Kingston News (1868), 28 May 1869, p. 4

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...... 11.11.! uunn man: when on hulls \ and cargoes at reasonable rates. JAMES SWIFT, Agent, ngston, March 3|, '69. St. Lawreucu Whurl. i licryal Ass:-nnce mam? _ or LIVERPOOL AND LONDON. MAXWELL W.STRANGE. A-.._A E..- V.-.--A vvnvs uu. bVe 3'? 8|'f_UUy prepared for Ex- I,33d TGKG-In their Hlrmzllm-n ......I:.:_. ;ombina.tio*.1 of the Iron or Iodine `Seeds in a state of germination, Med with organic life, which thus em digestible. The irritativo and `moral has thus become the nucleus xic subatancacanahln nf r..,:.._ ..n. cousiat of three preparations-- THE BAUDEINE, and prompt Remedy for Choler VCT. Diarrbua-a.. Dc-nu-.- ---I -1- 4* I-`lie-Anal-anon Company OF LONDON. u Murine Itisurmnce. 1:409. uuapmua or Algiers, has just in- England his` ORGANIC MEDI- - --v VIIIVIUIIJ |)1'UpBl'3u IO!` 1!?!- retain their excellent qualities -....-....... vnulul; nousea {or sale ; houses to rent; boua wanted`; board and lodg- ing; room: muted; board wanted; ar- ` ticlea loot; articles found ; cattle wanted ; cattle for Isle; csttle strayed, &c., when let clone, inserted {or B5cnt|`eacl1inser- tion, payable only in advance. When dis- lsyad, 3 proportionate price will be urged. , ,.__.. tun uucneua .ubatauca capa.blo of being ab- biood without injury to the _, _ npe` In-on ..._._.....u nuu LuI':IUCl' 01 [De nllege of Paris, Chie=fPhysici.~m .'Epidemics in Paris, late MD. nimls nr Area... 1...- =.-_- - Graduate and Member of the nlleze of Pm-in l`.r.;..r u..._=-= yr III Co. on CHLORODYNE PEPPERMINT. gun! IV Wlllng l of all Chemists. lJll('I.Il7y. JAMES SWIFT, Agent, 8!. Lawrence Wharf. wfhos. KIRKPATRICK ...a uuwclu. A gold med : French Government, Lo J ulllllhl nrnnau-gobs- e pub plllnrn. RAIIIES an rus'l`l::m-5, t mqxwnion Bills and ` Toilet Powders. Portable Fountains. Toilet Vinegar. Hair Preparations. Tooth Ppwdera. Glyceririe Toilet Requi- sizes. u uaaurvu Wlll I'll] JAMES swmr, A..- ; nuuu HIUNF System.-Price 23 1 .ouIn _._.... gu-;L A, Agent, St. Lawrence \Vlm,rf. IRHQ JAMES SWIFT, British Posaesaiona, Wntling Street. }hnmi:nn Company 01 Conn". E. P. Donn, General Agent. 'T\ YLT yuan CHA nus Wmsox Set-re ury I-I nnn nnn T1/1;];-Chemist, _ nu 11 . In I. l\L1L1LlnI, Ayn: forliing-anon yet. .-. ....w uauutun as we reuuccd rates uf portage. Fur One Duar is may be sent nix months. Single copies, price Fave cents. may be had st the Daily News olce, Princess Street. --.... ..... .. ., Agent, St. Lawrence Whmf :0 31,000,000. DURING 1368... u.:;.: u u u:rlJJ I will permit. : Rwrwrr zies on terms will IIAIIII-n:b -... \4n.I\)1uIJ ngery, and the; A gold medal In-nrnnnr Ir\ Ti- 1, be. $24,o0o,ooo_ nu, tau: A1` .1133 V LNH`. uwr lun- : 5d ; Large hulls RANSIENT ` ADVERTISEMENTS.-- The large circulation of the Dun Nivnrtenden it the natural medium for the publication of all small and transient advertisements, as well as larger announce- ments Advertisements of religious notices and Hubbub services; situations wanted; situations vacnu/3; houses for sale houses rent; bousu wanna`. |.......u .....1 I -.-in ad the h the nun: >Dr wnvcr Dee an-ecuona on every bottle. 7 Raclammendod and used by Professor Simonds M: the Royal Voueri during the lat. twenty yuan. N.B.--ThiI uid is n certsin cure for greuo I i in honu, 1100 the scab And rot in Ihlep. nary College, be applied; the result of which was, that in case of cholera subse- quently occurred; while in the four rooms above alluded to, the disease still exists and name deaths have taken place. Two houses immediately opposite were supplied withe quantity, in neitner of which has there been a single case, although the disease is raging in the neighbourhood Sld by all Chemiele, and at .90, Canon -street, London. Qnarte, 16:; pints, Be ; half- pinla, 43; glue-nappered Imperial pints, ex- lm strength, 169 per dozen; and in "balk at 49 per gallon: Boulez included. Each gel- lon making 200 gallons, when diln ed with water. See directions Recommended and need 1.- n---=~ "`S. S|mn:Y,.Sac. and . the local conditions of the` atmosphere under which cholera is mast. frequently developed and propagated. For instance: In a house in St. Andrews sirect, iPlymoutb, occupied by fty-two persons, it was sprinkled in every room except four; in ' these the occupants would not permit it to gpplied: than rnnnh ..t' -l' ' _,.,..........w ..um_ uuue nave had the mucous and complete effect of Sir Burnett's, and this too without pr any nuisance like the smell of chi: lime or catholic ucid.-I am your fully, Slmncv, Sac. Man | __ l`.nnI> T A A . . A- n uv ~- . nu; uuuucll. The value of the uid is. show: following letter from the Sscrela Manager: ` Agricu1!ural~Hu.l!, Iington, Jan. Dear Si:-,~-Pleaae to send eight more of your Disinfecting Fluid. as p enclosed. Having used various Disi Fluids at our many shows, I can a condence 'tl.mt_ none have had nd cnrnnlnnn ..`....n -5 P" IR WILLIAM BURi\[ETT'S DISINFECT- ING-FLUID, fur the purication of aitli rooms, hospitals, workhouses, factories, pri- sons, crowded places, between decks of ships, fever wards, `clothes and linen of sick, night- cbnirs, cesspoois, drains. water closets, stables, dairies, larders, musty casks, tubs, &c.; bilge-water, and the holds of ships; apartments for searchers, undertakera, and jurymen, and for post-marten: examina.ti_ons; for the prevention of infectious disease, c-~.n- kr and fungus in trees ;` for the disinfection of dead bodies, and for the preservation of subjects for dissection; for the extermina- tion of bugs and other vermin.` Sir W. Burnett : Disinfecting Fluid was the only Disinfectant used at the Agri&:ul- tural Hall during the Smilheld Club Unttla Show in 1866, by order of Her Maj .-sty s Privy Council. TIIQ 174:`:-IA. A` `L` a I. AMPLOUGPFS PYRETIU SALlNE.--A Med:cino that cures Sea Sickness or the wont form of Billions lieu-lscha in a few minutes; etfervescing and tastelt-as, i;s con- stant use IE especially calculated to main- tain health. When mixed with water and taken during the effervescsnce, it immedi ately blends with the food, and is" rapidly absorbed into the s_ys:em. It vitsliz.-s and supplies the blood with those saline princi- ples that am lost, altered, or destroyed dur- inz the hot Weather. In Jungle, Sc-ail-:t, Yellow, Typhus, Eruptive Fevers (or Cholera), also in several other conditions, Where lb.) vital current is poisoned by inlbction, and thereby rendered unt to support liealtb and life` it has been found eminently bnehcial ;` and its sustaining and purifying inuence. acts as 9. preventive to disease, as the nu- merous uusolictted testimonials accompany- ing each bottle will prove. Its portability renders it admirably adapted to the travel- ler, tourist, emigrant, or prlV.le family, more especially when. distant from medical ndViCe or assistance. Rafa in n.-.9...-L --I~- " ....... .. u-u\.\. . Said in patent sloppered glass bottles, price 23 6d, 4,3 6:1, 113, and 2H each. Spe- cial agents required and appointed in all parts of the world. END 11' 1'0 YOUR 7FRIENDS.~-'I`he l Canomcua: um Haws is published every I-`ridny morning, and contaiz s all the news of the week. For Fifty Cents. paid in sduncqyou may send it to your friends for three month's` as the reduced p"'.lC. FIN Om-, n..vI..- ;f ........ |.. ,w - uuuvn auaa. ` Wholesale and fufexportation by the Pro- prietor, L49, L'1mb a Condui: Sttect; Barclay and Sons, Farringdon Street; Jhtty and 00., Finabury Pavement. ' Rntnil luv r'L......:... :1 __.. .... -.-auunnukv u: H: pllrllj propetties, it. is only necesmry the mama of the celebrated am pic Physician from whose pros: compounded. The entire life of guisbed man was spent in p: health of his .fell6w-creatures, an in December, 1861, was mourn l.i0n~l loss. l!`H_.:,I i-` ` . u--uuupuy 0| ueultn, Sic. Delicious with every known dish. [L3 habitual use increases the appetite and [um- motes; digestion. IL 19 much esteemed for its digestive properties. As an :q,.,.,.,... no` Er. ......:.._ -, J I `0'FIIE" S.1UUl'.'. l repar<:d by Alex- ` umlcr Suurlnvuml Szockcr, Hum a recipe by his Cousin, the late Dr South- wood Smith, v.hirt_y-live yenra Puysic:a..1 to the London Fever H:;spit.l; Father of Sani- tary Rvform; Medical Member uf .t.he first. Uenenl Board of Health ; Author of the first work on Fever in any age or country, the Philuaopby of Health, &c. Dali:-imu mhl. .--r--- '7 " ` ` ..... maugu-e.-:u:s ouuur, and 15: easily applied. John Gosnell & Co. l-I Patrol [`licl1osaron,ar newly invcnud ll-lir Brush,1hu peculiar me- chnulcnl cuuurucziou of which accnngmnie-s the two operrttious of cleansing and polishing simultaneously. The Patent Mrcblmical Chair fur Brushing Hair by Machinery. For Pruspeollls um] pur- ticulnra, apply to Eb 1-hutentees and Sole Mann- faclurers, JUHN G()>'N'l*2LL & Co., Perfumers hy Appomlment to Her Mujv-sly, vha Prlm-c-.l~: or Wales, &c., RED BULL WH.\l{F, 93 UPl'h.I: THAMES STREET.1llte or 12 Three Klng Urmrl, Lombard Street. ' I113}? you fund: which continue to be prac- tised" by oblcuja manufacturers, more particularly in Germany, by imiuning the la- bel.-. attached 1.u JOHN GOSNELL st Co. s PERFUMERY, render it. imperative upon the ,,__v__A___L_ i . prnnu-ininu-u 1.. Lm Noblesse Soa.p-eate_emed for its unequal- led perfume and tine emollient qualities. John Guam-ll & C03: Violet. and .\lIllLlleur Nursery Powde: is guaranteed pure. Nu nur- nory should be without. it. Sold in hung at `\ .:.l; in tins 13 each. John Ganell &: C.}. u Ulncrry Taozlu Paste is greatly euperipr to any Tooth Powder, give: the Teeth 5 pearl-like whiteness, prolccra lln: elnmel from Jec-Av, and imparts u. pleasing fragrance to lbti brealh. Price 13 6d each. Instnntanvous H.;ir Dye: certuin to prbtluce- any shade Brown or Black, of good natural colour. `! It. cannot possubly injure the hair, [ms no disagreeable odour, and is easily cuuuruczion nf whit-`1 non ~ A,9U|JllELUI3 lU nefarious pro friends and pa tabla dealers, Gosnell It Go. the address- RED BULL WIIARF`, 93 U1-`PIRTHAMRB STBIIT. Juba Gosnell & Uo.'s Select Perfumes: E33 Bouquet, [Loyal Yacht Club Bouquet, Jockey Clqb Perfume, Essence of Wood Violet, Vic- toria Bouquet. Framrinanni. Milinuw n,...,....... uAuT10N me public against such ceedings, and to request, their Lrpns to pm-chars only of rupee- who import direct. from John ; and invite special attention to - ...-- --and -1- `U0. 5 'PERFUMERY, ifnpemme Bpoprietors to CAUTION the public against proceedings, request pmrpns nnmhnn nnlv nf ........., \.ll~4U 1 Cl mum, mssence or wood Violet, Vic- Bouquet, Frangipanui, Military Bouquet, the Bride's Bouquet. John Gosnell & Co '5 Prince of n.le, I cr- fume, a most choice and nhionable perfumc. John Gaeuall & Co '5 Princess Alexuutiru u`~ Perfume, :1 most. choice and deliuat prepared ex digbneaa. [..l~.n 11-.._-II L .1-`1 a perfume, press}; for the use of Her Royal ,, _ - l UNEY TD LBND. 350L000 to lend on the oocutity of Butlum in the City or Coun- L try It I low me of interest. No commission charged. ` R `I '3'- nAn5uuBuH. " John Goanell & C0351 Perfume. Juhu Guam]! 8: C033 . :a in -....q u an-Lzl II: lJU.3 La`l HUD :1 most delicate Perfume 01" exquia Juh-n Uosnell & Cola Noblesse gently perfuuned, and h'r,:hly rec beautiiug and promoting the 1 luir. 1 iv .. r- II! III IIUlVr _}|| Perfunla for the _1.lm 1`. .-- - \f `-Eutiul I.u.a. assurance of its purity and salillary , only necesearv m nr : .. .- 3 single esse of :uri-ad; ed I place um .. unu oeen ' ' is, ubourhood was aptt In promuliu; and his 1861 mm n-an..--.1 - 7TETiFT _..... um every pm-1 `ha" Qaun shown by the Secretary and . request. : x Handker- ` & Co.'s . ( j, 1'1,,;. 1 B-A1511} 1| IU .llIUl` r'lt1.lSiV coma C: may yc fnr thn-nu fflhnflfn an 51. }: Jockey Club Purfum request. as tho mun admired Uaudkerchie". Price 2:: (id. 31 Ln; Noble.-Jso Perfume, `erfume exquisite frz|.,m_rra.m;e. k Nohlesse Pomade, ele- recoxnun-.r.ded fur nrmmnim: thn nu-.....ol. no` -1.. ....-..,u wuuuluckuref, srumny, 'LIdt`l` it ilnnal-Ari-n ........ -I... ._._u, uuu. una ms mourned as lington, 1868. gallons kg per order Disinfecling away, anv win- I Upper Ten '[`Lo.1srm:l -- .....\,-uuc Ul yours faith- gnd \[.annn--- DAJLY NEWS--FRIl':)AYf~ . ..-..J .-uu Dllllllllll eary to poLL uat l and philanthro- proscriptiuu it. is We of that dialin- n 'I'A'\"'\AsI| .,_ `L ,-----v.ll.l can any with I instan- William at producing ' chloride of Vnllnn l'-- 3-`- rvvu-lILll'vl.|JULl DUI gruwth of the . _:IOI-I!:p-I`!--P.8Wd0n, ` TTORNEY AT-IAYI, Snli Clumcery,NotaI3 Public, &c. ttroet, Kingston. -syu LU Ll-llLl' .Lh :9, .ud DO';4r1A -- --- ~15 un- death; I-I nu r rnnrn RATES, AND IF YOU NOT ALREADY TAKE ADvA:mj,AG or TYPEB AND INK T RESOLYE A1` oxen: 1'0 CONTRACTS onnns THE 31:31` MEDIUIH ton LOOALAND u1cnm,i.-.1. ADVER'I`_ISE- umrrs; THEREFOR}; ` ADVERTISEINTHR mm.-r z~m:wa." PUb`.3'E.'5."3lNU ` I LY 9719.1 A 'Pi!c_JUSANI`- Tums. PLACE TH]! p.u21-zorxmns or John Mudlc, ARRIISTER, Attorney-n\;Lur, B 8:. Oice opposite Po.-1:Uf Street, Kinguon. August 6. A. LOCAL PAPER u- my WOULD ll` YOU HAVE i.NEiWS~I . ; AND MERCHANT ADVER'1"iSING! ADVERTISE I-I`AY BE MADE AT THB DAILY NEWS OFFICE. AND YEARLY THE LARGE.`}'l trnellly an nraper, ARRIS1`ER.S,ATTORN'EYS-at-LAW Solici- tor in Cha.noery-Cbambera Nos. 7, 8, 8 9, Anchor Buildings, Kingston, 0. W. Jun: 0, (2.0. | Fun 0. Duran. IS THE: BEST 1'0 "a LflE':R_ 1I. AND JUl)H`.IHlfb` Um-,2 OF AT'1`RAO'` A ND NUT Tu .'-SPFTNT LIUNZCY AGREEMENTS` a}l3iCUL.A.'i`{0N ADVER ADVE "JUN. BIISINEE-s b ADMIT THE IMPORTANCE OI` AND, REPEA '1` THE I) V [C '[`b'EREFORK GO A NY NEWSPAPER THE PUROHASK 4 ND I}REU'I`lUN OF AN DRIVE BEFORE `PHI? PUBLIC _un'_> .15- .--`.-. a -nu -uu Angel! 1. an Luann:-at-LA ~`.X`I1.1 '1.1'r'n,I.: xrummcsa UU.`3'l'UMER3 PU BLESEIED ATTRACTIVE SIGN THEIR la'UCCF`R- N N \ i\ 1'0 ADVERTISE A u00AL nvsrmzss, K L?`()I.U?i`l3! nnnl I l`.Il\D AH U A'l"l'UKN E Solicitors in Chancery, kc. Omoeou-i8 Clarent-A SL, opposnmtbe Post Oee, Kmasrox, C. W. Jon A. IAOD0lAI.D,Q. C. : Jun: PM--ro.-I, Q.C_' Joan M. LA::'an. Kilonnn J.-no In . A JUDHJIOUSSTEI IN THIS omr,-rH1s'.IoUnNAI: FOR ADVERTISING TH '7 AND ATTRIBUTH! IIUH R T I S E E- I I "ms :1-4 YOU wom.u vmm uusmzss, me DRIVEN. uu u.:I.-a`oum went corner of Duuda Int Su-ecu. W11. 11. WILKISON. W, A. REEVE, County Crown Attorno . v _ C SEE TARIFF OF NEVVS. TISEI YOUR PLACE OF uvsmnss, GARRY BUOB AND BUS] NEES DD b.uunun1un l UHANCERY. 0ico--Clarence Street," Kingston, C.W. J. P. Gnmnuun. L.L.B. I R103. '1`. Wuxu. .___.____._____. llacdonald, Patton & lllaclmr, BARRISTERS AND ATTORNEYS-at-LAW, SOIiCit0l's in nhnnncu-11 In- R? Names are on Wrapper, Lsbol, Booth, sud, Stopper. Auk fox-:Len. and Porrinuoo. Sold Wholeulo and for Export, by tho ,Pxo- prietou . Wotoutar ; learn. Oroeuun Blank- well ; Hours. Bunny and Soul, London; to to.; and by Grocer: and Dunn nn1nr-II- 7 - it-J;-:i`inn BLENDIN nl-n4-In..- 1111 U on I7 WI]. Guam: -_ L-= auuunu.L1Al.'lU': Magenta, Violet, Blue, Orange; pour a few drops into an , add warm water; use witha brush or pen Burden of books, similar to Word and Loclt'a Arabian Nights, &c., m y be prettily illum- inated in this manner. BLANOMANGE, JELLY, CORN FLOUR ICE CREAMS, &c: While in wliquid state add one or two drops of Magen a. A more simple or elegant tinting cannot be had. CONFECTIONERH will nd Magenta, Violet, Orange and Pink useful oolonrs. GELATINE8 and GLUES are Inceautnlly coloured with these dyes. INK: A Bixpeuuy bottle of Magenta to`: pint or more of cold water . `WATER ' One drop of dye ' PRINTING on Cotton, Si ordinary war. unn 5.311111`: A Dotu 0! ~ half naplnt of hot Inter. SATINWOOD STAIN: A Canary dissolved in 3 pi: PHOTOGRAPHS may be dye with water ; a home pint of water. &c. ILI.Imnn 'I`lL1n, -- Vpllill or water. at: ILLUMINATING: 0 Inna: - nr-n- - PX?i?' and WOOD STAIN: Ditto. OAK STAIN: A bottle No. 2 B ., uucu aur in the Whitening I Mauve, Violet, Purple; Blue and produce pretty tints by using one more, as directed above. STARCH: Stir inn few drops of Magenta, Mauve, Violet, Blue 1 these impart delicate tints to LM kc. WILLOW SHAVINGS, Wicker, Iv: Hair, Fibres, Seaweed, aim, attrecl uuun; rur lllll BOOK EDGES: In Iihslno -=- 1 ____ ..._, us uuulug ' pan. RIBBONS and with soap and water to render them clean. FEATHERS: Dye in h or the dye is! autcient nmmnuv *1 O L I O I Oioo--U1 Gnmna: ul Iue aye I6 auic l COTTON: Mauve, Pnlhnunna :LmNn12iG"s'J::3e or the am in produce an innity of undo, 4 mm. = d __ __.v ..,...... uuug, mueeu, almost magical. By their use almost any article of clothing can be dyed in a few minutes for a few pence without soiling the lnnds. MEMORANDA. MAGENTA : The a englh and beauty of this dvn in nl----'-` 5` ` ......u.m LA : 1 ne strength dye is almost incredible. A tlezwill dye 20 yards of Boat 10 minutes; it will also pr< Rosa Pink by using less dye. V for Woollen Goods, Feathers, ; WUOLLENS: Magenta, M31 D _ n....l.. f\-- - ,.____?____ UDSON S iSlMPLE_ JYES FOR THE PEOPLE. Any one can uaethe1;nuy- thing can be dyed with them. It is imposeinle in this small space to enmerete the many their chief use is {'0 they are also invaluable as a for almost every known ma with which they can be used and the brillian- cy of the result being, indeed, almost colouring agent Ierial, the case r dyeing iexiiie fabrics, V vn :u1hl.'l' FUHPC Removes from the mouth im tastes and odours, whether aria or other causes, and counterzu and Lnonbid secretions of cariou es and aol'|.(-uys the skin, and, tends to: promote a. healthy 51 body. `ll 1:-.n----, Ilulu ulllllu. Counteractiug the effects of organic poi.sun.~4 Lll.k(rfl into the stomach . Curing Musty provcnder. Fr:-eing wheat an! other 5:.'(I from smut. Maintaining the lu.-ulth oi plants in pots and conservatories. Preserving and restoring the freshness 0! cut owcns kept in "water. Destroying the blight of `the. potatoo, vine, hop, mulberry tree, -`kc. Washing dogs and other domestic animals. Cleansing bottles, beer burrelu, pickling tuba, dairy utensils. Washing the hair and darkening its colour when turning grey. Enhancing the purifying and invigorating ef- fects of tubs and tubs. nu-ea: um --...:.-.-....._I f H I - I _ nur u.-tu. N.B.--Condy's Fluid is the Standard Scientic Test for Organic Matter in Water. and aifurd.-I the only known means of rapidly and cornplcu-!_v freeing Diiuking Water from Organic "nint, which is so common a cause of serious disease. To rapidly purify the air, use the diluted '-uid with Candy's Uzoniscr" or other Spru_y-pru- ducer. fintrntvin n . -2 Treating the infectious diseases horses, dogs, &c. One gallon makes 200 to 300 guilt): for use. up n, -~---A- _ .-v uneoqateu VI J!-|3\ICCq `The Prince of Wales, while he in in `Paris, . entered heart and soul into all the enjoyments there, without, however, neglecting what We Ihotd call his duties. It may be remembered that juet about this period last year the Prince happened to be in Paris, and all the gay world was lacking to Chantilly to see the French Der- by rain for. The Prince was invited by thednko do he Tremonille to join his party at Chantilly; but his acceptance of the invitation was imped- ed by a telegram from the Queen, prohibiting lulu from attending races on Sunday. The nine reaeoee learn to have prevailed with his Royal lgbneee thie Hey. The Emperor placed his earriagee at hie dbpoeal, and invited him to itc- eotnpaay hint and the Bmpveee to the racee in the Boil do Buulogne, but the Prince declined, and wee driven down quietly to Versailles where he eaw the watere in lull play, and enjoyed the unwanted gratication of being able to roam about the park unmoleeted by a too energetic and obtrueive curioeity. All the rest of the world joined the joyous cavalcade which ocked to the racecourse. The Emperor and Empress were accompanied by the Auetrian Archduke Louie Victor. It ie the fashion for all classes of Parisian eociety, native and foreign, to pile Sunday afternoon: in Hue Rt: 3. um- 0NDY'S PATENT FLUID or natural disinfec- ' cant puries, deodorisea, and:diz4infects, by the agency of nascent or ozonic oxygen,--it.a active principle. Being entirely iunoxioui, this unly scieimc preparation is peculiarly adapted For the folluwing useful purposes, lor which all other disinfi.-1-.I.nIlLs, on accouutof_ their poiammus or other objectionable qualities, are uuuvmhblc and useless :- Dutecting organic impurities in air and water. Purifying drinking and other water from or- ganic nmtccr, lend, &c. Fr-Jahoninn lilo air-nfninun vnlanna .....l ____ -_ I I aulllli l|lL|aUl', IL"!-NJ, (IKE: Freshening the airof close places, and remov- ing bad smells. Freeing `meat, sh, butter, or other prnaioma from taint. lV....._n,.___..,_ ;`I,_ ,| ,. W_aB Unloroume. 77w Medical Times and Gazette, J nmmry 13th, 1866, states, It has an immense sale amongst the public, and is prescribed by scores of Ortho- dox Medical Practitioners, anti, of course-, it would not be thus ingulurly popular did it not supply a want. uud till a place. Mzmufuctured by the Inventor, RichmdFree- Hum, 70, Kn.-nningzon Park Road, London, S. T||e gcnuine has engraved on the GOVr'rnTncnt. Stamp (outside each Battle), FREEMAN`S ORIGINAL CHL0l{Ol)YNE." HEORIGINAL UHLURUUXRJH, lnvuuusu uy R. Freeman, Pharmsceutist, is allowed to be one of the greatest discoveries of the present century. It is largely employed by the molt eminent Physician: and Surgeons in hospital and private practice in all parts ol the world. It hu effects peculiar toitlelf, and which !_|I' Mill` ly dilfcrc-at to those _.prqdce,d _by-tNe .._arinosV compounds bearing the name otUbl"o1-odyne,' but have no pretence to possessing its virtues. It rapidly relieves pain, from whatever cause, ll- lays the irritation of fever, lootbel the system under exhauong diseases, `gs [hep wi out producing any one of the `st so commonly arisin from theuswof bplltalu continues to hold its unshaten position in the estimation of the Profession as the best, most reliable, and cheapest preparation. Eminent and scientic Physicians made affidavits that they have tested its eects in careful compnris..m with iL,__ _n u rn) Fnf I IQ RR\.VNFf f`."T.nI{n- have tested Its ellecta m Cdl'L`Illl cornpnrlsun wuu those ofDR. COLLIS BROWNE'S C[ILORO- DYNE," an-Ll deposed ID the facts that they found it. n more certain nnd reliable preparation, and greatly preferred FREEMANS." 1`...~1 Hum.-ll` 1-.nmmuni0nI.ed no the R013! C01-_ and greatly preterrou "1'nI:anm.1:1D. Earl Russell` communicated the Royal Iege of I l1ysiciuma and to Mr Freeman, that in llunilla. the only remedy of any use in, Cholera was Chlorodine. " an , l.l-.L'-_l FIV.'-..... ..-.J /J;-null; .TnnI1nl-Vl?.fI'l, vuuuumLVD2 Magenta, Mauv Purple, Orange, Pink, and Grim the most satisfactory results. quantity of boiling water in pan. RIBBONS nnrl en nu, u,I.'I:l'. CQNDY'S PATENT * .---nun nvcnu], DIHVG mo. I011 :00 Sunday nfterndonl in the B0B ~ longo. _ , -_.._b-- _.___________.___.____,_.._ `HEORIGINAL OHLORODYNE, invented by D n~.......... Phurmat-.eut.iaL ' _.__._, uznunu uu. LENS: Mauve, Violet, .e, Crimson produce mat Use alarge ;ity au earthen SILKS: Brnshvthem to nvnid m---mi ---4 , _.--_ unnauhl; DrUsn"nem avoid creases, and met Dye in boiling water. IERS: but water (a few drops a is auicient for one feather). `N: Violet _snd Purple are _n_9nded. I.--.--u uuu Luun. ng poisoned wounds and destroying ani- a. 3 OZONISED WATER, (FOR 'rou.1:'r PUnPosns,) om impure and Ioreig rdours. Tfhethnr m-tea..- 42.... - 7- V - u. pum..11AN U0. Palemee, Battersea, -. ---an n IAIN: Sixpennv bottle 'ed pint of boiling water i tinted; dilute the Z`; of Magenta to 3 C. F: Magenta, egg cup at; :5, L n nn-|-- ,,. - _anAyI:I.lI.lJ UUV' 0 Bonnet Ribbon in t alaoproduce a clear Suitable also oods, Silks, kc. 3. Pink one n..:----- ' H. BOLLMAN comgy Patent.-n Run .... ._ 7 ._J , -v cnul, nuu, U390 state April '23 ---.\.9' map LX113- : strength beauty acredible. Sixm-M... 1...... I impur; Iureigrf Prhether arising from tobacco d counteracts the irritutio D8 nf nrinnu fnntlu Ya -~ ' with n brush`31?1;uT milar 3., ner. gallons adapted the both will Whado, scoording to V---ma I-nu l| l'Hu ' carious teeth. It 1 and na...l :_ .1. r will tint I lk or W quart. ool in the tons teeth , 717; pl";-_' (1, used In the bath, ` state nf the Ivhnl... ups Colon:--' or Pink; Lace, Linen, ier, Ivory, Bone, , attract the dye g water. I331` ` uuuuty OI uni J Sixpenny bot- met Rihhnn an uruuI3r!lc0V0 & Walkem, ARRISTERS and ATTORNEYS-at-LAW, Gonvoynn&ru, Nomriea Public. Richard T. Walkem, WOLICITOR IN UHANCERY. L Uioo--O1nrena:Rtmnt'Rim........ n In Ill tut: UIIUI, of the whole /VA` I.) 1 a, London. Black to of cattle, /,-, ..u-u lulu viglat P9'd9"r 0. llnetics, French Ext: 143;, -$4,-V9940! 7'- Ohotry Tooth Pugh, Lkpl 55" '9` m7;:_'`:; and every ducnption of pI'0P|"' ~ `lg/ilet. - ,, -1- _ --.-uuwrl. rsiu Hodpl ,'1Iud_04 Purity nnd Excellence of Quality. London sud Paris. muzn aucmu. noun slur. ryrnzrr SUNFLOWER 011. sou . GLYGEBINE sou. V Every variety of Fan Soaps In lb BIKI- Allo in Carton: o!3 Tsblzl. , { ' ' A tulllpirlnu oocioty. on A new plan, has he formed at Cedar Pnlln, lows. Every uhu plodgu himself that be will neither ask A frlnnd to take 0 Iocinl drink or drink with a `blond, but in not bound by Ill provisions to ab. Ihhl hell! [he spirituous liquors when alone, ur I: an olclckneu. .. uueu no: cause tb nllll often co uent on the pale oil. Ligh at?-1 ' _v.-nnvwllllcll In cnia oil has great therapeutic power; and from my investigations, I have no doubt bfila being a pure and-unadulterated article. DR. BARLOW, 1`r.n.s,v T Senior Physician to Guy : Hospital. I have frequently recommended persons con- sulting me to make use ofDr. do Jongh's.Cod Liver Oil. I have iyeen well satised with its tted for those cases in which the useof that substance is indicated. i In all cases I lurvve "form Light-Brown Cod Liver net. of properties, among It is, I believe, this oil has _th_enpe pr... ..-..-.:-, -v y acknowledged that- utic power: ind rm... .........a. cause on me all with whic quninted. Hence, I deem this God Li under his guarantee to be preferable I kind as regards genuinenaga and m cacy." DR. LA.NKES:1`ER, F.R.S., Coroner for Ceiitfal lddleeex. I consider that the purity of this oil 1 ed iii its preparation, by the personal u 0! so good a. chemist and intelligent A p as Dr. de Jon'gh, who has also written ` medical treatise on the oil with vfhich I uri. 1J'.l'EBY, Hedical Oicer of`Heilth, and Qlgiu . the. City of London. lmve "found Dr. Ligh;.B,eown Cod Lhm. my ..--_, 1.11 lllllg . We think it a grent advantage that there is one kind of Cod Liver Oil which is nuiversalig admitted to be genuine--tbe Light-Brown Oil supplied by Dr. de_Jongh.- It. has long ben our pructi-ce, when prescribing the oil, to recommend this kind, since, amidst a much variety and un- certainty, we have condence in its genuine-1 ness."--(Extnct from Consumption: in Early and Remedinble Sages?) - .; u: I all U1 IJ. 1 DR. DE JONGIPS Oil is convincingly proved by an overwhelming weight ofmedicul testimony, und`by the practical test of successful experienc for twenty years in all parts of the world, to be, beyaridmll question, the purest, the moat emet- cious,-_the most palatable, dud, from in rapid curative t.-'ectI, the mist economics] of all kinds. Hence the universal celebrity 01 Dr. de Jongh'| Oil, and the unparalleled demnnd for shlauurl-f valled preparation. SELECT MEDICAL OPINIONS. SIR HENRY MARSH, BART., I.D., 4 Physician in Ordinary to the Queen _in Ireland. I have frequently prescribed Dr. do Jongh a Light-Brown Cod Liv`er Oil. I conaiderit to b; a very pure oil, not lnkely to create disgust, uni a therapeutic agent of great value. ` DRQEDWARD SMITH, F.R.S., Medical Oicer to the Poor Law Board of Greu Britain. ' ($117.. Ll..:_~1_ -A Baron Fcrdinnnd Suit bu jun been` tried at Vonioc for an tutmgaoa religion and the propu- gntion of uoopticism by gun nrlic!a published in tho Rngionn, and in which he nltlckad the sacra- nuns of tho Eucharist. Ind Baptism. He has ha condemned to two months` ilDp|'iSOBn]ll1t Ind 600 francs ne. ` 1' u o _.l A I: 157- - When sent. by maul, the Pastage to any part oflhe United States will bebut Twang, jog cent; a. year for " Blnckwood," gmd but ght cant; a year foruch of tha Renews. T yu-ave; , LDUU, -ucnuuvuj um nauwurgn llll the |Veatminater from April, 186.4,:-In December, 1866, inclusive, and the London Quarterly tor 1865 and 1866, at the rate of $1.50 I year for each or any Review Lalao Blackwood for 1866, for $2.50. ' . ` A THE LEONARD SCOTT Publishing Co., _ 38 Walker-street, N.Y. _1;ne L. s. Pub. co.;Ta_o_pub1i.h .4... A LDIIJHII post paid, $8. ` Lunv TERMS FOR 1869. Forany one or thetourcviewu - For any two of .he four Reviews For any three of the four Reviews For allfour of the Reviews For Bln.ckwood's Magazine - For Blnckyrood and one Reviagr ` . For Blnckwpod and ti! vV.i_eH`B`_. For Bltc W003 and _hree yiewr For Blac word and four Review; _ ,, .__Z._. In; IUUIIIIVIII By Hear)? Siephena of Edinburgh alnd the late I P.No1-ton, of Yale College. zvols. Royal Oc- tavo, 1600 pages and numerous Engravinga. PRICE--37, for thetwo rbluneo. By the Dost mud. $8. rollowing reduced rates, mix: The North Brifialufroln Jnnuaq, 1863, to De- cember, 1866, inclusive} the Edinburgh and the from Anr- 19.6.1 f. m- THE LONDON QUARTERLY (-Oonnerfntive THE EDINBURGH Biwmw (Whig).. THE WESTMINSTER REVIEW (ludical). THE NORTH BRITISH msvmw (rm clfh) . LID; BLACKWOOD S EDBHBURGH IIAGAZINI Tory.) . ` -'1` H(ESE foreign periodicals are regulprly :6 published by no in the name uyle alholmo, fore. Those who know -them and long subscribed to then, need no. remindq: ; those whom the civil war of the lul-fem you-a_ had deprived of their pngevelcome supply ofzho best periodical lilenlnro. will beglxu. tmhgyg M them again within. tbqi;;T and thou who may never yet. have met with than. will nan;-ed._ ly be well pleased to receiva accmdild; rayon; of the progress of Eunopeasn scieuco Il1dIi&- turn, Subscribers may number: at up following reduced Thu MM-u. n...'r.-.1. r....... 1-....-... u-an L 1- Apd a large ninoiiixt of gena-al reading " Price, Five Cents. Sllbicription * A,'I1 I ,__ -__ -___._ ---. Tho following one of forced imprisonment in ` I convent hos united the indignation of the eu- M lire population of Madrid :--ln Ibe moat remote porno! 1 nnnnery Eilulla in Ho;-lnlezn-street,` there is n cell little more than in yard square, into which nir and light were ndmined by El. null opening in the top of the wall. The Civil Governor of Indrid received an anonymous loner informing him that n bumnn being was conned in this hole, and on proceeding 10 lbs plans he found I young woman, nged about 28. who Ind been for Ievernl yell! Iillll Win this > horrible den. She belong! to I luptclabla family in South Americn. When she came to Indrid the was young and beautiful, but her husband Inspecting her of unfaiihfulnnss, sought. the nllnoner ot'tl:ie convent, and it was agreed between Ihem tho! the wife should be shut up in one of the cells. For ve years he has acted iigthil cnpncity, lo the utisfnclion ofnho boa- bcnd. More will be heard of this callkrhich is now-in the bonds ofjustice. 1"Ing D.:..---( I-:1-,u,, -~- - - - don, and/' ` I B. nept, 5` 3 tublllhod 1770. i Bamlii J3=_Bx0.D10AiL8... % DR. DE JONGHTS LIGHT-BROWN COD LIVER OIL. ' '1, '31) hn Tnlvnvvvn A.` . - o_oN_m1N116_'q .a__.r.z, .,,f,,5 0,` M EN1~nn'r.nN1Nu 81011.:-n7aLAnn I J A In-4-A -on-|1\I1n`u` 1-.` :uA-n-..I ___ as Ci The Farmcal/".2;W(;I;Ide rosffan. 1!. hi: rnn II-an D.-mo . "am s.u.1',`. rm - % B. `ll! Q1` ` DR. LETHEBY, `nf"FI'..-`In. --JI 1" ..... VI ur. ue .Iongh's.Cod sen to be I very pure oil, well use of LII nun -uusu Ul unu also wruten the beqt I with which am ac- am tblcod Liver Oil sold be Drefernhln en uni! --Iv--` .e.. um: wmgatlon too ndminiuntion of the Lru. Ill E1133 0 I8 IECBI5 ' attention intnlliannlz g r-l--m=~=-- Chief Analyst to I-ondo'n`.` ' 7:. 39*` I|~iI ltronglg Addrc/ass; _ -- - -vv'. `ofthioillalecnp, 2 hnl-nnnnl -oL.....:.__ ` ... 1 ul uu IIUILI le to any other` medics] em- 1 nu-t:ul.lO!I physician n the .I`-... -- nuuAolnlVAl'hAW. L FF[UE-'CLAR` EHCI STREET, opposite thall-`oat Oica. Fobruuy 17. `T vrithluno rung... N.B.--rg. gun on up nary bnninuqof w % ay- ; such houses gnu;-eta ` `a-mww lll ltlvn-unnnh ` - for Solo; _ ` P! Y` -.-~-- ~ s----- ,,-uu nun! T * us boil! H r 30YAL nun. sr r:'.1r':;."mI11; ' ` , _ '_ FAMEE Price fOl"*IfO"_' $40 with thefi a. month. Half aqun:i!:xfol`" ~DIIiL with man m_ -` with name N n _.'I"I.- mun" nuaeruun. Subloqu tiny `V _ 5` w onceouy 4 ``__II` Notices 0 mulmj.` . ' D0 of Do ofasthi.M.'._ V M ` Bpntl heading, ludetl or ,_l - uurodiby I Icnle of Iolld under 10 lill !l&%1 . J:inionr,_Mnste} `nd inns-t will `_eMKingnton Tuesday _-- )3 sad Fndnyu, at 4 p. Other None iudurhl _ ' V j of which may in ` ,',>.'uP "L I * _ intero/Ilg,nf;Indi - 4,, '3" `pp 7 b" A _ I ` G. H. KINGHOI to stun`! Lam min` '1 7 Font or n.....u. `Tuna 3! man In`: ~ ` e1inmnnndu;r,8uh- and 1:3 cantafordnry" 10 lina, 31,25 for urn, 17 cents forevoryln Ahm.1nn...n' V` 5 I vagina [Ur GU61", Abpve 10 nal, W." tion, `and two cent; pol: L insertion. Q.-k--_.._'.xA 1, .L-_.Q: 4_ TWO sum` is enabled to qxecuta h|`tlg__I with `tester % ' in the: Oil], all 9 V` V may be favored. at ` I-rn.-1 .0i'F[C'.-S0ulh Went c nut Sum-n Vs-;{:a:1 :s: ,"` P W mm scnooxu - ' '55? VII ` L ` H o[ Pun: mu` 4 ` Job P;-inungqund hi `sct;Jox:`* we? punish oh ;Hmap,` AA J9 pin` gaudy` Send for s Ind capeV1ne`m 'ng Wednesday, 28th In: ,3 , .f:rnn 51-1a:.uu`a:R Ts -'1-u$1.5s Uxnl, " ` bonlaof this Pdliiii. i we ii]! In putai half N1'rURl: ` ~ give full partioilql p in bottle; gt ` 9 1 3 . I ya; Thumtfayu, 7 . ya . . _ - - sun:-days. . : - 5 ltmown on way from [ . . . 7.15 ling nutter, w it % non Two Dolisn J. 1:. Smith, 191.13., yavszcux. summon, cc., P` R$id!Il` Flnrrn-a._:. I. ` may but HUME HAD]. 1 `* :acza`r:;:sm,W,.= : otfer them for ml - M - } ,, , and}: price: dir : totbo. Hum... We?:.; on tothgcgq ` A ' - Hen E-uni _s \ ND dl. ' :`<" ...._._.:__... ._..___ | ; {.`$.;": cgrefnlly priimd ` M :="' Foray of Deed legligqf {W ` wr"'-Am: at t_h Daily Nagy 0599}. , ` W cages} and nt|1.a,c;|;' 4'-` J 'w-`r: " ` ` .. . heceaaniiy fo`spr Ft *' V pared ml receipt ` maturing % A R,E now producfii V , M SE. `.'.'.`$_PT-u-um ullw Dlli ` Posting 35?}, ' Concert Billl,` I::1;'Q' ` 1 Hnndbillli, Pamphlets, ` Invilstioq, Law Rlnnlrn Und D- .-. ____________ FR[ENDs_- CH'l1nwI'r'l,'Ir Ann `L7.-..... :- _-_LI * '_mn`:~ ... roamd '15 V y llxprahi JOSH I Kingston, Jury l6.i SUNDAY "TRIPS. Al. . . G.` If. KINGHO __w1mn foot of Brock __._-..v -v --, `.5,. -_ _ . Illhdxnnr, Suxon, Mann M M `(nesting the 6:25 A.M. ,1. onuecling `witllh .';f'rom the wea: Ignd f"[>any a Propellers lenvi Olsggo and all Western P % ` only 8 A3. . Ignt-Ummce, 3_ on nrrinl `of the t V meeting Grand Tm Vi! and Bay of Quinta Ste: M L: gglnggjriul of train 1-om . 4 We Passage npply on him ` ; G. M. KINGHO " -_ Ezoocor Brock J 1V-v-2 at u11'iiii;.;-gzaediaxe _ `q. ' '* . t or,.hav:ng In .` stion, npply otrhos D._IUR_ _, Ontario Street, or ' 4:.-- (LEM: .. Qt, T3 ARINE PRO'I`E8T8.-Primod forms I `OI the Inn of Nntnriu Dal-.|:.. _.__, __ . _ k ' Bull!`-3"`: '}l?: `W5*`,..uns her trip} about t 5 gnd_Wi have King: "M yd` FRIDAY as 3 P. iw ' IONDAY and THE .~...m.. A: :11 iutas-mediate emu kg-rEAnV1 ~ Hal v-'---- ~~~ Aw---` ~ * Johnson nee . ""` '7` c. 1 F __- 1'EER*N0'l`IOE, Iufxsl %Wfk.f1ER'1`0WN, nu Gannnoque 'P11:RREPONT, .---I--1-I1-I `l?f\.llIYl'I`lI 1511' 11' of the above %mo for ~'Toron~to in nlandny excepted) vnuulon & Reeve, yamsrnns AND .vr'romtEYs-.t-L.a,gv, Solicitors, Cogveynnoe, kc. Nap-mews, W. ; a`i.;% fa, gasg. [Ind Wolfe Island jun s'I'EAJl:@ ' r ;, mar 27, 1869. 's1}i:DAY""rnI1=`.' 3 v. Ill lrlunn. u._ . . -_-vsu u , ix-riul if tn an in-a.II.._ l1----` "`-- Jliurnnns as a`:;m= . #1 Freight A LVUAI nu `nu at :11 iuurmedhtq OF&ITA1 James S. Cartwright, ARRISTER-AT-LAW. OFF[CE-CLAR- STREET nnnnuira n.. u...- HIEAA ,_______...___ and utlawa -`I-4;1* S` G. l. KINGH1 YE UfUIl`lU Ill nun -Ins` rt: A abq 11 77.15 1 u n unuuan, DU IIUIEUN, Residence Hnrrowsmith, James A 3:: 3:3 , ;ARRI3TBR Ind A`l`TORNEY'-nt-LAW,Con- VOYIIICGF. `G. RHf'Qf-nnO ----- 3 1' Lu]: nnanuvhu '1'U KING S'I`l{EE l` NEARLY OPPOSITE THE CITY BOOK STORE. 9' 333 FIRST PA 01:. -- u -9 Ll-`IIIiK C, TTORNEY-AT-LAW, Conveyance:-, . L Kingston, C. W. Dec. 1. [ Gllderslceve an Walkem, `DlQ'TVDI __x .n.... ..... ...` FRIDAY EVENING, MAY 28. `r"tiE"mai1_.?'1"xr{1a. .____j4__i , Wllklnon & llceve, II 1'DbCI I tvn A nu-r\u.....--.- 0 Rellly dc Drape? IQTDDH A"I"I'Vl\l'I\I I315'n _ - . ___-_, [A W, Snlicitor in I Fuhlin .0.-- 9-. 0'2. , I l"""`3- 1! 3 kno'n..,`_ -ll.\;LIVW,, Conveyan oer, Post Uice, Clarence at. 4.1 u commns K. II. ROSE. u|A\4H.oUI II) c, &c:, 33 King :.,/bnmann, rot Dundas agd I ,0 $11 -Puxx- LIQ. OHLOROFORMI Co.` WITHOUT PEPP Bole Innufncturor :-A. ` anchouor. IIDIIIUII. No1'l.-The Profensi rerior, "secret, and oh the market. Each; get Iimile of Proprietor : \ auhido. EARL. RUSSELL sent to the College of Physicians 5 communication received by him from Manilia (where cholera bud been grating fearfully) to the etfect. tint, of all remedies tried, Gnlorodyne was the most effec- live. u 011.. I II|llJIL|$u By the combination 1 with C1-ess`Seeds gen they are united wl renders them irritz stubborn mineral th\ of an organic subatanca sorbed by the injur; stomach. Aganj. for `England and Po: E. G. UUFRESNE, 79 S1 May be obtained For purifying the Blo0.Vi.V--:l _r-ice` 23 9d pe'r Bottle. ",' The above Preparations are in the form of Sweeunests, pleasant to the taste, and par- ticularly adapted for Infants and Mothers nursing. Ru Hun r-r---F5-:" ` ' ' `run _AUL)EINE, Au efciant C Yellow Fever, Diarrhuaa, Dyaengery, a excessive action of the Bowels. golt was awarded by the Goverumen V. Bgud for this valuable preparation. Price: Smail, 13 15d; Medium, ~15 Size, 113 per Bottle. THE DIASTATIZED IRON, For strcnzthanina th .9-==-r=--w "4 _ ._ __D-........., ma g_y=u.em.-1'r1ce per Bottle. THE DIASTATIZED IODINE, Bloo.i.-Price per '._. BbVH pl-nnur-tin-n -~~ - 1 an u1Ab"l'A'] strengthening the than D.- R V. BAUD, Me Medical College Chi. Extraordinary for Epidemic: Peri at the Civil Hospitals of Algiers, troduced in ORGA l".]'\TI.`Q uuuuceu GENES. Toilet Soaps. Lavender Water. Cold Cream. Perfumed Vaporizer. Rose Leaf Powder. Perfumes for the Handbo-akin` .|I:1lu|.l.Ie8 101' In Handkerchief. Eau de Cologne. All the above: ort2u.ion,>a:;d re :1 any climate. 9 Nlrnv-Ir` - 1'30 u. u-u uAIu.Il1l.U 96 Strand; {Z8 Regent Street; 24 Cornhill, London. 17 Boulevard deg Italians, Paris. ....... ...... me puuuc couna\eucc_bl prompt and liberal seltlementofevery fair on It has fully complied with the laws of Cam: the deposit with the Government of Stoc the amount of An... .. .. .. -nnv --unuuun UI. 350.000 And: is prepared in issue policie _ low as the safety `of the assured w rqunu . J 4 Kingston, Q-I :-JU, Losses paid in 50 years, `X/Et1m7 Insurance ()0. M Hart- ford, Conn PAID UP CAPITAL AND SURPLUS- \ ;5,15o,931,71.j 1...... _,rl ' - zlna Insurance Company llarlfurcl, -L. J. H::m1:i:_ President. INCORPORATED IN I819. UAPITAL $3,()Q0,000. AsSE1`s$5,150,9:n,71 ULL AND CARGO RISKS lu mid tram . Inland Ports on fajmurable terms. Lmses promptly and liberally adjusted nmi paid in Canada Uurrency. .lAMk`\` s`wrr:'1* - -~-- ._.:_-- gnome Insurance 4,`u1np:my of New Haven. I'\ u.-_.-_- -UA[ lTAL .. . Pnm1w.\_1s mzcmvmn an r\'!r _ . : x. ,,___-.:._. ..4sunuv nu Llulllj [GU _ I $2,070,396. Funds depoaued iu the lmuds of the Govern _ for the security or Pulicyhuldura, 6' All re risks carefully surveyed, and hue of Premium made to correspond with I risk assumed. luur UI l l{Ell.ll\ sssulned. ! Plmnlx / Home Insurance Company of New Haven, Conn. ism. DI. L ,Kingson, .\ia.rch 31, 1869. I cnutud expeditiously at tb_o Du; ROGRAKIIES ]: Ut5'l'El{S, Strum- boct nndlxcbnion Tickets, 7 N1-zws lulu: run:-ruse ` Hocol, Pnnceu Street. 7 I LYOUNG |lERUHAN'l`.- When you pt} horn lor tho tun ad ' LT CHOLERA, DIARRHCEA, `ARI. J phwaininnu a ...-\...__.._:. March 31, 1869. II D. Sn-ruul. President. r` .n-- 1. . R... Agent at KinVg;ton, . mu Al 0`me-33, Clarence Street. Kingstonfglsu-ch 20, I862. Kingston,March 31, 1869. _\.....-- . oecrel _ 5 I CASH CAPITAL .. .. $1,000,000. ARE AND mvurc msxs men 1. J Ind carom-1 at mn.m.-...|.I.. _-oA - 55;? -:- .VICTUR BAUD'S ORGANIC_MEDIClN. -___ am). They oft THE I2

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