Kingston News (1868), 20 May 1869, p. 4

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5 138 Regent Street; Boulevard deg Italil .'el:1i`ln1el|1s`ura11c0. 1569. -vt ve re carefully prepared for Ex- I retain their excellent! qualities] ,__ _.-.uavI:L Ul LUI` allege ofParis, ChiefPb_ysici.m .'Eptdemic.-1 in Paris, _late M.i). pilB`3 Alinrn 3-nil 3---* , ` 1 e nska carefully surveyed, and mu | um unule to correspond with the I $50.009 _ , __,,.....u ur uulug tI.-')- for the *d WHIJOUI injury to the ker and of dead and British Possessions, subjects '13}, 79 Walling Street. mm of I fall Chemists. Sir W the on] DIARRHCEA, &c.' tural Ha sent to the College of Sb_W i" Jmmunication received by PU ? 0` wnere cholera had been Tb_ V the effcct tbut, ,uf all following adyne was the most e'ec- M3'198_l'3 Agnc :8 yet, unhappily, fardim `-`D93 inion or State 1nterfer- 030" Of: 2 advertisement or male of E0'5!'9d- whatsoever. It ib to be Flmds 9-` :a.eiou will continue to nd"` to conduct of those of its mneU5_ 3 imonial or otherwise aid BHPDBIES hing3_-Lance!. "DY W33 IHLORODYNE. }"f'l ' tion of known Compoai- `_{J. npt `ion. . . ' zhor of Standard Works . Th Ed oroform. ` disease y :t, Piccadilly, London. :3 mi 1 would ndvertis your ."`quem_y you do, you Foul help '"5m'"ce]`J which are secret'com- Plymolilini narket. Many mdicnl was ap these the lrecomtnend your,com- be applied prescribe a fsecnget re- those Pam CHARLES KIDD, M_,!D. used, not at, Manchester. L1 quemly Dc :1! {Erie fmes .` d 1 above allm cm t .Ppr.`:' . ' some death N u.."2. oi`Z`;'.u't J}: imm=im'= . ' . quantity, it 41 dtzrtng the present 3 single ca '1 cohc, sgne, spasms, in the Migl ;`Z`ZL fZ.`;`2`..2 .'`i.?"fiZ 86 W k ` street, Load 11 is wnrnedag9.inI1in- Pints 45; 3 asp `compounds noir E7` "'3.`oh `lino l.....r. L in T--ilet Powders. Po_:tnble Fountains. Toilet Vinegar. Hair Preparations. Tooth Powders Glycerine Toilet Requi- Sites. ` ' ~ . Towle, Chelfiiu, .\-u lI.IL)I'\A] IU HUG H I llwmnruble terms. ml liberally nd_juated_ -ncv. -.:_. >RGA.V'IG MEDICINE. ummeu: to zpir Majes- -tlne Freuch,'Ibe Qul-en Holland, lb Queen of King of Portugal; and Yllrs. mvunut`-\ I 1862. JAMES SWIFT, Agent, St. Lawrence Wlmrf'[ i mum ` I treat; 24 Cornhill, Italians, Paris. ru II . DI l`I.I1NlJ"l'. Agent for Kingston 36!. - .-..-n. vuuuixrj, LI( street, Kingston. j. V. Ax/IJIIIC f germination`. ,fe, which thus irrilalivc and me the nucleus 9 of being i Member of thr r`.hin..f'IJ3--*-3-5 anon , IIULI [He A gqld nu-d4.) ernnmnr In I). uunu, `General A15: I 'l(\1n \ 513 ; Large $24,000,000 on terms as H ........._:. ._ b7` n\r'LI,n : to and Inn`... _ S61d pll Chemists, and at #0, Canon London. Qnarte, 165 ; pints, 85 ; half- pinls, glass-stoppered Imperial pints, ex- tra. strength, 163 per dozen; and -in balk at 43 per gallon: bottles included. Each gal- lon making 200 gallons, when dilmed with water. See directions on every bottle. Recommended and used by Professor Simonde at the Royal Veterinary College, during the last twenty years. .B.-Tbis qid is a certain cu _ re for grease` in home, also the tub and rot in sheep. V 10` - ' -I-'Bawden, TTORNEY A'I`- I A W, Solm Cbancm-y,Notar3 Public, &c., II..I'QaI ._ Kinaurnn . occupants would not permit,i to applied; the result of which was, that in parts of the house where it had been a. single case (If cholera subse- occurred; while in the four rooms alluded to, tha disease still exists and deaths have taken place. Two houses immeliiately opposite -were supplied with a. in'neitner of which has there been case, although the disease is raging neighbourhood. ' S6ld strength. uh M. .a......_- A - - - run` :1): 9d .....m U! your uismfecling Fluid enclosed. Having used various our many shows, I. condence that none have hm taneous and complete effect of Burnett's, and this too wither nuisance like the smell of lime or cnrbolic acid.--I am fully, S. Sinsmr, Sec. ant Capt. Jackson, R.N., 90, Can This uid acts on the essenl by destroying the local 1 the atmosphere under which chu frequently `developed and props; instance: "In a house in St. Ann Plymouth, occupied by fty-twi sprinkled in every room exc nnnlierl - H13 .-....1. .z- E-- - ..;Iv \JUul]CH. The value of the fluid is sl following letter from the S3. Manager: Agricultural Hall, Islington, . `.`Dear Sir,---Please to send ei` more of your Disinfecling Fluid, Having mum .,....-....- ,...,...w, uuu mr post-mortem examinations; prevention of infectious fungus in trees; dead bodies, and for the preservation of for dissection; for the .extermina- bugs and other vermin. W. Burnett : Disinfecting Fluid was only Disinfectant used "at the Agricul- Hall during the Smilheld Club Callie Show 1866, by orde: of Her Biajestya Privy Council. T1. ----|--- ` " ' ' disease, c.-n- 3 for the disinfection ,___ IR WILLI KM BURNETTS DIS] ING FLUID, for the` puriiicalio rooms, hospitafs, workhouses, facto sons, crowded places, between decks fever wards, clothes and linen of sic chairs, cesspools, drains, water .stables, dairies, lairders, musty caa &c.; bilge-water, and the holds 01 apartments fur searchers, uudertaku Jurymen, and for exami infectious diam .....uua _ uuuullcltea testimonial; * mg each bottle will prove. render; it. admirably adapted ler, tourist, emigrant, or pl more especially when distant advice or assistance. Q:-.lrl' an --~~-- ~ u_aulV4 [Ll price 23 dd, cial agents parts of the ` OFFICE 1iEH5vEo T( - NEARLY {'IpPl'\.h1Y'l`Ii' 'l"t_I?.\'I`E1{'u1u-gr]. nruuuuli PYRETIU SALINE.-A L Mfdlcin that cures Sea. Sickness or 111,- won-at form of Billions Headache in a few Iruinutes; elferreecing and tasteless, its con- atant use l especially calculated to main- tain health. `When mixed with water and taken `during the eervescence, it immedt ately blends with the food, and is rapidly absorbed into the system. It vitaliz:s and supplies the blood Wi[l1.tU]056 saline princi- ples that are lost, altered, or destru_ye_d dur- ing the hot weather. In Jungle,,~ Sctlllet, Yellow, Typlzus, Eruptive Fevers (9t'Cholera), also in several other conditions, where the vital current is poisoned by infection, and thereby rendered unt to support health and life. it has been found eminently benecial; and its sustaining nnd purifying inuence acts as a. preventive to disease, as the nu- merous_unsoliciLed testimonials a. :con;pnnv- inn aunt. L-..I. 1 ,,,,-_.. --I\aI-Iullulll Ul tut! IJPSL , Uzner-.11 Board of Health, Author of thelirst work on Fever in any age or country, the Philosophy of Health, &c. - Delicious with `kvery known dish. Its habitual use increases the appetite and pru- motea digestion. I1 is much esteemed lor its digestire properties. As an assurance of its purity and enlntnry properties, it is only necessary to poi_t on the name of the celebrated and philanthro- pic Physician from whose prescription it is compounded. The ntire life of `that distin- guished man was spent. in pr0m_o'i:Jg the health of his fellow-creatures, and his death, in December, 1861, was mourned as a na Lion I lose. ' Wholesale and for exportation by the Pro- prietor, 69, Lamb`; Conduit Street; Brtfclily Ad Sons, Furringdou Street; Lutty and 00., Finsbury Pavement. Retail by Chemists, Grocers, ltmllinu "Warehousemen, and others, throughout the Kingdom, and every part of the world. Ask for Tm. an-an =-~~'- '- |{PLOUGH'S PYRETIU L Medmine Se -I. . ' _ . 4- __. .. ... uu--cunt |'r-qul`.H. HS HID l"l]0.-ll. mlmirul ` Pb:-fume fon tlw Handkerchief`, Price 23 ml. _. 3 John (:'..vs`ryell J: ()o. s Im Nuhlessa Perfume: L _ a [post dclicrnc Paxrme oft-xquisite fmgmnca-. ' John Gosnell & Cu}: Nohlesse Pomndr-,, ele- H-I pnntly perfumed, and highly recomnu-nded fur beautifying and prmuotmg the growth of the b.;ir. I Ina .`{ohle.-yse So:xp-e1loemod far in uncqImlL- , led p--rfume and ne etnulliem qualities. 1 John Husm-ll & Uufs Yiulua. zmd llille-ur .1 I Narserv 1'uVVd._*:- is Lrumrn mum! ......,. xv Retail for '[`be" S.~mr:e.---Special Export Agnts-Burgo5ne, Bu:-bridges, and Squire, 16, Colman Street, London. .1. I-l|l\IU a. recipe by hi wood Smith, tbs London F.` mry `Reform; urn-lr an '7` - -nu uvu U;-L-r:u10ns 0! cleansing 2: simultaneously. * Tbn [uent II;-c-hnnical Chair! H`:-nir by .\I:u~hiuery. -For Prospec,n.ppl_v to the 1 a.temees um facuirere,` JUHN GOSNELL & Cc by Appomlment to Her Majesty, or'Wu1es,&c., RED BULL WHAR THAMES Srmcrcr. late ot 12 Three 1 Lombard Street. ,.rI uuu Duuu w r1A:u',9;s UPPER Truugs S'rIu:n:'r, John Gusnell 4!: Cafe Select Perfumes: Ens Bouquet, Royal Yncbt Club Bouquet, Jockey Cl.-b Perfume, Essence of Wood Violet, Vic- toria Bouqizel, Fmngipnnni, Militnry Bouquet, the Bride's Bouquet. John Goanell It Go : Prince of Wnlea Par- fume, a most choice and fashionable perfume. John. Guauell & Go '5 Princess Alexnndru n ` Perfume, a moat choicu and delicate perfuruc, elpregmred expressly (hr the 11:11: of Her [loyal I dighneaa. John Goanell & Co `.5 Upper Ten Thousand Perfume. ...J up nu: urur, HHS I "" "-7- im disagreeable odour, and is easily applied. John Gcrsnell & C033 l ;|l(mt Trivlfos.-tron, or newly invented Hair Brush, (ha peculiar me- chanical construction of which accompanies llue two operations of cleansing and polishing simultaneously. John Dlndle, V ARR[S'l'EB,Ltl.orna_y-at-haw, Gonveynncer, kc. Oice opposite Post. Uice, Clarence sum, Kinglton. A I-Inunl I urn fr: uvluul. u. cannot post` Jnhn ll......_II L n I .....w._, . uvvu-JR 1: gunru wry should be without ` J1; in tins ls enh. Jnhu 11.. ...._n n. n v w 1.` 1.1. 11 -.__.- IFHE gross frauds which continue to be prac- tised by obscure -manufacturers, more particularly in Germany, by imitating the la- bels attached to JOHN GOSNELL & 0039 I PERI-`UMICRY, render it imperative upon the Proprietors to Cgvrxou the public against. such nefarious proceedings, and to requs.-at their friends and patrons to purchase only at respec- table deainrs, who import. direct from John Gosnrll & Go; and invite special attention to the address- RED BULL WHARF,93 Ur-Pan Tunuxs Gilsnell k (`.n `.1 Quinn: LI..-s'......... . rn unuuu` John do ,, _,, F11 SAUC E. Prepared lay Atax- umlcr b`ouLbWoml Smckcr, Irum cipe his Cousin, the late Dr South- ismilb, thirty-ve years 1"uysiciaa to London Fever Hospital; Faxber of Smi- Medical Mecnbiz-r of the first. '1'-.11 Henl1h- A,.n..-..- A6` ---- -=--- ,-ucse uuuer wmch chule propaga In house Andra fty-two; [led in even: rnnrn ----- nun. uuuv unva mid S Id without ..... ...-nun. patent toppered glass I, 43 6d, 119, and 2Is eacl 1 r_equired and appointed 3 world. ARRIS1`El?.S,AT1`OR.N EYS-an-L AW Solici- tors in Chance;-y-Chgmben Nos. 7, 8, C 9, Anchor Buildings, Kingaton, C. W. Jun O`RIn.t.v,Q.G. | tau: 0. Dunn. ,_ _..... uu-.-1u1u14L.n an uo., 1 erturm-?s- mlment the Pnnce~=.~ ,&c., WHARF, 93 UPPER 5'-Tmcm`. ot 12 Tlkrnn L';..,. n. . -- ,_ _. .... . ....u-wu urmir lur nrnsr ' For Prospectus and apply a.tenlees:md Sole ll; {JOHN C0.,, Perfun [nlmnnt In n)r M..:,.,..-. .x. -- THE DAILY NEWS-THURSDAY ..EVENING. M4Y_%V*_go- nsnell & Co. .-; Jockey Club Tt`.l`e`H.l rr-nnn:l um I}... .-n.... -- ,.,..-.uu.u:u1 examinations; ion infectious I isaection: um ........,..:__ ......-.., must) casks,1ubs,- r, of ships; undertaken, and rr 011 infectinnu r`i=nn~- - .. ......,., uuu pmIanllJ1'o- _whose entire promoiizng 'ellow-creatui-es, ..- .. ..uu1u1'nUl- , the purication of sick factories, pri- nces, of ships, mes sick, night- , qlo.-It-ts, airders, casks,1ubs,~ hnlnlu AF r--`-- _._}_/______ BURNETTB DISINFECT- . 1'01-the nurir-.n;,... ..s' -- - -1 Jan, IB In nanrl ..:,L- .--up-not .rllIIJIV, BLBRISTEBmd ATTORNEY-at-L voynneer, kc. Otoe Bagot Sire door south of the Brim}; Whig utoe, August I. GAU'l'f0N. ,_ .,.g-uncutlu I-can say with e had a of chloride of id.--I yours faith- sr, and Manager. 34., Cannon street. essential cause of conditions of cholera. is meat and nrnnnrvr-"' "` -sully an a food,` I with those ncip... .._`--~= ..,.,,-mcu gmsa Bottles, 19, each. Spe- in all _ ,-_ ... nut! uu.yel.' t, przvate family, from medical ,., _ ......., an per order various Dnsinfecting Jws, saw with ..... ...,....z, vvucrd we med Id nimm.i..1.= .=-:-------r~ ,-_ --.-vnnn 1:! IDCBL propagated. For I Andrnw -' *""` ` ...-ynsnwu. For .Andrew s sire: ll If-twn h-w-~- - ' .... u unnr, UJ UPPER 12 King Court, w unison an Reeve, ARRISTERS ANDZATTORNEYS-at-LA W, Solicitors, Couveynaoera, Arc. Nupzsnee, U W 'otir1c|:.-souu3.weac corner of Dundsa and Bill HUGO. WI. H. WILKISON. W. A. REEVE, M. A. 0001181 Crown Annrmw n, 1868. eight gallons Id, as per order ug nIn:nrnA`:/ * shown by the Secretary and unuxu Ea.`-A imuin-h.. :.. - r..- -- -- -AJU DU` .15 :cou;p.<;ny- Its ponabitity to the travel- nrvvata (`..._:|, `vii. uulliil I \ persons, iL nf In.-- - ' L|.l VIIIU. LV:) 1') Sold in buxcs sAp1NE.-A n .Qu.~b....,... _, ' for Brushi xno... .\_.,) , bolties, Ll, I CLIULIJU .~ulmir<-Ll . n..~| RATE, AN15 IF YOU ho NOT ALREADY TAKE ADVANTAGE OF TYPES AND INK RESOLVE AT once: i'o CONTRACTS FOR LOCAL 4 GENERAL ADVERTISE- mwrs; THEI1EF_0RE' ADVIIBTISIHNTHR DAILY .~:a:w8.." I US.:iEa`d` GI Ea A LOCAL DAILY PA RTIOULA RS OF J. R. Smith, M.D., )HYEl0IA10'. SURGEON, 8a., PORTLAND co Eu-rounmith. AND YEARLY IF II` YOU WOULD NEWSPA`?:`.i 4;H.UMEvs;!`| THE LAHGES1 `NRO ITLATJI TIMES. PLACE rm: ADVE. R '1` ISINGI mmw Nnwsm W-rag: MB?i*".succEssFU1. THADESMEN AND MERCHANT IS TH E BEST _ llacdonald, Patton as Dluclnar, ARRISTERS AND ATTORNEYS-at-LAW, ~ Solicitors in Chancery, hc. Uou-i8 Cluem-4 SL, opposnte the Post Olen, Kumaroi, C. W. Jon A. lAc'x>oauLn,Q. C. : June Pnwox, Q.0j Jon: M. LEAQHAB. Kingston, Jury 16. ` AGREEMENTS- YOU HAVE MAY BE 1 hPE'N'I` MONEY DRIVE YOUR BUSINESS, AND NOT TO BE DRIVEN, ATTRA OT CUSTOM ERR J 0 Inch US ml: or BIGN A THOUSA N D AD A in L} nonuni 51 Febm-try 17. WEi'H'UM "OUR IKUSINESB NEWS OFFICE ADVE ADVERTE '|`() `. LIBERAL AND OXTLATJON 0? ANY NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN T0 Anvxcrmsac A uOOAL BUSINESS, rmznpzsrmzrc 00 AND dND REPEAT TH" ...-.....u.. nu ma unr, we longer sum moving it to and fro, and the shorter, which has a. linked arm, feathering the blade. -'l.`hc unlll engine, carried by many ships fur hoisting purposes, will serve to work the propeller. If this invention possesses the ndvnntaggc claimed for it, it will be of in- cnlcnlablo value, especially to vessels trad- ing in the Eastern seas, where desd calms are met with of weeks duration. Every lay nlnrge lhlp is needlessly delayed on her voyage is a. direct loss, and in thus economizing time a goodly sum w-ill neces- urly be added to the prots of the voy- _ I83. L-SDMVIT THE IMPORTANCE OI -bus: Pnnoaasx AND V E R TISE MADE AT THE BEFORE TH]? PUBLIC AND LI 1"'I`I.F.' FLTRTHE. .lN `PUB v-. u. vuunzaun. W County Crown Attorney. WHEBREIN C ITY, E1:EU'I`l(.`vN of AN TH FCIR BUUOF'R- A Jumomus STEP SEE TARIFF OP` JSHED IN THIS THIS JOURNAL OFFERS THE BEST MEDIUM FOR YE R'l`lSE' 1: nun Lsnmu vnu 1|} n.1.INtj' B"l`t{EE'l' NEARLY OPPOSITE THE CITY BOOK STORE. -- BE AND ATTRIBUTAE ADVERTISING IF YOU WOULD OF BUSINESS FOUR PLACE GARRY SUCH --_..._ ......... ; uuu Lulu cram: ILWU arms, II 1| were, go over tho bulwark: and give motion to the our, the longer shut`: moving fro. and the aim... ..n.:nI. =-..- - SIGN The only good u.nce, _ is rceatex-shire Sauce nt, pronounced by 7. .--... pinmf [LL UM1N::`tf'G ; fauna - v\r\-_ _ ate. a : A In, Violet, Orinuo 3 pin: to a. quart o cording to shade h. Sixpuny u or Blue In` t beautiful required >--41 ;,n1L` `I, 8` Produce In ; tllfn , _--.. uuUVU STARCH: Stir ina few drops of Colon:-- Magenta, Mauv ' uuc an: in th Mauve, Violet, P produce pretty ti} more, as directed in I Mauve, thenn irnn--` " ` " ......, ....... un: axlul uuncnes were found to be useless for the purposes required, from their want of power, when of moder- ste dimensions. and from the too large space required for the machinery, fuel, &u., when constructed of a size sulcient in move the ship. _An invention, lmwcvcr, hes been perfected which is Expected ln answer the purpose so long desired. A `trial wu recently made of it, in the East India Docks, London, on board of a Vcsa::l of 1,170 tons, which was propelled uluad quite easily. The invention is simply a scillor for the side of the ship, and it is maintained that it will propel a vessel of 1,500 tons about two knots an hour on n * consumption ofthirty pounds of coal. The machinery consists of a wheel, pinion, and crtnk shaft. From this crank two II il COM: an Ann`: IL- l._I_A (I inlpla O IONI:-vnrnrrn. recommen LEATHER: Orange. WI-Hm . mill ded. B] Dye HT nan H: To color: Jllagen lb 9 pt then stir in the Whitening Purple, Blue In tints by using 0 above. Stir in - ~`--- * . ulplc, urunge, Pink, and C the most satisfactory result quantity of boiling water pan. RIBBONS and SILK: with soap and water to avoi to render them clean. ' .-.n..__..4 , u.n.c1\Jnn [A : The strength and dye is almost incredible. A no will dye 20 yards of Ben: 10 minutes; it will also prt [ Rosa Pink by using less dye. for Woollen Gouda, Feathers, I WUOLLENS: Magenta, Mal Purple, Orange, Pink, Cri: 3a_ti5fact0ry results: ` MAGENTA: Run :a _|-- without soiling the hands Flinn I ;v1-. . a-...- ; uuun IDIHU (run 1'ou.rr run:-osls,] Remove: from th_e `mouth impure tastes and odours, :'.'hetl1er arising or other causes, and counteracts I and motbid secretions of carious tee es and softens the skin, And, used tends to: pruwote I healthy state body. ww ---/ 4_____..______ [ Jtmsows smrnn: arms 1 PEOPLE. Any one can um thing can be dyed with them. It `in this small Ilnnnn on --~- ` amues 3. uaruvright, AIIRISTERFAT-LAW. OFFICE-CLAR- BHCE STRE ET, opposite the Poet Uice. Febru-Ln 17. ' .......u .a nu common a c` To rapidlylpurify the with. Goudy s Uzonis ducer. CONDY`S PATENT n.u.--L,onay a Fluid is I Test for Organic Mutteri the only known means of freeing Drinking Water which is so can: mu _A_, .. .- Lulu Vlrutl. ' O W" Treating the horses, dogs, &c. One gallon mnk for use. inliectioun diseases of cattle, es 200 to 300 gallons adapted vv amnng uogu and other domestic animals. 1 Cleansing bottles, beer barrels, pickling tub, dairy ucnuils. Washing the hair when turning grey. Enhancing the purifyin feats of baths and tube. Dressing poisoned wounds and destroying ani- mal Virus. n----:-( -* - V and dafiening its colour 5 and invigorating ef- .. unu uunuu. Cuunteracting the ctfecta of taken jnto the stomach. Curing Meaty proeveuder. Fre. other seed from smut. Maintaining the health of pin conservawries. Preserving and restoring the! owets kept in water. Destroying the blight. of the hop, mulberry tree, kc. VVu.sl1J'ng dogs and other domes Cicanginrr hnlrlna Lu... I-...__-,.|- _ -,a_____.__________. CONDY S PATENT FLUID or natural disinfec- ' taut puries, deodorisea, untfdieinfects, by tie agency of nascent or ozonic oxygun,--its upti e principle. Being entirely iunoxioui, this uuly scientic preparation is peculiarly adapted` fr the following useful purposes, lor which ll other dieinll.-utanta, ouaccountol'_ their poisonous or other objectionable qualities, are uunvailat and useless :- 5 Detecting organic jmpuritics in air? and `water. Purifying drinking and other water from_or- ` ganic matter, lead, &c. Frcscning the air of close places, and remov- ing bud smells. Freeing meat, fish, butter, or other provisions from taint. {____`FAV__._ __ A. .. _ .. ` Wil \lI|I\JI'ULIIIIU The Medical Time: and Gazelt, J urinary l3T1:h, 1866, states, II. has an immense ule amongst the public, and is prescribed by scbres of Ortho- dox Medical Practitioners, and, of course, it would I not be tliuq singularly popular did il. not lupply a whnt. and [ill a. place. Manufactured by the Inventor, Richard Free- man, 70, Kenuingzun Park Road, London, S. , The genuine has engraved on the Gov: rnmenc Slump (outside each Bottle), FREE|!AN`S N ORIGINAL CH LORODYNE." llllll Klfcul-I |J't'IUl'I"U\I- 'I'I.\I'JlLE.1l`D- Earl Russell communicated to the Royal Col- lege of Physicians and to Mr Freeman, that in llanilln the only remedy qx any use in Cliolorsl was Chlorodine. ` nu .II,l' 107- 11'! ..! T ...u ' 7' Innvnuupnnu : _nvgnuu-r, I-v Ion uy 1 `R. eenisn , Phluneesutlst, lselleiv to be one oi the greatest discoveries ofthe prelent century. It II lnfgely employed by the moat eminent Physlcinns ind Surgeon in hospital-Ind prlvste prsctile in all put: ol the WOIH: It In! effects peculisr toitself, end which no essential- ly dibrcnt to those produced by the various compounds bearing the name of Ohlorodyne, but have no pretence to possessing its virtues. It` rapidly relieves pets, from whstever cause, sl- lnys the`irl-itation of fever, soothes the system under exhausting diseases, and gives sleep with- out producing any one 01' the unpleasant feelings so commonly arising from the use ol opiates. It continues to hold its unshsxcn position in the estimation of the Profession as the best, most reliable, and cheapest preps:-stion. Eminent and scientific Physic-inns made aflldsvits that they have tested its cects in careful comperisun with um... nru nn, nnr.Lm nnnwumq nnrmzn- IIIIVU Iv`-'UFl'!|.I Jun Cl-IUUBB Ill Udflfllll I7UIlI|.lIl'II!|}ll Wllall those of" DR. GOLLIS BROWNE'S '(}HLORO- DYNE," an-d,(h.-posed to the facts that they lound it a more certain and reliable preparation, and greatly preferred FREEM.lNS." ]0`J`II'l llnnnn nnrnnninit-ntn In Glyn D:m.l I`,n|_ _'l`here have bscu several inventions in years past for the temporary propulsion m` nailing vessels when becnlmed. Side pad- dles (moved by inboard tread-wheels), the turbine, and steam launches, and other in- ventions have all been advocated, but none of ihem permluently adopted, for various good reasons. The tread-wheels were 0| jected to by the seamen on the ground that their business was :0 assist. in navigating the vessel; but not to be the propelling power; the pitching of the vessel was the ful Ohitin In tho I1nnfnlnng.. A1` .L_ L [Tn1r.omm1m:omg;nown;Inama by R. Fuoinm, so aliuvd nun 1.! Han n-raglan, rlinnnvnr-inn nl Hun npnnnnt Una drop of dye will tint I qu I on Cotton, Silk or Wool in way. G some of the dyes in the bath 1 innity of shade, pccording -Candy's Fluid the Standard Scientic Mutter in \ and nbrds rapidly and completely Drinking from Organic 'l`nin|;, cause of serious disease. idlylpurify air, use the diluted uid }oug_]v g llm-mic.--" -A --' " -_ --us and II: 4|.-- mu: clean. Uyain b 3: Dye in hot water a is auicipnt for one I Mauve, Violet and Ham` nu. Blue, 5 H15 ll5D(-.3 - MEMORANDA. he beauty of this at Sixpenny bot- Bonnet Ribbon in nlnn n-A`--K` ' produce sfactory results. Use alarga )o1liug in Bu earthen N5 SILKS: Brush them I avoid creases, and Iclean. Uyain boilina w -o-- _..-us need uye. ELI"! `uooda, Silks, Irvwtl , um pucumg or we vessel 11 objection to the usefulness of tl bine, and the steam launches DEIPQII fnr Ohm. n ------ -- ~ H. BOLLMAN GONDY Paten tee, Bquersea, London. ..._, mu: ulr, use me diluted 5].: Uzoniscr" or other Spray-p I Cl? I10. 9 domestic .tlea_ hear hnrrnla .-.:..I.|:.._ . an un JIE5 FOR use them; d Ihnrn In L. :-A - OCT- potntoo, fine, 9. Sac. Magenta, Violet warm water. color : Magenta, for J 3 bottle la`: a nail -1 mpul. I0! feat! Pu --_. ....,u-c au_u Jorelgla 'hetl1er from tolmccq I the irritation us curious teeth. ' It puri- in the bath, of the whole , - V3 ...... uuu mun ; any- rith is impossible to enumerate the many wonderful and beautiful as can be applivd; while bi dyeing textile fabrics, able as 3 colouring agent. known material. ah. ....-..- ,,,_ .. ...y-=uuy DOI- s produce :1 clear lcaa dve. R..n..|.I.. --A- 5 _ W. n.iiingarc,_ TTORNEY-AT-LAW, Convey L Kingston, 0. W. OZONISED W(AT}'-IR-, pun u..._,_... \ ... uvulll creases, Uyein boiling water. or water In. F... A----- . _. v.._.', and loreigu arising from inl--mm` V will _according to Ditto. 0. 2 Black to nun IIIIIB "Om `. colouring, ac- Apply with 3 Freeing wheat |r:.`d=l organic poisons plums in ncu uuua U IBCRFH. 9 nlhan LL. -.. .. .. - ., uitnua. I nay are nrt learlully nntl wumlt~i l fully talented. They all look upon lll'|` with an adoration that can be 1-qualletl '_v' few and unsurpassed by nune; uud4-(")li !_ bnthos. pathos, and the rust o_t` it-they all want, a. triing loan with which to start in business. We had supposed that most of the falling in love and all the begging let- ters to prominent. characters were done by women. But the rights of women, so ru- pidly being (lcvclopcd, are bringing about a different nttlle of things. It is a (mill ..; compensation; antl beyond '3 doubt, as wo- men take to themselves extra lirainn nml mnscuiinity, I1-miuinity anal soft spots wi.l increase among at least. tlie-yuuugcr porn tiou of Hit; other se_x. It is told ul- mm ml` Edwin Bnotlfs old shirts that, being sent to his lnuudress, it` was mm in |)lL`L'CS |-_\` pretty girls, each of whom carm.-tl oil` It piece as a sour:/zir. And the time wi]: come, we suppose. when the l!ll(`|lll.~':U!lt`~ til the Anna Dickinsons will he lfclilttl in il. similar way by wnt-.-ry-eyutl young m.-n, many of whom will devote their tiny; principally to grief, iuurtslmrn and contem- plation ol the true lnvcr`s early grave, as his been the fashion lieretofort: mostly with brand-anal-butter girls. In good truth`, l tb'out all the love suicide: of the past. l'lVl` months have been accomplished by young men. The gentle Anna would tell almut them`undoubretlly, as she does abut the letters she receives, with a curve of her up per lip; and yet we suspect she rather likes it and is proud about it, Tor, fur ll IL-w monthsi to come, at. least, there will he, as there has alwnysi been, 3 good deal of hu- man nature about even npgtrong-mimlcd woman. r.... can rill-U g as usual. and crimson _- one bottle or :frc-ahness 0! cut" muuo u clearz Suitable also Qilln. I-- `d4 . Prpie are I quart. the IIUIUIU :5, to. `H. PROPELLING SAILING CALMS. pots and I u]- woirn uucuua Sale 1 into, 16 fl\ID.N .8 u uucl'3lI:l:V6 Walkclh, ARRISTERS and ATTORNEYS-at-LAW, Conveysncers, Notaries Public. 9 Oioo--Clarence Street, Kingston, C.W. P. Gmnlunlrn. L.L.B..| R-ICE. T. Wunn. wul 1. HIV` then relative I 4- .. ...u uA'l.'UN. m, -Surgeon to Chu-ing-croan Hoapihl. " For several years past Thnv been in th bit of prose ' " ' T ` V DB. GRANVILLE, P.B.8., Author of the Spa 01 Germany. Dr. Granville; hurfound` that Dr. 1 Brown Cod Liver Oil produces the desired effect in u shorter time than ' do Jonglfa` other _kiods, and that suiting me to make use of Dr. do laugh`: Cod Liver Oil. I have been wgiuciaed with in a'e_cI:n, and believe it to be 1 very pure oil, well ; fitted for those cases in unbalance ia- indicated. which the that om: VII] 0! In all cases I have found Dr. Light-Brown Cod Liver Oil nu. t;Amms-r1m,- 1r.n.s., Coroner for ltiddleseg. I conider that the '23/l"ily of this oil 1 `ed in ' ` its preparav.i_on, In the personal 1 kin`d as to cue-'3! his gunrnntee to be psere gun-(fa genuinenpas , _ I-an TROUBLES OF A srnorw. MINDED WOMAN. Miss Anna Dickinson, we regret to lcnrn, is very much aticted. Precisely how she in alictcd is thus stated by the Jtewluhqn, and the statement is made, we are tnl-I. on the strength M" a. relation uf personal e.\- I periences by the gentle Anna herself: One pecnliar feature of her journey: is the qunn- tnty oi love-letters she receives, umslly lrmn beardless sophomores and nllwr tend;-r youths of literary nspiral.i0n_s and small menus. Thy are all learfu|l_v I full: Lllnntnd TI.-- ..iI I , u - ' practice, when prescribing thoil, to recommend this kind, since. amidst I much vulety Ind un- certainty, we have condence in its genuine- nesa.'--(Extrant from Consumption: its End}- and Remediable Stages ) [ _ T_,,.._.. .. uauauur] no we Queen in Ireland. I have frequently prescribed D1-._ do Jonglfn SELECT MEDICAL opm SIB HENRY IABSH, BART, I _Physician in Ordintry to the Queen i hlf fr-nunno!- --4---" ' ` 111 v nu Ulla. 733. DE JONGH S on 3; corwineinglly proved by nn overwhelming weight of medical testimony, and by the practice! test. of mcceufnl experience for twenty years in all pub of the world, no be, beyond all question, the purest, the 1noo_teu- ciona, the moat palatable, end, from in rapid curative effects, the moat eeonomicalofnll kinda. The L. 3. Pub. co.:n:pub1is1. The, r ls Guide By Henry Stephens of Edinburgh and tho lute J . P. Norton, of Yale College, 2 vols. R-oyhl 04;. I313, I1 p:efn` n1Aune1-ou_s Engravings. . ............, u. uuu uouege, 2 vols. C uuro 1600 page; and numerous Eng:-stings. Pl 1IpE-*-_$7, for the two volumes. By" I post paid. $8- ._.-- EDWIN cm-mu I .gllrn;-.1:-. A. A. nut: uurm urmm rrotn January, 1863, to De- cember, l866, inclusive; the Edinburgh anddlat Weazminatef from April, 1864, to December, 1866, inclusive, and the Landon Quartwerlyk tor l865 And 1866, at the rate of $1.50 a year` fori each or any Bnqiew; also Blackwood for 1866, for $2.50. ' ' ' THE LEONARD SCOTT Publishing 00., 38 Wa1k_ar-street, NJ , Subscribers may obgin ha foilowing reduced rates, viz : 'l`l-an N ...-pl. n...-4.--1. 4-_-._ 1- _ There sggnan --_A I`, - , and but am. a year an ma 0 BMW?` | ., us: ..e.. , u_ reoenveeuccreaited to" of we `progress of Eu-6pesn science and liten,` tune. TERMS FOR 1869. For any pne of -the four Reviews - . For Any two of .119 four Reviews ` - For my three of the four -Reviews - For all four of the `Reviews . For Bla.ckvrood'a"lhgazine - - . 4590 For Blnclnrood and one Review ' . " For Blackwood and t.wfa-B.eviewa . For Blackwood and three Reviews For Blnckword and fomf Reviews THE LONDON QUARTERLY (Con err M I Ilive a;2::%.?:;::':x.wh*>- -THE '7 v o ' " - Hedi THE NORTH BRITISH REVIEW ((1P:g.c:]h)v'h)- up lBLA[C'TKW(;ODS EDINBURGH HAGAzn ( ory. THESE foreign periodicals ye regulm-1 I.` published by us in`the same style as ha;-.;_ fore. Those who know them end who 1,`... long subscribed to them; need no remind". those whom the civil we: of the lee! f jg,` had deprived of their once weloemi supply any. beet periodioelhlilerature, will be glad to hug `them again wit in their reach 'i end then i may never yet has met with them, will assure : ly be well pleased to geoeiveiucci-edited I tune. sieve:-sun-u _...._ ,, Em -`Bpeen liters. And:s Ian-ga `amount of `gene:-g] Price, -Five_ Cents. Sub --- -- --u mowing reduced The North Britixh from January, amber, 1866, inclusive: the E dinI......1 -...a aw T ft. DE JONGEPS Lram-.1 LIVER 011.. `D ITD Tnxrnnon .-..- - (BRITISH rEn1op;(:.AZ;: . 001V1_'A\LN]'I.0W ..;4 ENTERTAINING Gllderslceve an Walkcm ppm-ru-nu ._J .......n ____ __ , 1:? SEA ft)!" |,Bi1b in Van: 1llI-- ` P08_GE. obtain back numbers at the! Iced rates, 7- - -- warn... is aecap. ! `nranhnl .01....--- [U60 ur. an Jonglfn I conniderit tobl Jnmes . Carlwriglu, -'{lR1'ED-I'I`,I' um nnnrnn Ag1}i}ss producing 3 The rotrgf recom- T`-*4----`-.... '1`-BROWN 00]) I : the In- nks ..I1-_-- H` SEE FIRST PAGE. mm A mybht` nozn - `fllklson dc Reeve, 'I'D'I'|`l)!`bO A l1n.- . an.-r...__---~-- -I3u bank of Wnuillghg ii In! ` -+,~,-+.+--- ---~-_ THURSDAY EVENING. nun` `.20. Jabs Agne;v, 'ERnnd A`l"l"{\I')\!nI1r _. lvmry I1`unn1nu, neent ' W on nrrinl of th iefo, meeting Grsud VII Ind Bay of Qulntp M Arrival of unit: fro _-: ` - pony : Propeller: 1 Omega And all Wane llynct-*8 A1. *1. `\. `Ill ROYAL an-1-I I A1 L STE` %Vw;%%Wr.'1'E-R'r0%W _ ` Ir, Bnnxon, vo Kingdion ddily ( I ) st 4 AM. (except ytgh -t;iIe_ Grind Trunk ._...o:... .1.` A +-w:wlJl- \./L` L W lunar, Juniom-,A ` , Gum zzng "imam: 4v__e Kingston- true W yf-In! Fdsyl, st hhllunn an wutn--I ,;PIERR EPON :u*r HER NQTLGE, R '1? 4 `V DKTFIJU um... for -oronto 1 (um: "viewed * `HALF-PAST FIVE A of the Szeizne .`.3_ ` one Ioming (loud INK. %i3a_g_wu.:7.'tEc 'Jri 1, 1369- - . - root at In ml: -April, mas. ` % Gananoqu daya.`.. I ...-.I ? aqua on way from _ . 7 Foot of E Iran April mas. f` ` `DAILY BOAT I mson and w 9' --..-`-.u-any nu vcaacla l.I?llI- u 'u thus la w'il1ueccs- > Ipply gt |Isa.,0_IIA1-in an-e_, or ~11 Otiee; s *"'" :."P!.='.:; i-oo or_ Erin`: A -._:I 1 can 1 in; cm Vlncgi icing Wednesday`; 23]. ,,__ Q Wolfe -cl W'l:I;UDAY---'l'RI!"&. ,_, v_ II\aI.I\.I vn (I IUBSCI :11 2 0 M1 Itnnlua an LA... .... - H "u . \g.``` .1.`..` 1],` 6:25 kl gm` E_5_`A1 in ITIAHII mlail TI Thnridqw, --'0 '9- V, Cmrveynncer, kc. Dec. 1. -S.;;lR:itor in 3, 33 King kjl-LAW,Con. at Rn-not ..-..,...,n YESSELS IN ` [(;'lllW(:)`1-VIIIL:I-'l` that, oru am I IL` red rote wru z1nxlc0m.cu1- 1 l`n.... ....... ..I.. , CAI`! I [L 1103 paid in Mar` llmu l wvna I.llU the tur- .. _ _v ; ; nu: In] Sole Manufacturer :-A. P. Hsncheater. LIQIWOHHLOROFORIII c ; - WITHOUT PEP`E*R(E%RODYNE Rln "nnn`.anOn..._ . A H-1l;on..-The Profession ferior, secret, and cheap M the market. Each genuine aimilo of Prop:-ietor s sign: oiataide. .. veal. um uxners, which 3. pounds, out of the market. men think with me, and recommend pound, but will never secre_I medy. MQP. To Mr Towlo, Chemist, Manchester. 3; A Surgeon from New York writes :`--I only requires to be known to be appreciaged. I have no heaitalien in cburncte ' ' 3 " re secret ' com- LuvvJ.l4J':5 UHLORODYNE. The Original Preparation 0 tion. From Dr C. Kidd, Author Sta. on Ghloroform. Smzkville-street, Piccadiil Si:-,-[ mink if you ndvggtis Cbiorodyne more than woul to beat the others, which secretTcom- font. market. Liana ...;...:_,- ompoai- ndard Work y, London. The duty seems as ; taut when public opini euce will prevent the an any secret medicine wh hoped that the prcfessi brand as unworthy the 4 members who by testinn the disposal of such` thin -nlsu Lxuoonhh Physicians 3 communication 1 hunlrom Manilla (where cholera grning learI'u|l_v) go 1.1 remedies tried, Cnlorodyne live.. uvnu, I |.Iu|=luE- By the combination of the Iron or. with Cress Seeds in a of germin they are united with organic life, whjct renders them digestible. The irritativ stubborn z'..'inur:ll has thus become an of an organic substance capable bail sorbed by the blood t Agent` fnr England British Passes E G. DUF1{ESNE, Stree Md] be obuzined ofall ,_,,___....5 ...c uys:em.-1 rice 23 and Jlotbera nur-ting. V Size, 115 per Bottle. ` THE DIASTATIZED IRON, For strengthening lh: System.-Price 23! per Bottle. They consist of three preparntions-- THE BAUDEINE, 2 An efcient and u uuucaa CINES. -U `.ur7uIL'i-:1 uoncge off . Extraordinary for Epidemic or the `Civil Hospitals bf Jroduced in England his f`.l\zL`u ' DR.`;'U;TUR BAUDSORC .n-umea lot It Handkerchief. Eau de Cologne- All the above I portatmn, and re in any climate. \ 96 strand; 128 London. 17 Bon Toilet Soaps. Lavender Water. Cold Cream. Perfumed Vaporizer. * Rose Leaf Powder. Perfumes for the Hnn:Hn....I.:..: ; nus we lsrnperor of.the ] of Spain, the Queen of Hall: the Beigians, and the. Kingc H.R H. the PHIJCB of Wnirs. ______ :T_%__ CHOLERA, D1ARRH(E'A um. RUSSELL I Phvaininnn . ..n.__. `HIS Company has boon doiugibusiucss in J Canada for nearly 50 years, and during time has secured the public condenpe by 111-.- prompt and liberal seulementofever fair claim. It has fully complied with the laws 0 Canada by the deposit. with the Government of Stocks to the amount of 2 .-5...` - Aav\Il.`hL`El MI} E ) ERFUMER by appointme tics um Emperor 1 SDl.lin_ IL... `;,.n,. n! L!_u uuIl`ll9 D. SATRALRI. Cxiamacs Wmsox President. Secretary GASII CAPITAL .. .. $1,000,000. AKE AND RIVER RISKS Lnken on hulls. L and cargoes at reasonable rat?-5.: JAMES SWIFT, Agent, -Kingston, March 31,159. St. Imwrencu Wlmrl. ` {M1, | DU, Losses paid in 50 years, ;E'L:n;1" Insurance Co. of Hart`- f_'01'd, Uunn. `PAID UP CAPITAL AND SURPLUS-- s5,150,931,71. [.nacu:.s '\4\::' 3- rm - ,_ .. .-....u.. uun |l'LlC_)'. JA MES SWIFT, Agent, St_ Lawrence Wharf. March 31, 1869. ` Home Insurance irmnpany of Na-.\v liavoll. 1"] k`......._- [Etna Insurmu-c Colnpu; lIm'Il'or4l, Conn. I.` J. HE.\'DI-IR, E__l`. Du} Preside-nt. Genera lNCUl{[ OR.AT7El') IN 181`). CAPITAL $3,000,000, A:<>`.ETs$5,1r 'ULb AND CARGO RISKS u Inland l'01'ts on terms 1.03393 promptly and mljul in Canada Uurronc)`. _I -1: \H.`\' u\lTn:-rn A ,.`.u ul 1 mun risk assumed. St. L Kingston, March SI, 1869, 1569. l _ - V _ .'_. ._- llmuu lusuraulce Uompally (rt New Hzwen, Conn. _.--. CAPITAL $1,000,000. PREhlIUMb' RECEIVED DURING 1363.- SJ. '1` ,zs96. ' Funds deposited in [he hands of the Govermvnl T for the security of Policyhuldurs, 3` All re | ` hue of. Premium unule In (`nrrn-Iannnwl .-..:n|. .1 - I-`Ire Assurance Compainy OF LONDON. A toast` .3 17:- _,. Tlgray oft UVIJLW l`| h V M :4.` -- __v.. ....u5=. -1.ancer, r()wJ.E s CHLORODYNE. Iinal Prennrminn no` Ir-~-/ " Kingston, March 31, A Ui`33. Clnrenee Street I Kingston Mnrnk an up... Agent It Kingston, 'l"Ll vlu\;c1-3-1, U|-YQUCE Kingston, March 20, u-I'ull_v) ried, th my unhappily,fardi:1- opinion :vI`8VCl.|l Whttlsoevnr I. :5. .- - I , a . _. .;.u.uI:vu, mos. KIRKPATRICK. ___}., _.___ 4. Z_;...___.__._ `B yal Assurance Uonfpany 0' EUGENE RIMMFI 'lT\II-`n I.....__,- , `-' I .....,.;, vru h of I J11 M; . 5, jg Nag vnrlr ---=-- ' " secret`com/-l LIVERPOOL AND LONDON. MAXWELI. W.S1`RANG A r. ...a r,._ Ir: , -. ...u.u.:ruI. ur Bale of `dzcine re profession contiuue army testimonial ' thiug5.-Lancet, Inna nnl n.-..-.----- _ , ....... .u ;. ans, gate .\l.. ). Algiers, ha" just in- URGANI MEDI-

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