ _,,,..,, ...u...-5:.-., 1 nun.` auu Urlm: moat With E01-Ln and nun..- o- --~ , __- - yuvn nuuu (1-on roxu:-r ruuros:s,) . .L, -_..; vnlu cum, auu, usea '.;l1l0Ce _ ,, _. .....\. uuu uuu urIuIaID- ault 3 any ling water; use witha brush or pen books, ighta, &c., lhia 'GE, AMS, liquid state two drops of Magenta. A more elegant tinting cannot be had. )NERB will nd Magenta, Violet, ld Pink useful colours- 81. Arman: Canaan (Princess Street).--| Honing Service, 11:00; Evening Setvim-V, 6:30. ` BIPB. Magenta, Violeu. `ye In warm Chin: H. BOLLMAN C0-NDY, Palentee, Bane:-sea, London. _ . ..._.,......., nu, '10 Warm watex. hi}? :::'.: :.:. e=:'::*.- uyca In of shade, _-r_ v. uuauur--' iolet, Pink; , Wicker, Bane, d, boiling water. u 300 gallons adaptcn} tint 3 quart. I Ik or Wool in the! ----~ l Magenta, for Pjnk ` I of water, ` [enina an -~---* , V - v -u-.1110 EIIINDO t, pronounced by rd sauce," is pre- inl. The Public Ditto. '0. 2 Black to Oiuatlns` Curncn (Earl Stree0).-)Iorning Iervice, 11:00; Evening Service, 6:30. Bloc: S1-ant PRISIYTRRIAN Cnt*ncn.---.\!orn- in; Service, 11:00 ; Evening Service, 6:00. ll _ rx 1 . colouring, ac- I Apply with al ,- . -nun} `worthless imi-{ I and Partial ` 1, Bottle, and tinrsnnoo. rt- In "-- "` V the bath will according so r_.. us vrlllc 1 usual. crimson oneboltlo or III Ivll U;-lIa, ._-. ,- Purpie are olo1_1 r-- n- n._:, and ,--, .....o _uuu v 1016! 1'owderIhU'f' tics, French Extracts, Lmronder 810-: me I Cherry Tooth Paste. Limo J nice and Glylfh`: I and every delcription of preparations 1'0!` W Toilet. ' Maura Burgoyne, Burhidyen, Ind Salli!` I ceive Indenu for Ynrdley & 00. : propI9"" ll anufnctory, 7 Vine Street, Bloomlblily . pon_don, and l_)_epot, 5 Rue du Grand Chit?- J_ rename;-s. Prize Medal `ewalrded 791 Entity and Excellence of Quality. London and Paris. - BROWN WIN DSOB SOAP. PRIZE MEDAL HONEY SOAP. PATENT SUNFLOWER OIL SOAP. GLYOERINE SOAP. very variety of Fancy Soup: in ib Butl- Alne in Cartons of3 Tableu. ~ Pomadea, Rose _nnd Violet_ Powdencf; metics, I: L. I Tooth Glyulfill S preplntionifr '1 ' --v ~~_~w ---->1 --~-.'--a -*`-"v `-"*"" ~ S-r. Mum's CATHEDRAL (Roman Catholic).- Ines, 7 sun. ; Military 9; Mass 10:30 a.m.: Vnpers, 3:30 p.m. l1.___-.- n_.__AA,,t'c -A -'* _---- nnwm CANTON, ESQ;,, F.Ii.C.S-. Surgeon -to Cburing-cross Hopitah For several years past. I have been in the hu- bit of prescribing Dr. do J ongh'a*Ligln.-Brown Cod Livir Oil. and nd it to be much more _e_i- cacious than other varieties of the same medicine which I have also employed with a. View '50 W9` their relative superiority. .__.....________-_% ,_____/___.._.. IDMANS SEA _real Sea Bub i above favourite prep: mended. 9-1.. `I1 mcuucu. 801,8 P ists, 16" __.-.-- ehcjt in 9 shorter time than ogher kinds, and :1 a and indigestion ofceq consequent on the- aqminiau-anion of 1 paleioil. V - ' For any one of the tour Reviews M For any two of ,h.- four Reviews `For any three of the four Reviews For all four of the Reviews For Blackwood s Magazine - FonBla.ckwood and one Review 'Fdk- Blackwoovfand two Review For Blackwood and three R2.-views I For Blackword and four Reviews 7 ,'1'n hunuun qua-turn-us UUlJI8l'YI.I._|V. TH ' EDINBURGH mcvmw big). !'rm: wzsrumsrnn mcvm (Radical) 1 ran NORTH nnmsn mmnw (Free ch'h) ` LID ' I 1 BLACKWOODS EDINBURGE IIAGAZINR (Tory-) ' ."'*~[lE:5J:; foreign periodicals _are regulnriy we published by us in the samentyle as hereto. , fore. Those who know them and who have long subscribed to ' them, need no reminder - those whom the civil we: of the last few year; ` hnd deprived of their once welcome supply of thg 9 beat periodical literature, will be glad to have ` them again within their reach; and thoje who may never yet, met with them, will aunred. i ly be weil pleased to receive accredited upon, | of the progress of European acienu and liters.- . ture. , ~ I J HITIYIIIE 'I1'f\`I'I I non I U D L J W .5 c When sent by mail, the Posiage to any pan ofth United,States will be but Twen} mar Cent; a year for Bla.ckwood, and hurt lghl uentg 3 year for each of lhe`Reviews, ..,.._...v. . u,u;III.Il H I have frequently rec sulting me to make use Liver Oil. I have been effects, and believe it to_ nqzl for those cases in substance i_ indicated. [ *5-' ; TH LONDOH QUARTERLY (gunaemm. mu 'n-rnuunnrull IIRVIEW 1 mm ' IUIIUWIIJB ICIJUUUIL IHICU, VII; The North British from J anuary, 1863, to De- cember, l866, inclusive; the-Edinburgh and {be Westminster from April, 1864, to December, 1366, inclusive, and the London Quarterly lot 1865 and 1866, at. the rate of $1.50 3 your for each or any Review; also Bhckwood for ["8665 for $2.50. - THE LEONARD SCOTT Publishing 00.`, - 38 Walker-street, N.Y. A Wuhington despulch any: that the State Department has information that the Hnytiens are highly indignant at the nppoinunentofn me. (to to represent the US. country there. They think it VII intended as an insult, and say that I negro was appointed because no_ white man vault accept the place. Subscribers may ob:-ain hick numbers st the following reduced rates, viz: The Nrn-I-II) I2-r1'h'gL Frnrn Janna-u 1009 5.. `l'\_ -_ .... ,,..=,..muuu, oy we personal I ol so good a. chemist and intelligent a p n_s Dr. (Te Jongh, who has dlso written medical treatise on the .011 with which I quaintcd. Hence, I deein the Cod Liver under his guarau tee to be preferable to a kind_aa`rL-gurcla geuuinenesa and.medi cucy." ` ' mo uu._y Ul LDDGO In all cases I huve found Light.-Brown Cod Liver Oil pas set "of .p_r_opercis.-5, among which cholaic compounds, and of iodi organic combination, in-e the n: 4: is. I h.=|:..u.. ....;.......n_ - caseal Dr. d_e Jongh | possessing the same the presence of iodine in a state of most remai-knhle. is, I believe, universally acknowldged mu this oil has great `thempeutlc power; and from my investigations, I haverno dmbt ofins being a pure and unadulterated article." By Henry Stephens`of'Edinbn1:gh and the late J. P.No1-hon, of Yale College. 2 vols. Royal Oc- tavo, 160;) pages and numerous Engravinga. PRICE-$7. for the two vulnlnea. Ry nu Lavo, may and Engravinga. PRICE-$7, volumes. By tho post paid, $8. DR. DElJONGH S' LIGHT-BROWN con = LIVER 011.: DR. DE JONGITS on is convincingly provecl by an overwhelming weight of medical testimony, and by the practical test of successful crerience ` for twenty years in all parts of the world, to be, beyond all queatin, the purest; the'|noeteica- cioua, the most palatable` and, from its rapid curative effects, the most economical ofnll kinda. Hence the universal celebrity ol Dr. Ade JulIgh'l Oil, nnd the unparalleled demand for this nud- valled preparation. _._ un lunluo We think it a great advantage that the:-e__is one kind of God Llver Oil which is universally admitted tu~ be genuine--t,he Light-Brown Oil supplied by Dr. de Jungh. It has longbeen our practice, when prcsckibiugi the oil, to recommend this kind, since, amidst a much variety and un- certainty, we have condence in its genuine- u_ess.--(Extract from Consumption: its Earfy and Remcdiable; Stages) _v- -.aA.|.A.1 AAIJIJI Jill}, Coroner for Cent:-alM I consider that the purity ~ ed in its preparation, hi the intel an hr Rn , l.....-.1. .-L- I. '- ""-"i' ' , The French union cum to a closa on Mon- day, after: hurried aiuing. The session was a Itouny one, end it appropriately terminated in a row; The cry of Viva 1 Empei-eur"waa met by I. Julali Fuvre |~y thni ofVire la Liberia," thereon the mnjority yelied and booted, and Prelident Schneider rather neatly observed that the notion undo no iovidionu distinctions be- tween the Emperor nnd liberty; wbereou M. Pelletnnijacnluted, Viva la Souvernime Na- tiolnle, end Marquil de Pire rezoned by "Vita in Dynutie Imperiala indenimem."' With this the lining oflho aesaion came to a close. The lectioneering period in Pnris will be very stir- , II. And 3 large -nmbunt of ' Price, Five Cents. ...--. nun; manna, DA11'l.'., H.114 Pbjsician in Q_r_inary to the Queen in Ireland. I have frequently prepcribe-.1 Dr. tie Jongh sM Liglm-Brown-Cod Liver Oil. 1 conaideril. to be r; very pure oil, no; lnkely to tare-ate disgust, and a therapeutic agent of great. value. * DR. EDWARD SMITH, F.B.S., ` Medical Officer to the Poor Law Boapdc ` __ Britain. Anfrr `I- - The L. S. Pub. Co.:l-s:pnblish SELECT MEDICAL OPINIONS. T sm HENRY MARSH, BART., l_'I.D., km`. "1... !_ (\ 1' - nnmsn Iinxomcus, don, D -9I:I-ll ` ep':t,`;5i1Guot:ltI:.g;ud 0l|||"1` .[ g_J_iuublinhed 1710.` _ OONTAIATING Am: 2:3; _ ENTERTAINING sronus u'%u A n larva -amount. of cram-rnl 1-....u_._ Se_uior 1 Pn_.un1'n'I METHODIST CHFRCK (Brock Street) -Xotning Service, 10:30 ; Evening Service, 6200 - lrrnomsr Emscomu. CHURCH (Johnson 8ll'eel).--Morning Service (free), 10:30; Even- ing Service (free), 6:00. - n .u-v I-n__._._ _o_4. .. I`-..__.._ . _.,._ , mws SALT, for prodnclns I real in your own Room. The preparation is strongly recon- :d. V : APropriotors--TIDIIAN & SON, Chem- 6 Wormwood Street; London. E0. ` I T.. .?`f*`-*-- cVHRoN1rcLE Am",; A 1N"EUR'l.1T u . - {me trarmen-?s Guide . we to on preferable aggzater `regards andmedicsl ei- DR. LANKESTER, F.R.S., nuxrnnnn In- 1`....;k _I 11- 1 1- rm. BARLOVV, r.n.s., pr Physician to Guy ; Hospital. freuucntlv l`l|I"(IIIIn-:4-nu.I...I ..- A- - - 1=os_'rAa1:_. .9 hr! n-nail flu: Daub- - -_ uu., 1-nncy uoap Mpkora and nets. Prize Medal awarded for Quality. TERMS FOR mes. J LL 1-. II _2-_, er of Health, and hief Analyst 10 the City of London. `....- 1 L- .-nu. nvuuvruwnuu, In. an IIIIIUUU 01 AD ae- gnu, Inns of light seemed to rise and break like the foam of wavesirunning over a study chore. .., u\.|.u'ullllUL'U persons con- make of Dr. da Jo1rgh's God gave well satised with its acre to_be a very pure oil.,Jie|l which the use of thus dieated. ` ` , "nu uuu use wrntcu the beat I am ac- e, Liver Oil sold be gmuuiuenesa and m.a:....| ..u: - . ..-.u., - Cent:ral Middlesex. + ' L! Fancy Soap Makers and` fl`! udnl 31-rn far _ --~r. . ' rccommedcd persons use of D: An l.....>..:.I- um.-I uuuu null ur. (10 g'ODgh' r Oil produces the desired than that ansea and imI:......o:..... s..- 3'": v_- -ma uu us secur- ' Personal utention intnllhn.-.5 - ..:..`._2-:, , Addrss: of this oil is seem-_- n nn;u...-I -u;___.- , y Bogrd of Great I WIILIYAII M31-uomsr Cavucu (Queen Street) --H1oruing Service, 10:30 3 Evening So.-rvivu can V V Bawden, 'I'l"ORNEY AT- I AW, Solicitor in Ch:-nccry,Nut:n Public, &c., 33 King stunt, _Kingswn. . ._.__._.____._._.._. - " "!*lj.' gener 1 (11 > . _~,- lltl. &allbI:7fie.ptil:)5I iress. J .'3_~;i I -B*lllIUu physician In the beat 11 ... -_ $1.00 hnn l oUU 10.00 13.00 16. 5:: The brilliant aurora borenlis seen hero on the 15111 of April excitud great attention in Eng- land. ALGm-nwicb, ut an nltiuude of 25 de- nvnnn --rnn A!` link: -_...-.....i o.. -:-- __..I |.A--:. uu nu: VII . -ll mnygbe sum. '- ' "I""' """ r"`-' On-nouc APOSTOLIC CHURCH (Queen Street)- Iorning Service, 10:00; Evening Servire, 500. D-Ilnnnrvn 'I" _ . . n _ _ . . . __ II'_.__,, , I 4 and :1 any but ` direct. to 7 West` ox-tar at the; Dailyg zueas and :;nm,:f net 1 Kin,g u" ~; A `E ` ' I sauna u LID -I.|IJ,. # W M .1 July 1-t.1saw, _.__--.----_--- 1'5. Lpdl 23 IIuting.GnI.nd Trunk tr 19! Quinta _Stenmer.. of train from Rome g BBB FIRST PAGE. 7 .(Ixcept Hondaya), `Blind Trunk Train: and `EEI7:6`:35 A.M.] train for g with I 9 "Grand _ _'Weat an Baynf H {be 4:30 3|. Ltpitr 3 d the Northern Trans- Brupellera leaving Cape ` ~ A'llWaatern7Phr:s. `3 ._L[.' " I `_ ` `A133,. ` V , g pl about the NH i` luvs Kinfston eve [IIHY at 3 PJI. Lean M %A Y and THURSDAY 1, or :1 the Ln] 8;. Laqrem nite island` Fern n.n|uo|.nIl:V11'l.a.VV. U1` "lUIi1ULAl{- `ENCE STREET, opposite the Post Uice. Fob:-utry 17. ' ` having superior I a... umlr on board. or t Vincent ref}; nu-`:.._*_;_%______- pg`A Luna. 10 AJI. 4 PJI. . I. xnmaomz, ' flint nf Ran:-E HI-anal `\ jurnntmn JUIII H. Kingliou, J.|n y 16. I! stop. -pp W97. I. 11% `I. Mln W. navlng uupcnvx pin: 13' board, to D. IUBPHY, KINGHDRN, Kingston. Ottawa. mrowni , Ejloi, ndns As U81 Sq, 28114` Instant. SATURDAY EVEN1I_fG. MAY 15, or the -bow. I-ins iv `tomato and Hamil: It a srmnnnn E1>E>NT, .....-1r;u-nu 1-111 \1 I; -I I\lL`\II.IVlIh` ', foot of Brock suet. II . navel Wolfe klsnd 9 Al. 1 PJI. _ 3 RH. Wllklw In lie-eve, {ARRISTER3 AND A'l`TOR.NEYS~at-LAW, Rnlhiilnnn l!tiI|-nil-Ann-n `nu. ` `tent, of Steamer ."-L15 mu. II3IIICFpa |Rome until A Compam James b`. Cartwright; {ARRISTEWAT-LAW. OFFICE-CLAR- -RN(`.Ix`_ .Q1`[J!'a`Ia"I" Annnnln- nL_ in... :u"::__ -. no. annual, 1n..l1., OIAN. SURGEON, 8c., PORTLAND, Buidcnee Hu-rowsmilh ` -%:.:--.__.j._:_} ...-......:7.m$, - gLBRIS`l`ERand uru KNEY-at-LAW Con- '.'IIlCl'. kl`. (`mun Rn:-unr `_`O_..z.h`n.,\...\..`I Glldersleevg` as waucm, ARRISTERS and ATTORNEYS-at-LAW, Convjaynnoers, Notaries Public. ,_ I-3,1, - : ._-.. -. , -u. --u -----gun 9 TTORNEX`-AT-LAW, Conveymcer, &c. L Kinguton, O. W. ' Dec. 1. .:.j.-_._...j.-.:: l'u1.l.'I -ro Lmm. munch- A D--. n_. A` sum ll-.lBJI\l I L211 1 U ALAVU D l1`r4l5.'l NEARLY OPPOSITE THE CITY BOOK STORE. - . nnnsasnna nnu AI Iunnnla-at-LAW, | Solicitors, Uonveyuacers, kc. Napanee, W. uzmt ;so_ooo J lend on the , enrity ol Real Euate in the City or Goun- ot /3 low mm of inn-rut. Rn ...........:..-;-_ am: iailg Name. J. B. Smith, l!l.l)., Rnnnnnu L- nrn \`V. B. Rllngaye, [DIX I'll! III ? .(\-_4_ 0 IlellIy an Draper, ARRISTE R.`$,ATTORNEYS-It-LAW Solici- ton in Ohancery_--Chambers Nos. 7, 8, I 9, Anchor Buildings, Kingston, 0. W. Jun: 0'RllLL!,Q.C. | Fun: 0. Danna. A-rrj- john Mudle, D Aoo..-..-_ -. t -_ nu: uny or B01113` No commission I nnnn now llllll H_nncheuer. Ilnlllvuu Non.--Tbe Profession in ferior, Iecrez, and cheap the market. Eac_h genuine nimilo of Proprietor : sign: outside. ` Lidfnonoroanx Go. on CH-LORODYNE wmwur PEPPERMINT. Bole lcnnfscturer :-A. P. Towlo, Chemist, Hnnchnup wt-vol " The day seems as yet, unhappily, for dis- Lsrnt when public opinion or State interfer- ence will prevent the advertisement or sale of any secret medicine whatsoever. It is to be hoped that the profession will continue to brand as unworthy the conduct of those of its members who by testimonial or otherwise aid the disposal of such things."-Lancet. TOWi.E S GHLORODYNE. The Original Preparation of known Composi- tion. From Dr C. Kidd, Author of Standard Works , on Chloroform. Suckville-street, Piccadilly, London. Sir,-~l think if you would advertise your Chlorodyne more than you do, you would help to beat the others, which are secret com- pounds, out of the market. Many medical men think with me, and recommend your com- pound, but will never prescribe a secret re- medy. CHARLES Kxnn, M.D. To Mr Towle, Chemist, Manchester. A Surgeon irom New York writes :-I only requires to be known to be appreciated. I have no hesitation in characterising it (viz., Towle s Chlorodyne) as the most useful medi- cine that has appeared during the present century. In dinrrhces, colic, ague, apggmg, I have found it [n um..- .....-.. .._:w - found it to relieve more pain end cause morejoy than any other article that can` be named." `y___ will vs - Plmanlxw I-`Ira Auurance Company OF LONDON. K EARL RUSS_ELL seat to threil College of Physicians 2. communication received by bun from Mnnills. (where cholera had been graing fearfully) to the effect. that, of all remedies med, Cnlorpdyne was the most effec- Liven nan, 3 | , 4 Home lu.-aurance Company of Nc\\' Haven, Conn. CAPITAL .. .. s1_ooo_ooo. PIIEMIUMS RECEIVED DURING l868- $2,079,595. Funds deposited in the hrllldd of the Goverxin-at for the sccurity of I oIic_yhnlders. ' S` All le risks carefully surveyed, Ami the I ! rule of Premium made to correspond with_ the ._v ' risk assumed. I . u-an n--v...... OFFICE REMOVED To -KING sT1 HEARl.V IIDDIWQYTU "I"lll.\ tutrnwn Il|lI-Ills- By the combination of the Iran or Iodine with Cress Seeds in a state of germination, they are united with organic life, which thus render: them digestible. The irritativeend stubborn mineral has thus become the nucleus of an organic substance capable of being eb- eorbed by the blood without injury to. the stomach. Agent. tor England and British Possesaioue, E G. DU l"t{ESNE, 79 Wailing Street. May be obtained of all Chemists. Ann DAUUISINE, An efcient and prompt Remedy for Cholera, Yellow Fever, Diarrluna, Dyaentery, and the excessive action of the Bawels. A gold medal was awarded by the French Government {'0 Dr V. Baud for tins valuable preparation. ` Price: Smail, ls lid ; Medium, -13 5d; Large Siza,.l1s per Bottle. THE! l'\TA&"I'|1I'nrr)nr\ u-n-- xun ULAD L',A'1`lZED IRON, For strcugybening tin: Syst.em.-Price 23 9d per Bottle. ' THE DIASTATIZED IODINE, For purilynng the B1ood.--Price 23 9d per Bottle. ',' The ubuve Preparations are in `the form of Bweelmeats, pleasant to theiaste, and par- licularly adapted for Infants anu Mothers nursing. Pv lhn .-mnl-.:......:.... -r .- - ~ .l~IlI|a Insurance Cumpnny l ur llarlford, Conn. L. J. Hsxmnc, E. I . Donn, President. General` Agent. INCURPORATED IN I819. _. CAP[TAL$3,000,000. ASSE'l`S$5,I50_937`l,7l ULL AND CARGO RISKS I0 and [rum |ulan_d l'orls on tvaurnble terms. " I Losses promptly and liberally adjusted and puid in Canada Currency. _l A M In`.-4 H.`Ili"l" A ....._. Toilet Soaps. Lavender Water. Cold Cream. Perfumed Vaporizer. Rose Leaf Powder. Perfumes for the H...-u..._..L:-r Hume Insurance ttulnpauy of New Haven, % I'\ A 1Et;11a." Insurance Co. of Hart- ford, Conn. PAID UP CAf ITAL AND SURPLUS- $5,150,931,7I. [____,,,-)- v EUGENE RIMMELV, 1)ERFU3:1ER. by appointment to their Majes- lies mo Emperor of he French, the Queen of Spain, the Queen of Holland, the Queen of the Belgians, and the King of Portugal; and H.R H. the Pnnce of Wiles. . cstuu.Il':a nor me Ulyceriqe Toilet Hundkerchief. Bites. Eau de Cologne. All the nbuve are carefully prepared for Ex- portatinn, and retain their excellent qualities In any climate. 96 Strand ; 128 Regent Street; 24 Corubill, London. 17 Boulevard des Italians, Paris. ll UIJUUUU CINES. 4;; scanty or Real Estate t 3 of inn:-got. I`: U. Kingston,March 31, 1809. `.;e=.. ...;:`.`...;.'..,-..*. `....,.vv' Losses paid in 50 years, |,I_.I "J`HiS Company has been doing business in Canada for nearly 50 years, and during that time has secured the public condence by we prompt and liberal seulecnentofevery fair claim. It has fully complied with the laws ol'Cann.du by the deposit with the Government of Stocks to the amount of 850.000 I wuuuvvil I And is prepared to issue policies low as the safety ofthe assured will I _\ \I` On; all`: -DRYVICFI -DR V. BAUD, Graduate and Member of the Medical Uullege oI'Paris, Cniet'Pbysc_iun | lwordinnry for Epulemica in Paris, lane MD. "or 1 a Civil Hospitals of Algiers, has just in- |lruduced in England his ORGANIC MEDI- y ` ` ____T______ CHOLERA, DIARREKEA, ac. ARL the Col] 1 p"rIrui(Inn: n 1.-.........:-_ Agent st Kingston, mu 0ice--33, Clarence Street. Kingston, March 20, 1862. March 31, 1869. n|.vv , an vice, 1:00. D. S.u-n.u.n:I. Pr:-sideut. at. 1. Kingston, Much 3[, 1869. LJ uuq yul 5uu..-: nu Avuauunullt rates. JAMES SWIFT, Agent, Cingslon, March 3l, ` St. Lawrencq Wbart. LJCUICI _ _______ .. , CASH CAPITAL .. .. $1,000,000. AKE AND RIVER RISKS taken on 1 1 and cargoes at reasonable rates. ,1 A {lire Qnrlnvn . , Royal Assurance Company LIVERPOOL `IND LONDON. MAXWELL W.STRANGE, Agent. for Kingqlon e--33. Street. 3 pct DU LI-16. THE DIASTIATIZED IRON, :uD[hnnihcr 9}... ,'\`...n.._._ I - .....____ :,'[`UR:VBAUD S oRGAN1c_MED1ciNE. , - _- .. -- ..-A. us!-'Ill.llI In :1-at, compounds now In t. genuine bottle bean I fac- Propvrietofa signature on the stamp Marine lusur;m_c9. 151:9. "'o'|'ri'1cs.-souu: West corner or Dundas and loll: Streets. 1 WI. H. WILKISON. W. A. REEVR, M. A. County Crown Attorney. consist of three preparations-- THE BAUDEINE, rer, mica Bawels. A "um ...-AnI , , , ., _. -....--u-;,1.lUIJuU|.l. .k ivoul_d are which in me, ill a e, = 4-om Maw V-.. _._=--- ~- ufcasion warned against in- I cheap COI1ll)nl1hda IIAIII -- IIIICLIUJ. JAMES SWIFT, Agent, St. Law:-`ence Wharf. "."'f"iios. xxnxpnmcx. on terms -33 fthe permit. JAMES .6-lwm-r Toilet Powders. Po;-table Fountains. Toilet. Vinegar. Hair Preparations. Tooth Powders Glyceriqe Rec G uazcuru Wlll perm JAMES swmr, A ,_, JAMES SWIFT, i ` - _~ A ge'l1 t, St. Lawrence W hart`. IHRO -----u s an: cu-Lu Q I LUILKV DI X `CK-`DA W ,U0n' voynucer, &c._ Ofee Bagot Streelfaecond door aouth of the British Whig Uice, upstairs. Aguat 1. `

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