huing Iuporior `mm gpply on board, or F. IVRPHY. 11:.-- _____i.#:., lllipe Ylnceni Fer"-r/y/. % ~':,_,___-.. , _ IQ Uuwla KOIIIF. \'LI-Ivu- H. EISGHORN, Iiiugslou. FIX `TEAL! I-LR -an I 00., height A321: to. TOIUIIV nun. .. ... * excepted) II 1 _--..-q FRI. C. H. HATCH, Agent. of 'Sto:1t1ut. XVIII. ."~-us mt. r board, or to r`_uru;.u I , _. uyvu Um monk High I New Song M Jy. Stud tor BROWN .5 all ' 4.; 1 Dilll). BUIL- These voting paperl Inns: be lled up Accord- ing to instructions which will accompany them, - and transmitted to the Returning Officer of the I Division in which the Voler resides and votes. The voting papers will be opened by the Re- turning Officers of the several Territorial Divisions, nt two o clock P.M , on the day above named, at the following places :- Western and St. Clnir Division... . . . Ghntham. Malahide and Tecumseh .. . . . . .. London. Saugeen and Brock ; . . . . . . . Guelph. Gore nnd Thunrl . . . . . Woodstock. Erie and Ningars . . . . . . Brantford. Burlington and-Home " ..'. . . . H;mi1ion. Midland and York . . . . . . . oronto. Ring`: and Queen : ~ . . . . . . . Whitby. Newcastle and Treat . . . . . . Cobourg- Quinte and Cntnrnqni " . . . . . . . Kingston. Bath out and Rideau . . . . . . . - 0118-W8. 3` St. Lawrence and Eutern . . . . . . Brockville. Pl`I._ _-_-- -5 oh- D-tnpninn (WW3!-on-91 will be OTICEHI hereby given, Ihn the election of representatives in the Cnuncil of the Col- lege of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario, for lhe twelve Territorial Divisions constituted by ` the Act Vic. 32, Cup. 45, (Statutes of Untario), mil be held on Tuesday, the 8th day of June next. * rnx.__ _2II LA ..- _____:_-.:-_- HCA I. There will be no nominations. The votes will be cast by voting papers, which will be sent from this office to each registered practitioner on the 20th day of May next. nu, _,_ #_.:A._ _____- _..-a. L- cII-.l .._ -..-..-J Qumte and Uturnqm '- mugaw... Balhurst " M The munoc of the Returning Ofmrs will be ` furnished on a printed envelope to be enclosed to e (eyelet ed pncfzioner. `H STRANGE- M.D.. i I I_ AVE now on hsnd a very large and choice seiecliou of Flower Seeds, imported di- 1 rec: from relinble growers in England Ind Ger- `many. Full nrieliel of Gamma Aslers, Gor- unn Stock}, French Double Bulssms, Sweet Pcas, llignoneno, Phlox Drummondii, Zinnia Elegnns, talc. TWA- -..-n:-..1_.- -..- ...._ l1..A-l.._.... 6'..- Freda.-..1 nag'mt;-`.:':oJw3'n'aLe:.i 1 `Hamilton, April mu, 1869. I I __ WFFECT OF AlQVERTISING.-It is amusing at times to observe the stores of the merchants who dou t adver- liee; to see the anxious proprietors look- ing into the streets and see the people go by, wondering why they don : come in, while the chores of their neighbours who `do advertise arc` thronged with customers, *| Some people will learn by observation, 1 others will not.-Dm'1g_Pal1adium. - `'`l ` SEED MERCHANTS,- 47 PRINCESS STREET, Kingston, IHICKIIIJU, GU.-4Il.'u f'For particulars see our C'~1S "0' 1869. A Il-_ A '.\I\l I10 l\l_.IIJ`nTL`Ju. ' l Agave import direct from the manufacturers, a our prices are EXTREMELY LOW. neuuusultut ul l."(LD1`l,a[l HALL; FAYDIED BEG. BORDERS, the most beautiful selection ever i brought lo,King.=ton. I A: can irnnnn nlipm-9 Fa.-u-n n-.- ..-......4'-..o_..,.-.. iIIlATH GUNN, -_-- and elegant patterns in Stamped L Gold, Gold, Satin, Ground, Marble, Uaks, kc - ~ L.__,. . __ A. . . . . - vyuvlul uuuuuuu In ll.lVl|Ehl lU Uur very uue nssortment of FRENCH HALL PAPERS and RRI"Iu`R\` oh.-. n.-.-n r.......;r..| -..u.....:,.__ -_-_ iHEA!`_I%@N S:| _N.B.---One Pony and Light Wa gun for sale. !R0:.?;&I ,_P>sPEus I r\ .-.r~- -..._ ll `ENDS. ilv i You cnn an more {hm the Ice c 1 serving meat an! butler, Re. If ask any person who hns taken I 1` roars. .... .. ......._y {In urnnsv. mdispenssbl is worth more than it costs. The subscriber has purchased the let fm-rney conducted by Mr Hobart. _ The lcr Season begins about the 24! weather fl warm`. ~ Cull during the present week, and mngements for your Summer supply. I 1.` HR Subscriber is prepared lo make contracts i for supplying lee in any q_ua.n1iIy during 1 the coming uuon. All who require it, and may [favour him with their patronage, can depend i upon beinglibel-ally and regularly supplied. | To llovsnnt;-I-:PBRs. l rm - (101. May 4. MUSIC STORE -v. Special attention is invited to our very ne ssortment nf FRENCH HALL Danube -..,a May 3. Sent 1 (Proprietor of the St. May 18. L,au an: us- I every luhoqil E H T X." ` I'D aim pig 3!! mi An`: luxury (nu almost worth mnn "--- -" `-` DEPAIRS of Musical Instruments neatly": L; outed by Practical Workmrn. SI. l.AWRl!'.Nl`E ILE-lI0lTSES FLOWER sssnsf : to any part of the country on reasonable _-...-g-.4-u..-_- JUs7r `RECEIVED A? l{``\ A` `X N lax ` {s R) GREAT grows: 4: Enss iel retohulbl __ sqnan lllil . A _-.. ...... ,....u.-nu.-u we Ice business coducted - '24th, if the II S2 KING STR BET. TUNERS NOTICE. 11. D l tsnnun, n|.u,, Regisxrnr of the Council. Inn llmtln ) `ICIII-IOU!!!"- H. STRANGE, M.D., n- _:-.--_ -6 L. nfIKnf';- AND J. REYNER: . u\'U|B- : Ice business .7 Mr Hnhnrr WI-I-ITE Druggist, ` Lnwrcne Ice-l|onses. indispensable one) 1 ts. . H... n\v cusll, oy pre- you doubt it, Ice for n few n costs, by vou drmhr it ` . . Hamilton. Toronto. .. .. (`Minn make ur- Fag` ARTIES intending to make Lpplicntion to the Legislature of Ontario for Private Bills are hereby notied that they are required by the 51st and following Rules of the Legislative As- sembly (which are published in full in the Ontario (;azu)__ to give NU-TICE of their application (clearly and distinctly specifying its nature and object) in the Ontario Gazette, and also in a Newspaper published in the County or Union of Counties afeeted -, SUI h notice shall be continued in each cnse for is period of at least six weeks during the interval of time between the close of the next preceding Session and the considera- tion of the Petition. Copies of the first and last. of such notices to be sent to the Private Bill Office. A II n_.:.:..__ (`nu D-.--+1: Dill; -`nab I... -._..-....a wnuu Ul unn\1|n\x nnonmla nuu DUU- [S QUETS of these beautilul and appropriate Christmas Ornainengs just arrived and for sale b5 13`. W `DIDITDD UU.]-tclel` Petitions for Private Bills must be present- ed wixbiu the first three weeks of the Session. CHARLEST. GILLMOR, l"'l.\_l- -1` on... l'_`l._._...- ISFBT cn_A_L. 1868. ANTHnAcnE'coAL mm 0lIIcc-I. Lawrence Wharf; Foot of Johnson Street. UR Coal is Phre Lnclmwana, being mined in the `very heart of the Luckawana Valley, Scranton, Pittaton, and Wilkes Barre, from the best selected mines, and is prepared witb_greet cure expressly for Femlly use, and_w1ll be acrcosed and delivered an the best possible co `- dngg; ..r...+.A Ra ('.'na1 for m-ates c:wsr.nnl:lv GERMAN DRIED FLOWERS 1 \JLJkJlLlLJl.`J I ILIUDD. Gusxom kindly solicited, thankfully received, and promptly attended to." ' \vam}I, 3,000 Buslnels Barley,` For which the highest market price will be paid. A I l11'I'\v.`\c~ilIr\\r dition. Best selected 89)`! 0061 for grates corstany on huad, also Lehigh Lamp for Foundry tee and Bloubnrg for Blacksmiths. m....... n..n. mlivemd in ant nutof ILL HEADS and other kinds of Jon PRINTING executed with ncatness and desputch at the Dny News occ, Princess Street. u|IJU|Q Hereby appoints GEO. W. CREIGHTON as his Agent. Thn Lnuinnnu -:II `I... _.._J___.-; fwo nan` The business will be conducted on CASH principles, and at. the LG PORRIRLF`. DDTHVQ unou pnuclples, E POSSIBLE PRICES. I` . . . v A-. I-2_.II_ -_I! and Bloubarg K01 macxupuuu. . `Tern: Cub. Delivered in any putof the (my. JAIIES SWIFT as CL: gnu .unu\.L-aulunll UI" ' End and gtrong ALES, PGBTEB and! STOUT. `lift.-J... ...._..:_.- nun vrn nn.-..n......._- . V THE remarkable successwhich GARDNE RES BAKING POWDER has met with since its introduction here warrants an increased de- mand. It can be obtained from most of the leading Grocers in Kingston, and ntL1anuf:nc- turer's prices from Messrs CARRUTHERS & Co., Wholesale Grocers, Oitario Street, and also ; at Messrs W. R. MCRAE Ag Go. s, Kingston. If you wish thelbesu BAKING P0\VDl-IR, ask for Gnnomnnrs. Um-oh on AVE taker; lhe'FIRS l` 7} successive years, and the best in the Dominion. T lstrumenls (`an be had at the l` R. s. WILLIAMS Oneaus AND Mnonsous . v--'-u" tmcuu-ug over FIFTEEN YEARS. In closing his accounts fo advertiser has deturmined to system altogether, and he wi to understand this announcement in the most positive st-use. Determined nnt to be outdone in the price or quality oi his Stock, he is pre- pared to sell BUUTS and, SHOES of unrivalled manufacture at the lowest retnunerntiva prices on strictly cash terms. Unnnid o........_._ ------ ' abandon the Credit shes his Customers .J' uuncrwlse [Hey be P f 'I`t`e patronage of Iicited. " \_J. Dealer ln Boots and sl1oes.No. 36 Prlncess Street, Kingston. )ESlRE:3 most respectfully to thank-his nu- I merous Customers for a liberal patronage extending over FIFTEEN closing ncnnnnra 4'... ol--- ---A pA1LY uu rnrluy CRSD Unpnid-acc0nnts must ly, otherwise they will be} a. nnlrnn--n -" December 12. KINGS I slim UK Toronto, 25th Feb., 1869. Dce. 9. Kingston, February, 1 869. October 21, 1868. Maiw-zh 20.- March 9. GABDNEWS mxnw Pev."5rTuT CASE of HANGING BASKETS and BOU- nrvI.`1'-a Arlhnun L........:...: .....a -..-_-__:-._ . "JAMES HOPE. Kingston, 22nd January, 1868. .____ E-YE WATER. L123 s'rENs0N's EYE WATER is for sale by C` `C! DADVIPD PRIVATE BILLS. I-`li0N'l`I-INAC BBEWEBY FOR THE MANUFACTURE OF ._IA,,,x,.. r--- ~ .5` \r4.J..\J.I.Ju `HE Subscriber bavidg arranged for carry- ing on the business of the ' . KTANT N0 l`lUE T0 UASII G[JSTOMEBS. ` or BRILLANT COLOURS. _ ,__-..,- - nun. nut Ulgl sive are allowed to be e These celebrated In- : lowest prices from _;-: ts II;ust be settled immediate- ' be put. in suit. mum nf f`....L. r1.-A~ B. IIOLDEII, EPRINGESS ST., Soli Agent for Kingston `FIRST PRIZE rr eight 1'3. allowed In I-... A. LIVINGSTON, Print-nan Qn-.1. E. H. PARKER, Mn!-hat Rnnnn uI'ln:~lal J taunting ll-'4) A . \J'I.I.lI.lLlI\JL\- Clerk of the Hodge. V E. H. PARKER, ll-_I._. B ,, Inducted strictly LOWEST Plll: l|.l uuu. - Cash Customer: :0- ll. 1 AGREES Market Squa,re. LJ. 1 1 lhlxwll, Market `Square. I V l.L`\J'L3l.L l" P_rincesa Street. Which so diagure the nppennnce, PURG- ING the evil effects of mercury, and removing all mints, the remnants of DISEASES, bend ta:-_y or otherwise, and is taken by ADUL'lH and CHILDREN with perfect SAFETY. 1 IV L) L1l.)I.Jl'.bC.ll'\l\J&`l.` ULIQ DI Illa IIXCIICE of Sm-aapazilla, added tb I pint of wlter, ia_ equal to the Lisbon Diet Drink, and one bottle is equal to a. gallon of the Syrup of Sm-aapnrilla, or the decootiona as usually made. AN INTERESTING LETTER is published in the Idedico-Chirurgical Review, on the sub- ject of the Extract of Sarsaparilla in certain aactions by Benjamin Travers, F.R S., &c.` Speaking of those diseaaes,and diseases arising from the excess of mercury, he states that no remedy is equal to the Extract of Sarsaparilla ; its power is extraordinary, more so than any other drag I an acquainted with. It is, in the strictest sense, a. tonic, with this invaluable at- tribute, that it is applicable to a state of the system so sunken, and yet so irritable, as ten- ders other substances of the tonic class nnav til- able or injurious. this Poliah. V :79 fun] rm-c:...I-.. ._.u n ERADICATES ERUPTIVE & ULOERATIVE HELMBOLD S CONCENTRATED EX- TRACT SARSAPAEJLLA ii the areal Blood ])nr1'r-r HELEBOLIYS Ooneentrated Extract Sursaparllla I Established uplnrdn of 18 yearn. `PRE- PARED BY \ | -moss wno DE`S`IRE BRILLIANGY or COMPLEXION must purify and enrich the blood, which Hm.unuz.n s Couonrragrnn Ex- nucr or SAREAPABILLA invariably dpea. Ask for IIelmbold's. Take no other. i J LI-LIKJ L | Purifier. Duncan! nn Onamr, 594 Bcoulvq, N.VY. Sold by 7Dru uiuh dvetywluro. Prion 81,35 per bottle, or G for 36,50. \.(,uAL1 111! vs. QUALITY. H:Lnno1.n s 1E)i`l'RAC`I` SABSAPARILLA. The dose is small. Those who desire a large quantity and large doses of medicine ERR. -zu1.uu.u\JI.JlJD E141 IIISALIHII LA cleanses and renovelee the blond, inatila the vigour of health into the system, and purges I out the humours that make disease. NOT A FEW of the worst disorders which afflict mankind urine from corruption of the blood. Hl:[.llBOLD'B Ernnc-r SARSAPAEILLA in a remedy of the utmost value. HELMBOLD S EXTRACT SARSAI-`A.RIL- an_d_ 1-ienovalea blood. .L,, THROAT, NOSE, EYES, EYELIDS,` SGALP, and SKIN, YOUNG LADIES BEWARE! OF THE INJURIOUS EFFECT.-1 of Face Powder: and Wuhan. All such remedies close up the pores of tho akin, end in snhort lime destroy the complexion. If you would have a. fresh, healthy, and youthful nppennnce, use H:1.unox.n'a Ex-uuor SB8LPARl]..LA. IN tural Emu THE SPRING MONTHS, y undergoes I chnnge,a1 LY Oonc|_x1-u1'|n Exrmc 1 .-._.., uuucrguea n cnnnge, and HnLnot.n a Hmumr Ooncnn-u1'|o Exrnmr or Suzann- n.u.u is an assistant. of the greatest value. V A CLEAR, SMOOTH SKIN nnd BnAd'rI- FUL COMPLEXION follows the use of H ' - noLn'a CONOIIITIATID Exruor SAnaArAn1lLl_i:A. It removes black spots, pimples, uiolb patches, and all eruptions of the skin. FLUIIJ EXTRACT SARSAPA'IiILL.| TWO TABLESPOONFULS or the Extras 4' c..-........-:n.. ...aA....I J. - _:_. -: __.__ :_ QUANTITY `vii-nnn-n G . . . . _ . -. FEWof1 fint m.....I.:_.:u - --- ---: .41: up Fact V mg, And having ltd ! ___.____?--- ). WEDNESDAY E;VI4iNING. HIGHLY CONCEBITRATED DISEASES OF THE H. '1'. EELIBOLD. QUALITY. HIL 11301.1: Ill "Flu. A--- :- -A,,II nu, nut! nyull D3` 0, and H|'s l"RA.n-II nu 9...-.- . S, the Iystem -D`- llflli El-. nun... -1- ..-u nun. can-u uvva ILUUIVLI. |.U ni:i'(-inn GREY mun TO ITS ORIGINAL YOUTHFUL COLOUR. Ilt `will prevent {he hair from falling out. Makes the Hair smooth and glossy, and does not: stain the skin as others. (Dar Treltise on the Hair sent free by mail. R. P. HALL at Cox, Nashua, N.H., Proprietors. For sale by all druggiats; Van NA'rUa.u..-When a person has proved an article and found it good, and answering the purpose for which it is intended, he will not readily abandon it for onepof doubtful reputa- tion, or concerning which he knows nothing. We are led to make these remarks owing to the course always pursued by those who have used that celebratedand truly valuable horse medicine I known as Darley s Conditlon Powders and Ar- abian Heave Remedy. All are so well pleased ' with` t that they will not ue any other ; many have waited several weeks until the agent could obtain a new supply. There is nothing equal to It as a condition medicine, or for any complaint aiacting the wind of horses. Remember the name, and see that the signature of Hurd it Go. 5 on each package. Northrop dc Lyman, New- casltle, `Ont, proprietors for Canada. Sold by all Medicine Dealers. 1.. vvvvv us as J-.I.Ill I-7,6. Thig splendid Hair Dye is the best in the world; the only true and perfect dye; harm- less, reliable, instantaneous; no disappoint- ment; no ridiculous tints; remedies the ill eects_ot' bad dyes ; invigorate: and leaves the heir soft and beautiful black or brown. Sold by all Druggiats and Perfumers; and properly applied at Bntchefm- n Wig Factory` No. 16 Bond street, New York. toJuecuh`in Iii {er cxpeditbn l$ y, all onbn (or voted. "NF 1 Two QUIBTIONS Ensmr Ax_swln:n.--Why should men wear beardq? Become they are a great protection to the throat and lungs, and odd much to their personal appearance. Why should. we use Bryan's Pnlmonic Wafers ?" Bo- ` cane when used for coughs, colds, tickling i the throat, hocruneu, 8c., they not like a charm. liniltern and lawyers use them, phyaiciapl ro- eonnnond them, and Iingon and public speaker: any they are the vary but medicine in exiltenoa for the cure of such complaints. Sold by all mqdicino donlors at 25 cu per box. T Ira. S. A. AL.hl!2N'S ZYLOBALSAMUM. anotkev Dreparahbu for 1/2: flair ,- dear and tratuparntt, wxlhout .ra_nuna.I . It 1': very ::'m,6le and nj5`w produce: Ilmudiytl zzsalts. 1!: great .ru):rw'or:'ty and tconamy at a air Drtssing ozvrr big}: (as! Franck Pomade: it acblowlzdgrd y all_ not only in {Ink cauutr but in Euro): T/1: Rettorzr and Z ylobulsavnmz : Id scat it ctrdaau 113'!/I I/M atlwr. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTI. Pn:ppn'etorn S. R. Vux Dnz r 6:, C0. VVhole|al D 35 Ba;-clay St. and 40k.PurK P1'aoe. New-;'orkr.u!`i.u' ncw aqua. nlnpol-tall! Ullnngc, A REAL HAIR. BESTOREB AID nRE3sn((} Oolnbinod in One Bottle. "I"'CV (`NI A A "- -- --.----,... -.-...n.-.-- JUIJKU J. IIJDIJII Will `Restore Gray Hair to its Natural Life, Color and Beauty. It is a. most delightful Hair Dressing. It will promote luxuriant growth. FALLING HAIR is immediately checked. u-_, 4- . .-_..--.._ ____ -7 usxumu U1.` 111715 HAVE .1.` been nded to the DAILY Nnws Jon Pnnrrnta Onrcn. Our two Steam Presses and Automatic Platen Printing Machin- ery annble us to turn out work in good styl, with quick desgatch, and at cheap rates. Inqmryin solicxted. I I| |c, Ivllnll l.I.1\.'rIs U? W Inqmry in _.-__ FARMERS READ THIS. At this season of the year when Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Cholera. Me:-bus, &c., may disable your hands, you should have a prompt and sure remedy at hand. Your Horses also frequently require medicine for curing Gulls, Spraius, Cuts, Cramps, Weak Joints, Rheumatism, Swellins, Colic, &c., &c. `The medicine best adapted for this purpose is `Perry Davis Pain-Killer. It is used both in- ternslly and externally, and where prompt ac- tion upon the system is required, the Pain-Killer is invaluable. Its almost insumtsous effect in relieving Pain is truly wonderful. _It is used by Veterinary Surgeons of the highest order, and the life of many a valuable Horse has been saved by having the Pain-Killer at hand to use when the animal! was first attacked. 13.1.`! 'L_ ,II `- vulnnmul In Una norm. `MRS. S. A. ALLEN 5 mint}: RESTOR_El_l J_ `I7 -I1..- .._.. 4-1....-- w-_, . . _ . _ . _ _ u u u.u.uu nan Luau IILIIURULI. Sold by $511 medicine dealers throughout the world. Be ca.refu[_ to get the genuine. Price: 25 and 50 cents per bottle. Perry Davis as son, PROPRIETORS, Msy 8. Montreal. jrj. unucll ITO WOT!-D1933. N.B.-One dollnr and 12} cents for postaga, enclosed to NORTHROP as LYMAN, New- castle, Ontr, General Agents for Cnnnqa, will inns-are a. bottle of the genuine, containing Fifty Pills, by return mail. Sold by all Druggisla in Kingston, and medicine dealers everywhere. wuuuns notutngyurtful to the constitution. To Manama Lamas it is peculiarly suited; it will, in a hen time, bring on the monthly period with regularity. In all cases of Nervous and Spinal Affections, Pain in the Beck and Limbs, Heaviness, Fatigue on slight exertion, Palpitation of the Heart, ~ howness of Spirits, Hysterics, Sick Headache, Whites, and all the painful diseases occasioned by a. disordered system, these Pills will effects. cure when all other means have failed. These Pills have never been known to fail` where the directions on the 2nd page of pam- phlet are well observed. For full particulars, get a. pamphlet, free, of the agent. SPEOIAL NOTICE. - Sir James Clarke : Female Pills are exten- sively counterteited. The genuine have the name of `_`JOB MOSES" on each package. All others are worthless. N R __n..- .I,..n,,- __J -n- - - - Snclal Notices. The Great English Remedy! SIR. JAMES GLARKE'S CELEBRATE!) " - FEMALE PILLS, Pr: pared from prescription ofSir J.Gla.rke,M.D. Physician Extraordinary lo the Queen. VETS well known remedy is no impodtiou, . but. a sure and safe 1-emedy`f'or Female Diicullieu _and Obstructions, from any cause whatever ; and though a powerful remedy, it contains nothing_hurtful Muzmm LAnnen it in ........1:...n.. ...-:.-.. . 1. ,,,_- ._.._-...-_J. ....\..unuu. Hrs. 8. A. ALLEBPS ZX;LOBALSAllUM. Dreparnhbn for .- and 1-am-um.-...a law" STYLES or TYPE I-unnn n.r`!o:-I on L1... 1\.__ -up V ' . New Style. Important Chnngc. {EAL turn. ntnvrnnnn usm nbunm Good for Man and Eeast. Is {he beat. article ver known to I`l'!l-its-n-1 1~-_-._. __ 7 if Btchelor s Hair Dye. nnlnnr II.- Tia- :.. -1.- 1.--; -`r. } MAY 26, 1869. VEGEIABLE !GlL!.AN HAIR RLNEWER . H_A_Ll_. S .> can rum Is 11 certain indication<'ay at the roots. BEAUTIFUL HAIR, Nature's Crown. You Must Cultivate it L ___... ...y uvuueaunu nuuu E5 E0 demand Very serious consideration, the discriminating American duty against that article having operated very seriously against an industry undeniably very large andimportant. The other items showing a decreased export are ` oats, wool, and animals and their pro- ducts. In reference to the latter it should not be forgotten that during the. last year of the treaty an exceptional demand prevailed in the United States. There was an enormous exportr of animals from Canada that year to supply the void created by the American war, and per- haps also to anticipate the close of the treaty. It is a notorious fact that hundreds of farmers in the country, tempted by the great demand and high prices o'ered, largely oversold themselves, and`_ hence would not have been able to export so largely as usual even had the treaty con- tinued in operation. (Hear hea1'.) As to cats, they were a failure last year, and I would not in any event have counted for much in the exports. Taking l these re`- turns in detail, we nd that aincegthe ex- piry of the treaty the increase in our exports of lumber has been 44 percent; of minerals 26 per cent; and of fresh sh, such as sal-` man, 41 per cent. The decline in,the_ex- port of animals and their products is large, representing 46 per cent, and this decline will no doubt press severely upon those! counties bordering on the States, whose inhabitants will be roost sensible of the a want of a market so easy of access as was that of the neighbouring Republic. But in the articles of wheat, coarse grain and lumber-notwithstanding the high duties imposed---the effect of the--repeal of the Treaty has been to compel the American - consumer to new the rlrllv ...A ....s .t.,. ..-- WV --r--u an-unulnlu III the last year of the Treaty: the falling ud would not appear I0 large... In ghe great products of Agriculture nee whole, we nd a. decrease of about 2 ing of beingin the article of our. d In other articles there we: a. uimiler deaeue. w'hi`ch', hnwever,, only amounted to $300,000. 89 that we have the ne; that, since the repeal of the treaty, our experts of lumber have in-: creased 44 per cent, while the decline in, ricultnrel products is represented by '2 pl! cent. These return certainly teach us not to undernlne our foreetenndtheir rednota. Sir, we must husband the wealth out 0!- esta. Everyone acquainted wilhli -ho 111:0- per cent. the g'restfal1- d . _ _ ,__- ..-._B .. \a\a\4lll-I`U 1.)! VIII $6,274,000. (Heir, hear.) In the article wheat, there has been an increase in our ex- ports to the States in 1868, as compared with 1866, both in quantity and value, $1,109,215. I ` nd there has also been an increase in the export of barley during the same period. The quantity has increased from 8,450,000 bushels in 1865-66 to 3,780,000 in 1867-68. In lumber and timber the increase in value has been no less than $2,078,689 in 1868 as compar- ed with I565. Other articles not enumerat- ed have final] from a value of $6,249,508 to $7,130,117,showing an increase ot'880,0l4. The decrease in our exports is largest in coal, sh and our. The milling interests. of Canada under the present position of af- fairs are doubtless such as to demand consideration, diacriminsmna. ` MR nose ON THE RE(J-;PROCITY' TREATY. = The following part of Mr Rose's budget speech is taken from the oicial report pub- lished in pamphlet forn1:-Let me now say a. word ortwo as to A statement which is going the rounds of the newspapers showing an enormous falling off in our ex- ports to the United Status since the repeal of the Treaty. 1 have btained an oicisl statement front the United States Commis- sioner of Revenue which shows that the gross imports into the United States dur- - ing the last year of the Reciprocity Treety were valiied at $36,000,000. Last year they were $28,000 ,000--showing an upper ent falling off of $8,000,000. If wersnslyze ` this return, we shall I think see that it in- cludes coin and bullion,_which, I contend, ` should be excluded from both sides. Then - the question of values enters largely into 3 it. Gold in 1836 was about 50 premium. 1 Now it is at 86 preminrn,-and this very . sensibly affects the totals. The real result ' --takimz coin and hnllinn fun... I...n. -::I-- I -._u `sunny! Uu.I' export! to the States were $30,500,000, against $24,226,- year,--showing a decline of only hear.) Wheat. there Ilia `Mann on u'.nn-'---- -`A - -- IUL aly WEDNESDAY EVENING, :_j_ @ SEE LAST PAGE. $1, MAY 26.] unvu u -ulalullll. POIICI `O! 011!` OWE, H7 ter _whether that national policy. any & * against this or that theory of politic1leooII- 3' orny. (Hear. hear.) For we Inlut, he guided chiey, if not solely, by cozisidek , tions effecting our:-zelivel, and w e`*i_niy '~ to cons `It our self-interest without oration _ 1' others. (Loud, cheers.) the United States show any diepolitimz tgy negotiate, we are bound to ne gotieHtye, wp'-A`_' are bound to `receive them cordinlfy and V meet then`: half wgy ; the Republic in the grcnber pow_er,Ind it becomes no t.ovrupggdi?`? cordially mgr invitation. _ But xginult dietinctly I `_ _ , V H d the opinion of tine country that no mitt ` M at rights, to give u out our elleginnce to the riitinh Crown, no the" price of admission no the markets of "the Republic. (Cheem) Let them notreommi the mieteke of deferrin neg(_)' this hope. (Uheerm) a could nd oehoe 2. market: for our produce, even if we -rrhga ; suffered more seriously than we hsu~'done;~ 3 and I believe that the fact of nm- |...:..... 1.; r wont! u_y I-IIU sung conlilmnce of H II: was with us as with Bpglnnd namely M since. It was supp0sed`. tlut-the vault? utterly ruined if she did_ not' plies of American cottbnefmni te South States. But when the war eta ` supplies, other markets Pped et ha , _ ntgorted into 3% England. India,E pt,Bruil Ind place: now largely a re that irede. (Hetr.`)- I do not deuire to any more in reference"-Ia thje subject; but merely reiterate myiuooit-'*' viction that ween htnot we i lhII"-" injury to the trsdego the which `he: `been caused by the suspension of free intercouuo between. gm. selv and the Status. BIII, Bil M < H` H 1` u all to add, that the time may comb ! I! my , exceptional interull to ihtch I , ad, which are now entering with verity, Will gnmto be canal In ` _ House. (Uheen) 30' I 40 ' the: tho time to datllil in when we on the. and opysningp Iiagnituu an the whole .qnumn.. r n ~ . -n 1 a'?;.};'u.:?3u`u.'i':i:" %s`i"' :rof::huniuymdd, `Fhnmga M hut on ma: cannot continue; ( egg, he may soon come when we` have unutionnl l 4 { whether thgtzp`:-:gn?..1oE .........uu unulu -gummy man huWdOIIII_;~* of our In seek other markets hu mlliod us 1 : temporary lauitude him which I've-` cast by the long continuance of tbd us as with n....n-...a ___, T i F - ; we have continued to sword, you freely all thy advantages you poueured,` during the operatiotfof the treaty", have made every aflowancc for th _ekbe[i~"**; tional circnmatnnou under.w hich you that` lished it. .We hum-waited pat.iou_tIy~ul- nninrln --=--3--- " ;:a"::;`::1.`;`. 2L`m`?:I.':,`;:fdu,;;ag - once existed has ldng since while the mutunil loss axisinglig ,1 ed cnmrns--4-{-1 E-.a.._.._._ _. ., ...._a -5...uu as m oonaequunc of event; {at which the government and people. of country were ndtto blame. We muclrtbis directedgpubIic- atbentionrit ` time to the trade and commercial rolgtionn taxation on your own people has ened, we believe ~that you have-{nowjuslai-*=" impressions of otirconduct durin who um and tha_t tho.acrimonv of failing ..u.:..:. ` vvuu senu -xrom Canada in thin 13: `==` article formerly cent from the United J ` Let me uy,Ain concluding this point. as far as regards this article of lumber,-&-'~' supply or our contiguity to ' ' , markets,--it will be felt that we 11170 Kit}! to fear from any policy that may be pl!!!- ed in the States. We havethe raw mater M rial, that raw material in required by tho etaewhere to satufy the demand.` (HOE, i h Before; nally quitting this subject "of our trade relations internally and withgthq United States, I hope 1 may be permitted to state that I think our course since the Ib- rogation of the Reciprocity Treaty has been I. a correct one. We may now fairly eaxmto our neighbours :' `We do not com llil `of the abrogation of that Treaty. e himi ` no fault to nd with you for yo I;lf/.aclaian.~--.. e kn;-gm url-gt Uu uuv. Ujlrvl vll 3 II? 0.1} .qMW9"~. JVG know ute 3 [IA Min to nations 1 % :3 -:.'`a., nu uaquuuouay inane Hanna! lupniIIt`ui7u,- and I pro % sumo t_hIt bllllhb" Inna unmn`... tlldisnd-' .1 sent position of ahira in- the must _ Maryland dian lumber. We know that . nine exhausted ; Mmh Eastern States` must dgpend for their on Canadian foreats. United be aware that allthe section: north . are mainly epeud ent an the forestl_lI! and fo_r the" supplies NUMBER 195. uf4a'a.i1-5 in-the Sta. _ 3 natty _ ependent Calla--.7 We t.he forests mashed: and for tH.x.......1:.... "'" W"! "Hues-tuna It. Hear, hear.) Th. tin, .811 W8 mgr I-uni-:3-4.`.n."_.v I turn Du" E33 under, 81 km 2* n. (`no `part - JD Ulli` Valli; nquiruo-E our own, no |`iI.- ` .1 policy; may it` * 7 of nnlituml Ann- M rum ur ooui-2 rs 1'4 3L I.sqj_ lsoh, and 17%` Anni--ma .1. `I u:gIl|lC 7 Npvn U56 ..|Jw-r luv fa "f'"" ' , Simon, IASTIER, Iigml daily (suuaays ex- Ll (except Mondays), In Grind Trunk Traihs and v-_a:....|.-nn1 A ll . 2, 1-,, t a !l.uu-sexing with me Grand E lit Welt and Bay of jig lb: 4:30 PI. train ` and the Northern Trans- Propellen leaving Cape Ind all Western Pork`. |l8A..I. G. )1. xI:~'Go`R'. apply on baud, or to G. I. KJNGHORN, Foot of Brock Street. lril, 1369. G. . K1.-aguomi, Foot of Brock Street. In ma. 1- El; Ttundnys, --- uurlll Ul ll]! ITIIKI IFUILII -uilg Glld. Trunk trains ' `H! of Quinta Sleum-r. lltiulohrnin from Rome and I `iflnuoque Route. I -g " ' '81! Re- "t- A YOUNG MERGHANT.-When you to: the D y more-for ia rent of your business if app," `he A"-Y I house than for ulvertiuing your business, a Mum], .n':m . 3011 are planning 3 fslde policy. If you _can T do bulinul, lat is be knoln." `-2 D I An .:'_'~I'u WEBSTER, "I "1 Conn, CIERUTHIWS WH KR? Em! for al... ..L__,l ........,wr use above HLRREPON'f. NOTICE, RUNS AS 1') - ;1ss=2._ _ ' Wolfe Island I-`urn. iscuoox. ' Ill\\a I owes. Kin}-`am "" SE . manna, Ind SAT of Al. or` 0'I`1`AW.\, n, IJITII, in trip! thou! the Tlb in- vifl lure Kingston every oi `yuan at 3 PM. Leave, mum` mu THURSDAY at g: All intermediate slapping `trauma, ~ or the `bow Lino will Hamulmn Tomato and r.d'f".' _-.........n u I w'.`{_,';..~.p:m at .PAST FIVE - 0; gm Smunvrs I'll wlouiuz('"`-' ` (I U 1 u`Il|l'Il llulll I l'I|_l.lB Iu E:-hgm 5:15 AI. train for : 1 It the ctce of 0.3-:[;,,P"ix_ or II the Luke 05". St. Lnwrcuce fl aw" J W 5%`-n II .1 TI` H W III HILXER _j_._.___...___,,,, ` UNRl\'Al-LID Pu. NITURB 1\'TRUDCCI1`.D,nIl ` ading `rtnnn `1l;n;..a -n.L l:`:rrinl of the lrsin from - -nnin 't'1...-.I -'l~-,._\_ ._-:__ 1 GTLLIER gm Luna Wolfe-Ishud. I . Q A `I yhjday, Z8!/I Instan '.'lER 1`UWN. II-`III.-.` n on. way from H