Kingston News (1868), 25 May 1869, p. 4

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`fl | E59. ;';;;: Iln wuncr. Dee uuracuonl on every bonlg; Recommended and used by ~`Profeuo|- Simondn at the Royal Vuerinnry.-` Don. during the last twenty yum. M4` ' N.B..--This uid is a certain curefor g :-one inhonu, aim the scab nnd rot in` phoop. UV tho .. nu; uuuucll. The value of the uid is shown following letter fio'm the Sacretar Manager: Agricultural Halt, Islington, Jan. 1 "Dear Si:-,--Please to send eight 1 more of your` Disinfecling Fluid, as pe enclosed. Having used various Disin Fluids at our many shows, I (_:an an condence that none hnrwhad the` taneousand comnh-m nor... .4: 43:, n uuu u. uugs and muer vermin. Sir W. Burneglfa Disinfecting Fluid the only Disinfectant used at the Ag: tural Hall during the Stnitbeld Club Cl Show in 1866, by order of :Her Maje Privy Council. Tho ....I.... -1 .1 n -- -nu. vvxuulnnll. DUlCNE'l"l"b' D ING FLUID, for the purication of_sick rooms, hospitals, workhduses, factories, pri- sons, crowded places, between decks of ships, fever wards, clothes and linen of sick, night- chsirs, cesspools, drains, water closets, stables, dairies, larders, musty casks, tubs, &c.; bilge-water, and the holds of ships; apartments for searchers, undertaken, and jurymen, and for post-mortem examinations; for the prevention of infectionsidisesse, can- ker and fungus in trees; for the disinfection of dead bodies, and for the preservation of subjects for dissection; for the extermina- Sil` RIIFfInII`a l'1:.:_r_---' "' " -av.-uu 1: Aj.l1|JllLILI' IIUU thereby rennnre {Sm to support health and life. '11. has been found eminently benecial; and its sustaining and purifying inuence acts as a preventive to disease, as the nu-` merous nnsolicuted testimonials accompany- ing each bottle will prove. Ila portability renders it admirably adafned lo the lravelw Ier, tourist, emigrant; or pnvata family, more especially when distant from medical advice or assistance. ' Qnla :_ ..---~- -A- ` ` II\AI an-C UI I15: Sold in p price 25 Cd, cial agents parts M the ABRI8}E-S`,-A-:r'TOTlNE'Y-S.-':1r::.W Solici- tor! in Ohnncery--0hnmbe1-u Nos. 7 3 A; 9, Anchor Buildings, Kingston, c_ w, Jun: O R.In.1.v_D n I- 13.....- n n, anti Lauuulll D {'1 Kbl'lU K5.`1l.1lNE.'-'A Dledlcll that cures Sea Sipkness or the worst. formof Billions Ileztdache in a few minutes; elfervt-scing and tasteless, its con- stant use 28 especially calculated to main - tain health. When mixed with water and taken during the etferveacence, it immedt ately blends with the food, and is rapidly nbeorbed -into the system. It viutlizea and supplies the blood with those saline princi- ples that are lost, altered, or destroyed dur- ing the hot Weather. In Jungle, Scat-ll, Yellow, Typhus, Eruptive Fevera (or Cholera), also in several other conditions, where Elm vital current is poisoned by infection, and rendered unt eminently purifying i V HE groaa frauds which continue to be prac- tised by obscure manufacturers, more particularly in Germany, by imitating the la- bele attached to JOHN GOSNELL. & Oo. a I ERFUMERY,. render it imperative upon the Proprietors l0.CAU`1`l0N the public against such nefarious proceedings, and to request their friends and patrons to purchase only of respec- table denlars, who import direct from John Gosneli & Ca.-, and invite special attention to the address- I RED BU LL W HA RF`, 93 Urmcit Ttumts STRIIT. l,|__ 11 , II L AI, v 1:! I_-. lI,,,r_, ,, uu uuaugrcunmu uuuur, anu. ls eusuy appnea. John Gounell & Co. s Patent Trichusurou, or newly inyenu-d Hair B.'ush, tha peculiar me- chanical construction of which IIcc0mp:'|ui(z:s the two operations of cleansing and polishing gnimultancoualy. 'Iu.-u..__. n .u, - . n. - .- n -- n--Lu-auto, -ILILILV UUIBA` l".IlAl ` by Appomtmeul to -Hvr Mn of Wales, &c., RED BULL ` Titans Srnnn, late at 12 ' ` Lombard Street. uuu A Luna. Wholesale and for exportation by the Pro- plielor, 69, Lamb's `Conduit Strget; Bxtrclny and Sons, Fu.rringdou Street; l>'a.l.ty-und Uo., Finabury Pavement. - I?_.u...| 1... Au.._:.._ n -- -- |\.|usuUu.I' nuu every PAIL OI LDC Ask for ``The" Sauce.-Spe Ago.-nts-1:`urgoyne, Burbridgea, I6, Colman Street, London. lll-IIIJ LJUIJIJ IV lIfII\.I`,J-J \Jl'I l.\ lIIA-IDLJI.I'K-HI. John Guanull Jr, Uo. a Select. Perfumes: Ea: . Bouquet, Royal Yacht Club Bouquet, Jockey Club Perfume, Essence of Wood Violet, Vic- Lorin Bouquet; Frangipanni, Military Bouqut, the Bride}! Bomlrwl.` John Gosucll & Co. s Prince of Wales Per- I fumo, 3 most choice and fashionable perfume. ' John Gosnoll it Go `:5 Princess A`\I_eXundru'a I Perfume, A most chojce and delicate perfume, `prepared expressly for the use of Her [loyal l Highness. [nkn llnnnnll Er (`A `a YTnnn- I`nn '1`! . A . . n .._'.J ll-I-l\-lIleI'l|Il/'\J|IHI.'. The Patent Mechanical Chair for Brushing Hair by Machinery. For Prospectus and par- liculara, apply to the Patentees and Sole Manu- facturers, JUHN GUSNELL & C0,, Pertutnera Majesty, Illa l rmc-us.-n BU LL WHARF`, 93 Lfrvrcn Three limg Court, i Street. `Ir HE S.>1L'Cl*`.. Prcpzsrcd by Atex~ _, _ }1l.'l(iC[` b'ouihwoot'l Smoker, irnm a. recipe by his Cousin, the late` Dr South- wood Smith, thirty-five years Piiysicinu to the London Fever Hjpitml; Father of Sani- tary Rt-form; Medical Member of the iirst H-.-nersl Board of Health; Author of the ii:-at work on Fever in any age or country, the Philosophy of Health, Am. Delicious with every known dish. its habitual use increases the appetite and pro- motes digestion. It is much esteemed lur IE3 digestive properties. As en assurance oflits purity and salutary properties, it is only necessary to poi_.t cut. the name of the celebrated and philanthro- pic Physician from whose prescription it is compounded. The entire life of that distin- guished man was spent. in promoting the health Of [Iii {CHOW-Praulnrcan nnrl his .i_,..u. . nunuunl A uv:un'.In.. ` liuunl by Chemists, Grocers, Italliara Warehouse-men, and others, throughout the Kingdom, and every part of the world, At!!!` fur 1'hn" 9\` J......'.._| u _, , , 5 v, Ancn-or buuumgn, Kingston, ' JAuu O B.In.Lv,Q.O. |" Fun: 0. Dunn. j__# nnuuucau. John Gosnell 3; Co. s Upper Ten '1`housnn'd_ Perfume. ` - John (}osnell & CU.'3 Juckc-y Club Perfumu is in universal nquen m lho must. admin-.d I`;-J.-C4 A`._ .|. . ll ,_ n.,__..| :..r n__:,,, .u. .. l`-rfume for the lhndkerclniul`. Price 23 6;]. ` John G nsncll Jk Cu.'s has Nuhle_as} P1-rl'umu\, at most dulucne 1 .-.rf.nne of exquisite fragrunc--. John Gosnell 3: Cu. s`Nohlesse Pomade, elu- gaudy pesrfuuned, and highly recommended for bersutifying and promoting lhe growth of the luir. I \1'_\,u , u . 1.- LIJII. Im. Noblessp Soap-ealeeIned f.-1-its unequal- led 1-x-rfume and line emollient qualities. John Gnsnvll & Cofs Viulut and Mill:-lleur Nursery Puwnlur is gunraultod pure. Nu mn- svry .~houlJ be without. it. Sold in boxes at :51; in tins In each. ' `John Gosnell & Co.'s Cherry Tooth Push: is greatly superior to nuy Tooth Powder, gzves the Teeth a. pearl-liku whiteness, prolecm the enamel from decav, and imparls a pleasing t'ragra.nce to the breath. Price 13 Cd each. lnsumlaneoua Hair Dye : ccrlnin to produce any shade Brown or Black, of good natural colour. 11. cannot possibly injure the hair, has no disagreeable odour, and is eueily applied. Jnhn Hnnnpll h (".n n `)r|InnI I`u-ix-l........-I... sulaucu umu was _spenl, 1:: promoting his fellow-creatures, and his death, gin December, 1861, was mourned as a ma. lion 1 loss. :r._-u-,,-. I 1' t HR WILLIAM BURNETTS DI . _ 5 FLUID, for n... .....;;:-_.';.3 .I_T`.Ig_( .1: AMPLDUG lil'S PYRETIC S.~1LINE.- I NI-=1]-r-inn: Ihnf .... nn 9.- THE DAILY %NEWs--TUE.g;gg_Y%4 ?E1??jwg1NING?;~A% MAY` 25. -..-.u.: u-nun. . patent. stoppercd glass bottles, I, 43 6d, 119, and 21:: each. Spe- : required and appointed in all a world. CAUTION. by the Secretary and __.___..____________ Jamel Agnew, BLRRISPER and A`l"I`ORNEY-at-LAW,Con- Veylnoer, tc. Ooe Bagot Street, second door touch or the Brain It Whig Office, upstairs. August 1. ._ _- uuIUllL1U Ul cid.-I am yours faith- mr, Sec. and Manager. .N., 90, Gannon street. the essential cause of. g the local conditions of r which cholera is most and progagated. For I3 In St. And:-nu : 8'-H-` I t"`*|I- IU| Luv: world, bauce.--Special Expo;-t Burbridaon, and .S::...i... _ .... ............5 L-lulu was 1: Agricul- e Camila Majesty a lington, 1868. gallons .g per order Disinfecting awe. can saw man- , (._..........5 we, say with uerhad the instan- tfect of Sir William without. producing nell of chim-inn nr \.In| J1a,\ Ptlfl and Squire, %RATES, AND 111- yen DO moi` ALIREADY TAKE V ADYASETAGE our A -rvrnsgnrn INK ` 2 !uas!oLvn yr ONCE TO QONTRAQTS DAILY NEWS.` Possmssxiuo I 'o'1'rir'1on.-sonu: West corner of Dundaa and Ian Btroetl. Wu. H. WILKISON. .W._A. RERVE, H. A. Oounlfrmwn Attorney. -- .1. _..___L T .._...._._ .,A_ }____.f W. B. litngaiye, TTORNEY-A`1`-LAW, Convysncer, &c. Kinmfon. G. W. M ' D/1`:'.Y NEWS. wmwspa-1* 2.: a. e:i'.E.IMN F.Hl ll` YOU WOULD A Loan} PAPER ADVE 1i'1`1s1N}GIl II` YOU HAVE PAR'1'|'OULARS or -rm: .M'Ot-IT ` Etc.eEssruL TRAUESMEN AND MERCHANT nmu-rs ;.THEREll'()RE ADVERTISE INTER A QVEE R-T~ISI*. w 'l'1MES.;PI.AOE THE DAILI? NEWS OFFICE. AND YEAIHLY THE LARGES1 JUDI(}IUU$ U:.:E OF rs `rm: zsasrr ~A1"!'RAU'l` UUS'PdM ER8 AND NOT TU 38 DRIVEN, .~;r"R:N'r MONEY BEST MEDIUH FOR LOCAL AND GENERAL ADVERTISE- , . _ _ - - - - -- - s-ocutll 1`: IIIIICIIIIT, LRRISTIIRS um A'l"l`ORNEYS-at-LAW, Boliciton in Chancery, kc. 0eu-i8 Clsrent-4 Sh, opposite the Post Oman. Kuonou, 0. W. Jon IAanu.o,Q. O. J Jn(lsPA'r1'oN, Q.O` `QIGH A THOUSAND AGREEMENTS: CIRCULATION on MAY BE MADE AT THE Td `c hI`2F2R.,.L AND `ADVEI{'1`lSE A 1) V E R T A1!) V E R T I S E STFDIUM WHERE. f();'TR BUSINESB , Iaedouald, Patton &. `IN Ahitliilrsa .;-.. . __-._-,A Al}V{*I'[{'TI.`5E ADMIT 'rH'1c IMPORTANCE or AND RsP.`I E.~\'l` THE TO A DVERTISE A uOOAL BUSINESS, 1-m.r.m;mme 00 AND I ANY NEWSPAPER THE PURCHASE A MLI'I"I`I.P.` ruawnmc AND E!{lLIC l`lHN OF AN DRIVE YUUR BUSI NEBB, PUBLIC AND --u-qv U: uccaulus p'UlllE1' I50. E10 COn1e1_Y-- I wag would any more coI:nbly-than they naturally arg ; sud s Bishop is quite jnstied in declining to conrm them while they practise lllil deception, or else it might be hinted that they was continued oRendera.-`Punch. PUBLISHED IN THIS THEIR SU 0011'}-I- ATTRACTIVE SIGN IN THE.` OARRY SUCH A JUDIOIUUSSTEP mm, THIS JOURNAL AND ATTRIBUTE FOR ADVERTISIING FOR ` BEFORE THE ..-- u-- an-an IIIIWII upon another bud than duo on which now is wearing it. Girl: who buy this borrowed hair for the purpose of adorn- IIIIII In lih the jackdnw tbs: went strutting in tho peacock`: loft.-on` plumes. Thuy cheat than by seeming p-ettier nnd more comely- wag any man comm.-_n..... Tkgwy SEE TARIFF OF ur YOU W_0ULD YOUR PLACE HF BUSINESS OFFERS THE ._._____.____.__e EA AND PERKINS This delicious Bond ..._..._..____. Worcestershire Sauce imeut, pronounced by oionnoieeenre The only good sauce, in pre- ared solely by Lee. sod Pen-inn. The Public are reapectly cautioned age muons, and should see the: Les ones are on Wrapper, Lube! some end Stopper. Auk for Lee end Perri: " |"8nnml Rum u:n.-u_--- - ` - ....u unu on Uotton, '3ilk`e.r' ordinsry we BLEN DIN G produce mate. a some of the dyes in an innity of shade, .~ (101 INK: Smrnn ms P.u=r:n.-The following unec- dote oftho late Mr Swain, from the I hilnde.-l- hie Press, is not without its uiorul in other titndee than Pennsylvania :-Mauy years ago, Mr Swain, then editor of the Public Ledger, was hailed at the corner of]-}igli- teenth end Chestnut streets by a very excited individual, who informed him in the nlu.-`at emphatic terms, "I have stopped your paper, eir, and proceeded to explain the why und wherefore, all the time esticulating wildly. "My gracious. sir, you on t say` so. Come with me to the oce, and let us see if we eennot remedy the matter. It grieves me that en] one should stop my paper." Down Chestnut street to Third the two proceeded. Arriving at the oce, Mr Swain said : "Wily, my dear sir, everything seems to be gain; on her! as usual." Then and there the excit- ed gentlemen, whom the long walk, by the W3}, had rtly cooled, said that he had etop ta iug his one copy of the Ledger. Hr vein was profuse in his apologies for huing` misunderstood the meaning of his lete lnhecriberhl word. and regretted that he hid given him the tramp from Eighteenth etreet toA'I'hird, down Chestnut; The gentle- men went on his way home, a. wiser if not a better men,mu-veiling at the stupidity of editor! in oral, and of Mr Swain in par- eulsr. fore he left. however, he ordered that the Ledger be still sent. to his address. Onouon an Oonmur|ox.-Young ladies, your attention, if you please, to lhil eppilling ietelligenee :-It in uid that the Bishop of New Jersey he refused to conrm young ladies edenllg Ihenuelvee with borrowed treases." The term borrowed tunes in en euphemistic _ which means in pleiner lenguege hair that 1 been [town unon numb. In-A .1.-- ILLUMINATING' Magenta, Vlolet, Blue, Orange; pour a few drop: into an egg cup add warm water, u5_e wltha. brush 0 add one or two drops of Magenta. A more simple or elegant tintin ` g cannot be had. CQNFECTIONERS will find It----`* ' ` OAK STAIN: A AIN; A 2.1.. _ Si_xpennv UL we aye 18 sufficient COTTON: Mauve, Vic recommended. _ LEATHER: Blue, M Orange. Dye in warn WHITEWASH: To col. or Rose; add half :1. b0 then stir in the VI Mauve, Violet, Purpl. produce pretty tints I: more, as directed abot STARGH: Stir in a few Magenta! Mauve, Vic these impart delicate Jtc. WILLOW SHAVINGS Hif. n"n-on an-- ,` .. .uuu vv m1AvINGS, Wicker, Ivory, Bone, Hair, Fibres, Seaweed, &c., attract the dye quickly, ifapplied in boiling water. BLUE : For laundry purposes is A l. - BOOK EDGES: A Sixpenny bottle of Magen- ta, Violet, Crimson or Blue will make from 3 pint to a quart. of beautiful ml.-.....:..- - - uuuuunnn: magenta, Mauve, Violet, Purple, Orangg, Pink, and Crimson produce the most. satisfactory results. Use enlarge quantity of boiling water in an earthen pan. RIBBONS and SILKS: Brush them with oap and water to avoid crease, and to render them clean. Dye in boiling FEATHERS: Dye in be Violet. and pnrnin n-A THE ORIGINAL OHLORCADINE, invented by B. Freeman, l hsrnyso__eutist, is allowed to be one 01 the greatest discoveries of the present eentnry. ft is largely. "employed by the most eminent Physicians and nrgeons in hospital sud. private practice in all pm. `oi the world. It hsl effects pcculisr to itself, end which are essentisl- ly different to those prodne_ed_ by the various compounds bearing -the name of Chlorodyne, but linve no pretence to possessing its virtues. It rapidly relieves pain, from whstever csuse, sl- lays the irritation of fever, soothes the system under exhausting diseases, and gives sleep with- but producing any one of the unpleasant feelings so commonly arising from the use of opiates. It continues to hold its unshssen position in the estimation of the Profession ss the best, most. reliable, and cheapesgprepsrstinn. Eminent and scientific Physicians made affidavits that they have tested its eilccts in careful comparison with .1... ..4~.s no rvnrrm nnnwxrlcv-4 mnnnn- ..w.~ . nun 127 using less dye. for Woollen Goods, Feathers, WOOLLENS: Magenta, Ma. `D-----|-"` " cy of the result. being, indeed, almost magical. By their use almost any article of clothing can be dyed in as few minutes for a few pence without soiling the hands. MEMORA NDA. MAGENTA: The strength and beauty of tbii dye is almost incredible. A Sixpenny bot- tle will dye 20 yards of Bonnet. Ribbon in 10 minutes; it will also produce a.clenr Roan Pink by using less Suitable also Feathers. Silks. kc. u-nu-u 1' ---- ymuug, wmun noun 1:: plninar lnngungo that grown upon mother head than R. [ha 1: Ihieh am: in -...a-.. a. ._I- _J, . JUDSON 3 SIMPLE JYES FOR THE PEOPLE. Any one can use them ; any- thing can be dyed with them. It is impossible in this small space to enumerate the many Mann 0.. ._|_:-1, .- l from taint. nun II 1 D 1 A I an 1 r uu l.IJ ur Ilnuurll ulBlult.'l:- tj tanl. puries. deodoriscs, llLl:dl:!l[If|.'cI.S, by the agency of nascent. or ozonic oxygcn,-ita active principle. Being fntirely innoxious, this uuly scientific preparation is peculiarly adapted for the following useful purposes, lor which all Olllcr disin.-cLnnLs, ou nccoun tof_ their poisonous or other objectionable qualities, are unavailable and useless :- Dctc-cting organic impurities in air and water. Purifying drinking and other water from or; ganic matter, lend, &c. Frcshcning the air of close places, and remov- ing bud smells. Freeing meat, fish, butter, or other provisions f\-..,,. .I no . on `VIN ! LIUIUTUUIIIU. 7'/to A/criical Times and Gazette, January 13th, IBM}, status, `,` It. has an immense sale amongst the public, and is prescribed by scores of Ortho- dox Medical Practitioners, and, ofcoursc, it would not be thus singularly popular did it not supply` a want. mud (ill a place." M..nnl'..1-I."-all l'|I'l lhn Inunninn ninlun Pfn AWIJIIH I ILILBIUIJ Cl-IUIJ .lJ\!IILl.}' oR1(';1"AL CHLORODYNE. u unl oalulu. Counteracting the effects of organic poisons taken into the stomach. Curing Musty provendor. Freeing wheat and other seed from z-nnnt. Maintaining the health of plants in pots and conservatories. Pre.=c-rving and restoring the frosshllc-SS of cut owers kept. in Water. Destroying the blight oi the p0t8i.0e,]{'V{'l[lC, hop, mulberry tree, Ste. Washing dogs uud other domestic animzila. Clcaualiing bottles, beer barrels, pickling tuba, dairy utensils. Washing the hair and darkening its colour when turning grey. Enhancing the-purifying and iuvigoratin ef- fects of baths and tubs. g Dressing poisoned wounds and destroying ani- mal Virus. Treating the infectious diseases of cattle, horses, dogs, &c. 0119 8311011 makes 200 to 300 gallons adapted. for use. `K? I) r1 u . ._. ICHL IUI urgamc . the only known me freeing Drinking which is so comm r|-\,, __.en --A HBVU [CHICO ILH UIIIBCI-8 Ill Ull'l.'||ll UUIIIPIIIIHLWI Wllrll those of DR. COLL-IS BROWNE S CllLOR0- DYNE." an-d deposed to the facts that they lound in IL more certain and reliable preparations, and greatly preferred FREEM..{NS. . Em-I Russell communicated to the Royal Col- lege of Physicians and to Mr Freeman, that in Munilln Lhu only remedy of any use in `Cholera was Ublurodine. nu ll 3- I III`, ,_ , !' I`1.....4;_ 'I'_..--..-_1oAL WIUII HIIU UH II pIIIU(`.'.' Manufactured by the Inventor, Riclund Free- man, 71), Keuningzun Park Road, London, S. [`h.. n.-nninn lmn onrn-nvnr] nn Hun nv:-I-nvnnnt IIIHT1, III, Ixlflllllllsivllll L -Ill IEUCII, IJVIII-I\JII, U! The gcnuine has engraved on the Cow-rnment Stump (outside each Bottle), FREEMAN'Sl HRIHINAT. 4'.Hr.nnnnV.\'1`. ` ll 0idloWh Folhn" In Stowe given her npinien of wean`: right: in ma, crisp Inn- . Deuribing I prominent chnrncter of ihe die aye.--"lies Minerva. Randall wsn one of than female p0"tons who nre ot Sojour- ner Truth`: opinion-thnt if women wnnt nny right: they hnd better take them, and any nothing about it. Her sex had never occurred to her II I reason for doing or not doing any- thing which her head found to do. ` ` ' She had no tot-do-rol about women's rights, but the wee nlwnye wide-nwnke to perceive when I thing yet to be done, and to do it. 4\I--|_: _ ,1 n ,. :- uup Om lfnr 4 "10NnY's PAi`EEs'i` FLUID or mun: disinfec-M NJ .2. , ' 0-..: .-...-H2.... J.....I....:...u. ..... :-:-.'.-A- I... LILCI `. muu, magenta, warm water. LSH. rm. ....1.._- ll- yurutlolli can be apylied-; while 58 is for dyeing textile fabrifa, invaluable as 3 colouring agent every known material, the ease hey can be nnml and 91.. I.._:n:;, _, ,.._. uv u_uu nuu uuu Dl llllBn- It. indeed, magical. llmost :3 : color: Magentayfor Pink bottle to a. pail ofwater, n Whitening t, Purple, Blue and crimson y by using one bottle or :ted above. ins few drops of Colour- uve, Violet, Blue 0: Pink; delinntn Hr-M `A " " usual." ,,,_ ,,. ......uuu ocutu. 1!. pun- the skin, and, used in the bath, Le a healthy state of the whole H. BOLLMAN CONDY, Patentee, Baw.-rsea, London. uuua, 1-aalners, Silks 8. Pin`: nun` f`..:__-_ ,,' 7*, ,7 _, -... _.- __...-... Bnnchiueu is still the leading characteristic of I fnbionsblo costume. Every part of the gown that ctnbe mud; putfy is puffed to the ut'- Inolt extant. Double and treble skirts are high- ly trimmed, and the two upper ones are then puckered up; the palelul. is puckered up; the Duh ditto. Bonnet: are utill mora ornaments, and on much bunchod up over the foreliead, old tritnlnod with birds, owers and gums. But on than noun some probnbility of false lulr going out of fashion, the parts of` the female had now covered by borrowed treason will of courts med to be ngnin protected by the hon- net. It is therefore not unlikely that this item olfetnlnioo costume will gradually become less microscopic. For eveninguireas, trailing skirts In nil! in the majority, but round ones gal- lnntly hold their own, and do not despair of car- rying the day. Flowers are now the rage, the moat logutt evening-dresses being lavishly triuunod with them. .....w.u.c. A mxpenny bot- Jsing rods. Fanlhm-g 52:11,. L- rv .uuI water. Magenta, for Pin bottle. tn a -A-H -*'-~ .u:uI.1Ul' one Ieather). and Pnrpio are Magenta, Violet. nnd warm wann- --r_ `cl \JUlUUK'* Violet, te tints to Lace, Linen, S, Wiclzer, ed. &c.. intmm nm A-- rill tint 5 quart. I `or Wool in the ! the bath will a, nccording Io Eevr-, , attract 2 water. u. uuuuule `S, Silks, &c. lnnuu: `T5- nun ILIIIIU Om colouring, ac- Annlv uh!-. .. lvuccesfuy -- --'-g _' '7` '* * *"'l *"- "' ` Olothing of Boston mgnufuctura is sent to every pm of the United States. Chicago is the principal mnrhl of the West, more clothing be- ingaold more thin in any other city of unnec- tion. One rm in thnt city buys manually of om Boston [mun $200,000 worth of goods; and the salon to Cbicngo of another Boston house lut you mounted to $250,000. Indeed, nearly III the clothing sold in Ohicnge ia ma.uu-_ fncturod in Boston. Tho business this year is reported good, and the sales are hnvier thusfar than in the corresponding period of 1868. Thv number of homo: engaged in the trad: in smnll in proportion Io their aggregate saleu. l....- Il:.'IA aL_-..-L L2- 4- - . .to spin with a EU: ,__._ J _, . ac and Violet Pardon. ON.` inch Extracts, Lander WIW. oath ' . mm Juno can (41y&'s'%a-`Ii?-. 1 ! deloription of pupa:-ntiou for ti! ` - B6 I PRIZE IHEDAL HONEY 303,. PATENT su[N!'Ife0W1 . . OIL BOAP. E GLYDEBINII 89Av;,_ _ my miourot `-% " Soup: in Lb Alto in Onrtoul M3 1'::1:{._ 1 P_-an-d-. Rose and `mm Pardon. :1 3`1': mI:'_.'3o_:_h Extracts. Lu !-4|-' ""' . ` V F IDHANS SE A SALT, for produciis I real-Sen Bub in your own Ro,0lI- '5" Rbova favourite preparation is smut`! "`i' mended. Sole Propriotora--TIDlAN & SON, 059'" iuts, 16 Wormwood Street, London, 10- **?% Z `I bit. of prescribing Dr. de` Jong,h`a `Light-Brwn Cod Liver Oil, and nd iI:'to be muchmore a- cacions than other virietios or the name Ihedieinp which I have also ' employed with a View fo test their relative auperioljity. ` - . DR. GRANVILLE, 13.8., _ Authoroftha Spa ot,Gemnn; . Dr; Granville] h_aa found thnt Dr. :1 r--..._- -.__ I -- ----- -a.Av.--uv BEACH- Cyrun Field, through his friends, has got hold of the stock of the French cable, so that it will work no one with the Atlantic company. `PL. D_..:A_ `I51... 1- ,, e - d Liver Oil produce; the njeaire och e] has found` " tlinfnt l)i;.`:iJe-`Jongl: ai d . Anuuw, l|'.K.l'5., Senior Physician to Guy : Hoapitsl. I hue frequently recommended persons can- sultingme to maka use of Dr. de Jong}I'_s Cod Liver Oil.` I have been well satised with its effects, and believe it to beja very-pure oil, well tted for thdae cues in whi substance is indicated." ch the use of that __.._..--- uu.a_uI:I Ul DCIIIU, Ind the City of London. " In all cases I have found Dr. do Jongh :` Ligbt.-Brown _Cod Liver Oil possessing the some organi combination, are the most remu-lnble. It in, I believe, universally acknowledged tint this on has great therapeutic powei-;_and from my investigations, I have no doubt ofits being a pure and unadulterated article." ` DR. LANKESTER, `r.R.s., Coroner for Central lliddleacx. A Ifonsider thauhe purity of thia_oil s'secur- ed in its preparation, by the personal swention ol so good a chemist. and intelligent 3 physician as Dr. de Jongh,' whohhahs also written the best medical treatise on the oil with which I nur ac- quainted. Hence, I deem the God I.ivhe1-A Oilaold under his guarantee to be prefenble to 'unfoxr kind as regards getmiuenesa 1113 medical ' a- cacy." nnuu Ill cncy." .u'u.. .u.]`,I Medical Olcr of Health; H... 112.- -9` .uIn4lll-I-. We think it a great aavuntnge that there is` one kind of God Lmar Oil which is uuiversally_ admitted to be genuine-.tha Light-Brow_n Oil; supplied by Dr. dp Jough. It huslong been our priczice, when prescribing the oil, to reeomn_3gnd' thisixind, since, amidst 5 much nriety Ind un- certainty, we have condence in its genuine-` nes1 s--(Extract from "Consumptiou:- its Early and Remediable Shgesf ) -_,__--_-. ... .,........., vu um qugeu ll] lrelnnd. . I have frequently prescribed Dr. do {onghh Light-Browncod Liver OiL I cqlaider it to be an very pure oil, not lnkely to.crc-we disgust, mi? :1 the:-`apeutic agent of great value. - [ DR. EDWARD, S_MiTH, F.R.S., Medical Oicer to the Poor Law Bosrd of-Gregt Brimin._ H utrr- .1-_-L -- e I)R. DFr40NGH S LIGHT-BROWN GOD LIVER OIL. DE. DE JONGH`S Oil _ia convincingly proved by an overwhelming weight of medical testimony, and by the practical test of successful experience: for twenty years in all parts of the world, to be; beyolftl all question, the parent, the mint elca-` cious, the moqt palatable, and, from i rgpid cur-Hi-ve effects, the most economical of all kinds. Hence the universal celebtity 01 Dr. dc Jongh'|~t Oil, a_l_nd the unparalleled demand lot this nu_rl-" vnlled prepnration. __ __- -..- ---- ..-n-ulna vu|uPIuJ. The Ruuiun Pfnn, in performing his danger- oul fat: at thespriugeld (li|.) Upern House, on loldny night, fell uvice-thc n: time will: but alight injury. A Iocond mishap was at- Icnded with serious injury. Flying from the tnpau, he" miuod the other, and fell lo the platform below. He was curried of!" by lwu potions. The extent of his iniuries is not pub- liolyiknowu, but no severe. n,,,1- THE LONDON QlIARTlIR.LY Conn:-nay mm EDINBURGH REVIEW (Whig). THE WESTMINSTER BEVIE , (lmdlul), .1 THE NORTH BRITISH REVIEW (F1-in curb); . 5 - up - v BLACKWOOD s EDINBURGH HAGAZINE (Tory.) _ ' ` 1'. IIESE foreign periodicals are regulhrly ['9- published by us in the name Ityle u I191-ggo, fore. Those who know them, and w]a'o'h",, `long subscribed to them, need no reminder; those whom the civil war of the last few yea}. had deprived of their once welcome lupply of am` b`est periodical liternue, will be glad to have them igain within their reach ; and thoge who. maydxever yet have met with them, will'num-ed.-, ly be well planned to receive accredited. upon.` of the progress of European science and liten. tum. ` niunura urns 1 non JILIJIIJ I-' LIED IOU . For-any one of the fourlleviews For any two of .119 four Roviewu For any three of the four Reviews For all four of the Iieviewa For Bla.ckwood s Magazine . For,B]a.c-kwood and one Revigw For Bfack wood and two Review; For Blackwood and three Reviews For Binckword and four Review: _ .r U. D 1. A It is . When sent by mail, the _Poat.age to gay pa, ofthe United States will be but Twgnt mm. - Can a year for Blackwood,- and inn, ght cgntg A year for each ofI.he_B.eviewa. SELECT MEDICAL OPINIONS.` _ SIR HENRY l[ARS_H, BART., H.D., Physician in Ordinary to the Qugeu in Ireland. I hnvn frnnnunnln ........._:|._ 2 n - - Subscribers may ob-t-a.;.`bnbk numbers. at the followixig reduced rates, viz : The Nnrih R1-1'h';I: frnm Janna-w 1nna 4- n- -u-guvuug nzuuuuu nsu-:3, VII: The North British from January, 1863, to D: cember,1866,inclnsive; the Edinburgh And thd Westminster from April, 1864, to December` 1866, inclusive, and the London Quarterly 101`: 1865 and L866, at the rate of $1.50 a year for reach or any Review; also Blackvood for 1866,` for $2.50. THE LEONARD SCOTT Publishing 09., 38 Walker-street, NI. L. By Henry Stephenalof Edinburgh glad the ma J. P.Noz-ton, of Yale College. 2 vols. Royal 0(-A Law), 1600 pages and numerous Engrnvinga. PRICE--$7, for the two volumes. Ru th- mvu, suuu pages BBQ numerous ling:-. PRICE--$7, volumes. `post paid. $8. The L. 8. Pub. 0o.:'l_s:- publish _ The ll'a_rmer s Guide _________________;___;__ James S. Cartwright, ~ { LBRISTI R.-AT-L AW. OFFIC E-CL AR- IICE STRE ET, opposite the Post Oioe. February 17. ' BRITISH rsnronlcus, oo1v1_'ALN1Na V 1sM'n1u'A.1NI.1Hi 'l0i] g _`l A I . _ _ . ___.-_._L 3 large` uhount of. genei-:1 . tea Price, Five Cents. A `I `I CHI_:0N1(:L%13; 1; j AW'lIIb't=miu~.-... PIOSTAGE. If hv I-nail tho `Dans- ` &` 00-: FIDO: Soap Mskors mu Priza nnl sung-An) TERMS FOR 12:39. .3 AL _, lA_..-II__! ,__ v-- in $BUUKCIII .q- `J1 "uni ' Join ll. Ii.-xcmn. Kingston, Jan ; 16. DR. Lnrmamr, nf nu-`II. ._.I (`I1 "SD18 of German m Ends` ;I..; 1'1- ' ----I, -' ..u.D., I-_ .I f ' no: soap llakcrs I` Medal II_|| g".~ for Quality. nogn % Adages: 5111156: *0 ;:..,.aw=`*A's `Dill! `I'D LBHD. 350,000 In lead on the Inuit: onhulunuin the 0` "ll 0 law an of intorut. .'._`..Q`'.. R. I. Rnm: UT` VT of tlllllia intqrqilf ' n......`.na.'.l` _________.__________ Wllkllon -&. Reeve, ABRISTERS AND A'I"fORNEYS-at-LAW, Solicitors, Couveyaacers, kc. Napanee, ,W. _ Glldorulecte an Walke, ABRISTERS sud A'l"I`ORNE YS-`at.-LAW, Gonieynncarl, Notaries Public. Richard T. Wallxem, IOLIOITOR IN UHA'NCERY. I 0ee-Clnrence Street, Kingston, C.W. P. G.ll.nlllt.Irvn.1.,I. R I Rum 1' n7.-.----- ml .I AMI 9- an FIRBTVPAGB. T___:___:.__ __ _.+-....__ __j. v' . l`ER. l`OWN, _` V- g, Simon, lam-r.n_, _` up d1 8 as 4 ?n.' (.`2?., .T..E*-Ti `-the Grand Trunk Tn th_r`gthe_e:25 _A_.H.' '3 A Foot of.B1-och I ri1,1so9. L IKJIILIE 1 -A [-1.4 Kingsfon, O. W. In Irrivnl of the tr: -ligating Giraud Trun 3 ` `Bl! of Qqiutie Ste! Ilrinl of tnin from -tlhe `West 'llId ilthg the 4:36 P. p A _nud the Nbrther _'y`I*'Prope1lera lenvi - and :11 Western Po M f`&bnnocting' with tho _" of thethon ' -~for Toronto and` UEPONT, :' .4, 3 NOTICE, RUNS `,W"" "1 .,r ` trip! shout th and will have Kingst `um? um ran ` "93 :11 intermediate FRIDAY It 3 P.M. ...u.uu--muence an-net, mngnton, 0.W. . Gn.nnIr.llvI.L.L.B. | R103. 'l`. WALKER. ____j_.____?____} G. l. KLNGEJ ` ,foot of-B:'ock % 4,1369. - J _ WWn~;"` TnAnn1 . -nan: "om G. I. KINGHO Iii`...-:1 or Brock S Il._.I:ape Vlnpent" rWet:iay, 23:). `Im: TUESDAY EVENING. Mn 25. K1. .2 .. Wvn way from, :-"Passage, having Ill `vv"n?';.`;*a' % . Jill Tlltlii '!i_ l L-Molte lslttnd K Line of Stii rphuud-I`: M l): ibaily 4 None.- as G. 1!. KING fin BOAT 2-133:0 -Ppbi `71315 L703] 1|. -TU], U _ W _. lAono1u.o,Q..O. inns Pu-1-ox, Q.0_` Jon K.-mun; 0 n|".7 & Draper, IRTIIRQ A'l`1'nDuIi!vo _. . . . John Maudie, D An....... -. I __ llhl HUI H1 c., 33 King Mnchar, 17$! _.v nun unulvuo Non.--Tbe Profession in Iv fgrior, ucrot, sud ehaa the market. Ench genu arned against in- 1) compounds now in in bottle_ bun I fac- gnaturo on the stamp LIQ. dHLOROFORMI Go. on CHLOE . WITHOUT PEPPERMINT. S619 lanufnctnror :-A. P. Towlo, ! Ihnc-hater. ,__` __m_ _,_ _-... -uaub-5. tuuvacel. TOWl.E'S CFILORODYNE. The Original Preparation of kuown~Compoai- tion. ` From Dr C. Kidd, Author of Standard Works on Chloroform. Snckville-atreet, Piccadilly, London. Sir,-l think if you would advertise your Chlorodyne more than you do, you would help to beat the others, which are eecret!cotn- pountfs, out of the market. Many medical men think with me, and recommend your Eam- pound, but will never prescribe a seam re- medy. A Camus Kmo, M. . To Mr Towle, Chemist, Manchester. 5 A Surgeon from New York writes :-``I only requireeito be known to be appreciated. I have no hesitation in characterising it viz., Towle e Chlorodyne) as the most useful medi- cine that has appeared during the present ~ century. In diarrhoea, colic, ngue, epeetns, I have found it to relieve more pain and cause more joy than any other article that can be named. `,7 gun a. A ,,_, -14! EARL RUSSELL sent to the College of Physicians 3 communication received by him from Manilla (where cholera had been graing fearfully) to the 'e'eci. that, of all remedies tried, Chlorodyne was the most effec- tive. The day seems as yet, unhappily, ndin- tant when public opinion or State mierfer- cnce `villi prevent the advertisement or sale of any secret medicine whatsoever. It is to be hoped that the profession will continue to brand as unworthy the conduct of those of in members who by testimonial or otherwise aid the disposal of such t.hings.- ancet. rrnun 1.-no nn. .-. - n . - - -/ uunalus. By_ the combination of the Iron cr Iodine with Cress Seeds in -a. male of germination, they are united with organic life, which thus renders them digestible. The irritative and stubborn iuinuml has thus become the nucleus of an organic substance` capable of being im- sorbed by the blood without injury jlo the stomach. ' Again for England and British Possessions, E. G. UUFRESNE, 79 Wailing Street. May be obnained of all Chemists. _ __ - -_-- :\/1.11;` I3 For purifying the BVlood.-Price 23 9d per Bottle. , The above Preparations are in the form of Sweeuneats, pleasant to the taste, and par- ticularly adapted tor Infants and Mothers nursing. ` R V. BAUD, Graduate and Member of the D Medical College of Paris, Chiet'l h_ysiciau Extraordinary for Epidemics in Paris, late .\l.'J. or the Civil Hbapiiala of Algiers, hasjust in- troduced in Englnd his URGANIC lEDl- CINES. They cousin of three preparations- THE BAUDEINE, An elcient and prompt. Remedy for Cholcm, Yellow Fever, Diarrhoea, Dyaentery, and the Excessive action of the Buwels. A gold medul was awarded by the French Government to Dr V. Baud for this valuable preparation. Price: Small, is lid ; Medium, -15 50.; Large Size, 115 per Bottle. 1 THE DIASTATIZED IRON, For strengthening the b`yaI.eni.-Price 29 9d per Bottle. ' _ THE DIASTATIZED IODINE, Blood.-Price _` The nhnva IJ.nn...-..:,._- .._i I Toilet Soaps. Lavender Water. Uold Cream. Perfumed Vaporizer. Rose Leaf Powder. Perfumes for the l-Inn.1In....L:..r . cuuuaca Iur me lilycerine Toilet Requi- Hnndkercllief. sites. Enn do Colbgne. All the above are carefully prepared for Ex- partation, and retain their excellent qualities in any climate. 96 strand; 128 Regent Street; 24 Cornhill, London. 17 Boulevard dea Italians, Paris. DE:-VICTOR BAU D S 0RGANIC_MEDIClNE. :-._. EUGENE RIMMEL. 1)1~;RFU:uEn by appointment to ma. Majes- tiesme Emperor of the French, the Queen of Spain, the Queen of Holland, the Queen of- the Belgians, and the King of Portugal ; and H.R.H. the Prince of Wilts. - CAPITAL .. 1 .. $1,000,000. PREMIUMS RECEIVED DURING 1868- $2,079,596. Funds deposited in the hun-ls of tho Gnvvrnmut . fur the security of l`olic_y1m1du1's. S All re risks carefully surveyed, and the hue of Premium made .10 correspond with the risk ajlnnnnad iIi;;n}.%.j;7ri}ZE'.I.'F;.Tc JI..T.-J.`-J ` OF LONDON. 1 l I-`Ill. UI I rtlllll l risk assumed. Home Insurance Company or New Haven, i `Z/Etyuu I+1su1';1uce-. Co. of Hart- ford, Conn. PAID UP CAPITAL AND SURPLUS- ;s,15o,93_1,71. I `,____if .,. . ""I"'I Losses paid in 50 years, -..-- VPHIS Company has been doing business i Canada. for nearly 50 years, and during tha time has secured the public condence by 1!: prompt and liberal seulementofevery fair claim [I has fully complied with the laws of Canada. b the deposit with the Government. of Stocks l the amount of VUUOUUU An-I is prepared to issue policies on term low as the safety oftbe assured will permit, JAMES HW'lF`-1` c`k`P1T.\L $3,000,000, ASSETS s5,15o_931,7 Inland Ports on l`.-tvuumble terms. Losses promptly and liberally adjusted an paid in Canada Currency. IA Mun uwnmv A ..,.`. I ULI4 AND CARGO RISKS to and from _._J nuu uanguca at IUIJUUHUIQ: FRIES. . - JAMES SWIFT, Agent, Kiugilon, March 3t, '69. St. Lawrence Wharf. .'l-Elna I nnurnnt-c Com [om Ilurlforcl, Conn. L. J. Huang, E. 1 . D01 President. Gem-vru INCORPORATED IN 1819. C`PtT.x[.s3,ooo,ono_ ASSE'l`S$5,15 to n !er_ms 1.... ..,.._...-v.. V I % 1369. (- CHOLERA, DIARRHCEA, &c. FARL the Coll ` _. pI1uaina-.5 .. nnvr---- - Agent at Kingston, TH: K _ __.. -at-`(JULIO . Jopeph Bawdon, TTORNEY AT-IAW, Bolic Ohnnury Notary Public, &c uroot, mugasn. " I 0l1ice--33, Clarence Street. Kingston, March 20, 1862. March 31,1869. Bl. L Kingston, March 31, 1869. .-.-u-v \JlI) D.-Snunn. , CHARLES Wnnsou President. Secretary CASH CAPITAL .. .. $1,000,000. ARE AND RIVER RISKS taken on "nulls and cargoes at reasonable rates. _ I FA M05` ulI7lI:\'IV A _,._. Kingston, March 31, 101110 Hlioj'a'1l Assurance Go:nBu}}y- LIVERPOOL fun LONDON. MAXWELL w. STRANGE. A ,...... r-.. l!:,,__._ -. lnsurzmcc Cun1p:1n_y New Haven, Conn. ..,...u. 116:`) e n with eecre nwle; on frnm Haw V.--lv --=`-- "` Murine uucux,_y. JAMES SWIFT, Agent, SI Lnxrrnnr-A w|\1 nun, THOS. KIR.KPATR.l(`,K. lnsuramt-. 156$? Toilet Powders. Po.-table Fountains. Toilet Vinegar. Hair Preparations. Tooth Powders Glycerine Toilet a naaurtu wm permit, JAMES SWIFT, Agent, St. Lawrence Wh_:u-I. IQRO JAMES SWIFT, Agent, St. Lawrence Wlmrfl I QR 1869. |L'nJ UH Ii` 1, llgl'l]I, St. Lawrence Wharf. : canon: n;ZIII`7. LRRISTIB, Attorney-ntolmw, Oonvaeynncer, B he. Oco opposite Poet Olce, Clarence Suut, Kingston. Augul. 0. OFFICE 1iE-icf_v7E9 T0 KING STREET` NEARLY OPPOSITE THE CITY BOOK BTORE. . CEILORODYNE PRRMnn~ 7Co,Iu funny IL! 7'. D1 I\l.1LYBI'. Agent for Kingston mt, I`ow'lo-,. Ohemiat, Donn, Age` 7 Inun $24,ooo,ooo_ terms: Iocjiue sun!` of` o .10 3"-ll, E.I ., EYH01 . SURGEON kc. PORTLAND P lldhuulnuunmithi ' '

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