`EHEI Assurance company. 0 U LIVERPOOL AND LONDON; MAXWELL W.STRA'NGI1`-. A ..-... r..- v.':_ (A-- -, lnsumnce (}0mp:1ny of New H:l.Vcl1` Conn} }`g.5:r:aze ,3_l:~`lli'.'1|!{5(`. -J ...:.tvuuul|.|.ll`.I.IL IU IUBII7 MIIJK Emperor of Ilne French, :11 Qu: Queen of Holland, Ibo: QI ecu and H". l.".... .p r: ,, _.___..__-,\r \,r-.-.. \u A1|.1lJ" ford, Uunn , ;..\r~11`.u. .~\.\'D SURPLUS._ ;.~515n 7- ' ,,_._.-u..a, pf0lpC Remedy for `Choker 1., narrhum, Dysentery, ubd the )1 [ha Buwgjg A n..Ia|......4 .1 .~3.'m.oo0 _ --._-... IDS RGANIC MED{L'h\'i. .___. uI|LI..I'lJ, JAAIICS SWIF1`, .\g~nz, St. Lawrence Wlnarf. _- ._ .. awn: . Mr Oliver Dyer gives the resultnf the revival in Water street l-tst. year, which mny be summed up as Tollnws : Since thr opening of the mission one hundred and three girls have sought refuge there. Of these, twelve have relapsed into drunken- ness and vice; thirty-eight have been Sent to other institutions; fty-three urenmv in situations as domestics, and doing well; and twenty-eight of the latter have lwc/-nie Christian women. 'l`hirI:y-eight applica- tions were made for assistance by girls yvhoso enrts at reform were ofsuch slmrt duration as to be considered unimportant. Five of those in situationsz as domestics have been in service six months; 1-i__:hr, ve months; six, four" months; and cngln, three months; nnrl their employers ti-stify thnt, except in a few c:1scs,they7 are obe- diem and faithful, while in somecascs they exhibit trdita ofnusual excellence as (Irr- montics. - ` nu: vet-u using nusrneas iti nrly 5-1_vears,an-1 dur:ug1h::L .hc- p:I'uli(' c0n.*ide1)(`eb_', [hu- 5el1lemoutot'everyfaLFr c'mim_ mi u-ivh H... In... _r.\ - - LUlI' THOS. KIRKPATRICK. ,___' _._,uuunun , J,l1ull LL11! be Bowels. A gu|d:.'Il!`d:)l Fmncb Governmen; l0 Ur luablu preparation. ; Id? LII:-Jhllns 41 V-4 - ' - -- vIIn\a&`lJ UI nnmunication received by where cholera had i bega _t.be etfcct that, Qf all odyne was the must. emac- zharacterising it (_viz., the mos: useful nied i.- during the pr.-bent. colic, ague, spasms, I more pain and cduse r article that cad be is warned against in- ) conmnnnd -M" " 'I`-oilet Puwdrs. `5 Portable Fountains. Tgilet Vinegar. `, Hair Preparatiolip. Tooth Powders I Glycrine Toilet 3R.equ sites. ' 0 nS.w'L:ll't3(.1V\`V/ViH[1_6_`I JA.`vlEb' SWIFJ JAMES swn-*3`, Agzeut, SI. L.-xwronce Wharf IN!!!) 5 W. Unhappily, far di; l nr Run; ......._p, Uumuncs Wmsoh Sucre tnry ~1 nan ntnn On the north-west side of Mulveru Hill -`L terrible srene lately presented itself. Thun- sands of Confederate soldiers having been buried where they fell. twenty at-r.-3 or more were ploughed up by the owner at theeld, and the plougltshare turtin.-cl to the surface all the skeletons. Over the whole tract the bones were strewn in pro- fusion, and grinning skulls stared the 1'l.~'ll- _ turn in th face on every hand. When tlIt' fatrmer was questioned, he said tho l.~.ml was now the {richest place he had, nnil, in justiticution of the sacrilcginns act, stulctl that he didn't. put `em there no lmw," Large numbers of the bones of these brave fellows were carted into Richmond aml ground up at the bone factories. And such in glory l |1_ (\u- r\ ,, _. V during rowle, Chemist. I N-B-- :. I.-/- nu vv . LJ1 IIIIKVLIHI. Agent. for Kingston Eel. 5 C4}, 0 uuuu, tun gm: rot` Pnnugil; '- L B. n n; I` :\;.;v:ln, lmwrn-ncu Wharf. rot: or Iodine all .p..-.... - ling husgneas id n.-..J .1.-_...._ .1. . $24,600,000 Poaseasions,` $9-- .- LJ\4 uuu HI: and wit}: the ___.__..._______ An unfrocked priest named Pallara, line just been tried at Florence for nbduclion. The ac- cused belonged to the order of Franciscans un. til 1860, when he quiued the Church, and iezl an adventurous sort of existence, giving lesson! Iud changing from Catholic to Protestant, and back to his former religion as eircurnstanc,-es re- quired. Under A promise of mirriage he suc- ceeded in seducing A young girl, a minor, daughter of the persons vith whom. he lodgeu, hit quality of ecclesinstic having been kept. se- cret from the fnmily. He nally borrowed III y from the parents, and disxppeared with the girl, but was soon after arrested. on the trial he was condemned to three years` impri- sonment. - ` pur- P Mplbera Hurt- terms yir. Mnje ha [)1]. n lsiiii. I ....... ....-..o.. nuuk `used. Dy Profeuor *Siznonds at the Royal Vmerinary College, during the last twenty years. , N.B_--Thia `fluid is a certain cure for grass I `in_ bones, III!) the scab pad rot in shop. Iu mu ueIgnDonrnO0d. _ S6ld by all Chemists, and at :90, Oman street, London. Quarta, 16:; pints. 8| ; half. _ pints, 43; glutis-atoppered Imperial pinu, ex. I In: strength, 16; per ddzen; and in balk at 45 per gallon: bottles included. Each gal- ;t Ion making Q00 gallons, when dilu ed with .....,.u nuuuuu w, Ina cuseasa still exists and some deaths hue taken place. Two houses immediately opposite `were supplied with a. qumtity, in neither of which has there been 9. single case, although the disaua is raging in the ueighbourhood._ Rmd ha .11 ru.-_.:--- --A - ` ` _.-1..-...._, ucvclupcu uuu propagated. For instance: "In a. house in St. Andrew a su'eet,a Plymouth, occupied by fty-two persons, it. was sprinkled in every room except Fbur; in these the occupants would not permit it to be applied; the result of which was, thatin those parts of the house where it had been used, not a single case of cholera subse- quently occurrad; while in me four rooms above alluded to, the disease still place. opposite lunnlipri u-hi. .. Jlllln lndle, b ARRISTE R, Attorney-at-Lnw, Conveyance ,. 7 kc. Oioe opposite Post. Office, 013mg. root. Kingston. ...... .. .....uum; uulu.-I. am yours faith- fully, S. SXDIIEY, See. and Manager. `-Capt. Jackson, R..N., 90, Cannon street. This uid acts on the essential cause of disease by destriying the local conditions of` the atmosphere under which cholera is most frequently developed and 0. A I ` illalsnnpn uh. ., L..~....... .._ 1 uvy uuuncll. The value of the uid is shown by following letter from the Secretary Manager: ~ Agricultural Hall, Islingtou, Jan. 18( Dear Six-,-Plenaa to send eight go more of` your Disinfecling Fluid, as per ( enclosed. Having used various Diainfet Fluids at our many shows, I can say condence that none have had the ins taneous and completa effect of Sir Wil `Bu:-news, and this too without produ any nuisance like the smell of cblorid lime or csrbolic a.cid.--I I`: lfally, lzic. __and Manage l.(`...n|~ l ....i-..-_ rt" AJII A`\JU|UUJ(' L)U~|}7' ll. lot`. perfume and fine John Gnsnell 8: 4 Nursery Powder is]: sq,-ry should "be with 52`; in tins 1:; each. mi Juh:1GosuaIl&: C grentiy Fuperiur 10 rlun 'I`....y|\ .-.`......_I 1:1. .... vv1uuI.'\vl qu1 S DISINFECT- D ING FLUID, for the purication of sick ruoms, hospitale, workbouaes, factories, pri- sons, crowded places, between decks of ships, lever wards, clothes and linen of sick, night- chairs, ceaspools, drains, water closets, stables, dairies, larders, musty .cn3i-ta, tubs, &c.; bilge-water, and the holds of ships; apartments for searchers, undertaken, and jurymen, and for post-mortem examinations; for the prevention of infectious disease, OLD`- ker and fungus in trees; for the disinfection of dead bodies, and for the preservation of subjects for dissection; for the extermina- tion of bugs and other vermin. Sir W. Burneufs Diainfecting Fluid was the only Disinfectant used at the Ag:-icul-Z tural Hall during the Smitbeld Club Cattle Show in 1866.,by order of Her Majesty's Privy Council. i Tim ....1... -1 .1 n -'- saunu III F `price 25 6d, cial agents parts of the Luusu c:p(3;.'ItI.ll_)' .,.dvice or assist: QI.J ;_ 7 - .--., .-.. .. lut,.vcuI.lVU I0 aleeaae, as the nu- meroua unsolicited testimonials accompany- iug each bottle wiil prove. Its portability renders it admirably adapted to the travel- ler, tourist. emigrant, or private family, more eSpG2iel.il_)F when distant from medical assistance. ' _,.v nunau lULII.l Ul DRIIJU minutes; em-rvvscing _a slant use :3 especial'y lain health` When Im taken during the 9311 ruely blends with lhe absorbed into the Bye: 7.,` _, .. . _ 6.--..- l-n\.lk"~l\-l\- As an assurance of its purity and salutary properties, it is only neccsaary to poi..t UH. the name m` the cult"-bmted and philanlhru pi: I b;.aiciun from whose prescription it is compounded. The entire lite of `.but distin- guished mm was spent in promoting thn health of his ft'.QW-L`l.'3&1llrl"3, and his death, in Decemb.-r, 1561, was mourned as a us. tion 1 loss. ` 3 n'1.-: I 1 v` .-_ aullrl u'JlJULllWUl)ll E R. regipe by his Cousin, the 1: wood Smith, thirty-ve years the Loudpu Fever H..spiI;-11; F nary Re-Form; Medical Mamba- (hue:-:1 Board of Health; Am unu-lr nn I7-- Burnt Cutncu Service, 11:00; Eve .......u-u-uuuunll. . The l ..tem .\I:cb:\uice\I Chair fur Brushing Hair by .\lm-hiuery. For {frospeotus and 'par.- 1icuIara,npply tn the Pnztentees and.So1e M.~tnu- t nc!urers, JUIIN GU.:`.\'ELL 8; Co., Perfume.-s hy Appmulmaut to Hr? Rlnjesty, the Prlm-e.~1.~4 of Wales, &c., RED BULL WHARF`, 93 Upmm THAMES STREET. lute at 12 Three Kmg Uuun, `rl:ULLIburLi Street. _ _, ----nun ul LLIU IIIUI4 work on Fever in any` age or country, the Philosophy of Health, 31:0. l)|Il|r-Inn: u..:oI.. ..----- " ' _ I the two o;;rntiu!)5 of simultaneously. Patent .\Iv:cb:\ui F linnlara nun]- a... . 1'1 ` 6.? `HIE; ,,r,.' .. Dclu.-Ioua with h:lIIiLuLLl use increases the appetite and pm- motes digestion. _4\.Iu||4I.I' now. every known dish. Its It is much esteemed tbr its dxgesuve properties. `xi an iqnf.-.f|.: nl` CI- .... _:n_ -(5 ` -[HE gross frauds which continue to be prac- tised by obscure manufacturers, more particularly in Germany, by imitating the la- bels altnobed to JOHN GOSNELL 8: C033` DPDPHXI IPIJV -,....l..- . ..~.....-..n:_.- .-_.__ ..|_- ....u Acuul u pa;-u.-I-mse wmmaneaa, prolccza the enamel from decay, and imparls a pie.-{sing :'mgraxn.--s to th: breath. Price la 6:! Pugh. Instantaneous Hair Dye: cerfain to prbduce any shade Brown or Black, of good natural colour. It cannot. possxbly iDj'|l`c the hair, has no disagreeable odour, and is easily applied. John Guanell &: Cofa P.-stent Tri:*l1o:.uron, or newly invented Hair Brush, the flrcllhl` me- rI1-un-n.l nun.-_..,. .-_ - I ' ueua uuluucu I-U uuuu _uUo311 llcbla 8 UO.'w PERFUMEHY, render it imperative upon me Proprietors lu CAUTION the public against such nefarious proceedings, and to request their friends and patrons to purchase only at respec- table dealers, who import direct from John Guanell & Co. ; and inviterapecial attention to the address- RED BULL WIIARF, 93 Urrun Tmumss-rnn1'. LJ... r`_...,..L.II 1. 1`... v. u..n..... 11..-.-..___ . rm. F`......_,- pvuumcu, uuu unguly rt:I:l)l1lll]L`L0eI1 I0! M-r|utif'_\ ing and promoting the grobvlb of the bail . 11' II :- . . ._, ...\,...... nu uuuuuu lI.. DUILI I3 DUKES ET. 5 2`; 3 John Gosnell & 0035 Cherry Tooth Paste is any Tooth Powder, gives the Tenth n`pea:l-like wh-.L3nea.a, the `enamel from dot-av and irhnnu-In . ..:_. ,_,, _ .-. `In.-. CATEOLIC As-osmuc Cmmcu (Queu Stromj Morning Service, 10:00; Evening Service, at Rnmxovs Tnrrnucn Manse at lhe So of Tempernnce Hull, Princess Sire-ct, ew- Sundny afternoon, from 4} to 5 o'clock. l UILLILUCQ John Gosnell & Co. s Jockey Club Perfume is in universal l't qE)e:H. as the most admired Pcrfurna for the llundkorchia". Price 23 6d. Juhu.U xsncll at Go.'s L :. Nulnlessae Perfume, a mu): drhcnlu Perunu ofexquisilu` fragzmnce. Jobu Gosnell k Cola Nohleeee Pomudc, ele- ; gaudy pmumed, and highly recommended for `hcgutifyingr r.n.i nrnnnnvinn vim. .-....-.L...l. -5` .|., AVAIL} uu uu Iv Ljnlll` , Us) Ul | El( IHAHIUUTIIIET. John Gnsuell 5: Co. :; Select Perfumes: Eas Bouquet, Royal Yacht Club Bouquet, Jgckey Ul.:b Perfume. Esaenon of Wnnd VinIm' Vin. Bouquet, Royal Yacht Club Bouquet, Perfume, Essence of Wood Violet; Vic- Lorin Bnuquei, Fmngipauni, Military Bouquet, the Bii-19's Houquut John Uusuell J; Co s Prince of Wales, Per- fume, in mostvchuice and fauhionnlilc perfguuoa. Julia (hsnel! & Cu '5 Princess Alex.-indru':i Pdrfunm, A must choice and delicoite perfuiue, prvpiirud t'Xp1'CSS`.y for the use of Her Royal digbueas. John Goauell dz Co. a Upper Ten Thousand Perfume. I'..i.. (1.... 'II a n u r n n. - - u-aIAlJ|\w'-l I. 0; La Noblcase So:1p-eateemed for its udeqlial-I .-:1 perfume emollient qualities. Cu. s Violet. and Llilrleaur Lnscry ifguam uleeri pure. Nu nur- -ry without it. Sold in boxes at 12 in [inn 1-: Dnll 3 AMPLOUGHS PYRETIC I \[ntI:r-inn ml... ...._.- n Vhoh-=-ale and for exportatioh by the Pro- rinr, L'::::b'a Conduit Sheet; B.-Lrclny . Sons, Fnrringduu Strum; Ihuy and U0. sbury Pnvcuaent. ::.m by Uhemists, Grqcrrs, ltallian rebousemon. and nihar-.1 :#........:_,... .L WILLHM BURNET [NG FLUID. fur than n 'l"S ln-in..|:.\_ .1 -'-I Ill uUL Med'c'u n sun: as MITIIODIST (HCRCII (Queen blru -Morning Service, 10:30 ; Evening En-rv 3:30. ...vu-. vv||I| 4,; at um lust, altered, hot. Weather. In , Typbus. Eruplive_F Qr`Vf`I`Rl nth-.r l!l'\-1. THE DAILY %%NEWS--SATURDAY % Emma. MAY 22. . . . . . . ...-V-. patent toppered glass bottles, , 4s 6d. 113. and 121: ......z. o... AI-'\.lullU world. ,,n..-u:. awpperea glass bottles, 6d, Ila, and 2|a each. Spe- required and appointed in all world. ' .~'GH'S PYRETIG ,S.-\LINE.--A zine that cures Sea. Sh.-kuess or `rm of B'.llion3 Headache in a few L-rvrscing _and tasteless, iis con- czllcnlsucd to main- \Vhp.n tnirntl VI-n;'|~ ---`- ` Tj- bALUE. Prepared by A|e_u;_ `ICE S()llll\\'{1(`Ml $vnnlr...r 4......` DAUTION. . --_..-...' I-av nun: UL QUUlU' thirty-ve year.-1 Phyaicsau to war H..nnit.-.I - r`..n..... ..r o.-= -.,V.... ;nL.l;:|1cu Hy 1l|CK- Suuahwoml Stacker, from late Dr South- hirtv-m: v~..n.-_. Dm._..:.,_,, -, -nna, u u.u1. . mum Vespers, 3:31) pm. l'V._.__. `.....J van-.I.uuu:u 10 E18!!!- en mixediwizb water and 3 Pm'fVPlFnnnn 3+ :..........I. __ -....w.....au cause `OI. {be r street, by it. y excem nun. :. era, tubs I :bera, L-mortem examinations ; infonna nHa...--\- - vu' _psnu.'l ruylci I0 .,sp1tl; Father or Sui- nl M....-uh... 4.6` .L... c .. u.uau, Inn: |'L |J1ll|I' ) of which accomgnmics ' cleansing and polishing A lid by the and lingtou, 1868. gallons tg order Diainfectiug awe. can saw with 9|! r.Feve ,_ .. uununnuc 0! faith- 5 Anti '1`:-----K 1. nuu.|\.I Ul |J1l.l1` umber of the first Author of the ral. nnn (\II nn....o_.. -I-- Cnulnas` Curncu (Earl SU`l`(").--}[Ul'l1i11g Iervict`, 11:00 ; Evening Service, 6:30. Bnocx STREET Pnxsansmu Cntm.ca.-Morn ing Service, 11:00 ; Evening-Service, 6:00.. Wnsuznx .\Innmms1- Cntncn (S_vdcuh:m St.reet).-Morning Servicv, 10:30 ; En-niug Sur vi:-n A-an , _______ ..u5 with 1 lheins1nn- William |[ nu-n;I..._-_-- lucing Min of mmzs, AND nr You no [ NOT ALREADY TAKE ADVANTAGE or CONTRACTS AND YEARLY THE LARGEB1 OIRGULATION OF ANY NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN THIS CITY, THIS JOURNAL orrnns frag war HEDIUII A IOR 1.00.41. AND GENE! -AL ADVERTISE, nwrs; rumznromz ADVRRTISEIN ran DAILY NEWS." - POSSFUSING DAILY NE` A LOCAL PAPUEP. PARTICULARS OF "l`YPliS AND INK` v.. ... .--uuwmuu,q. u. ' JAKI - Join: ll. `L1.-."onAa. Kingston, Jun y 16. .-_ -.- -vnv-Ina. 7 Joseph Buwdcn, TTORNEY A1`- I A W, 501 Chnncery,Nota.r Public, &< Duvet, Kingston. ll` You HAVE ll` YOU WOULD A1w111u`1s1Nuz - l NEWSPA'P:r?..-1 :;0LUMN8!( 1` 'r1:u:4_1\go:3'r _UCGESSF'UL 'l`RAD3SMEN AND MERCHANT DAILY NEWS OFFICE. TIMES. FLAG E THE. IS THE BEST RESOLYE AT ONCE ---~--., -..-.r , _v-_... -.-.~.-.. \.-`.,, ~r..,. . S1`. Junta` CHI`R(`l-I (I'nion_ StroeI),-.\lnrni| Service, 11:00; Evening S(`r\'ice (fr:-c), ti-..'m. 81'. M.uui`s ~Clll.'Rl`l>l (`B:1rrievld).-.\lurniI ~S-rvice. 11:00. _S'I'. JOHN'S Cntncn '(PorL5mouth).-.\Io1-nil Service, 10:30 ; Afternoon Service, -1:10. SPENT MONEY nr YOU wounn DRWE YOUR BUSINESS, AND NOT TO BE DRIVEN. JUDICIOUB USE OF` ATTRACT CUSTOMERS AGREEMENTS- SIGN A THOUSAND MAY BE AIIVE ADVERT}? MEDIUM .KilUUl3l' . Slree:).-.\1ornix ing Service (fm (1 _ _ _ _ , _ _ _ _, `TOUR uUs1mcs'a_-_ ADVERTISE TO `L LIBERAL AND IN AND REPEAT THE` ADMIT 1'31: mponmucn or _ TO ADVERTISE A ._.ocAL BUSINESS, remnmmar: GU AND THE PURCHASE nu) rmmzmon or All ATTRACTIVE SIGN u-on mm: PLAOB A LITTLE FURTHEH Pf[BI.I0 AND uuzuunlhtlb I lU.\ Al. -Iorning service D .... .._ n.__.. . VERTISE FOR ADVERTISING ~ MADE AT THB IN THR THEIR: WHEREIN ERTISEI GARRY SUCH A JUDICIOUS STEP -AND ATTRIBUTE BEE TARIFF O7 BB1-`ORB: `PHD Innday D|i'cotoI-y-nunrs of Pub- llo \VorshIp. M5-:[1UGF'R-" OF BUSINESS 1'0 and GLUES are sue: coloured with th INK: .1 Sixpenny bottle WATER ' PRINTING qn 0 of Magenta 1 or more of cqld water One drop of dye will tint: otton, Silk or `Wool ordingry way. _ , _, .. lnwu.II] llHlIII- mmea In this manner. E, JELLY, com: FLOUR ICE cnmms, & c: While in a. 1' add one or two dro simple or elega CONFECTIONER __ ._ __....__._..--.....`, ..-... Au. Sum-3` Cannon, (Division Sl.r(`(`l`,) frm --Iorning Serfices, 8:00, and 11:00 am. wit sermon; Afternoon, 4:30 p.m.; Evening Servio. 7:30-p In. M. r|RRINB'W [J ALVU orcenterahirc Tlliis delicious Candi meat, PIOD OIIIII ILLUMINATING: until.` IVUUJJ STAIN: A Canary dissolved in I pinto! hailing 1 PHOTOGRAPHS may be tinted; dilut dye with water; 5 bottle of pm: of water. ice. Magenta, Violet. Or-nnn ' """ ` " Sixpennv 1 brush. PAPER and W00 OAK STAIN: A b half 5- D STAIN: I quIcKly,1fBpp]iEd in b BLUE: For laundry put]: BOOK EDGES: A Sixpe tn, Violet, Crimson or ,. splat ton quart of been cording to shade reqni `DADDD -- ,,_.u.... us, I IUIUI BBO WHITEWASH- Tooolor: Aragienza, for Pink or Rose; add'bnlf a bottle to II pail of water, then stir in the Whitening as usual. , Blue and crimson produce pretty tints by using one bottle or .c_. WILLOW SHAVINGS, Wicker, Ivory, Bone, Hair, Fibres, Seaweed, &c., attract the dye quickly, ifapplied boiling water. purposes isd 1. Sixpenny bottle of Magen- or,Blu will make from query beautiful nnlnnuinh - - or the dye is euicient COTTON: Mauv recommended. LEATHER: Bl_u (1-..- -- for one 6, Violet and e, Hagen ta. nu. LIEU ordinary LLENDHWZI nu reuuer LL FEATHERS: nit 01-... -`I-- MEI MAGENTA: The . (1179 L: ..I.......;: _-_,, V.~~- 81'. PAUL : Cmmcn (Queen Su-eet).-.\In Service, 11:00 -, Evening Service (free), 6:11 Q_ l..__,I f'I__..__ -__ /i _.!._. (1.._,,.\ ll _ ..-..-.. run 1111!: U PEOPLE. Any oneczm use them ; any- thing can be dyed with them. It is impossiole in this small space to enumerate the many uses to which these wonderful and beautiful chemical preparations can be applivd; while their chief use is for dyeing Iextile fabrics, they are also invaluable as a. ` ...... wuluu may can be used and LI cy of the result. beiug,indeed, almoe By their use almost any article of cl be dyed iu a iew minutes for a without soiling the hands. MEMORANDA. ` MAGENTA: Th. ..........-I- ~- - - uuumu1A'1'I.NG: M; Orange; pour a few add warm water; us Borders of books, simi Arabian Nights, &c., Lu: umy KHOWII means of rn freeing Drinking VVnI.er f which is so cmmnon a cause Tu rapidly purify_ the air, with Cond_y's Uzouiser" ducer. IIIXITIKYVMV .. . _ `run 1uu.1~:T rUILPoSIs,) Removes fmni the month impure and tastes una bduurs, whether arising from or other causes, and cuunteructs the i and moi-bid secretions of curious teeth. es and softens the skin, and, used in 1 tends to: promote a healthy state of th body. IUULU UI Ulull IIFIU LIJDB. Dressing poisoned wounds : mal virus. "1 _. .. - nut uhL`. l\'.B.-Cond_V`s Fluid is I Test. for Organic Matte:-i the only known means freeing D.i..1:;.... ur._.-, ,__._.._-......D ..... .-....n.-- u- ynuluu III pULS llllll conservatories. Pre.-rcrving and restoring the freshness 0! cut owers kc-pt in water. Destroying the blight of the potntoe; vine, hop, mulberry tree, Azc. ` ` Wsilillg dogs and other domestic animals. Cleansing bottle.-I, beer barrels, pickling tubs, dairy utensils. Washing the hair and darkening its colour when turning grey. Erlimnninn Hm ......:r..:.._ -_.I - - -- - um um: Lu:-mug grey. Enhancing the purifying and invigorating ef- fects of baths and tube. nrnnuinn .-..~.:,.,...._..: _ . - - ~ S1`. AxDnsw's Curncn (Princess Sm`: Homing Service, 11:00; Evening Sm 6:30. Luau VLI ua. Treating the infectious diseases horses, dogs, &c, One gallon makes 200 to 300 gallm for use. \'n n -. `1ONDY'S PATENT FLUID or natural disinfec- (J tam. ptnr-jtics, deodorises, andjdisinll-ct:~`, by the uguncy or nascent or ozonic ox_ygen,--itrs active principiu. Being entirely innoxious, this nuly _ scientic preparation is peculiarly adapted for] the fulluwiug useful purposes, tor which all other diaiufetamnta, on accoun toi'_ their poisonous or other objectionnbleiquaiities, are uzruvaihble and useless :- . Detecting organic impurities in air and water. Purifving drinking and other water from or- ganic Inum.-r, lend, &c. I `I'l-nah.-uninn !l1n oi-nf nl.-nu. ..`l........ _._.l , , 4 IIUIII ullllla. Counteracting the effects of organic poisons takcn into the stnnmch. Curing Musty provender. Freeing when: and other sued from smut. Maintaining the heulnh ot plants in pots and sulllv llll-I|.|aL'l', ICIIU, VQU. Freslicning the air of close places, and remov- ing bud smells. Freeing meat, sh, butter, or other provisions from mint. 1'` "RIF: UIIXUIVUUIIIC. TIM Medical Times and Gazette, January l3th,j`l 1866, states, " II. has an immense sale among:-trrj the public, and is prescribed hy scores of 0rgnu- `N dox Medical Practitioners, and, of course, it would not. he thus singularly popular did it. not supply I :1 want. and fill a place. Qj \.le|nI|l'n;-hu...arI ha II`- Inn-vnnon-n 'D:..Ln.r` E`-an- 1` Iuun, l\l` nvlllllilsaull 1 c'tl'I| JIUIIU. .|.;l|l|UUll, D. The genuine has engraved on the Government , Stump (nut;-side each Bottle), " FREEMAN`S , `FIHIIIINLI. I'll , {'lD( Il\\7\1`Ii` I LJLIIIIIII `nuns.-1|In.' cllull DULLII5 [`ORlf;`lNAL CIILORODYNE. HnoRmIauL.on npm,',NI,inunhd b i . `B. Freeman, Plank mm, in ullml in mm M Hm rn-onrauu. dimnvnrlen nf than nu-gum I I mllliiuluuuvvn vi; .L)U ,liIl,I[lCl$l by 1-..em.n,'?n.r3`loema.s, allowed bg one oi the greatest discoveries of the present century. It is largely employed by the most eminent Physicisns and Surgeons in hospital and private practice in all parts ol the worki It has eifects peculiar toitself, and which are essential- ly different to those produced by the. various compounds beating the name of Ohlorodyne, but have no pretcncuie possessing its virtues. It rapidly relieves psi, irom whatever-cause, el- lnys the irritation of fever, Ioothel the system under cxhsnetingaiieeases, and gives sleep with- ` out producing my one of the nuplessant feelings so commonly arising from the use oi opiates. It continues to hold its unsbaxen position in the estimation of the Profession as the best, most t reliable, and cheapest preparation. Eminent and scientic Physicians made aidavits that they have tested its cflecte in careful comparison with thnsu: n!` `` ITR (`.'Dl .l.I RR('ITN'lc`.':-I l`.nl'.R-, u. nunn uuu uu u PIIIUC. Manufactured by the Inventor, Riuhmd Free- ` man, '70, Kenuington Park Road, London, S. ` 'I'|1n nnnllina Inn: nnrrlonvn nos Q'|(| llnunrntnnnv _ ...........- av. 1.zll'I. II rllll, ARRISTER-_AT-LAW. OFFICE- IHCR s~'.1"umc1~ -..-m:-- -=-- I- IIIIVU |oL'Hl.UU Ila! UIIUULB Ill Udrlflul CUIHpIl'IHJ" 'IIo|l I chose ofDR.. COLLIS BROWNEB CHLOR.O- DYNE," and deposed to the facts that they I lound it. a more certain and eliahle preparation, and greatly preferred "FREEM.lNS. i Pnv-I Hnannll r-nrnnunrnnfnrl `in Man Danni nnI_ I Il\l `I Cub! Pl CIUIIUQ ]'I.UIYJflI:l.la1L"D. . - I Earl Russell communicated to the Royal Co|- I logo; of Physicians and to Mr Freeman, that in i Munilln the only remedy of any use in Cholera: ' was Chlorodine. II?! _ ll. 1,`, I fI7',, .._ 1 IT _:|, f,,,,,_,_ IIIAL ,' uunxnl Orange. IT?-I l'l`l2!Il7 you. n.|DDUN5 and with soap and water to render them clean. `EATHEnR- mm =- L .. -u`u-u_r ,:uru_y_ we air, use the diluted u nth or other Spray-pr ucer. CONDY'S PATENT OZONISED WATER, (1-`on 'ron.1~:'r rnuPosns,) lemovcs and lureig wees Uduurs. :'hml..u- ..:_.:..,,.. aw, - - [UDSONB SIMPLE` .)YES An; one can us .. .,.. uuuwn, silk or` Way, G some of the dyes in an innity of abode, ; `, ulu, Dye in W4 EU: Blue Pnunnv: MI-;1'nu -llornmg Service, Ill1'noms1' -Ems |.._.\ ll-__-_ _ ` u. nun] Palentee, ,_ _. -.vl.AlJCI.IIJJ DUE 0 yards of Bonnet Ribbon in A will also produce a. clear using less dye. Suitable also ouds, Feathers, Silks, &c. Magenta, Mauve, Vitilet, e. Pinlc mu! -=--- ' H. BOLLB-IAN c Pamno..- 1).... the Standard Sciolntit: Matter in \Veu:er. and aifurd.-a Zleiill nl rnnidlnv nun? Ans-n--` - ' vv Incl. unu l[Ul'U.'1 ms rapidly and connplctely Water from Organic Tnint, I 0! serious disease. lhn nin- nun Il.n AIL... u u - I gallons adapted __._. ---uuuJ: nrusn tn_em :or to avoid creases, and m. Llye in boiling water. a hot water (a. few drops iem feather). Purple are Hagen ta, Violet and f Iffh IUD"- .LMAN CON DY, , Batter-sea, London. \d ul acuuua ul5L':.l24l,`. , the uid nr nth... C`--.--- = S1`. Glolmfs CA'm'I:nII..u..-.\forning Sm-vi 11.00 ; Military Service, 3:00 !'.I.; Evening So 1-Inn. 7unn -hilt 1 IO! rntrof interact. jag J. It. smun, run`, P YEIOILH. SURGEON, ta, PORTLAND, Buinneu lhrrownmith. . OIIY T0 LIND. 850,000 to lend on the ddly of llaealluntoin the Oitypr Goun- Ho comm" ' _ R. H. R0sEl.8l0l bottle {of hoilinnv ----A- `Wool in the. I the both will .e, noo'o7ding to and dcsI.roying- ani- II-I'I-I I91 land the brillian. ', almost magicu]_ :19 clnthinb M... nu: ILIEKE [rem I colouring, ac- Apply with a ue .... nu uupe0l'lIy._." , , ...,... . ma. A more ` IDllAN S EA . SALT for producing nnot be had. - ~ ' ;em,vio1et, `3 ra nth in your own `R90!!!-,. above fovon_ri_lo preparntioii il'I,_`l`.PB'7 W'" successfully mwded` . + A `L ' . - _- Sole Propnoton_--TIDHAN 8 SON, Chen` ant: to {pint Ami 16 won wood Street, London. 33- . _ ` ' ARDLEY & 00., Fancy Hosp Makers and : not a quart. ` Perfumers ' the p . Pr. Med`; ......a-.a f....~\ II-36- - ` " uuulu magical. fclothin'g can few pence Violet \V. R. Mldguye, TTORNY-AT-LAW, Convey A F;.......... n m Black to of cattle, _ ` _ .uruII_l GI. at B , 3 . d i'`" ..,,.:':.::....:e:. ."-. "'6f..:`;3' 1 In-hrj *-`I nu" % Lirnidnu`,-*ah`!T 0-B'.n.dGnnE:, ,. `Putin. lit: _ 1770. ` ` um_l* awry -description of )p ` _, _, ...-av LJUDP -"r `"9 ? J. Berfumers. Medal aWI|'!3d {' Purity and Exoelle ' cor 3 M _v 0 nd Violet Powdatln Ineei, Frau I: `Extrnctp, psyonder W3: Ohimy Toob-`Pu a, Line Juice and GI! npsntio! " emploz rifity-.. DR. nmnow, li'.B.S;, Senior Physician to Gay : Hospital. quently recommended persons con- sqltmg mu to make use `ul Dr ._ de Jougts Ctjd E!` Oil. I. {lave been well satised wfth ill . -- ,....,.......==. muullg much the prelcncebl culaic compoupds; and of iodine in 5 state of organic combination, are, It in, I be-lieve,.uuiveraally acknowledged lhht t.lia oil has gnu: the: ' my investigations, I have no doubsofiu being n}pnro and unadulterated article." E In all cases I have found `Dr. de Jong | I.-Viglw-Brown Cod Live: OH possessing the Illle t of properties. among which the c nulaic iodine in A -non -I - . Gllderuleeve dz waikcm 9 `ARWIRTIEDQ .....: A'INFlVf\r\\v-r-I1-rr- - vvl uuur IUl' I./8l'.lll`8l iddl. I consider that the Qurity of this oil is accur- ed in its preparation, by the personal atbentibn of so good xx chemist and intelligent a physician as Dr. dc Jough, who had also written the medical treatise on the all with which I an nic- qhainted. Hence, dgcm the Cox! Liv_er O_il "I--\- chatty, `T!-f ioreign "-eriodicals are I ?* ` . - ' . "8'1lnr r _ q` pubhahe_d by us In the same style ha; I -4 fore. Those who know them and who luv. `-1 long subscribed to them, need no reminder`- ii those whom lhe civil war of the last few` pg: _ had deprived of their oncoheleome auppl, onh. About periodical literature, will be glad go 1,". them again within their reach ; and who '3 may never yet have met with them, w'ill`us'med, idly `be well pledsed to receive `accredited reppfu ! of the progress of_ European science end 13;, I | lure. I lnnihinn ?jl\I\ -..-- DR. EDW_A.RD_ snrrn, vF.R.S.-', Medical Oicer to the Poor Lad Board of Grejt, 3 , Britain. _ ' ` ' We think it I great udunnge that the:-eiia qrge kind of Cod Liver Oil which :.-....:..-...-h_ SELECT MEDICAL OPINIONS. . SIR HENRY MARSH, BAR'I'., H.D., Physician in Ordinary /to the Queen in Irehnd. I have frequently prescribed `Dr. de-Jongi: n Light-Brown Cod Liver on. I consider it who 1; very pure oil, nu; likely `to create a therapeutic agent of great value. disgust, alisd M IJI v Jun unu. l DR. DE JONg_ `S Oil is convincingly proved by an overwhelmIng.weig_ht. ofmedical testimony, nd by the practical Less of, sucpessful exposrienca for twenty years in all parts-of the world, to be, bpyoml all question, the purest, the mqst efa-7 Eiona, the most palatable, and, from its rapid (;uruti\ e' e_L-`eta, the most economical ohll kina. Hence the universal celebrity 0! Dr: de Jonglt Oil, and the unparalleled demand tor this ului`-i-. valled preparation. . i " ' mollowingfednced rates, vi: : - ; %The North British from January; 1863, to De- fcember, 1866, inclusive; the Edinbuigh nnd the `Westminster from April, 1864, to December, 1863, inclusive, and the London Quarterly tor -- ~ y_- 1865 and 1866, gt the rate of $1.50 a year for ` Tim} LEONARD sco'r'r Publishing Co., ` 38 Walker-street, N LY. The L. .5. Pub. co.:fs:pub1iah The Farmers Guide ' \ By Henry Stephens of Edinburgh and the late J. P.Nrton, of Yale College. 2 vols. Royal 0;. pave, 1600 pages and numerous Eng:-swings. ' 1 PRIO E-$?, for the two volumes. By tha boat mid. 3'8. TERMS FOR 1869. M For-any one of theloiu-Reviews j For any two of .he fouf Reviews E For my three of the four Reviews I For all four of the Review: For Black-wood ; Eng-Izine ' - For Blackwood and one Review For Blackwood and two Review: For Blackyood and three Reviews For Blackword and four Reviews .--.-_-, __-...v , -4- Sr. .\hn\s Gnu Inna n: - Il'|`- Subscribers may ob?-sin back nuxben at the dolloivinghduced : 1'}... N...-u. n....w:.x. r..... r-..,._.._- .....- . - 1: u D 1 A u 15 . , When sent by mail, the Postage to gay p._, oftbe United States will { be but Twgnt mu Gem; 3 year for " Blackwood, and but Ejgh cent; a year for each of the.Reviews. Ife oif_u I , THE LONDON QUARTERLY (0 THE unwnvnaa mwncw (w:?;;" ' [THE WESTMINSTER mmnw (Radical) `THE NORTH BRITISH REVIEW`(1?;e., c,,.`h) . - up _ Hsuoxwoop sg EDINBURGH HAGAZIN) .(T0;tv-) J HES foreign periodicals regulnrlg rg .1 ....|.u..L....1 rm ... ;.. n... ._...._ .... ; In" 9...` ooNr,4.zNu.je- `M, ENT Enu%1bNIJNa' 31-Mi" + And n [at e amount I .. gPrice, Five. 3en:ne':_M'`,,m': Ada:-one . Q f parstioii is -mnhlr 1*-"" led ' ` la If roprietora_--*-TIDHAN '3 0.59"` A Wormwood Str cot, mom? co. v~v--u ullli`: Hill] Otr. as not cause the muse: and gonsequenc on tho `ndmiui: yilll BRITISH PERIODICALS, 9- sun FIRST PA GTE. p-3.-.-----__ ...___j_:.__ . DE JONGH S LIGHT-BROWN GOD LIVER OIL. I11.` 1 f\I'l'VI'1'Ir\ A.. . - , - 5---- ......u.-sgu wan mares)! I which isuniversaily. ;__-enuine-tbe' Light,-Brown Oil de Jongh. It hm: lmm I-man -I--- In n/c[i`a`hie! A at to` vf Londm|- ' ml, ` _. ---us null-ll, Illll U!` see indigestion too `administration of the v- guy: IJJZIIJI Ii that Dr. de JoI.'gh u ` produces the desired other kinds, and that fl and indie.-..o:.... 4..- ` Addrgss: -v ;.u5.u|. -In-own V It has long been (in- Tl 6iL tn I-{nnrn-..-L.`| . ._.- nub uccu wit il, ta reeomme d variety and -in jcs genuine- uption; its Emily Wnsningc .\Irrnnms'r (`Hcncn (Queen Sm-. -M('_\rnin|r Sm-v;nn In.-2n . l.`.-....:.... <..n- nUU` 10.00 18.00 15.00 0| WIIICI `K - imam: AIM SATURDAY EVENING, MAY 22. .1. '1 I JobP1-iq ER: mailg Nome. ______ I 8T4?-1-"W Fame: 5. Cartwright, TF.R-A'!`_l A W ncuznnn Par `ER-_AT-LAW. orii6I}.'-.cLAR- I STREET, opposite the Post Oica. )7. ' ' - :_ ' :- " _ "J I Iilicnit, SIRIOB, Ihs-r I - " Kingston dai (S 4 (ex t 7 th' the Grand Trunk u quoting the 6:2 A. onneetig witih-,1 ` Wfmn tlm West .. ..__A.!__ A`- 1 1:4 gakbf. __ -nonln l'I`II 157' % UE*UNDAY" '1 `ll _ James Agnew, `RR and A 1"l'\t\n\1n|-:- L, -\;. vmw uppuiltu 1'03! Umce, Clarence Benet, Kingalon. . Aug-Jlt 6. OFFICE Ritovno Tumxo STREE1 NEARLY OPPO:5I'I`E. THE on": 3001: STORE. - K, KIXIIHK III. `:3! " muvogo, and the Fort \ ppnfs Propeller: let H ` ` and all Western n 033] It 8 AJL f . RETURNING, Whom nrriul ol the V A questing Gund _ ; ` klnd Bay of Quinta S blllrrinl of tmin frbln B'N0TLB.],_`n,'t'J " ",.[. '.l_`ALI.;- g_. ._ V _ %'1'5cyu.... ' gumwn on way from J?` ..`1f`u` _ _ 7 c ,-, .--, -..n.. \ `CATHEDRAL (Roman Catholic).- Military 9 a.m.; Mass 10:30 n_m.; YITH , Footof B :-oe pril, 1869. ` :%-m... PIERREPQN1) 'H'IInr...-. `I'--! 37, 1869; k ` . ___.. cmm sjpi:AnE 'Wo1fe .Isldnl +_._..-----:- lflnn Cape Ylneen Wednesday, '28th I DAILY BOAT "{"_j'l_ I cton- and ` m 1. ;.un.nnal-nl-hAW,U0l)- Office Bagot Street, second iliah Whig um... ------=-~ .<- . ' ....._L 4" ' will ` 1w,g.pAs'r pm: at the Emma: GAU-y v-v- am? aimnoqnc pp: Panza sfopl: 0 .`._'.`:- `.95 OCHESTER. l` Illllll lvulu IV U- &r, meeting tho (:30 [Human nn ihg `aunt mi: s'rEu:En-- __ --_.v-u-, - Soiicitor in I` `puhnn Ln Du l.',, V014` owrm in nuns` ' luggage, llllvlug nu ation, apply on boa ' D. HUB - G. n. mggj L (`.-I xu :1 (wvllington sW`eI) `l 1100 ; Evening service, 6:30_ (Johnson Strect).-.\Ior11ir}g euing Service, 6:30. .........- .n A A- ITIJIII ?.V. 7.15 Jrb `J IIL Ill. ll wvioe (free), 10 hi e-*` '1 , Conveyancar, &c. Dec. 1. _' J Ans Pnrox, Q. C_ DEAR ..;uuuu.I)r In c, &c., 33 King ':nb-LAW,Con- r L`o-...... _ ..._._.-.-__.._...._.. _____.__ . 0 Rellly ad BI-aper, '- BLBRBTE RS,AT1`0RN EYS-at-L AW Solici- `son `in Ohnnoery-Chambers NM. 7, 8. 3 9, Anchor Buildings, Kingston, 0. W. Jain O R.Im.v.Q.G. | Fun: C. Drunn. anyway 0, upstairs. :11 (Joh m-'m- 1-` :d fhcn cl ad , monrl ries. nrnin g Hm ' LIQ. GIILOROFORMI Co. on CHLOE - WITHOUT PEPPERMINT. Solo Manufacturer :-A. P. Towla, I Manchester. - .;l.~,-1 :I.InK 11 you would zzdvertise your Clnorodyne more than you do, you would 'belp to beat. the others, which are secret cum-` pounds, out of the market. Many medical , and recommend your com- pound, but will never prescribe a secret, to- _. Crunnzs Kum, 51,0. To Mr Towle, Chemist, Manchester. ? A Surgeon from New York writes :-'-I only requires to be knowh to be appreciated. I have uo hesltatien in the. ' ' ' ' cine that lms appeared century. In dinrrhaea, c I bl|_`Ve found it. to relieve more joy than anfolber named. `y___ -In -- - olic, V`iv ,, __ -..-.. nu-usu. "l.1U7lCL TUWJ.E`S CHLORUDYNE. Tbe()rigin-41 Preparation of known C . tion. From Dr C. Kidd, Author of Sundzi on Obloroform. : Sackville-street, Piccadilly, London. S1r,-I mink if com- market. M.---v v-~'=~ ' onipoai- Ed Works Luv un-J nctulu as yet, unlmppily, f'a.rdig- taut when public opinion or State interfer- ence will prevent the advertisement or sale uf any secret. medicine whatsoever. It isito be hoped that the [Jl`UfeEal0i1 will continue to bnnd as unworthy the conduct of those of its members who by testimonial or otherwise aid the disposal of such things."-Lancet. Tnun Lw: nnr f\V'~r\-'-'-`- ':1uu uuoanuu seat to the Physicians 3. communication 1 haul from M-mills (wnere grniug reart'ull_y) to the I. remedies med, Unlorbdyne tive.. .1 an I -rl&IlIJS x`l`Ill7\V, BARRISTE I2 and .u"r0 RNEY-at-L feynnoentc. Strce door loath at the Branch Whig office, 1 Augugt I. ...... .,...... ._...cu.-. nu u ul.l1H3_0?;I_ gclmipnllu. they are united with organic life, wbic Lime renders Lh..~ni- digestible. The Irritative and stubborn 'I:lu;.`l'E|.l has thus become Iha nucleus of an organic aubstance capable of being at)- sorbcd by the bloud without injury tip the sloinicb. ,-__-.. --...., .,.a..uusu., uysentery excessive ncaion of was awarded by the Governm V. Baud furthls valuable: prepamtio: Price: Sinai}, ls lid; Medium, -is 5 Size, 115 per Bottle. THE DIASTATIZED IRON, F01` Elf:-hlhnnlnrr uh. \.'..-. - H - \lI uwcclullllila plcnl I0 .18 5le, Liculuriy adapted for Infants and nursing. ' III? Il.n n,._._LZ_--7- " ` 5` F0 uau nu;uIuu. _) or the Civn J troduced in l`l\TL`_` lUlNE:i. IIVJU UUUU -n. 1111:.` HAUUEINE, Aneiciant and Remedy fol ;Yc-How Fever, Dxarrbtna, Dysenter l.VtIt_3 .. DVR..fVlC'[`()R BAUI ` .-v---rl lJ\llI!'D`w ; uavender \\ nter. Cold Cream. ` Perfumed Vaporizer. Rose Leaf Powder. Perfumes for ,the H..n nm....L:-r Aauu u\: UUILZ UU. All the abuve are carefully prepared for E`:- portatiun, and retain their excellent qaulicies 1:: Buy climate. 96 Strand; 128 Regent. Street; 24 Crnbil]_, London. 17 Boulevard dea Italians, Pgtris. , , __. -.......-9:.- $I, Conveyhnce Kingslon, C. W, " D: r._ K- ..l`am.e_s Cartwrigh 1, ARRISTER-AT-LAW. OFFIC E- nscs: srkmsr, Post February RNEY-at-LAIV 1eyn.noer,8c:_ V(>)f_cAe_Bagot Street, A... -....-.L -; -- ` Toilet Soaps, i.nvpn.!:u- LY- I. an nuults 10!` Handkerchief. Eau de Golzgnc. All Ihp Ah--vu H nuu La pr!'pFl.I'"1 lit ISSUE! ])C low as the safe`; oflhe nasun I-nu: `~\r' . `.11! Losses paid in 50 years, "I`HIS Company has been doing Canada. for nearly 5-1_ven.rs,an' time has secured 1h- comm prompt. and liberal seltlemoutofeve It has fully complied with the lm-rat the deposit with the Government ( ` the amount of .\Iv.\ .. .. .. J -(K )1 Kll)gSl0D, Murcll 31, '69 _._ `ALB lLI\J [Illa of Sp-1in,the Q: the Belgians, an H R H -1-... n- _ V 6.-.... undid 5.uAuI:I.l 1503583511 E G. DUFRESNE, 79 Walling lreql. Mny be obtained uf all Chemists. i r 1 Hume Hlnf s`ump:1:1y or New lizumn. n u.,, 7 Wlllmn & Reeve, BLBRISTIRS AND ATTORNEYS-ntsLAW, _ . Gonveysnoen, e. Nnpanec. 0 W '0li'I'"IOE.-South West otirner of Dundas and But Streets. WI. H. WILKISON. W. A. REEVES, M. A. County Crown Auorney. ; __ 5 ilurtfortl, Conn. E I J. llmxoau, E. E . Dunk, l n=:-ideut. General Ag:-uL. l.V'C()l{POR.-\TEl) IN 1819, E G.A.PlT.\L$3,o0u,0n0, ASSETS:}:5,150,931,Tl `I ULL AND L`-ARGO PHSKS to null l'rm1 Iulaml Ports on l'm'-mrablc terms. Lasso-3 promptly and liberally adjslgtad and plid in Canada Uurrcncr -' Jlluu -lll|lH`II.l}l'(3 _CuIn|a:uIy 1:3" _ . CHOLERA; DIARRHGJA, ac, JAIEL. RUSSELL seat Coll _ _ `-0 of .1 Physicians C0lI1nll1ni:-nlinn ......._:_.g 1 |_ i Plmenlx ["Il'(;XlIIl'll;`(!I3 Conipany 3 ' ' OF "LONDON. UAPITAL l iiE.\||U.\lS $1,000,900. RECEIVED DURING 1868- $`.3,0'lS),h`.)u'_ , . Funds deposited in the lmnds of the Gl?VPFl1](`Ut for the security or l ulicyhu|dvrs_ 36 All the risks uurvfully survt-ye-I, and H e f..|I5I .\r' P -u.-13,. nn u-...,I. - |JIJIUKn By the combinalion of the = Hltl Ln-~14 Ho-aria in n -V---V ll: Uuv `The day seems as yet, t when nuhlin. nnmam. `Et11.-1 In.-aurallce EUGENE RIMMEL. :;ERFUMER by appointment in lbil L ties mo of the TS-ain thu l\.u~n.. my 11-: V I - * nu cum. .1 tor England and 5Bfi[i5h Po 5 ll; ha r\'r\I....-.,.J c -- -- . ulIIu.ul'l,IeBVB i walkein, .BARRISTERS and ATTORNEYS-at-LAW, _ Gonveynncera, Notaries Public. Richard T. \Valkcm, OLIOITOR IN CHKNCERY. 0oa-Ohu'ence Street, Kingston, C.W. J. P. Gmnlunnvn. L.L.B. | HIGH. T. Wuxu. acdonald, Patton as Mnchar, ARRISTERS AND ATTORNEYS-at-LAW, Solicitor: in Chancery, 8c. Oieu-18 Olurenr-v BL, opposite the Post Oco, Knlnrron, C. W. Ion A`; HAODOJALD,Q. G. : Juan Q.C_ Jnnru ll 11...... St. Lawrence ` Kingston, Mm-ch 3|, 1859. March 31, .1869. D. SAIBALEI. vv_ I 1`! Olce-33, Clarence Street. Kingston, March 20, 1862. Agent at Kingston, "I"!-H .._-_-.<-n; CASH c.-u'1T.iL" .. .. $1,000,d_00. ARE no mvmc 1:15:95 Lakrn n hull.- 4 and cargoes at r+.-'asounblc= rate.-1. ' JAMES SWIF 1', Agent, IHZSIOD. Mnr0l1.".l `ma an I........,.`.,. u--_-,A i R V. BAUD, Graduate and Ms.-mbetg of the .\h.'i:c;n.l Uulln ge of Paris, Cnzef'Pby:sici.-m ruozdiuary for Epidc-mics in Paris, Ia. J-LU. he Hospitals of Atgieye, has jpsr. na- uced England his UHGANIC WEI)!- E5. 7 They consist of three preparations?- THE BAUDEINE, ifniant and r\-n---- I )-- ,. .-.. HIIH`, csxsri CV.-\l I'[`.L