____._, ........ -Schs Stampede, Port Golboruo, Chicago, J H Duke, Port Golborne, Detroit, light; ee Valley, Oawego, Cleveland, salt ; prop a, Onvego, Chicago, gen cargo. Wind .....I., run nun LIJILJH-L. LITE. IEICB ID `found upon lbeir arrival that the wound no .-J`- ..... .,_ -.......-nun u| Iubll ,. , the towns of Lewiston and Por- county, are reported as holding s. - n correspondent says that whenever lenliou comes nn far a:.-.......:.... :- THE {DAILY NEWS--TUESDAY EVENING, MAY 13. meal with 30,000 bush wheat. The nie Minnes, wood laden, will leiue cinl wbsuf Ihia evening for Toronto. .- Northumborland has proceeded to Jones` wharf to unload her cargo of schooner Mail .u-.:.m.a .. .:._ - .. ....., . ulu uuwau, mug. nought, Chicago, Kingston, corn; Chicago, Oswego, corn ;,_ props pdo, Chicago, Oszdeuabumh, mm , -. ........., uuul LOFODIO. ' The :e Edward has complated her car- ; Swift. wharf for` Toronto, and evening. The schooner Eureka. \ the elevator at the lI.T.~Gomp`s. Ksnter is loading pig iron 3! the II` (`,I'\:-awn TL- _-- 4"" no lI.T.~ Camp's. {ant-er Chicago. The lug Glide left he barges Fortitude and Com . llI.._-- ---J ` ' ' 1Vouveau Honda, has insti- inmnges against the proprie- 'or defamation of chnmcter. la Jlirwrvre, has followed suit :1, directed against the same -- ....-uunu. 1118' ;-e|"EI rlpurt the stock at" western counlies of that run nf I.nm;.=o.... .....-I n , __.__` _.-...w.J, nu IJIIFVCU ination, that it becomes advisable for; govetnment to control the issues 0 banks. .., uavvtgU, corn i.-ago, Ogdemburgh, gen York, Chicago, Ugdens- schs J G heard, Owen eat; Annie Craig, Chat- ._ .. mu 1' uIul:I:CU [H611 trope stretched Qver Ito Iwam Hahn:-A passed through the _ , , ---._bv --nu aru- mt lbe Secretary he an- rwilh Iho Secretary 01' of the Western Division il arrived at the ;ame am with 6,000 bush and Consolation left .4` a.l.:- -- 1 Sun Fr.-ncisco txied Ia illI'.sn-hnzl A-..._ an . ~ ---- ---1 I the I AT THI GA.oI.-0n rt the county gaol was - __...__,,, -i Tthis evoning with -corn. The steamengvf afternooh from Ot- route. Wind here : uuvngauun In bushels. The .g 111.: -n-...I- -1 The new banking scheme propoundcd by the Hon. Mr Rose as Finance Minister of Ca- nada is regarded with great interest by all who have_concern with commerce and lmnk ing. In some quarters the scheme meet; with uncompromising opposition. `Few ap- plaud it as a whole ; but to several of its dc- hila there are not wuming well _experienccl pers0neof' sound judgment who give in warm approbation, end who expect to see the resu- lutionh modied in committee and in their passage through the House, so as to em body- ing correct and safe principles and particu- larmon which to found a new and: useful banking law. ,,_ ,. . .-..u, uni: , prop I . Rowan, King. Iinastnn nnrn . -'UpwarJs of through St. r| Ihn I'|`....o-- , and sec- --------- -------___... Tbe Supreme Court of Mich` that under the State law oloured children must be admitted to the pu_hi' _.__ ..r1 ' count 1 g or driving in manner, and lo the road being in 8 Will you kindly any a word in f and without. doubt the city falbe order it to be done. 17 a dangerous t. state. avour of this, rs will at one , ___._ TO THE EDITOR or Tm: DAILY NEWS. Dear News : \- The only persons who seem to bene are children and their nurses, small `gcrowd, according band day. I n__ .L,. - t by it and :1`. large or to circumstnhces, on 9. . _ .- _.... w um mu: board of Inspectors, who for their steady pqrseverance and unliring exenicm are entitled to me thanks of every human man in ma Dominion of Cana- dn, ouvuup. L`Ul'|B.3 ol the DAILY Nlwi may Le lnd M the counter of the publicaliun oicr, Prin- ces: uraet. Price three coppers. jsingle copies of the'Cm:omoLI nun Nuts, containing the news of the week, may be hnd in wrappers for mailing. Price 3d. enuzb, iuuod every P`riday. K _ -.,..`. ....-u-nu, U Keep- ing quiet, and has madctnuch Egenerul change hr the better, that punishment is far less fre- quent than heretofore. It cannot be denied that the most e'ectual way to deal with criminn!s is to offer them inducements, and indeed the.re- formation wrought in the Kinguton Penitentiary by the passage of lbeilnte Act. fully jnacu the assertion this! it is time enough to drive when leading hacomel ineifbctual All thin n.r....-..--:-- L = .u.u.ug uacomel memectual All this reformation is due are and Ilnlirin av...-.:,... .._- , May 18. .-.... nutc ur; utuuuust in right doing, but will pursue the same course he hnahitberto tollowed, and deal justly with everyone, friend and foe. The convicts in prison are now reaping the bene- t ot the ability and knowledge of the Inna Board of Inspectors, of which Messrs. Ferrea and O'Neil were members, and were instrumental in recom~ mending the adoption of certain clauses in the- new Act for the better regulation of penitentia- riea,' one of which clam-._es states |l.l!l'. A good con- ducted convict is entitled to the remission of one-sixth of the time of` his imprisonment, after the passing of the Act, which is the greatest in- duccrnent imaginable for all the convicts to en- deavour to gain the }pro'ered reward, by keep- 3. general rm- n..__a. .1- I TO THE IDITDR 0' THE DAILY 2~EWS. Dear Sir: Mr Fen-es, who has been appointed Warden of the Kingston i ('uitPnllu.r_I', in enter- ing on the duties of his oice, will [11] etnple scope for the display of his talents, and the ex- ertionrof his abilities, in remodelling the Home- whstslntered slate of discipiine in some of the most important departments of the prison ; but judging from the great. energy he has always displayed in the pulrsuit of knowl.-dge, and the rmness with which he carries out ills well- matured conclusions, when arrived at, in rcmov- 3 ing obstsclce lrom his path in the dis his duty,` I hare no doubt he will make quite a. satisfactory change. efforts to carry out` discipline will he ably seconded by Mr O'Neil, one of the present Board of Directors, who, from his ability and thorough knowledge of prison inspection for 3. number of years, is entitled to, and it is to be hoped will be appointed Chairman of the Board of DLrectors of the Kingston Penitentiary, now vacant to the nppointmeut of `Mr Ferrea to the situation of Wnrdenoflhat institution. MtO'Neil,in his official capacity ofiuspactor, heretofore has shown great rmness and ability, and has always dealtj and impartially in the discharge of the duties of his olce. and consequently has made some one- mies for himself, who do not fail to treduce him when opportunity olfers to them; but Mr O'Neil in the capacity of director, is not likely to be less able or steadfast in right doing, pursue has hilhnrln 4..n__,; charge Of be able to Mr Ferr_es s `May 171b, 1369. yuwur lU IC(. The board adjourned, having usual manner. I, Ill-'I~VB I). It was moved by Mr Phillips_ suconded by Mr (larroll, that advertise-meuts be inserted in the Daily .Nc1L`s and Jfritish ll /rig for tender: for the purchage of the city property in Charles- ville, and Ihlll. su" lenders he received by the secretary until the rst ofJnne next. Carried. Mr Hcrne brought up the report of the com- mittee of Willinmaville school, which C-Ill-:(J zu- t.enl_iol1 to certain necessary repairs of the school house. Referred to the building cotumittcewith power to act. Mr Phillips brought up the report of the Queen street school, which stated that ccr.ou'n furniture and repairs were needed in that school. Also referred to the building committee with power to act. "Pl... |....,_I ,I' ' 1 .-:1.`- TJIII IVE W P1_t'.N1 TENTIA I. Y A CT. 1..-_ ul qauuu per nnnum. It was moved in amendment by Mr Robinson, seconded by Mr Llc(}rm=, that Miss Livingston be appointed lo the vacancy in the Queen Bllerl. school, at a salary of $100 per nnnum. The amendmenll wus put and carried -Ycas 7. nnva, Close. Arrive. Euternyy (}.T R. day lrain12:40 PM. 4:45 PM. Weueru " 3:15 2:l5 Rut Ind West night train! 9:00 -` ` 7:00 All. LNITED STATES IAILS. Through Mnils for Neiv York, Boston, Onwegzo sud Cspo Vincent, will be closed at I230 P.M.. sud Ilnila from their places jnili be due for don I livery II 12:30, P.M. A second Mail for Cupi- Vincent will be clcsed at 5:30, l`,M., and one wlll be due here for dvlivery at 7, A.M_, daily, Sundays excepted. nnarn-. ru ...--... I .7. nu western New York? Iziwi Boston no ditfereuce will be me at of race in revenue nominations. I nu (Il'l school DLLJUUL. Mr Robinson, seconded _by Mr MCU me, then moved an amcndmz-In to 1l1r- arm-ndmeni, Ihxu M; Agnew be appointed to the Cutnmq.ui schoo'. Vn1.. 1 ,. -` unlaxuu was curnea-Iens 5, nays 4. Mr Uarmll moved, wounded by Mr Phillipa, ll1nlMi-is Eliznhclh I)`-xvidson Le appointi-d lo the vacancy in Queen street. sci-oo! M. a salary of $100 per nnnum. ll `Inn: w.ne.....-I 1.. .....-,,.I_, . I ll -. . - ru rut: prrlunl. ume. Mr Umroll thought the move would be a moat injudicioui one. He lher_el'oro moved in amendment, seconded by Mr Feuwick, that Miss Bautlie be appointed the teacher in Cnlaraqui school II_ 'I,L! u . .. . - -- .. uuunulu mucuer mr xue unmrnqun school. Mr Maasie did not npprova of u male teacher being appointed to Cnlurnqui scLonl. If such an appuiulmc-nl were Imdc-,Ihcn. wmnldWi|1inma- ville and Gordon street uchuuls also want mule 1Rn["lPrl Illll` in lknr .....n....a nl.... ..-_. :AI.. 1 ,1 nyuuu _ _'Ijhplustnmenrlr`x1ent was put and lost upnn a dwns1fau--Yeas 2,mnya 7_ The first amendment was then put, and upon dlVIBl()Il was curried-Yens 5, Unrrnll `rnnvurl u5.n..nJn.'I L... H. l1I.ZII:`_ _V._ _-_.-,_ F After Ihe opening of the meeting by p-ayer by Mr Maaaie, the chairman Imled its object 10 be the nppoimmemt of A teacher for Onulrnqui and Queen street Ichoola. ' hllv\ .-._--__ .In1II.luI: IISIIUOI. Mr Metcnlf in at present an naaiatnnt tom.-her in the Johnson attest school, and 1116 chairman remarked that the: removal of Mr Metcalf woulJ croate :1. great inconvenience in that school. Its organization was `vo-ry complete at present, no.1 the speaker uid he thought it would be very unwise to make any change. HI` Plfininil nhinr-Ind In any nhnnan Iunn -..;..'l.. l:|\ uuul Mr Robinson bud no objeclion to the Cain- raqui school having a. male Ieacber ifl11einhnbi- Mull wished it, but he cunsidu-ad that it would . . |~ . ~ . . be an Innn-Iv tr. Thu ...n.....-.n.-. or .L... ..,a.........._ -1. an--n-um JJSILIJIJ per Canadian steamers will be closed 1 Jay II 1'! H, - D-_ (1.... _, 1 , 2 n mun wmpeu H, but he cunsidu-ad that be an injury to the interests of the educnlion of the city to renlnvn Mr M-.I.calf from the John- son stroelacbonl. He suggested Mr Agnew as a suitable teacher for the Unlurnqui school. Min {Hal nnl nnru-nv. nf .. m..I.. o......L.-.. I III!) Ellll-I 'lJ'Ufl teachers, and i _ ,___ :1` -.. -| A special maeling, of the Board of Common I Shool Trustees was held on Monday evening" in the Council Chamber. The chairman presid- 1 ed and ;he following members were present :- Meurl Phillipl, Fenwiclt, Mannie, Mcllozuie, Omrallr lllcCme, Draper, Robinson, Cunning- ham, snd Conley. 1.0., .I .- V -V._ _... -- -..---.-. Mr Draper moved, seconded by Mr McRossia_, that Mr Iletcdlf be appointed 1aach.r to the Ca- Jnraqui school. I]: \l..o'..-lt :- _n _._A-__. -.. _-..:-.__. .-,, n,,_ uuuluc |U ulllll lily Gllllg. Hr Phillipa objected Ioany change being made at the premium time. I Mr l`.nrnnlI ol.n.....l.b oh- ......... -_....|J I-- COMMON 80110 01} BOA RD. Yours truly, luvll snutcn. u\.uuI..n-.1 hluu Wlllll. Luaue in that rcupect they certainly nd `not. a prior right to Cglnruqui Yours truly, ,, __.... ... Inc` tar aua_es e of .cI, e :}pro'ered nadcnsuch Ezenerul ah... Zl.'3Il` `V Per Cunard and Bremen lines, every Monday and Tuesday respectively at 5 I`_.|l_ .- .....u JIELI. be appointed as Pout- rYork. In New York so mad nominations. mt: cuuueu IO Um I L to the late Board [pnv nnrnh-n -_ - - - closed in [be nuuultll __-, .. u.u=u' engtnea. The Unio: nale enough to find heavy and e: beds on the government lands dc the line, auiciem_ toa yield them tnrieu to come, and they had thei: , constructed to burn cool, and they: terinl themaalvu. were consiruted at San Francisco. The (Dental burns mind` only in their engines. Unio Slates exce " , pun 1 - _ 1rm...:..-".'...""'." Wtrunmi per rmness is gained, the- time ` what inside of six days. ing New York his nex:;Sunday in si the Pacic. Tha Huh... ..--- um -a u_v nuuuem ume, rrom which deduct in minutes for the difference between Hontrenl ad Kingston Iime.] ...,. mm. nuure I0 more can be in six un_d seven days. For the p1 of running will be rather slowor, new and wants hallasting and Aflpr "13. "'L" ' Franciaco for emigrant and second class passengers should be $75, and for rst class passengers $175. In regard to the charge for through freight nol ' ed on in a few days. It is expected that the tri p from shore to shore made in between days. Fm n.- ....--- -- In expeciniion of the _ roads, the Uentrul Mid lh companies have made am; commndum u...,A.. _---v -- - --.......n-u Icuurul uI me country. It excited great interest in this part of the stale, and during the luv. ten days the court-room has teen pretty generally crowded with eager listeners. The Tacxs in the Wilson case were simply these: On the 17th of February last, George L. Roderick provoked a quar.-cl lth Dr. 1%. Wilson, in from of the Union Uolelin Ibis place. Wilson put up Will] I good dcl of abuse before he even showed temper. He even tried to pacify Roderick, but toino purpose. Roderick called him I thief, 3 liar, a swindler; yet Wilson b not lake Ih_st from any man, shot him dead with an ex.-2-handle. Such wee the evidence elicited upon the trial. The court acquitted Wilson on the grand that the provocation was aucienif, PXl'\9c'nl'inn or -I-~ ~' pin =._._-...._, muuug up Iuelr minds! Mark Twain writes as follows tc dating his letter Elmira, A;-r.l 2' sou trial came to an end yesterdr respects this was the most remark: has ever had 3 place upon the cri of the it pret Th 0: Roderic! viiih ca. of tried J h bore V Roderick grew more excited, and Ounrnh-inm. ....:.L.-. A-- __ .. VIIIGIUI correspondents repreent these statements as embodying the feelings that exist throughout all classei of English society. In a. letter just received from our London correspon- dent L," he says, after describing the sentiment and the situation in London:--"The least at- cidenl. may now precipitate that ...... _u.=u.uvanmges," IDC uselessuess of further necessity of being prepare own cnraful carreapond argon..--- - ` York T.-mes) show h _ __ ,-..., .. will on remembered, a similar jeu d esfrit was played by none Omni- ans at Diuans. All our accoqnt from England (says the New ow deeply the English mind" is stirred up by the new claims irrthe Alabama case put forward by Mr Sumner. It in not only the 1 a!l Halt Gazette which .declarea that sooner than make these concessions England must be prepared to fight rat, at all hazard: arid _disa.dvantages, and which speaks of the nezotisuim... --.-a -L- .y..5I:s, LICVEF I0 ` Iemburg. Last A similnrjeu 68,1 .s. o|_I|cnd Bunk, Ihnll issue or re-iuue any i pill, hind note, check, or other instrument Intending In circulnte as money, or to be; mad as n substitute for money, ior nnyi Illount whatever. I An All n._I__ -1 ,n n 1- . . ul Mr Weir, of Hontreal, is at Ottawa in further- sauce of his movement to export Iurpllfd silver coin. I1 is understoo possible we united `a and mcrchams. rn clion of Government, banks, '1 his object is to obtain if -_- .. gnu. ; l.UVllCe3. 5 Iurpl l|r\;n I - ._...n.r,.. _ We supposrs we may expect. the Mayor c-(`Cork over in Ihis country very soon. For, being no lo: ger Mayor of Cork, and having no prospect ofenlering Pmliume-ut, the only thing for him up do is to sail for New York ofwhich he can 1 ,_ _.__. `nun:-2. The new wheat crop in tin exccHeulcondi0H,audit h ( ed that she harvest win be` douhL ` ' The Gazette says :----Mr on the [Mean inspection from one of Lower Proviz I1. I17 ' -` um. ant: auoulu be remsmled would be success- fnl. `I must know gt. once, snivl she, furl have received an olfurot marriage, and although 1 don't f'u.ucy the man, if] can't gm. reins.nIed I must accept. ` rlv, _ , ,..- ........ .....u...n ac-u uuu l-I uullli. !'l'he' Hon. Jacob Thompson, of Mississippi, formerly Senator from that State, who has now return:-.d to it asa resident after H. long residence in Montreal, has tukun ground with [LE South- em lenders who rra determined to labour tor the pncilic settlement ofsotithern troubIes_ Ono of the female clerks recently dismissed from the U S. Treasury Department. called there to nscm-min if the demand ol 3 Congressman `tlmt she should be reinstated knnw nt nnnn n..Il .l._ ..a,, r - Thu States and Terriloriva west of the Missis- sippi riu-r have had grants of public lands for r-ducnlional purposes, to the amount of twenty- lwo million acres---nn urea nearly two-thirds as large as Ibo whole area. of Engla.:.d and Wnlcs_ A slmienl of the University of France, who had composed lli song, sent. it to Gounod 10 learn whether or not he had musics! talents enough ` Io bvcome a composer. Gounod replied in a letter that he [Ind not a scintilla uf talent, where- upon lhe irate student sent him a challenge. !"l-h- iirr Iannh I`Ln-......_.. -4` |.a- - A Clmicago deapnlcb stats 3 that the wheat crop of lhe Western Slut:-s is making excellent `-pto- greas ; Ills breadth of land sown is greater mau- un-r before, no that an unprecedcnled yield is looked Ior. _. .- _ . . . . ., .M 5 -. .\. v___ Mlls H. E. Bsilor, thn nclreu who Iecidontglly I OUR RELATIONS WITH IHGLAID. [stabbed herself st Bujfnlu while perfnrnrlng tho ' `The London couponduu `pm-O TH! I , lllluundtd In nd lhlt Enjllnhmu, and flpgci part of` Juliet, in recovering from the effect of Ibo . `" _``d- M 7 T 3 ly the English newupapers. take I'll lmzlim. .1 3:05 ufm. E iLa`st'Sundnys coloured clergyman preached in the M. E. Church in iin-own, PA When he emered Ibo pulpit several while Uhristlnua H vfs the church. ` Rona Aliho, of Dayton, Ohio, wont to Iieep the other night with u shawl-pin in her mouth, nnd swallowed it. The pin, which win more tiuin two inches long, with n. lnrge glass bead, had to be removed through an incision in he; throat. The ccnzuryplnnt about to blossom in the green- house of Ibo Messrs. Frost, in RochesIler,,N. Y., is of the rare vnnegnred leaf species. It is ex- pecled that many thousand atrungcrs will visit Rochester, or stop [here in passing, to see the plum. rlu 41. . - - An escaped nun, Louise Ilenelte, from Nice, is creeuing quite 5 Stir in the cities of Southern I-`mace by her lecture! on what` she saw and I heard in an Italinn convent. ln Toulouse the ' police refund to grant her penniuion to lec- tum. _ I viigo; Friel, of 0lt.wa., died on Sundiy, after n short illness. K ' , .... .... gyuzna u_L me uess negotiations and the ' prepared tor war. But our uaful carreaponclents 13 rut it our Lnmlnn an------- ng Englishmen have just favoured mg of Stuttgart with another exam- high Ipiril`. a-ud gentlemanlike be- ich have mnde lanolin. .....-:..... -- the Northwest is in Edition. and it in .-m.na.....- ---A,A I Fen-es will be replaced board `by a gentleman owe: Provinces, 3' ' how e irrthe )1 Sumner, I. :. ....- -A -K 44. All Bmks shalt be subject to such l provilionl of any general winding up Act. to be passed lvy Parliament as may hu de- clued bto_|pp|y to Banks. junction of the two id the Union Pacic, both 2 ample preparations to se- the lrnvellinn nnH`- "" iv... sucj Cllna [0, ading that the fare from anciaco '5 sight nothing denite has t a ta:-id will be detenniu- -e made in h------ ., ...... well` locomotives s1, theymine the un- - ...-. qua; LDC between or present the lime ;r as the track is sting and "surfacing." _,....c.u._y. m some : remarkable can that u criminal records Ilrt inlargni 5- 0`-3* .- ... um nuuuweal is in ` it condently asset-t-. `ill be ahnndnnt, I-non--3 donnted nlou hem fuel for their locomo thennina H-- can- ves .. ... vv By!-U9` : a person leav- Iilf VH5 "/ ` \..uI.Iuul_].I.Ll 15891`!-. ` abundant. beyond 4.-.: cu ac- pnblic. The r agree W88, an ocean to 2 compnnies Hv l|IIU' "- : Inbound neatly, cheaply, and expeditious]; I! the DAILY NEWS JOB PRINTING OFFICE I xx IUW [yearn old. Guinness W. R. vlloRAE 8 00: 0Lb R r E i2"VHIsKEY!w T A few Barrels 01.0 mm. ..... .=... =..` vs-at-Il.I.2lI G IRISH ronttnalsn Puma! Imsm an---- zoo aozen`Labatz'a`J;3`st Indin Pale . 200 Mild A16. ` 100 H -Scotch Ala.1+`.:n|...:..-I~ ,_ ......p unlillllllir, Il'0lll Hlllsgwo Guinness Stout Porter in qta.- nnl pu. V ounger a cclebmled Ales { " `Pennant : fa.r-fatned Ales " Je're_y a very ne East. India. " " GEMHELL'S_ Potted Ham, Po I:ted Beo_f, Potlo Tongue, and Essence of Beef. w p u-n-'='- " M3` Cull won and sin: the handsome Carpets before Ihey are IIILIOICI, [at the Montreal House. .:n- Tninl arrive and depart from Ibo Kingston Station IQ follows: uuongu yuulfl. An 0. mdtter of course, tbiunnit come to an end sooner or Intel---nnd so far as England is concerned, it seems likely to come to an and very soon. The English people, even thou of them who hnve hitherto been our warmest friends, will still look at then question: with 1 view to their own interests and- the honour of their own conntr . "Blood is thicker thnn wuterf and we must expeetnothing but oppo- sition from England to any extreme demand: we make upon her, in our owuinterest, oL,or` the healing of our wounded eenaibilitien.-N. 3 1 . Time. .....,, Iu nave warm granted ;- nndv the contest- nmong our public men become: mejely 1 an-ife as to which shall make the loud est threats and the moot extrema demuidn on foreign powers. A: n rn.'M-- at -----A -' ' ___ -_, .. .. ...= wutxu. no one can measure the extent to which we auer, in character end the respect of other untiope, from each blatant hnranguea at! those of Chandler and others of his stamp. The dominant idea, with that class of statesmen is, that the world stand: in such awe of our Velour and power thet we here only to make deman-9, bowevertexu-uvagnnt or tub- sunj, I0 have "them and becomes, therefore, meely make "in 'InnuL May 5. May 6. ' that Mr Motley will be able esae ,,,_ __, I..,_.,.,,... .. nocgsucmen mgr! and more remo:o,=and we see little reason to think it. It always strikes n genuine American with profound amazement to nd that any person or nation can ever-Inke any but nnlAmerinn' View of any question. What win our interest: ought to suit eve:-ybody`s. No nation has any right to `feelings or opinion: dil-rent from those which It nil nllr flnlonnana 0.. -_A--A -' ntinlly to change` 4:15 4235 pun .... lI.\.I"LIlll' nuu unlul. rcnuuy. V ~ When the nleture ofthe new demands by which the Revertiy Johnson treaty was to be succeed- ed W18 first stated, we ventured to any that they would never be grttnted,>a.ad that negotiations on the subject could not be renewed on that ba- sis. England will ght rather than apologize for a. wrong she asserts she has never commit- ted. She will never accept hurnllistiun" except. as it is forced upon her at the end of e War. We saw that as clearly three months ago as we see it now ; and even the Tribune sees it no. England is in n fury at ire nature of om: de- mande.. Mr Sumner : speech, which was to be made the basis of Mr Mgtleyht negbtietiong, has n`lie'ueted every friend we had in England, end turned the whole tide of feeling throughout the Kingdom overwhelmingly sgttin us. It is scarcely possible that negotiations on this lab- ject should be opened trash at all ; it in out of the question thet they should be openai with the slightest ptmpect of aeuceeefnl termtne- tion. We have probably bed from England the best terms we can ever hope for, bed as they were. Everything that has happened eince_the Johnson treaty was negotiated has only tended to mske the prospect of at settlement more and it. essentially _ ___ --,. -rum-BB]. maxim quality. { ' W. R. l(cRAE J: 00. May 18. M ' ----* Heal ugby uerrlngsrrlvlng. %EST DIGBY HERRINGS in prime crdor. _ J _ w. 12. McRAE k 00. May 14. A .._..__ 4.. _.._________ .oranges and Lemons IUST macmvso. Very ne. W. R. IoRAE & 00. May 14. - ~ nutuuuuru IU uuu IJIII. Ill IIIIIWGI If.` . ' ly English newspaper: III. ln:li :!.;e$:l'- I of the Aiebetne queetioo Even the three jog"- nele, which stood by-the United.Bhte| through` out the rebellion, do so no longer; they 1,. .goue'beek to the enemy. The Star, John Brighthtpeper, has fallen into the uneven of la veray Johnson; the Daily New: hold! view; purely Englleh ; end the Spectator, which um; to be thoroughly American in ill view: of III!- cry and the war, te now actually gpnefuln `O ward: us. The name feeling pervedee Engligk, eociety, end even thoee who have hitherto bean our best friends, will not yield an inch more on the Alabama question than we: conceded in the treaty which our Benete rejected with so much -contempt. "I wish, say; this plnintire` come. A pendent, "I with I could eey I knew more then two Engllphmen who eenoede without limitation M the justice or our Alnbemn cleinte, and the obIi- ` gallon of England rlt to edtnitfrenkly `ad then to compeneete {ully,ithe wrong: Ihd ha. done ni. A II .|_:_ _.____l_. _, ,-. e a. _ _ ..........u-up--, uuu cut: I: RIIIC 10 acquire the `habit readily. nature new `L- n_- __l_. '7 ucul. nus mllglllllll WIS B0! In 1'16 leg ! ed Io do nnythingaofjhe sort; indeed gm to have been thrown into a IoIveriu,g n muse we asked is of her. The fact is 3 bill not been used to performing auc'h hunliliciun, and she is lather too old and 10 at-nnuirn Hm huhh I-nnrlilu U '30 All this surprise must besected. It is hsrdly possible that any intelligent person should have ugected any osher response to the Senste s ao- lion and Mr Sumner-`s epcs-c` Ih--n both have got. We rejected the treaty because it did nothing toward humiliating Englsnd, It did not stipulate lhnt she should "est dirt. in our precence, and clothe herself in sackcloth and ashes for her sins, `is well as pay the damage. both direct and incidental, we had suffered from them. But England was not in the less! inclin. indeed, she seem; lowering rsge ho. fuel: in, Ic....I....a 3` SEE FIRST PAGE. 0I_.D A 16. - Scotch Ale, - -.-gvvli I Lemon Syrup _in bttle. Raspberry do , Strawberry do `Prunes ! ,,- --.. .-nu-culu lll ' ose warm -o...a. :_ ----- e, Edinbui-gh. ' W.`R..llcRAE 8 01}. --__-u w.. noun: as no; .3. ux -SINGLE corms. _.: -..;.- -_.,_,,, _ . Prunes ! Ul Lll. , R. HORAE & Co. in. noun as 00. . R. HORAE & CO.` . R. MoRAE as 06. J 8lIlI3Swl ,lVil. 3, very boice, only p n uuun.-ring rage bu. The_fncI: is, England, 3 Ala. `:Y L |. 3: flpecial. I lmrliu. as... F TF`UESDA&' E\'ENI:K itA1 ~1s. ,, _-.....u-J, Jch acts of I and sfujsid `co.preoent.wu,A ` 1 ni:souAi;;_ ", . by an nfddr` _ fncturcrl in (II I--` plenum in iI_vi* Slack, which, he ` _. vorynnlylngg W 3 Sbring u Iv In _0a.ni. 8 `fr outside the " H very_low your nrdaugn | " a.uu "" I [This is by Montreal time, from ihich dednc 2` IDIHIIIGH fnr Hm dilifnu I-unl-..-... ..-._., ,1 Hay J ,.tI|F"r'; ` inParin Lint Re` M make certain _j_ _____A_,___ __ _ Agril s. an 'I`rn\`(`ll('ru"nnd lmslal glllll. ,..|.-guvvu , I1! 1 `.000 Bush at 1,40 heavy ; sales 44. V1; receipts 14 It 78 0 86 for lnid_uido. .. iiI'ito the Pofe on tbe ` #10! In the priest 34 mo ooo. sawing u.'- -' KINGSTON POST OFFICE. I `` Porto Rico state that P `iii! on the Island,` wn `lane of a fearful con the ground. The _r ` . 4 ' rig. Bincss I 4 The yellow ` fev lhundreds of 11: Sp , V The. hospitals are `.r;.lC'Irculira been distri 7 n V. informing them this tith n blau:iy_lunll uu7usin u knife has :13 . A few soldiers who ch M ` 0 places were never an 1`; molntionists were beco _ ` _ . only awaiting the y `_ ~ nlittle longer its (1 _ lb: signal. - , Kinglton, Hay 4 .V-l'o|.an BI.os., bunkers, lib-llowI:-Amorican cu V WI} silver; yelling a laying It 4}, selling 14!. Sterling Exchan r.-Ulf:-rs here for No. 1 35. ~ Whesh: trie love ` 'hy a decline in England 0 M ` ' "pg-an Despale my 18.-A. Trinidad ( hjmtitizen Villawell, wi r -' `gm, marched irl ght `-his attacked by the S1 7* 12- ym muted. The Spa wdead and 30 wounde `,\. ries behind. The C kiiled and wounded. ` General Aguilera (C ` ish convoy and cap "ting Spaniards were a nd before Ehey urrir one tenth of their jrallind in Las Tuna .4. mgusrd the city 5 lwhih t_.hc Spaniard vigornusldefence, force r `_ der," taking _150.p .=u,w.M rrimo, 20,00 to 0 J00 too,oo. Pm, per 6 how, Q,00 to 0,00. * - ` |Ivy;holdera pressing ;`_i,nI1'yIupor 4,25 to 4 ' _.lo 4,45; .Wbea1-Aime V`>"'-` '*_ 1.,_' _:1'he Swiss Gove mini from taking` in! 0;-me Canton: bor . 11. um... 1'7 __.'I`I1nk nip `UK! - ! May 1:7.-~Tl]8k' Rte M_ arrived. 18 .-Sleiey-5 ( ~ A ;~39t0n. Baum, g yntfrom New York H j; AND HVOOIMERGIA ma, p.In.-Bon_da 78$ wuuiu I131`. 1:30 pm. Mixed train 2:45 :.m. use -- H -- 6:h5 " c nun.-u --..- 18;. p,m.--B:foadsI1;Ha 4 '?'""T.l-I . Van l,c ;vs,o1r.uz2o1a:: ~ " . my 17.---The co have united in Jnimson to at pl'BVi0_lS In his depar `Johnson Bails in the lmhjah leaves this port in ..Tb`8`P>I1Fi-S cprrlz-I -A__- 3. v. In a'\m'o wnsr. 4:05 am. i Mixed train 10:00 a. m. u u H-...n ing, i;ci";n"1eI 1: Pearl: unchgn II at 5;e5 rm '3 3.10 re 6,5 mm. Ann a .ny_ the d .-same` ulna; Bye C()Plls`.S of the Dun N11 ; manor I.. -...\:._- -1 -I ' r- ' Blrlan sums ly the amount. of currencf 3 upon afllcpnait 91' public is mostly n|tack_e-d. The` at Lnnking under Ibis plan of "elasticity", pad that it to move the crops. But 11|.'\n: hro -.-_- _( J ' ban GOING I181`. .. .. I \l:_-x ____ V. uuu uuu K rrency. Mr Rose _re- { in the interest. of the for, not in the interest aholder who is seeking Lness_o,f binking. In. ()(`.r`IIrI-inn --I` --*` " ,__..b. JLI. rccull-ring and entail- hswe occurred lately runuwirtk `W ` ` Hubts 3 to the wuuld a Bank l every Fra- -.-~. uuIAlblIIJ .' uspecc M the quesaiun, he coulrj not under- stand why mt. should he |uSl8l.(:d that at one ' [renmrks till auollngr stage 0f the ]cbnte,i . being unxiuus in hear what could be said J .-...-.,.u Luuu u 11.: believed the true pulic} was to have sought the most direct route to the nrnreat seaports. As tu the military I aspect of the con] ,stand win it `...,...|.: . . . LUIS ucrurul or bouthern routes, with a View to the adoption oi the shortest and cheap- est line wi:hout interfering with the dis- tance to Halifax as the ultimate terminus," Mr Mackenzie said he had, in accept- ing confederation, agrued, though reluct- antly, to saddle the country with the cost of building this railroad ; but had be supposed that the Major Robinson route would have been atluptrd; be for one would not have agreed to it. He believed that On- tario was almost an unit upon this question. It was decidedly opposed to a long, expen- sive and useless route. There were three con- siderations to be taken into account in re- gard to this railway-the commercial inter- ests, prudential reasons. and the military USES ol the road. Experience had already shown that the Grand Trunk railway llllll . been placed on a wrong route on account of local and political inuences. The same inuence has operated on tho Itrercoloninl railway. Taking Montreal as the starting point, uni going by the Grand Trunk to Bangor, Maine, they could reach St. John via the `western extension; and this rnule was shorter by forty six miles than the fron- tier route or any possible route within our_ territory. The only proper route in n. com- mercinl sense was the shortest possible to the sea to such ports at St. Stephen or St. John: which were open through the winter. Another means of ascertaining the com- mercial importance of the Robinson route was to take the customs returns of the ports nlongsidc of it in- the Pro- vince of Quebec. The customs dues collected at these ports were but one- one` hundred and sixty-second part of the whole collrctocl in that province; anrl at ten ports in New Brunswick the dutivs were but one twelfth of the customs reve- ' ' The com- on this line Wt-retllcrb innitesimal, and he need not waste words upon them. He was quite willing that the Bay Chnleur country should be settled and become )ros- ll perous,.but the quesiiou was not one ot tho ` ghway. _ s it was only necessary` 1* that the intervening links between existing l lines should be built, and the proper cnurso P would have been to have connected the `' ,existin,-_g Lnes in the valley ofSt. John with 3` River Du Loup. He argued in favour of the frontier rout all that he had be.-`en:able readily have been cons prudt:n'inl reasons it woul that this would have bee selection of Major Rn admitted that this invol imperial guarantee, been better for C e, which, from to discover, could 1' tructerl, and for tl bu cnsy to prove n preferable to the biuson s line. He 6( veil the loss of the but would it not have anarla to have borrowed :1 less thanhaltof the amount on its own ,1, (lt.-bcnlurea and secure the construction ,0 ofa shorter, cheaper, and more COD1l uel'ChIlly 0, Valuable road ? IL: believed policy H]; direct rnnln --- on LI._ ( ...c .-cu nun nearest port on the Buy or: Yundy. 2. Tnht the Bay of Clmleur route, selected by the government, is not one wh`cli will best promote the cmnmerciul interest of the Dominion or hes: secure the settle- ment of the n mute portions of the Provin- ces through which the mind will pass; nml xhu, while it gives tlzc smallest commercial sdvautafgeai, it will entail the largest expen- diture in the construction and afterwards in the mninu.-ua.nce unul working expen- sea. 3. That in view of the serious etfect on the nances and the permanent and continuous loss to the commer<;e;nf the country, consequent on the adoption ofa long and expensive route to the son, it is desirable not to proceed with any work on those portions of the line not common to the Central or Southern adoption of flu: nh.ue.... ....A _L - ----..;.;.u:u;rz U1 L'.1VAll.:l. Monday, May 17.-Iu_the House of Com- mnns, after ntuer business, Mr Mackenzie moved that the House gn into cnmmiltrc ut the whole to consider the following re~ -.-oIutiuns:-1. That in the C0m4lI`lI('.tiu.I at LlneTnterc0loninl railway, it is uf1be high- est impurxancc for commerce and rcnunmi- cal reasons to have the shmteat nd cheap- est line sclvcted, which, in asfiition to thef main 0|'jt`Cf, wiil nbrd access to the best noel nearest the of .T'undy. bv EOV(-!I'nmt-nf i; n... ...... _.L : #- :_ , _ _._.....- nu HVVCL water. 1 -ussengers all szifc. lies opposite Biscon Point, n1il(-svwcstofhcrc. ...._, lLl.' um. vvctn uncrc Wt`lC 74 icnths. '1 he renmimlcr of the artillery lat:-!y frum Lumlnn, Hnmrin, wcnt tn Quclu-C lust unn- ing for vmlm|k_-Ltinn on the Sl`.I8.l)i:-1. \ViHimn Mnnrney, n fnrnler frum Lnchime, gm. nn :1 spice yesterday ufter dhpnsing ul` his lmul, mul mlling ntf his cart gut 2|. lmcl rut on the beam. Trumps nrc I-:L'tI'_y (rnursv; ml` Clmmlnlvy. The Salt: 1) I to pursue n'ii1.er:L lic walks, Ihc cm from the lnnlcing OH to Cnlnp(.'n8`Ih' mlvanmgrs, _ K _ v - found inadequate and umponlions of bank. I will more on-'leus genersllytocnur. Under `the proposed law the suspending banks El'mI`t-it their charter; lint the suspensions i may become no general as to make it; mu - lier ofpublic policy to authorize the suapeu- ` lsiou of specie payments, when the hntcis iissuul its currency will be surely suljcct. h ' tn :1 l]t`pl (`t'll|ll0ll uf v_ct|ue dependent upon I the prospect of resumption of specie pny- ` I moms and the credit of the gnveminent. I In other respects the bank scheme {would nppear to highly favourable to the eucnur- i agent:-ut ul public walks and tn the rnpicl ` ilovulupnienz of the growing Donn-iininn. Th8p)'n1tlIl uf the nntiug imlelite'lut~s:-- '3 expense iii" the Inteicnlmiiul I{ullWB)',~llllE of the pirislitctivc railway tn the Ninth) West territory, will serve for (-uiplnyineut of = gnvernuicut iunneys. and upon which to is- sue sut`urilie:i In be pUl'Cll!|SB(l by the l lmiiks. If the iicccssiiiirs of the govern-1 Mn P.-1 BL].-I .1(E'NT 011 CA NA 17.1 . nntluv KT..." 1'7 T ' . ,- ms..- us. anuw length " route, bad to ve constructed, cnsons would mid been r` Rnhins0u at. involved trauma, tor Canada II of zhcapar, commercially J? trm: unlim- , __.-. ,.. 4, cnuntry` lnnliing schen he rclic\'L'(l mnl it Evin bun : n'ii1er:L1 policy in reg,-an! .|._ ..,._.,-., -.. . . ~l`l~.'('l.-1l. ll{U1\I MUN l`RI-EAL. Z I, May 1S.--l.ust wet k then: ,-_ -vntlllll` U1 lungsidc nebec. me- ml Of ILA nnaonn-- ~ uf military burs.-s tn tn gn thrnu; an Lnpmiric 1 money ,__, .~-. .-.u\.nl;IILl(: use sider Iwny, ommercu P]-In Lllnnln-A --,| ' TEL E0 I. -~1 M S. nisod , and level: -..._.u.A;A1. ig.-Tbu sh.-unwr 1 Split Rock this iu twenty feet of .-.II -:P oluticilyof the govcrninent issues no doubt have fully accommodated thum- Ielves to the new order of things. Thu efect of the operation of the proposed luv woullhe to give great steadiness uni- formity nnd security to the value of the circulation used on currency. utrictiona are dictated non.-holder and depositor, in tetest of the banker or shareholder prots out of the businessof stead of bank failures occurring ing public loss, as they in Ontario and New Bu-unuwick, we should have no ayqtem which would remove doubts as to the solvency of particular banks genoral npprociqtioni "and standing of the public crodit; and it is here where the gist. of the matter lies. For it is undeniable. and it follows according to the results of e;peri- erieo in like cases, that no matter how the Ipecie reserves of the banks may be count. on upon to mnintnin the face value of notes - `I Q Inggi- -1-- I ;;h an be Q-n'm|.-u cg,-aux! fhlplllr ,_;___ H . .. an n u ul She `nu about '5 W ..... -.. u.'LuIruer and omers took put. mi ice, In the Senate Senator Campbell informed the L Senate that Speaker Gaucbon had, by reason of ` the death of one of his children, been unmmon- 3 P) ed to Quebec. Previous to his departure he had mm 1 pIaced.bis reginauon in the bands of His Excel- woum l lrncy, who had not nccepted it, but appointed `pro rem Hon. John R055 to act as Speakor dur- .1CUT' ingihlr Caucbon s absence. , rapid An nddreu was ordered for copies"! of corres- tinmn . pondence relntivo to the extradition of criminals. 5 ` I , In . .... uuuulully), consisting of 122 married and ` I 187 single men, 122 married and` 39 single I % women, and 206 children, were landed : and ` forwarded by- the Grand Trunk `to- day` under the able superintendence of Mr ' Btabrd, Emigration Agent, to di`erenI.|' towns in 0nturio._ ' water_nbout everything which ernanntea from the vicinity of his jib. The dockyard mechanics and labourers by the Sernpis (which arriveij at Quebec on Saturday), consisting of women, children um... 1....:.a -r- -- I .....w man u 3 nuorougn arnnc k ofgenuine Ealt-Q I W An Ottawa that a marilime quellion comes up for discussion in the House of Commons, Commander Fania rises like a. sea. wolf on the quarter deck, emf roan-I out his speeches in lomri which prev-xil ove r all the tumult and racket of any Parlia- mc-nlnry tempest. The Minister of Marine re- ` aembles n loblolly boy compared to the Cans- .` dian Jean Barn manly gure and profound ac- uvcl uau muck: Bl Inn opening of nnvig 1868 was not fen-from 1,500,000 buahe Rnbenler (N.Y.) yapera report the` wheat held over in the counlias State as large ; I ter, Niagara 60,000 bushels. _ unauuuy , llu IDS! ll will be difficult move those who know how safe, pure and prot- able the business of mlvancing money upon the purchase of gain has become in Canada, and who know how quickly the transactions relating to one cargo or shipment are closed to be renewed again on another, are fully convinced that even under a system of bullion an ithout bank notes of any kind, the citgsj yvonlcl be moved as rapidly II it is aclvisablehr possible to do without gltltting the onlinary markets. The diicul - ty in relation to.thc moving of the crops lms prubnllyrpt-on greatly exaggerated by those who loolr gt it in the interest of. their own prots; but `the bank: should not hear lest they will be able to do aprotable banking business under the new law should it be paused. At all events the gradual manner in which Mr Itose`s- plan is intended to come into operation would greatly mitigate the Itringency anticipated lay the objectors; and by the time that the measure is fully in operation the business of grain purchas- ill and shimnenz nu m..tI .._. ,..i. - - - Tlie Summeruido Progress, 3 Prince Edward Island annexation organ, has burll. up. The accumulations of wheat on the Ihipping points on the Mississippi and Minnesota rivers, which, on April 1at,_1869, was placed at about 800,000 bushels, are now not less than 3,000,000 buslhels. At the Lake shipping point. the excess over the stock at Ibo opening navigation in 1.500.000 hnnhnlu mu- ( ;l-``he Frog The: um-nu-n.~.I...:..._- - -` Mr Royal; of Le tuted an action of damages tors of Le Pays for Mr Provencher, o!La ' with n !llI|llul' action, Dandelion: are H favourite dish with the Hali- goniamn in the spring. This vegetable grdwu to great perfection in the Halifax graveyards, hav- ing an nncommohly piquum. avour ; and there is not the least doubt but the Haligoninna are in_these succulent dandelionn slowly but surely eating up the remains of their venerated an ces- tori. ._ ...... .. vn..:I;I`U ucrussn rope ( water, tumbled off, an] swam uahore. Tbs lmmnn debacle continues. Upw 2,200 French Canadians passed throu Albans last week on their way to the] States. 7 _,. ,___ An "aerialvelocipedi1I.iu S1 to ridv a. bicycle acrussn 31 um umu, mugswn, umber. UP-Schs light; Maumee Oaweg. Nashua, C bic: west. ...... vuuuu, nun] 10111: Dowx-Schs Eliza While, Port. 1 man; Dreadnought, Kh Great West, City of Toledo, Ogden cargo; City of New Chic: bugb, gen cargo; bound, Kingston, wheat; ham, Kingston, timber. nn_.`l:-lm Co-----A-`- "` ` " __ _ - . -rm-|\\.I III In llllldfy Om schooner Prince com go of woodnt fol will leave this an is unloading at th wharf. The E name wharf for log: night with the Fortit Crib for Montreal but schooner Annie in the Commercial evenin The schooner hm Glassfurd & Jones` nnloa wheat. The nchooner Mail arrive wharf to-day from Toronto wit wheat. The barges Dixie U: Glnssford 6: Jone. wharf this 29,000 bush of wheat. nnd.corn. City of Ottawa arrived this after: tawn by the Ridenu Canal route to-day wea,_t,f1'eah. l|'||_- B,II ` `_ ._.~J cw ll\4u`-II The following vessels Welland Canal, May `]81h: nnuru 0-]..- his- VI"- It is this prevention of ination attempt- id fairly to_be secured by Mr Roae s scheme, in basing arigidly currency issued by banks It-curities-, that nltnclgd. The objectors say that will be devoid of 9 :ws,--The schooner; 4zon ant] St. Lawrence left Garden Island last night for `up lake. The bark Winslow. from Saginaw lo Ogdensburgb with lumber, is ashore at the Sis- turn near BrockvilIe_ 'The steamer St. Helen and ateamer Grecian touched at Swift's wharf` on their passage down, the latter having on board battery of artillery from Town! . The Prim-a RA....a I.-- --_-r - - - - SHIPPING N _ ,, . I.--`-ug-., ll-If , Luc pl'BCl.|.l|0IJGl'8, ot the above Division, agree to support the nomi- nee of the medical men of this city and vicinity Curried. It was then moved by Dr. Sul_' iivan, seconded by Dr. Johnson, Thu` the thanks of the member; of tho Medi-' cal profession of this BI:9CliO|'I, Division Of Quinta and Cataraqui, are hereby tendered to Dr. Dickson for the very able manner in which he has represented their interests in the Medical Council of Ontario, Curried unani- mously. Am-r is discussion on the new medi- cal bill, concerning the provision: of which con- siderable dismtiafuction was expnaaed, the meet- ing adjou:ned.'-A.` S. ULIVIII, M D., Secretary, ,_ _- .,................u nu um necretnry of [he Medical Convention of Quinte and (lutnraqui, stating the vtiilingness of this meeting to support their nominee as :1 r0;.r sentative of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario for I869,-'70,-`7l, with the understanding, that on the ocznaion of the next _election tor sai-I purpose, they, the practitioners, `A Mizmcn. COUNCIL cr 0nnmu.-A meeling 0! Ilse Medical prof:-ssion of Kingston 8Ld vicin- ity Wits` held on Mondny night in the Muyos otce, city buildings. Dr. Dickson was appoint- ied Chairman, and Dr. A. S. Oliver Seer:-liuiy. ` Afmr explanation: by the Clmirmnu as to the 0 jecl of the mneling, which was for lbe purpose of nominntingn represenlatite of Quinta and Ualarnqui Division, in Ihe Medical Council of l0I1tarin, ii `bun vnnun L_ 'l`t- C`~- ` , -._.,... .,.-muuu, Au Int: meulcal C0 Ontario, it was moved by Dr. Strange, nnded by Dr. `LaveH, That Sc-crelar; `cl. ._,_, j _ ATTIHPTID Smcml I it Monday an the turnkey of count; fcnganed in shaving the priaonerei :-kitchen be laid down his razor on a 5 by, and proceeded to alrap nnolher C I nalic by the name of Ryder who bud shaved, snatched up 1119 razor from R and. ran off with it to him word. He `J,_. 1.. :(-nganed prisoners in the gun! :. kitchen chnir nem- by,aud one. A lu- bud just been from the chnir o' was imme- ` dinlely followed by the turnkey, who, however, l was not suicionlly quick to prevent the mad- !` man from inic-ling aslight wound Ibout two [inches long upon his throat. Dru. Yates ant} Hhvnr fnuuui ........ -L,.!_ ,7 - _ ,_ ._... .....~u. unru. |uI: VVUIIH` 3 was not ofa. serious character, and the man has ' since teen able to eat heartily. , . ._-.--- section: of the line plnood under contract, under the clrcamunnoos thin House conde.-s that any dlu-union u to the route of tho Intercolonial railway would not answer any good purpose. and would greatly prejudice me credit` of the Dominion or home and Abroad." Dr. Tupper seconded the amendment, and 0 ` dc to ensued, in which Mr Young, Sir George E.;CIrlier and others took Senate Snnunr r`..n...n-...n :..u..__-.- -L- .-u ____ -_, . Mr Rose adopts the favourite theory that the government only should have power to issue currency, and that paper when ._used for the purposes of money should into its amount controlled and regulated by the government. It is not simply to native to the people, as represented by the govern- ment, the `profits which iris well known the bunks derive from the accidental loss or concealment of hank notes, but. for other reasons, and mainly for one which forms the chief objection urged against Mr Rose's Ichc.-me by its opponents, namely, to prevent for a